#static website design meaning
iturhsweb · 1 year
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jamiekb · 6 months
Exploring the new Welcome Home Update
So here's my journey through the new update and the little details that it has, this will be a very long post and of course full of spoilers.
Look at the new design for the loading screen, so Christmas-y! I particularly love the antlers on Home's chimney.
Looking good Wally! And now we have new little doodles that seem to go with the holiday.
Ok so according to the admins no more bugs so wonder what will be different this time. Onto the news page then
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Also I'm really digging the new background
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Ok starting the FAQ now and some questions and answers are interesting. So they've been receiving more material covered in goop. They kinda adress in universe the move of the website, due to malicious material and in the code of the page.
And there is one new hidden message in the answers (I think) "The numbers are so hard to read. Sometimes I can't see them" So do we have to look for numbers now?
Took a detour through the stickers and they have new ones! There is Wally making a Home out of snow, sleeping Julie, I think Frank singing Carols to a butterfly, Poppy with a Jello thing, Eddie with a ton of presents to deliver, Howdy with some relatives, Sally as the star of a Christmas tree and Barnaby with a snowman.
Also with the "Welcome Home" banners two are a bit more desaturated now. And now that I think about it there are some stains in the main banner too
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Anyway unto the Neighborhood! Looks so cute although I'll be honest the clock tower is a bit weird and the trees feel a bit more intense at the edges or maybe that's just me
Eddie seems quite normal though now apparantly he has a mother, I'm confident that didn't use to be there. Is it weird that other than Wally hes the only one that didn't add anything new to his home for the season?
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I think Howdy's description also changed a bit but nothing alarming. His store now seems to have signs welcoming his family for the holidays.
Checking Barnaby's description they seem to all have a bit more background info, since he apparently left his farm life to come to Home. Ok what does "Barnaby’s middle initial was often rotated in terms of what it stood for" mean???
Poppy is so cute! Is she holding cupcakes decorated like the characters or did she already do that? Ok but her new details feel very interesting: she claims to be able to fly but it's never shown and she never leaves her house to the point of being excluded from some events (like Wally's Homewarming party I guess)
Sallys is fine. She's besties with Poppy I guess and she can shine??? How do you make a puppet shine?? Were they roommates maybe?
Oh Julie got quite a backstory. Named siblings, she has paws and used to live in the forest on the outskirts of Home in a cave with her family. And she hibernates that's too cute!
Great my dear Frank still gets no background info (which is very interesting) but he goes get forced heteronormativity.
Ok and Wally is kinda similar, no background info just very dedicated to Home. And I''l see about coming back to the As above so below page since I can't seem to click it, might just be me. You can still see the goop at the doorstep though
Ok so first off the Merchandise page has a different background to the rest, some colorful static and took a bit to load.
oooh they even changed the layout for the phone since you could hear Wallys call, that's such a cool detail
Maybe I'll go back and see if Eddies or Sally's stories have been changed in the audio or transcipt but I'll stick to the new stuff for now. Now that i think about maybe Sally's doesn't have the bit where the transcript couldnt understand it.
Finally reached the wish book and I love it so much, this is so much work all around! My favorites are the Frank and Wally pillows, Eddie Dear Lil' Mailman's Kit, the Home Clock and specially the tree skirt! I now have to make those cute neighbors
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Oh my god the record has the perfect Santa voice. And.. interesting that the ad cuts off when we get to Eddie. I'm not really surprised thought it would do something when it got to him or Frank, still suspicious.
Homewarming Story
The sound editing for all this new items is amazing!
I love the bit of the characters tripping up the narrators, this one just hasn't been able to get it right.
Hey is it me or in this one they've been a bit more insistent that Frank is a bit too literal but in a not so good way, not that much more intense but can't help but notice it. Seems a bit meaner
The return of Walliford!
Good to know Home uses he/him I guess
excuse me the fuck was that sound distortion???
and then it ends kinda abruptly, so that's that...
Where's my Eddie by the way, they didn't ask him and didn't find him while out on the town. I better hear him at some point or I will riot.
We have a code!
Ok so I was skimming the rest of the material before choosing what to listen to next and saw the cereal and craft at the back! So I guess now I have to find all the little drawings in the page and see when come from that
So I did listen to a few more songs, nice to see Eddie and Frank interacting as always, and noticed that in the transcript pages there are some entries for Mistery Audio, which are actually three of the previously hidden videos so that's interesting
Also not all the pages have four drawings some only one, so I've been trying to keep track which symbols i found where in case it matters. Still don't know what they're for just going around collecting them
Ok nvm I was doing things out of order and now that I got to media can see they are mentioned there
So after finally getting all the little things and going back to tumblr cause honestly I didnt really get what to do, I'm guessing it leads to a website, since one of the pages just has www as the code, so I'll try that I guess since I saw that there is a secret website somewhere. If it takes me too long I'll just look it up
Secret website
Nvm I'm too impatient at this point and I think i was missing a few letters so I just looked it up
Ok so that's interesting, so this person is kinda like the one behind the scenes talking to us along with whatever had infected the website before. They mention how the curator got sick (???) but is better now and that they'll try to update this website with the weird things they find
So the phone is one, like the weird glitched audio from Wally. This audio is interesting cause it plays out technically in real life but Wally speaks as if they are living out their lives...
