#steven randle
autistic-chaos · 27 days
Having your favourite characters be the ones that aren’t as popular and don’t get as much content like edits is a struggle.
Like yes I know that guy is pretty so he is popular but what about his friends who are building a radio or watching Mickey Mouse or doing backflips off of cars.
Yes, this is about Meeks and Pitts.
Yes, this is also about Two-Bit and Steve.
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m4sonn · 4 months
Guys hear me out
Steve likes people who smell like fruit, like he literally goes feral for people with that nice fruity smelling perfume or shampoos/body soaps. I also hc that soda likes fruitier smelling stuff, he bought Darry an orange scented car freshener since he loves fruit so much. Him and Steve will be cuddling and Steve will just bury his face in soda’s hair since he uses fruit scented hair soap, fruit scented stuff reminds him of soda and both of their favorite fruits are oranges. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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chippedshake · 15 days
It has recently come to my attention that both dps and the outsiders have seven main characters, so I’m comparing them now and finding their equivalents:
Charlie - Dally: probably the most intuitive bc they both break rules impulsively and are ultimately punished for it by the storyline
Neil - Johnny: they both die lol (they die proud of having broken the boudaries that were forced onto them, even if just for a moment)
Todd - Ponyboy: quiet guy in the corner reading poetry with low self-esteem and (an) older brother(s) he constantly compares himself to
Cameron - Darry: seen as up-tight by the others (*cough* Charlie and Ponyboy *cough*) and overworked as fuck
Pitts - Steve: neither one of them is very important to the actual plot, but I have had inordinate obsessions with both of them. They're also both good at engineering (the radio for Pitts and cars for Steve)
Meeks - Sodapop: I like this one the least, but Pitts/Steve's best friend (very shippable in both cases), also good at engineering stuff, but also other aspects (Meeks is good at all of school and Soda is very emotionally smart)
Knox and Two-Bit: their personality is often reduced to something simple (being obsessed with Chris and being comic relief) but if you dig deep there's more (I'm sure there's more with Knox) (They also both have a thing for blondes)
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iamoncrak · 1 month
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My brand new illustration, I hope you guys enjoy
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chaotic-starlight24 · 3 months
Cynthia and Dally
I promise y’all, I’m not basic. I just like Dally and Cynthia together 
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Warnings: Angst at the end, Some Spoilers being mentioned This took me a strangely long amount of time, but if you're interested in my The Outsiders ocs please read :)
Cynthia's Character Page
How they met and what they thought of each other
Originally, the Curtis brothers would come by the Soda Fountain together since Darry and Joey were really good friends. Which eventually led to Soda inviting Steve and Ponyboy inviting Johnny. Then Two-bit. Then eventually Dally started showing up when he heard Johnny was there. Joey was all good with them all except for Dally. He heard a lot about him being a hood and just a generally bad person from the more soccy kids who had run into him. And it made it worse to him that his younger sister was trying to talk to him. (Btw, they were both (Cynthia and Dally) around 14 at this time) At first Dally kept up his tough barrier and he and Cynthia ended up butting heads a lot. Not exactly enemies or anything but Cynthia didn’t trust him from what her brother told her and also the fact he could be very rude to her and defensive. Dally just didn’t trust her because of his nature and because he thought she was just being rude. She most definitely told him off a couple times when he harassed girls who came into the soda fountain. Dally was ok with that if Mrs.Curtis was the one telling him to knock it off, not with some random teenage girl who hung out with the gang. It eventually turned a bit more into coexisting as they got to around 15 years old and then into “hey we can enjoy each other's company when the gang's all hanging out.” But when Joey noticed that they were becoming more friends, he would take over serving whenever Dally would show up. Which made Dally feel unwelcome and he would only show up if Johnny asked him to.
