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Just an aspiring aurthor here to share some practice fan fiction
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writerjayne · 1 day ago
I will forever love the "pass the ball to Andrew!" tactic the Foxes got going on. Better than asking him to shut down the goal. Because instead of forcing him to basically be the Savior And Salvation for the entire game, they include him in the actual plays and strategy all throughout. He's a part of the game. A part of the teamwork.
They recognize what he'll do with a pass. They pay attention to who he shoots to and why. They anticipate this and pass the ball to him. They include him. They don't relegate him to "stop them from scoring on us" and include him in "let's score on them".
I love when the entire team remembers Andrew.
I love when the entire team remembers that Andrew is a Fox.
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writerjayne · 11 days ago
Who let Andrew loose on Twitter again?
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writerjayne · 12 days ago
Hear me out.
Andrew becomes the Head Coach of the Foxes when he retires from the pros.
Wymack tells the OG Foxes--the team that became a family, the team that made it all worth it and proved every 3rd and 4th and 5th chance was worth it--in a text message on a random Tuesday afternoon.
Everyone thought Dan would jump at the chance, but she doesn't. She thinks about it. She talk it over with Allison and Renee and Matt. She asks Neil what he thinks. And she decides against it. She was a great Captain, but she likes coaching high school too much. She likes offering those 2nd chances to teenagers because she understands them.
Neil isn't ready to retire yet. He's still got a few years left in him, and he can't retire until his body gives out.
Kevin...Kevin doesn't want it. The old injury to his left hand had him retiring from the pros earlier than he wanted--earlier than the Moriyama's wanted--but it couldn't be helped. He still has to consider his salary, but he doesn't want to be a Head Coach.
Andrew takes it. He calls Wymack and just says, "it's mine" before hanging up.
Neil is playing for the professional team closest to Palmetto. And Andrew...he understands. He would never say it out loud, of course. But he knows what Wymack did for all of them. He knows why Wymack did it. And he hated stickball, but he knows what that sport and that team accomplished.
Neil tries to hide a smirk when he hears the phone call, but says nothing.
Kevin doesn't want to be Head Coach. But...Assistant Coach doesn't sound too bad, does it? And where Andrew is a steady, unyielding wall, Kevin is a force of nature when it comes to Exy. A goalie and a striker, yes, but a support beam and a fighter for new generations of foxes, on and off the court.
And when Aaron grows tired of the bureaucracy of hospitals and petty colleagues? When he and Katelyn move to Palmetto? When he takes over for Abby? Well. No one asks questions, do they?
Wymack throws away all the other applications he received.
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writerjayne · 13 days ago
Out-context things Overheard in FOX Tower (or on campus) Pt. 4
These quotes are a combination of myself and friends, memes and random internet quotes so enjoy!
Drunk Kevin: Pork chips? Did you mean pork chops? Sober Matt: No
Matt: You look sad today Nicky: Actually, I'm sad every day. I just don't have the energy to hide it today
Allison: Girl advice, you want to know what boy you like? Get drunk, and you'll cry about the boy you like! Neil: Well, apparently, the boy I like is pasta. This comes as no surprise.
Nicky: If you see a guy with long hair he's either gorgeous or weird, and the answer lies in what kind of shoes he's wearing
Aaron: Please excuse my drunk ass snaps Neil: So that's what PEMDAS means
Andrew: Self-isolation just doesn't feel the same if you're forced to do it. Kevin: Are you okay?
Nicky: I'm sorry, but shouldn't British websites use biscuits? Neil: WHY DO YOU KEEP ASKING ME???
Neil: Is anyone else losing touch with the concept of time?
Aaron: Identity theft is a serious crime! Neil, sighing: I will explain once more. I didn't steal any of my identities!
Allison: Do you ever feel like you're not getting enough credit for simply not being batshit insane? Andrew: Nope, can't relate at all.
Kevin: I just want to say I'm disappointed in modern architecture and its distinct lack of gargoyles!
Neil: Kill me once, shame on you. Kill me twice… How did you do that??
Nicky: We gave morning people too much power. Why is it okay for them not to be functional past 8:30 PM, but it's not okay for me to not be functional before 8:30 AM? Aaron: You're the one who signed up for morning classes
Allison: What scares you about marriage? Drunk Seth: Marrying someone who just settled for me because they couldn't get who they truly wanted
Renee *reading a sign*: This door is alarmed after 5pm Dan: Before then, it's just generally anxious
Seth: I'm sure you've done a lot in your life but have you ever gone tubing with a raccoon? Matt *Concerned*: Have you??
