#steve is repunzel
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astrid-nomically-steddie · 1 year ago
What about tangled but it's steddie. Think about it fr tho Steve 'The Hair' Harrington is obviously rapunzel. Eddie is obviously very clearly Eugene bc hello thief.
The kids that braid rapunzel hair towards the end of the movie are Max, el, will and Dustin. But the other ones are obviously the rest of the party.
Joyce and Hopper are the king and queen bc Steve deserves good parents and mother gothel can be and original character or something.
This can also be a (always and obviously platonic) stobin au where Steve is Flynn and Robin is rapunzel and Eddie is one of the guys at the bar and Steve falls in love with him.
Or it could be Eddie and Robin and Steve is one of the guys in the bar
Either way I need a rapunzel x stranger things au PLEASE
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therosebunpost · 2 years ago
Random thing for Stevie~
But okay, you know how in the movie Tangled Mother Gothel always pays affection to Repunzel's hair? Like she always kisses it, and even is like 'I love you most' to it in one scene?
And by contrast, Eugene is always pushing her hair away from her face in order to see her better? This could be a X-Reader or a Steddie thing, but I just want someone to do that for Steve. Like, he cares so much about it, I just want someone to be like "I love you for you, not your hair."
Or, they find other things to compliment him on. Eddie hears Steve's full on laugh for the first time and he gets stars in his eyes. Grabs Steve by the shoulders and tells him just how much he wants to hear him do that again.
Or he somehow gets Reader roped into watching sports with him, and he's just casually explaining strategies and Reader just stops in the middle to say how smart Steve is. How cool it is that he can just remember all of this stuff off the top of his head.
I dunno, I just love that idea so much qwq
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nuatthebeach · 3 years ago
Movie!Hinny Positivity Post
Scrolling through my posts, I realize I tend to shit on Movie Hinny, Ginny, and Harry a lot lmfaooo, so I thought I’d make a Movie!Hinny positivity post to prove to myself I really can be optimistic about a mostly pessimistic adaptation if I try. Feel free to reblog and add more to this list if I missed any!
1. The MOVIE SOUNDTRACKS HOT DAMN. The songs “Ginny” and “When Ginny Kissed Harry” has to be in my top 3 movie songs (right after “Snape to Malfoy Manor” aka the title theme song to DH1). They are just so angelic and beautiful that it makes their kissing scenes way more palatable to watch imho.
2. The intense, piercing, soul-searching way Harry looks at her in the last three movies (though mainly HBP). Even though they don’t really speak to each other much in HBP, their heated looks manage to tell a story of their own that I don’t even think Romione does until some parts of DH1. Seriously, Harry doesn’t look at anyone in the heated way he looks at Ginny, not even Cho, Romilda, Luna, or the waitress diner girl at the beginning of HBP, whom if they were given noncanon romantic looks were nowhere near as searing as the ones he gave to Ginny. (The only time he gets even close is to Hermione during the noncanon dancing tent scene but I’m trying to keep this post positive lmfao so let’s move on…). For instance, even if you don’t like these scenes there’s no denying the actors - especially Dan Rad - mastered the great art of eye-fucking. Think about it: the looks when Harry gazes up at her while she’s at the top of the Burrow all-Repunzel-Flynn-Ryder-style with the song “Ginny” playing in the background, when Harry finishes that tension-filled hug also at the Burrow, when he’s listening to her brothers tease Ginny about Dean in Fred and George’s shop, when Ginny walks in late during Slughorn’s dinner and he stands up and stares at her, when she walks in the RoR in DH2 and the hard set of Harry’s jawline and eyes go soft when they see her, when SHE ASKS TO ZIP UP HER DRESS AND THE UP-AND-DOWN LOOK HE GIVES LITERALLY RIGHT WHILE HES DOING IT OH MY FFFFING LORDDDDD 💦💦💦🌊🌊🌊. Anywho.
3. The hug Ginny gives Harry after Dumbledore dies. A beautiful addition to the books that actually contributes to the strength of their relationship. In the books, Ginny is the only one to pull Harry away from his beloved mentor and idol’s body, but in the movies, she stays with him and holds him through his pain, really emphasizing her role as his greatest source of comfort. Both versions of course were cute, but this was not bad either.
4. When Ron says “you know why I listen to the radio every day? So I don’t hear Ginny, or Fred, or Molly” and Harry goes “you think I’m not listening too? You think I don’t know how this feels?!” Okay, I know that the focus of this fight in the movie was not on Hinny but at least it shows that Harry was thinking about her even if not all of his actions in the tent scenes did.
5. Right before the Golden Trio Disapperates from Fleur and Bill’s wedding and Harry shouts “Ginny!” while running to protect her but Lupin holds him back and pushes him toward his friends. (Which btw is very much reminiscent of when Lupin holds him back from running to Sirius right after he dies AND as we see later in DH2, when Arthur holds Ginny back from running to “dead” Harry as she shouts “No. NO!”). An uncharacteristic thoughtful small scene written by the man himself, Steve Kloves, everyone, who would’ve thought.
6. When they kiss in DH2 spontaneously and Ginny goes “I know,” which many assume to mean that she knows that Harry was about to tell her he loves her. This was also their least cringey on-screen kiss, so extra points for that. ALSO FUN FACT which y’all might know already and I’m just slow but did you know that Daniel Radcliffe and Bonnie Wright actually improvised that kiss scene? There’s an interview online in which DR talks about it (he says something along the lines of “I could die any minute now, Ginny. We should probably kiss” in that very awkward, dry way that he’s known to talk in interviews lmfaoooo.)
7. when Hermione says “how does it feel like, when you see Dean with Ginny?” and after the whole Angry Bird™️ live action moment she performs, Harry goes “It feels like this.” I’m not a huge fan of this scene generally for other reasons but something about this dialogue was very poignant and was a good summary of his feelings even if the actual acting/scripts for other parts didn’t always match up.
