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New post! Caught in a dream #dreams #humor #worry #yiddish #superhero #pinklinkers #thatfridaylinky #dreamteam #triumphanttales #ablogginggoodtime #livingfearlesslyauthentic #bloglovin #love #mixitup #itsok #tumblr #wordpress #icanfly #stayclassymama #fabfridaypost #kcacols (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvUqfJMDHI5bmgASo12df1JgUHYtlH8fd93wME0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=pb9r60dtykip
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#StayClassyMama 87
Hello and welcome to another week of #StayClassyMama!
I hope you all had a gorgeous week. The weather has been awful in Porto. Cold, rain, windy… I just had enough. I need some sunshine ASAP!
Anyway, thank you all that linked in last week. I really enjoyed reading all your posts.
As I’m mainly hosting on my own now, I will be changing the rules a little. Instead of linking 2 posts please only…
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Fabulous family day at the seaside looking out for treasure 😍 Fab weather too which was an absolute bonus ☀️Video snippets of our day coming shortly x hope you’ve had a lovely day 😍 #365daysofpositive #Worldoflittles #thefamilynarrative #Collectbeautifulmoments #candidcatches #Myfamilyadventures #tbcssmiles #oneperfectmoment #funlovingkids #watchthemlearn #themindfulapproach #our_every_day_moments #momentsoverposes #Ohmamamoment #capturingtheday #capturingthemoment #developinglife #kcacols #noordinarykids #littleandfierce #tribalchat #Capturemypositive #themagicofchildhood #mydarlingmemory #stayclassymama #acupofmotherhood #stopgrowingplease #properigblogger #mumhub (at Southwold) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnMeV3JhOyK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17ylsk55i68tk
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If you are not a blogger, then this post just isn’t for you. However if you are a blogger. You have probably heard of link parties and may well already take part in them. For those who aren’t in the know. Link parties are a great way to get your content out to a wider audience. Boost views and get comments. So I’ve compiled my ultimate link party list to share with you today.
They are simple enough to take part in. Find one suitable to your post and add your link, normally via an inlinkz widget. It’s important however that you read the rules for each party. No one likes a blogger who dumps their link, hopes to get lots of views in return. But does nothing to spread some love. Each party is slightly different and will have a different set of rules. Most would like you to grab their badge and add it to your post to link back. Then there will be commenting or sharing instructions.
These are my current favourites in my Ultimate Link Party List. Obviously if I find new ones that are fab or they finish I’ll update this post.
Crafts – craftastic Monday.
General posts – Monday morning blog club
Family Posts – #family fun
Giveaways – Lucky Linky.
General posts – Happy Now, #dreamteam
Children / crafts – Kids and Kretivity
Recipes – Tasty Tuesday
Blogging – Ready, Set Link
General posts – #fortheloveofBlog, Blogger club
General posts – #coolmumclub, #stayclassymama, #ablogginggoodtime
[bctt tweet=”Ultimate Link Party List #ukbloggers #lbloggers” username=”@craftcartwright”]
General posts – #blogcrush, that friday linky, #blogstravanganza
Recipes – #foodiefriday
General posts – #thesatsesh, super Saturday
Recipes – recipe roundup
Crafts – Dishing it and Digging it
Last Friday of the month.
General posts – #allsortsofblogs
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Ultimate Link Party List If you are not a blogger, then this post just isn't for you. However if you are a blogger.
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New post! from a fog #pointshoot #stayclassymama #highlightsofhappy #fabfridaypost #thesatsesh #blogcrush #thatfridaylinky #ablogginggoodtime #itsok #mixitup #globalblogging #dreamteam #triumphanttales #fortheloveofblog #familyfun #kcacols #coolmumclub #coffee #morningcoffee #morningroutine #frenchroastcoffee #coffeepress #yiddish #tea #humor #funny #wordpress #tumblr #momfave #oyvey (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs_Ku5QDgEYuKzMQhYkYCJgKalqWda88Q3i6Rw0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13twj4pcinb92
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New post! from a fog #pointshoot #stayclassymama #highlightsofhappy #fabfridaypost #thesatsesh #blogcrush #thatfridaylinky #ablogginggoodtime #itsok #mixitup #globalblogging #dreamteam #triumphanttales #fortheloveofblog #familyfun #kcacols #coolmumclub #coffee #morningcoffee #morningroutine #frenchroastcoffee #coffeepress #yiddish #tea #humor #funny #wordpress #tumblr #momfave #oyvey (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs_KqmIDF5_sTY7jMR_BXr-x4zCu9D5fyw9fA00/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xqk6w8oibkgc
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good grief she wept, cleansing tears at least I hoped the were so they seem unending flowing liquid streams sorrow, like a tsunami emptying in waves compounding her pain fresh sadness on top of old fossils ‘neath her heart all words feel hollow burdens carried, she is still her world, it is dark I know there is light I’ve felt the warmth on my back it has filled my heart come, sit next to me we can gaze at the sun, stars feel joy, dream with me #livingfearlesslyauthentic #mg #kcacols #triumphanttales #fortheloveofblog #dreamteam #mixitup #ablogginggoodtime #thatfridaylinky #blogcrush #thesatsesh #fabfridaypost #highlightsofhappy #stayclassymama #pointshoot #itsok #pinklinkers #poem #sadness #grief #love (at Bald Head Island, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsdyFhRjdhQ_YsDyz_Hoj--AWWZIISmh_CiVHc0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=154ovce8gzfo9
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He's Gone... I got him!
