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El 9ino Drops New EP “Stay Home Dad”
El 9ino is a rising NY/NJ based artist who just dropped a hot new EP titled “Stay Home Dad“. His father was a young army vet immersed in the hip hop culture with an affinity for weapons (Wild Style). His parents split when he was 3, so he spent his weeks in Queens, NY and his weekends in the Bronx, NY. El 9ino’s mother was a teenage mom helping her mom raise her four siblings and him. She loved…

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Četrtek, mali petek😀in mi mislimo na vas, ter vam pripravimo najboljšo malico in jo seveda dostavimo. Dostavljamo med 10 in 13h🚚🚚 Pokličite na telefonsko številko 07 35 68 121 in mi smo pri vas 😀😀😷🚀 Več o ponudbi na www.gostilnapezdirc.si #gostilnaslovenija #gostilnapezdirc #semic #belakrajina #malcajt #stayhomemom #stayhomedad #stayhomemommy #stayhomemoms #stayhomedads #stayhome #workfromhome #stayhomeclub #stayhomemum #stayhomejob #stayhomeallday #stayhomewithme #stayhomemomma #stayhomemama #stayhomeforever #love #stayhomeweekend #stayathomemom #stayhomeday #stayhomesunday #stayhomefriday #stayhomesaturday #stayhomegamestrong #womeninbusiness #homebasedbusiness (at Gostilna Pezdirc v Beli krajini) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-u-DPwj66h/?igshid=12f9hghx33mg4
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😆 Been there too many times. Credit: @mum_probs . . . . . . . . . . #childcare #childcaretips #parentingmeme #dadjoke #workingmom #wahmlife #sahm #stayhomemom #stayhomedads #teacherlife #daycarebabies #daycarekids #workingwithkids #raisingchildren #ittakesavillage #momsbelike #lamoms #sdmoms #pnwmom #nycmom #sfmom #bayareamoms #seattlemom #atxmom #dfwmom #raleighmoms #durhammoms #charlottemoms #bronxmoms #santaclara (at Milpitas, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw5ctb6h7Ge/?igshid=j2qi8ilouxp9
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Follow 👉🏽 @petsquares Follow 👉🏽 @poppinshoppin Follow 👉🏽 @DutchCorners - - #vigilante #vigilant #stayhomedad #coronaviruspandemic #stayvigilant #stayhomechallenge #stayhomestayfit #stayhomestaysafe #stayhomeifyouaresick #stayhomesavelives #stayhomeifyoucan #coronavirus #stayhomestaystrong #stayhomestayhealthy #stayhomestaysafe😷 #stayhome #positivequotes #positivemindset #positivevibe #positivethinking #positivevibration #positiveaffirmations #positivevibrations #positive https://www.instagram.com/p/B-S_TFkHo--/?igshid=1jcleh1yh0h5d
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Start something new today. Start a side hustle, an online business that allows you to earn extra income working on your phone. You start today, no experience needed, Ask me now http://bit.ly/3dzpC0r #makeextramoney #earnmoneyonline #earnmoneyonline #earnmoneyfromhome #earnextracash #earnextraincome #noexperienceneeded #mum #dad #stayhomemum #stayhomedad #trailblazenetwork https://www.instagram.com/p/CFmQAkSlJAN/?igshid=16nnlp1oa9m6j
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Having a planB 💻is a great way to keep your family happy. I have found a company that offers a lifetime family legacy great opportunity. It give you the option to work from home in the comfort of your home. Please join me to learn more about this company. #workfromhome #generationalwealth #legacy #stayhomedad #stahomemom #planB https://www.instagram.com/p/CAiB38QBddP/?igshid=qn3oik1t8n6k
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Fucking 'rona #StayHome #stayhomewithabbymore #stayhomeparents #stayhomeweather #stayhomewithbabies #stayhomemomsmakemoney #stayhomemummy #stayhomesaturday #stayhomedad #stayhomemama #stayhomewithyourkids #stayhomepetsitting #stayhomeandread #stayhomeday #stayhome #stayhomeandeatchips #stayhomemakemoney #Stayhomebaby #stayhomewithme #stayhomewhensick #stayhomeclub #stayhomeearnmore #stayhomemoms #StayHomeBiden #stayhomemom #stayhomemum #stayhomewithSpabear #stayhomemommy #stayhomewithyourbabies #stayhomeimdrunk (at Genesis Healthplex) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-poEyXpkt0/?igshid=1st6u0pwis9c7