How they started dating
Cynthia never really viewed Dally as a potential boyfriend and he was always with some other girl anyway. Sure she coexisted with him and would go to the occasional movie with him, Pony, and Johnny. But she never really got to know him. For all that she knew he was nice to people he trusted but would jump little kids and old people and all that bad stuff! That was until the day she got jumped. 2 soc boys came and tried to cut her with a blade and steal her stuff, leading to her fighting them off. But she doesn’t escape without injury. When she hobbles back to the fountain, Joey is livid. And it doesn’t make it any better that the rest of the gang was there too and a couple soc girls. She doesn’t like the attention so she tried to walk past them first and up to her room but Soda stops her. He turns her towards them so she can settle an argument but everyone goes silent. She has a black eye and several bleeding cuts down her arms. Joey and Soda especially are immediately ready to hunt these guys down but she insists against it. The next day when she gets out of school, Dally walks by and offers to walk her to the fountain with Johnny trailing close behind. This cycle repeats and that is how they get to know eachother better. Joey doesn’t exactly like it but he just convinces himself that Dally is the scariest looking so Cynthia is safest with him. But he isn’t happy when Dally starts inviting Cynthia to more places.
(I’m going to stop rambling about that and get more into their feelings)
Dally didn’t know why he felt the urge to be protective. It wasn’t like him and Cynthia were close or anything. But something started to charm him about her sassy comebacks and entertaining stories. He could still be extremely rude to her but it was more of a joking way since she could shoot back really easily. He didn’t really show it but a part of him started to care about her a bit more. Not to quite the point of love or anything, but just more willing to be around her. Just a bit more friendly. 
The walks began with neither of them really talking to each other, mainly just small talk. Till Cynthia got fed up with the awkwardness and tried her best to converse more. A part of her was thankful for his company but the other part of her was still iffy about trusting him. But she was quite entertained by their conversations or when hanging out since both of them were unfiltered in a way. Dallas started respecting her more as well. Cynthia in turn started to see he was more than the rumors started by the socs. She didn’t exactly realize it, but her feelings started when there was a pang of jealousy in her heart when he flirted with a soc girl or said a dirty comment about a passing girl on the street. She didn’t really notice that he was showing he cared in little ways. She definitely fell first but never really admitted it to herself. Dally is just well-known to be very out-of-touch with his feelings. So he can’t pinpoint when he started to like her more than a friend. Dally never even realized the way his heart began to skip a beat whenever he sees her cheering him and Soda on at rodeos (definitely convinces himself that she’s there for Soda) or when he can’t help but smile when she rambles about how stupid that one balding teacher is. Dally has never loved anyone before. (Besides Johnny ofc) And he sure didn’t believe he ever would.
Both of them ended up having their feelings grow more and the first one to realize that they had something going on was Rosemary. Cynthia would visit her salon daily to bring a snack or something and when she came Dally would just so happen to walk by and enter a few minutes after her. He would make an excuse that he was just hiding after swiping something from a nearby store or just needed to make sure his hair didn’t look too bad from the wind and then talk to Cynthia a bit. Then leave. Rosemary is known in the family to be even more observant than Cynthia is so just the way she acted she knew something was up. So she tried several times to make her realize that maybe she liked him more than a friend. Sadly to no avail.
R: You know, you barely ever blush…
C: Uh, yeah. I know?
R: But you are turning kind of red right now…
C: Ok…
R: And a certain someone was just talking with you…
C: Who? Dal? I would never like him like that! He’s just a good friend!
R:….Uh huh
(Cynthia isn’t completely oblivious, but she was for a while)
Johnny also noticed since he was the one in the gang that knew Dally the best. Also because he was almost always with Dallas. Which in turn meant he ended up spending a lot of time with Cynthia. He never mentioned it to anyone until Rosemary brought it up. 
Cynthia didn’t think she actually liked him at all. Until they got into an argument. On one of the cooler days of the fall, Dally offered his jacket to her since she was only in her usual tang top. She declined just saying she wasn’t cold. Dally got a bit upset since he thought she was just being rude (also because he felt like she just shot down his attempt at being nice) which led to Cynthia calling him overdramatic. Which just made it all worse. (I’m not going to go on about it, but let's just say they said some not so nice things) Johnny had to take Dally away after it escalated and just quietly asked Cynthia to walk the rest of the way home.
It got especially heated mainly because neither were in a great state mentally since the Curtis parents had died only a month or so beforehand. For a couple of weeks after that, Cynthia just called him stubborn and prideful when Rosemary asked about him. Dally would avoid eye contact with her or blatantly flirt with random girls at the soda fountain bar. (Joey was most definitely fuming during this whole event) Cynthia eventually began to miss his crooked grin and witty comments. Dally started to feel guilty about what he had been doing. But neither made the attempt to apologize.
