#startup stories
newslime · 6 months
Biography of Shradha Sharma: Inspiring Entrepreneur and Journalist
Shradha Sharma, a prominent figure in the media industry and celebrated entrepreneur, has an inspiring journey that began in a small town in Bihar. Born on July 6, 1983, Shradha’s childhood in Patna instilled in her a deep appreciation for storytelling and the belief that everyone’s story is unique and worth sharing
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Early Life:
Shradha pursued her education at St. Stephen’s College in Delhi, where she completed her graduation and masters in History. She further honed her skills in mass media at MICA Ahmedabad, nurturing her passion for communication and storytelling from a young age.
Work Life:
Before embarking on her entrepreneurial journey, Shradha held positions at prominent media organizations. She served as the Brand Advisor of Times of India in 2007 and later transitioned to CNBC TV18 as an assistant vice president. It was during her tenure at CNBC TV18 that Shradha’s vision for YourStory began to take shape.
The Birth of YourStory:
Driven by her passion for untold stories of entrepreneurs, Shradha started blogging about startup stories that often went unnoticed. Fuelled by her desire to showcase the creativity and innovation of entrepreneurs, she transformed her blog into YourStory, a leading platform for entrepreneurial stories. Supported by visionaries like Ratan Tata and Mohandas Pai, YourStory has become a beacon of inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs and commoners alike.
Shradha’s dedication and vision have earned her numerous accolades, including the NASSCOM Ecosystem Evangelist Award and the Villgro Journalist of the Year Award. Her book, “Cut the Crap and Jargon: Lessons from the Start-up Trenches,” became an Amazon bestseller, further solidifying her influence in the startup ecosystem. Shradha’s commitment to storytelling and entrepreneurship has garnered international recognition, with YourStory expanding its presence into Germany and plans for further global expansion.
With over 72,000 articles, 10 million visitors, and 100 plus employees, YourStory continues to grow under Shradha’s leadership. She remains steadfast in her belief in working with passion and resilience, inspiring young minds to pursue their dreams and share their stories.
Shradha Sharma’s journey exemplifies the power of storytelling and the transformative impact of entrepreneurship, leaving an indelible mark on India’s digital landscape and beyond.
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dreamsgoalchannel · 1 year
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jackethen12 · 2 years
Get a fully customizable Gojek clone app solution with cutting-edge features and a seamless user experience. Launch your own on-demand multi delivery app today!
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startupstorymedia · 2 years
Ekomaze, a research driven brand aiming to bring a change in the cleaning products industry with its plastic free products
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beststartupstory · 2 years
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startupstorymedia · 2 years
“Is there something that can be done to address the global problem of plastic waste and toxic ingredients that are present in cleaning and cosmetic products?” said Siddharth, from the consulting team of Ekomaze, while recalling their initial stages of discussion and conceptulization. This very thought is the idea for their brand Ekomaze®. In an exclusive discussion with Startup  Story. Even though the talk about climate, the environment, and the overall health of mother earth has been in conversation in recent times, we need to stop and think for a second – is it enough? Read complete story:- https://startupstorymedia.com/2022-11-stories-ekomaze-startup-story/
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startupstorymedia · 2 years
MyEra, A company revolutionizing the marketing landscape with AI-powered assistance
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keekity · 1 year
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choose your tech blonde!
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meandhisjohn · 6 months
Good morning from Germany.
Enjoy hump-day and stay safe and happy.
And now....coffee..
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@giftober 2022 | Day 21: Hairstyles.
Well, more like hairstyling.
1. + 2. John Watson (Sherlock) 3. Paul Worsley (Breeders) 4. Phil Rask (StartUp) 5. Lester Nygaard (Fargo) 6. - 8. Danny Reed (Boy Meets Girl) 9. + 10. Mike Priddle (Ghost Stories)
(Pretty sure that 1., 3. and 5. were unscripted and just Martin being terribly vain about his hair. xD ( x ) )
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database-design-tech · 3 months
The Great Data Cleanup: A Database Design Adventure
As a budding database engineer, I found myself in a situation that was both daunting and hilarious. Our company's application was running slower than a turtle in peanut butter, and no one could figure out why. That is, until I decided to take a closer look at the database design.
It all began when my boss, a stern woman with a penchant for dramatic entrances, stormed into my cubicle. "Listen up, rookie," she barked (despite the fact that I was quite experienced by this point). "The marketing team is in an uproar over the app's performance. Think you can sort this mess out?"
