#stet fic
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I'm rereading my novelist au fic to re-familiarize myself with the story because come hell or high water I'll finish the fic before the year ends lol
Just one chapter left come on self you can do it
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WIP Game
Thanks so much for the tag, @say-lene! I've never done this one before, since until recently I've never had more than one WIP on the go at a time. Exciting. 👀
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPs.
All of my BG3 fic lives in one Scrivener file for the most part, and the ones in brackets are file names without actual working titles yet. But I've got:
Haunted One
To Stet and To Spike
Night Orchids and Daggerroot
and then there's (dare I invoke it in public?) "hypothetical project"
tagging @effelants @sulky-valkyrie @dismalzelenka @milesmentis @my-dumb-obsessions @threeofswrds or anyone else who'd like to do this!
#my writing#ask game#there's also one more but Effe isn't allowed to know anything about it so I'm not letting it be a possibility :)#probably won't answer until tomorrow but: excited to talk about any of these!
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ok this is the fic, its a vampire AU kinda thing, its gznz but its only the first chapter right now which is all set-up and some ground stetting, i don't really know what to call it in like a tagging sense but because of the vampire stuff there is some scary stuff threatened but not shown
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Hey du :)
Möglich, dass diese Frage schon einmal kam, dann möchte ich dich gar nicht weiter damit behelligen. Aber falls nicht und falls du sie beantworten magst: Mich als Schreiberin und Fan deiner Fic würde es so so sehr interessieren, wie du es schaffst bei dieser Größe und Komplexität der Geschichte nicht den Überblick zu verlieren? Klar, hast du die Jahre und die verschiedenen Formate und Shows als grobe Richtlinie, aber das ist ja nur die eine Schicht, die Oberfläche. Die eigentliche Story entspinnt sich in der Emotionalität und persönlichen Entwicklung der beiden, zumindest für mich.
Bist du einfach sehr genau im Plotten, schreibst du dir vorher Szenepläne oder hast du so eine Klischee-Krimi-Film-Wand mit Fotos und Zitaten und rotem Marker, der sie miteinander verbindet xD?
Ich suche da selbst immer noch meinen Weg und weil in deiner Geschichte einfach immer alles so perfekt ineinander greift, wollte ich mal nach der Arbeit dahinter fragen :)
Danke dir und alles Liebe <3
Hi :)
Das ist eine sehr interessante Frage, vor allem, weil das so individuell im Schreibprozess stattfindet. Ich bin beim Schreiben nicht unbedingt durchorganisiert oder geordnet, aber andererseits habe ich ein sehr strukturelles System, mit dem ich arbeiten muss, damit überhaupt etwas zustande kommt.
Ich habe mal versucht, meine Herangehensweise dreizuteilen:
Einmal geht es für mich immer darum, wo ich mit meinen Charakteren hinwill. Ich bin zwar kein Fan davon, ein Ende festzulegen und nicht mehr davon abzuweichen - dafür ist der Schreibprozess bei mir zu dynamisch - aber es ist für mich zwingend notwendig, eine ungefähre Richtung zu haben, auf die ich hinarbeiten kann. Das zeigt sich in meinem Fall in grob ausgearbeiteten Skizzen von Kapiteln, die erst viel, viel später kommen. Gewisse Sätze, Dialoge oder auch mal zwei Seiten Grimme Preis gibt es schon Monate, bevor ich die Kapitel erreiche und ausschreibe. Dadurch habe ich stets eine ungefähre Ahnung davon, was noch passieren muss und was nicht überhastet werden darf. Und es ist nett, auch mal in die Zukunft zu flüchten und etwas zu schreiben, was weniger frustriert als die leere Seite des jeweiligen Kapitels, an dem man grade arbeitet. Dadurch habe ich für jedes Kapitel schon ein bisschen vorgeschrieben - ob es jetzt 500 oder 2000 Wörter sind.
Dann geht es für mich darum, den Charakteren Raum zu lassen, um sich zu bewegen. Ich halte die Zügel sehr locker (weswegen mir vor allem Joko ständig entwischt und sein eigenes Ding macht), weil dadurch immer Szenen entstehen oder eskalieren, die so gar nicht geplant waren. Beim Ausschreiben haben meine Charaktere eine gewisse Narrenfreiheit. Sie können bockig sein und sich viel weniger öffnen, ablenken oder Streit suchen oder plötzlich viel emotionaler werden als gewollt. Löschen kann man im Nachhinein immer wenn etwas nicht passt, aber sich selbst beim Schreiben zurückzuhalten, das versuche ich zu vermeiden. Die Inspiration weiß meistens, was sie tut und da empfinde ich es als wichtig, nicht zu stur auf eigenen Vorstellungen zu beharren. Charaktere haben bei mir immer ein Eigenleben, welches sie auch ausleben.
Und drittens: Das tollste an Fanfiktion ist die Rückmeldung. Auch das inspiriert. Auch das hat Einfluss. Ich sehe überhaupt nichts schlimmes daran, die Ideen, die dank des Austausches entstehen, in eine bestehende FF miteinzuarbeiten. Jeglicher Input bereichert und ich bin jeden Tag dankbar dafür, wie viel ihr partizipiert und damit Teil der Entstehung der Kapitel werdet <3
Das ist wie gesagt nur mein persönlicher Weg. Es ist immer gut, etwas zu finden, womit du dich wohl fühlst und was dich beim Schreiben nicht einengt.
#jk ask#ich hoffe das hilft ein wenig#ich bin natürlich keine professionelle autorin#und kann nur tipps geben die *mir* helfen#ich verzweifle selbst oft genug#auch das gehört dazu!#seid nicht zu streng mit euch wenn etwas mal nicht funktioniert#tausendmal berührt#jk fic#anonymous#answered
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APH China fic recs
Mostly gen because I rarely read ship fics lol. Some assorted Asians present as well. Most from AO3. Prone to be updated. Recs for the (East) Asian gang here. The ones that don’t have chapter numbers are oneshots. GO SUPPORT ALL THESE AUTHORS!!!