Cynthia eventually confronted him about it and everyone in the gang was eavesdropping a bit while this happened. She admitted that it was kind of stupid for them to get so heated in the argument. Everyone’s jaws dropped when DALLAS actually mumbled an apology back. (Dallas isn’t actually that bad of a guy or anything, he just has a hard time admitting he’s wrong like just about everyone) So they made up and started hanging out again.
They eventually got to a point where they started occasionally flirting with each other or caught just staring at the other. Nothing super crazy or anything, but just little remarks. No one could tell if they were just really good friends, oblivious to each other, or knew what they were doing. Two-Bit started a betting pool on whether or not they were hiding a relationship.
Rosemary was washing the dishes at the Curtis house and mentioned Dally and Cynthia. Which Darry agreed that he noticed as well. He also told her that the Dally he knew was never going to admit it with how stubborn he is. (Real reason, he’s just scared to get hurt again) She also knew that Cynthia would probably not admit to it either since Joey would judge so hard. Which pushed her to realize that these two were going to eternally dance around the subject. 
Finally, a very early morning rolls around (like 1am) and Dally comes and bangs on the door of the soda fountain. Joey and Rosemary are hanging out and quickly open the door to him. He has several bruises, a black eye, bad bleeding cuts, all that stuff. 
He manages to sputter out  “Some socs didn’t like how I treated them the other day… they found me a couple minutes ago but i’m fine… You guys were close so…just thought I might get cleaned up…”
He ends up passing out onto the floor and is quickly hauled up to the living room where Rosemary and Cynthia start stitching the deep cuts and cleaning off the dried blood. He wakes up around noon to Cynthia sitting close by with the tv on and Rosemary crocheting away. He isn’t actually awake, more of a daze. (I’m going to turn this part into more of a proper ficlet) He does a quick explanation to Cynthia about what happened and Rosemary redos his bandages before he falls back out of consciousness (which Cynthia is lowkey freaked out by until Rosemary assures her he’s not dead) He wakes up again an bit later to Cynthia who goes to check his pulse until she meets his eyes and realizes he’s awake. Which she then quickly scooches away while turning red. But he grabs her hand and just mumbles a “thanks”. They both end up sitting awkwardly like that but eventually relax. Rosemary looks over and whispers to Cynthia that she is going to leave with a giant grin on her face with Cynthia very quickly trying to convince her to stay but she is left alone with him. They both end up comfortably sitting together on the couch, Cynthia trying her best not to injure him anymore and Dally throwing his uninjured arm around her. He falls back asleep and when he wakes up he ends up actually awake and out of his daze. He smiles at her since she has also fallen asleep and it finally hits him that maybe there’s something there. (THIS DOES NOT MEAN HE IS A SOFTIE!!! AND NO CYNTHIA DOES NOT HAVE A “I can fix him!” MENTALITY) 
They just start being a couple after that though there was never word confirmation for it and everyone slowly starts catching on. Dally always invites Johnny who then invites Ponyboy to the drive-in but one day they find out he went to it without them and were really confused so they decided to go on down there and see what was up. There was Dally and Cynthia with his arm around her, watching the movie peacefully. Johnny just smiled and was ready to let them be but Ponyboy approaches them and is like “Hey! I didn’t know you guys were dating!” and Dally is jumpscared but brushes it off. Then it goes on like this.
PB: Hey Dal! Oh hey Cynthia! Didn’t know y’all were going steady!”
D: AGH-Oh hey Pone, hey Johnnycakes
J: Hey Dal
D: You know what, y’all just reminded me to do something, Cynthia? You want to be my girlfriend?
C: Yeah, sure
C: *Trying to keep a straight face* Nope! J-just great friends having a good time!
And thus it began :)
Relationship dynamic
They started dating about a month or so after the Curtis Parents Death
Fighting and stuff (Sorry, the angst is real though)
Dally does not get extremely jealous unless somebody actually starts flirting with Cynthia or he thinks she is. He is very skeptical of relationships and such ever since Sylvia and can sometimes be very self-conscious. Which does lead to some fights
They’re main fights start off with something petty which eventually turns into them actually bringing up major problems that may be happening in their relationship and they end up not talking for a week or so. But then one eventually confronts the other and they find a way to talk it out.
