#stiles is pushed out of the pack
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jocollins · 3 months ago
Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Derek Hale & Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Sheriff Stilinski (Teen Wolf) Additional Tags: Mental Health Issues, Post-Nogitsune Stiles Stilinski, Post-Nogitsune Arc (Teen Wolf), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, past trauma, Trauma, Healing, mention of hitting the rock bottom, mention of weight issues, Weight Issues, Unrequited Love, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Idiots in Love, Moving On, Letters, Therapy, Hopeful Ending, Angst with a Happy Ending, Happy Ending, Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Derek Hale is Stiles Stilinski's Anchor Summary:
It's a long road to happiness, especially to these from Beacon Hills. Stiles writes letters. Derek heals. Till they reunite again.
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christinesficrecs · 6 months ago
christine!! hi! hope youre having a good day!
i was wondering if you would help me find a fic? it’s an old one, stiles gets like a bad grade or in detention for helping out the pack and derek finds out and in order to help him he says he can’t be in a pack meeting and jackson says something about him not being pack the next day so he gets sad and skips multiple pack meetings and the pack is sad and derek goes and talks to him, and says he said it to not being grounded by his dad???
if you can help me it would be great! thank you so much ❤️‍🩹
Thank you everyone that helped find this one!!!
A Question of Pack by CawCawMF | 5.2K
Stiles had always been sure of his place in the pack. That place being the absolute lowest tier in the hierarchy of werewolf pack dynamics, but he was sure of it all the same. He wasn’t necessary exactly, since just about anyone could conduct research on supernatural mythology, but his job was still important to the pack and he felt good about that. At least, that’s what he always thought. That all came crumbling down one sunny afternoon in the form of Jackson’s big mouth.
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vmures · 1 year ago
Midnight Rain - Fic and Soundtrack
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My giftee this year was the fabulous @mizzricki. I had a blast creating this and hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it. Happy Holidays! <3 <3 <3
Title: Midnight Rain Rating: Teen Warnings: no archive warnings apply Fandoms: Teen Wolf Category: m/m  Relationships: Stiles/Peter  Tags: Steter Secret Santa 2023, bad friend Scott, Stiles is pushed out of the pack, found family, background pairing Chris Argent/Derek Hale
Summary: Stiles knew in that moment that it was over. Scott would always be sunshine–would always want a world where things were clear-cut and easy. Villains wore black hats and good guys never killed. And Stiles, well, he’d always been the rain–the gray, pessimistic counterpoint to Scott’s unrelenting optimism. And after everything he’d survived, he knew he’d never see the world in anything other than shades of gray.   Read on ao3
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salemsvlog · 1 year ago
Sometimes “I’m just a girl” means search for 100 time Stiles is push out of the Hale Pack and Sterek angst on AO3 with hopes that there is a new gut-wrenching fanfic waiting for you to end the day crying.
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sterekmpreg · 2 years ago
Peter while doing the pack’s grocery shopping cause Pack Mom Stiles is sick and Pack Dad Derek is taking care of their mama:
Peter: *takes two samples instead of just one*
Peter, singing:...I love robbery and fraud, I'm a shoplifting God🤩
Bitch, I'm never gonna teach you every scam that I got 🥰
Watch your purse around me 'cause I'll snatch it up like that🤭
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exequien · 1 year ago
So seeing your mood/collage board with Peter and Stiles, It was really cute and it gave me an idea and would love to include your image when it comes to posting on AO3
so far I have this rough outline, but more will come.
Carpenter Peter (maybe also reserve firefighter) + being a cat person. Mechanical Stiles.
Peter left Beacon Hills years ago
Stiles gets hurt and kind of pushed away so he leaves town and spends a year just travelling around, picking up odd jobs here and there and learns how to be a mechanic. He ends up in a small town in Colorado and feels something settle over him, he finds a small cabin like home for rent, just outside of town which is owned by an old couple who happily rents it to him.
there's some work that needs doing and he needs furniture and searches town before he stops by a store which sells crafted homemade furniture and falls in love with a small two seater table and chairs plus a rocker which has carved leaves on it which makes him think of the elves and Rivendale from LOTR.
You can totally use the image!!!! This is great, Im already in love with the outline :D If u want to, you can definitely keep me updated!!!
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star--stilinski · 4 months ago
stiles doing the accidentally hot things because he's so used to being considered ugly that it doesn't cross his mind?????????
stiles dropping unceremoniously on the couch and pushing his hips out as he manspreads to get comfortable, arm thrown over the top of it casually.
stiles clenching his jaw when he's frustrated or focused or horny- or all three. eyes roving over you because he's so mad he can't have you because ugh he's ugly and annoying and..... meanwhile you're trying not to drop to your knees and give it to him straight.
stiles leaning on the doorframe of your bedroom, arms crossed over his chest. explaining something something scott pack danger while you practically drool over his frame taking up so much room in the doorway.
stiles' adams apple, and that's it.
stiles' hands. have i mentioned his hands? they're like porn, only more erotic. he can't figure out why you're not retaining anything he's saying, but his hands are just.... there.
stiles getting confused at why you're so distracted lately, and then getting very, very confused when you stutter and blabber and blush and avoid eye contact with his grey sweatpants.
just.... stiles can be cocky, but remember that this boy spent his developmental years as a loser. he's a lil oblivious and it's the hottest torture ever istg
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sototallynormaliswear · 6 months ago
I'm kinda bummed that more people don't care for Isaac and Stiles' canon dynamic
you put them anywhere near each other, they are already fighting, insulting everything about each other, the haircut the trauma the outfit, no bars held. Isaac puts his hand too close to Stiles' face, stiles bites him. they have a staring contest while Isaac slooooowly pushes all of his stuff to the ground
but Isaac is one of the only people to go "hey stiles I think you're really fucked up are you straight up dying??" and stiles refuses to answer so Isaac is immediately more on edge. and Isaac was trusted to finally trap the nogistune, which I imagine stiles would have some pretty heavy sway over.
also, the scene at the lunch table? "you could try being helpful for once" "for half my childhood I was locked in a freezer so being helpful is kinda new to me" "you still milking that?" it's so easy to read this as stiles being a dick (because he kinda is) but watching back season two, Isaac is actually fairly reluctant to talk about his father, even to people that FOR SURE know what happened. further more, stiles just doesn't care in the same way about the pack that other characters do, so the pack isn't trying to justify themselves to him. so Isaac doesn't want to talk about it and stiles isn't pressuring him, but suddenly its four months later and Isaac is bringing it up casually and stiles isn't surprised about ANY of that. and they both refuse to skate around it despite that fact that that is one of their strongest skills. whether or not Isaac actually uses his father's abuse as a way to get out it isn't QUITE as interesting as the way that the two of them seem comfortable talking about it, especially when everyone around them DOES seem visibly uncomfortable
anyway. those two are my favorite pair of angry cats. they would die for each other. last week Isaac ate Stiles' homework. about a month ago stiles broke into his house to hide his spoons. they got each other for secret santa, Isaac got him a box full of pennies and a bottle of his mom's perfume stiles got him bottles of dirt and a handknit scarf
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nightlark100 · 5 months ago
The List
I had an idea for a silly fanfic about the teen wolf pack making a list of rules for their pack to follow but i never got beyond the list itself and a tiny bit of story. So i thought i'd post it here.
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It had started as a joke. After another brilliant Scott plan gone wrong, Stiles had scribbled 'SCOTT IS NOT ALLOWED TO MAKE PLANS' in big letters on a piece of paper which he then stuck beside the front door.
"This is ridiculous," Scott protested, moving to take it down. "My plans aren't that bad"
"Yes they are. And no touching the paper! That is an official document"
Derek, drawn by the discussion, hovered in the doorway to the living room.
"Stiles… what is that and why is it on my wall?"
"This is the official Hale pack list of rules. We must all abide by it."
Scott scoffed and looked to Derek, expecting the alpha to side with him. Instead, he just narrowed his eyes before nodding.
"What?! But… Derek!"
"Sorry Scott. It's on the official list of rules, we have to follow it. No more plan making for you"
Scott is not allowed to make plans
No one mentioned the list again for a while and when they did, it was in a teasing way whenever Scott tried to suggest something, whether that something was what they should do that weekend or how best to combat a flurry of pixies in the preserve. The reminder of the ‘no plans’ rule was met with a good natured groan and an eye roll from Scott but little else.
