#stealing random shit for dio
Me stealing lil thingies for Dio
My mom wondering where her wine bottle corks are going: ??? Me running to my room hunched over like a lil gremlin to put them on Dio's altar: hehehehehe >:3
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silver-wield · 7 months
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Review Chapter 4!
Okay, this collection of posts will be filled with spoilers, including clips and screenshots, so if you don't wanna see things, then don't look. Some of the things I'm gonna highlight will include references to Remake and other sources to link with the overarching plot. This is a straight path playthrough with no sidequests or extra content.
Now you know, let's go!
Chapter four is a meaty fucker. Once you discount all the waffle you can do with sidequests and other random things, chapters 1-3 aren't actually that long and involved story content wise. Chapter four is really the start of the bulky content. And I'm gonna summarise most of it because I'll be here all day otherwise.
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Okay, once we cross the plains and reach Under Junon, we're basically thrown into the fight with Bottomswell, although it's not called that anymore and icba to recall what its new name is.
The battle itself is pretty fun and makes full use of Tifa's flight capabilities if you know what you're doing.
The plot has been changed slightly. We don't rescue Priscilla, but instead it's Yuffie in trouble. Our buddy, Mr Dolphin, has his moment at the end with a combo and he comes back into play later when we climb the electrified tower, which I honestly thought wouldn't happen because it's pretty cringe originally, but they made it work so I can't complain.
Once we've dealt with Bottomswell and made it back to shore, we find the mayor giving Yuffie CPR. Now, I noticed Cloud scrutinising the procedure, so I'm suspicious about this coming back at some point in part three. There was originally a draft of Tifa giving Cloud CPR that didn't make it into the game, so it's possible they're planning on doing something with the idea.
Anyway, we save Yuffie and get a hilarious bit between her and Barret. I honestly love their dynamic. She's such a kid and he's got so little patience for older kids. I feel bad for future teenage Marlene 🤣
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After we agree to meet Yuffie, it's back to the inn for some convos and rest. This one with Barret amused me. Cloud knows he likes the limelight and plays along with it. This detail also comes into play later the GS when Cloud's defending Barret to Dio.
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On the way to his room, Cloud overheard a strange voice coming from Aerith's room. This is the first hint that Red isn't exactly what he seems to be. We also hear more about the whispers and what happened to them both. This is actually interesting. What exactly did Sephiroth need to steal from them?
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This chat with Tifa is non-optional, unlike the others, and delves deeper into their relationship and her suspicions about what he remembers. They have a heart to heart, but aren't quite on the same page, which leaves them both a bit downcast.
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Next morning, Yuffie intrudes to let the group know she's been hired to kill Rufus at his inauguration. She escapes and they're left to pursue her and hide in plain sight as troopers. But they also want to talk to Rufus about whether they're actually being hunted.
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But before all that, Cloud has to go hopping off the back of a dolphin to climb the tower. And yes, he looks smug when he's done because he's a lil shit 🤣
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Meanwhile, we get some snippets leading into part three's storyline in Wutai with EC's Glenn making an appearance. Rufus literally killed him, and going off what he spoke about, it's possible he's actually just Sephiroth in disguise and using Glenn to stoke war and gather more dead souls in the lifestream to corrupt it. But we won't know for sure until part three.
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After the failed assassination, Cloud splits up with the others and finds himself stuck with some of the platoon he was directing in the parade. You have to keep them alive to succeed at this part.
At the end of the gauntlet is a rematch with Roche. And after you kick his ass, he helps you get to the dock to board the ferry.
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Cloud reunites with his team and has picked up a few stragglers. And Yuffie. Who's in disguise as a robe. But that's for chapter 5.
A lot happens plot wise in this chapter, but most of it is set up for part three. Rufus mentions he's read Cloud's file, so that'll be interesting. There's also the plot with Glenn and stuff with Roche. And that's before we even get to Sephiroth.
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possible jojolands endings that i came up with
I’m going to come back to this as the series progress and see how much I got right and wrong, so let me know what you think. 
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Definitely not a leak or from Araki himself tee hee.
Scenario 1: Dario Brando Origin Story. 
Jodio becomes a universe hopper during his adventure, either related or unrelated to how he gets rich. Being wealthy starts boring him, now that everything he wanted can be given or done with a wad of cash, so he starts appearing in different points of history as well as timelines. He is mostly an observer, sometimes appearing as flashbacks or random civilians in other characters’ memories, and it goes well for the most part. Then, he travels to a familiar universe and lands in Victorian England. Somehow, whether due to his irresponsibility or outside of his control, he cannot return home. The wealth he had in his original timeline is no longer accessible and the now much older Jodio realizes he can’t get the life he felt he rightfully earned years ago. He takes on the identity of Dario Brando, returning back to his criminal ways before he would have a son he decides to name after his original name. His resentment at losing money and being stuck turns into abuse against Dio, and the story begins again. 
This one kind of came out of my ass and is more of a shit idea but it’s an interesting idea. 
Scenario 2: The Hero-turned-Villain’s Demise.
Basically, Jodio becomes the villain as a result of his pursuit of richest and as a means to appease and optimize the mechanisms so it continues to favor him. Maybe he was pushed to think less of his allies and more of his personal gains. The only reason why Jodio justifies his criminal actions is to protect his mother and sibling. Maybe they’re stopping him from being selfish about it. If they die, it may cause Jodio to feel like nothing can hold him back anymore. So we as the reader watch Jodio become a monster despite still showing Joestar traits, we grow to hate him, and then the series ends with us seeing Jodio dying on a pile of immense riches alone. Maybe his allies planned this attack, maybe Jodio didn’t want to part with the wealth he had acquired. But Jodio’s dead eyes staring at us readers possibly cheering that he ended suddenly asked if we were satisfied seeing him in such a state, satisfied that someone no different than us and who would have done what he did died horribly, satisfied villifying a person who simply wanted success. And he ends it with a “at least I got what I wanted: very rich.” And his first monologue starts to feel different from when we first read it. 
We’ve seen people think of Jodio having more Dio down to his own name and it’s plays more into how he’s very aware of it. In a way, it gives this concept of humans and their desire for power. Whether power is intentionally meant to be applied for good or for personal use, it analyzes quotes such as “money is the root of all evil” and “absolute power amplifies corruption” and whether humans are prone to become evil once given some form or promise of a source of power like wealth. 
Scenario 3: Made in Heaven 2: Electric Boogaloo.
Instead of a universe reset, an Araki version of the Book of Revelations occur. The series give reference to the visions shown to a man named “John”, which include some interpretation of the four horsemen, earthquakes possibly caused by volcanic erruptions that end up clouding the sky, plagues. The main antagonist sets this in motion in hopes of “purifying” the world and restarting it anew, possibly a cult leader taking advantage of people and gaining money as a result of it. The leader sees the concept of mechanisms unfair, exploitative, an old world order to be rid of for the greater good. Jodio might stop the cult leader from starting the apocalypse and steal the vast wealth left behind as a result of the power vacumn. Or the the death jumpstarts the apocalypse, so Jodio either must ensure it happens in a way that gives humanity the best survival or stops it alltogether via the wealth he now acquired. Becoming rich is now seen as less of an achievement and more of a burden, a necessity, to ensure the survival of humanity. 
