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ixoracl · 7 months ago
I want to share some headcanon.
1.Steve fell in love with Rhodey when he met him through Tony's introduction.Rhodey develop feelings for Steve over time.
2.When they first started dating, Steve often used Rhodey's military rank to call him "Colonel Rhodes".As their relationship grew deeper, Steve gradually began to call him "Rhodey"
3.The first person to discover that Steve likes Rhodey was not Tony, but Bucky, after accidentally seeing Steve's sketchbook.
4.Rhodey is older than Steve (excluding Steve's years in the ice) and has a higher military rank, so sometimes he takes care of Steve like a senior.
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pandagirl45 · 9 months ago
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Working on a SteveRhodey picture. Peach Kisses
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flickerbuckley · 3 years ago
Marvelous Rare Pairs Bingo Round 1 Masterlist
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And so today marks the end of the Marvelous Rare Pairs Bingo!! I had so much fun writing fics for ships I don't usually explore as much. I had so many more fics planned, but real life got in the way :( I'll post them at some point though.
No one is surprised that SamTony has stayed as my fave rare pair, but Pepperstuckony and Biomechtech have taken up a special place in my heart. For ease at @marvelousrarepairbingo here’s all my fills <3
Card Number #043 - Archi (Coffee_and_notebooks // weigheddownbyfandoms)
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B4: Cooking Together - Make Me Feel Like I'm Home (https://archiveofourown.org/works/36105793)
B3: Book - Havin Trouble Believing It's True (https://archiveofourown.org/works/38106640)
B5: Scarf Buddies - You Get This Kinda Rush (https://archiveofourown.org/works/36401251)
I1: Utopia - I'd Do Anything To Save It (https://archiveofourown.org/works/34827640)
I2: Flower Shop AU - First Impressions Can Be Misleading (https://weigheddownbyfandoms.tumblr.com/post/680256786505302016/title-first-impressions-can-be-misleading-square)
I4: Sports AU - Over Chemistry Notes And Baseball Mitts (https://weigheddownbyfandoms.tumblr.com/post/680362609189453824/title-over-chemistry-notes-and-baseball-mitts)
N1: Next Generation - I Said It's Forever (https://archiveofourown.org/works/37624672)
N4: Soulmates AU - Knew It Wasn't Wrong (https://archiveofourown.org/works/34539424)
N5: Coffee Shop AU - It's You They Add Up To (https://archiveofourown.org/works/37438246)
G1: Animal Compaion - A Perfect Wonder (https://archiveofourown.org/works/36071107)
G3: Time Travel AU - We Could Be Immortals (Just Not For Long) (https://weigheddownbyfandoms.tumblr.com/post/680256904536129536/title-we-could-be-immortals-just-not-for-long)
G4: Fireworks - Brighter Than The Moon (https://archiveofourown.org/works/3612493)
O1: Holograhic - Been Two Years (I Miss My Home) (https://weigheddownbyfandoms.tumblr.com/post/680355665429053440/title-been-two-years-i-miss-my-home-square)
O2: Hair Brushing - You Make Me Feel Loved (https://archiveofourown.org/works/38107033)
O3: Happy - Kept A Place For You (https://archiveofourown.org/works/38117077)
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darthbloodorange · 3 years ago
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Steve and Rhodey finally manage to catch a break from their busy schedules. They take a romantic holiday to a forest retreat, where they snuggle up in front of the fire and indulge in one another.
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For the: ✦ SteveRogersBingo prompt “James Rhodes” [E2]; Card: 151
Word count: N/a - Moodboard Title: A Warm Fire and Good Company Rating: Gen Universe: Marvel Cinematic Universe Pairings: James ‘Rhodey’ Rhodes/Steve Rogers Characters: Steve Rogers, James ‘Rhodey’ Rhodes Warnings: None Major Tags: Established Relationship, Fluff, Cabin, Holidays, Romantic Getaway, Canon Divergence AU, Alternate Canon ~ Summery: Steve and Rhodey finally manage to catch a break from their busy schedules. They take a romantic holiday to a forest retreat, where they snuggle up in front of the fire and indulge in one another.
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ad1thi · 5 years ago
and then there’s you | Au-gust Day 8: Superheroes/Superpowers AU
AU-gust masterlist
i took a brief hiatus but now im back!! this is possibly one of my favourite things ive written, ever
Steve was never expecting to get along with James. He didn't have the best start with Tony - even though he likes to believe that they've moved past that and have become good friends - and James' protective streak was well known. After all, the man broke records trying to fly back to New York fast enough and managed to show up just as the Hulk picked up Tony from the sky.