耀 by thestrangehistorian: the story of how China got his name, featuring a peddler and a king who wants to be immortal. ELITE writing, but a little bit sad. Characters: China. TW violence? like one second of it. 1951 words
科挙 by jacob (stet): Yao teaches Japan as he fails over and over in the merit tests of the Tang Dynasty. Very good characterization of their dynamic and China’s subtle arrogance. Characters: China and Japan (Japan’s POV). TW brief suicidal thoughts. 874 words
Honorable mentions: 小籠包 and 黒髪 by jacob (stet): both are more focused on Japan than China, but they are still very good. Two small snippets of Japan’s childhood under China as a rather patronizing and slightly distant guardian. Wonderful characterization as usual. In the first, Japan thinks about their relationship while making dumplings, and in the second, his hair gets brushed, twice, by two different people. Characters: China and Japan (Japan’s POV). TW: none, hints of war in the second 212 and 405 words respectively
Faster by outshinethestars (tumblr): character study about China in modern day. GOOD amazing characterization. I loved reading it; seriously it’s brilliant and the image of the fast paced modern world and the slight ambivalence China feels about it is perfect. Characters: China, America for one second TW opium/drug addiction 527 words (also on AO3)
China by de-anon (FF.net): China’s childhood, complete with a farmer, a jealous human brother, and the breakup of the Qin Dynasty. I love some of the descriptions in there, and the plot is very interesting. Characters: China TW: war reflected in a nation personification 1,711 words, 2 chapters, unfinished
Time and Time Again by vietbluefic: China steps into a dream which turns into a brief journey with a butterfly and a dead girl. Elements of Chinese mythology and literature, maybe in the magical realism genre? The author also uses a lot of Chinese words and phrases (with English translation) but imo it’s a little bit awkward (reminds me of when I talk to my parents lol). But it’s a really intriguing story and Yao’s characterization is again, phenomenal. TW: supernatural elements including demons, death/the dead 7718 words, 3 chapters, unfinished
天下 · All Under Heaven by iruhe: China drops in for a chat with the future founding emperor of the Later/Eastern Han. tbh I skimmed most of this one but the concept, and China’s speech at the end, is lovely and very interesting. Characters: China, Liu Xiu 1815 words
Above the Surface by Lady_Caryatid (I think they’re tomatobird here on tumblr): Yao recalls his earliest memories: the great flood stopped by Yu the Great. I love the headcanon that Yao’s memories are hazy during that time and that he only remembers bits and pieces that raise more questions than they answer. Characters: China 543 words
Shameless self promo time: remembrance is a small drabble/one-shot about China I wrote for his birthday last year! go read it if you haven’t :) also on ao3
One last fic (not related to aph China but it’s beautiful): Kimjang by jacob (stet). South Korea makes kimchi with his brother, and reflects on him. Characters: North and South Korea. (it’s tagged as slash but it’s not) TW: Slightly political, references events from 2018. 3562 words
#lmao the bolded 耀 deadass looks like an emoji or something because its so square and doesn't look like a character#aph china#hws china#hetalia#hetalia fanfiction rec#fic rec#aph china fanfiction#hws china fanfiction#hetalia fanfic#hetalia fic rec#aph china fic#aph china fanfic#hws china fic#hws china fanfic#musings
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I’m alive!! And I’m here with another prompt fic that @randers198 requested. If you have requested a fic, I promise they are in progress!! I’m not writing them in any particular order. Just when inspiration strikes and I get an idea so that’s why it may seem like it’s taking so long. Also, I’ve been bombarded with school for the past couple of months so I haven’t really been writing much. Also, my one-shots (all my fics really) get a little long *insert facepalm* but I do hope it’s worth it!
I’m hoping to get back into the swing of posting more regularly! Things seem to be slowing down for the moment so I’m gonna try to take advantage of that and write a bunch!
Also, with season 8 coming soon (insert excited screaming), I am hoping back into the deep-dive, hard-core, fangirling, shipping train that is upstead! I can’t freaking wait!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyways, enough of my rambling! Here’s #62 “What the hell is your problem!?”
*title comes from sleeping at last’s song ‘two’ (you may have picked up that I have a slight obsession with sleeping at last)
sweetheart, you look a little tired
Jay almost always woke up before her. She had never known him to sleep soundly past six and on weekdays he was usually up at five or even earlier sometimes.
It was a habit that had been ingrained into him during his time in the military and one she didn’t think he’d ever really outgrow.
Sometimes, he would get up when he woke and start his day by running or working out (he had tried to get her up too but it failed more often than it succeeded--she was more of a six-thirty am runner). He would get a shower, be dressed and have a coffee pot full of coffee waiting for her all by the time she forced herself to roll out of bed and come downstairs.
But more and more often, Jay had been staying in bed after he woke, preferring to hold her till she woke up. Hailey was fine with this arrangement, liking the feel of his strong arms wrapped around her and knowing that when she turned over, she would be met with bright green eyes and a smattering of red freckles.
So this morning when she woke, feeling cold and empty and alone she felt a little disoriented because she hadn’t woken without him at least somewhere in their bedroom in quite sometime.
She knew even before she opened her eyes he wasn’t there but she moved her legs and threw an arm in the direction of his side anyway, hoping to feel his warm body next to hers.
Hailey sat up, looking to her left with a frown at the tangled sheets but no Jay. She scooted over and found that his side was cold which meant he had been gone for a while but his phone was still on the nightstand and his clothes from the previous day were still thrown over the chair in their room.
He wouldn’t have gone anywhere without his phone and he was notorious for leaving his clothes strewn about on the floor unless she told him otherwise so she didn’t think he had gone somewhere and come back.
She hopped out of the bed, calling his name softly as she poked her head in their closet and ventured into their bathroom just in case he was taking a shower or something but he wasn’t there. She glanced at the clock on her nightstand and saw it was actually later than she thought. She must have forgotten to set her alarm last night--they had gotten in pretty late from a raid.
Brushing through her hair with her fingers, she pulled it up into a ponytail with the hair tie on her wrist as she walked downstairs upon not finding Jay in any of the rooms upstairs, “Babe? You down here?”
Hailey peeked into the living room and saw that there were blankets on the couch but still no Jay. She bit her lip, starting to get a little concerned when she walked into the kitchen to find him sitting at the island. His elbow was resting on the counter, propping his head up on his hand and he was looking off into space, bleary eyed.
“Jay, honey,” Hailey spoke softly, padding further into the room, being careful not to accidentally scare him.
It took a few seconds but eventually he blinked, focusing on her figure standing in front of him.
She put a hesitant hand on his chest, “Jay? Are you okay?”
He recovered quickly from whatever stupor she found him in, shrugging off her hand and stretching nonchalantly before pecking her cheek. She watched him grab his coffee cup off the counter as he slid off his chair, forcing her to step back. He moved to the sink and poured the still half-full cup of coffee down the drain, stetting the mug down.
