#aph china fanfiction
alfredosauce50 · 7 months
Yandere Denmark headcanons
Ruthless, ambitious, and with a mind for expansion, it’s no wonder he always finds himself in positions of political power. But like all men, he has desires of the flesh, the longing for real connection. He comes onto you as an ordinary man, and you love him as one.
What you don’t know, is that he’s the king. When you learn the truth, you pull away fearing for your own safety. But he holds onto all the tighter. With the nation obeying his every whim and every pair of eyes and ears working for him, he’s impossible to escape.
Content warning: Sex, violence, and dubious consent. R18+ only.
The nobleman
Mathias commands respect everywhere he goes. As one of the most powerful men in the ancient world, he has a potent presence that causes the whole energy of a room to change if he were to enter it. But he also likes to blend in when he can. He will dress down to avoid standing out, even if it’s still in clothes for those in the top percentile.
He often leaves the palace grounds to visit the city in person. Whether it’s for leisure or to see how his kingdom is doing, he insists on doing it without protection. And when people recognize his face as the same one on the back of their coins, he gives a reassuring smile as they talk excitedly amongst themselves. The King is here!
Chinese silk, richly dyed clothing, and the most exotic Arabian perfume. They’re everything you notice about Mathias when you serve him at your diner. A member of the ruling class, you think. But that’s all. The last thing you’d expect is for the king himself to show up in this humble establishment, fitting in like everybody else.
“Tell me, eskler,” He begins, watching you set down his meal in front of him. Lamb shank, mash, and the soup of the day. A hearty meal to go with the homey atmosphere. “What do you think about the king?”
“I don’t know,” You lift your gaze to him thoughtfully. Without batting an eye, you tell him the words he didn’t know he needed to hear, and would, in turn, change his life forever. “I’ve never met him.”
He’s taken aback by your response, but it draws him in like no other. There’s people who don’t care for politics, and then there’s you. Someone who’s never even seen him before. And so long as he keeps his identity a secret, he’ll be treated as an equal. It’s nowhere near the treatment fit for a king, but somehow, he can’t get enough.
Mathias asks you out for dinner. You reject him the first time, and understandably so. You don’t wanna accidentally become a part of his harem, or whatever it is the elites are doing these days. However, you eventually have a change of heart when you keep seeing him in your diner. Not to pester you about a date, but only to eat and chat.
“Seeing that you’re more polite than any other man I’ve met, I’ll take you up on your offer,” You tell him.
“What, did you have higher expectations for men?”
“No, that’s why I’m surprised you would say yes,” Mathias explains, following you with his eyes as you clear up the last remaining tables. He eventually stands up to ask this. “What makes me so different?”
The truth is, you sense that he’s a good person, and he’s shocked when you tell him. He tries to see himself in your eyes, and in turn, discovers a whole new side. Thanks to your willingness to engage with him on his level, he gets in touch with the more vulnerable parts of his character. He drops his guard, and feels strangely human.
He starts seeing you in secret. The moment he gets the chance, he disappears from the palace and makes a discrete trip to your home. His alibi? The same thing he’s been doing the whole time. He’ll always show up with flowers and other gifts, but more importantly, an empty stomach, having developed an appetite for your simple cooking.
“So, what are we having for dinner today?” He rubs his hands expectantly as he peers over your shoulder.
“Pickled fish,” You hum.
“Can I help?” He lights up, rolling his sleeves.
“You can help me by staying out of the kitchen.”
He’s very playful. Rolling around with you in the grass, pretending to bite you like a frenzied dog, it’s a timeless romance that transcends the ages. He can play with you like a child but love you like a woman, so being with him feels like a dream. His presence is just so fulfilling you can’t imagine asking for more, but he just keeps surprising you.
He spoils you. His generosity is magnanimous, pampering you with jewelry, dresses, homeware, and everything you could ever need, and more. Mathias imagines himself to be the solution to all your problems, and takes great pride in using his privilege to help you. Little does he know, it’s the one thing that drives a wedge between you both.
“This is really nice and all, but—”
Mathias is taking you to store after store, fishing out anything he thinks would look good on you. And he isn’t picky, or shy, for that matter. He will watch your silhouette behind the paper screen until you finish.
“—this is a bit much, don’t you think?” You appear from the side of the screen in a revealing jade dress, cheeks flushed. “I don’t need all these things, and besides, I could never pay you back if I tried.”
“Why would you pay me back?” He questions.
“I’m just saying,” You reply, sliding your hands in his. “It always feels like we’re from different worlds, Mat.”
He takes that statement personally and becomes cautious about protecting his identity. You hold him to a high enough regard already, and he’s only revealed so much — that he’s an aristocrat. Even then, you’re still wary of the class difference that sets you two apart. Mathias is destined for greatness, but this is all you’ll ever be. Imagine how you’d react if you found out he was the king.
He’s afraid that he’ll scare you off. All rulers have blood on their hands, a ruthlessness that evades the ordinary man. You would be heartbroken if Mathias were anything of such, and he knows. He only wants you to see him as the person he is when he’s with you. Kind, gentle, and passionate. You make feel like a man, and when he feels like a man, it fills him with a carnal sense of purpose.
He’s sensual at heart, so he can’t go without it. Not without you, or the intoxicating completion you give him. So when you start pulling away, he’ll feel the whips of panic because a part of him is slipping away. Every interaction you have with him will become emotionally charged. Mathias chases you like crazy, but you withhold from him, causing him to have frequent bursts of passion.
“I thought we talked about this—”
“—No, I thought we talked about this. You said you loved me, and now you’re not gonna marry me?” Mathias sits up out of alarm, then stares at you like you just betrayed him, because to him, you have.
When you argue
There’s no arguing with Mathias. When he wants it his way, he’ll eventually get it. And in that same breath, you can never stay mad at him, allowing for a vicious cycle that never ends. Something about him just gets you to forgive him before he even does anything. It doesn’t matter what the argument is about, or how bad it gets, because it’s guaranteed you’ll be kissing him by nightfall, and he’ll be making love to you until sunrise.
