#sterek college au
inter-st · 25 days
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Why do these pics look so obscene together!?
Freshman Stiles teasing the college baseball captain Derek.
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writerjayne · 29 days
This is a little sterek college AU (are they human are they werewolves who knows) one shot that I wrote on my phone with no beta or editing So apologies for the errors! The premise is a little vauge on purpose in case I want to expand this into a full story later but basically its an "Everyone grew up together" kind of vibe. Made Derek only 3 years older to make him still being in college realistic. Enjoy!
The car slowing to a stop woke Stiles. Blinking around and not fully conscious he asked confused:
"Are we there already?"
Derek glanced over from the driver's seat and chuckled. 
"No we still have like three hours. It's just a traffic jam." 
"Oh," stiles sat up a little straighter and looked around, clearly still half asleep. "We'll still get there early right?" 
"Yeah, gps says we'll arrive at 1, so plenty of time for move in," Derek assured as the traffic began inching forward. 
"Good, I need to talk to the housing department," Stiles pulled out his phone, fingers moving rapidly as he typed. 
Derek smiled indulgently. It was Stiles freshman year of college and Derek had never seen him so excited. 
"To get your key?" Derek prompted when Stiles didn't elaborate. 
"No, I need to see if they have any empty rooms," Stiles tone was almost vague, his attention on his phone. "Or any double rooms with only one occupant. Here look there's an alternative route-" 
"I'm sorry what?" Derek cut Stiles off. "You have to ask about a room? Stiles it's move in day! The day you move in!" 
"Yeah so I have to get a room to move into," Stiles rolled his eyes. "So the earlier the better! Here, take the next exit so we can get around-" 
"Mieczyslaw Genim Stilinski!!" Derek didn't roar, they were in a closed car but it was a close thing. 
"Hey hey hey, why are you middle naming me?" Stiles demanded. "Forget that, why are you first naming me?!"
"Because your father isn't here to do it!" Derek growled. "You don't have a place to live?"
"Well I did! But then Scott decided to room with Allison instead and I told him not to worry about it but when I called the place we were going to rent from they said I couldn't rent a two bedroom as one person so yes I'm going to talk to housing when we get there!" Stiles waved his hands around as he spoke, getting more agitated. "What else was I supposed to do?"
"I don't know, stiles, ask the adults in your life for help?" Derek pointed out.
"Dad has enough on his plate and I had already told him scott and I were set," Stiles sounded embarrassed. 
"Your father is not the only adult in your life," Derek reminded, though not harshly. "What about my parents, hell Laura would have been happy to help or I don't know me??"
"Your parents were busy getting cora all set up," Stiles pointed out. "And I thought about calling Laura but her semester just started too..."
"And me?" Derek prompted. "I'm not exactly new at this!" 
"Honestly I forget you're an adult too," Stiles admitted sheepishly. 
"Stiles!" Derek groaned almost closing his eyes but the traffic began moving again and he focused back on the road. 
"I know I know!! That's why I want to get there early, so I can get this sorted out with the housing department!" Stiles desperately explained again before holding out his phone again. "So can we take the alternate route?" 
"What if you moved in with me?" 
Stiles jaw dropped and he half lowered the phone. Derek wasn't looking at him, the older man's eyes on the road but he was growing in thought. 
"Move in with me," Derek repeated. "It's small but you wouldn't have to worry about rent, you could save the money you make at your job. It's technically off campus but it's not far to walk. There's also a bus stop out front-" 
"But you hate having roommates!" Stiles interrupted. "And isn't it a one bedroom?" 
"Yeah it's a little place but we can make it work. And you're not a stranger so I think I'll be fine," Derek smiled slightly. "What do you say?" 
"Okay," Stiles was almost breathless. "If you're really sure..."
"I'm sure Stiles. Now we've still got like two and a half hours to go so go back to sleep. I'll wake you up when we get there." 
"Okay," Stiles said again, smiling this time. "Thanks Der." 
"You're welcome," Derek responded with a smile. 
"I'm sorry I have so many books," stiles frowned apologetic as they hauled the last two boxes up the stairs to the apartment. 
"It's fine, Stiles, I promise," Derek said for what felt like the hundredth time. 
They dropped the boxes by the half full bookshelves in the small living room before pausing to take a break. 