After really bad fights (they don’t happen often) Cynthia will find Dallas at Buck’s, just throwing things around with tears in his eyes till he realizes she’s there. Then he tells her how she should just leave him, he’s not going to be a good boyfriend, I mean what he said to her was downright vile and he doesn’t deserve her. Which always ends with Cynthia taking his hands and convincing him that she knew what she was getting into when they started dating and will still be there with him.
If Cynthia was the main cause of the argument she won’t leave her room because of how guilty she feels. She feels like she needs to be a safe place for him yet here she is, hurling the most hurtful things she can at him. He eventually comes to her and reminds her that she isn’t his only safe place and he doesn’t know much about relationships but he knows they’re going to fight sometimes.
Dally isn’t the most sympathetic person but he tries. 
They don’t have bigger arguments very often, they’ll have petty stuff where they get a bit heated but they always end up laughing by the end. But when they do fight, they can both be so stubborn and rude to each other that it usually has to be broken up. (Not violent or anything, they refuse to hit each other.) 
When Dally ends up in jail Cynthia never really gets upset. Sure she is disappointed in him but she understands that she can’t change who he is. Even if that means she has to deal with driving over to the station at 3 in the morning to rescue her boyfriend.
If Dallas survived, they would either get married at like 21 because he realizes he doesn’t know how much time he has or wait a really long time because Dallas is scared that if they do commit to each other they’re going to end up like all the other married couples he knows. Abusive to each other, one leaves, or they end up dead. 
When Dally sees her for the first time in the hospital, he lets her in the room but refuses to meet her eyes. They sit in silence for a couple minutes. But eventually Dally turns to her, a mixture of rage and sadness in his eyes. He doesn’t tell her everything but he does tell her in a quiet voice that this was partially his fault. She knows she can’t get through to him so she just listens.
Cynthia still hangs out with Sodapop a lot since they are best friends but Dallas has occasionally gotten upset at him because he thought he was making moves on her. Cynthia has had to break up several fights and tell Dally that she’s not going to stop being Soda’s friend and he needs to back off.
They low-key give Mr. Wolf and Diane Foxington vibes if you know what I mean
Their favorite form of entertainment is seeing who can turn the other into a blushing mess faster. Neither break very easily so it gets very competitive. 
In public, Dally throws an arm around her shoulder, maybe Cynthia kisses him on the cheek or something. When around closer friends (The gang, Rosemary and Tessa) they do a bit more. They kiss every so often, lean on each other, but not too much because Tessa will start making gagging sounds or Two-Bit will tell them to get a room. But no matter what, Dally is always so flirty. Constantly whispering stuff to her and trying to kiss her. Which usually ends in her rolling her eyes with a smile and pushing him away.
Cynthia isn’t that short and is actually quite tall, but Dallas is still about a head taller than her and he definitely makes the most of it. Resting his head on her, trying to pick her up, leaning against the wall, all that stuff. But he’s also somewhat scared of her because one time he placed a jar at the top of the shelves and he found her standing on two stools and using a coat hanger trying to reach it.
They constantly banter with each other and call the other pet names that they know annoy them.
Dally isn’t a super romantic person but he tries. He doesn’t like to be super cheesy but sometimes they’ll go to a carnival and he’ll win her a stuffed animal or they’ll dance in the rain and Dally gets super embarrassed about it. Cynthia loves it though.
They can be a bit rough with each other but it's all in good fun. Cynthia has (In her words accidentally) football tackled him to the ground. Or just about broken his nose with various objects. Dally has picked her up and thrown her over his shoulder and then thrown her onto the couch. 
Dally always insists that he hates country music but he and Cynthia dance to it all the time. He can’t dance well but he loves seeing her smile and laugh as she tries to teach him steps to different line dances.
Random Stuff
They aren’t opposites attract or the exact same, instead they complement each other! Just thought this needed to be said
They have taken little quirks from each other in the way they speak. It started off ironic with things like Dallas mocking Cynthia’s way of getting people’s attention “Alrighty y’all! Let’s get this party started!” or just her loud self and Cynthia doing impressions of his new yorker accent. But eventually they started using those things regularly. Cynthia has even called Dally “Doll” a couple times.
One of the ways Dally is good for her is the fact he can stop her from saying some really stupid stuff. Girly can’t keep her mouth shut. So he can either stop her from saying stuff that is going to get her in trouble or try to get her out of that trouble. She may be strong but Dallas doesn’t want to see her go at it with 5 other people.