One day however, Stiles was brought out of his latest research binge by the lid of his laptop being sharply closed. He looked up, blinking a few time as his eyes adjusted to the room after hours of staring at the bright screen.
“What the hell?”
The rest of the pack was sitting nearby, having been occupied by their own activities, with Isaac hovering uncertainly beside Stiles’ chair with a sheepish look on his face.
“Isaac?” Stiles prompted.
“Sorry Stiles but you’ve been researching for a day straight.”
“Well… i mean… it’s on the rules.”
“What rules?”
“The official pack rules. By the door.”
Their conversation had drawn the attention of the others, most looking confused. Stiles set his laptop aside and went to the door. There beneath his scrawl was a new addition. 
2. Stiles' laptop and phone must be taken away after 24 hours of continuous research.
“Who put that there?” he asked. The others stayed silent. Scott looked slightly smug but Stiles knew that wasn’t his writing. He let out an irritated noise and fished his phone from his pocket, intending to retreat to his room. If Isaac wouldn’t let him back on his laptop, he could still access his work that way.
Derek reached over and plucked the phone from his hand.
“Sorry Stiles. It’s on the list. You can have them back tomorrow.”
“Derek! Come on!”
He moved to grab at the phone but was struck with a wave of dizziness that sent him stumbling. Hands reached out to steady him, he wasn’t sure whose.
“Stiles, when did you last eat?” Lydia asked.
“Ermm… breakfast maybe?”
“No… yesterday…”
“Hmm. And drank something? That wasn’t full of sugar?”
“Kitchen. You’re going to eat, drink some water and then you are going to get some sleep.” She guided him out of the hall with a firm hand, pushing him into a chair at the kitchen table while Isaac retrieved some leftovers from the fridge and filled their largest glass with water.
Both of them stayed in the kitchen with him until he was suitably fed and hydrated, then Lydia took him upstairs and put him to bed, giving him a dark look as she promised that if he got up to get one of his books instead of sleeping there would be consequences.
Stiles reluctantly obeyed.
He wouldn’t admit it but he did feel better the next morning. Until, as he headed downstairs, he noted a new line had been added to the paper by the door. 
3. Stiles must be made to eat something and drink water after 6 hours of continuous research
After the first few additions, it seemed that some kind of dam had been broken and the rest of the pack didn’t hesitate to implement their own rules (although no one would admit to putting the limits on Stiles’ research time)
4.  Newly turned betas are not allowed to partake in team sports until they have proven they can control themselves (e.g. no eye flashing, no claws, no fangs, no doing backflips over other players or any other feats of sudden athletic ability that may draw attention to the pack)
5.         All of Derek's dates must be vetted. THOROUGHLY
“That's it. I'm putting a ban on Derek dating” Stiles said, picking chunks of viscera out of his hair. “This is the third time! At this point it's just negligent of us not to investigate anyone inviting you out.” A thought occured and he spun around to face Derek. “oh my god. You're a Xander!”
“A Xander! Right Peter?”
“I would have to agree. He does have Xander like qualities when it comes to dating.”
“Again I say… what?”
“Buffy the vampire slayer. Peter and I have been watching it together.”
“Really Peter?”
“It's good!”
“It has its moments”
“Yeah you're just mad cause they got rid of Ethan. Who is 100% you. Just in it for the chaos.”
“Would that make you the Giles?”
“No! Why?”
“Oh come on, they were definitely a couple.”
“If i’m anyone, i’m willow.”
“Wouldn’t Lydia be Willow?”
“No, Lydia is Cordelia.” he glanced around, fearing the redhead would appear and yell at him. “On the surface, superficial cheerleader type. But goes through a bunch of character development and has a power that sucks.”
“Flawless logic. Why are you Willow?”
“Magic. Bi. Brief fall to the dark side. And then Scott would be Xander,”
“I thought I was Xander?”
“No, you’re just Xander when it comes to dating. Scott’s Xander the rest of the type.”
“And I suppose Allison is Buffy?”
“Noooo… Allison is Faith. "
6. Peter and Stiles are not allowed to watch Mythbusters anymore 
“Really Derek?”
“Yes. Really. Last time you watched that show, you ended up building a trebuchet.”
“I believe it was just Stiles who built the trebuchet.”
“Yes but you helped load it.”
7. No Sex in the common areas! Erica this means you! (poor Isaac)
8. When offered a boon by a faerie BE SPECIFIC
9. Stiles is not to be left unattended in the vet clinic
10. Stiles is not to be left unattended around witches
11. Stiles is not to be left unattended around magic users
12. Stiles is not to be left unattended
13.  Lydia and Peter are not to be left alone in a room together.
14. In the event that Stiles is transformed into a small furry animal, he is to be given into the custody of the Sheriff or Derek. Or Peter. Most importantly, Erica is banned from going near him (OH COME ON! YOU LOOKED INSANELY CUTE IN THE BATMAN COSTUME)
15. The Notebook is a great film and whoever keeps hiding the disc will stop immediately. OR ELSE. I think the or else was implied here Stiles…
16. Stiles is not to be given coffee
17. Stiles is not to be given extra Adderall
18.  Anyone who gives the Sheriff food not on the approved list will face the wrath of Stiles
19. Peter is not allowed to comment on how attractive he finds Melissa McCall
20. Peter is not allowed to comment on how attractive he finds Chris Argent
21. ~Peter is not allowed to comment on how attractive he finds Stiles Stilinski~ (Stiles objects to this rule)
22.  When throwing items at people, do not throw any of the books or Peter will eat you
23. No Stiles, having sex with a male werewolf won't get you pregnant. Even if it's an alpha. (That we know of)
24. No one is allowed to drive the Camaro except Derek
25. No one is allowed to eat in the Camaro
26.  Alison is not allowed to take her crossbow to school
27.  Alison is not allowed to take her knives to school
28.  Seriously Alison, stop taking weapons to school!
29. Stiles is not allowed to touch any of Alison's weapons
30.  If you bleed in the jeep, you are responsible for cleaning it
31. Do not enter the kitchen when Stiles is cooking. (This is for your own safety)
32. If you enter the kitchen while Stiles is cooking, do not attempt to steal food he is preparing. Werewolves cannot regrow fingers
33.  If Stiles declares someone is evil, he is probably right and should be taken seriously.
34.  If someone new starts working at the school, they are probably evil
35.  If Peter offers to kill someone for you, he is not joking and it is not okay (no matter how tempting it is)
36. Do not ask Derek about dating Cora
37.  Do not make dog jokes, especially to Derek, Stiles! (Not my fault he has no sense of humour)
39. Stop asking where our eyebrows go when shifted
40. Stiles is not allowed a pet dragon
41. Stiles is not allowed a pet griffin
42. ~Stiles, stop trying to adopt baby mythical creatures~
43. Peter stop leaving dead animals on Stiles porch seriously dude, my dad thinks I've got a budding serial killer after me ~well, I wasn't technically wrong…~ minus the budding part
44. Stiles is not allowed to use his PowerPoint when telling people about werewolves (I don't care how many slide transitions you put in)
45.  No Stiles, giving your PowerPoint to Peter or Lydia to present is not a loophole (oh come on! I even put a bibliography at the end! it's not my fault you're technology adverse!)
46.  Derek is not allowed to lurk around abandoned buildings. It really doesn't help with the serial killer vibe you give off
47. If you kill someone, please make sure you chop them up or find another method to ensure they don't come back! We shouldn't kill people at all! I said IF! ~Stiles, please remember I'm an officer of the law~
47B. AMENDMENT TO THE PREVIOUS: If you kill someone, please make sure you chop them up or find another method to ensure they don't come back AND make sure you dispose of the body so that dad doesn't have to do extra paperwork
By request, here is a legend to tell who is writing what:
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christinesficrecs · 1 year ago
So I’m looking for a fic I’ve read before but I can’t find it in my history without reading through each fic 😅
I remember it was when stiles was taken by Gerard and then his men took him to the woods and were going to do some very bad stuff to him and stiles sets them on fire. At first I thought it was betrayal but in that one Gerard’s men used a Jon doe and burnt it to make the pack think it was stiles.
Help me please! ❤️❤️❤️
I don't think I remember this one.
Can anyone else help?
afloodlitform found it. Thank you!!
Can’t rely on me by  Littleredridinghunter | 116.2K
The pack let him down, that’s not really a surprise lately.
