#state level olympiads
arihant-publication · 11 months
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Get the comprehensive & complete range of Olympiads Textbooks by Bloom Cap for students from classes 1 to 12. Serving all kinds of Olympiads & Other Talent Search exams, it makes “Bloom School Olympiad Series” as one-stop solution for National, International and State-Level Olympiads.
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arihantpub · 1 year
Bloom School Olympiads Books - India's Biggest Olympiads
Get the comprehensive & complete range of Olympiads Textbooks by Bloom Cap for students from classes 1 to 12. Serving all kinds of Olympiads & Other Talent Search exams, it makes “Bloom School Olympiad Series” as one-stop solution for National, International and State-Level Olympiads.
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neeiljshetty · 2 years
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vindictivenerdcels · 5 months
Short Version
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"Materials for today, topology. It's where I'm fucking you like the top that I am and I will not stop until you beg me to stop. Pretty straightforward, right?
Long Version
Tess prepared for the test tomorrow with her boyfriend, Jacob. Tess might be a math nerd, but Jacob took it to the next level as he was the Gold Medalist for the national olympiad and even represented the States in global competition. She enjoyed studying under his tutelage because he's very patience, he can explain things well and he never mocked her if she failed to get things right from the very first time. The 5'8", thick-rimmed glasses nerd gentle voice, clean perfume-y smell and disarming presence helped her fall head over heels for the geek
Well, enough of the daydreaming. She's been stuck in this particular calculus question for the past couple of minutes and somehow Jacob took his "bathroom break" a bit too serious, making her froze in the question until he comes back and probably can guide her.
When a tattoed shirtless stud suddenly barged through her bedroom door and walked right in, both of them stared at each other a bit too intensely. Who the fuck is this guy, Tess thought. Before she can say a word, like a thunderous strike, this sultry yet demeaning voice lulls out from the stud's mouth
"Well, look who's been a good girl lubing and stretching her own hole before her Master comes. She really want this dick, isn't she? She wants to give her best to Mr. Jake right?"
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She's too stunned to speak, but when she looked at her surroundings, she indeed prepared to be fucked. The mostly closed curtain, the ambience, this is a clear setup to fuck around. How on Earth did she even think about some goddamn math test when her lover comes to take his rights for the day, stuffing her full with his glorious seed?
A little personal experiment with request of the pic from anonymous asker
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AITA for convincing a friend to run for an officer position in a club just so someone else didn’t win?
So, this happened a few months ago but it’s been gnawing at my brain and I want to know if I did the right thing. I asked some online friends for advice beforehand and there’s a chance they’ll see this- if you do, please don’t expose my blog, thanks.
Context: I (16F) am a member of my school’s Science Olympiad team, and held an officer position the past school year (my sophomore year/10th grade) and ran again for next year (my junior year/11th grade). I am using everyone’s ages at the time this happened to the best of my knowledge and memory. This takes place in a United States high school, and our Olympiad team is tied to a junior high school Olympiad team from the junior high on our campus, which we do all of our meetings with.
A group of my friends (17F, 16F, 16F, 15F) went out for the 4 out of the remaining 5 high school officer positions, and odds looked pretty good we’d win all of our races, thus having 5 out of 6 high school officer positions total. Usually it wouldn’t really matter who won anything, it would just be nice if we were all officers together. The only issue is that there are two other people on our team who are friends with each other (17F and 15F), but have a history of bullying and toxic behavior including towards people on the team. They ran for literally every single position, as you are allowed to run for multiple, and we were concerned they would use them to abuse power.
As I said before, it seemed likely we would win the positions we wanted, but this would leave secretary open, as the only two people running for secretary were one of my friends who I already mentioned, who was more likely to win president, and one of the girls I had mentioned we didn’t want winning anything in case of an abuse of power, so there wasn’t even a chance of a “third party” winning. The only reason we knew for sure who was running for what before the election started is my officer position (which was officially still held until the results of the election were released) enabled me to look at the sign up form, which I created.