This is probably the closest to being a reference to Stone Ocean and Golden Wind. This allows this concept of Jodio being someone who is pro-mechanism and a villain who is anti-mechanism and analyzes themes of free will, status quo, and institutions as an identity. Unlike Pucci, the villain is doing this on their own and prime example of someone wanting to do genuine good without realizing the real harm of it. It also allows Jodio to take on that Joestar trait of trying to pursue good. 
Let me know what you think of these potential endings. :)
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moonmothmama · 10 months
tagged by @amagurith
last song you listened to: A Salty Dog by Styx (cover of Procol Harum)
last movie you watched: i mean last night me and Brian binged the entirety of Blood of Zeus on netflix if that counts; otherwise i cannot recall. a Godzilla movie? Brian's been really into Godzilla lately
currently watching: we are very slowly getting through The Fall Of The House of Usher, because i cannot do more than one episode at a time and some days i can't do one. it's good so far but it's very gross. i have to look away sometimes bc it's gory
other things you’ve watched this year: lotta werewolf movies. Silver Bullet comes to mind, and i recently rewatched the remake of The Wolfman w/ Benicio Del Toro & Anthony Hopkins. Brian also started us on My Hero Academia one day a few months ago because he was curious and i didn't expect to care about it but i ended up loving Toshinori/All Might so much. also a lot of Star Wars tv shows. like a shitload. The Last Voyage of the Demeter which was amazing. Wellington Paranormal. Sandman Netflix (i wish there was more of Cain and Abel). that new Willow series (fuck disney for putting the kibosh on it). Good Omens. Some random film about a cruise ship being hijacked solely because Temuera Morrison was in it.
currently reading: a graphic novelization of the adventure zone podcast because i cannot finish a podcast if my life depends on it and Brian kept telling me i'd like it. it's cute af so far, about halfway through. it's a set of three books and i'm on the second. also uhh i just remembered now that i started a star wars novel and didn't finish it gotta pick that back up again soon. up next i'm dipping into the gorgon by tanith lee (collection of dark fantasy short stories).
currently listening to: recently went through another metal phase and so i was listening to a lot of The Hu, Megadeth, Metallica, Dio, Iron Maiden & Tenacious D, but now i'm swinging back around to the usual clusterfuck of genres including folk music (mostly but not exclusively english language), 60s folk revival & folk rock, oldies, motown, 60s girl groups, 1970s japanese folk music, (a lot of folk music ok!), a smattering of 80s pop, and specifically a lot of Warren Zevon and Roy Orbison/Traveling Wilburys
currently working on: an embroidery project as a gift for a friend
current obsession: the story i'm writing with a friend/our OCs; sumo wrestling; werewolves; all the various retellings of beauty and the beast
tagging: steal this shit and tag me!
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0lympian-c0uncil · 2 years
tysm for the ask!! I’ll get to it soon!! and you already know 😼: ❣️ athena and artemis
if nobody has already asked u
Whos the little spoon
Athena. Although she is the goddess of war and seems like the more likely to be the big spoon she actually loves been held makes her feel safe but only by Artemis and one other.
Who sings in the shower
Suprisingly Artemis. She does like to sing though not as much as her brother and nobody but Athena knows, but she only does it when the two aren’t showering together and she is alone in the house but there was a few times Athena got home a little earlier than Artemis expected. She has a beutiful singing voice.
Who plays pranks on the other
Artemis. That woman is like a more sane Hermes but only by a little.
Who is the one who listens to pop music
Nether really. Artemis only listens to it when shes with Dio and Hermes but rarely ever when shes not. Athena isn’t really a pop music person, that’s pretty obvious.
Who brings the other a random cup of joe
Artemis. Athena is extremly tired in the morning from her countless nights of over working herself, but more often then not it is actually decaf, Artemis can’t stand Athena over working herself so she will switch her reguler coffee to decaf, Athena is so tired she doesn’t know the diffrence. 
Who picks the cheesy movies for date night
Athena picks the movies but it is mostly just so the two can cuddle, make fun of the movies and make out more often than not.
Who is more likely to feed the other in public
Athena. Artemis struggles with remembering (or wanting to) eat so to get her to, she will ask Artemis to taste her food, then Artemis will realize her hunger and order twice as much as Athena, but will still taste her food
Who gives the other random little compliments
Athena. She loves to pass Artemis and say quiet complamints that only she can hear, or when the two are cuddling in bed together Athena will whisper loving complamits in Artemis’ ear.
Who is always stealing food from the others plate
Artemis. Athena has great food taste so any chance she gets to take it she will.
Who is more likely to let the other borrow their car
Neither. Artemis doesn’t have a car… or her lisence. Also Athena don’t trust anyone with her baby (the car). 
Who makes the list before they go grocery shopping
Athena. Artemis hates lists and insists she can do it without one. She ended up calling Athena over 60 times cause she didn’t know what they needed and kept saying “I remember the rest”, hanging up, thinking for a few mins and then calling her back.
Who makes sure the other takes their meds when sick
Artemis. Athena inssists she’s not sick and won’t take the meds to help her get better. So much so that when she got pneumonia she tried to keep working for 8 hours but passed out, Artemis had to put her to bed. Artemis remembers to take them for herself.
Who watches sports and has to teach the other the rules 
Neither. The only sports they watch are the ones in the varuis Olympics, but Athena knows everything about sports even if she doesn’t watch them(she does random research on random shit when shes bored).
Who pulls the other to their feet for a dance in the living room
Athena. Suprisingly she loves to dance. Apollo knows this and will come and teach her new dances to do for and with Artemis. Always succeding in making her blush, but it is like once every two weeks. 
Who has to keep reminding the other to hurry or they’ll be late
Athena. She’ll tell Artemis and Arte will be like “I’m almost ready” while laying naked in bed or laying on the couch in pajmas or shorts in a bra, while watching TV or doing random shit on her phone, for 30 mins.
Who is the one most likely to get a tattoo with the other’s name
Neither or both. They don’t have tattoos or each other’s names but they do have a scene of the other’s sacred animal tattooed on their wrists. <3
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scaramoucheismid · 2 years
In defense of Joshu Higashikata:
Joshu may have been selfish at times or even perverted but everytime he potrayed as such he has a reason and that's what most fans ignore.
Another reason people decide to hate on Joshu is because of his looks, which is just straight up pretty-privilege because characters like DIO, Cioccolata, and Funny Valentine have done much worse things such as murder, torture, sexual assault, animal cruelty, and pedophilia are excused of these things just because their "hot" to me it's absolute bullshit.
What people don't realise about Joshu and Yasuho's relationship is that their childhood friends even if yasuho blocked Joshu their still friend. Regarding joshus one-sided crush on Yasuho, Joshu truly cares for Yasuho and tries to protect her no matter what even if he is a bit posesive of her.