When Danny finds Stiles nearly bleeding to death the next day it’s the start of a beautiful friendship.
Can the pack make amends before it’s too late? Will Stiles ever forgive them for not being there for him when he needed them the most?
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casually-eat-my-soul · 6 months ago
The reason Derek is Stiles’ alpha is because he’s the only one that has an equal based relationship. Stiles, while he does help and care about Derek, doesn’t have to parent him. Unlike scott or his father. Because of this when stiles pushes and Derek pushes right back and puts him in his place he actually respects it instead of ignoring it.
There is an amount of respect between the two and unspoken acknowledgement about how they are very similar and different from the pack. (I.e responsibilities, loss, guilt over “killing” family members, morals). Derek is one of the only “authority” that we see stiles respect and works with. (Alpha pack) He ignores most adults reprimands and boundaries.
Stiles acts out and presses boundaries to see how far he can get away with. He will take a mile from and inch. Derek is one of the only people who doesn’t allow stiles to take an inch. He abides by Derek’s boundaries. Stiles makes him strip for Danny and Derek pushes his face into the steering wheel. From then only stiles doesn’t cross the line of touching Derek until Derek is comfortable with it. (Boyd)
Stiles also trust Derek to take into account what he ‘feels’ and thinks. (Jennifer)
This is also why many people probably headcannon him as “pack mom”. He is equal to Derek and is also an ‘authority’ among his friend groups
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hedwig221b · 1 month ago
hii ! do you have any recs for hale pack underestimating stiles or like stiles being underestimated generally and then he always proves them wrong? pleasee and thank uuu <3
and anon asked:
hiiiiiiiii, do you have any fic where like the pack or everyone thought stiles is weak and they always underestimated him??? i love badass stiles SO MUCH. thank uuuu!
Let's see how you like this bunch...
I Don't Need Protecting by halcyon1993
After Derek casts him out of the pack, Stiles is left completely alone, the perfect target for the newest enemy looming on the horizon. Now in the clutches of a vicious pack of alphas, tortured, mocked and fed up of being seen as weak, he's determined to prove to everyone who doubted him that you should never underestimate Stiles Stilinski.
They Never Learn by gryvon
Five times Stiles Stilinski was underestimated by someone outside his pack.
Never Underestimate Stiles Stilinski by haletostilinski
Derek is taken and tortured by hunters, who are confident that they have the upper hand. But they haven't met Stiles yet, who will stop at nothing to save Derek.
with bloody feet across the hallowed ground by owlpostagain
There were no last words. No more pleas, no more screaming. Just the sound of Stiles squeezing the trigger, the explosion of a second shot rocketing out of the revolver, and the hunters bursting through the open doorway just in time to see the bullet slam squarely into the center of Derek’s chest.
It seems wasted now by DaaroMoltor
It's been months. Months of lonely days and lonelier nights. And Stiles can't understand what he did wrong.
Wild Card by Onlymystory
Stiles doesn't really care if other people think he can fight. He knows what he can do. And he knows exactly how to save his pack when they're captured by the Alphas.
Can't rely on me by Littleredridinghunter
Set at the end of season 2, Gerard beats Stiles up, but it's a lot worse than anyone knows. The pack let him down, that's not really a surprise lately. When Danny finds Stiles nearly bleeding to death the next day it's the start of a beautiful friendship. Can the pack make amends before it's too late? Will Stiles ever forgive them for not being there for him when he needed them the most?
The Pretty Things (are going to hell) by FaeryQueen07
“You have something of mine,” Stiles says, and he reaches for his hood, pushing it back to reveal the rest of his face. Lips curled up in a smile promising pain and eyes like death, he says, “And now I’m going to take it back.”
The Boy Who Tamed the Sourwolf by AllTheseSquaresMakeACircle
Stiles is used to being second tier in everyone's life. How easily people forget him and move on to bigger and better things. Used to always being in someone's shadow. Leave it to Derek Hale to shatter those expectations.
Red Witch by rootbeer
The red hair of a banshee. The red eyes of an alpha. The red hoodie of a mage. The red of fire burning. Derek Hale has been a prisoner to the hunters since they burned his family alive. But now someone has come to save him: skinny, defenseless Stiles--147 lbs of skin and fragile bones. Turns out, sarcasm isn't his only weapon.
Lone Wolf by Kikileduc
Complete spin off after season 2, but does have season 3 and so on elements. Stiles feels forgotten, he feels left out. So he does something about it, while getting reacquainted with nature he stumbles on to something else. If the pack doesn't need him, if his dad wants him to stay out of it all, well, maybe he just needs a distraction in the form of 3 adorable wolf cubs!
And miles to go before I sleep by Heart_Of_Steel_And_Fandoms
Stiles leaves Beacon Hills at the end of Sophomore year. He's been abandoned by the pack, scarred by the hunters, and carries the equivalent of a volcano of magic inside him. Needless to say, his life sucks. But when Stiles comes back to Beacon Hills, over a year later and with a new persona, he isn't the same powerless human the pack remembers. And when demons threaten Beacon Hills, he proves to everyone that sarcasm isn't his only defence.
Dragon's Breath by trilliath
Between the hunters and the monsters that have interfered with life in Beacon Hills, the pack has had to learn a lot in the last few years, including Stiles teaching himself to practice magic in private. It's not exactly a secret from the pack, but it's not something he's shown much. When it comes time to put his skills to the test, Derek is the only one who finally gets to see Stiles's wild magic put to use saving Erica's life from a new threat in town. The aftermath changes something between them, and those tenuous lines tangling them together may mean the difference between life and death for them both.
Other fic recs: angsty fics | possessive Derek | historical AU | baby/mpreg | outsider POV | smut | mafia | hurt/comfort | magical!Stiles | Stiles gets kicked out of the pack | BAMF!Stiles + pt2 | alive Hales | omegaverse | witch!Stiles | creature!Stiles + pt2 | bad friend Scott | pack mom!Stiles | unrequited love | werewolf!Stiles | dark sterek | single parent!Stiles | feral Derek | arranged marriage | mpreg w/o abo | accidental knotting | jock!Derek | jock!Stiles | spanking | royal abo au | oblivious!Stiles | longfic | void!Stiles
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princecharmingwinks · 3 months ago
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Sterek Fic Rec - 2024
Guess who's backkkkk??? Ok so I know that I am late but only by like 4 days? So not too bad. Anyway! Welcome to Prince's 2024 Fic Rec List! I am now aiming to do a list every year (and more if we are lucky but let's not promise that hehe). As always here are my top 10 fics I read and a special bonus mention !
Perfect Star That Hid by thebigoblin (1/1 | 1K | Teen)
He turns his hand— It’s not bare, anymore. His wrist — it has a name. His soulmate’s name. He stares. And stares and stares because what the hell. This has to be a joke, right?
Last Christmas (I gave you my heart) by jadore_hale (1/1 | 4K | Teen)
“W-what is this?” Derek couldn’t even begin to get his mind around this current situation. “My Christmas gift to you, nephew.” Peter pushed the guy towards him, and Derek hastened to catch him before he fell face first on the floor. “I’d like you to meet your soul mate.” *** Derek's uncle Peter decides to get a little more creative this Christmas by finding Derek's soulmate and stuffing him in a box with a pretty bow on top.
Stiles Stilinski, Magical PI by suzvoy (1/1 | 21K | Mature)
Stiles is a Private Investigator, only not really. He's also magical, but only close up. One thing he's really good at is lusting over people from afar, which is why it's a problem when Laura Hale hires him to help her brother.
Wanted and Wounded by RoxyRosee (3/3 | 12K | Explicit)
Derek can't seem to get off. It's been days with no luck, and he's constantly on edge. But then pack night rolls around, and when Stiles falls into him as he goes to sit down on the couch, Derek is suddenly coming, right where he sits. Turns out, Stiles is his mate. And among a whole slew of embarrassing side effects to this whole "mate" thing is the fact that Derek will never again be able to have an orgasm without Stiles by his side. So yeah, Derek's life kind of sucks right now.
Welcome to the Jingle by Jmeelee (1/1 | 1K | Mature)
Derek could admit—only to himself, of course, never out loud—that he was a little desperate to make new holiday traditions with his (officially all adults now thank god) pack. But his ideas had run more along the lines of a cozy take-out dinner at his new apartment, an ugly sweater or white elephant party, or maybe volunteering at the local soup kitchen. It had not involved spending Christmas Eve at Jungle.