8. The deleted scene of Harry desperately clutching Ginny’s hand while marching toward the Great Hall in DH2. Also plot-wise, it makes a lot more sense if they had not removed it because otherwise one is left questioning how Harry showed up in the following scene in which he accuses Snape.
9. In the Epilogue scene where Albus falls behind and Ginny and Harry look at each other with the same cadence as an old married couple who just internally know each other and their child and how to console him. It just screams long-term intimacy and maturity, I love it. The glance happens for a millisecond but it’s definitely, obviously there.
10. In COS where Ginny runs away from Harry when they first meet is honestly the cutest thing in the history of forever. Plus the way Harry runs and I mean runs to her cold almost dead body and grips her hand when he finds her on the Chamber floor.
11. This is less of a Movie Hinny thing but a Movie Ginny thing but you guys. The sheer COMMAND my girl has on the Quidditch field in the match against Slytherin. Even though the focus is on Ron’s victory (another soundtrack song that ranks prolly #5 for me), if you pay attention to Ginny’s plays, she’s absolutely fucking fierce and impressive as hell. To the point that the strength of her Quaffle throw knocked a few Slytherins against the hoops too. Again, it’s subtle but unmistakably, purposefully there.
12. Another Movie!Ginny appreciative moment is literally almost all of her dialogue in GoF. (“I think you’re in love, Ron.” “I’m not wearing that it’s ghastly.” “Don’t be so rude.”) She’s hilarious and where was that sass and spunk in the later movies where they actually mattered??
13. Again, again, again, the friendly but awe-encompassing looks he gives her in OoTP when she beats the shit out of that dummy with her Reducto spell and when he compliments her Patronus (“Excellent, Ginny!”). You can definitely see that the movie producers, director, and whatnot are trying to get viewers to see her at least as powerful and contributive, if nothing else.
What Movie!Hinny positive moments did I miss that you appreciated?
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babyboibucky · 3 years ago
girl. let me preface this by saying that im sorry for the amount of curses and threats that you're about to read.
im done :) im angry :) im about to go scream in a wall :)
the chapter was GREAT !!! painful but great !!!
- 🦶🏾 anon
This ask alone made Steve suffer and this could actually kill him too LMFAO
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sleepyrp-writer · 3 years ago
Apparently I put all my muses in Harry Potter Houses?? from early this year.
Bruce Banner
Peter Parker ( Toms and Andrews)
Oliva Octavius
Stephan Strange
Sam Winchester
Elieen Leahy
Kevin Tran
Will Byers
Luna Lovegood
Klaus Hargreeves
Bonnie Bennett
10th Doctor
Sam Wilson
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Carol Danvers
Yelena Belova
Steve Harrington
Joyce Byers
Spencer Reid
Harry Potter
Sirius Black (Marauder and Order )
Pepa Madrigal
Stefan Salvatore
Alaric Saltzman
Peter B Parker
Henry Byrn (oc Marvel )
Clint Barton
Kate Bishop
Eddie Brock
Mark Winters (oc SPN)
Jack Kline
Bobby Singer
Penelope Garcia
George O'Mailiey
Hughie Campbell
Lucy Pevensie
Gus Barton
Evan Buckly
Chandler Bing
Poison Ivy
Claire Novak
Rowena MacLeod
Jughead Jones
Daryl Dixon
Chris H
G. Hanna
Quentin Beck
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i-am-probably-insane · 4 years ago
Steve and Bucky in Disney princess dresses!! 😍
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I decided to do this one full size since I wanted to get all the details in - I hope you like it even though it isn’t Chibis :) ❤️ I tried to keep it cute still
Also Bucky as repunzel is a must 😂 As usual feel free to reblog!
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thealmightyemprex · 5 years ago
Favorite Movie  Love Stories
So if I have a weakspot in my movie watching its that I havent seen a lot of romantic movies,though I have a few favorite love stories
Charlie Alnut and Rose Sayer from the African Queen
All time favorite love story,Very Han and Leia type dynamic but better 
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Mei and Gabu Arashi No Yoru Ni
It’s subtext but this entire film is just about these two trying to be together ,but so many things are trying to keep them apart .They are adorable and I love them 
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Buttercup and Westley from The Princess Bride
Their relationship is a very fairy tale one ,lots of pinning and declerations of love,but Robin Wright and Cary Elwes chemistry makes it work so well
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T.E. Lawrence and Sherif Ali from Lawrence of Arabia
It was confirmed by the director  and I kind of wish they couldve gone more into their relationship but sadly could only get glimpses cause this was 1962,but I like the glimpses we see of their relationship
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Eugene and Repunzel from Tangled
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Kiara and Kovu from Lion King II Simbas Pride 
Simba and Nala were sweet too but Kiara and Kovu get more development and are so darn cute.It’s like Romeo and Juliet minus the death 
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Seymour and Audrey from Little Shop of Horrors 
These two go through so much ,that I prefer the Theatrical ending for them 
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Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter from the MCU
PRobabbly my favorite Marvel romance 
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Catwoman and Batman from Batman Returns
This is a very complicated and ultimately tragic relationship 
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Alabama and Clerance from True Romance
In the middle of this film about gangsters,drugs,pimps and shootouts is an honestly charming and sweet love story 
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@cinefantastiquemitho​ @filmcityworld1​ @inevermetapenguinididntlike​
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lifebeginsbyleaving · 6 years ago
the party (part two)
"I'm serious anybody could come snatch him up. Sharon, Thor-" Bucky reflexively glanced over where Thor was talking to a completely enthralled Peter. "Nat, Couls-" Sam droned on listing person after person.
"Sam don't be ridiculous." Bucky rolled his eyes.
