#staying during a snowstorm
gloryseized · 11 months
“Will— will…you…stay?” ( from grasshopper to link <3 )
Meme Tag -- @balladetto
The frigid wind from the greater fields of the Hebra regions rolls over the cliffs and down into the Rito village. The two of them had just made it to the village when the storm finally arrived, gratefully taking shelter in Teba's home to ride out the storm. A part of Link knows that he might have tried his own luck in the weather if he were on his own, but he hasn't yet gotten enough cold weather supplies for Grasshopper, which means they need to take a break.
And as the blinds are carefully lowered in the Rito home, a hospitable gesture to the new guests, Link feels the air around them already begin to warm, or at least the sharp edge of the wind cutting away. Breathing a sigh of relief, he signs a careful 'Thank you' to Teba, letting his own pack settle on the ground to begin to dig for some food. It's the least he can do for asking to stay with them so suddenly, bringing two more mouths to feed into the cold.
Making a face, Link realizes he doesn't quite have enough of the food he wanted to make, as least needing more rice and vegetables for all the mouths. If he goes to the merchant now, he might be able to get the food they need, not to mention the warm things for Grasshopper. Sighing slightly, he readjusts his Snowquill jacket, preparing to head back out into the snow, when a small hand on his shoulder makes him stop, an even softer request putting a halt to his plans entirely.
He couldn't leave now, not with Grasshopper's pleading gaze pinned on him, not after making the request when he so rarely asked for anything himself.
Link's eyes tick back to his bag. Yes, he can make it work. And there's always tomorrow to get more warm weather things. Reaching out a hand, Link gives Grasshopper's forearm a small squeeze, a gentle nod, before he pulls off his jacket to offer to the other. He's going to be working by the fire after all.
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phoenixtherobot · 11 months
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Hermittober Day 22: Shard!
Tango has a shard in his hand, what will he do?
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frogchiro · 3 months
I love your butcher simon/ sleazy, neighbor, Simon 💗
Remember, when you did that fic where neighbor Simon made fem reader stay with him during a snow storm?! Ahhhh it made me feral 😮‍💨😮‍💨 could you do something like that with butcher Simon? Like she’s in the shop and gets snowed in with him or he walks to her house in a snowstorm to check on her and finds her house out of power and he cuddles her the whole night? ❤️ thanks!!!!
Butcher!Simon would go insane at the opportunity of being snowed in with you. Yes he's technically a cold blooded ex-soldier and murderer, a slasher if you will, who runs a butcher shop in this remote forgotten mountain village but he can feel his heart speeding up when you start to freak out about how late it is and how much snow there is.
You visited his shop like usual, Simon giving you the best chicken he saved up specifically for you and while you talked he got the opportunity to discretely take a peek at your tits. The conversation went a little better than expected and both of you lost track of time and before you knew it, it was already dark outside, the snow storm they talked about in the weather forecast hit too and as it turned out, you were completely snowed in with Si in his shop :(
And of course Simon, as the 'gentleman' he is, offered for you to stay in his apartment above his shop; it's rather small and not very homey but it's warmer and better than staying here among frozen, raw meat.
His heart leaps when you shakily accept his offer, it's not like you had any other option; you live quite far away, and you were snowed in anyway so his apartment, while shitty and small, will probably feel like a sanctuary, and it did! You were so so cold but walking into Si's apartment was like a dream. It was way less cozy than your home, it was much more austere but it was warm, and he even offered you to shower first so you'll get the hot water!
And...he even offered you his bed to sleep in for the night but it looked so cold and it was basically freezing...so maybe he could sleep with you? His huge, thick and hairy body could definitely warm you up well, and his nice strong musk would make you sleep better too...
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worldofkuro · 5 months
Painted Smile
Painted Smile X
Pairing: Alastor x Female! Reader
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Summary: You couldn't wait to meet new friends. What you didn't expect was this smiling little boy, only one year older than you, that would take such a big place in your life.
Notes: I won't lie it was a difficult chapter because Reader's psyche is changing but without this I loved this chapter. I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did ! There is fluff but beware there are racism, killing envy and blood. But nothing too bad I think... yet. I really hope you'll love it, it's the turning point of the story !
You woke up against Alastor's naked chest, still enveloped in blankets. You could feel him playing with your hair while humming a song you’ve heard on the radio. You tilted your head toward him, watching his face wearing his usual smile. 
“ Hello, dear.” he whispered. You kissed his cheeks and put your head back against his warm chest. You could feel his body being more tense than usual, maybe being almost naked against each other made him uncomfortable? You tried to sit up but he pushed your head against his chest once again. “ Stay…”
You hummed, caressing his scars. It was strange, the skin color was different depending if there were scars but you were surprised by how smooth it was. You couldn’t tell the difference between his scars and his skin. 
“ Who did this to you..?” you whispered. Even though you both were alone in the cottage, cut from the outside world by the snowstorm you didn’t want to break the comfortable and quiet atmosphere. You felt like, if you began to talk louder, Alastor would shield himself from you. You felt him take a big deep breath before speaking a word you couldn't help but expect.
“ My father.” He sighed.
“ Do you wish to talk about it?”
“ What is there to tell, dear? The man who owned the title of being my father had my mother pregnant, he wanted to be a perfect man so he married her.  It was a gamble that failed. I was born and he would beat me or my mother if we were acting a little too “ black” for him, with his belt, his fists, cold water and so many other things. He teached me how to hunt, how to kill, how to hurt… I know so many things that would make you run away from me, my dear friend…” he hugged you tighter.
You don’t think you’ve ever felt this angry. The man you have met many times, the very man who hurted Alastor, has always been close to you and you’ve never seen it. You tried not to imagine Alastor being alone in his room being beaten hard by his father while trying not to cry while holding onto Eamon. Had you hurted him when you would smash into his arms for a hug? Had you hurted him when you would jump on his back because you didn’t want to be walking because you were oh so tired. Why didn’t you realize that Eamon’s fur was getting redder and redder because Alastor was bleeding on him because of his father. Why did you not realize that Alastor didn’t want to let Marie alone in this house because there was a demon living among them.
“ Dear?”
“ I hope he dies during the war.”
There was a silence before Alastor tilted your head by your chin toward his face. His eyes had the same warm glint but there was something else, something darker that seemed to try to stay hidden. He was looking at you, observing you like he was searching for some kind of answer. You tried to show how angry you were, you wanted your eyes to give the answer Alastor was looking for. 
“ And if I told you I didn’t wish for him to be killed during war?”
Your eyes widened. What? 
“ Alastor.. I know he is your father and maybe you still feel some kind of bond with him but you shouldn’t. He doesn’t even deserve to be killed as a soldier, he should be taken by the enemy, tortured until he can’t even spell his own name. Being eaten by dogs. No, it would be bad meat for the dogs. He should just get his members cut off, his tongue eaten by rats, he shou–” you gasped as Alastor kissed you, pressing your body against his own. Why was he kissing you so passionately when you were talking about how his father should die.
He leaned back with a soft smile, that dangerous glint in his eyes back. You tilted your head, you didn't finish talking, it was rude of him.
“ Aah.. Darling, you are…” he sighed in bliss as you felt his nails dug comfortably into your waist.” What if.. What if I told you I didn't want him to be killed because..” he stared at you a moment before speaking again.”  I want to be the one to kill him.”
You shivered even though you were against Alastor’s warm chest and under several blankets. Alastor wanted to kill his own father? You were staring at him while he was observing you, waiting for your reaction. Alastor wanted to kill his own father? Well, you did want the bastard dead and Alastor deserved his revenge but to kill.. to kill another human being…
“ Killing him…? But …”
“ Don’t see him as living being my dear, he isn’t worth the title. Think of it.. Like I’m going to hunt a dangerous animal that needs to be put down. I’m just like your ideal Prince charming , aren’t I? Killing dangerous people for his loved one?” He tilted his head with a soft smile. 
You couldn’t help but nod. What he was saying was true. Killing his father would be a great thing. You were beginning to scared yourself as you felt no remorse or guilt to think about Alastor killing his father, his own blood. Why would you? He didn’t deserve to live after what he had done to Alastor and Marie. The idea didn’t scare you but your thoughts did. Deep inside you, you knew you weren’t scared because this idea was coming from Alastor. You trusted him with your life.
“ How would you kill him?” you asked, curiously. You giggled as he kissed you everywhere on your face. His body, once tense, was beginning to relax a little. You didn’t know what you had done but it seemed like your gave the answer Alastor was waiting for.
“ How I’m going to kill him, you mean. I have many ideas my dear! By knife, rifle or maybe by strangling him?” he pondered as he stared at the ceiling with a happy grin.
“ Won’t he be able to scream if you strangle him?” you asked. You remembered, when you were playing with your cousins, some would play a little too hard and would “strangle” you. You would just scream so your mother would come and scold your cousins.
“ Oh trust me dear, if you do it right, you can’t scream for help.”
“ How do you know?” 
“ Well, I tried to scream for my mother one day.” he smiled at you and you felt angrier than you were minutes ago. His bastard father had strangled Alastor when he was a kid. What a demon! He really didn’t deserve to be alive! “ I have so many ideas!”
“ You know, If you really happened to kill him, I wouldn’t tell a soul… In fact.. If you need me at that moment.. I promise, I’ll be there.” you said sure of yourself. You did not know if you could handle everything but you’ll be by Alastor’s side from the beginning. You didn’t know if you could kill… It was a thought too far from your morals but helping Alastor if he happened to be injured or something else… That, you would do it.
“ Oh dear.. Don’t tell me that, you’re going to make me say things I’m not ready to tell yet.” he sighed dreamily as he tilted his head backwards. Now, that made you curious. What could Alastor be hiding, he just told you he planned to murder his father, what more could you be hiding ? You smiled as you nipped his neck, making him shiver.
“ Like what? Tell me. Tell me!” you smiled as you kept kissing him on his jaws, his cheeks and his nose. “ Come on now, you just told me you wanted to kill your father, what more can’t you tell me ?” you whined before settling against him once more. You closed your eyes and listened to his heartbeat. It was fast…
“ Fine… Dearest, once I have killed my father,” you hummed while he took your hand in his. “ Would you marry me?”
Oh Lord.
You sat up, staring at him.  He was looking at you, kissing the back of your hand. You were shaking, did he .. did he..?
“ I won’t lie, I still don’t know what Love is about. I just know that I want you to be by my side, I don’t think I could remain sane if I were to see your attention shifting to someone else. Just like Narcissus with his own reflection, I can’t get enough of you and yet I feel so fulfilled when you are by my side. I’m… I think I may be obsessed with you. You are the person who brought my human heart to life, how odd. I know it’s not the love you read about or you wish for.. I don’t even know if this is love. But this is what I feel for you, and I don’t think I’ll be able to feel it for anyone else, heck, I don’t want to feel it for anyone else…I want you caged with me. I want you to think about me just like I’m always thinking about you.” he stared at you, waiting for your answer, caressing your trembling hand. His eyes were shaking but he kept his gaze on you, observing your reactions. “ Would you accept my mad affection?”
You were shaken. You were with Alastor, almost naked, sitting on his pelvis with a blanket around you and a snowstorm outside.You felt hot. So hot. Alastor wanted to marry you. He wanted you to be his wife? It felt like everything clicked in your brain. Each time you were running after him, each time you wanted to make him like you, each time you wanted him to see you as a lady, each time you asked him to let you enter into his mind, each time you felt anger when a woman would come close to him, each time you wanted him to watch you and only you.
You were madly in love and obsessed with Alastor.
You read so many love novels… The prince never asked the princess to marry after telling her he was going to kill his father. The prince never asked the princess to think about him only. Their love was pure, not tainted by obsession, not tainted by the immense need to be by their lover’s side… Their love was not like what was happening right now.
And yet you couldn’t be happier.
You smiled at him, your vision blurry because of the tears blinding your eyes.
“ Alastor.. I may be just a foolish sixteen year old girl. Maybe your obsession will pass when you see I have nothing to offer you but trust me, my affection for you has been present since the day I laid my eyes on you.” you felt him squeeze your hand harder as you continued your confession.” We are both young, so maybe you’ll change your mind. You’ll find a proper woman but I know that you are the only man I wish for in my life. The only man I wish I would marry…” you sobbed as you squeezed his hand back as he stared at you with clear obsession in his eyes. He leaned toward you, whispering against your lips.
“ Say it.. Say it..” he begged.
“ Yes, Alastor, I will marry you.”
He kissed you with a big smile you couldn’t help but imitate. He hugged you against him so hard you felt pain in your chest but you didn't care. You squeezed him as hard as you could, you’ve never felt happier.
“I feel like this is too good to be true…” you heard him say against your skin. You couldn’t help but laugh while wiping your eyes. You leaned back as you took both of his hands in yours.
“ It’s true.. I feel like.. Once we leave this place, everything would be a faraway dream.” you sighed with a soft smile. You felt like you were dreaming right now…
“ I.. May have an idea for that.” he smirked at you as you tilted your head, confused. “ I find myself being interested in voodoo.” he held his hand in front of your mouth as you gasped. “ No worry darling, voodoo is not a barbaric religion. It’s in my blood, I found books about it and where it came from. And, there are some rituals that can bind souls together… Would you like to try it?”
“ For real?” you said, astonished. From what you heard, voodoo was a banned religion because it was witchcraft which came from black people. You didn’t really find yourself into religion, men killed for religion no matter which one. But if voodoo was something Alastor’s looked into and was coming from his ancestors, that could be interesting.
“ Yes indeedy. They wrote it as a curse though but…” you peck his nose before he could continue.
“ Yes, I want to.” you smiled. “ How do we do it?”
“ I don’t have the book with me right now. But it’s very specific.. I’ll need some of your blood.” he said carefully but soon his expression turned to surprise as you ran toward the kitchen and gave back with a knife. “ Well, aren’t you in a hurry to be bound to me body and soul?” he said with a teasing smile.
“ Oh, you are right, we can wait.” you said and smiled delightedly when you saw his expression twitched. You knew that Alastor would be the less patient of the both of you for this kind of thing, for you, which was surprising, he was known to be patient, very patient. “ Here I was, ready to make my ring finger bleed.” you shook your head with a saddened expression. “ How foolish…”
“ Dear…”
“ Seems like I’m in no hurry to become your wife!” you squeaked as Alastor tugged you against his chest with a smile so big it almost looked like inhuman.
