#stealing poor soups wife
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the-other-soup · 2 months ago
I think you dropped this, it's mine now
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hello police i would like to report a theft
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nortism · 1 year ago
doctor who liveblog pt 20
s4 ep3 planet of the ood
- yayay ood episode, my fav aliens
- the doctor spends so much time fiddling with the tardis and yet he can do nothing to make the journey more comfortable
- i’m obsessed with her coat
- does he just carry a stethoscope around with him?
- omg the poor oods
- lets go ood revolution
- “doctor. donna. friends :)”
- omg the mega ood brain
- the brain ate him
- well at least they’ll take care of him?
- very ominous from the ood at the end
s4 ep4 the sontaran stratagem
- saw martha in the promo, i hope her and donna are best friends
- aww they’re talking shit together <3
- she’s a doctor!!!
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- oh she’s perf to me
- oh no there’s a man in the soup
- why’s the robot sexist?
- aww donna no
- ok i’m also a great big outer space dumbo
- nooo martha
- he’s such a nerd i love him
- fucking grammar police over here
- “intruder window” made me laugh
- omg they’re cooking a martha in the soup
- oh protective granddad i love him
s4 ep5 the poison sky
- yes then donna’s mum
- “that’s my girl!”
- i need them to calm down with the sexism
- omg they nicked the tardis
- nooo ross
- yes then donna noble !!
- ayyy empty child reference
- the marthas are unionising
- yayay ya donna!!!!!!
- bro is fuming about those guns
- oh fuck the kid died
- nooo the tardis is stealing martha
s4 ep6 the doctor’s daughter
- i’m glad we’re getting some answers because the doctor saying he’s a father has been bothering me i won’t lie
- donna and martha my sillies
- ok they did not answer my initial question, this is a new daughter
- also very bizarre to watch when you know that’s his wife irl
- he’s a dilf and a milf?? what can’t he do??
- the one day year old is fucking brutal
- also crazy how she was born with eyeliner on
- yes then dr martha jones!!!
- is she a baby timelord??
- aww a baby timelord
- martha and her hath friend
- ayo she’s got way more rizz than her dad
- what happened to his other kids???? wait the war stupid question 😭😭
- does that mean he’s had sex?? how do timelords reproduce??
- yoooo the war has been going seven days???
- ooo pretty garden
- can she not regenerate??
- can’t believe the invisible bullet wound killed her
- donna u are not gonna travel with him forever
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posebean · 2 years ago
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woe. more rinky. call it. rinkygaki (like rakugaki. haha get it haha-)
notes hc and some context in readmore
1st not in order but u can probably associate which one is with which doodle -all the foxes/ hampter stuff are fantasyau stuffs. rinne turns niki into a hamster and carries him around. niki doesnt know the spell to turn back and is an angry hamster in response -haha. they're holding. primroses and honeysuckle. and niki has his eyes closed while rinne has one open. watching niki. haha. -niki comforting a sad rinne-kun. rinne's sad that his tamagotchi hamster that he named niki died from old age. rip niki the hamster -small rinkys eating ozoni for newyears. rinne pulled on the mochi and nikis going mogumogumogumogumogumogumogumogu -kissy -rinne watching his wife's recorded live. whipped 2nd 17/14 they're out getting groceries and rinne gets curious about purikura machine. theres 3 photos first one is blurry and rinne is like still adjusting stuff while the photo is being taken LMAO . second one they settle down and niki is doing peace signs. rinne doesnt know what a peace sign is and is doing the number three. third one they're trying to do a heart but cuz niki is too short its more of a circle// they both get copies and niki keeps it in his wallet while rinne has his safe with his other important things stored back at niki's apartment; (this ones courtesy of sana) rinne steals niki's wallet to look at it - he uses it as a goodluck charm doesn't take money out just brings it with him to the slots
3rd (also courtesy mostly to sana) top: watching a cheesy romance movie where the couple are having the grossest messiest (premarital) makeout session and rinne's watching with a completely straight face until niki turns to him and opens his mouth and rinne instantly says "no" and turns bright red. bottom: they have a tortilla blanket. they play around in it. both have their turn . rinne is squirming around trying to escape as niki covers him in kisses 4th top: niki makes bentos for all the bees. sometimes he leaves messages for rinne-kun. like this omelet with a message to give him back his wallet. rinne only sees it and is happy cuz his wife is still writing messages for him on his bento. niki is not amused and wants his wallet back
bottom: sappy in the kitchen. dont distract the chef the soup is going to over-boil... small rinkys asleep. both having very different dreams. poor rinne-kun thinks a dog broke into the apartment or something
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themadearl · 4 years ago
Idea: Yuu with the unhelpful ability of attracting the crazies
Note: Incredibly self-indulgent & shady & creepy & dumb, emphasis on creepy
Octavinelle Edition [Part 3]
🐙 Azul  🐙
As another member of plan foiled by Yuu club, of course he is taking tabs on Yuu
Attempts to get dirt on Yuu so he can get back on her
Instead, only gets pictures of Yuu and useless info
Don’t ask
Just know that money and influence is a wonderful wonderful thing
Also, has to pay extra for medical fees
And probably therapy fees from the trauma of getting maimed by some unnamed students
with like playing card motifs on their faces
one of’em has claws
Hires other people to do it more discreetly
Gets more sneak shots of Yuu
He’s kinda cute
But still cute tho
And smart
Also knows how to cook and do chores
Perfect as a wife
Jumps between devious mastermind and teenage admirer
Non-stop pictures coming in due to how well the pay is
And the benefits too
Probably does a bit of business with Cater as well 
Gets his hands on a lock of Yuu’s hair
Again, don’t ask how
Azul doesn’t want to think too much about the cost for it
Too embarrassed and nervous to approach Yuu in real life
Only gets glances of her through hallways
Once saw her super close while she napped
Real freaking jealous of everyone that can get close to her
“What does she even see in those idiots?!”
Wants to get rid of all the vermin around her
Slowly notices some details about Yuu
Like how her build is thinner than others
Higher pitched voice compared to boys
No prominent adam’s apple
Does some research on female humans
“Azul, are you entering heat?”, says Jade with a smile
Finds a conclusive point that would prove Yuu’s Gender
cough* Menstruation*cough
Azul is embarrassed but anxious to find the answer to his question
Does the incredibly creepy task
of digging through Yuu’s trash
gross, i know
Can’t risk the chance of others doing it since they might know
Let’s just say, he did find the answer to his question
Is he disgusted with himself?
Very much so
Tries to distract himself with venturing new business opportunities
Constantly gazes back to his newly made Yuu Wall with just a bunch of pictures 
His new albums of Yuu on the bookshelf hidden by some magic
Little trinkets of Yuu on the table
Sees a market in Yuu goods
Well then
🐬 Jade & Floyd 🦈
For Jade, it’s pretty interesting to see something so small can create so much chaos
For Floyd, the fact that shrimpy is the source of this so much fun is pretty intriguing
cause shrimpy’s a shrimpy after all
And getting the interests of the Leech brothers ain’t a good thing
cause they are going to probe about Yuu
Unlike the stalker trio, the twins don’t hide themselves
they just follow right behind Yuu
and Yuu is very afraid
Running is a horrible option as
For every three steps, Yuu runs
They can catch up in one step
The sight of two 190 cm+ guys running after you isn’t fun at all
Yuu gets cornered not much later and is desperately trying to find a way out
like there is even any lol
“Shrimpy~ Long time no see~”
Yuu looks up to see Floyd who has his arms next to the wall behind her
“I heard something interesting lately~”
“Um, w-what is it?”
“Not telling you~”
Jade comes in and take a group selfie with Yuu & Floyd
To make Azul jealous ~ ♪
This was one of the first of many encounters
Yuu sees them the next day at Alchemy class as Jade volunteers to be your partner
Yuu : But I already have one???
Jade : I’m your partner right? Right? 
Yuu : (T▽T)
Things go on without a hitch
The potion they made was even better than the ones Yuu usually makes
Lunchtime comes and this time, it’s the Leech twins that steals the seat next to Yuu
“Shrimpy eats so little, want to try my lunch~”
Before Yuu can even decide, Floyd shoves a handful of his ultra deluxe sandwich into her mouth
Poor Yuu almost chokes on the food
After that came another fork of mushroom pasta from Jade
And then another spoon of unknown soup
All the other students looks on with a mix of horror and pity
Yuu just wants the day to end
Unfortunately for her, the constant teasing has only begun~ ♪
🌊 🌊 🌊 🌊 🌊 🌊 🌊 🌊 🌊 🌊 🌊
There’s now a hidden underground market for Yuu items
Be it pictures, fan merchandise or personal items
Managed by the one and only, Octavinelle trio
Also, there’s a fan club from the non-stop exposure of Yuu stuff to the other ordinary students
Who’s the president?
it’s Ace with Deuce as vice president
Jack’s the treasurer
The Yuu movement pioneered by Adeuce with expansions along the line by Octavinelle with financial support from Leona
Riddle dreads on how he should have shut this down months again
also can’t believe how the two person stalking duo became 
*waving at the markets & club* this
seriously, the fuck
Everyone tries their best to hide all traces of this from Yuu
It’s like the first rule of yuu club,
You don’t talk about Yuu club.
tl;dr, Yuu has a cult following
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whatdoesshedotothem · 4 years ago
Tuesday 6 May 1834
6 55/..
12 50/..
Very fine morning – ready at 8 ¾ and out till breakfast at 9 ½ - Pickles and Dick in the morning and the other man (John Ombler, cropper) with them in the afternoon taking clay out (10inch deeper)  of the north parlour. Mallinson and 3 men - hewing except one and lastly 2 pulling down wall and making place for turn stile or rather little turn gate and the door (what stood in coal-place near embouchure of water closet) into the approach road, the gate now being boarded being so heavy and wind if strong having so much power that some easier entrance yet secure against sheep and cattle must be planned. Charles and James Howarth busy about hanging the gate now door and finishing boarding it. John brought 3 rows (3/8) of a rood of outsides for walling up little gateways in the morning and was moving flowers and 2 plants of yellow jasmine  from under drawing room and hall windows and planting out 16 rhododendron Ponticum 12 laurustinus, and 25 yews from Throp that came this afternoon. Kept Pickells and his men to help him till after 7 and the masons till even after that.  John ill and bilious today  - Pickles sprained his ankle (done yesterday) and sent Matthew about 8 to Mr Sunderland on the old mare could not walk with an inflamed ankle - the young man gave an embrocation and said it would soon be well, but he was to go again tomorrow -out all day (with John in the afternoon) except from 1 ½ to 3 asleep in my study – dinner at 6 – my soup and roast mutton then out again and came in at 7 to rice pudding and coffee then out again till 9 ½. ¼ hour with Marian and ditto with my aunt. Note letter this morning forwarded by Miss Walker from Mrs Scott no! G.W. Ellis York dated 3 May to say my letter had been so long unanswered on account of her husband being far from home but Joseph was to be off as today. Miss W- filled up the blank paper - good account of herself – Sarah a great comfort to her – thinks Dr Belcombe has not heard anything particular about herself and me or if he has he behaves very magnanimously. Letter this evening 3 pages from M- Leamington dated 4th inst. tho’ she has not written she constantly thought of me ‘I have forborne to write as I feared to let my paper carry you the feelings which have never ceased to press upon my heart since I received your letter of the 15th April. I cannot remember longer silent but will endeavour to forborne writing anything which can either annoy, or make you think me more weak than you yet have supposed me. Besides, all this, your happiness is very, very dear to me, and after all the years you have sacrificed to me, I ought indeed to rejoice that ‘your days of solitude are drawing to a close’. I don’t apprehend that mine will ever come, as I have little doubt but that the quiet church at Lawton will secure the last of me, long before any other change takes place in the family. But it so, I am as I have always expressed myself to you, entirely satisfied that such should be the case, and now, I have an additional reason for the feeling. But I will not write thus because I really am thankful to believe you are as happy as I can desire. Your having taken another to your bosom has not left vacant your place in Mary’s heart  you have it too long and too exclusively to be pushed aside by any other fresh interest may squeeze themselves pretty closely by the side but they have not and cannot encroach that my happiness is dear to you I well know surely we neither of us can forget ‘if the sunshine of love has illuminated our youth’ ‘the moonlight of friendship’ may at last ‘console our decline’  let fate do her worst there are remembrances of the past of which she cannot rob me this often steal to my heart and perhaps scatter away the darkest clouds. ‘But Freddy, dear Freddy, somehow I feel awkward in writing to you, I know not that I write for you alone, and the thought discomforts me even tho’ my letters might be hung on the church door. Give a faithful answer to this part of my letter’. Going to Lawton as yesterday for a week on account of her schools ‘and because change of air Mr Pritchard thinks will do me good’ – the holiday being on the 20th proximo and they are to receive the boys (Lawtons) at Leamington - mentions the Camerons going away for the summer. ‘I shall finish my letter here for my thoughts will run in one channel. As I am quite sure your undertakings are founded on reason, it is but rational to have little doubt of your success. May Heaven ever bless and [present] you and be assured that I deeply feel your assurances of present and future regard - not less than ever affectionately yours Mariana’. She writes as if too bitterly repenting the deed of her own doing as if as much attached to me as ever how strangely inconsistent her conduct has been still by her own shewing I am right. ‘Virtutem incolumem odimus, sublatam ex oculis quaerimus invidi [Odiamo la virtù viva ma toltaci dagli occhi, la cerchiamo con invidia] Poor Mary! She had her happiness for gold, and the price was fatally too dear – wrote all the above of today till 11 ¾. Fine day rather dullish, fortunately for my evergreens not much sun – F62° now at 11 ¾. William Green told me today Joseph Wilkinson said he would give him as much for his cottage as I would (£100 offered £90 before) and would like me to let him and his wife gave it their joint lives at £5 per annum - refused to enfranchise it (leasehold) - would be obliged to me to let him have it - or I had better buy the field it stands in - told William to inquire what price he would take for the field - would give its worth, but not more and thought William had better sell his cottage to me than to JW.
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homogrimoire · 5 years ago
Fun, Family, and Fishing
Fair Game Week 2020: Day 3 - Family / Weapons
Read it on AO3 here.
After months of planning, they were finally going on their camping trip, and boy did it take planning. It was a hard time to find a time where five adults were all free for a vacation. Eventually, they all decided to embark on their trip during the summer when Tai was free from his teaching job, and when fishing was in season. Qrow, Clover, Summer, and Raven just decided to use their sick days to get the time off. At first, it was just going to be them and Ruby and Yang, but then they begged their parents to let their friends Weiss and Blake tag along. They gave in quickly. They knew they could handle two more kids, and quickly met with the other kid’s parents to get the okay from them. To all the kids’ delight, they agreed. But then, all four of them ganged up on the adults to convince them to let their other friends, Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha, and Ren, join in on the trip. The kids were around so much they practically were family, but eight kids seemed like too much, so at first, they said no. Then they saw the children’s puppy eyes. Then they fell for the puppy eyes and pleas. Then they went to get permission from all the kids’ guardians. And then they modified their plans to include eight kids instead of four kids, which had first only planned for two kids. It was hectic, to say the least, but it all worked out. They ended up renting two RVs and getting more supplies than they could carry. After a day of driving and trying to keep middle school kids entertained, they reached their reserved campsite nightfall, exhausted and tired. They decided to begin their activities the next day. Tai and Clover were the first to wake, used to an early schedule. 
“Morning Tai.”
“Morning Clover.” They both began unloading the supplies for breakfast, though most of the cooking would be done by Tai. Clover wasn’t allowed to cook after the time he burned soup, which no one ever let him forget. The only thing he could cook well was fish.
“So, how was your night?” 
“Pretty good, all things considered. Team JNPR fell asleep pretty quickly, and Qrow too. He is pretty good with kids after all.”
“Team JNPR?” Tai questioned.
“It’s what Qrow calls Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha, and Ren’s group.” Clover clarified. “He calls the girls Team RWBY.”
“Hmm, I’m gonna steal that from him. If anyone asks, I thought of it on my own.” 
“My lips are sealed.” Clover said as he motioned his lips shut.
“Anyways, my night was terrible. Try falling asleep while teenage girls giggle until midnight, AND, while Raven snores. I don’t know how Summer even fell asleep in the first place.”
“Damn. Well, at least we’ll have tents to sleep in tonight while the kids sleep in the RV.”
