#staring at Malva
pokemongymsmashorpass · 2 months
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TIL the Pokemon Adventures manga gave us topless Lysandre
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ethereousdelirious · 19 days
Sicktember 2024 Day 3 - Con Crud
HEE HEE this is my favorite fill I think.
Malva gets stuck babysitting Siebold when he comes down sick on the last day of a summer camp
I meant to interpret "con" as "conference," and that sort of morphed into "giving speeches to kids at a nerdy summer camp for high-achievers."
Six days.
Six days of snot-nosed kids (no, literally) and Siebold's smarmy smiles, six days of getting sneezed on and drooled on and stared at. Six days of chain-smoking behind the latrines so she didn't snap at the next little delinquent who open-mouth coughed on her leg, and now the plague has reached her door.
Malva took a drag of her cigarette and blew the smoke in Siebold's face. “Don't stand so close to me.”
Siebold coughed and sputtered, his face going red, red, red. But he backed off, dabbing at his eyes with an honest-to-god handkerchief.
“I don't need your germs all over me,” Malva added, and took another drag. Silver-gray smoke curled in the air, warping her view of the placid waters sparkling outside the Kalos League castle.
Siebold pressed his fingertips to his chest, perfect nail beds on full display. “Germs?”
“I can hear you mouth-breathing from here.” Malva turned to him, the better to let him see her roll her eyes. “I'll venture a guess: you woke up with a sore throat and a stuffy nose, but you thought it was just your allergies acting up. So you took a pill, and you're just now starting to think ‘my, that’s strange, why do I still feel like Toxic Sludge?’”
Siebold blinked, jaw falling open in picture-perfect surprise. “Well—”
“Ask me how I know.”
He eyed her warily, tugging at his jabot. “How do you know?”
“Because—” she stubbed her cigarette out on the castle wall and tossed the butt in a nearby ashtray— “about a hundred sniveling little children have told me the exact same story over the course of this week.”
Siebold was quiet for a moment, looking her over like he was worried she might burst into flames. “I do have allergies.”
Malva pulled out her lighter and flicked it, and the little orange flame danced in Siebold's eyes. “And be assured, I wish you the best of health.”
Siebold fell asleep in the car. Malva stared at him, slack-jawed and snoring and no less handsome for it. Siebold embodied the kind of bland, blond beauty that smiled benignly out at the world in eternal passivity. He was safe. He was boring. And he was definitely sick.
His body was stiff in the backseat, legs splayed and knees bent awkwardly to accommodate the divider separating them from the driver. His pure white smock wrinkled against the cold black leather seat.
Clean, all of it.
Malva leaned over to better study her own reflection in the tinted divider. A beauty on the edge— audacious beauty teetering on the verge of ugliness. That was the only beauty worth pursuing.
Siebold awoke with a gasp and leaned forward, burying his face in his hands. “Oh.”
Malva smirked, though he couldn't see it. “Welcome back.”
“Malva.” Siebold sniffled and shifted his hands so he could speak without uncovering his eyes. “I'm afraid you were right.”
Of course she was. And now she'd have to deal with his whining for the rest of the trip— for the rest of the day. She settled back, leaning away from Siebold as much as she could lest he grab onto her hands in a fit of passion. “Well, it's only closing ceremonies. You can handle a little speech, can't you?”
“Not just a speech,” Siebold moaned, and indeed listed to the side like he wanted to rest his head on her shoulder. Instead, he flopped against the armrest, rattling the untouched bottles of water in the cupholders. “There's the battle, too.”
Malva squinted. “Battle?” Had anyone said anything about a battle? Maybe she'd read the word somewhere on the informational flier before the flames had fully engulfed it…
“That's the grand finale.” Siebold looked up at her with red-rimmed eyes. “You and me in a—” his breath hitched and he swallowed with visible discomfort— “in a glorious, 3v3 battle on the main stage. Ugh.”
Malva eyed him, flopping around on the armrest like a Magikarp. He really did look ill. Somewhere in the hours they'd been trapped in the car, his face had gone as pale as his smock. When he spoke, his consonants stuck together in the back of his palate, a sure sign of a dry mouth. “Drink some water.”
