#step 2 is making an organized list of assignments coming up and scheduling times to work on everything that I Will abide by
dreamerlynx · 11 months
gripping stubborn hope in both hands I’m going to do better I’m going to get through this
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Hi so I’m an incoming freshman I have autism and ADHD I was wondering do you have any tips for high school specifically for people with autism and ADHD like me? Thank you for your time!!
Hi there,
It’s been out of school since 2015, so I’m rusty with tips. However I did find one article listing 12 tips that might help:
1. You don’t need ONE study space.
A well-stocked desk in a quiet place at home is key, but sometimes you need variety. Coffee shops, libraries, parks, or even just moving to the kitchen table will give you a change of scenery which can prompt your brain to retain information better.
2. Track more than HW in your school planner.
Keeping a calendar helps you plan ahead—but you’ve got more going on than just homework assignments! Make sure you’re marking your extracurricular, work, and social commitments, too. (Tests, band practice, away games, SAT dates, half-days and holidays are just a few examples of reminders for your planner.)
3. Start small.
If you’ve got a big assignment looming, like a research paper, stay motivated by completing a piece of the project every few days. Write one paragraph each night. Or, do 5 algebra problems from your problem set at a time, and then take a break.
4. School supplies (alone) don’t make you organized.
Come up with a system and keep to it. Do you keep one big binder for all your classes with color-coded tabs? Or do you prefer to keep separate notebooks and a folder for handouts? Keep the system simple—if it’s too fancy or complicated, you are less likely to keep it up everyday.
5. Get into a routine.
When will you make the time to do your homework every day? Find the time of day that works best for you (this can change day-to-day, depending on your schedule!), and make a plan to hit the books.
6. Learn how to create a distraction-free zone.
A study on workplace distractions found that it takes workers an average of 25 minutes to return to what they were working on pre-interruption. Try turning off your phone notifications or blocking Twitter (temporarily) on your computer so you can concentrate on the homework tasks at hand.
7. Get real.
When you’re looking at the homework you have to get done tonight, be realistic about how long things actually take. Gauging that reading a history chapter will take an hour and writing a response will take another 30 minutes will help you plan how you spend your time.
8. Use class time wisely.
Is your teacher finished lecturing, but you still have 10 minutes of class left? Get a jump on your chemistry homework while it’s still fresh in your mind. Or use the time to ask your teacher about concepts that were fuzzy the first time.
9. Look over your notes each night to make sure you've got it.
Fill in details, edit the parts that don’t make sense, and star or highlight the bits of information that you know are most important. Interacting with your notes will help you remember them. You can also use Homework Help to get your questions answered 24/7.
10. Study a little every day.
Cramming Spanish vocabulary for a quiz might work in the short-term, but when comes time to study for midterms, you’ll be back at square 1. You might remember the vocab list long enough to ace the quiz, but reviewing the terms later will help you store them for the long haul.
11. Don’t let a bad grade keep you down.
A rough start to the semester doesn’t have to sink your GPA. Take proactive steps by checking your grades regularly online and getting a tutor if you need one.
12. Make a friend in every class.
Find a few people you can contact from each of your classes if you have a homework question or had to miss class (and do the same for them!).  Then when it comes time to study for exams, you'll already have a study group.
The article will be below:
I hope this helps. Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ♥️
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eliteprepsat · 2 months
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Preparing for the first year of high school can feel overwhelming, but starting in the summer can help ease the transition. Here are some practical steps to get rising ninth graders ready for this exciting new chapter.
1. Strengthen Academic Skills
High school will build on what you’ve learned in middle school, so it’s crucial to have a strong foundation. In ninth grade, students typically take biology, world history, and algebra or geometry. Use the summer to brush up on subjects where you feel less confident or preview subjects that are new to you. There are plenty of online resources, such as Khan Academy, that offer free courses in various subjects. If working with a live instructor or tutor is better for you, then enroll in a preview class at Elite Prep.
2. Read Regularly
Reading is one of the best ways to improve your comprehension, vocabulary, and critical thinking skills. Furthermore, reading skills are important to many high school subjects, including history, science, and (of course) English language arts. Choose a mix of fiction and non-fiction books to expand your horizons – doing so will not only prepare you academically but also make you a more engaged learner. Check our Recommended Summer Reading List for Ninth Graders.
3. Get Involved in Extracurricular Activities
Explore extracurricular activities that interest you. High schools offer a variety of clubs, sports, and organizations. Summer is a great time to try new things and discover what you’re passionate about. Whether it’s joining a sports team, learning a musical instrument, or volunteering in your community, these activities will help you develop new skills and make new friends.
Furthermore, if you plan to participate in particular extracurricular activities in high school, consider using your summer time to prepare and hone your abilities (e.g., work on past exams for Science Olympiad and math competitions, practice your skills for a sport like basketball and track and field, and learn to code for robotics or website design).
4. Learn Time Management
High school will demand better time management skills than middle school. Start practicing now by setting a schedule for your summer activities. Include time for study, hobbies, and relaxation. Learning to balance these activities will prepare you for the busy high school schedule. Try techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, which involves working for 25 minutes followed by a 5-minute break.
5. Understand High School Expectations
Familiarize yourself with what will be expected of you in high school. Attend any orientation sessions offered by your high school and read through the student handbook. Knowing the school’s rules, dress code, and academic policies will help you adjust more quickly. Talk to older students or siblings about their experiences to get a sense of what to expect.
6. Set Goals
Setting goals can give you a sense of direction and purpose. Think about what you want to achieve in your first year of high school. These could be academic goals, such as maintaining a certain GPA, or personal goals, like joining a club or making new friends. Write down your goals and revisit them regularly to track your progress.
7. Get Organized
High school comes with more responsibilities and a heavier workload. Start by organizing your study space and materials. Create a filing system for your schoolwork and important documents. Invest in a planner or use a digital calendar to keep track of assignments, extracurricular activities, and important dates. Being organized from the start will help you manage your time effectively.
8. Develop Good Study Habits
High school courses will be more challenging, so developing good study habits now will pay off later. Find out what study methods work best for you. Some students prefer studying alone in a quiet environment, while others do better in study groups. Try different techniques like summarizing information, using flashcards, or teaching what you’ve learned to someone else.
Starting high school is a significant milestone, and preparing over the summer can make a big difference. By strengthening your academic skills, reading regularly, getting involved in extracurricular activities, managing your time, understanding high school expectations, setting goals, getting organized, and developing good study habits, you’ll be well-prepared to start high school with confidence and enthusiasm. Enjoy your summer and look forward to the exciting opportunities ahead!
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webkrow · 1 year
Time management strategies for students
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Time Management strategies for students, Are you also struggling with managing your time? I know that in school or college life, students are confused with time management, If so, this article will help you.
Do you find yourself constantly falling behind and struggling to keep up with your work, coaching, assignments, tests etc.? If so, you're not alone.
