#steve mcgarrett/alicia brown
brinleyparke · 1 year
Hawaii Five-0 Fic Ideas
Pre-series hurt!Steve h/c
See my post sick!Steve fic ideas
Steve is stressed and/or sore; Kono gives him a massage (can be SFW or NSFW). See my post about McKono Fics
Post pilot – Kono goes to Steve's house to check on him.
Post 2x22 – Kono ends things with Adam after he almost killed Steve. See massage idea above.
Post 3x07 – h/c for Steve. Can be McKono, McRollins, or Gen.
Maybe Doris and/or Mary notices the roadrash on Steve's back.
Maybe Max comes over for some reason.
Or maybe Chin came over to thank Steve for what he did for Kono and Steve has his shirt off (bc when does he wear a shirt).
Maybe it's an AU and Malia is still alive and when Chin notices the wounds he calls Malia.
Maybe Kono comes over to thank Steve and to check on him. (Chin made her see paramedics.)
Maybe Catherine is over, and she takes Steve's shirt off and notices the injury.
4x08 – hurt/comfort; what if it wasn't just a graze?
Post season 7 finale – Steve has one of his spells during a meeting with the governor.
Alicia finds out about Steve's radiation poisoning.
Based on 8x24 – John is worried when he finds out Steve was hurt. He's also grateful to Joe for saving his son and making sure he got out of there...alive.
Pre-series: how Steve gets the purple heart or his gold star. There's a flashback in 8x24 of Steve getting injured in the field. He would have received an award for that. They didn't specify which one, though.
Steve gets sunburned really bad on his back. (McRollins or McKono) (ik this is a cliché; sorry, not sorry)
Maybe Steve was on his morning run and overheard an old lady in his neighborhood on the phone with a landscaping company to hire someone to mow her lawn. Steve doesn't want her to have to pay a bunch of money just for someone to cut her grass, so he offers to do it for free. She gratefully accepts. It's very hot out – like over 100°F. (Another cliché, ik)
Maybe later that night, right when Steve is about to go to bed (on his stomach), or in the middle of the night, he gets a case.
Emotional H/C:
Danny goes too far in his ranting or his insults; Kono tells him off and defends Steve and comforts Steve.
Steve has abandonment issues.
Post pilot – Kono goes to Steve's house to check on him.
Post 2x09 – Steve tells Joe what happened with Nick Taylor. Joe tells him it wasn't his fault.
3x08 – Steve is upset that his team didn't trust him
Post 5x18 – Steve feels guilty that he wasn't the one to get Chin out and that he had to choose between Chin and Danny. Steve goes to apologize to Chin. Chin assures him there's no hard feelings and that he understands why he had to get Danny first (Danny was an American cop in a Colombian prison, while Chin was in America).
Post 6x19 – Steve tells Lou about his mom faking her death and his dad sending him and Mary away.
7x16 – Insecure!Steve based on the scene where Steve mentions his crow's feet
Veteran's Day or Memorial Day
Maybe Grace or one of Grace's teachers or her principal asks Steve or asks Grace or Danny to ask Steve to give a speech for Veteran's Day. Or Memorial Day.
Maybe Steve went to his Dad's grave and/or the Pearl Harbor Memorial and/or had to attend a ceremony. Without realizing what day it is and/or where Steve was, Danny starts ranting and teasing about Steve being late to work or for the speech/presentation at Grace's/Charlie's school.
Maybe at Grace's school students had to write letters to veterans; Grace writes hers to Uncle Steve.
Anniversary of attack on Pearl Harbor
Maybe Danny makes some comment without thinking and doesn't realize what day it is, and Steve gets pissed. Chin scolds Danny and tells him what day it is. Danny wants to go find Steve and apologize, but Chin tells him to let Steve cool off. Going after him now will only result in Steve retreating further behind his walls. Instead, Chin offers to go check on him later.
Chin and Steve talk about how Steve isn't sleeping.
Steve has self-worth issues.
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My whole chapter titles is flying away after I wrote random chapters for Stand By Me
But I was thinking to change the title to:
The Heart of the Grey Stone - oh yes it would be with Stand By Me project but the title will be change and so will the summary.
I really enjoyed my holidays just writing random scenes. I had three chapters titles that thrown at me.
I quite enjoy writing the parting of OC and Steve McGarrett and I have a big plot twists for the crossovers which will have plenty of amusements.
Actually, I miss writing for Hawaii Five-0 too for all the fanfiction and I will always love the show, no matter how many times I watch it. When I watch season 7.04 when Alicia Brown and Steve McGarrett got 🔪 knife on the back, that was so much angst that I could cry and cry again.