Hey Dad, Derek Hale Is In My Room. Bring Your Gun. by fairytalesandfolklore (1/1 | 767 | Teen)
Being the Sheriff's kid is hard enough. Having a seemingly over-protective father who's more concerned about your bad influence than your ex-murder-suspect werewolf boyfriend is so much worse.
"The point is, I'm an adult," he amends, heaving a weary sigh as he attempts to salvage whatever is left of his dignity. "I can make my own decisions, and I choose Derek. He makes me happy. He's a good guy. He treats me well. He looks out for me, keeps me safe. He's responsible and respectful and a complete gentleman, and I really think that if you just got to know him a little better, you'd really—" The Sheriff holds up a hand, effectively cutting Stiles off mid-ramble. "I like Derek just fine," he says, and the smile that spreads across his face is warm and genuine. "You do?" Stiles falters, completely thrown. "Wait, so then why—" The Sheriff's fond smile turns to one of wry amusement. "It's you I don't trust, Stiles," he says around a hearty chuckle. "I've raised you for 18 years, I know exactly what kind of mischief you're capable of. Wouldn't want you dragging that nice, respectable boy into any trouble."
The Hoodie by PersePhonesDreams (1/1 | 1K | General)
Stiles didn’t mean to keep Derek’s hoodie—really, he didn’t. But the oversized, ridiculously soft thing quickly became his favorite comfort item, a piece of Derek he couldn’t quite let go of. It’s not like Derek would notice anyway... right? When Derek unexpectedly shows up at Stiles’ window one quiet night, Stiles’ not-so-secret attachment to the hoodie is exposed, leading to a conversation that changes everything. Cue awkward confessions, teasing smiles, and the realization that maybe Derek doesn’t mind Stiles keeping more than just his hoodie.
Over the Hedge(witch) by rororowyourboat (1/1 | 7K | Teen)
Derek moves into a new house with Laura and he is flustered by the hot gardener next door who is always just slightly dirty.
And When I Wake You're There I'm Saved by suchfun (1/1 | 14K | Teen)
"Derek," Stiles says, firm. His hand is warm on Derek's shoulder. "I'll be okay." "You didn't leave me," Derek argues. "How can you expect me to leave you?" Stiles rolls his eyes. "Oh my god, it'll be fine. Even if I am captured, I'm just a boring human. They wanted you for your Lycan blood." Derek crosses his arms. Mainly so he doesn't wrap his hands around Stiles' throat in an attempt to throttle some sense into him. "That's fine. But this isn't a time when being a boring human is an asset. This is a time when being a boring human results in a shot to the head." "Derek," Stiles says again. He steps closer, so Derek is surrounded in his scent, his chemosignals—namely unwavering, resolute determination, distinctively sharp and entirely unbreakable—clouding Derek's mind. "You'll come back for me." He sounds so sure, and he can tell the exact moment Derek gives in. Because Derek somehow always gives in to Stiles. "I'll come back for you," he confirms. "And you better not be dead." Stiles grins, eyes sparkling with far too much humour for someone who potentially just sacrificed himself for a surly Lycan and bunch of strangers. "You do say the sweetest things."
Remember What's Lost by AMatchInWater (1/1 | 7K | Explicit)
Wild Hunt AU, Stiles gets taken and Derek instantly knows something is wrong with his memory, but just doesn't know what until Lydia calls him, begging for his help to get Stiles back because she thinks they have the strongest connection. When Derek saves Stiles he stops at nothing to finally get what's his.
princecharmingwinks special mention (this fic has a heck of a lot of emotions and when Derek fell to his knees, my heart broke. you gotta read it to find out why! don't worry I will never read or rec unhappy endings)
Horizons into Battlegrounds by AClosedFicIsNeverRead (1/1 | 15K | Explicit)
Derek has always kept his distance from Stiles, refusing to act on his instinctive desire for the pale, doe-eyed human. But at what cost? When circumstances reveal the horrors that Stiles has suffered due to Derek's self-imposed distance, will the Alpha be able to make it right before it's too late? ______________________________________________________ “Who are you to the pack?” the hunter asked. “I’m nobody.” Stiles answered plainly. And a harsh chill ran through Derek’s body. His breath caught in his throat because… because Stiles’ heart… it had remained steady. Stiles… actually believed that. Believed that he was ‘nobody.’ How could Stiles believe that?
That is all for 2024 my friends! Please remember to give kudos and leave comments for all our amazing Sterek writers. I know I'd be lost without you all. Thank you!
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ellswritings · 8 months ago
Jealousy, Jealousy
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Derek Hale x Reader
TW: Mentions of blood and death, werewolfy things, Stiles being an absolute spaz, age gap, Jennifer Blake (cause she’s a warning on her own), major feels, and a tiny bit of angst, some bad words. I think that it y’all. Once again, let me know if I missed something!
There have always been two constants in Y/N L/N life when it came to living in Beacon Hills, life threatening creatures and the possibility of her imminent death. When she became friends with Stiles Stilinski and Scott McCall in Kindergarten, she wasn’t completely aware of what she signed up for. Most people would think the constant Star Wars marathons with Stiles and lacrosse training with Scott would’ve drove her away early on, but she stayed. Not that they’d let her leave even if she tried. Having them as her best friends has always been a blessing and a curse. She would do anything for them, but she didn’t know anything included becoming a supernatural creature.
A werewolf to be precise.
The night of the dance their sophomore year, Y/N had seen Lydia walk out of the dance in which she assumed was in search of Jackson. But when she saw the blonde boy lingering in the hallways, she had a feeling something was off. When she went in search of the girl and found her at the lacrosse field, there was no escaping their inevitable fate. That was one of the many times Y/N thought she’d meet her end. Watching Peter Hale run towards them at fully speed before taking a nice bite out of their skin was not on her bucket list for the evening.
Since then there have been plenty adventures for the “McCall Pack” as she’d like to call it. Allison’s grandfather Gerard coming to town, the Kanima, Derek and his pack trying to kill Lydia, then finding out it was Jackson, only to have him turn into a werewolf and run off to London. There might have been a couple kidnappings and restraining order somewhere in there, but those are minor details.
And, of course, with a new year comes new threats. There has been a recent string of kidnappings that turned into murders that none of them have been able to solve yet. They’ve tried as a group to brainstorm, meeting at Derek’s new loft every so often to get the entire groups opinion, but nothing has come out of it. Well, besides spending extra time with the Alpha. That’s an aspect Y/N didn’t mind in the slightest.
She had no issues making herself at home in his loft, despite his halfhearted protests. No one could understand how Y/N had the ability to just throw her feet up on his coffee table and not get her throat ripped out. It’s either she has no regard for her life, or Derek has a soft spot for her which is something no one saw coming.
The two have always had an interesting relationship. Y/N enjoys arguing, similar to Stiles hence why they get along so well. She loves getting under Derek’s skin and pushing every button she knows he has. It’s almost as if she goes out of her way to try and get a reaction out of him. No one blames her really, it gets entertaining hearing them go at it. Especially for Stiles.
Whenever anyone needs to ask Derek for a favor, the first person they send his way is Y/N. For one, they’ve only ever heard the word “yes” come out of his mouth when talking to her, and she’s the most likely one not to flinch if she has to kill him. She has a conscious, it’s just not always active.
Y/N rides up to Beacon Hills High on her motorcycle before parking in the thin spot near the bike rack. She carefully takes off her helmet, smoothing down any stray pieces of hair that might’ve fallen out of place. She had been told to go to Derek’s the night before to ask him if he’s found anything out about their new lethal friend, the only issue is when she got there, she could hear her new teacher Jennifer Blake in the apartment with him. She felt the urge to completely kick the door down and interrupt whatever conversation was happening, but she practiced a high level of self-restraint. She knew Derek was aware of her being there. He could smell her the same way she could him. But the hot white rage that filled Y/N’s chest forced her to walk away and ride angrily back to Stiles’s place.
Scott and Stiles watch their friend from the steps at the entrance to the school. Her ever present frown is a little troubling as it is much more prominent than usual. They didn’t get the full details about what angered her so much the night before, but it’s clearly still bothering her. She takes the keys out of her bike before stomping up to them. When she notices them staring at her, she lifts an eyebrow, “Something you wanna say?” She challenges. Both boys look at each other and simultaneously shoot her a fake smile.