My best friend told me she and another friend had worked out a plot to keep secretary out of this girl’s hands. She wanted me to ask a younger friend of mine (13NB, uses he/they for clarification) who was one of the eighth graders on the junior high school team to run, since he is going to be a freshman on the high school team this upcoming school year, and anyone with a year’s experience at any level who will be at least a freshman is allowed to run for a high school officer position.
I said I didn’t want to ask them, and I had multiple reasons why.
First, I already convinced him to do the high school team in the first place when he wanted to stick to the junior high one for another year (9th graders can be in either the junior high or high school competing divisions in Science Olympiad even though most schools in my area classify 9th grade as high school). Nobody asked me to do that, they’re just a smart kid and I thought it would be a waste of potential for them not to. Because of this I wanted him to choose to go for on officer position or not for himself at least. Second, I feel bad using a kid as a pawn in a drama he’s not involved in, even though it’s for a good reason. Everyone else involved in this was already in high school at the time. Third, they don’t even know about the stuff the girl we wanted him to run against has done, because she is nice to them specifically and they are friends. If he figured out we were plotting for him to beat her I think that would damage his trust in me and my friendship with him.
Here’s where I think I might have been an asshole. I gave in and asked them anyway, because my friends all seemed convinced this was the best course of action and I didn’t want them getting mad at me, and I still strongly felt this girl getting elected would be bad for the team I’ve worked so hard to support and for the other team members’ (mostly people I am friends with and care about) mental and emotional well being.
My friend did run, they took my suggestion to run for secretary and signed up to run for that specific position. The girl we didn’t want winning somehow beat them by two votes, so I guess it didn’t matter anyway.
In case this influences anyone’s opinion, I will tell you that we were probably right that this girl should not have been an officer. I was hoping she would mature in an officer position, but she didn’t. She’s still been saying nasty shit behind people’s backs (so has the other girl we didn’t want to win, though she didn’t win anything as we correctly predicted our wins in the other five positions). She’s been half-assing all her officer responsibilities and complaining about them constantly even though she signed up for this, and I have already been forced to do some things that were supposed to be her job.
I know it doesn’t matter now anyway, but I still kind of feel bad for using a (at the time, he’s 14 now) 13 year old as a pawn in a plot especially one that’s a good friend that I care about. Was I the asshole for doing that?
What are these acronyms?
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yisanged · 10 months
i made it into science olympiad👍 but i still have to do the placement test. we have three team levels only the top one goes to states and potentially nationals i think but everyone does like invitationals and stuff so it's still fun. you also choose what events you want to do in this part but i don't really know what i want to do. definitely forestry but i don't know what else. write it do it sounds fun and so does codebusters but i don't really know if i'd be good at them. i feel like the study events like astronomy and the binder/identification events like fossils are like the safest options for me. disease detectives and forensics also both sound pretty cool.... my dad is a physics professor so i'm sure if i did a physics thing like optics or a build event like flight or towers or whatever he'd be good help. it seems like people either love or hate builds though and i really have no idea where i'd fall.
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life update i suppose?????
since i’ve not been here much recently and won’t be for a bit
lol hi yeah I’ve been dead here that’s bc of the thing called School and also I’m in my school musical and I’m v busy with that and keep coming home and then just like. crashing and falling asleep so i really don’t end up going on socmed shite much yk
and yeah the show is the weekend march starts which is soon so quite busy and then a week after that i have a concert and a week after that I have my science olympiad state-level competition so there’s more busy. this time of year is always busy fjshjfs
might draw and share some shite though
i had a snow day today >:)
I’ll definitely do smth for kdj’s bday (that’s…technically tmrw now oh shit) but it might not be big esp bc i have my last two college supplementals due that night and I’ve not yet finished either of them. and also i have a late English assignment. so yeah
oh and i don’t think i said it here but i play genshin now. as of like. late december. I didn’t play for weeks though but I’ve been playing again bc of events and shite. i drew Gaming two nights ago and I’m v v happy abt it >:)
anyway that’s it i think lol
hope y’all are well and all of you who haven’t read orv yet you should go read it 👍
school musical is footloose btw and it’s going v well
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cagedchoices · 8 months
The gifset you just shared - TALK TO ME ABOUT IT!! What’s going on in Caleb’s head !!