He nodded to the coffee pot, “I made coffee.”
“You didn’t answer my question,” Hailey prompted, crossing her arms. He turned around and she ran a meticulous eye over his appearance, biting her lip in concern.
He was wearing sweat pants and a form-fitting t-shirt which wasn’t all that unusual except he preferred to sleep in boxers and even then, he never slept with a shirt on but the couch looked slept on. His hair was sticking up slightly and he looked tired, his eyes faintly red.
Jay tilted his head in confusion, yawning, “What question?”
She raised an eyebrow, “I asked if you were okay. And I was calling your name earlier. Did you not hear me?”
“Oh,” He scratched the back of his neck, “I uh--Just a little out of it this morning I guess, with the raid and all. I’m just tired.”
Hailey furrowed her eyebrows; she wasn’t quite sure she believed that, “Was it just the raid?”
He sighed, rubbing his forehead, “Okay, maybe I had a nightmare earlier this morning.”
She huffed in exasperation, giving him a look, “How many times have we talked about this? Wake me up. I’m right here.”
He smiled and he looked back to his normal self if not a little tired, “I know, I know but since we got in late last night I wanted you to get as much rest as possible. I was fine, I promise. Nothing I couldn’t handle on my own.”
He checked his watch, “We need to get ready or we’ll be late for work.”
She was still standing in her spot in the kitchen with her arms crossed when he came over to give her another peck on the cheek before retreating upstairs.
Slowly turning towards the direction Jay went, she narrowed her eyes in suspicion and concern. She was pretty good at spotting when he’d had a nightmare. She usually woke up when he was having it but she hadn’t this morning and when she’d found him in the kitchen with that spaced out look on his face, he had acted odd. Different.
She wasn’t sure what it was but there was definitely something going on and she was going to figure it out.
The morning passed relatively smoothly and she kept an eye on him but she couldn’t detect anything really wrong. He seemed a little quiet and maybe a little more subdued when discussing things with the unit but that wasn’t anything to be worried over. He just seemed tired but then he’d sort of snapped at Adam and retreated down the stairs to grab some paperwork they needed.
It had clearly taken Adam aback and he turned in her direction but she responded with a shake of her head, telling him without words to let it go because she wasn’t sure what was going on and she wasn’t sure if she should push it just yet. Not unless whatever this was got in the way of the job.
Adam seemed to get her message and didn’t say anything about it. The day continued and she could tell he was trying to cover whatever it was that put him in this mood and he did an admirable job but she knew him. She could see through his act.
It wasn’t till Voight sent them to a scene did she feel the need to intervene and force Jay to tell her what was wrong.
Hailey eyed him carefully, watching as he jumped out of the truck. He hadn’t said anything the whole ride and while that wasn’t entirely unusual, there was still this broodiness she couldn’t quite put a finger on.
They approached the scene, a patrol officer guarding the crime tape that had already been set up. Hailey glanced at Jay and when it was clear he didn’t intend to say anything she addressed the cop as Jay started to duck under the tape.
“We’re Intelligence.” The cop nodded and Hailey followed Jay in ducking under the tape, jogging to catch up to where he was starting to crouch down beside the body.
She stood beside him watching as he pulled the tarp covering the victim back to examine the bullet hole right over his heart. There were no signs of a struggle and it looked like the bullet had hit him point-blank in close range.
Hailey glanced at Jay who was still squatting, looking at the body but he seemed a little out of it. She furrowed her brows, “Jay? What do you think?”
He glanced at her then, shrugging his shoulders and standing up, “Don’t know yet.”
Jay turned and walked to a couple of patrol officers who were standing off to the side. Hailey frowned at his short answer, taking a couple of hurried strides to catch up to him again.
“You were first on the scene?” Jay’s tone was short and to the point and he almost sounded irritated. He was never one for much small talk when working a scene but he never sounded like he didn’t want to be there which was the vibe Hailey was starting to get.
She didn’t say anything though, instead she watched him carefully out of the corner of her eye, on high alert for whatever was bugging him.
“Yes sir,” The patrol officers turned to them, their postures straightening and their eyes widening. They also looked a little pale and fidgety which meant that they were probably, most definitely rookies and Jay was in a mood. Just great.
Jay pulled out a pocket-sized notebook to jot down information, glancing up at the two rookies that stood nervously in front of them, “Any witnesses?”
The two officers glanced at each other before the taller one piped up, “Yes sir, there was a lady on the scene when we arrived.”
Hailey frowned, glancing quickly around, looking for said lady and she saw Jay do the same. He turned back to the officers, a hard look on his face, “And where is this lady? We need to speak with her.”
“Um,” The shorter one swallowed, “After we initially spoke with her she said she needed to go pick her kids up from school so we got her information and we uh,” Both officers visibly gulped at the growing anger coming off of Jay and Hailey herself was a little taken aback at how aggravated he looked, “We got her information and let her go.”
“I’m sorry, you let her go?” Jay’s jaw clenched, “You don’t have the authority to let witnesses go. This is a murder case and you might have just let the killer walk free. She might be headed to Canada for all we know! Of all the idiot things two patrol officers could do this is about biggest.”
Hailey’s eyes were wide; Jay didn’t get riled up very often and when he did, it was most likely because someone deserved it. The officers had made Intelligence job harder and Jay was right, they should have kept the witnesses till she and Jay showed up but the rookies didn’t deserve this kind of treatment.
Jay was practically oozing irritation and he was rubbing the back of his neck like it was stiff. Hailey grabbed his elbow to drag him off to the side. This had gone too far; whatever it was that was putting him into this mood needed to stop.
“Jay,” She hissed, flinging a quick glance back towards the patrol officers who still looked a little shell-shocked, “That was uncalled for. Yeah, they made a mistake but you didn’t have to yell at them like that. They’re still inexperienced and they aren’t going to learn anything if you keep telling them all the things they did wrong. You know better than that, Jay. You know what’s like to be in their shoes.”
Hailey let out a huff, rubbing her forehead in thought watching as Jay didn’t say anything. He just had this funny expression on his face, “What the hell is your problem!? I mean, it’s not just this. You have been acting strangely all day, first this morning and then you’ve been in this funk, snapping at everybody. And now this? This isn’t like you and this isn’t from a nightmare.”
Jay didn’t say anything, just standing in front of her and Hailey got a good look at him. She cataloged everything from the way he was standing to his facial expression, trying to figure out what it was he wasn’t telling her about and then it finally clicked.