 He still remembers the way James landed around them with a thud, his faceplate snapping up and shoving all of them to the side so that he could get to Tony. He remembers the way Tony's face softened; the way James reached out with one metal encased hand to awkwardly rub his hair before settling on his shoulder.
 He remembers fiercely missing the time in his life when someone looked at him like that, like he was the reason the world continued turning.
 In retrospect, Steve honestly should've seen this whole thing coming, but he's still blindsided by the whole thing.
After the last of the Chitauri are felled down, Thor and James raging in the sky until they drop like flies, they regroup back at Stark Tower. It's almost too easy, over in a matter of hours, even though Steve feels like it's taken ages. They lock the Spectre away and clasp chains around Loki's body - and he can release a breath that he didn't know he was holding it.
 "Colonel Rhodes," he says, later, when they're all lounging in a beatdown shawarma joint, shamelessly taking advantage of an extremely grateful store-owner, “I just wanted to say thank you for all your help. Having two heavy hitters in the sky really helped us take down the stragglers. We couldn't have done it without you."
 James and Tony (from where he's resting on James' shoulder) both turn to him and give him identical looks, the kind that makes Steve want to duck his head and rub the back of his neck.
 "No need to thank me Cap," James says finally, "Just doing my civic duty." But he keeps looking at Steve, in a way that stirs feelings inside Steve that he thought had died when he went into the ice.
 Guess not.
 He nods once and is saved from answering by Tony grabbing the Colonel into another discussion. He takes another bite into his wrap, the food feeling wooden inside his mouth. Tony has one hand in the air, gesticulating wildly, but the other is wound around James, inter-twined with his own. It twists something inside Steve, and he tries to tell himself that it's just him missing his life before the ice. Before he was dropped into the twenty first century.
 He looks up to see Thor giving him an all too knowing look for a man who only met him a couple of hours ago. It makes him so uncomfortable that he stands abruptly, pulling both Tony and Rhodey out of their conversation.
 "I have to go," he says stiffly, "I have some work to attend to. I'll see you guys at the Helicarrier tomorrow at 0900 for a debrief," he nods at his team, "Colonel, it would good to meet you."
"Call me James," he says, nonplussed, "that’s what everyone who isn't this fella calls me," he thumbs at Tony; who's face twists in mock outrage.
 Steve doesn't say anything, spinning on his heel and all but running out of the shawarma joint, lest he dwell too strongly on the fact that James called Tony fella.
 Despite their horrendous first meeting, Steve and James actually get on fairly well. He's in New York a lot, despite still being on active duty. Ostensibly, it's because the War Machine - now rebranded as Iron Patriot armour needs regular check-ups and after what Tony and James mysteriously refer to as the Hammer incident - Tony is the only one who fiddles with it.
 It makes sense, since Tony designed the damn thing, but Steve knows that James is a genius of his own right. Privately, he thinks that James is equipped to deal with any and all faults in the armour, but he makes it a point to come for Tony. Watching your bestfriend strap a nuke to his back and fly into space with no concrete desire to return tends to do that to someone. Hell, if Bucky had pulled something like that he wouldn't have left him out of his sight.
 Besides, now that Steve has been living with him and gotten to know the man behind the mask so to speak, he can see why Tony inspires that kind of loyalty. The way he badly misjudged Tony still digs at him, even though Tony has waved off his apologies multiple times and promises that he harbours no bad feelings.
 Steve isn't complaining though. He likes that James visits, even though he frowns everytime James complains about how hard it was to finagle time with his superiors. Clint calls it his Captain America face, says that he makes it every time he thinks there's a fight. Steve doesn't know if he has a specific face, but he does know that it doesn't sit right with him that James has to fight that much to come stateside.
 That was the whole point of the War, that they would fight so that future generations don't have to. There's a lot to be said for the twenty first century. His country's proclivity with inserting themselves into every war that side of the Atlantic isn't one of them.
 Still, James' regular check-ups mean that Steve has gotten a chance to get to know Tony's bestfriend - since he winds up spending a lot of time in the workshop these days; sketching while Tony putters around. It's like white noise - the sound of a wrench or a blowtorch, interspersed with Tony and JARVIS sniping with each other, and it reminds Steve of the barracks, of the Howlies huddled around a single fire and sniping around each other.