He’s Gone… I got him!
After the run, my Gatsby is tired. Thank you, Benny! He’s meditating on whether a flea has a bellybutton. Er klert tsi a floy hot a pupik.
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It’s my Coronation Day! New post! #livingfearlesslyauthentic #funny #dreamteam #triumphanttales #dentist #tiara #Queen #yiddish #pointshoot #highlightsofhappy #stayclassymama #pinklinkers #fabfridaypost #thesatsesh #kcacols #blogcrush #thatfridaylinky #globalblogging #mixitup #familyfun #oyvey (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn7DafEjzPzJDU2hWR_2pKf_bPKtNBd6XxvStE0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1my9wh788su39
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Making memories new post! #wordpress #bloglovin #tumblr #yiddish #lifewithgirls #vacation #cbd #chronicpain #triumphanttales #livingfearlesslyauthentic #ablogginggoodtime #explorerkids #funseekingkids #globalblogging #itsok #pinklinkers #pointshoot #stayclassymama #thesatsesh #dreamteam #highlightsofhappy #kidsofinstagram #iphonephotography #joy #fun #gratitude #family (at Chautauqua Park)
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Making memories new post! #wordpress #bloglovin #tumblr #yiddish #lifewithgirls #vacation #cbd #chronicpain #triumphanttales #livingfearlesslyauthentic #ablogginggoodtime #explorerkids #funseekingkids #globalblogging #itsok #pinklinkers #pointshoot #stayclassymama #thesatsesh #dreamteam #highlightsofhappy #kidsofinstagram #iphonephotography #joy #fun #gratitude #family #southwestairlines (at Southwest Airlines)
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Notorious R.B.G. You are my hero! #fabfridaypost #thatfridaylinky #fridayfrivolity #blogcrush #fridayfrolics #livingfearlesslyauthentic #notoriousrbg #iphonephotography #mg #pinklinkers #stayclassymama #thesatsesh #bloglovin #wordpress #yiddish #equality #genderequity #strongwomen #supremes #supremecourt #lovewins🌈 (at Mount Airy, Pennsylvania)
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Notorious R.B.G. You are my hero! #fabfridaypost #thatfridaylinky #fridayfrivolity #blogcrush #fridayfrolics #livingfearlesslyauthentic #notoriousrbg #iphonephotography #mg #pinklinkers #stayclassymama #thesatsesh #bloglovin #wordpress #yiddish #equality #genderequity #strongwomen #supremes #supremecourt #lovewins🌈 (at Mount Airy, Pennsylvania)
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Finding the laughter http://wp.me/p50RX3-SM #socialinphilly #yiddish #fabfridaypost #thatfridaylinky #blogcrush #thesatsesh #bloggerspitstop #fridayfrivolity #fridayfrolics #mummyshot #themindfulbreak #thesatsesh #funseekingkids #brillblogposts #familyfun #mg #livingfearlesslyauthentic #highlightsofhappy #wordpress #bloglovin #kidsofinstagram #iphonephotography #magicofchildhood #pinklinkers #triumphanttales #stayclassymama #kcacols #fabfridaypost #explorerkids #everymomentcounts #perfectandproud (at Mount Airy, Pennsylvania)
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Detective G is turning up the heat http://wp.me/p50RX3-Sf #socialinphilly #dogsofinstagram #ablogginggoodtime #bigpinklink #bloggerspitstop #explorerkids #fabfridaypost #fridayfrivolity #fridayfrolics #funseekingkids #gatsby #globalblogging #livingfearlesslyauthentic #mg #pinklinkers #stayclassymama #bloglovin #highlightsofhappy #humor #iphonephotography #momfave #socialinphilly #wordpress #yiddish #everymomentcounts #rawchildhood #kcacols #happylittlebuttons #kidsofinstagram #thesatsesh #mummyshot (at Mount Airy, Pennsylvania)
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Detective G is turning up the heat http://wp.me/p50RX3-Sf #socialinphilly #dogsofinstagram #ablogginggoodtime #bigpinklink #bloggerspitstop #explorerkids #fabfridaypost #fridayfrivolity #fridayfrolics #funseekingkids #gatsby #globalblogging #livingfearlesslyauthentic #mg #pinklinkers #stayclassymama #bloglovin #highlightsofhappy #humor #iphonephotography #momfave #socialinphilly #wordpress #yiddish #everymomentcounts #rawchildhood #kcacols #happylittlebuttons #kidsofinstagram #thesatsesh #mummyshot (at Mount Airy, Pennsylvania)
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