There was finally a little crack in the mask he’d been wearing all day and she could see how utterly miserable he looked, his forehead scrunching together like he had a headache and it hit her like a ton of bricks.
“Jay, are you sick?” Her face held a mixture exasperation and concern, “You don’t feel well, do you?”
Her hand immediately went to his forehead, “Honey, you’re burning up. Why didn’t you say anything!?”
How did she not notice this? She’d been watching him carefully all morning but it had never occurred to her that he might not feel well and now that she thought about it, he had felt a little warm when she’d brushed up against him in the bullpen earlier today and just now when she’d grabbed his elbow.
Jay shrugged, but even that looked painful to him now that he wasn’t trying to hide his illness from her, “It wasn’t that bad at first.”
Hailey’s eyebrows furrowed, her hand moving to rest on his neck, “At first? Meaning it’s worse now?”
He grimaced at his slip-up but didn’t try to refute her. She sighed, removing her hand from his neck and Jay missed the coolness and comfort of her hand immediately.
She reached into her back pocket, pulling out her phone, scrolling through her contacts then raising it to her ear. Jay frowned, “What are you doing?”
Hailey gave him a look that brokered no argument, “I’m calling Voight to tell him we’re going home.”
“What!? No,” He protested weakly, “I’m fine.”
She gave him another look, angling the phone slightly away from her mouth, “We’re going home and that’s final. You have a fever.”
Voight must have picked up because Hailey quickly moved the phone back to it’s proper position, “Hi Sarge. Yeah, we’re at the scene but you’re going to have to send Adam and Kim because Jay’s sick. I’m pretty sure he’s got a fever.”
There was a pause and he watched Hailey nod, “Yeah, apparently since this morning.” Another pause, “I was planning on it if it’s not too much of a problem.”
Hailey chuckled at something their boss said before saying goodbye and hanging up, sliding her phone back into her back jean pocket. She turned back towards Jay, holding her hand out, “Give me the keys. I’m driving.”
She could tell he wanted to fight her but he must have thought better of it because he nodded his head and reached into his pocket for the truck keys. Once he handed them off, she was making her way to where Jay had pulled the truck up to the scene, Jay trailing behind her looking like a miserable little boy who didn’t feel well and had gotten in trouble on top of it.
Hailey smiled to herself as she got into the driver’s side. He was her little boy and it was her job to take care of him even when he was stubborn and she wouldn’t have it any other way.
Once he climbed in, Hailey started the truck and headed towards their house. It was quiet and Hailey kept sneaking glances at her husband and she couldn’t believe he had hid how badly he was feeling because he actually looked pretty terrible.
Now that his guard was down, she could see how tired he really was and there were two red spots that had shown up on his cheekbones. He looked feverish and miserable as he laid his head against the window, his eyes closed. And he looked a little pale too.
Hailey pulled into the driveway, taking the key out of the ignition and unbuckling her seat belt. She opened her door, looking over at Jay who had fallen asleep. He must have really been sick to fall asleep in the middle of the day in a car.
She reached over, putting a gentle hand on his shoulder so she didn’t scare him, “Jay, honey,” She spoke softly, “We’re home.”
He shifted, his eyes opening blearily. She rubbed his arm, “Let’s get you inside. You’ll be a lot more comfortable.”
Once he was mostly awake and sitting up, she hopped out, shutting her door to come around to his side. He opened his own door and he was moving slowly like he was in pain and Hailey was starting to worry that this was more than a simple fever.
She followed his slow steps up to their front door and she quickly nudged her way in front of him so she could unlock the door for him. Once the door was open, she followed Jay to their living room and watched as he gingerly sat on the couch, his hand going to rest over his eyes.
She sat beside him, her hand going back to his forehead and she could have sworn it felt hotter than it did a few minutes ago.
Hailey frowned again, “Jay, tell me what hurts. I think you have a pretty high fever. What are your symptoms? And be honest with me.”
Jay removed his hand, letting his head loll in her direction. He cast her a bleary, sad gaze and Hailey felt her heart break at how pitiful he looked as she carded her fingers through his short hair.
“My head hurts,” He admitted. When he didn’t say anything else, she prompted, “And?”
He threw another glance in her direction and she knew how much he hated admitting that he wasn’t feeling well.
“And my body aches.”
Hailey bit her lip, “I think you have the flu, Jay.” She did another feel of his forehead and he leaned further into her, “I’ve heard it’s pretty bad this year.”
Jay gave a low groan, breathing out, “I can believe it.”
Even though she felt bad for him, Hailey couldn’t help the small smirk that came across her face, “Well, if someone would’ve gotten their flu shot this year, they wouldn’t sick.”
He looked up at her from where he was resting his head on her chest with puppy dog eyes and an adorable pout, “Don’t make fun. I don’t feel good.”
She gave him an exaggerated sympathetic look, brushing his hair back lovingly, “Oh my poor baby.”
Hailey bent down to give him a swift kiss on the top of his head before removing herself out from under him. She helped him lay down on the couch, pushing a pillow under his head and taking off his shoes, “I’m going to go take stock of all the medicine we have in the bathroom and then call Will to see what I should give you.”
“Hailey,” Jay whined, his eyes following her as she walked around the couch and into the kitchen, disappearing out of his sight.
“You’re taking meds. No if, ands or buts about it,” She called back to him as Jay grumbled loud enough to be heard.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
All day, Hailey answered every beck and call he had made, always with loving touch and soft kiss on his forehead.
After getting flu information from Will, they’d determined the correct medication for him to take and she’d run out to the closest pharmacy. She came back with his favorite type of juice from when he was little and a golf documentary she’d just happened to see.
After some initial grumbling on Jay’s part, he finally decided to drop his ‘tough guy’ act and give into the care Hailey was trying to provide him with for which she was grateful for. Mostly because she wasn’t having to force feed him his medicine anymore.
It was still a pain to get him to take the medicine she was giving him but at least he wasn’t outright trying to refuse her. The complaining was still in full effect though especially because the medicine Will had told her to get wasn’t in pill form.
But then she reminded him that she could always to take him to get shots instead and he usually stopped being grouchy and grudgingly swallowed the liquid Hailey was holding out in a tiny measuring cup.
She would refill his cup with juice or water, bringing it to him on the couch as she tided up the house, taking advantage of the unexpected time off to tackle chores. Always asking him if he needed anything and occasionally sitting with him for a half-hour or so to give him the comfort she could see he wanted.
