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eternalstarlights · 1 year ago
An anonymous person from my starlightofdream blog ask:  So what are some of Regulus' fears? What are the sorts of things that will keep him up at night either from fear or from overthinking?
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So what are some of Regulus’ fears? What are the sorts of things that will keep him up at night either from fear or from overthinking?  
Oh boy, it has been so long since anyone ever sends me any serious questions for any of my muses haha. I am very sorry for my word rambling and I hope this all makes sense and that I didn’t miss anything important.
Regulus’ fears are loneliness, abandonment, loved ones dying, and failure. Sorry, no funny fears here, unfortunately.
Loneliness and Abandonment: Despite Regulus appearing like a social person who loves to be surrounded by people, he had a pretty lonely childhood. Regulus is someone who loves to be around and interacting with people while his father is the complete opposite. In fact, Ilias was a hermit. When he was younger, he would travel with his father, sometimes stopping by at villages but mostly living in the wild. When they do stop at villages, they would only spend a few days there. Regulus would play with the children for a while and then he would have to leave to never see them again. This was all pretty lonely for Regulus, never having full human contact for a long time but he didn’t care at that time because he had his father with him and that was all that mattered. Other than that, he lived in the forests away from human contact for most of his childhood. Even worse, Regulus even mentioned in the manga that whenever his father would leave him alone for hunting or other reasons, he would cry and cry for his father to come back. He stated that he hated and was afraid of being alone. He hates the loneliness. While he is accustomed to being alone, that doesn’t mean he would like it. After his father died and he was forced to even be more alone, alone with his own thoughts of despair and guilt. (There is a whole separate headcanon that I wrote about this) But loneliness is now even scarier to him. All of these experiences help create this fear of loneliness and abandonment.
The point and summary of this are that it is extremely important that children grow up surrounded by different people, family, friends, etc. That is how they grow emotionally and mentally. Taking that away would affect a child’s growth greatly and also create fear like loneliness and abandonment especially when Regulus has nobody in his life other than his father. So when his father died, of course, he is going to feel lost and alone and abandoned. To further add to this point, because of how he has been living, he always wanted to be a normal child and live a normal life. What makes it even sadder is that after his father died, Regulus never cried again because he realizes that he had nobody to protect him and he had to be strong now, he isn’t allowed to cry or be weak or be a normal child like he always wanted. To him, crying is a luxury that he can’t afford. On a random note, due to all of this, it makes me realize maybe this is why he is subconsciously attracted to lonely people and keeps making friends with lonely people in my threads haha XD
After his uncle found him and brought him to the Sanctuary, he treasured the feeling of no longer being alone and being surrounded by people. The reason why he is sociable and wants to talk to everyone is because he is scared of being alone again. He just wants to be surrounded by people and wants people to like him. He is happiest when he is with people and not alone again.
Loved ones dying: The first time he experienced loss is when his father died and that was a shock to him since he always thought his father was the strongest and he was the most important person to him. The loss made him realize the harshness of this world and how anybody can easily die at any moment especially during the Holy War where so many saints were dying. He is afraid of losing the people he loved, he knows it will happen and he is prepared for it since this is war but that fear is never going to go away.  
Failure: Regulus is a person who always tried their best whether it is to make a person proud/please the person or it is to become stronger for his goal. He doesn’t want to fail because failure could mean many things for him. Failure to become strong enough to accomplish his goal. Failure to protect the innocent or the people he cared about. Failure in his mission, therefore, failure in being the saint that his father and uncle would want him to be. He is scared of those failures so he tries his best to be the best and to not fail.
Nightmares: He doesn’t have any nightmares of being alone or abandoned as strange as that sounds. His nightmares are mostly just his father dying. It is his memory that would play again from that day when his father died. Regulus has an extremely good memory so he remembers every little detail of his father’s death and he is still haunted by it. Either way, his nightmares are still related to his fears.
Overthinking: Regulus doesn’t overthink a lot but that doesn’t mean there aren’t times he thinks about his fears or worries but he rarely allows that to happen. He usually puts himself around people or is busy with something so he doesn’t have time to think about the negative things. Regulus has the mindset of he doesn’t want to burden anybody with his doubts and fears and he has to be strong because he can’t afford to be that scared and weak child in the past. So he pushes everything away, he pushes the fear, the doubts all of them in the back of his mind so he doesn’t want to think about it. It is just easier for him to continue smiling like that. Even when he does have the fear and doubt happening right now, he continues to smile and pretend that everything is okay.
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demon-blood-youths · 3 years ago
------- 12:00pm in Yokohoma ------
Just as Sai is about to leave Yokohoma for good next week. Another problem arises. And what was that problem? 
There were news reports of a big bird flying over the city and it’s trending in social media in Yokohoma today. There were images of it. Some said it’s some of preshistoric bird or a condor that came from Austrailia.