Heading to the kitchen Derek pulled a couple of bottles of water from the fridge, silently greatful he had come the week before to clean and stock the apartment. It hadn't been used in months and had been dusty. Derek had wanted move in day to have as minimal work as possible so he had come to prepare. 
"Are you sure about me not paying rent?" Stiles worried voice pulled Derek from his thoughts. 
"I told you it's fine. I don't pay rent, why would I make you pay rent?" Derek held out a water bottle to Stiles. "My parents own the building, specifically so family can use it without having to worry about paying for accommodations. There's always a few units empty. This one has been mine since I started school." 
"If you're sure," Stiles relented. "Do we need any groceries? I can make a run!" 
"Sure," Derek started but he was interrupted by a knock on the door and it swinging open. 
"Hey nerd, how's unpacking going?" 
Both men turned to see Erica kicking off her shoes by the door. 
"Hey Erica!" Stiles greeted brightly. "It's going pretty good! We got the sleeping arrangements sorted first then hauled everything in!" 
Erica froze for half a second at the sight of stiles before smiling. 
"What are you doing here?" She asked
"Oh I'm living here," stiles glanced between his two friends "did Derek not tell you?" 
"He did not," Erica gave Derek a pointed look and the older man rolled his eyes. 
"Cut me some slack, I didn't even know until like 3 hours ago!" Derek gave Stiles a face. "Someone thought they could show up on move in day and just find a place to stay!"
"Oh?" Erica grinned and Stiles blushed. 
"I'm going to go get some groceries now," he muttered avoiding Erica's eye and she laughed. 
"Whatever Batman," Erica plopped on the couch, pulling out her phone. "Bring me back some chocolate?" 
"Sure," Stiles agreed easily. "I won't be long!" 
"Ok be safe and call me if you get lost!" Derek said sternly. 
"This isn't the preserve Derek, GPS actually works here so I think I'll be fine!" With that stiles left, waving as he pulled the door closed. 
As soon as she hears the door latch Erica jumped up rouding on Derek. 
"This is a terrible idea!!" She exclaimed. "Why would you even suggest it?" 
"If you're gonna lecture at least help me unpack his books," Derek answered, dodging the question. 
"Seriously Derek, what were you thinking?" Erica grabbed a box and began opening it. 
"Well I wasn't gonna let him be homeless!" Derek hissed. "He's my best friend-"
"Who you've been in love with since you were what 8?" Erica crossed her arms. 
"If we're getting technical since I was 3," Derek admitted. 
Erica did the quick mental math before asking:
"God Derek, was he even born??" 
"Um not yet." 
"Derek!" Erica groaned. "What are you going to do if he brings someone home? You'll be in jail for murder!" 
"I'm not that jealous!" Derek said defensively.
"No but you are that protective!" Erica countered. 
"It won't be a problem anyway, Stiles isn't going to bring anyone home," Derek said dismissively. 
"Are we talking about the same stiles?" Erica raised an eyebrow. "Stiles stilinski? The boy who dated Lydia Martin! Stiles stilinski who dated your sister and your cousin not to mention half the lacrosse team! Say what you want but that boy can pull!" 
"Okay so we cross that bridge when we get there!" Derek continued putting books on the shelves, avoiding Erica's eye for a moment. 
"Yeah okay," Erica crossed her arms. "We'll see how that goes." 
"You want a tour or what?" Derek huffed, changing the subject. 
"Obviously," Erica grinned. "Why else do you think I came over?" 
Derek refrained from rolling his eyes and gestured for the young woman to follow him. He gave a quick tour of the living room and kitchen before opening the door to the bedroom. 
"There's only one bed?!" Erica rounded on Derek, her disbelief written across her face. 
"It's a king, we can share," Derek shrugged. "We have before."
"This is going to end so badly. This is a disaster," Erica stood dumbfounded. "Seriously what were you thinking?" 
"I was thinking 'hey one less thing to stress over' Scott I wasn't thinking about how in each other's space it would be!" Stiles nearly threw his hands up in exasperation. "I didn't exactly have another option!" 
"You should have told me! Allison and I could have got a bigger place or you an I could have done this first semester together and she and I could have moved in together next semester!" Scott's worried voice came over the phone and stiles could almost see Scott nervously pacing. 
"It's Derek Scott, it'll be fine!" Stiles tried to sound confident. 