“ Dearest, don’t play with me. Not with that.” he gently took the knife from your hand. “ No need for this. If you accepted, I could cut you.” he looked at you, seeming unsure. You tilted your head, cutting yourself seemed scary indeed.
“ It’s going to hurt, right..?” you asked softly.  You watched as he played smoothly  with the knife in his hand. You wished you knew how to do it…
“ I’ll try to make it so you don’t feel anything.” 
“ No. I want to feel it. I want to feel this moment.” you said sure of yourself.  Tonight would mark the first step of becoming Alastor’s wife, body and soul. You would be damned together or go to heaven together, there were no in between. You saw Alastor’s smile widened, it seemed like he was sharing the same feeling as you about this situation.
You looked as he sunk softly the knife’s edge into your skin. You shivered as you bit your lips, you were feeling no pain. You remembered in your romance books, normally the woman would be crying as the prince would pass the ring on her fingers. And yet, here you were, letting Alastor cut your skin and enjoying it. 
He took a napkin from the table and held it against your bleeding finger. 
“ Are you okay?” he asked, observing your reaction once more. You nodded, you don’t think you could feel even better ! He put the napkin on this table with a satisfied smile before you pinned him on the sofa, hugging him against you.
“ I’m the happiest girl in the whole world !” you shouted before leaving the sofa, leaving there a confused smiling Alastor, and you jumped everywhere. You couldn’t wait to tell your mother, your father, Alice ! You squealed in delight as you jumped around under Alastor’s soft gaze.
“ You gave me the best birthday’s present.” he said as he stood up. You grinned at him, his birthday was tomorrow, you needed to prepare the food. Even if you knew nobody would be coming, it was for the better!
You took Marie’s recipes’s book, still with the blankets around you.
“ Let your future wife cook for you!” you smiled confidently.
Alastor let you in the kitchen for 15 minutes before running back because he smelt fire. You just smiled sweetly at him with a burned stove. Alastor sighed with a tender smile before helping you cook. You wanted to try to cook something spicy, that’s why you had asked Alice to bring hot pepper for his birthday.
“ Do you think you could eat one and handle it ?” you teased him. He just looked at you and ate a whole pepper without flinching. You stared at him in shock. He winked at you before giving you a hot pepper with a mocking smile.
“ Could you handle it?”
You scoffed and took the hot pepper in your hands.  If Alastor did it, you could do it! You took the whole hot pepper in your mouth and swallowed it. You waited a little then laughed at Alastor.
“ I had worse at my– Oh my god..” you stopped every movement as your felt pure fire began to grow inside of you. You felt tears streaming down your face as you coughed, holding on Alastor’s arms as he was laughing so hard you could see tears on the side of his eyes. “ Alastor, help me!” you tried to fan your tongue, jumping around as Alastor held himself against the wall, crying of laughter.
“ Haha! Dear, drink milk ! milk!” he laughed as he pointed to the fridge. You ran toward it and slammed its door open. Did you even have milk? Yes! You took the bottle and drank messily the milk until the bottle was half full. “ Oh dear… Would you like a kiss after this horrible experiment?” he smiled as he walked toward you, but as he leaned closer to your face you almost could feel the hot pepper still on his lips.
You ran away, screaming at him. You didn’t want to feel this pain anymore! You were screaming as Alastor ran behind you, his laughter echoing in the little cottage.You couldn’t help but smile, if this scene would represent your future with Alastor, you would love it!
After your battle, easily won by Alastor’s lips against yours, you went back to cooking. Alastor was showing you how to cook and you took notes. It seemed so easy from his movement. You were almost jealous but then you began to smile as you remembered that you would see this scene every day in the future.
“ You have such a big smile dear, does watching me cooking bring you such pleasure?” he asked teasingly. You stuck your tongue at him, you knew he was happier than he let on. His smile was more genuine and his body was more relaxed than you've ever seen him. 
After an hour you went back to the living room, near the fire and ate Alastor’s cooking. You called your mothers to reassure them that everything was good and you were safe. You gossiped, played a few games, like poker and Alastor was way too good about it , you would just throw a pillow at him each time he would wink at you, meaning he knew he had won. You took a nap against Alastor’s chest and when you woke up it was almost midnight. You stood up from his chest and were surprised to see Alastor asleep. Maybe being away from everything, with you had made him relaxed enough that his body could sleep? You smiled and went to the kitchen and took a cake out of the fridge. You tried to make a coffee cake two days ago, you hoped it was still good… You put the candle on the cake and lit them up before walking toward the living room. 
You saw an awaken Alastor turning his head toward you as you sat in front of him on your knees, with a soft smile and whispered in the quiet room.
“ Happy birthday, Alastor”
“ Happy birthday Alastor!” you all cheered and brough your glasses together. You were in a bar with jazz playing, celebrating the new year and Alastor’s 23th birthday. Alice was there, with some of Alastor’s friends, you didn’t really remember all of their names but one, Mimzy. It was a name you never heard of so it stuck with you.
Alastor has become a real man. He was taller than most people, his frame was deceivingly slim, his smile was as broad as ever, his hair were a little longer than when he was younger and as always , he had his glasses on. He was grinning as everyone congratulated him for his birthday. You looked at Alice with a soft smile.
Alice had changed too. Long gone was the sweet innocent looking girl, she was now a beautiful woman who was confident in any way. She had cut her long hair, now they ended toward her shoulder. She looked at you and winked.
“ Another shot?”
You laughed and nodded but Alastor stood up.
“ My dear friend, what a day to celebrate the new year and myself. I have happy news to share.” all of you looked at Alastor, waiting for him to tell you his news. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes with a smile, he was such an attention seeker. “ My voice is going to keep you company most of the day as I have been hired in a radio station.” he said with a proud smirk, his eyes never leaving yours. You shouted of pure happiness, standing up so abruptly the chair fell down behind you. You clapped just like the rest of the people around the table.
“ I knew you would do it, sweetie!” said Mizmy, giving him a side hug.
“ I'm paying for another round of shots!” you exclaimed with a big smile. You didn't even wait for everyone to tell you what they wanted. You were already going toward the barman. You were really walking straight but who cared, everyone here was busted. 
“ Heya doll, whatcha want?”
“ Give me your strongest.” you said while pointing to your table. He nodded and you went back to your table who were still praising Alastor. You sat back down next to Alice.
“ Hearing Alastor’s voice all day? Ugh, I’ll have to endure it.” she said with an amused expression. You laughed, Alastor and Alice always say they didn’t like each other but when it was for you, they would team up. 
“ I can’t wait to hear his voice on the radio. You don’t understand, we’ve been waiting for it since childhood!” you said with a nostalgic smile. You remembered your sleepover and your childish broadcast… Aah, how time flies. You smiled as the waitress put the shots on the table with a whole bottle of whiskey. 
“ Order from the house.” she said flirty before leaving. You all took one shot and drank it. You try not to grimace, this one was really strong. You laughed as you saw Alice’s head fall against the table.
“ Oh, this one was a bitch.” 
“ You need more training, love.” you heard Mimzy say to Alice as she tapped her back. You looked at Alastor who didn’t even flinch. He was talking with one of his friends but you knew better… Those friends must be useful in some way. Your expression lifted up as you heard a song you wanted to dance to. You moved Alastor’s friend out of your way and dragged him on the dancefloor. You laughed as he began to spinned you.
“ Are you sure you can handle me in that state, love?” he taunted you as he spinned you back against his broad chest. You winked at him, you may be more than tipsy but you weren’t drunk yet. You could handle him. You began to dance with Alastor, quickly being the center of all attention. You knew every step by heart, Alastor could throw you in the air you would just close your eyes and wait for him to catch once again.
After a lot of dances, you went back to your table as Alastor danced with Mimzy. You sat next to Alice, making air with your hand. So hot.
“ I won’t lie, there is so much tension between you I don’t know how you don’t just.. jump each other when you both are alone.” Alice said before drinking a glass of whiskey.
You laughed, smacking her arms. There have been moments where Alastor and you would make out so intensely you would get ready to give him your virginity but he always said to be patient and wait for your future wedding night even if it was killing you both. You respected his decision, you would wait for your wedding. The only person who knew what had happened in the cottage, the only one who knew about your promise, for Alastor 17th birthday was Alice, who almost broke every damn mirror with her screams.
“ What? Look at you ! You’re like.. ethereal ! And I’m the one saying that.” she said before slipping her hair to one side of her shoulder. You grinned, you did grow up well. Your mother was so proud of you and even your father. When your father had returned from war he was badly injured so you took upon yourself to be his personal nurse. You weren’t a perfect nurse but you knew how to clean wounds, do stitches, you weren’t disgusted by the sight of blood anymore. And to top it all off, you were used to seeing Alastor bring back dead animals from his hunt now. You weren’t the fragile little girl anymore. Something your parents would missed sometimes, but from your friends point of view and even Alastor’s, you could still be endearingly naive.
“ And what about you Alice? The jewel of New Orleans? No one fancied yet?” you smirked before taking a glass of whiskey. Alice had, as always, so many people who threw themselves to her feet but she didn’t care. 
“ No, which is infuriating , look at me ! Poor little me being single!” she groaned as you laughed before hugging her. You knew Alice would find someone, she deserved it!
You kept celebrating until 3 am before you knew it was time for you to go. You were tired and you knew you would have to take care of your father if needed. He was doing well but he couldn’t stay still so he went to work with the police. What a stubborn man. You kissed Alice on her cheek and smiled when you felt a warm hand on your back.
“ Ready to go, dearest?” Alastor smiled at you, he already had his jacket on his arm. You nodded and said your goodbye before leaving the bar. You were staring at Alastor’s handsome punchable face. He looked down at you with a teasing grin. “ Yes ?”
“ Nothing.. I’m just admiring your face.”
“ Oh, please, do continue.” he chuckled as he walked you to your home. In front of your door you hugged him as he kissed your forehead. You began to turn away from him, ready to catch some sleep but he took your hands.
“ I say I had good news right?”
“ Yes, you are now a radio host.” you smiled before giving him a peck on his lips. “ I’m so proud of you. We’ve been waiting for this, haven't we?”
“ We have, indeedy, dearest. But I have some other news, for both of us.” He took your hand toward his mouth and kissed the back of it, staring into your soul.
“ My father is coming back.”
Tag List: @lukneetoonz @martinys-world @littlepoetnova @sirens-and-moonflowers @eris-norwega @tiredflame132 @mo-0-o @vvollerie @sodavizz @boogiemansbitch @tessemerick @slytherin4ever @kammsinn @alastorssimp @t0xic1vi @diamond-almond @fangirlbitch02 @saccharine-nectarine @thenorthnightingale @bibliophile-yomna @itzjustj-1000 @mothraantics
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razzlerdazzler · 8 months
Hi!! (●’◡’●)ノ! Can I request some hcs for Jack Frost having an s/o that's a guardian and the spirit of spring? Thank you and have a good day/night!!<33
Jack Frost x Spring Spirit Guardian Reader Relationship Headcanons
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Hello, I'm sorry this took so long, I hope you like it :)
Since both of your seasons are so close together, you both see each other very often
Sometimes he visits an area that you've already been through and makes a little snowstorm so the children can have another snow day and he gets to see you again and spend more time with you even though you just spent time with him very recently
He likes to call you nicknames, especially ones that are related to your season like petal, sunshine, dewdrop, sprout he uses this one to tease you, especially if you're tall or short
You both like to watch and play with the new baby animals that are born during spring
Whenever you two spend time with the other guardians, he likes to watch you interact with the people that he considers family, and they're all happy for the both of you
Bunnymund likes to tease Jack about your relationship since both of your seasons are very different, however this usually results in him covered in snow
If you have any little helpers or companions, he loves them and loves to spend time with him and will treat them as if they're his children
If you allow it, he'll even let them join him on his adventures while he brings winter to different parts of the world
He tells you about his sister and how he died protecting her
He likes to go sledding with you and making snowmen with you
Every little while he likes to make a snowball and toss it at you, causing you two to have a snowball fight
He also likes to make flower crowns with you, and he even makes some out of snow and frost and gives them to you
He loves PDA and loves to just hold you and cuddle with you
Whenever you two are cuddling or just being affectionate with each other like holding hands, he always notices how warm you are compared to him and his heart just melts everytime, he loves how warm you are compared to him
He absolutely introduces you to Jamie
He likes to make images of stuff you like on frosted window panes, usually it's your favorite animal, flower, or anything that reminds him of you
He worries about you and is protective of you, even though he knows that you can defend yourself, he can't help but worry a little bit, especially after dealing with Pitch and his past of not being believed in, he doesn't want anything bad to happen to the person he loves
He'll absolutely help you with whatever you need, whether it's helping you stay believed in or even if it's just comforting you or giving you moral support, he's willing to help you however he can
He'll always listen to any of your problems and whenever he sees that you're upset, he'll comfort you, either by cuddling you or by distracting you to get your mind off of whatever you're upset about, even if it's just for a little bit
He likes to ask you questions about the flowers and plants he sees, and loves to watch your eyes light up with glee as you answer his questions. He loves watching you get all excited and passionate
If anybody looks over at him while he's around you, they can't help but notice him looking at you like you hung the stars in the sky
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In Transformers Prime, Cybertronians are apparently vulnerable to extreme cold. (“You know prolonged exposure to sub-zero conditions can cause permanent system damage.” -Ratchet, S1 E7)
They are in danger of freezing when they go to the Arctic which continuously becomes a plot point, but somehow handle themselves just fine in space which is definitely way colder. Which leads me to believe it’s probably not the cold itself that’s dangerous to them, but the moisture in the air that freezes up around all their joints and crevices that immobilizes them.
The humidity in the Arctic is actually quite low, but in a snowstorm (like the one we see in S1 E7 where Optimus and Arcee nearly die) the snow that hits their bodies could totally melt from their body heat only to re-freeze around them as clear ice, expediting the process. It would gradually make it more and more difficult to move.
It’s like the clear icing that planes encounter when they fly through moist air, where supercooled water droplets freeze on their surfaces and make it difficult to move the control surfaces on the wings. Which is why I imagine flyers are probably more resistant to the cold+moisture conditions, since they already have built-in anti icing. Starscream does complain about the cold a lot in S2 E13, but that might just be Starscream being Starscream, or just trying to manipulate the others into letting their guard down. Dreadwing and the flying vehicons don’t appear very bothered, but then again neither does Optimus, so that one is staying as a headcanon for now. Maybe Starscream is bothered because he doesn’t have paint for extra insulation.