What's your favourite season in Hawaii Five-0? 💜
I love that plot hole so much and I love the bang what the writers have given to us
I was just gutted when they discontinue the season. I wish they continue.
I still hope one day they continue the show.
Can you guys imagine they reunite in the oddest way possible? For some reason it is better than NCIS LA. 😂 I'm sorry to say!
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nobigsecrets · 2 years
Hi, I just recently started watching Hawaii 5-O and I wanted your thought on something. Even though I'm only on season 2, I do know that Steve gets with Catherine in the end. From what I can tell most people don't like her because she constantly lies and what not. Right now I find her a little on the boring side and her relationship with Steve a little bleh. I know that you are a Mcdanno shipper and ultimately would have like them to get together, which I totally respect that. But if Alex had gotten his way, because I read somewhere that Steve getting back with Catherine would be completely stupid. Who would you like to see Steve with if he couldn't be with Danny?
Hi Anon, thanks so much for your message and for asking my opinion! Wow, that's a tough question! And one with many layers at that! I'm trying to answer this without giving too much away, I don't want to spoil anything for you if you're stil in S2! Bear with me, this has gotten longer than is reasonable! :)
Let's start with Catherine. Yes, she's a very polarizing character in this fandom. Personally, I don't hate her. In fact, I like her just fine. I also like the friendship she and Steve have--or could have had. Her relationship with Steve changes several times throughout the series. At the beginning it's a purely friends-with-benefits thing and there's not much going on between them romantically. Maybe that's why it seems boring to you at the moment? It tends to get a bit unbalanced over time: Steve keeps asking favors from her (which aren't without risk for Cath's career if we're being honest) and he rarely ever reciprocates. He tends to stand her up on promised dinners and it's supposed to be funny I guess, but actually it's him not treating her well. Then throughout S3 and S4, Michelle Borth becomes a permanent cast member and Cath is around much more and she and Steve seem to slip into a more romantic relationship. Which is fine for a while (3x10 is an episode where McRollins works just fine for me, I've written about it here), but ultimately, the writers didn't put any effort into developing the relationship and it shows. Steve keeps taking her for granted, Cath starts lying to him and it becomes apparent that they're both not really great for each other--meanwhile the writers suddenly start to claim their relationship has been seriously romantic from the start. Then Michelle leaves the show and Cath leaves Steve. And she keeps leaving Steve everytime she comes back for a guest visit. As if Steve didn't already have enough abandonement issues.
What Alex said refers to that in the broader sense, I think (more specifically he refers to the fact that Steve intended to propose to Cath--which was such a stupid plot I won't get into it here and now, otherwise I'll never get to to the point of your question). Alex said that "McGarrett would be an idiot to take Catherine back" (x). And in another interview he said "Absolutely not. No f–king way, Catherine is not 'the one who got away' but 'the one who was not meant to be'." (x) But then, in the finale, they made Steve say the complete opposite thing, namely that Cath was the one who got away and that's why many fans got really angry when Cath suddenly appeared out of the blue in literally the last minute of the show. (You can read my personal take on Cath's appearance in the finale here.)
So having said all that, we don't see Steve in romantic situations much. We don't see him flirting much either, or even showing romantic interest (neither in women nor in men, except for Danny if you will). He's a blank slate, kind of, and that makes it really hard to answer your question. It's definitely not Cath for me. It's also not Lynn, who he starts dating in S6 and who we get to see maybe once a season before they break up in S9. Don't get me wrong, there are people I'm on board shipping with Steve (early seasons Cath; Kono; teenaged Steve having a crush on Chin; Steve's best friend and SEAL buddy Freddie who is KIA; later Junior on some level) but someone Steve ends up with happily ever after? There aren't many characters that would work for me.
I think it should be someone who either knows Steve really well OR who is at least able to understand Steve's history and the subsequent troubles that come along with being a SEAL and a cop. People who know Steve are rare, especially since the writers tend to kill off everyone from Steve's past. Among the few characters who'd understand him is profiler Alicia Brown, who we meet in S7 and who's got a great chemistry with Steve. She was never intended to be a love interest and maybe that's why her character is more fleshed out and her interactions with Steve give away much more than any scene between Steve and Lynn ever has. They could have been an interesting couple if they'd gone there. Then in S10 Danny makes Steve go on some dates (which he then crashes by calling and texting Steve) and from the two women we get to meet, I did like Emma, the vet, but it didn't pan out and then the show got cancelled anyway.
So this has been many words and not much of an answer. I'm sorry, Anon, if this wasn't what you were hoping for. Danny is Steve's person for me and even looking at it objectively and without shipping goggles, I have a hard time picturing Steve with anyone else.