"on. That long haired homeless man that stares at him." That caught Bucky's attention. He seemed on guard and looking for an attack. "He creeps me out. He always seems up to something. I think he's got a thing for Steve or som-"
"What man? Where did you see him? Did he look dangerous? Did he talk to Steve? Did Steve talk to him?" His questions came out nearly as fast as his explanations to ma Rogers used to. She always said speed is what gave him away. When he finished his assault of questions he paused his intentful stare at Sam to habitually check on Steve who was walking away from the bar.
"Look for yourself." Sam pointed to the wall behind the bar... which was a mirror.
"Sam I don-" Bucky's confused face met Sam's shit eating grin. The wrinkles on Bucky's forehead smoothed and his jaw clenched. "Very funny Wilson." Sam was always hinting at something between them. So was Tony he always said since he came back Steve wasn't in their relationship as much, and that he was why it ended. He wished that were true. Sam had become more insistent lately though. But him and Bucky have been friends long enough, long enough with Steve to get it all the time, and long enough with Sam that Bucky lets it slide. Besides they joke and tease each other about everything if Bucky told him to stop he'd have to explain why.
Sam nodded. "Yes I agree. It is very funny how you even thought that was a joke. Come on man, you need to get a haircut. You look like cousin it and repunzel had a ugly ass baby." As the bartender walked by Sam tapped the bar to order a round of shots.
"Keep talking Wilson I'll go back into your apartment and leave an even better suprise this time."
"Don't even joke about that! I'm still beyond pissed at you."
"Yeah? Tell me are you also still cleaning bird shit and feathers out of your carpet?"
"Barnes you ass it was fourty three birds of fucking course I still am!"
"Well you deserved it." Bucky smiled wistfully at his past prank. Sam was indeed still pissed and had enough to drink that his filter wasn't quite fast enough.
"Oh yeah why? Because I told the truth about you not even being able to smell bullshit anymore because of how long you've been up Steve's ass?" Bucky seemed shocked and he tensed up, but Sam had started and he had had enough of their crap. "Cuz that's what this little dance you do around each other is. It's bullshit." Bucky went to open his mouth. "Don't even try and deny it. We all know you've been inlove with each other since the good'ol days when you were The Captain and The Howling Commandos fighting the war. And we all know you're both unable to admit it." Sam sobered up too late. When he saw Bucky's blank face he knew tipsy or not he went too far. "Hey man I didn-"
"You're wrong."
"Alright I'm sor-"
"I've been in love with him ever since he was just a punk kid fighting bullies. And you're wrong about one other thing too." Bucky's face looked the kind of pained that only soul crushing heartbreak could bring. Bucky looked down at his drink. "I did tell him." He finished his newly acquired shot and turned back to Sam with a smile so fake and hurt it made Sam feel shittier than his apartment carpet.
Bucky continued. "One night Steve got the shit beat out of him. I had to drag him out of the alley bloody. Nothing out of the normal, but this time he convinced me to take shots with him. He said it was for the pain. He's always been a crafty little shit. Well pretty soon we drank enough giggle juice we were both tipsy. And I kissed him. Then he made me promise I would never do anything like it again, cuz it was a sin." Bucky let out a heartless scoff.
"Bucky he was drunk may-" Bucky cut him off blankly.
"Yeah that's what I thought too. So before I left for the war I told him again. That night was a fluke normally I would never be brave enough to say how I felt, but leaving for the war I knew I wouldn't make it back to him so I told him, the morning I left. He said I'd need God to watch out for me so I shouldn't go saying stuff like that. He also said I'd find a doll and settle down some day after the war. And I was okay with it." Bucky shrugged his shoulders with an air of acceptance.
"I had gone to church with Steve and his ma. I knew what he was raised to believe. I knew it was wrong in his eyes, and I was okay with it. I knew the times we lived in, so I was okay with it. I was okay with it because if I was dying it wouldn't matter, I'd be better if he didn't actually he could move on. I was okay when he rescued me. I was okay when he fell inlove with Peggy. But after my fall after... after hydra, after Germany I found out about him and Tony." His eyes were too red and glossy for Sam to believe that the party was continuing on around them without a care.
"When I found out, I knew he had gotten over thinking it was wrong, so I told him again. I told him I remembered kissing him in our little studio apartment, the kiss that tasted of whiskey. And you know what he said Sam?"
Sam braced for whatever terrible words that had a tear rolling down Bucky's cheek.
"'You're remembering wrong buck. Hydra did that to you.'" Bucky quoted with a clarity that only comes from repeating words over and over till you have them ingrained in your brain.
Sam's mouth involuntarily opened.
"I believed him too. Intill I was looking for a photo one day and in an old box I found the cap to the whiskey bottle, it still had the dent from when Steve threw it across the room missing the garbage. So you see Sam I did tell him. And he finally realized it isn't wrong. He just doesn't love me that way. Sometimes it seems like he does but he doesn't. He doesn't love me the way I love him and he would rather tell that horrible of a lie than have to say it to my face."
"I'm sorry Bucky I shouldn't have said what I did."
"No it's okay. It's all okay. I still love him and he still loves me." Bucky said all of it with a steady even tone, but in his eyes you could tell none of what he said meant what it was supposed to.
Steve POV
Steve could sense someone jogging up behind him interrupting his conversation with Maria. "Mr. Captain America Steven Rogers sir. I hav-" Steve turned around just intime to see a flurry of hands moving.
"Queens I told you to just call me Steve." Maria, sensing this would be a long conversation, walked away.
"Steve sir I have a glass of champagne for you. Well it might be warm now. And I think some of the bubbles are gone. I ran into Thor and we started talking abo-"
"Peter. How did you even get alcohol? I thought that Pepper told the bartenders to disregard Tony's approval of them giving you alcohol."
"Well she did, which he wasn't too happy about. But they didn't give me alcohol."
Steve glanced at the glass that was getting less and less full as Peter gestured wildly.
"Really?" He said equably.
"Well I mean I guess they saw me get it, but they didn't give it to me. Mr. Stark did."
"And why exactly are you giving it to me if Stark gave it to you?"