Optimus does say “the current temperatures are not extreme enough to affect our biology.” during that episode, and when he does there’s only a little bit of snow, which might confirm that when they say “temperature” they actually mean “moisture”. I don’t know.
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justporo · 10 months
Headcanons for Astarion and Tav spending winter time
Aight, writing for the fluff challenge has me thinking about this a lot, so why not exploit it some more, eh? Some of these are/will be used in the drabbles plus more stuff. So, here we go:
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Does Astarion like winter? For sure not, this vampire is made for summer time, elegant summer clothing and also... a beautiful summer tunic on his partner is just so much more beautiful than all the winter clothes (and easier to take off, he has a point there)
You can convince him though that winter time has its perks because there's so much more cuddling and who really wants to get out of bed when it's that cold outside, right?
Astarion will however use every given opportunity to make a fashion statement - expect beautiful but dramatic, winter cloaks with fur, elegant gloves, winter tunics with beautiful embroidery (although he might enjoy just throwing on a sweater at home - especially if you had it stolen before and your scent still lingers on it)
Also winter festivities were mostly hurtful reminders this far, but now? With you by his side, he will enjoy them a lot more
Also: let's not forget that it may be cold outside but the nights are much longer and give you more opportunity to be out and about
He sneakily hangs up a mistletoe somewhere in your place and waits like a predator to assault you with kisses every time you catches you under it; "Astarion! This is the tenth time today! You know you can just ask me for a kiss, don't you?" "But darling, where would be the fun in simply asking? Isn't it so much more romantic when pure chance makes us meet here under the mistletoe time and again, my love?" "It's not chance when you keep lingering under it, Astarion!"
He enjoys decorations a lot more than he'd care to admit, he enjoys when your place smells of fresh pine from wreaths and other stuff you've put up and he likes the cosy atmosphere all the spread candles are creating for the two of you cuddling up while a snowstorm howls outside
Speaking of: expect Astarion to become the embodiment of a cuddly cat during winter time; he'll snuggle up with you under some blankets, in front of the fireplace, maybe with a nice book to read and a mug of mulled wine to enjoy
Astarion will also make sure you stay appropriately warm: no matter if he buys you a wooly sweater or makes you a nice coat himself; "My love, I'm cold enough for the two of us, you don't need to take on this quality of mine."
One more thing he absolutely loaths is: snow; he doesn't get it
Sadly you also can't change his mind by throwing snowballs at him - oh no! This will only cause him to show you that his rogue skills make for very good aiming and you'll soon both just be completely frozen; but it's worth it because you could swear you heard him laugh and see him smile despite him proclaiming this all childish
Once he figures you are very much into all of this, he puts some more effort into it - he wants to see you happy; every time Astarion goes into the city and walks across the winter market, he'll bring you something: maybe something sweet, maybe a small piece of decoration - you feel very appreciated, you just hope he paid for that stuff and didn't just steal it; Astarion is elusive on the matter
The most important thing for him though is that he gets to spend winter time together with you - with all the gifts and challenges it may bring
Tag list: @spacebarbarianweird @sunfire-ancunin @tragedybunny @dependsonthedream @tallymonster @magazzne @micropoe10 @aoirohi @my-bunny-prince @lumienyx @fayeriess @azukiel @darlingxdragon
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kwanisms · 10 months
Stranded for the Holidays Collab
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➮ a stray kids & ateez writer collaboration
The holidays are typically about family, friends, and gatherings but sometimes it also means inclimate weather and forces beyond our control running amok and ruining what's meant to be a joyous time. So here are 16 stories about being stranded during the holidays brought to you by 9 amazing writers; @anyamaris , @millennial-fangirl , @twisted-tales-of-all , @yoonguurt , @kpop-stories-21 , @staytinyville , @skyechild , @stardragongalaxy , & myself.
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❅ Swiss Holiday by Booki
➮ best friend's brother!Yunho × f!Reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 21.4k
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: All throughout her formative years, Y/N has always harbored a bit of a crush on her best friend’s brother, Yunho. Having not seen him for years, she doesn’t expect those feelings to come back when she joins the Jeong’s on a family trip to a cabin in the Alps for the holiday. When she meets Yunho and his girlfriend, she’s hopeful that she can finally move on.
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❅ Purrfect Company by Anya
➮ cafe owner!Minho × reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 6.7k
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Working at a cat cafe has its perks, but your sarcastic boss Minho is definitely not one of them. Despite it being the holidays, you have no one to spend it with so you’ve volunteered to take the shift at the cafe on Christmas eve. A power outage and a surprise visit from your seemingly rigid boss has you discovering things you’d never have known otherwise. Maybe Minho has a softer side than you’d realized.
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❅ Room 25: a Christmas Love Story by Liz
➮ idol!Changbin × reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.6k
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Changbin is enjoying his Christmas break from Stray Kids and life. He checks into a ski resort. He runs to an old hometown friend. Who is working at the resort. One can surmise it turns into a Christmas romance.
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❅ Bittersweet Holiday by Sar
➮ Hongjoong × reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.7k
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Christmas has always been yours and Hongjoong's favorite holiday. After all, it was on Devember 24th four years ago that the two of you became husband and wife. But this year is different; not only will it be the last one you celebrate with Hongjoong, it will be the last one you celebrate period. And you can't think of a better place to be when things happen than snowed in with your husband at your family's mountain cabin.
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❅ Just as the Kids Predicted by Jay
➮ Jeongin × reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 6k
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: When the new student mentor catches first-grade teacher Mr. Yang's eyes, he tries to keep his crush to a minimum. However, then they get too drunk at the annual holiday party and confess their feels for him as he drives them home, he begins making moves, and a snowstorm during a staff-only workday helps them move things along even faster.
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❅ This Isn't Grey's Anatomy by Kay
➮ Seungmin × reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 4.8k
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Working the night shift at the hospital has always been easy for Y/N because most often than not, everyone eas asleep and there wasn't much she needed to do. However, when she gets Seungmin as a patient because he has bronchitis, her chill nights were anything but chill. With the heating system working slowly, there was only so much blankets could do to heat up the body.
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❅ Crafting Christmas by Sky
➮ single dad!San × f!Reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 15.2k
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: a failed relationship and an ailing mother forces Y/N to move back to her hometown, despite not wanting to. She knows in her heart that everything will be the same as the day she left. Nothing ever changes in a small town... except when it does. A new neighbor, a new hardware store, and two new additions to two will bring the holiday magic into Y/N's life. The question is, will the magic stay or will the Ghost of Christmas Past ruin everything?
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❅ Home for the Holidays by Mio
➮ Seonghwa × reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 4.7
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Seonghwa comes gome early the day before Christmas Eve to surprise you, and with the roads being closed to all the snow you were not expecting anyone at your door at 9pm.
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❅ Naughty or Nice: a Complicated Christmas Story by Liz
➮ Mingi × reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.5k
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦����𝐫𝐲: Mingi and you broke off a week before Christmas and was due to get the rest of his stuff on Christmas Eve. Was he being cruel in picking it up on that day, both his and your favorite holiday. Or was he trying to get back together? Either way, you would get your answer since you're now snowed in.
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❅ Snow Stars by Haru
➮ Wooyoung × reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1k
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: On vacation for the holidays, a break from all the busy times have left you feeling under the weather. What better way to warm you up and get better than the brightest star in your heart?
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❅ A Boyfriend for Christmas by Sar
➮ Jisung × reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.6
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Telling your parents you had a boyfriend always kept them off your back about settling down. Now that they're coming up for Christmas, your lie is about to be exposed and you begin to panic. Luckily, Fate takes pity on you and has you running into a cute barista who captures your heart immediately.
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❅ Frauds and Festivities by Jay
➮ Jongho × reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 5.3k
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: You and your boyfriend have been drifting away for the past couple of weeks. It's god-awful timing though, as the planned holiday trip with your friends creeps around the corner. After deciding to stick it out through the holidays, you manage to get on each other's nerves more than ever before, but you must keep up the act.
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❅ Less Than Perfect by Anya
➮ boyfriend!Yeosang × reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 10.5k
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Your boyfriend Yeosang has planned the most amazing vacation for the two of you over the Christmas holiday. While the journey starts out fine, you both find yourselves in a small town with car troubles and no mechanic to fix it because of the holiday.  What should have been a perfectly planned vacation turns into everything going wrong, or so your boyfriend thinks.  It could just be that perfect isn’t what you’re looking for.
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❅ the Most Wonderful Time of the Year by Sky
➮ Chris × f!Reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 9.6k
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Christmas this, Christmas that. The "most wonderful time of the year" is not how Y/N would describe it. Sure, it used to be a magical time full of happiness and love, but she let that belief go years ago. Christmas is all about how much money you spend on someone and making yourself look good to outsiders. Snow is wet and everything is cold during this time of year; makes everything gross. Her best friend is tired of have the Grinch as a roommate, especially when he remembers what it was like when she loved Christmas. This year he finally decides that it's time to bring the magic back into her life. And maybe that magic will bring a little love with it.
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❅ Ghost of the Past by Booki
➮ ex!Hyunjin × f!Reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 20.1k
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Y/N never expected to run into her ex again, especially not at a holiday party of all places. Nor did she expect for him to offer to drive her home when her ride bails on her. She definitely did not expect Hyunjin’s car to get stuck in the snow and for them to have to spend the night at an elderly couple’s house where they, unsurprisingly, have to share a room and even more unsurprisingly, there’s only one bed.
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❅ Holiday Warmth by Haru
➮ Felix × reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.1k
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: after bring snowed in from the winter storm and your friends in neighboring cabins, what better way to pass the time as the countdown to Christmas is near.
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fatesundress · 1 year
⭑ made with love. draco malfoy x reader
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summary. it's winter, you’re sick, and draco is extremely rational a terrible, doting mess about it.
tags. fluff! so much fluff! married couple, gn!reader, lots of banter, post-hogwarts with one fleeting mention of the war, draco's anxiety is whetted by a common cold, he basically treats the reader like they hung the moon in the sky and also have the power to yank it down at any given moment. he's very grumpy. but so so in love.
note. my sweet anons!! i tried on three separate occasions to write the requests in my inbox but sometimes i need to be in the depths of hell (ovulation week) to manage smut. i'm sorry. i've made some progress i swear! but the draco hyperfixation came out of NOWHERE and unfortunately i had to indulge in it. also thank you so much for 200! :’)
word count. 1.6k
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You are deplorable.
With a fever temperature of 40° and explicit instructions to stay in bed, you’re discernibly not in bed when he makes it home from the apothecary, a jumbled mess of the blankets he’d swathed you in left in your place. Your slippers are absent. Your slippers — in two feet of snow. Your coat is gone too, at least; ridiculously thick and unnecessarily long, though now he’s thankful for it.
Draco paces. Then he sets the Pepperup Elixir over a flame at his desk to keep warm, pours two drops of Sleeping Draught into a mug for your tea, and paces again.
He should have insisted on binding rings for your wedding, he thinks. Something to trace you in emergencies. There’s little to do without them as you’ve evidently either taken the Floo or Apparated, and, in truth, he can’t remember the last time he’s been this nervous. In school, perhaps? During the war? You have him comparing his nerves over a bad cold to those he felt during war. The insanity of that is actually not lost on him, if that counts for anything.
But you are deplorable, and his. His almost as much as he is maddeningly, irremediably yours.
How he allowed an aliment like this to infect him goes against all evolutionary sense. It’s a fever of its own. Incurable despite knowing its cause, and probably festering worse than yours.
And then the fireplace hisses and out you stumble with soot on one cheek and frost on the other, the neck of your coat zipped up to swallow half of your face. In an arm shoved deep in your pocket, a bag swings from the puffy coat crease of your elbow, and Draco baulks. It’s a muggle grocery bag — translucent enough that he can see the square imprint of your favourite sleepy-time tea, a chocolate bar, cans of what he thinks are soup, and — a lemon? Yes. A big miserable lemon that you’ve deigned was worth almost killing yourself over.
Draco does not hear whatever excuses escape your chattering teeth as he plucks your hand from its pocket, puts the bag down, pulls off your coat while you slap at his hands and insist you can do it yourself, and only because he thinks you’d hex him to oblivion if he tried, leads you with a hand on your back to the bedroom rather than hauling you into his arms and carrying you.
“A lemon,” he says, and is aware by the severity of his tone he might as well be saying a gun, or a missile, or a milk crate of Living Death cartons. “You forayed into a snowstorm for a lemon. Do you think I’m incapable of reading a grocery list? I just Flooed —”
“I got more than a lemon,” you huff in a weak voice.
It is appalling that that’s what you take from his admonishment.
Your snow-soaked slippers are tossed aside as you tumble into bed. Draco bundles you in blankets and holds his wand out to take your vitals. You roll your eyes all the while, but once the cold wears off he’s sure you’ll be burning hotter than you were this morning.
He shakes his head. “Lemons are common stock in apothecaries, you know. The shavings are essential in Weedosoros antidotes.”
“Yes, but they’re always so dry.”
“And chocolate — they sell it at Téa’s across the street for the magizoologists. Did you know that?”
“Hmph. No Cadbury, though.”
“And I’ve already warmed the Pepperup and poured you Sleeping Draught, despite your urgency for this —” He pulls the box of tea from your grocery bag, impressed with an image of a little bear with a red nightcap, a steaming cuppa, and a plate of biscuits — “Inarguably superior muggle panacea —”
“I never claimed it was a panacea —”
“Of which we should have distributed to St. Mungo’s en masse. In fact, I should owl them now so they’re informed the Sleeping Draughts are ineffective by comparison —”
“You’re insufferable —”
“Imagine all the orphans without rest —”
“Actually ridiculous —”
“You’re ridiculous. And I hate this bear. Look at his hat. Bloody Gryffindor.”
“Do you know what the wizarding world is lacking? — If you’re concerned enough to make a donation, Mr Malfoy?”
You think it’s hilarious to call him that. He does well not to mention you are, by law, also a Malfoy, and his money is your money to donate as you please.
“What is that?”
“Soup,” you say. “Canned soup — canned with love.”
“We are lacking soup canned with love,” Draco repeats, just to be sure.
“I’ll be sure to write the Minister.”
“Only if you stay in bed.”
“Hmmm… mmmm… well. Hm.”