“What’s makes us so different to each other?”
“You know why,” You rub the tears from your eyes as you rush down the stairs. “I’m not your equal. I don’t have money, I can barely read, and I don’t know anything about the things that are important to you!”
“Those are trivial things! And they’re nothing I can’t give or teach you!” He runs in front of you, talking excitedly. And he believes in every word he speaks. “The fact that we’re arguing makes us equals!”
No matter how outlandish.
“It doesn’t work that way, Mathias!”
He uses sex to his advantage. You know touch is his love language, so it becomes hard to resist, especially after a bad fight. The tension calls for a hard release of it, which he does through a hot and raw pounding. It gives him the safety and reassurance that you will always love him, and he’s addicted to it like a drug. Don’t be surprised that he starts picking fights just for the sake of it.
“I’m gonna cum inside you, okay?” He pants over you, moving his pelvis back and forth in fluid thrusts.
“You wouldn’t dare,” You breathe under him.
“I would,” Mathias speeds up to a pace that gets his face to contort from a pleasure so good, it looked like he was in pain. He was going so hard and deep, his orgasm came in seconds, arriving in strong jets that fills you to the brim. And he’s not letting you go until every last drop of it is pumped into your womb.
He wrecks boundaries and shatters your mind in the process. He can’t handle distance, let alone tension, and will force his way into your world. You can’t help but let him, too helplessly in love with his smile and memory. He seems nurturing and giving, when really, he takes just as much, and if not, more. You don’t always realize that, and lose yourself as well as your ability to say no.
The King
He has a fierce intelligence that intimidates. Not only does he have one of the greatest military minds of all time, there is no taking advantage of him in political exchanges. He can read anyone with a single glance, then find a way to get out on top. It’s all in his slick grin, which goes away in an instant. Making it obvious he’s hiding his amusement is just how he mocks his enemies.
Mathias is above the system. He doesn’t abide by existing power or religious structures if he thinks they’re useless. Sailing west into an open ocean, guiding his people to enlightenment and discovery. Questioning rulers, then going so far as to overthrow them. He’s a dark horse when it comes to challenging the natural order, a master of annexation, a force to be reckoned with.
He treats those below him with respect. He will look anyone in the eye to speak to them on their level, no matter who. He’s not pretentious at all, but very understanding of people from all walks of life. Kind to the poor, merciless to the rich. Civilians are cared for by their king and love him for it, but the same can’t be said for high society. Not that they have anything to say about it.
Mathias is uncensored to violence. He wouldn’t bat an eye at the inside of someone’s skull, heads rolling, or spilled guts. As a king, he’s seen it all. He fights with his men like the God of war for all his incorruptible dreams, so every battle serves a divine purpose. If it means he can give his people a better life, give you a better life, he would gladly take it away all the same without hesitation.
And yet, when you come around, his invincibility, sharpness, everything that makes him ruthless, goes away instantly. That impenetrable exterior his enemies work tirelessly to get past, is broken. He returns to who he is at his core, a kind, gentle, and curious man because you see him as such. Being with you is like rising to the surface and taking a breath for the first time, constantly.
For this, he can never stop thinking about you. Every waking hour of the day, you’re on his mind. With the rush of politics and warfare, all he wants is to drown in your love, beauty, and femininity. You are the light to the darkness that pervades the world, your presence a sacred haven in all the chaos. It’s no wonder the world is made for two, because he can’t understand it without you.
That’s why he’s such an intense lover. Mathias will show up to your doorstep uninvited and beg for your attention like he’s starving for it, because there’s no other way to describe such a feeling. Whether it’s through talking, touching, or kissing, the way he looks at you is how all girls want to be looked at — a look with so much love, you can hardly return it. But he makes you every time.
He can stay calm even in times of conflict and crises. He knows when he’s in control, and this has served him well for many years. But if he does lose his head, it’s when you’re caught in the crossfire. He will do anything to keep you safe, even if he has to sacrifice thousands of others. He wouldn’t just go to war for you like other men, he would wage them. Start them. Finish them.
His dedication is the stuff of myths and legends, because if it came down to it, he would venture to the depths of the underworld to rescue you from the dead. Slay monsters to prove his worth. Challenge Gods. Nothing is bigger than his love for you, and he’ll make the whole world feel it. What he has with you is for the history books, epics, and sagas, but he’d prefer privacy over all.
You are his only weakness, so if someone caught wind of the king’s secret lover, everything would be over. Unfortunately, he gets too carried away by going to your home too often. To protect you, he has no choice but to reveal his identity and take you back to the palace. Dressed up in his most extravagant robes, he knocks on your door with a band of soldiers surrounding the property.
When you answer, the first thing you see is Mathias in his crown, and behind him, the royal guard. Your heart sinks as everything clicks. Why he was always so secretive, why he was always so adamant that you were his equal, his other half. Why the court advisors bowed before him despite being the highest ranking officials in the state, because he was above everyone and everything, all except for the Gods themselves.
“Let me explain.” He tells you, brows raised.
“I knew it,” You utter, slamming the door in his face. But nobody simply shuts out the king, not even you. That reality sinks in as he stays outside your home, asserting he has no intention to leave without you.
The honeymoon
The first week is the toughest. You feel betrayed and overwhelmed by who Mathias is, so you refuse to see him. He’s very understanding at first, and prepares a separate room just for you. It’s fully furnished, lavishly decorated, and filled with everything you’ve ever laid your eyes on. He’s been thinking of you all this time, yearning to be with you, but you have yet to give in. This isn’t the man you thought you knew, and yet, some part of you always suspected he’d turn out this way. He seemed too good to be true, and he was. After all, every force has an equal and opposite reaction, where his love for you alone goes head to head with his ruthlessness.