Many students struggle with time management, but working with the right strategies, it's possible for you to manage your time effectively. In this article, I will introduce you with some effective time management strategies for students that I also followed in my student life that will also help you achieve academic success.
The Importance of Time Management for Students
Before providing you time management strategies for students you should know why time management is so important for students. Effective time management can help you:
To Stay organized and focused
To Prioritize your tasks and assignments
To Avoid procrastination and last-minute cramming
To Reduce stress and anxiety
To Improve your academic performance
Here I write some of the importance of time management in brief, if you want read deeply about Time Management
Time Management Strategies For Students
Here comes the most important topic of our article for which you all are here today, we will explore some pro Time management strategies for students that help you to manage your student life.
I hope this will help you and if you want to add on some tips or strategies and give some feedback or you have any doubt you can leave a comment I will answer you for sure.
So get back to our main topic and discuss it......
1. Create a Schedule
One of the most effective time management strategies for students is creating a planned schedule. A schedule can help you to be organized and ensure that you have enough time for all of your day tasks.
Start with your fixed tasks including classes, extracurricular activities, and any other responsibilities. Then, create a schedule that allocates time for each of these tasks, as well as time for studying and completing assignments.
2. Set Goals
Setting goals is another important time management strategy for students. Goals can help you being motivated and focused on your studies. divide your goals into short-term and long-term goals, hmmm.. for example completing an assignment or gaining a certain grade in a course. Make sure your goals are achievable.
3. Prioritize Your Tasks
Prioritizing your tasks is one of effective time management strategies for students. Make a list of all of your tasks day wise, and then prioritize them based on their importance and deadline. Always remember to complete the most important tasks first, and then move on to next tasks.
4. Eliminate Distractions
Distractions can be a major obstacle to effective time management. Identify distractions that stop you from staying focused, such as social media or your phone.
Then, take some serious steps to eliminate these distractions. For example, you can turn off your phone or keep your phone on silent mode. Trust me, that will help you.
5. Take Breaks
Taking breaks is important for maintaining focus and avoiding burnout, it makes your body feel relaxed.
6. Ask for Help
One of the most important strategies for student is that "Ask for help", it is the common problem in every student that the afraid to ask for help, I suggest you, don't be afraid to ask for help if you're struggling in managing time, Talk to your teachers or parents and take advice and ask for support, they never refuse to help.
You can read my other educational article that guides you for your future glonick to read and let me know in the comment which article you need, Thankyou.
In conclusion, effective time management is essential for student success. By following time management strategies for students, like creating a schedule, setting goals, prioritizing your tasks, eliminating distractions, taking breaks, and asking for help, you can effectively manage your time and achieve your goals.
If you want to read for other writers, click 1 and click2 and leave a comment which one you like. Read our new educational post that guide you about the new AI on ChatGPT
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alicevgcna · 20 days
Open Your Future: Top CNA Programs in Virginia Revealed!
Unlock Your Future: Top CNA Programs in Virginia Revealed!
Are you interested in pursuing a rewarding career as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) in Virginia? ⁢If so, you’ll ​need to enroll in⁤ a top-notch CNA program to receive ‍the⁢ training and education necessary to ​succeed in this field. With the demand‍ for CNAs on the rise, now is the perfect time to take the first steps towards a bright future in healthcare.
To help you make an informed decision, we’ve compiled a ⁤list of the top CNA programs in Virginia. Whether you’re looking ⁤for affordability, flexibility, or quality education, there’s a ⁣program out there that’s perfect for ‍you. Keep reading to discover⁢ the best CNA programs in Virginia and unlock your future ​in the ⁤healthcare industry.
Top CNA Programs in Virginia
1. ‍University of Virginia School of Nursing ​ – Location: Charlottesville, VA – Program Length: 4-6 weeks – Cost: $800-$1,200 – Highlights:‌ The University of Virginia School of Nursing offers a comprehensive CNA program with experienced instructors and hands-on training opportunities. With a focus on patient care and communication skills, this program prepares students for success ‌in ⁣a variety of healthcare ​settings.
2. Northern Virginia Community College – Location:​ Alexandria, VA ‍ -⁣ Program⁢ Length: 8 weeks ⁤ – Cost: $1,200 -⁤ Highlights: Northern Virginia Community College’s CNA program provides a well-rounded curriculum that covers ‍essential skills such as vital signs monitoring, patient hygiene,‌ and infection⁢ control. With small class sizes ‍and personalized instruction, students receive the individual attention they need to excel ⁣in their studies.
3. Tidewater Community College – Location:⁤ Virginia Beach,‌ VA – Program Length: 6 weeks ​ – Cost:⁣ $1,000 ‌ – Highlights: Tidewater Community‌ College offers a flexible CNA program with both‌ day and⁤ evening classes available to accommodate students’ schedules. With⁤ a strong emphasis on hands-on training in real-world⁢ healthcare ⁢settings, graduates of this program are well-prepared for ⁣the demands of the job.
4. Centura College – Location: Richmond, VA – Program Length: 5 weeks ⁤ – Cost: $1,500 – Highlights: ​Centura ⁢College’s CNA program is known for its comprehensive curriculum and experienced instructors. Students learn essential skills such as patient communication, medical terminology, and emergency procedures to ensure they are fully prepared for a career in healthcare.
Benefits of Enrolling in a CNA Program
– Job security: The demand for CNAs is expected to grow significantly in‍ the coming years, providing ample job opportunities for graduates of CNA ‍programs. – ⁤Competitive ⁤salaries: CNAs earn competitive wages, making⁢ it a lucrative career ⁢choice for those looking to enter the healthcare field. – Career advancement: With additional training and education, CNAs can advance to roles such as Licensed Practical Nurse ‍(LPN) or Registered Nurse (RN), opening up even more career opportunities.
Practical Tips for Success in a ⁢CNA Program
– Stay organized: Keep track of assignments, due dates, and study materials to stay on top of your coursework. – Seek help when needed: ⁣Don’t be afraid to reach out to instructors ‌or classmates for assistance with challenging topics. – Practice⁤ self-care: Take breaks when needed, eat well, and get plenty of rest to maintain your overall health and well-being during your CNA program.
enrolling in​ a top CNA program in Virginia is the first step towards a successful career in healthcare. By choosing a program that meets your needs and ‍provides quality education and training, you’ll be⁢ well-equipped to ‍excel in this rewarding field. ⁢Take the initiative to unlock your future by exploring the top CNA programs in⁢ Virginia today!
Remember, the key to success lies ⁣in choosing the right program that aligns with your goals and ‌aspirations. With dedication, hard work, and a quality ⁢education, you’ll be⁣ on your way to a fulfilling career as a ​Certified Nursing Assistant in Virginia. Start your journey today‍ and unlock your future ⁤in healthcare!
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rkstransport · 7 months
How do I stay organized when working with packers and movers?