And right now she was in the kitchen, making his favorite soup. He would never admit it but Jay secretly relished this time.
He didn’t much care for being sick but he loved it when Hailey played nurse. She reminded him of his own mom when he got sick as a child but more than that it proved how great of a mom Hailey would be some day.
He didn’t get to see this side of his wife very often. Playing the role of domestic housewife, picking up and taking care of him and while he wouldn’t ever want her to give up the things that made her a freakin’ bad-ass detective, he enjoyed seeing this softer side of her.
Hailey, the wife. Not Hailey, the cop. Watching the things only he saw.
She didn’t dote often but when she did, he would take it. Even if that meant feeling like crap.
“Hey honey,” Hailey came into the room with a bowl of soup in her hand and his medicine in the other, “You feel up to eating something?”
He sat up, trying not to wince from his sore muscles, “Yeah.”
“You don’t have to eat all of it. I just want something in your stomach other than juice and medicine,” She deposited the half-full bowl of soup into his hands before pouring the proper dosage of medicine in the small measuring cup for him, “And speaking of, it’s time for another dose of your medicine.”
Jay took a bite of soup, watching Hailey warily as she held out the cup full of purple liquid and grimaced at her stern look. He sighed and put down the soup.
He had learned quickly that it didn’t go well if he tried to refuse so he decided he’d better just get it over with and take the stuff. He was still looking at Hailey with a sulky look as he obediently drank the disgusting medicine before making a ‘yuck’ face.
She took the cup from him and handed him his juice to wash it down with, giving him a satisfied smile.
“See, that wasn’t so bad was it?” He knew she was teasing him and he gave her a grumpy face. She chuckled, kissing him on the forehead, “You enjoy your soup. I’m going to go wash the dishes.” Hailey gave him a mothering look, “Call if you need something.”
Shaking her head, Hailey walked back into the kitchen to clean up. She put the medicine on the end of one of her counters before going over to dish out the rest of the soup into storage containers to put into the fridge.
She was glad that they were heading into the weekend, giving her more flexibility to look after Jay. Unless there was a major case that came up then she would be able to finish up the paperwork from the past week at home.
Hailey planned to keep Jay on the couch, resting and taking his medication the entire weekend so that hopefully by Monday he would be well enough to go into work. If that meant babying him for a couple days then so be it because he was a nightmare when everyone was at work but him.
He was constantly calling all of them to ask for updates on whatever case they were working on because he was bored.
And while Hailey had never really known him to get sick like this, she knew what he was like when he got injured so she figured it would be similar.
In the whole time Hailey had known Jay, he had maybe gotten a couple of colds and never during their married life so this was a somewhat different experience for her. She was more used to gauze and PT exercises. Not soup and liquid medicine.
But fortunately, or unfortunately, she was a pro at getting Jay to take medicine because he gave her a hard time even with pills which made no sense to her but he always tried to convince her he didn’t like how narcotics made him feel and any antibiotics he was prescribed was making his immune system weak.
He was just stubborn. But she could be stubborn too.
She supposed she would be thankful for the experience when they had kids of their own who inherited their father’s stubbornness.
Lord help her when that happened.
Hailey rinsed a dish, thinking of Jay in the other room and the events of the day.
He had gone from moody and trying to cover up his sickness to a needy little boy who wouldn’t take his medicine, moping around her.
Jay always tried to put up a tough guy act and it usually worked but not with her. Once he had been convinced to give it up, he was the most high-maintenance man she knew. She knew how clingy he could get when he was injured and it seemed to be even more so when he was sick because he had been calling her into the living room to ask for company all throughout the day.
She almost laughed out loud at how domesticated they had been today. She almost felt like she was playing house but it was real. She really had a husband who needed her from time to time, picking up after him and making him a homemade dinner. Something they didn’t usually have time for.
And while she wouldn’t trade her high-action life for anything, she secretly loved when these slow days came. Which usually meant Jay was injured but in this case he was sick and she couldn’t deny the satisfaction she got from taking care of him. Of doing the mundane things that came with a house and a husband.
Not that she’d ever admit it but standing there doing the dishes, listening to the Black hawks game Jay had turned on, knowing that he was in there, laying on their couch, well-taken care of made her heart swell in a way she didn’t ever think she’d ever get to experience.
The feeling of a safe, happy home and a bright future full of love.
Even if that meant taking care of a grumpy Jay from time to time.
Was that ending to cheesy for you... I’m so terrible at endings but hopefully it wrapped the story up in some sort of profound, cohesive way. This started out as a small little sick fic but turned into a mammoth of a thing and honestly I wasn’t really sure what I was writing... I just knew I wanted Hailey to pick up on Jay’s not feeling well at work hence the prompt. Hopefully you enjoyed it and I’m trying my best to get through all these prompts but seeing as how I’m incapable of writing things under a thousand words, it takes a little while. I’m also trying my best to work on Dancing in the Minefields if any of you are following that...I know you guys deserve the next chapter but I’ve sort of lost steam on it and I’m trying to find the grove again. But in other news I have a couple of big fics coming your way and they are in progress but I’ve decided I’m not going to post them until it’s totally completed so I don’t leave you hanging!!
Anyway, let me know how you liked this prompt fic and I’ll see you next time!
#Chicago PD#jay halstead#hailey upton#jay halstead x hailey upton#upstead#married!upstead#fluff#stubborn but clingy#Hailey is such a good wifey#couple goals#prompt fic#prompt
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Beth Closes the Door behind her,takes of her Jacket and hangs it on the Schrank besides the door.
She then locks at a Photo of her and Rick smiling,and runs her Belly. Tomorow,she Things and hugs herself,tomorow I will tell Rick about you!
She Takes a few stets Towards the Stairs,trying to Not wake her Boyfriend,already thinking of was to apolagise for postponing ther Date again when a Light in the Livingroom turnen on!
Beth Shriked and turnen to the tight side!she Saw Rick siting in of of the Sofas playing with his Fingers while also Trying to lock at everything but her.
"Rick,My Rock Love of my Life!Why...ar you awake?"
Rick takes a big breath and asks:"Ar you Cheating on me?"
Beth Blinks once.Then Twice! Then Three Times.
She takes a Step towards Rick,but he Sees to try to get evenndeeper into the Sofa as if the thought of Beth being to close to him was frightening him
This Never happend Befor!Up untill now Beth Was the only one who was alowd to Touch Rick without permission,his trust in her was so streng!