Sai is curious and wants to see what’s the hype about this bird in the question. When he sees the bird in a few images as he scrolls down his social menu while he’s packing his bags. It’s a demon bird that he recognized. Or rather a bird he doesn’t want to remember. 
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Sai grits his teeth and grips his smartphone, looking over tot he window. You have to got to be kidding me. Why is Shrika here of all places? Damn it. If she’s here....then...
He has to check to see if any articles of monsters came up in Japan or rather Yokohoma specifically. But he is also worried of how the ADA aka The Armed Detective Agency is going to respond to this.  If Shrika encounters them when she committed any crimes in her wake or selling those damned pills, it’s going to be a disaster. 
He needs to call in help. 
Phantom Slasher deals with @starlightofdream​
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albisnecromantia · 3 years ago
Part 1 of 3: “Happy Birthday!”
Phantasos shouted as she entered Byaku’s room. She did not care that he was working. “Since today is your birthday, you are not allowed to do any work. Come with me!” She didn’t even wait for him to reply and grab his hand to pull him to somewhere else. They left the room and entered in another room that was decorated human birthday decorations and a few specters were in the room. Some of the specters knew who Byaku was while some of them didn’t as they were standing there awkwardly. As soon as Byaku entered, they all shout, “Happy Birthday!” and the party began. There were presents on the table and food on the other table. Phantasos looked to Byaku with a smile.
“So do you like it? Now, tell me what is it that you want, you desire and I can give it to you in real life. You can ask for anything and it won’t be a dream.”
۞ ┊Byaku wasn't expecting anything for his birthday. In fact, in his past life, he never celebrated it due to the horrid living conditions he was in. So, instead, he treated the day as any other work day of the year.
In fact, he forgot it was his birthday. Ever since he turned into a Specter, he hadn't bothered to remember his birthday. Sometimes, he wouldn't realize it was his birthday until the last hour of the day.
That's why when Phantasos barged into the first Court with a bombastic "Happy Birthday!", the Necromancer jumped terribly enough to accidentally close the hefty tome with a thick 'thump!'
The white-haired Specter stared at the goddess with confusion etched on his face until she forbade him from doing any more work that day. "...what? What day is it--"
Unfortunately, Byaku was not allowed time to finish his question when he was dragged out. He was baffled and awkward when he had been dragged to a different section of the Underworld, led to a room of equally uncomfortable comrades who wished him a happy birthday in a loud but unenthusiastic way. But not like Byaku bothered to notice.
As the others were digging into the goodies that they had been eyeing for a long time already, Phantasos came up to the young specter and asked what he wished for.
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۞ ┊Byaku blinked, then returned his smile uneasily while saying as sweetly as he could, "What I want...? Well, I would want you to be a friend... and not be so mean to me for most of the next year...!"
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crownshattered-moved · 3 years ago
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@starlightofdream​​ {KNY Ember}~
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“You don’t belong here.” How did a demon make it past her son? Kotoha didn’t know, but she supposed it didn’t matter. Maybe Inosuke allowed her through... Maybe she was coming to visit Douma for whatever reason. Kotoha didn’t want anyone to challenge her beloved to a fight for the title of Upper Moon Two, but if that’s what this demon girl was trying to do, she would definitely lose. 
Kotoha stood outside of the entrance to the temple, staring at the demon before her. “If you are here to see Lord Douma, you will have to wait. He isn’t here at the moment... I would allow you inside if you promise not to harm any of the humans within, as well as change your appearance to blend in. Lord Douma would not be happy if you caused an uproar within his temple.”
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virtuallghosts · 3 years ago
The God of Sleep was silently drinking tea, something that is nothing new on his part, after all he is the type who appreciates silence and simple things....Something very strange for a God. — Darling,— he said simply smiling sideways, but would that be a good sign or not? — Perhaps I overlooked that some time ago you created erotic and vulgar dreams for certain people, even your uncle.
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kryomonaxia · 3 years ago
On Kanon’s desk is a present box. It looked innocent, nothing suspicious. If Kanon opens it, there is another box in it. If he opens it, there is another box. In fact, there is a smaller box within each box (so think of Matryoshka dolls but with boxes) and if Kanon continues to open until the end, there is a note inside it. The note transforms into a purple butterfly and exploded into pretty but sticky confetti. (lol yeah this is from Phantasos as a Happy Birthday to Kanon)
κρύο-μοναξιά ▾
     Kanon just returned from a patrol around Atlantis. He had just disarmed and was allowing the stress of the day to roll off his shoulders.
     It was his birthday... But he's long ago opted to forego celebrations. After all, if he didn't have his brother.... well, actually, it wasn't important.
     When Kanon was just seconds from rolling onto the in-wall bed, his attention was caught by something on his desk. The Sea Dragon general cautiously stared at it... Perhaps it was something that stupid nymph left for him?
