#stefan slavatore
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Part 5
Little Slavatore sister x Stefan Salvatore x Damon Salvatore
Summary: Klaus takes you from your house to trade you for the white oak stakes from your brothers and their friends
Warnings: vervain use on child vampire/kinda torcher (don't know how to word it), swearing I think-idk
A/n: I wrote this series a while ago and just started realizing how cheesy it got, so don't mind my older writing 😅
“What did you do Niklaus?” Elijah said, rage laced in his voice.
He turned around, facing his younger brother, fury written on his face. Klaus just looked back and smirked, knowing what he’s talking about.
“I have no idea what your talking about, brother” Klaus said before Elijah went over to him and held him up against the wall.
“Oh now brother, those Salvatore brothers have a little secret that apparently they will tell you and not me. The obvious more dangerous and good looking one of us” Klaus smirked before getting out of Elijah’s hold.
“Please do not tell me you kidnapped their little sister” Elijah said, eyes widened.
“But the thing is I did and they are probably going to want her back so in favor they’ll give us the white oak stake back and then we’ll give her back to them” Klaus said and poured himself a drink.
“Seriously Niklaus? Show me where she is” Elijah said, jaw clenched.
"If you must know, she is currently in the basement in that room we had no idea to do with. Well also I fixed that problem" Klaus answered, annoyed and followed his brother as he started to go to the room.
When they walked in you were no where in sight, the ropes that Klaus had you tied up by were on the ground in the middle of the room next to chair that was toppled over.
"It seems that she is not here" Elijah stated, glaring at Klaus.
"She was here fifteen minutes ago, I don't know where she went!" Klaus tempered.
Meanwhile as Klaus and Elijah were searching the house you were in the vents crawling around. You reached a room and saw a pretty girl inside with blond hair and is on her phone while sitting on her bed. You tried to push the grate off but this one was more sturdier then the one in the basement.
While you made the noise the girl looked up and saw you tiny fingers through the slits of the grate. She got up off her bed and moved over a chair, she stood up on it and took the grate down, seeing you.
"Who are you?" She asked, concerned.
"Not 'upossed to tell st'anger name" you mumbled to her.
"Okay, well my name is Rebekah."
She lifted you up a bit from underneath your armpits and carried you back down to the ground and placed you onto her bed.
"Okay, then can you tell me how you got here then?" Rebekah asked.
“Woke up in rwoom wif rope ‘round me and I climb frough dat” You explained and pointed to the vent.
At that point, Kol came into the room and picked you up, speeding off downstairs where Klaus and Elijah were. Rebekah followed and saw how Klaus grabbed you out of Kol’s arms immediately, pushing you over to the side.
While Klaus did so, he grabbed your wrist really hard, hurting you. A bruise starting to appear.
“What did you do Nik? You hurt her, look there’s already a bruise that’s starting to show up from where you so forcefully grabbed her” Rebekah explained, starting to get mad.
“Now, now sister calm down, she is just a bargaining chip to get the white oak stake back - the only thing that can kill us” Klaus said pointing over to you.
You were backed up against the corner of the wall and a book case, crying your eyes out, scared of them.
“Who is this again?” Kol asked confused as to why his two brothers were looking for a little girl.
“Nikaus got one of his hybrids to kidnap y/n over there who is Damon and Stefan’s little sister. If I remember correctly she got turned at four, also how did you know about her?" Elijah explained and then asked the hybrid.
"Well I simply just asked for one of my hybrids to look for anything valuable that the Salvatore brothers and everyone else would want back" Klaus said and started to go over to where you are crying.
Before he could grab you to tie you up again Rebekah got over to you first, picking you up into her arms. "Look, I know we want the stake back but she's just a terrified little girl!" She started to rub little circles on your back to sooth you a tiny bit.
"Evidently I don't care if she's scared or not, I'll be right back to get new chains" Klaus then left the room.
While so, you were staring at Elijah and Kol with a scared look in your eyes and tears streaks on your face. "So are we going to torture-"
"KOL!" Elijah stared at him wide eyed and got him to leave the room, glaring at him.
"Lijah, we can't let him chain her up like some animal again!" She looked at him with anger written on her face.
"Oh but weren't you happy yesterday when I said that we'll be able to get the stake with having a bit of fun with someone first" Klaus reappeared with chains in his grip, not allowing Elijah to answer Rebekah.
He walked over, dropping the chains on the couch and brought up a chair. "Now we can either do this the easy way or the hard way which one do you pick sister?" Klaus inched closer to the both of you.
You whimpered, shutting your eyes hoping that this isn't real and just another one of your nightmares. Rebekah turned so that you were blocked from Klaus's view almost entirely.
"The hard way it is then" Klaus glared and picked up his pace towards you guys. Elijah sped in front of him, flipping him over onto the ground when he held up an arm about to throw the first punch.
Rebekah was about to run away with you before Elijah came crashing into her, knocked out by Klaus's doing. Before she had time to react she dropped you and Klaus pulled out a dagger from his pocket and stabbed it through Rebekahs heart. She paled and vains started showing all the way up until they stopped at her forehead. Klaus then pulled out another dagger and wasted no time to stab it in Elijah's heart aswell. Rebekah laid limply beside Elijah and you screamed, scared trying to get up but Klaus got to you before you and the chance to. He dragged you over to the chair he pulled out, sitting you down even though you were trying anything to get out of his grasp.
He pulled out a syringe and stuck the needle into your arm, injecting vervain into your system making you pass out. Klaus quickly chained you to the chair and took his siblings down to the basement, locking them in there until he got the stake back. He couldn't waste his chances, even though they were daggered.
You woke up to see Klaus in front of you reading a really old, torn up book. Once he realized you were awake he put the book to the side and walked over to where you were chained to the chair. You tried pulling at the chains but it didn't work, you also noticed some dried blood on your arm.
"Now that your awake, before I offer bargain you for it do you know anything about a white oak stake?" Klaus asked you, looking deep into your eyes to make sure your not going to lie to him.
"N-no. What dat?" You asked him and tears started to stream down your face again.
"I'm going to ask you one more time. Do you know anything about the white oak stake and where it is?" He compelled you this time.
"N-no! What is white o-oak s'ake?" You shrieked out and this time he didn't talk back to you.
Instead he got back up from crouching down in front of you and flipped over a table, mad at your answer. Soon enough he left the room and came back with a grey duffle bag in hand. He sat it down on one of the couches and pulled out a pair of gloves, putting them on. After he pulled two jars, one of them having the same verevain like the ones in the syringes and the other filled with the plant, some of them a bit off colored from being in the jar for some time. He opened the one with the plants and pulled one out, closing the jar lid afterwards.
Slowly inching the plant toward your cheek, you quivered with fear. Finally he pressed the vervain against your face and you screamed, painfully as it was burning your skin. He kept that up until most of your face has burn marks. Once he removed the plant from your face he placed it onto a napkin beside him. He reached over to the other jar which was way bigger than the other one and opened it up. He stuck one of his gloved hands inside and pulled it back out, setting the jar on the coffee table. Then brought the gloved hand shakes with vervain to his other hand to make sure he had enough on both.
While he was doing so Klaus was wondering where Kol was since he would've heard your screaming, probably wanting to help him with this. In the end he just suspects that he left the house after Elijah told him to leave the room earlier.
Klaus brought his hands over to you and wrapped them around your arms, making you scream even louder than the last, each time he did so. Doing the same thing over and over until the jar was empty and at some points of your arms were bleeding. They eventually healed but there's was a bunch if dried blood littered on your arms and your face now.
As it was later now, and you were at a very thin line of passing out from the torture and sleepiness, Klaus stopped and put everything back into the duffle. He came back into the room with something hidden behind his back.
"Now when you got here, you had this in your arms, I am going to give this back to you, because it would be a waste of space in the garbage bin. Maybe tomorrow you'll be more cooperative and I might make a deal with your brothers to give you back to them" he said and placed the teddy bear on your lap.
Whe he was out of sight, you smiled seeing your teddy bear was alright. You probably shouldn't be happy but its the most you've been in the past hours.
It has been like 6-7 hours since then and everyone is asleep except for you. Your quietly trying to break free from the chains. By that your wiggling your wrist from the hold, since they were really small and eve though the chains were tied tight, they couldnt be that close or else they would've just snapped in half while Klaus was tying them.
You finally got one written free from the chains and shortly after you got the other free. It took a bit of time to undo the chains wrapped around your stomach and ankles but you manged eventually.
You got off the chair and picked up your teddy bear since it fell onto the ground. Now your quietly and slowly looking around for an exit out of this place.
While you were looking for an exit your brothers and everyone else is still awake, worried about you. It's five thirty am now.
All of them are still at the boarding house, thinking of ways to get you back. No one could sleep, they tried and nothing worked. Even though mostly all of them just met you they care about you a lot.
"Okay, so the first thing we need to figure out is where Klaus took y/n....Elena have you heard anything from Elijah?" Stefan asked.
"No, but I have a feeling that Elijah found them but Klaus did something to him before he could contact back. Everything I call him it goes to voice-mail" Elena sighed.
"Well it's too late now to do anymore searching we can try in the morning, well when people are actually up and outside" Alaric said.
"That'll have to work I guess but you guys have school and you can't exactly get out of it since it would look too suspicious" Damon said, pointing towards everyone including Ric. Except for Katherine.
"Wait do you guys have a tracker on her?" Katherine asked.
"No" Stefan and Damon answered at the same time.
"Worth a shot" Katherine said and slumped back down on the couch again.
You found a way out and made no noise whatsoever. Now your running down a road and after 10 minutes at vampire speed you saw the Mystic Falls sign. You smiled and started to walk instead of run because you used a lot of energy and haven't had any food or blood in a very long time.
While you were walking you tried to see if you could spot anybody that you could feed from but there was absolutely no one anywhere. Yet you still kept walking, wanting to make your way back to your brothers and everyone else you grew to liking.
It has been almost an hour and your not close to town but you can't stand anymore. So you went to the closest hiding and shelter spot so no one could see you and fell asleep quickly with your teddy wrapped in both arms.
It's now light outside again and you woke up, hearing a lot of birds cawing and chirping. After sleeping you got more energy and stood up. You started to run at vampire speed again. When you stopped your finally at a place you semi remember from before, a bunch of houses but you knew where you were. Starting to walk normaly because people could see you, the high school came into view. You started to run at normal pace into the school grounds, hoping that you could find Stefan or someone you knew there.
Some of the teenagers were looking at your burn marks but didn't say anything about them, just staring. Some wondering what a little kid was doing there but didn't exactly really care as to why.
Finally you saw someone you knew and ran over to him. "Jer!" You called, arent able to pronounce his full name.
"y/n?!" He picked you up immediately and you wrapped your arms around his neck, hugging him.
The two friends he was talking to looked at him weirdly wondering how he knew you. But he just glared back at them, resulting to them walking away. By now it's lunch time.