"Who you've been in love with since you were old enough to walk!" Scott pointed out.
Stiles groaned. 
"I know, I know. But honestly, how bad can this be?" 
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I need a hel! I Am lokking for a fic. Stiles is in college. He makes friends with several people. Stiles' friends are supernatural, but they don't know that Stilem knows about the supernatural world, which leads to some funny situations. Stilem is amused and wonders what excuses they will give him next. I guess it ended with Derek visiting Stiles at school as a wolf and his friends trying to tell him that he wasn't a wolf but a werewolf.
Hi anon! @midnightwinterhawk says it's this one.
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There are no monsters under my bed… they’re in the closet by the_milky_way
(1/1 I 25,805 I Teen I Sterek)
Stiles likes college. He also likes his roommates, who are slowly turning into really good friends. They get along, they have a good time, they generally enjoy college life. The only problem is that they are supernatural creatures and think Stiles has no clue. It’s fun for a while, to mess with them, to solve their supernatural problems without them realizing it’s him. It’s fun until one of them digs too deep. It’s fun until Stiles needs all the help he can get to solve that supernatural problem.
Oh and anyone who said that absence makes the heart grow fonder? They can go and screw themselves because they were actually right. Stiles has never talked as often with Derek as he does while being away at college. Their phone calls keep him grounded, keep him sane. They are also the opportunity for him to rant about his stupid supernatural roommates, who actually sort of fanboy/fangirl the Hale family. So Stiles isn’t really sure about how to deal with his growing crush on a certain sourwolf and the fact that his roommates would most likely try to jump Derek if they ever get to know him. Right, if only Stiles weren't in need of Derek's help with a certain supernatural problem.
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endwersed · 6 months
Writing Patterns
Tagged by @raisesomehale 🥰
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
striking out, (on hiatus) WIP, sterek human college au, 47k
The locker room is just how Derek remembers it.
feels so good inside, sterek human au, 12k
The worst thing about being an eighteen-year-old virgin and loser is, well – being an eighteen-year-old virgin and loser.
i was yours once, stackson into sterek, 9k
Water rains down over Stiles’ head, fat droplets of it catching in his eyelashes as he grits his teeth and presses a tight fist against the tiled wall of the school locker room showers.
in flux, sterek human college au, 25k
By Derek Hale’s junior year of college, he has come to know that there is nothing quite like the party after scoring the winning basket of a game.
another name for love, sterek au, 37k
Derek wakes up to the sound of a door creaking open slowly, a faint and careful noise nudging into his dreamless sleep and dragging him into consciousness.
does one good, sterek pwp, 5.5k
Stiles is still mostly focused on towelling at his damp hair as he pads into the living room of his apartment on bare feet, humming a repetitive tune under his breath and scratching lazily at a patch of skin just under the hem of his t-shirt, over the waistband of his boxers.
as dear as a brother, sterek human au, 10k
Stiles Stilinski meets Scott Delgado on the first day of freshman orientation at Berkeley and immediately knows they’ll be best bros for life.
and i'll write you a tragedy, sterek superhero au, 37k
It’s pretty cool living in a world with superheroes, all things considered.
how fast or how far, sterek human au, 9k
Faint, early morning sunlight streams through the cracks in the blinds, casting a colourful vision against the linoleum tiles as Stiles stands awkwardly in front of the kitchen sink.
baby, you got the keys, sterek human college au, 2k
It’s an unfortunate truth that Stiles didn’t get to take advantage of owning a car practically made for fooling around in during his high school years.
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patolemus · 13 days
wrote 1.3k words today. i'm incredibly proud of myself. i'm also so fucking behind on my assignments
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dropofbittersea · 8 months
In which Derek and Stiles are college roommates, and everyone saw this coming before they did.
“How do you even get up there?” Scott asks skeptically. Loft beds are tricky enough on their own, he doesn’t know what possessed Derek and Stiles to push theirs together. Why would anybody try to create a king-sized loft bed in a teensy tiny dorm room?
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christinesficrecs · 7 months
Hi Christine, could you please help me find this fic!! I don’t remember the title and I haven’t read it, but what I recall from the summary is Stiles and Derek go to the same school and they have the same circle of friends but they hate each other. Sorry it’s not very detailed!!
Well, nothing is really coming to mind. Maybe it's in the high school tags?