And then moving on to the commercial they are speaking again of being compelled to know more, to see and wait. I'm sure some is curiosity but that can't be all
ohmygod this is more than 20 minutes long, the effort it must have taken Clown and team is monumental
that little animation is so cute!!!
fast forward many commercials and we have Eddie!!! And even a whole hand helping Poppy or something.
god the tobacco comercial of course they would have one
My poor Eddie boy is so anxious and depressed, why is no one talking to you bud? Like not getting him a present is a thing but not even Julie called him to play... and now is he's spiraling and even mad, that's unusual for sure. Also what's with the perspective of his videos, everything is a commercial or in the case of the secret videos it's interactions with other neighbors. This is more like the secret videos that we're seeing from someones POV, but not even that, we're observing him not looking through his eyes
Oh my poor Eddie is certainly going through it, who let them expose him to The Horrors? The horror aspect of this ARG sure has started to pick up speed, even I picked up some anxiety from that last segment
Also I did notice that Frank eventually dropped the Mr Dear for Eddie when he got more worried, almost like hes more worried than for an act that he has to put up huh?
So that was the newest Welcome home update. I can say it was everything I hoped for and more!!! The team behind it really gave it their all. From VAs for the audios to all the visual and graphic artists for the commercials its all so wonderful
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weirdmageddon · 3 months
whats interesting is talking to my dual is really making me think about how to compress all of my socionics knowledge to be digestible
heres how i see it
socionics is a system, which means it’s comprised of smaller units that function together at different levels of abstraction. so as an analogy to biological levels of organization, it has different layers like this where they all have unique level-specific interactions.
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for socionics, i want to start out at the smallest layer because everything is built on that. here’s how i’d roughly organize it if i were to structure lessons into different parts that built on the previous one:
information elements and their properties
extraverted/introverted (body/field), static/dynamic, explicit/implicit, irrational/rational
structural functions of model A
e.g. blocks (ego, super-ego, super-id, id. mental and vital tracks)
combining these: the model of a single type of information metabolism (TIM) that models the information processing structure of a single type of person
e.g. LII
how TIMs with complementary information processing (dual dyads) operate as a single unit.
e.g. LII-ESE. the extravertization and introvertization of the same thing. oriented at the same intentions, each subconsciously attuned to receiving information in the form naturally produced by the other’s TIM.
multiple dual dyads (each type in a dyad individually operating as two halves of a whole unit) in their ring of socioprogress and information transfer. there are 8 unique TIMs in your ring, half of the total possible configurations.
the importance of the adjacent dyads in the ring, that underlie supervision and benefit relationships. from the perspective a single dual dyad being supervised / made beneficiary by the previous dyad, to being the supervisor / benefactor for the next dyad.
e.g. … SLE-IEI → LII-ESE → IEE-SLI …
the two rings of socioprogress (left/involutionary and right/evolutionary spin) that exist due to the way the information elements flow from one to the next in their model, for the total of all 16 unique TIMs. it is easier to communicate with people from the same ring of socioprogress as your own, because you ascribe the cause and effect of information being created to and from the same things.
left spin: IEE-SLI → ESI-LIE → SLE-IEI → LII-ESE → IEE-SLI …
right spin: ILE-SEI → LSI-EIE → SEE-ILI → EII-LSE → ILE-SEI …
god i wish tumblr’s formatting options weren’t so ass. i want to indent my bullet points. if i do this it might have to be on blogspot or some shit because i cant stand not being able to format with forum levels of freedom. im gonna need inline images too.
does anyone wanna help me design a nice website?? i wanna make it look neat and accessible but i’m more focused on the actual content i’ll put there than any web design specifics
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m0r1bund · 9 months
"Lore, where have you been?"
In hell, probably. I remade M0R1BUND.com.
“For the love of god, why?”
Short answer: to save time and money.
Long answer: Sharing art was getting burdensome. Neocities hosts static websites built with html, css, and javascript—which is awesome for its mission, to encourage people to create future-proof websites. But this also means that every page is created and maintained by hand. I handle every little link and file and bit of code, and if I want to do site-wide changes, I have to push those by hand, too. This takes time, and so does writing image descriptions and cross-posting art to other websites. It became normal for sharing art to eat up an entire day.
I later created Basedt.net in WordPress, so that I didn’t have to worry about managing link hierarchies, which was a big timewaster on my old webcomic. I liked working in WordPress well enough, and I knew I would benefit from being able to use PHP to manage the sheer amount of stuff that’s on M0R1BUND.com. I was also paying double for webhosting through two different services, when I really didn’t need to…. So… I knew it was inevitable that I would consolidate the two at some point. It was time.
I do really love Neocities and I’m sorry to let it go. I encourage anyone who wants to learn web design and create their own website to start there.
Anyway, that’s how I ended up in hell for 6 months.
“What’s changed?”
Most things. I’m most excited about the quality-of-life stuff, like being able to sort art by character/location/world, or being able to move between individual pieces instead of having to return to the gallery landing page. There are lots of things I want to add, but my soft deadline for this was the new year, so I focused on recreating M0R1BUND.com as it existed before… well… this.
I’ve also edited most of my writing. This site is old, and the art is even older, it felt good to give it some TLC.
There are still a few things missing from the new site:
The Woods and RANSOM. They aren’t really representative of Basedt or Mercasor anymore, and I was not a competent writer in 2018. If I re-share them, it will be in the distant future.  
Some of my Those Who Went Missing stuff. I haven’t been playing TWWM publicly, so this is lower priority right now. It will happen when it happens.  
Some twines. They haven’t adjusted to the new filepath format yet. Killswitch is here, though :)
If you need them urgently for some reason, I can share them with you? but that seems doubtful haha.
Links to pages on the old M0R1BUND.com are broken and will remain broken until I set up redirections to the new M0R1BUND.com. I have no idea how long that will take! … Hopefully not long, given the new semester is here.
And of course... If you see anything weird, tell me! I test as much as I can, but I only have access to so many devices. Break this website within an inch of its miserable life so that I can fix it.