( in reference to this post! )
oh god okay on every level Caleb is a mess emotionally both here and in the scene before this, where Hale-Dolores revealed he's the 278th copy of himself. I'd love to get into discussing all of the fidelity testing stuff some other time but I'm just. gonna keep it simple and keep my focus here for now. Or try to at least.
He knows he failed, because obviously the original Caleb was killed before he could stop her — but he's still in a state of disbelief that Hale has already won that war they were fighting. That it's been 23 years since it happened in the first place.
This scene in particular pays homage to the Woman in the Red Dress scene from the M/atrix. It's just that instead of a digital training simulation, this is the real, physical world.
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All Caleb really knows right before this moment is that he has to get out of the Olympiad building and get away from Hale and that's what he tries to do, running away in a blind panic while Hale and her guards slowly pursue him.
In a previous reblog, I once noticed that when everything freezes, it's like Caleb instinctively freezes too, but he realizes pretty quickly that he's not stuck in that state because he's not a human anymore and he's not controlled by the tones anymore either.
It might just be the residual band geek in me having a field day here, but one thing no gifset can capture is how powerful the music scoring is in this particular scene setup. I literally can't get over how good it sounds.
When Caleb first runs out of the room where Hale is sitting, his motif plays, faster and more disjointed than we've ever heard it before, and here it's accompanied by a suspenseful drum rhythm to highlight the anxiety of the situation. The melody stands out almost triumphantly at the beginning, like it's Caleb's last hurrah in the struggle against Hale, but as it continues on with him being locked in flight mode and feeling desperate to escape even though it's ultimately hopeless here, that same motif takes on almost a...muddy, messy feeling with the way it starts to fall underneath the drum fill.
The motif tries to establish itself again with that first note blaring as a pedal tone when Caleb gets out onto the street and pushes through the crowd, but it fades away quickly, as he starts to understand what the reality of the situation is. Once he sees The Tower, everything is quickly overwhelmed by command tones and static, which he can hear now that he is a host himself.
The music drops out almost entirely by the time everyone in the scene freezes in place, and that's where Caleb gets his moment of clarity and understanding — All of these people are humans, they're all infected and under Hale's control. They do whatever she commands them to do.
She won. She won and there's absolutely nothing he can do about it now.
@spiderwarden i love u 💕
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squishmallow36 · 11 months
hiiiiiiii helloo whats the scioly fedex fic abt exactly? im curiosu
Hi! I apologize for not getting around to answering this earlier but I was busy today.
So scioly is an abbreviation of Science Olympiad. (Other teams call it science O. Those teams would be wrong) scioly has 23 Events in all different scientific disciplines, from events that involve math to those that rely heavily on studying to building contraptions and even a couple of lab-based events. The event roster is different every year, with some events being rotated and some that stay constant.
You are allowed fifteen people on a team to cover these events, and two or three people (depending on the events) can be on each event so most people study 3-4 events.
Then you take the bus, fill it with people and things (including those contraptions mentioned above and lab kits and a gadgillion other things) and drive to competitions. Some competitions are also online. A lot of competitions are hosted by local universities and others are high schools. I won't drop any specific names because I don't want to reveal my location on the internet.
Then there are about three and a half levels of competition: invitationals which are mostly learning opportunities--these will be most of a team's events in a year--then there's regionals. It depends on the number of teams in the state but the top few teams (the entire 15 person squad) will go on to state and then the top team there (might be more in other states) will go on to nationals.
So specific events ge their own ranking in each of those 23 events and that usually comes with medals at college hosted competitions and ribbons at high school competitions. (It's also funny when a member of the scioly team at your school in previous years orders the wrong medals.) The team's score is calculated like golf; (ae says, not fully aware of how golf works) each place in those 23 events are added together and the lowest summation wins.