"Oh well he said to. Didn't I start there? I thought I did. Maybe I didn't. Did I tell you that he also told me to tell you that you should loosen up? Or something like that. Oh well I gue-"
Steve took the less than half full, warm, flat glass from him. "Thank you Peter. Did you know Clint asked if you'd make a webbing arrow for him?"
Peter's eyes widened. "Hawkeye wants me to make him an arrow."
Steve pointed up to where Clint was. "I don't know for sure you should go ask him."
Peter's head bobbed up and down. "Thank you Captain Am-" Peter cut himself off and did finger guns at Steve. "Steve sir."
"Thank you Peter for the champagne, goodbye." Steve said to the back of Peter's head as he was bumping into people trying to make his way through the party crowd.
Steve laughed and shook his head while looking down at the glass. When he looked up he caught sight of Tony out on the balcony. With another drink on his hand. Steve looked down at the glass Tony sent over and then over to one he wanted to take out of his hands before. Looking inbetween the two he wondered what was the difference. If Tony could send over a glass and tell him to loosen up, he could take one and put his friend to bed.
They were still friends and Steve still cared about him. They both could care for each other still in their own ways, and maybe a part of him wasn't ready to say goodbye to them taking care of each other. Maybe he wanted to be needed. Maybe he wanted to worry about someone he could help. Not Captain America, but Steve. Maybe Steve needed to love and be loved. Maybe Steve needed something he wouldn't lose or break.
Natasha's voice yelling words above the chatter of the crowd pulled Steve's head up, and after following her line of sight he realized it wasn't words but a name repeated. James. Bucky left the bar and made his way over to her.
He was about to follow him when he remembered the glass. He looked back towards the balcony and decided to head out there first he could find Bucky after. He tried to get out there fast, but he kept being stopped by people who wanted to talk. He finally was at the door.
Bucky POV
Bucky was wondering if his serum was failing him and he was susceptible to the effects of alcohol again, because at the sight of Steve trying so hard to get out on that balcony with Tony his stomach was wanting to find the nearest garbage can.
"James are you alright?"
He turned back with a grin. "Of course Natalia."
They both got lost in the conversation again telling the usual kinds of stories about missions, modern times, and Steve.
"I'm not kidding he jumped out without a parachute."
"That punk!" Bucky said exasperated but without a drop of disbelief and a smile.
Natasha smiled and her eyes lit up in a way that let you know this was going to be good. "Hey did I ever tell you about that time Steve legit fell out of a fucking tree trying to rescue a stuck kitten? How cliche can he be."
Bucky let out a loud open laugh. "Did I ever tell you that's not the first time that has happened?"
"No way. I though 'mister gee golly here's your cat dollface' couldn't get any more pathetic."
"He was nine and he broke his arm and he fell on me and he didn't get the cat. Mr. Snuffles jumped down on his own."
"That is gold. Keep talking. Was the little old lady cat owner upset?"
"No, actually the cat belonged to a classmate, Karen. Steve had a crush on her. She was upset he got hurt. So she kissed him on the cheek for his bravery. Told him that it's okay he didn't get the cat at least he was brave. But then she had to get Mr. Suffles back, so I took him home myself like always. And he complained the entire way. Not about the pain, about how he almost impressed her." Bucky said with a roll of his eyes.
"So here we are I'm limping down the street cuz when he fell I tried to catch him which all that got me was a sprained ankle. So I'm opening doors and Stevies holding me up, and he's just going on and on about how he almost had the cat. And then he says 'Gee I guess next time I shouldn't try to grab it by the tail.'"
Natasha burst out laughing.
"And I was so done I wanted to leave his scrawny ass there and I would've if I didn't think his ma would kill me. So I just said 'Steve I hope to God you didn't hit your head cuz you can't afford to lose anymore brains.' And he just went right on back to belly achin about her, and saying he hopes the cat is okay, and maybe if he'd have gotten it down she would've kissed him proper."
Bucky's wide smile was starting to hurt his flushed cheeks.
"So we're still a couple blocks from home taking a short cut through an alley, I've had enough at this point so I say. 'Would you shut up if you would've gotten a kiss on the lips for your bravery?' Well his face turned a darker shade of pink than the heat had given him. Then he said yeah he'd be so happy he wouldn't know what to say."
Bucky took another swig from the silver flask engraved with 'T.O.' Nat had given him.
"So I kissed him in that alley and told him to shut the hell up." Nat's face flashed with suprise then a knowing grin.
"He was cherry red and didn't say another peep the entire way home." Bucky seemed to be reliving his previous victory and took another giant gulp.
"Okay easy there tiger. That isn't Jim Beam." Natasha tried to take the flask from him.
"Hey Natalia what do you think he'd do if I kissed him now?" Bucky giggled and looked down. "I think he'd turn as red as his shield."
Natasha's face went serious. "James I think I should take you to your room." She moved to help him. Bucky looked back up and was wearing a matching grave expression.
"I think he'd hate me." They held eyes for a bit standing in the tenseness of that moment, Nat with her hands outstretched to guide him and Bucky with a vulnerable look in his eyes.
Bucky was giggling now so Nat snapped back to what she was doing.
"James let's get you to your room." She put one of his arms over her shoulders as she pulled him up straight and toward the door.
"Nat I don't want to go. I only came to this party to see Steve and I haven't seen him yet." He looked up at her from where he was slumped down at her side and batted his eyelashes.
"Let's go lover boy. One foot infront of the other." They were half way to the door when Steve appeared blocking their path.
"What happened? Is he drugged? Is he hallucinating again?" At the sight of Steve he stood up straight, and Natasha suspiciously was able to let go of his arm.
"Steve." Bucky said while smiling at him.
"No he's drunk." Steve looked at her confused.
"Drunk? We can't get drunk." Bucky was looking every where except at them waiting for the conversation to be over.
"He had a couple sips from Thor's flask."