“How’s Basedt going?”
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It’s going. Recreating my website took precedence for the above reasons, but I’ve been working concurrently on it in my spare time. We move like a glacier into the new year. ETA: ???
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icestudios · 2 months
The History Of Ice Studios:
Ice Studios is a company that appears to have been created by Renell Medrano as early as 2016. The earliest mentions of this company are by Renell herself in interviews with Vogue. Jess Moloney is not mentioned in either of the earlier interviews nor was she mentioned in anything more recent that can be found about Ice Studios. Renell seems to always take full credit for this studio.
Yet, somehow, Jess seems to be listed as the co-founder of this studio. The first instance of her having contact with Renell that can be found is in 2019, two years after the studio was founded and two years after what seems like her having any connection to Jess in any capacity. That is not to say that Jess did not help to found the studio, but if she had, why has Renell failed to ever mention her name in any news publication where she is asked about the studio that she runs?
Despite these discrepancies, Jess is in the business of taking clearly stolen media and adding #IceStudios or @IceStudios.co to these photos on IG for some unknown reason. Initially, she merely added this to the post, and the theory is that the intent was to artificially increase engagement for IceStudios. More recently she started to add the caption “Post-Production” and then attribute Ice Studios for that.
However, on several of these posts where she claims involvement directly, it is clear that Ice Studios or herself was not involved in the production of these images, nor do they own them. Most recently, she posted a campaign for Tommy Hilfiger where she claims that Ice Studios did “post-production” for the images. None of which can possibly be true.
The campaign was launched weeks before she posted about it. The official Tommy Hilfiger account doesn’t tag, attribute, or mention her account or Ice Studios (nor do they follow either) and any official press release on these images does not mention her or Ice Studios. On top of that, when I questioned Jess about her involvement in the production of these images she immediately blocked me. I mean within a minute or two. She’s also hidden likes on the posts which seem to have gotten little to no engagement anyway. You will find the same to be the case on a good majority of her posts with stolen magazine covers, or images stolen from more popular accounts like Lily-Rose Depp.
The IceStudios website is very confusing. If you go to IceStudios.co you get a static page and the only links are back to their IG account and a contact link, an email that goes directly to Jess. The only way to see other pages on this website is to manually enter the addresses for them. Why all of these pages are hidden unless you specifically try to find them, is anyone’s guess. One of the pages does attribute Jess Moloney to being the co-founder. All contact e-mails refer back to Jess herself and there doesn’t seem to be any contact that goes back to Renell.
The management company listed as managing IceStudios on official records is listed as Odis Management and not Jess Moloney Management. There is no public business registry that I can find anywhere that says Jess is involved with the company in any official or legal capacity other than clearly having access to the website and claiming she’s a co-founder.
Just as I started to question Jess’s legitimacy and involvement with this company she posted a job listing on her IG account (as a story) looking for a freelance graphic design artist for Ice Studios. Questions about this range from:
Why does she suddenly need a graphic artist?
Why wouldn’t she post this listing on a legitimate employment website?
What happened to the graphic design artist who is clearly already working for them?
How serious is this job listing if she only posted it as an IG story, no link to any legitimate website to apply, and provided just an email address?
One would think if this was a serious offer she’d have made a more serious and legitimate post. One would also think that with how small the business is and how little she seems to be truly involved in it they aren’t so inundated with sudden work that they need to hire someone else. As the job is listed as “freelance” and not full-time, it’s curious as to why she didn’t just Google literally any website that has freelance graphic design artists listed (of which there are many) or ask any of the various connections she allegedly has. Ironically, this website is supposed to be an artist collective, and yet she still needs to hire an artist? It seems to me that this post is not a legitimate position for her company but an attempt to make it look like she’s actually doing work when, in reality, she doesn’t.
This is all the current information on IceStudios as it is known publicly and should anything be found out in the future it will be added to this post.
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jess-moloney · 11 months
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Ice Studios is a company that appears to have been created by Renell Medrano as early as 2016. The earliest mentions of this company are by Renell herself in interviews with Vogue. Jess Moloney is not mentioned in either of the earlier interviews nor was she mentioned in anything more recent that can be found about Ice Studios. Renell seems to always take full credit for this studio.
Yet, somehow, Jess seems to be listed as the co-founder of this studio. The first instance of her having contact with Renell that can be found is in 2019, two years after the studio was founded and two years after what seems like her having any connection to Jess in any capacity. That is not to say that Jess did not help to found the studio, but if she had, why has Renell failed to ever mention her name in any news publication where she is asked about the studio that she runs?
Despite these discrepancies, Jess is in the business of taking clearly stolen media and adding #IceStudios or @IceStudios.co to these photos on IG for some unknown reason. Initially, she merely added this to the post, and the theory is that the intent was to artificially increase engagement for IceStudios. More recently she started to add the caption "Post-Production" and then attribute Ice Studios for that.
However, on several of these posts where she claims involvement directly, it is clear that Ice Studios or herself was not involved in the production of these images, nor do they own them. Most recently, she posted a campaign for Tommy Hilfiger where she claims that Ice Studios did "post-production" for the images. None of which can possibly be true.
The campaign was launched weeks before she posted about it. The official Tommy Hilfiger account doesn't tag, attribute, or mention her account or Ice Studios (nor do they follow either) and any official press release on these images does not mention her or Ice Studios. On top of that, when I questioned Jess about her involvement in the production of these images she immediately blocked me. I mean within a minute or two. She's also hidden likes on the posts which seem to have gotten little to no engagement anyway. You will find the same to be the case on a good majority of her posts with stolen magazine covers, or images stolen from more popular accounts like Lily-Rose Depp.