He tries to find you around the palace, which is perfect for when you eventually get cabin fever. You roam the palace grounds out of curiosity, even joining some of the servants in the kitchen. Mathias would never show up in a place like that, and that serves you well for a few days. You feel like yourself again and all is well, that is, until you run into him in the orchard, picking apples for himself. It’s the second time you’ve made the crucial mistake of thinking of him as any other king when he isn’t. No chore is too low for him to do, no place too filthy for him to be. You both stare at each other, eyes wide. Without a single word exchanged, you turn around and run off.
“Will you at least have dinner with me?” He calls out to you, watching your back grow smaller and smaller.
“I’m quite fine, thank you.”
“Please?” Mathias softens his voice. “I miss you.”
You can’t resist him, especially when he talks and looks at you like that. The man you thought you knew is still in there, and it sucks you in like a rip. You join him in the dining hall and have a meal together, even if it’s a silent one. You’re keen on leaving right after, but he’s quick to notice that. He’s never wrong when it comes to reading your body language, even when you were being subtle about it. Turns out, with him, nothing is subtle. He catches you before you get far, grabbing your hand and pulling you back. “I’m still the same person you love, so will you just stay with me?”
Mathias is sneaky. He’s really good at reeling you in and letting you think you’re pushing him away. And he gets closer the more he keeps doing it. He knows exactly what he’s doing, while looking like he doesn’t. His innocent act is more effective than you’re led on to believe, because you fall for it every time. Every interaction with him has a catch, just like the dinner that came with a stroll. And now, you’re in his bed a week after telling him you want to sleep separately. You only realize your mistake three nights in, curled up tightly in his arms, staring up at his tired, smiling face.
“What am I gonna do with you?” You whisper.
“The same thing you’ve always done.” He answers.
He’s comfortable in his natural state. Mathias has the body of a warrior, his skin scarred by all the blades that have touched him. Otherwise, he’s an impressive specimen produced from years of battle and good genes. Large, muscular, and well-endowed. If the weather allows for it, he’ll relax in the bedroom buck naked, and talk to you as casually as he would with clothes on. He doesn’t feel any shame or embarrassment when he’s so familiar with you. He can also work up quite a stink, so he makes it a point to chase you around for a hug. And he catches you every time.
He expects you to join him for breakfast and dinner everyday. Mathias has a lot of business to attend to in between, but wants you to be the first and last thing he sees. Waking up and falling asleep beside you isn’t enough. He also insists on taking all his baths with you, so you ought to get used to being naked around him. He’s the type to stare, and so much that it’s embarrassing, but he always makes sure to remind you how beautiful you are. He may be a handful, but he just wants you to be as comfortable around him as you can so you both can be like two peas in a pod.
“It’s not like I haven’t already seen every inch of you, so don’t be shy,” He wades over to you in the pool.
“Doesn’t mean I can’t stop refreshing your memory.” You splash his face, cackling. “Have some manners!”
He tutors you. Granted, it took a lot of convincing on your end, but you can’t deny that you want to be closer to him, and this is how. He teaches you all about his duties, as well as math, science, and literacy. You didn’t go to school, but he wants to involve you in official business as you’ll be his most trusted partner in the future. And if he sends letters, you need to be able to read them. He’s been elevating you this whole time, hoping that you gain the confidence to stand by his side one day. And when that day comes, he’ll propose to you in a way that feels so natural, you won’t hesitate to accept. If you see him smiling at you over nothing, that’s what he’s thinking about. You’re going to be this nation’s most beloved queen one day, and he can’t wait for it to come.
The night of your wedding, he will carry you to his chambers to consummate it. He doesn’t think of it as a duty wherein he needs to produce heirs, but something he’s been wanting to do for ages. Starting a family with you, if he didn’t already get you pregnant from all the unprotected sex he’s been having with you for months. But tradition is tradition, and there won’t be another opportunity as romantic as this. You’ll be ravished all night, taking him until your insides ache and you get sick of his taste. He has a penchant for all kinds of sex, but combined with his ox-like stamina and insatiable appetite, he could go at it forever.
Mathias would want to reincarnate by your side, finding you again and again in endless rebirths. In the dark ages where life is short and death is always near, having you just once isn’t enough. So after conquering the mortal world and making it perfect for you, he will search for answers to the question that needs answering. What comes after death, and if you’ll be there, waiting for him. It’s strange. He has dreams of having different lives, each more vivid than the last. Sometimes a dashing prince, other times, a champion boxer. He doesn’t understand what he experiences, but the thing about dreams is that they always make sense when he’s in them. So maybe, it’ll come to him one day, even if it’s thousands of years later.
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Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers
Character: England
Sample Size: 14,975 stories
Source: AO3
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adelheidsideblog · 7 months
Allies version of this post since I’m two hours into a five hour drive and bored 😉
- Alfred has a high libido himself so having a partner that could keep up is a must
- I think he can go a fairly long time but the amount of rounds he can go for varies. (Unless he’s really excited, and then might cum fast, but always makes up for it)
- Definitely down for quickies, and probably has them fairly often
- Very much into public sex, he’s had sex everywhere he’s thought he could get away with it.
- I feel like he’s into edging/gooning, which draws out sessions
- Doesn’t have a lot of toys but very much willing to use them
- Almost exactly the same as Alfred but… hornier, if possible
- If anything, you’ll be the one struggling to keep up with him
- Has to cum to go to sleep, and has to cum to start his day off
- He can get away with riskier public sex because he isn’t noticed as much
- Also really gets off to getting his partner off. There are some sessions where he uses his mouth or fingers to get his partner off multiple times but doesn’t cum himself
- Doesn’t have the highest libido, but rarely turns down the offer for sex
- In his relationships he probably initiates 40% of the time, and his partner has to initiate the other 60%
- Now that he’s older I think the pace is slower, but he lasts long. I don’t think he can go for very many rounds though, 3 rounds on a good day.