“Yeah, but I can only imagine what that’s going to do to my back.” 
“Oh Tai, you say that like we're old men. We’re only barely fourty.” Clover shook his head at the silly notion.
“I do crossword puzzles on my lunch breaks and you collect vintage fishing tackles.” He deadpanned, looking Clover straight into his eyes. Clover opened his mouth to refute the statement, but realized Tai was right.
“Okay. I see your point.” Clover conceded. There was also the fact that he was starting to gray on his sides. He liked how it looked though, and so did Qrow, whose hair was already colored salt and pepper. As Tai started breakfast, Clover took out the tent equipment. The next to awake were Ren, Nora, and Qrow. 
“Good morning Uncle Clover and Mr. Xiao-Long.” Nora greeted cheerfully. She and the other kids had started calling Qrow Uncle Qrow in elementary school when they started hanging out with Ruby and Yang and their cool uncle. He didn’t particularly like it at first, but soon grew accustomed to it. And when he married Clover, it was only natural that they would call Clover Uncle Clover. Needless to say, Clover felt honored and readily accepted the title, especially since he was an only child and therefore couldn’t have nieces or nephews. Ren, still waking up, had also given a respectful “Good morning as well.”
“Morning, and please tell me someone made coffee.” Qrow asked, his drowsiness evident. The drowsiness certainly wasn’t going to stop him from giving his husband a good morning kiss on the cheek though.
“Lucky for you, Tai did. I’ll get you some.” Clover went and poured him a cup of pure black coffee. 
“Thanks Cloves.” He said as he eyed the cup as if it held the secrets of life. Graciously, he took a sip. “Ahh, that's the stuff.” He smiled as he began to feel the drowsiness fade away. 
“Uncle Clover! Can I have some?” Nora asked with bright eyed innocence. 
“Uhh,” he responded at first. He didn’t really know if he should give her any, but got his answer from Ren who seemed wide awake now. Behind her, he mouthed “no” and fearfully shook his head.  “No.”
“Aww, why not?” she asked, deflated. 
“Because …” she stared at him as he tried to think of a reason.
“It’ll stunt your growth. You want to grow big and strong like your uncles, don’t you? Of course you do.” He quickly said before she could answer. “Here, have some juice.” He tossed her a box of some juice, which she caught.
“Thanks Uncle Qrow!”
“No problem kiddo.” She then moved over to Tai to see what he was cooking. Clover let out a sigh of relief.
“Thanks you two.” 
“No need to thank us. We just don’t want Nora to run off in the wilderness and come back with a bear slung over her back.” Qrow told his husband as he took another sip.
“If you think she’s hyper now, you should have seen what happened in fifth grade when she drank an energy drink.” Ren, nursing a box of juice as well, said as he looked into the distance as if reliving a war memory. 
“I’m pretty sure it left poor old Tai traumatized. But hey, he’s still an elementary school teacher, so it obviously wasn’t that bad.” 
“I do not envy Tai’s work.” Clover replied as he sat down next to Qrow to take a break from unpacking. Next to wake up was Raven and Summer.
“Good morning. my wonderful wives.” Tai greeted them each with a kiss as he held a pan of cooking food.
“Too. Energetic.” Summer was obviously not a morning person “Need. Coffee.” She still had her eyes closed Raven guided her to a seat. She poured herself and her wife a cup.
“Morning Raven. You look great.” Qrow teased. She had a serious case of bedhead, which Qrow could not help but make fun of. 
“I will throw you into the river, and I will laugh when your eyeliner gets ruined, little brother.” She glared at him as she took a long sip.
“Jokes on you, I didn't bring any.” He laughed at her, as she could only scowl at him. “Besides, I’d just have my knight in shining armor rescue me.” He gave Clover another kiss, which caused him to blush.
“Aww, look at that. Qrow and Clover sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.” teased Summer, who had turned back to her usual self thanks to the coffee. Now Qrow and Clover were both blushing. 
“Ha! Look at them! Nice one!” Raven exclaimed as she high fived her wife. Before anymore could be said or done, Tai announced that breakfast was done, and asked them to wake the rest of the kids. 
“This isn’t over, Summer.” Clover mocked as he motioned that he would be keeping his eyes on her, his cheeks still flushed. 
“Oh, I know.” she said as she smiled, excited for the antics that would follow, and went to wake up Team RWBY. While Clover went to wake up Jaune and Pyrrah, Raven and Qrow only glared at each other, occasionally taking a sip of their coffee. 
With all the kids now up, the real party would begin. After eating and mingling with one another, they changed into their outfits for the main event of the day: a fishing contest. Tai had decided that he would stay behind to watch the stuff. Ren, Nora, Ruby, and Weiss had decided to stay with him, since Nora and Weiss didn’t like getting wet, and Ren and Ruby didn't want to leave their best friend behind. When Tai told them they could help with the tents, Ruby screamed “Yay! Child labor!” which had caused all the adults to laugh, except for Tai, who looked sad and tired already. 
The last ones to change into their fishing outfits were Qrow and Clover. Everyone expected him to look the most prepared because the man had been fishing most of his life, and he did look the most prepared. A fishing vest, with his signature pin tacked on, cargo shorts, and shoes with good grip were all immaculate, despite years of use, save for the shoes that were recently bought. He looked like he was about to enter a fishing contest, save for one particular part of his clothing: his hat. It was a gift from his fathers on his twentieth birthday, much like his prized fishing pole that he lovingly monikered after his favorite bird, “aside from Qrow” he would often clarify, the Kingfisher. Naturally he carried the fishing pole and wore the hat with pride. What made the hat so unaligned with his outfit was the fact that it said “Men want me Fish fear me” on it. Stepping out of the RV with Qrow, Clover saw Raven do a double take. Once she was able to make out the words on the hat, she began to die of laughter, which caused Summer to turn to look at what had made her wife laugh so hard. As a result, she began to laugh as well, calling her husband over in between laughs. Soon, he was dying of laughter as well. Qrow took in a deep breath and exhaled.
“You’re lucky I love you.”
“I know, and it’s all thanks to my good luck charm.” Clover sing-songed as he kissed Qrow on the cheek. He tried to hide a smile, but failed miserably. “Come on Qrow, let's go win our fishing contest.” Raven And Summer began to laugh even harder. 
“You hear that Rav! They think- They think they’re gonna win!” They continued laughing. 
“Laugh all you want now, we’ll see if you’ll be laughing later when you’re eating the fish we caught.” Clover taunted.
“I hope you like the taste of defeat, ladies.” Qrow said cooly, as if he and Clover already won.
“I’m sure they will. Now, let's get going. It’s already noon.” With that, Clover led the way to the river, Qrow by his side, the kids in tow playing around, and Summer and Raven behind the kids, recovering from their laughing fit. Soon, they arrived at a place where the deep river forked, one path remaining deep, the other turning shallow. As the kids played in the shallow area, the adults set up their fishing rods and chairs, one of them periodically going to the nearby shallow area to check in on the kids.
“All set!” exclaimed, the first to finish setting up. He stood back and admired his handiwork, everything neat and orderly. With that, he cast out his line, and waited. Next to finish setting up was Qrow, but only because he had Clover help him. Immediately after was Summer. While she wasn’t nowhere as talented in fishing as Clover, she was still a force to be reckoned with. Lastly was Raven, who was decent at fishing with a pole. And so, they waited, chatting about current events, their jobs, and the kids.
“So thats where Ruby learned about child labor, huh?” asked Qrow.
“Yup.” Confirmed Summer. “Speaking of Ruby, she recently asked when she’s going to have some cousins, and frankly, I wanna know too.” The two men began stumbling over each other’s words, explaining that they talked about it here and there, but never really seriously. 
“Now’s as good a time as any.” Raven spoke. “You’re both about middle aged, have stable jobs with a good retirement plan, and you have us to help you out if you ever need it. After this trip, think about it maybe.”
“Wow Raven, that’s ... actually some good advice. Thanks.”
“You’re welcome, Clover. I dragged it out from the kindness I keep in my heart.” Raven joked, putting a hand over her heart.
“You have a heart? I wouldn’t have ever known.” said a smug Qrow.
“Fine then, fuck you. I just wanted to have another person to tell all the embarrassing stories I have about you.” She angrily, almost comically, cast a line back into the water.
“Hey, watch you’re fucking language, there’s kids nearby.” Clover reprimanded, pretending to be serious. They all just laughed. The loud children were too far away to be able to discern their words.
“Eh, but seriously, thanks Rae, we’ll think about it.”
“If it helps, just know that I would make a great auntie.” 
“I’m sure you would, Summer.” Qrow replied, mostly focusing on the fishing rod.
“You know, there is one thing we talked about.” Clover teased, immediately grabbing the attention of the two women. 
“Oh, yeah! Names. We were thinking either Basil, or Bluebird.”
“Those are nice.” Raven replied. 
“They are. I get Bluebird,” Summer stated, “but how did you decide on Basil?”
“Like my namesake, it’s another plant that can bring good luck.” Clover clarified.
“Ahh, I see. Oh! Clover! Look!”  Summer shouted. His pole had hooked onto something, and after a bit of fighting, Clover reeled in a decently sized fish. 
“Think you could top this?” Clover asked Qrow specifically, with a wink and a smirk on his face as he put the fish in a bucket of water. 
“I mean, I have before.” He replied, unphased. It took a moment for the women to catch on to what he said. Once they realized, they made sounds of disgust and made sure it was known.
“Ugh! Gods have mercy on me!” Summer screeched in desperation, covering her ears.
“I wouldn’t waste my breath if I were you. Trust me, I know. You know how many times they didn't show me any mercy in college.” Qrow shuddered at the memories of him accidentally walking in on Raven, Summer, and Tai. They resumed their normal conversations and soon slipped into comfortable silence, each of them catching a fish now and then, except for Qrow. By the time lunch rolled around and the kids had eaten and resumed their playing, Qrow had still caught nothing. Currently in the lead was Raven, though Clover had wondered why the fish weren’t as big as they usually were. He just chalked it up to luck. 
“Fuck it.” Qrow said. He rolled up his pants and waded into the river. Clover watched in curiosity as his husband stood still with laser focus in knee deep water. Soon, his curiosity was replaced with awe as the man shot into the water and resurfaced with a fish that put him in the lead. Clover wouldn’t have said it out loud, but seeing Qrow glistening in the river with a big fish in his hands was kind of hot.
“Qrow where the hell did you learn that!? That was amazing!” After Qrow placed his catch in his bucket, he was met with a kiss on the lips.
“Looks like I better catch more fish if this is my reward, huh?” Qrow asked, knowing the answer to his question. Clover whispered his answer into Qrow’s ear. Apparently, he did not know the answer. His face got visibly redder, and he quickly went back into the river. 
“Don’t think about it, don't think about it, don't think about it.” Summer repeated to herself. 
“I think I know how to help with that.” Raven walked over to Summer, gave her a kiss, then walked into the water. Needless to say, it worked. Soon, after Clover and Summer caught another fish, too small to dethrone Qrow, Raven striked, and reemerged with two fish in hand, one big enough to take the lead. “We learned lots of things back when we were a part of that traveling tribe. Some of us learned better than others.” Suavely, she tossed the smaller fish back into the water and replaced the fish in her bucket with the bigger one as Summer cheered her on.
Sibling rivalry mode was in full swing among the pair. Mostly in silence, they continued their contest. Qrow managed to catch a bigger one, but was dethroned by Clover, which he didn't mind. Meanwhile, poor Summer remained in last place. She was starting to lose hope, until something that seemed particularly big got hooked onto her pole. By then, Raven and Summer had left the water and had packed up most of the stuff. She fought with it, slowly but surely making progress. However, as she was fighting the fish standing up, she slipped, sending her into the center of the river, where it was deepest. Summer had lost her rod, but had fortunately felt someone tug her back to the surface. As she broke the surface, she gasped for air.
“Oh Raven, my love, you saved me. That’s what a real knight in shining armor is like Qrow!” Her eyes still closed and cradled in a set of arms, she moved to give her savior a kiss, but felt something that something was off, and stopped. “Wait a minute…” she reached for the chest area and gave a light squeeze. They were thick,  nowhere as  plump as Raven’s, but thicker than Qrow’s. She knew that it could only mean one thing. She rubbed her eyes and opened them to face Clover.
“A real knight in shining armor huh?” he asked smugly. She gave a small scream and squirmed about, falling back into the water.
“None of you saw or heard any of that!” she yelled, pointing a finger at all of them. Her heart dropped when she saw Qrow on shore, holding his phone, the camera light on. “Oh gods no.”
“I did say it wasn’t over, remember? This’ll make for a great video to show everyone.” 
“You monster!” she yelled as she pretended to try to drown the man, though that would be difficult, considering he practically grew up in water. Meanwhile, Clover was laughing and Qrow was laughing as he ran from Raven who was trying to steal his phone so she could protect her wife’s honor by deleting the video. However, their antics were interrupted.
“Mom! Uncle Qrow! Look what Blake caught!” Yang shouted from down the river. In the distance, they could make out what looked to be a large fish.
“Holy fuck...” Qrow stated in awe.
“Don’t tell me...” said Raven, also awestruck. “Hey!” she shouted at Clover and Summer. “Meet us down the river with the kids. You’ll want to see this!” 
“Oh boy...” Clover knew that with this family, it was bound to be something interesting, to say the least. He and Summer swam over, seeing the figure Blake had dragged in becoming clearer and clearer. They could also see Raven checking Blake to make sure she was alright as Qrow untangled the line from the caught fish.
“No. Way. “They both said in unison. Once they reached shallow enough water, They ran to confirm that Blake was alright, and that she had indeed caught the fish that threw Summer into the water. Blake’s shyness was evident as her friends showered her with praise.
“Blake! Where did you learn to do that!? That was amazing!” asked Yang, proud of her best friend. 
“That, its nothing.” she shied away, pushing her wet hair out of her face and turning her head to hide a blush. “I’ve been doing it with my mom since I was young. Really, it’s nothing spectacular.”
“Hey, don’t sell yourself short kid, that thing’s half your size. That’s nothing to sneeze at.” said Qrow. He had had low self esteem for a long time, and wasn’t about to let any of the kids put themselves down.
“That is very incredible Blake, but try not to do that again without letting us know. We just don’t want anything bad to happen.” clover explained.
“Yes, of course, I’ll be sure to let one of you know next time.” she stated.
“You do know what this means, right Blake?” asked Summer.
“Uhh, no?”
“It means you won our fishing contests silly! You caught the biggest fish! You Win!” Blake was confused at first when she was picked up by Raven and placed on her shoulder.
“That also means you get to lead the victory parade, little champion.”
“Ooh, mom, pick me up too!” Yang exclaimed. She wasn’t going to refuse. She had seen how close the little champion and her daughter were getting. It brought her comfort to know her daughter would be with such a strong person. Once the equipment and dinner packed and ready for transport, they marched back to their campsite, the children shouting Blake’s name as she was carried in front.
“Damn, what are the Belladonnas feeding her?” Clover wondered. 
“Pure protein, by the looks of it.” Summer replied.
“Well, at least she’s alright.” Qrow said.
“Yeah.” agreed Summer and Clover.
The sun was beginning to set by the time they returned. By then, they were all beginning to feel tired and hungry once more. Tai and Clover made sure to make the fish mouth watering delicious. The served the first piece to Blake, whose mouth was watering at the sight. While the kids ate and Yang retold the story of how her bff caught the beat, the adults chatted some more. After dinner, they all roasted marshmallows and told scary stories. If anyone had asked Clover if he had yelped and grabbed onto his husband’s arm when an ominous howl coincided with the climax of Tai’s scary story, he would say it didn’t happen. Everyone else would beg to differ, especially Qrow. As it got later, the fire died and the kids who wanted to sleep outside retired to a tent, while the kids who wanted to sleep inside retired to the RVs. While there was room for the adults in the RV, they wanted to appreciate the cool air and beautiful night sky. 
“Hey, Clover?”
“Yes, my Lucky Charm?”
“It’s been a nice day with you, and them.” Clover hummed in agreement.
“It has. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.” They laid together in comfortable silence for a moment more, taking in the starry sky through their clear-topped tent. 
“Beautiful view, isn’t it?” Qrow asked. Clover turned to face him. His deep crimson eyes shone a unique brilliance that was incomparable to anything else. Qrow had just looked so serene in the light of the moon and stars and the darkness of the night. Clover found himself enamored. 