The IceStudios website is very confusing. If you go to IceStudios.co you get a static page and the only links are back to their IG account and a contact link, an email that goes directly to Jess. The only way to see other pages on this website is to manually enter the addresses for them. Why all of these pages are hidden unless you specifically try to find them, is anyone's guess. One of the pages does attribute Jess Moloney to being the co-founder. All contact e-mails refer back to Jess herself and there doesn't seem to be any contact that goes back to Renell.
The management company listed as managing IceStudios on official records is listed as Odis Management and not Jess Moloney Management. There is no public business registry that I can find anywhere that says Jess is involved with the company in any official or legal capacity other than clearly having access to the website and claiming she's a co-founder.
Just as I started to question Jess's legitimacy and involvement with this company she posted a job listing on her IG account (as a story) looking for a freelance graphic design artist for Ice Studios. Questions about this range from:
Why does she suddenly need a graphic artist?
Why wouldn't she post this listing on a legitimate employment website?
What happened to the graphic design artist who is clearly already working for them?
How serious is this job listing if she only posted it as an IG story, no link to any legitimate website to apply, and provided just an email address?
One would think if this was a serious offer she'd have made a more serious and legitimate post. One would also think that with how small the business is and how little she seems to be truly involved in it they aren't so inundated with sudden work that they need to hire someone else. As the job is listed as "freelance" and not full-time, it's curious as to why she didn't just Google literally any website that has freelance graphic design artists listed (of which there are many) or ask any of the various connections she allegedly has. Ironically, this website is supposed to be an artist collective, and yet she still needs to hire an artist? It seems to me that this post is not a legitimate position for her company but an attempt to make it look like she's actually doing work when, in reality, she doesn't.
This is all the current information on IceStudios as it is known publicly and should anything be found out in the future it will be added to this post.
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crackaddict55 · 2 years
Ok. Chat gpt is a HUGE help when dealing with css.
It’s actually kind of scary how well it understands the users demands. I’ll try not to copy paste too much from it since I do want to learn css lol.
(But like how is it designing websites like thatttt. I mean I’m not asking for anything interactive at all, just a static website but still !)
(Idk if static website is the right word I’m not into web dev)
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extremewebtech92 · 1 year
Step Into The Future: Key Features of Modern Website Design
The digital landscape is ever-evolving. Just like fashion, the trends in web design keep changing, bringing in fresh perspectives and innovative designs. Modern website design isn’t just about making a site look good; it's about user experience, compatibility, adaptability, and more. To truly step into the future, it's vital to understand these key features As the digital realm transforms, so does the demand for top-notch web designers. Among the frontrunners in Pune City is Extreme Webtech, the No1 Website Design Agency in Pune. What sets them apart?
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1. Responsive Design
In today's multi-device world, responsive design is not an option; it's a necessity. A site must look impeccable and function seamlessly, whether viewed on a desktop, tablet, or mobile phone.
2. Minimalistic Approach:
Less is more when it comes to modern design. Clean layouts, ample white space, and a decluttered look make for a more engaging user experience.
3. User-Centric Navigation:
A modern website ensures that users can find what they're looking for with ease. Streamlined navigation, intuitive menus, and clear calls to action are hallmarks of user-centric design.
4. Engaging Visuals:
High-quality visuals, from images to videos, play a crucial role in retaining user attention. They should complement the content and not overshadow it.
5. Interactive Elements:
Hover animations, scroll-triggered animations, and other interactive elements can make a website feel alive and responsive to user actions.
6. Fast Loading Times:
A site that takes ages to load is a site that users will abandon. Optimization techniques, such as compressing images and using content delivery networks, ensure quick load times.
7. Accessible Design:
Modern websites are built for everyone, including users with disabilities. This means ensuring that sites are usable for those with screen readers, hearing impairments, and other accessibility needs.
8. Integrated Social Media:
In the era of social media, integrating social platforms into a website can boost engagement and visibility.
9. Search Engine Optimization (SEO):
A beautifully designed website is of little use if people can't find it. Proper SEO ensures that a site ranks well on search engines, increasing its visibility.
10. Strong Security:
With increasing cyber threats, a modern website needs to prioritize security. This includes SSL certificates, regular updates, and safe coding practices.
11. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs):
PWAs are a blend of the best parts of web and mobile apps. They can work offline, send push notifications, and give users an app-like experience on desktop and mobile.
12. Voice User Interface (VUI):
As voice assistants like Alexa, Google Assistant, and Siri become ubiquitous, integrating voice search and commands into websites is becoming a norm. This enhances accessibility and user experience, especially for those on the go.
13. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR):
The integration of AR and VR into web design offers a more immersive experience for users. From virtual try-ons in fashion e-commerce to interactive property tours in real estate, AR and VR are reshaping user experiences.
14. Dark Mode:
Popularized by apps like Twitter and Instagram, dark mode offers a visually relaxing experience for users, especially in low-light conditions. Modern websites now offer this as a toggle option for user convenience.
15. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Chatbots:
AI-driven chatbots provide instant customer service, guiding visitors, answering queries, and even processing orders. These bots make websites more interactive and user-centric.
16. Motion UI:
Subtle animations, transitions, and graphics can capture user attention and make browsing a website more engaging. Motion UI is about finding the right balance between static content and animated elements.
17. Content Personalization:
Modern websites use AI and user behavior analytics to curate content specifically tailored for each visitor, enhancing user engagement and conversion rates.
18. Internet of Things (IoT) Integration:
With everyday objects being interconnected and sharing data, websites will soon be the hub of this communication. Imagine a fitness brand's site integrating data from smartwatches, shoes, and even apparel. Web design will need to adapt to present and analyze this vast amount of data in user-friendly ways.