- If he isn’t in the mood for fully penetrative sex he might have his partner put on a show for him (which ends in penetration 50% of the time)
- Unless he’s drunk he doesn’t like full public sex but is willing to use his hands on his partner in public
- Another one who likes to cum to help him sleep
- Like England, he’s slowed down a little in his old age
- Higher libido but I think he probably has a hard time cumming, so he also lasts a while
- Medium paced. He can be rough or gentle, depending on what he thinks his partner would enjoy more.
- Lives for his partner’s orgasms. Won’t even think of cumming til he knows his partner is satisfied.
- Another munch (and is really good at it)
- I think he likes quickies but doesn’t prefer them. Especially in public.
- For the most part he’s great for a high libido partner! His love language is physical touch, so it makes him feel appreciated.
- Unless he’s drunk, Ivan is almost always dtf
- I can see him being a pleasure dom, so he would strive to get his partner off as much as they needed
- You might be in over your head with this one. He’ll make you cum until you’re begging him to stop
- In modern days he lives alone, so he’s willing to get adventurous with where has sex inside his house but is iffy on sex anywhere else
- Has a lot of stamina, and can go for 1-4 rounds depending on what his partner needs
- Doesn’t really own or see the need for toys but if his partner really is desperate he might tie them up and leave them on a sybian til they scream
- Gives you lots of grief about how he’s too old to keep up, but don’t be fooled
- Yao needs to feel needed, so having a high libido partner boosts his confidence
- Tends to go for one or two longer rounds
- I think he’s really into morning sex. It might even be his favorite.
- Another one that will make you cum til you beg him to stop
- Is really into hand stuff: if he’s in the mood he’s likely to slip his hands in your pants out of boredom
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mimicmimikyuwrites · 2 months
☆ Hetalia Masterlist ☆
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America (Alfred F. Jones)
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I love you's - GN!Reader
Summary: Little fluffy scenarios where some of my favorite nations tell a gn!reader "I love you" (America, Russia, England, Canada)
Cooking Together - GN!Reader
Summary: Cute little scenarios where you cook together with some of the nations. (America, England, Canada, Russia, France)
Bomber Jacket - Fem!Reader (SMUT)(MDNI)
Summary: Cleaning out your shared closet with your boyfriend leads to the discovery of his old bomber jacket, a jacket that you think looks a bit too good on him. So good that you can't keep your hands to yourself and one thing leads to another.
Smut Headcanons - Fem!Reader
Summary: A short, smut-filled ramble in the form of headcanons. (SMUT, MDNI)
Giving Him Head - GN!Reader (SMUT, MDNI)
Summary: Smutty little scenarios where you go down on some (America, England, Canada) of the nations. Yup. 💕
England (Arthur Kirkland)
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I love you's - GN!Reader
Summary: Little fluffy scenarios where some of my favorite nations tell a gn!reader "I love you" (America, Russia, England, Canada)
Cooking Together - GN!Reader
Summary: Cute little scenarios where you cook together with some of the nations. (America, England, Canada, Russia, France)
Giving Him Head - GN!Reader (SMUT, MDNI)
Summary: Smutty little scenarios where you go down on some (America, England, Canada) of the nations. Yup. 💕
Canada (Matthew Williams)
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I love you's - GN!Reader
Summary: Little fluffy scenarios where some of my favorite nations tell a gn!reader "I love you" (America, Russia, England, Canada)
Cooking Together - GN!Reader
Summary: Cute little scenarios where you cook together with some of the nations. (America, England, Canada, Russia, France)
Giving Him Head - GN!Reader (SMUT, MDNI)
Summary: Smutty little scenarios where you go down on some (America, England, Canada) of the nations. Yup. 💕
Russia (Ivan Braginsky)
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I love you's - GN!Reader
Summary: Little fluffy scenarios where some of my favorite nations tell a gn!reader "I love you" (America, Russia, England, Canada)
Smut Headcanons - Fem!Reader
Summary: Just me rambling about my smut headcanons for Russia. SMUT, MDNI
Cooking Together - GN!Reader
Summary: Cute little scenarios where you cook together with some of the nations. (America, England, Canada, Russia, France)
Dating Headcanons - Male!Reader
Summary: A short list of dating headcanons for a male reader and Russia.
France (Francis Bonnefoy)
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Cooking Together - GN!Reader
Summary: Cute little scenarios where you cook together with some of the nations. (America, England, Canada, Russia, France)
China (Wang Yao)
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None yet!
Italy (Feliciano Vargas)
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None yet!
Germany (Ludwig Bieldschmidt)
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None yet!
Japan (Kiku Honda)
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None yet!
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kitaychan · 2 months
Nerium Oleander
Chapter 22: Wergild
Rating: E
Warnings: Blood, Violence, smut, it's a Hannibal AU so yeah cannibalism.
Pairing: America/Russia/China
Summary: Alfred is the new investigator in the small town of Adelfa, his days will turn into a spiral of sleepless nights and bloody murder scenes as he has to look for a serial killer whose work exceeds the years of training he's had.
Chapter Preview:
The cold wind was getting harsher, rustling the tree's leaves as it passed. the red lights blinked, turning green as the cars started their run again. Yao frowned, not very keen on walking around with his colleagues, he resorted to pettily slowing down his steps beside them, either to show a slight discomfort or to cause it himself. Unluckily for him, Mathew was attentive enough to slow down his pace as well.
“The quarry stopped working, who knows for how long,” A cigarrete’s butt lit bright red as Carlos mused, running a hand through his hair. "I think that's rather troubling,"
“Perhaps it is for the better, with that place closed the mayor can focus on solving other kinds of problems here,” Matthew said, taking off his glasses. "These last few days the rain has been merciless and I'm just so tired of the traffic jam by the highway, the trees’ branches by the roadside keep falling over and blocking it, every single day. That is something the mayor should be more aware of, having to drive on those side paths to get home so late is beginning to take a toll on my poor car but guess which road is well pavemented and has no blockades? The one to the quarry."
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killamorrikilla · 1 month
Need Russian people to help me with writing a Russian guy.
I’m interested in some of more casual conversations slangs and/or phrases that used commonly in Russia.