So take all of that, and slap it onto a fedex high school au :) does it sound like an excuse to infodump about scioly? Because that's a large part of it
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grabezstasa · 2 years
Iranian Combinatorics Olympiad💡
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Activity title: Patrticipating in the Iranian Combinatorics Olympiad
Type of activity: creativity and service
Date and time: September 24th, 2022; around 6 hours
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Learning outcomes
Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth❕️
Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process❕️
Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences❕️
Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively ❕️
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Activity description
This is the third time Iranian Combinatorics Olympiad, also known as the ICO, is being organized, and it is the first time that my country, Bosnia and Herzegovina, is one of the participants. Last year, 27 countries from all over the world took part in this international event, each with its representative teams for both categories. Final number of the participaring country this year has not been published yet, but it is expected to be greater than last year's one, as  there are countries who have joined for the first time, like Bosnia and Herzegovina. In this competition, there are two categories - junior and senior contestants. Junior teams involve students of younger grades, and their test can be considered quite simple, as groups of up to three members have two hours to solve 15 problems. On the other hand, seniors, such as myself, also working in teams of up to three people, have five hours for solving 7 tasks that are given, implying that those problems are much more complex and demanding. I was one of the representatives of our country, and one of the two members of the only team representing our state - alongside with my good friend.
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As stated above, problems that we are given are very complicated and level of difficulty is considered to be quite high. However, even though I have competed in mathematics earlier, and even though this is not my first international competition, this olympiad was special. I feel that it is because it is so specific, and because I hvave never done a competition in one area alone - it is always a combination of a variety of topics. Combinatorics is one of the four main branches of mathematics. It can remind one of some sort of a game, it requires a lot of logical and creative thinking, knowledge in some theoretical background, counting and prediction skills, as well as a ton of patience and consistency. This, of course, represents a challenge for anyone who wishes to deal with this area of mathematics.
I personally think that the ICO was different than other competitions since it requires team work and a sufficient amount of knowledge that is relates to one large topic only, and since its tests are highly advanced and complex. I believe it is worth as a CAS activity because it has helped me practice my patience and concentration, explore further into the discipline of combinatorics, learb something new, practice team work skills and step out of my comfort zone by accepting a new challenge, which was not at all easy. Also, the fact that I am one of the representatives means a lot to me. Even though we are still waiting for the results and the final ranking list, as the process of composing that list is rather long and complicated, considering the number of works the examiners must read and evaluate, I am happy with what my team has accomplished this Saturday. Only thing I regret is that this is my last year as a senior highschool student, and first year that I have the opportunity to participate in this competition from my country, meaning that this is the only time I got to take part in the ICO.
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responsible-lime · 1 year
What are some of the good Olympiads to attend for high school students?
Olympiads are not just exams; they do a lot more to bring out the best in a child. Trying for and giving Olympiads motivates students to strive for a better future.
Purpose of Olympiad Exam for High-School Students:
Provide a unique competitive platform.
Create a talent pool for the future.
Develops a sense of confidence in the students and their parents
Helps cultivate analytical thinking in the children, which is useful in any examination, be it IIT-JEE or any other competitive exam.
Olympiads improve logical thinking and brain faster working and give young ones a career path.
You can find plenty of good olympiads platforms over the internet. But the Best Olympiad in India is conducted by the Unified Council, providing a big platform where even Primary or Secondary students can show their talent at the International, national or state level.
Students are talented enough but unaware of the skills required to take the Olympiad exams. Hence, taking Olympiad exams from a younger stage inculcates the habit of taking the challenge.
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lboogie1906 · 1 month
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Mark Christopher Lawrence (born May 22, 1964) is a character actor, stand-up comedian and voice-over artist. He is known for his role as D.J. Tone Def in Fear of a Black Hat. He has appeared in popular films such as Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Tales From the Hood, Planet of the Apes, Lost Treasure, and The Pursuit of Happyness.
He is known for his role as Big Mike on the series Chuck. He has made guest appearances on many television programs, most notably Heroes, My Name Is Earl, Crossing Jordan, Dharma & Greg, Malcolm in the Middle, Touched by an Angel, Malcolm & Eddie, Men Behaving Badly, Seinfeld, Murphy Brown, Good Luck Charlie and Martin. He is featured on the radio series Adventures in Odyssey as “Ed Washington”.