"What happened to you?" Jeremy asked concerned, seeing burn marks throughout your arms and face.
You shook your head, scared to say anything about what happened. "It's okay, you don't have to say anything right now. How about we go find Stefan" He said.
"Stefy!" You nodded your head fast.
"Alright, let's go" he started to walk to the courtyard outside and saw everyone there except for Alaric. (Damon and Katherine obviously not there).
Caroline was the first to notice. "Jeremy! Where did you find her!?" She said, getting everyone to face towards the two of you.
"She came running up to me in the hallways" Jeremy answered quickly.
As soon as you saw Stefan you reached out grabby hands for him. He came over and got you into his arms hugging you tightly. "Stefy!" You exclaimed and started to cry again.
"Hey, hey its going to be okay, just calm down sweetie" Stefan said softly and started to lightly bounce you up and down, soothing you into sleep. He held you close to his chest with one hand on the back of your head and the other one supporting you. He kissed the top of your head. All the girls held back their awws at how soft Stefan is with you at this moment.
Once you fell asleep everyone started to talk in hushed tones. "Bonnie can you let Alaric know that we have y/n and are going back to my house with her, then meet us back at our cars" Stefan whispered.
Bonnie nodded and started to jog back into the school over to Alarics classroom to tell him. While she was doing so everyone else started to walk to their cars and got in, waiting for Bonnie which didn't take long. You were still in Stefan's arms while Elena was driving.
They then headed back to the boarding house to where Damon and Katherie are.
#damon salvatore#stefan salvatore#salvatore little sister#damon x kid reader#stefan x kid reader#stefan x little sister#damon x little sister#vampire kid reader#kid reader#klaus mikaelson#elijah mikaelson#rebekah mikaelson#kol mikaelson#angst#cute#imagines#fanfic#writing#thevampirediaries#theoriginals#comfort#legacies
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I Need a Vacation Pt. 3: Into the Wolves Den
Tag List: @vechkinfan @dickspaghettii @yor72 @thelostboyswife @panickinanakin1 @slashers-and-witchcraft
Stefan's POV:
It had been a while since we saw Y/N. I was used to her breaking off from the group for "Alone time" but normally she would have texted me by now. I let out a heavy sigh, which Damon rolled his eyes at.
"Don't worry brother, our little pet can't have gone too far."
Elana slapped him in the back of the head for that one.
"Don't the werewolf jokes ever get old for you Damon?" Mathew asked.
Always the one to come to a pretty girl's rescues. Matt just had to be the hero in everything he did. I looked up to the sky to see the moon looking very full. Everyone else eyes followed.
"Right, I forgot we extended the trip, we were supposed to go hoe before the full moon." Caroline said more to herself than anyone else.
"Shit! How did I forget about that?" Tyler cursed himself.
"Because you're a selfish bastard who thinks the world revolves around you." Carline snipped.
Bonnie nodded her head at the statement.
"Yeah, remember that time you were dating Viki and she got turned and killed because you weren't there for her."
"Bonnie!" Jeremy scolded.
"Sorry Matt, I know you miss your sister."
"No, you're right Bon, it's fine. How about I try to call her and see if she picks up?" Matt suggested.
"I've already called her six times." I explained. "Last few text messages are still on delivered."
"Thats not reassuring." Elena said.
"Great now we have to go on a wild wolf chase. I swear to god Tyler, if your sister bites me, I will kill her."
"You won't lay a fucking hand on her Damon, or I'll bite you too. What the fuck is your problem?"
I watched as Tyler got up in Damons's face. We wouldn't get anywhere if these two were fighting.
"Boys!" I spoke.
Tyler finally backed up. Everyone turned to me, I was usually the one to come up with most of our plans.
"Let's split up in teams of two, we can cover more ground that way. Everyone keep your phones on, call the second you find her ok. And be careful, we know her temper is different in her wolf form. She out there alone and probably scared right now."
Nobody seemed to disagree with the plan of action. We all picked a direction to head off in. Jeremey stayed with Bonnie, they could both handle themselves, but neither of them had vampire speed. It wouldn't be as easy for them to cover ground quickly.
"We'll find her Tyler, I promise." Bonnie reassured him.
I stayed where I was by the entrance of the board walk for a moment. Maybe she hadn't turned yet, and I could spot her in the crowed. I listened for the sound of her voice, or the distinct pattern of her heartbeat. But it was no use, she was nowhere to be found.
I looked up, the moon was just starting to brim the sky. It sent shivers down my spine, knowing my best friend was out there right now, feeling one of the most intense pains known to man. I remember when I first turned Damon, for a while he was so mad at me. He thought we were cursed; I grew to think that way too. But the second we found out about werewolves; I knew we weren't the unlucky ones.
They live and die the same way as humans. Yes, they are faster, and stronger, and can heal themselves a little better, but they are still mostly human. They pass it on to their children, who can go their whole live without experiencing the curse. But the second you kill, its all over. You can never go back to the way you were before, because killing changes you. I know it changed me.
Tyler was lucky Klaus picked him to be one of his hybrids. He only had to experience the horror of turning against your will a few times. He's the whole reason his sisters curse got triggered in the first place. She killed someone trying to protect him. He couldn't even convince Klaus to turn her, but I suppose I failed in that field too. I neglected her when my humanity was off, and I'll never forgive myself for that.
I cringed as I thought of her bones breaking over and over again. Tyler explained to Caroline once that the heat was the worst part. Your body feels so hot, it's almost like you're burning alive. We should have been more careful planning this vacation. She wouldn't never forgive herself if she ended up hurting someone here. That's always been my Favorite thing about her. Despite her fierce attitude, she could never bring herself to hurt someone who didn't deserve it. Of course, she's gotten into fight defending Jeremy and Caroline, and even her own Brother. But they weren't the ones who had to calm her down after, assure her that it was worth it, and that she helped.
They're very distinct smell of weed hit my nose. We were in California after all, so it wasn't an odd scent to be smelling. But it was accompanied by the smell of hair spray and motor oil. It's what Y/N smelled like that first day she went off on her own, and she came back wearing that oversized leather jacket. She'd just said a kind stranger gifted it to her because she was cold. She was never a good liar, which was another thing I adored about her. She was so blushy and flustered when she came back that night, so I figured I wouldn't tease her about whatever she had gotten herself into. I was her best friend, shed tell me eventually. But if she told Caroline, everybody would know.
The scent got steadily stronger, as if it was coming right toward me. I turned around to see a man with long blonde, curly hair. He wore a patched jacket and some leather jeans. He looked frantic, like he'd just been running. His eyes locked with mine quickly, and I could see his pupils dilate. I was exactly what he was looking for. I furrowed my bro. Before I could ask what, he wanted, I was dragged into an ally somewhere.
"Who are you?" I asked.
He shook his head. "No time, she needs your help!"
"Who needs my help."
He had begun to pace back and forth nervously. He chewed on the edge of his thumb, hard enough to draw blood. But he didn't seem phased in the slightest. He seemed to have zoned out, the weed probably getting to his brain.
"You have her same necklace." He pointed to the locket I wore around.
Similar to my day light ring, I never took it off. Now of course I couldn't take my ring off or I would literally burn in the sun, but if I ever lost this, Y/N would actually kill me. I'd only ever lost it once during an argument with Damon, and she was devastated. But the second she figure out who took it, she was livid. I had to stop her from trying to roll Damon up in our living room rug and setting it on fire. She instead settled for hiding behind the bar and using a squirt gun to pray him with vervain water. In hindsight, it was really funny. That was the moment I truly knew she was my person, and I never wanted to live my life without her again. She insanely brave and gallantly stupid and loved with everything she had.
"She said we need her brother." The guy finsihed.
"Slow down." I placed my hands on his Sholders, stopping his pacing.
I half expected him to pull back, or even try to hit me, but he just looked up at me like a lost puppy.
"What is your name?"
"Marko." "Ok Marko, where is she?"
"The cave."
I frowned.
"The cave?"
"Yeah, where we live. We were hanging out and then she got really sick all of a sudden. The others sent me to find someone because I'm the best tracker. I found you, didn't I?"
I couldn't tell he hadn't been a vampire nearly as long as I had. I knew there were different types of vampires int eh world., the witches never made anything simple. He wore a lot of Jewlery, but none of it was Lapis Lazuli, meaning he couldn't go int he sunlight. So that's why Y/N only split from the group in the evenings, we just thought her social battery was running short. I mean spending a whole day with Caroline can do that to a person. Of course, she managed to find the vampires in this town. I took a deep breathe, and the young vampire copied me.
"Yes, and I'm glad you did. What did she tell you?" I asked.
"No time, we have to find her brother."
I nodded, pulling out my phone and sending a message int eh group chat.
"He's on his way over here right now, now can you tell me a bit more?"
"She told us she was a werewolf, but that it was nothing to worry about. Max always told us werewolves were dangerous, so David thought maybe she was trying to hurt us."
"She wouldn't do that." "I know!" he exclaimed. "And that's what I told David. He always tells us to trust our gut, and then he never listens. But anyway, we were hanging out at the edge of the cave, looking out on the town, when she suddenly doubled over in pain. We tried to ask what was wrong, but she was in too much pain. I started panicking and I didn't know what to do. So, they made me leave. I know I had to find you, but I feel bad for leaving her like that."
He seemed to really care about her, so I decided to trust him. it wasn't uncommon for other vampires to set a trap for us to try to get us killed for one reason or another. But this didn't feel like that. He was being sincere.
"You left so you could help her Marko, ok? You did a good job." I assured him. "But when we get there, you and your friend are going to have to leave-" "What no! I'm not leaving her again!"
"She can seriously hurt you."
"But she wouldn't."
"Look Marko, wolves aren't exactly themselves in their wolf form. The first time her brother turned, he almost killed his girlfriend. And he managed to kill someone in our friend group. And it wasn't pretty. Werewolves were designed the sole purpose of killing our kind. Thier blood lust takes over and they will attack without a second thought. And when you get bit, it is a slow and painful death, it could take several days. So, do you really want to risk that?"
His eyes widened, before narrowing at me.
"I don't believe you."
I scoffed.
"Trust me, if she finds out one of you got hurt because of her, she will be besides herself. It's obvious you care about her, which means she cares about you too. I just don't want to see anyone get hurt-"
My sentence was cut off by the others running up to find us.
"Where is she?" Tyler demanded.
Marko's eyes scanned over the group, like he was searching for a threat. Everyone looked a little on edge, being in the presence of a new Vampire. Damon glared at Marko, sizing him up.
"She's up at the cave, we don't have much time."
"Why don't you guys go back to the hotel, Tyler and I will bring her back." "No way!" Caroline protested.
"I agree with Care." Jermey chimed in.
"Guys, we don't have time for this right now. I appreciate you want to help, but the less people in her path, the less people to get hurt."
"She won't attack a human Sef, you know that. And I can try to contain her with my magic." Bonnie said.
"Fine, Bonnie, you can come, but everyone else go back to the hotel." "Don't have to ask me twice." Damon said.
