#stereotypical engineer.
baked-dawn · 7 months
What do you mean im a stereotype
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tyrianluda · 6 days
Just saw engineer art with the confederate flag from one of my favorite artists. Can't have shit in this fandom.
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fernw00d · 1 year
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juno's room in san myshuno (she's the only computer science major at foxbury who actually practices good hygiene)
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Could I ask what difference between transgender and transsexual is? I ask this as a trans person who wants to start using the term "transsexual," but I'm not sure if it denotes anything beyond what I've been using the term "transgender" for (i.e. not aligning with my birth sex/gender identity).
I like transsexual better as it's what our trans-cestors used, and it's a word that is so much "punchier" than transgender is, and I don't feel the same kind of "weird" when the label is applied to me. I'm just worried that these are "fake" reasons or something. Thank you, and sorry!
Honestly, I think there are more similarities between "transsexual" and "transgender" as transsexual as a term was introduced first, and then transgender replaced it
Transsexual has had a history of being used for people who were medically transitioning during a point where transness was heavily pathologized and medicalized... but I personally don't think that cis people should be allowed to sully words like that, and I really don't think that we need to stick by those ridged rules. Isn't the reason transness is so "scary" because we break those "ridged rules" so often? But I digress.
I think some people have different outlooks on their transition, and that's where the transsexual/transgender labels can help. For me, I identify as transsexual because I think it most accurately describes my relationship with my transition.
The most important thing is to not force people in or out of labels they identify with - which is why I want anybody who wants to ID as transsexual do so. So many people ID as such - trans elders, young trans people, people who are medically transitioning, people who aren't. I think a lot of why people are attracted to this word is because of political reclamation, as in reclaiming the word for political reasons, to show the word how viscerally human you are. That's part of the reason I decided to use it, at least.
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whatudottu · 5 days
OP I hope you know your banger headcanons have got me to start wondering if there’s memes on the extranet about stuff like “introducing your Galvan friend to your Tetramand friend vs introducing your Cerebrocrustacean friend to your Appoplexian friend”
Anon I also hope you know that my first thought after I saw this ask had kinda ‘Introducing our bass player to things he’s never seen before’ vibes I guess especially for the galvan friend, who in the world of Whatudottu (and all the influences I have) headcanons is the stereotypically socially isolated intelligent species between them and cerebrocrustaceans lmao-
…hmm I wonder if I should add the names of Ben 10 aliens into my dictionary :P
Hehe, I’ll admit that while I have headcanons on the fly for galvans and cerebrocrustaceans to guess at how they’ll react interacting with a friend’s friend (ccs being more obvious and welcoming in the friend group, potentially galvans having jealousy issues or even just fascination someone can have more than one friend and ones with such differences), but I have no idea how tetramands and appoplexians would react lmao, at least not beyond your appoplexian friend being confounded by how nice your cerebrocrustacean friend is (potentially versus any bias they might’ve learnt) met with a mutual confusion when your cerebrocrustacean friend sees you and your appoplexian friend verbally and or physically roughhousing :P
#ask#anonymous#galvan#cerebrocrustacean#tetramand#appoplexian#ben 10#i’ll admit the galvan and tetramand tags are probably overkill but :p#maybe eventually i’ll think of some headcanons for the os duo as opposed to the af duo#which technically i’ve only extensively mentioned cerebrocrustaceans so it’s barely even appoplexian headcanons :P#re the bass player: it’ll be so much easier to carry someone along that isn’t your own height#but carrying a galvan is not something you can just do casually- even if it would be convenient to use longer legs as a vehicle to travel#one does not instigate carrying a galvan if you are not the galvan hitching a ride yourseld#it’s more a close friend situation if they let you carry them and even then a lot of them are particular to keeping their dignity#stereotypes of course maybe you run into an absolute jester of a galvan who’s down for making a fool of themselves#but like still- carrying anything living needs to be done carefully and that’s one of the smartest beings in the galaxy do. not. drop. them.#anyways- weren’t tetramands like apparently the best at making engines and other car accessories?#or at least have a pretty big mechanic community with the environment to specialise their vehicles?#it is khoros that holds an interplanetary car show and kevin did fight looma some odd years back for some car upgrades#if you can look fancy and drive fast on khoros where assuming the interplanetary capital sits (not to be confused for country capital cities#where just outside there’s literally like sand sharks under the ground where driving takes place? the make good cars for a reason#obviously not everyone’s a supergenius your galvan friend and your tetramand friend can be of any level of intelligence#same for your cerebrocrustacean friend and your appoplexian friend though they seem to differ in the emotional spectrum of sociology#from uber friendships to supplex friendships :P#appoplexians; so angry they constantly fight gravity :P or they snag an alliance with the lewodans thanks to ben tennyson#these tags are more rambly than usual lmao
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duskstargazer · 10 months
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To call Sidney nervous would be a major understatement. The little blue engine was shaking in his frames.