Next I'll be addressing certain "problematic" manga panels
Let's start of with this one:
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This is when he first meets Josuke and from his point of view it appears that Josuke is assaulting Yasuho, so his first instinct is to save her from him, I know even after Yasuho tries to stop him he continues but women tend to be more forgiving and empathetic so once again from Joshus pov it appears that Yasuho is sympathising for her assulter which is common in women's rape cases.
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Now in this panel,Joshu is known to dislike change (Josuke moving in,Hatos new boyfriend,etc) so all of a sudden this random guy comes to live with him and his family,plus he takes his spot in the photo and his bedroom that's so unfair, they just met Josuke and they don't even know if they can trust him yet.
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Once again, Josuke was an absolute stranger who had just moved into his house and it appeared to Joshu that he was stealing, Joshu had no reason to trust Josuke's word so him slapping Josuke is completely justified
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In this panel Yasuho is under a stand attack were every one looks the same and when she meets with Joshu she assumes he's Josuke (when she calls Josuke's name Joshu hears Joshu Suki which would mean "I love you Joshu")and Yasuho says something that sounds very lewd out of context so Joshu assumes she wants sex,so he takes of his pants and under wear and she realizes it's not Josuke (cuz Josuke has four balls) so she hits him and runs off
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Some people may see this as Joshu being perverted again but what it really is is Joshu trying to protect his family. To explain,Kaato (Joshu's mother) had just came back to them unexpectedly after being in jail for 15 years for child murder so obviously she could be dangerous,before this panel she had came close to Daiya (Joshus little sister) and so Joshu steps up to protect her by saying something perverted to scare Kaato off. He was just trying to protect his little sister not assault his mother.
And now let's talk about how Joshu's family treats him, it is shown many times Joshu is the least favorite, he constantly shitted on for everything even when he's just enjoying himself. The way his family treated him just became worse when Josuke arrived because they treated him the way he wished to be treated so this caused jealousy and anger to fester.
Now I'll be giving some positive things about him:
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In this scene he feels absolutely horrible because he cauldnt protect his family which shows that even after the way they've treated him he still cares.
It is shown multiple times how much Joshu cares about his family enough to even put his life at risk for them.
At the end of jojolion it is shown that Joshu now considers Josuke family and deeply cares about him this is a major character development considering the immense hate he felt for Josuke in the beginning of jojolion
Another thing I wanna bring up before ending this is that Yasuho was not only his childhood friend but his childhood love, he wouldn't do anything to harm her,and Yasuho doesn't hate him, she loves him just not in the way he loves her.
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And in this panel the reason hes so mad at her is because she just STOLE HIS FUCKING ARM AND DIDNT GIVE IT BACK LIKE WTF!?!?! I WOULD BE SO PISSED IF THAT HAPPENED TO ME. But still even after that happens and Joshu is left physically handicapped (forever) he still forgive Yasuho and continues being her friend.
In conclusion, Joshu Higashikata doesn't deserve all the hate he gets
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thecl0wnfather · 3 years
Hrmm, Late Night Tokyo Rev HC shitpost
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(This an unironic(?) shitpost, ion know what m' doin'... Should I say more, or less...?) /START 1AM GMT+2
* (1/2) Baji and Chifuyu both own a copy of Nintendogs and frequently Pictochat each other even though they live in the same building
* (2/2) Chifuyu owns the Shiba Inu version and named his Shiba Takemitchy </3
* Mitsuya is up-to-date on all of Sailor Moon and Pretty Cure for his sisters + He remembers the all of transformations
* Mikey would 100% fist fight some poor dude in a Doraemon suit
* Even though Tenjiku's Heavenly Kings (Excluding Kaku) and leader are 18+, none of them know how to drive a car
* Koko is always the banker in Monopoly, everyone knows he'll ruin the game if he isn't (Money stealing fuck)
* Mikey refuses to share his knowledge from Shinichiro's old Nintendo Power magazines
* Smiley and Angry keep doing that annoying asf 'Which twin is which' game, and nobody is amused
* Hakkai once got blue dye all over his face and couldn't wear turtlenecks for a week without being mistaken for one of the Blue Men
* Takemichi totally believes the all of the bathroom spirit legends and refuses to use public/school restrooms
* (1/2) Hanma buys shirts with English on them and they say shit like 'I Love Jerking' in bold asf letters
* (2/2) Kisaki can read English, seethes at Hanma's shirts 24/7
* Ran will purposefully grab Rindou's glasses with his fingers on the lens, even takes off his gloves to do so (bastard)
* Sanzu scares random people on the street at night pretending to be the Kuchisake-onna
* (1/2) Draken secretly owns multiple name-brand clothing given to him by the ladies at the brothel
* (2/2) The only person who knows is Mitsuya, so he gives them to him if he doesn't like it
* Peh-yan makes kids cry on train rides from his stare... Pah-chin has to console him, but they just end up screaming at each other and get escorted off
* Kazutora can perfectly replicate Dio's 'WRYYYY' and can lean back enough that everyone is convinced he's possessed
* Yuzuha works out, and even convinced Hina and Emma to do it with her
* Hina = "Excuse me! He ask for no pickles." and she's the one who leads Takemichi through the haunted houses <3
* Yamagishi and Makoto probably broke someone's window with a dildo, and it was probably Akkun's...
* Takuya and Akkun have a beauty routine with Hina and Emma, they're all so pretty (It's so unfair, wtf)
* Rindou 100% had a dinosaur phase and refuses to elaborate (Meanwhile Ran is dumping this shit onto Koko while pissing himself)
* Inui gained a weird crow-like habit of picking up anything shiny and showing it to whoever he's hanging out with, courtesy of Koko
* (1/2) Because of Hina's short obsession with detectives, she probably got Naoto obsessed with them too
* (2/2) They would watch detective shows together and Naoto guesses the culprit correctly every time, it's not even fun to watch with him
* Mikey totally abuses Draken's adult appearance, so the boys made him a fake ID just so they could go to DisneyLand or some shit
* Shion barks at people-- Kaku gets second-hand embarrassment every single time... (Mad Dog? More like Mad Toddler, sit yo ass down, boy)
* Emma will sometimes accidentally start using Gyaru slang, and the only people who understand are Draken and Yuzuha
* Baji's gachapon skills are terrifyingly good, and he somehow always gets the one he wants...
= /END 5AM GMT+2
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with Angel Reyes.
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summary: just Angel needing a break.
warnings: nsfw, smut, daddy!kink.
word count: about 1.3k.
gif credits: @angels-reyes.
general masterlist.
random scenes masterlist.
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Watching Angel strongly licking his bottom lip with both eyes closed is like an addiction for you. After some minutes in the same position, under the pleasure you are giving him delighted, the firsts pearls of sweat appear on his temples. Angel is lying on his back, as you are on one of your sides with your right arm wrapping his neck and your fingers tightly embracing his throat. Your other hand is pumping his hard cock, spreading the precum from his tip to all his length with your thumb.
It has been a long week for him between club business and short runs. So when he tucked himself in your shared bed, in the middle of the night, you couldn't help but give him a break from his other world.