But it seams that Beth Not being ther, and posponing Dates the last 2 months must have plantet a Dark thought in his Mind,and his Fear of being Abondond by her must have returned with it.
"Rick ofcours not,but why ar you thinking that?We Talked about this!I Would never...!"
Beth takes a big breath,and answears Calmly:
"Honey,I was gone tell you Tomorow but.... I Was going to the Hospital the last few months,geting cheked out..."
Rick jumps up and goes over to Beth.
"What?Why...didnt you...Ar you ok?Ar you Sick?"
"No I'm Fine...We both ar Aculy!"
"You arent pissed that I thought...!"
Beth shakes her head smiling,with tears in her Eyes
"You ar going to be a Father Rick Tyler"
And after thes Magical Words left Beth Tyler's Mouth,Rick Kisses her with a passion last fellt during ther Wedding!
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If you don't mind, could you write a fic where Lassie falls asleep at work after a long day and has a dream where the reader gets hurt or dies? Which then leads to him waking up and hurriedly confessing his feelings to the reader in one of the interrogation rooms? Hope you're having a nice day!
A/n: I love this, I also apologize if this sucks, I wrote this in the car. { I was driving }

He didn’t mean to fall asleep but he was so tired, so he did what all detectives did when they were sleep deprived. He fell asleep at his desk.
Part of Carlron knew that he was in a dream but it certainly didn’t feel like one. You were with him, you two were working on some case together then the next thing he knew was that you were lying on your back bleeding from a gun shot wound to the gut.
“Nonnono....stay with me y/n....please.” Why did this feel so real? Why did your blood seem so warm.
He felt like know matter how much pressure he put down on the wound, he couldn’t stop the bleeding.
“Please don’t leave me....c-come on keep your eyes open...”
Though it didn’t take long for him to watch the light fade from your eyes.
He didn’t know if he was screaming your name but nothing felt real anymore, he couldn’t breath.
It took a loud slam to jolt him out of his deep sleep, quickly looking around Carlton noticed a frowning Shawn.
“You uh...alright Lassie?”
Clearing out his throat Carlton rubbed his eyes, that..nightmare felt so real.
Fixing his tie he looked Shawn over. “Where’s Y/n?”
“Uh I think she’s finishing up in the interrogation room.”
Muttering a quick thanks Carlton pushed past the young man making his way towards to, spotting your form slipping out of the room he suddenly grabbed your shoulders. “Y/n!”
“I love you !”
Blinking a few times you tried to process what the tall detective just told you.
“I said I love you! I had this awful dream and I felt like I had too...I mean forget all of that...I love you...I wanted you to know my feelings for you.”
Sighing you gave him a crooked smile as he stetted to babble on. Grabbing his tie you tugged him in for a kiss. “I love you too....took you long enough though.”
#drabbles#drabble#request#psych usa#psych#carlton#pysch carlton lassiter#carlton lassiter x reader#carlton lassiter#lassie
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An outfit design, I guess, for @bamfguy ‘s Pink Doesn’t Really Exist fic.
Man, suits are hard to draw right. superconductor stets is lookin fine, tho.
he ain’t wearing shoes because come on, Steven has never worn appropriate footwear. feel free to slap on extras or change anything.
edit: fixed up some wonky looking lines
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I'd like to appear productive even though I'm not lol
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@twothumbsandnostakeincanon I mean. I dunno. You sure you want to? I’m kind of high maintenance. :P

#my writing#my fic#fanfic#stet#Stiles Stilinski#Peter Hale#fandom#fandom life#long live fandom#pocket friends#twothumbs is a bad influence#and suddenly there were feelings#Tumblr fic#K speaks#silliness
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hey folks! did you like stet? or did you think to yourself, “gosh, what a great story - but wouldn’t it be better if i could read it in chinese?”
the indefatigable, unsinkable @loveorangejuicetoomuch has worked her magic on stet the same way she did on downbeat and i am just completely bowled over by the amount of work and care and love that went into tackling such a huge fic and making it behave. i am so lucky to have someone care so much as to do that and i appreciate it more than i can possibly say. <3 <3 <3
also i can personally thoroughly recommend looking at what google translate makes of it. not because that’s any good. i am completely sure it reads beautifully in chinese, i fully believe it does, but google is not kind and that is beautiful.
attractive place such works is that those lurking In the bowling alley and grocery store in fact the devil and everyone under the bed of the monster is the same, even under the Kylo bed that is, it may be said that in particular under his bed that fishes.
that’s poetry, that is.
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Kylux ‘No-Smut’ Fic Rec
As we all know, the Kylux fandom has no shortages of smut fics; we’re kind of notorious for it. But it’s not all kinks and fucking. Sometimes you just want a read a fic where there’s no sex and that’s what I’m here for! Below is a list of fics rated anywhere from General (Hux) Audiences to Mature Audiences and they all have one thing in common: they are completely smut scene free.
To Be Truly Seen by @theknitterati (G, 3.9k, Fluff, H/C, Self-Esteem Issues)
Kylo wears a helmet because he's extremely anxious about his appearance and thinks he's hideous. Hux finally figures this out and soothes him through a panic attack.
You're Awful by zamwessell (G, 2.3k, Bickering)
“Why are you trying to inspire them with speeches?” Ren asks. “I thought they were programmed from birth to obey.” “And why would I take any advice from you, Mr. I-Inexplicably-Have-A-Black-Bucket-Over-My-Head?” “Careful.” “I’m sorry, Darth I-Inexplicably-Have-A-Black-Bucket-Over-My-Head.”
General Hux and Kylo Ren hate working together. For different reasons.
To Entertain An Idea by @it-wasnt-me-really (T, 6k, Drunk Kylo, Jealousy, Friends to Lovers)
The Supreme Leader and Grand Marshal come to an understanding, which turns into a realization, which turns into a drunk freakout, which turns into something else entirely.
Captivity by @kyluxtrashpit (T, 1.9k, H/C, Aftermath of Torture, Hair Washing)
Against all odds, Kylo is taken captive by the Resistance. When he's finally rescued, he doesn't expect such simple comforts to feel so good.
Inseparable by Kittens (T, 3k, Keep Him Close Tumblr Event, Crack)
Supreme Leader Kylo Ren doesn't trust General Hux not to betray him, so he keeps him close. Really close.
Hold Me Back by @reyisaspacegay (T, 3.2k, H/C, Angst, Fluff, Past Child Abuse)
In which various things go wrong, and Hux learns just how affectionate Ren can be.
