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she-who-paints-with-fire · 2 months ago
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"Neural interference systems online."
"Optical camouflage systems holding at 100% functionality."
"Fifty thousand kilometres to the blockade."
The Union Navy ship Shadowed Open Palm slipped across the dark gap in between the stars on silent, padding feet, quiet as a mouse and twice as difficult to spot. At the helm, Captain Abdol Karim was the perfect picture of a stealthship officer; passive-faced, stern, oddly relaxed considering the circumstances. His standard-issue Naval Blacks rustled slightly as he stood from his chair at the helm and assumed a parade rest, sun-browned hands of a former asteroid miner folded behind his back.
"Engines to one-third speed. Alert our Liberators that we are beginning the blockade run."
He didn't raise his voice, nor lower it. His every command was given steadily and without hesitation.
"Engines to one-third speed, aye, sir," the helmsman reported, without looking up from his display screen.
First Lieutenant Tayu Corazon, standing behind and to the left of Captain Karim, watched the scene with an appreciative eye (though she was trained to not let feelings like that show). The Shadowed Open Palm was a ship run tightly; she could appreciate such things. Then again, she had been a fan of the Navy since her childhood and was always happy to see a ship in the first place.
"Two hours to reach atmosphere, sir," the navigation officer announced, just loudly enough to be conversational. There was, after all, little need to shout in the near-silent bridge. This was a stealthship. It wasn't crewed by the types for idle chatter. Captain Karim nodded.
"Acknowledged. Handler, you may wish to begin preparations for landing."
Lieutenant Corazon nodded. "Fly safe, Captain."
"Come back alive, Lieutenant."
The Handler turned on her heel and left the bridge, heading for the small barracks that her team had been quartered in. She'd memorized the route to and from the bridge from those quarters on her first day aboard the Shadowed Open Palm. Down the port-front stairwell, turn right and head down the port-side bow-to-stern hallway. Step through three bulkhead doors, then look for the third door on your right. Tayu idly pretended to bounce lasers off the walls as she walked.
There were few soldiers moving about the hallways. All of them were near-silent and had been more or less since the stealthship had been ordered to assume Condition 2 Readiness (or, for those who weren't quite as familiar with Union Navy terminology, something analogous to "yellow alert"). What few soldiers Tayu passed by paid her no mind as she stepped through the third bulkhead and found the third door on her right. The door clicked slightly, then opened at her touch.
Inside, three of the four Lancers that made up Liberator Team 'Poirun' were relaxing as best they could under the circumstances. Sasha was reading (Tayu didn't know what, but given past history, assumed it was smut); Lily was tinkering with her optical mask; Rachel was the only to notice her arrival.
"According to Captain Karim, we're two hours from Sanjak's atmosphere."
"Three hours from landing, then?" Sasha asked, looking up. "Finally. My legs were starting to cramp."
"So stretch," Lily half-questioned, raising a confused eyebrow.
"Ah... metaphorically speaking."
"Still. Stretch."
"Will we be in our gear for the landing?" Rachel asked, ever pragmatic. Tayu nodded.
"Everyone except myself will be. Jadwiga, Protector, you two will be carrying the cargo out of the hold. Observer, you'll be on overwatch."
The team nodded as one. Lily finalized her tinkering and slipped her optical visor onto her face once more; it locked into place with a gentle metallic click.
"It's just agricultural gear, right?" Sasha asked. "The cargo, I mean."
"Agricultural gear and about a hundred metric tons of printer filament," Tayu confirmed with another nod. "Get your gear in order and make your final preparations. I want you all suited up and ready to go within two hours."
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(This took unexpectedly long to finish. Happy New Year to all you Ungrateful blogs—especially @radiofreesanjak for giving me an excuse to write this, however indirectly.)
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ranbuescalation · 2 years ago
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YGO Rarepair Week 2022!