Working with packers and movers can make the process of relocating much smoother and more efficient. However, to ensure a successful move, it's essential to stay organized and effectively manage the moving process. In this guide, we'll explore practical tips and strategies to help you stay organized when working with packers and movers, with insights from RKS Transport, a trusted name in the industry.
1. Create a Moving Binder: Start by creating a dedicated moving binder to keep all your important documents and information in one place. Include copies of your moving contract, inventory lists, contact information for your moving company (such as RKS Transport), packing checklists, and any other relevant paperwork. Having everything organized in a binder will make it easy to reference and stay on top of the moving process.
2. Develop a Timeline: Develop a timeline or moving schedule that outlines all the tasks that need to be completed leading up to moving day. Break down the process into smaller, manageable steps, such as decluttering, packing, scheduling movers, and updating your address. Assign deadlines to each task to ensure that everything gets done in a timely manner.
3. Declutter Before Packing: Before the packers arrive, take the time to declutter your home or office. Go through each room and identify items that you no longer need or use. Donate, sell, or discard these items to lighten your load and make packing easier. Decluttering before packing will also help you save time and money by reducing the amount of stuff that needs to be packed and moved.
4. Label Boxes Clearly: As the packers begin packing up your belongings, make sure to label each box clearly with its contents and the room it belongs to. Use color-coded labels or a numbering system to make it easy to identify where each box should be placed in your new home or office. This will streamline the unpacking process and help ensure that everything ends up in the right place.
5. Create an Inventory List: Keep track of all your belongings by creating an inventory list. As the packers pack up each room, make a note of the items being packed and their condition. This will help you keep track of your belongings and identify any missing items or damage during the unpacking process. Share the inventory list with your moving company, such as RKS Transport, to ensure that everything is accounted for.
6. Communicate with Your Movers: Effective communication is key when working with packers and movers in Coimbatore. Stay in regular contact with your moving company, such as RKS Transport, to coordinate logistics, address any concerns or questions, and provide updates on your moving timeline. Make sure to provide clear instructions about any fragile or valuable items that require special handling.
7. Pack Essentials Separately: Before the packers arrive, pack a separate box or suitcase with essentials that you'll need immediately upon arrival at your new home or office. This may include toiletries, medications, important documents, a change of clothes, and any other items you'll need during the first few days in your new space. Keep this box or suitcase with you during the move to ensure easy access.
8. Stay Flexible and Patient: Finally, remember to stay flexible and patient throughout the moving process. Despite careful planning and organization, unexpected challenges may arise. Stay calm and adapt to any changes or delays as they come up. Keep a positive attitude and trust in the expertise of your moving company, such as RKS Transport, to help you navigate the moving process smoothly.
Staying organized when working with packers and movers is essential for a successful and stress-free move. By following these practical tips and strategies, you can effectively manage the moving process and ensure that everything goes smoothly from start to finish. With careful planning, clear communication, and attention to detail, you can confidently work with RKS Transport to achieve a successful relocation.
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idiosys1 · 10 months
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When it comes to managing a big project for your organization, task management application helps the most in increasing the efficiency level of the entire team. Not only it helps you to keep a regular track on the work, but also makes it easier to find and recover data at times of need. Starting from making the project plan, assigning work to upload, everything is way faster and effective when you have a task manager application.
It is essential to opt for a task management application that is budget friendly and simple so that all the team members can have the utmost interface of it. If you are looking for the best task management software, here we can help you find it, depending upon your own requirements. Read on to know about the top 10 task management applications in 2019 chack the features of project management.
1. Task Closet: Is a simple and lifetime free task management application, Task closet is the first preference of many organizations to manage multiple projects in an organized and simplified manner. You can easily plan your project tasks, assign them, update work, upload files, see comments and reply in a user-friendly dashboard. It will ensure increase your team performance with great tools for monitoring employee performance. You can get a clear idea about a team member’s engagement on a particular task and the entire project.
2. Freedcamp: It is a more featured application that enables you to create milestones and calendar to plan any project schedule. Freedcamp lets you to choose from kanban board and standard to-do list to manage large project that requires long time to accomplish. Either opt for the calendar option to fix a deadline, or go for the milestones option to estimate a time frame for your project. Freedcamp is a free task management application unless you upgrade for the access to additional tools.
3. Wrike: If spreadsheet is what you prefer, opt for this application that uses columns to update information and modify them. To update a status for the related work, all you need to do is simply click the arrow option and mark the status. Reminders and the advanced Gantt chart views are the features that will help you track any task you want. This application is free at the basic level, restricted for the usage of up to five users.
4. Scoro: This one is a little expensive with the free trial version for up to 14 days. If you plan to opt for a paid application packed with most of the advanced features, Scoro makes a worthy choice. You can easily fix work and meeting schedule simultaneously for multiple projects in it and share team calendar for a more efficient performance. The customizable KPI dashboards, file sharing process, invoicing templates are some of the best features to mention.
5. Bitrix24: If your project requires more collaboration within the members, this app is unbeatable as compared to the others. It is equipped with social internet and video conference features that will enable uninterrupted communication within the members. CMR tools will help you manage client relationship while a Gantt chart view will let you track every task faster than ever. This application is also free at the basic level, unless you upgrade it to incorporate additional tools.
6. Asana: Sometimes a complex project plan requires a task manager that will break-up the entire project into small steps and simplify it to the members. Asana is the team management application all you need. It enables you to even break the tasks down into lists and sections so as to manage the work and track it with dashboards. It is packed with better collaboration options for the members to connect. The basic level is for the usage of up to fifteen users.
7. Basecamp: As one of the most popular task management applications, Basecamp really helps in saving time. This application uses the one page design to view all ongoing tasks and update them as well. It is equipped with useful features like message boards, client collaboration, team collaboration, email and desktop notifications. It is a paid application charging on monthly basis and allowing unlimited user interface.
8. Podio: This one can be customized as per your requirement. This feature is the best in Podio when you compare it to the other task management applications. Stylize the project plan, assign work in a more interactive way, drag and drop files to upload, chat effortlessly and track work in the most suitable way you choose. The search feature provided by this app will let you find tasks or files in the easiest manner. The core features of this application are free, restricted for the usage of up to five users.
9. Teamwork Workplace: As the name suggests, this application is designed to accomplish a team work in the most convenient way. It uses milestones instead of the calendar for every task. Hence, you can manage work without making your team members worrying too much about the deadline. Some of the best features of this application are template design, easy status update option, time report export option etc. This application is free for up to two projects.
10. Zoho Projects: This one is also one of the best when it comes to the customizability or flexibility. It includes kanban boards, Gantt charts and task lists that can be used together to manage a single project. The salient features are forum, wiki, discussions, live chat, invoicing and timesheet tools. Moreover, you can work on and save different types of files as the app is integrated with both Google doc and Zoho doc. This application is free for the first project and there are various packages that it offers for further usage.
