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awkwardpossum0 · 10 days ago
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the-gateway-to-madness · 1 year ago
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Leave you here, I don't wanna
I wanna...
Love you, as one does
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disneyfanatic1993 · 1 year ago
🌟Tangled Up🌟
🧶Star learns that it’s harder to play with yarn in his human form, and Asha finds it pretty funny 😂 (And yes, he can still float as a human. And shapeshift back into a star whenever he wants).🧶
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womanbreast · 4 months ago
my art!!!!! its iscandar from the new voyage
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WATCH OUT!!!!! SPOILER !!!!!!!!!!
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ao3feed-stevenatasha · 2 years ago
by juliacp
Compilado de algumas histórias one shots de Natasha Romanoff.
Algum capítulos terão cenas hot, então se não gosta não leia.
Words: 468, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Português brasileiro
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Steve Rogers, Maria Hill, Carol Danvers, Loki (Marvel)
Relationships: Wanda Maximoff/Natasha Romanov, Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov, Maria Hill/Natasha Romanov, Carol Danvers/Natasha Romanov
Additional Tags: Sex, Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex, First Kiss, First Time
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tallulahchanel · 1 year ago
30 Day Writing Challenge Day 1
Prompt: Write about a first kiss
When Tasha was old enough to learn about love and romance, her mother told her she would feel a special spark. By that point, James Chase had already stolen a kiss from her at the lake and she felt nothing. Coupling that with the fact they were eight and she only saw him as a friend, she never counted that as a first kiss.
However, Stephen was different. Her feelings for him were real. So when she wrapped her arms around his neck, she was sure that spark would happen with him. She waited for any signs that he was uncomfortable with her actions before standing on her toes to place her lips on his.
He didn’t return the kiss immediately, which almost made her pull away. That was until his arms encircled her waist and pulled her close, warmth could be felt between them. Kissing Stephen’s soft and moisturized lips was nothing like the peck she received from James’s chapped ones, plus she wasn’t feeling as awkward as she did then. She could even hear her heart pounding in her ears.
Soon, the need for air surfaced, and they had to pull away, too soon for Tasha’s liking. As they locked eyes, she noticed his lips shined with her strawberry gloss, making her giggle. “Sorry. I got glitter on your lips.”
“It’s cool.” He chuckled while she raised her thumb to wipe off the gloss, inadvertently caressing his lips and fighting the urge to kiss them again.
“There you go.” She pulled her hand away with a bashful smile before her eyes diverted away from him. “So, does this make us a thing?”
Stephen lifted her chin to turn her eyes back on him. “Do you want us to be?”
“I don’t know,” Tasha said while shrugging to keep her composure cool, worried he’d reject the idea of them being more than just friends. “I wouldn’t be against it.”
When a small smile crossed his lips, she released her breath as he said, “Then we’re a thing.”
Tasha fought back a squeal as she wrapped her arms around him and laid her head on his shoulder. She couldn’t wait for the girls to hear about this.
Just then, the night sky lit up with colorful bursts of explosive energy, making her gasp.
“They’re so beautiful,” Tasha complimented the fireworks as she gazed up at them with a wide smile.
“Just like you.”
Her cheeks warmed at his words.
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evilrashida · 2 years ago
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The Legends Ball (June 2001)
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artnevoa · 1 month ago
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I also wanted to take a moment to mention this graphic novel I am collaborating on that is set to publish this year: The Girl, The Priest, & The Devil.
I am the colorist along with Staša Gačpar’s ( @heruvimski ) beautiful inks. It is a dark Greek folk story written by Theo Prasidis, and is being published by Dead Sky Publishing. They’re known for many other horror/thriller type graphic novels and novellas.
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forcedfemme-me · 1 year ago
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Stasha Yatchuk for Ralph Lauren FW 2015-16
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Today, on 22nd December, 1977 - Queen Story!
Inglewood, CA, USA, The Forum
'News Of The World Tour'
"I sat across from Freddie Mercury and enjoyed studying his face. With his narrow eyes, high cheek bones and prominent front teeth, he looked very much like many young men in my Persian audience at Kolbeh and Andre’s. I also performed at several Armenian supper clubs: Michael’s, Haji Baba’s and Sayat Nova. Like many belly dancers, I had picked up small talk in the languages of the people with whom I worked so I initiated Persian small talk with Freddie. Impressed, he told me that although born in Zanzibar to Persian parents, he grew up in London and didn’t speak Farsi fluently (good thing since neither did I!) Freddie asked if I’d be interested in performing with Queen the next evening (the last show of a long tour) during the encore. As it was almost Christmas, they were planning to have several characters (dancing reindeer and gingerbread-men, Santa, etc.) and I’d fit right in! I extended the opportunity to Jane and Denise, of my dance team from the dinner party, who were happily available"
- Stasha Vlasuk
👉 Stasha Vlasuk, dancers, shares her story on her website ↘️ Read More on this story
The other two dancers were Denise Russo Heep and Jane Padgett
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the-aaaaa-family · 1 year ago
Hii, I'm in love with your blog! I wanted to ask could you maybe go into a bit more detail of how the others found out when Abaddon adopted Stasha? Like did they just see her randomly or did he tell them? And their reaction maybe? I saw that they are displeased with it. Ofc you don't have to go into too much detail! I'd be happy with just a response! Keep up the good work 💝💝💝
Aww, that's so sweet of you! I'm glad you're enjoying my blog!