“You– you look nice today,” Stiles comments awkwardly as he rubs the back of his neck. “Did you uh– did you do something new with your hair?”
Y/N stared at him blankly while Scott mentally facepalms at his friends attempt at covering up their concern. She simply shakes her head, looping her arms through both of theirs. “I’m fine if that’s what you guys are wondering. Derek was busy last night so I just came back to the house. That’s it,” she explains shortly, leaving no room for questions.
Scott scrunches his nose and a look of realization dawns on his face. It quickly morphs into disgust the more he thinks about it and Stiles furrows his eyebrows curiously. He looks over Y/N’s head and waits for his other best friend to clue him in on what’s got him all bothered. Scott makes sure Y/N’s more focused on weaving through the crowd before mouthing “She’s jealous” over to Stiles.
“I’m gonna grab my notebook real quick,” she tells them. “I’ll be right back.”
As soon as she reaches her locker, Stiles leans over to attempt a discreet conversation with Scott. “What do you mean she’s jealous?” He asks in a whisper. “Jealous of what?”
“I don’t know,” Scott answers, watching Y/N carefully. “But I’m assuming it had something to do with what happened at Derek’s last night.”
“Why would she be jealous over something with Derek?” Stiles scoffs, his eyebrows furrowed.
Scott shoots him a pointed look. Stiles is an absolute genius when it comes to certain topics, but girls and social cues are not one of them. His jaw drops slightly when he realizes what Scott’s implying. He rapidly shakes his head, flailing his arms in the air. “No– no, uh-uh. There’s no way. Absolutely not.”
“It’s not like you can stop it,” Scott chuckles. “If she likes him, she likes him.”
“Oh God,” Stiles groans disgustedly. “Out of all people? Sourwolf? Really?”
Scott shrugs with an amused smile as Y/N turns to start walking back, “The heart wants what the heart wants.”
“Okay, but does it have to want him?” Stiles continues to complain. “And if she’s jealous that means there was someone else there last night. Who? Because last I checked, Derek is a very acquired taste.”
“How would I know?” Scott replies. “Now shut up before she realizes we’re talking about her.”
The three of them made a pact awhile back that they wouldn’t eavesdrop on each other’s private conversations unless they were in danger. So they knew it would be safe to have said discussion despite Y/N’s enhanced hearing.
“You guys ready?” She asks.
Both nod vigorously, trying to hide their gossip, but their desperation to seem normal gives them away. Y/N simply rolls her eyes and says nothing. She once again links their arms together as they head towards their English class. No one needs werewolf senses to see how tense and angry Y/N got at the sight of Ms. Blake. The fury behind her eyes is one everyone in the pack has had to face at one point or another. Scott vividly remembers those eyes when Issac stole the last piece of her banana bread from when they went to the bakery they all love, and she threw him clear across his house.
Y/N separates herself from the boys, taking her spot next to Alison and Lydia while the boys sit down behind them. It’s a miracle how they all ended up in the same class. Y/N opens up her notebook, choosing to doodle rather than pay attention to whatever Ms. Blake is writing on the whit board in front of them. Alison looks at Y/N’s drawing with curiosity and smiles, “That’s really good,” she compliments.
It’s her beginning sketch to one of her favorite book characters, Sirius Black from Harry Potter. Y/N tries to muster a genuine grin, “Thanks,” she replies.
Alison isn’t clueless though. She can feel the difference in Y/N’s attitude from how she acts on a regular basis. She squints her eyes trying to silently figure it out before turning back to Scott who already knows what she’s wondering. What all of them were wondering. Who got Y/N so riled up? They know she’s jealous of something that happened with Derek, but who could she be jealous of?
“Alright, good morning everyone!” Jennifer greets with a smile that makes Y/N’s blood boil. She brings a hand up to play with her helix piercing to prevent her claws which will no doubt make an appearance by the end of this class. “Today, we're going to delve deeper into Shakespeare's Othello. I want you to focus on the themes of jealousy and manipulation that are littered throughout the text.”
Y/N’s eyes narrow on her teacher. The word “jealousy” feeling like a direct hit on their current situation. She cracks her neck before flipping to the page in their text book. She slouches in her chair, leg bouncing up and down. She quickly begins to run out of patience hearing the teachers heels click every time she takes a step.
“Y/N,” Jennifer calls out. “Why don’t you go ahead and start us off by reading the first paragraph?”
The grip Y/N has on her pencil tightens. There it is. Scott can not only smell it, but he can see it with his own eyes. The tension is more than palpable. Jennifer was the one at Derek’s last night. Y/N tilts her head, “Why can’t someone else do it?” She deflects coldly. “Lydia for example is quite the fan of our troubled poet.”
The challenge in her voice makes Jennifer hold back her own glare. She should’ve known Y/N would be the student to give her trouble from the beginning. The class shifts uncomfortably from the sudden chill in the air. “Y/N, it’s important for everyone to participate. Please, read the passage,” she requests with forced patience.
“I’m not sure I’m comfortable with that,” the (h/c) haired girl answers, folding her hands together as she leans on the desk. “I have crippling anxiety when it comes to reading in front of people. You wouldn’t want to do something to cause a breakdown would you?” She asks in the most taunting voice possible.
Lydia and Alison both stare at their friend with confusion. Stiles has to sink low in his chair to hide the inevitable laughter that’s about to come out of his mouth. While Scott just covers his face with his hands, waiting for World War Y/N to take place in his English class.
Jennifer quirks an eyebrow, “Did you not just do the school play of Beauty and the Beast last month? Where you played Belle? The lead role?”
“That’s different, Ms. Blake,” Y/N corrects. “Not that I’d expect you to understand, but playing a character and who I am in real life is completely separate.”
“Well, that’s perfect then,” she nods. “Why don’t you go ahead and read it in character for us?”
A strong scent of copper fills Scott’s nose. He glances down and sees Y/N’s claws dug deep into her thigh. Stiles notices Scott’s wide eyes and glances where he’s looking. When he sees the wide open wound his face turns pale white before he shuffles in his chair.
“What a fantastic idea,” Y/N quips sarcastically before glancing down at the page below her. As she begins to read, the passive aggressiveness in her tone is evident. “O, beware, my lord, of jealousy; It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on."
Her eyes lock with Jennifer's, and she can't help but add, under her breath but loud enough for her friends to pick up on, "How fitting"
Jennifer's expression hardens, but she maintains her composure. She leans on her desk while looking Y/N in the eye, “I would like a word with you after class Miss L/N,” she says coolly before continuing on with her lesson.
The glare on Y/N’s face never fades. She burns holes into the back of Jennifer’s head. Scott grew increasingly more worried that her eyes would flash, giving away her secret for all to see. All four of her friends exchange worried glances. Y/N’s never really been one to get in trouble on her own accord. She’s gotten detention, but ninety percent of the times it’s because Scott and Stiles roped her into it. The boys take it upon themselves to text Lydia and Alison, informing them of their theory of what is causing Y/N’s sudden aggression.
Lydia purses her lips together as she reads the texts. She leans back to whisper to Stiles, “This should be interesting…”
The rest of the class drags on, time ticking fairly slow. Y/N doesn’t say much, but the nasty looks she shoots cut more deeply than any words ever could. Halfway through the period, Stiles places his hand on her back to help keep her calm, which she wouldn’t admit, helped a lot. When the bell finally rings, the students begin to file out. Y/N stays behind, her anger barely contained. Scott, Stiles, Alison, and Lydia linger outside the door, trying to listen in on the upcoming confrontation.
Y/N rolls her eyes as she slings her bag over her shoulder. She approaches Jennifer’s desk with a sickly sweet smile. The teacher doesn’t buy it though. “Y/N, what is going on with you today?” She questions firmly, feigning concern for the younger girl.
Y/N shakes her head, producing the most innocent face she could. “Going on with me? Nothing at all, Miss Blake. I am doing just dandy. Why do you ask?"
Jennifer bites the inside of her cheek, narrowing her eyes, but she manages to keep her tone measured. "Your behavior today has been disruptive and disrespectful. You are a talented and well-read young woman. I expected more from you."
Y/N chuckles, leaning more of her weight on her left side, popping her hip to show just how much she truly cares about this conversation. “Oh, I’m sure you do, given your high standards and all. It must be exhausting to keep up appearances,” she comments with a deceptive charm.