“Hookay. Nothing big here. You’re just… working in an unfamiliar part of the island, working a huge order of coal. Please, please, don’t screw anything up…”
Sidney had been asked on short notice to help the Coaling Plant through a rather large order. All the while, he kept worrying his shaky memory would cause him to make a mess of things.
“Hold on… did they say this was for Crosby, or Cronk?” Sidney was always getting the two mixed up. They sounded very similar, after all.
At last, Sidney caved, and, again, went and found Logan.
“Sorry, um, where are these going again?” He asked, shakily.
The dark blue shunter tried not to wince as he asked for what he was sure was the hundredth time. Logan, however, only looked up and smiled.
“Cronk station yard!” He beamed. “From what I was told, it’s just South of the station. Big yard with a bridge carrying a road over the tracks, ya can’t miss it.”
Sidney smiled weakly. Logan always talked so fast, and the shunting diesel wasn’t sure if he’d gotten it all.
“Uh… thanks!”
“Not a problem! Let me know if you need anything else!”
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werewolfclaws · 1 year
what they don’t tell you about being transgender is that you will get the incredibly Cis Male interests out of nowhere. you will wake up and suddenly want to change your friends oil in their car
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roseband · 6 days
....his parents retired w/o a full retirement plan
........and have been going on vacations on credit cards while eating cup noodles to keep up appearances
................cause they thought they could shame us into giving them a 2k a month allowance
.........................cause it's "not fair" my mom retired at 53 w/ cancer, and they should retire at 53 too (she pulled her pension w/ a 20k/year penalty cause her immune system is too bad to be in a classroom)
....and they think we're paying for her retirement cause how can a "single mother" have that much money (which uh, we do sometimes help her with physical things cause mastectomy affected her right arm strength, but she's by far financially independent and i have to pressure her to /not/ give me money)
errrrrr i hope the crash is delayed by two years so his siblings are both adults, but i think this crash out is gonna be hilarious 😂 i feel mean????
like i thought it was his mom lying once they retired uh no....they just decided to stop working without a real plan uh, that's not being retired that's being a bum?
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queenlua · 3 months
drinking & assembling furniture while listening to this podcast about how this one megachurch imploded big-time
the drinking & the podcast are great but BY GOD do i hate assembling furniture
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wheelsandpaws · 2 years
Dug out my Thomas book from 2007
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I made my mom read this book so many times, I memorized it lol
2007 was the peak for my Thomas special interest
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tyrianluda · 4 days
Dell Conagher destroys bigots with facts, logic, and God's honest truth, that conservatives love to claim they follow, but would shit themselves, when someone who actually knows what he's talkin' about verbally rips them to shreds. Even though he very much would like to do so literally.
That man will build his own damn bar before he ever goes to one flying a conservative flag. Assigning him the bigoted Southerner stereotype, no matter how loud those types of people are, is an insult to his intelligence, and people living in the South in general.
I don't know every single detail behind the confederate flag. But I do know there are a thousand images of bars to be used as reference, inspiration, or the base for a piece depicting Engie. The people flying it do not deserve any attention, or positive associations with the kind of man who would despise them all.
- Penis Anon.
That and also most southern stereotypes along the lines of "dumb racist/republican hick who lives in a trailer park and dates their cousin" just doesn't make sense for him in general. And the reason why is obvious by simply looking at him.
The entire point of Dell's characterization is that he subverts the stereotypes that others outside of the south have for southerners. He subverts the "dumb hick" stereotype by having 11 phds and canonically having a favorite equation. He subverts the concept of "southern hospitality" by him having a god complex and using that said idea as a facade to hide his unhinged behavior.
Literally just analyzing the 'Meet the Engineer" is all someone has to do to understand him (since the shorts are also like a tl;dr of the mercs' personalities).
Not only is it offensive and out of character, it's also just lazy.
"Yeah let's slap this stereotype on him! most people in the south are like anyways" - said by someone who doesn't even live in the south
The only reason someone would headcanon engineer as being racist or think positively of the confederates (the flag or in general), is because they think most southerners are like that; regardless of if it's actually true. And it doesn't do anything except hurt the black southerners that are still forced to feel the historical effects and impact from the confederates constantly.
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jammyjams1910 · 1 year
🎀Ttte characters meet the"UwU cAt BoY"🍪
Characters in order:
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solace-seekers · 8 months
born to sleep forced to assignment
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I have this million dollar bioengineering idea: Genetically engineered lawn grass that just never gets tall enough to ever need cutting.
Is there any reason why this isn't a thing yet?
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miiju86 · 1 year
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Patriarchic social engineering & propaganda. It's literally everywhere; an omnipresent influence - sometimes subtle, sometimes open and brutal. But it's always there. Constant conditioning and reinforcement of the wanted social class hierarchy. Keep your eyes open and always ask yourself - are these really my thoughts and feelings I'm getting from this.... or is it something else?
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hillsofuhhtennessee · 10 months
Dee Snider loudly denying being Jewish in between saying very culturally Jewish things like “life begins at first breath!” is honestly really funny. I’m pretty sure he’s at least partially running with the irony as a joke or to be edgy at this point.
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