#steryotypical of me
skateisawesome · 4 months
guys my crush nearly hugged me
he also keeps seeking me out in crowds
and like we have so many inside jokes now i love it
and my goodness THE EYE CONTACT
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quinn-fucks-shit-up · 3 months
Im sorry, I just don't believe a cishet person can truly understand the thing with swords and daggers
like, we all know stabbing as a metaphor for penetration has been catalogued with horney cannabalism, which trans people tend to take ownership of (this is what I have observed, I may have a biased view though)
and holding your lover with a blade against their throat against the wall or the floor, close enough to whisper to each other (objectively hot btw) is most often practiced by bi people
plus the whole talking while swordfighting (fencing being the most common) - well the euphemisms may speak for themselves, but the push and pull of dynamics is something seen most in gay men
and of course, we mustn't forget about the Incredibly Lesbian practice of gifting a blade (let's not pretend we haven't all wanted to be proposed to with a gilded dagger), or swearing your own in service to your lady, that whole thing is sapphic
let's not forget the forging, the making of the blade, the pounding of metal in the workshop, in solitude but for the steel and its song. I don't think there's anything more ace
so yeah, I think swords and daggers are gay as hell, what about it???
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moodbroads · 7 months
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also heres some goofy ah photos of my mate being scared of his own pups-
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ANYWAYS IM SO EXITED FOR HELLROARING MOUNTAIN!!! i wonder if theres gonna be a new achivement for like interacting or killing a wolverine since i think they said its gonna be rare or smthin! i already know theres prob gonna be new cool collectibles so im exited about that- OOH WHAT IF THEY ADD A WOLVERINE SKULL
would be nice to also have a den in an abandoned human camp ehehe tbh my dream wolfquest update would be if you could raid like a rabbit warren or maybe get revenge on stranger wolf dens so there could actually be war n stuff >:D MAYBE IF YOU FIND A NON-ABANDONED FOX DEN IN WINTER U CAN MAKE IT UR OWN BY DEFEATING THEM >:D
it would also be so epic to have mutations like having a piebald pup!! aionguedbhklwsuv i have SOOO MANY IDEAS like a 'rp mode' in multiplayer servers where ur able to play as a puppy or special rp-only emotes like stretching, shaking or play fighting/roughhousing! and maybe even splitting players into diff packs (maybe being able to attack the other players- if in a diff pack XD)
BUT YEE ANYWAYS BACK TO RAISE MY PUPS-6 MORE POUDS TO GO (to 15) AFTER THE DEN FLOODED T_T (edit cuz im too lazy to make another post)
also yaya its spring i can finally bring food cuz the only beavers are like a million miles away :')
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anyways yeah i saved and left after that to take a break-hope to update yall once again soon XD
i have returned once again i couldnt resist >:)
WE GOT TO THE REN SITE FINALLY!! :D the personalities of em are rlly starting to come out sooo...
introducing...creek the napper/antisocial, ember the explorer/rebel, and skipper the energetic/extremely lucky XD
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i got revenge on the cougar that snatched skipper /j
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BONE PARTY!! (yeah thats creek sleeping once again ;-;)
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fun fact i found out durin this playthrough: the plane will visit your mate if they have a radiocollar on and you dont! even if your far from the den and theyre still at it! i saw it a few times and it was pretty cool but very hard to get good shots of :')
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AGRHJ MORE DRAMA- dang calfree creek moved in super close to my home hex while skipper got sick- ;-;
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once again skipper being 1 tiny pound away BUT AYYE SHE GOT HEALTHY AGAIN LIKE 2 NIGHTS LATER SO YAYA
also me findin the barbie bag and lance being scared of it for some reason (AgAinSt GuRLiEpOpS?!?1/1/!?)