The older woman’s nostrils flare, knowing exactly what she’s trying to get at. Of course this is what her behavior is all about. Jennifer takes a deep breath, “Y/N, your comments today were out of line. This isn’t about keeping up appearances, it’s about maintaining respect in the classroom."
Y/N walks closer to her desk with a sly smile. She traces her finger up the wood, rubbing the dust in between her fingers. “Respect? Funny you should mention that. It seems respect is a bit... selective around here."
Jennifer's patience finally snaps, though she tries to mask it with a strained smile. “Y/N, your insinuations are inappropriate. Whatever issues you think exist, this isn't the place to air them."
Y/N barely even makes eye contact with the woman, flicking off the small dust bunny she formed with her fingers. “Of course,” she agrees mildly. “From now on, I’ll make sure to be more… discreet.”
Her teacher’s eyes flash with irritation, “You know what? Your behavior today has been unacceptable. Detention. After school. I expect to see you here as soon as the bell rings.”
Y/N opens her mouth to argue, but the look in Jennifer's eyes stops her. She storms out of the classroom, her friends quickly falling into step beside her. Stiles trips over his own footing as he tries to grab Y/N’s wrist, “Would you just– Jesus– Y/N. Slow down!” He exclaims, finally catching her. He grabs onto her, holding the girl in place.
Y/N raises her eyebrows, “What?” She bites out. “I have to get to Calc.”
���Care to explain what the hell is going on with you?” Lydia tries to coax the information out of her. She knows it’s never good for Y/N out of all people to keep things bottled.
“Nothing’s going on with me,” she denies. “I’m fine. Are we done here?” She scoffs, spinning on her heel to walk away.
Scott runs in front of her, “Y/N, we just want to help,” he insists softly.
“I don’t need your help!” She snaps. The wounded expression on his puppy dog face makes Y/N groan at her actions. She runs a hand over her face, “Look Scotty, I appreciate it. I appreciate all of you, really, I do. It means a lot that you care so much, but this isn’t something that I feel like talking about right now. I need space and time to plot out her murder and then maybe we can have a discussion later, okay?” She says nonchalantly, kissing Scott’s cheek before walking off to her calculus class.
They all stand there stunned for a moment. Stiles watches after her, pointing at the girl and turning back to his friends, “Did she– did she just say plot her murder?”
“Yup,” Alison nods, popping the “p.”
As the school day goes on, Scott and Stiles continuously try to monitor Y/N and her behavior. Something about her unhinged jealousy is putting everyone on edge. Luckily, the advanced classes they don’t have with her, Lydia does. So whenever they can’t be together, they assign someone else to watch over her.
When Lydia reports back, they’re all slightly shocked to hear that she was absolutely fine in all of her other classes. Which only affirms their theory that Ms. Blake was in Derek’s apartment last night, and that’s why Y/N acted the way that she did.
When the final bell of the day rings, Y/N growls under her breath, knowing she has to spend the next hour or so with Jennifer Blake in an enclosed space. She marches down the hallway, mumbling profanities under her breath before pushing the door to her classroom open. Stiles and Scott watch from afar, the latter trying to listen in for any painful screams. But knowing Y/N, if she truly were to murder someone, it wouldn’t be loud or obvious.
Y/N furrows her eyebrows when she sees Jennifer packing up her desk. When the woman hears her door open, she glances over in her students direction. “Miss L/N, I hope you had a good and reflective rest of your day,” she comments, clearly not interested in Y/N’s day whatsoever.
Y/N doesn’t bother responding. She simply stares at her straight faced with her arms crossed. Her patience is dwindling the longer they stand there. Jennifer picks up her handbag before sending Y/N the nastiest smile she could.
“Well, Mr. Harris should be here in a couple of minutes to oversee your detention, so you can wait in your seat until he arrives.”
Y/N’s eyes narrow, “And why exactly am I waiting for Mr. Harris? Weren’t you the one to give me a detention?”
Her teacher smirks, “Yes, yes I was,” she answers with a shrug.
“Then wouldn’t it be your responsibility to oversee it? You can’t just hand out detentions and not stick around for it,” Y/N scoffs.
“Normally, I wouldn’t be leaving like this. I would happily spend the next hour of my life lecturing you on proper classroom etiquette, but I have certain plans tonight that I’ve been looking forward to. So Mr. Harris has agreed to take you off my hands,” she explains.
Y/N can smell her smugness. Only if she demonstrated this side of herself in front of the class. Y/N clenches her hand tightly, feeling her claws emerging from her actual nails. Anger rushes through her, but she pushes it back with a curt nod. “How interesting. Do you mind me asking who these plans happen to be with?”
Jennifer cockily leans forward, whispering in Y/N’s ear, “You know exactly who they’re with.” Then she pulls away from the young girl, walking out of the classroom without a second glance.
The werewolf’s eyes flash a bright yellow as she watches Jennifer stalk off. She squeezes them shut, trying to avoid any kind of outburst. Her frustration grows by the second, her heart beating abnormally fast as she hears Jennifer getting in her car to no doubt drive to Derek’s loft. A red hot fire fills her soul as she makes a decision that will no doubt have consequences later. But she would rather serve a two hour detention with Harris than watch Derek be with that woman.
Y/N storms out of the classroom, running down the hallway. She ditches her detention, figuring she could come up with an emotional enough lie to relieve the punishment afterwards. Her backpack bounces up and down, smacking into her tailbone as she runs. Her feet pump as fast as they possibly can as she runs through the greenery of the woods. She doesn’t have to pay attention to where she is because her body already knows where it’s going. Almost as if she’s called to be there, her inner wolf begging to move faster.
When she finally slows down, she’s directly in front of the door to Derek’s loft. Her chest rises and falls with her shallow breaths as she simply stares at the door. She didn’t see or hear Jennifer’s car, so that means their’s still time. She licks her lips out of nervousness before hesitantly bringing her hand up to the door, knocking on it softly.
She waits anxiously, wiping her now sweaty hands on her jeans. Y/N’s not used to feeling like this ever. She doesn’t get nervous. Most of the time, she’s the most confident person anyone could meet. Hence why she was friends with Lydia before she even knew Stiles existed. When she goes over to Derek’s, she never usually feels like this. Like her heart might just beat out of her chest if she doesn’t see him. She fights off the small whimper threatening to escape her throat. She doesn’t need to be nervous and embarrassed when he answers the door.
Y/N rocks back and forth on her feet, growing more weary as time passes. Silence fills the air around her and she suddenly feels the urge to throw up when she hears footsteps growing closer. She silently prays he can’t smell how absolutely out of sorts she is. Her inner monologue to give herself a confidence boost doesn’t do much when she sees his shadow at the bottom crack of the door. When the door swings open, it reveals a very dressed up Derek Hale. His face turns into one of confusion when he sees her standing in front of him.
“Y/N,” he greets, completely shocked by her presence. “What are you doing here?”
“Uh– I– um,” she stumbles over her words which causes Derek to look at her with curiosity. She’s not the type to be at a loss for something to say. That’s one of the things he admires about her. She sucks in a deep breath, “I just needed to see you,” she answers.
Derek steps aside slightly, allowing her into his apartment. When she walks in she can’t help but feel safe. This loft has almost turned into her home away from home. She’s here more often than anyone else out of the pack, and Issac lives here. It isn’t until now that Derek can smell the mix of emotions radiating off of her. It’s a concoction of things and he can’t tell which is the primary source of her unannounced appearance.
“What’s this about?” He asks her with a lifted brow.
Y/N sighs, trying to blink back the intermittent flashing of her eyes. “I know someone was here last night,” she reveals. “I came by and heard her. Then I find out today that you two apparently have plans,” she continues getting progressively more irritated. “Which didn’t make sense to me because I thought you were smarter than that.”
Derek crosses his arms, his own anger rising at her tone. He’s used to her empty sarcasm and insults, but this time it’s fueled by actual emotion which sets him equally on edge. “It’s none of your business who I have plans with, Y/N,” he says shortly.
Y/N laughs humorlessly, “None of my business? It is absolutely my business if the person you have these plans with is a complete stranger!” She exclaims loudly. “We don’t know her Derek. She could be the person behind all these killings and kidnappings and we wouldn’t be any the wiser!”
“Your teacher?” He challenges. “Responsible for everything that’s going on?” He chuckles at the obscurity. “Right. I’m sure that’s it,” he shakes his head at the accusation. “Isn’t the whole point of making plans to get to know someone? So wouldn’t it be nice if I did go out with her?”