“Most beautiful sight in the world, if I must say.”
“Clover, I swear, if you’re─” he stopped mid sentence as he turned his head to see Clover staring right at him, obviously caught up in admiring his dark-haired husband. Qrow softly smiled back. Together, they silently admired each other. 
“You know, I do think of you and your family as the best thing to ever happen to me. Never had a big family, and I’m pretty much all I have from my side of the family now. I guess I just appreciate you and your family a lot.”
“Our family, Lucky Charm.”
“Hmm?” Clover said, surprised.
“Our family. You’re as much a part of it as anyone else here, and we all love you just the same too.” Bewildered. Clover couldn’t think of a response. He was so used to the loneliness that he hadn’t really considered he could be a part of a family again. He moved closer to hug Qrow, who readily accepted him. He buried his head into the crook of his shoulders. And Clover wasn’t going to lie. He was crying a little. However, Qrow’s scent helped comfort him, as well as Qrow stroking his hair and the knowledge that he had a family.
“I love you Qrow.” Clover’s voice came out a tad strained, though it was almost undetectable.
“I love you too Clover.” With Qrow humming a song, Clover fell into a peaceful sleep. Soon after, Qrow fell asleep to the calm rise and fall of his husband’s chest. In this sleep, Clover had a dream, though he only remembered an image from it. Tai, Summer, and Raven were in it, as well as all the kids, albeit slightly older. Qrow was standing right beside him, their hands intertwined. In between them were two children who he could not discern. Yet, he felt happy, he felt like he was where he belonged, he felt love.
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wasalwaysagreatpickle · 4 years ago
Tuesday 6 May 1834
6 55/..
12 50/..
Very fine morning – ready at 8 3/4 and out till breakfast at 9 1/2 – Pickells and Dick in the morning and the other man (John Ombler, cropper) with them in the afternoon taking clay out (10 inches deeper) of north parlour – Mallinson and 3 men – hewing except 1 man and lastly 2 pulling down wall and making place for turn stile or rather little turn gate and the door (what stood in coal-place near embouchure of water closer) into the approach road, the gate now being boarded being so heavy and wind if stuck having so much power that some easier entrance yet secure against sheep and cattle must be planned – 
Charles and James Howarth busy about hanging the gate now door and finishing boarding it – John brought 3 rows (3/8) of a rood of outsides for walling up little gateways in the morning and was moving flowers and 2 plants of yellow jasmine from under drawing room and hall windows and planting out 16 rhododendran Ponticum, 12 laurestinus, and 25 yews from Throp that came this afternoon – Kept Pickells and his men to help him till after 7 and the masons till even after that – 
John ill and bilious today – Pickells sprained his ankle (done yesterday) and sent Matthew about 8 to Mr Sunderland on the old mare, could not walk, with an inflamed ankle – the young man gave an embrocation and said it would soon be well, but he was to go again tomorrow –
Out all the day (with John in the afternoon) except from 1 1/2 to 3 asleep in my study – dinner at 6, my soup and roast mutton, then out again and came in at 7 to rice pudding and coffee then out again till 9 1/2 – 1/4 hour with Marian and ditto with my aunt – 
Note letter this morning forwarded by Miss Walker from Mrs Scott no! G W. Ellis, York, dated 3 May to say my letter had been so long unanswered on account of her husband being from home but Joseph was to be off as today – Miss Walker filled up the blank paper – good account of herself – Sarah a great comfort to her – thinks Dr Belcombe has not heard anything 
particular about herself me or if he has he behaves very magnanimously – 
Letter this evening 3 pages from Mariana, Leamington dated the 4th instant tho’ she has not written she constantly thought of me ‘I have forborne to write as I feared to let my paper carry you the feelings which have never ceased to press upon my heart since I received your letter of the 15th of April I cannot remain longer silent but will endeavour to forbear writing anything which can either annoy, or make you think me more weak than you yet have supposed me –
‘Besides, all this, your happiness is very, very dear to me, and after all the years you have sacrificed to me, I ought indeed to rejoice that ‘your days of solitude are drawing to a close’ – I do not apprehend that mine will ever come, as I have little doubt but that the quiet church at Lawton will receive the last of me, long before any other change takes place in the family – Be it so, I am, as I have always expressed myself to you, entirely satisfied that such should be the case, and now, I have an additional reason for the feeling – But I will not write thus because I really am thankful to believe you are as happy as I can desire’ 
Your having taken another to your bosom has not left vacant your place in Mary’s heart, you have it too long and too exclusively to be pushed aside by any other fresh interests may squeeze themselves pretty closely by the side but they have not and cannot encroach that my happiness is dear to you I well know surely we neither of us can forget ‘if the sunshine of love has illumined our youth’ ‘the moonlight of friendship’ may at last ‘console our decline’ let fate do her worst there are remembrances of the past of which she cannot rob me this often steal to my heart and perhaps scatter away the darkest clouds 
‘But Freddy, dearest Freddy somehow I feel awkward in writing to you, I know not that I write for you alone, and the thought discomforts me even though my letters might be hung on the church door – give a faithful answer to this part of my letter’ going to Lawton as yesterday for a week – on account of her schools and ‘because the change of air Mr Pritchard thinks will do me good’ – the holidays began on the 20th proximo and they are to receive the boys (Lawtons) at Leamington – mentions the Camerons going away for the summer – ‘I shall finish my letter here, for my thoughts will run in one channel – As I am quite sure your undertakings are founded on reason, it is but rational to have little doubt of success – may Heaven ever bless and preserve you, and be assured that I deeply feel your assurances of present and future regard – not less than ever affectionately yours, Mariana’ – 
She writes as if too bitterly repenting the deed of her own doing as if as much attached to me as ever how strangely inconsistent her conduct has been still by her own shewing I am right 
‘Virtutem incolumem odimus sublatam ex oculis invidi querimus’ Poor Mary! she traded her happiness for gold; and the price was fatally too dear – 
Wrote all the above of today till 11 3/4 – fine day, rather dullish – fortunately for my evergreens not much sun – Fahrenheit 62˚ now at 11 3/4 p.m. – William Green told me today Joseph Wilkinson said he would give him as much for his cottage as I would (£100 offered £90 before) and would like me let him and his wife have it the joint lives at £5 per annum – refused to enfranchise it (leasehold) – would be obliged to me to let him have it – or I had better buy the field it stands in – Told William to inquire what price he would take for the field – would give its worth, but not more and thought William had better sell his cottage to me than to Joseph Wilkinson
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soujun-arts · 6 years ago
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Case 4 : Cupcake Madness
Reginald’s 4th Case ! English isn’t my first language so bear with me.
You can read the previous cases @ /~SilverBaron
Neovia, 15:30
I'm laying in my bed, staring at the roof of my room. I've been stuck in there for 3 long and boring days already and it doesn't look like it will be over anytime soon... My name is Reginald Acorn, I'm 20, a grey gelert and I'm currently fighting a cold. I'm a detective working for the police force of Neovia. Three days ago, the boss and I had to hide in front of the abandoned asylum to catch all sorts of thieves, including the most annoying one you can think of. And by the looks of it, thieves aren't the only things I caught that night ... But, the good news is, we were able to recover a stolen locket and give it back to Vincent Von Verzweiflung. The look on his face when he saw the "treasure" inside was well worth this nasty cold. I'm getting all emotional just by thinking of it !
It reminds me of how I miss Mama ... When I was young and sick, she would make me the most delicious of cocoa with some marshmallow floating in it. It was delicious and helped distract me from whatever sickness I was suffering under at that time...
A loud knock on my door makes me go back to reality. The doors opens to reveal an enormous darigan skeith, engulfed in tightly fitted trench-coat. A hat is deeply screwed on his head, letting only small tufts of grey hair around the sides of his head show.
_"Oh good, you're still alive kid !" he says, laughing loudly and slapping his stomach.
_"My wife made this soup for you. It's extra spicy but it should help free your stuffed nose." he grumbles as he lays down the bright red tureen on my table.
This tall and heavy Skeith is my boss, "Big Skeith". His name is actually Marcus Worsley but everyone calls him Big Skeith at the station so being the new guy, I just went with the flow. He's a bit rude, has a very loud mouth but I assure you that you could never hope for a better chief of police. He also kind of became a father figure for me since I've never met my own father... I respect him a whole lot ! _"Oh, almost forgot, I also got you this, kid." he says as he puts down a small green bottle on my night-stand. "Should help fight the cold, at least, that's what the pharmacist told me. And if it doesn't work, I can always arrest him!" Big cackles at his own joke like it was the funniest thing he ever said. I smile, not because of the joke, but because I'm genuinely happy he's there for me.
_"Okay, I must leave now, I have a job to do yaknow. I'll stop by later tomorrow to check on you kiddo, so sleep well and eat like there's no tomorrow. See ya !" he yells as he storms out of my flat. Big's appearances are always something.
I taste Big's wife's soup and it's absolutely delicious. No wonder he keeps on praising her cooking everyday ! I'll have to ask him to thank her for me, when he comes back to check on me. It really is spicy though, I thought, fighting the tears coming in my eyes. I glance at the medicine bottle ... I've always hated medicine and mama had to trick me with cookies every single time to get me to take them. The bottle is really pretty and the liquid is bubbling inside. The eagerness to go back to my cases is stronger than my disgust for medicines. I drink a spoonful of it and promptly go back to sleep.
Neovia, 7:15 am
I let out a big yawn and stretch while still laying in bed. The pharmacist kept his promises as I really feel fresh and ready to tackle whatever challenge comes my way ! The only weird thing is that I don't feel hungry at all, and if you know me, you know I always crave a huge breakfast. Thinking nothing more of it, I jump in the shower and let the warm water drench my fur. I wash my grey hair that is a bit sticky for some reason, plus it really needs a trim, they're getting way too long...
Once I've dried myself, I dress with my usual work attire and feel tremendous joy at the thought of finally being able to get back to work. I step outside and let the freezing air fill my lungs. Yes, to another awesome day of investigation !
Neovia, 8:00am
_"Oh hey kid, you're back !" shouts Big as I enter the police station. "Guess that potion and the soup worked well uh ?" _"Yes, they did ! Thank you for taking care of me boss ! And please thank your wife for me, she really is a talented cook !
_"Ahaha, I know, right !! Well, since you're up and ready, how about you join Lenny. He's going to investigate a theft and break-in at the Crumpet Monger.
_"Sure boss ! I'll be going !"
I've never had the occasion to work with Lenny before. Lenny is, well, a Lenny. He's a weird mix of faerie and grey colours and looks always completely depressed. Maybe it's the fact that he is bald that makes him so upset ? He's very nonchalant and walks as fast as snail. He also speaks in a monotonous voice and I always feel like sleeping when I hear him talk.
Neovia, 9:00am
Finally, I can see the Crumpet Monger ! The shop is actually only 20 mins away by foot from the station but Lenny being so slow, it almost took us a WHOLE hour to get there. And since I'm still the newbie, I can't say anything. The Crumpet Monger shop is relatively small but it sells the best baked goods in all Neovia ! A cupcake is drawn right over the porch roof, and just underneath, an elegant door that opens upon a world of delicious treats ! As we get closer, I can see that the door was fractured but the frontage is thankfully intact. Lenny pushes the door and a bell rings inside. We were standing in the entrance when a mountain of hair came rushing out of the kitchen like a storm. Underneath all that hair, a meerca.
_"Oh so yer finally here ! Thank goodness ! As yer can see, we were robbed last night. All ther cakes, scones, pies, tarts and everything in between, gone !" she shrieks, visibly upset.
_"I see." ponders Lenny, completely out of it. _"Did they steal anything else, like the cash register ?" I asked, ready to do my job.
_"Well, yer see, no they didn't. They only stole and ate whatever we had in there.
But ... shouldn't the shop be empty of pastries during the night since you make fresh ones everyday ?" I say, pointing at a small sign saying so by the counter.
_"Oh yer, we do ! In these kind of jobs, we work at lot at night. My main baker was working tonight, made a whole storm of pastries yer see to set the shop for ther morning. He then left for a short while to see our supplier as per usual yer see. It was during that short time ther shop was ransacked." she lets her arm fall flat on her sides. "We lost a lot of money tonight yer see...
_"I'm very sorry Mrs Crumpet. We will do our best to wrap up things quickly so you can re-open again. Would it be possible to talk with your main baker ?"  I glance at Lenny as I speak, hoping he would step in to take the reigns but he was busy dozing off with a bubble popping out of his beak. Charming.
_"Sure yer can darling ! Aaron please come yer !" she shouts.
Coming out of the kitchen, wiping his hands covered in flour on a towel, a young Maraquan Gelert. He's of average height, has a long and weird tail with a, what, fin on it ? He is purple and his hair, which kinda look like algae, is greenish. He wears a big cooking hat on his head and a fancy looking uniform with a star on it. Around his neck, a red neckerchief.
He holds out his hand and I shake it amicably, this guy seems to be really friendly.
_"Hello, name's Reginald Acorn and here's my colleague Lenny Dot. We're here to investigate and we'd like to hear what you have to say please.
_"Thanks for coming, both of you. My name is Aaron Watson, I'm the main baker here. I think you won't have much trouble finding the culprit.
Really ? How so ?" my ears rising up in surprise.
_"Look at this, they left their prints all over the display cases. Should be easy enough to find, no ?
I get closer to the case and indeed, Aaron was telling the truth, you could see distinct prints all over it. I glance at the few leftover cupcakes there, suddenly feeling hungry.
_"Hmm yes, this is all very importance evidence...
_"Hey Regie, I hope you're talking about the prints and not the cupcakes" cackles Lenny, suddenly awake.
_"Of course I am !" I yell angry he found me out. "Dust for the prints instead of dozing off, that'd be helpful" I say, still sulking.
Alright, alright, let the pro do his job baby." he shouts proudly while holding a weird pose, showing off.
_"I really hope you catch that thief, but in all those short years I've worked here, it's really the first time this happens.." adds Aaron, rubbing his chin with his hand, still in disbelief.
_"No offence here, but you seem really chill for someone who had all his hard work eaten without being paid for...
_"Oh, that's because he took out his anger on yer poor innocent dough sweetheart" giggles Mrs Crumpet.
_"Boss, please !"
_"Okay I'm done dusting the prints and taking pictures here" says Lenny, striking another weird pose. "We will have the results tomorrow or so, so you can get cleaning your fantastic shop my beautiful darling." he adds, kissing Mrs Crumpet hand in a what I assume was supposed to be a gentlemen like gesture.
_"Oh, Oh, my, my, what a charming gentleman you are Mr Dot !" says Mrs Crumpet, blushing.
_"Urhg, disgusting." whispers Aaron while laughing slightly. "Then, I'll get back to work, thank you for coming."
Neovia 13:30
I'm sitting at my desk, eating my sandwich. It took us forever to get back here, as Lenny took his sweet, sweet time. Sometimes I really wonder how come this guy still had a job considering how slow he is in everything he does, but Big told me that he's the best when it comes to little details and all the other stuff we tend to overlook. He's currently studying the prints we found and comparing them to the files we have. Whenever someone decides to move in Neovia, they're obligated to give their prints as well, I'm not really sure why, but I guess after being a cursed town for years, they prefer to use some caution. I had to do it too when I filed all the paperwork in the City Hall. I swallow the last bite of my meal when Lenny comes rushing out from the lab and sprint right into the boss's office. How weird it is to see someone as slow as a snail go as fast as a cybunny ... I guess he did find something. Not two minutes later, Big yells for me to come to his office right now. Why do I feel like I'm not gonna like this ?
_"Kid, we have a match for the prints you guys found." says Big, dropping the file on his desk. He turns around to face the window, turning his back to Lenny and I. "The culprit is a Gelert.
_"Oh, really ? Is it that annoyingly annoying jewel thief ? Though, I wonder why he would steal cupcakes..." I say, rubbing my cheek.
_"No, praise Fyora, this guy is innocent for once. Though, I wish it was him right about now...
Knowing how Big despises that thief, I feel the anxiety rushing through my body.
_"That thief never leaves any prints behind, that's why we have so much trouble identifying him... Reginald, don't you have anything you want to say to me ?" he says calmly, turning back to face me again.
_"No.. I don't understand, I haven't done anything wrong..