19. 5G Connectivity:
The rollout of 5G will revolutionize browsing speeds and website functionality. Web designers will have more bandwidth to play with, leading to richer media experiences, instantaneous load times, and more immersive interactive features.
20. Quantum Computing:
Quantum computers, with their immense processing power, will revolutionize data analysis and operations that today's computers find challenging. For web design, this could mean instantaneous rendering of high-definition 3D visuals, real-time multilingual translations, and AI capabilities beyond our current comprehension.
21. Data Privacy and Protection:
As technology advances, so do the concerns about user data privacy. Modern websites will have to place even greater emphasis on securing user data, transparent data usage policies, and compliance with international regulations.
22. Immersive 3D Elements:
3D visuals and interfaces will become more common, providing a depth and immersion previously reserved for high-end video games and specialized software.
23. Real-time Collaboration:
As remote work and global collaboration become the norm, websites will incorporate real-time collaborative tools, allowing multiple users to interact, share, and modify content simultaneously.
Customized Solutions:
Every brand is unique. Extreme Webtech recognizes this and provides tailored web design solutions that resonate with a brand's essence.
Expert Team:
Boasting a team of seasoned professionals, they bring in-depth knowledge, experience, and passion to each project.
Client Testimonials:
Their portfolio gleams with positive feedback and testimonials, a testament to their unparalleled services.
Innovative Approach:
They stay ahead of the curve by continually updating their knowledge and techniques, ensuring their clients always get the best of modern web design.
Extreme Webtech: Navigating the Future
Extreme Webtech is not just a passive observer in this digital revolution. They are active participants, pioneers even. Their design ethos reflects a deep understanding of these emerging technologies and the implications they have on web design. Their ongoing investment in research and development, upskilling, and infrastructure ensures that they remain ahead of the curve.
Their approach is holistic, understanding that a website isn't just about aesthetics or functionality in isolation. In the modern digital ecosystem, a website is an integrated platform that operates in conjunction with numerous other technologies, devices, and platforms. With this foresight, Extreme Webtech offers its clients future-proof solutions that are both relevant today and adaptable for tomorrow.
Name:- Extreme web Tech
Address:- B1 Flat No 23, Shreeram Darshan Phase 2, Opp. Sawant Vihar, Morebaug, Katraj, Pune – 411046
Phone Number:- +919405379630
Website:- https://www.extremewebtech.net
The horizon of web design stretches far beyond what we see today. As the lines between the physical and digital worlds blur, web design will evolve to become more than just about 'websites.' It will be the gateway to a fully interconnected digital existence. And in this brave new world, having the right partner is crucial. With their expertise, vision, and commitment to innovation, Extreme Webtech stands out as the beacon for businesses navigating the complex digital future. In Pune and beyond, they are the harbinger of the digital revolution in web design.
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iturhsweb · 2 years
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whitebunnie · 1 year
Unleash the Lightning: Turbocharge Your Website with Our Speed Optimization Service
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Introduction: Igniting the Need for Website Speed Optimization
In today's fast-paced digital landscape, where attention spans are fleeting and competition is fierce, the need for a seamlessly fast and responsive website cannot be overstated. Your website's speed directly impacts user satisfaction, search engine rankings, and ultimately, your business's bottom line. This is where our groundbreaking Page Speed Optimization Service steps in, ready to propel your online presence to new heights.
Section 1: Unveiling the Core of Website Speed Optimization
At its core, Website Speed Optimization revolves around enhancing the speed and efficiency of your website's loading times. It involves a comprehensive analysis of your website's elements, from images and scripts to plugins and server configurations. By identifying bottlenecks and implementing strategic solutions, our service guarantees a streamlined user experience that keeps visitors engaged and satisfied.
Section 2: The Science Behind Loading Times
Why does website speed matter? Studies have shown that users expect websites to load within a matter of seconds, and even a mere delay of a few seconds can lead to frustration and abandonment. This is where the science of loading times comes into play. When a user clicks on your website, a series of intricate processes begin, involving server requests, data retrieval, and rendering. A strategic Page Speed Optimization Service ensures that each of these processes is fine-tuned for maximum efficiency, minimizing the time it takes to deliver your content to eager visitors.
Section 3: The Multi-Faceted Benefits You Can't Ignore
Boosting your website's speed isn't just about impressing visitors with quick load times. It has a ripple effect that positively impacts various aspects of your online presence. Firstly, search engines like Google consider website speed as a ranking factor, which means a faster website could potentially land you on the coveted first page of search results. Secondly, reduced bounce rates and increased time spent on your site indicate higher user engagement, which can translate into more conversions and sales.
Section 4: A Closer Look at Our Page Speed Optimization Process
Our top-tier Website Speed Optimization Service isn't a one-size-fits-all solution; it's a meticulously crafted process tailored to your website's unique needs. It starts with a comprehensive audit, where we analyze every element that contributes to your website's speed. This includes evaluating your server performance, optimizing image sizes, minimizing unnecessary code, and ensuring efficient caching mechanisms.
Section 5: Unleashing the Power of Image Optimization
Images play a pivotal role in modern web design, but they can also be a major culprit behind sluggish loading times. Our service includes cutting-edge image optimization techniques that strike the perfect balance between quality and file size. By utilizing advanced compression algorithms and responsive image delivery, we ensure that your visuals retain their stunning clarity without compromising loading speed.
Section 6: Streamlining CSS and JavaScript for Optimal Performance
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In conclusion, your website's speed is a critical factor that can make or break your online success. With our cutting-edge Page Speed Optimization Service, you have the power to revolutionize your website's performance, enhance user experience, and soar to the top of search engine rankings. Embrace the need for speed and watch as your website becomes a seamless gateway to your brand's excellence.