"Even then it took me a couple glasses to even get buzzed." Bucky was finding the chandelier above them particularly interesting. Nat tilted her head and made a considering look.
"Huh that's interesting. Maybe it's because of the difference in serums. I'd make sense if he was less tolerant than you." Steve nodded accepting this theory. Bucky looked back down at her.
"Okay let's get him to sleep." Steve started walking closer to help Bucky.
"You should get him a bottle of water from the bar while we're here." Steve nodded and left.
Natasha whirled to face Bucky with a hard glare. "Alright Barnes I don't know why you thought you had to play drunk to talk to me honestly, and I don't care right now. You need to stop this."
Bucky looked spiteful. "Why Natalia? Why do I need to stop?"
"Because if you want to say something so badly that you're willing to try and trick me into listening, maybe you should be saying it to the person you actually want to be hearing it. And I don't fin-"
"Drink some of this." Steve handed Bucky the water as fast as he'd rushed back over. Bucky grinned and moved closer to Steve.
"Thans buddy. Iss nice of ya." Bucky said slurring his words while trying to grab the bottle, and missing.
"Okay definitely time we called it a night. Have a good time Nat."
"You boys too. Maybe if James could get a few words out you could've had a good night too." Natasha gave Bucky a smile that he could tell was every bit a double edge sword as her words.
"That's okay I'm tired anyway. Come on Buck." He assumed the position Natasha had previously filled. Bucky draped himself across Steve, letting himself be led out of the room.
Steve pushed open Bucky's room door while stuggling not to drop the water bottle or Bucky.
"There we go. Alright let's get ready for bed." He gently set Bucky down on the bed, and looked down at him. "I thought we were done with these days when neither of us could get drunk anymore." He said with a laugh.
"I'm sawrry Stevie." Bucky slurred with a pout as he swayed where he was sitting up on the edge of the bed. Steve knelt inbetween Bucky's legs and looked up at him as he brushed a strand of hair behind his ear. He gently laid his hand on Bucky's cheek.
"Don't be sorry Buck it's okay. I'm here." His thumb started brushing along Bucky's cheekbone and Bucky melted into it as his eyes fluttered shut. "We have to take your dress shoes off." Steve's hand was no longer supporting his head, he snapped back into the moment seeing Steve unlace his shoes.
"We can go bed. No. Wait. We can go to bed. Yes let's go bed." Steve smiled at him adoringly as he pulled off his shoes.
"No Buck we have to get ready for bed first." He pulled Bucky's hand to stretch it out and pulled his suit coat sleeve. He repeated the process with the other arm. Bucky left his arms stretched out on both sides of Steve's head, and Steve chuckled. He grabbed his right hand and kissed his knuckles before setting it on his lap. His left hand was cool on his lips and he had to hold on as Bucky tried to pull away. After both hands were in his lap Steve smiled at him and started with his shirt and tie.
Bucky decided to take Natasha's advice. He mustered up all the courage he could. "Hey Stevie?"
"Yeah Buck?"
Bucky looked down at Steve's face. "What would you do if I kissed you right now?" Steve's hands paused on the button he was unbuttoning, but he didn't look away from it.
"I'd tell you to sleep it off." He resumed his work.
There was a beat of silence.
"And what if I kissed you in the morning?" This time Steve's hands dropped to his sides.
"I'd deal with it in the morning."
Bucky decided to punch Natasha in the gut next time he saw her, so she could feel how it felt. "Okay."
As Steve finished the buttons the tenseness faded. Steve undid his belt before speaking. "Alright you're going to have to work with me. This is always where we ended up on the floor. Lie back."
Bucky seemed to not hear him, because he made no movements. "Stevie I can stand up."
Steve leveled him with a look that said 'oh really that's what you always say and why we end up on the floor'. Steve stood up and put his right knee on the bed beside Bucky. He put his right hand behind Bucky's head and cradled it and his other arm on Bucky's right shoulder.
"Lie back." He whispered loud enough for him to hear. Bucky sat dumbstruck not knowing what was happening while looking up at Steve. He pushed on Bucky's shoulder, and gently guided his head down as Bucky went pliant in his hands. The hand that was on his shoulder moved to the bed so Steve could keep his balance hovering over him his other hand still tangled in his hair.
They both just stared at each others faces with looks of vulnerability. Bucky's mouth was so dry he wondered if he could even speak.
"Is this what you meant?" Bucky let out softly. Steve was staring at Bucky's close face with a sense of uncertainty.
"Um. Yeah. Yeah Buck this is what I meant." As Steve quietly answered Bucky looked down at his moving lips, and then back up to his eyes.
"Okay." Bucky swallowed hard from the tension of not knowing what to do next. Steve's eyes wandered his face and he stayed under him waiting. Steve's eyes landed on his mouth which snapped him out of his stare. He got off Bucky hurriedly. He was back to half kneeling on the bed.
"Right, pants. We need to-" Bucky followed his movements on instinct not wanting to have distance. Steve put a hand on his chest. "No. Stay." He said firmly. Bucky looked at him through his lashes and submissively went back on his elbows.
Bucky's heart started pounding as Steve unbuttoned his pants. As soon as Steve finished with the button he looked back down at Bucky. He trailed his right hand over to Bucky's hip and hooked a belt loop with the other hand. "Up." He said as he pulled Bucky's hip up to his and yanked his pants down with the other. Once they were passed his ass Steve guided Bucky back down and unhooked his fingers. Steve's hands gripped around his thighs to drag his pants all the way off and Bucky gasped. Steve looked down and finished sliding his hands down Bucky's thighs. Bucky closed his eyes and imagined that Steve wasn't doing this just to put him to bed.
"You um," Bucky cleared his throat. "You do this to everyone at Stark's parties, or am I special?" Steve stiffened.
"No I don't." Steve said tensely as he gathered Bucky's clothes from the floor.