_"Kid, the prints are yours. Your prints are all over the display cases of the Crumpet Monger shop. Lenny even found some grey hairs that belong to you on the scene, hair that were covered in frosting. You are the cupcake thief." he looks at me, visibly disappointed.
_"But ... I haven't left my flat yesterday.." I cry, upset I could tarnish my reputation this way. "I ate the soup you brought me, took the medicine as well and went to bed. I swear I didn't do anything wrong..."  I state, still sobbing. Disappointing Big is one of the last things I want to do...
_"Look Kid, I know you, I know you're not a thief nor a liar. There has to be an explication, and we will find it." he says, putting his clawy hand on my shoulder. "Oh and wipe your nose, I don't want any snot on my desk!" he adds, smiling snarkily. "Let's go on a walk, I think you need some fresh hair. Thanks Lenny for your work, you can go back in the lab work on whatever you have left to do."
Neovia 14:00
_"Okay, let's go to the pharmacy and see what the guy has to say. I don't feel like you're lying like I said, but how come every evidence found incriminates you..." he grumbles as we walk in the main street.
_"I don't know, I'm really lost here... I don't remember a thing, but I do recall not feeling hungry this morning and my hair being sticky when I woke up." I follow him, looking at my shoes, still feeling shameful.
_"We're here." he says as he pushes the door open.
_"Oh hey it's you !" points a young Zafara with his head full of blond and spiky hair. "How is it doing man ?
_"I'm not your man, kid.
_"Yeah, yeah, what can I do for ya ?
_"I want "ya" to tell me more about this medicine I got from you yesterday. Are there any side effects I should have been told about when you gave it to me ?" asks Big, pushing his finger into the zafara's coat.
_"It was groovy eh man ?!" he says, still pointing his fingers at us. "I think I'm gonna slap some sense into this idiot, if you know what I mean." whispers Big in my ear.
Oh, Oh...
_"Stop being such a moron Arnold !" yells a middle-aged Kacheek, hitting his head with a stack of paper. "Ugh, I swear to Fyora, you're really an idiot. Please excuse my employee sirs. What can I do for you ?
Big Skeith, after a glance at my pathetic face, decides to explain the situation to the Kacheek himself. She closes her eyes as she listens to him. _"Uh, Uh, I see. I do have an explanation for you, I believe. Did you wife happen to add some clawmatoes in her soup ?
_"Yes, it's one of her favourite things to put in there. Why ? Is there an issue with it ?
_"As stupid as it sounds, yes actually. I do not know the full details, but they contain some enzymes or something that react quite badly with the cold medicine your friend here took. They can induce sleepwalking tendencies and cravings when mixed together. Since the poor guy doesn't remember a thing, I believe that's what happen. What were the odds though ?
_"I see, thank you Ma'am ! Please keep slapping some sense into your apprentice.
_"I will good sir, have a nice day, sorry for the trouble !
Neovia 14:30
_"Wait for me here, I won't be long kid." says Big gently slapping my shoulder as he opens the door of the Crumpet Monger shop.
I'm leaning against the façade, still unsure about what's going to happen. Am I going to got to jail ? How are Mrs Crumpet and Mr Watson going to react ? They seem really nice to me and I really don't want them to hate me. As I'm wondering what's going to happen, I hear the bell and the door opens. It's Aaron.
_"Rough day, eh ?" he says as he leans against the shop next to me.
_"Yeah, pretty much. I assume you know everything." I whisper, still full of shame.
_"Yes, I do."
The sharp answer makes me shiver, but I didn't feel any anger in it. _"Look, as upset as I am, we know it's not your fault. Your boss said he was going to pay for the damaged door.
_"Really ? But what about the cupcakes, I mean, I ate all your stock...
_"You sure did!" he cries in laughter. "I can't believe you ate all that without feeling sick, you have some strong stomach kid !
_"Hey, don't call me kid, you're barely older than I am !" I manage to utter as I start to laugh with him.
_"Now that's better ! We have agreed on something with your boss. We're not gonna ruin a promising career, so hear me out. When you're not working your usual job, you'll come and work part time with us, that includes cleaning, deliveries, tasting my new recipes and other little things. That's how you're going to pay your debt to us. Does that sound fair to you ?" he grins.
_"You bet, thank you so much !" I say sobbing, finally relieved from the tension in my shoulders.
Neovia 21:30
I lay down my pen on my desk. I desperately needed to write a letter to mama to tell her everything. After that chat with Aaron, we came back inside the shop were Mrs Crumpet gave me a delicious crêpe to cheer me up. We ended up having a good laugh over this unlikely story and I'm going to start working part time with them tomorrow. I'm really eager to make it up to them. Once again, Big Skeith was there for me, and I can't thank him enough. He talked food with Mrs Crumpet during what felt like an eternity but it was a peaceful moment. As for Aaron, despite him being rightfully angry for his destroyed goods, he opened up to me and showed me how passionate he is about his job. I felt like we were the same on that point. I really wish I can become his friend because I really enjoyed his company. I better go to bed now, I have quite a doozy of a day tomorrow !
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bufanzi · 7 years ago
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( left to right: bu fan, yue yue, xiao yu, ling chao, mu ziyang, bowen)
Yue yue
his real name is yue minghui 岳明辉 !! (92-liner) 
nicknames include 老岳 (lao yue; old yue) & 岳叔 (yue shu; uncle yue) & 中年岳 (middle-aged yue) . PLS LET YUE YUE LIVE. 
used the name 岳岳 as a stage name bc of the way it sounds & its easier for people to remember ; PINKRAY
he went by the name joey yue while studying overseas lmao
有背景有文化的团长 ( A leader with sophiscated background and culture )
Cold city boy from beijing
Engineering student!!! from Nanjing University of Aeronautics & did masters in glasgow uni!!!!!! V v v smart!!!
Great english, British accent sorta ( listen to him speak x x )
Will trade fatty meat for lean meat if u ask
TATTOOS (I THINK THERE’S A WOLF ONE, THE ONE W AN ANCHOR+OCTOPUS not sure though :c not enough HD pics to verify ;;)
Wants to collab w eminem one day
Looks up to eminem, dr dre & ice cube
STEALS MU ZIYANG’S CLOTHES VERY OFTEN (there was this vid once when yue yue was choosing btwn 5 outfits and mu ziyang was like “can u at least put one of ur own outfits in the 5”)
Voted as naggy lmao (was asked by mu ziyang whether 1 ton of iron or 1 ton of cotton is heavier, and he talked to ziyang about it for 2 hrs about the question isn’t logical cause the experiment must be held in the same conditions, the air etc etc)
His hair is a birds nest & cannot be maintained + he uses the company’s hair dryer (which actually belongs to ling chao) to do his hair
Likes to eat everything, not picky with food :”) 
became bufan’s “woman” in IP aft the gang initiation LOL
yue likes to have clothes with holes in weird places, so i think that’s why he always wears ziyangs’s clothes 
his underwear is still outside the window ledge/roof on their old qin dorm c: 
can drive!!! has a car!!!! drives a honda w a super cool license plate number ahah 
lmao wanted to set up an emergency fund for the himself and the boys because they are always getting their salary deducted HAHAH (+ it was said that ling chao has the most money bc he listens the best and is always on time)
plays the guitar!!! 
has a tentacle fetish lmao 
initially his dad wasn’t supportive of him becoming a trainee so he secretly went to idol producer without his dad’s knowledge (his dad didn’t even know what he was doing at qin ent) but rn his dad rlly supports him!! 
yue yue’s fans call themselves 岳妻 (yue yue’s wife) 
Mu ziyang
His real name is li zhenyang 李振洋 (94-liner) 
his stage name 木子洋 is cause his surname 李 is formed from 木子 then they added the 洋 ; KWIN
Fans call him 小懂事 ( which means something like a sensible kid )  
Walked in milan fashion week!!!!!! WALKED FOR MANY BRANDS!!!! THIS KING
Also said he managed to walk for the show that he most wanted to!!!!
WENT TO THE SAME SCHOOL AS BUFAN (Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology) (and was schoolmates with dong yanlei) 
Scared of ghosts cause his mum used to tell him that ghosts will snatch him away if he misbehaves
says he isn’t of haunted houses, but then asks ling chao to hug him tightly when walking though it lmao
he’s scared of everything :)
LIKES TO DO “BUSINESS” ie trade stuff with ling chao so that ling chao will do his bidding
Rlly sad but mu ziyang got srsly sick during ip first evals and had to do iv drips until his hands were all bruised cause of the needle marks :c
Lmao this idiot thinks 3/6 > 3/5
wants to work with Leonardo DiCaprio
he can’t stand people sitting on his bed
“It’s not that the pyjamas are expensive, I’m expensive” 
Sang 越战越勇 on before!! 
lowkey was upset he didn’t get balloons on his birthday while yue yue got a wall of happy birthday + star balloons HAHAHA
roommates with yue in the qin dorm
threw yue’s underwear out the window bc yue forced it over his head :”) & its stuck right outside the roof at their old dorm
bought a tank for loaches/mudfish & only realised that it wasn’t meant for fishes after putting the decorations and water in it... 
apparently has a driving license 
once while driving a motorcycle, the battery died & he used a strangers phone to call yue yue. then yue yue had to come pick him up with his car. since he had the motorcycle, ziyang sat on the motorcycle and held on to the car handle & they drove back like that lmao
can play the piano!!!
THERE WAS THIS ONCE POST ON DOUBAN where mu ziyang bought ALL the buns from the convenience store & zhu xingjie came a while later and wast stuck at the store cause he had to wait until the next batch was ready lmao
Had a huge knee surgery during his trainee period :c (the boys also visited him in the hospital) + also sad bc qin3 went for a huge seafood feast at home when mu ziyang was stuck eating hospital food
before leaving the dorms he went with ling chao to the convenience store to buy food bc he says ling chao is kinda picky with his food so he doesn’t eat much & he isnt’t able to take care of him anymore now that he’s eliminated so he used up all his remaining money to buy food for him
after being eliminated, he and yue yue went to play HAHAHA
Bu fan
his real name is bu fanfan 卜凡凡 (96-liner)
the boys call him 凡子 (fan zi), where 凡 is from his name and 子 is a term of endearment :”) 
used bu fan as a stage name because he thinks bu fanfan is too cute lol; KATTO (PRONOUNCED AS KA-TOO)
192cm 对 cant play basketball though
ACTUALLY DIDNT GRAD FRM SCHOOL YET :c he said his parents are pushing him to continue to study but nonetheless support him as an idol
LOVES TO CRY ( crise a lot when doing stretching)
Voted most scared of pain
Once got caught eating a melon & got punished :c (+ he always steals melon from the fridge & doesn’t even close the refrigerator door afterwards...) 
Always late for work apparently until there’s no more salary to be detected
apparently owes ziyang money & gave him a rap perf for money lol
Once helped an old auntie neighbour buy a new phone bc hers was old and was about to spoil 
When asked if he likes girls with short hair or long hair, this boy said he doesn’t like any & likes computers instead lmao
He can’t stand low qualiy movies, it has to be in HD
when he becomes rich and successful, he’s going to help the manager xiao yu do some intense stretching lmao 
“ everytime bufan goes to the subway, the authorities will always check his ID ” - yueyue 
Has a wall of demoralising quotes back at the qin dorm ( iconic quotes include: “being ugly is a disease” & “the reason why you drink chicken soup is because other people have already ate the meat” & “all roads lead to rome, but some people are born in rome” )
“ 家爆脸 ”- zhou yanchen
HIGHKEY LOVES YUEYUE A LOT this sweet child tried his best to protect yue’s cake from being eaten cause he wanted yue to take a photo with it first ( in qin ent, it was said that the only way they get food is to snatch from others, so that cake was NOT safe with mu ziyang and ling chao around )
MORE INSTANCES OF HIS LOVE FOR YUEYUE, HE WILL BITE YOUR HEAD OFF IF U DISS HIS YUE :”) just look at bufan getting triggered when zhou rui mentioned about yue’s eye wrinkles
Also, he called yue yue disgusting cause yue yue didn’t come back at night & went to sleep in another trainees room ( he’s jealous )
Leader of a gang (current known members include ( xiao gui, fan chengcheng, yue yue & xu shengen) 
got tricked to eat a sichuan chilli by yue yue poor thing
once a deliveryman misread his name as 小凡凡 (xiao fanfan) instead of 卜凡凡 (bu fanfan), then got dissed by the mu ziyang saying “omg why do u call yourself that” 
I think bufan has a habit of saying the word 对 (dui) after a sentence, its pretty cute :”)
according to ziyang, bu fan thinks he’s the smartest in the group 
has a habit of calling people 宝宝 (baobao) & 宝贝 (baobei) which means baby/babe
outed yue yue as the only one that wears mu ziyang’s clothes (when asked if mzy was really qin’s closet, he said that our group has 4 people, ling chao and I never wear mzy’s clothes)
Ling chao
His real name is li yingchao 李英超 (01-liner)
his stage name came about bc if u say his real name really fast ‘李英 (li ying) will sound like 灵 (ling) ; DIDI (lmao when he’s old he’s still going to be called didi)
call him 弟弟 (di di; little brother) or  小王子 (little prince)
Loves his candies & would probably fight u for it
Hides candies in so many diff places/compartments lmao
got a toothache bc of said candy
sings really well!!!! 
SAYS HIS FAV CELEBRITY IS 黄晓明 (& angelababy)
Receives the most love from the other boys :”) ( they have a rule where the plate with the most meat goes to him )
roommates with bu fanfan
Always seen with mu ziyang ( the true otp )
Doesnt like meat with fats
is an idiot. he went to a korean restaurant & told ziyang that the “spicy cabbage” wasn’t tasty and he preferred kimchi instead. BUT THEY ARE THE SAME THING. 
he likes white roses
likes cats!! 
likes to scare chickens (& got scolded for it)
during break time, he has to memorise Chinese vocabulary ( and is taught by the company’s ceo!!!!!!)
i think he sticks with ziyang the most! ;; (obvs they are the superior ship)
shittiest luck HAHAHA (bufan+lingchao team and yueyue+ziyang team had to draw lots to see who gets to sleep in the room and who sleeps outside in the living room, and ling chao always loses)
printed his own picture on a pillow then said it was “given by fans” 
had a writer/blogger/reviewer kind of site where he wrote stuff 
looks up to xukun and zhangjing the most in ip!
 “ if your 3 qin brothers become a girl, who would be your older sister, younger sister and girlfriend? ” LING CHAO: NONE BECAUSE ALL OF THEM ARE UGLY
ling chao’s fans are called 糖精 (tang jing; candy spirit) because of his love for candy
小于 (xiao yu)
BC221’s manager!!!!!!!!! (Also helps then stretch)
very sassy & playful
older than all of the qin boys ; had to work for 4 years before attending university
he’s almost always the camera man for bc221′s trainee life videos!!!! (its either him or bowen)
Came off as a little mean in the video where the boys were stretching :c but honestly he just rlly wants the best for them
Stays with the boys in their qin dorm!!!!!!
Went to the same university with mu ziyang!!! (& says mu ziyang stole his snacks, face masks, shoes, clothes, socks etc); they probably graduated the same time cause they were classmates! 
Sometimes ppl call him 小鱼 (yu) ( word play; means little fish ) & mu ziyang called him 热带鱼 (tropical fish)
When yue yue got in trouble for playing computer games, he called xiao yu handsome and he laughed & immediately stop scolding yue yue LOL
yueyue likes to diss him lmao 
Gives ling chao sweets!!! (doesn’t give bufan and yueyue bc they apparently dont listen to him lmao) 
said to bufan : “IS BEING TALL EVERYTHING??? HUH???”