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Website Designing Agency Near Me
A Dynamic Web page is a web page with web content that varies based on parameters provided by a user or a computer program. In today's world the demand for dynamic website is increasing at an alarming rate. Nowadays nearly half the websites are dynamic. Pages are no longer static HTML files but instead generated by scripts and database calls. Although dynamic websites are expensive as compared to static websites, it brings along with it numerous features and advantages.Most large company websites are dynamic, since they are easier to maintain than static websites. This is because static pages contain unique content, meaning they must be manually opened, edited, and published whenever a change is made. At initial stages, a dynamic website will give its owner the ability to update and upload new data, such as posting of news or events through simple browser interface. Dynamic websites have all the advantages over static websites. Dynamic sites are created using various languages like javascript, ajax, php, mysql, XHTML and the list goes on.
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aureliadebae603 · 1 year
History of Kinetic Type animation
Kinetic typography is the art of animating text to increase it impact on readers through the emotive and interactive qualities of the text. Text is presented overtime, becoming temporal rather than static.
The ability to communicate emotion greatly contributes to achieving a successful and impactful design. the use of pacing to express a greater or lesser degree of urgency or bolding to convey tone.
There are two categories of kinetic typography, motion and fluid, the classification depends on the behaviour of the text. In motion typography, elements move in relation to one another while in fluid typography the letter forms themselves change even while remaining stationary.
The first two films that utilised kinetic type were "North by Northwest" in 1959 and "Psycho" in 1960, designed by Saul Bass.
There are more movies and tv shows than ever, which means more title design and more animated typography sequences. With the rise of the internet, it has led to motion typography being used on websites, apps and social media.
Kinetic typography is an animation technique that integrates motion with text. There is no fixed way that the text should be animated and the lettering can shrink and expand, move around the page, change colour, undergo distortion or be subject to any kind of creative technique. They can be short or long, elaborate or complex.
Its main focus is to capture the audience's attention. Manipulating and transforming text with movement can achieve a wide variety of effects—it can create emphasis where it is desired, it can convey emotion and conjure up ideas, and it can transform simple text into a powerful message. 
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official-souls · 2 years
What even is pipebomb actually? Bomb shaped pipe? Pipe shaped bomb? Bomb in a pipe? Sending bomb through a pipe?
Pipe bombFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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For the professional wrestling term, see
Shoot (professional wrestling)
. For the website, see
A tripwire-triggered pipe bomb mock-up used to train US military service personnel
A pipe bomb is an improvised explosive device which uses a tightly sealed section of pipe filled with an explosive material. The containment provided by the pipe means that simple low explosives can be used to produce a relatively huge explosion due to the containment causing increased pressure, and the fragmentation of the pipe itself creates potentially lethal shrapnel.
Premature detonation is a hazard of attempting to construct any homemade bomb, and the materials and methods used with pipe bombs make unintentional detonation incidents common, usually resulting in serious injury or death to the assembler.
In many countries, the manufacture or possession of a pipe bomb is a serious crime, regardless of its intended use.
3Modes of failure
4Minimum evacuation distances
6See also
5.1Notable incidents
Different pipe bombs' appearances, from a bomb awareness report issued by the US Department of State
The bomb is usually a short section of steel water pipe containing the explosive mixture and closed at both ends with steel or brass caps. A fuse is inserted into the pipe with a lead running out through a hole in the side or capped end of the pipe. The fuse can be electric, with wires leading to a timer and battery, or can be a common fuse. All of the components are easily obtainable.
Generally, high explosives such as TNT are not used, because these and the detonators that they require are difficult for non-state users to obtain. Such explosives also do not require the containment design of a pipe bomb.
Instead, explosive mixtures that the builder can more readily obtain themselves are used, such as gunpowder, match heads, or chlorate mixtures. These can be easily ignited by friction, static electricity, and sparks generated when packing the material inside the tube or attaching the end caps, causing many injuries or deaths amongst builders.[1]
Sharp objects such as nails or broken glass are sometimes added to the outer shell or inside of the bomb to increase potential injury, damage, and death.
Pipe bombs concentrate pressure and release it suddenly, through the failure of the outer casing. Plastic materials can be used, but metals typically have a much higher bursting strength and so will produce more concussive force. For example, common schedule 40 1-inch (25 mm) wrought steel pipe has a typical working pressure of 1,010 psi (7.0 MPa), and bursting pressure of 8,090 psi (55.8 MPa),[2] though the pipe sealing method can significantly reduce the burst pressure.
The pipe can rupture in different ways, depending on the rate of pressure rise and the ductility of the casing material.
If the pressure rise is slow, the metal can deform until the walls become thin and a hole is formed, causing a loud report from the gas release, but no shrapnel.
A rapid rate of pressure rise will cause the metal to shatter into fragments, which are pushed outward in all directions by the expanding gases.
Modes of failure[edit]
Pipe bombs can fail to explode if the gas pressure buildup is too slow, resulting in bleed-out through the detonator ignition hole. Insufficiently tight threading can also bleed gas pressure through the threads faster than the chemical reaction pressure can rise.
They can also fail if the pipe is fully sealed and the chemical reaction triggered, but the total pressure buildup from the chemicals is insufficient to exceed the casing strength; such a bomb is a dud, but still potentially dangerous if handled, since an external shock could trigger rupture of the statically pressurized casing.