“She’s manipulating you,” Y/N insists. “And you’re obviously too blind to even see it.”
“Why do you care so much?” Derek asks, his voice elevating as well.
“Because–” She waves her hands around exasperatedly, trying to find the words. “You’re not exactly known for your taste in women!” She all but scolds. “Remember Kate? The lady that up and killed your entire family. Well, I remember her so forgive me for trying to keep your stupid werewolf ass alive!”
Derek goes to retaliate but that’s when he hears it. Her heart rate speeds up. She’s lying to him. That’s not why she really cares. He can clearly see her anger and smell the annoyance radiating off of her, along with a couple of other things. But there’s a sweet smell accompanying it. One that Derek finds rather endearing. Jealousy. Y/N L/N is jealous. He wouldn’t have picked up on it if she hadn’t just blatantly lied. Suddenly her bursting in and berating him makes sense. He smirks when he notices her clenched fists. It’s about time she’s felt the green-eyed monster that constantly visits him when he sees her with other guys. When she’s laughing boisterously about something Scott said, whenever she comes over to see him but ends up talking to Isaac for hours on end. Especially when he found out she kissed Stiles last year after he was kidnapped by Gerard. It truly has been a miracle that no one ever sensed his jealousy when it came to her.
Derek takes a step forward, closing the distance between them. “Why did you really come here, Y/N?” He asks lowly, trying to get her to admit her feelings. “Tell me what you’re really trying to say…”
Y/N feels her face flush as he gets closer. She doesn’t want him to know the real reason why she raced across town to be here. The walls begin to close in around her, so she lashes out in a last ditch effort to protect herself.
“I’m trying to look out for you! You’re stubborn, Derek,” she chastises. “You don’t listen to anything anyone tells you. You like to pretend you’re always ready and prepared for anything, but you’re not! You are just as emotional and vulnerable as everyone else despite being hurt as many times as you have! You’re reckless when it comes to women, so I’m simply trying to make sure you don’t hurt yourself or the pack by making a stupid mistake.”
His jaw tightens, but he doesn’t back down. In fact, he gets closer to her in attempts to pressure it out of her. “You’re avoiding my question, Y/N,” he says darkly. “What’s really going on?”
Feeling cornered, Y/N tries to take in a couple of deep breaths but it fails miserably. She can’t tell him. Not now. Not when he’s interested in another women who’s already on her way here. He even got dressed up for her. She’s never seen Derek in a white button up polo and slacks. It makes her frown thinking that it’s not for her. She scoffs softly before shaking her head, “Forget it,” she mumbles. The h/c haired girl pushes past him, shoulder checking him on her way to the door. “I shouldn’t have come here. Have fun on your date or whatever you wanna call it.”
She slams the door behind her before stomping down the flight of stairs that leads up to his building. When she walks outside, the sky opens up, almost mimicking her inner turmoil with its own storm. Rain pours down on her, soaking her clothing completely as she gets ready to run home, or in all truth, to Stiles house. All she knows is that she can’t be here anymore.
“Y/N, wait!” Derek calls out.
She doesn’t bother turning around, heading the exact way she came. She should’ve figured that he would’ve caught up to her with ease. He’s never had a problem showing her who’s in charge. He grabs her wrist gently but firmly, not allowing her to leave.
“Stop running away,” he commands. “Just tell me the truth.”
Y/N’s eyes once again begin flashing yellow, differing completely from her regular piercing e/c gaze. “Let go of me, Derek,” she demands with a bit of a growl in her voice.
“Not until you stop being so damn hardheaded!” He yells, trying to make his voice heard over the pounding rain. “Tell me!”
“Why do you even care?!” Y/N screams back. “Why does it matter when you’re already here waiting for another woman?”
Derek’s eyes soften slightly, and he pulls Y/N closer to him by her wrist. Her breath hitches in her throat as her hand practically rests on his muscular chest. His lips are so impossibly close that any coherent thought she had before this moment have been completely erased from her long and short term memory.
“Because I need to hear you say it,” his voice got impossibly low, sending a chill through her body that has nothing to do with the cold water hitting her back.
Y/N’s lips part slightly as his thumb comes up to brush the side of her cheek. Her body is drawn to him. The wolf inside of her is trying to claw its way out and into his arms, but she manages to steady herself. “Fine,” she breathes out, not being able to force herself to look away. “I’m jealous, okay? Is that what you wanted to hear? That it made me want to commit first-degree murder last night when I heard her voice in your apartment, knowing that it would’ve been me in there if I had shown up just a tad bit earlier? So yes, Derek, I am jealous. You win.”
Derek’s eyes darken at the breathiness of her voice. He places the hand that was holding her wrist on her waist to keep her pressed securely against his front. Both of their hearts beat in unison, “Why didn’t you just say that when I asked the first time?”
Y/N’s defense starts to crumble beneath her, “Because I didn’t want you to think I was weak for succumbing to something stupid like that,” she admits.
Derek laughs, showing off his pearly white teeth, “I would’ve never thought you were weak.” He reassures when he notices the small frown etched on her face. “You’ve never been weak. A bit obstinate? Sure. But not weak.”
Y/N can feel the sincerity in his voice. She doesn’t protest his strong hold on her hip, but instead keeps her own hands occupied on his now soaked through white shirt. It’s not a bad view from where she’s standing. “I don’t think I can do this,” she whispers.
Derek’s eyebrows furrow, a pang of concern filling his heart. “Do what?”
“Keep pretending that I don’t care about you,” she says softly, her chest heaving up and down from how intense the moment they are sharing is.
Derek’s eyes flash their bright alpha red as a primal instinct clouds his brain. He leans close to her face, his stubble rubbing her cheek in just the right way. “Then don’t,” he says huskily.
Before she can respond, he leans in and kisses her, the rain pouring down around them. The kiss is intense, filled with all the emotions they’ve both been keeping at bay. It’s a collision of desire and frustration, their lips moving against each other with a desperate want. A primal need inside both of them. Y/N wraps her hands around his neck, tugging at the short strands of his black hair. Derek wastes no time placing both of his hands on her waist, squeezing the soft flesh. She giggles slightly from the sensation, making him smile. When they finally pull apart, they’re both breathless.
Y/N steps back, her heart racing, but Derek keeps his arm around her, protectively. “How come you ran away?” He asks quietly.
Y/N huffs, running a hand through her wet hair. She sighs loudly before admitting the truth, “I was scared.”
“Of what?” He questions, not believing the woman in front of him would be scared of anything.
“Of this,” she states obviously, gesturing in between them. “Of how much I feel for you. I’m not really big on emotions like this. I don’t know how to handle it. So I was scared of having to open up my heart when I wasn’t sure if you’d actually take care of it.”
The vulnerability in her answer snaps something in Derek’s mind. She has the same issues as he does. He hasn’t been able to truly give himself to anyone since Paige. He felt so strongly for her and then she was gone in an instant. And when he tried again with someone he didn’t even fully trust, he got burned again. Emotions besides anger have never been his forte. So when he hears Y/N admitting the same thing, it makes him realize that this is something they both can improve on.
He grins, kissing her forehead softly, “You don’t have to be scared. We can figure it all out together, okay? Both of us.”
At that moment, a car pulls up, and Derek pulls Y/N even tighter into his chest. The bright headlights blind them and they both try to shield their eyes in order to identify the owner of the vehicle. Y/N’s body tenses as Jennifer steps out, the woman’s expression shifting from surprise to anger as she sees them.
“Well, isn’t this a surprise,” she comments coldly. Her eyes zero in on Y/N who has a rather tight grip on Derek’s shirt, “Miss L/N, shouldn’t you be at school serving the detention you earned today for your behavior in my class?”
“I had better things to do,” Y/N bites back. “As you can see,” she says, pointing at Derek’s chiseled form.
A shit-eating grin forms on Derek’s lips at her words. They both swear they see Jennifer’s eye twitch from the insinuation Y/N just made. He doesn’t bother trying to cover up what just happened and keeps his hands firmly on Y/N’s hips.
“Yes, I can see that,” Jennifer narrows her eyes at their proximity.
Derek can feel the situation getting ready to escalate so he keeps Y/N safeguarded within his hold. He nods over to Jennifer’s car, “I think it would be best if you left,” he states unforgivingly making Y/N smile.