“we always get scolded by our manager, the first day would pass by normally but then on the 2nd day we would get scolded” - yueyue & bufan
“excuse you? what was that about your manager scolding you everyday? its called a heart to heart talk” 
a fan sent pig feed to the company & he said he was going to save it to give to the boys as a birthday present
yue yue calls him 小于帅 a lot. 
followed yue yue to his home to visit lao yue’s mum :”) helped yue yue carried the luggage up the stairs
went Thailand with yue yue and mu ziyang after eliminations!
got dragged by bu fan into the toilet  (bu fan said it was xiao yu that pushed him inside but there’s video evidence HAHAHA)
Sadly no longer part of QIN’s entertainment anymore
博文 (Bowen)
lives with the boys apparently
Shorter than the qin4 and xiao yu ahaha if you see the video angle being lower compared to others, then its bowen filming (fans call it the girlfriend angle lmao) 
I think he’s qin’s video editor/photographer!
currently now part of qin’s one man subbing team rip bowen
passive aggressively posting on weibo whenever xiao yu posts updates on their Thailand adventure bc they didn’t bring him along hahahah
he has a cat called 棉裤 (cotton pants), mu ziyang hates this cat because 棉裤 always climbs on his bed
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timelesstimesgoneby · 3 years ago
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cardboard-moon · 7 years ago
40 Things You Never Wanted To Know About Me
You probably already know me decently well or else you wouldn’t be reading this, so instead of rehashing the basic (boring) “getting to know me” questions I dug a little deeper and asked myself about what’s really important. Here is the result: 40 Things You Never Wanted To Know About Me. Enjoy!
1. What Parks and Rec character am I?
While I could argue for almost everyone on the show I’m probably most like Ben Wyatt: a white, brunette, and sad man who eats soup alone on a park bench (minus his love of math and rollerskate kink)
2: Top 5 books?
To Kill a Mockingbird, The Secret History, A Prayer for Owen Meany, The Help, 11/22/63
3: Top 5 movies?
Chinatown, Star Wars, Rear Window, National Treasure (nick cage can be good in small doses ok) and Nancy Drew (2007)
4: Top 5 shows?
Parks and Rec, B99, That 70′s Show, Mad Men, Arrested Development
5: Top 10 most iconic vines?
1) Chris is that a weed/Mary is that a police
2) Hi My Name is Trey I have A Basketball Game Tomorrow
3) Rebecca It’s Not What You Think
4) The one where the girl is just hitting elmo with a baseball bat
5) Anything Kermit but esp. the one where he falls off the building
6) You Know This Boy Got His Free Taco
7) 2 Bros Chillin in the Hot Tub
8) Waelcom to my Keeetchen we have bananis and avocadis
9) Whoever Threw That Paper Your Mom’s A Hoe
10) i spilled lipstick in your valentino bag (yOU SPILLED WHAHULAUG LIPSTICK IN MY VALENTINE WHITE BAG)
6: Where do I see myself in 21 years?
One of my dreams in life is to marry the heir to a prestigious winery out in wine country. I have a vision of myself at 39, waking up at 10 AM on a tuesday and standing on my private balcony in my state-of-the-art spanish stucco villa. i am drinking a chardonnay despite the early hour whilst i observe my grape empire in my silk negligee. the only event planned for the day is a portrait sitting for my rottweilers (4 of them), for which i have arranged spaces in the family’s private art gallery. i am aging well despite the harsh california sun and my partner and i have a trip to tuscany planned for the fall. it’s a charmed life and i never tire of eating grapes  
7: Top 5 favorite cryptids
1) Nessie (Nessie is a true lady I believe in her)
2) Mothman (not real)/ el chupacabra (possibly real)
3) the kraken (definitely real)
4) Bigfoot (not real but a legend anyways)
5) the yeti (real only in russia)
8: Do I Believe in Ghosts
It’s a complicated topic and of course we will likely never know for sure but the short answer is yes. in my opinion though, what ghosts are is the important question: are they really the dead coming back to haunt the earth? are they just manifestations of energy that the mind interprets into recognizable shapes? hallucinations? or is it wish fulfillment and the reduction of tensions on a heavy conscience? our brains are capable of powerful things, but it begs the question as to whether if a human desperately wants something to be true does the human mind have the power to make it true? c. s. lewis mentioned once that he never understood the ghost debate since, given that ghosts are real, they have no real power over us or anything interesting to say. but i believe that just goes to show how the mystery is far often more important than the solution.
9: Best/Worst Month of the Year
Best: May/November (spring/fall in full swing, holidays, time off school, great atmosphere) Worst: August (too dang hot & start of school)
10: What is one of my embarrassing secrets
I didn’t learn how to tie my shoes until I was nine (velcro ftw)
11: What is my Dream Date
We go cryptid hunting in the woods and have a picnic in the dark; you supply dogs for entertainment and guardianship purposes, i supply drinks and the cryptozoological myths we are chasing. Afterwards we get gelato
12: Top 3 Presidents
(this is based solely on arbitrary opinion not policies) 1) Barry Obama 2) Lincoln  3) Millard Fillmore (his name is funny) 
Honorable mention: jimmy carter (he was the only noncorrupt man in office for like 30 years before barry)
13: Top 3 Vice Presidents
1) John Adams, if nothing else but for the drama this man caused 2) Walter Mondale 3) the big boy JB 
Honorable Mention: Nichard Rixon
14: Top 3 Secretaries of State
1) Madeline Albright 2) Henry Clay 3) Elihu P. Washburn 
(note: secretaries of state have the funniest names, like Hamilton Fish (1869-1877) rest easy Mr. Fish)
15: Worst Activity they make you do in middle school PE
Middle school P.E. is the worst in general but I’m going to say either grading you on your shotput skills (?) or BMI (??) or just the tuesday run in general (luther kids know)
16: Top 4 Worst Scents
1) Washing a knife covered in peanut butter 2) Really cheap perfume that they sell in checkout lines at convenience stores 3) Olives 4) organic deodorant
17: Top 7 Conspiracy Theories
1) The Denver Airport is an underground military fallout shelter designed to protect the 1% from nuclear warfare
2) A Roman pope adjusted the Gregorian calendar so that his reign would fall on 1000 AD so we’re actually living in the year 1783
3) Paul McCartney is dead and was replaced prior to the Seargant Pepper album by a lookalike named Billy Shears
4) The state of Wyoming is a myth
5) Avril Lavigne died and was replaced back in the early 00’s
6) The Titanic sank because too many people went back in time to prevent it from sinking
7) Not to be cliche George Bush and the military-industrial complex orchestrated the 9/11 attacks (jet fuel can’t melt steel beams and all that)
18: Inside jokes with myself
I’m not usually a “gamer” but every year without fail someone introduces me to a game exactly at finals time and I get hooked and it ruins my gpa and study habits. This year it’s Stardew Valley, last year it was Dream Daddy and the year before that it was undertale and I blame Jojo for absolutely all of it bc they are usually the instigator. Anyway, every year I joke with myself about what game will derail my grades this year
19: Top 5 Worst Tactile Sensations
1) Putting tights or leggings on wet, hairy legs post-shower
2) Running fingernails along cardboard
3) Sweating in a turtleneck
4) Having wet, salty hair after swimming that drips down onto your back and makes the top of your shirt damp
5) Reaching into a bag of grapes and only finding really soft, slimy ones
20: Best Cat I’ve ever encountered
One time my friend and I were leaving Romancing the Bean and walking back to her car and the fattest, fluffiest, softest ginger cat I’ve ever seen came trotting up to us and flopped over at our feet. He was such a good boy!!! And so friendly with strangers!! He was very well groomed and just wanted some love, and whenever we stopped petting him he would jump up onto our legs and leave little wet paw prints everywhere, I wanted to kidnap him
21: Best dog I’ve ever encountered
All of them
22: Best squirrel I’ve ever encountered
My dad has befriended a squirrel named Nutty that likes to sneak into his office when the door’s open and steals peanuts. if the door is closed he’ll bang on it and scream until we acknowledge him
23: If I were a furry what would my fursona be
I do not know because I am not a furry. HOWEVER someone who is well-versed in furry matters told me once that I would be one of those long, nervous dogs like a greyhound maybe and tbh I could see it
24: Favorite/Least Favorite Disneyland Rides
My favorite has always been haunted mansion, except for the halloween season when it’s nightmare before christmas and then it’s thunder mountain. I just love the outside atmosphere of the house bc I’m a slut for that southern gothic architecture style. Worst is splash mountain because there’s no seatbelt and LOGICALLY i know I don’t need one but it doesn’t stop me from having a panic attack every time I get on and we go up the big hill as I worry about being flung from the toboggan across the park
25: Least favorite restaurant within 10 mile radius of my house
I live over by Porto’s so I am #blessed to be surrounded by some really dope food. However there is a hipster place a couple of blocks over in Toluca Lake that only serves bizarre food like fried chicken in maple syrup with waffle fries and it’s surprisingly bland, so the lack of taste combines with how expensive it is probably makes it the worst (it’s also forgettable bc I can’t even remember its name)
26: Rank of JBHS history department according to how good of a parent they would be
9.Mr. Bixler - I have never had this man so I can’t say shit. NA/10
8. Ms. Snowden - I’ve never had her either but I’ve heard enough about her between Burroughs and Luther to know that this woman is kind of scary, intimidating and uptight, all things I personally do not desire in a parent. 2/10
7. Mr. Hatch - I love Scott Hatch but he is a tremendous mess of a man. Judging by his wife’s instagram photos his idea of parenting is taking naps while cuddling his children and letting his wife do the rest of the hard work. Plus he seems like the type to be too wrapped up in his own melodrama and too busy hangin out with his best friend Edward Frankenbush playing Xbox to pay much attention to his kids. However, he did skip the first day of school to take his daughter to kindergarten so he gets points for that. 4/10
6. Mr. Lee - Mr. Lee is a very respectable guy who seems like he does a very good job providing for his family. He’s ranked as middle of the road because he’s a naturally private person so I can’t speak to his parenting tactics or personality much, however the few stories he shared about his daughter were very cute and he does the typical teacher/parent things like making her his screensaver on his computer. Overall, a very quality dad and man, 6.5/10
5. Mr. Fitz - Kyle Fitzgerald is similarly a mess of a man, but the difference between him and Scott Hatch is that he seems to make an investment in his kid. He always talks about current events in terms of what idiocy his poor daughter will have to put up with which shows his devotion to her well-being and survival in a confusing world. Also he brought her in to go swimming once while I was working at Verdugo and I got to see them having a great time on the splash pad and it warmed my heart. Great dad 7/10
4. Mr. Piper - Richard Piper is such a good father but in a detached way. He loves talking about his son and wife just as much as he loves talking about planes. The real kicker? When he talks about taking his son ON planes and geeking out over history together. He also asked all of his classes for people looking for tutoring work when his son was struggling in math which is so cute. Good guy Rick gets an 8/10.
2. (tie) Mr. Frankenbush and Ms. Hacker - Ed and Jan are both beautiful people. I know Ms. Hacker is #divisive but I personally am a big fan and would die to have her guidance in my daily life. She’s always interested in what’s going on in people’s lives and sure she’s definitely chaotic but it’s a loving chaos that’s only looking to help other people. I’ve not had the pleasure of having Mr. Frankenbush but he always is hanging out with his son Joey and they love coming to the Burroughs pool and playing water polo together; they spend a lot of time together since his wife works so much and they have such a buddy friendship. Both of these lovely people are super devoted and invested in the youth and would make great parents. 9/10
1. Mr. Clark - A god. We don’t deserve this man and I can’t sing his praises enough. Were were all lucky enough to be Greg’s children I don’t think evil would exist in the world. 11/10
27: Worst book I read for school
Hands down Tale of Two Cities since it’s the only one I’ve never finished. Dickens just doesn’t do it for me I guess plus I get really tired of the one dimensional characters and how much he romanticizes Lucy
28: Favorite little-known tidbit of history
When Richard Nixon went to Soviet Russia as Eisenhower’s VP during the cold war his secret service agents detected higher than usual amounts of radiation coming from Nixon’s hotel room, so they started talking loudly about it bc they knew the Soviets had planted buds and were listening. Within like an hour the radiation had vanished and they never heard anything about it again so man Soviet’s ain’t sly
29: 5 Places in Burbank That Are Definitely Haunted
1. Coral Cafe for obvious reasons, look up the ghost on youtube
2. The View seems like it would have some kind of el chupacabra-esque creature prowling around, maybe a mountain lion hybrid
3. Fry’s Electronics
4. The abandoned train station under the bridge
5. The LA river by the equestrian center
30: Rank of all the AP classes i took in order of entertainment value
9) AP Bio: I liked bio but the class wasn’t very entertaining. There’s not a lot of humor in bacteria and cells, and Mr. Van Loo is much more of a calming than a humorous and chaotic presence, so overall it takes the hit as the least entertaining class.
8) AP Stats: Math is similarly not very entertaining, but Mrs. Hollingshed’s erratic personality gives it the edge over Bio. Definitely more humorous than expected of a math class.
7) AP Econ: I bombed econ and business/money isn’t very entertaining but Jan Hacker made it so thanks to her chaos (love her though).
6) AP Euro: European history is incredibly iconic because, spoiler alert, Europeans are idiots and historically speaking everything that can go wrong, will go wrong. I just wish I remember it since I think idiot sophomore Lily slept through most of the class so needless to say I didn’t soak up much of the entertainment value. If it were up to me I’d take it over again and maybe stay awake this time.
5) AP Lit: Lit was just as much challenging and intimidating as it was entertaining, so it balances out. Mrs. Caluya is notably iconic and the books we read were all pretty interesting so it gets a high vote from me.
3) (tie) Gov/APUSH: History is always entertaining in my eyes since people do stupid things out of pettiness. These two tie for different reasons: Mr. Piper is a great teacher and that mock trial we did for the industrial age was great, but the subject was also extremely entertaining overall. I loved reading about how John Adams made making fun of him illegal. Gov was mostly just entertaining because of Mr. Hatch and how salty his is about the government. His sarcastic comments about how corrupt everything is gave life to an otherwise pretty lifeless subject.
2) AP Lang: aka the class with no curriculum, or the Kuglen Hour. I love Mr. Kuglen so much and he is responsible for 99% of the amusement in the class. I somehow learned how to be a better writer by listening to him complain about Trump and everything else under the sun for an hour every day so it was well worth it. Also who doesn’t like a class where you read Dave Sedaris for homework?
1) AP Psych: Without question, this is the epitome of entertainment. Psychology is just a mishmash of people trying to figure out why humans are as stupid as we are and why we do dumb things. Add in all the iconic psychologists and history and a class led by salty Mr. Hatch and you have a recipe for an entertaining year.
31: Top 5 Iconic JBHS teachers that I NEVER had (no particular order)
Mr. Peebles: A quirky man who I would have loved were I any good at math whatsoever
Mr. Arakelian: Band kids hate him but the stories I hear are so frickin iconic that I wish I could be an honorary band kid for a day and see the horror firsthand. If you have Arakelian stories please send them my way I’d love to hear about your pain
Mr. Frankenbush: A sad boi who everyone should get to experience and I regret never having.
Dr. Madooglu: He was so kind to me after the failed anti-trump lunchtime protest last year and he didn’t even know me. I wish I could’ve experienced him as a teacher.
Mr. Clark: The man, the myth, the legend
32: List of some iconic swim horror stories
Charlie breaking his hand after he lost a race and punched the gutter as hard as he could
Some idiot JV boys smearing poop all over the Burbank High locker room
The entire JV team getting Burroughs swim banned from Islands
Me almost passing out at the Los Amigos meet last year after I didn’t eat or sleep all day
Everyone always feigning illness or injury to get out of swimming the 4x100 relay
Getting in trouble for watching boys volleyball practice instead of doing the weight room sets
Every. Single. 5AM morning practice before school.
When coach martin finally figured out how periods work and suddenly we couldn’t use that as an excuse for not swimming anymore
33: What Office Character Would I Be
A mix between Angela, Oscar, and Kelly (we love our dramatic icons)
34: #1 Thing I’d Bring With Me to a Desert Island
Castaway for instructional purposes
35: What Would I call my memoir
36: 7 Best Buzzfeed Unsolved Episodes (no particular order)
This is one of my favorite shows so these are my recommendations:
1. 3 Horrifying Cases of Ghosts and Demons - one of the very first and best episodes; a 45-minute special where the Boys investigate the Winchester house in San Francisco, the Island of the Dolls in Mexico, and the Sallie House in Kansas
2. The Strange Disappearance of D. B. Cooper - A man going by the name of Dan Cooper hijacked a plane, demanded money and passage to Mexico, and then at some point jumped out of the plane and was never seen again. To this day no one knows his identity or his fate despite some of the ransom money turning up in a river somewhere.