Matt looked up at me despratly.
"Keep your phones on, we'll update the second she's safe."
"How do we get there?" Bonnie asked.
"Hold on tight." Marko said.
He scooped up Tyler into his arms and flew off. That was something I wasn't aware some vampires could do. I starred for a second before remembering how urgent this was. I carefully picked up Bonnie and sped off after his scent. I gently set her down when we approached out destination. I knew it wasn't pleasant traveling by vampire, so I gently rubbed her back to make sure she wouldn't throw up. Tyler was grubbing about Marko getting his hands off of him.
We could hear her screams, which meant she was still mostly human right now. It broke my heart to hear how violent they were. I heard from Caroline that it was awful the first time she'd watched Tyler turn. But the rest of us had never really witnessed it. Y/N was a private person, and we respected that. We rushed in to where she was, laying oner her side, surrounded by three other boys.
The Burnette was calming stroking her hair, trying to sooth her. I was surprised she was letting anyone touch her right now. Once I'd trying to help her through her sever period cramps, and she almost bit my hand off for touching her. And that was before her werewolf gene was triggered. Bonnie scrunched up her face turning into my chest. She hated seeing Y/N like this. The other two boys were standing at her side, the platinum blonde trying to calm the other. The platinum blonde met Marko's eyes and then mine.
"Fix her!" he said harshley.
I was a little taken aback, but it was understandable. They weren't used to werewolves. Vampire were pretty lucky if they could go their wolves' lives without encountering one. She cracked her eyes open at the sound of David's words. She struggled to turn and look at us.
"Stefan?" She said softly.
If we weren't vampire, none of us would have heard it. Then her eyes moved to her brother.
He quickly knelt down besides her.
"Hey, I'm right here ok. I'm not going anywhere." "Ty, it hurts. I don't want to do this anymore. I can't-" A scream tore through her throat as she threw her head back on the hard floor. They would certainly leave a bruise in the morning.
"I know, I know it hurts ok. But Klaus isn't even in the state right now, there not much I can do. I promise I'll convince him to turn you the second we get home."
"Tyler please-"
My heart ached in that moment, I wasn't used to seeing her so small and timid. Of course, she's cried in front of me before, but this was different, she was raw, vulnerable.
"Help her man!" the blonde with the crazy hair exclaimed.
"We need to get her tied up." Tyler said.
"What? You're not tying her up!" The other blonde commanded.
"It's for everyone's safety. She can't hurt anyone if she's tied up."
I watched as her eyes drifted to the brunette, she nodded her head ever so slightly, reassuring him.
"David, why don't you go with Stefan here and get some ropes. Paul, she's going to need snacks when she's back to normal. So why don't you go get her some comfort things, yeah?"
"But-" "Paulie, she's not going anywhere ok. We're not leaving her. But your job is super important, so you think we can trust you to not get distracted?"
He gave an eager nod.
I nodded my head toward the entrance of the cave, and the other vampire begrudged followed.
Everything was burning. Each drop of sweat that fell from my forehead felt like boiling water on my skin. I felt a cool hand press to my forehead, I didn't even realize I closed my eyes. I opened them to see Dwayne's starring down at mine. Even now he looked so beautiful, I could have sworn I was dead. It felt like I was dying at least. I've only had a handful of full moons, you'd expect to get used to the pain, but it seemed to only get worse.
I seethed out a hiss, clenching my jaw. I heard a small jangle for a second, then Dwayne was speaking.
"Here, bite down on this, I'm afraid you might break your teeth."
He brushed a hair out of my eye before placing the belt in my mouth.
"I'm sorry I'm gross right now, you guys weren't meant to see this. I can't- I can't believe I forgot about the full moon. I'm so stupid-"
He cut me off with a kiss, pulling me into him. I must admit, it was a great distraction. But now my body was burning up even more. I growled a little when he pulled away.
"Easy tiger, you're going to make it through this ok. Nobodies leaving you tonight."
"But what if I-" "You won't hurt us; we're not going to let that happen. You're safe her, and there's nowhere else in the world I'd want to be right now."
I couldn't feel tears brimming in my eyes. But the moment was short lived as another surge of pain came. My head was spinning, still slightly dizzy from the kiss. Dwayne pulled me into his strong arms, rocking me back and forth. Marko was keeping his distance, watching from the corner. It's like he was sacred to approach, I guess I couldn't blame him.
They both glanced up when footsteps returned. I heard the distinct jingle of chains. Stefan was the first to speak, David instead preferring to light a cigarette. Stefan threw something to Dwayne, which he caught with ease.
"Wolfs bane, Bonnie apparently always carries this and vervain on her." Stefan answered my question before i had time to speak.
I don't even think I could speak if I tried. My thoughts were all jumbled. Being this close to so many vampires wasn't fucking helping.
"What does it do?" Marko asked.
As Stefan was trying to explain, I snatched the laced water bottle from Dywayne, scotting far away to the other end of the cave. I ripped off the top and downed it. The pain as unimaginable Seering every atom in my body. Why did turning have to take so long when you were a baby wolf?
"What the hell was that?" David asked as I began coughing up some of the solution.
"It's necessary, don't' think I take any joy in seeing her like this."
I suddenly realized my brother was no longer with us. But as if reader my thoughts, Stefan answered my question.
"He's calling Hayley, trying to get to Klaus and beg him to help."
David took a step closer, and I backed up.
"No." My voice barely came out in a whisper. "Stefan."
My best friend was by my side in a matter of seconds.
"You ready?"
I nodded. I hated being tied up; it was humiliating. It made me feel like a literal dog, I mean of course I'm a wolf, but most people don't collar wild animals. It was incredibly dehumanizing. Stupid father and your dumb curse, hope you and uncle mason are rotting in pieces. Stefan was gentle tying me up, and I tried my best not to fight it, as my instincts took over. He was quick to jump back when he was done.
Marko gave me a pitiful look.
"We should get out of here, even with her tied up it's still not safe. She's managed to get out before." Stefan explained.
"We can't" David said firmly.
"I know you guys' care, and I appreciate it-" "No, we actually can't. She won't be back to normal until the sun comes up. But if we go out there, we'll burn to death."
"Right, I forgot about that. Y/N do you trust them?"
"What?" David asked with a scoff.
Stefan just repeated his question, paying no mind to the annoyed vampire.
"With- with my life."
I knew they heard it, no matter how small my voice came out. Stefan nodded, bending down and giving me a kiss on the forehead.
"Get them out." I whimpered in his ear.
He turned his attention to David.
"What if I told you there was a way you could go in the sun?"
"Impossible." David said.
"Yeah, Max would have told us about it, if that was a thing." Marko pipped up.
Dwyne let out a dramatic sigh, looking at me one more time as I curled in on myself.
"I'm choosing to trust you. Don't fuck us over." Dwayne said to Stefan, locking eyes with him.
AN: Ok I promise I'll make a part 4 eventually. But I hope you guys enjoy part three. It was so much fun to write. It warms my heart that so many of you like my writing. Love yall <3
#the lost boys#the lost boys imagine#the lost boys movie#the lost boys x reader#dwayne the lost boys#dwayne tlb#Paul the lost boys#Paul tlb#Marko the lost boys#Marko tlb#David the lost boys#David tlb#the vampire diaries#the vampire diaries x reader#the vampire diaries imagine#crossover#crossover fanfiction#stefan slavatore#tyler lockwood#tyler lockwood x reader#stefan salavatore x reader#vampires#werewolves#vampire x werewolf#hybrid
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Dating Damon Salvatore Would Include
You found out he was a vampire on accident
You were walking home one night in Mystic Falls when you heard muffled screaming
At first, you were terrified
But then you thought “(Y/n), someone could be dying right now and you may be the only one able to save them”
So you gulped down your fear and walked towards the source of the noise
You had pulled out your swiss-army knife that you kept in your bag for self-defence when you saw him
Damon was hunched over a body, mouth covered in blood
You let out a scream and dropped your swiss-army knife
At this point, Damon had realised that you were standing there
He took a step closer to you calling out your name
He noticed how you took a step back from him out of fear, tears forming in your eyes
It broke him on the inside
He eventually calmed you down with compulsion and decided to explain everything to you
He didn’t know whether to compel you to forget everything or see if you still wanted to be with a monster like him(he really hoped for the second)
It took you a few days to process everything that you had witnessed and heard but you eventually figured out what you wanted and gathered the courage to tell him yourself
At this point, Damon is swimming in anxiety all until one day you show up at the Salvatore boarding house saying you don’t know exactly what you really think about it all but you know that you want to be with him
Que super passionate kiss
He is all for PDA
Hand holding
Bear hugs
Hugs from behind
Ass grabbing
Steamy makeouts
This man does not give a damn or feel an ounce of shame
Late-night drives in his car
One hand is on your thigh while he drives
Spontaneous road trips
Him making you pancakes for breakfast(when he is in a good mood)
Bringing you coffee in bed
You guys sleep facing each other
Your head is resting under his chin
Arms wrapped around each other
Legs tangled together
He likes to keep you close while you sleep so he can protect you in case anything were to happen
Sleeping naked most of the time
Lots of cuddling!
Cuddling on the couch
In bed
He is the big spoon
Cuddling usually leads to makeout sessions
Makeout sessions usually lead to...(;
Let’s face it, you guys have done it everywhere
In his car
The bath
The shower
(There isn’t a single place in the boarding house where you haven’t done it)
Public restrooms
In a school closet
He is top but finds it hot if you take over
Is definitely rough and passionate
Wouldn't do anything you aren't comfortable with
Stefan has walked in on you guys a few times(Damon really doesn't give a damn but you do...)
He is very protective of you
Although he knows you can protect yourself, he still teaches you self defence(for peace of his mind)
Definitely tries to sneak up on you and pretend to “bite” you so you can see how easy it would be for someone to kill you
“Boom, you're dead”
Showering together
Taking baths together
Cooking together
You are always his date to events(and you just love seeing him in a suit)
The two of you dancing in your pj's around the house
Wearing his leather jacket
It’s kind of big on you
He pretends to act mad
Actually thinks you look really sexy
You love how it smells like him(bourbon, dark cologne and worn leather)
He is the jealous type
If he sees a guy flirting with you...well, let’s just say they aren't going to be hanging around for very long
There have been broken arms(and a few bodies)
It can get very annoying with Damon constantly shooing away any male company(even if they are your friends)
But it does kind of turn you on seeing him all mad and jealous
Going out drinking with him and Alaric
Going on adventures with him and Alaric(Damon would say no and insist that you stay at home where you are safe. In the end, he caves because he can't resist your puppy eyes)
Telling all the girls about how much you love Damon
Caroline doesn't stop warning you about how dangerous he is and doesn't understand why you can't be with someone like Stefan(Damon is too superior and way hotter ok?!)
All the girls have definitely threatened Damon if he were to ever hurt you
Like Caroline, Stefan didn’t see why you had fallen for Damon
Did you not understand that he was a murderous vampire?