“Incorrigible,” he mumbles, brushing the damp from your face before getting up to fix your tea. (He kisses your cheek for good measure, big sop that he is. You do well not to mention it.) “Don’t move or I’ll cast wards on the fireplace.”
“Oh! Cast wards on the doors, too. I might go for a walk.”
He glares at you from the archway. Your answering laugh is broken by a coughing fit, and you look reluctantly glum when he raises a told-you-so brow.
Draco mutters about how ridiculous you are through the kitchen and back, as he steeps your tea, heats your soup, unstoppers the Pepperup Elixir, pours it in an old shot glass from a trip to Italy (you have no graduated plastic cups lying around), squeezes the big stupid lemon in your tea, carries it all to your bed on a tray and realises, still muttering, that these are a lot of steps. But Draco balances the tray without an utterance of magic. It’s rather impressive. You should be sorely sorry.
You are, instead, asleep.
You’re splayed across the bed like something Baroque, limbs fascinatingly posed: half under the blankets and half stubbornly poking out despite his fervent tucking, head nuzzled into the pillow with a slight frown. If Draco were any better with a camera he’d take a picture. Instead he takes careful steps to your bedside, placing the tray on the nightstand and sitting as close as he can manage without disturbing the (once more, revolutionary) arrangement of your legs. It feels criminal to wake you. His fretful anger that you’d gone out in the cold is whittled to a humiliatingly thin and empty husk, and all that remains is mushy adoration. Damn you for that; you look ridiculous anyhow.
Draco kisses your cheek again. Your nose. Your forehead. He traces an invisible portrait of your face with his fingers, as if he’s ever drawn anything better than nasty stick figures on crumpled parchment in school. You, though, he thinks he knows well enough by memory to try.
You stir, not too far from consciousness that it’s a challenge to find it again, but far enough to be audibly vexed by his summons to the surface.
Draco means to berate you in that way he's so good at — chin pointed and scowl permanently etched — but you grumble with a sick, hoarse voice and he falters in a pathetic display. “You forgot your love-suffused muggle soup,” he whispers, one hand cupping your cheek.
“Heinous, I know. Sit up for me?”
“Magic word.”
There’s his scowl. “Alohomora.”
“Not that magic word.”
“Unforgivables, Draco Malfoy?”
“Hmm, Locomotor Wibbly?”
You sink further into the bed, pulling the uppermost blanket over your head inch by inch. 
“Please,” he says, with profound displeasure.
You sit up and smile.
Draco sighs and lays the legs of the tray out over your lap. You regard his service with sleepy content, one of your hands travelling to his face in what his heart surges to appreciate is an honest thanks after his several near-heart attacks, and then your gaze finds the medically expert Pepperup in an Italian shot glass and it falls.
You groan. “Draco…”
His name says, quite plainly, please don’t make me.
Draco has enough self-respect to at least deny you this. “Wards.”
That says, quite plainly, I was not joking about the fireplace.
You look as though you’re contemplating the severity of two horrors, but it passes fleetingly, with one curse under your breath and a sour expression as you down the shot of Pepperup like… a shot. Burning Ogden’s that scrunches your face up until you shake it away with a blagh noise. 
Come to think of it, Draco's choice of glass is much more appropriate than some medical cup.
You shudder. “I will be.”
“Good. Have your love soup and stupid lemons.”
And then, when he isn’t expecting it, your hot palm finds the place it left off; Draco’s healthily warm, sharp cheek, the soft fuzz of hair beside his ears before your fingers card through the longer strands and you hum like he’s your favourite thing to hold onto.
He melts, eyes fluttering shut. You’re sick, and wholeheartedly deplorable, but you’re safe, and it’ll be alright.
“The soup.”
He opens his eyes. “The soup?”
“You know it was canned with love.”
“I trust you wouldn’t have bought it otherwise.”
“And,” you say, thumb flush over his bottom lip as you smile a groggy, self-satisfied smile, “it was made with love, too, right?”
He rolls his eyes, and kisses you nonetheless. “You never cease to ask absurd questions.”
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cryptidclaw · 11 months
Star Tigerclaw
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Design Notes:
Here he is!!! Tigerclaw based on a white tiger!!! love this design so much ??? omggg
he has his mother Snowstorm's blue colorpoint gene , but he has dark black stripes like his dad Thistleclaw!
Character Bio:
Star Tigerclaw
Straight; Cis Tom; he/him
Age as of 1st arc's beginning: 4 cycles, 4 moons; ~33 Hyrs
Title meaning: -claw =  a cat who is very skilled in battle; they fight ferociously with their claws; may have distinctive claws, most likely extra large or sharp.
Warrior -> Guard Charge -> Second of Thunder Order; he was in line due to being Star Bluefrost's nephew. He was banished for murder and an attempted takeover of the Order.
Leader of Shadow Order; was in no way in line for Shadow leadership, he convinced the Order that he would be their best choice for leadership, as he came from a long line of powerful leaders and he would keep the Order strong after their many recent losses.
Second: Vulturemask; was in line and should have been leader due to being the previous Shadow Leader (Star Brokentail)'s Second and mate.
Mentor: Star Sunfall
Mother: Snowstorm
Father: Thistleclaw
Siblings: Sky; Shine; Shimmer; Lynxstorm
Ex-Mates: Goldenflower; Star Leopardpelt (Political marriage, ended when Tiger died)
Kits: Swift; Brambleflower; Star Tawnyclaw; Mothwing; Tadpolefrog; Star Hawkfrost
Grandkits: Falconclaw; Jaywing; Dove; Dawnpelt; Goldenheart; Flamespirit; Dovesong; Ivythorn; Junipersnow; Dandeliondust
Other notable kin: Star Pineheart (grandfather); Leopardfoot (Grandmother); Sootfur (nephew); Sorreltail (niece); Rainwhisker (nephew)
Character notes: Tigerclaw actually did truly love Goldenflower, and he was actually a pretty good mate and father before this betrayal was revealed. Golden cat divorced him during his banishment and Tiger chose to become mates with Star Leopardpelt soon after as a political marriage, this relationship was loveless and only for political gain and a continuation of their bloodline through their kits.
Character Backstory:
Tigerclaw and Lynxstorm were Thistleclaw and Snowstorm's second litter, their first was one of three kits which all tragically passed due to a premature birth (their names, Sky, Shine and Shimmer were given in reference to the Stars, as they joined them almost as soon as they were born).
Thistleclaw took great interest in Tigerclaw, as he was the strongest, and most alike him out of the pair of brothers. Due to this Tiger was greatly influenced by Thistle, with his father trying to pass on as much of his ideals and attitude as possible. The tom often gave Tiger extra training sessions in the dark forest, or during the night, sometimes White would be included as well though he never went to the Dark Forest (Thistle knew that White would tell on them).
Snowstorm died early on into her sons' apprenticeships and as a result Thistle became even more rash and cruel which only increased the extreme extra training Thistle put Tiger, and sometimes Lynx under. Thistleclaw's cruelty and actions made his sons hate him (they had also noticed how cruel he could be to their mother before her death as well, and hated him even more for it), White stayed away from his father all together, however Tiger wanted to continue training with him to increase his power and skill.
Despite hating his father and denying that he would ever become a cat like him, Tiger took on much of Thistle's teachings, the tom is adamantly anti-outsider and codebreaking and is very bloodthirsty just like his father. Though maybe Tigerclaw never fully believed the anti mixed blood, outsider and adamant code following ideals, maybe deep down he just liked them because it gave him power over other cats, and a seemingly "devout" and "loyal" exterior.
The first cat Tiger ever killed was Thistleclaw, after Thistle's grooming of Spotted was revealed Tiger joined Bluefrost, Lynxstorm and Redtail in assassinating Thistleclaw. Tiger hated his father and despite him agreeing with many of his views, he was horrified by his actions towards Spotted. He had other motives as well, Thistle was a high ranking warrior who used his power to control Tiger for his own gain, Tiger did not want to be anyone's pawn, he wanted the power for himself. After killing his father Tiger realized how much he liked the power in killing a cat, which wasn't all to surprising, but it was all the more reason he was so willing to kill later in his life.
Despite being an obviously bloodthirsty and increasingly cruel cat, Bluefrost refused to believe that her nephew was anything like his father. She desperately wanted to trust her sister's kits, and Tigerclaw was apprenticed to Blue's pseudo father Star Sunfall who Blue was certain would counteract any of Thistle's impact on Tiger. Of course Blue didn't know about Tiger's extra training, nor did she know about his secret lust for power.
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rustyzebra · 1 year
Steaming Up The Windows
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Emily Prentiss x Reader
Smut MDNI!
Posted on A03
2k+ words
Gif by @storiesofsvu
How would you and the CM woman of your choice keep warm while being stuck in the BAU van during a snowstorm?
(Working on the other lovely women currently. They'll slowly be added. Each will have the same prompt but different outcomes. JJ, Elle, Alex and Tara on the way.)
(Thank you to @storiesofsvu and @whiteberryx for helping me with the ideas)
The group was hot on the unsubs case. The last piece of evidence was found, and you left for the unsubs residence and workplace. Emily and you were on the way to his residence. You both vested up and grabbed your winter coats.
It was early January; the snow was whipped around in a frenzy. The weather statement today said it would drop well below freezing in the early hours of the evening. Even so, there was still a psychopath to catch.
The snowstorm that was said to hit the city was in full force. Emily drove as quickly as she could, trying not to spin out. Eventually, arriving at the residence, you call Hotch, letting him know you came. You both scoped his place out, thoroughly checking every room, only to find the place empty.
"Clear!" You both called out. You called Hotch, letting him know the unsub wasn't here. That was until Emily heard an engine revving outside. Emily and you bolted out the door to your van.
"Hotch, the unsub is on the move; we have eyes on him now!" Emily says as she buckles up quickly. You hop in the seat next to Emily and buckle up, readying your gun if needed.
You tell Hotch the direction the unsub is going while tailing him.
"Fuck, the weather is too bad! I wouldn't be able to get a clean shot of the tires!" You say as Emily starts to close into the Unsub. Emily drove nearly alongside the unsub, trying to ram him off the road. Emily almost had him until the van hit something under a snowbank. You both felt some tires pop as you spun out.
You hear the unsub get away as the van finally stops spinning.
"You ok?" Emily says as she tries to catch her breath.
"Y...Yeah, I'm good." You could feel the adrenaline coursing through your body.
You called Hotch, letting him know what happened. You don't know exactly where you are since the unsub lived remotely. Hotch said the unsub could be on his way to one location they found. Most likely, the ones he's using to hold the women hostage. He was on his way there with Rossi and Reid.
You hung up the phone and sighed.
"Looks like we're stuck here until they can find us." I groan in exasperation.
"I'm sure they'll catch that bastard. Now I want to see the damage." Emily hops out and walks around the car. Once she's done scouting the car, she returns, slightly shivering.
"Damn, it's cold out there." She says while rubbing her hands together. "Looks like we hit a whole lot of discarded barbed wire. Three of our tires are done for." Emily sighs.
"Are you serious? Shit." I lean back in the front seat.
A few hours later, we received a call saying they had caught the guy. They got Penelope to ping our location, but it'll take a while before help could come. The storm was getting worse.
"Hotch, are you kidding? We're stuck in this van until morning?" Emily said in disbelief.
Unfortunately, Hotch was right. The storm made any kind of travel or driving nearly impossible. We'd have to wait out the storm until morning.
"Hotch said there should be at least a blanket in the trunk." You said just after hanging up. You leave the van to check and grab the "blanket." Walking back to the front and getting in, you unfold it only to realize it was only big enough to cover one person's lap.
"Blanket, my ass," Emily says while rolling her eyes.
A few more hours go by, and the temperature starts dropping. You begin to shiver now and then. Emily looks over to see you trying to curl up with that laughable excuse of a blanket.
"Hop in the backseat; we can stay warmer if we sit together," Emily says as she crawls over the center console to get to the back, waiting for you to join her. You crawl back with her and sit beside her, trying to share the small blanket as best as possible.
You feel Emily pull you closer by your waist, and a jolt of electricity shoots through your spine. She left her arm there, still wrapped tightly around your waist. You've had your fair share of bickering and closeness, but never this close.
Eventually giving in to the warmth, you lean your head to lay on her shoulder. Emily was nice and warm; it eventually lulled you to sleep. A couple hours later, you wake up colder than before. Your eyes flutter open; the sky outside is dark.
There is a weight on your head; looking up, you see Emily's head resting on top of yours. A blush grows on your face. You pull the blanket up higher, trying to keep the warmth in. Doing so, you feel Emily shift and mumble.
"Are you still cold?" Emily whispers in a gravelly voice.
Your breath hitches; you've never heard Emily sound like this. The only thing you could muster was a nod. Emily pulled away for a second to unzip her jacket and wrap one side around you. Pulling you closer, you were now nearly sitting on her lap.
"Emily, you'll get cold," I say softly.
"Then you'll just have to stay closer to me." Emily raises an eyebrow with a slight smirk.
She beckons you to sit closer to wrap her coat around you. Sitting in her lap facing her, trying to suck in as much warmth as possible.
"Better?" You hear her words rumble from her chest.
Nodding your head as you lay it back on her shoulder.
"What time is it?" You mutter against her shirt.
Emily pauses for a moment while checking her phone. It's the early hours of the morning already.
"About 2 am. Unfortunately, we still have plenty of time before they come for us." Emily subconsciously starts rubbing your back.
"Try to get some sleep," Emily says while leaning her head back on top of yours.
Trying your best to drift back off to sleep, you couldn't. Your eyes refused to stay closed; you were far too cold to sleep. Nuzzling in closer in the crook of Emily's neck, you breathe in her scent. She always smelt good.
"Can't sleep." Mumbling against the skin of her neck.
You could have sworn Emily shivered, not from the cold but because of your lips gently grazing against her skin. Shifting on your knees, you were starting to get slightly uncomfortable, one of your knees slotted between Emily's thighs, finally finding a comfortable position. You place your weight down only for Emily to shift positions simultaneously.
Her thigh puts the right amount of pressure at the apex of your thighs. A whimper accidentally slips out. You freeze with your eyes wide, praying she didn't hear it. A moment went by, and you thought maybe she didn't listen to you, that was until her hands found your hips.
Your head shot up, eyes meeting hers. Her eyebrow is raised with a wide smirk on her lips.
"What was that?" Emily teased.
"I don't know what you're talking about." You looked out the rear window.