"Oh yeah then am I special?" Bucky said in a hopeful tone that was supposed to be more play than it was.
"You're drunk Bucky." Steve said as he turned to put Bucky's clothes away. Bucky sat up angry.
"If you don't want to be here then leave Steve." After he finished he came back from the closet to the dresser.
"Do you want a t-shirt or a tank top?"
"Steve I said leave." Bucky spat back.
He turned back around with a tank top and threw a pair of joggers on the bed. "No you said if I didn't want to be here then leave, but I'm still here. Because I want to be."
Bucky looked at him with venom in his eyes. "Do you? Do you want to be here? Because I don't think you do. And I'm si-"
"What are you talking about Buck? Of course I want to be here. I'll al-" Steve said dismissively.
"I wasn't done." Bucky coldly interrupted. "And no you don't. If you did you would've talked to me at some point during the party that you insisted I go to. You wouldn't have spent the entire night trying to talk with Tony. You don't want to be here with me, you just can't be with him."
"Buck come on let's not talk about this now we can in the morning." Steve tried to come closer to change his shirt.
"No." Bucky snapped. "I'm done. I'm not doing this anymore. I can't. I'm done with this bullshit. I'm done pretending that it doesn't hurt everytime you disregard my pain just to worry about Tony. I'm not okay Steve. I haven't been thanks for noticing. You're supposed to be my best friend, but Sam has been the one keeping me together. You don't even seem to worry anymore, so if I'm that unimportant I might as well just leave." Steve's eyes widened and his mouth opened as Bucky grabbed his clothes and got up to leave.
"No Buck you can't! You are important to me, how can you even say that!" Steve grabbed Bucky's arms. Bucky pushed him away.
"How can I say that? Because you've been barely talking to me. I had to pretend to be fucking drunk for you to even touch me." Steve looked taken aback. "You hadn't called me Buck in ages intill tonight. So what is it? Tell me. Tell me!" Bucky shouted. "Is it the winter soldier? Is it because I'm a monster that ate your best friend? Because if it is stop playing fucking saint that doesn't care and just tell me! Tell me so I can leave."
"No! No. Jesus Bucky never! You aren't a monster you are my best friend. I'm sorry. I'll be better. I'll be a better friend." Bucky scoffed.
"And there it is. Friend. You know I wouldn't care if you just didn't feel the same way, but sometimes like tonight I swear you love me just as much as I do you. Yet you deny it can happen, well then why the fuck were you looking at me tonight like you would give anything in the world to kiss me? I know people's opinions and God stopped you before, but it's different now and you and Tony so why can't we be together? Why do you seem like you care so much and then you're running after Tony like he's the only person in the world? I know you were okay with the break-up, so why can't you move on? After tonight I'm sure you love me like you love Tony so why? Just tell me why. Tell me why and I'll stay." Bucky sucked in a large breath and looked at Steve lost, pleading, and hurt.
Steve was quiet.
He walked further into the room away from Bucky to start pacing. Bucky took him turning away as a sign that they were done. He scoffed and started walking to the bathroom to change and leave. Steve heard him and panicked. He started speaking hurriedly.
"Maybe I don't want to break you! Maybe I can't care about you in that way because I know the second I do there will be no going back for me! And maybe I couldn't live with myself if something happened and we couldn't go back to what we were! Maybe I want to love you so God damn bad it burns in my bones," Steve started walking back towards him. "but I can't! Because what if I do something and I lose you! What if I need you but I can't fucking have you! Buck I want to take care of you so damn bad I want to love you the way you deserve. But I can't take care of you like you could me. When you came back to me not knowing your own name our roles switched and it scares the hell out of me, because the last time that happened you ended up on the bottom of a mountain. Because suddenly I was the strong one, but I still wasn't strong enough to protect you. You've always been the one that takes care of me. Even after I became Captain America. But now? I don't know what to do, and I can't fail you again. Maybe I have to pretend you're okay so I don't have to worry about you. Because maybe if I worry about you I'll realize you're not okay. And I don't know what to do about it! God damn it Bucky how the fuck am I supposed to fix everything! How am I supposed to make it all okay? How did you?" Steve's passionate rant ended with him looking at Bucky with pleading eyes.
Bucky stated at him soaking in all he said and processing.
"How do you with Tony? How do you fix it with him?"
"I obviously didn't we aren't together anymore, and I can't do that with you." Steve looked beaten.
"Well fine then how did you before?" Bucky snapped he was done not getting answers he liked.
"Tony needed me in a way I knew. I know how to take care of him, because it's the way I used to take care of you. Taking care of you while you were drunk coming home after seeing dames was always easy. And maybe that's part of the reason I was drawn to him."
Bucky looked at him sadly. "Steve you can't love him because he's almost how I used to be. And you can't not love me because you think something will happen. You still love him, and it sounds like- It sounds like you just want to stop loving me." Bucky stated tearing up.
"I know I do. I know I still love Tony and I always will, and I know I love you, I always have. But Buck you aren't understanding. Don't cry. Please. Just let me explain." Bucky's tears were not stopped by Steve's pleas. "Okay look, I was just as upset when Tony almost died as I was when I was saying goodbye to Peggy. But it didn't hurt like that when you died. They were so important to me. But not like you. I needed to be with them because I loved them so much. But not you. Do you know why?"
"Stop. Steve stop please. Please I can't hear this. I can't." Bucky's tears were streaming down his heartbroken face.