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oddeyesarcpendulumdragon · 6 years ago
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Arc V Month Day 18: Horizon 
 I want to draw a little more tonight because it is helping the sads but I need to finish some writing on a commission before i sleep so this might be all I get out of me tonight. Anyway. Some cute Stealth is good for the heart.
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entamewitchlulu · 6 years ago
@arcvrarepair Day 2: Summer
Pairing: Stealthshipping (Sora/Tsukikage)
It's supposed to be a fun day at the beach, but Sora's got a secret that he's not ready to let anyone know about just yet.
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hole-in-the-sky-library · 6 years ago
Twenty-Five Snowflakes [Day 13]
Prompt: Peppermint
Ship: Stealthshipping (Tsukikage / Sora)
Summary: The hard part about buying Christmas gifts for each other when you’re both trained in stealth is that keeping it a surprise is almost impossible.
Tsukikage knew Sora was following him, but he pretended he didn’t.  He pulled his scarf up to his nose, breathing a puff of haze through it.  A few snowflakes drifted down from the dark sky, swirling through the street lamps.
Hikage glanced at Tsukikage.  It was imperceptible, the way he glanced back to see where Sora was hiding, but Tsukikage noticed.  Sora probably did too.
“Do you...?” Hikage started.
Tsukikage nodded without looking, instead wandering over to one of the store windows decked out with lights nearby.
“Do you know why?” Hikage asked, following him.
“I suspect he’s trying to decipher what I want for Christmas,” Tsukikage said.
Hikage actually laughed, but softly in that way of his, muffled into his scarf.  They hadn’t worn their ninja garb in many months, and these thicker, winter scarves felt somehow surreal.  Tsukikage made a point of glancing at some of the things in the window near him, and then moved on.
Sora was incredibly good at stealthing.  If Tsukikage hadn’t been trained as well as Sora had, he would not have noticed Sora moving into his next hiding spot.
“I thought you were planning on getting him something today, too,” Hikage said, clearly trying not to look at Sora.
“I was.  I believe this is the game we’re going to be playing tonight.  I’m buying something for him while he’s following, trying not to let him know what it is I’ve gotten, while he’s trying to decide what to get for me without letting me know that he’s there.  I suspect he’s trying to see what I buy for him so that he gets something of equal or similar value.”
“Do you think he knows that you know?”
“Oh, I’m sure he does.”
Hikage laughed again, shaking his head.  Tsukikage cracked a smile himself, noting as Sora blended in neatly with a group that passed them — so perfectly for a moment that Tsukikage almost lost him.  Almost.
“You’re having fun,” Hikage said.
Tsukikage ducked his smile into his scarf.
“Is it that obvious?”
Hikage chuckled, nudging his brother with his shoulder.
“Maybe this game of yours is your real Christmas gift to each other.”
“Perhaps.  But I do intend to find something for him, and I do intend for it to be a surprise.”
He nodded into the store next to them as they walked.
“I’m going in here.  Will you come?”
“I think I’ll leave this game to the two of you,” Hikage said.  “Good luck.”
He laughed again, shaking his head, and started down the street.  Tsukikage waved, and then ducked into the store beside him. Sora had gone a little ahead with that last group he’d hidden with.  A clever move, to move ahead of the person you’re following so it’s less obvious that you’re actually following them. However, that would give Tsukikage a few seconds to duck into this store, perhaps unnoticed — or at the very least giving him a few moments to browse before Sora caught back up with him.
The sweets shop was much bigger than it looked from the outside, but it was also very cramped.  It would be difficult to see for a long distance in here. Perfect.
He couldn’t help but grin as he ducked into a random aisle.  It would take Sora a few moments to catch up and decide which way he’d gone.
Or so he thought, as he tucked himself into a corner to look at the wrapped cookies, glanced back, and saw the faint flicker of a jacket going around a corner.  The lack of any footstep to go with it was quite clear — Sora had already kept up with him, and Tsukikage had only barely noticed. Ah, well now the game was really on.