As you have read about the mostly used task management applications, go for the one that caters to all your requirements. For further help, feel free to contact us. We can find out a low pricing task management application for exactly what you need.
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unschool · 2 years
Online Course Certification to Help You in Excel
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With the increasing demand for different online courses with certificates checked during the interview has made a new benchmark for entry-level and professionals to appear in the interview. 
Someone who wants a brief insight into the domain can opt for online course certification with an internship. Moreover, if you are confused about taking an online course, then read this blog to get motivated.
Likewise, Unschool is the best OTT platform for an online courses in various domains. It is the platform where you can finally stop trying to fit in a system crafted for the masses and learn in a unique way that brings out the best version of you. Click here to explore.
So, whether you are a fresh graduate or a professional considering taking some online certificate programs in the future, here are tips to help you succeed:
1. Start to focus
Just because your classroom is virtual doesn’t mean you should treat the class any differently from an in-person one. Rather, bring the same level of focus and determination.
Resume to maintain a strong work ethic, be proactive with assignments, and study hard for exams, just as you would if you attended an in-person class on campus. Therefore, continue applying the same focus, determination, and quality work ethic to succeed.
2. Learn your online course
When it comes to online certificate programs, your potential to navigate and utilize the tools of your online classroom site is vital. When you investigate the site where you will access all course materials, watch virtual lectures, participate in class forums, submit assignments, and take exams, you must know how to access it on the tip of your finger. The sooner you do, the better off you’ll be. 
3. Set up a study space
When doing an online course certification, you must have a study area. The motive is to have a designated learning environment where you can focus on your domain. Doing so can help you be more productive by avoiding distractions and help you stay organized, and establishing a healthy online learning routine.
Make sure that your chosen study space can support the technological requirements of your online class. At a minimum, that should include access to high-speed Internet, power outlets, and headphones to listen to your virtual lectures.
4. Avoid distractions
One of the most significant challenges with online certificate programs is how easy it can be to get distracted. After all, you’re not in a physical class. As we discussed in the previous tip, creating a designated learning setting is a great way to stop distractions. However, not all distractions are physical ones…
We all know that the Internet can be a distracting site. In seconds, you could be scanning through your social media feed, streaming a favored television show, playing an online game, or more. And before you know it, thirty minutes have been wasted, and you’re wondering how you got to watch what you’re watching! That makes it even more critical that you’re proactive in preventing online distractions as you take your online class.
5. Manage your time effectively
Time management is everything when you’re in doing online course certifications, even though it offers flexibility. However, that also means you’re responsible for ensuring that you attend all live sessions, complete all assignments, and take all online exams within the defined timeframes. Therefore, make sure you are managing your time effectively.
Perform a time audit by keeping a record of your weekly schedule to see how you can enhance your time management skills. Set a daily study schedule to watch virtual lectures, complete assignments before the deadlines, and study for upcoming exams. Keep a to-do list of all the assignments and tasks you must complete for your online course. Plan by adding significant assignment deadlines and exam dates to your calendar and taking proactive steps to ensure you’re preparing in advance.
With the right focus, determination, time management, and active participation in live sessions, you can make the most of your online course certifications experience and excel!
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anythingeveru · 2 years
Pre-Christmas Clear Out
The holidays can be a great time to tidy up and organize your home. A pre-Christmas clear out is a good way to get ready for the festive season, and make sure that everything runs smoothly in the lead up. Here are five tips to help you plan your own pre-Christmas clear out:
First, start by making a plan of what needs to be done. Take note of any necessary repairs or updates that need to be made before Christmas day. This will help you stay organized and focused on getting things done in an efficient manner. Second, decide which rooms require more attention than others when it comes to decluttering and reorganizing. Set aside specific spaces for holiday decorations, so that they can easily be found when needed.
Tip 1: Set Goals
The start of the Christmas season can bring with it a lot of stress and chaos, especially when it comes to readying your home for the holidays. To make sure that you’re prepared in advance, it’s important to set goals for your pre-Christmas clear out. Before you can start decorating and setting up the tree, take some time to declutter and ease the upcoming holiday chaos.
Start by making a list of what needs to get done before Christmas arrives. This could include things like sorting through toys, organizing closets, and donating or throwing away unwanted items. Once everything is listed down on paper, prioritize which tasks should be done first and assign them deadlines so that you won’t fall behind schedule as Christmas draws closer. This will help you stay on track and make sure everything gets done in time for the holiday season.
Tip 2: Declutter Wisely
For many of us, the pre-Christmas period is a time to relax and enjoy some holiday festivities. But it’s also a great opportunity to clear out the clutter around our homes! Decluttering can help us feel more organized and productive, but it’s important to do it in the right way. Here are some tips on how to declutter wisely before Christmas arrives.
Firstly, take stock of what you already have. Assess which items are still useful and which ones could be donated or thrown away. Get rid of anything that hasn't been used in the past year – this will free up valuable space in your home for new gifts! Secondly, think about where your decluttered items will go – consider donating them to charity or selling them online if they're still usable.
Tip 3: Create a Plan
Many of us can feel overwhelmed when it comes to getting ready for the holidays, and one of the biggest tasks is often clearing out your home in preparation. Pre-Christmas clear outs are a great way to get everything organized before the festivities begin.
Creating a plan in advance makes it easier to approach, as you can break down different areas into tasks that can be completed over time. Set aside some days or weekends to focus on each area and make sure you have enough supplies like garbage bags, storage containers, and cleaning materials. Don’t forget to set up donation boxes or bags so that any items you no longer need can be passed on easily.
Tip 4: Pack Ahead
'Tis the season to be merry and jolly! With the celebration of Christmas just around the corner, now is an ideal time to do a pre-Christmas clear out. To make this process easier and stress free, it's important to pack ahead of time.
Packing ahead helps to ensure that everything is organized and ready when it comes time to move items out of your home or office. Taking some extra steps before you start packing can save you a lot of headaches down the road. Start by taking inventory of all items that need to be packed away for storage. This will help you plan your boxes accordingly so that you don't overpack any box or miss any item that needs to be stored away. Additionally, make sure each box is clearly labeled with its contents so it’s easier for everyone involved in the moving process.
Tip 5: Donate or Sell
As the holidays quickly approach, many households find themselves in need of additional storage space. With the influx of gifts and decorations that come with this festive time, it's often necessary to clear out some existing items in order to make room for new ones. As a result, donating or selling items you no longer need can be an excellent way to de-clutter your home before Christmas arrives.
Donating is a great option if you've held onto items that are still usable but may not have any practical value for yourself anymore. You can donate clothes, furniture, electronics and other household items to organizations like Goodwill or The Salvation Army. Doing this will help those in need during the holiday season while also freeing up much needed space around your house.
Conclusion: Ready for Christmas
Christmas is just around the corner, and while it's a time of joy and celebration for many, there can also be a lot of stress associated with getting everything ready in time. To make sure you're as prepared as possible for the festive season, now is the perfect time to do a pre-Christmas clear out.