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underappreciated local redhead XD
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i finished and creek got air jailed by lance for tryna be active T_T
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ANYWAYS HERE THEYRE ADULT FORMS!! ember got a cool tinted buffy which was my first npc coat!! (XD aint suprised tho cuz lance was stormy) and creek looks like he ate face-first into a bag of flaming hot cheetos
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ANYWAYS YAYAAA I HAD A FUN TIME!! i might continue this bloodline too..someday >:)
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cyber-night · 1 year
Hiiiii, I'm not dead! But fuck you post one fanfic and suddenly you get fucked with the fanfic author curse. I'm fine. I had surgery, but I didn't die. And I bring you on this day... Fluff. Because I'm too tired for porn. Anyway, yall should be getting some more dottore mini fics later when I'm in Less Pain™️.
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idkhowtoread-ink · 1 month
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saying that you hate people who use stereotypes is using stereotype because you picture someone super conservative you uses those stereotypes out of hate. then, in turn, you are also using stereotypes out of hate. maybe someone only thinks of a group of people as the stereotype assigned to them because they don't know any better. maybe they haven't been exposed to people who'll disprove the stereotype. but you don't know, because you've never had to meet someone who disproves your stereotype of someone who thinks of people using stereotypes.
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alighted-willow · 2 years
I can now quote my creative writings teacher that one shouldn’t focus on the “contents” of a piece of literature when critiquing it. “Politics and values”, she says, “aren’t what we're focusing on”.
I'm making this post because (1) I think her comments are funny; (2) the stories that I've been assigned to read involve racism, famine, power struggles, and war; and (3) even if none of those elements were involved, values and politics are inherent to all media and all art. The only times people ever say “leave politics out of it” is when that person has no stakes in the matter or when they're bending the knee to others so as to dig their heads into the ground in an attempt at a false peace.
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ask-dogday · 7 months
You... You're Poppy's angel!
Heyo! mod here, This is a DogDay ask blog (since me and a pal of mine haven't seen any) but feel free to send in asks,
Hello little ones, it's me, DogDay, here are the rules, don't send hate or start drama, no homphobia, transphobia, racism, or steryotyping, please be respectful to anyone here as well.
thanks for explaining the rules DogDay! Please, enjoy your stay in Playcare! We hope you have fun with me and DogDay!
See you later kiddos.
While you're at it go talk to Catnap! @the-cat-in-your-nightmares (AKA the pal of mine!)
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specksizedgoddess · 19 days
one of my favorite things in worldbuilding is when it can acknowledge how genuinelly messed up it can be at times, ESPECIALLY in fetish spaces. like yeah, the steryotypical "shrinking virus" trope is cool and all, but the implications are even better to know that these were once people that are now shrunken belongings/pets.
plus it makes my penis go bazownga so i mean yeah. pretty good worldbuilding to me
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ohbo-ohno · 10 months
What do you imagine Soaps childhood was like?
My personal fave headcanon is that his family made the legwork for making Johnny so puppy-shaped. You know, in the usual ways. Making him follow orders, punishing him when he was bad, rarely giving him a treat when he was good. Making the dogs chase him for hours to teach him lessons. Giving Johnnys room to their dogs when they realized that he was not as well behaved as them. Making him sleep outside in the dog shelter, even when it snowed. (That's where his fear from dogs stems from and also where he learned to tolerate coldness so well).
ok wait wait wait hold on. im always SO torn on johnny's childhood. like there are so many different angsty opportunities, and just because i love to make my characters suffer i usually imagine him with no family. (ghost has no family and rejects the thought of ever having one again vs. johnny has no family and is constantly begging for a new one, anyone?)
by the way you mentioning johnny is afraid of dogs? one of my FAVORITE carry-overs from captain mactavish. i love imagining puppy johnny hating Real Dogs
ok so i tend to imagine soap as growing up in a suuuuper feminine household. im talking four older sisters or smth like that, maybe even by a single mother (or maybe a dad who was one of those "yes dear" kind of husbands who just lets his wife do literally everything and chills his entire life). works for what you said - im an only child so i wouldn't know but it's a steryotype that older sisters run their younger brothers ragged right?