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     Somewhat finding comfort at the thought of that, the man heaved a sigh as he walked past his bed. Then he opened it... just to be presented with more boxes... After about two or three times of this, he started to get annoyed. He knew Mariem loved playing tricks from time to time, but she usually wasn't this annoying.
     When he finally got to the note, he didn't have enough patience to read it when it suddenly transformed into a butterfly and exploded.
     He would be a liar if he said that the sudden explosion didn't startle him. He was unprepared - stiff from the shock that he didn't really realize the sticky confetti plastering itself to his face, arms, and hands like glue... It was everywhere.
     The door to his private chambers creaked open, and Mariem peeked curiously while saying,
❝ Is everything alright? I heard you scream...?❞
     When the nymph saw Kanon's sticky situation, she had no intention to restrain her laughter, causing the sticky Hellene to pass her a glare.
     Oh... he'll get this woman back... along with the asshole that pulled this prank on him...
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thelittleprettythings · 3 years ago
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I am a star child. I am vibrant and beaming of energy. A curious, wonderous soul. Spirit in my heart and wildness in my being. Tainted with speckles of light all over me. Casted with the soft glow of the night, I dance with the earth spirits at nightfall. Feel myself become invigorated by the music of the night. Finding myself lost within the depths of the dark-lit skies with nothing to guide me but my senses and the skies adorned with starlight. I am a star child. A star child am I. ⭐️
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crysomallos · 3 years ago
"Happy Birthday, Avenir!" Regulus pulled his friend to the Aries temple where Shion and the other saints have decorated the place. There was even a cake and a few presents for him. Regulus' personal present was a soft sheep plushie. (I saw on my personal blog dash it was Avenir's birthday)
♚—This is entirely my fault. I saw that I got the message on the 19th, but I forgot to answer it. I am so fuckin' sorry HAHAHA!! This ask is set on April 19th.
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♈︎ — Avenir has no issue following the child to the Aries temple, although he was curious to all hell as to why the boy was so insistent. It wasn’t until they marched through the entrance did he hear a half-enthusiastic, half-calm, “Happy Birthday” from some of the saints that stood around to wish the Aries Saint well wishes. 
"Oh!" Avenir jumped in surprise at the sudden sound. Just as soon as he registered what all of the commotion was for, the time-misplaced gentleman started to laugh. With one hand patting Regulus’ head, his other hand patted his own chest as he tried to calm his heart after the mild leap. 
“I was not expecting that! You guys really did shock me...!”
He entirely forgot about his birthday.
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a-hell-of-a-lot-of-muses · 4 years ago
@starlightofdream​ (Kunikida)
The more Nathaniel watched the strange cartoons on the TV, the less he understood. Perhaps that was his fault for not watching with subtitles, though he suspected that, even with the option, it would all be lost on him.
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“How are these so popular?” he asked, looking to Kunikida with a confused expression. “I can understand the popularity of cartoons back home, but this is something else.”
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eternalstarlights · 1 year ago
Why Regulus is Powerful?
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I did some research and found out why Regulus is so powerful.
First, it is canon that Regulus is overpoweringly strong, able to do impossible feats and is able to overcome the power of god by becoming god temporarily without being corrupted by the power.
According to my research, it seems that maybe Regulus is the direct ancestor of Adapa. Adapa live during the Golden Age (aka ancient mythological times). That would also mean Regulus’ bloodline is part of the Golden Tribe’s bloodline.  Regulus and many others do not know anything regarding his bloodline. That is why he is overpoweringly strong, able to do impossible feats, and able to overcome the power of god when he ascended to the 8th sense. This is what I found out during my time researching.
Here is all my research that I did (please read them, I spend so much time and effort on these):
Part 2 of my research (this one is the most important): https://starlightofdream-moved.tumblr.com/post/620928602719043584/part-2-of-my-research
Part 1 of my research: https://starlightofdream-moved.tumblr.com/post/620928544075317248/part-1-of-research
However, even though I finally found the answer as to why Regulus was so strong, I am still keeping my headcanon about Regulus inheriting his mother’s powers. This is an old headcanon and I spend a lot of time researching about Pythia and making this headcanon which is why I don’t want to throw this away. If you are curious as to what it is, you can read it her: https://eternalstarlights.tumblr.com/post/737834393383632897/possible-inherited-abilities
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demon-blood-youths · 3 years ago
After that whole eventful evening with Sekichui and the Armed Detective Agency, Shdwkyz decided to explore Yokohama for the time being before he leaves. His friends were calling him wondering if he’s doing alright in Japan and needs any help. Shdwkyz told him that there was no trouble and he will be back in the states soon. He hopes that doesn���t change.  So far no troubles....well....if you can call what happened with his target and that detective trouble but oh well.