Now for how they found out about Stasha. While Stasha and Abaddon were being a chaotic duo, Abaddon got forced into a meeting with the other lords trough a portal, where he accidentally dragged Stasha along with him. The other lords imedietly noticed her artifact and began discussing who will kill her. Abby here didn't dare tell them he adopted a human, so he protested that he captured Stasha and that he will do it. Completely lying to them and never doing it... unfortunately the others found out very quick what he did
Now for their reactions:
He was furious when he found out. And even more so when Abaddon didn't kill Stasha. There was a little part of him that expected this however, knowing how Abaddon fucks up everything. He will capture that human, and kill her just like all the other protectors of the artifact he caught.
Extremely dissatisfied and disgusted. She had no expectations for Abaddon but for him to stoop that low was repulsive!...She did tell her whole realm tho, she wasn't gonna let this good gossip slip up just like that! She was ready to kill the human if Athanasius talked with her about it tho, but for now she's enjoying the show.
Out of everyone, he is the most disappointed In Abaddon. He knew what Abaddon was planning, he knew what he didn't do, yet he still couldn't believe it. Their purpose was to hurt mortals, not protect them and get Abaddon broke the rule. Acheron tried helping his younger brother, but he didn't know what to do in that situation anymore. He needed time to process all that happened.
The one who didn't give two shits what was happening. Mostly cuz he was out cold during the whole thing...but he found out later and his opinion didn't change much. He wasn't surprised, he wasn't mad, he was just... there. It was weird seeing his younger brother as a father first, but he has rat children of his own, he understands.
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disneyfanatic1993 · 1 year ago
🌟Nose Boop🌟
I love how little Star likes to boop people’s noses in the film! But it might be a bit different when he does it as a human, especially for Asha.😂
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moonlitfirefly · 11 months ago
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“Third Grade: I declared
strange, weird and wrong
to force me to put my right hand upon my heart
and pledge my allegiance
to your bold
and seemingly unassuming
Stars and Stripes.
"It is for freedom," they said
"and you must, because it is what we do."
Catholic School. Third to Seventh grade.
I mouthed the words,
so as not to get caught.
Pretending to say
"I pledge allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands,
One nation
Under God,
with liberty and justice for all."
And they added:
"born and unborn"
In sassy girltruth defiance
I occasionally removed my hand from my heart
eyes darting
praying not to be seen
as a Benedict Arnold.
I was never caught.
Their eyes were glued
to their red, white and blue god.
I knew it was fishy.
I just didn't know why.
Folks are afraid to go against systems.
It's an embedded truth in the make-up of
what it means to be human.
Because to be human
means there is also
an innate sense to belong.
Of course, there are always 'black sheep'
but it's deeper than that.
To go against
is to impose exile
and in the consciousness of the tribe
exile meant
We carry collective traumas
in our epigenetic bones.
Ancestral DNA
of times before this one
when it was 100% always dangerous
to speak out against
a system.
The religious or political system.
Speaking out is scary. But when one speaks out
knowing that others are in it with them,
while less scary
it is still fraught with difficulty.
You could be arrested in many places.
You could be beaten
You could also be tortured or killed.
I have always questioned the system. I have always questioned many systems.
I have not always felt safe speaking out. I was raised in what at the time, felt like a black or white town mentality stuck in the 50's (tho I was born in the 70's.)
But to this day, it is important to me
to take my hand off of the collective heart of
'this is what we say or do and so you must too'
and listen to the deeper heart within
whether it is questioning a system
questioning a truth
questioning a story
speaking out against a wrong or right
or fighting passionately for what one believes.
It is okay to swim against the stream.
Thank god for Salmon in Autumn.
Thank goodness for flowers that erupt
out of the rocky hard earth in spring.
Its actually okay to think like a wolf from time to time.
Be brave. Be loyal to what you know. Be loyal to the heart of your deepest knowing. The little Red Riding in you will thank you for it.” Words: The Wild Matryoshka
Stasha Ginsburg
~*~*~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~*~*~
This post means everything to me.