By taking some time to sort through your possessions and discard anything unnecessary or redundant, you'll free up space in your home and get rid of any distractions that could prevent you from enjoying the holiday cheer. Not only will this give your home an instant lift, but it will help preserve order during the chaos that is Christmas.
Start by tackling one room at a time and focus on clearing out old clothes or items that no longer spark joy. For assistance you can also hire a skip hire company for the quick clearance job.
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moeenali5423 · 2 years
The best way for high school students to manage their education
Effective time management for students can be the key to success in their academic pursuits. While each student is different and will have to find what works best for them, there are some general tips that can help anyone get on track. One way to make the most of your time is by planning ahead. This means setting goals for each week or month and then breaking those goals down into smaller tasks that you can complete each day.
For example, if your goal is to get all A’s in your classes, you might break that down into studying for a certain number of hours each day or week. Another helpful tip is to create a study schedule and stick to it. This schedule should include not only when you will study, but also what subjects you will focus on each day or week. By following a schedule, you can make sure that you are making the most efficient use of your time. Finally, it is important to take breaks and allow yourself time to relax. Although it may seem counterintuitive, taking breaks can actually help improve your focus and concentration. When you find yourself getting stressed out or overwhelmed, take a few minutes to step away from your work and clear your head. You will likely come
Time management 1) Make a schedule and stick to it: Having a set schedule for study time, homework, extracurricular activities, and personal time will help keep you organized and on track. Be sure to include breaks in your schedule so that you don’t get too overwhelmed or burned out. 2) Set priorities: Not everything on your to-do list will be equally important. Learn to prioritize tasks so that you can focus on the most essential items first. This will help prevent you from Procrastinating on less important tasks. 3) Take breaks: It’s important to take breaks throughout the day in order to stay fresh and focused. Step away from your work every few hours to take a walk, grab a snack, or just take some deep breaths. 4) Find a study method that works for you: Some students prefer to study in short bursts, others like to study for longer periods of time. Find a study method that allows you to focus and retain information effectively. Experiment with different techniques until you find one that works best for you. 5) Seek help when needed: Don’t be
Setting priorities
It can be tough to stay on top of everything when you’re a high school student. Between classes, homework, extracurricular activities, and socializing, it can feel like there are not enough hours in the day. One way to help manage your time and make sure you’re prioritizing what’s important is to create a schedule or daily planner. Sit down at the beginning of each week and map out your classes, homework assignments, and any other commitments you have. This will help you visualize how your time will be spent and allow you to see where you may need to make adjustments. For example, if you know you have a big project due at the end of the week, you can plan to work on it a little bit each day so that it doesn’t become overwhelming. It’s also important to be flexible with your schedule. Things come up and plans change, so don’t get too frustrated if things don’t go exactly according to plan. Just try to do your best and stay on top of everything as much as possible.
Taking breaks
In order to manage their education and studies, high school students need to take breaks. This means taking some time out of each day to relax and rejuvenate. There are a number of ways to do this, such as taking a nap, reading for pleasure, or spending time with friends and family. It’s important to have some down time in order to avoid burnout. When students feel overwhelmed or stressed, they are more likely to make mistakes or have difficulty concentrating. By taking breaks, students can come back to their work refreshed and ready to learn. There is no set amount of time that students should take for their break, but it’s important to make sure that the break is used wisely. For example, instead of spending an hour on social media, students could use that time to get outside or talk to a friend. Taking breaks can be helpful for both mental and physical health. It’s a chance for students to reset and recharge so that they can be successful in their studies.
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Creating a study schedule
As a high school student, you have a lot on your plate. You’re trying to balance homework, extracurricular activities, and socializing—all while preparing for college. It can be tough to stay on top of everything, but creating a study schedule can help you keep your education and studies as your top priority.
Here are some tips for creating a study schedule that works for you: 1. Start with the basics. Figure out when you have class and when you have free time. Then, add in any extracurricular activities or commitments you have. This will give you a good idea of when you actually have time to study. 2. Make time for breaks. It’s important to take breaks while studying so that you don’t get burned out. Find a balance between study sessions and break times that works for you. 3. Be flexible. Your schedule doesn’t need to be set in stone— things will come up that will throw off your plans from time to time. When this happens, just roll with it and adjust your schedule accordingly. 4. Get organized. Once you know when you have time to study, start organizing your materials so that everything is in one place and easy to find when it’s time to hit the books. 5. Set goals. Having specific goals in mind will help you stay focused while you study and make the most of your
Finding a study method that works for you
There is no single study method that is guaranteed to work for every high school student. However, there are a few general tips that can help students find a study method that works best for them. To start, students should experiment with different methods and find one that helps them retain information better. Some students prefer visual aids while others prefer hands-on learning. Once a student finds a method they like, they should stick with it and be consistent with their studying. In addition, students should schedule regular study times into their week. This will help them develop a routine and make sure they are carving out time specifically for studying. And finally, students should create a study space that is conducive to learning and free of distractions. This could be a quiet corner in their room or even at the library.
Asking for help
If you're finding yourself struggling to keep up with your studies, don't be afraid to ask for help. Whether it's from a teacher, tutor, or fellow student, getting assistance can make all the difference. Here are a few tips for asking for help: -Be specific about what you need help with. This will make it easier for the person you're asking to understand your situation and offer appropriate assistance. -Explain why you're struggling. This can help the person you're asking to understand your difficulties and offer empathy and support. -Don't be afraid of seeming like you don't know everything. Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. It shows that you're willing to admit when you need assistance and that you're willing to do what it takes to succeed.
There is no one-size-fits-all solution for managing education and studies in high school, but there are some general tips that can help. Firstly, make sure to develop a good study routine and stick to it. Secondly, don't be afraid to ask for help from teachers or classmates when you need it. And finally, always try to stay organized and on top of your work. By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to success in high school and beyond.
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eliteprepsat · 4 months
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Preparing for the first year of high school can feel overwhelming, but starting in the summer can help ease the transition. Here are some practical steps to get rising ninth graders ready for this exciting new chapter.
1. Strengthen Academic Skills
High school will build on what you’ve learned in middle school, so it’s crucial to have a strong foundation. In ninth grade, students typically take biology, world history, and algebra or geometry. Use the summer to brush up on subjects where you feel less confident or preview subjects that are new to you. There are plenty of online resources, such as Khan Academy, that offer free courses in various subjects. If working with a live instructor or tutor is better for you, then enroll in a preview class at Elite Prep.
2. Read Regularly
Reading is one of the best ways to improve your comprehension, vocabulary, and critical thinking skills. Furthermore, reading skills are important to many high school subjects, including history, science, and (of course) English language arts. Choose a mix of fiction and non-fiction books to expand your horizons – doing so will not only prepare you academically but also make you a more engaged learner. Check our Recommended Summer Reading List for Ninth Graders.