Oh wait. I lied. 😂 If it's a college au then this one comes to mind.
Knot Your Typical College Romance by stilesanderek (minxxx) | 51.5K
In which Stiles loves studying at Beacon Hills Supernatural University and even though he loves his group of friends, he just wishes that Derek wasn’t included in it. Stiles hates the guy fiercely, and he knows it’s completely mutual, and what he also knows it’s completely mutual is the hate boner they both have going on for each other. What happens after they finally hookup after years of tension, though, isn’t something Stiles ever signed up for.
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packofstereks · 10 months
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College Sterek at the regatta. 2 man scull. Boyfriend twins.
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azraphels · 3 months
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I am back with some curiosity about my new FF Thiam and Sterek!
I can tell you for sure that the first chapter, i.e. the prologue, will be published on 15 July!
It will have the title: ❝ICanMountYourBike.org❞
(Time to finish my last university exam of the year!!!)
PS. The image above is half the cover of the story! (It will also be published in Italian on Wattpad on my account: Azraphels)
The Brotherhood αβω!
•The plans of the brotherhood:
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⸻⸻ Jackson and Ethan's room is only Jackson's but they are boyfriends, it's weirder to enter that room and not find Ethan than the opposite!
⸻⸻ When Stiles convinced Theo and Scott to rent a structure for their brotherhood and they set foot for the first time in that garden with a pool and saw the Dépendance, Theo yelled "MINE" like when you reserve the front seat in a car. Stiles said that it didn't count in this case, Theo was opting to lick the wall like when you do to appropriate food, only that Scott stopped them (he didn't want to see the scene, especially because he had seen Stiles eat the last piece of pizza many times even if he had already been bitten by Theo).
⸻⸻In the basement the gym they built is much bigger, they have a lot of equipment and especially yoga mats. While Theo, Scott and Jackson train for the football team, Lydia and Allison (even though Allison doesn't want to) do yoga. Stiles doesn't know that there is a gym or he doesn't want to believe in their existence yet.
⸻⸻ To pay the tuition for this Brotherhood, Malia convinced the Dean of the university, who is also her father, to fork over the money.
⸻⸻ All the girls share the same bathroom, do you know how long it takes to wait for them when you have to go to a party all together? The problem is not even Malia who is ready in ten minutes probably still with rabies-style toothpaste in her mouth just because she feels like a trapped coyote, no, the problem is Lydia who stops them and dissects their closet just to find the perfect combination. This is why everyone turns the party time upside down. They just want to move!
⸻⸻ In Theo's Dépendance there shouldn't be a kitchen, but only a small freezer (with beer and soft drinks always inside), on the other hand there should be a large bathroom with shower and tub and a walk-in closet! Attached to the wall of the walk-in closet there should be a large desk! The wall that you see inside the room with the sofa should be completely made of a sliding glass door, as well as the wall in the bedroom.
⸻⸻ In the Breakfast area there is only a large glass window that is open to the porch and leads to the back garden and is connected by a small wooden structure in rustic roof style to Theo's Dépendance.
⸻⸻ Lydia and Allison have the largest room, even if Stiles wanted to take it, in the end Lydia brought all her bags full of clothes there... She filled the whole room so much that Allison didn't even know where to put her backpack.
⸻⸻ Isaac used to have a roommate, only later on this roommate said that they are all just a pack of crazy nuts and that he couldn't take it anymore! Said roommate today changed universities and moved to Arizona! Boyd you are so bad!
⸻⸻ For the Garage? How many cars are in there?! Stiles' Jeep, Jackson's Porsche, Allison's Blue Mazda, and Theo's blue Toyota Tundra! Then parked in front of the garage are: Scott's Lime Green Dirt Bike and Theo's Black Cruiser Bike!
⸻⸻All the books in the Librery... They've never been read by anyone except Lydia. They're only displayed to make it look like they're intelligent and cultured people when they're the kind of people who if they make a hole in the carpet, they cover it up by moving the sofa! (If they were the characters from Scream, Lydia would definitely be the Final Girl!)