But I'm curious: do you already have someone in mind for Steve? Who do you ship him with? Let me know if you like! :)
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alethiaii · 4 years
I actually really liked Alicia Brown as Steve’s potential love interest. Pity the writers kept on playing bad version of writing bingo. 
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murphyhatesme · 6 years
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Steve basically tells Alicia to lie in court because her daughter doesn’t deserve to lose her again. I thought that an odd choice of words.. I think this is Steve talking about himself and Doris at least in part. And when she asks him to then take care of said daughter if the system fails he actually has to take a step back. Realising that she (he) just isn’t enough, never will be enough and that Alicia (Doris) will never put her daughter (Steve) above her job..
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Anyway that is just something I see in this scene..
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h50europe · 7 years
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Hawaii Five-0 - Episode 8.06 - Mohala I Ka Wai Ka Maka O Ka Pua - Promotional Photos
The second episode in a row featuring Claire Forlani aka Alicia Brown - Lenkov talked about he could see her as a love interest for Steve. IMHO this is not what I want to see. Not because she is a woman and I prefer McDanno. But this woman is a nutjob and has some serious issues.
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gateruner · 7 years
I know the episode isn’t over yet but I just have to say.....
I am so fucking done with Alicia Brown!
Why the fuck does every woman in Steve McGarrett’s life have to try and manipulate him and/or treat him like shit!!
He deserves so much better than this shit.  He has a heart of gold and it’s like they can smell it and use it against him.
Just stop it!
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sassyandclassy94 · 3 years
Shipping Challenge
Okay... I was not tagged, but I couldn't resist so the heck with it, right? Anyway, let's get started!
(I tag anyone who wants to do this!)
1. First ship
Black Beauty & Ginger from Anna Sewell's 'Black Beauty'
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These two are the first ever 'couple' I ever remember shipping. Even though they were horses I loved them and their dynamic so much; how she hated him the moment he arrived and how he loved her from the beginning; Ginger eventually having a change of heart as she watched Beauty almost die one night. I don't know, I just really liked them as a child and honestly still count them as an OTP
2. First OTP ship
Willie and Missie LaHaye from the Love Comes Softly Series
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I LOVED them and they were probably my biggest OTP before SwanFire. I'm also pretty sure I had a composition book full of, what I didn't know was referred to as, 'fanfictions' about them. Preteen me really loved them and I remember thinking that I wanted to have a relationship like these two someday :)
3. Current favorite shippings
Emma Swan & Neal Cassidy (SwanFire) from Once Upon a Time
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Ahh, the Lost Girl and the Lost Boy, the cause of the curse and the reason for the curse. Both sad, broken, and depressed kids who found a home in each other. If that's not poetic, I don't know what is. These two will forever be my number 1 OTP :)
Hiccup & Astrid
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Need I say more or go on? I love how these two lean on each other - how she backs him up any time he needs it; always the first to listen and respect his crazy ideas. They're special and a close second to SwanFire :)
Prince Rhen & Harper from the book "A Curse So Dark and Lonely" by Brigid Kemmerer
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I read this book back in April (May?) and I still haven't gotten over them. I love a decent Beauty and the Beast retelling.
4. A Ship from the first minute
Snow White and Prince Charming (Once Upon a Time)
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Need I say more?
5. A ship I wish had been endgame
Emma & Neal once again
Yeah... I'm still bitter toward the writers for ripping them off. It's okay though - they're endgame in my mind :)
Also Darius and Amarinda from The Ascendance Series but alas! I couldn't find fan art of them. I would've liked them to end up together too but nope... she chose Tobias :'(
6. A ship I wish was canon
Steve McGarrett and Alicia Brown (Hawaii Five-0)
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As much as I love McRollins, I wouldn't have been opposed to these two becoming a couple. He saved her life, for Pete's sake and then helped her find and rescue her daughter from a serial killer! How could a woman not fall in love with a man like that?? Oh well. (Also.. Anna? I wanna watch this one!!!)
7. A Ship in the Fandom mostly everyone hates but I love:
Captain Hook and Milah
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They were made for each other, what can I say? I mean, he literally had her name on a heart tattooed on his forearm.
8. I don’t watch the show (or read the book) but ship it: (I'm going to watch it though)
Prince Arthur Tudor & Catherine of Aragon (The Spanish Princess)
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I don't know if this counts cause of all the clips I've seen and the history and historical fiction books I've read but... *SIGH* What could've been... :(
Rhys & Feyre (A Court of Thorns and Roses)
I've seen enough fanart and bookstagrammers to know that I'm probably gonna like them...