He grew up in Compton, He and his two siblings were raised by a single mother. In tenth grade, he became involved with his high school’s debate team—immersing himself in forensics competitions and theater. After winning his school district’s Literary Olympiad competition, he competed at the state and national levels as a member of the Cerritos Community College forensics squad. There he went on to capture the collegiate Bovero-Tabor Award, awarded to the top community college speaker in the country. He gained the attention of USC’s debate team coaches and was awarded a full scholarship to attend the university. He traveled the nation competing in tournaments. Meanwhile, he was gaining valuable experience in his craft by moonlighting at the Los Angeles Theater Center. There, he landed his first job in television, a role on Hill Street Blues.
After graduation from USC, he worked with the San Francisco Mime Troupe while performing standup comedy throughout the US, Australia, and Canada, opening for major acts, such as Jerry Seinfeld and Rodney Dangerfield. His work in live theater led to a Dramalogue Award for his performance in Reza Abdoh’s, Minimanta. He won an NAACP award for his work in Ken Davis’ The Glass House. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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arihantpub · 1 year
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Bloom School Olympiads Books - India's Biggest Olympiads
Get the comprehensive & complete range of Olympiads Textbooks by Bloom Cap for students from classes 1 to 12. Serving all kinds of Olympiads & Other Talent Search exams, it makes “Bloom School Olympiad Series” as one-stop solution for National, International and State-Level Olympiads.
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creativematka09 · 2 months
Bal Bharati Public School Dwarka: A Beacon of Academic Excellence
In the quest for the best schools that offer superior academic programs, Bal Bharati Public School in Dwarka stands out as a premier institution committed to fostering an environment of excellence and innovation in education. This school not only excels in academic achievements but also shapes students into well-rounded individuals prepared to face the complexities of a rapidly changing world.
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Holistic Educational Approach
At Bal Bharati Public School Dwarka, education transcends the traditional boundaries of learning. The school’s philosophy is deeply rooted in the holistic development of each student. Here, education is not just about academic excellence but also about nurturing ethical values, leadership abilities, and a sense of community. The curriculum is meticulously designed to balance core subjects with extracurricular activities, ensuring students develop both intellectually and personally.
Robust Academic Curriculum
The school boasts a robust curriculum that aligns with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), known for its comprehensive approach to education, fostering intellectual and social growth. Bal Bharati Public School offers a wide range of subjects that cater to the diverse interests and abilities of students, including advanced courses in sciences, mathematics, humanities, and commerce. This broad spectrum allows students to explore their interests deeply and make informed decisions about their future educational and career paths.
Innovative Teaching Methodologies
Innovation in teaching is the cornerstone of Bal Bharati Public School. The faculty comprises experienced educators who are not only experts in their respective fields but also innovators in pedagogy. They employ a mix of traditional and modern teaching methods, including interactive classrooms, digital learning tools, and project-based learning. This integration of technology in education ensures that students are well-versed in the latest educational technologies and digital platforms, preparing them for the demands of the modern world.
Focus on STEM and Research
Recognizing the importance of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education, Bal Bharati Public School has invested significantly in developing state-of-the-art science labs and technology-enabled learning spaces. These facilities provide students with the opportunity to engage in hands-on experiments and research projects from an early age, fostering a deep understanding and passion for these fields.
In addition to regular coursework, the school encourages participation in various science fairs, math olympiads, and technology competitions, both at national and international levels. These platforms allow students to showcase their talents and innovations, and to apply their theoretical knowledge in practical, real-world scenarios.
Language and Arts Integration
Understanding the importance of arts and language in comprehensive education, Bal Bharati Public School offers an array of programs in visual arts, performing arts, and multiple languages. These programs are designed to enhance creativity and expression among students, while also improving their communication skills in both their native and foreign languages. The arts curriculum complements the academic rigor by providing students an outlet for creative expression and critical thinking.
Extensive Library and Resources
At the heart of Bal Bharati Public School's academic excellence is its extensive library and resource center. The library is stocked with a vast collection of books, academic journals, magazines, and digital resources that cover a wide range of subjects. This treasure trove of information is accessible to all students, providing them with additional knowledge beyond the classroom and encouraging a habit of lifelong learning.