At first, the pace of your moves were slow, taking your time to taste his tongue impregnated in beer, while you caressed his tense abdomen with your nails, dragging your palm all over his skin and pawing his chest. There's nothing else in life you like the most that touch him and murmurs to Angel how much you love him and his thick fat cock.
But now, you're wrist proffers a fast dance jerking him off, hearing how his vocals become louder. Gluing his dark brown eyes on yours feeling his breathing become erratic, Angel puts his left hand over your right to press it against his throat a little more.
“C'mon, mi dulce… Make me cum”. He growls almost touching your lips, before licking them and submerged you into a lustful kiss.
His tongue presses yours, devouring your mouth like the most delicious thing he has ever tasted before, without counting your pussy. His free hand goes straight to his balls, squeezing them mightily when the tickles on his lower belly becomes constant. Just a reminder of how close he is.
“You like it, daddy?” You whisper with a honeyed voice, enchanting your ears hearing a loud moan as response. “I do it like you like?”
“Fuck, yes, baby girl…” He almost sobs, keeping your gaze with him at all moments. “Dios santo… You do it so fucking good… Shit…”
Angel is stirring under your grip, seeing him biting his bottom lip with his incisors for some seconds. He always does it when he listens to your words, worrying about if you are really pleasing him. You try then to go faster, feeling the heat under your grip increasing uncontrollably until stealing Angel's breath.
The guttural growl echoes in your room, arching a little his back and tensing his jaw because of the orgasm hitting him so hard that his legs are shaking. The warm ropes fall onto your hand and onto his rigid abdomen, watching him with parted lips trying to bring some air to his lungs. Angel looks so fucking sexy tightening the grip around his throat, while his other fingers get tangled in the sheets until his knuckles becomes white.
After some seconds pumping his pleased thick cock, until emptying himself, you loosen the grasp of your hands. Giving him a minute to recompose, kissing and biting his neck, you start to draw an invisible path of kisses down to his collarbone. Angel has put one of his huge ringed hands over your head, caressing your hair, as you continue traveling his chest until catching one of his nipples with your lips. Sucking it slightly, stealing him a delighted gasp, your mouth toures his abdomen to the south of his pelvis.
“That's it, baby girl… Clean the mess you did on daddy…” He mumbles with a soft sleepy voice, fighting against his tiredness just because he wants to feel your warm breath sucking his out.
Licking his spreaded seed on his skin, under his attentive look, you roam every marked vein on his pelvis. So fucking delicious. So fucking obsessed for it. Intertwining his long fingers in your hair, Angel pushes you down until your lips meet his reddened head. Without using your hand more to tangle them behind your back, being gripped by his free one, you don't hesitate in opening your mouth to welcome Angel's hot dick. Your tongue licks it from the base to the tip, tightening his sensible skin with your lips, strongly closed around his cock.
His moans appear again, forcing your head to go deeper to make you choke on his hardness. Pressing his glans against your throat he waits impatiently to the gag that makes his whole anatomy vibrate.
“Fuuuuuck me, mi dulce. You take my like a… fucking champion… Shit, hold'et. Hold'et th—Holy fucking shit!”
A second gag provokes him some strong chills running up his spin, curling his tiptoes as he arches his back to go deeper in your mouth. Your nose meets his pelvis, until you need a break. Pulling himself out of your mouth, being connected by a rope of saliva from your lips to his tip, you can see Angel at the edge of collapsing. Your eyes are filled with some tears because of the effort, but he knows how much you are enjoying it by the way your tongue licks your bottom lip.
“Dirty girl… Fucking anxious bitch, you don't have enough… by making me cum once, ah? You want daddy to cum in your mouth? You want daddy to cream that throat down?” You just nod in silence. “Of course you fucking want it… you're a fucking bitch so fucking needy for your daddy's cock all the time”.
Angel is not going to last long, and he knows it. But he's going to give you what you want. Placing both hands on your head, he forces you again to open your mouth and slam his cock into it. His grip on you marks the rhythm: rough, deep, fast. His tip crashes the limits of your throat with every savage thrust against your face, until he holds it as much deep as he can. The pleasurable howl floods the room, pressing your head down to his pelvis, spilling his heat inside your mouth as you clench your thighs feeling your swollen clit throbbing.
When Angel looses the grip on your head, you pull out his cock to show him your mouth and his cum in. Then, you swallow for the delectation of his eyes. Pushing you on top of him, breathless, he kisses you desperately to taste himself after fucking your mouth. His right hand smacks your ass before nailing his fingers in your skin, tucking his tongue into your cavity to find yours and dominate it too.
You can't help but moan loudly against his lips, when he bites strongly your bottom one, scratching his chest with your nails and leaving some red marks over it.
Letting you fall by his side, Angel uses one of the sheets to clean himself, so he can hold you between his fit and tattooed arms.
“What would I do without you?” He whispers, touching your nose with the tip of his, keeping his eyes closed.
One of his hands is stroking your jaw softly, after the storm of pleasure you have put him in. Angel is grateful for having you in his life; not only because of moments like those, but because you support him on anything unconditionally.
“Te amo… Eres mi vida”. He says about falling asleep, hiding his face into the gap between your neck and your shoulder.
“I love you too, mi angelito. Descansa, ¿sí? I take care of you”. You reply with a soft tone of voice, scratching his scalp to help him to sleep.
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Part 2 to the scenarios
(Some might be from audios or videos or some might be ones I just thought of)
Youtarou to a ghost: if you are going to kill me turn the right one off
Ghost: *turns off the right light*
Youtarou: ok
Gear: not on my fucking watch
Lily: that's why if I found a body I don't think I would call it in
Kuro: you wouldn't call it in?
Lily: I would call it in anonymously
Licht: ???
Youtarou: hey there demons it's me ya boi
Gear: ....
Lily doing that one trend with the 💅✨ audio with the rest of the Servamps:
Kuro: *does 💅*
Hugh: *does 💅*
JeJe: *does 💅*
Freya: *does 💅*
Hyde: *does 💅*
Ildio: *does 💅*
Tsubaki: *does 💅*
Lily who did it as well: why am I not surprised?
Kuro to Gear: hate me all you want....
Kuro:....but you can't unfaten this ass
Gear:...I will literally break your arm
Ildio going down a water slide: AY DIOS MIO!
Freya: ... That's my brother
Tsurugi and Yumikage: *laughing*
Freya: loud as hell...
Kuro: bueno you didn't hear this from me...but some little birdie told me....Hyde had sex with Licht
Lily: no me diga
(RANDOM HC: KURO AND LILY TELL EACH OTHER DRAMA THAT GOES ON WHEN THE OTHER ISN'T THERE TO SEE IT they have like coffee or tea and just talk about it)
Yumikage to C3 workers: fuck you, fuck you, fuck you,
Yumikag: *points to Tsurugi and Junichiro* you cool
Yumikage: fuck you I'm out
Kuro: falling in love? Cringe
Also Kuro: *lovingly staring at Mahiru*
Mahiru: you're gay? It's fine if you're gay Sakuya-
Nicco: hey you could pour soup on my lap and I'll probably apologize to you
Kuro: I'll keep all of my emotions right here.. And one day I'll die
Ildio talking to Hyde: and I said no y'know like a liar
Lily with his feelings: we don't have time to unpack ALL of that!