9. A Ship I wish had a different Storyline:
Rhen and Harper once again
I'm still annoyed with the ending she gave them...
10. Favorite ship that is endgame:
Hiccup & Astrid once again
11. A ship where the characters have barely even met (or not at all) but I ship it :
Jack Frost and Elsa
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So I watched Rise of the Guardians and I'll admit that I shipped this pairing right away and... I may have started reading fanfics as well. But honestly, I followed a few artists who would draw these two quite frequently and I kinda jumped on the shipping wagon then and there.
There's my ship list! There are probably more that I can't think of the moment but oh well! You all get the idea! (I don't know if books counted but THEY COUNT TONIGHT!!!)
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sweetjames · 7 years
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So the news about Alicia returning to H5O is not true... We have seen a lot of "spoilers" for the new season and almost all of them had written "source Peter Lenkov" and I really wonder which of them are real...
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brinleyparke · 1 year
Hawaii Five-0 Fic Ideas
Based on Specific Episodes:
Post-pilot – Kono goes to Steve's house to check on him.
Post-pilot – How do Steve's superiors react when they hear he's transferring to the Reserves?
1x12 AU – What if Steve and Kono didn't steal the money? What if Steve borrowed from a friend, perhaps Josef Kostan or Lucifer? When Steve can't give him the money back, Steve owes him a favor.
Post 2x03 – Danny reconsiders letting Steve around Grace now that he has really seen what he is capable of.
Post 2x07 – Steve apologizes to Max. They become BFFs.
Post 2x07 – Steve gets payback on Lori for the Sandy costume
Costume ideas:
Angel, Captain America, Clark Kent, cop, cowboy, dark angel, devil, firefighter, gladiator, Greek god/Adonis, handyman/mechanic, lifeguard, lumberjack, pirate, sailor, soldier/SEAL, wrestler.
Post 2x09 – Steve tells Joe what happened with Nick Taylor. Joe tells him it wasn't his fault.
Post 2x10 – Joe tells Doris about Steve being tortured.
Post 2x16 – McRollins h/c
Post 2x22 AU – Kono ends things with Adam after he almost killed Steve.
Post 3x07 – h/c for Steve. Can be McKono, McRollins, or Gen. Maybe Doris or Mary notices the roadrash on Steve's back
3x08 – Steve is upset that his team didn't trust him
Post 3x15 – Chin and Kono's thoughts after seeing the bullet with their boss's/friend's name on it
Reacher (TV show) x-over: Post 3x20 – Reacher decides to go to Hawaii because why not? He ends up getting framed for murder again because that's just his luck. Five-0 gets the case. Steve sees Reacher and looks like he's seen a ghost. Steve believes that Reacher didn't do it. The Five-0 team thinks Steve isn't thinking straight. It's up to Steve, Reacher, and Catherine to prove Reacher's innocence.
4x07 – Danny thinks Steve would actually make a good father.
4x08 – hurt/comfort; what if it wasn't just a graze?
4x08 – Grover starts to consider that maybe steve isn't such a bad guy after all
Post 5x18 – Steve feels guilty that he wasn't the one to get Chin out and that he had to choose between Chin and Danny. Steve goes to apologize to Chin. Chin assures him there's no hard feelings and that he understands why he had to get Danny first (Danny was an American cop in a Colombian prison, while Chin was in America).
6x04 AU – Steve pulls up his shirt to prove the abs are accurate. See evidence below.
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Post 6x19 – Steve tells Lou about his mom faking her death and his dad sending him and Mary away.
6x25 AU – What if Chin was the one who gave Steve half his liver instead of Danny?
Post 6x25 – Lou and Chin realize that on all those nights that Steve would call Chin, Steve wasn't sleeping either. (Malia died at the same time that Steve found out his mother was still alive.)
Post 6x25 – Steve is struggling with his medical discharge from the Navy.
Kirk Emerson (the Marine with no legs from 4x20) hears about the plane crash-landing on the news. Maybe he makes some calls or something to see if Steve survived and somehow finds out about the transplant (idk how). Kirk makes a trip to Hawaii because knows what Steve is going through.
Or maybe Joe hears about it and helps Steve adjust to no longer being in the Navy.
7x16 – Insecure!Steve based on the scene where Steve mentions his crow's feet
Post season 7 finale – Steve has one of his spells during a meeting with the governor.
Based on 8x24 – John is worried when he finds out Steve was hurt. He's also grateful to Joe for saving his son and making sure he got out of there...alive.