Jennifer sends them both a pointed look, “I think so too,” she agrees before spinning on her heel and walking back towards her car. “We’ll see just how well this works out for the two of you. Let’s hope you don’t regret it.”
She closes the drivers side door before speeding off out of the parking lot. Both Derek and Y/N are left standing in the rain, now knowing that things have just become a lot more complicated than they were before. But even in the midst of her subtle threat and imminent danger, the two of them don’t seem worried in the slightest.
Because they’ll handle that together too.
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 8 months ago
Any fics where Stiles goes to Derek for help or to stay with Derek because he has nowhere else to go? Either he’s been pushed out of his friend group or has a fight or misunderstanding with his father?
I think so.
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The Promised Land by StaciNadia
(1/1 I 1,952 I General)
Pushed away from the pack, Stiles has had enough of Beacon Hills.
A Growl-to-English Dictionary by churkey
(4/4 I 14,866 I Teen)
In which Derek finds his words and Stiles learns to growl.
Til We Ain't Strangers Anymore by WriteByNight
(7/7 I 35,994 I Explicit)
Stiles should've expected Derek to suddenly disappear since the werewolf was in the habit of taking off without notice. However, Derek always showed up when they needed him.
As the weeks pass by, Stiles is no longer confused and a little hurt. What started as heartache begins to get worse the longer Stiles goes without seeing Derek. Eventually, his body begins to shut down and his only hope seems to be Derek...but nobody can find him.
There's no cure for a broken heart. Except, maybe, the cause for the broken heart himself.
- - -
Or the one where Derek takes off without warning and Stiles finds out he could be Derek's mate and the distance between Derek and Stiles, along with Derek's refusal to develop the bond, is slowly killing Stiles. Without Derek, Stiles will die, but no one knows where he is or how to contact him. And Stiles is barely keeping it together.
The Moon's Gonna Follow Me Home by turningterrific
(2/2 I 82,866 I Explicit)
Derek doesn’t want to call the window repair guy. He doesn’t want to sweep up the glass. He’ll inevitably miss a few shards and pull them out of the bottom of his bare feet for weeks.
He doesn’t want to try to make this place feel like home when it isn’t.
Derek stayed in Beacon Hills and tried to make it work because he wanted pack, wanted purpose. He gave his best effort and found himself back where he started: alone, with a few begrudging allies. He’s tired, and even though his werewolf body heals quickly, he feels the weary ache down to his center.
He packs his car with the few things he cares about enough to drag them from place to place. He locks the loft and calls a realtor about listing the building he’d bought in a misguided attempt to secure a future.
And then he leaves.
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1-800-local-slut · 18 days ago
literally stiles smut anything girl
15 Minutes
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You have fifteen minutes with Stiles's, and you're not going to waste them
Stiles Stilinski x Black! Super Horny! Witch! Reader
Warnings: smut smut smut and more smut, creampies, unprotected sex (don't do that guys) Stiles is obsessed with you, underaged drinking mentions, is Stiles under a spell or just horny? (he's just horny lol)
It was all your fault. Stiles tried to resist but you were too horny to wait even a second longer. It has been three weeks since you and Stiles had sex, and you were feigning like a crackhead. Damn near itching for it.
You crawled on top of him the moment you two were left alone is his living room after Scott and Allison volunteered for a beer run. Now you, ever the opportunist took two minutes to get Stiles out of his pants. It was like the room was on fire and Stiles was the reason for the fire burning inside of you.
Stiles tries not to think with his dick. It's hard (pun intended) when Stiles is currently sitting under you, his dick inside of you while he hammered up into you. You squealed, scratched your nails down his back, and cried out his name.
It was like a prayer, the way you cried out his name, and Stiles wasn't about to disappoint you.
He panted heavily, shaking and trying to keep track of the time. He shook his wrist to check his watch and tried to ensure that he wasn't about to risk the other couple coming back and catching you two in the act.
You tempted him, but was he just as guilty for giving in to you? Probably, but it was hard to think about that when he was focusing on how pretty your chest looked bouncing up and down like that.
Your dark eyes held him in place, keeping him physically and mentally trapped under the weight of your desire for him. When those big brown beauties weren't looking down at him through your lashes, then they were rolling back from the pressure of him hitting it just right.
You casted a spell on him, you had to have. It was the only thing that made sense as he yanked on the puff you had styled behind your head and pulled you backwards. He couldn't control himself, the moment you pushed up against him it was like a switch flipped in his brain. And because you were so perfect for Stiles's willing to take whatever he gave you, moaned out a gleeful 'thank you'.
Leaning forward, he took one of your dark nipples and bit it tenderly, much to your delight. The funny thing is, Stiles wasn't even worried about himself. He wasn't worried about cumming inside of you and putting your underwear back on so it would stay inside. He knew you'd let him do anything to you, but it wasn't about what he wanted.
It was about you. Stiles was worshipping you, because you'd been such an angel. The past two-three weeks, you two hadn't even had a moment to hold hands. He left warm kisses on your neck, kisses that made your thighs do a little jump. With each swipe of his tongue across your skin you would let out a little 'oh god'. For the past two weeks, Stiles's has been busy. Too busy for even you it seemed.
And now was the time for him to care for you. To reward you for those late nights where you stayed up for him, those mornings he'd wake up to breakfast waiting for him, helping him fold laundry when he needed a hand, when you packed his lacrosse bag for him in order to keep him from getting screamed at after a hard night, those last-minute spells you'd cast at his request.
He picked up the speed, hips hammering upwards then stopping for just a moment to tease you just a bit. You whined, from the lack of stimulation but Stiles knows you. You wouldn't be enjoying this if it wasn't so rough after how long you've waited and if he didn't tease you just it bit it wasn't even sex for you two. For the first time in two weeks, you were technically 'bad'. You rolled your hips around in a circle, your clit rubbing against the hardened muscles of his groin. A hard spank stopped you quickly though he couldn't blame you for your desperation.
The make-out sessions in his car, in your bedroom, in his bedroom, in the police station, the locker room, empty hallways, empty classrooms, places you've had to break into, empty hospital rooms, at just about any moment you two had but never enough time to really go all the way. And you deserved more than kisses, dry humping, gropes that left you both feeling lightheaded. When you got the chance to take more than that, you quite literally pounced on him.
Picking up the pace, resuming his punishment (or more so your reward) he pulled your face down and gave you a sloppy kiss. You swallowed each other's moans. Separating briefly, you panted while Stile's kept his grip on your neck firm and his eye contact extreme. The closer you got to creaming all over him and his lap, the more pathetic you got. Whimpering, moaning and pleading for it to never end,
You tried your damnest to keep your eyes on him. To keep looking into those beautiful hazel eyes that were a darker color as he used his free hand to spank you. Each slap sent your eyes back just for a moment.
But combined with the feeling of him battering into your g-spot? You just went ahead and gave up. And Stiles knows you. So, he knows that when you arch your back and grind your hips down while your entire body starts to shake, its time.
A strong had slipped around your front, his thumb finding your clit and you almost started to fight him. To run a bit. But Stiles knows you, and he knows you'd never EVER run from an orgasm. Not one from Stiles who you love so much.
You let out a moan that sounded as if you'd been waiting for this your entire life. You squirmed and your entire body went limp. His hips slammed up into yours just one more time and he came with a grunt and a moan of your name in your ear. A creampie had never felt so good. Like heaven or laying on a set of freshly washed and dried sheets. And Stiles had a revelation.
Why would he put his and your clothes back on, literally stop looking at the perfection that is your naked body, to sit around and get mildly drunk with you and Alison? When he can stay home, run around his house naked with you, have sex AND get drunk with you?
Man fuck Scott, fuck Allison and fuck them beers. He could get his own beers, he has a fake ID. While he held you still, he slid his phone free from the couch cushion it was tucked into and decided to put you before everyone else.
And a quick text telling Scott to take his ass home (like seriously don't come back here man), and Stiles was ready to give you the long night you deserved. The long, steamy night, where Stiles intends to give you your favorite kind of sex. Messy-choking-so many orgasms you forget your name-maybe record it too-slapping sex. The type of sex you deserved after being so good for him the past few weeks and understanding that it's not that he didn't love and miss you, but he just couldn't be there as much as you deserved.
You'd done everything for Stiles, and Stiles was going to thank you. Thankfully, he now had more than 15 minutes.
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