The hands on your hips pulled you down onto her thigh again; this time, the whimper slipped out on purpose. Emily leans in close to your ear.
"I may know of a way to help keep us both warm." Her hot breath against the cold shell of my ear sent shivers down the spine. All you could manage was a gulp.
"I don't want to force you, only if you want to," Emily says softly while moving your chin to look her in the eyes.
You thought for a moment. You did have feelings for Emily, but you never thought it would go past platonic. You knew taking this step meant the possibility of never returning to the way things were between you both.
"I... I am pretty cold." You say softly.
Emily chuckles softly before replying.
"I can see that. But if you want anything, I need consent, sweetheart."
Blushing softly, you hide your head in her neck. It's a little embarrassing to speak your mind. You eventually worked up the courage to tell Emily what you wanted.
"I want this… Emily." I mumble against the skin of her neck.
"So cute. You don't have to be so shy around me." Emily pulls my face up to look at her.
"There you are." She says softly. "Now, while looking at me this time. Are you sure you want this? You can back down, and it'll be like nothing happened."
You nod softly again. "I want this Em." You lean in and place a chaste kiss on her lips.
Emily was taken slightly aback by your bold move. She wraps her arms around your waist, pulling you closer as you wrap your arms around her neck, effectively deepening the kiss.
Emily's warm lips trailed down your jaw; you tried your best to keep quiet.
"Let out all the pretty noises you want, sweetheart; it's just us two here." Emily punctuates her sentence with a nip to the underside of your jaw. The moan that slipped past your lips was like music to Emily's ears.
"Just like that, sweetheart." Emily husks in between kisses.
"Fuck, you don't know how long I've been waiting for this." She continues as she trails kisses further down, slowly unzipping your jacket.
"Em" You bite your lip as you say her name.
"Just relax, sweet girl. Let me take care of you." Emily gently laid you back and straddled on top of you as best as she could. Your jacket was fully unzipped, and she placed her hands on the exposed bits of skin on your waist.
"Fuck, Em. Your hands are freezing." You hiss.
"Then warm them up for me." Emily raises her eyebrow and smirks.
Emily's hands move higher up while under your shirt. They run over your covered breasts, squeezing and massaging on top of your bra. More lewd sounds left your lips, and Emily continued. You feel her slip a hand under your bra, her fingertips ghosting across your erect nipples.
"Oh? Well, what do we have here?" Emily muses to herself, her smirk widening. Her fingers came in contact with a bit of metal.
"You know I never pictured you with nipple piercings," Emily says mostly to herself as she continues rubbing them.
"S..so you've pictured this before?" You tried to be snarky, but it came out more of a pitiful whine.
Emily's eyes darken as she leans in close to your ear.
"Of course, how could I not when you always look so…" Emily leans in to nip your ear. "So adorable. Just begging to be ruined."
You gulp at Emily's words. You've wanted this for just as long.
"I bet if I were to trail my fingers down, I'd see just how much you've wanted this too, huh?" Emily teases a finger at the hem of your pants.
Emily once again asked for consent. She waits for you to give her the go-ahead before she unbutton and unzips your pants. She gently slides a hand down underneath your panties. You let out a hiss as Emily's cold finger runs through your folds. She pulls out her hand to show you how wet you are already for her.
"Look at that. It looks like you want this; it's so naughty to be this wet for your coworker, hmmm?~" Emily teases.
She places her fingers in front of your mouth.
"That's my good girl. You're taking my fingers so well already, and I haven't even touched that pretty little cunt of yours yet." Emily mused while your tongue continued to swirl around her fingers.
"Suck." That was all Emily needed to say before she shoved her slick, covered fingers into your mouth.
Swirling your tongue around them as you taste yourself. A muffled moan leaves your lips.
Emily pulled her fingers out of her mouth and had you pull your pants down a little for easier access so you don't get as cold as completely stripping.
"Ready, sweetheart?" Emily asks again.
You nod and feel her fingers slowly sink into you. A moan leaves your body as she crooks her fingers up.
"Emily, p..please." You writhe against her fingers as they begin to pump in and out.
"Please, what?" Emily teased.
"Please .. harder." You say with a pant.
"Naughty girl," Emily whispers as she quickens her pace.
Her fingers work nimbly inside of you. Every time she crooks her fingers in a beckoning motion, you see stars.
"Em, I'm s..so close." You whimper into your hand."
"You want to cum, Sweetheart? You want to be my good girl and cum all over my fingers?" Emily husks in between thrusts.
Your eyes roll back at one intense flick at your clit, and your back arches off the car seat. Emily leans in close and kisses your jaw as your release closes in.
"Come on, be my good girl. Cum for me."
That was all you needed to hear before the coil in your stomach snapped and your climax washed over you. A loud moan ripped from your throat as your body felt on fire. Emily kept gently thrusting her fingers until you finished coming down from your high.
She gently pulls out of you as you try to catch your breath. Emily places her fingers in her mouth; a soft moan leaves her lips. She helps you get dressed again and pulls you close to her.
"Once we leave this damn broken-down car, I will fuck you properly," Emily whispers into your ear.
You can't help the whimper that left your lips.
"And I have to return the favour." You said cheekily.
"There will be plenty of time for that too." Emily's nuzzles against your neck.
You grab your dying phone to check the time. It was nearly 4 am. You sigh happily when you see a missed text from Hotch saying they were coming for you in a couple of hours now that the storm has died down.
"They'll be here in a couple of hours." You mumbled softly.
"Perfect, enough time for a nap." Emily chuckles against your neck.
"You better keep your promise, Em." You whisper.
"Oh, I don't go back on a promise." Emily placed a gentle kiss on your neck.
You chuckle and close your eyes. Falling asleep until you got the call that your team was close.
Pulling apart, you both go back to the front seats. You both were finally going home to your nice, warm beds. Well, one of your beds.
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muffinsin · 7 months
Swinging by from the server: the talk of the daughter’s flies being around reader was so cute. Imagine if you just came across a pile of Bela in your room or something- just a clump of flies from Cassie or Dani in the corner watching you- ahaha such an adorable thought really! What do you think?
- AK Anon
I loved this conversation, hon XD very odd indeed, but very fun🙌
She likes to keep at least one of her flies with you at all times when she’s busy and you’re left to roam the castle on your own
For safety purposes, she reasons
She doesn’t want you to get in trouble, she reasons
The castle is such a dangerous place, she reasons
You know, she enjoys being close to you, and likes to personally ensure your safety
You don’t mind, you like the little winged companion travelling with you
Usually, she sends out one or two flies to hover near or on top of you
Often, you allow the small insects to sit on your shoulder as you go about your day
During those times, you often feel her nuzzle against your neck or shoulders, even in such a separated form of her swarm, eager to receive contact
You’d never think of denying it to her
Then, there are other times, such as when you’re kept busy for painfully long
Now, sometimes when you’re working on finishing up some papers, you’ll have your girlfriend sit patiently
Yet, as time drags on, Bela gets restless and bored
Instead, she swarms off, and leaves you with a couple of her flies
You consider them your companions in such times, your tiny assistants eager to bring you what you need
Often, they retrieve little things for you, such as paper clips
They purr happily when you praise them and allow them to drop the items in your hand, their tiny wings flapping excitedly, their little arms and legs rubbing along one another
At other times, you see the tiny insects flap their wings in a desperate attempt to lift a pencil multiple times their size and weight
Upon satisfying you and bringing you all you need, even the little insects come to rest for once
You watch as they all huddle together in a pile of flies at the edge of your desk
Then, silent purring is heard, so quiet you must hold your breath and lean in to even hear it
However, the sound is unmistakably a small version of the purrs your girlfriend is capable of doing
The pile of insects lays, mostly unmoving, as you work, and only sometimes can you spot an insect moving about
When you finish your work at last, they all seem to come alive again, tiny wings flapping in an attempt to reach Bela when she swarms back into the room
You smile fondly at her
She insists on being close to you
Cassandra is, even if she would rather face a snowstorm in the middle of December than admit it, very clingy and protective
You’re her precious lamb. Her lover. Her everything
She often feels anxiety when she doesn’t know where you are, even if she attempts to keep this a secret
The castle is grand, and dangerous. She worries. She knows, her family isn’t the only threat here
As such, Cassandra likes to keep some of her flies attached to you
She tries to keep these a secret too. Opting for hiding around corners or far up, little insects attempting to stay hidden
When you catch one and clasp your hollowed palms over one of her little insects, she tenses. Each time, without fail, a dark crimson blush on her cheeks and a frustrated, embarrassed snarl passing her lips
When encouraged to be less secretive about her little flies, she opts for travelling by pocket. Yours
Cassandra likes it best when you happen to wear a top with a front pocket at your chest. When controlling one of her flies, she likes to stay huddled up in there
It’s warm, and close to you. Two things that are among ger favorite things in the world. Not that she’d admit that
She stays like this every day, whether in the dungeons torturing poor souls, hunting out in the forest, taunting her sisters or exploring the outside
A fly is always with you, tucked in your pocket, its little head peeking out and its little wings flapping angrily whenever someone dares get too close, and flapping happily whenever you offer a tiny droplet of blood to the insect
You know, normally this would mean your girlfriend is purring. Alas, you don’t hear it when it comes from only a single fly
Cue to Cassandra gritting her teeth in aggravation when she begins purring and blushing in the middle of “playing” with a prisoner
On rare occasions, you find her completely spread out- not, the usual way
You still chuckle when you sit at your desk to tend to your hobby, Cassandra’s head on your lap, and find yourself surrounded by piles of flies
With her body somewhat out together enough to allow her to lean against you and keep her head in your lap, she sleeps soundly
On the window sill, lie two piles of flies, each seemingly basking in the sun. They, like Cassandra as a whole, seem to almost purr and vibrate with happiness
On your desk are the next two piles. One for each side, little insects sleeping and taking up your space. Before your girlfriend fell asleep, you noticed the tiny heads of the insects cocking and tilting from side to side to examine your work
And lastly, the pile on the bed, spread out and nuzzled against the soft fabric of the pillows and blankets, equally purring and twitching at times
You giggle whenever you gently bump your fingertip against a fly and it makes your girlfriend whine in her sleep
Before seeing it for yourself, you never really gave her nature a thought
Of course, you know of her flies. Naturally
You just never saw them as individuals. Daniela is a swarm. An entity. A whole
You never assumed her flies could exist independently from one another, controlled separately by your girlfriend, or even not controlled at all
As such, you’re quite surprised when you walk into your room one day and find a pile of flies on your bed, rubbing up against your pillows, others merely sleeping seemingly comfortably
And yet, Daniela is nowhere in sight
Upon scooping the little insects up, they rub up against your palms instead. You giggle at the light, ticklish feeling
When you enter Daniela’s room and find her lying down and reading on the bed, the insects rush forwards to reconnect with what you assume must be a part of her back
She grins, her smile and eyes wide when she sees you
“Join me, my love!”
How could you deny such a sweet request?
Still, as you settle in next to your girlfriend, you notice a few stray flies buzzing about in the room
Some cuddled up in the shirt of yours you left her, as though eager to cover themselves in the scent that must cling to it
Others basking in the sunny spot on the window sill, while two others sit curiously on Daniela’s fingers, their many eyes taking in the book pages as she reads
A few move off her body, leaving little holes where they used to be
Daniela doesn’t seem to notice
Not even her voice wavers or her smile falters as the little insects move away and fly through the room
You feel the insects and the featherlight touch of little legs on your skin, as though they, like your clingy girlfriend, tried to cuddle up to you
You feel them on your shoulders and on top of your head, little legs tangled in your hair, little wings flapping happily
Others settle on your arm, climbing and seemingly playing with one another
You wonder whether Daniela is even aware of it
You hear the light purring coming from your girlfriend, and feel the tiny insects vibrating slightly against your arm and fingers
When she closes the book and stretches, you see her sharp teeth glisten in the light just as she yawns
Her flies seem to return to her, just enough to allow her to rest her head on you and wrap her arms around you
You grin. It’s cuddling time
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droptheprompt · 1 year
hi can you do some forced proximity prompts? thank you!
I can try :)
A and B are forced to hide in a tight space to escape. It makes things a little complicated that B is claustrophobic.
A and B hate each other but have to share a room to lower the cost of their living.
A gets assigned as B's dance partner for half a year-long course. Switching partners is unacceptable.
Seven minutes in heaven.
A gets on an elevator, hoping to finally get home. Unfortunatelly, their annoyingly loud neighbour catches the elevator too. Even worse, just as they are about to reach their floor, the elevator gets stuck.
Getting squished together on the back seat of the car during a roadtrip.
During a skiing trip, B gets injured and has to stay at the lodge. To keep them company, A stays too while the others go out. Problems start when the power goes out due to a snowstorm, forcing them to share blankets to keep warm.
A wants to go to an attraction in an amusement park, but 'what do you mean this is only for pairs and I have to go with this complete stranger?'
Sharing an umbrella during a sudden rain.
Hope these helped :) Take care!
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gh0stswh0re · 2 years
christmas dribbles, hoe edition:
"you are freezing, soldier" (army (!) reader, inappropriate relationship with a superior, lost/stuck in the woods during a snowstorm trope)
"it's so hot when you talk back" (brat (!) reader, pissed off simon)
"relax your throat" (reader struggles giving softdom (!) simon a blowjob, insane amounts of unholy praise, incoming on 10.12.)
"you're drooling everywhere, darling" (cockdumb reader fails to realize that they are, well, drooling on simon, incoming on 10.12.)
"shit, it hurts so good" (pain play, kinda sub (!) simon, incoming on 10.12.)
"are you holding back? don't." (shy (!) reader, simon loves their moans a bit too much, incoming on 10.12.)
"were you just touching yourself?" (f! masturbation, army (!) reader, inappropriate relationship with a superior, humiliation + praise, mutual masturbation, incoming on 11.12.)
"you can sit on my lap" (army (!) reader, inappropriate relationship with a superior, in public, light teasing + under the table, incoming on 12.12.)
"sorry, baby, i've made a mess" (domestic + morning sex, handjobs, cum eating, incoming on 13.12.)
"how can you screw up this badly?" + "don't tease me" (putting up christmas lights together, height difference + tinniest bit of a size kink, light teasing, manhandling, simon's being kinda rough, incoming on 14.12.)
"i know, darling, i know. 'm right here, just breathe" (shy (!) reader, overstimulation, softdom (!) simon doesn't take "no" for an answer, previously established consent + a safeword, incoming on 15.12.)