Sakuya: because we're the melancholy team~ and life is a fucking nightmareeee~
Kuro: do you wanna know why my eyelids looked darker?
Hyde: why
Kuro: I was rubbing off makeup
Hyde: why are you telling me this?
Kuro: because no one will believe you
Hyde: you sick son of a bitch-
Ildio: I'm hungry and angry all the time
Tsurugi to Shuuhei: just cause you're accurate doesn't mean you're interesting
Kuro: I will pepper in the fact I'm gay
Tsubaki: no one cared about what I thought
Mahiru: Kuro every room you're in is a panic room
Youtarou to Gear: we better stock up on some knowledge here or otherwise we're going to get murdered by ghost
Kuro to Mahiru after Gear punched Kuro again: friends murder each other all the time
Hyde: I did meet some of the most insufferable people but they also met me
Youtarou to Gear: Why do you always have to insult the ghost of the place we're at?
Hyde: hey look steal from the rich do it
Ildio: I've connected the 2 dots
Cappuccino: you didn't connect shit
Ildio: I've connected them
Nicco: this is the worst this is the worst
Kuro: It costs $400 to see a therapist but it's free to just tell yourself "It be like that sometimes."
Lily at a spider while hiding behind misono: DON'T TRY IT DEMON
Cappuccino: please turn the light off for us spirits
Nicco: don't you fucking do it
Cappuccino: turn it the way off thank you
Nicco: oh my god
Ghost: *trying to turn it off*
Cappuccino: try
Ghost: *turns it off*
Nicco: oh my god we should have never talked to it dude
That's all I got I might do a part 3!
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magnolia-penn · 4 years
Jojo's Part 1 Characters as things I've said or thought
Idk man, I thought it'd be funny.
Jonathan Joestar
*to a cat* M'lady, Darling, Sunshine? I hate to bother you. If you don't mind, could you please not chew my hair?
*To myself, In my fencing class* That's what you consider a parry? Well good job for a beginner. I hope you get better, I wish to one day spar with you.
Dio Brando
*To a friend* Come on you walking fashion disaster, don't want to miss the bus.
*me at least three times a day* You are truly seven levels of stupid.
Robert E.O. Speedwagon
*gets handed a glass of wine unprompted* I would die for you.
*to another friend* Yeah, I love him, but I think the roundabout way is what works best here. *then spends the next semester helping him pass his classes before he moved, then ghosted him*
Erina Pendleton
*to the first friend* I don't want more kids, I want to simply steal my friends kids and raise them to be passive aggressive little shits and then give them back.
Off the record, I don't actually have kids, but I call my little siblings my kids
I am a Lady! *punches some creeper at a party*
George Joestar
I have great taste in art. *closes brower to an anime background* I cAN EXPLAIN.
I like adopting random children, it makes me feel powerful.
Baron Zeppeli
*currently wine drunk* You can't be drunk if its wine!
I look cute, I have a bomb ass hat, and I'm ready to kick some ass.
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What if the fleshbud was, like, advanced kinning
(see link for the birth of this really dumb idea)
There is a criminally small amount of info on what fleshbuds Actually Do in canon, and I'm frankly quite sick of it. So, fuck you Araki! I'm creating my own terrible crack fleshbud lore based on one (1) manga panel and there is nothing anyone can do to stop me.
...I also don't currently have internet access on my PC, so fuck my followers too! I can't add a readmore to this post until I find a new wi-fi receiver that actually fucking works. I apologise on behalf of the tumblr devs for their dysfunctional mobile app. : D
So, this is a capture from the Stardust Crusaders manga, where Shadow DIO seems to be admiring his own shoddy Kakyoin cosplay in the mirror:
Tumblr media
Truly the height of fashion.
I don't know where in the manga this comes from, and I don't really care to know - I am a crack connoisseur and, depending on my mood at any given moment, I Will make canon my bitch - however, we will make the assumption that this image dates to a point in time after DIO took Kakyoin under his control, but before he is sent to assassinate Jotaro, subsequently leading to the removal of his fleshbud by Star Platinum.
As we all know, fleshbuds created from DIO's cells take control of their victims' minds to some extent, ensuring their loyalty to and willingness to work for their beloved vampire overlord DIO-sama~. It doesn't seem to make any fundamental changes to the personality, maybe dulling their emotions a little and inhibiting their ability to ask questions like "should I really be travelling halfway across the world as a seventeen-year-old schoolboy to kill this random guy I've never heard of before?"
But like, what if "dulling their emotions" really means that DIO is inadvertently stealing them for himself?
I realise how fucking stupid this sounds, but also shuddup rational brain you don't belong in a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure crack dissertation
(ahem) But it makes me giggle to think about DIO just standing in front of a mirror in the dead of night, all brooding and depressed like, styling his hair to look like this random Japanese guy he picked up off the street and probably rawed half to death an hour beforehand because he accidently stole like a third of his personality
I also enjoy the idea of him budding Polnareff and then panicking because he thinks the assimilation of Polnareff's strong moral compass into his own is Jonathan's soul trying to possess him and steal back his body or some shit
i kinda lost my gusto in the middle of writing this because i don't words very well. sorry about that. please feel free to reblog and add your own input to this shitty idea
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multiplesmutthings · 5 years
So did fem giorno ever expect when she was running the airport scam to encounter a random stand user and have both her and gold experience get fucked (the stand user isn't Koichi just a random dude)
(Gonna say Fem Giorno is Giorna. Simple)
Giorna didn’t expect this encounter at all. She expected an easy get away through her car after getting the guys bag in. Then suddenly her car was surrounded by men with Green stripes going down their body’s and on their eyes were Leaf like patterns along with most of its body being blue. The guy in question had one rip he door off and pulled her out by the scruff of her jacket. “So you think you can just steal my luggage and get away like that?” He said as Giorna was trying to think of a way to get out, his built was normal not to bulky or too skinny and he was easily a head taller than her.
“Nnngh.. what’s with those other guys?” She said keeping her cool as she summoned her golden experience. “Golden Experience!” She yelled and just as her stand, female in figure with small breats was about to punch the car one of the figures grabbed her arm and the other did the same using their numbers to hold her stand still. “Shit.” She said as the man holding her got an idea.
“Hmmm you and your Stand look pretty sexy. Rare for some stand users. So why don’t you just repay me and you can go.” He said as they held Golden Experience and then before she knew it her eyes went wide as something slipped into her pussy. She looked down and notice nothing was going in and she was being walked somewhere and looked back. As she noticed the blue and green stand thrusting into her stands class’s fucking the stands pussy as she groaned each time. Then soon she was moved to an Alley way where the man pushed her down and his stand tore her clothes off. Quickly before she could retaliate his stand duplicated and held her before one if the blue and green stripped cocks pushed into her mouth. She gagged on the long thick member as the user soon had the others spitroats Golden Experience. The yellow stand letting out moans and groans herself as Giorna felt double the trusting power due to her stand being fucked as well.