Post-finale – Steve and Cath visit some people
Chin, Abby, and Sara
Mary and Joanie
Sam Hanna
MacGyver (they talk about Jack)
Reggie Cole and his son (from 1x21)
Danny's family
Harry Langford
Wade Gutches
Post-finale – Steve thinks about the stranger from the hospital chapel all those years ago (from 6x25)
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nobigsecrets · 5 years
Steve McGarrett for character thingy!!!
How I feel about this character
Madly in love?
Actually, I’ve written this in another post the other day and I think it’s the perfect answer for this question:
I love Steve for his big heart, his need to help and protect, his bravery, his willingness to risk everything for the ones he loves, to keep them save. And all that despite all the blows he’s had to take in his life, he’s been through so much and all I wish for him is to finally find the happiness in life he deserves.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Danny Williams.
That’s it, that’s the list.
(Actually, I can imagine Steve with other characters whereas I have more trouble thinking of Danny with anyone else. I can picture Steve with Freddie, with (early days) Cath, I like the idea of Steve with Alicia Brown, I probably would have been okay with Steve and Emma (the vet), I’ve been recently thinking about Steve/Junior, albeit more from Junior’s POV than Steve’s. But while I can picture Steve romantically with these characters, I don’t really ship them.)
My non-romantic OTP for this character
This might come as a surprise, but I say Catherine. I liked their relationship in the early seasons, more the friendship part than the benefits part (I’ve always liked the headcanon where Cath is his alibi girlfriend to keep him safe under DADT). But I think Cath was a good friend for Steve and I think it would have been nice, going forward, if he’d had someone who knows him from his Navy days. Someone who understands that world and shares a bit of history with him. Junior kind of fills that role now, but it’s more a mentor/protegee thing and much more distanced than the friendship he had or could have had with Cath.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I don’t think I have an opinion of him that differs enough with fandom to be deemed unpopluar. Except probably my answer to the question above.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon
I hope he’ll get some kind of closure in the finale (as far as that is possible after everything he has been through). I wish he keeps Danny by his side and accepts all the help and support I know their ohana will offer. I desperately wish he gets the happiness he so damn well deserves. 
GIVE ME A CHARACTER and I’ll break their ass down
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cowandcalf · 4 years
5, 24, 52 - for the H50 ask post :)
Thank you so much for the ask! This is such a fun game. A big thank you goes to @obscureh50posts for this idea! It’s perfect with amazing and funny questions.
5. Favorite underrated character that you miss dearly.
I have two characters I miss dearly. I go with the first that sprung to mind: Alicia Brown. Yes, I enjoyed her character, especially because she wasn’t easy. She was as passionate and obsessed with her work just as Steve was. She had balls, she was a bit crazy, she wanted results and ignored all rules and skipped the law whenever it suited her. She was rebellious in some way and had a laser focus just as Steve had. And just sayin’ but the one time Steve had dinner with her at his place they had a great laugh. It was such an easy and light mood despite the trauma both have lived through in the past. Alicia was a perfect match for Steve as the female better half. They would have made an interesting couple. I liked their vibes. The other one is Ellie. She was something else, too.
24. A song you associate to a character of your choice
Los Tiempos Van Cambiando by Franky Perez & Los Guardianes Del Bosque And it reminds me of SEAL!Steve after he returns from a mission. He sits somewhere musing over his future. It’s a soft and tender song. It’s from Sons of Anarchy. I wrote fics with this song on repeat - for hours.
52. A character you’d take with you pub crawling
Mary Ann McGarrett. She’s fun. She kind of invested impromptu stuff and with her, it would be so much fun and for sure I had to look after her because she’s so beautiful. But god, we would have a blast. We would dance our socks off!
Thank you so much for the ask! I love this game!
Ask me anything H50 Asks
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wazafam · 4 years
The Hawaii Five-0 reboot lasted for a decade, and introduced plenty of memorable villains with it. Fans certainly remember Wo Fat, who was Steve's ultimate enemy in the series, as well as recurring villains Dr. Madison Gray and Frank Delano, for instance. However, some villains, while only making a single appearance, certainly left their mark given their evil schemes and the crimes they committed, or how they affected the members of Five-0.
RELATED: Hawaii Five-0: Season 1-10 Finales, Ranked (According To IMDb) 
Dr. Olivia Victor definitely irked Steve, and Gabriel Waincroft was no picnic for anyone, especially Chin. That said, out of the many, many villains that Five-0 faced, there are some that just stand out more than others.
10 Kelly
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For a teenager, Kelly was a brilliant and terrifying evil genius. Wanting to collect on her father's life insurance policy, she arranges a heinous scheme to pull it off. She targets former criminal Tommy, and manipulates him into a relationship, and further gets him to believe that her father is abusing her.