"it looks better on you than it does on me" (domestic + morning sex, wife (!) reader wearing simon's clothes, incoming on 16.12.)
"why not tonight, sir? i'm even wearing something real pretty" (going out + in public, kinda bimbo (!) reader, incoming on 17.12.)
"i'm your lieutenant and will be addressed as such" + "shut the door behind you" (army (!) reader pushing her limits with simon, making him fuck her brains out, inappropriate relationship with a superior, incoming on 18.12.)
"i had this dream ... you couldn't keep your hands off me" (just pure filth, no plotline, fuck buddies trope, incoming on 19.12.)
"quit whining, i'll buy you new ones" (tights + lacey underwear, impatient (!) simon, clothes tearing, incoming on 20.12.)
"thought i told you - i don't know how to bake" (kitchen sex, bf (!) simon, beginning of the relationship trope, incoming on 21.12.)
"you still have a bit of my lipstick on your lips" + "let me do it" (bimbo (!) reader, who loves makeup x simon who pretends to be annoyed, but secretly adores it, incoming on 22.12.)
"try to stay quiet" + "we're in public, y'know" (army (!) reader, established secret relationship with simon, reader is tone deaf and sees basically no one but simon, incoming on 23.12.)
"i'll be home for christmas, i promise, baby" (a bit of angsty fluff, simon is away from wife (!) reader, incoming on 24.12.)
"i'd fuck you from behind, but then i wouldn't get to see those pretty eyes" (simon with shy (!) reader, who he likes teasing just a little bit too much, lots of dirty talk, incoming on 25.12.)
"your ass or tits, darling - the choice is yours" (tit fucking, incoming on 26.12.)
"you should wear red more often" + "gonna breed that pretty, little cunt of yours" (who would ever guess that maroon red is simon's favourite color? it certainly awakes a part of him you never knew before. heavy breeding kink, incoming on 27.12.)
"you take the bed - that's an order, soldier" (army (!) reader, getting ambushed and finding an abandoned place + only one bed trope, with a bit of an unusual twist, incoming 28.12.)
"watch your language, soldier" + "behave" (army (!) reader, simon overhears a conversation he's not supposed to and can't get it out of his head, incoming on 29.12.)
"don't you dare pull of another little stunt of yours" + "don't give me that look" (army (!) reader being reckless, nearly scaring simon to death, kinda mean (!) simon struggles with finding words to finally confess, incoming on 30.12.)
"fuck" + "already did" (pretty self explanatory, maybe a bit of voyeurism type of thing, leaving a random poor fucker (probably soap) traumatized, incoming on 31.12.)
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thelampisaflashlight · 2 months
The ghouls, but I revamped my headcanons about them, because why not? Let's go.
-Aether, Dewdrop, and Mountain were brought into the church around the same time, but Dew arrived first, making him the "eldest" of the three ghouls... while also, coincidentally, being just slightly older than both Aether and Mountain in actual age as well.
Of the three of them, Mountain is the peacekeeper, Aether, much to the shock of many, is the troublemaker (he enjoys picking fights with people who are being jerks), and Dew is the thinker.
-Cumulus and Cirrus were summoned around the same time Swiss was brought into the pack. Having been raised on the surface by his mortal father, Swiss didn't really have much of a connection to his demonic side until he found the church, but even then, he had a lot of trouble adapting to life there.
Thankfully, both of the ghoulettes were more than happy to take him under their wing and teach him all the fun parts of being a ghoul.
He looks up to them in the same way one might look up to an older sibling, and he treats them both with respect as both his mentors and his friends.
-Rain was summoned during a rare thunder snowstorm towards the end of winter, which resulted in him developing an odd ability to control electricity. Usually, lightning is seen as a fire/air based element and can only really be harnessed by multi-elemental ghouls, like Swiss or Aurora, but Rain is, in so far as he knows, pure water.
He mostly uses this ability to hunt fish in the lake, charge his phone or laptop, or as the occasional self defense mechanism, because why would he throw a punch when he can effectively taser someone with his fingers?
-Dew, like Swiss, was born and raised on the surface, and grew up leading a normal, human existence until he fell to his death while lost in the woods surrounding the abbey during a thunderstorm.
His death lead to him landing himself in Limbo, where he was given a second chance at life (at a cost, of course) and learned of his demonic inheritance.
Unlike Swiss, who found comfort in discovering his ghoul side, Dew felt deeply conflicted by it and did not immediately join the church, though he was allowed to stay largely because Terzo saw promise in his abilities (musically and magically) and encouraged him to stay.
-Aeon goes by both Phantom and Aeon, but it depends on who he's talking to/who is addressing him, kind of like how you might go by your middle name with friends, but your parents call you by your first name.
For things like ministry paperwork and meetings with important figures, he's called Aeon, but amongst the pack, he's largely called Phantom or Tom-Tom as a nickname.
However, the name Aeon is also used by ghouls that are considered his "seniors", such as Aether and Omega who held his station before him, and Dew, because he refuses to call him Tom-Tom (and because he's old, but don't let anyone hear you say that).
-Cumulus is one of the only ghouls that maintains a home away from the abbey during the off season, and, as of right now, none of the other ghouls have been invited to stay there. It's nothing against any of them personally, Cumulus just likes having her own space that's truly hers, and she spends so much time around the others normally that she needs a break from them sometimes.
-Similarly, Dew has a habit of "wandering off", though he's usually just off on vacation, and, when in doubt, can typically be found simply by asking where he is.
Usually, he's not far from the abbey, as he tends to keep to his "territory" like a cat left to roam, but on the rare occasion he's broken containment (left the country entirely) he's like a ghost.
And lastly;
-Cirrus has been known to hang out in one of the many cemetery plots on the abbey's grounds, and has befriended an alarming number of spirits, who often tell her secrets and information about people who currently live on the grounds or passed there in some form or another.
Because of this, Cirrus knows things that could be devastating if revealed, so she has to be careful about not letting slip information that wasn't given to her by either the individual themselves and/or is already "common knowledge".
She's on incredibly bad terms with some of the abbey's residents as a result of letting slip personal details about their lives, even if she meant to use it as a means of defending them, and it has made it difficult for her to make friends outside of her packmates, which in turn results in her befriending more inhuman entities and ghosts.
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moonjxsung · 1 year
Snowed In
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Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin x fem reader
W/c: 7.9k
Warnings: forced proximity, mention of smoking, mention of cheating, unprotected sex, oral receiving, fingering, crying during sex, both characters are kinda toxic lol
Synopsis: a snowstorm traps you inside with none other than your perplexing ex-boyfriend Hyunjin, leaving the two of you to contemplate the relationship you once had.
“There’s more tape in the closet by the stairs,” you say to Hyunjin.
He’s already packed three boxes of his stuff- old paraphernalia from the days you were still together. Days which now remained a mystery to you- how did you ever tolerate each other long enough to fall this deep? Having him back like this, it’s clear to you why things ended the way they did. He’s as obstinate as they come- never willing to bend for you or anyone but himself. Your tides crash against his unmoving shore, dissipating whatever love had once existed into thin lines of regret and indignation.
What was once the love of your life, now reduced to nothing more but this- a stranger in your home, memories of the role he once played neatly stacked into cardboard boxes and sealed away for the next victim of his antics. Sometimes it felt he was never meant to be more than this- more than a fleeting, breaking thing, quick to dissolve at your fingertips and free himself of your hold.
“Can you move any faster than this? I have somewhere to be tonight.” Your voice is laced with rancor, and Hyunjin rolls his eyes at the familiarity of it all.
“As if you ever cared about being late anywhere. You couldn’t even show up to our first date on time.”
You squint your eyes at him through the mirror in front of you. He’s so loathsome when he wants to be- anyone who knows him remembers the way he begged you to go on a date with him, for months, only to be rejected time and time again. When you finally did agree to go on a date with him, there was an ultimatum involved- go out for dinner or he’d keep the wallet you “dropped” in the parking lot. One that he so conveniently found- one that he snagged from atop your work desk.
Hyunjin was calculated from the moment he saw you- quick to make your friends his, finding a place within your social circle and gaining approval from those closest to you. He frequented your favorite coffee shops, kept up with your social media, and even took an interest in all your favorite hobbies. While your friends downed shots of whiskey and picked up random men at bars, Hyunjin stayed close to you, grazing his fingertips against your skin and whispering compliments in your ear at every chance he got.
It didn’t take long before you were wrapped around his finger- exactly the way he’d planned for it to be. You quickly became the first to invite him to dive bars on Friday nights, the first to text him song recommendations and new coffee recipes, even first to make subtle advances so that you could feel his skin against your touch.
A graze of his hand against your cheek was all it took one October night, before you gave yourself away to him completely. Like giddy schoolchildren, his hand in yours, running about the street to his place, where he fucked you three times in a row. He was patient and forgiving with his kisses, but he fucked you like he might lose you. He lit a joint beside you as you came down from your third orgasm. You thought you might be in love.
“You’ll have to help me carry all this down to the car,” Hyunjin interrupts your thoughts. You pause applying your eyeliner to glance at him through the mirror again.
“You couldn’t have asked earlier?” You cap the eyeliner shut, slamming it down on the console table and turning around to face him with a vexed expression.
Hyunjin’s beautiful- he’s always been beautiful. One of the things that angered you the most about him. The whole world, with your beautiful boy at their disposal, to do whatever they pleased with him. It never took much either- he could raise his hand in a diner and have a flock of men and women within his radius, ready to do whatever, whenever. He looks elegant in a crimson cardigan, one button undone below his jutting clavicles, tucked neatly into a slim pair of black trousers. A silver watch around his wrist glints under a beam of light as he looks down at the disarray of boxes.
“Eleven boxes,” he says teasingly. “So you can take 6 and I’ll take 5.”
You scoff in response. “That’s not happening. Take the first one to the car and I’ll meet you down with my half.”
You turn around again to finish your makeup, when a loud buzzing sound interrupts the two of you. The intercom buzzes once, and then twice, and you’re quick to make your way to answer before Hyunjin can.
“Hello?” You speak softly, holding the button and cupping the box to prevent Hyunjin from listening. A futile effort, as he’s already listening closely from beside you.
“Hello ma’am, this is management. We wanted to inform you of a weather advisory for the remainder of the evening. All tenants are advised to stay indoors while the snow storm passes through tonight. Please shelter in place immediately and do not plan to operate your vehicle until at least tomorrow morning-”
“Tomorrow morning?” You interrupt. “No, no, my guest was just heading down. Could you- is there somebody who can help with a few boxes?”
“I’m sorry,” the voice says. “But no one is allowed to operate their vehicles off the property right now unless it’s an emergency. We have been ordered by the county.”
“It is an emergency,” you say quickly, eyes flickering over Hyunjin’s smug expression from beside you.
“What is the emergency?” The voice queries, and Hyunjin practically pushes you aside to speak into the box on his own.
“The emergency,” he says, “is that she’s so prideful she can’t provide shelter to a friend for one night.”
The voice on the other end goes quiet, and you pinch the bridge of your noise in annoyance. With a deep sigh, you motion Hyunjin aside and take over the intercom once again. “Nevermind, sir. We will stay inside. Thank you.”
A small click indicates his departure, and you spin around on your heel to face Hyunjin again, this time infuriated with him.
“Seriously? You couldn’t have lied or something?”
“What did you want me to say? That I’m having a baby? There’s a fire in here? You heard him, I can’t drive on these roads. I know you hate me, but that’s low even coming from you.”
Your makeup items are quickly stuffed back into your bag as you avoid eye contact with him, thoughts rushing through your head as you realize he may have to stay here for a few hours. You catch a glimpse of the window as you consolidate your products, noting the way the city lights are now blurred by frost on the windows. The falling snow isn’t visible from in here, but a growing chill around you confirms that management is correct.
“I’ll be in my room for the night. The lock isn’t working, so knock if you need something. And don’t touch anything.”
He holds his hands up like he’s guilty of something- and he might be, accidentally intruding in your space like this, tainting the atmosphere with his uncompromising jokes and mulish expression. But he lived here once too- drank coffee in the same kitchen you now call yours, fixed the shitty space heater when it broke, and fucked you on your mattress like it was an extension of you. Intruding was hardly the word when traces of him lined the walls- and bedsheets, still.
“Okay,” he says with a mocking tone, and he slumps over on the sofa like he owns it now.
2 hours pass, and the situation feels like something out of a horror movie- only the antagonist is a shitty ex boyfriend, and the movie has been left on pause. Hyunjin doesn’t disturb you, and you don’t disturb him. The apartment is quiet, maybe too quiet, but as you wake from your evening slumber, a sound in the kitchen reaffirms this was not just a nightmare.
“What are you doing? I told you not to touch anything.”
He turns around momentarily, drawing his attention back to the stove he towers over. “I was making us coffee. Unless you don’t want any.”
A deep swallow in your throat. Your pride is replaced with reluctance, taking a step toward him and finding a seat on the bar stool. “Sure. Thanks.”
When he’s finished, he places the speckled mug in front of you, sauntering over to the couch and spreading across it like he’s going to sleep. But he doesn’t, instead he runs two hands through his hair, licking his lips and smiling mischievously.
“I was supposed to be at an art show tonight.”
You say nothing.
“They’re displaying that one I painted when we were still together- you know, with the lilies?” He sits up to look at you. “Remember?”
“Yes, I remember. The one you fought with me about.”
He laughs, and your face involuntarily reacts with a smile at the sound. His eyes form little crescents as his head rolls back, melodic giggles leaving his parted lips. Hyunjin’s laugh was one you could never forget- one that echoed throughout the apartment despite his absence, one you found a home in. One you missed, even.
“I didn’t fight with you,” he says. “It was a disagreement. There’s a difference.”
You remember that morning vividly. Hyunjin hadn’t slept that night, sitting cross-legged in front of the canvas while he painted finishing touches on the assortment of blushing lilies immersed in a glass vase. It was one of your favorites, representative of both your birth month and Hyunjin’s favorite flower.
“They’re too pink.” He’d told you, frustration clear in his tone.
“They’re perfect,” you said, crouching down beside him and pressing a chaste kiss to his temple.
And in all the unpredictability that was Hwang Hyunjin, he wielded the box cutter he kept tucked away in the pocket of his apron, crawling forward in a swift motion and slashing the painting across its face. The lilies seemed to wither as the now-cut corners folded inwards and curled in decay, still wet from the fresh paint.