The user went behind Giorna and looked at her shapely ass before smacking it and then lined his cock up with her tighter hole and before she could do anything he forced it into her ass making the daughter of DIO groan out on the cock as her Golden Experience also felt such pain mixed with pleasure. Soon enough both stand and User were being gangbanged as 5 stands including their user fucked every hole they had to offer. Once they came they did cum a lot. Giorna not only felt a creampie inside her once the stand fucking her tight Pussy came, but Golden Experience had been creampied herself making her feel Like she was double stuff in every hole. “Behold the power of my stand! Twofold!” He yelled as both Giorna and her stand were filled to the brim by the user and his stands cum.
Once they were dropped the blonde gasped and panted as she coughed out some cum, her stand taking it as she laid limply beside her with cum oozing from her stretched out holes. “Let this be a warning girlie, next time you want to steal from someone, make sure they’re not stronger.” He said as he left the tried duo naked as cum dipped down their asses and thighs.
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abri-chan · 6 years
It’s naive to see La Squadra as bad (a comparison between them and Buccellati’s Gang)
Buccellati’s Gang is also killing people. We assume they are good guys, because we see the story from their perspective. And in previous parts, the main characters have been the “good guys”. I think the twist is nice in Vento Aureo, because you start thinking La Squadra are the antagonists. Then you realize they were just another gang caught in the mess Diavolo made, because of his ambition.
The other twist is that there are no good guys in Vento, in the traditional Shonen sense. They are all grey characters, and sociopaths. Giorno starts as this kind guy (he’s a JoJo at heart, said Koichi), who steals here and there to survive. Which is understandable. But then he murders Polpo, and shows no change in personality. You’d think a “normal” kid would at least feel weird afterwards. Then you realize Giorno is just as much a Dio, as he is a Jonathan (he’s just good at hiding his duality). He’s so obsessed with his goal (compare to Dio’s obsession with Jonathan), he only cares about the next step in his plan, even while dying (Giorno has almost died so many times). Bruno is the light and hope of all the lost kids (and adults: Abbacchio). He’s also someone that tortured a 15 year-old, by making him vomit disembodied body parts. Narancia went from zero to level 100 yandere, willing to burn down the entire city. And so on.
At some point, it will become impossible to justify these characters as good people (in the traditional Shonen sense always). Which is why I love Vento, compared to previous parts. The characters are more complex. Being a sociopath, doesn’t mean they are all evil. We think so, because so far we’ve seen only Dio (both a sociopath and psychopath). Most of the Vento characters are sociopaths, because otherwise they would not survive. The life they were thrown into (even before becoming assassins, or joining a gang), caused them to become sociopaths in order to cope. Buccellati’s Gang is La Squadra few years down the line. I think both teams do care about their members. You can say La Squadra involves innocent people. But didn’t Bruno do that too, when pushed? When fighting Giorno, he hid himself in some random guy’s body. It just means La Squadra has been through a lot of shit, and to survive, they learned you have to sacrifice bystanders, sometimes. It says a lot that so few people from Buccellati’s Gang survive. You either cross the moral line, or you die.
I disliked Prosciutto so much, for being a dick to Pesci since the first moment he appeared. But remember how he was the only one commenting on the woman getting caught in the car mess (Formaggio should have been more careful)? I think he sacrificed everyone on the train, because he had his back against the wall. The boss knows La Squadra defaulted. Trish is their only hope. Half of the team is dead. Scratch that, it’s not a team to him. It’s his family. Some fans act as if they would not do crazy shit for the people they love. Assuming he’s evil, because he doesn’t show remorse (or emotional struggle) over his actions, is naive. La Squadra has been in business for a long time. They’ve learned to turn off their emotional side during their job. Think about doctors/nurses or the police, and how death is normal to them. They have to approach work with less emotion, or else they will lose their minds. A normal person won’t react to death like a doctor, or a policeman would. For all we know, any La Squadra member could be tossing and turning in his sleep, because of the murders they have done. Or they turn off emotions (to some extent), and become sociopaths. Sociopath doesn’t necessarily mean a bad thing; it just means the person deviates in some ways from what’s expected from the average person. It doesn’t mean they are evil, or dangerous. Even though, in Vento’s case, all characters are dangerous.
Also Pesci’s and Prosciutto’s connection is so endearing. I love them together (one of the best brother dynamics in JoJo so far). It made me feel bad for Prosciutto. And I didn’t think I would feel bad; I was joking I will toast with milk when he dies. Prosciutto is a dick, and suffers from the need to show others he’s alpha. So the only way he knows how to show his brotherly love to Pesci, is by beating the alpha into him. Yet, as he was dying, he tried to help Pesci. Remember who else hangs on to life to help another character? Every JoJo best friend ever. The “good guys”. La Squadra has main character material. If in different circumstances. That doesn’t mean they are good people. They have redeeming qualities, and some fucked up traits. And they do fucked up shit. But Buccellati’s Gang is no different. It’s just that we are seeing them in an earlier point of their mafia “career”.
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sorayahigashikata · 5 years
Chapter 90: "LIKE A COCKROACH."
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autumn-elwood · 8 years
East Valley
Warning: Adult language. Also on: Blogger
When one goes to a mall it is natural to assume it is for the expressed purpose of shopping or at the very least, browsing. This was not however the purpose or reason for the patrons of the East Valley Mall. At one time it could have been considered the jewel of the east side but now it was like a vacant church, almost silent and bare of the spirits that made it what it was. Alive.