Challenge accepted! I cracked my knuckles, took a deep breath, and dove headfirst into the database, ready to untangle the digital spaghetti.
The schema was a sight to behold—if you were a fan of chaos, that is. Tables were crammed with redundant data, and the relationships between them made as much sense as a platypus in a tuxedo.
"Okay," I told myself, "time to unleash the power of database normalization."
First, I identified the main entities—clients, transactions, products, and so forth. Then, I dissected each entity into its basic components, ruthlessly eliminating any unnecessary duplication.
For example, the original "clients" table was a hot mess. It had fields for the client's name, address, phone number, and email, but it also inexplicably included fields for the account manager's name and contact information. Data redundancy alert!
So, I created a new "account_managers" table to store all that information, and linked the clients back to their account managers using a foreign key. Boom! Normalized.
Next, I tackled the transactions table. It was a jumble of product details, shipping info, and payment data. I split it into three distinct tables—one for the transaction header, one for the line items, and one for the shipping and payment details.
"This is starting to look promising," I thought, giving myself an imaginary high-five.
After several more rounds of table splitting and relationship building, the database was looking sleek, streamlined, and ready for action. I couldn't wait to see the results.
Sure enough, the next day, when the marketing team tested the app, it was like night and day. The pages loaded in a flash, and the users were practically singing my praises (okay, maybe not singing, but definitely less cranky).
My boss, who was not one for effusive praise, gave me a rare smile and said, "Good job, rookie. I knew you had it in you."
From that day forward, I became the go-to person for all things database-related. And you know what? I actually enjoyed the challenge. It's like solving a complex puzzle, but with a lot more coffee and SQL.
So, if you ever find yourself dealing with a sluggish app and a tangled database, don't panic. Grab a strong cup of coffee, roll up your sleeves, and dive into the normalization process. Trust me, your users (and your boss) will be eternally grateful.
Step-by-Step Guide to Database Normalization
Here's the step-by-step process I used to normalize the database and resolve the performance issues. I used an online database design tool to visualize this design. Here's what I did:
Original Clients Table:
ClientID int
ClientName varchar
ClientAddress varchar
ClientPhone varchar
ClientEmail varchar
AccountManagerName varchar
AccountManagerPhone varchar
Step 1: Separate the Account Managers information into a new table:
AccountManagers Table:
AccountManagerID int
AccountManagerName varchar
AccountManagerPhone varchar
Updated Clients Table:
ClientID int
ClientName varchar
ClientAddress varchar
ClientPhone varchar
ClientEmail varchar
AccountManagerID int
Step 2: Separate the Transactions information into a new table:
Transactions Table:
TransactionID int
ClientID int
TransactionDate date
ShippingAddress varchar
ShippingPhone varchar
PaymentMethod varchar
PaymentDetails varchar
Step 3: Separate the Transaction Line Items into a new table:
TransactionLineItems Table:
LineItemID int
TransactionID int
ProductID int
Quantity int
UnitPrice decimal
Step 4: Create a separate table for Products:
Products Table:
ProductID int
ProductName varchar
ProductDescription varchar
UnitPrice decimal
After these normalization steps, the database structure was much cleaner and more efficient. Here's how the relationships between the tables would look:
Clients --< Transactions >-- TransactionLineItems
Clients --< AccountManagers
Transactions --< Products
By separating the data into these normalized tables, we eliminated data redundancy, improved data integrity, and made the database more scalable. The application's performance should now be significantly faster, as the database can efficiently retrieve and process the data it needs.
After a whirlwind week of wrestling with spreadsheets and SQL queries, the database normalization project was complete. I leaned back, took a deep breath, and admired my work.
The previously chaotic mess of data had been transformed into a sleek, efficient database structure. Redundant information was a thing of the past, and the performance was snappy.
I couldn't wait to show my boss the results. As I walked into her office, she looked up with a hopeful glint in her eye.
"Well, rookie," she began, "any progress on that database issue?"
I grinned. "Absolutely. Let me show you."
I pulled up the new database schema on her screen, walking her through each step of the normalization process. Her eyes widened with every explanation.
"Incredible! I never realized database design could be so... detailed," she exclaimed.
When I finished, she leaned back, a satisfied smile spreading across her face.
"Fantastic job, rookie. I knew you were the right person for this." She paused, then added, "I think this calls for a celebratory lunch. My treat. What do you say?"
I didn't need to be asked twice. As we headed out, a wave of pride and accomplishment washed over me. It had been hard work, but the payoff was worth it. Not only had I solved a critical issue for the business, but I'd also cemented my reputation as the go-to database guru.