I Get By With A Little Help From My Subordinates by @obsessions-and-dreams (T, 1.8k, Crack, Fluff, Phasma Ships It)
Everyone on board the Finalizer can tell that the General doesn't get enough sleep. They decide to take matters into their own hands. What could possibly go wrong?
sunburn by @honeypothux (T, 4.2k, Angst, H/C, Exes)
“You’ve been crying,” Kylo says. The again is unnecessary. They both know its true.
black bacta bandages and other first order love stories by @lady-starkiller (T, 3.7k, H/C, Pining, Kyux Breakup Drama)
After the battle on Starkiller Base, after Kylo's defeat at the hands of the Resistance, the First Order retrieved him from the imploding planet. And the First Order remained to see him heal.
I Follow Rivers by @bioticnerfherder and @agent-nemesis (M, 14.2k, Dealing With Injuries, Dismemberment)
Kylo Ren returns to the Finalizer after completing his training to find General Hux missing in action. Determined to prove himself as a leader, he resolves to find the general no matter the cost. The Force, however, has other plans, and Kylo finds out more about the past than he does the future.
Alternate Universe:
Your Visible Soul by @obsessions-and-dreams (T, 6.1k, Modern AU, Enemies to Friends to Implied Lovers, Humour, Fluff, Cats)
Hux’s new neighbor was big, loud and messy.
And so was its owner, Kylo.
FN-1984 by @starhaxa (G, <1K, Addams Family AU, Crack, Outsider POV)
The stormtroopers know better than to say anything or even seem like they might not be minding their own business.
Comfort by @sparrowlicious (T, 2k, High School Au, H/C, Fluff)
Hux seeks refuge at Kylo's place only to find him in need of support. He gets a chance to repay Kylo for letting him hang out at his place every time he needs to.
Third Time's The Charm by @theweddingofthefoxes (T, 2.6k, College AU, Praise Kink, Touch Starvation)
Ben and Armie haven't been dating for very long, but maybe things will get more interesting on their third date. Ben's just hoping Armie won't think his praise kink or desire to be touched are weird.
Grounding by @absolutecreed (G, 1.5k, Modern AU, Dissociation, Fluff)
Hux wakes up to a phone call from Kylo, saying to come pick him up.
What makes that request odd is that it's 4am. And its their day off. And nothing is open.
Hux gets worried.
fathers & sons by @claude-lit (M, 3k, Funerals, H/C, Mentions of Child Abuse)
Han dies. Hux picks up the pieces.
Homecoming by @warlike-god (M, 69k, Modern AU, Family Issues, Slow Burn)
AU in which Kylo has cut off all contact with his parents for the past seven years, but one phone call brings him right back to his dysfunctional family, and away from his hopeful art career. Now he has to deal with Han and Leia's foster daughter Rey, Governor Organa herself, and Armitage Hux, his high school rival who seems to keep showing up at every turn. Worst of all, he has to reconcile with Han, and figure out how to say goodbye.
stet by @acroamatica (M, 17k, Novelist/Editor AU)
Kylo Ren knows how to write a bestseller. All he needs is a good enough monster and a small enough town, a cast of people who are relatable but maybe not very bright, and an editor who will sit back and let him do his thing.
First Order House’s newly-promoted senior editor Hux, however, is not that editor.
Take Me Home, Country Roads by @multi-purpose-tool-guy (G, 8k, Kylux-Adjacent Ship, Clyde Logan/Caleb Smith, Family Drama)
After the events that occurred at Nathan's home in the mountains, Caleb feels he needs to escape back to the sun-baked and beer-sticky West Virginia where he grew up. Some things have stayed the same but a lot has changed since he's been gone, including Clyde Logan, but thankfully not in any of the ways that matter.
Alternately; in more ways than one, Caleb comes home.
One Song Glory by @bioticnerfherder (T, 33k, Rock Band AU)
Over two years after graduating from Juilliard, Ben decides he wants to reunite the Knights of Ren, a cover band they formed to make rent as college kids in New York City. But two years can be long time, and the band members have moved on - friendships are strained, romantic feelings forgotten. Or are they?
featuring: Ben on vocals and bass, Poe on lead guitar, Finn on rhythm guitar, Phasma on keyboards, Rey on drums, and Hux as their songwriter/kind-of manager.
#kylux#fic rec#i couldn't find some of the tumblrs for these so if you see your name or a tumblr you know just chuck me an ask or a message and i can#change it so it links to the appropriate tumblr#just basically let me know if you spot a mistake with any of this please <3
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Fandom fossilised in fanfic
So. I’m podding this story.
It was written in 2011, and seriously, it’s very much A Story of It’s Time. Some of the terms and povs that are used in the story we daren’t use now. Even how sexuality is presented comes across as contrived and heavy handed in a way that people wouldn’t write today, because non hetreonormative sexualty is seen as accepted, and there’s no angst about whom one is attracted to.
A couple weeks ago, I spoke with someone on twitter, who thought that although the culture had become more accepting with alternative sexualites and more sensitive to the needs various, it tended to veer to oversensivity (in terms of fandom), to the point where even say kink memes are verboten - or at least- not so previlant now because certain provclivities would be seen as beyond the pale, to the point where people don’t ask after them anymore.
She was in mourning, and said that was one of the reasons why fandom wans’t really attractive to her anymore (she’s lesbian, relatively woke. Early twenties, and grew up in fandom from 12 years and onwards) because fandom wasn’t necessarily a safe space to let it all hang out like one used to. And a big part of said ‘space’ was to be able to sink into the freakdom without being judged. People either were moved to answer your prompt, or not.
I do remember nodding at her thread because I understood what she meant. Not necessarily due to writing of kink as much as your characters can’t really express themselves clumsily any more, no matter how well meaning (because to be fair, intent isn’t magic).
On one hand, it’s a good thing, because people will only do what is demanded of them. On the other hand, you do get some stirring bits of fic that would be shot down today.
However, it wasn’t not until I started podding this story where the point really hits home. Some of the phrases give me pause (there’s a line that won’t make me stop in my tracks because I’m British, but I know it’s insulting to Americans) that no writer would ever use now, even as an insult. But because when you’re podding a story, everything is STET (let it stand), short of say, minor grammatical errors, it will have to be said. I’ll just try and put this as a podder’s note at the beginning of the story.