    In its glory days the mall bustled full of activity. It had been home to three big retailers, a movie theater and had plans for expansion in the works. But then one of the retailer transferred to the Hill plaza, the other closed all locations nationwide and the last sold its lot to a less popular name brand store. Wooden boards were soon nailed to the glass doors of the two vacuous properties.    Many of the smaller businesses and kiosks suffered as a result of the loss of the three big retailers. Most of them were forced to shut down. The food court quickly followed its example until all that remained was an ice cream shop, a hot dog stand and a nut kiosk. For years, the theater was closed until it was revived from its desolation as a discount cinema.    The major remaining outlets were a jewelry store, a video game store, a dress boutique and a few phone accessory shops and some specialty schools. There was also two party venues and a Christian bookstore for a time but like many of the other stores they too, closed.    Then one summer an arcade opened its doors advertising prices at one tenth of the actual price. A clever ploy to bring in business that worked for a while until the hype of a new store wined. At this point in the narrative you might wonder why the hell such a sad pathetic place remained open. There were plans of course, plans to remodel the shopping center into the mainstream glory of the Hill Plaza. And now we have arrived at why a small amount of patrons still loitered the halls of the East Valley, well at least one Augustina Rubio. Augustina did not particularly like these plans or at least what they would bring. Crowds. Augustina enjoyed the mall in its present condition. It was quiet. She did not want that to change. Of course she understood the mall needed those crowds to stay open but she couldn’t help how she felt. The Hill Plaza was a roaring volcano. The East Valley was a dull murmur. At the Hill Plaza you had to scream to be heard. At the East Valley your voice would echo through the barren halls. You could hear the steps of the shoppers against the square tile: the whiz’s and wuz’s of the arcade, the pop music from the radio of the ice cream parlor, and the sound of a lone violin and its out of tune melodies. Augustina played that violin. Augustina was a shy player but in the East Valley she could pick any unpopulated corner of the mall to play out to her heart’s content. If the East Valley became a popular hot spot again, she wouldn’t be able to continue. Someone could see her or heaven forbid, stop and form a crowd. A dangerous thing indeed. Augustina was already not the best player but with a crowd watching her play. Only her. She would die. And it’s not like she would be allowed to play anyway. The building manger barely gave her permission to play the mall in an empty abandoned corner. In a populated mall where crowds could hear her crappy playing. No way he’d let that slide. It was the beginning of the summer holidays now and only a few weeks away from the mall closing for remodels so Augustina had set aside every day until closing to come enjoy the mall while it lasted. She was not the only one with this plan it seemed as the theater over flowed with people trying to take advantage of the discount theater before it was revamped for the modern movie goer experience with regular prices. Augustina shuddered. They were going to put in soft leather reclining chairs. She despised those chairs. She liked to sit in a chair that didn’t move or try to swallow her ass while she was watching a movie. She glanced at the jewelry store and sighed. The jewelry store was empty of decorations and had packed up stock a month ago. They didn’t have to worry about bringing in a last big sell because they were a part of a big successful company. All the employees had been transferred to the stores other branches across the town. Just last week Augustina Had seen Ms. Lizeth working at the Hill plaza when her mother had dragged her to the beauty salon across from the store. The dress boutique on the other hand remained open and was holding a large blowout sale on all of their dresses. They did not have the privilege of a large corporation to back them up. Today Augustina was not playing in some abandoned stretch of the mall. Today Augustina was simply sitting at one of the sticky metal tables in the food court slowly sipping a small lemonade from the hot dog stand. It did not taste like lemonade but it helped her cool down from the blistering heat that still clung to her even after twenty minutes in the mall’s air conditioning. She blinked realizing her drink had run out. Augustina sighed, pushed her disposable cup away and looked up at the nut kiosk. Her brother, Vicente, was still happily bouncing and pointing out his selections to the cashier. She frowned. How much money did he bring? Could he even afford that many nuts? The cahier apparently was having similar thoughts because in a sharp tone he asked, “Kid, do you even have enough money for all these nuts?” “Of course,” Vicente said in a mock offended tone. Oh that little shit. He had been trying to infuriate the man on purpose. He didn’t even really like nuts that much. “How much?” “Seventy-eight dollars and fifty cents,” the man smirked. He doesn’t have that much, Augustina groaned. He only had about thirty. Vicente just smirked back and with drawled the money from his pocket. WHAT?! Augustina’s eyes widened and she smacked her hands over her pockets. Phone check. Wallet, no. “Drop that cash you little fucker. That’s mine!” Augustina yelled, abandoning her empty cup to tackle her shit stain of a brother to the ground. A few people spared them a glance before hurrying into the theater. If this had been the Hill Plaza security would have been called, but this was East Valley. The cashier burst into hysterical laughter. “You stole your girlfriend’s wallet,” he cackled. “And you expected to live.” “She’s my little sister!” “I’m older than you by five minutes,” she yelled, smacking Vicente over the head with her wallet. The cashier rubbed the back of his head and chuckled. “Twins, huh? Sorry. It’s not everyday you see a pretty girl jump an unfamiliar boy to get her wallet back. Last time it happened it was a couple,” he winked at her flirtatiously. Augustina blushed. Turns out man behind the counter was boy behind the counter. Up close she realized it was a boy she had seen in the halls on the way to Calc. “Sorry for wasting all that time. If you put more than half of it back he’ll be able to afford it with his own money,” she apologized, glaring at her twin. “It’s fine. I thought he was pretty funny. We usually don’t get such excitable customers who would steal to buy our product.” Augustina laughed even though she knew he was lying. He had looked pretty miffed before. She stole a quick glance at her vacated sit to make sure no one snagged it. Nope, still empty bare her trash; the single aforementioned lemonade cup. “Hey Augustina, I’m sorry I stole your wallet. I just wanted to get some nuts for the house.” “You don’t have any money, do you?” “I have money! I just didn’t have enough.” “We don’t need all these nuts. Are you trying to stock up for winter?” “No!’ The boy at the counter coughed to hide his laugh. She glanced at his name tag. “Sean.” She blinked. His name was Sean? She wasn’t exactly expecting it. Not that there was anything wrong with Sean but Sean. Really? “What’s so funny Sean?” “Wait, what? How did you---? Oh right, name tag. I’m an idiot.” “Not according to your name tag.” “Yeah. According to your name tag your nuts,” Vicente interpreted in a mock whisper. Oh she would hill him if she could. It was funny but she would kill him. Sean bit his lip. “Your new total comes up to twenty-eight dollars and seventy-five cents.” Vicente grabbed the nuts and Augustina began to return to the table but she suddenly stopped. And then without even as much as a backwards glance she casually said, “I’ll see you in the math department.” Augustina then went to sit down with her chipmunk of a brother. “That sounded so creepy. Like you just out of nowhere implied you watch him.” “Did not. I implied we went to the same school and had classes at the same time in the math wing.” “And you knew his name and where you‘ve seen him and you’ve never approached him.” “Name tag, I have eyeballs and whatever.” Vicente glanced up at the skylight. “You sounded like a stalker.” “I am a stalker. Just not of him.” “You say that like it’s an accomplishment.” “There is nothing wrong with knowing my best friend’s schedule.” Vicente snorted and attempted to cover his mouth. “Yeah, and I’m sure Jake would think there’s nothing wrong with you knowing the average times and how long it takes for him to take a shit.” “Vicente that’s ridiculous. Jake is too random with his restroom times to form a proper data set to determine an average,” “¡Ay dios mios! You tried didn’t you?” Augustina flushed crimson. “No!” “Jesus, Augustina. You have surpassed all previous levels of weird.” “Shut up! At least I