3. The Haunted Halls of Waverly Hills Hospital - Ryan and Shane explore an abandoned asylum in Pennsylvania and some creepy stuff ensues. One of the best supernatural episodes
4. The Thrilling Gardner Museum Heist - An almost hilarious story (with reenactments!) about a seriously inept security guard and the loss of some of the world’s most beloved paintings. This was one of the first episodes after they started making money and the production quality is off the charts 
5. The Scandalous Murder of William Desmond Taylor - Another excellent reenactment story about one of Hollywood’s first and biggest scandals, the suspicious murder of a leading film producer.
6. The Enigmatic Death of the Isdal Woman - A woman’s body was found suspiciously burned in the European wilderness and no one knows who she is or how exactly she was killed. Watch if you like espionage!
7. The Strange Killing of Ken Rex McElroy - An entire town seemingly rose up to murder a douchey, violent pedophile. One of the only episodes that’s actually happy?
37: 6 Things I would Have Changed About High School
1. Definitely would have joined yearbook as soon as I could
2. Wouldn’t have forced myself to swim for all 4 years; if the passion’s gone then you shouldn’t force it. It’s just a sign that you need to move on to better things
3. I would’ve taken more AP’s and maybe tried another stem ap class. I’ve always been self-conscious about how bad I am at math, but I’ve gotten a little better over the years and instead of being too afraid to challenge myself I would’ve liked to see how I could do and prove myself.
4. Worrying less about grades!! I killed myself over my grades for like three years and then I just kind of let myself go. I would have let myself have who knows how many more hours of sleep and taken the L on a couple of assignments; I’m still learning that my health is more important than perfection.
5. Meeting the right people! I wouldn’t have restricted myself to a few friends and would have branched out more by joinng stuff like JSA. It sucks meeting the right people your senior year and realizing that I was hanging out with the wrong people this whole time.
6. Spanish instead of French.
38: What Would I Name My Farm Animals if I had A Farm
I’d definitely name them all after female Shakespearian characters. My cows would be Hippolyta and Titania from Midsummer, my horse would be Desdemona from Othello, my chickens would be Gonereil, Regan, and Cordelia from King Lear and my goat would be named Gertrude from Hamlet
39: Most Useless Talent I Have
I have a really strong internal clock so when I don’t think about it too hard and guess intuitively I can usually predict how much time has passed/what time it is without looking at a clock. It’s really only useful for estimating how much time I wasted standing in the shower staring at the wall
40: Top Regret After Writing This:
Writing this instead of studying for my econ test in seven hours.
Thanks for reading!
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pocket-luv101 · 7 years ago
The Forest of Ash || Ch. 11
Fandom: Servamp Characters: Mahiru, Kuro, Licht, Hyde Pairings: KuroMahi (main), LawLicht (side)
Summary: To stop the never ending winter the gods created, Mahiru entered the Forest of Ash to steal fire and gift it to the humans. When he was caught, he thought that he would be put to death. But Kuro was far from the God of the Dead that he heard stories about. He decided to stay in the Forest of Ash with him. {KuroMahi//Greek Mythology AU}
FFNet || AO3
Ch.1 || Ch.2 || Ch.3 || Ch.4 || Ch.5 || Ch.6 || Ch.7 || Ch.8 || Ch.9 || Ch.10 || (Ch.11) || Ch.12 || Ch.13 || Ch.14 || Ch.15 || Ch.16 || Ch.17 || Ch.18 || Ch.19 || Ch.20
Kuro and Mahiru were forced to stop in a small city because the storm clouds were becoming dense and dangerous. Worse, it seemed like they would have to sleep in the snow or find a cave.
He watched Mahiru bow to the human before he ran back to him. His disappointed expression told him that the person refused to house them. He couldn’t blame the nobles because most would be hesitant to take in strangers. While Kuro wanted to give up, Mahiru insisted that they’ll eventually find someone who would give them shelter.
“That was the last house.” Mahiru sighed when he was standing beside Kuro again. He breathed into his hands and rubbed them together to keep them warm. He hugged Black Cat against his chest and that helped keep him warm but not by much. Kuro noticed him shiver and embraced him hesitantly. He tucked his head beneath his chin and wrapped his cloak around him like Mahiru did for Black Cat.
“It looks like we’re sleeping out here tonight. I told you that we should’ve searched for cave instead of knocking on doors. With this snow, it’s going to be hard to find somewhere warm.” Kuro told him but he sounded more tired than angry. “When you feel warmer, we’ll start looking for somewhere to stay.”
“I don’t think I can be any warmer than this.” Enveloped in Kuro’s arms, he didn’t feel the freezing weather around them. Kuro must’ve been colder than him because he wasn’t accustomed to winter but he thought of him before himself. Mahiru leaned against his chest to help him stay warm as well. “It would be great if we could stay like this but it’ll be difficult to walk with me practically on your feet.”
“I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to concentrate on finding a cave if we stay like this.” Kuro muttered to himself. With Mahiru so close to him, he could only think of how sweet he smelled and how pleasant it was to hold him. He knew that he should let him go and search for shelter but he stayed wrapped around him a little longer. “Hopefully, we can find somewhere to stay before the storm worsen.”
“Excuse me,” They both turned to the man that approached them. “My name is Atsushi. I overheard that you were looking for a place to stay. If you want, you can stay in my cottage for the night. I live a little outside the city and my home is small but it’s better than staying in a cave.”
“Thank you. We would be grateful if you could house us for the night. My name’s Mahiru and this is my husband, Kuro.” He accepted before Kuro could say a word. Mahiru took his hand and pulled him forward. While he didn’t know if he should trust a stranger, he didn’t want to stay out in the cold any longer, mostly for Mahiru’s sake. Atsushi spoke happily with Mahiru as he led them out of the city.
“You’re lucky that my wife was craving for apples and asked me to buy her some or I wouldn’t have run into you. You’ll have something warm to eat when we arrive too. I’m cooking soup.” Atsushi said. “Not many people would travel in this weather. Where are you two heading?”
“We’re going to visit my friends. I haven’t seen them in months so I’m excited to tell them about everything that happened since then. Iolcus is our first stop because Kuro’s brother lives there.” Mahiru told him but he was careful not to reveal that he was a god. “Hopefully this storm won’t last long. They’re probably worried about us because we’re already late.”
“We can send your friends a letter and tell them that the storm has delayed us.” Kuro reassured him.
“You can borrow some stationary to write your letter.” Atsushi offered, generously. “Are you going to the Sun Festival as well? The one they throw in Iolcus is always a spectacle. My wife and I visited it once and I’ll never forget how fun it was. It’s hard to believe how much the festival has grown since the sun fell from the sky. But it’s almost on par with festivals for the Olympians.”
“That day, the sun—”
“Is that your cabin?” Mahiru interrupted, desperate to end the conversation. He saw a small house in the distance and hurried towards it to escape the cold and the conversation. The house looked old and rustic compared to the other houses they saw earlier. Atsushi opened the door and quickly ushered them in before the snow could enter as well.
“Lucy, I’m home.” Atsushi greeted as he closed the door. “And I brought home a surprise.”
“I swear, if it’s another wounded animal, I’m going to scream!” Kuro stopped himself from commenting that she was already yelling. Atsushi only laughed softly before he gestured for them to follow him. When they stepped into the living room, Lucy’s eyes widened. Her surprise only lasted for a moment and then she gestured for them to sit. “Well, it’s not another stray. Warm yourself by the fire.”
“Thank you for letting them stay,” Atsushi kissed the corner of her lips after he introduced them. “I’ll finish dinner now.”
He went to the small corner of the room that served as their kitchen. He had to step over several animals and Kuro guessed that it wasn’t out of nature for the man to take in strays. Mahiru took off his cloak and placed it on a hanger. There wasn’t much in their home and Mahiru knew that they were most likely poor. Despite the fact that they didn’t have much to give, they were generous enough to let them stay. “Thank you for letting us stay. Is there anything we can do to help?”
“You’re the guests.” Lucy shook her head and returned to her knitting. Kuro sat in a chair but he could see that Mahiru wanted to help the couple. After he continued to insist, she whispered to the two. “If you want to do something for my husband, you should lie to him.”
“Pardon?” Mahiru asked, a little confused.
“My husband can’t cook but don’t tell him that. It’ll hurt his feelings and he’s trying really hard. Usually, I’m the one that cooks but he refuses to let me do anything more than knitting since I told him about the baby. I feel useless just sitting here.” Lucy huffed. Mahiru realized that she was making a small hat and that she was pregnant.
“Congratulation!” Mahiru knew how hard it was to have a child in the dead of winter. “May the gods bless your child. I’ll help Atsushi cook. You need to eat well now that you have a child inside you. Let’s make this cottage warm for you first. Kuro, can you make some lumber so we can keep the fire going?”
“You’re such a mother hen.” Kuro chuckled when Mahiru made a crossed face but he otherwise ignored the comment. He went to the fireplace and made the dwindling flame stronger.
He realized his mistake when he heard Lucy gasp behind him. She quickly backed away from the two when she realized who her guests were. Only an Olympian could create and control fire like Mahiru did. Atsushi ran to her side when he noticed her panic. “You two are Olympians!”
“Wait, please don’t panic.” Mahiru said quickly and held up his hands. He knew that humans were afraid of the Olympians because of the war so he tried to reassure them. “We don’t intend to hurt anyone. We just wanted a place to stay and then we’ll leave. I’m sorry for not telling you earlier but we knew you would panic. Once the storm passes, we’ll be on our way.”
“Troublesome.” Kuro tried to think of how he could help deescalate the situation. He waved his hand and a pile of lumber appeared next to the fire. “Mahiru told me to give you lumber and that should be enough to last you a month. Is there anything else you want me to do before we leave, Mother Hen?”
“I would like you to stop calling me by those silly nicknames! So, what if I’m a little motherly? I like to take care of people and there’s nothing wrong with that.” Mahiru pouted and crossed his arms.
“There’s nothing wrong with that. Doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy teasing you for it.” Kuro rubbed his thumb over his cheeks to ease the tension from his face until he was smiling again. He took his hand and started to lead Mahiru out the door. “We should leave and find somewhere else to stay. Thank you two for letting us stay for awhile.”
“You two don’t need to leave.” Atsushi stopped them. Then he turned to Lucy to persuade her. “We can’t let them go out into that storm. It’s only for one night and they seem like a normal couple. If they wanted to hurt us, they would’ve done so sooner.”
“… Why do I let you talk me into these things?” Lucy sat down again but Mahiru could tell that she was still uncomfortable with the situation. He urged Kuro into a chair across from her and then bowed politely.
“Thank you for letting us stay. I’ll cook you a wonderful dinner so you won’t regret your hospitality. Kuro, sit here and keep our host company while I help Atsushi in the kitchen.” Mahiru ordered lightly before he left. While Kuro was grateful that the couple let them stay, he still felt a little wary. He knew the feeling was mutual from how Lucy’s hard eyes were watching him.
“You knew that my husband was too kind to turn people away and put on that performance, didn’t you?” Lucy asked in a hushed voice and Kuro had to flinch a little.
“Mahiru’s safer in here than out there with Tsubaki’s storm. I wanted to show you two that you didn’t need to be afraid of us. But we weren’t acting. Mahiru’s a simple man and kind to a fault. We came to earth to visit his friends, nothing more. We pretended to be human for his safety, not to trick anyone. He forgot that when he met a human he wanted to help.”
“Kind to a fault? That’s a lot like my husband.” Lucy glanced at Atsushi and smiled to herself. He was laughing about something with Mahiru and the sight helped her worry less. She had to wonder about her guests though. “Mahiru’s an Olympian? It’s common for gods to use a false name while on Earth. May I ask which Olympian he is?”
“Mahiru’s a regular god. I gave him my fire to protect him.” Kuro debated if he should tell her that she was sitting across from the most feared Olympian. He didn’t want to make her panic again but she was looking at him expectantly for an answer. “Kuro is the name Mahiru gave me. I’m Sleepy Ash, the God of the Dead.”
Lucy gasped at his answer. He closed his eyes tightly and waited for her to scream. Kuro only hoped that she wouldn’t cause a scene and upset Mahiru. She was deathly quiet until she spoke slowly. “You must love Mahiru deeply.”
“I… Why would you say that?” Kuro worried his lower lip. He couldn’t tell her otherwise because he didn’t know how to describe what he felt for Mahiru. While he married him to protect him, Kuro did grow to care for him. He never knew a person like him. He turned to Mahiru who smiled back at him. That smile shined like the sun to him and its warmth was something he grew to need in his life.
“I don’t think a god that secluded himself in his forest for so long would marry a person if he doesn’t love them.” Lucy said. “I might not know a lot about gods but I can see that you’re uncomfortable on Earth. Yet, you’re here so Mahiru can see his friends again. Love gives us the courage to do things we wouldn’t usually do for that person’s sake.”
“Like taking in two gods?”
“Like leaving your forest.”
Mahiru stepped into the guest room and saw Kuro already in bed, working through the books he brought with him. The home only had one spare room that they could use but Mahiru didn’t mind. Ever since Black Cat destroyed his room, he would sleep in Kuro’s room. Kuro would always give Mahiru the bed while he slept on the floor though.
“Are you almost finished, Kuro?” He asked. “It’s getting late and we need to wake up early tomorrow.”
“You’re right.” Kuro said and then tried to stifle a yawn. He had to admit that he was a little drowsy so he gave into Mahiru quickly and stuffed the books into his bag. He stood and reached for his cloak at the foot of the bed so he could sleep on the ground. “You can use the bed.”
Mahiru stopped him by taking the cloak before he could and hugged it to his chest. “You’re not sleeping on the floor tonight, Kuro. I didn’t say anything back at home but this isn’t the Forest of Ash. The nights here are freezing and you won’t be comfortable on the ground. Just share the bed with me tonight. If you’re not comfortable, let me make a cloud for you.”
“You need to stop worrying about everyone. I’m going to be okay on the ground with Black Cat.” The creature understood its master’s intention and transformed into a lion. Kuro used the lion as a cushion and laid down. He knew that Mahiru would be far from happy with the compromise but he couldn’t sleep next to him when his feelings were still puzzling. He buried his face in its fur and pretended that he fell asleep.
“Why do you have to be stubborn over the most pointless things? Fine, you win!” Mahiru huffed. A blanket was draped over him and Kuro knew that it was Mahiru. He was relieved that he seemingly won their disagreement. He should’ve known better than to think that Mahiru would give up so easily. “Move over, Kuro. I know you’re awake.”
He pushed on Kuro’s shoulder until he shifted a little. Then Mahiru laid down next to him and used his cloak as a blanket. He curled into a tight ball against the lion to keep himself warm against the stone floor. Kuro sat up and frowned down at him. “What are you doing? You’re going to freeze if you sleep down here.”
“So will you. Look, Kuro, I don’t want to fight with you but I don’t want to see you sleep on the cold ground when there’s a perfectly good bed we can share. Either we both use it or we sleep on the ground. It’s your choice. Now, I’m going to sleep but wake me up if you change your mind.” Mahiru turned his back to him and closed his eyes.
“If only I knew how troublesome you would be when I proposed to you.”
You would still ask him to marry you, Kuro groaned to himself but he was careful not to wake Mahiru next to him. He rolled onto his side and listened to Mahiru’s steady breathing. He waited until he knew he was completely asleep before he moved him. Mahiru would most likely be angry at him for moving him to the bed but he didn’t want him to be cold on the floor.
Gently, Kuro lifted him into his arms and carried him to the bed. He sat on the edge of the bed and lowered him onto the covers. He intended to leave him to sleep alone but he found himself lingering next to him. Kuro brushed his bangs out of his eyes and wondered how he could trust the God of the Dead so much that he would sleep next to him. He stood to get the blanket he left on the ground but he couldn’t go far with Mahiru holding onto shirt.
“Can’t deal. Black Cat, can you bring me the blanket?” Kuro asked as he tried to unravel Mahiru’s fingers from his shirt. He swore when the lion pushed him onto the bed and he threw a glare at Black Cat. He took the blanket from the lion and pulled it over Mahiru’s shoulder. His hand was still clutched around his shirt so Kuro decided to give in and lay down beside to him. Mahiru rolled toward him and rested his head on his arm. Black Cat climbed onto the bed and laid down at their feet.
“Goodnight, Mahiru.” Kuro whispered.