Minimum evacuation distances[edit]
If any type of bomb is suspected, typical recommendations are to keep all people at a minimum evacuation distance until authorized bomb disposal personnel arrive. For a pipe bomb, the US Department of Homeland Security recommends a minimum of 21 m (69 ft), and an outdoors distance of 366 m (1,201 ft).[3]
Pipe bombs are by nature improvised weapons and typically used by those without access to military devices such as grenades. They were successfully used in the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939). During World War II, members of the British Home Guard were trained to make and use them.[4]
In Northern Ireland, there have been hundreds of pipe bomb attacks since the mid-1990s (towards the end of the "Troubles"). Most of the attacks have been launched by loyalist paramilitaries, especially the Red Hand Defenders, Orange Volunteers and Ulster Defence Association.[5][6] However, they have also been used by Irish republican paramilitaries and by anti-drugs vigilante group Republican Action Against Drugs. They are also used extensively in the south of Ireland by feuding criminals, including drug dealers, mainly in the capital city of Dublin.
As well as users such as criminals, paramilitaries, and militias, they also have a long tradition of recreational use for amusement or mischief with no intention to cause injury to anyone, but due to the dangers of premature ignition and of shrapnel, pipe bombs are much more dangerous than alternatives such as dry ice bombs or potato cannons.
Notable incidents[
This 1886 engraving was the most widely reproduced image of the
Haymarket riots
. It inaccurately shows Fielden speaking, the pipe bomb exploding, and the rioting beginning simultaneously.
On 4 May 1886, a pipe bomb was thrown during a rally at Haymarket Square in Chicago, Illinois, United States.[8] It reached a police line and exploded, killing policeman Mathias J. Degan.[8] The bomb was made from gas-pipe filled with dynamite and capped at both ends with wooden blocks.[8]
From August 1977 to November 1977 Allan Steen Kristensen planted several bombs across Copenhagen, Denmark injuring 5 but killing no one.
In 1985, Palestinian American anti-discrimination activist Alex Odeh was killed in California by a pipe-bomb. Activists from the Jewish Defense League are suspected of being the bombers.[9][10]
On December 16, 1989, Federal Judge Robert Vance was assassinated in his home in Mountain Brook, Alabama when he opened a package that contained a pipe bomb mailed by Walter Leroy Moody in Mountain Brook, Alabama.
On 27 July 1996, Eric Rudolph used a pipe bomb in the Centennial Olympic Park bombing during the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. It killed two people and injured 111.[11]
During the preparation of the Columbine High School Massacre, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold had experimented with pipe bombs. During their testing and experimentation, Eric Harris had posted their results on his website. During the massacre, Harris and Klebold had used their pipe bombs as makeshift hand grenades, alongside various other bombs they had crudely manufactured.
On 11 December 2010 a suicide bomber detonated one out of six pipe bombs close to a major shopping district in Stockholm, Sweden, killing himself with no other casualties in what is known as the 2010 Stockholm bombings.[12]
In October 2018, pipe bombs without triggering devices[13] were sent to various liberal and political figures in the United States. Recipients included political activist and investor George Soros, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former President Barack Obama, former CIA Director John Brennan, and former Attorney General Eric Holder.[14][15]
On 6 January 2021, a pipe bomb was found at the headquarters of the Republican National Committee, during the certification of President-elect Joe Biden. An unidentified object was also found at the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee, resulting in an evacuation.[16]
See also[edit]
Improvised explosive device
TM 31-210 Improvised Munitions Handbook
^ Dias, Gary A.; Dingeman, Robbie (2004). Honolulu CSI: An Introduction to Forensic Science and Criminal Investigation. Bess Press. p. 87. ISBN 978-1-57306-228-2.
^ Wrought Steel Pipe - Bursting Pressures. "The bursting pressures are based on Barlow's formula. The working pressures are based on factor 8. Dimensions according ASME/ANSI B36.10/19". www.engineeringtoolbox.com.
^ "Bomb Threat Stand-Off Distances" (PDF). The National Counterterrorism Center.
^ Introduction by Campbell McCutcheon (30 September 2012). Home Guard Manual 1941. Amberley Publishing Limited. p. 77. ISBN 978-1-4456-1103-7.
^ Wood, Ian.S (2006). Crimes of Loyalty: A History of the UDA. p. 248. ISBN 978-0-7486-2427-0.
^ Gassman, Michele. "Violence - Chronology of 'Pipe-Bomb' Attacks". Conflict Archive on the Internet. Retrieved 5 January 2021.
^ "Act II: Let Your Tragedy Be Enacted Here, Moment of Truth". The Dramas of Haymarket. Chicago Historical Society. 2000. Archived from the original on 15 March 2008. Retrieved 19 January 2008. The details are factually incorrect, because by all accounts Fielden ended his speech before the bomb was thrown, and because the riot did not begin until after the explosion. In [this] depiction, the speech, the explosion, and the riot all take place at once.
^ Jump up to:a b c Lawson, John Davison; Robert Lorenzo Howard (1919). American State Trials: A Collection of the Important and Interesting Criminal Trials which Have Taken Place in the United States from the Beginning of Our Government to the Present Day. Thomas Law Books. p. 64. a fuse with a cap is put into that hole.
^ Greg Krikorian, Evidence emerges in ‘85 Santa Ana slaying, Los Angeles Times, October 11, 2007, B-1.
^ Friedman, Robert I., The California Murder Case That Israel Is Sweeping Under the Rug : Justice: In 1985, Alex Odeh was killed by a pipe bomb in Orange County. The FBI has three suspects, but they are in Israel; extradition is unlikely, Los Angeles Times, May 13, 1990
^ "Rudolph reveals motives". CNN.com. 19 April 2005.
^ Sweden: Stockholm suicide bombings could have been 'catastrophic', London: The Telegraph, 12 December 2010
^ Bojorquez, Manuel (October 29, 2018). "Package bomb suspect Cesar Sayoc had list of 100 names in van, official says". CBS News. Archived from the original on February 7, 2019. Retrieved February 5, 2019.