⸻⸻Mason and Liam's room is the only one with a bunk bed! Originally Stiles and Scott also had one, only Scott was upstairs and was dating Allison, in short he couldn't sleep because those two wouldn't stop having sex. After that traumatic experience, Stiles realised that they needed two separate beds.... So they transferred the bunk bed to Liam and Mason. They still don't know! But Liam and Mason have never had this problem! Well after all Liam as soon as he hears a little wobble and a 'Corey' he knows he has to put his earplugs in. He remains sleepless looking at the ceiling but at least he doesn't have to hear his best friend!
⸻⸻ To enter Theo's Dépendance you don't even need a key, you enter directly through the sliding glass doors! Of course Theo always finds himself with a drunk Stiles and an equally drunk Scott, after a party, on his sofa and on his 100% pure wool carpet, lying on it is like being on a cloud!
⸻⸻ In Theo's Dépendance, to the side with the bathroom (since theoretically there shouldn't be a kitchen and the small refrigerator is near the sofa) there is a large desk where he keeps a desktop computer. He says he uses it to study and work and yet no one has ever seen him use it. Everyone has always seen him use the mobile one... Even in the bathtub... Much to Scott's regret, who had to witness a strange scene... After this experience, when Theo was 21, Scott gave him a nice flyer for a club of anonymous nymphomaniacs near the University. Theo, in this regard, swore that he would put a lock on his Dépendance! He never did.
⸻⸻ Next to the kitchen is a pantry. Everyone thinks that this larder is always full of the things they love but they probably don't know that Maria Consuelo, their Co-worker, i.e. the one who keeps the house tidy because otherwise it ends up like the Philippine dump, fills it regularly every single week and prepares meals for them to eat. Three meals a day for six days. Of course Maria gets paid, deducted from school fees!
⸻⸻ In Theo's Dépendance between the small living room and the bedroom there is no door that separates them, they should be a single area but only with a part of the wall to divide them.
⸻⸻ Jackson wanted to have his own room with a balcony but the only ones who have it are Lydia and Allison. Lydia had also assumed that she wanted her future boyfriend to do Romeo and Juliet style scenes with her, only the only things she saw from that balcony were: Scott serenading Allison by playing songs from his playlist like "Daddy Shark" (Stiles had only put it on to get revenge for the embarrassment he made with one of the girls from the Brotherhood next door); Jackson climbing onto the small roof that connected to Theo's Dépendance just to sneak in through the little window in the roof above the bed (it was not at that time that Lydia had started to suspect that Jackson and Theo were having a romantic relationship, but that wasn't the case. She learned it after that fateful day for Stiles... They are evil... Not to mention if Isaac is also included in the group); Liam climbing onto the roof to get in from Lydia's balcony because of the umpteenth time he lost his keys and had to call the locksmith to change the lock; Mason and Corey lovingly deciding to have nighttime picnics on the roof of the house and going up to that balcony; etc. None of them have decided to use the second balcony in the GameRoom yet, probably many of them don't even know there is one there.
⸻⸻ Liam's walk-in wardrobe is mostly made up of Mason's clothes, when he wakes up in the morning confused and late, he almost always finds himself wearing Mason's clothes only they fit him small. One day he went to class wearing a shirt that looked like a tight crop top on him (it even ripped). (Only really it was one of Mason's crop tops). Still, if someone were to see that walk-in wardrobe they'd think those odd pairs of socks were Mason's but that's not the case.... Liam loves socks with ducks; socks that look like converse but are just socks; socks that have his favourite memes as prints; weird socks with moulds like owl or chicken legs; but most of all socks with weird food prints with eyes. Still no one understands why Liam loves these socks!
⸻⸻ Liam and Mason's room on one side looks like a unicorn threw up in it, on the other side like a rocker threw up in it. On Mason's side are lots of posters of famous actors he likes and posters of motivational phrases; then most of Mason's stuff is pastel-coloured and his desk looks as if Mason really does post tik tok videos of perfectly arranged desks. Instead, Liam's side is always like a battlefield: clothes everywhere; his desk always full of food and randomly thrown books; his guitar leaning against the corner of the wall and his record player together with his record catalogue there on the cabinet next to the desk.
⸻⸻What about televisions? There are three televisions in the Brotherhood. The first is in the Family room, the second is in the Cinema room in the basement and the third is in Stiles and Scott's room. Absolutely no account is taken of the television set bought entirely by Theo in his Dépendance and the television set bought by Jackson because his social battery is zero.
