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may-bonne · 1 month ago
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fast & furious stats dump - 2024
it's 2025! let's update my graphs! if you're curious, here's last year's post.
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the dombrian resurgence continues! but note that the percentage increase is much more modest. for the first time, the raw number of fast & furious fics posted increased from the year prior in a year without a movie release.
hobbs/shaw is still on the decline, but it's leveled out a little over the past year.
our three main het ships (dom/letty, mia/brian, and han/gisele) have all held fairly steady since 2023.
letty/mia takes second place for the third year running, but it's declined noticeably from its peak in 2023. this is because i got kind of busy with work. sorry about that. 83.7% of letty/mia fic over the last three years was written by me.
mia/vince had a (relative) banner year for the second year running, with a record high of 14 posted fics! unfortunately, none of those were otp:true.
much more below the cut!
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not much has changed in these graphs since last year - the takeaway is just that this has always been a juggernaut-dominated fandom.
so...the raw number of fast & furious fics posted went up, and by a lot. we got 434 fics in 2024 as opposed to just 337 in 2023. but only 15 more dombrian fics were posted in 2024 than in 2023, and it seems like our other ships have largely held steady or declined. what accounts for that increase?
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yeah, that would do it. there was a massive increase in f/m ofc fic! gang, i really did not see this one coming. in 2024, f/m was the most popular category for fast & furious fic on ao3 for the first time ever - it's always been m/m, even back when dom/letty and brian/mia were peaking.
this was mostly an increase in ofc f/m for canon male characters - cipher/ofc, which was actually the most popular ofc ship in 2023, declined significantly. what's causing the change? well, as far as i can tell, a handful of prolific authors, as well as migration from wattpad (where fast & furious fandom is much more het- and oc-focused) and an increase in cross-posting to both wattpad and ao3.
there was a corresponding bump in mia/omc, mia/ofc, and letty/ofc fic - but only one letty/omc fic. which i think is very funny.
if you were wondering, dom/oc fic is overwhelmingly f/m. brian/oc (much less common) is almost evenly split. letty/oc is overwhelmingly f/f. mia/oc is mostly f/m, although the ratio isn't as stark.
dom is by far the most popular character for oc shipping, even though brian appears in slightly more fics on the whole. i guess authors want to fuck dom and want to watch someone else fuck brian.
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not much to note here compared to last year. mia and vince remain the bridesmaids, never the brides. brian/vince saw a little bump from 2023! dom/letty and mia/brian tend to get almost no otp:true fic, although it's likely that this is because they're often tagged together.
(why did otp:true letty/mia fall off so much? yeah, that was my fault again. i guess i liked dom/letty a little more this year.)
some analysis of trends in tagged relationships:
the most popular secondary ship when hobbs/shaw is tagged is dombrian. but 74.7% of hobbs/shaw fic is otp:true. that makes sense - the vast, vast majority of shobbs fic came from the spinoff, which doesn't include the franchise's main characters.
the most popular secondary ship when dombrian is tagged is mia/brian. 60.9% of dombrian fic is otp:true. why mia/brian and not dom/letty (or pair-the-spares letty/mia)? well, a lot of this is brian-focused canon-divergent first-movie fic where he gets together with both dom and mia, and it seems like writers find it easier to make dom single at the start, which precludes dom/letty. some is also set during the period when letty's "dead." letty can be easier to write out than mia, i think, since she really doesn't play any role in bringing brian into the family.
the most popular secondary ship when brian/mia is tagged is dom/letty, and vice versa - but there are twice as many otp:true dom/letty fics as there are fics for otp:true mia/brian. i don't think this is that surprising. for one thing, dom and letty's relationship is the central focus of the sixth, eighth, and (to a lesser extent) seventh movies, and none of the movies are really equally devoted to mia and brian. fast five probably comes the closest. dom/letty has (or had) a real ride-or-die contingent of shippers, and nothing like that's ever really coalesced around mia/brian.
the most popular secondary ship for letty/mia is dombrian. that's not surprising - it's pair-the-spares. it's just interesting that it doesn't go both ways.
just for fun, i also graphed a couple new datasets this year!
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a note i want to make here (not reflected on the graph) is that as you go through the years, you can really see how tagging conventions change. "latino character" and "character of color" get tagged a lot up through 2012. sexuality tags like "bisexual character" are also more popular early on. i feel like i don't see the "slash" tag much anymore.
fast & furious fics were generally less "tropey" this year than in 2023 - fewer fics proportionally were tagged with fluff, angst, and hurt/comfort. "family," though is more popular than ever. vin would approve.
a.u. fic has declined pretty steeply since 2022! i'm honestly not sure why that line looks the way it does. did people just get bored in 2019 because we hadn't had a new movie in a while?
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mature was the most popular rating this year! that's only happened one other time, in 2012. generally, fast & furious fandom seems to favor teen & up. you can see that it's not consistent at all year-to-year, though.
as for warnings: huge increase in graphic violence in 2024! it was more popular than ccntw for the first time ever. i guess we were feeling sadistic. more underage fic was posted in 2024 than in any other year, too.