3. Get Involved in Extracurricular Activities
Explore extracurricular activities that interest you. High schools offer a variety of clubs, sports, and organizations. Summer is a great time to try new things and discover what you’re passionate about. Whether it’s joining a sports team, learning a musical instrument, or volunteering in your community, these activities will help you develop new skills and make new friends.
Furthermore, if you plan to participate in particular extracurricular activities in high school, consider using your summer time to prepare and hone your abilities (e.g., work on past exams for Science Olympiad and math competitions, practice your skills for a sport like basketball and track and field, and learn to code for robotics or website design).
4. Learn Time Management
High school will demand better time management skills than middle school. Start practicing now by setting a schedule for your summer activities. Include time for study, hobbies, and relaxation. Learning to balance these activities will prepare you for the busy high school schedule. Try techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, which involves working for 25 minutes followed by a 5-minute break.
5. Understand High School Expectations
Familiarize yourself with what will be expected of you in high school. Attend any orientation sessions offered by your high school and read through the student handbook. Knowing the school’s rules, dress code, and academic policies will help you adjust more quickly. Talk to older students or siblings about their experiences to get a sense of what to expect.
6. Set Goals
Setting goals can give you a sense of direction and purpose. Think about what you want to achieve in your first year of high school. These could be academic goals, such as maintaining a certain GPA, or personal goals, like joining a club or making new friends. Write down your goals and revisit them regularly to track your progress.
7. Get Organized
High school comes with more responsibilities and a heavier workload. Start by organizing your study space and materials. Create a filing system for your schoolwork and important documents. Invest in a planner or use a digital calendar to keep track of assignments, extracurricular activities, and important dates. Being organized from the start will help you manage your time effectively.
8. Develop Good Study Habits
High school courses will be more challenging, so developing good study habits now will pay off later. Find out what study methods work best for you. Some students prefer studying alone in a quiet environment, while others do better in study groups. Try different techniques like summarizing information, using flashcards, or teaching what you’ve learned to someone else.
Starting high school is a significant milestone, and preparing over the summer can make a big difference. By strengthening your academic skills, reading regularly, getting involved in extracurricular activities, managing your time, understanding high school expectations, setting goals, getting organized, and developing good study habits, you’ll be well-prepared to start high school with confidence and enthusiasm. Enjoy your summer and look forward to the exciting opportunities ahead!
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Vacation Home Cleaning : Tips and checklist
It's essential to keep your vacation rental spotless if you want to wow your guests. Over time, cleaning will seem like a never-ending job, especially if you have a lot of one-night stays. You get up, clean, welcome guests, go to bed, and do it again the next day. However, a vacation rental clean-up is not the same as a regular home clean-up. Your vacation rental must be cleaned to stop germs from spreading and lower the chance that your guests will get sick.
The best way to deal with the massive amount of work needed is to find ways to speed up the cleaning process. But remember that we're not asking for anything below the usual standard, and we don't want you to get bad reviews or lose your position as an exceptional host. So plan, work quickly, and use the tips below to cut your cleaning time by a few minutes. That's the only thing we want.
1. There are many benefits to automating your cleaning tasks.
Might you want to clean your vacation rental more thoroughly? Use Vacation Home Cleaning Services to make your cleaning tasks and staff more efficient.
Invite cleaners to join your team, make cleaning tasks for each rental property, assign them to team members, let them know when new tasks and details are added, make a checklist for cleaners to use while they work, track their progress in real-time, and make reports on how long it took to clean each property.
2. How to Clean a Vacation Home Get Organized: Put together a list.
Create a checklist to track what needs to be done when a guest checks out and before the next one arrives. Think about it, whether you're doing the dishes or the laundry. Whether you do it yourself or hire a professional, a checklist is beneficial. Remember that it's easy to forget important tasks when your schedule is packed to the brim, but making a checklist keeps that from happening. You could also use a checklist to help the people who come to clean your vacation rental know precisely what needs to be done. Also, make sure you clean on the schedule you made. So, you save time and keep going in the right direction toward your goals.
The second step is to decide how much time you have.
Set a reasonable time limit for yourself if you're going to clean your vacation rental. No matter how much we'd like to, we can't get everything done in 30 minutes. People often have to wait for three hours. So, giving yourself a time limit and sticking to it will help you focus and get things done faster.
3. High-level and deep-level cleaning jobs
If you follow these tips, you may save time and money:
Do your deep cleaning tasks every so often. Most of what you own only needs to be cleaned once a year.
If you don't know where to start, start in the far corner and work your way up. When you do this, dirt and dust will fall to the bottom, making it easier and faster to clean the surface again.
The fourth step is to vacuum the room.
It's unclear whether you should vacuum or wipe down the surfaces first. After wiping down and thoroughly cleaning all the surfaces, it's a good idea to vacuum the room. Because of this, everyone will have a lot less trouble cleaning.
If you don't have one, you should buy a Cleaning Caddy.
I suggest you buy a caddy to keep all your cleaning supplies in one place, so you don't have to keep running back and forth. This is a quick and easy way to save time that works well.
Using Ice Cubes to Get Rid of Wrinkles
What's going on with your bed? Heat and ice cubes can be used to help quickly. You can steam the sheets in the microwave for about five minutes using ice cubes.
Clean the floor. After the last mop, the floor needs time to dry, and no one wants to walk on a floor that has just been mopped.
Choose to spend money on a diffuser.
An Air Diffuser is a good investment because it will help mask the smell of cleaning products when you have guests over by diffusing different smells, like lavender, into the air. This will make your guests feel more comfortable.
Before moving on to the next step, ensure everything is in order.
Guests don't like it when you're done cleaning, and there are still hairs on the floor. Because of this, it's essential to do a final check to ensure everything is in order. We suggest turning on the lights, getting close, and carefully looking over all surfaces, especially the bedding, to make the room brighter and find any bugs.
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wrkplan-blog · 1 year
Plan Your ERP Implementation with These Following Steps
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Implementing ERP in your system gives you an edge in transforming into a digitally functioning organization. Your business can grow, grab new opportunities, and update itself from its legacy system to a new advanced ERP system. However, implementing an ERP system is not simple hence, you must come up with an organized plan to make it successful. I will list some of the best practices for cloud ERP implementation which will systematically help you, save unnecessary costs, and avoid common pitfalls.
Planning the ERP Implementation Process
Realistic scheduling of the implementation sequence. Ensure the availability of your team, managers, and experts who will be integral to the process.
List down the needs and structure your software technology surrounding the list, to have better utilization of the system.
The plan you have framed and your KPIs will be orchestrated to meet your specific requirements.
But for a successful ERP implementation process, the plan that you must create should have the following aspects.
1.      Selecting the Right Partner and Software Provider
The significance of ERP software implementation compels the need for professionals to complete the task. You must conduct thorough research and select a qualified implementation consultant for this job. Ensure that the team has the right amount of experience in installing the cloud ERP you have planned to implement. Also, confirm that they have the appropriate knowledge to guide you on the benefits your business will have on implementing the system.