Achievements and Accolades
Bal Bharati Public School's commitment to academic excellence is reflected in its consistent high performance in board examinations and its students' achievements in various academic and co-curricular activities. The school has a history of producing top rankers in CBSE examinations and has been recognized numerous times for educational excellence by various educational bodies and organizations.
Community Engagement and Leadership
The school also places a strong emphasis on community service and leadership training. Students are encouraged to participate in various community service projects and leadership programs, which help them develop a sense of responsibility towards their community and hone their leadership skills. These experiences teach students the value of service and the importance of contributing positively to society.
Preparing Students for Global Challenges
Bal Bharati Public School not only prepares students for academic success but also equips them with the skills and knowledge necessary to face global challenges. Through its comprehensive educational programs, international exposure, and cultural exchanges, the school ensures that students are not only well-prepared academically but are also global citizens aware of the broader world around them.
Bal Bharati Public School in Dwarka is more than just an educational institution; it is a nurturing ground for the next generation of leaders, thinkers, and innovators. With its outstanding academic programs, innovative teaching methodologies, and a strong emphasis on holistic development, Bal Bharati Public School continues to be a beacon of academic excellence, setting the standard for quality education in India.
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vidyahub · 2 months
Don't Settle for Average - Find Your Foundation Coaching Institute in Delhi
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In the journey of academic excellence, the role of a good coaching institute cannot be overstated. Especially in a competitive environment like Delhi, where every student aspires to excel, finding the right coaching institute becomes paramount. Amidst the plethora of options available, one must not settle for average but aim for excellence. This article delves into the significance of foundation coaching and why My Coaching Vidya Hub stands out as the ideal choice for students in Delhi.
Understanding the Need for Foundation Coaching
Defining Foundation Coaching
Foundation coaching lays the groundwork for academic success by focusing on building a strong conceptual understanding from the grassroots level. It covers fundamental concepts and essential skills that form the basis of higher learning.
Why It's Crucial for Future Academic Success
Without a solid foundation, students may struggle to grasp advanced topics, leading to academic setbacks and frustration. Foundation coaching equips students with the necessary knowledge and skills to tackle complex subjects with confidence.
Challenges Faced by Students
Common Struggles in Academic Preparation
Many students face challenges such as lack of clarity on concepts, difficulty in time management, and inadequate study materials. These obstacles can hinder their academic progress and undermine their confidence.
How Foundation Coaching Addresses These Challenges
Foundation coaching provides structured guidance tailored to address the specific needs of students. By offering comprehensive study materials, individual attention, and personalized support, it helps students overcome challenges and excel in their studies.
Features of a Quality Coaching Institute
Experienced Faculty
At My Coaching Vidya Hub, we pride ourselves on our team of experienced faculty members who are experts in their respective fields. They bring years of teaching experience and a passion for nurturing young minds.
Comprehensive Study Materials
We provide meticulously curated study materials that cover the entire syllabus comprehensively. These materials are designed to simplify complex concepts and facilitate easy understanding.
Individual Attention to Students
We believe in personalized attention to each student to identify their strengths and weaknesses. Our small batch sizes ensure that every student receives the guidance they need to thrive academically.
Why Choose My Coaching Vidya Hub
Unique Approach to Foundation Coaching
Our coaching methodology goes beyond rote learning and focuses on developing critical thinking and analytical skills. We encourage interactive learning and foster a conducive environment for holistic development.
Success Stories of Past Students
The success stories of our past students speak volumes about the effectiveness of our coaching programs. Many of them have gone on to achieve remarkable academic feats and pursue successful careers.
Location and Infrastructure
Convenient Location in Delhi
Located in the heart of Delhi, our coaching centre is easily accessible from all parts of the city. Our prime location ensures convenience for students and parents alike.
State-of-the-art Facilities
We have state-of-the-art classrooms equipped with modern amenities to facilitate an optimal learning environment. Our infrastructure supports interactive learning and technological integration.
Courses Offered
Range of Subjects Covered
We offer coaching for various subjects, including mathematics, science, English, and social sciences. Our comprehensive curriculum caters to the diverse academic needs of students.
Specialized Programs for Different Needs
In addition to regular coaching, we offer specialized programs for competitive exams such as NTSE, Olympiads, and entrance exams for various professional courses. These programs are designed to give students a competitive edge.