“What the fuck, Hyunjin?” You said, reaching for the canvas like it was a dying child, caressing the two-dimensional petals in trembling hands as you tried your best to mold the fabric back to its place, to no avail. Hyunjin laughed, head rolled back as he let his wicked cackles fill the space around you, and you began to cry at the scene. He was always that way- feeding mercilessly off your stunned reactions, with you always more shocked than the last time at how unpredictable he could be at times.
He laughed as you cried, both sounds waltzing around the makeshift studio in the spare room of your apartment.
You left him alone for several hours that day, only returning to deliver food and water to him, Hyunjin still sat in that same spot on the studio floor. The painting was tossed aside like a piece of garbage, a new canvas erected in front of him with fresh pencil sketches and colors.
As he dug into the steaming bowl of ramen provided, you propped up the canvas, beginning your task of repairing the painting by gluing a small patch to the cut and coating it with varnish. He watched through ravenous mouthfuls as the petals laid flat like they once had, giving life to his art again. And through frustrated sniffles, you mixed a new shade of pink on his pallet, a lighter one this time, sliding it over to him and placing the paintbrush between his fingers where his chopsticks were.
“Please don’t ruin it this time.”
Hyunjin placed his dinner back on the wooden floor, making his way over to you and enveloping you in a hug- one that meant to say sorry in his absence of words. But Hyunjin was never one for apologies, you quickly learned, as his hardened bulge pressed against your thighs. He peppered kisses down the column of your neck, fingers grazing the hem of your shirt as he began to take it off you, no words of protest from your end. With dizzying thoughts, and before you could comprehend the pool of arousal that was now formed between your legs, he was fucking you there in his studio, one hand cupped around your face, forcing your gaze onto the painting.
“Know what lilies represent?” He said between rhythmic thrusts. “Innocence. And purity. And devotion, and fertility.”
Your eyebrows arched up in pleasure, too fucked out to respond to his words, simply moaning loudly in response.
“And your birth month is a lily. Sound like you? Innocent? Pure? Fertile?” His thrusts increased in pace, your hands searching desperately for somewhere to steady your body, now trembling with pleasure as you approached your high.
He took note of your struggle, taking your hand in his as he gave it a squeeze, another way of saying he was sorry for his actions. Your eyes remained locked on the painting, which now seemed to morph into hues of flesh and arousal, the petals mirroring your wet cunt filled so deliciously and completely by Hyunjin. And as he reached his orgasm, he buried his face in the crook of your neck, breathing down the throat he kept a firm hold of. “My lily,” he cooed between kisses and a release inside of you. “My sweet, pure lily.”
Three hours in, the space heater has given out. A typical occurrence from when Hyunjin still lived here, but an aggravating one nonetheless.
“It hadn’t given out in the time you were gone. Must be some kind of curse when you’re around.”
Hyunjin laughs wickedly, like he knows something. “I’ll get the screwdriver.”
As you watch him disassemble the old thing, you take note of the way his nimble fingers hold each tool so delicately, much like how he handles his art supplies. You were no stranger to them during your time together, often picking him up new pieces of charcoal and sketch pads for him on your way home from work. Your love language had always been the little gifts you pampered him with, falling deeper in love with him whenever he’d excitedly dig through the bag of goodies and rope you into a hug. Hugs- physical affection, Hyunjin’s love language. The only way he knew to express the conflicting emotions in his pretty mind- pacify you with a kiss, or a swaying hug, or a myriad of lewd positions in your bed together.
Part of you knows Hyunjin is conditioned to be this way. Something of a mad artist, good with his fingers and bad with his words, chased after everything he ever wanted and never learned to take no for an answer. There was never a moment he had to sit with his own mind, sit with his intimate conscience and teach himself to tear his walls down. You were always there to do that- remind him of the ways in which he fell short, express enough emotions for the two of you and live with the knowledge that you were, in many ways, an extension of him. In all his madness, and lust and adoration. But he was never going to change- and hard as may have tried, you could never change him.
“What are you thinking about?” Hyunjin asks, still focused on the tilt switch below him. His ebony hair hangs loosely in front of him, caressing his face the way your hands used to.
Your fingers embrace the warm mug of coffee in front of you, observing as steam disappears in the cold air in front of you. “I’m thinking about the first time you ever cried in front of me.”
He stops what he’s doing for a second, looking up at you with furrowed brows. “What?”
“I’m just being honest,” you say in response, getting up from the bar stool to now sit on the couch. “Do you remember?”
He’s quick to shake his head. “I don’t cry. I never cry.”
You scoff. Hyunjin cries at everything, albeit trivial instances- maybe it’s the Pisces in him, or maybe it makes up for the lack of using his words to convey emotions. Either way, he’s always been a crier- and you, a shoulder to lean on.
“Your painting was rejected. For the January gallery show. By that guy- the really stuck-up one, remember? You said he looked like a praying mantis. All beady-eyed and skinny.”
Hyunjin laughs, fumbling with the screwdriver. “Even his hands bent at the wrists. Like a bug.”
You smile at him- you reckon it’s the first time he’s ever recalled crying in front of you. That was the difficult part- despite the crying, you were never to speak of it. Like it didn’t happen, like it wasn’t a natural part of him. It made him feel nonhuman at times, all those resolute efforts to mask who he was. But you knew, truths that lived and died with you.
He sticks his tongue out in focus as he fixes the screws back onto the panel. “He’s the gallery host. For tonight’s event.”
Your heart sinks at his words. It was a dream of Hyunjin’s to avenge the death of his art by praying mantis art man, and you hadn’t known he was selected for the gallery this time. Only to wind up here, with you, stuck in the dingy apartment you used to call home with him.
“Fuck. Hyune, I’m sorry,” you say with wide eyes. “I wouldn’t have asked you to come by tonight if I knew.”
He waves a hand in dismissal. “Better I’m stuck here than the gallery. I’d be snowed in with bottles of champagne and lots of pretty girls.”
He smirks at you mischievously, and you roll your eyes playfully. As he fixes on the last screw, he restarts the heater, slouching back in satisfaction as the familiar hum starts up again. “Thanks,” you say, sitting back and putting your feet up.
He winks, and then shuts his eyes as his hands fold over his chest. Your phone interrupts the comfortable silence, and you make your way back to the bar stool to answer it.
“Hello? Oh, yes, hi! Yeah, I’m so sorry… Yes, that works for me. Thanks, and sorry again. Okay, bye for now!”
When you hang up, Hyunjin’s head is raised curiously.
“Who was that?”
You take a deep breath as you set your phone aside again. “That was… my plans for the night.”
He cocks his head. “Like, a friend?”
“Like, a date,” you finally say. Hyunjin scoffs casually, lying down again.
“You’re going on a date.”
“Was,” you interject. “He’s snowed in, too. We’re planning for something tomorrow if the weather’s good.”
Hyunjin nods, and you can see that his eyes are glued to the ceiling now. Jealousy- one of Hyunjin’s worst traits. Be a waiter, a friend, even the trash guy on Mondays, Hyunjin was a raging, jealous boyfriend when you were together. At times it was flattering, making you blush when he’d give creepy men stares at bars, holding you closer and letting everyone know you were his. And then things escalated.
The doorman stopped greeting you, per Hyunjin’s request, citing that he was “taking a special interest in you”. Bartenders had to take your orders through Hyunjin, who turned irate at the sight of you smiling at another man. Even your close male friends distanced themselves when he was around, feeling uncomfortable at the way he’d interrupt your conversations. Your confrontation about it turned into a screaming match, followed by 2-hour makeup sex in the shower- but his jealous tendencies never ceased.
“How’d you meet?” Hyunjin asked suddenly, fidgeting with the skin around his fingernails. He no longer wears a smile, but a tight-lipped, stern expression.
“He’s… a friend.” You reply.
“Jisung,” he whispers suddenly, and you swallow a lump in your throat.
Han Jisung, the mutual friend you always told Hyunjin not to worry about. The friend who always got a little too close, the friend who leaned on you for emotional support during your lows. The friend who confided in you with all of his relationship issues, and the one you confided in when Hyunjin was at his worst. The same friend you slept with to make Hyunjin jealous.
“I knew it,” he said, draping an arm over his eyes. “I had a feeling it wasn’t over from that one time.”
“Hyune, we’re not together anymore.”
“We were together,” he says. “When you let him fuck you.”
A statement he’s not wrong about. A decision you weren’t proud of- but one that was a long time coming. It had been a week straight of arguing with Hyunjin- him, locked up in his room working on paintings and destroying the ones he didn’t like. Repeating the cycle like he’d gone mad- refusing to eat and drink, getting no sleep and engaging in screaming matches with you when you were home from work. You opted to stay with Jisung that weekend, unable to put up with his state of mind. A little red wine, crying into Jisung’s shoulder, and you found yourself betraying the one thing you swore you never would- Hyunjin’s trust.
It was you who told him, throwing it on him like a casual work chat when you returned.
Hyunjin never took something so hard in his life. You watched his sleepless nights and maddened sessions turn from weeks into months- going mute for the better part of each day, only talking to ask you questions about Jisung. “Was he better than me?”
“No, Hyune,” you’d coo, holding him in your gentle embrace as he cried. “No one’s better than you. I was angry, and I made a mistake. There’s no one better than you.”
And in the second month, he forgave you, finally giving into your touch as his fingers found their way inside of you, using his voice boldly for the first time to demand the same answers from your quivering figure under him. “Was it better than this? Does he feel better than this?” You cried under him, validating his ego again in an orchestra of moans, holding him in your arms like you might lose him. And you almost did- a feeling you swore to never replicate.
Your bodies one again, your souls one again. Jisung was promptly cut out of your life, Hyunjin’s existence enough to fulfill a lifetime of friends and lovers. His body made for you, his mind consuming you whole.
“You’ve always been so jealous,” you say to Hyunjin, drawing his attention back to the conversation.
He fixes his hair. “And you, a cheater. Forgive us our sins.”
“I had reason to. You’re just a mean person when you want to be.”
“Yeah?” He queries. “So mean I fixed your heater? So mean I got you those tickets you wanted last summer?”
The tickets.
Hyunjin had bought you tickets to Paris last summer, a surprise that left you in shock, crying like a baby when he presented them to you. They were “complementary” with the exhibition he was chosen for- three nights in Le Marais, a showing of his gallery, and a free dinner at the host’s favorite restaurant. It was his most upscale showing yet, and although the tickets were originally meant for a manager of sorts, he’d bent some rules to bring you along. (This meant he paid for the tickets, something he never told you about until much later.)
The trip was nothing short of a dream- days spent looking at art and watching Hyunjin network with the guests, nights spent trying fancy French foods and making love in the hotel bed until you couldn’t anymore. But the reveal that he’d actually paid for the tickets hit you hard.
He let it slip accidentally, annoyed at the way his manager was pressing him to contact guests from the museum, huffing a simple “I paid to get him off my ass and he’s still like this.”
After pressing him for answers, it all made sense, and you bawled like a baby again, this time ridden with guilt. Hyunjin rubbed your back in gentle circles, chuckling at the way you gripped his t-shirt and cried harder into the fabric. “You should’ve taken him instead,” you said to him between sobs. “I was a shitty girlfriend to you and I didn’t deserve to go.”
Of course this was about Jisung, and he knew that. But he also knew that he loved you- this emotional, second half of him, one that he breathed life and love into, and that one instance of letting it slip through his fingers was not going to come between the two of you. “But you’re here,” he told you. “You didn’t leave. I’m not going anywhere either. We’ll always have Paris.”
And you cried harder at his words, for the man who so desperately needed you like you needed him, two halves working to keep one whole being alive.
4 hours into the night, Hyunjin begins getting stir-crazy.
“It’s hot in here- you’re not hot? I feel like I’m going insane. What if we tell them I’m having a baby? Maybe they’ll-”
“Hyunjin. Calm down. They’re not letting us out for the night. You’re not going anywhere.”
He rips off his cardigan, tossing it aside dramatically and leaning back on his forearms with his eyes shut. You take in the view- his toned arms are now fully on display in a ribbed white tank top, a simple gold necklace now visible against his broad chest. He’s still tall and lean as he ever was, but his biceps seem to have filled out, and your mouth parts a little at the sight.
“You’re staring,” he says with his eyes still shut.
“No, I’m not.”
You pull your own sweater tighter around you, trying your best to keep a casual demeanor in his presence. He opens one eye, taking a peak at your clear nervousness.
“Don’t be shy,” he says smugly. “It’s stuffy in here.”
You swallow, saying nothing as you turn away from him and peel your own sweater off over your head. The cream white knit falls gently to the floor, leaving you in nothing but a pair of jeans and a slim-fitting black shirt. When you turn back around, he’s adjusted his position so that his legs are spread comfortably, a smug grin still plastered on his pretty face.
“Is that a tattoo?” He asks inquisitively.
You palm over the little heart on your inner elbow, sitting down in front of him and undoing your hair from its loose braid.
“I like it,” he says, flashing you his teeth like a stamp of approval.
“I thought you hated tattoos,” you retort. “You never wanted me to get any.”
“I said you had beautiful skin,” he counters. “And that covering it in ink would be a waste.”
“Same thing.”
“Not exactly,” he says, tilting his head toward you. “You prove me wrong time and time again.”
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” You say, raking your fingers through your hair and sitting cross-legged in front of him on the rug.
“It means,” Hyunjin says, crawling toward you to take your arm in his. He traces the heart with his index finger, and then brings it close to his mouth, where he presses his lips to it and graces it with a single, gentle kiss. “I like this one.”
You retract your arm from his hold, cheeks set ablaze at his words. He’s always been like this, too- flirting in every possible way he can, quick to make any situation either romantic or sexual to fluster you. And it works- he’s somewhat of a pro at it now.
Hyunjin laughs loudly at your reaction. “I’m starving.” And then he hoists himself up again, making his way to the kitchen to find something for dinner.
You want to scream when he’s like this- quick to wrap you around his finger momentarily, leaving you dizzy with thoughts of him, only to leave you hanging like it’s nothing- like there’s no history between the two of you. A murder with no weapon, no motive- just a victim. You. Always.
After you’ve both scarfed down bowls of rice, Hyunjin proposes a game. Uncharacteristic of him since you know he typically prefers his silence, but you digress.
“Truth or dare?” Hyunjin asks.
He hums in response, crafting a question in his mind. “What’s my best feature?”