⸻⸻ In the Dinning room there is a large table where everyone usually gathers for lunch when possible!
⸻⸻ The design of the rooms is different for everyone. For example: in Allison and Lydia's room, colors such as red and Havana prevail and it is the only room that does not have a walk-in closet but lots of wooden closets; in Stiles and Scott's room, warm colors such as blue and gray prevail even if more than anything their room seems half an obstacle course, the other half an investigative escape room (Stiles still has his transparent board because he is investigating a case); Jackson's room, in addition to having only a double bed, only colors like black and white prevail (no consideration is given to his tiger-striped carpet or the piece of furniture next to the bed where inside there are a pair of tiger-striped handcuffs and ... More); Isaac's room, on the other hand, is characterized by soft colors like the color of coffee with milk, he keeps a typewriter in his desk and in his walk-in closet there are many scarves; Kira and Malia's room has a large double bed and there are too many colors that remind us of a summer day. Theo's Dépendance, on the other hand, is characterized by the colors black, white and dark blue. It has a minimalist theme, because Theo doesn't like to have many objects except for essential ones like beer and the TV.
For other curiosities stay connected!!!!
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fuckyeahfanfictions · 7 months
Chapters: 6/6 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Vernon Boyd, Erica Reyes, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Isaac Lahey, Sheriff Stilinski (Teen Wolf), Danny Māhealani Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Jock Derek Hale, Athlete Derek Hale, College Student Derek Hale, College Student Stiles Stilinski, Stiles Stilinski Being an Idiot, Misunderstandings, Embarrassment, First Meetings, meet awkward, Getting to Know Each Other, Getting Together, Pining, Mutual Pining, Teasing, Sterek Reverse Bang 2023 (Teen Wolf), Don't copy to another site Summary:
“I have absolutely no need of any more favours from you!” Stiles poked him once in the chest. “We shouldn’t even be running into each other at all. Like I said, tracking device. You know that’s illegal, right?”
Derek crossed his arms over his chest, arching an eyebrow. “Who says I need a tracking device to find you? Maybe you’re just overly predictable. We are in your dad’s workplace, after all.”
“Hey, I haven’t come by here in like, two weeks at least. So you’re following me.” Stiles pointed his finger at him again, but couldn’t poke him in the chest since he’d crossed his arms. “You are a stalking stalker who stalks!”
“I thought I was a lying liar who lies.”
“You can be both!”
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wellhalesbells · 2 years
[Based on Asks I Get] Here’s the Cheatsheet to My (Sterek) Fics, Folks:
Why am I Following You Again?:  👋🏻 You’re probably here because of There’s Monsters at Home.  Stiles is a BAMF, Derek is a Failwolf, the Pack has to actually learn how to form Voltron (figuratively), Derek gets possessed by a demon (literally), Stiles is blind (temporarily), and there’s a semi-sentient phoenix tattoo.  There’s art from @andavs​ for it here because she is one of the coolest people I’ve ever known.  Big facts.  There’s also a gifset that eeames made that can only be found in the fic now (thanks, tumblr) so check that ish out!
You Wrote a Sterek Fic Where, Like, They’re Dicks... But It’s Good?  Also, Stiles is Correct™ about How Much It Sucks to Sleep in the Same Bed as a Human Heater: You’re thinking of Seat Belts & Gravity, and your description is much better than mine.  On.  Point.
There was One Where, Like, They’re in College and There’s the Pack But Not Really Because I Think Everyone was Human and No One Knows Derek and Stiles are Together Even Though It’s Not a Secret?: You’re thinking of We’re Burning One Hell of a Something, aka The One You Will Never Find If You Don’t Bookmark It Now.  I’m serious, I just told you what it is but navigate away from this page for one minute and what’s it called?  You don’t know, but an Ellie Goulding song is stuck in your head and this is going to drive you gonzo now.  Just bookmark it, for serious.
😭 B-But Protozooey?: That’s Of Bananas, Babies and Buzzkills and I’m sorry.  Oh, and get all your bwhahas and wah-wah-wahs in podfic form: here!
What are the Rules to Brackets?: Brackets is a fictional game created in The Quadruped, Rhypophagus Team of Goatliness that is based solely on the pure chaotic energy of True American in New Girl ..... what about any of that fic makes you think rules belong there?