The industry your business is catered to is also crucial. Check if their team is well-trained in your industry. In case you have international clients, you also must check whether the implementation team is thorough with multinational business, languages, and currency skills for the implementation.
2.      Organize the Project Tasks
Choosing a good implementation partner could be very handy. One such instance is planning the project task. The implementation partner will help you structure the task list and everything that is to be done. This list is long and detailed. Training is a part of the ERP implementation process which alone includes many tasks
a)    Team Training: The team must have a basic idea of the software so they can direct in how it can process the business operations.
b)     IT Training: This training will educate the IT team in installing and maintaining the system.
c)      Business User Training: Includes all the users who are willing to use the system.
d)     Ongoing Training: A certain continuous training needs to be in process for the new joiners in the company.
3.      Calculating the Project Timeline
Careful estimation of the time needed to finish the task, assigning a person for the task, allotting work hours to that person, and then tracking the performance, could be a daunting task for the owner.
That is why you need an implementation partner for this task, who is familiar with the solution. This way you can calculate the timeline, and can figure out if you need any external support outside your existing team, and limit scope creep.
4.      Schedule the Entire Procedure
Now once the work hours are sorted, the process schedule can be created. First comes the capacity problem when the time frame is initially presented to the executives. So, here, the executive management people need to take a decision on the execution and plan it effectively.
5.      Filter Your Data
To conduct the cloud ERP implementation process accurately, filtering the data is vital. It might sound simple but it is a very time-consuming task to do. The best thing to do is to start with the data cleansing process as quickly as possible as it takes quite a while to finish the work. While doing it, there will be business process changes, so you must be prepared for additional data management support during the implementation.
6.      Keep Everyone on the Same Page
On a timely basis, one staff member should inform all the stakeholders of the positives and the negatives of the ERP software implementation process. Everything gets disruptive when people are not regularly updated on the progress and the information hits them like a shock.
Implement Your System with WrkPlan Cloud ERP
Understand that the implementation process takes time, and involvement, and is quite complex. This complexity hampers the business flow of the organization as well. The timeline of the implementation process depends from company to company. WrkPlan provides cloud ERP solutions that have a timeline of not more than 3 days for the cloud ERP implementation process. This will not only keep the business operations ongoing without hampering, but it will offer an economical budget for the company as well. For more information, visit WrkPlan’s website and know more about their products and their offerings. You can also call 1-800-120-2449 to speak to their representative to clarify any confusion.
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rkstransport · 11 months
What Tools and Apps Simplify Home Shifting in the Digital Age
Relocating, whether it's a local move or a long-distance transition, can be a daunting task. Fortunately, the digital age has brought with it a slew of tools and apps designed to streamline and simplify the process. In this article, we'll explore some of the most helpful digital tools and apps that can make your home shifting experience more efficient and less stressful.
1. Moving Planner Apps
One of the first steps in preparing for a home shift is to create a comprehensive moving plan. Digital moving planner apps like "MoveAdvisor" or "MoveHQ" can be invaluable. They allow you to create checklists, set timelines, and keep track of tasks, ensuring you don't overlook essential steps in the moving process. You can also set reminders and notifications to stay on top of deadlines.
2. Inventory Management Apps
Keeping track of your belongings is a crucial part of any home shift. Inventory management apps such as "Sortly" or "MyMove" enable you to catalogue your items with descriptions and photos. This is particularly helpful when it comes to filing insurance claims or ensuring that nothing gets lost during the move.
3. Virtual House-Hunting Apps
If you're shifting to a new location, virtual house-hunting apps like "Zillow," "Realtor.com," or "Redfin" can simplify the process of finding your next home. These apps provide detailed listings, images, and even virtual tours of properties, allowing you to explore options from the comfort of your current home.
4. Packing and Labelling Apps
Packing is often the most time-consuming part of a home shift. Digital apps like "Sortly" and "Moving Van" can help you organise and label your boxes efficiently. With these apps, you can assign items to specific boxes and print labels, making the unpacking process at your new home much smoother.
5. Moving Company Apps
Our relocating company has their own apps to streamline the booking and tracking of your move. For instance, apps like "uShip" and "Dolly" allow you to connect with professional movers, obtain quotes, and schedule your move with ease. Some of these apps even provide real-time tracking, so you know the status of your belongings throughout the journey.
6. Home Improvement Apps
Once you've settled into your new home, home improvement apps can be incredibly useful. Apps like "Houzz" and "Angie's List" provide inspiration and resources for your home improvement and renovation projects. From finding contractors to getting design ideas, these apps simplify the process of turning your new house into a home.
7. Decluttering and Donation Apps
Before the move, you'll likely want to declutter and get rid of items you no longer need. Apps like "Decluttr" and "Letgo" make it easy to sell or donate items you no longer want. These apps connect you with potential buyers or local charities, reducing the clutter in your current home and saving you time and effort during the move.
8. Utility and Service Connection Apps
Connecting or transferring your utilities and services to your new home can be a hassle, but apps like "TaskRabbit" and "Thumbtack" simplify the process. You can hire professionals to set up services like cable, internet, and home security, ensuring a smooth transition to your new home.
9. Moving Expense Tracking Apps
Keeping track of your moving expenses is crucial for budgeting and tax purposes. Apps like "Expensify" and "Mint" help you monitor and categorize your expenses during the move. This can be particularly useful if your employer provides relocation assistance, as it allows you to easily submit expense reports.
10. Digital Document Management Apps
Throughout the home shifting process, you'll accumulate a significant amount of paperwork, from contracts and leases to receipts and important documents. Digital document management apps such as "Evernote" and "Google Drive" help you keep everything organized and easily accessible. You can store and share documents securely, reducing the risk of losing critical paperwork.
11. Task Management Apps
Task management apps like "Trello" or "Asana" can be used to create detailed to-do lists and assign tasks to members of your household. This keeps everyone on the same page and ensures that responsibilities are clearly defined, making for a more organized move.
12. Virtual Reality Apps
Virtual reality (VR) apps like "Matterport" are revolutionising the way people view potential homes. They provide immersive 3D virtual tours, allowing you to explore properties in great detail. This can save you time and effort by helping you decide whether a property is worth visiting in person.
In the digital age, the process of home shifting has become significantly more manageable thanks to these tools and apps. They not only simplify various aspects of the move but also help reduce stress and increase efficiency. Whether you're planning a local move or embarking on a long-distance relocation, consider incorporating these digital tools with the help of home shifting services into your home shifting strategy for a smoother and more organized transition.
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shesherbest · 3 years
How to Stay Productive
I saw this post on Twitter that said, "you're not overwhelmed, you're lazy and unmotivated." and to a certain extent, I agree. I definitely used to be a lazy, unmotivated person until I started working on my time management and organization skills. Here's how I did it:
Time Management
Get a planner
Everyone needs a planner; they are not just limited to students.