Tsukikage waited for another customer to walk down the single-file aisle, blocking him off from Sora’s only line of sight, and then slipped down an aisle in another direction.  He heard the tiniest of clinking sounds as something shifted on a shelf, and realized with a start that there was plenty of room beneath a few of the well stocked tables for someone Sora’s size to crawl under.  Clever. Well, Sora wasn’t going to keep up with him that easily.
Keeping very lightly on his feet, Tsukikage masked his movements with the movements of another browsing customer, and then ducked into an area where there were too many boxes under the tables for Sora to take that route.  Taking advantage of Sora’s inevitable momentary recalculations, he slipped out the door. That store had been a fake out — there was a different sweets shop he was going to instead.
Tsukikage took a back way to that shop — and by back way, he meant darting through alleys and crawling over fire exits to mask his trail.
Confident now that he’d lost Sora, Tsukikage quietly entered his actual target store.  This shop was much more spacious, with fewer places for any small individuals to hide. The main display, alight with lights and bags decorated with holly and wreath designs, sent brilliant light throughout the store, topped off with a large, cartoonish polar bear wearing a candy-cane hat that stood beside the table.  Tsukikage made a beeline for the display behind it. He needed to take advantage of the time he’d lost Sora. There they were — the peppermint lollipops that he’d seen Sora looking at in another shop a while ago. Perfect.
Tsukikage took the package and headed up to the counter.  There was only one person waiting in line, so he took a moment to check around the store and make sure Sora wasn’t hiding somewhere he hadn’t noticed.
His phone buzzed in his pocket as he reached the counter.  He didn’t want to drop his concentration, but he dug it out while the cashier rung him up, giving it a quick glance.
Oh, he thought.  The text was from Sora?
Hey nerd if you’re not busy meet me at that big ass tree in the square in fifteen minutes
Tsukikage cracked a smile.  As though Sora hadn’t been following him around all day and knew exactly what he was doing.  He tapped out a brief response to say he would be there, took his giftwrapped package, and headed back out into the cold.
Snowflakes started to swirl with more vigor around him as he made his way back towards the square.  He took another shortcut, mostly just for the fun of it. He was allowed to indulge, wasn’t he?
He saw Sora before he reached him.  The boy sat on a ledge near the ice skating rink, fiddling with his phone and chewing on one thumbnail.  His eyes flickered as Tsukikage approached — immediately, a huge, triumphant smile broke over his face.
“Hah!” he said, jumping up to stand on the ledge so that he was taller than Tsukikage.  “You thought you lost me, didn’t you, sucker!”
Tsukikage couldn’t help but smile, covering it with his hand.
“Am I to assume you did manage to follow me to the second store?”
Sora grinned, puffing out his chest.  The effect was somewhat lost by the fact that his puffy coat made him look even smaller than he was, but it was adorable nonetheless.
“It’s not just about following — it’s about anticipating,” he said.  “I knew you’d try to throw me off by going into a decoy store! But I had already guessed your real target, so after I tricked you into thinking I was going under the tables, I got to the other store before you!”
Tsukikage laughed softly, tucking both hands into his pockets with his package tucked under his arm.
“So, please, indulge me — where were you hiding?”
Sora grinned.
“Inside the polar bear,” he said, hands on his hips.  “And I saw what you got, and had time to text you and go finish shopping myself.  So there! I win!”
Tsukikage couldn’t help but feel a bit of competitiveness rise up in him, and Sora seemed to notice the change in his smile immediately, his own triumphant expression turning suspicious.
“Why are you smiling like that?” he said.  “I don’t like it.”
Tsukikage laughed, burying his face into his scarf for a moment.  Then he stepped forward, hopping up to stand on the ledge next to Sora.  Sora pouted at him, folding his arms.
“Because,” Tsukikage said, pulling his free hand out of his pocket with a small package.  “What you saw me buy wasn’t your present.”
Sora’s eyes bulged.
“What?  When’d you buy that??”
“A few weeks ago.  I thought if I telegraphed I was purchasing it, you’d try to figure out what it was.”