 (It reminds him that he's no longer alone)
 When James comes however, the entire workshop lights up, and Steve along with it. Despite his best efforts, the smidgen of interest he'd felt in the shawarma joint has buried itself inside him, planted seeds and grown around his heart. It doesn't help that James is one of the most easy-going people he's ever met, the kind of person one gravitates to.
 He reminds Steve deeply of Bucky, but then again - Steve was never overcome with the urge to bear Bucky down and kiss him until they both couldn't breathe.
 "Steve!" James cries out, as the workshop doors open with the faintest snick, "It's good to see you."
Steve looks up from his sketchbook - where he's been drawing James funnily enough - and gives him a warm smile, "James. Good to see you. How's the Iron Patriot?"
"Don't call it that," Tony wags his wrench at Steve, looking like he's contemplating the merits of lobbing it at him, "You do not call it that in my workshop. This is a sacred space."
 "She's handling like a dream," James says over Tony, but he still walks over and pulls Tony in for a small hug before making his way over to Steve. The first time this had happened, Steve was almost jealous, but he's since realised that it's just a part of James' schedule. The need to physically remind himself that Tony is okay.
 "There's been a couple of tough missions," he continues with a grimace, after he's done surreptitiously looking Tony over and found his way to the couch where Steve is currently propped up. "I've definitely got some fresh bullet dents. But nothing Tony can't fix, isn't that right Tony?" he calls out to where Tony has turned back to his holo-screens and gets a half-hearted gesture in response that Steve takes to mean that Tony has heard James.
 "Enough about me though, not in the least because I could be arrested for going into detail," James reaches out and places his hand over Steve's; and it takes everything in Steve to not react to the touch, "You getting through the list okay?"
 A month into his stay at the Tower, Steve was listlessly chewing a banana in the Common Room when James came out for some water and saw him. "They taste weird," he'd said, when James asked if the banana had done something to offend him, "I guess I was just hoping it was something that hadn't changed."
James had regarded him for a second, and then pulled out a napkin from thin air, "You should make a list. It's what I tell most of my rookies, when they're going back after a long tour. Make a list of everything you want to catch up and work through it on your own pace. At the very least, it gives you something to do."
 Ever since then, Steve keeps a small black book on his person, filling it with a never-ending list of things. The entire team pitches in, depending on what it is that Steve is about to discover about the twenty-first century. Steve likes it best when James carves out time for him though.
 "I'm adding more things than I'm crossing out," Steve admits, and James clucks sympathetically, "but it's good. I've not Star Wars on my list next? And Tony made me promise to wait for you to come back so that both of you could introduce it to me together."
 James whistles lowly, but his eyes light up, "Oh I am so happy that you waited for me for this. Never listen to Tony, he thinks the prequels deserve rights," he bends down to whisper at Steve loudly, "we don't recognise the prequels."
"Is that prequels slander I hear in my safe haven?" Tony pipes up, spinning around to face them. He's still got the wrench in his hand, "Don't make me revoke your access honeybear because I will, don't test me."
 James holds up his hands in mock surrender. "I'm going to go freshen up," he says with a clap, "but after I'm back, we can discuss Star Wars strategy."
 Steve watches him go, until he disappears around the corner. When he looks back at the workshop, he sees Tony looking at him with a look that's half speculative, half sympathetic.
 "You know that nothing can happen right?" he says apropos of nothing, but Steve knows exactly what he's talking about, "It's against the law. DADT. If his superiors find out, his career is over. 's why me and him ended in the first place."
  Steve found out about Tony and James' history only a month ago, and the sting has faded. Mostly because he knows it was a long time ago, and neither of them harbour those feelings anymore.
 "I know," Steve says carefully, because Tony is still James' bestfriend, "and I wouldn't ask him to risk that. Doesn't change how I feel though. And if I have to wait, or hide it, or even ignore it until he's ready to deal with it - I'm ready for all of it."
 Tony nods, like it's the answer he's expected, "You'll be good for him Steve. He deserves someone who'll wait." Unlike me, who didn't goes unsaid.
 "I don't expect anything from him Tony," Steve says, looking Tony right in the eye, "but I can't just pretend I don't feel the way I do. Especially not if there's the barest possibility that he feels the same."
 Steve isn't generally good with these sorts of things, recognising interest. Still, he doesn't think he's imagined the looks he's gotten from James the past couple of times he's been over, over misread the touching, the talking, the borderline flirting.