Teaching Methodology
Interactive Sessions
Our classes are interactive and engaging, encouraging active participation from students. We believe in hands-on learning experiences that foster curiosity and exploration.
Regular Assessments
We conduct regular assessments to gauge students' progress and identify improvement areas. These assessments help us tailor our teaching approach to meet the individual learning needs of each student.
Personalized Feedback
We provide timely and constructive feedback to students to help them understand their strengths and areas for improvement. Our faculty members are always available to address any doubts or concerns raised by students.
Success Rate and Track Record
Statistics on Past Results
Our track record speaks for itself, with a high percentage of our students achieving excellent results in their academic exams. We take pride in our consistent success rate over the years.
Testimonials from Satisfied Students
Don't just take our word for it; hear what our students say about their experience at My Coaching Vidya Hub. Their testimonials reflect the impact of our coaching programs on their academic journey.
Student Support Services
Counselling and Guidance
We offer counselling and guidance services to help students navigate academic challenges and make informed decisions about their future. Our experienced counsellors provide mentorship and support at every step of the way.
Extra-curricular Activities
We believe in holistic development and encourage students to participate in extracurricular activities alongside their studies. These activities help nurture their talents and interests beyond academics.
Admission Process
Simple and Transparent Procedure
Our admission process is simple and transparent, ensuring a hassle-free experience for students and parents. We provide detailed information about the admission criteria and requirements on our website.
Guidance for Entrance Exams
We offer guidance and support to students preparing for entrance exams, helping them navigate the complexities of the admission process for various courses and institutions.
Affordability and Scholarships
Flexible Fee Structure
We understand the financial constraints faced by many families and offer a flexible fee structure to accommodate diverse economic backgrounds. We aim to make quality education accessible to all.
Scholarships for Deserving Students
We also offer scholarships to deserving students based on merit and financial need. These scholarships provide financial assistance to students who demonstrate exceptional academic potential.
Community Engagement
Social Initiatives and Outreach Programs
At My Coaching Vidya Hub, we believe in giving back to society and actively engage in social initiatives and outreach programs. We organize educational events and workshops for underprivileged students to support their learning journey.
Contribution to Education Beyond Coaching
Our commitment to education goes beyond coaching; we actively contribute to educational initiatives aimed at improving access to quality education for all. Through partnerships with schools and NGOs, we strive to make a positive impact on society.
In conclusion, choosing the right coaching institute is crucial for academic success and future growth. My Coaching Vidya Hub offers a unique blend of quality education, personalized attention, and holistic development opportunities. Join us in your academic journey and unlock your full potential.
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thebourisbox · 2 months
First AI outperforming international math olympiad gold medalist
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  Proving geometric theorems constitutes a hallmark of visual reasoning combining both intuitive and logical skills. Therefore, automated theorem proving of Olympiad-level geometry problems is considered a notable milestone in human-level automated reasoning. The introduction of AlphaGeometry, a neuro-symbolic model trained with 100 million synthetic samples, marked a major breakthrough. It solved 25 of 30 International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) problems whereas the reported baseline based on Wu’s method solved only ten.
  In this paper, the IMO-AG-30 Challenge introduced with AlphaGeometry was revisited, and the researchers found that Wu’s method is surprisingly strong. Wu’s method alone can solve 15 problems, and some of them are not solved by any of the other methods. This leads to two key findings: (i) Combining Wu’s method with the classic synthetic methods of deductive databases and angle, ratio, and distance chasing solves 21 out of 30 methods by just using a CPU-only laptop with a time limit of 5 minutes per problem. Essentially, this classic method solves just 4 problems less than AlphaGeometry and establishes the first fully symbolic baseline, strong enough to rival the performance of an IMO silver medalist. (ii) Wu’s method even solves 2 of the 5 problems that AlphaGeometry failed to solve. Thus, by combining AlphaGeometry with Wu’s method a new state-of-the-art for automated theorem proving on IMO-AG-30, solving 27 out of 30 problems, the first AI method which outperforms an IMO gold medalist is finally achieved.
Read the full article at: arxiv.org
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