"No Bucky listen. It was because I mourned their loss. I was heartbroken about not being with them anymore. But with you it's different. When the train happened it wasn't like I was mourning someone I loved. It was like I was lost. It was like I died. My heart didn't break over your loss Buck. It was like I didn't even have one anymore. When you fell I lost my everything. And I don't know how I even kept going but I did. I just kept thinking how if I wouldn't have made you fight with me you wouldn't have had to die. How it was my fault. I didn't protect you. Because I didn't know how. We always had each others backs in any fight, but you were always the one that knew when to run and I didn't let you. I pulled you with me. And seeing you fall was the worst thing that I've ever had to live through." Steve was crying just as much as Bucky now. "Then you were back and I wanted so badly to help you, but I just dragged you into a mess with everyone. I didn't know what to say that would make it okay. Especially since I'm the one that- that let you fall. That let you go through being brainwashed. That let you be used as a weapon. I'm the one that let you down. I should've just let you go home. It was my fault. I did that." Steve was sobbing. "Buck I can't be the reason you get hurt again. Buck I can't. I can't. Buck, I can't. I- I ca" Steve's head was shaking back and forth and his chest was hammering breaths in and out. Bucky moved closer and grabbed his arms. "Buck I can- I can't breathe. Buck."
"Listen to me Steve we are both fine. We're okay. We're here together and it's okay." Steve was holding on to him as tight as he could.
"I nee- I need my- my med- medicine."
"No you don't Steve. You aren't having a asthma attack. You're having a panic attack. You need to slow your breathing. It's going to be okay. I won't leave you. I don't blame you. It wasn't your fault, all that matters is that I'm here now I'm okay. Steve look into my eyes." Steve was still shaking his head, so Bucky put a hand on one side of his face and held on. Steve's lip was quivering and he had snot dripping. "Look at me." Steve's eyes focused on Bucky's. "Good. That's good. Look. Just look. You and me that's all we need. And look we have it we're going to be okay. We are okay. It's going to be okay." Steve's breath started to slow.
"You did not let me fall. And none of it was your fault. Nothing could've kept me from following you. You didn't hurt me." Steve's breath hitched at that and Bucky could tell he didn't need to hear that now. "But what you did do is save me. You cut through decades of brainwashing just by saying my name. You give me purpose and a reason to fight." Steve's breathing was still fast, but not worryingly so. "The best parts of me are what I stole from you. If you think you're the only one lost without the other you're not. I mean I went a couple months without you and I got fake drunk at a fancy party." Steve laughed and Bucky beamed. "I mean come on that's even more pathetic than being real drunk at a fancy party."
"Yeah it is." All the air that Steve had been pushing out punched into Bucky in a single breath that he didn't even know he'd been holding. "Especially since you had me change you."
Bucky acted offended. "You punk you're barely breathin again and you're already givin me grief." Steve smiled.
"Well if I didn't who would. You jerk." Steve's smile turned sour and he looked away. "I'm sorry about that. We were talking and I- I'm sorry."
Bucky wiped Steve's face. "Don't be. I was so focused on how you weren't there for me I didn't even think to be there for you. We're going to put it all aside and be okay tonight." Steve's hands were still shaking.
"Okay." Steve yawned.
"We should go to sleep." Bucky shrugged off his unbuttoned dress shirt and grabbed the tank top from the bed. As he was putting it on Steve started to speak.
"Buck? Can I-" Steve threw the joggers at him, and went over to the dresser. He pulled out a t-shirt. And threw it on the bed.
"Well what are you waiting for? Me to help you? I would if you asked really nicely." Bucky smiled and crossed his arms as he rested against the dresser.
"Bucky would you please help me?" Bucky was caught off guard, but recovered smoothly. He walked over and replied.
"Of course Stevie. Always."
After they got changed Steve stood awkwardly still with trembling hands. "Buck c-"
"Yes." Bucky didn't even spare him a glance as he got into bed.
"You don't even know what I was going to say asshole. Listen." Bucky cocked an eyebrow up.
"Before you were going to ask to borrow some of my clothes, and just now you wanted to know if you could sleep in my bed. My answer to both is yes, so yes." Steve frowned at him. "Stevie I know you better than anyone, and it's far from the first time you've asked. So get your scrawny ass into this bed it's cold on your side."
"I am not scrawny anymore." Bucky smirked "You'll always be scrawny to me." Bucky held the covers up for him and Steve slid into bed. Bucky turned off the lamp beside the bed, but enough city light filtered through the curtains to softly illuminate the room. "Goodnight Stevie." Bucky said before rolling over.
"Goodnight Buck." Steve said staring at the ceiling.
There was a calm silence.
"Yes Stevie?"
"What would you do if I kissed you goodnight?"
"I'd tell you to never do it again. Not unless you meant it. Not unless you were going to kiss me in the morning too."
"Buck?" Bucky heard the rustle it the pillow and could feel Steve's eyes on the back of his head.
"Yes Stevie?"
"What if I said I'd kiss you in the morning too?" Bucky rolled over and looked at Steve's shadowed face.
"Then I'd let you kiss me."
There was a pause. Then Steve's hand was up on his cheek. His eyes went to Bucky's lips as his thumb moved to trace them. He looked back up at Bucky's eyes. "You would?" Steve asked in a soft whisper.
"I would." Steve dragged his thumb over to his cheek, and moved closer.
"What if-" They could feel each others breath fanning over their faces as Bucky cut Steve off.
"What if we love each other till the end of the line." Bucky phrased it as a question, but Steve heard no guessing in his voice. So he closed the distance between them and then his eyes. When they kissed it wasn't fireworks or butterflies, it was home, and it felt like where they had always belonged.
Steve's hand was still on Bucky's cheek, and Bucky moved his to pull Steve closer. Bucky kissed him one last time and pulled back. "Alright we should sleep now." Steve whined and kissed him again. "Steve I'm serious." Steve ignored him and continued. "Steven we need to sleep." Steve let out a frustrated sound.
"I don't want to kiss you I want to sleep." Steve seemed to realize his mistake as Bucky smiled. "No wait I want to kiss you I don't want to sleep." Bucky chuckled.
"See you need to sleep you're so tired you're mixing up words."
"No it's not because I'm tired. It's because you kissed me stupid. You're a really good kisser Buck. You should kiss me again." Steve moved closer.
"Uh huh sure. Flattery will get you nowhere Rogers." Steve's eyes lit up.