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‘I heard....this place is good. I think I need to buy something in the store first before I go there.’  Shdwkyz said ,as he is now in civilian clothes. No white clothed garb, no katana, and no mask that can scare the living daylights out of anyone. Just a light dark jacket with a light grey scarf around his neck due to the weather, underneath is buttoned black shirt and dark denim jeans. Nobody will know who he is and that’s how he wanted it. 
But before he enters any store. Or it should been. He ended up dealing with someone trying to rob someone as he walks through allewyays. Of course, he should of ignore it, just report to the police and leave it to them but something irks him which urges him to do something.
What he didn’t expect is to get stabbed. As he tussled with the robber, the damn moron pulls out a knife and just stabs him. Great. Just perfect. The robber ran off after suffering scarps and bruises. Not only that, the would-be victim scream her head off and runs off leaving him to deal with the injury by himself. Tch. Different place, same crap. 
He sighs as he slides down, holding his injury. This is nothing. It can heal. 
Sai bumps into @starlightofdream​
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albisnecromantia · 3 years ago
Part 3 of 3: Finally, the party was over and it was the end of the day. Perhaps out of exhaustion, Byaku had fallen asleep. Phantasos decided to put him into bed and gave him a soft kiss on his forehead before giving him a good dream. “Sweet dreams, birthday boy.” (I want to give him some fluff between them like sibling fluff since she is always teasing poor Byaku haha)
۞ ┊Byaku was already asleep, so he didn’t feel much of what was happening around him. But, after he was tucked in and given his night kiss on the forehead, the Necromancer sighed and shuffled into those comfortable covers. 
He loved how the night ended, with his belly filled and his usually quiet days littered with awkward small talks and all... but, as much as this was a good day for him, in the morning he’ll get dragged out of bed and forced to work by his Superior.
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arcgeminga · 3 years ago
There is a pile of cats that is on top of something. What is it on top of? Suddenly, some of the cats moved away to reveal it was Regulus buried under all the cats. "Oh, hi, Defteros!"
♛┊ Defteros came over to the Leo Temple to bother his friend because he was bored and Aspros was out of the country. Defteros removed his mask as soon as he made it to the familiar grounds of Regulus' temple, but he found it weird that the kid didn't greet him. So, the man did the only logical thing and went looking for the boy.
When he strode into the bed chambers, he was pleasantly surprised by what he saw.
A pile of... cats. Oh god, the insane self-restraint it took to refrain from diving into the pile and rubbing his face all over those soft bellies!!
Defteros nearly thought he was having a lovely dream, then some of the cats moved away to reveal Regulus. Defteros' lips twitched before his expression went entirely nonchalant.
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♛┊ Defteros was motionless as a statue, staring at the mountain of cats and kittens surrounding the adorable boy.
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imaginaerum · 4 years ago
It was not her intention to end up alone. The specters’ ambush had separated her from the other two silver saints. Pavo Thea stumbled as she dodged another attack. Blocking another, she managed to find an opening and started running in a direction, hoping her fellow saints were not ahead of her.
She heard the sound of several pursuers gaining on her.  Breathing in sharply, spurred by their threats, Thea unleashed her cosmos. “Argos mati!”
A ghostly vintage of a large peacock appeared. It spread its tail, the eyes on each feather shining bright. The specters stopped as each of their minds were overcome by a hallucination.
Thea felt the effects as well. Yet, she kept running as her perception of the forest around her shifted. The branches twitched, morphing into gaunt hands that stretched out to grab her. Fallen trees in her path were now corpses, each one resembling someone she believed she knew but her mind could not place.
A distant scream behind her was enough distraction. Thea looked down to see one of the corpses’ raised arms shift back into an upturned root before it caught her foot, forcing her to lose her balance and tumble into the undergrowth. Hidden by leaves and tall grass, Thea froze and held her breath, fearing any sound would give her location away and she would die again.
‘Again?’ She thought, wondering why she felt so sure of that. Thea refused to dwell on it as she focused on listening to the specters, hearing them approach and pass her. After a natural silence returned to the forest around her, Thea got to her feet.
This was bad. She didn’t know how many enemies were still nearby. Or where the other saints were. Lost but knowing she had to move, Thea slowly began walking.
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erinawolf141202 · 3 years ago
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crysomallos · 3 years ago
"Happy Valentine's Day!" Regulus said as he gave Avenir a box of chocolates he made.
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♈︎  — “You always remember me,” Avenir laughed as he accepted the box from the boy. He was always touched that the child never failed to spare a thought for him... it was a welcoming feeling for a failure of a person.
“Thank you. Dearly. It honestly means a lot. It would be rude for me to not return the gift. I only apologize that it is so simple.”
He gifted the Leo Saint a small bag that held 10 pieces of round candy. Avenir tried to recreate the Ferrero Rocher chocolates from his time, but he wouldn’t doubt if it’s not as good as the beloved snack.
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