Nicky: Why are you like this? Are you okay? Neil: Well I have brain damage. I got two pretty serious concussions back-to-back
Andrew: Every zoo is a petting zoo if you're not a coward Renee: I worry about you
Nicky *sleep deprived*: strawberry milk doesn't taste like strawberries or milk Andrew: Go the fuck to sleep, Nickolas
Neil: I have one brain cell and it bounces around my brain like a Windows screensaver Andrew: When it lines up with the corner he experiences a thought
Aaron: You'll never be bioluminescent Nicky: Okay that one hurt :(
New Fox: Why do you hate authority so much? Andrew/Neil/Allison/Literally any of them: I'm glad you asked-
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writerjayne · 13 days ago
This is a fun idea! But
also I had no idea what the sentence was going to be and I was pleasantly surprised: ​‘I hope you know it’s mutual’ Neil eventually broke the silence. ‘I won’t let anyone hurt you again’
Oh so ur a writer?? Prove it. Drop the last sentence of ur wip in the tags
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writerjayne · 13 days ago
Small fantasy worldbuilding elements you might want to think about:
A currency that isn’t gold-standard/having gold be as valuable as tin
A currency that runs entirely on a perishable resource, like cocoa beans
A clock that isn’t 24-hours
More or less than four seasons/seasons other than the ones we know
Fantastical weather patterns like irregular cloud formations, iridescent rain
Multiple moons/no moon
Planetary rings
A northern lights effect, but near the equator
Roads that aren’t brown or grey/black, like San Juan’s blue bricks
Jewelry beyond precious gems and metals
Marriage signifiers other than wedding bands
The husband taking the wife's name / newlyweds inventing a new surname upon marriage
No concept of virginity or bastardry
More than 2 genders/no concept of gender
Monotheism, but not creationism
Gods that don’t look like people
Domesticated pets that aren’t re-skinned dogs and cats
Some normalized supernatural element that has nothing to do with the plot
Magical communication that isn’t Fantasy Zoom
“Books” that aren’t bound or scrolls
A nonverbal means of communicating, like sign language
A race of people who are obligate carnivores/ vegetarians/ vegans/ pescatarians (not religious, biological imperative)
I’ve done about half of these myself in one WIP or another and a little detail here or there goes a long way in reminding the audience that this isn’t Kansas anymore.
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writerjayne · 16 days ago
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writerjayne · 16 days ago
funniest character dynamic in the world to me is when you have one guy knows hes gay but doesnt realise hes in love with his best friend and another guy who knows hes in love with his best friend but does not know hes gay
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writerjayne · 16 days ago
I've been re-reading TKM and I can't stop thinking about that bus ride to Binghamton University because it's so revealing in so many different ways:
Andrew is left all alone in the back of the bus and it bothers Neil. "Neil knew [Andrew] likely wouldn't notice or care that he'd been abandoned, but for some reason the thought rankled him."
It rankles him so much, he practically fights Kevin to get to Andrew. Kevin is all like "Get back here & listen to me prattle about strategies that you heard all about already" and Neil is like NO and it just drags on and on. Neil was prepared to have a physical altercation with Kevin if it meant he could get to Andrew.
Then Neil just stares at Andrew, all smitten. "Maybe it was the sunlight streaming through the window, making Andrew's pale hair shine brighter and his hazel eyes seem almost gold. Whatever it was, it was disorienting." This is from a man who didn't even give us a description of Katelyn or like 98% of the other people in the books.
Andrew understands precisely what Neil's staring means, because he tells him, "I told you not to look at me like that."
Then they proceed to talk for 3 entire hours and Neil doesn't even realize that much has time passed. It's a surprise to him. Neil opens up first, and "Andrew let him ramble. He never once took his eyes off Neil's face or looked like he was mentally tuning out of the conversation." Andrew. Andrew who gets bored of everything and everyone. Andrew who doesn't care about anything. He sits there listening to Neil with rapt attention for hours on end. Holy fuck.