also just for comedy's sake, i love the image of johnny "raised by 5 women" mactavish showing up to bootcamp and being like "oh this is a cakewalk" because his sisters put him through hell and this is like. nothing. probably super unrealistic but a girl can giggle
allll that being said, the idea of johnny coming from an abusive household and then meeting ghost and being attracted to him in part because of the mistreatment... the dark horribleness of it all does something for me
johnny, whose spent his whole life being bossed around and looked down on, disregarded, and he isn't shocked when it's mostly the same in the military. but then he starts getting positive attention and ohhhhh.... oh, that changes things
and then he meets Ghost. the meanest motherfucker he's ever met, but the best CO (other than price) he's ever had, and those glimmers of approval are fucking addictive. doesn't take johnny long to start doing damn near everything for even a head-nod from ghost, and doesn't take too long for ghost to start taking advantage of that too
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electraslight · 1 year
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i really like how much ben seems to love revonnah (also idk if its obvious but theyre getting married in the first pic)
(need to kill the part of me that thinks im playing into steryotypes every time i draw ben in feminine/ coulb b percieved as feminine clothes. like NO men can wear whatever they want forever and youre not a weird fujoshi for being gay)
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scarlet--wiccan · 2 months
I have a friend that is half Roma and she explained to me that Romanis are a very diverse population with different ethnics groups having completly diferent traits. How do you think is the best way to tackle that in the comics without being stereotypical ? For example we have Wanda who is dark-skin but we have Nightwing who is probably 1/4 Romanichal (which is considered "white passing" ?) But is portrayed as a dark-skin Roma is many fan arts because this is the steryotype that people associate the Roma's with.
So, I just want to clear up some of the vocabulary here-- first, Wanda and Pietro are not "dark-skinned," by an measure. In current Marvel comics, their skin color usually ranges from an olive tone to like a medium brown, at most. Second, being brown is not a "stereotype." We usually use that word to describe images or pre-conceived notions which are harmful, reductive, or simply not factual. Racial caricatures, which may include skin tone, are offensive, but there is nothing inherently wrong or harmful about drawing people of color with brown skin.
Brown-- and Black-- Romani people are actually underrepresented in American media, and have been for a very long time. This is exclusionary, and it contributes to the manufactured ignorance that American audiences have towards Romani people. The push to depict more Romani characters as visible people of color is about inclusion and authenticity. It is a net positive.
There are a lot of Romani characters in Marvel and DC comics, and most of them are not from the same countries or vitsi. So, ideally, there should be a lot of diversity in how these characters look, sound, and identify. Currently, there is almost none-- the majority of them are white-presenting, which is limiting and harmful, and most references to their heritage and upbringing conform to recognizable tropes. That's the real stereotype here. Should some of these characters have lighter skin or be white-presenting? Yes, but they have to exist alongside a variety of characters who are not.
You are correct that the Romani diaspora is very diverse. It is comprised of distinct groups with distinct histories, which each hold their own identities, speak their own dialects, etc. A lot of people don't realize this, but the Romani communities in Europe did not all arrive at the same time, or by the same route, and of course we've been settled in different parts of the continent for centuries, and in fact live all over the world. So you can imagine that there is a lot of variety when it comes to racial admixture. It's also important to understand that, within the culture, Romani identity is not determined by one's racial makeup. We exist in every part of the world and intersect with every race, and we are Rom because we are Rom, not because of what we look like. We can look like anything.
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joeythefrog · 6 months
newsies as things said during my debate competition
Spot: crime is still illegal, it doesn't do anything but stopping people from having fun with it
Albert: what if they don't have someone to love them? Race: they can die Race: mental health- David: OBJECTION Race: ...accepted? David: mentally they can fuck themselves Race: ohmygod it's planktons wife! Albert: no- Les: we're killing my pet Deigo this year Race: wasn't he screwing Dora?
Spot: must we edge the owl? Race: you've never edged the owl?! Jack: are you enforcing your toxic steryotypes on me? Race: yes David, aware he's losing and about to crack: overpopulation Race: are you saying you love your own child more than me Kloppman: not saying it, assumed it was obvious Dasher: are you going to be old Race: didn't plan on it? Dasher: well you already are, but older
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dorylinae-supremacy · 3 months
Osmp Techno is a cryptid to me and that simply will not change.
I look at that boy and I know that 'rabbit' eats meat. His eyes absolutely glow in the dark a little and his teeth are definitely way too sharp. He has claws and part of me thinks his eyes can turn into slits.