^ "Investigation of Suspicious Packages". Federal Bureau of Investigation. Retrieved 26 October 2018.
^ "FBI Director Christopher Wray's Remarks Regarding Arrest of Cesar Sayoc in Suspicious Package Investigation". Federal Bureau of Investigation. Retrieved 26 October 2018.
^ Benner, Katie; Haberman, Maggie; Schmidt, Michael S. (6 January 2021). "An explosive device is found at the R.N.C., and the D.N.C. is evacuated". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 7 January 2021.
US5,386,758–Apparatus and method for disarming pipe bombs
Improvised explosive devices
Insurgency weapons
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hydrofittings · 1 year
Hydraulic Manifold valve manufacturer in india by hydrofittings
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In addition, an Air Manifold With Valves allows the set up of more than one solenoid valves in a centralized vicinity. A unmarried air deliver and port are shared by means of numerous valves. Manifold take a look at Valve acts as a primary distribution point for aircraft that have dual dry air pumps. If one pump of Manifold Pneumatic fails it’s miles designed to isolate the failed pump and provide continuous airflow from the operating pump. Water Manifold With Valves is designed to distribute water and has built-in ports in a section of pipe. They act as manage facilities of water distribution within the house. Solenoid Valve Manifold has a most preferred stress of 6000 psi at a hundred ranges F and has a mounting hollow that enables inside the self-supporting software. Hydraulic Valve Manifold Has a stainless steel pin that forestalls the bonnet from detaching itself from the frame due to vibration. Ball Valve Manifold has a burr-loose thread that reduces inner floor leaks accordingly offering accurate transmitter read. No O-ring is used bonnet to body pressure Transmitter Manifold seal. It is a steel-to-metallic seal. Hydraulic Valve Manifold Block has the choice of panel mounting. There are one of a kind sorts of Manifold Valves to be had within the market but the maximum typically used ones are the two valve, three valve, and 5 valve assemblies. Swagelok Manifold is designed mainly for liquid stage, static stress, and differential stress packages. Smc Valve Manifold has a blended isolating and venting in a single valve that eliminates the want for tubing and fitting. Festo Valve Manifold is simple to gather and set up and is dependable. They’ve dirt caps fitted on them that comprise stem lubricant and save you the ingress of contaminants. Rosemount 305 Manifold gets rid of the need for a flange because it suits immediately to the patented Rosemount. Why to choose hydrofittings ? About us – The briefcase of our company consists of numerous additions which include, – clever hydraulics, engineering, and digital answers. With the guide of 80 personnel, our company works like a well-oiled system to deliver most effective the very best fine product to our buyers. Proper from the responsibly sourced product by way of our procurement team to our nice manage team, many agencies have lauded our work. And that they admire the fact that we’re transparent in all our dealings. With a properly-mounted channel of communique, our customers can connect with us anytime. Our control and our body of workers, together form a competent and ambitious crew. The readability and high stage of performance make us one of the most modern but sought after manufacturers. And because we fee initiative behavior, we adore to have our studies and development crew collaborate with the opposite teams to recognize the current requirements of the hour. We frequently have checking out and great exams to maintain brilliant requirements.
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gxldencity · 2 years
Tbh I do find the nostalgia for the old web on this site in particular to be kinda silly bc most people don't know what they're talking about like what the hell does normal html even mean? No one at the html headquarters decided that you're banned from ever building static website w/o any flashy components. In fact u could still do that and it's easier than ever to build static websites.
Like I need everyone to understand the difference between UX/UI design philosophies, technology tools and corporate decisions bc every single "web2 bad" post I'm seeing here seems to group them all as if a single dev has the power to decide that nope, it's flashy minimalist and algorithms time.
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void-kissed · 2 years
Your 3d artwork is so nice! What software do you use, and how do you get the models? I'm curious and wanna try it out if my computer can handle it
Ah! Thank you so much!! I’m really glad you like what I make, it means a lot ^-^
I use MMD, MikuMikuDance, to make my renders! There’s.. almost definitely other software that might be better to use, but I am a vocalsynth nerd so I latched onto MMD when I was younger and have since learned its idiosyncrasies somewhat. It's supposed to be used for making videos - you can even import Vocaloid .vsq files and get compatible models to automatically lip-sync to the song's lyrics! - but I use it more for generating static images. I work with models rather than drawing because that means the anatomy, design, and so on are always consistent (since I'm using the exact same physical models each time). In terms of what is needed to run MMD, the website LearnMMD should have that information alongside all the download links. But, since MMD as a program has been around since something like 2008, I don't think it's quite as demanding on computers as you might think, especially if you don't use tons of effects or lots of high-poly models in the same project!
When it comes to finding models, MMD can load the .pmd and .pmx formats (.pmx is generally better since it's more recent). There are lots of these models to be found on places like DeviantArt, and they often come in different sorts of "styles", such as Animasa and Tda and Sour - my self-inserts are based on the Tda style. Many pre-existing models from games have also been converted into this format, so it's not all just vocalsynths. You can edit MMD models, such as to put parts together or add collision physics, using the PMX editor; I probably spend more time in the editor (and an outdated version at that) than in the actual animation software, haha!
Here's an example of what the version of PMXe that I use looks like, with Citri's model as an example:
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And here's an example of how MMD's interface itself looks while working in it (for me, at least! You can move stuff around, and change interface colours, and make sure your model's display panes are actually all translated unlike mine, and all sorts):
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Sorry if this was a bit of a ramble, but, I hope it was alright! Thank you again for the ask!~
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