Believing he's saving her, she further coerces him to kill her father, and later, Tommy himself is killed by the police thanks to Kelly tricking the officers into thinking Tommy was a threat. She was clearly dangerous, and as Kono pointed out, it's a good thing Five-0 stopped her when they did before she could cause more harm.
9 Seth Tilton
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Seth Tilton was obsessed with satanic rituals, and in the Season 3 Halloween episode, he abducted two people, one of which he killed, to complete his ritual. He was clearly dangerous, and as Five-0 discovers, had had issues since he was a kid.
Not only that, but his grandmother, portrayed to be sweet and harmless, was anything but, and clearly shared in her grandson's capability of committing murder, as she killed an officer. This was one Halloween that Five-0 would certainly never forget, confronted with a real-life horror.
8 Ian Wright
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Musician and former Disney star Nick Jonas played a very different character in Ian Wright, a hacker with no remorse for his actions and who was always looking to make big money. He initially popped up on Five-0's radar for unpaid parking tickets, but that was the least of his criminal offenses.
RELATED: Hawaii Five-0: (The Original Show): 10 Facts You Didn't Know About The Main Characters 
He also later kidnapped Grover's daughter. He met a premature death thanks to Wo Fat, who shot him dead and freed Grover's daughter, sending her off to give a message to Steve.
7 Dr. Madison Gray
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Season 7 introduced serial killer Dr. Madison Gray, who tormented Five-0 and former FBI criminal profiler Alicia Brown. She was clever, intelligent, manipulative, and certainly cunning. She plays mind games with Alicia and torches Steve's truck and disappears.
However, she reappears later on in the season, this time claiming to be Lauren Parker, but of course, no one believes her. Still, it doesn't stop her from convincing Alicia to break her out of jail, or taking her to see Alicia's daughter, who Alicia believed to be dead. Madison ultimately confronts Alicia in her home, wanting to turn her into a killer, and she succeeds, as Alicia fires the gun and reports Madison's murder.
6 Victor Hesse
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Before Wo Fat, there was Victor Hesse (played by James Marsters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer fame). Steve had long been after Victor Hesse and his brother, Anton, from his time in the Navy, according to the series' pilot.
Unfortunately, Victor wished to exchange Anton for Steve's father, whom he was holding hostage in Hawaii while Steve was in South Korea with Anton in the pilot episode. Everything went haywire when both Anton and Steve's father were killed, and thus began Steve's mission of returning to Hawaii, heading the Five-0 task force, and intending to exact revenge on Hesse. Hesse was a memorable arch-nemesis for Steve, and later met a deadly end thanks to Wo Fat.
5 Wo Fat
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Wo Fat was undoubtedly the most memorable villain in Hawaii Five-0's entirety, both in the original series and in the reboot. He was Steve's worst enemy, and he was responsible for all kinds of terrible crimes, including murder, and he even framed Steve for the murder of the Governor of Hawaii in Season 1 of the reboot.
RELATED: 15 Secrets Behind Hawaii Five-0 You Had No Idea About 
Wo Fat's wife came back to get revenge on Steve for killing her husband in the reboot's final season. He inflicted plenty of pain on Steve, physically and emotionally, and he was certainly evil. Audiences were as glad as Steve when Wo Fat was finally killed, by Steve himself, ending Wo Fat's reign of terror.
4 Frank Delano
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William Baldwin, brother of Alec Baldwin, portrayed former cop Frank Delano; the character was found to be dirty and subsequently fired from the HPD. He then created an organization made up of other dirty cops and participated in all kinds of illegal activities, but he went way too far when he decided to mess with Five-0 personally.
Frank manipulated Chin into freeing him from prison in the Season 2 finale by forcing him to choose between saving his cousin, Kono, or his wife, Malia. Chin tried to save them both, but unfortunately, Malia didn't survive. Chin eventually killed Delano and avenged his wife, though he still had the loss of his wife to work through.
3 Gabriel Waincroft
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Frank Delano was a pretty brutal villain, especially for Chin, but Gabriel was even worse. He murdered Chin's father in cold blood, and he chose the life of a criminal, committing all kinds of terrible acts. He was the brother of Malia, Chin's beloved wife, but he couldn't have been more opposite from his sister.
However, upon getting shot, Gabriel apologizes to Chin for murdering his father, and implores him to look after his daughter, Sara, not long before he dies. Chin does take in Sara and love her like his own, showing that on some level, he did forgive his brother-in-law.