don’t stalk people's social media accounts.” Vicente blushed and laughed nervously. “ Touché, sister. Touché.” Augustina gave him a smug look. Haha, you little fucker. Not as funny when the other shoe drops, is it? “So...um, why did we come here again?” “This mall will be closing in a few weeks and won’t be open again until next year, moron.” “Oooh. You called me a moron. I’m telling madre,” Vicente crooned. “Shut up. You’re seventeen, Vicente, not four.” He smirked at her. Stupid shit stain brother. “Isn’t the saying usually five.” Augustina looked at him condescendingly. “ Your behavior would be an insult to any self-respecting five year old. Oh wait. Your behavior would be an insult to any age group.” “You’re not any better, brat,” he replied leaning in to jab her side. She dodged and booped him on the nose. “Oh but I’m better in every way.” “Not at socializing.” “Who had to pay for your macaroon, which you didn’t even eat, when you were too scared too?” “We were thirteen and you still think it's an accomplishment to say ‘good afternoon; to the bus driver.” “Because it is. If it’s so easy, why don’t you ever do it,” Augustina whispered hotly, crossing her arms. Vicente turned pink. “Uh… Because I don’t need to… no one else does it… and you get on the bus before me so you’ve already said it.” His eyes widened in realization. Oh shit. Did I just give her ammo? Augustina grinned, coming to the same realization. "Why don’t you get on the bus first, Vicente? You have every opportunity to do so.” He looked away, “Shut up.” The table descended into silence. “Do you want to see a movie, hermanito?” “What would we even see?” Vicente answered, still not looking at her. “I don’t know,” she murmured. “We could go to the video game store.” “The console’s busted and padre said he won’t replace it. We’ll be moving out in a few months anyway,” he muttered plaintively. “What about Riza? She could use it.” “She’s six and she’s not as into video games as us. You should know. You play dolls with her more than you play video games with me.” “Vicente…” “You always hang out with her more. You’re supposed to hang out with me more. We’re twins! Is it because she’s a girl?” “Because she asks Vicente! Ever since we started high school whenever I try to spend time with you, you push me away. I want to hang out with you but you always… always… always…” “Augustina…” Vicente breathed brokenly. She suddenly stood violently causing her ponytail to bounce like a small child on a bouncy castle. “If that’s how you feel maybe I should have asked Riza instead,” she said venomously as she started to walk away. Vicente caught her wrist and looked up her with the face of a guilty child. “You’re right. You’re always right and I’m sorry, Augustina. I shouldn’t have pushed you away.” Augustina ripped his hand off her wrist and glared. “We’ve come to the point where sorry isn’t good enough any more, Vicente and I’m not always right. Don’t try to flatter me, hermanito. It doesn’t look good on you.” She stormed off down an empty hall leaving her brother alone to stare at her rapidly retreating form. Vicente felt something wet slip down his cheek and he wiped it away but there was another. And another one and another one until he realized he was crying. He slipped down into the metal chair and buried his face in his arms. This was all his fault. Augustina was right, he had pushed her way but she was wrong about him trying to flatter her. When he said she was always right he had said it because it always felt like she was right. She was the older twin. The smarter twin. The better older sibling twin. Augustina was the better twin and he had allowed his jealousy and frustration to push his sister away. Both of them. He never spent time with Augustina and he always avoided Riza. He was Riza’s big brother. He was supposed to protect her and tease her but instead he had stood by and let a chasm form between them. Augustina and him were going to college next year and he didn’t even know his little sister’s favorite color. He heard the scrape of a metal against tile. Vicente looked up hoping it was Augustina but he felt his hope die as his eyes landed on Sean, the nut boy. “What do you want?” “Are you okay?” Sean replied with a question. “Do I look okay? Jesus, why do people ask questions they already know the answer to?” Vicente snapped. Sean raised an eyebrow. “Well in this instance I opened our conversation with a question to invite you to share. I already know you’re feeling like shit, kid but it would be rude if I said, ‘Hey, you look like shit. Why?’” “Don’t call me kid. You’re the same age as me.” “Well I don’t know your name and I don’t think we’re close enough for me to call you dude or bro.” “Well you wouldn’t have to try to figure out what to call me if you left me the fuck alone. You don’t even know me.” “That’s right, I don’t know you but I want to. Now I believe you know my name is Sean, so what is your name mister don’t-call-me-kid?” “None of your fucking business, prick,” Vicente growled. Sean only smiled. “That’s an interesting name, none-of-your-fucking-business-prick. I think I’ll call you none-ya.” Vicente slammed his skull against the sticky table. “Leave me alone,” he moaned. “I don’t believe I will, none-ya. Now feel free to explain what brought you into this shit state.” “It’s still none of your business.” Sean gave him a cheshire grin. “I don’t care.” “You’re an ass.” “I know.” “It’s family business and don’t you have a job?” “The kiosk is empty and the mall’s closing in a few weeks. They can’t afford to fire me. Also, most people are just here for the cinema.” “I came for the nut kiosk,” Vicente threw back. “Wrong. You came after your sister. The mall’s practically dead and your argument wasn’t exactly what I would call quiet.” “Then you already know what happened. Now leave me alone.” Sean gave him a look. “No. I know what I heard. I don’t know what happened.” “And you don’t need to know. Now leave Sean, back to your nut cart.” Sean gave him an angry look and said coldly, “You know I don’t think I will none-ya. Unlike you I try to be a good person and good people don’t sit back and watch people who obviously need help be swallowed by their emotions. Now you’re going to tell me what’s wrong or I will never ever leave you alone. I will follow you around school. I will find out what universities and apply there.” Vicente looked at Sean. Holy shit! This guy is as crazy as Augustina. No wonder she likes him, he thought in disbelief. “You’re crazy!” Sean’s angry expression instantly transformed into joy. “Thank you!” Yep. He’s definitely unstable. “Um... What do you want me to say?” “Anything,” he said eagerly. “My name is Vicente *pause * Rubio.” “Vicente~. Much better than none-ya. Now why were you sobbing in the middle of an abandoned food court.” Vicente sent him an outraged look. “I wasn’t sobbing.” “Crying as quietly as possible and failing.” “Shut up. You keep saying shit like that and I am going to walk away. I won’t even care that you’ll be stalking me,” Vicente said, lying about the last bit. He would be really unnerved if this bipolar nut boy ended up following him around for who knows how long. If he was anything like Augustina, then he would have a Sean limpet for the rest of his natural life until one of them croaked. Not a very pleasant notion. Sean’s smile widened. “Okay. I’ll shut up. Please continue.” “I’m a horrible brother. I’ve spent these lost four years pushing my sister Augustina away and I never tried to be there for our little sister Riza. Heaven knows what she thinks of me and here I am crying over my own misery that I caused, talking to you instead of going after my sister. I’m jealous of Augustina and I shouldn’t be. Our parents never gave her any favoritism and we were basically on par with each other. Well Augustina usually catches onto things faster but that shouldn’t make me jealous.” “But it does.” “Yeah. Pretty pathetic huh?” “Not really.” “Well I think it is. Anyway, that’s basically why I broke down, thinking about my failures.” Sean put a hand his shoulder and smiled reassuringly. “That’s perfectly normal. Pretty sure all my siblings and myself have felt what you have at one point. Being one of six siblings generally causes jealousy, especially since no one ever gets singled out.” Being compared to Sean in any way was not as reassuring as the older boy obviously thought it was. I’m like him. Oh god, Vicente blanched. Bam! Sean suddenly slammed the palm of his hand heavily on the table. “ Well, I’ve decided. We’re going to be friends now!” “WHAT?!” No!, he thought horrified. “I’ve decided I like you, Vicente. We’re going to be best friends now,” Sean beamed and wrapped his arms around the smaller boy. Please God, no, Vicente screamed in his head. “Now let’s go find your sister and tell her the good news.” Vicente jerked away. “Hell no! Leave me away psycho!” “Aw~. Don’t be like that. Come back.” “No!” Vicente shrieked as Sean began to chase him through the mall. “Come here bestie~!”
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