(what's behind that little bump in underage in 2010? not much. a handful of high school a.u.s drove up numbers, and there just wasn't much fic posted that year.)
Q: WHO'S GETTING RAPED? A: brian, mostly.
Q: WHO'S UNDERAGE? A: it's all over the place, but somehow it's almost never jesse. i guess he's already eighteen in the first movie? hoping for more dom/jesse and letty/jesse in 2025.
in summary: most of my 2024 predictions were right! more fast & furious fics were posted, dombrian kept on growing, hobbs/shaw continued to decline, letty/mia also declined slightly, and the post-fast x pairs (rome/little nobody and aimes/reyes) fell off significantly. i was wrong about a big dom/letty increase; there was a huge surge of f/m fandom, but it was pretty much all centered around ofcs.
what about next year?
honestly, i think there will be even more fic posted than this year. i don't think it matters that we're getting further and further out from fast x - most of what's being posted is first-movie fic, anyway.
that increase will be mostly driven by dombrian and ofc fic for every male character in the franchise, especially dom.
the three main het ships and hobbs/shaw will hold steady in numbers, but decline proportionately.
letty/mia will probably continue to decline, unless i suddenly have a ton of new ideas.
lastly, a few notes on methodology: this includes archive-locked fic. i have no way of checking for backdated/redated/reposted fic since i collect this data manually, and fics originally posted before 2024 that were updated in 2024 are double-counted in this dataset. my "major tags" numbers include all fic tagged with synned tags - e.g., "heavy angst" and "light angst" count towards "angst," and "families of choice" counts towards "family." the percentages in the warnings graph will add to more than 100 since fic can be tagged with multiple warnings.
let's check back in in 2026!
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fritzes · 10 months ago
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carlitos 😭
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afterredlights · 9 months ago
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They stayed together and improved together 🥳🥳🥳
These kinds of stats make me feel hopeful.
I'm fully onboard with the drama and the epic war that'll commence when Carlos gets together again with Max, this time wearing a darker blue to Ferrari's Azzurro Dino and basically draws his blade against his divorced husband.
I mean, let's all be honest here, where else would Carlos go? Audi's offer for him has already expired. There's no other place, and nope, I'm firmly of the opinion that Carlos won't go to Mercedes. They have a shit ton of things to fix and clean up.
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sekaicards · 5 months ago
Round 1 Stats
Akito: 5
Toya: 9
Rin: 10
Len: 11
Shiho: 11
Airi: 11
Nene: 12
Ichika: 13
Honami: 13
An: 13
Tsukasa: 13
Rui: 13
Emu: 14
Mizuki: 14
Shizuku: 15
Luka: 16
Saki: 16
Mafuyu: 16
Ena: 17
Minori: 18
Kanade: 18
Haruka: 19
Kohane: 19
Miku: 22
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pokepodproject · 6 months ago
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PokePod Project: Writer Signup Stats
By popular demand(!), here are the writer signup stats for all generation one Pokemon available to write for in the @pokepodproject's first round. These figures are from writers who specifically selected these Pokemon on their signup form. The top 10 are shown in the above graphic. The remaining percentages are under the cut (along with a text-only version of the top 10.)
Fun Facts
Most offered starter: Squirtle Most offered Eeveelution: Flareon Most offered legendary bird: Zapdos Most offered non-legendary bird: Farfetch'd Evolution lines that appeared in the Top 10 in full: Vulpix, Ponyta, Gastly, Growlithe, Magikarp, Meowth
Full Stats
1st: Eevee (40%) 2nd: Ninetales (33%) 3rd: Mew, Flareon (32%) 4th: Vulpix, Ditto (31%) 5th: Vaporeon (29%) 6th: Porygon, Ponyta, Jolteon, Haunter, Arcanine (28%) 7th: Meowth, Lapras, Gengar, Abra (25%) 8th: Persian, Gastly (24%) 9th: Zapdos, Squirtle, Rapidash, Growlithe, Dratini (23%) 10th: Paras, Oddish, Magikarp, Horsea, Gyarados, Dragonite, Chansey (21%) 11th: Zubat, Seadra, Raichu, Mewtwo, Farfetch'd, Dragonair, Clefairy, Articuno (20%) 12th: Wartortle, Snorlax, Magnemite, Ivysaur, Charmeleon, Charmander, Bulbasaur, Bellsprout (19%) 13th: Rattata, Magneton, Kadabra, Hypno, Charizard, Blastoise, Alakazam, Aerodactyl (17%) 14th: Weepinbell, Vileplume, Slowpoke, Scyther, Poliwag, Pidgeot, Parasect, Moltres, Kangaskhan, Jigglypuff, Gloom, Ekans, Drowzee, Dewgong, Butterfree, Arbok (16%) 15th: Victreebel, Venusaur, Seel, Psyduck, Pikachu, Pidgey, Nidoran (female), Dodrio, Beedrill (15%) 16th: Venonat, Staryu, Starmie, Sandshrew, Rhyhorn, Pidgeotto, Omanyte, Metapod, Kabutops, Golbat, Doduo, Clefable, Caterpie (13%) 17th: Tauros, Tangela, Slowbro, Rhydon, Omastar, Nidoran (male), Nidoqueen, Marowak, Krabby, Grimer, Goldeen, Geodude, Exeggutor, Exeggcute, Cubone, Cloyster (12%) 17th: Wigglytuff, Venomoth, Tentacool, Sandslash, Poliwhirl, Onix, Kingler, Kakuna, Golem, Golduck, Diglett (11%) 18th: Weedle, Voltorb, Tentacruel, Shellder, Seaking, Raticate, Poliwrath, Nidorina, Muk, Mr. Mime, Magmar, Jynx, Hitmonchan, Graveler, Fearow, Electabuzz (9%) 19th: Spearow, Primeape, Nidorino, Nidoking, Machop, Machoke, Machamp, Weezing, Mankey, Lickitung, Koffing, Hitmonlee, Electrode (8%) 20th: Dugtrio, Pinsir (5%)
