#cherry sakuranborunarefu
What if the fleshbud was, like, advanced kinning
(see link for the birth of this really dumb idea)
There is a criminally small amount of info on what fleshbuds Actually Do in canon, and I'm frankly quite sick of it. So, fuck you Araki! I'm creating my own terrible crack fleshbud lore based on one (1) manga panel and there is nothing anyone can do to stop me.
...I also don't currently have internet access on my PC, so fuck my followers too! I can't add a readmore to this post until I find a new wi-fi receiver that actually fucking works. I apologise on behalf of the tumblr devs for their dysfunctional mobile app. : D
So, this is a capture from the Stardust Crusaders manga, where Shadow DIO seems to be admiring his own shoddy Kakyoin cosplay in the mirror:
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Truly the height of fashion.
I don't know where in the manga this comes from, and I don't really care to know - I am a crack connoisseur and, depending on my mood at any given moment, I Will make canon my bitch - however, we will make the assumption that this image dates to a point in time after DIO took Kakyoin under his control, but before he is sent to assassinate Jotaro, subsequently leading to the removal of his fleshbud by Star Platinum.
As we all know, fleshbuds created from DIO's cells take control of their victims' minds to some extent, ensuring their loyalty to and willingness to work for their beloved vampire overlord DIO-sama~. It doesn't seem to make any fundamental changes to the personality, maybe dulling their emotions a little and inhibiting their ability to ask questions like "should I really be travelling halfway across the world as a seventeen-year-old schoolboy to kill this random guy I've never heard of before?"
But like, what if "dulling their emotions" really means that DIO is inadvertently stealing them for himself?
I realise how fucking stupid this sounds, but also shuddup rational brain you don't belong in a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure crack dissertation
(ahem) But it makes me giggle to think about DIO just standing in front of a mirror in the dead of night, all brooding and depressed like, styling his hair to look like this random Japanese guy he picked up off the street and probably rawed half to death an hour beforehand because he accidently stole like a third of his personality
I also enjoy the idea of him budding Polnareff and then panicking because he thinks the assimilation of Polnareff's strong moral compass into his own is Jonathan's soul trying to possess him and steal back his body or some shit
i kinda lost my gusto in the middle of writing this because i don't words very well. sorry about that. please feel free to reblog and add your own input to this shitty idea
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anyone else ever just. think about the SDC main cast
I’ve rewatched the first arc countless times, so I probably pick up on more than the average viewer, but I’ve been noticing lately - despite the lack of interaction between the characters outside of Stand battles - that their connection is just so strong, and it makes me long for more canon interaction between them.
Joseph and Kakyoin seem especially close, to me - as much as Joseph is “downgraded” to a comic relief character in SDC, he really takes on a kind of doting dad role with Kakyoin, and I think this is best exemplified during the Sun, Death 13 and D’arby the Gamer arcs, and then again when Kakyoin dies during Dio’s World. From what I remember there’s never any explicit hugging, but Joseph will pick Kakyoin up, put his arm around him, make sure he’s doing OK when a Stand attacks him - but, it can work both ways. Kakyoin picks up Joseph when High Priestess renders him unconscious, despite being by far the smallest and most physically weak of the group, and then there’s the more obvious and talked-about example of him taking on more responsibility for the others in Avdol’s absence.
Their wordless communication in the Lovers arc really gets me too: Joseph panics and looks to Kakyoin, and he just nods at him and they both leg it to find a TV? I find it hard to believe they all got that close in a matter of a few weeks, especially with barely any downtime interactions to base things on, but god if I don’t love that shit. Jotaro’s blind trust in the two of them is also beautiful to me - he knows that Kakyoin will be able to save his grandfather and then all of it just makes Death 13 hurt that much more because they all lose their trust in him so quickly and he was so right to be mad at everyone in that one fic I read and then they do it AGAIN when Joseph finds out Jotaro’s a fuckign casual. just. I love old Joseph, and it really bothers me when people say he’s a downgrade from BT Joseph. They’re both quality boys god DAMN it
And Polnareff, I always forget about Polnareff’s trauma because he (like Joseph) is the haha funney comic relief character who bumbles around and gets attacked by literally everything. His survivor’s guilt must be through the roof: he watched Iggy die for him, he watched Avdol die for him twice, the entire reason he joins up with everyone else to avenge his younger sister and then he has to watch her eat him and then die again because he didn’t wish for a Polnareffland. And he still just goes off on his merry way back to France and then everything between SDC and VA happens. I see him and Kakyoin also as being very close to each other - an almost brotherly relationship? They’re close enough that Kakyoin's scathing remarks just bounce off him. He elbowed me in the face? Thanks bro, I deserved that. I love having friends and i care u all so much.
Avdol... It’s hard for me to say anything about Avdol because he’s gone for most of the part I keep rewatching no jojo only kakoyin but I just really like him. His Stand could absolutely step on me (ahem) and I’d especially love to see more interaction between Avdol and everyone else, especially Kakyoin. I could see them talking a lot about the cultures of different areas, or about tarot, or maybe Stands, since Avdol has a lot of knowledge about them and Kakyoin had never met another user before Dio. please araki. give us the forbidden avdol backstory.
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so i had some 4am thoughts
i'm not usually one for trans headcanons outside of me projecting completely shamelessly onto kakyoin, but polnareff's clothing? perfect for covering top surgery/RFF phallo scars while still showing off his perfect himbo body. those bracers had to have a purpose.
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