They both have a photo of the other in their wallet. Cynthia has one of Dallas sleeping on the couch, about to fall off it, clutching his leather jacket. Dallas has one of Cynthia sitting by the pool.
You know those photos where there’s like 5 friends holding up the guy/girl to their SO’s window? The gang would recreate that with Dally and Cynthia. Joey would look out his window, make eye contact with Darry or something and just close his blinds.
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Dally refuses to let her pay for dates or anything but he doesn’t exactly have all the money in the world. So have they gone on some really strange ones? Absolutely. Do they enjoy it? It’s one of their favorite things to do together. Examples being:
Finding the tallest trees they could climb and sitting at the top
Sitting on the roof of the Soda Fountain and yelling at people who pass by
Dally has roped Cynthia into a couple pranks of his but it’s never harmed anyone. Like one time they went into the Curtis house through one of the windows and placed a No Smoking sign above the TV. They also placed one right outside on the front porch. Pony was not exactly thrilled.
Cynthia always makes extra whenever her and Rosemary make dinner for their family. She always makes some excuse to take a walk and gives some to Dally. She likes knowing he has a meal for the night.
If Dally survived, Cynthia becomes a rather successful actress and they travel around together and he gets a side job as a photographer. They learn that Dally is lowkey terrified of planes. 
Dally really enjoys taking photos of random moments and everything and Cynthia loves finding them. He leaves them in her room or in her books. He always insists it’s just him making use of the camera but in reality it's one of the few things he actually enjoys.
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dearsnow · 2 months
Hello all!! A lot of my newer followers don’t know this, but I offer commissions! I’ve linked my full page, but in this post, I’d like to advertise my letters and my drabbles <3
The letters are fairly new, however they’re just as good as the rest of my writing :) send me a character, a scenario, pretty much anything, and I can craft a personalized letter from that character to you or another character. They are a bit pricier just because it’s harder to get a higher word count in them, but in my opinion, very worth it.
The drabbles are any fic under 1k words (I do my best to get as close to 1k as possible)! They’re just $5 and a good sample if you want something longer, or a great standalone mini story 💕
Anything longer, including headcanons, is fully explained on my commissions page.
Even if you don’t plan on buying, please reblog this post so more people can see. I don’t often advertise my commissions, but currently I’m tackling school and running out of money, so anything helps.
I accept PayPal and Venmo!
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abs0luteb4stard · 3 months
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the-football-chick · 1 year
Louisiana Tech LB Brevin Randle (6) was suspended indefinitely after he stomped on the back of the neck of UTEP OL Steven Hubbard (54) during last Friday night's game.
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teddy06writes · 3 months
Morning Routines
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Darry Curtis x autistic!gn!reader
Warnings: None
Premise: Slice of life of Darry with an autistic s/o
(The brain rot is fucking real. Also Darry is also autistic. I have another Darry one shot that I'm like halfway through)
Knock knock knock
"It's open! How many times have we told you don't need to knock sweetheart?" Darry asked, pulling open the door with a soft smile.
You held up the box of doughnuts the gang would surely inhale in a matter of minutes, and the drink carrier holding your usual morning drinks, "Hands were full."
For months now, you'd followed the same morning routine, week in and week out, arriving at the Curtis house each morning, in time to join them for breakfast, and help Darry usher his brothers through getting ready for work and school respectively.
Saturdays brought Darry's day off, and like clock work you would arrive with breakfast for the gang, and spend the morning with them until it was time to head off for your evening shift at the diner.
"How was work last night?" Darry asks, as you head through to the kitchen, having immediately taken both items from your hands.
You sighed, fiddling with the hem of your shirt, "Not fantastic, but there's been worse. Decent tips though."
Darry hummed, going through the cabinet to pull out plates, "Well, maybe tonight will be better."
"Hopefully," You sat at your usual seat at the kitchen table, pulling the newspaper toward you, and beginning to finger through the sections, "Nobody up yet?"
"Nah. Soda and Steve took the girls out last night, and Dal took Pony and Johnny down to the races with Two-Bit," He sat down beside you, "They didn't get back till late. Pony'll be out cold for at least another hour."
You pushed half the newspaper toward him, the sports section sitting on top, as he plopped the usual doughnuts onto your plates. You and Darry sat in comfortable silence, reading through the newspaper and drinking coffee.