That being said, it’s still an enjoyable story. It’s very strong, and has me laughing at times. It reminds me of when I podded Now That I’m In Madrid... I do remember going, “Oh, this story could never fly today.” I’ll finish this podfic, although it might never see the light of day (the last time the writer posted was three years ago so I hold out no hope of her responding), but it’s been nice to spend time with it again. I do hope to finish the reading tonight and edit at leisure.
The main reason why I’m doing this fanfic because there’s a bit of flashback scenes and music nods, so I’m trying to be a bit more experimental in my work. Although I think if the story is strong enough it doesn’t need embellishments, but I’m getting over myself and seeing if I have the ability to actually insert music and sound effects without it distracting from the fanfic.
But yeah, just podding this story this morning, and this is what hits. I’m half tempted to read my own fic from 2011 but... I don’t think I need to. The past is a foreign country, they do things differently there.
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sorry I only know you as chimchubs now👀👀👀 How are you bestie? I hope you’re well and I noticed a few weeks ago one of my asks was swallowed but I never sent another one hahaha but i asked how you stay motivated? Specifically when writing fics? Bc I get so excited when is stet our writing something but over time I just lose inspo for it and it suxxxx I JUST WANNA FINISH WRITING SOMETHING AH
also...i’m having bias issues man help pls
excuse you, who are you to tease ME about jimin when YOU’RE having issues with your own man??? who is this mr steal yo girl??? hoseok?? jin?? joon?? the entire group?? ME???
anyways regarding your question, honestly, i go through that a lot;;; sometimes i just let it sit there in my documents and work on other things, because the inspiration usually does return eventually!! it’s better to write when you’re inspired anyways, but sometimes, i guess i kind of just push through? sitting down and immersing myself into writing usually gets me in the zone and i won’t be able to do anything until i finish the fic LOL so maybe that’ll work for you? :o
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/r/fanfiction's Favorite Fics Read in 2017
Here are /r/fanfiction's favorite fics read in 2017, based on replies to the 2018 Community Census
Ace Attorney| 逆転裁判
A Long Way to Fall (explicit)
Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人
Release (mature)
Avatar: the Last Airbender
Sparrowkeet (explicit)
Minimum Height Requirement (teen)
Captain America
They're gonna send us to prison for jerks (teen)
cascades. (mature)
Steve & Natasha go to Ikea (not rated)
Demobilization (explicit)
Criminal Minds
Indispensable (teen)
Death Note
Thus Spoke Zarathustra (teen)
The Teacher of All Things (teen)
Don't Starve
Ashes in the Dark (explicit)
Dying Light
Latchkey Hero (mature)
Final Fantasy XV
Unbroken Night (teen)
Fullmetal Alchemist
Dismantle the Sun (mature)
Know the Difference (teen)
Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire
Dreams of Fire and Light (teen)
Ghost Hunt
The Ghost of Giffords Library (teen)
Cabin in the Woods (teen)
Uprising (teen)
Harry Potter
Cambiares Podentes (explicit)
Mount unto the Stars (mature)
The Debt of Time (mature)
Enticingly (mature)
Earthbound Spook (teen)
For Love of Magic (mature)
The Sum of Their Parts (mature)
The Changeling (teen)
Draco Malfoy and the Quest For Power (mature)
Harry Crow (teen)
Limpieza de Sangre (mature)
Harry Potter/Marvel Cinematic Universe/Percy Jackson crossover
Lokison (explicit)
How To Train Your Dragon
A Thing of Vikings (mature)
James Bond
Ordinary Numbers (teen)
Kingdom Hearts
Why the Sun Sets Red (general audiences)
"My hero wears Oxfords" (general audiences)
Life is Strange
LARP is Strange (teen)
Brooke's Guilt Trip (teen)
Marvel Cinematic Universe
The darkest hour is just before the dawn (teen)
Motion Practice (mature)
Sleep Sisyphus (Guard your Star) (teen)
Mass Effect
Razor's Edge (mature)
Another Realm (mature)
My Chemical Romance RPF
L for Lucky, M for Mine (explicit)
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
MLP Loops (teen)
Original Fic
Each To Each (mature)
Alpha squad (teen)
Powerpuff Girls
More Than Human (mature)
Rick and Morty
The Floor is Lava (teen)
RWBY Loops (teen)
RWBY/The Gamer crossover
The Games We Play (teen)
Sonic the Hedgehog
My Arms are Blue! (teen)
Star Wars
Reconditioning (explicit)
My Youth Is Yours (teen)
where the weeds take root (explicit)
Ghost in the Machine (teen)
You Can Keep Holding On (explicit)
Supernatural/Criminal Minds crossover
with understanding (explicit)
Teen Wolf
I Still Believe (explicit)
Tokyo Ghoul
A Stitch in Time Saves What's Mine (explicit)
The Legend of Zelda
Calm Waters Run Deep (teen)
The Walking Dead
To Leave the Best Untold (explicit)
basement's basement (explicit)
Yuri on Ice
Spilt Coffee (general audiences)
The Savage Dark (explicit)
Overtagged Seagull drabbles (teen)
The North Remembers series - there are a number of fics with this name, not sure which is the correct one, possibly this (mature)?
Storm - not sure which fandom or fic is the correct one, I saw the Captain America fic with this name mentioned on the subreddit the other day, so possibly that one (explicit)?
Slow It Down - not sure which fandom or fic is the correct one
Vanishing Act - not sure which fandom or fic is the correct one, possibly this JoJo/Persona 5 fic (not rated)?
stet - not sure which fandom or fic is the correct one, possibly this Star Wars fic (mature)?
The Parting Glass - not 100% sure of the fandom or fic, but I think it's probably this Elder Scrolls fic (explicit)
Misconceptions - not sure which fandom or fic is the correct one
Better then - not 100% sure which fandom or fic is the correct one, but probably this Life is Strange fic
Myths of Unova - This fancomic? Is it for the Pokemon fandom?
The road to recovery - not sure which is the correct fandom or fic
Delete/Edit - not sure which is the correct fandom or fic
The Long Journey - not sure which is the correct fandom or fic
The Biology Project - not sure which is the correct fandom or fic, possibly this Twilight fic? (mature)
Rain Soaked Tears - not sure of correct fandom or fic, possibly this Soul Eater fic?
Let me know if I made any mistakes, and feel free to give me the correct info for the fics I wasn't sure about so I can edit them in properly.
submitted by /u/ClimateMom [link] [comments] from FanFiction: Where Magical Ponies battle Imperial Titans http://ift.tt/2lEqAAs
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