2 Sang Min
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Sang Min made his first appearance in the pilot episode of Hawaii Five-0 as a human trafficker, busted by Five-0 while they were tracking down Victor Hesse. Since then, he turned from villain to ally for the Five-0 task force, offering them information and helping them out from time to time, though he usually has ulterior motives, such as when he helped Chin in prison, and used the opportunity to escape prison himself.
RELATED: The 10 Best Episodes Of Hawaii Five-0, According To IMDb 
He often hits on Kono, and while cunning and obnoxious, he's also hilarious and has certainly grown on the Five-0 task force.
1 Dr. Olivia Victor
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Dr. Olivia Victor made only one appearance in Season 3, but it was memorable considering just how much she got under Steve's skin, especially since she knew exactly how to push his buttons. From moment one, he was convinced that she was guilty of killing her patient, and he refused to let it go, no matter how many obstacles she threw his way.
Even his team had their doubts at one point. However, the Five-0 team discovered she wasn't running a therapy practice, but a prostitution ring, and Steve was certainly happy to catch her at the airport before she could disappear for good, ultimately being the one to outsmart her instead of the other way around.
NEXT: Hawaii Five-0: 10 Of McGarrett's Most Reckless Acts 
Hawaii Five-0's 10 Best Villains, Ranked | ScreenRant from https://ift.tt/38XSFvo
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h50europe · 7 years
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Peter stirs up rumors with this tweet. Well, what shall I say? Danny becoming an uncle is not necessarily related to Steve. Bridget could come up with a surprise visit. 
Or he let Cath return, a baby in her arm, surprise, surprise. Pardon me, I just threw up in my mouth a little. Whatever he has in mind. I don’t care. I’m not in the position to make him come to his senses.
Given the poorly written Halloween episode, I’m prepared to expect the worse. (A) Lackluster plot(s). The totally superfluous appearance of Alicia. What did she really do in this episode other than playing the poor victim of Dr. Gray who had no other choice than shooting her in cold blood?! And an OOC written Steve who caved in, promising to do everything to keep that a secret and her protected. Well, if there don’t is a damsel in distress, let us tinker one.  Let's hammer her in shape (sorry for the equivocation).  As for the case itself, she was as useful as a pimple on a nose or worse. The cheerful outbreak at the end because of her being now part of H50 concerning nutjobs was gruesome, to put it mildly. What did they smoke? Where comes all the love for her, especially from Danny who had hardly exchanged some words with her, even in the past. Ah, I forgot, many things are happening off-screen. Like Danny’s fall from grace, ah I mean from the ladder. Because dumbo SEAL bought a cheap one. Could they stop writing Danny as a whiny douche who has nothing better to do than blame Steve for all the things that are going south in his life? We DID NOT SEE THAT S1-S3. Can we get these writers back? The ones who made us enjoy the McDanno banter before it was twisted into annoying bickering? Hey guys! Come out, come out wherever you are! 
The same goes for Lou’s plot. Ouch, this was as farfetched as it could be. An ice-cold hitman with no relation to him has a change of heart and calls for Lou. Death-row sentiments this sounds like a cheesy novel. And cheesy it was. In the end, we saw that Lou could not stop the inevitable and the guy got electrocuted. Which we saw in detail, not to forget about the second round when he survived round one. I guess this was to make this whole scenario even more dramatic. Dear writers stop writing one-dimensional/stereotype killers. Just boring.
Last but not least, I loved the firm handshake between Steve and Danny at the end. Whose friggin idea was that BS? Or couldn’t Steve hug Danny because Alicia had been there and would have had the hell profiled out of them, then? Like we all did not know… Maybe Steve did not want to give her a reason to go all Terminatrix on him and Danny. She might have shot both at point blank. Because if she can’t have Steve, nobody else can. Sorry, I can’t get rid of the nutjob vibes that are coming from this woman. Her dead eyes that stare into nothingness, her slightly arrogant behavior (I could not help but didn’t her lips slightly curl into a smile when the poor mom talked about her abducted child?). Alicia had a wicked impression on her face and her conclusion, WOW, earthshaking. Maybe she wants to do the same thing to the little girl she once experienced herself. Standing ovations. Steve and the audience would have never come to this conclusion. 
Oh boy. I could go on and on and on and on. For me, it was one of the worst episodes ever. But hey, it is just me. Forgive me if I dared to pee in your sandbox and you found it impressive and entertaining. Not to forget the great chemistry between Steve and Alicia. It was like watching two fridges getting it on in Alaska.
If you made until here, congrats. You endured a lot. Bye until next time.
Yours truly pissed McDannolite
P.S. I like Claire Forlani in CSI NY. And I like her as an actress. I just don’t like Alicia Brown.