Eventually, Johnny slipped into the kitchen quietly, hair and clothes from the day before mussed from sleeping on the couch. He sheepishly took a doughnut, like always, as you and Darry swapped sections of the paper.
Down the hall you could hear Soda starting to stirr, mumbling to himself as he padded to the bathroom. Johnny disappeared back into the living room and you could hear the low hum of whatever channel with early enough programming to show the westerns he liked. Soda shuffled through the kitchen, looking half awake until he spotted the doughnuts on the table, "Oh my god, I forgot it's Saturday!"
Excitedly, he filled a plate with a jelly and a sprinkled doughnut, holding up his hand to theatrically whisper to you, "This is why you're my favorite."
Darry rolled his eyes, swatting at his brother with his half of the paper, "Watch it little buddy."
Soda only laughed, heading for the living room, "Whatcha watchin Johnnycakes?"
You chuckled, refolding the paper neatly and reaching for the pen that always sat on the counter, "If doughnuts are all it takes to bribe that boy, I should be getting a free pop every time I stop by the DX."
Half an hour later, you were nearly finished with the crossword, when the screen door banged open, and Two Bits loud laugh was filling the house, punctuated by a loud groan from down the hall in Ponyboys room.
When you flinched at the noise, Darry scolded, "Don't you go slamming my door Mathews."
"Don't you go telling me to quiet down, Curtis," Two Bit appeared in the doorway of the kitchen with a fake stern look on his face, Steve hovering over his shoulder, "How am I meant to be quiet on the beautiful morning like this?"
Steve shoved him aside to get to the box of doughnuts first, "How should we know, you never shut your trap?"
You chuckled, rolling your pen in your fingers, "You've got a point."
"Keith Matthews and Steven Randle, I might've known," Ponyboy stood in the kitchen door, half wrapped in his quilt, and looking murderous, "Didn't anyone ever teach you not to mess with a man's slumber?"
"Well yeah, but I ain't bothering no mans slumber, Ponykid."
Pony was jumping at Two Bit in an instant, and you and Darry watched them wrestle across the kitchen tile. Unbothered, he returned to the paper as you watched Steve take advantage of their distraction to steal the last jelly doughnut. With a chuckle you shifted in your seat, rocking slightly.
"Is that good coffee I smell?" Dallas appeared in the kitchen, expertly dodging the on going rough housing and reaching to take the last to go cup from the carrier you had left on the counter.
"I want you to consider that your payment for getting those two jerks out of the diner last week." You said, pointing at him with your pen.
Darry raised an eyebrow, looking up from his paper, "Dallas Winston, doing a good deed? I didn't think I'd live to see the day."
Dally tried to shrug it off, diverting, "Hey is that the last jelly doughnut?"
Steve's eyes widened, having finally been caught, "Uhh-"
Immediately, Two Bit was giving up on pinning Pony down, "You took the last jelly?"
"Relax, there's still plenty of chocolate glazed." Darry reported as Ponyboy scrambled up off the ground.
As the four dragged the argument about the last of the doughnuts back to the living room you rocked in your seat, shaking your head fondly.
Darry leaned over to your crossword, tapping at 7 down, "Six letter word for family: insane."
With another chuckle, you dutifully noted it down, "Undoubtedly."
Even with the argument lowered to a dull roar, Johnny had pumped up the tv volume to compete, much to your dismay. You shifted in your seat again, trying to focus back on the last few crossword clues.
"Let's go sit out on the back porch, get away from them for a while," Sensing your discomfort, Darry began to gather his coffee and the sports section to review one more time, standing up and offering you his hand, "I'll even let you talk my ear off about that show you've been watching."
You grinned, taking your crossword in one hand, and his own hand in the other, "Sounds like a dream."
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johnnycakesb14de · 7 months
Darryl Shaynne Curtis Jr. is the type of guy to use head and shoulders shampoo
Dallas Tucker Winston is the type of guy to flip couches when he can't find his cigarettes
Sodapop Patrick Curtis is the type of guy to defend is friend who just hit someone with his their car by saying "they were just standing on business"
Ponyboy Michael Curtis is the type of guy to ask about the homework
Johnathan Andrew Cade is the type of guy to not be able to tell his left and rights
Steven Lucas Randle is the type of guy to yell at you if you don't get him the right tool when thy all look the same
Keith "Two-bit" David Mathews is the type of guy to sleep through a important event while being there
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spikedhe4rt · 1 year
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Word Count: 957
A/N: This was a request so I hope you enjoy. I haven't written fluff in a while so im sorry if it's rough. My request box is always open and I love you guys <3
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"Move asshole" I groaned as Steve sat next to me on the couch. He rolled his eyes, remaining in my space. "You're being such a B-" A loud voice came roaring from the kitchen, almost causing a echo through out the Curtis house. " Language, Steve!" Darry. I laughed at Steve getting called out by Darry. My laugh was hard to miss causing Darry to tell me to shut up too.