Baptized Catholic as an infant, I attended church every Monday with my family, and I never fully recited the Apostle’s Creed. At an early age, I had friends who were Hindu or not Catholic, so to say the words, “I believe in ONE god,” when my mom made it clear that anyone who was not Catholic would not go to heaven. I internally never recited that one line, only mouthing the words, and eventually just ommiting it.
If telling my truth, living and loving within my truth meant going to hell, then heaven must not be the place for me. And I am ok with that, because while I’m here on Earth, I will continue to speak out, stand up and stand against the oppressors, the cruel, and misogynistic bigots.
Thank you for posting this. ~A, 7 April 2024
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ao3feed-stevenatasha · 2 years ago
by in_motu_proprio
This is meant to take place after the events of Civil War and Black Widow and before Infinity War. It explains how Natasha and Steve wound up together in the beginning of Infinity War.
Words: 6572, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel)
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov
Additional Tags: Friends to Lovers, POV Natasha Romanov (Marvel)
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princess-ibri · 1 year ago
do star and asha have kids in your world? also are there any Disney movies not part of your world?
Here’s a little design for a ‘Stasha’ kid (sure, that can be the ship name xD )
I think they’d probably name him Sabino after her grandfather
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For your other question, about half the sequel films arnt, the Pixar films (apart from Brave ) are pretty much all their own thing (I go back and forth on Toy Story), Nightmare Before Christmas is it’s own thing, Big Hero Six is it’s own thing, and that stupid cow movie also doesn’t exist
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lara635kookie · 1 year ago
I didn't even watch "WISH" yet because in my country it will only be available at january, but people are saying it's a bad cliche so I probably won't watch at the cinema.
The thing is, even though I am a hopeless romantic, not everything has to have romance. There are princess who are perfectly fine without a prince, like Mirabel, Elsa, Merida, Moana and Raya(I do kinda like the idea of Raya with a girl, just not Namaari). But we were so robbed of seeing Asha and the star boy(he is literally a staR so I don't doubt Disney would call him StaN or something like that, so his name is Stan from now on, I am gonna call him like that, is easier than star boy). Asha and Stan had the potential to be the next Tianaveen and Rapunzel&Eugene (I don't know their ship name). The concept arts are the cutest thing I have ever seen. Also "At All Costs" (bop) would have been a love song between the two!!! Them singing it man. The pain I will feel when I don't see them passionately sing it, very "I see the light" coded, in the actual movie. Somehow, now is not feminist for a strong female character to have a male partner by her side. Like...This doesn't make sense! You can be a strong female character and have a man at the same time! Have y'all forgotten Mulan and Shang? Anna and Kristoff? Ariel and Eric? Jasmine and Aladdin? (There are more examples and I could go on all day, but you got what I meant already) I hate Disney for throwing good ideas at the trash and playing safe just for money(like Hobie Brown/Spider-Punk said "it's a metaphor for capitalism"). And as the guy looked blonde with blue/green eyes in the arts I have seen, and Asha is a black latina, they lost the opportunity of having a biracial couple ACTUALLY DONE RIGHT (Pocahontas and John Smith don't count, he is a collonizer with the most common name in the world, she deserves so much better). Like, if the thing is show how inclusive you are by having a black latina female protagonist for little girls to see and feel represented in a good way, you could have increased that feeling by making someone fall in love for her. Little girls would feel like they are beautiful and desired/desireable in a positive way and that they worthy of being loved and love and be with whoever they want to be with, even someone who has a different skin color.
I am also mad because we could have seen Disney's first evil villain COUPLE with King Magnifico and his wife, the queen(still don't know her name, sorry). Can't you guys imagine the HITS, THE FIRST PLACE OF BILLBOARD HOT 100 WORTHY songs, they would proportionate us? Even if only one song, it would be enough for me. But someone thought having a female villain would be anti-feminist and they discarded an original and authentic idea, which is what Disney built its empire on the first place. Come on Disney minorities don't want to be portrayed as those unrealistic superior beings, they want to be portrayed as real human beings with emotions, struggles, qualities and flaws. Having an iconic female villain like you guys always had(like Maleficent, Cruella De Vil, Ursula, Mother Gothel, Lady Tremaine, etc) and set her up with an iconic male villain(like Gaston, Doctor Facilier, Shan Yu, Jafar, Hans, etc) it would have been top notch, god tier. King Magnifico and the queen could have been like the Gomez and Morticia of evil. You could address so many topics by it. Like the kingdom being ruled by evil would have been a great social critic of some politicians out there, for example. And we could have had an iconic final boss battle between Asha and Stan VS Magnifico and the queen.
Anyway, what I mean by this is that if someone has fanarts or just ANY CONTENT, of Asha and Stan, tag me, reblog this or comment, I don't care, just warn me, because they are my new obsession. I will also write a fanfic about this movie with these ideas, but only after I have watched the movie so until them, please feed my hyperfixation in Stasha (Star boy/Stan×Asha), I'm begging y'all
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