He's just my freakish little guy. Maybe he's a mix of hybrids or maybe he's genuinely a rabbit hybrid that just came out wrong but either way that man freaks out other prey hybrids.
Techno in all my fics has a staring problem too. He just has a habit of sitting and watching and it can unnerve a lot of people. Most of the time its not malicious, he just has a tendency to do it.
I'm also toying with a fic from osmp!Phils pov where he's kinda checking out Techno since he recently moved there and he just finds more and more uncanny information.
Like first it starts off small. Maybe he finds where Techno stores all his carrots but they're all being left to rot, he's not actually eating them.
Then he maybe finds lots of animal bones just kinda hidden away near his warren. Like a strange amount of bones to all be in one space.
It all comes to a head when he's trying to hunt down Techno maybe at night since he wants to talk to him about something and he sees something he shouldn't.
Maybe he just walks in on Techno chomping away at a big piece of meat from some poor animal or hybrid maybe and they just stare at each other.
That would be when he realises that Techno is in fact far bigger than any rabbit hybrid should be and that his teeth are wayyyy too sharp.
Idk where it'd end.
Maybe Techno is something that looks like a rabbit hybrid that just decides "yeah lets just say I'm that" before doing very steryotypical rabbit things like hoarding carrots.
Only there's gaps in his knowledge so he kinda just forgets to eat them whenever he's not in front of people.
Maybe he is a rabbit hybrid that is just weird and ended up just eating meat one day. Maybe that started to change his biology a little because of magic and now he's just a strange guy who eats meat and has a penchant for violence.
Either way Phil is very endeared to him I think. That's his little freakish guy actually and he isn't gonna let him leave any time soon.
They're so silly to me
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coldmori · 5 months
this 3d model wasnt intended to be its own canon omori varient (like somber, shattered, etc)
but what if he was (i am addicted to making omoris please stop me)
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blankmori is a odd limbless varient of omori that resides in the deeper layers of blackspace, below shattered omori
hes only really capible of saying about 6 words and does not know his left and rights, you can really tell he's trying tho it stresses him out a lot
hes most likely the manifestation of sunnys feelings of helplessness, confusion and isolation, aswell as feeling stupid and "blank" (emotionless)
he *should* probably have a hair snowflake but holy shit that would take me so long to figure out
blankmori is hostile and will try to attack, but he doesn't really have much strength or intellegence
if you give him anything, litterally anything at all, he will stop attacking, throw a fucking paperclip at this man and he will stare at it in wonder
he's very emotional,
though he's not steryotypically smart , he does have a very deep emotional intelegence that he seems to beat himself up about
he's empty on the inside but with much denser skin than hollow, making him sound kinda like a coconut when he moves, inside is supposedly a letter, but it is unreadable without essentially gutting blankmori
only he seems to know the contents of the letter, but again, he can only say like 6 words
asking him about it recieves a very harsh and defensive responce of crying and screaming, and even biting if youre in range
he keeps everything given to him in a small pile but it often gets stolen by other blackspace dwellers
if coldmori was a mod he'd be a VERY rare phenomina with horrific conditions in order to get to him
(( i also thought about like, what if lore dumps and such where just like basil stranger and kel stranger documenting headspace/whitespace/blackspace/etc.
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ancientvamp · 6 months
anthony had courtney read a copypasta in the new "i spent a day with __" video and it was basically a parody of terminally online weird kids... kinda lame knowing their fanbase is 98% online weirdos. i feel like some people might disagree with me (and thats totally fine) but i get super uncomfortable when people group mental health and sexuality into 'weird kid' steryotypes and to a degree, making courtney (a queer person who talks about their mental health openly) read it rather than shayne or any other smosh member for that matter, felt intentional. i'm deffo reading into it, i just really hate when mental health teminology is thrown around when making fun of people. not only does it cause the words to loose their meanings, it also belittles the people who actually deal with those things. idk maybe im just easily annoyed. this is the only place i feel safe to rant abt stuff like this because twt would tear me to shreds for being 'too sensative' and tt does not care about this sort of discussion.
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