 "He does," Tony confirms, "but like I said - nothing can happen." He says in a careful tone, and it takes Steve a couple seconds to cotton onto what Tony is implying. It leaves a rush through him, reminding him of back-alley trysts, protected by the shadows.
 "Nothing can happen," Steve repeats, and Tony pointedly turns his back as Steve leaps up from the couch and follows James out. He thinks about calling ahead, or maybe messaging - but there's a decent chance that James already knows about this conversation, since Tony wouldn't have brought it up unless James had expressly allowed him too.
 Steve might not know much about the twenty first century, but bro-code well enough.
 He knocks on James' door, thrumming with energy, and his heart stutters when James opens it in a towel; one around his waist, catching the droplets of water falling down his chest, and another around his neck.
 "Steve?" he asks, and there's no mistaking the hopeful tone in his voice. It confirms Steve's suspicions, that Tony was talking to him on behalf of James.
 Steve doesn't reply, just pulls him for a kiss.
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hawkbucks · 5 years ago
if you're still taking prompts, could you please write fluff 2 or 11 for steverhodey?
I’ve never written for SteveRhodey before, so this is a new experience! Hopefully this is fine! I’m going to do 2 for this!
2. “Is there a reason you’re blushing like that?” 
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Galas are, to put it mildly, boring. Now, Steve would never shirk his duty to the Avengers by skipping out on a public appearance and losing some goodwill for the team and himself, but, god, does he wish he could just show up, shake a few hands, then bolt and spend the rest of the evening watching some nature documentary while munching on a few hot dogs from that 24/7 cart near the Tower. All this posturing, all of these fake smiles, gratuitous touching, and hushed whispers remind him far too much of the time he spent being a dancing monkey on stage, holding up motorcycles and punching “Hitler” in the face. 
He sighs as he adjusts his tie, leaning his elbows on the table, eyeing the champagne glass in front of him. Alcohol doesn’t have an effect on him like it used to, but he wishes it did, if only because that means the night would go much, much faster. 
“Honeybear is making a bit of a last minute appearance,” Tony says from across him, both to no one in particular and directly at Steve, picking at the insultingly small portions on his plate. “The company he was supposed to liaison for dropped out last minute. He should be here in--” he pushes his suit sleeve, looking down at his Rolex-- “half an hour, maybe? So, you might want to stay for a little bit, Rogers.” He winks teasingly before tapping the table twice and getting up, no doubt to seek out either Bucky or Pepper. 
Steve regrets ever telling him about his crush.
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For all that Steve’s seen James Rhodes, he’s never actually seen the man in a suit, and let him say: 10/10, would gaze upon him again. 
Rhodes’ jacket is a deep purple, almost black, and the suit is tailored to perfection, hugging his shoulders perfectly and accentuating his legs and then he locks eyes with Rhodes and, oh my god, he’s been staring, he’s been staring. He averts his eyes, coughing into his fist. His cheeks heat up. 
After a handful of minutes, the chair in front of him squeaks against the wooden floor and down sits Rhodes himself, smiling genially. “Tony told me you’ve been sulking in this corner since the event started,” he says, leaning against the back of the chair. “I can’t say I blame you. These things take some getting used to. I’m mostly just here for the free food. And to make sure that Tony doesn’t do something ridiculous.”
“Yeah,” Steve awkwardly replies. “The, uh... salmon is really good.” 
Rhodes hums. “That’s the same thing Sam told me. And, Steve?” 
“Is there a reason you’re blushing like that?” Rhodes smiles again--much less innocent, this time. There’s a knowing quality to it, and the first thing that Steve thinks is that Rhodes�� is aware of the effect that he has on Steve. And pretty much everyone else. But mostly Steve.
He knows that Tony wouldn’t betray his trust like that and neither would Bucky or Sam. Rhodes, however, is plenty perceptive on his own.  
Natasha has always told him that he’s terrible at hiding his crushes (case in point, that brief time he had a crush on Sharon and couldn’t get more than 3 sentences out without jumbling up all the words and sounding like a complete fool). 
“It’s hot,” Steve blurts out in a desperate attempt to salvage the situation and not look like a lovestruck teenager. It doesn’t work, because his face gets hotter and Rhodes’ smile gets wider. “Very hot.” 
“The air conditioning is on,” Rhodes points out. 
“I ate spicy food?” 