About me and my project :
I’m a fanfic writers and I’m writing Hetalia: Axis Powers fan fiction that focuses on China and Russia individual relationships. I livid in Taiwan so I’m familiar with Chinese slang but are not familiar with Russian slang and would like to learn more about it.
I’m open to language exchange if you like as well :)
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soupandflowers · 6 months
Day 2 - Is it possible to die from embarrassment?
Another late entry, however I'd say this one went more smoothly than the other. It only took me about 3 hours to write! Anyways, I could've cut this one short, but I liked this idea too much and decided to pull through with it. So, yay me? Next few days will just be drawings though because writing is not my forte LMAO. This one features the Asian family because I wish we had the boys interacting with the others' families. Poor Hong Kong. Also prolly OOC loooooool. Also tried to write Korea as rather more super outgoing and enjoy meeting new people. He still has his clashes though. Hopefully I did a little bit of justice to him here. No beta we die like HRE. Word count is 2,548. @hongiceweek
Is it possible to die from embarrassment?
As Hong Kong urges Iceland- who has dumpling bits stuck in his hair and shirt- upstairs to his room, he can’t help but apathetically want to pack his things, hitch a ride to the nearest bus stop, take a flight to the middle of South America and formally live out the rest of his life under a brand new identity. Someone else can take over as the personification of Hong Kong, he thinks.
And that is saying something. Among the two boyfriends, Hong Kong is easily the more savvy between the two. He knows all the right moves and words to get his partner to flush and hide his face in embarrassment. Hong Kong is teasing, smooth, and witty, thus it’s not very often or easily to make Hong Kong falter to its knees. The point is the dynamic between them has always been consistent. When it comes to Iceland, Hong Kong rarely ever loses his cool.
That is up until now.
Hong Kong hurries Iceland to his room and slams the door shut behind him. Locking it and pulling a chair from his desk underneath the knob for good measure. As Hong Kong rushes to his drawer to find suitable spare clothes, Iceland stands by and tries his very best to reassure him. Hong Kong says nothing as he finds a suitable shirt and disappears into his personal bathroom, with running water that can be heard shortly afterwards. He walks back out.
“Here. There’s a warm washcloth and some spare clothing that you can use. Feel free to wash your hair and use any of the towels as well.”
“Gotcha. “, nods Iceland. “Thanks.” He disappears into the bathroom and quietly closes the door behind him.
Then, a breaking of glassware and shouting could be heard from downstairs . Of course, the loudest voices belong to Taiwan and Korea, only to be outdone by China’s, only to be outdone by Thailand’s.
Hong Kong sits on the edge of the bed and heaves a frustrated sigh. He places his fingers on the bridge of the nose.
Just what the hell even happened?
— It was another world meeting that was just supposed to be the two of them.
When the meeting called for the noon break, Hong Kong caught up to Iceland wanting to ask if they could get lunch together. As they were exiting the meeting hall, Taiwan just so happened to be in the area and being the only person to know about their relationship so far, she saw them and was teasing her brother in the distance.
Unfortunately, talking to her was South Korea, who followed Taiwan’s gaze and called out to greet the both of them. Not wanting to get Iceland involved with his family, he urges him to hurry out the door.
But one thing leads to another and Korea’s attention draws China’s and also wanting to greet his student, meets them just before they reach the door. Before Hong Kong could take off in the other direction, Taiwan, Korea, and now Japan caught up to them.
While initially wanting to greet the fellow asian, the family took interest in the Icelander as well. Having not many chances or reasons to converse casually with someone outside of Asia, they took the chance to get to know him. In which, while Iceland shyly returned the gesture, Hong Kong was starting to get peeved that Iceland was getting a little bit too involved with his family. When Hong Kong had to break the conversation that they were late for lunch, China brought this up:
“Oh! Well, we would love to get to know you more, Iceland. Why don’t you come over for dinner tonight and I’ll treat you to some authentic Chinese cuisine!”
Hong Kong’s heart drops and he tries to pull his boyfriend out of there before he could respond. However, Taiwan and Korea blocked their way and pleaded for Iceland to visit. To Hong Kong’s dismay, his boyfriend agreed. He gazes at horror at his boyfriend as the rest of the Asians cheer and pull Iceland over to plan for tonight. Fast forward to China’s summer home in Beijing. For the past hour, the rest of Hong Kong’s asian siblings have been running around to prepare for Iceland’s arrival. In excitement to share their culture, China has been working on multiple dishes and cuisines all at once, Taiwan putting down homemade decorations around the kitchen and living room, Korea booting up the karaoke machine to put out his favorite songs to sing, and poor Japan just being pulled around by the previous three as they all demand for his help. The house was chaos.
Hong Kong could only stand there and watch in disbelief. He could withstand his family’s shenanigans, hell, he would often be a part of that too. But in the case of Iceland? Really? No way in hell.
Hong Kong palms his forehead as Japan passes by. Japan, sensing his frustration, assures the boy that everything will be alright and that the rest of the family is only doing everything in their power to welcome Iceland. Surely, his own family wouldn’t make a fool of themselves in front of a guest.
When he finishes that sentence, Taiwan calls for his help, grabs him, and pulls him abruptly to the side. This causes Japan to yelp and grasp the tablecloth as he falls with the rest of the tableset going down with him. Shouting ensues.
Hong Kong can only stand in horror. Just then, the doorbell rings.
It was as if a pin dropped. Everyone starts scrambling to fix the kitchen as Hong Kong quietly slips out of the room to greet Iceland.
Calmly, he opens and slips out the front door. Iceland is standing there before him and raises a shy wave.
Hong Kong only returns with a poker face.
He grabs his shoulders.
“DO NOT COME IN.”, he grits through his teeth. Iceland starts to tremble as his boyfriend looms over before him.
The door opens behind them and they both turn to find China standing there. China’s bright smile looks as if he was about to greet Iceland, however his face drops when he processes what he is witnessing.