Then the conversation about when Wymack figured out that Andrew likes Neil or SORRY, that "Andrew only wants to kill him 93% of the time", and Andrew doesn't even attempt to deny it. Just says, "He didn't know before I left." And the cherry on top??? Neil corrects him with, "Yes, he did. In November. When they took you away he asked when 'that' happened." AGAIN, Andrew doesn't deny it. Just says, "Coach sees what is, not what people want him to see", admitting that he basically liked Neil for a long, long time and way before Easthaven.
And then, perhaps my favorite line in the entire book, Neil's iconic, "Kissing you doesn't make me look at them differently. The only one I'm interested in is you."
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writerjayne · 17 days ago
Jason: *walks into living room and pauses, looking at tim* uh Tim: *frowns as he looks up from a book* what? Jason: um. Tim: dude. Spit it out. Jason: *still staring* you like that book? Tim: yeah I’m really loving it! It’s a new bestseller, Steph recommended it. It’s a fun fantasy. ‘S got dragons and the romance is nice and Jane Austen-esque. You should read it, it’s right up your alley. Jason: uh. Okay. I’ll, uh, look into it. And, uh, what about the author? Know anything about them? Tim: *frowns* aside from the fact that there’s like, no information about them, no Jason: *chuckles nervously* ah, yeah. Haha.
Jason, later to his editor: hey can we change my pseudonym? I wanna use “Todd Peter” and see how long it takes for my brother to yell at me editor: Jason that’s not how pseudonyms work
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writerjayne · 18 days ago
I love the idea that if Aaron had kids in the future, they wouldn't even have to bring up their uncles as a threat, because "My dad killed a rapist and got away with it" pretty much does the trick on its own
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writerjayne · 18 days ago
Happy Valentine’s Day! Here is a Kevaaron post for @sunndy2 inspired by her Kevin having Aaron’s initial tattooed on his thigh! Two pictures, I’m imagining Aaron took the first one and the second one is the next morning
I have only just started drawing digitally so this was a fun challenge and I’ll probably keep working on these two but for now I’m going to say they’re done!
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writerjayne · 18 days ago
All I can think is this is how the new foxes start their own betting traditions. Like it’s a puzzle for sure and they are all working together to try and solve it but also there are HEAVY bets on specific relationships. The betting board is next to the conspiracy board. Unlike the og foxes the new foxes also keep a notebook of ‘bets paid’ that they pass around. The og foxes have absolutely noticed the notebook and have bets on what it is
so the og foxes are obviously all really close, and there would probably be a significant divide between them and the fairly large group of incoming freshmen, and while we could talk about the impact that would have on their teamwork, i would rather focus on the idea of the new foxes having a conspiracy board they’re using to collaboratively try to determine which of the og foxes are in relationships with each other and what kind of relationship
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writerjayne · 19 days ago
But imagine it's not just Andrew: Neil sends his contracts at the same time Andrew dose (because obviously they're on the same team), Kevin had an actual team of legal people but he still sends his stuff to Nicky and Jean, after everything he's been through he trusts Neil when Neil tells him Nicky won't let any bullshit be put in his contract.
Meanwhile poor Nicky is like "I know this is my job but how did this happen? When did I end up with all these Exy clients who dont even pay me?" And Eric is just like "babe you did this to yourself"
I legitimately just remembered that Nicky plans on going to work at a PR firm after university and now I'm imagining Andrew calling him up when he's thinking of moving pro team and asking him if he'll look over the PR clauses of the new contract to see if they're bullshit
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writerjayne · 21 days ago
Posting the caption of my TikTok video on tumblr as well because I‘m too proud of it to not share it everywhere 😭
Aaron was high. Or maybe he wasn't. Andrew sometimes found it hard to tell the difference because his brother was almost always high.
Brother... he still hadn't gotten used to the idea that he now had a brother, a family. Andrew didn't believe in family. Especially not family that shared the same blood, but something about Aaron was different. Maybe it was the fact that he was his twin. They had shared a womb for 9 months until they had been forcibly torn apart. Andrew found himself looking at Aaron sometimes and imagining what it would have been like if Tilda had been a good mother and they had grown up together.
But there was no point in thinking about the 'what ifs' if it was never going to happen.
Andrew had his dark past and Aaron's was playing out before his eyes every day.
"You know, I wanted to be a firefighter once." Aaron stared into his cup, lost in thought. "When I was four or something."