P.S. What Does Rhypophagus Mean?: Granted this was never a super popular word but it did used to be a... word and it means trash-eating - I cannot explain to you why there’s only, like, one link on Google that will tell you that now.  I’m thinking Larry and Sergey liked my fic so much they decided: all roads must lead to this miss!  It’s the only thing that makes sense really.
Did You Write a Ballet One Where, Like, Afterwards I Wanted to Crawl into a Dark Hole and Eschew All Human Contact?:  I did!  Thanks for noticing, and you’re welcome!  It’s called Birds of a Feather Fuck Together.  You probably remember this art for it too!
There was a Nerd/Jock Thing But Also Still Werewolves... Am I Remembering This Right?: You are!  It’s Option C) Some Bad Guys are Werewolves, but Not All Werewolves are Bad Guys.  I should make longer titles, huh?  Also there is awesome art for it by NateintheAttic.
Are You the Person Who Did the One Where the Hales are Still Alive and There’s, Like, Magic and Scott’s a Seer and Also Everyone Thinks Scott and Stiles are Gonna Bone (Including Derek)?  No, Right?:  I can see why you would think I am not that person because it is all kinds of happy but that was me!  It’s called Instructions for Dancing.  It’s got a bittle prequel on tumblr here and a scene from Derek’s PoV here.
Did You Ever Finish that One that I Started to Read on Tumblr and Then Lost Track of around Part, Like, Fifteen?:  I did!  It’s completed on tumblr as the Subway Sleeper Series and posted to AO3 as a huge block of zaniness under the name Hibernation Station.  Oh!  And art exists for it: here and here!
There was One about Allison?: There was!  It’s called Phases of the Weaker Heart and it’s entirely from her point of view with some of my fave pre-slashy Sterek sprinkled in.  @goodoceangonewrong giffed one of my absolute favorite scenes: here and lunchee did an absolute gorgeous reading of it here.
There’s One with a Dog and Baltimore and Frosted Flakes and Baseball and Smiling and Also, Like, So Much Baltimore Though?:  That’s [Hilary Duff Lyric Redacted]!  You might also remember the art for it: here.
There’s One Where Stiles Talks, Like, So Much?: That could be so many, help me out here! .... Holy-Os, Now with Thirty Percent More Bonermallows?  Oh, of course!  That would be How Weetabix Got His Marshmallows Back!  You’re welcome, you dirty birds 😉
Okay, This is Going to Sound Weird but Boyd was Just, Like, Stealing Clothes Off Dead Hunters in the Background?: That’s Apathy, Apathy, You’ll be the Death of Me and it sounds perfectly in character to me so I’m not even sure what you mean by “weird.”
Are You Ever Going to Finish Your Series/Write a Sequel Like You Said You were Going to?:  I am super sure that I am one day going to do those things, yes.  Is that based on reality or previous patterns?  Listen, sometimes you just have to have faith, y’know?
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undercoverbastard · 1 year
“Don’t believe me?” he asked, a bit haughtily, lips becoming pursed. “Hmm… did your supposed, imaginary cat sound anything like… this?”
Stilinski proceeded to meow long and loud, making Derek clamp down and bite at his lips to hold in the laughter. The guy wasn’t too bad, his imitation of a yowling cat was pretty spot on actually. But, still, there was something undeniably hilarious about a shirtless college student with pillow creases still marring their face throwing their head back and yowling at the top of their lungs like a distressed cat. Matt on the other hand looked none too pleased.
“No, actually, it didn’t,” he huffed.
“Oh? Hm - maybe this?” Stilinski asked, making several shorter, higher-pitched sounds, imitating a chittering cat. Derek was now raising his eyebrows, eyeing the guy. Even from his placement behind Matt, he could see red splotches crawling up the RA’s neck and speckling his skin, showing just how frustrated he was becoming. Stilisnki remained undeterred.
OR: another writers block + 15 WIPs + tumblr prompt = something involving cats that is meant to make you feel good. that's it. that's the fic.
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i just read THIS LITTLE (RED RIDING HOOD! STILES) BEAUTY and it was *chef's kiss*
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 2 months
not sure if you'll know this fic, but I remember reading a sterek au where stiles is a college student who decides to make meals for other for money and Derek is his first (maybe only?) client who gives him money to buy the food and cook and bring to his house and they fall in love and live happily ever after I remember reading it was one of the first fixs I ever read and I'd love to read it again
I love this one!