Were you being compelled?
Over time he saw how you had changed Damon for the better
You guys team up on Damon when he needs an intervention
Stefan sees you as a sister
You love Stefan like a brother
You and Damon love to annoy/tease Stefan together
Damon has ALOT of enemies
Which means you get taken ALOT
Everyone knows that the only way to get to Damon is to get to the ones he loves
He doesn't like to show it but he is terrified when you get kidnapped
Snaps at everyone
“I don’t need to calm down I need to find (y/n)!”
When he finally finds you his eyes soften
Your abductors are not going to stay alive for long
Long passionate kisses after you are safe
He blames himself for you being taken and won't forgive himself if you get hurt
Has tried to push you away countless times
He says he is bad for you and you would be safer without him
(How are you safer without him if when someone takes you he won't be able to protect you?)
You won't hear it and stand your ground
“I am not going anywhere Damon Salvatore”
Even if he tries to ignore you he won't last long
Damon’s scared that one day you will see him for the monster he really is and leave him
You reassure him that you love him and that you aren't going anywhere
Long phone calls at night where you guys talk about life and your futures together
He loves making you laugh
Makes you blush ALL THE TIME
Not to make it all cliche but you are really the only one he shows his softer side to
He melts when you play with his hair
You love staring into his beautiful blue eyes
You get all flustered when he does his little smirk
Buying you your favourite flowers when he’s screwed something up(which leads you to think “o oh, what has he done now?”)
Pet names(sweetheart, baby, beautiful)
Both sharing the quality of being sassy and sarcastic
Arguing over his stupid and reckless decisions
Sometimes if it gets really bad, you will ignore him for over 2 days
That is until he makes it up to you with a romantic gesture
And you just can’t resist him
Temple kisses
Forehead kisses
Tracing his jawline
Him whispering dirty things into your ear
He gifts you some form of vervain jewellery to keep you safe from compulsion
You practically live in the Salvatore boarding house
Lots of playful banter
Hard flirting with each other to see which friend you can make uncomfortable first(usually Jeremy or Stefan)
He thinks you are the most amazing person in the world and can’t wrap around how lucky he is to have you
If he meets your parents, they love him
He is so charming and handsome how could they not love him?
He is a TOTAL suck up
You hear him and Stefan argue all the time
He reads to you when you can’t sleep
You love listening to all his stories
Hearing about all the places he has been to and him promising to take you one day
Telling you about his past
His worst regrets
His darkest secrets
All the terrible things he has done
He especially talks about his abusive father
At this your heart clenches
You listen to all of it no matter how long it takes
You make sure to remind him how loved he is by you and Stefan and all of his friends
You hold him close to you and you guys just sit like that for awhile
Him trying to change for the better for you
Lying in bed all day together
Him spoiling you with love and gifts
There will be times where he has to feed from you
He makes this his very last resort
He always makes sure you are ok with it
You don’t mind because you trust him with your life
Healing you straight after
Apologising for if he hurt you
Will do everything in his power to make you feel happy again if you are sad
He gets super possessive over you
Loves listening to you sing(even if you are bad)
He thinks it’s cute when you ramble about stuff
And super hot when you are jealous
He knows how easily you can get jealous so sometimes he will flirt with a girl on purpose just to provoke you
You know that he would never actually do it to hurt you but it still leaves you a bit mad
You are not afraid to go up to him while another girl is drooling all over him and bring up that he is taken
“Hey baby, is this a friend you are talking to?”
You are not ashamed of playing the jealous girlfriend card
It turns him on when you get like this
He never forgets a special date(anniversary, birthday etc)
Is super pouty when you don’t kiss him back
You don’t have to worry about finding a seat because you just sit on his lap
He loves you more than words can describe and is so happy he found someone like you
#vampire diaries#vampire diaries imagine#the vampire diaries#the vampire diares imagine#vampire diaries x reader#the vampire diaries x reader#damon salvatore#damon salvatore x reader#damon slavatore imagine#stefan salvatore#stefan salvatore x reader#stefan salvatore imagine#mystic falls gang#mystic falls#tvd#salvatore#the originals
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Stefan Salvatore [ISFJ]
#Stefan slavatore#stefan#the vampire diaries#tvd#mbti#myers briggs#mbti sorting#myers briggs sorting#mbtifandomsortings#mbtifandomsorting#isfj
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Stefan Salvatore NSFW A-Z Headcanon
A = Aftercare
Stefan is all about aftercare. Making Sure he didn’t hurt you at all. Even if you are a vampire or not. (unless his switch is flipped)
B = Body part
Stefan loves your boobs. (Ripper or not)
C = Cum
Stefan normally always pulls out (even though his stuff wouldn’t do anything) he likes to see his cum on your thighs or pelvis
D = Dirty secret
He loves to have very loud sex when he knows Damon’s home. Since Damon is always checking you out. It’s a claiming thing.
E = Experience
He’s over 100 years old. That speaks for its self.
F = Favorite position
Stefan loves to have you up against the wall
G = Goofy
Normally goofy moments happen after or before not during
H = Hair
Very well-groomed when he has the time to deal with it
I = Intimacy
Stefan is normally very intimate in the bedroom (again unless his switch is flipped)
J = Jackoff
He doesn’t have a reason to now that he has you
K = Kink
Stefan doesn’t have many kinks, being old fashion. BDSM for Ripper Stefan
L = Location
Being old fashion like just mentioned he prefers to only use the bedroom. (Ripper + = everywhere
M = Motivation
Anything you do but he can control himself 50% of the time
N = No
Anything that would put you in danger
O = Oral
He loves giving more than receiving but he wouldn’t say no. (he does say no sometimes)
P = Pace
Since he tries to control himself normally slow and sensual. Unless your both impatient.
Q = Quickie
You don’t have many with him cause he likes to take his time with you
R = Risk
Damon walking in. Stefan doesn’t want him to see you like that but he never locks the door when Damon’s home.
S = Stamina
He’s a Vampire. Need I say more?
T = Toy
He finds them odd. They didn’t have them in his time, why would you need them now. (Ripper Stefan on the other hand enjoys using toys for torture teasing)
U = Unfair
He’ll deny you if it’s not the time or place just to get you rilled up
V = Volume
He’s only loud sometimes (refer back to D)
W = Wildcard
Mystic falls events are not off-limits. If they have a bedroom near-by.
X = X-Ray
Y = Yearning
He has a lot considering he waited for you for a long time
He’s up for a while after you since he doesn’t get drained often
#TVD#tvdthevampirediaries#tvd fandom#the vampire diaries#imagines#imagine#x reader#y/n#Stefan Salvatore#stefan salvatore imagines#stefan slavatore imagine#stefan salvatore x reader#stefan salvatore a-z#a-z headcanon
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The Book Of You & I
Kai Parker x reader
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Word Count:
Prompt: The Book Of You & I~ Alec Benjamin
Warnings: PURE ANGST!!!!!
A/N: Just pretend that when I say “her” or “she” I really mean “he” and “him”. I just didn't change the lyrics because it’s a song. Anyway this is my first songfic and my first kai fic so I hope you like it! I’ve done this in flash backs, so if you don't understand it, thats probably why.
Well, it all began in the back of her car I was just sixteen but I fell so hard
You and kai were in the back of his car. He was laying above you as he pampered your skin with kisses. Giggles and moans escaped your lips from the feel of his lips against your skin. Your hands were intertwined with his above you head, pressured into the seats. The kisses made goosebumps coat your silky smooth skin, and tickled slightly. You wrapped you legs around his torso as he nipped and licked at your neck, trailing sloppy kisses over your jawline.
Well, the years went by and she stole my heart
Rain poured from the darkened clouds above, soaking you and the heretic. The both of you ran through the trees of the woods. Your hair swayed through the wind, releasing water. Giggles were heard through the splattering of droplets violently hitting the muddy ground. Kai’s hand held onto yours as he pulled you under a bridge for shelter.
Sounds of rain hitting the bridge you hid under echoed, making it’s own tunes. Kai pulled you into his chest, his eyes admiring your beauty. You hooked your arms round the back of the heretic’s neck, slightly pulling on his hair. Hands possessively grabbed onto your waist, lips smashing onto yours. The kiss was full of passion and love, and you never wanted it to end.
But her love ran dry and we fell apart I felt her growing distant I knew her love was shifting And all that I could say was
“No, kai!” your sobs grew louder as your shouts cracked. you had just found out that he had slept with another girl. “Tell me it isn't true! please..... tell me.....” it was hard to make a sentence through your sniffles and whimpers. “Y/N.... it was an accident.” kai stepped forwards to get closer to you, but you just stepped back. His face made you want to just hide away and cry.
Don’t tell me that it’s over, the book of your and I Now you’ve scribbled out my name And you've erased my favourite lines
It’s been 3 weeks since you moved out of yours and kai’s apartment. This was the first time you’d stepped foot outside of your new flat. You decided that you should treat yourself to a nice lunch at the Grill. huge mistake. As soon as you stepped foot inside, your eyes flew to the booth with kai and the girl he cheated on you with. Her mouth on his brought tears to your eyes. Water glossed over your sclera at the horrific site before you. When kai finally caught sight of your person, you were already out of the door, once again, raging cries overtook.
There were so many chapters that we never got to write Like cereal for dinner and staying up all night
The apartment you were in was dark and you couldn't see anything, except for the huge pillow fort you and Kai had built. You were both sat inside with bowls of cereal as you told jokes and laughed together. A lamp in the corner of the fort lit up everything in it. Kai looked hot in the orange lighting.
Once you'd finished eating you lay on Kai’s chest, his arms around your waist as you spoke. For hours you chatted, not getting tired till early hours in the morning. This man was insatiable, your safe haven. His arms made you feel like the most protected woman on the planet.
I remember where we started, I remember how you looked but now I'm missing bits and pieces from the pages that you took You didn't give a reason now, I’ll forever wonder why We never got to finish the book of you and I
“WHY!” You screamed. “Why, why, why.....” At the moment you were trying to make sense of it all, why would he man you love cheat on you. “I don’t know....” It hurt knowing he didn't have a reason, he just did it, and it broke your heat. “Well that’s not good enough!” You stood in front of him, hitting his chest with clenched fists repeatedly.
Well, I bought a pen and I turned the page Then I wrote about how I wish you’d stayed
“Kai..... please..... don't leave me.....” You mumbled in your sleep. Whimpers left you as you tossed and turned. “I’m sorry...... please don’t go.......” Kai sat outside of your apartment on the balcony, using his vampire hearing to listen in. He missed you so much, he doesn't know why he did what he did. All he knows is that he loves you and wants you back.
The sobs that left your body, could have just ripped out Kai’s heart. The guilt he feels is unbearable. Wind gushed passed his heretic body, making his next words inaudible to other ears. “I miss you Y/N”
I said all the things that I never got to say Maybe when it’s done I will feel okay
Your mind hadn’t stopped thinking about Kai, even though he broke your heart, you still love him. Your head plagued with thoughts about what he may be doing at the moment, or what he would think of what you were doing. Either one made tears appear in your eyes.