Ive known the gang for a long time, especially with Dallas being my brother. Most people think that he must have such a soft spot for me but truth is he's still him. Annoying as shit just in big brother form. Me and Steve never got along. He always acted weird towards me for no reason and I just return the favor.
I stuck my middle finger up to Steve and kicked him off the couch, causing a loud thud. "What the hell was that?" Soda exclaimed from the hallway. "I kicked the cow off the couch" I exclaimed with a laugh. Two-bit who was sitting on the floor with a beer busted out laughing with me. Steve pulled himself off the floor, mumbling something as he walked over to Soda.
It seemed like we could never go day without arguing or a fight. We even fight at the Dx while working: "Thats not how you're supposed to restock those." Steve said from behind me. I shrugged acting like I didn't feel his breath on my neck from how close he was. "Seems right to me. Leave me be, Randle." I continued to restock the candy till I felt Steve grab my hand and spin me around.
"You're still doing it wrong" his voice got lower, as he had me again the wall. I rolled my eyes. Men are so sensitive... "Really? All this over restocking candy? Get a grip, Steven" I spit my words like they were poison. "Screw you, Winston" I laughed at his words as he let go and walked away.
We kept our distance for the most part but it tends to get hard when the whole gang wants to hang out together. And when we run into each-other randomly. Sometimes I don't even get the point of why we're arguing we just do.
One thing is that we both know when something too far, subjects that are off limits. Its almost as if that we are protective of each other's feelings in a way.
Dallas and Soda live for the drama but sometimes even they get fed up. Once, me and him were arguing about whether Steves tattoo is dumb or not. It is. Dallas came over smacked the back of our heads and said "Do you guy ever shut the hell up?" then walked out. I was absolutely flabbergasted at that.
Even tho were "enemies" as Steve calls it, Ive wondered what it would be like if we weren't. If he hadn't acted like a asshole all the time, I wouldn't be one too.
It was my shift at the Dx. Today was Sodas off day so I was left with Steve. He was nagging at everything I was doing. "You're doing it wrong" , "Shut the hell up, Randle" , "Ive worked here longer than you", and "And yet, I'm still better at my job than you'll ever be" were being thrown across the room. After I said my last words, I walked into the back to get away from him. God, he is insufferable!
After about five minutes, I heard the storage room open. I rolled my eyes for the 5th time this  shift because I knew who it was. "Can you do your job" Steve said to me. I flipped him off and got up, stepping in front of him. "Can you stop running your mouth, asshole?" I pushed him lightly. He looked unamused as I pushed him again.
He rolled his eyes at me before grabbing my wrist and backing me up into the same wall as last time. Unbelievable...I scoffed at him "How many times are you gonna push me against this wall before you actually do something? You're a pussy." He scanned my face, examining my reaction.
We stared at each other for a couple seconds, like we were unable to speak. Once we made, eye contact it was over, his lips desperately attaching to mine. My arms came around his shoulders making him pull into me more. I felt myself being lifted lightly off the ground as Steves hands went down to my waist, signaling for me to wrap my legs around him.
Our kiss was fierce and filled with pure ecstasy, making our feelings that were always hate into love. Or thats what we thought at first but they were always love, it just felt like it needed to be hate because it couldn't be expressed well enough yet. It feels better to be on right side of it now.
We pulled away breathless, my teeth lightly catching lip bottom left before it truly ended. My head fell down to his chest, laughing as I realized what we had just done. When I looked back up, I was met with his smirking face. "I hate you so much, Randle." I joked.
Steve pulled me into another kiss, his hand coming to my face to deepen it. " Y'know, Ive liked you since we were kids. I just didn't know how to express it. I want to apologize for the past few years. Let me take you out, to make up for it?" He said looking down ashamed. 