“The spiciest thing they have here is mayonnaise.” Before Steve could shoot out another pathetic defense, Rhodes holds up his hand. “I’m just messing with you, Steve. So, should we dance?” 
What? “What?” 
“Dance? You know, that’s usually what people who like each other do together.” 
Steve is torn between jumping for joy and running into another room and screaming because like each other? It’s reciprocated. His feelings. Oh, god. “Yes,” he rushes out. “Yeah, we can, uh, dance. I’ll warn you, though, I have two left feet.”
Rhodes snorts “I can handle you stepping on my toes, trust me. Now, let’s go before they change the song.” He holds out his hand. 
Steve takes it.  
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kimannhart · 6 years ago
requiem for a heavyweight au headcanons that no one but me asked for:
Bucky and Tony are the first ones to have kids, which surprises all of them since they all thought it would’ve been Sam and Sharon
Sam and Sharon don’t have a typical wedding foods at their wedding and opt to get a breakfast bar, and crêpe dude instead because they love breakfast
Sharon eventually quits her job at the job corps and joins Sam to work at the summer camp
Bucky and Tony end up buying the summer camp that Sam and Sharon work at one year when they learn that the original owners were planning on shutting down the camp, and Bucky and Tony gift the camp as a late wedding present to Sam and Sharon
Steve and Rhodey are single parents who always drop their kids off at the camp
Eventually Steve and Rhodey join their friend group
Sam, Sharon, Bucky, and Tony have a bet going on when Steve and Rhodey are finally going to admit when they have feelings for each other
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lovelyirony · 5 years ago
I posted the fic! For some reason you have to press 'sort and filter' before it shows up which is weird (btw you should check the notes :) )
i will! thank you so much!!!! 
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wizardnuke · 5 years ago
sorry this isn’t the ask game you were doing but what ships are you into??
djdakdnfkfn it's fine!! I mainly like/talk about stevetony and petermj but like. give me any ship involving tony, rhodey, pepper, and/or steve in any combo and I ship it. and also stuckony. and sambucky! and peternedmj, so peterned too. I just love all of them so much
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sororising · 8 years ago
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Known Associates
By thingswithwings
295k // Explicit // Multiple pairings (inc. Steve/Bucky, Sam/Steve, Steve/Rhodey)
I can’t review my favourite piece of literature (yes, I said literature and not only fic) of all time while being coherent. You know the fics people talk about all the time, the ones with their own tumblrs and the quotes that get put on gifsets and inspire spinoffs of their own? This is mine.
I don’t know how to start. I get so emotional even thinking about this one. It has, hands down, one of the best portrayals of a genderfluid character I can imagine. It also has nuanced and realistic polyamory, incredible writing and characterisation, and the historical research that must have gone into it is phenomenal. I feel like I know so much about Brooklyn history and queer history in NYC just from reading this.
And it has Sam/Steve and Steve/Rhodey! Every relationship in this fic is important and you’ll love them all in different ways, but those two especially are my favourites.
One thing that always amazes me about this fic is how much you fall in love with the original characters. Especially the ones from Steve’s pre-serum days; they are just so vivid and fleshed-out and real that I still think of them every bit as fondly as I think of canon characters.
This is a very long fic. I’ve read it three times now, and every time I get something new out of it. If you have the time and ability to read a fic of this length, I honestly can’t recommend it highly enough. (Also please come chat to me if you read it, I love talking about it so much!)
This is my Steve Rogers. Forever and ever.
Another favourite fic by the same author: The Favour of the King (18k // Explicit // Sam/T’Challa)
Disclaimer for all my fic rec days reviews here
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samallcapswilson · 8 years ago
Looking for bottom!Rhodey fic in the daytime with a flashlight.
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grandmagbignaturals · 8 years ago
Do you wanna read a novel length fic about nonbinary Steve Rogers that’s incredibly well researched and includes a bibliography as well as being canon compliant up to the end of The Winter Soldier?
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flickerbuckley · 3 years ago
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Title: Been Two Years (I Miss My Home) Square filled: Holographic (O1) for @marvelousrarepairbingo Card number: 043 Name: Archi (weigheddownbyfandoms // coffee_and_notebooks) Relationship: James “Rhodey” Rhodes/Steve Rogers Warnings: None Rating: General Link: N/A Summary: Distance was hard, but it was harder when the time difference was obvious. Like when Steve called just before heading to bed, and Rhodey was just getting up, or Rhodey was making his morning cup of coffee and Steve was prepping dinner. You’d think that once they were married, it’d be easier, but it really wasn’t. At least they had Tony’s wedding gift to the both of them, holographic watches, so that they were able to see each other’s faces and pretend that the 6,728 miles was not as much as it actually was. But they’d get through it. Together.