Sora flapped his hands, mouth opening and closing a few times with the utter shock of it.  Then he gave up with a flop forward, letting his head fall against Tsukikage’s chest.
“I can’t believe you beat me,” he grumbled.
Tsukikage laughed, wrapping one arm around Sora lightly.
“It’s like you said,” he said.  “It’s not about following. It’s about anticipating.”
Sora blew a raspberry at him.  Then he flopped down to sit on the ledge, patting the cold stone beside him.
“Okay, winner,” he said.  “I’ll bet I got you a cooler present though.”
Tsukikage laughed again and sat down beside Sora.
“We shall have to see.”
Sora dug inside his coat and pulled out a small, red and green wrapped box.  He shoved it into Tsukikage’s chest, and Tsukikage took it while passing his own gift to Sora.  He set the peppermint lollipop box in between them. Sora glanced at him then.
“At the same time?” he said.
“That would be fair.”
Sora tugged at the ribbon on his box, and Tsukikage peeled back the paper on his.  He heard Sora make a little sound of surprise, but he himself didn’t quite notice, because he was too focused on what appeared when he took the top off of the box.
It was...it was a rose.  A dark blue blossom, delicate and glistening...glistening?  He touched it lightly, and his fingers found metal instead of petals.  He lifted the metal rose from the box, turning it slowly to watch the light catch over the incredibly delicate, twisting petals.
He heard Sora rustling the paper of his gift then, and tore his eyes away from the rose to watch Sora unwrapping the candy-shaped box.  Sora’s eyes brightened as he turned it around, looking over the embossed cover of the box, decorated with images of twisted candies.
“The key is taped on the side,” Tsukikage said.  “I heard you say you wanted something to be able to keep things in that you could lock up...”
“This is perfect!!” Sora said.  “Thanks, Tsuki!! I love it!!”
He glanced at Tsukikage then, his face getting a little guarded as his eyes flickered to the rose.
“Uh,” Sora said.  “Do you, uh, like it?  It’s kind of a weird gift, I guess, um...I just saw it and it made me think of you and...uh...”
Tsukikage smiled, feeling everything within him growing soft and warm.  He reached out to wrap an arm around Sora, pulling him close.
“It’s perfect,” he said. “Thank you, Sora.”
Sora nestled his head against Tsukikage’s shoulder, sighing as he hugged the box to his lap.  For just a moment, they sat there, in the quiet and the cold, just snuggled close.
Sora tapped on the box of peppermint lollipops then.
“So anyway,” he said.  “Are you gonna eat these, or can I have one?”
Tsukikage laughed, squeezing Sora’s shoulders.
“Go ahead.  They were for sharing.”
Sora popped back so that he could pop the box open.  Tsukikage cradled the metal rose in his hands, feeling the cold of the metal against his bare skin.  It shone in the streetlights as he twisted it.
“Merry Christmas, Sora,” he said softly.  “I love you.”
Sora nearly choked on one of the lollipops, quickly pulling it out of his mouth.  He ducked his head for a moment, cheeks going beet red. A moment later, though, Sora reached for Tsukikage’s hand, and Tsukikage turned his to grasp it.
“Merry Christmas,” Sora mumbled, flushing.  “I love you too.”
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seasaltmemories · 7 years ago
Cute headcanon: Sora and Tsukikage meet each other sometimes to make sweets.
Tsukikage is very prim and proper about making sure he follows the recipe right and is appalled by Sora’s carefree nature as he mashes different stuff together
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hinashyra · 7 years ago
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Sta arrivando...🎃 Ho provato a disegnare una fanart in tema Halloween, inserendo due personaggi della serie Yugioh arc v Sora (travestito da Angelo-Diavolo XD) Tsukikage (travestito da mummia ^^)
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whiteclericmaris · 8 years ago
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@homura-bakura I was more interested it for the blue (my weakness in coloring). Tsukikage caught Sora in his scarf.
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eclectickittysheep · 5 years ago
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bookishfeylin · 2 years ago
No seriously! This post never broke containment (thankfully) so it remained confined to my followers and mutuals, and I have questions.