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gateruner · 8 years
Episode Review - H50 Episode 7.17
This episode proved, yet again, that the writing has been above par for the season.  Not only did we get an interesting story arc, but we had a nice twist ending that I for one, did not see coming.
I have to say I went into this episode excited about it.  I had hoped to see Elisabeth Rohm again as I am a fan of the actress and her work.  It did not disappoint.
From the moment she walked into the squad room covered in blood we were sucked into her web of lies and manipulation.  I may be skipping ahead here, but the scene with her and Steve in the interrogation room was wonderful!  Beautifully written and executed by the actors.  I’ll come back to that later....
Flippa and his new shrimp truck!  Yay for him and kudos for Kamekona for loosening the reins.  Although he obviously didn’t expect the new logo.  That was pretty funny tbh.
Danny the fanboy was a treat and loved that Steve snapped some pictures for Danno. 
Did I hear right?  Steve said Nahele was a quarterback now?  Way to go!  I wish we got more screen time with Nahele.  And I say again, why hasn’t Steve adopted him yet?!!!!
So the scene with Steve and Dr. Gray in the interrogation room was wonderful.  Both actors played it beautifully.  She was very convincing in her persona and Steve so weary of the deranged woman.  Especially when Steve jerked back as she reached out towards him. 
Let me take a moment to say how much I appreciate the effort Alex puts into that character and the subtle ways he can express Steve’s underlying PTSD.   Given Steve’s already tormented history, the entire ordeal with Dr. Gray has left scars that we can’t see.  Scars that he desperately tries to hide.
But the way he responded in that moment.  The way he jerked away from her like she practically burned him was so telling.  It was brilliant and I wonder if that was scripted or Alex at work there.   Moving on....
When we last saw Alicia she creeped me out a bit.  I love Claire Forlani, don’t get me wrong.  But the way she acted after she and Steve were rescued from the underwater cavern was just weird to me.  It didn’t play well and she seemed all clingy and weird.
So I was a bit hesitant as to how I would feel about her but I was impressed.  And it’s really sad that she has so much more chemistry with Steve than his own supposed girlfriend.... but anyway
Back up a step -  The lab had a preliminary DNA report as a partial match for Alicia.  Yeah, I saw that red flag the moment they said partial match.  *coughs*
The dinner scene was cute and I think Steve resonated with her story about being alone.  Steve has grown accustomed to his solitude I believe.  And while he craves social interaction his trust issues are so deep that he can’t bear to be around others for extended periods of time.  But maybe that’s just my own personal head cannon.
I loved that he told her about Danny and how he drives Steve crazy at times.  Once again, we know he loves Danny despite his words.
I wasn’t surprised that Alicia snuck out or that her daughter was alive.  I figured that out when they mentioned the partial DNA.  It was the only thing to explain her behavior.
Steve’s unwavering belief in Alicia was nice, as was Danny’s concern at her behavior and Steve’s well-being (always looking after his boy of course!)
Tell me Steve was not that stupid to have sent that pen in to that serial killer?  Please tell me!!!!!  I mean honestly, how did he not predict that would happen?  I wanted to scream at the TV when I saw that. 
Dr. Gray was going to use Alicia as an instrument of rage to avenge her daughter’s death by killing the killer.  That was a compelling story arc and I enjoyed the action and everything leading up to the big event and revelation that she was alive. 
So Alicia rescued Sienna and Steve brought in the cavalry to save the day!  Woohoo!
Alicia seems so appreciative this go around and genuine and warm.  I like her so much better this episode than before.  And plans to go to dinner with Steve and her daughter was a nice touch.
And then.... oh crap!  That part I did not see coming.
I didn’t expect her to show up, handing Alicia then gun and then all but asking her to kill her.  Such an amazing twist.  That coupled with the earlier concept of Dr Gray using her as an instrument was so much like the movie Seven.  I couldn’t help but see the parallels in the endings.  Very well done.
I would love for there to be follow up to this.  Find out what happens to Alicia but continuity is still seriously lacking on the show these days.  I don’t know that we will.  But again, fanfic can fix anything!
Looking forward to the next episode!
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sweetjames · 7 years
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I just read this and I don't know if it's true or not, but I really like this idea. I wanted Steve and Alicia as a couple from the start and if she really comes back, I hope something will happen between them. ALSO A QUESTION: I thought people liked Alicia, but after reading the comments under this news some people don't really like her so much... Why? Steve and Alicia have been thru a lot in their lives and I think they would make a great couple... If some still ship him with Cat (I don't) who left him (what 2 times?), lied to him, even tho she knew that he already had trust issues because of his mother, why can't they ship him with Alicia?
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