#starkid hannah
ren-is-real · 4 months
My deepest apologies to the cosplayer I met at starkid innit who was very obviously cosplaying Hannah, who I mistook for Trevor from the barbecue monologues for some fucking reason
artistic recreation
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I am never living this down
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eclipsewarrior101 · 5 months
The Truest gift
a one shot for my The Last Lord in Black au i am working on.
Basically Wiggly loses his brothers to PEIP and the CCRP and he goes on a rampage and rules Hatchetfield plunging it in an apocalypse. after 3 years of this Hannah and some unlikely allies will try to discover the truth of this madness
thank you to @starpirateee for the help on this
Warning: this will contain mention of blood and death. talk about mourning and unhealthy mental states after loss and violence.
The black was darker than Hannah thought it was. Webby had told her of this place. Of how it once had many echos of colors and laughter. But this….all you saw was a dim green lights and the echos of gloom. She looked around trying to find the master of this madness. As she moved around she heard the sounds of giggles and saw the wiggly dolls moving around and watching her. They were keeping an eye on her as she walked deeper in the black. 
Then she heard a voice grow out “ WHO IS HERE” she jumps and she looks up to see an imposing sight. Sitting on a throne of stone and covered in tentacles and fur was the all powerful Wiggly. He sat tall with a cruel expression on his face, but no playful smile. That spark he had once was long gone. He wore his usual green but it had been altered to look more scary. His new green robe that looked like the violent ocean was covered with a green moving tentacles that acted like ocean waves for him and moved around. Each had a hue of blood on them. His face was scarred with old wounds but he refused to let them ever bring him down. His crown had different gems on them that were the colors of pink, purple, yellow and blue. He watches Hannah with a look of disdain and anger. Who the hell was she to come here.  The whole room was surrounded by violent moving tentacles waiting to strike. They reflected their masters mood. 
“ what do you want….girl” his once childlike voice was long dead. It was replaced with a true hatred for humanity. A spark that died. Hannah hoped it wasn’t truly dead.
Hannah spoke, no fear in her voice. 
“ I…I’ve come to talk to you. What your doing isn’t right. What happened wasn’t-“ 
He interrupted her with a loud voice full of pure rage
His eyes glowed with a very dark green hue. His tentacles moved around like the ocean was angry. Hannah should be afraid….but she wasn’t. She knew he was just acting out. 
“ I know your angry. I know  what it’s like to lose someone close- ”
Immediately wigglys eyes narrowed as he stood and with the speed of light was infront of her anf threw his tentacles at Hannah and slammed her into the ground a few feet away from him, growling with hatred and rage. 
“ HOW DARE YOU. YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME OR MY FEELINGS YOU STUID GIRL!!!!!” He said with a rage no ones ever seen before. But behind that rage Hannah knew in his eyes he was fighting to hide his emotions. He was trying to hide his sadness with wrath, wrath that was honestly valid. 
“Go home human…leave or die”
He was about to turn around to go back to sitting down when he heard a voice say 
“No. you've been alone for long enough” 
he turned to see Hannah getting up with a determined look in her eyes that even unnerved him, but he hid it under his frown as she stood up and said with a voice that boomed despite being a human
“ Your gonna listen to me and listen good.  I know why your doing this. I know your hurting. I cant say that i understand your pain but i can say that your feelings are valid. What happened to you wasn't fair.  For as evil as you and your brothers were….no one deserves to see their family die. No one deserves to feel helpless to save those they care about. And i know im just a mere human….but i am sorry. You didn't deserve to suffer the way you did. And neither did your brothers.”
Wiggly listened and his eyes widened…he…why was he shaking. He tried to hide it and get angry and attack her again, but her words hurt him, because they were true. He had no idea he had been crying until he felt the wet tears start to fall. He hated it. 
“s-Stop….SHUT UP’ he says trying to hide his tears as he fights to forget the memories of that horrible day. But he cant stop the screams in his head, the images of them…dead, bloody and broken from the torture. He starts to hyperventilate as hes fighting his head and heart to stop the memories. 
“ SHUT UP!!!!!! Stop stop stop. Don't want to remember, don't want to remember. Shut up shut up. GET OUT!!!!! I WILL KILL YOU” he screams in anger as his tentacles attack hannah but she dodges and doesn't fight back. This is what Wiggly needed. He needed to truly let all his emotions out.  He attacks everything around him and in his frustrations he misses Hannah every time. He just goes on a frenzy and after this he falls to his knees in a ruined room and he starts to break. After she knows its safe Hannah walks up and drop a bag at his feet only saying 
“These belong to you. I cant stop you from ruling Hatchetfield….but i can at least give you some form of closure”
He looks at her funny and opens the bag and his heart stops. No….how..was this. Inside was a items he hadn't seen in 5 years. Tinkys box, Blinkys glasses, Pokey’s mask and Nibbly’s hat. No…it couldnt be. He had lost these when those wretched humans killed them…how did she.
“They were locked away in the labs archives. I know their bodies cant be brought home, but They deserved to be brought back to the black. At leat you and the black have a piece of them back” Hannah says with a voice of sympathy and compassion.
Wiggly was shaking and tears had began to fall again. He began to laugh in a bitter psychotic laugh but it soon became sobs of mourning. The memories came back to him as the black felt a little brighter. The items seem to bring a long longing light back to the black. Hannah let Wiggly cry. His wiggly dolls came out from the black and huddled around their master and hugged him. The tentacles became less long and more calm. Hannah smiled. She knows this wont stop wiggly from ruling Hatchetfield. No that wasn't her goal. She wanted to give Wiggly the one thing no human bothered to….
A chance to truly mourn and a chance to be at peace.
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eldritch-ace · 2 months
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The Leading Man
I love how after watching Nightmare Time, TGWDLM implies that all the powerhouses of Hatchetfield were infected before the CCRP crew (also that Pokey plays favorites)
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harmonizingsunsets · 11 months
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Running Gags in Hatchetfield Musicals pt 5 | Smoke Club
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fencecollapsed · 4 months
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Prophets AU
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geekgirl750 · 11 months
Say what you want about The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals and Black Friday but Nerdy Prudes Must Die is truly the darkest timeline because it doesn't feature Peanuts the Hatchetfield Pocket Squirrel™️
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hilacopter · 5 months
fuck it I made these when I was bored
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theatre-apocalypse · 7 months
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this is how Witch In The Web went right?
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artchixs · 9 months
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look at these kids they DEFINITELY don’t like each other
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tempo-takoyaki · 1 month
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I've been listening to Nightmare Time while working, and after "The Witch in the web" I just had to draw some of the girls. I really want to draw more of Hatchetfield, they got a strange grip on my heart <3
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boar-of-the-ball · 3 months
SURPRISE 2 art posts today. hannah vs. the horrors
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ghostface-knight · 8 months
so when Hannah Foster regularly convenes with an eldridge force beyond our comprehension it's "having a touch of the gift", but when i, Grace Chasity --
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eldritch-ace · 2 months
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I love Hannah so much, I know she had to leave Hatchetfield in Yellowjacket, but it made me so happy that she got some buddies. I think it’s supposed to happen closer to 2016, so I think they’d still be into Pokémon GO :P
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ren-is-real · 9 months
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Base +additional reason
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I’m sorry the base was too perfect I had to also it was really fun drawing all the hatchetfeild characters (also this was my first time properly drawing Ted to be posted I think??? Idk I’m not happy with it I’m sorry teddy boy I’ll do u better next time <\\3)
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fencecollapsed · 10 months
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shoutout to the youngest siblings of hatchetfield <3
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