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How could you all hurt me like thissssssssss
I finally got polls, y'all!
Anyway, let's do this for the best ACOTAR ship
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aboyandhisstarship · 4 years ago
is the SICON office of Naval Intelligence evil?
that is an interesting question because it depends heavily on one defines “Evil” 
ONI is a Pragmatic Organization, but it is no way the Gestapo. it is accountable and answers to parliament and the prime minster. which in turn are duly elected by the people therefore making ONI accountable to the people.   but is able to act if the need arises. 
for me that is enough for an organization to not be inherently evil, but then again I am a Pragmatist, in both the media I consume and real life. 
the real question is what made you inquire into this, ONI has not had that much of a presence in  stories I have published. 
there Major roles so far has been: 
Controlling the releases of possibly Dangerous information to alien Government's even ones allied to the Strategically Integrated Coalition of Nations.  they reviewed and Approved the movie about  Erickson's life. he is active duty Military and an enhanced super Solider, so this seems to perfectively reasonable 
they have been monitoring the Frantic Purifier's on the boarders and tracking all ship movements with deep space radar stations, again I would consider this reasonable As Ensuring that any threat can be met within a timely manner is important for an interstellar nation capable of defending itself. 
Project Centurion was not an ONI project, was it evil...debatable, the results were astounding the methods were less ethical then they could have been. but again that was a SICON Project not an ONI one
the Valley forge is a stealthship, designed for Assault action, hostile force harassment and killing of hostile leaders, and can be placed under ONI control for effective use of these capabilities. but so far within the story it has remained under the command of SICON federal forces and has not been used in a first strike capability. 
yea I can't think of anything that screams evil. there have been a few dropped more morally gray ONI plots I never finished. but even then I would not consider them evil, just pragmatic. ONI is named and designed after the ONI of Halo but is not nearly is outright evil. hopefully this answers your questions
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Novan Elites Felis class Stealth Ship #ship #spaceship #homeworld #starwars #battlefleetgothic #bfg #vanguardminiatures #novanelites #sketchup #3dprinting #digitalsculpting #tabletopwargaming #render #tabletopminiatures #stealthship #3ddesign https://www.instagram.com/p/BnTh2Q4nJyd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=y08ge3h18fry
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oddeyesarcpendulumdragon · 7 years ago
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Arc V Anniversary Discussion Day 21: Self-Insert/OC Day
So this got long, and i’ll divide it into some categories lol.  First, shipping babies!  Because I can never have enough of those!!
all under the cut cause it’s so long fuck
Sakaki Keahi: the oldest and one of the two Sakaki children who follow into professional dueling.  Reiji and Yuya both help her find ways of navigating an action field to accommodate her paralyzed legs, both with Reiji’s technology and adaptive devices he designs for her, and Yuya teaching her how to trust her monsters to help move her across the stage if she needs a hand.  Keahi is very much a big sister, always mothering her little sisters and nagging at even her friends.  Most of her friends affectionately call her ‘mom.’
Sakaki Kouki: is very much more technologically focused, and she likes to tinker with Solid Vision and stuff.  She’s a shy girl who has trouble socializing. She’s also gender questioning, currently iding as a trans girl.
Sakaki Ray: Kouki’s twin sister. Ray is determined to follow in both her sister’s, father’s, and namesake’s footsteps in order to become the world’s best entertainment duelist.  She’s super emotional and tends to be really hard on herself when she messes things up, but she’s also very determined.  She’s Way into Riding Duels and actually feels more comfortable with those than with Entertainment Duels in the end because there’s less to live up to
Sakaki Sakura: Sakura is the youngest, a precocious seven year old who wants to be a princess astronaut.  Her favorite things to do are watch her sisters duel and play dress up, especially with papa’s big scarf as a cape.
All four girls have the ability to see and hear duel monsters. 
Kurosaki Fukuro: the older twin.