When you walk passed a mirror, all you can do is cry and scream as to why he left. Why would he be so monstrous as to breaking your human heart. Diary entries piled up in your notebook, all expressing how broken and unhappy you are without him. Pain came to you in waves, just to leave you numb after a huge breakdown.
Don’t tell me, tell me that you're leaving My belly hurts and my heart is hardly beating right I hate to beg but I'll try one last time
The screams and cries got louder as the pain became mightier. Kai stalked your apartment daily, a swell in his stomach as guilt and shame took over his being. He couldn't hear your cries anymore; they shook him to the core. So with that, he left mystic falls and you behind, too scared to look back.
#niklaus imagine#niklaus x reader#the vampire diaries#the cw#TheOriginals#klaus x reader#kai parker#kai x reader#the vampire diaries fanfiction#rebekah mikaelson#Major Angst#kai Parker angst#kai parker fanfiction#elena gilbert#Stefan Salvatore#damon slavatore#caroline forbes#bonnie bennett#heretic
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How the heck did you come up with INTJ for Stefan from TVD?! I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just genuinely curious & kinda shocked cos he seems so INFP to me
Stefan Salvatroe: An INTJ Explanation
What I saw as dominant Fi was very much dominant Ni looping with tertiary Fi. He is searching to solve Fi issues, but uses Ni to explain and excuse many things. It is why he sees from all sides and can’t really be mad at anyone. It isn’t out of kindness, but understanding other perspectives. But what indicates INTJ most is his inferior Se. We see this most when he feeds on humans. He goes full out Se, full out experiential. He has a hard time finding a balance between his Ni and Se. When he goes full vampire he unhealthy embraces his inferior to the extreme. But when he doesn’t he is grossed out by Se in himself and others. It is what fills his self hatred and why he hates the lifestyle of his brother. His brother’s Ne galavanting reminds him of his aversion to his own Se inclinations and he tries to force others with his Te to conform to his own forced lifestyle.
Because of his suppression of Se, when Stefan is in classic conservative lifestyle mode he loops Ni-Fi, which can make him look like an INFP in a self searching journey. His Ni can make him seem like he is Fi dominant in understanding individuals. But it is important to note that he does this, but not in a personal Fi way. He does it in a distant Ni theoretical sense. He interacts with the world in a very skeptical Te way though. His decisions are reserved and almost over thought through. Constantly trying to fuse the world in his Ni singular narrative. Counter to INFP, Ne., which can cause the INFP to struggle with ever making a singular narrative.
He also doesn’t have a huge aversion to Te. He is independent as an INTJ and can disregard Te parts of society, but he does use it and is comfortable with it. He does want to find his place within society and is okay with being normal, but his INTJ rarity and Ni dominance make him feel like that isn’t ever possible. It is why he is attracted to those who seem to fit in with society and others (Elena and Caroline).
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oh my god the Vampire Diaries is endingggg tonightt!!! Its the series finalee!! i love this show soo muchh and its been an amazing ride. We went through many ships and brotps and villians and the heroes. I will always love The Vampire Diaries and never forget.
#the vampire diaries#elena gilbert#nina dobrev#stefan slavatore#paul welsey#damon salvatore#ian somerhalder#delena#stelena#bonnie bennett#kat graham#caroline forbes#candice king#tyler lockwood#matt donavon#alaric saltzman#klaus mikaleson#rebekah mikaelson#elijah mikaelson#jenna#john gilbert#jeremy gilbert
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✧.* { KOFI SIRIBOE & HE/HIS & CIS MAN& 27 } is that CHRISTIAN ‘CHRIS’ BAKER hanging around town ? I wonder if they want to know what the future holds, as for right now, they are a COLLEGE STUDENT ? i’ve heard they can be pretty WITHDRAWN. how typical for a DARKLIGHTER / HYBRID. i guess they must rely on their BENEVOLANT side shining through. rumor has it they’re trying to hide THAT HE WANTS TO AVENGE HIS DEATH : THE DEATH OF HIS PACK, but that’s probably just noise…
full name: christian matthew baker
nicknames: chris , chrissy
age: 27
date of birth: may 17th
place of birth: virginia beach , virginia
gender: male
pronouns: he / him
sexuality: bisexual
father: david baker
mother: diana baker
siblings: jasmine baker
significant other: n / a
morality: neutral good
positive traits: courageous , compassionate , gentle , calm , stoic , dependable
negative traits: taciturn , withdrawn , bitter , self-isolating , vindictive , preoccupied
abilities: the typical skills of a hybrid
language(s) spoken: english
drives/motivations: avenging his pack ; killing stefan slavatore , klaus mikaelson , and jeremy gilbert ; breaking his ties to cade ; keeping his little sister safe
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TVD broke my heart when it turned into dramatic trash, so here’s for the sake of the good old times, back when Damon Slavatore was the best, the most functional character, hilarious, charming, and not an eye-rolling pathetic simp:
All the fun things Damon did
Held a pizza hostage
Was always the one who buried everyone because he was the one with a Chevy which had a big enough trunk 😂
Had a special “hmm” as a reply
Gave everybody funny endearing nicknames
Kept score of teddy bear-creepy invisible house
Drank little girls’ homemade lemonade
Came up with all the wolf related puns to out Mason
Was putting in a song at the DJ’s while Kai was trying to stab his brother
Turned into a crow and cawed at Elena
Pretended to enjoy Taylor Swift
Threw Elena into a lake
Gave pancake faces whipped cream fangs because they were vampires
Infiltrated anti-vampire town council and provided the whole Mystic Falls with vervain and killed vampires eg was basically an absolutely legit anti-vampire town council member until John outed him and he got mad and threw him off a balcony. God those were good times
Crashed the car while being in it with Stefan because Stefan called him boring and he got sore
#vampire diaries#damon salvatore#stefan salvatore#delena#bonnie bennett#caroline forbes#katherine pierce
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Hello,i have been reading your stuff,and i gotta admit u are freaking amazing!So yeah, thanks for making me fall in love with stefan slavatore all over again! I want to request a rewrite/explntn to a steroline scene, the ending of s7 actually, where they kissed infront of the armory. I felt like caroline and stefan should have talked more and resolved issues, like stefan talking about "its not LOVE,its FEAR" with damon,and how that directly connected with him leaving caroline in the frst place.
Thank you Nonnie! Hmm.. when it comes to TVD I am forever and always a Stelena shipper, but Steroline was kind of my life raft when it came clear Stelena was done for good. I think the show became extremely lazy in the last couple of seasons, so it’s not shocking that Stefan and Caroline’s reunion was rushed.
That said, it was clear Caroline was still in love with Stefan despite being hurt and royally pissed off at him (with good reason).
It didn’t take long for her to thaw because she loved him more than she was angry with him. She lived her life without Stefan. She knew what that looked like. Sure, it was survivable. One could even call it happy. But was it the life Caroline wanted? No. She wanted Stefan in her life no matter what.
So, to drag it out too much longer might have been overkill.
I really loved their conversation in the parking lot after Stefan kidnapped Caroline. I love that she threw Elena in Stefan’s face because he always respected her choices and wasn’t respecting Caroline’s. I love that Stefan countered with the fact that Elena died because he was always respecting her friggin choices and then he lost her. He had no interest in doing that again.
It was a really interesting way of exploring Stelena history in terms of the Steroline’s present. So, they hashed out their “issues” primarily in that conversation, which is honestly better than what most couples did on that show. I’m still waiting for Del*na convos that will never happen and really fracking needed to. lol
Speaking of Del*na, Stefan’s conversation with Damon was also really good. I believe Stefan was right. The reason Damon’s never listens to Elena’s choices is because he’s too scared to lose her. Damon lived how many years without Katherine and it was torture. So, how will living without Elena be?
Damon had serious control issues because he allows that fear to rule him. I occasionally agreed with Damon that an 18 year old girl should not always be calling the shots. Especially when her decision making abilities were lacking in many circumstances. Frontal lobe development being the primary culprit.
HOWEVER, Damon’s need to control Elena by making decisions for her is rampant throughout the series. It is one of their primary issues and significantly impacts the toxicity of their relationship. If your partner can’t respect your free will then it’s not much of a relationship.
This is the argument Stefan is making. He did things the Damon way. He kidnapped Caroline. It didn’t feel right because it wasn’t right. Elena told Stefan long ago that she was glad he saved Matt. (WHY A VAMPIRE CAN’T GRAB BOTH IS BEYOND ME AND PAUL WESLEY). If Stefan saved Elena first and let Matt die I don’t know if she could forgive him. Bottom line is Stefan was in the middle of two horrifically crappy choices. He stood to lose Elena no matter what he did.
And here’s the other thing that nobody likes to say - was Elena’s life truly more valuable than Matt’s? Simply because the Salvatore brothers loved her didn’t give her more of a right to live than Matt. That’s why Elena made the decision she did. She knew Stefan would save her first. Elena was willing to risk her life for Matt’s. It was incredibly heroic on her part.
It always drove me nuts when Del*na fans use this situation as evidence that Damon loved Elena more. I don’t think Damon loved Elena more than Stefan. I think this is evidence he loves her just as much as Damon did. Stefan was willing to put aside what he wanted, accept Elena for who she is, and never tried to change her. That is an incredibly selfless way to love a person.
This is why Stefan’s choice was based in love and not fear. He loved Elena too much to ever change or expect her to be someone she wasn’t. He risked losing her because he respected Elena enough to listen to her. He may have lost her anyway (SCREW YOU SIRE BOND), but Stefan never made choices about their relationship based on the fear he would lose Elena. If that was the case then he would’ve just turned her into a vampire long ago.
When it comes to the person you love - there is very little you can actually control. It’s why falling in love makes us feel so out of control. We love that person more than anything else in the world and yet very often we cannot control what happens to them. The only thing we can control is how we treat them.
This why Stefan realized that he had to love Caroline the very same way he loved Elena - no matter what it cost him.
#Anonymous#asks#steroline#stelena#tvd#steroline meta#stefan and caroline#stefan and elena#stefan salvatore#caroline forbes#anti damon salvatore#anti delena#anti elena gilbert#tvd meta#the vampire diaries meta#the vampire diaries
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Caught In Between 16. False Promises
Summary: Athena Dumont has finally found a place to call home after many years of foster homes and traveling. She had finally tamed her supernatural side and just wanted to live a normal teenage life. She quickly discovers that there is nothing normal about her hometown, Mystic Falls and gets sucked right back into the supernatural world.
Post Date: 09.01.20
Word count: 2.7k
Based off: 03x13 “Bring Out the Dead”
CIB Masterlist
The next few days I stayed in my room as I continually heard Klaus making visits to the Salvatores. I wanted to stay out of the mess, to keep my temptations towards Klaus at bay. But clearly that didn’t work as I heard a knock at my door. And to no surprise at all it was Klaus.