“Malvaaa.” Siebold, to his credit, heaved himself up and reached for one of the bottles. “What am I going to do?”
She turned away to look out the window. Red rock stretched out before her, reaching out toward a clear blue sky. “We're coming up on Coumarine City. I think you should beg me to buy you a to-go coffee from JavaJolt while you consult with a pharmacist.”
“Very well.” Siebold pressed the glass bottle, not to his lips, but to his forehead. “If I survive the trip.”
By the time they reached Coumarine, Siebold had gone red in the face and started to shiver and sniffle.
He got out of the car like every motion hurt him, and leaned against the door without shutting it. “I… I really don't feel well.”
Malva crossed her arms. The longer they spent here, the greater the chance she might just abandon the whole summer camp and check herself into the seaside spa for a day or three. “I can see a pharmacy right over your shoulder.” Siebold gave her a pathetic look under heavy lids before straightening up and shutting the door. Malva just stared at him. “Well?”
“Dearest Malva,” he began, and had to stop to cough. “Dearest, most esteemed Malva. Won't you please do me the favor of purchasing me the finest to-go swill from JavaJolt? I should be ever so grateful.”
She could keep pushing. But the sea breeze ruffled her braids and cooled the temper simmering under her sun-warmed skin, and Siebold truly did look like he was about to keel over. It was probably an act, at least partially— she'd seen him moved to tears over a hangnail. But she could hold the favor over him, maybe shame him into silence the next time he started whining.
“What's your order?” she asked, studying her fingernails.
“Oh, um.” He stifled a cough behind his lips and seemed to lose his patience for the game. He pressed a palm to his forehead and slumped against the car, smearing red dust up his sleeve. “I don't know. I don't— Whatever won't make me nauseous. Please.”
Malva gave him her best Holocaster smile. “As you wish, Duke Siebold.”
She turned her back to him and sauntered for the waterfront. Lysandre would drop dead if he ever saw her set foot in a JavaJolt. She'd have to send a gift card to the prison. One of the especially twee ones that featured the little Jolteon mascot making Baby-Doll Eyes up at nothing.
She pushed her way into the coffee shop's interior and walked straight up to the counter. Siebold needed espresso, a shot of DayQwil, and a gag over his mouth.
…Maybe she could withhold the coffee until they reached Shalour. A good dose of decongestant ought to knock him right out.
Something to consider.
Siebold slurred his way through his closing ceremonies speech, his JavaJolt cup held lazily in one hand. He leaned hard into the shaky wooden podium and didn't bother to swipe his hair out of his eyes when the wind blew it out of place.
He finished and Malva gave her own speech, shorter and absent of the cloying sentiments in Siebold's.
When it came time to battle, some of the drugged haze lifted from Siebold’s eyes. He leaned hard into his Type advantage, but— Right at the end, the color drained from his cheeks. He gave commands seconds too late, choked on his words, staggered.
It lost him the battle.
Malva smirked and crossed her arms, recalling Pyroar with a lazy motion. “And that’s precisely why a bad Type match-up isn't the lost cause you might think it is,” she said, turning to the crowd.
Dozens of bug-eyed kids clapped and cheered and stamped their feet in the grass. Malva curtseyed, and somewhere in the corner of her eye, caught the tell-tale white sweep of Siebold’s apron. He staggered down the steps at the side of the stage and ducked behind a wide oak tree, just out of sight of the kids. Clutching at the trunk, he doubled over like he was about to be sick. His complexion, white as ash, corroborated the conclusion. Malva grinned.
There was her ticket out of here. No more Camp Junior Genius, or whatever it was called. She took her time down the steps, subtly bypassed her seat, and reached Siebold just in time to watch him faceplant into the dirt.
Oh. Wonderful.
Siebold stirred a few seconds later, mumbling and clutching at his chest, and Malva shushed him, staring out at the lake with her tongue between her teeth.
She needed a fucking cigarette.
“No ambulance,” Siebold muttered. “Don’ wanna scare the kids…”
“I had no intention of calling an ambulance.” Malva flicked her lighter open and shut, open and shut.