Kurosaki Yugao: the younger twin. (Yugo tries to be upset that Yugao’s name is so close to his, and Yuto starts to accidentally call the two of them each other’s names, but he loves his “niece and nephew” so he can’t be too mad lol.)
Fukuro and Yugao are both generally quiet, though Yugao is definitely the more assertive of the two.  They like to sit at home and draw, mostly, but they are also rabid fans of various tv shows and if you want them to be loud, get the two of them in a shipping argument.  They usually have different tastes in ships and they will fight each other to the death over them lol.  In general these two are a couple of fucking anime weebs.  They’re also fucking hot topic nerds (what do you expect when they have shun and yuto as dads)
Sho Sakaki-Atlas: takes after them in loving mechanical stuff and fixing things.  Sho adores machines and they are always getting messy working on them or getting in trouble because they completely don’t pay attention to anything except whatever project they’re hyperfocusing on.
Yumi Sakaki-Atlas: Yumi is the younger of the two, and she’s less interested in building motorcycles as she is in riding them.  She’s very much a daredevil like her father and likes to go on joyrides a lot.
Rin and Yugo argued for hours about what surname to end up taking, Yoko’s or Jack’s, because Yoko basically adopted them but Jack also did kinda unofficially adopt them too and was willing to let them use his name.  They dueled for it and it ended in a tie.
Shiunin Hotaru: a very cheerful, exuberant girl who is excited about everything.  Everything is an adventure to her and she has very little sense of trouble, often sticking her nose into things she shoulded. The younger twin.
Shiunin Amaya: a lot more cautious than Hotaru after her time with the Fuma Clan.  She can be haughty and full of herself, but she’s also very much recovering from what she went through at the hands of the Fumas, which makes her try to act a lot stronger and more confident than she actually often is.
Both girls are actually Tsuki’s sister’s kids, but after her husband died in an accident and she herself contracted terminal cancer, she begged Tsuki to take them so that the Fumas couldn’t claim them.  Hotaru they managed to get, but Amaya was taken away by the Fuma Clan for several years before they could retrieve her.
Those were the only kiddos i had the time/energy to doodle, but here’s a few others that I have!
Speaking of Tsuki’s sister, here’s a few more OCs that I came up with to fill out characters’ families/backstories:
Chizaki (Fuma) Kanon: Tsukikage and Hikage’s older sister.  She fled the Fuma clan when they were kids to avoid being executed for getting pregnant with someone outside the family, promising to come back for her brothers one day.  She ultimately was never able to get back to them until she saw Tsukikage listed as one of the Lancers.  She died of cancer a few years after finally reconnecting with her brothers.
Hojo Gekko: Reiji’s cousin from his mother’s side; the Hojo family is incredibly rich and tied to the Fuma family since feudal Japan.  He’s a scarily powerful young man even though he’s the younger brother, and Tsukikage was supposed to be sworn to serve him when he turned 18 before Reiji snapped up both brothers himself.  He’s a scary and possessive person.
Hojo Nikko: Reiji’s cousin and Gekko’s older brother.  He doesn’t give a shit about the Fuma clan anymore and would prefer to leave their archaic connection in the past.  He’s the current owner and CEO of the Hojo Corporation.
Kurosaki Chae-won: Shun and Ruri’s mother, an exuberant and excitable woman who is excessively supportive.
Kurosaki Airi: Shun and Ruri’s other mother, slightly more lowkey than Chae-won, but not by much.  Loves her kids to death and embarrasses them daily.
Kunori Mao: Yuto’s mother, a quiet and kind young woman who has raised Yuto by herself.  Becomes close friends with the Kurosaki moms.
And here’s some of Yoko’s gang members which I came up with for a fic that i will write eventually, whom y’all probably saw already if you saw my art submission for the “gang” prompt earlier this month.
Maeda Maiko: Yoko’s first gf, a rough and tumble kinda girl, but also very fun-loving.
Kobayashi Hikaru: easygoing, tends the bar and helps the girls sort out their problems; can’t usually be bothered to do any of the actual fighting, but when there’s someone in trouble, you don’t want to be on her bad side.