“What?” I ask as soon as I notice it’s Klaus.
“I just wanted to see how mon petit tournesol is doing. I’m sure after our little conversion the other day, you’ve had a lot to think about. I’m sure that’s why you’ve locked yourself up here,” He says looking around my room.
“Stop, Klaus. Stop with the nickname, stop with the taunting and stop trying to win me over. You killed the people I cared about like I’ve said a million times already, I can’t forgive you for that,” I say feeling the rage boil inside of me.
“You can’t fight it forever,” He says clearly gesturing to the sire bond. “I just wanted to come and tell you that I just finished renovating and that I’ve made a room for you there. You’re always welcome,” He says before walking off. I quickly shut the door hoping that I can just ignore what just happened.
The next day I kept myself locked into my room all-day again. And again I heard a knock on my door, “Klaus, I told y--oh Damon. What do you want?” I ask noticing that it was him and not Klaus.
“Wait Klaus visited you? Nevermind that, get dressed in something nice, were going to a little dinner party,” Damon explains.
“And what makes you think that’d drag me out of here?” I question crossing my arms.
“I think you’d actually like to come to this one,” Damon responds.
“You’re not gonna tell me who we’re having dinner with?” I ask.
“I think you’d like to find out for yourself. Not get ready we’re leaving in 15,” Damon says walking off.
I find a semi-casual outfit for the dinner and head downstairs to wait to leave. Once everyone was ready we head over to wherever we’re going. Once we make it to the door, Stefan rings the bell. And to my complete surprise, the most unexpected person opened the door.
“Elijah?” I question as I feel my eyes start to tear up a bit.
“Niklaus, our guests have arrived,” He smiles.
Damon, Stefan, and I walked inside the house to find Klaus standing in the dining room, “Damon. Stefan. Athena,” Klaus says acknowledging our presence.
“I’m sorry. But can I steal Elijah for a little,” I say choking on my words a bit.
“Of course, I’m sure you two have lots to talk about,” Klaus responds as Damon and Stefan nod.
“We won’t be long,” I say and pull Elijah back outside and shut the door. The first thing I do is throw myself into his arms.
“I’m so glad you’re ok,” I say feeling a slight weight lift off my chest.
“Me too. I’m glad you’re safe,” He responds pulling away.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t keep him at bay. I tried my best but he just kept pressing. And now he made me a hybrid and I’m trying to fight this sire bond as hard as I can but it’s getting--” I start to word vomit and feel tears fall down my cheeks.
“Athena...Athena. It’s ok. I know you only did the best you could. You still kept your promise. But more than anything I’m glad you’re not hurt,” He says with his soothing voice.
“I missed you,” I smile.
“I missed you too. Now let’s get in there and have a lovely dinner, ok?” He says wiping the tears from my cheeks. We head back inside and find Stefan and Damon still standing in the hall.
“Ah, they’re back. Now we can discuss the terms of our agreement like civilized men,” Klaus says.
“It’s better to indulge him,” Elijah says walking into the dining room.
“I didn’t come here to eat, Klaus. In fact, I didn’t want to come here at all. But I was told, I had to cause’ you would hear us out,” Stefan says making his way to Klaus whose standing in the dining room.
“Hmm. Well, we can still sit and eat. Or I can reach down your throats and pull out your insides. Choice is yours,” Klaus then comes to me and presses his hand on the lower part of my back and leads me to my seat. I don’t pull away or act out to keep the peace, but feel my self become tense at the comment he made.
He then sits beside me, soon enough everyone else sits down. I have Elijah on the other side of me while the Slavatores are across from me. Clearly a show of who I belong to, even though I’d rather not even be here.
Their little servants pour us some wine as we start to eat, “Thank you, love. Hmm,” Damon says to the woman pouring his glass.
“You lost your appetite,” Elijah points out Stephan, who hasn’t touched his food.
“Eat. I thought we agreed that we would leave the grumpy Stefan at home,” Damon says. After a few moments of thinking, Stefan picks up his utensils.
“That’s the spirit,” Klaus says back. “Isn’t this nice? The five of us dining together. Such a treat. Is this what you had in mind when you pulled the dagger out of my brother?” Klaus asks.
“Well, I know what he felt about you, so I figured, the more...the merrier,” Damon responds.
“I’m glad you brought Athena along as well. Although you seem to be very quiet, love,” Klaus says putting his attention to me.
“Well, I didn’t think this is where I’d be tonight,” I respond.
“I’m sure this is a nice change of pace though. After locking yourself up the last couple of days,” Klaus smiles, but I continue to eat ignoring the rest of Klaus’ comments. “Well, Elijah and I had our share of quarrels over the centuries, but we always make it through,” Klaus states looking at Elijah on the other side of me.
“Kind of like, uh, you and Rebekah, right? Where is she, by the way? Last I checked she was still daggered because you were afraid to face her.” Stefan states.
“If you’re referring to the fact that Rebekah knows I killed out mother...I’ve already come clean to Elijah,” Klaus explains.
“Hey, Stef, remember when you killed dad? Might want to dial down the judgment till dessert,” Damon says clearly getting annoyed.
“We’re here to make a deal, Damon. Doesn’t mean we need to kiss his ass. For seven courses,” Stefan responds.
“I’m just saying we have a long evening ahead of us. Pace yourself,” Damon says back a bit calmer.
“Stefan, where is the lovely Elena tonight?” Elijah asks breaking a bit of the tension.
“I don’t know. Ask Damon,” Stefan answers.
“I’m sorry, you missed so much,” Klaus says laughing. “Ah, trouble in paradise,” Klaus smiles.
“One more word about Elena, and uh, this dinner is over,” Stefan threatens.
“You know what, probably best just to keep Elena in the do not discuss pile,” I say finally speaking up.
“You’re probably right,” Klaus agrees and takes a bite of his food. “It’s just the allure of the Petrova doppelganger is still so strong. What do you say, brother? Should we tell them about Tatia?” Klaus says clearly not letting the topic go.
“Now why should we discuss matters long since resolved?” Elijah asks tossing his napkin on the table.
“Well, given their shared affection for both Elena and Katerina. And of course Athena’s care for Elena, I think our guests might be curious to learn about the originator of the Petrova line,” Klaus states.
“Well, we’re not going anywhere, Elijah. Please, do tell.” Damon responds clearly wanting to indulge in the two brothers.
“When our family first settled here, there was a girl named Tatia. She was an exquisite beauty. Every boy of age desired to be her suitor. Even though she’d had a child by another man. And none loved her more than Niklaus,” Elijah says. I look over to Klaus in surprise that he could actually love someone besides me, which I still didn’t believe to be true.
“Oh, I’d say there was one who loved her at least as much,” Klaus says looking up from his downward stare.
“Wait a minute, so you both loved the same girl?” Stefan chuckles.
“Our mother was a very powerful witch. She sought to end our feud over Tatia, and so she took her. And Klaus and I would later learn that it was Tatia’s blood that we consumed in the wine on the night where our mother performed the spell which turned us into vampires. Tatia wouldn’t make a decision between the two of us, so for a time, Niklaus and I...grew estranged. Harsh words were traded. We even came to blows. Didn’t we, brother?” Elijah asks not wanting to tell the whole story himself.
“But in the end, we recognized the sacred bond of family,” Klaus finishes the story.
“Family above...all,” Elijah adds picking up his wine glass.
“Family above all,” Klaus picks up his own and looks at me to do the same. I look between the brothers as they gestured for me to do a toast with them. But I just lean back and let them do so.
“So why don’t we move this evening along and discuss the terms of this proposal?” Elijah asks as the servers remove our plates.
“Well, it’s very simple. Klaus gets his coffin back. In exchange, he and the original extended family, leave Mystic Falls forever. Me, Stefan, and Elena live happily ever after, no grudges,” Damon explains.
“I think you’re forgetting another part of your proposal. And she’s sitting right here,” Klaus quickly says gesturing to me.
“Ok, if you want to hear what I want to say. I want to be left alone. To make my own choices. That’s all I want,” I state.
“Deal sounds fair, brother,” Elijah states.
“I don’t think you understand. I can’t do that because Elena’s doppelganger blood ensures that I will always have more hybrids to fight those that oppose me. And I’m sure my brother can agree to this, but we can’t lose you again, Athena. You’re family. I will never leave them behind,” Klaus states and gets out of his seat.
“Let’s say I do leave Elena here, under your protection. What then? How long before one of you turns her into a vampire? Or worse. How long before she dies. Caught between your feuding? You see, each one of you truly believes that you’re the one that can protect her. And that is simply a delusion. Gentlemen...the worst thing for Elena Gilbert is...the two of you,” Klaus states looking at the Salvatores. “And Athena. If you stay here. Who’s to say you won’t feel the pull to us. You’re sired to me, you’ll want to be with me. I’m sure you’re feeling that pull right now. And I know you care for my brother and I’m sure he can’t bear to leave you either,” Klaus finishes. I stay silent not wanting to provoke anyone as he just smiles at me.
“I’m going to get some air,” Damon says and leaves the table.
“Let me deal with this,” Elijah then follows Damon.
“Mmm. Hmmm. All this talk has made me thirsty. What do you two say? Can I interest you in a little after-dinner drink?” Klaus asks biting into one of the servants. “Mmm. Delicious. Aged to perfection,” Klaus says pulling away from the woman’s neck and letting her drop to the floor. I try to keep the urge at bay but it’s so strong as I have only been drinking from blood bags, but I keep myself from feeding.
“Well, I guess the only reason you agreed to this evening, Klaus, is to drive a wedge between Me and My brother. As well as gain Athena’s trust,” Stefan says getting up from his seat.
“Oh, no, you’re doing that well enough on your own. Because of Elena, you’re going to lose your brother, and you’ll only have yourself to blame. And Athena here,” He brings his hand under my chin to look up at him. “She belongs with me, she is my love, mon petit tournesol,” I felt another flutter in my stomach as he said my nickname.
“I told you to stop calling me that. You destroyed any chance to reconnect when you killed my pack and me,” I say getting up from my seat.
“What do you say, Klaus? It’s time for you to put something on the table. We’ve made our offer. Now you counter,” Damon says walking back into the room with Elijah.
“Ok,” Klaus agrees sitting back in his seat. I offer Elena’s future happiness. You see, what she needs right now is to be rid of you lot. And to fall in love with a human. Maybe that nice football player, you know the blonde one.” Klaus says looking to Elijah.
“Matt Donovan? Really?” Damon questions.
“Yeah, why not? They’ll marry, live a long and fruitful life, and pop out a perfect family,” Klaus explains.
“And continue the Petrova bloodline, ” I point out.
“Every few hundred years, you’ll have a new doppelganger to drain and never run out of your hybrids. Right, Klaus?” Stefan adds.