"Well good because I dont want to be anywhere but here."
"Neither will sweet talk babydoll." Steve was only affected by the nickname for a few seconds.
"Damn it, but Buck that was really good." Bucky seemed to consider it.
"You're right it was. Fine one more kiss and then bed." Steve was pressing his lips to Bucky's almost before he finished speaking. Steve let out a groan when Bucky pulled back.
"Kiss me again." Steve said with his eyes still closed.
"I'll kiss you good morning." Steve opened his eyes and saw the uncertainty in his.
"Yes you will, and I will kiss you." Bucky smiled.
"Okay. Good night Stevie."
"Goodnight Buck." They both settled in, Steve against Bucky's chest and Bucky with his arms around Steve.
"Tomorrow Rogers you're taking me on a date."
"Bucky I don-"
"Cut the bullshit. You are not a coward you never have been. You're doing this. You're going to be terrified the whole time so am I, but you're doing this. We're doing this." He said as he intertwined their fingers. "Because that's who you are. You do things even if you're scared because they need to be done. Lunch. Tomorrow. Don't you dare be late Rogers, I've waited long enough."
intro part one    @halevetica ‘s a win
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miaouons · 6 years ago
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It's a strange title I know but there's a funny story behind this particular drawing. I just wanted to draw a nice looking dragon and my friend kept making all kinds of comments throughout the entire process.
Drew the face. "Oh is that a crocodile??"
Drew the mane. "Oh! It's Repunzel now!"
Drew the horns. "Wait.. Its alligator jackalope!"
Drew the body. "Oh! Oh!"
Added the whiskers. "IT'S A DEERGATOR!!"
Oh my God we laughed so fudging hard when he said that we went on to make fun of Steve Irwin encountering deergators out in the wild. Our Australian accents were so terrible but it's a cherished memory that I still look back fondly upon.
Anywhoo, enjoy the art!
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thealmightyemprex · 3 years ago
I mean I am still skeptical about any film being based on this musical but thats a good combination that wouldve made it worth a watch .
Also found out there were TWO script reads with diffrent casts
Martin Short or Robin Williams read for the Baker
Julia Louis-Dreyfus or Goldie Hawn read for the Bakers Wife
Niel Patrick Harris or Elijah Wood as Jack
Rob Lowe or Kyle Machlachlin as Cinderellas Prince
Christine Lahti or Cher as the Witch
 Daryl Hannah as Repunzel
Cynthia Gibb or Moira Kelly read for Cinderella
Brenden Fraser read for Repunzels Prince
Kathy Najimy and Janeane Garofalo or Carrie Fisher and Bebe Neuwirth as the stepsisters
 Mary Steenburgen or Rosanne Baar as Jacks Mother
Steve Martin as the Wolf
Michael Jeter or Danny Devito as the Giant
Some of these choices I like better then other but this couldve been solid
Finding out that Jim Henson approached Stephen Sondheim to make a partially-puppet movie of Into the Woods and that a table read included Cher as the witch, Robin Williams and Goldie Hawn as the Baker and his Wife, Kyle MacLachlan as Cinderella’s Prince and Steve Martin as the Wolf has sent me into mourning for this timeline.
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frappuccinio · 7 years ago
aaaaaahh that is SO cool!! Brazilian dubs have a very good reputation, especially in animations and stuff so I can see why that captured you!! animated works are the only ones I allow myself to watch dubbed bc ours are Awesome (though they did fuck up in Tangled -Flynn's voice...NO) not only the dubbing itself, but, like you said translating/adapting! AND YES STEVE'S VOICE IS BEAUTIFUL!!!! aaAHH :") on another note; REALLY cool that you watch stuff in languages other than your own, love that.^^
pearl and repunzel have the same brazilian voice!! but yeah, i had no idea what the reputation was for their dubs, but im glad they’re considered good to native speakers!! but yea its gotten to the point that i can identify most languages just by listening to them for a minute. like there was some ad that was in danish and it went viral and everyone in the comments was like wtf language in this and i just...knew lmao. 
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saltyasfuck-blog · 8 years ago
Reframing thoughts
I'm just going to keep going around breaking hearts, only until I do break that one heart and it breaks mine-- I get jealous and stupid. I will never have the power behind my voice like a man does, and that's where I become salty, a little lost too. Smart educated women are something else, and I will keep my legs crossed waiting for someone who doesn't seem like such a jackass. I'm glad Steve didn't text me, he was a jackass, my smart ass even told him he was a jackass. I think I need to go to the men who aren't intimidated by what I talk about. When I act outrageous, not scare him away, but someone to who is confident enough to tell me to shut the fuck up. I need to learn when to shut the fuck up and say something else behind my blind intelligence. I use academics to hide behind, because it's a strength I hold onto, but with anger it becomes a defensive weapon-- I'm bitchy, so very bitchy. What good is it if I think I'm crazy for proposing solutions? I have so much hope, I am a leader, a very quiet one. Coming home was good for me, I am accepting my humility and vulnerability. I don't need such high walls if I can be confident and guard myself with acceptance of consequences. Risk is a necessity, and if there happens to be a bad reaction-- well... looks like I have to be reflecting upon the questions I am asking myself. Learning is what makes my life whole, I need to find others I can learn from. I am becoming beautiful: with or without makeup, fat or skinny, sad or happy, sweatpants or leggings. Becoming is never graceful, but if I can fake elegance with a softer confident tone, the love I am trying to give will not seem so aggressive. I need to share my whole world to be understood, my mind dreams around the globe. My limit is being confident enough into inviting someone into where I live. My room is my world; colorful and chaotic, productive and disorganized-- where I sleep and where I spend sleepless nights working. It is all me, it would be nice to share it with friends and a night in; I got crafts and paper to write on. No TV, but I have a stereo and can create deep conversations. I feel like Repunzel, but it's because I don't invite anyone into my tower.
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