Malva stared into the tiny flame. She'd have to get Siebold out of here somehow, and he clearly needed a doctor.
Below her, Siebold got to his knees and coughed, and burying his face in his arm barely muffled the sound.
“Get up.” Malva looked down at him, red-faced and teary-eyed, his apron all stained with dirt. With a sigh, she extended her hand. “Come on. Before you frighten the children.”
Six hours.
Six hours waiting in the emergency department of the Shalour City Hospital while Siebold sniveled and coughed and burned, six hours of corralling herself with threats of Diantha's lecturing if she left Siebold alone here. Six hours of torture, and now Siebold had cost her a night on the town.
He shivered beneath the blanket some nurse had brought him, appraising Malva with dark, narrow eyes. “I suppose you want to leave,” he said, not for the first time that evening.
Malva crossed her legs, settling back in the vinyl chair she occupied. “Diantha would have my head if I left you here alone.”
“I'm in good hands,” Siebold said. Malva looked around at all the nothing. No doctors, no nurses. Siebold alone with his IV and his fever of precisely 39°. He bristled. “It's a hospital.”
He stared at her under dark, heavy lids, eyes dull and face slack. The ugly fluorescents only washed him out further, tinted him chemical green and blanched the pink on his cheeks and eyes to a cold lavender.
Malva sat up, heat raging into her face. She'd spent all day babysitting Siebold, and this was the thanks he levied at her? A tepid declaration of freedom, only nine hours too late. “Here's how this is going to go,” he said, clenching her hands on the chair's plastic armrests. “I'm going to stay right here until you're cleared to leave. Diantha is not going to give me another lecture on ‘bettering myself’ and ‘paying my debt to society.’ And you are going to spend the entirety of your recovery coming up with a way to thank me. Understood?”
Siebold hiked his blanket further up his shoulders, shrinking back into himself. He nodded and swallowed thickly. “I— Yes. I understand. Thank you, Malva.”
She smiled sweetly at him, so wide her eyes scrunched up. “That's more like it.”
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1dont-really-know · 9 months
Likely very OOC Maleficia. Idk I just wanted to write something silly so here's a ficlet
The first thing Maleficia saw when she got back to the nursery were not her egg and daughter waiting for her. Instead, it was the remains of the egg’s shell, scattered all around the room, most of it gathered by the pile of blankets that looked as if it had fallen out of the crib. Maleanor was nowhere in sight as well. The window was wide open, the drapes swaying in the wind as the light of the moon shines into the room.
Whoever took Maleanor and destroyed the egg had waited for her and most of the guards to be gone.
But how? Maleanor was not a child that would simply let herself be kidnapped, and Maleficia was sure that she would have tried to protect her sibling, yet there was no sign of struggle.
The Queen could not bring herself to look at the remains of the egg.
The meeting had gone on for far longer than she expected it to be. Who knows how far away they could be now. She could call the guards, but searching for them herself would be faster. Yes, that would have to do. She can deal with the guards later, what’s important now is-
Maleficia spins to face the source of the voice. There, in the doorway, her daughter stood with a dark bundle in her arms. It takes her a second to recognize it as a hatchling. Her hatchling.
Oblivious to the storm of emotions she just put her mother through, the young Princess happily makes her way over to her, the hatchling staring up at her sister, “Mother! You’re back! I have just returned from giving Moonlight a tour of what’s going to be her new chambers.” she chirped, holding her sister towards her mother as if showing her off to the baffled queen.
The hatchling made a small, confused noise as she’s finally picked up by her mother, squirming lightly in her hold. Maleficia sighs, half exasperated and half relieved, jostling the hatchling to hold her more securely in her arms. The little one is still very soft. She must’ve hatched not too long before the meeting had ended.
Both of them are alive.
Both of them are safe.
“Yes, Mother?”
“What did you call your sister just now?”
“Moonlight,” Maleanor puffs out her chest, reaching out to give the said hatchling a gentle pat, to which the hatchling responds with a happy ‘mrrp!’ “I think it’s a good name for her. Her scales, however pitifully weak they are right now, reflected the moonlight nicely when she came out of her shell.”