“This is the Forest of Ash,” Licht stood in front of the bridge and gazed at the large forest. He had to admit that he was in awe of the dense forest. Mahiru was inside and he hoped that he hadn’t eaten anything in the Forest of Ash. No matter if he did or not, he would save his friend. Licht took a deep breath and stepped onto the bridge. He realized that Hyde didn’t follow him and raised a brow at him. “Aren’t you coming.”
“I would love to but…” Hyde reached out his hand towards the bridge and shadows immediately gathered in front of him to form a barrier. Spikes shot out from the wall and stabbed through his hand. He pulled away and the shadows faded. “My brother placed a barrier around the Forest of Ash so Tsubaki and I can’t use the bridge. This is where we go our separate ways.”
Licht looked from the Olympian to the forest. It was on the tip of his tongue to ask why he hadn’t told him about the barrier sooner but he stopped himself. He only asked Hyde to take him to the forest and he didn’t promise to do anything more. He didn’t need Hyde to rescue Mahiru but he found himself stepping off the bridge. “You said you had unfinished business with Sleepy Ash. Did you lie to me about that?”
“I wouldn’t lie to you, Angel Cakes. I learned my lesson about lying to you a long time ago.” Hyde ruffled his hair and then gestured to the lake. “I can’t cross the river but I can go beneath it. There’s a secret tunnel that Sleepy Ash doesn’t know of. It leads into his underground garden and his home. I’ll confront my brother and distract him while you save your friend.”
“Where is this tunnel? I’m coming with you.” Licht said and he saw how Hyde hesitated to answer him. “If we separate now, it’ll be difficult to find each other again. I won’t know if Sleepy Ash is distracted unless I’m with you. Anyways, Sleepy Ash is most likely keeping Mahiru prisoner underground.”
Hyde couldn’t argue with his logic but he was hesitant to take him into the secret tunnel. From the determined glint in his blue eyes, he knew that he wouldn’t be able to convince him otherwise. So, he took his hand and led him to a large tree. He parted the bushes and Licht looked over his shoulder to see a wooden door at the bottom of the tree hollow.
“I haven’t used this tunnel in ages. The tunnels are old and dangerous so don’t wonder from me. If we’re not careful, the slightest thing can cause it to collapse. As much as I love our little fights, we’ll have to put them off until we save your friend.” Hyde told him as he opened the wooden door. “Be careful of your wings when you drop down.”
The hole was small so it would be difficult for him to fit with his wings. He folded them behind him as best as he could and Hyde helped him into the hole. As Licht dropped into the tunnel, Hyde made a wind to carry him safely into the ground and then he followed. He lit the forgotten lanterns lining the cave wall once he was inside with Licht.
“It’s in worse condition than I thought it would be.” Hyde sighed after he studied the tunnel and the rotting wood pillars. It seemed like the wood would give way at any moment so he took Licht’s hand and pulled him forward. He thought of all the other times he used the tunnel and he almost wanted to run away from the memories. Licht’s hand around his stopped him though.
“What is this tunnel?” Licht asked with a whisper. “Why would someone create this tunnel into the Forest of Ash when using the bridge would’ve been easier? That person must’ve been stupid.”
“Now, that’s not a very nice thing to say about me.” Hyde laughed but his smile was strained. “But I guess I was pretty stupid back then. I made this for Ophelia and me. We used to visit the underground garden a lot and the ferryman would lecture us for neglecting our duties. Charged us a fortune for each boat ride too. This tunnel seemed less troublesome than dealing with him. It was our secret.”
Licht wondered if Hyde wanted to keep the tunnel their secret and that was the reason he hesitated to show it to him at first. The thought hurt Licht more than it should’ve. He looked down at their hands but it felt different from the other times they held hands. He forced himself to focus on saving Mahiru and not the feelings Hyde gave him.
“At the end of the tunnel, there’s an opening but it’s sealed with my spell. I’m the only one that can open it so you won’t be able to use this tunnel to escape the Forest of Ash. While I distract my brother, I want you to be careful. Don’t interact with anything in the forest and concentrate on crossing the bridge.” Hyde told him and squeezed his hand.
“You’re telling me to be careful when I’m always the one saving you—” Licht gasped when Hyde suddenly pushed him against a wooden beam. He started to yell at him but then he noticed pain cross his face. With a muttered curse, Hyde pulled out the dagger from his back and turned to face the person that had been following them. He pushed Licht behind him and he hoped that he wouldn’t try to fight the man.
“So, Tsubaki sent you after me, Higan. It’s almost flattering that he would send his strongest follower after me. How long has it been since the last time you tried to kill me?” Hyde smiled at him without a hint of warmth. His red eyes were hard as stone and he wanted to punish the man for attacking Licht. But he knew fighting would likely cause a cave in.
“It hasn’t been that long. This time, I’ll take you back to Tsubaki. He wants to enter the forest and you’re going to lead him through this tunnel.” Higan raised his hand and it transformed into talons. “He warned me that you would be strong but he also told me your weakness. If you weren’t immortal, that heart of yours would’ve killed you ten times over already. Unless you come with me, I’ll hurt your precious angel.”
“A mere phoenix cannot threaten an Olympian. I don’t sense Tsubaki nearby so who will stop us from leaving?” Hyde walked backwards slowly and kept Licht behind him. He wanted to run to the garden where Tsubaki and Higan couldn’t follow them but he knew better than to turn his back to the enemy. “I have business with Sleepy Ash so I’m not going to wait for Tsubaki to arrive.”
His mind was racing as he tried to think of how to escape without Higan following them. Hyde felt Licht grip his shirt and pull him backwards. He whispered into his ear, “All we need to do is reach the end of the tunnel, right? We can outrun him. We’re an angel and an Olympian, after all. I’ll keep him from following us so just run after I give you a signal.”
He couldn’t question him before Licht kicked through a wooden beam. Too late, Hyde realized that he was planning to stop Higan from chasing them by collapsing the tunnel. Hyde quickly made a powerful wind to push Higan further back so he couldn’t follow them easily. Behind him, Licht grabbed his arm and dragged him down the tunnel. With a powerful flap of his wings, Licht flew as fast as he could and dodged the rocks raining over them.
“Licht, watch out!” Hyde saw that they wouldn’t be able to reach the garden before they were crushed. He knew that Licht was too stubborn to realize that and pulled him into his arms. They crashed into the ground and Hyde quickly rolled on top of him to protect him from the falling boulders with his body. He took the blunt of the impact and his arms hurt as he struggled to keep them from being crushed. Eventually, everything became still and the rocks stopped.
“You okay, Angel Cakes?” Hyde asked once he reoriented himself.
“My wings hurt.” Licht answered him but speaking was painful. The air was dusty and it was so dark that he could barely see in front of him. He moved beneath him and he was relieved that his body wasn’t hurt. But his wings were pinned to the ground by the rocks.
“I always wanted to get you beneath me but this wasn’t how I imagined it.” Hyde joked to lighten the mood but he only earned a glare from Licht and he hit his chest. “Don’t worry, Lichtan, I’ll get us out of this. I’m going to use my wind to push off these boulders but it might take awhile. I can’t believe you caused a cave in so carelessly.”
“My plan was better than doing nothing like you were doing! What other choice did we have? If we fought him, we would cause a cave in. This way, we could use it to our advantage and escape. We would’ve reached the end of the tunnel if you hadn’t stopped me.” Licht shot back. Hyde didn’t look convinced and rolled his eyes. He concentrated on removing each boulder slowly. He needed to be careful or else he might cause another cave in.
Licht could barely move with his wings pinned and they hurt more than anything he felt before. But he knew that Hyde was likely in more pain with the weight on his back. He struggled to reach Hyde’s satchel and then he pulled out his pan flute from the bag. He played a light tune and changed the rocks to his will. He made the rocks smaller so it would be easier for Hyde to move them. Unfortunately, he couldn’t change them all at once because his power required him to play for each one individually.
Hyde felt the pressure on his back lighten slightly and he was happy for his help. His song did more than change the rocks, it also motivated him. He knew he had to free them and go to the garden where he could treat his wings. He didn’t know how they could face Sleepy Ash while they were still injured but his first priority was saving Licht. Hyde closed his eyes and focused on the rocks and his song.
Suddenly, Licht coughed painfully and Hyde looked down at him worriedly. His voice came out breathless and strained. “It’s hard… to play… air…”
“Shit!” Hyde swore when he realized how thin the air was. It was difficult for air to enter the tunnel with the cave in and what little air did trickle in was filled with dust. He was immortal so he didn’t need air but Licht did. He was a demigod and could die. They both knew that but Licht continued to play his pan flute. “Stop playing, Lichtan! You need to take slow breaths.”
“Shut up, Shit Rat. I need to…” Licht wheezed before he tried to blow into the pan flute again. Despite how hard it was, he continued. He was becoming a little lightheaded and looked into Hyde’s red eyes to keep himself grounded. Hyde saw that he wasn’t going to stop and yelled at him.
“Stop, Licht! You need to save your breath. I’ll clear these rocks so just concentrate on breathing. Damnit, Licht, stop being so stubborn and listen to me for once! You’re going to die if you keep using your powers!” Hyde summoned a gust of wind to knock the pan flute from his hand and out of his reach. “I’m not going to lose anyone else so just let me protect you.”
“I don’t need your protection… and I’m not going to die…” Licht glared up at him. Hyde tried to stop Licht when he saw him reach for the pan flute. His fingers only barely brushed the instrument and Hyde shoved it out of his reach with the wind. He could only channel his power through music and sometimes Licht loathed that limitation.
“I know you love your wings but they’re not worth your life. If they are damaged, I’ll have Daedalus make you new ones.” He couldn’t restrain him with his hands because he needed to keep the boulders from crushing them. He tried to remove the rocks as quickly as he could.
“Stupid Hyde… I’m trying to save you… not my wings.” Licht told him. Then he took a deep breath and sang. “Your heart longs for what was and lost its courage. A crying heart never sounded so sad. But know that the heart heals and a new dream will bloom, filling that hole. The light is shadow, the shadow is light. Imagine it, that ray of light, and walk towards it. Let tears become a miraculous melody of laughter. Wish, Hyde.”
After the last note, Licht couldn’t keep his eyes open anymore. Hyde panicked and quickly tried to find his pulse in his neck. The weight was gone but it took a moment for Hyde to realize that Licht had turned all the boulders into dust. For the first time in centuries, Hyde felt dread consume him. “C’mon, Licht, wake up! You’re an angel so you can’t die!���
Hyde sat up and pulled Licht into his arms. He kissed him deeply, parting his lips and breathed life into his body. He filled his lungs with air to revive him. Licht would most likely kick him for the kiss but he refused to lose someone he cared for… someone he needed. After what felt like an eternity, Licht gasped and then cough violently. Hyde rubbed his back soothingly to help him breath. Licht was still a little disorientated and leaned against his shoulder.
“What happened?” Licht asked in a hoarse voice, still barely conscious. It didn’t seem like he realized that he had saved him with a kiss. Hyde didn’t know if he should be happy for that fact or not. He stood with Licht in his arms.
“I’m going to take you into the garden where you can heal. I’ll negotiate with my brother for your friend’s freedom. You’re in no condition to fight or rescue anyone.” Hyde told him as he walked forward. He wanted to take Licht to somewhere safer but the nearest city was too far away. He didn’t know how Sleepy Ash would react to his appearance but he knew that it wouldn’t be with open arms.
I had to chuckle when I got responses about Sakuya because he's not coming until chapter 13
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fuck-you-i-am-spiderman · 7 years ago
Supercorp for the ship asks
I know who sent this in and I love and appreciate you. Thank you for validating my boredom and need to headcanon for my ships
Who would throw the other in the pool: So originally I was going to say Kara but then I thought about one time she pushes Lena in with such force that half the water splashes out of the pool and covers poor Winn. Now I say Lena because I feel as though she’d start off lounging around on deck chairs reading her book but she would keep looking up smiling when she sees Kara waving and showing off tricks. By lunch time her book is long forgotten and she is captivated watching Kara perfect every dive and engage in several splash wars with Alex. Kara coaxes Lena in the pool with the promise of kisses and who is Lena to resist her wife-to-be. Kara starts a splash war and Lena declares war. It involves lots of them chasing one another round the pool side and with a “no superpower” rule Lena is able to push Kara into the pool, what she doesn’t think about is Kara grabbing her hand at the last minute and pulling her in.
Who is the better carer when the other is sick: Lena practically buys out all of a pharmacy/chemist stocking up on medicines, headaches strips and bandages. She takes the day off and insists on bringing Kara soup in bed. Kara doesn’t have the heart to tell her that a nap under a sunlamp would have her fine and dandy in no time so she tends to let Lena fuss. When Lena is sick Kara rushes around wrapping Lena up in blankets, fluffing her pillows, cuddling up to her to keep her warm and toasty, using her freeze breath to make sure the room isn’t too warm for Lena. Then she stomps around phoning Alex or James (it would be Winn but she made him cry last time) and demands “essentials” - “You want me to skip work to bring Lena an extra blanket? ...even though she already has five” “did I stutter?!” and “Kara, I am not flying to France to bring you freshly baked croissants for your fiancee” “But she needs them Clark.”
Who would force the other to do extreme sports with them:Lena do sports? I think not. More likely that Kara gets very excited about the opportunity to do all these fun and slightly dangerous -but not as dangerous as fighting villains who could kill her- sports and Lena watches with a mixture of concern, adoration and lust ;-) because you can bet that Kara turns up in shorts and a tank top as Lena fans herself sat in the front row next to a bunch of frat boys who keep making snippy mocking comments about Kara and her technique. Kara pays them no attention but a time-out has to be called when Lena lunges at one of them for having the audacity to say Kara was “nothing special”. Kara does the cheesy thing of pointing to Lena and blowing her a kiss whenever it is her turn. One time the whole group of Superfriends turns up to support Kara, that’s the time that Lena brings a banner and flags like the extra b*tch she is and everyone including J’onn is forced to join in singing a personalised chant. Alex falls off the bench when it mentions Kara’s ass.
Who would cook the better romantic dinner:Lena. Kara is not the best cook, she can cook simple things but full meals are not her speciality. Neither have a lot of time to cook extravagant meals. On their first anniversary as a married couple Kara was called away on Superhero duty and Lena had to do damage control at the office. When Kara returned smelling of smoke and covered in soot Lena has made toast, it’s cold but the jam is spread in the shape of the House of El crest and when Kara kisses her sucking the jam off of her bottom lip she can’t find herself caring about their lives being perfect. Though there are some nights where they work on dinner together, Kara chops the vegetables in heart and star shapes, they light candles and it’s good and soft because sometimes their days can be perfect.
Who would build the blanket fort in the living room: Kara. When Lena told her she’d never made a fort before Kara immediately set out to rectify that. Kara makes Lena stay in the bedroom as she prepares, whisking in and out of the room to retrieve more blankets and cushions. Once it’s all set up Kara makes a “no pants” rule and then bounces out of the room with Lena chuckling as she trails after her. The fort is one of the most carefully designed layouts Lena has ever seen, with fairy lights secured to the roof and the cushions and pillows intricately spread out. They lie curled up together looking at the blanket roof as Kara fires up the projector with images of the galaxy of Krypton, she teaches Lena about the stars and shares fond memories of her home. They fall asleep in the fort both completely relaxed and happy; that is until Alex turns up to yell at a sheepish Kara for stealing every blanket in her apartment. 
Who would have the best holiday ideasKara at first. I say this because she wants Lena to take part in all of the Danvers family traditions - the board game playing, the ugly sweater wearing, the tree picking and decorating. She wants to take Lena to the spot where she and Kenny used to exchange presents and build snow people in the back yard but she also wants to make new traditions and come up with new ideas together. Lena does lots of research and planning for things that could relate to Kryptonian festivities, she calls Clark and asks him for ideas and she thinks of all the places where she would like to go with Kara. Lena gives Kara an itinerary of food places, places they need to fly to and fun day-trip ideas of little villages where they can look through vintage stores and buy mugs of peppermint hot chocolate. They attend a Christmas Concert performed by children at some of the orphanages Lena funds. On Christmas Eve they visit Lena’s hospital with Kara in her Supergirl gear to give all of the children presents and a chance to meet both of their heroes, Lena gets teary eyed when a 6-year-old asks her to sign his cast and excitedly rambles to her about wanting to be like her when he grows up and Kara reaffirms this with a kiss to her forehead and a soft whisper of “smart kid knows what an amazing person you are.”