Unfortunately for the boys, their faces were perhaps a little bit too close to each other.
An angry yell can be heard across the neighborhood.
When China finally calmed down and the boys explained what was going on, they made their way to the dining area. To Hong Kong’s surprise, the table was already set with the silverware and dishes set in place. The others come up politely to welcome their guest.
Despite the evening getting off to a rough start, the dinner itself began smoothly. Iceland’s mouth was already watering as everyone took their seats and gave thanks before digging right in.
If there was anything that at least went well today, it was the pride and presentation of the variety of Asian cuisine right before them, with each dish being of origin from each asian personification. And it made for great discussion too, as Iceland asked what each meal was, the asians took turns in explaining and sampling for him to try it.
What a great way to start off the discussion! That is until- China being a little bit too prideful of his homeland’s cooking- started sampling and piling food onto Iceland’s plate more than the others. Iceland, not wanting to be rude, could not bring himself to decline and he nodded nervously at the pile of food building up in front of him. Already annoyed with China’s meddling, Hong Kong stands up and forces his sensei to sit back down, in which he begrudgingly obliged.
Sensing the awkwardness in the air, Taiwan (once again, being the only one aware of the boys' relationship), started playing wingman and began doing icebreakers with Iceland. The topic started off general at first, but gradually, the conversation shifted in trying to frame Hong Kong the best way possible, much to his embarrassment. However, it only grew worse when Taiwan brought up their childhood together and accidentally slips in a story about her brother being so afraid of the dark that he needed China to sleep with him every night. Hong Kong was about to lose it again when Korea interrupted.
Wanting to join in the conversation, Korea opted in. Thankfully with the addition of Korea, the conversation shifts topics before any more embarrassing stories about Hong Kong could be revealed. Korea begins asking about Iceland’s home country, his culture, and the other Nordics, in which the Icelander happily obliged to answer. Unfortunately though, as Korea and Iceland ease into each other’s presence, his boyfriend found great difficulty to slip his presence back into the conversation.
Taiwan takes notice of this. In another attempt to assist her brother, she intervenes in their conversation, claiming that Korea is being inconsiderate to Hong Kong for barging into the discussion, with a tone that may-or-may-not sound a bit condescending.
Then, one thing happens and leads to another and all of a sudden, fighting ensues at the dinner table. Taiwan and Korea are fiercely throwing insults and shouting over Iceland before China intervenes, yelling at the both of them that they have a guest over and they are embarrassing themselves. Of course, this family has a long history of not taking shit from China and only ignored his intervention. Fortunately, the fighting moved on from the subject of Iceland, but unfortunately, the two started arguing about each other and personal matters that a guest definitely should not hear.
Offended by his disciples’ disregards, China calls out to Japan, who has been silently and anxiously watching the whole thing, to try and stop them. Japan stands from his seat and tries to mediate the two, but Taiwan takes advantage of the situation to claim that Japan sides with her. Mouth agape at offense, Korea takes a handful of food and aims it at Taiwan, in which she dodges and it hits Japan square in the face instead.
The tables ensues into chaos. Taiwan returns Korea’s gesture and soon enough, food is flying across the room as China starts screaming in rage as he witnesses his precious hardwork go to waste. In which both respond back by pelting him with rice and noodles, which only amplifies his shouting. Japan tries to crawl away but Taiwan pulls him to stand up, hands him a bowl, and orders him to start throwing.
For Hong Kong and Iceland, they take cover underneath the table. Hong Kong’s face is red in embarrassment and when he looks over to his boyfriend, his eyes widen at the sight of Iceland’s hair and upper shirt being covered in dumpling bits. He feels like he could bury himself alive underneath that table right then and there.
Suddenly, the front door could be heard opening and closing, followed by multiple footsteps growing near.
“Hey all! Philippines gifted us some pastries from his house! Whose down to try so-”, the voice is instantly silenced as a splatter could be heard.
The boys peer from underneath the table. As it turns out, the voice belonged to Thailand’s and he took a dumpling as well to the face. Macau and Vietnam were behind him in shock as they supported his balance from being smacked in the face.
The room went silent. Thailand was the best buddy anyone could ever have.
Unfortunately, he could be the worst enemy anyone could ever have.
Thailand roars and launches forward fiercely, but Vietnam and Macau struggle to strain him back. The shouting and food fighting resumes.
Hong Kong tugs at Iceland’s shirt and without saying a word, they both quietly sneak away from the kitchen. He takes Iceland’s hand and hurries him upstairs to his room.
And that, brings back to now.
As another shattering of glass could be heard downstairs, Hong Kong bends over and rubs his face, feeling absolutely mortified. He starts thinking of ways to get a new visa when Iceland exits the bathroom, his hair damp and wearing his boyfriend’s shirt. As Iceland sits on the edge of the bed beside him, Hong Kong pretends to keep his cool.
A moment passes, before Iceland places a reassuring hand on his boyfriend’s shoulder. Hong Kong avoids his gaze.
“You know my brothers are the same as yours, right?”
Hong Kong rolls his eyes. “Do your brothers throw food around as well?”
“Pfft, no… they throw dishes.”
“Even then, I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t act like lunatics in front of a guest.”
“Maybe not", begins Iceland. He scoots closer. "But have you ever met Sweden? The guy doesn’t even do anything and you already have people throwing their wallets begging him to not mug them.”
Hong Kong tries to shrug it off, however a chuckle escapes.
Iceland grins. “Don’t get me started on Dan as well. One time, we had a diplomat over at Dan’s house and then a mouse ended up scurrying into the meeting room. The woman was freaking out so he pulled out his fucking battle axe from his display case. You know what happened next? He split it into a bloody half. I’m pretty sure she passed out right there.”
That got to Hong Kong and it sent him into a series of giggling. Iceland gently leans into him.
“And then you have Norge, who we keep telling him to stop talking to his trolls or whatever in front of others. But he keeps forgetting to do so everytime and everyone else stares at him like he is crazy.”