“Consider it a small return on my investment in her well-being. See, after you hand me back the coffin, I’ll ensure her safety for the rest of her natural life. You know it’s what’s best for her. So… what do you say, Stefan?” Klaus asks.
“And me?” I ask before Stefan responds.
“Ah, yes. If you truly believe that it is best for you to stay away from us, then I shall let you. But if not, then you are always welcome to stay with us. I’m sure neither Elijah and I would mind. Do we have a deal?” Klaus states as Klaus and Stefan meet by the fireplace and put eachother hands out to shake.
“Nice try, Klaus. But no deal,” Stefan finally says. Klaus quickly breaks Stefan’s arm and leg. He then pushes Stefan’s arm into the fireplace. Elijah rushes and pushes Damon up against a wall behind him.
“What are you doing?!” I ask rushing towards Elijah, but Klaus holds me back.
“Stop!” Damon yells.
“Now bring me my coffin, before I burn him alive,” Klaus demands keeping ahold of Stefan’s arm.
“I’ll get it,” Damon thankfully agrees.
“Go with him, brother. You keep him honest. When you return, I will make good on my promise to you and I will hand over our family,” Klaus says and Elijah heads off.
“Go ahead, kill me. I know you’ll do it when he brings the coffin,” Stefan says in pain.
“I swear Klaus. If you kill him. You’ll lose me forever,” I state, but only realize what I actually said after saying it. Klaus pulls Stefan up and holds him by his shirt.
“You really have given up, haven’t you, huh? Where’s the fight? Where’s the ripper?!” Klaus says disregarding what I said, but I knew he was thinking about it. Stefan pushes Klaus off.
“Elijah. Why haven’t you left?” Klaus says noticing Elijah and Damon walk back into the dining room.
“Well, where are your manners, brother? You forgot dessert,” Elijah states and pulls a cloth off the platter a sever is holding which reveals two daggers.
“What have you done?” Klaus questions.
“What have you done?” Elijah counters. “See, I’ve learned not to trust your vulgar promises, Klaus. We’re doing this on my terms now,” Elijah says and a man walks up from behind him.
“Kol,” Klaus says.
“Long time, brother,” Kol says.
Klaus rushes towards the platter but another man grabs a dagger before he can, “Finn, don’t!” Klaus pleads. Finn then plunges the dagger into Klaus’ hand as he lets out a scream. Klaus rushes away behind himself but finds Rebekah in the way.
She then plunges another dagger into his abdomen, “This is for our mother,” She states and pushes him back into Kol’s grasp.
“You’re free to go. This is family business,” Elijah states as I and the Salatores make your way out of the house.
Damon and Stefan take me back to their house as they go to check on Bonnie and her mother.
“Will you be alright?” Damon asks before they head out.
“I’ll be fine. Just go do what you gotta do,” I say and the two brothers head out.
A/N: So, in all honesty, this part was a filler but it was semi-important. I hope you guys are ready for what comes next and enjoyed this part!
🏷: @tristanacarry | @commentaryfanfic | @april-14-blog | @simonsbluee | @awkwardspontaneity | @keiko0
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Just Good Business
Caroline Salvatore, married into one of New York's most brutal crime families. Niklaus Mikaelson, a notorious mob boss who is hell bent on taking down the Slavatores.
It's an affair for the ages.
Written for Day 5 of Klarolin week- Smut.
Thank you, @klaroline-events!
She shouldn’t be doing this. She knew it was wrong, but she honestly didn’t care. She was a married woman and the man she was straddling in the back of his limo as it drifted down New York’s busy streets was most certainly not her husband. Granted, the life they all lived, what could be considered right anymore?
“Are you sure these windows are tinted?” Caroline hissed out, pushed down upon his clothed erection. It wasn’t the first time it happened. Her affair with New York’s most notorious mob boss began months ago. It started out as a power play for him and a way for her to try and feel something; anything. Neither one of them could have imagined that it would have become more than just sex for them. “Klaus?”
Niklaus Mikaelson, the most feared man in the entire city; one who ran not only drugs, weapons, and woman but had more blood on his hands than anyone else, was in love with her. It was an intoxicating feeling.
“I would never let us be seen, Sweetheart. Not yet at least.” Caroline smirked at him and kissed him hard; her teeth nipping at his bottom lip. Her hips rotated again, searching for some friction in order to relieve that pent-up tension she was feeling. It had been far too long since he had been able to touch her. It wasn’t easy for Caroline to sneak away in order to meet her lover, especially when she and her husband are well known in the city; that and in the last few months Stefan had been having her followed.
The marriage between Stefan and Caroline Salvatore was an arranged affair. They both came from very old families who wanted nothing more than an alliance. So, the corrupt Chief of Police married her only daughter to the brother of an even more corrupt "businessman". It did not take Caroline long to realize that her husband was dull, horrid in bed and was in love with his brother’s wife, Elena. Stefan looked at Caroline as nothing more than a possession and barely spoke to her.
Klaus’s finger tips traced up Caroline’s spine while her black backless dress bunched at her waist. His fingers sent shivers all over her body. When he went to lace his fingers through her impeccable up-do, Caroline stopped him.
“Not the hair. I can’t go home looking freshly fucked, now can I?” Caroline replied, nipping playfully at Klaus’s lips. “We still have to let Stefan think that I am his faithful and dutiful wife, don’t we?”
“I can have you widowed by morning, love. Just was the word.” Klaus replied, his hand slipping under her dress. His fingers graced her clit, her panties had been long forgotten on the limo’s floor. Caroline hissed out his name again. He added a slight pressure to that sensitive bundle of nerves just as his lips graced her throat. His tongue peeked out and licked her pulse point. “He would be dead and I could easily make you mine.”
“But your plans?” Caroline whimpered. Klaus slipped a finger inside of her and pumped lightly. Then he added a second finger before curling him, his nails scraping the side of her walls. His thumb touched her clitoris and began drawing circled on it while his fingers slowly fucked her.
“Fuck my plans.” Klaus hissed, his fingers pushed in roughly, causing Caroline to cry out. “I don’t like that he gets to touch you. I don’t like that he gets to fuck you when you’re mine. I want his head on a stick and my plans already changed once.”
It was true. When Klaus and Caroline started sleeping together, he was using her to get intel on the Salvatore family. He originally planned on revealing his affair with Caroline to Stefan in due time after getting everything he needed in order to take down Damon Salvatore. Caroline knew this and in truth she didn’t care. She hated her marriage and screwing over Stefan and Damon was enough for her; even if it meant getting herself killed.
However, when Klaus started falling for Caroline, he shifted his plans. He did not want to risk Stefan getting enraged that his wife was fucking his brother’s rival and killing her; they didn’t call Stefan the Ripper for nothing. So, they changed course.
“He hasn’t.” Caroline whimpered out, grinding down on Klaus’s fingers. He looked at her in question, a smirk playing upon his lips. “Stefan and I haven’t had sex in months, not since I caught him in bed with Elena.”
“Really?” Klaus hissed. He removed his fingers from her and Caroline cursed at him. He just grinned at her, bringing one finger to his lips and licked it clean before doing the same to the other. “You wouldn’t just be saying that so I will go easy on you, now would you?”
“No.” Caroline weaved her fingers through Klaus’s hair, gripped and pulled his head back. She looked down at him, peering into those pearly blue eyes she adored. He kissed him slowly, tasting her juices on his lips. “He said that he was glad I knew and that he didn’t have to pretend with me. He made his opinion very clear. Stay the pretty little wife on his arm while he fucked Damon’s behind closed doors. In return I get to keep my head upon my shoulders.”
“He threatened you.” That was unforgivable to Klaus. “The increase of bodyguards?”
“Just to ensure I don’t spend too much alone time with Damon. Can’t have his brother learning his dirty little secret.” Caroline tossed him a sinful smile and Klaus bucked his hips upward, rubbing roughly against her core. “Pity Enzo is employed by someone other than Stefan.”
“Good man Enzo.” Lorenzo St. John, Caroline’s personal bodyguard and double agent. Klaus hired him to infiltrate the Salvatore business. When he was assigned to guard Caroline, even better. The problem was that Enzo was only one of Caroline’s guards that was Klaus’s man; the rest where loyal to the Salvatore brothers. “And what are you and Enzo up to tonight?”
“Dress shopping.” Klaus chucked at that.
“Such a pretty dress.” His one hand running over the dress, touching her erect nipples through the silk. “It would be a shame if it got ruined.”
“Don’t you dare.”
Caroline ran her hands down Klaus’s chest, slowly inching down farther and farther. When she reached the top of his pants, she bit her lip as though asking for permission to continue. Klaus nodded his head and Caroline unbuttoned his pants, allowing his member to spring free. She palmed him, causing him to hiss at the contact. She gripped his penis and stroked him, picking up the pace as she went. Klaus grabbed her wrist, stalling her movements.
“I want to be inside you.” His tone was rough and harsh, causing Caroline’s arousal to seep down the inside of her legs. She lifted up on her knees ever so slightly, giving Klaus enough room to align himself with her entrance. Slowly, Caroline lowered herself down on top of him; seething him into her heat completely. “Fuck Caroline.”
“That’s the general idea.” She braced her hands on his shoulders and began raising herself up and down on top of him. The feel of him, sliding in and out of her was a feeling she missed the last few weeks. Ever since Caroline had concrete proof of Stefan’s affair, it was harder for her and Klaus to meet; Stefan’s paranoia driving him to do drastic things to protect his secret. But, the feel of Klaus fucking her was worth the wait. “God, I love you.”
“And I you.” Klaus’s hand reached down between her legs to touch her clit again. Caroline cried out his name, loudly. She began to ride him faster and faster, chasing that relief. His name slipping from his lips like a prayer. The sound of the honking horns of New York’s traffic fell away and she could care less if Klaus’s driver knew exactly what they were doing in the back of the limo. All that mattered was finding that release. “Klaus!”
Klaus felt her walls clench around him, sending him spiraling. His release came hard; spilling himself inside her. Caroline let out a long breath and rested her forehead against his. Slowly, once their hearts stopped beating rapidly, Caroline moved off of him and into the seat next to them. Klaus tucked himself away into his trousers while Caroline pulled a handkerchief from her purse to clean the inside of her thighs. She shifted in order to drape her legs over his lap and Klaus immediately began drawing small circles on her skin; sharing smiled between them as he did.
Soon enough the limo pulled to the side of the curb and the driver knocked on the window separating them from the front of the car.
“I suppose that this is my stop.”
“You’ll be safe?”
“Don’t worry.” Caroline leaned over and kissed him gently. “Damon is in a board meeting tonight” which was code for murdering someone “while Stefan and Elena are probably at the house fucking each other while I’m out spending Stefan’s money. By the time they realize I’m home, I’ll be in my bubble bath, drinking a nice glass of Pinot Grigio. Bags and bags of my shopping spree littering my room.”
“Thinking of me I hope, while you’re all naked and wet.” Klaus’s eyes traveled over the length of her and Caroline just giggled. She leaned up and kissed him, before grabbing her purse on the floor. Klaus grabbed her wrist before she could open the door. “Soon Caroline.”