Note from your mods: Please don't be discouraged if your favorite Pokémon, or the Pokémon you've been assigned to write about, is low on the above list! These stats show which Pokémon writers specifically wanted to write a story about (not necessarily reflecting those they'd like to read/hear a fic of) and many factors went into their choices. It doesn't include those occasions where writers signed up offering "any Pokémon" (48% of them!) Every Pokemon will get their chance to shine in this project ✨
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joeytime · 9 months ago
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In honour of first (1) Lando win here are some 'fun' stats!!
🍼 Lando is now the 16th youngest GP winner at 24 years 176 days (beating David Coulthard by just 4 days and George Russell by 3 months!)
📅 Lando is 9th on the 'Most GPs before first win' . Strangely, Carlos Sainz (former teammate) is second on that list, only beat by Sergio Perez in first.
💯 Lando won on his 110th GP (It's a nice number, bite me, 111 would have been better)
🧮 Lando has a 16.7% win rate this season, equalling Carlos in that regard
👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 Lando is the second of the 2019 rookies to get a win (Poor Alex)
🏫 Lando is the 5th youngest polesitter behind Verstappen at 21 years 316 days (Old record)
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sparkliest-bard-bracket · 2 years ago
I'm curious who has the most submissions so far.
The top five would be Jaskier/Dandelion from The Witcher, at 11 submissions, followed by Raine Whispers (The Owl House) at 10, Oli theorionsound (Empires SMP) at 9, Maglor (The Silmarillion) at 8, and Venti (Genshin Impact) at 7. Thanks for the ask!! :D
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smashorpassgilf · 5 months ago
For those curious:
Our lowest 3 smash are
2.4 for the Elon Musk poll
2.7 for the charles III
4.6 dor Ellen Degeneres
Our highest 3 smash are
95.5 for the second Sigourney Weaver poll
93 for the Appalachian Moutains
92 for the type 30 rotary phone
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flawlessflesh · 8 months ago
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demon king laios, who made the world his enemy
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catgirltoes · 2 months ago
I don't think I've seen anyone talk about how transfems are pretty much entirely barred from working in childcare.
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neproxrezi · 2 years ago
harry dubois would end death note in one episode. he'd be unkillable bc he has no fucking idea what his name is and then he'd go drink driving and accidentally run light over and the killings would mysteriously stop
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thewrittenpodcast · 5 months ago
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allskywalkerswhine · 1 year ago
in fics where luke gets plopped into the prequels i want every jedi within ten metres of him to think hes the weirdest jedi theyve ever seen. he has negative lightsaber form. he doesnt know what a kata is. he handstands when he meditates. his solution to sith is to try and have a chat. hes a political radical who keeps suggesting revolution. you ask him what the jedi code is and he says "kindness and compassion and helping those in need :) ". you ask how he used the force like that and he says some shit about how you are a luminous being limited only by your mind. the councils authority is just a suggestion. he is somehow the new favourite of both qui gon and yoda
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yorqia · 2 months ago
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Princess Shadowheart 🌙✨🪻
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sekaicards · 1 year ago
Round 3 Stats!
Virtual Singer Total - 9 Miku - 2 Rin - 3 Len - 0 Luka - 0 MEIKO - 2 KAITO - 2
Leo/Need Total - 11 Ichika - 2 Saki - 3 Honami - 3 Shiho - 3
More More Jump! Total - 8 Minori - 1 Haruka - 1 Airi - 2 Shizuku - 4
Vivid Bad Squad Total - 12 Kohane - 3 An - 6 Akito - 1 Toya - 2
Wonderlands x Showtime Total - 11 Tsukasa - 2 Emu - 3 Nene - 4 Rui - 2
Nightcord at 25:00 Total - 23 Kanade - 6 Mafuyu - 3 Ena - 5 Mizuki - 9
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