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Cupboard Love by mklutz
(2/2 I 32,286 I General I Sterek)
He’s carefully balancing the sandwiches and the two biggest tupperware containers he could find that both had functioning lids when the front door opens and he almost drops everything right there in front of the stupid fountain.
If that’s Derek Hale, he’s definitely not a mountain man.
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endwersed · 8 months
seven sentence sunday
Thanks for the tag @dear-massacre 🥰
Sharing an excerpt from my secondary WIP, the lie is beautiful, AKA nanny au. Coming to an AO3 near you soon (... or at least somewhere in the next few months).
Derek’s hold on Stiles' hip shifts slightly, fingertips tightening to bite bruises into his skin, and he is sucker-punched by the abrupt, awful realisation that he can feel the cool metal of Derek’s wedding ring, pressed solidly against him.
He wants to scream. Fuck, he wants to scream, take it off, take it the fuck off, please, fuck, just – take it off.
He says nothing.
“Ready?” Derek asks softly behind him.
This is going to break me, he thinks.
“Yeah,” he says out loud.
Very very low pressure tags!! @thotpuppy @crownofstardustandbone @renmackree @violetfairydust
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elisela · 2 years
follow through sterek, ~600, college au, professor/coach, established relationship day 4: bright red also on ao3
The force with which Stiles slams the paper down on the desk causes a coffee cup to rattle on its coaster, and he takes a moment to despair that he’s in love with an idiot who insists on using coasters despite the desk being treated like garbage by every professor who had used it for the past thirty years.
Not right now, though. Right now, he’s decidedly not in love, and most definitely pissed.
“My star attacker, Derek,” he says, gesturing to the paper angrily and keeping his eyes strictly above Derek’s neckline. He will not look below, because Derek is choosing to torture him with a tight navy blue t-shirt that shows off his pecs and biceps indecently, and if he looks he’ll get all dopey-eyed and it’ll ruin the effect. “Explain yourself.”
Derek hardly glances over at the paper, the bright red zero bold above a scribbled see me. “That note wasn’t meant for you. Send Theo in and I’ll explain myself to him.”
“I will withhold blow jobs for a month,” Stiles swears, despite knowing he will absolutely cave the moment they get in bed. Or in the kitchen. Or, if Derek lets him, right here at his desk.
Derek knows it too by the way he huffs out a breath of laughter. “Sure.”
“No sex at all.”
He casts around for a threat he’ll actually follow through on and grins triumphantly. “I’ll tell Laura you’d love to spend spring break helping her move from her ninth floor walk-up.”
Derek makes a face. “It’s not his paper. It’s the same as a student’s from another section, word for word.”
Stiles groans. “Idiot,” he says. “He didn’t even change a few words?”
“Not the point,” Derek says, frowning.
“Unless he accidentally—maybe they’re in the same frat, maybe he just, just—picked up the wrong—”
“Maybe that kid took—” he gives up before he even finishes. “Alright, big guy, how can I get you to give him another chance? I’ll make him write the paper in front of me if that will help.”
“You’d just end up writing it for him,” Derek says. “Be glad I didn’t report it. If he does it again, I’m taking it to the dean.”
“I’ll blow you.”
“You really need to stop trying to use that as a selling point,” Derek says, but he’s starting to grin.
“I’ll tell Laura you’re really too busy to help her move.”
“I’m telling her that anyway,” Derek says, picking up the pen he’d set down when Stiles came in and returning to the paper in front of him.
Stiles takes a deep breath and pulls out his best offer—the one he was hoping to save for when he really fucked something up, but losing his best player to academic ineligibility weeks before the championship is something he can’t allow to happen. “Practice is over at six, the team clears out by seven,” he says, putting his hands down on either side of the paper Derek’s correcting and leaning in to whisper in his ear. “Why don’t you come by then and we can run a few drills, maybe you can see what it takes to convince me to put you on first line?”
He’d feel slightly guilty about using Derek’s fantasies to his advantage if it weren’t for the way Derek’s breath caught in his throat slightly before the pen in his hand snapped right in half. 
“Bring your old jersey, Hale,” he breathes out, and straightens up, clearing his throat as he backs away from the desk. “I’ll have Theo turn in a new paper by Friday.”
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