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It’s a Telehealth day! Some of you know me best for my injection treatments but beleive me- Regenerative musculoskeletal Medicine is really about FAR more than just needles and syringes. I always treat the whole person when I see a patient. In fact it’s all the other things we do to make sure you are ready to receive injection therapies that often determine if you will have optimal results. I know many of you are wondering how to manage your pain at home and I can help with that. You can book a consult with me via Telehealth to start managing your musculoskeletal problems ... We can start optimising your health during lockdown period by doing exercise programs that is specifically tailored to your needs and condition. Managing stress and anxiety also has an important role that can be done via Telehealth virtual consultations Although I don't like them, medication can you still be useful temporarily manage pain while you get your exercise program going. #noneedlepainmamagement #noneedleregenerativemedicine #regenerativemedicine #wholehealth #wholepersonregenerativemed #naturopathicmedicine #wholehealth #painfree #telemedicine #MSKDOC and #stayhomedad #corona #virus #nzlockdown #uniteagainstcovid19 #uniteagainstcovid19nz #beatcoronavirus👊👊👊 #covid_19 #lockdown2020 #aucklandnz (at Auckland, New Zealand) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-k0mQpBX_X/?igshid=1hqc7bqx1w43w
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El 9ino Drops New EP “Stay Home Dad”
El 9ino is a rising NY/NJ based artist who just dropped a hot new EP titled “Stay Home Dad“. His father was a young army vet immersed in the hip hop culture with an affinity for weapons (Wild Style). His parents split when he was 3, so he spent his weeks in Queens, NY and his weekends in the Bronx, NY. El 9ino’s mother was a teenage mom helping her mom raise her four siblings and him. She loved…

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No rest until I reach my goal #stayhomedad #stayhome #entrepreneur #startup #xxipad #RealEstate #realtor #goals (at Ironbound)
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Happy Friday folks!!! How many of you are pushing through to get this week finished off with full productivity before wrapping this week up? May the force be with you! . . . . . . . . . . #mamaneedscoffee #mommyneedscoffee #momneedscoffee #coffeelover☕️ #fridayquotes #momquote #parentmemes #parental #workingmomma #stayhomemama #stayhomedads #sahm #wahm #childcareneeds #childcare #teacherstuff #daycarelife #preschoolmoms #businessfamily #businessmama #businessdad #austinkids #lakids #sfkids #seattlekids #newyorkkids #nckids #santaclara #kiddo #motherhoodrising https://www.instagram.com/p/BvmX34yg4o9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1izohuibp7tb6
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Do you or a friend have what it takes to be Australia's next top City Leader for Sydney, NSW? Do you LOVE social media and looking for a project to get involved with? Well...... Dont miss out on this outstanding opportunity! 🐝 @streetbees Australia is expanding and we are on the lookout for someone to take on the position of: City Leader. We are hoping to conduct interviews early next week, do not miss out! Email us your CV, and a bit about yourself to: [email protected] This is a part-time role involving on average 5-10 h/ week #streetbees #streetbeesau #streetbeesjobs #socialmediajobs #sydneyjobs #jobsnsw #parttime #casual #networking #globalcommunity #workwithusAU #sydneyharbourbridge #bee #aussiebees #makemoney #workfromhomeaustralia #stayhomedads #studentlife #backpackeraustralia #studentlifeaustralia #youngentrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #streetbeesontour #mylifedownunder #australia2017 (at Sydney Harbour)
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Are you a stay at home mum or dad. The now is a good time to start a part time business with no risk to you, that can give you a full time pay in future. Ask me how or DM me. http://bit.ly/3dzpC0r #stayhomemom #stayhomedad #parttimebusiness #onlinebusiness #onlinebusinessopportunity https://www.instagram.com/p/CE32Kj7J1ua/?igshid=12w8q77rjl1jd
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Since we are on quarantine, let's get to know each other better. Little known fact I made a card game once. I thought it was cool. It burned up in a fire in 2016. I may make it again someday. Your turn. #StayHome #stayhomewithabbymore #stayhomeparents #stayhomeweather #stayhomewithbabies #stayhomemomsmakemoney #stayhomemummy #stayhomesaturday #stayhomedad #stayhomemama #stayhomewithyourkids #stayhomepetsitting #stayhomeandread #stayhomeday #stayhome #stayhomeandeatchips #stayhomemakemoney #Stayhomebaby #stayhomewithme #stayhomewhensick #stayhomeclub #stayhomeearnmore #stayhomemoms #StayHomeBiden #stayhomemom #stayhomemum #stayhomewithSpabear #stayhomemommy #stayhomewithyourbabies #stayhomeimdrunk https://www.instagram.com/p/B-naDDtpl9C/?igshid=e6qxcfpin8jr
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