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ohnopicturesofanothercat · 2 months ago
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Bridget keeps an eye on the neighborhood no matter what the weather.
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bitedownme · 2 months ago
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Fuuuuck this
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anastasiiaosypova · 1 year ago
Picket Force Six under command of Admiral Ar'alani
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Creating logos for Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet Ships. Springhawk and Grayshrike are now joining Vigilant.
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aspirant1598 · 8 months ago
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ymrskhn · 5 days ago
So many names, yet only one remains
"Lorkhan, LKHN, Sep, Shor, Shezarr, Ysmir, Talos. So many names…"
"Does it really matter in the end? I am here. I am part of this and I will die, as always, just to bear a new name, yet the same old branding. They might brand me Lorkhan, but am I truly Lorkhan still? I shatter, am born anew, forget myself, only to find myself once more"
"And still my heart rests in the heart of the heart of the great wheel. Too shattered to share the dream with you that we once shared - if only you had dared to dream. And so still, I long for the stars, to be united and yet I am caged as part of the Amaranth. Caged by the one I wanted to engage with, heartless and broken, i shed one mask after the other, die slowly like every other mortal that has the courage to suffer."
But when Alessia dared to dream, she dreamt of a golden dragon, guarded by a knight. Together they spoke as the skies shook: Oh, dearest Saint Alessia, hearest thou my voice? Accept the Adabal-a, that you may assist humanity for when Ayleid cease to reign. Light the dragon fires and turn the tide.
"I, who is of both Aka and LKHN wear the Stormcrown, who inheritated this realm from The One. I shift the times, spew the fire - I, Talos Stormcrown, see that you have suffered for me to win this throne, and I see how you hate jungle. Let me show you the power of Talos Stormcrown, born of the North, where my breath is long winter! I breathe now, in royalty, and reshape this land which is mine. I do this for you, Red Legions, for I LOVE YOU!
(This is what sleeplessness, black metal, coffee and cigarettes does to man)
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devalius · 5 months ago
Reflecting on the story of Unslaad tonight and I just find it so interesting that both overarching antagonists of the Vicn Trilogy, Molag Bal and Hermaeus Mora, and by extension Hoholaugh Skogrfliss and the Black Owls in regards to the latter, each manage to be so horrifyingly villainous while also being the most pathetic characters in the whole story. Each of them is desperately attempting to force you to give them what they need to escape their own destruction, trying with everything in their power to beat you into submission with the worst horrors imaginable, only for them to be practically crawling and clinging onto your ankle while desperately pleading for you to stop and help them by the end. Each seems like an impossible foe at the darkest moments of the story, but when you look back after it's all over you can see just how pitiful they always were.
"Laugh at such matters, Dragonborn. For the Prisoner holds the reins of fate in their hands."
I also think of it as a nice callback to Vigilant that you can defeat Skogrfliss by offering him forgiveness, but with a very different outcome compared to the souls you grant peace in that story, and honestly I think it's the most damning option of all for him. He looks out upon the world and the understanding of what he's done, how he's been used, and all that he was never and will never be able to be part of hits him all at once. That's the key thing, too. I think Skogrfliss doesn't just know in this moment, he understands. Molag Bal will never understand, and neither will Hermaeus Mora. The Prince of Fate is too stuck with his head buried in all his stolen words and, even moreso, his own fear to have any capacity to look at the world and truly comprehend the magnificence of it all. But in the moment after he's freed, Skogrfliss understands, and it destroys him.
"The more I think about it, the more I feel... I could have been a part of this world if only my Lord Herma-Mora participated in its creation..."
The greatest revenge you can have against the Black Owl is to take none at all, and I think there's something brilliant to that.
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sukitra · 3 months ago
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some more vigilant showcase :)
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wiirocku · 10 months ago
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Colossians 4:2 (NKJV) - Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving;
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ashanbhala · 9 months ago
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some art for the vicn trilogy
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usaac-official · 2 years ago
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An O-49B at Moffett Field, California, 6 December 1941
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sotgofficial · 2 months ago
i played through the vigilant mod for the first time, thank you SO MUCH for giving auri commentary on the quest bc i was so confused and terrified throughout the whole thing but im very grateful auri was there to experience The Horrors with me, she is never ever leaving my load order 🤞
I'm so glad to hear that!! I'm hoping to release an update for the Vigilant patch with more content at some point, so I hope you brave the horrors again sometime. <3
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arkved · 2 years ago
One of the crowning achievements of VIGILANT is how it elicits pity from the player for Molag Bal whilst never depriving him of his villainy. His corruption permeates the story and the first three acts would have you think that you are in for an epic confrontation against an impossible foe. Instead, you find him cowering behind his throne as Jyggalag's onslaught ravages Coldharbour, begging for an escape. You face down the corruption of Bal within yourself as it desperately clings to you, willing to cling onto anything it can. The means by which you're able to escape Coldharbour, to free yourself and others from his mark and face down every horror he has committed: he just simply cannot understand. The Lord of Domination is rightfully feared but he is also pathetic, and in some ways, is a slave to himself as much as he would be others.
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foamimi · 6 months ago
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Vigilant Act 2 shindigs
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anastasiiaosypova · 11 months ago
Nightdragon Man-of-War Vigilant
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“I am Admiral Ar’alani, currently in command of the Vigilant and Picket Force Six of the Expansionary Defense Fleet."
Star Wars: Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising
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Team Vigilant
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ymrskhn · 2 days ago
Dragonborn - Shezarrine or Aka's champion?
Is the dragonborn of Akatosh or Shezarr? That question has been of great relevance it seems but many don't seem to have a definite answer or often overlook things, leave gaps. I can't blame them, TES lore is a mess at times.
I believe the answer is not that simple though: What happened before Mundus? LKHN got his hands on Aka's soul, wether Aka was fine with it is a matter of debate. In this sense, Mundus is actually their Amaranth - Aka dreams it and Lorkhan lives it.
The dragonborn heroes are not merely "blessed by Lorkhan" or "blessed by Akatosh". We are a SHADE of Lorkhan that still carries Aka's soul with it.
"Lorkhan" is not a name, it is merely a branding for a force of the Aurbis that embodies change. His heart tossed into the sea and now he is an active part of the mortal realm. Lorkhan may be damned to walk the Mundus forever but now, he always has the chance ascend, like all other mortals - Hence Talos.
"Anu’s firstborn, for he mostly desired order, was time, anon Akatosh. Padhome’s firstborn went wandering from the start, changing as he went, and wanted no name but was branded with Lorkhan." - Vehk's Teaching
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devalius · 2 months ago
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