Find a planning system that is functional for you
I like to use a physical and digital planner:
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A huge key to being consistently productive and organized is to make your task, especially reoccurring, as enjoyable and engaging as possible, which is why I like to use a physical planner; it allows me to be creative.
I like to keep it simple and just use stickers and washi tape; you want to make it enjoyable, but you don't want to take the focus away from the task at hand (planning)
The first photo is mine, but the other two are spreads by study_withashley that I've been using as inspo.
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I use my digital planner for the "always on hand" convenience and the minimalistic layout. I use the apps Actions and Timepage; they are both a subscription ($2 a month), but it's super worth it!
Timepage is a calendar app with a monthly, weekly, and daily view; and Actions is for planning tasks (week view) and making lists.
You can change the background color and color-code your calendar and list. They have a 1-month free trial if you're interested!
How to efficiently plan
♡ In your monthly and weekly view, write in any important dates that are set in stone (appointments, work and class schedule, due dates for assignments, tests/exams, birthdays, etc)
♡ Now that you have an idea of what your month will look like, on a notes section or sticky note, write down your own personal goals/action step, habits you want to practice or break, and unscheduled things you need to do. Don't overwhelm yourself - try to limit yourself to 5 in each category.
♡ Plan your days the night before - that way you have an idea of what your day is going to look like when you wake up and you can act accordingly. Don't plan days ahead; life is unpredictable.
♡ Schedule and prioritize 3 things every day; whether it's studying or having a self-care day.
Getting things done
♡ Set the tone - wake up early (at least by 9 am), fix your bed, and change out of your PJs.
♡ If you are going out, give yourself 1-2 hours to get ready. Avoid having to rush as much as possible.
♡ If you are staying home, have a designated space for getting work done - Some ideal spaces are at a desk, the library, Starbucks, and dining rooms. Do not work on a couch or bed.
♡ In addition, keep your space clean, and surround yourself with positivity and progressive things. Your environment affects your mood and productivity.
♡ If possible, stay ahead of your assignments to prevent stress and cramming.
♡ Like I said before, make your task as enjoyable as possible - Example: I don't like cleaning, so while I am, I watch vlogs of people being productive. It's motivating me while also distracting my brain from the fact that I'm cleaning. However, when it comes to more serious tasks, make them enjoyable, but not distracting.
♡ Use the Pomodoro technique to avoid burnout (no phone breaks!)
♡ Create routines - you don't literally have to follow a routine every day, but routines are good for days that you feel like you need some structure in your life.
♡ Stay emotionally aware and prioritize self-care - don't neglect yourself trying to get things done because, in the end, it will backfire. Every day take at least 5 minutes to do something that makes you feel good.
Thanks for reading
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0verthinking1t · 2 years
BEHOLD, MY NEURODIVERGENT BRETHREN. I GIVE YOU.... THE TEASPOON. aka the tsp. You can TL;DR and just read the part with the colors (from Spoons to Short Rests) if you so choose 😊
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Ok let me explain. I'm ADHD and depressed, and struggle a lot with motivation and executive dysfunction. Sometimes, when I'm in "rest and recover" mode after a long work week or a couple of days with A Lot Going On, my brain forgets to turn on the "things make dopamine" function, and I end up spending most of the day chillin in bed, snacking, and binging Netflix. Not a problem, initially, but when I have my whole week scheduled with work, social stuff, and errands, and I only have a single day to do things like cleaning the apartment, this can be very inconvenient. I have trouble making myself do things I don't want to, and on top of that, I'm already starting at a disadvantage because nothing around me is stimulating enough to get me moving. Facebook: boring, games: boring, checking email: boring, snack time: boring — I can't bribe myself into being productive because nothing is functioning as a bargaining chip. So what do?
I write lists. I plan things. Organizing ideas is my thing; I would gladly write checklists for every item on my checklist and then reorganize every checkbox 5 times rather than actually complete and check off any of the items on the list. So I sat down to divide up my tasks for today in hopes that it would get the juices flowing a bit, and ended up coming up with a system to make things easier to sustain throughout the day. It ended up working really well for me, so I want to share this new system in case anyone else can find use for it.
Spoons: ok, a lot of us know the term Spoons, aka spell slots, energy, etc. It's a way of quantifying the finite amount of energy and time you can put into doing things until your mental/physical health is exhausted. For some folks, the number of Spoons you have resets after a night of sleep. For some, it takes some more intentional self care and maintenance time, like a day off for a bath and a movie marathon. Example: showering takes 1 spoon, washing the dishes takes 3, and going to the bank takes 6. I only have 8 spoons today, so I can shower and go to the bank, but the dishes will have to wait. Maybe I can cook for dinner or draw something with the spoon I'll have left over :3
Tsps: tsp ("tisp") is short for teaspoon. Tsps are to spoons as steps are to whole tasks; cleaning the kitchen is a task that can be broken down into steps, and each step can be assigned a value of tsps. It's a scale that rates the effort required to complete a step, from 1 to 10. Tsps are rechargable with a Short Rest. Example: I have to clean the kitchen. Wiping down the surfaces only rates at 1 tsp, washing the dishes comes in at 4 tsps, and sweeping and mopping takes 5 tsps. Taking the trash and recycling out rates at 10 tsps, tho, so cleaning the kitchen has a Spoons level of 20 tsps, or 2 spoons.
Short Rest: I stole this term from D&D 😛 a short rest is a little treat or activity break that stimulates the happy chemicals and refills your tsps. Short Rests must be measured in set increments of either time or a number of something, but you're allowed to schedule multiple Short Rest increments in a row for bigger tasks. Measurement of a Short Rest doesn't have to include the time it takes to check social media, reply to texts, etc., as long as you're only doing a minute or two of those on either end of your activity. Example: today, my Short Rest is working on my cross stitch project. I tend to hyperfocus when I cross stitch, so I'll set a timer and use increments of 5 minutes. This task takes 6 steps to complete, so after every 2 steps, I'll stop, check that conversation I was having with a friend, and take 1 short rest. When the whole task is complete, I'll celebrate with a Short Rest x 2 and move on to the next one.
Basically, it's a system of periodically rewarding yourself in a planned out way, that makes that reward system even more tangible. Keeping the Short Rest intervals small and doubling them up for more important points of your schedule can help sustain your dopamine level throughout the day while still keeping you on track; being good to yourself and allowing time outside of the Short Rest increment for things like phone, or retrieving the snack you treat yourself to, or coming to a stopping point so you can set your activity down properly keeps the Short Rest from feeling rushed or self-defeating. Tsps help you prioritize things and identify specifically what parts of a task you're having trouble motivating for, and can help map out where you'll need to recharge to keep up your energy.
Feel free to do with this idea as you wish. Steal all of it, some of it, or mold it into something that works better for you. I just hope it helps some other Neurodivergent friends out there as much as it helps me. ❤️
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