From that day on, whenever performance issues or data management challenges cropped up, my boss would come knocking. And you know what? I didn't mind one bit. It was the perfect opportunity to flex my normalization muscles and keep that database running smoothly.
So, if you ever find yourself in a similar situation—a sluggish app, a tangled database, and a boss breathing down your neck—remember: normalization is your ally. Embrace the challenge, dive into the data, and watch your application transform into a lean, mean, performance-boosting machine.
And don't forget to ask your boss out for lunch. You've earned it!
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imperical-shop · 10 months
Welcome to my blog for the shop I recently opened - ImpeRiCal. Now, you’re surely wondering, “Wtf are you doing marketing the shop on Tumblr out of all the social media platforms today?” Well, first off, I still love Tumblr (despite everything). Second, what I will do with this tiny shop (well, what I want to do) is perfect for Tumblr. What is that? Well…
ImpeRiCal is an e-shop where I create designs and through print-on-demand platforms sell them on different products. I primarily make them for phone cases, but (as you will read on the shop’s site) if you like some design on a different product, that can be done by contacting me and discussing the possibility. The designs are structured into 3 categories:
• Abstract: These are simple designs, nothing too complicated about them. Hence, they won’t have a story.
• Dreamland: These are more detailed and interesting designs that are connected to a story.
• Intermix: Sometimes I end up with designs that are not abstract but I can’t quite put them in a story. They don’t always make good phone cases but can be interesting on something else, even as a phone background.
And now you must be wondering what are these stories I keep mentioning. This is where Tumblr comes into play. Each Dreamland design will be connected to a fanfic or a personal story. Basically, they will be more like scenes and elements of the made-up story my brain decides to share that day. All of these short fics/stories will be posted here, with relevant hashtags so you know what you’re reading and getting. Basically, this Tumblr will be the shop’s personal storyteller ✨
Well, that’s all I have for now. With time I will create more posts and videos (probably uploaded on the shop’s Insta) about how it all came to be and what every little corner of my store (can I say it has corners?) means.
The e-shop will launch in a few days so stay tuned! (Unless you’re reading this after it launched, in which case, hi!) 🤗
Ps. Find the online store and everything else here: https://linkpop.com/imperical
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You're the CEO of Ganondorf
Here at Dragmire LLC ⚜️, we always strive to bring more value 🛍️ 💸 🪙 💰 📈📈 to your dashboard. 💪💪⛳️🏆🙏😋😝
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batimcthulhu · 1 year
The Ritual - Part 1/2 (CoC AO3 Update)
[ BatIM Call of Cthulhu Masterpost ] Joey: @inkyvendingmachine Henry: @inkcryptid Sammy: @inkdemonapologist GM: @haunted-hijinxer
The Ritual - Part 1/2
Years ago, Henry Joey and Sammy encountered a spirit who helped them to become whole. Now, for Sammy -- and maybe even for Prophet -- they seek her help once more.
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souldagger · 9 months
Hello!! Book ask! 1 and 3???
How many books did you read this year?
...120 💀 in my defence i listen to a ton of audiobooks at work And have a 4h total daily commute
3. What were your top five books of the year?
Dawn by Octavia Butler
Adulthood Rites by Octavia Butler
Children of Memory by Adrian Tchaikovsky
The Oleander Sword by Tasha Suri
Silver Under Nightfall by Rin Chupeco
(does it feel weird putting the horny bi polyam vampire book on the same list as octavia butler? yes. yes it does. however i came to octavia butler and rin chupeco for very diff things and i cannot deny they both delivered exceptionally akjndgkjfnk)
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I will grow instagram by real engagement and marketing organically
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Do you want to grow Instagram organically through marketing?
Are you struggling with your Instagram account organic real followers growth. You are challenging with competitors with your business Instagram account & personal profile then you have come to the right place. I will organically reach targeted real people on your IG account. Do you want to increase real engagement on your profile And want to promote your product/service to targeted audience - we provide the perfect service for you
My team and I will help your account grow real organic targeted followers. I will manage your IG page 100% organically and manually And I will help you to increase engagement organic video views and post likes organically
Why Choose Me?
Social media Marketing Specialist
Tailored Strategies for Optimal Growth Delicate Page Management
We work according to Instagram policies
How I'll grow your IG account:
Research & analysis on your target audience
Manually interact with multiple IG accounts to drive real engagement
Week & monthly overview of growth
If you want to bring more targeted followers to your accounts, you can send a text and I will be there with the perfect plan.
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