Watanabe Honoka: formerly a rival who was won over by Yoko, she’s a bit of a wild card and is more interested in picking fights than winning them
Katou Satomi: a matronly woman who’s sweet nature belies her dangerous skills.  Often smiling.
Fujioka Tomiko:  a small and ferocious girl who loves joy-riding.
Oshiro Kiku: a nervous girl from a rich family who was once trapped in a relationship with another gang leader before Yoko destroyed the gang, she hangs out with the Shooting Stars to feel safer and helps run their finances.
And finally.....I gotta shout out my self-insert, cause of course I have one of those:
Hale Reiser: an American college student on a study abroad in Japan, she’s dazzled out of her low emotional period by Yuya’s duel against Strong Ishijima, and decides to take up dueling to emulate him.  When the truth of the dimensional war comes out, she joins a program to train at-home Lancers in case of a home invasion.  At some point she meets Grace Tyler and all of my self-indulgent fantasies of dating Grace come to fruition.
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entamewitchlulu · 6 years ago
36, 38, 42, and 43 for Stealthshipping?
36. Who is the social media addict?
SORA….he takes pictures of all of the sweets and pastries he buys from different places or ones that his friends make for him to post to his Instagram where he reviews sweets.  He also has a Tumblr devoted to memes and memes only, and a Twitter which he is on constantly posting about literally everything he does.  Tsukikage is very, very private, and had to be convinced to get a Twitter just so Sora could message him on the app and not waste minutes. He still hasn’t changed from the default icon, he’s made a single tweet, and mostly just likes Sora’s posts when he remembers to look at it.  he got suspended once because Twitter thought he was a bot.
38. Who likes to star gaze?
It’s more of Tsukikag’e’s forte, but Sora gets really into it too after the first time he finds Tsukikage sitting on the roof just looking at the stars.  They like to lay on the roof snuggled up next to each other and just enjoy the silence.
42. Who is the neat freak?
Absolutely Tsukikage; he’s a ninja and thus has some asceticism bred into him and is constantly straightening things and putting things away, which is a constant battle because the SECOND Sora finds himself without an authority that will punish him for not being neat at all times, he lets everything explode everywhere as a form of rebellion.
43. Who wins the stuffed animals at the carnival for the other one?
Tsukikage wins them for Sora.  Sora’s not TERRIBLE at them, but he gets frustrated very quickly, and Tsukikage is a master so he’ll take over and snag the cute hamster for his bf
Thank you so much for the asks
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merryfortune · 6 years ago
🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 >:3c
🌻 last night I changed my discord icon from Spectre to Mieru because I was worried that the Spectre expression was making me seem super aggressive but now. i am moe blob.
🌻 i’m watching more Doki Doki Glitter Force episodes on Netflix,,, but it still hasn’t clicked with me. I dislike Maya and Mackenzie’s relationship, Rachel is super wishy-washy, and I kinda like Clara but every time she speaks there’s a voice in my head saying eat the rich. but I do like the villains! I sometimes I wonder if I’d like the original Japanese better but i’m not bothered enough to go looking for subs.....
🌻 i had an egg sandwich with aioli for lunch but my mum’s watching a cooking program and now i want to eat a fancy steak sandwich like this bloke made with scotch fillet beef, cheese, pickles, and these huge grain buns. it looks so nice
🌻 for the arc v rare pair week, i’ve finished a stealthshipping ficlet for regret and an attendshipping ficlet for nostalgia. i have an idea for legend but its super cursed so i probably won’t write it D: 
🌻 i keep thinking about polyships lately, mostly for vrains... i’d like to write a ficlet coming yusaku/takeru/aoi/ryoken/spectre.... my ot5 but i’m also thinking about precure ships a lot as well and would like to write a polyfic for elena/hikaru/lala/madoka.... my ot4.......
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atwight · 9 years ago
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Tol calm gay and smol angry gay
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