“And then you have Fin! You’d think he would at least be the one to know how to host a guest, but that guy is seriously weird on his own.”
Hong Kong‘s giggling turn into full-hearted laughter as Iceland’s grin grows. He leans into his partner’s side to plant a kiss on his cheek. Hong Kong smiles and returns the gesture by wrapping his arm around his boyfriend’s waist and planting a kiss on his shoulder and then placing his chin on top of it.
“Maybe I should come over to meet your family instead.”
“Yeah, well, wouldn’t you like to see how that would turn out?”
Just then, they hear Macau calling their names for them to come back downstairs. The boys turn to look at each other before getting up and making their way back down.
When they returned to the kitchen, it became a palette of wasted food staining the walls and the floor alongside with two broken plates scattered by the table. They are immediately greeted with Taiwan, Korea, China, and Japan (who didn’t even do anything), kneeled over on the ground as Vietnam rants away at a lecture frenzy. To her right, Thailand’s smile has returned, but his eyes glare down at them menacingly as he rubs his cheek with a washcloth. To Vietnam’s left, Macau stands there and is the only normal-looking person in the room. He takes notice of the boys’ arrival and greets them.
Vietnam also takes notice as well.
“ALL FOUR OF YOU, APOLOGIZE THIS INSTANT TO THESE BOYS!!”, she demands to the four. They all lift their heads in the boys' direction. Just as when they open their mouths to apologize, it dawns upon them that Iceland is wearing Hong Kong’s shirt.
An uproar fills the house.
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goldenstarprincesses · 10 months
I really like amechu
But honestly never been a big fan of the way the fandom interprets it? like, the fandom basis it off a grossly incorrect understanding of geo-politics and how debt works
Always seems to make America out to be a stupid dumb child nee 2012 fandom style. All while also making China into a one dimension wicked villain who sexually takes advantage of the innocent young America
Idk gives me the ick
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irithnova · 7 months
I'm a day late sorry :(( Femslash Monchu: Power
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Bonjour, fandom italiano di Hetalia
Sto pubblicando su Efpfanfiction una fanfiction a capitoli su Hetalia, ma ho visto che nell'ultimo periodo il fandom è un po' smorto là dentro🥲
Se vi interessa, potreste darle un'occhiata per favore e darmi i vostri pareri? Grazie milleee💖
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Link della fanfiction:
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arthurhonda · 1 year
Beginnings for Day 1 of Amechu Week
A high school/Human AU where Yao just moved from China to the United States.
Yao hated this. It was his senior year of high school, and of course his father got an overseas job in America’s Pacific Northwest, so now he’s spending his senior year in a foreign land with weird customs and habits.
It helped a little that he moved into an area that was highly populated with other Asian people, especially other Chinese people, but a lot of them were second or third generation, so he didn’t feel like he fit in too much. At least they spoke Mandarin fluently and he could practice his English with them.
So, Yao went to school and tried to figure out how American school’s work. It was nothing like what school was like in China. For starters, it was a much shorter day, the students were much more distant than Chinese students, and on top of that the food (if you could call it that) that was fed to the students smelled funny and tasted about as good as it looked…it didn’t.
Still, food was food, and Yao was hungry. Sitting away from everyone in a corner, he munched on…something…he assumed it was supposed to be pizza, but it tasted soggy, not that he’s eaten a lot of pizza before, but the pizza he did have tasted a whole lot better than whatever this soggy bread was supposed to be.
Looking up at the lunch tables he noticed that a lot of people were laughing together and suddenly he felt very lonely. He missed his friends back home. He missed the food back home. He missed his home so badly he wanted to cry, but his pride would not let him cry in front of all these people.
Suddenly, there was a shadow that overcame him, and he looked up to see a honey-blonde boy standing over him. The most noticeable thing about him was that he had a tuft of hair sticking straight up from his forehead.
Yao opened his mouth to ask what the boy wanted but was greeted by the most god-awful mandarin he’d ever heard. It was clear that it was supposed to be Mandarin, but the grammar was terrible, and the boy’s American accent was very strong.
“Stop. Please. I speak English.” Yao replied to the boy in English, hoping that he’d stop butchering his native language.
“Oh, didn’t know that! I’m Alfred by the way.”
“You didn’t ask. I’m Yao.”
“Was my Chinese really that bad?” The blonde asked genuinely, sitting himself next to Yao.
“It was.” Yao replied bluntly “Where’d you learn it, Duolingo?”
“Sagwa mostly. My mom had it on VHS when I was a kid.”
“What’s Sagwa?” Yao asked completely confused.
“Oh, it’s an old tv show about a Chinese cat. Yeah, not many people here know it either.”
“You learned Chinese…from a cat?”
“Yeah! Anyhow, why’re you eating over in the corner here?”
“What’s wrong with eating in the corner.”
“Well for starters you’re all alone and you look miserable dude.”
“You came all the way over here to tell me this did you?” Yao replied annoyed.
“Nah, came over here to invite you to our table. Come on!” Alfred replied, grabbing Yao by his arm before dragging him over to a group of people.
“Hey y’all this is Yao.” The annoying blonde introduced him.
“So, you got picked up by this git too?” A blonde British boy asked from across the table. “He likes picking up us foreign exchange students.”
“Dude gross, that sounds like I’m trying to hook up with y’all.” The honey blonde says as he sticks his tongue out at the other blonde.
“Please don’t fight you two.” A short black-haired boy sighed beside the British boy before turning to Yao. “I’m Kiku. Where are you from?”
“Wuhan.” Yao replied, looking at Kiku’s bento box, which looked a lot more appetizing than what he currently had.
“I thought you were Chinese?” Alfred replied, rudely stealing a fry off of Yao’s tray.
“Wuhan is a city in China, you idiot.” A tall boy with a strong Russian accent replied from behind Alfred, holding a paper bag. “Also, you are in my seat.”
The tall boy put his bag on Alfred’s head, presumably to annoy him into moving somewhere else. Alfred just looked up at the platinum blonde and gave a cheesy smile.