I smiled at his words. "I forgive you, I guess. Now kiss me." For once, we actually had a good conversation.
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oneofstarkskids · 7 months
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐲'𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
*guess who finally got off her lazy ass and made a masterlist!! enjoy*
{i do not give permission for my writing to be used or reused in any way or claimed as your own. reblogs are appreciated}
my asks are always open, so if there's a character you want on here just lmk
🌼- fluff
☕- angst
🩷- romantic
💛- platonic
🏳️‍🌈- wlw
𔘓 peter parker~
always ☕🌼💛
impossible ☕💛
spider bite 🌼💛
without you ☕💛
a girl 🌼🩷
coffee? 🌼💛
𔘓 bucky barnes~
don't say that ☕🩷
don't say that (part 2) ☕🩷
don't say that (part 3) ☕🩷
stay a little longer 🌼🩷
picnic date 🌼🩷
this has to be perfect 🌼🩷
i can teach you 🌼🩷
saturn 🌼🩷
brilliant 🌼🩷
so high school 🌼🩷
so high school (part 2) 🌼🩷
so high school (part 3) 🌼🩷
i know you ☕🩷
i lost you (part 1) ☕🩷
i lost you (part 2) ☕🩷
i chose you 🌼☕🩷
i told her 🌼🩷
𔘓 steven grant~
tissues 🌼🩷
plus...he's adorable 🌼🩷
plus...he's adorable (part 2) 🌼🩷
you'll never lose me 🌼🩷
don't leave ☕🩷
london boy 🌼🩷
𔘓 loki laufeyson~
a mistake ☕🩷
𔘓 natasha romanoff~
your braids like a pattern 🌼🩷🏳️‍🌈
was it love? 🌼☕🩷🏳️‍🌈 (character x character)
right now ☕🩷🏳️‍🌈
𔘓 carol danvers~
do you like babies? 🌼🩷🏳️‍🌈
it's not your fault ☕🩷 🏳️‍🌈
learn a thing or two 🌼🩷🏳️‍🌈
𔘓 wanda maximoff~
vulnerable 🌼🩷🏳️‍🌈
𔘓 michelle jones~
the real thing 🌼🩷🏳️‍🌈
wish ☕🩷🏳️‍🌈
𔘓 emily dickinson~
love letters, roses, and lockets 🌼🩷🏳️‍🌈 (character x character)
not marvel related
fresh out the slammer- steve randle (the outsiders) 🩷
i knew you were trouble- bruce wayne (dc) 🩷
charming- clark kent (dc) 🩷🌼
big baby- clark kent (dc) 🩷🌼
go to sleep- clark kent (dc) ☕🩷
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m4sonn · 4 months
Stevepop but it’s a Google chat conversation I had with @peachyponyboyy (my pookie wookie dookie bear)
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(They’re in love fr)
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svld99 · 3 months
AU The Outsiders meets Top Gun. Steve Randle decides to leave Oklahoma and he legally changes his name to Pete Mitchell. Steve was raised by his mother brother in Oklahoma and Randle was his mother name before marriage. His mother gave steve her last name due to the fact his father died during the war. The only memories he has of his father come from his uncle viper. But unfortunately he only gets to see his favorite uncle once a year. Unfortunately the two lost contact when Steve turned 6 because that when his mother moved them to Oklahoma. Unfortunately a year after the move she decided it was hard raising a child and she just left. Leaving Steve with an alcoholic uncle who forced him to call him dad. After Johnny and Dallas died Steve decided he need to leave the state. So he saved up the money and he found his birth certificate that had his father last name of Mitchell on there. So he legally switched his name around and went from being Steve Peter Randle. To being Peter Steven Mitchell.
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getyourjollies · 4 months
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Steven Randle, the army man that you are
and like sure it wasn’t confirmed that he went to war but of course he would follow his totally platonic male best friend into the gaping maws of death.
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chaotic-starlight24 · 2 months
Part 2 of the interactive scrapbook
You flip forward one page
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Dally looks over your shoulder as Cynthia hides her laughter. "I WAS NOT SCARED! Just a bit, uh, shaken!" Johnny always liked thrill rides and Dally could never say no to him.
"Johnny couldn't get anyone to go on it with him, it was the biggest, most rickety, coaster there! Yet Dallas swallowed his pride and went." Cynthia smiled.
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