Who would need to clean out the other’s stuff to make room for their own:
Neither. Lena doesn’t have that many belongings and Kara was so excited when Lena started staying over that she spent a whole day tidying her apartment, moving belongings around so that Lena had half of the wardrobe/closet and at least 2 drawers as well as a clear spot for Lena’s tatty old teddy-bear Mr Fluffington to perch draped in a custom Supergirl t shirt that Winn made. Lena buys lots of photo frames and fridge magnets so they can cover the apartment in photos of the two and their adventures. 
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geekgirldiva · 6 years ago
“Replicas” wants to be many movies, can’t quite be any of them
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As someone with a great love of Keanu Reeves, I’ll watch pretty much any movie he’s in so when Replicas came my way, I ripped the packaging off that DVD with great delight and fervor. I mean, this was Keanu Reeves in a science fiction action movie about the dangers of pushing science too far (a theme I can get behind) and, like I said before, Keanu Reeves.
Replicas starts pretty much as expected. In a modern science facility in Puerto Rico called Ionyne (tell me that doesn’t sound perfect) where we meet Keanu Reeves’ William Foster, a brilliant doctor who’s working on a way to transfer the human consciousness into a robot, in essence, cheating death and giving the deceased a chance to live again.
The project, however, is running into a wall. The consciousness is transferring, but once it’s in the artificial body, it can’t seem to assimilate and things go very, very wrong. Foster’s under intense pressure from his boss, the always wonderful John Ortiz, who tells him that if he can’t get this to work, the whole project is going to be scrapped.
Knowing what I knew from the trailer, I was able to guess what came next pretty easily. When there’s a looming problem in a movie, fate offers a solution and the solution in Replicas is a car crash that involves Foster, his wife Mona (Alice Eve), his older daughter Sophie (Emily Alyn Lind), his son Matt (Emjay Anthony), and his youngest daughter Zoe (Aria Lyric Leabu). Next thing we know, William’s the only one alive. The rest of his family is dead and he’s understandably bereft which sets up what’s going to happen next.
Or so you think.
Here’s where Replicas takes it’s first left turn.
It turns out that while William’s been working on transferring the brain from a body into a computer, his fellow scientist Ed Whittle (Thomas Middleditch in a role I didn’t expect for him but really dug him in) has been working on cloning animals as part of another consciousness experiment.
You see where this goes, right?
Sort of.
The next thing we know, William’s calling Ed and Ed shows up with 3 pods and the equipment and whatever primordial soup they need to build new clone bodies for William’s family.
In William’s basement.
Slight issue: there are 3 pods and 4 bodies. Because all Ed could get were 3 pods from this secret facility that we won’t even get into asking how he got those three pods outin the first place. Poor William is forced to play the worst game of Eeny Meeny ever and it’s his youngest, Zoe, who isn’t replicated.
If you watch the “making of” featurette on the Blu-Ray/DVD, one of the things the filmmakers themselves tell you is that Replicas isn’t just a sci-fi film or just an action film or just an anything “insert genre here” film. And I truly believe everyone involved with the film was trying to make a movie that didn’t adhere to any specific genre or trope but explored the possibilities of the numerous challenges involved with the ethical questions involved in the science behind both human cloning and the idea of what makes a soul.
The problem is, the movie hits those questions head-on but never really asks them. It just crashes into them.
William brings his family back, in newly cloned bodies, with their memories transferred using tech that hasn’t been fully tested and then, on top of this, has to make his newly regrown family forget there was a 5th member of their family. There are some super squicky questions here about memory manipulation and god complexes and autonomy that the movie never addresses.
But that’s not enough. There are also car chases and shootouts and moral dilemmas and double-crosses and a whole side bit where William steals a bunch of car batteries to keep growing his family in pods in his basement.
In the midst of everything, the film goes for comedy. It, sadly, misses.
By the time you get to the end of the movie, you’d asking yourself what you just watched and why. Which, for me, was a real bummer because I genuinely enjoy Keanu and I thought his performance was great. I thought his family’s performance was great. I thought Middleditch was great. I thought certain parts of the film were really interesting.
It just…it was all too much. By the end, I was just glad the movie was over and I wasn’t able to even really enjoy the looming question it ended on. Which is a bummer, because it’s a great looming question.
Replicas is a passion project. Keanu Reeves has been working for a long time to get it made and I can see why he wanted to make it. My love for him makes me want to like it because I can see the possibility he saw in the movie.
But I have to say, if I were going to give this film a rating score, I’d rate it 1 Sad Keanu. It’s really all I can give it.
You can check it out for yourself, of course. Replicas is out on VOD now out on Blu-ray
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Combo Pack and DVD on April 16th.
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from “Replicas” wants to be many movies, can’t quite be any of them
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saraidtaylor · 8 years ago
industry perspectives; week eight
·        jed patterson’s obnoxious arrival in a porche immediately suggests his wealth and social standing, undercut by a sense of egoism.
·        a phone conversation advises that he plays elite football, and that he has a very poor relationship with his father.
·        establishment of dynamic between jed, and his old friend, bel; their biting exchanges quickly informs their history and relationship
·        the arrival of the other two friends reiterates jed’s recent absences to important occasions, and his disintegration of identity
inciting incident
·        his friends’ intervention: the surprise that has dragged him to the café being revealed as a night of volunteering.
protagonist’s action taken in response to inciting incident
·        faint consternation/irritation but ultimately resignation; on some level, he can acknowledge he needs to change something/that he has been doing the wrong thing.
obstacle #1 encountered in the course of taking action
·        bel’s old car does not start, and there is no other vehicle except jed’s porche.
protagonist’s response to obstacle
·        complains enormously, but then—
·        temporarily puts aside his ego, and gives in to the indignity of his beloved porche being used to transport vegetables.
obstacle #2 encountered in the course of taking action (if appropriate)
·        his friends do not immediately forgive him for his poor behaviour. to a character who has recently become quite self-absorbed and emotionally disconnected from the world around him, his actions having consequences is a shock to the system.
protagonist’s response to obstacle
·        he begins to learn, or at least become more aware; he apologises with more sincerity, and does so without expecting immediate forgiveness.
obstacle #3 encountered in the course of taking action (if appropriate)
·        one of the women they dish out food to at the soup kitchen is covered in bruises, and details the domestic violence that has seen her forced out onto the streets.
protagonist’s response to obstacle
·        jed is completely confronted, more so because he was exposed to domestic violence as a child. it reiterates to him that he does not want to become anything like his father – a wildly famous, arrogant footballer who abused his wife and never faced any real consequences.
story ending – reward or reversal? and why?
·        a reward, essentially. he has regained the trust of his friends, and to some extent, is on the path to consolidate who he is, and who he wants to, and can, be. but someone steals his porche, just for a physical representation of him learning humility. it symbolises his need to focus on what is more important, and that he still has a little while to go.
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thomasgmcelwain · 7 years ago
Genesis 27
Genesis 27
1 Now it happened when Isaac's eyes
Were dim with age, not to advise,
He called Esau his older son
And said to him, "My son, my son."
And he answered him, "Here I am."
2 Then he said "Indeed now, my lamb,
I'm old. I do not know the day
When I shall die. 3 "Now therefore, say
Will you take weapons, quiver, bow,
And go out to the field and show
Your hunting skills for me. 4 "And make
Me savoury food, such as I take
With joy, and bring it to me so
I may eat, that my soul may know
To bless you before I shall die."
5 Now Rebekah was listening why
Isaac was speaking to his son
Esau. And with the speaking done
Esau went to the field to hunt
The game and bring it to the front.
6 Rebekah spoke to Jacob then,
Jacob her son, saying "The men
Were talking and I heard your father
Speak to Esau your brother rather,
Saying 7 'Bring me game and make food,
A savoury dish for me and good,
That I may eat it and bless you
Here in the presence of Lord YHWH
Before my death.' 8 "Now therefore, son,
Obey my voice and get it done
Whatever I tell you to do.
9 "Go to the flock and bring me two
Choice kids of goats, and I will make
The savoury dish of tasty steak
Such as your father loves. 10 "Then you
Shall take it to your father, do,
That he may eat it, and bless you
Before his death." 11 And Jacob said
To Rebekah his mother bred,
"Look, Esau my brother's a man
Of hairy skin while I'm a man
Of smooth. 12 "Perhaps my father will
Feel me, and I shall seem worse still
To be deceiver in his sight
And get no blessing, but a blight."
13 But his mother said to him, "Let
Your curse be on me, and forget,
My son, only obey my voice,
And go, get them for me and choice."
14 And he went and got them and brought
Them to his mother, and she wrought
The savoury dish his father sought.
15 Then Rebekah took the choice clothes
Of her elder son Esau, chose
From what was with her in the house,
And put them on, to fool her spouse,
Jacob her younger son. 16 And she
Put the skins of the goats to be
On his hands and on the smooth part
Of his neck. 17 Then she gave the tart
Of savoury food and bread, which she
Had made, to her son Jacob free.
How many mothers and their sons seek blessing
From fathers, hands and arms and necks caressing,
To find the world a harsh and heated waste
Despite the pot of savoury herbs they taste.
The damp and clinging skins contrived to seal
The sought for fate of glory always feel
Just what they are, the bloody, sodden things
Of sure deceit known to all who'd be kings.
With loathing I shake off the woollen bands
That tell the world what it less understands
That I seek divine love with heart and voice.
Abandoned, naked, I renew my choice
In poverty to sing Your lovely name
Enjoying that wealth more than any claim.
18 So he went to his father and
Said "My father.' And "Here I stand"
Said he, "Who are you, my son?" 19 Then
Jacob said to his father, "When
You sent me Esau your firstborn
I went and did as you would warn,
Please rise, sit, eat the game I've brought
And give to me the blessing sought."
20 But Isaac said to his son, "How
Have you found it so quickly now,
My son?" And he said "Because YHWH
Your God brought me the barbeque."
21 Then Isaac said to Jacob, "Please
Come near, and let me feel at ease,
My son, if you are Esau or
Someone that I've not bargained for."
22 So Jacob went near to Isaac
His father, and he felt the thick
Hair on him and said "The voice is
Jacob's voice, but these hands of his
Are those of Esau." 23 And he did
Not recognize him, since he hid
His hands with hair like that upon
His brother Esau's hands to con,
And so he blessed him on the skid.
Believe the half of what you see and none
Of what you hear, my father told his son.
All things are changed and all are made to fit
The purposes of those who've chosen it.
Things are not what they seem in this dark world,
The wicked core is gold embossed and pearled.
So I believe no angel no nor prophet
That's come to say his piece both on and off it.
Instead I listen to the voice that can
In no wise be mistaken. Voice of man
Betrays, but Your voice, my Beloved, is sure
And thunders in the silence loud and pure
Despite the centuries since You last spoke
A sermon on Mount Sinai when men woke.
24 Then he said "Are you really he,
My son Esau?" He said "The same."
25 He said "Bring it then near to me,
And I will eat of my son's game,
So that my soul may bless you here."
So he brought meat and grape juice near
To him, he ate and drank. 26 Then dear
Father Isaac said to him, "Here,
Come near now and kiss me, my son."
27 And he came near and kissed him one,
And he smelled the smell of his clothing,
And blessed him and said nothing loathing,
"Surely, the smell of my son's as
The smell of fields that Lord YHWH has
Blessed. 28 Therefore may Ælohim give
You heaven's dew while you shall live,
Earth's fatness and grain plenty and
Grape juice. 29 Let folk of every land
Serve you, and nations bow down to
You and be master in your due
Over your brothers, and let your
Mother's sons bow to you the more.
Cursed be the one who curses you,
And blessed be those who bless you too!"
The prophet Jacob, though he heard his mother,
Betrayed both father and his elder brother.
Yet blessings given cannot be retracted
Despite the underhanded way he acted.
I bless the prophet Jacob and not curse
Lest I find perils in my way for worse.
I bless the fields that smell of fresh and new,
I bless the fatness of the earth and dew,
I bless the harvest kernel and the grape
Cut into forty pieces in a scrape
For those who whirl about the throne of God.
I bless the ear and bless the greening pod.
Bless me, too, my Beloved, and bless me well,
Though I am dressed in veil and mask and shell.
30 Now it happened, when Isaac finished
Blessing Jacob, and not diminished,
Jacob had scarcely gone out from
His father's presence, Isaac's sum,
That Esau his brother came in
From his hunting where he had been.
31 He also had made savoury food,
And brought it where his father stood,
And said to his father, "Get up,
And eat the morsel, taste the cup,
Of his son's game, and bless me here."
32 And his father Isaac said to
Him, "Who are you?" So he said "True
It is I am your son, your first
Born, Esau." 33 Then fearing the worst,
Isaac said "Who? Where is the one
Who hunted game and brought it done
To me? I ate it all before
You came here calling at the door,
And I have blessed him, and indeed
He shall be blessed and all his seed."
34 When Esau heard his father's word
He cried greatly for what occurred
And bitterly said to his father,
"Bless me, me also, O my father!"
Note he who steals my honour and my bread
Is one who lacks both, but pours on my head
The ill-gained fruit of his ill-starred ambition.
Therefore I write and read this small petition.
I am the grateful son, obedient
And true, and all my life I've surely spent
In honour of my parents. All I do
Is for their pleasure and also their due.
He is the cheat and slinking man of fate,
And I do well to bide my time in hate.
For all of that, Beloved, I still desire
Your blessing on one walking in the mire.
If with my dirty feet I come before
Your throne, I come as primogenitor.
35 But he said "Now your brother came
Deceitfully and stole your claim
To blessing." 36 And Esau said "Is
His name not rightly Jacob? His
Supplanting me has come now twice.
He took my birthright in a trice,
And now look, he has also taken
Away my blessing!" Then forsaken,
He said "Have you not kept for me
A blessing?" 37 Isaac answered "See,"
And said to Esau, "I have made
Him master, and the whole brigade
Of all his brothers servants to
Him, and with grain and grape juice too
Have I sustained him. What's to do
For you, my son?" 38 And Esau said
To his father, "Have you instead
Only one blessing, O my father?
Bless me, me also, O my father!"
And Esau lifted up his voice
And wept because he had no choice.
The world takes all, and takes it by deceit,
Yet You, Beloved, stand by it seems to treat
Them with the blessings they have grasped outright
And trampled poor and innocent with fight
And guile. And so I come with call and tears
To beg a blessing beyond what appears.
I rend in anger or in patience veils
And cry that You will listen to my tales.
I boil a soup of my own kidneys and
Give up my liver to Your bowl and hand.
O my Beloved, grant me poor Esau's blessing,
Though without sauce and without savoury dressing,
I come to You, Beloved, and come again.
Deliver me from all deceitful men.
39 Isaac his father answered and
Said to him, "Fatness of the land
Shall be your dwelling, and the dew
Of heaven above. 40 By your sword too
You shall live, and you shall serve long
Your brother, but you shall be strong
And break his yoke from off your neck."
41 So Esau hated Jacob for
The blessing which his father bore
And blessed him, Esau said within
His heart, "The days are coming in
To mourn my father, then I will
Kill brother Jacob for my fill."
42 And the words of Esau her older
Son were told to Rebekah, bolder,
So she sent and called Jacob her
Younger son, and said to confer
With him, "Surely your brother now,
This Esau comforts himself how
He'll kill you later. 43 "Now therefore,
My son, obey me on this score.
Get up, flee to my brother who
Lives in Haran, my brother Laban.
44 "And stay with him a day or two,
Yes, go and stay with brother Laban
Until your brother's fury dies,
45 "Until your brother's anger flies
Away from you, and he forgets
What you have done to him. So let's
Wait till I send for you from there.
Why should I be bereaved with care
Of both of you in one day?" 46 And
Rebekah told Isaac, "Disband
My weariness of life because
The daughters of Heth show their claws.
If Jacob takes a wife like those
Daughters of this land, let life close."
Rebekah's words to Isaac do not tell
The thoughts of heart but only cast a spell
To further aims she does not want to speak.
The mother of the faithful thus is weak
As she relates to her own husband's pride.
To hide the truth to save a dear son's hide
In face of death may very well be fair.
We have to kill the gnat to breathe the air.
Yet it is sorrow to my heart to know
The best and dearest must be dealt with so.
I turn from veils of words to say Your name
And thus change choking dust for lasting fame,
And blackened coals for diamonds out of hand
While trying to make sense and understand.
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