“My seat now Ivan. Anywho, only one we’re missing now is Francis.”
“Right here.  Who’s this?” A boy with a heavy French accent asked as he draped himself on Yao’s shoulders, who stiffly froze at the sudden contact. Alfred frowned and peeled the long haired blonde off of Yao protectively.
“His name’s Yao. Be nice to him dude!”
“Question: Did he do the terrible google translate thing with you as well?” The tall Russian boy asked Yao as he sat down besides Francis across the table, pulling out his own lunch.
“I never want to hear him try to speak French again. It was the worst thing I’ve ever heard in my life, and I wanted to cry hearing him speaking … whatever it was that he was speaking” Francis complained dramatically.
“Dude, I’m literally right here. I can hear you.” Alfred complained throwing a fry at the French boy playfully.
“Good. Then stop doing that shit.” The British boy responded.
“I’m trying to be friendly Arthur!”
“You introduced yourself to me by asking if I watch Doctor Who.”
“You do watch Dr. Who.” Kiku said with a soft smile towards Arthur.
“Whose side are you on?” Arthur complained weakly.
Yao couldn’t help but watch as everyone conversed freely with each other, laughing, and enjoying each other’s company. He suddenly felt a heavy hand clap on his shoulder, and he turned to look at Alfred, who had a very serious look on his face.
“Listen man, anyone makes fun of you for any reason or hurts you in any way, you come to me, and I’ll take care of it.”
Yao gave the honey blonde a look of disbelief.
“Why would you do that for a random kid you just met?”
A bright wide smile broke out onto Alfred’s face, making everything seem alright with the world.
“Because I’m the hero, and that’s what hero’s do.”
“You literally stole fries off of my tray mister hero.” Yao laughed as Alfred tries to come up with an excuse.
Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad here. These people didn’t seem so bad, and everyone accepted him instantly. The only thing he’d change right now is the food. Maybe he could make some food to share with everyone tomorrow.
He’s glad Alfred came over to say hi to him.
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cherukukila · 2 months
I have the prologue (which is marked as chapter one) and chapter two out for this new Hetalia fanfic I am working on! I am excited for this fanfiction in particular as it is a reboot of one of my original stories I had written years ago!
Sneak peek at this chapter:
      Throwing his shoulders back and keeping his head held high, Tino stalked down the hall, his sister following behind him. Their footsteps sounded loud on the wooden floors and a gentle breeze seeped in through the openings on either side of the hall. Besides their breathing and their footsteps, there were no other sounds. It was almost as if this part of the palace was abandoned. 
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phantomstatistician · 2 years
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Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers
Sample Size: 26,133 stories
Source: AO3
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headingalaxys-spicy · 3 months
hey hi! Can you write headcanons for France, Italy and China with gn reader who is scene and emo ^_^ Thanks!
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Ohhhhhh Middle School Memories just came flooding back to me.
Enjoy! XD
Emo -Yao can appreciate the black aesthetic & form-fitting clothes. He considered it far more palatable than the Scene's aesthetic due to the fact that it’s not as much of an assault on the eyes with bright colors, clashing patterns, and numerous motifs. 
Scene- This is interesting but it kinda hurts his eyes. Yao can appreciate some of the motifs like Hello Kitty (of course), bats, and diamonds because it’s cute. However, the composition of the clothing and the hair and how it seems to be like a Jason Pollok painting on steroids. It may not be his thing but he cares for you anyways. 
Emo-He can understand this look. Francis likes all of the blacks tight clothing & converse shoes that rose up past your knees. This looks hawt af to him. 
Scene-While he can appreciate the colors & most of the motifs. He abhors the execution. It’s juvenile in his eyes and seen as a phase that will eventually pass. Francis loves you anyways so what you wear doesn’t determine how much he cares for you. 
Emo- Thinks it looks kinda scary. He thinks it’s more appropriate for Halloween or for witches.  Scene- This aesthetic is fun & he’d be down to try it with you. Feliciano would even be dedicated enough to even learn some of the text lingo by saying things like “rwar means I love you in dinosaur” , XD, “Hella” , “uber” and other things like that. He would be committed to becoming a fully-fledged scene kid to have some fun with you.
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maplesunflowers · 2 years
Hi There!
I’m Maple (she/her) and I’m a Hetalia veteran who’s been fully sucked back into the eternal void known as Hetalia.
I want to contribute to the fandom in some way, so here is where I’ll share my fan fictions and headcanons, as well as accept writing prompts.
If you couldn’t tell, HWS Canada is my blorbo, so 99% of my works will be HWS Canada related.
I’m too old to care about shipping, at this point my true OTP for Hetalia is Nations x Happiness (whoever that’s with is up to you). Though I will die for CanUkr, I just love them so much.
Though please note: while I’m willing to take requests, this is still MY BLOG and I have the right to refuse anything that makes me uncomfortable.
18+ Hetalia Blog: @maplespicedsunflowers
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kitaychan · 1 year
Nerium Oleander
Chapter 21: Desecration
Rating: E
Warnings: Blood, Violence, smut, it's a Hannibal AU so yeah cannibalism.
Pairing: America/Russia/China
Summary: Alfred is the new investigator in the small town of Adelfa, his days will turn into a spiral of sleepless nights and bloody murder scenes as he has to look for a serial killer whose work exceeds the years of training he's had.
Chapter Preview:
Driving to the quarry isn’t how Ivan wanted to start his day but he couldn’t just disobey the chief’s orders for the sake of getting more sleep, though he did take his time to finish the breakfast Yao prepared for him. The crowd of workers at the entrance made him uneasy, if the quarry wasn’t operating as normal, Mayor Zwingli was sure to be there.
As soon as he stepped out of the car, he noticed Ludwig speaking with the Zwingli siblings, a dreadful feeling overtaking him as they began to approach him. A preliminary report was handed to him and Ivan arched his brow. If Ludwig was backing them up, Alfred must have shown him a convincing tread.
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