"Me too," Andrew thought, but didn't say it out loud
"Mom just laughed." Aaron's pupils were huge and Andrew was already plotting in his mind how to kill Tilda. The bruise across Aaron's neck didn't help to stop these thoughts - it only intensified them.
Andrew had noticed the look on Aaron's face when he had seen the doctors watching TV today. He had seen the gleam in his eye that he had never seen before. Not even when he was high. Andrew vowed to do everything he could to make Aaron's dreams come true.
"Do you have dreams, Drew?"
The nickname hurt. The last time someone had given him one was Drake and... Andrew forced himself to drop that thought and nodded slowly.
He had dreams. Killing Tilda, for example.
"My biggest dream is not to die in this house. Not by... her." Aaron reached a hand into the pocket of his hoodie and pulled out a white pill.
Andrew didn't know what exactly it was, but he knew it was drugs. He hit Aaron's hand so hard that the pill flew across the room, but Aaron didn't even flinch. He was used to worse.
Tired, he smiled at Andrew. "Promise me I won't die here, Drew."
The nickname still hurt, but he'd put up with it for Aaron. For Aaron, he would endure so much more. "I promise," Andrew whispered back.
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writerjayne · 21 days ago
I can't stop obsessing over this brief scene in TKM where after they come back from Baltimore, Andrew casually opens a protein bar for Neil because his butchered hands can't get the wrapper.
There's something so incredibly important in that small gesture. It is peak romance to me, and so much is said in so little words.
Their nonverbal communication is on a level where they've already been married for ten years. Not a single word is uttered during this exchange. It's so effortless. Andrew sees what needs to be done and does it, because who else should do it other than him? It is possessive in a way, and It's incredibly hot, in my opinion.
It's such a sweet example of acts of service as a love language.
And it's one of those little public shows of affection which are extremely rare for Andreil. I mean, Andrew Minyard, the one with the reputation of a cold, heartless psychopath, sees Neil needs help and just helps him without even needing to be asked??? He just does it like it's the most natural thing in the world, probably not even realizing the significance himself...?? Yes, this is the type of shit I lose my mind over.
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writerjayne · 21 days ago
Already Home
Pack nights at the loft were loud, chaotic, and exactly what Stiles needed after a long week of school and supernatural nonsense. He’d curled up on the couch, wedged between Isaac and Boyd, still listening to the conversation even as his blinks grew longer. The warmth, the hum of voices, the solid weight of Derek sitting on the armrest beside him—all of it lulled him into sleep before he even realized he was drifting.
It wasn’t until Scott tried to wake him that things got… tense.
“Hey, Stiles—” Scott barely had his hand halfway to Stiles’ shoulder when a low, warning growl rumbled through the room. Scott froze. Everyone did.
Derek was staring him down, eyes dark with the promise of violence if he took one more step.
Scott raised his hands immediately. “Whoa. Not trying to take your boy, dude. Just trying to get him home.”
Derek didn’t even hesitate. His voice was firm, absolute. “He already is.”
The words settled over the pack like a command, like a truth that had always existed even if no one had said it out loud.
Scott blinked, exhaling through his nose. “Okay. Got it.”
There was no more arguing after that.
Derek didn’t trust anyone else to do it, so he scooped Stiles up himself, carefully shifting him so his head rested against Derek’s shoulder. Stiles stirred slightly, making a soft, sleepy noise as his fingers curled into Derek’s shirt.
The pack made no comment as Derek carried him up the loft stairs, though Erica smirked knowingly.
Once in his room, Derek set Stiles down on the bed, tugging the blanket over him with more care than he’d ever admit to. He hesitated for a moment before brushing Stiles’ hair back, fingers tracing lightly over his temple.
He should leave. Give him space. But before he could move away, Stiles shifted, murmuring something barely audible against the pillow.
Derek frowned. “What?”
Stiles’ eyes stayed closed, but he turned his face toward Derek’s touch, exhaling softly. “Heard what you said,” he mumbled. A pause. Then, even quieter, “’M home with you.”
Derek’s breath caught. He swallowed hard, watching Stiles’ face, waiting for any sign that he was awake enough to remember this conversation in the morning. But Stiles was already sinking deeper into sleep, face relaxed in a way Derek rarely saw.
Derek let out a slow breath, then—without thinking too hard about it—leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to Stiles’ forehead.
“Yeah,” he whispered, “You are.”
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