“We are not calling her that.”
“What? Why?” Maleanor frowns. Seeing it, the hatchling turned to Maleficia and narrowed her eyes at her in what she supposes was supposed to be a glare. It only makes her look cuter, though.
“Your father and I had spoken,” the Queen pulled both of her daughters towards her. The memory is still fresh in her mind, even though her husband had passed not long after their second egg had been laid, “and we had an agreement that should another Princess be born, she would be named ‘Malva’.”
The name of a type of flower, one that can calm weary hearts and a cleanser of toxins. The perfect name, especially should this child take an interest in herbology like her father did before he became king.
Malva, though likely not understanding a word Maleficia just said, tilted her head slightly, her struggle to get back to her sister momentarily ceasing. Her eyes, the same shape as the late King’s but the color of Maleficia’s, blinked up at her curiously. They don’t need to announce her hatching just yet. For now, they just need to be a mother and her daughters, not the Queen of Briar Kingdom and the two Princesses.
“I don’t like that name.”
“Hush now, Maleanor.”
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ilsalvagocce · 11 months
io e babbo portiamo i fiori al cimitero, prima che la notte scenda
nonno e nonna assistono al cambio di fiori di stoffa, sì di stoffa e pure di fiori veri. un compaesano in giro di cimitero, che non conosco e chiameremo signor mattone, perché ha un cardigan color mattone, si avvicina e attacca bottone, con mio padre, risaputo cordiale parlatore, ma sai, dico ma non lo dico, anche babbo desidera i silenzi di fronte ai suoi morti, sbuffo dentro, e per tutto il cambio vasi cambio fiori, colpetti di tosse, il signor mattone parla parla parla, dei tempi andati dei parenti suoi che non stanno lì, del chicchessiaqualunquecosa. Nonno Attilio sbuffa, giovane ragazzo quando mio padre aveva un mese soltanto, o non so cosa pensa. Ci guarda col volto basso, un po’ interdetto un po’ faccia di bronzo, capello impomatato sigaretta sospesa sulle labbra, pinces sui pantaloni, james dean prima di james dean, maledetta la vespa, maledetta la strada dell’incrocio dei paesi. Gina, dall’alto del suo gran petto che riempie l'ovale della foto e dal basso della sua minutezza, paziente, paziente per forza per amore, aspetta, che il signor mattone ci lasci soli, con la nipote mai conosciuta e il figlio adorato dagli occhi cerulei come i suoi, in bianco e nero. Sospira, la sento che sospira. Io faccio le faccende dei fiori, magari il signor mattone s’accorge e va via, però non so se ho scelto i fiori giusti per lei, se amava questi o preferiva i cristantemi, ma a me non piacciono tanto nonna, e poi non riesco a concentrarmi sull’ikebana, se non posso stare da sola qui con mio padre e con voi, questo signore marroncino continua a parlare della giunta comunale e di chi ruba i fiori alle tombe.
Mattone poi se ne va e io chiedo a babbo un ricordo di tutti e due, anche inventato, è la nostra preghiera. Poi ci prendiamo sottobraccio e andiamo verso la tomba di Grazia, saliamo le scale, c’è un tragitto da fare per raggiungerla, anche se casualmente, è stato un caso, ma nulla è per caso, nel cimitero la tomba di mamma e quella dei nonni si guardano, mamma dal balcone, loro da basso, attorno all’aiuola verde. Una prende l’alba, loro il tramonto.
C’è un sacco di via vai, tutti sembrano più di me provvisti di fiori speciali acque e spruzzini e lavette, io con le mie rose color malva chiaro, e poi volevo pure le foglie e pure le melagrane dell'orto nostro, ma i vasetti son piccini, e tra poco cala il sole.