In the end, things came to a close far more quickly than either of them expected. Within the next three months, Caroline would discover she was pregnant with Klaus’s child. Knowing that she would not be able to pawn the child off as Stefan’s, not that she would want to, Klaus had to act quickly. Photos of Stefan and Elena in an intimate position surfaced, causing Damon to go off the rails. He murdered both his brother and his wife, brutally. By the time Damon spared his sister in law a thought, she had already left and was in Klaus’s protection-handing over all of the secrets Damon worked hard to keep buried.
Damon was dead within the week.
#kcauweek2020#klaroline#klaroline drabbles#look at me writing something not 20 pages long#I didn't realize I knew how to do that#smut#little to no plot
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Dating Stefan Salvatore Would Include
When you found out he was a vampire you were shocked, but you knew something suspicious was going on with him from the beginning...you just didn’t think being a vampire was the answer
He is so scared you will see him as a monster and never want to see or speak to him again
Oh boy is he wrong
You stayed silent for a bit before saying “ok”
Stefan was perplexed by your reaction. How were you not screaming right now?
You explained how you knew something weird was going on with him and he realised how not so slick he is with keeping such a big secret
You told him you needed some space right now to think all of this over
And so he did as you asked
He was so sure you went home packing that night to leave Mystic Falls
But soon enough, 3 hours later, there you are on his doorstep confessing your love for him and how nothing is going to change that
Que Stefan’s heart swelling with the fact that you had said you loved him?
He is speechless for a few moments and you’re scared you had just made the worst confession in history, when all of a sudden you see a giant grin plaster his face
He cuts the space between the two of you with a few steps and pulls you closer to him by placing his hands on your waist. All of a sudden his mouth is on your lips, kissing you so lovingly and passionately that the air is knocked from your lungs and your legs almost give out from under you
Before the two of you can pass out from lack of air, he removes his lip from yours and whispers in your ear “I love you too”
The rest of that night is history...if ya know what I mean (;
Stefan is terrified of hurting you(especially when you first start dating)
You reassure him that he could never hurt you and that you trust him with your life
A small part of him is relieved that you said this
He is suppppper protective over you
You notice it when you guys first started hanging around Damon
And when Klaus shows up in Mystic Falls...let’s just say you would be seeing a lot of Stefan
He teaches you how to defend yourself in case you were to ever need it
And gifts you a vervain necklace to keep you safe from compulsion
He knows that you can protect yourself though
Always makes sure you got home safe by calling you
Sometimes this can get a bit annoying with him calling you EVERY SINGLE TIME you get home but you understand he just wants to make sure you're ok and not dead in a ditch somewhere
You bring this up and he soon results into just texting you after a couple hours of you getting home
Stefan would say he isn't the jealous type...but he is
It may not be that noticeable but when he sees another guy making you laugh or smile he feels a small twinge in his heart
He knows that you would never do anything to hurt him and that you love him and only him(and you make sure to tell him this when you see him getting a bit jealous)
Sometimes a guy won’t register that you are taken and just keep flirting with you. Stefan will then take matters into his own hands
This includes cupping your face lovingly and passionately kissing you in front of this poor guy who is so dumbfounded and embarrassed because he thought you were single...and you are not complaining about Stefan’s strategy
You are totally the jealous type
Stefan is one gorgeous man, so naturally, he will attract a lot of women
This does not make you happy
Stefan knows this and will make it clear to these women(who are practically drooling)that he is already taken
You should hear the sad groans that come out of these women!
Once they leave, he kisses you hard to seal the statement he had made
Now let’s just get one thing straight, he is SUCH a gentleman!
Giving you his jacket when you’re cold
Opening doors for you
Pushing out your chair
Buying you your favourite flowers(sometimes just spontaneously or when you are not having the best day)
ALWAYS complimenting you on your beauty
Candlelit dinners
Slow dancing in the living room
You guys have definitely kissed in the rain on your account to recreate those cliche rom-com scenes
Watching romcoms every Sunday night(he says he hates it, but secretly he can’t wait till Sunday night...Princess Bride is his favourite)
He makes you breakfast in bed
Baking together(which usually ends in you both covered in flour and making out on the kitchen counter)
You both cook dinner but you prefer his meals over yours any day
He doesn't mind PDA
Hand holding
Bear hugs
Hugs from behind where the other nuzzles their neck into the others shoulder
Forehead kisses
Temple kisses
Kisses on the cheek
Jawline kisses
Kisses on the collarbone
Sweet goodbye kisses
Sloppy morning kisses
Passionate long kisses when you know you are going to be apart for a while
Small loving kisses when the other is upset
Hot and steamy kisses when the other is hungry (;
Him pinning you to the ground with your hands above your head and kissing you deeply
Desperate kisses in which no one wants to let go(usually when the other gets hurt or almost dies)
Stefan is the big spoon but on one of his bad days, you will be the big spoon and hold him close in your arms
You guys sleep with Stefan lying on his back and you nuzzled into the crook of his neck.
One of your arms is to your side while the other is laid across his torso
His arm is lightly stroking your back while the other is to his side
He can hear your heartbeat and feel the rise and fall of your chest
He loves having you close to him when he sleeps so he knows you are always there and so he can protect you
Wearing his clothes
Mainly his shirts
You love that they smell like him(fresh laundry with hints of the woods jasmine)
He loves seeing you in his shirts...but also loves seeing you without them (;
He tells you everything
His past
His secrets
His regrets
His flaws
His fears
All the terrible things he has done in his life
And you listen without judgment
You can see the pain in his eyes, feel it in his body as he spills his heart out
He tries to stay strong but you can hear his voice cracking
All you can do is hold him in your arms and whisper how much you love him in his ear
Nothing and I mean NOTHING will stop you from loving this man! And he needs to know that too
Writing about you in his diaries
Letting you read all his diaries
When you first meet Damon you didn’t like him
You thought he was a jerk and treated Stefan horribly
(you wouldn’t admit it but you where a bit intimidated by Damon)
Stefan definitely told Damon to stay away from you(and was a little bit worried that you might fall for Damon’s good looks and charm but you didn’t)
Over time you started to warm up to him
His sarcasm and sass started to wear off on you
Then BANG. You guys are BFFs
Teasing Stefan together
Having playful banter
He sees you as a sister and is so proud and happy for Stefan for finding someone as amazing as you
You can’t tell me Stefan doesn't use pick up lines on you
Definitely cracks a few dad jokes(they're so bad that they're so good)
Gives you nicknames(sweetheart, darling, beautiful)
Deep conversation when the two of you can’t sleep
Conversations about your feature
Stefan feels guilty that he will never be able to give you children
You reassure him that it’s perfectly ok and as long as you are with him your life will be full
You have a habit of singing in the shower(because your voice just sounds so good in there!) and Stefan loves it. Whether you're good or bad, it always brings a smile to his face when he hears your voice
He never fails to make you laugh
When you smile at him it still gives him butterflies
You are always a target to the enemy
Enemies have found that the only real way to break Stefan is to break you
This means that you have endured many forms
Being kidnapped
Used as bait
Used as leverage
Being held hostage
And it never gets any better for you or less scary for the Salvatore brothers
You always know that Stefan will find you but sometimes your head will have you believe another story
When he does find you, he will show no mercy to your kidnapers
Katherine has tried to kill you on many occasions(you know she be jealous)
When you're with Stefan you feel safe
He loves how you make him feel loved
The Mystic Fall gang sees the two of you as the parents of the group
Going out to party with Elena and Caroline only for Stefan to come and have to get you because you’re drunk and don’t know where you are
If you're not out with Elena and or Caroline then you're drinking with Alaric and Damon at the Grill(Stefan doesn't approve but at least you’ll be safe with Damon...he hopes)
Caroline shipping you and Stefan to the moon
Him carrying you to bed when you fall asleep on the couch reading or watching something
You guys definitely sleepover at his house more than yours
Damon has walked in on you guys and...it was awkward
It’s like you have moved into the Salvatore’s home except for the fact you have your own apartment
Staying in bed all day if it’s rainy
Tickle fights
Road trips
When he goes Ripper you are devastated
You feel like your whole world has just crumbled in front of your eyes
“He can’t really be gone can he?”
But he was
You would do everything in your power to bring your Stefan back even if it meant risking your life(which it did)
Damon had locked Stefan in the cellar. The plan was to starve him of blood until he slowly but eventually maintained back his bunny diet
All you could do with your days was sit outside Stefan’s cell and try talking to him, ignoring his pleads for you to leave before he hurt you
You didn’t want to hear it but he was right
If it wasn’t for Damon being in the right place at the right time, you would have been dinner
Stefan couldn’t live with himself at that point. He had nearly hurt you. Nearly drained you of your blood. The thoughts of what could have been brought tears to his eyes
What broke his heart even more was that he could hear you sobbing upstairs. All because of him
You guys eventually brought Stefan back to his former self and from that point onwards, he wouldn’t stop apologising for hurting you
In fact, since the “incident” you hadn’t gone back down to see Stefan. So when you saw him again he was “better” and not all “rippa”
At the first sight of you, he broke down, falling on his knees. His breath was raggedy, voice shaking
“I’m so sorry (y/n). I am so sorry that I nearly hurt you”
His voice cracked at the last part and it broke your heart
Slowly, you lifted his chin so his red and tear-stained eyes met yours
“It’s ok Stefan. I know you would never hurt me, it’s ok”
You kneeled down to where he was on the floor and held him for what seemed like hours until he had calmed down and stopped crying
I feel like he is a slow, passionate lover
But if he is a bit jealous that day he is a bit rougher
He is top but loves it when you take control
You guys have done it in his car
(and in Damon’s but he doesn't have to know)
You have done it in the woods while on a romantic date
Everywhere(and I mean everywhere) in the boarding house
But your guys' favourite place is the bed(classic and basic)
Rides on his motorcycle
Late night walks around Mystic Falls with you guys holding hands
Him admiring your beauty
You being speechless every time he is shirtless(cause damn he looks good)
In conclusion, this boy would literally die for you and you have no doubt you would do the same for him
#salvatore#stefan salvatore#damon salvatore#vampire diaries#stefan salvatore x reader#damon salvatore x reader#stefan salvatore imagine#vampire diaries imagine#tvd#the vampire diaries#mystic falls#mystic falls gang#damon slavatore imagine
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Just Good Business
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2VaHXLt
by BelleMorte180
Caroline Salvatore, married into one of New York's most brutal crime families.
Niklaus Mikaelson, a notorious mob boss who is hell bent on taking down the Slavatores.
It's an affair for the ages.
Based on my drabble under the same name.
Words: 8228, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Originals (TV), The Vampire Diaries (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M
Characters: Caroline Forbes, Klaus Mikaelson, Stefan Salvatore
Relationships: Caroline Forbes/Klaus Mikaelson
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2VaHXLt
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