You roll your eyes. “I said no weird questions! Can you at least try to make this whole thing platonic?”
“What’s weird about that?” He queries. “There’s nothing romantic about answering a question. You’re the one making it weird.”
“Okay fine, dare.”
He raises his eyebrows, declining a change in selection.
“God! Fine, I don’t know- your hair, I guess.”
He tosses his hair around like he’s in a shampoo commercial, twisting the ends around his index finger. “Good answer. Your turn.”
You roll your eyes at him again. “Truth or dare?”
You take a moment to think. In actuality, there are so many things you want to ask him- too many things. You don’t know much about the man sitting across from you- or at least not as much as you once knew so many months ago. He’s never been an open book, but the time apart from each other has driven a stake between the two of you, and having him in your living room like this offers you ample time to tear down his walls like you never could before.
“Y/n?” He asks, cocking his head to one side.
“Why’d you stay?” You ask breathlessly.
You swallow, determined to get an answer out of him. “I mean, after the whole thing with Jisung. Why did you stay? You could’ve left, you could’ve gone with any other girl or guy you dreamed of. What was in it for you?”
He purses his lips together in thought.
“I dunno. I guess I was in love.”
You shake your head at him. “No, you weren’t in love, Hyune. We never even said it to each other.”
He runs his hands through his hair, smoothing it back- a nervous habit of his, you recall. “You asked, that’s my answer. I said I guessed.”
With a lump forming in your throat, you drop the question with a nod. He’s visibly more serious now, his upper body turned away from you as he glances out the window and observes the heavy snowfall. For a moment, there’s nothing but the sound of the space heater and your breathing as he maintains his composure again. Your heartbeat has quickened at the word love- one you never said to each other.
“I love you is an overrated philosophy,” Hyunjin had told you on the balcony in Paris, arms wrapped around you while you took in the vast skyline. “What about I care about you? Or I need you? Those sound more significant, more like us. Let’s not lose ourselves to outdated philosophies.”
And when he put it like that, it made sense. You did love him, but you also cared about him, needed him, the whole nine yards. The difference in a single word did not change what you shared. In fact, putting weight into a single word felt like it might only serve to drive you apart someday. (Come to find out it wasn’t a word you had to attribute that to.)
“It’s late,” you say to him, a guilty conscience consuming your mind. “We should just get some sleep.”
“Why did you stay?” Hyunjin asks, turning his body toward you again. “You had every reason to leave. Why did you put up with a lousy painter for all the time you did? Why didn’t you just book it with Jisung the first chance you got?”
Your throat is dry. The questions are valid- an extension of the ones you asked him. And yet, you don’t have the answers. You think you understand now.
“I… I don’t know. I think maybe I needed you.”
I needed you, I cared for you, I loved you.
Hyunjin narrows his eyes. “Your draw.”
You’re dancing with the devil now, fully at his mercy to do whatever you want with this game of yours. All the walls he so carefully built in your time together, and yet you finally hold the first stone in your hands, aimed and ready to tear them down like you’d always dreamt of. This much freedom was dangerous- what did Hyunjin want from having you in this position? What could he possibly gain from offering you the irrevocable truths that lied behind this? You can’t take your aim. Not yet- not like this.
“I don’t want this,” you say weakly, and brows furrow at your words. “I don’t understand why things happened the way they did. But it’s behind us now.”
He extends a hand toward you, a classic apology though the words may never leave his lips. And you accept reluctantly, taking his slender fingers in yours, letting him guide you up off the floor and into his arms. The familiar scent of his cedarwood and vanilla cologne surround you, and your hands find their way around his back, as he envelops you whole and puts your mind at ease again.
Perhaps you would never understand Hyunjin- the way his emotions clouded him to a point he could only funnel them through you, the way a 4-letter word scared him more than the act of cheating, or how certain shades of pink were too pink, and yet patched canvases were still beautifully flawed in his eyes. And maybe you didn’t have to, maybe simply existing alongside him like this was enough for the two of you. Your beautiful boy, who you once tried so hard to make sense of, now at the disposal of the world around him, and for that you despised him. But you prayed they would have mercy on him, prayed they’d understand him like you once had, understand that some pinks are too pink, and that love doesn’t imply end.
The night reaches its lowest temperature as you lie in bed, this time on one side as Hyunjin occupies what was once his side of the mattress. The sight of him is reminiscent of your old life- him facing you, arms crossed and legs extended carelessly, a hood tossed over his messy hair and a frown as he tries his best to fall asleep.
You chuckle seeing him like this, the dichotomy of his sexy features coupled with his cozy appearance, something you always found attractive in him.
“What are you thinking about?” Hyunjin whispers as he breaks the silence. A small smile forms on his lips at the sound of your muffled laugh.
“Nothing. You look so cozy.”
“I feel cozy,” he replies. He reaches a hand out to you, palm facing up, and you gently place your hand in his. His calloused fingers rub yours gently, and you can’t tell if he’s trying to fluster you or warm you up- either way, you like the sensation, silently hoping he doesn’t stop.
In a swift motion, he brings your hand to his lips, pressing little kisses to each of your knuckles. You don’t say anything to him, instead observing the way his eyelashes flutter with each movement of his lips.
“Hm,” he hums against your fingers. “Remind me why you left me again.”
You feel your heart sink; one question, and yet hundreds of answers at the same time. You have everything and nothing to say to him. You settle on silence.
“I asked you a question,” he says against your knuckles, and your heart races at the change in his tone.
“Because it was time,” you say.
Hyunjin lets go of your hand, resting an arm behind his head and shutting his eyes. After a moment of silence, he speaks again. “You have to understand how confused I was.”
Your hands miss his contact instantly. But he scares you when he's like this- on the brink of clarity, and yet not quite there yet. He’s so unpredictable, and you know very well this could end a million different ways.
“I know,” you say.
You left Hyunjin in possibly the worst way you could. There wasn’t a screaming match, or a composed adult conversation on the matter. In fact, there wasn’t much of anything at all.
Hyunjin had been distant that week, locking himself away in the spare room and working on several different paintings for his upcoming gallery show. You hadn’t fought- at least not that he remembers. You had sex twice that week, once on Tuesday and once on Wednesday. It was September. The air was cold and the space heater had busted again. Little details you never forgot about that time.
It was the box cutter that gave it away. Carelessly left on the counter, thin white threads still caught in the serrated edges. Like a murder weapon he couldn’t be bothered to wash the blood off of. And while he was out, you took the opportunity to sneak into the studio, finding his latest victim tossed aside like his first one. A watercolor painting of a bridge, hues of browns and blues melting together where a giant gash now impaled the scene. This one unsalvageable, unlike the others.
It was then that you made your decision. Not through confiding in Jisung like he accused you of, nor your family or friends. But there, in the studio, as you held the painting close to you and wept for its loss. He was never going to change. It had felt like a lifetime of patching canvases for him, trying to fix him like you did his art. But Hyunjin made up his mind the second he took a box cutter to his work. And he did it again, when he shut you out, and again at his refusal to utter 3 simple words in the span of your relationship. It was the crime of insanity that drove you to the edge- repeating the same thing over and over, hoping for a different outcome. One that would never come- one that you owed to yourself to stop chasing.
And so you left- you took a small box of your things, and you requested your close friends relay the message to him that things were over. Hyunjin didn’t fight it- of course he didn’t understand why, but there were enough theories to reaffirm that this wasn’t some epiphany rooted in pure delusion.
“I wish you had talked to me,” he says. His voice is trembling.
“I wish you had talked to me, too.” You reply. “I wish a lot of things had been different.”
“You had to have known,” Hyunjin says.
“Known what?”
“You had to have known that I loved you.”
You look over at him now, a straight expression on his face still. He keeps his eyes glued to the ceiling above him, and for a second you’re not sure if you heard him correctly. It’s not until you release the breath you’ve been holding that he finally looks down at you, giving a small shrug. He breaks the silence with a loud laugh, and you’re confused by his actions all over again.
“It doesn’t matter,” Hyunjin says. “Because I’ll always have you.”
“You won’t,” you reply through gritted teeth. “That’s why I left. You’re not a part of me anymore.”
“No?” Hyunjin says, shifting his body toward yours, a wicked smile on his face. “You don’t still yearn for answers I haven’t given you? You don’t still wonder how things could have been different?”
He reaches out a hand to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, and you melt into his touch. Your cheeks grow hot with his proximity now, and you scoot away just an inch, failing as he moves his whole body even closer to you.
“Look at you, you can’t even push me away properly. You’re mine, aren’t you?”
And without warning, his lips are on yours all over again, tongue dancing against yours as he adjusts himself to be positioned on top of you. You want to push him off of you, so badly, but your mind doesn’t let you, instead urging you to keep pressing your thighs together as overwhelming desire for him grows in your core.
“Hyune,” you say between his kisses, and a hand snakes around your waist, toying with the hem of your underwear.
“Say you don’t want this,” he says, pulling away to let you breathe. You stare into his eyes, now dark and pooling with intensity as he begins working kisses down your neck.
“Say it,” he says again, and you can’t.
You feel him smile against your throat, grazing his teeth gently over the skin before biting down harshly and earning a moan from your parted lips. His hands work their way into your underwear again, rubbing small circles against your clit as he pulls them down to your ankles.
“You’re this wet already?” He asks curiously.
Before you can process his words, your underwear and shorts are tossed off the bed, his hands wrapped around the backs of your knees to pull you closer to him. He sits up and observes your fucked-out expression before working little kisses and nibbles to your inner thighs, all the way up until he’s found your clit again.
“Please,” you beg, and he smiles. In slow movements, his tongue is pressed against your wet cunt, giving kitten licks to your clit as he rubs his nose along your folds. You gasp in pleasure, hands tangling in his hair as he lets out moans of his own that vibrate against your bundle of nerves. “Fuck,” you say, and Hyunjin loves every second of you losing it.
As he works you with his tongue, his other hand dips itself into your hole, filling you up and stretching you with two fingers.
“Fuck!” Ah- just like that,” you exclaim. “Please don’t stop.”
“I’m not stopping,” he says against your wetness. “Until you cum for me.”
“I’m close,” you echo, tugging on his hair and applying more pleasure to your clit. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum.”
“Let go, baby,” Hyunjin says. “Cum for me.”
You find your release at his words, making a mess of your sheets and dripping onto his stubbled chin. He’s quick to lap up your cum, painting your thighs with traces as he kisses back down your skin.
“Turn around,” he orders quickly, sliding his own pants and boxers down, freeing his painful erection against his abdomen. You do as you’re told, flipping over onto your stomach and gripping the sheets below you.
One hand works his length over you, dripping precum in anticipation, while the other snakes around your throat and holds you still for him.
“Did you miss this?” He says as he enters you, and you moan loudly at the sensation of his throbbing cock stretching you out. “Always so good for me. You haven’t changed. So obedient.”
You can’t say anything in response, panting heavily as he thrusts in and out of you, feeling yourself nearing another orgasm as his hand finds your aching clit once again.
“You’re mine, right?” Hyunjin says again. “You had to have known I loved you. Fuck, I love you so much. You’re all mine. You know it too, right?”
You still can’t talk, moments away from your second orgasm now, the only sounds emitting from between you are those of your wet arousal and slapping skin. You feel tears pricking your eyes, overwhelmed with pleasure and racing thoughts, yet too aroused to form a coherent response to his words. The only sound that comes out is a sob, followed by your stream of tears as he grips your throat and fucks you harder.
“You’re crying,” he says, kissing tears up your cheek, but not slowing his pace. “You’re just an emotional wreck tonight, aren’t you? Me too, darling. You’re an extension of me, huh? I’m gonna come now, okay? I want you to finish with me.”
His hand moves to hold yours as he guides you through your second orgasm, filling you up with his hot load and fucking every last drop back into you. “That’s it,” he says, pulling out of you and kissing the remainder of your tears back up your face. “That’s my girl.”
At daybreak, the snowfall has stopped entirely, and the skyline is frosted beautifully in crystal white snow.
You’re the first to wake, Hyunjin still passed out beside you, a peaceful expression on his face as light snores escape his lips. It’s another sight familiar to you- Hyunjin’s innocent slumber the night after he’s used you so roughly.
Your legs tremble as you slip out from under the covers, making your way to the mirror where you take note of your disheveled appearance- your neck is painted with purplish bruises, eyes swollen from crying and hair tangled from being pulled. You envy the angelic way Hyunjin wakes after nights like these.
When you arrive in the kitchen, you start yourself a cup of coffee, slouching on the bar stool as you recall yesterday’s events. It hadn’t been a dream, but a strange turn of coincidences that led you to having sex with Hyunjin in your apartment. What was once a normal morning for you now felt more confusing and uncertain than it ever had before.
Your ringtone from across the room interrupts you, and you’re quick to answer to not wake Hyunjin.
“Hi Jisung,” you say quietly into the receiver.
“Hi! The snow’s stopped where you are, right? I just woke up and it seems to have finished here.”
“Yeah, it’s not snowing here either.”
“That’s good!” He says cheerfully. “I hope your night was okay.”
“Yeah,” you say plainly. “It was interesting.”
“Great! Do you still want to grab something to eat tonight?”
“Sure thing,” you say, desperate to end the call before Hyunjin can hear any part of it. “I’ll text you the details.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
And when you hang up, a familiar voice behind you is quick to make itself known. “You won’t go out with him tonight,” he says, making his way to the coffee maker to pour himself a mug. He’s so sure of himself, a small smile tugging at his lips as he works. Like he’s reading your future.
“Who are you to dictate that?” You retort.
Hyunjin smiles as he fills his mug, his shirtless back turned to you. “I know you,” he says simply.
“You don’t know anything,” you say to him through gritted teeth, quickly regretting what you’d done last night. You make your way back to the bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed with your phone in hand as you watch Hyunjin pour milk into his coffee.
Jisung’s contact glows under your thumb as you fidget with the screen, pressing down on his name and then dragging away so that it won’t dial. You play the conversation in your end, debating what you could say to either him or Hyunjin to fix this- but your emotions are clouded with traces of yesterday, and nothing useful comes to mind.
As you weigh your options, you catch a glimpse of Hyunjin from the doorway, observing the way makes himself comfortable in the kitchen.
His box cutter tears through the previously sealed cardboard boxes, digging through his items for brushes and paints. He hums as he undoes all of yesterday’s efforts- confident, unwavering.
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