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cr3v · 6 years ago
Steve Rogers in MCU!
Aha!! Got Steve done!
send me a character & I’ll answer the following about them!
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang (i don’t bang anyone 😂)
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
best quality:
bravery - The second I fell in love with Steve Rogers was when I saw him jump on top of that grenade in TFA.
kindness - Not many people are kind to the people Steve’s kind to, be it Wanda and Pietro or even Vision.
snark - it’s so understated! the way he’s droll in the subtlest ways and it’s not mean-spirited at all. i only caught the dry humor upon rewatches. i can’t detect sarcasm or dry humor online or irl [-c°▥°]-c
worst quality:
caught up in his head - Not talking about his leadership or strategy - more about his personal dealings with people. He’s got a way of taking things that happen to him, forming an opinion and sticking to it (i guess it’s a defense mech i’m familiar with hah!). From the outside, he’s fine, he’s fine. Up until the moment it gets a bit too much and he cracks. his words and actions get brusque and you know he’s hurting so much but he doesn’t really ask for help and he retreats to put himself back together all on his own after all the action :(. i’m glad Sam, Nat and Sharon do try to nudge him out of this pattern.
ship them with: pretty much everyone
Tony - Ahhhh, the closest thing to an OTP I have. (i could write a 50 page report on all the ways I love Steve and Tony together )
Sam - Bless The Winter Soldier, it’s still the best RomCom set in DC :’3. SamSteve comes very close to Stony for me personally though I do tend not to be very public with my headcanons for them?
Bucky - I actually chase more fanart of Stucky than fics and I’m really selective with the tropes and authors I read. I love everyone I have stuck to tho :3.
Thor - The two Golden Retrievers of the lot! I have a ton of ThunderShield feels :3
Peggy - So… many… femdom stories bookmarked. I love it when anyone takes care of Steve in general but it’s got such a longing and depth when it’s with Peggy :’3? I’m really attached to the first Cap movie too.  
Nat - There’s something bold yet intimate about these two? like they have a tiny world unto themselves, with secret gestures and an almost telepathic connection? Nat won’t let many people in but she’s stuck by Steve :’)
Clint - Ahhhh. I love these two, both with Clint taking care of Steve and vice versa.
Sharon - They’re adorable together. like, two practical people, it’s the brightness that Steve deserves. But at the same time, they’re also really hot together.
Rhodey - I generally love Steve with Rhodey, especially if Sam’s with Tony :3. Just love the “You’re dating my best friend!” round-robin shovel talks. I guess this works for SteveRhodey and WinterIron too 😂. (very rare to find fics like this and fics I like with this dynamic though)
Scott - I think for all the hero worship Scott has for Steve, he’s also great at reading people and he’d pick up just how lonely Steve is? And will try his best to bring Steve into his family’s lives.
brotp them with:
hmmmm. pretty much anyone, depending on how a story or headcanon goes :3. too many writers have given me too many different relationship dynamics in different verses that work for me.
needs to stay away from:
Ross. Hydra. Anti-vaxxers.
misc. thoughts:
I adore Steve and I tend to be very protective and forgiving of him because I think he’s suffered enough and he deserves a break and all the happiness in the world └[ ◕ 〜 ◕ ]┘
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ad1thi · 5 years ago
not to rarepair but uh. superpower au steverhodey?
you can and you should rarepair anon!! thank you so much for sending this in, i had so much fun with it - hopefully you like the fic: and then there’s you 
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lovelyirony · 5 years ago
Hi, I just wanted to say that your writing inspired me to write my very first fanfic on ao3! It's the rarepair of steverhodey which, even though I don't love half as much as rhodeytony, just fit the story I had in mind. It should be up tomorrow, when I get the invitation to create my account but I just wanted to let you know. Thank your consistency, your work and how beautifully you word everything. It matters
DUDE!!!! THAT’S INCREDIBLE!!! also steverhodey???? ooh, that sounds interesting!!! 
i’m so honored you sent me this message, and i’m so happy that you’re getting into writing. asjfl;skajf i think i’ll think about this message until i die oh my god you are so sweet 
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