Arriviamo da mamma a ovest, e come fantasma urlatore scorgiamo il gomito del signor mattone lì davanti la pietra di mia madre. Non ci credo, ci stava aspettando lì, per parlarti ancora! Facciamo un altro giro, un po’ di silenzio vi prego su questa terra, magari si stufa e se ne va, intanto babbo racconta, saluta di qua, io invidio la nebbiolina fiorita di là, che annuvola i vasetti, passa tempo, cala la luce ancora un po', e poi ritorniamo da mamma, ora addirittura s’è creato crocicchio di altrettanti a me sconosciuti, in quei tre metri quadri di fronte alla parete di piccole lapidi. Sospiriamo, giriamo l’angolo verso mamma, facciamoci vedere, tanto qui non se ne va nessuno mi sa.
Ciao mamma dico piano, perché tutti attorno parlano forte di gente che sta male, di un marito che pensa! imbocca la moglie, e io mi dico ma ma ma, ma no, non dico, io e mamma ci guardiamo, la vedo con gli occhi all’indietro, che dice santa pace e qualche parolina di sarcasmo beffardo, babbo sorride contrito alle mie spalle, costretto alle parole degli Altri, è più silenzioso del solito, è scocciato mio padre, è scocciato anche lui, da signor mattone e signor senape e signora muschio, ma mai dirà Potete un attimo lasciarci soli?, Possiamo un attimo raccoglierci, zitti, zitti vi prego, su questa terra, d'altronde lui è il figlio di quei due là sotto all'aiuola dell'est, è il marito della donna qui davanti che sta di fronte al mare coi capelli al vento, e se ne frega dei capelli scapecciati, lui è quello che sta qui, lui accoglie.
Io invece sono la figlia di questo qui che accoglie, e della donna in foto di fronte al mare in tempesta, metto le tre rose color malva nel vasetto, come graffiare il muro della lavagna, mi avvicino alla pietra faccio quasi per entrare dentro il ritratto, cerco di immaginare le battute di mia madre scaccia-urlatori inopportuni, analfabeti della gentilezza, la guardo, chiedo suggerimenti, la vita fa ridere un sacco, ora mi metto un lenzuolo in testa e faccio BOOOO a tutti, così se ne vanno.
invece no, fingiamo di andarcene noi, salutiamo, gli Altri si dileguano, non c'è più da chiacchierare spettegolare a voce alta, torniamo indietro, zitti zitti, non abbiamo gabbato la morte, gabbiamo l'inopportuno, non è poco. Dai sistema i fiori, dimmi i ricordi.
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skullkxd · 1 year
@picavecalyx said:
" uhh...ree. yu wanna...cume luk at this? " Silva's laying on the ground, looking at the hologram illuminating from her holocaster. It's Kalosian news, she always...sorta kept a watch of it, just in case her face popped up again, or something big happened...but what she wasn't expecting was someone to be talking about Ree--and Malva no less. " m- ...mmmthe news anchur is talking abut yu. "
“… yeah?”
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Ree pokes their head out of the blanket fort they’ve made (temporary, in case they really do have to move to a hotel) and crawls over, leaning against Silva and staring at the Holo-caster. They frown, before glancing at her.
“I mean … guess it makes sense. Lots of reporters have been comin’ after me, an’ she was one of em. She came by the battle tree yesterday an’ cornered me for an interview. She works fast, though, damn. What did she say? Bad stuff, or…?”
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joshuaanddiantha1 · 2 months
My favourite pokegirls list staring from 20 (Start) to 1 (End)
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omgpurplefattie · 11 months
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Dirty Matcha
Cold: Brew and whisk matcha, pour over ice cubes, add sweet vanilla coffee concentrate, add ice cold milk (pictured)
Hot: Brew and whisk matcha, add hot coffee, add vanilla barista syrup, add creamer or cream or hot milk.
Milk or cream can of course be vegan.
I got this from the Insta of the company that makes the coffee concentrate and have since improvised on it.
Third picture: my cat Malva staring at me because I was still going strong and sitting at my computer being on-call during state election night after I had this stuff. Who needs cocaine when this is legal?
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cheemken · 1 year
The brainrot is real and I've been thinking at how Malva and Diantha would get together in my lil aus and hcs so hey hahaha
Anyways yeah
Let's say,, Dia and Malva are at least eighteen in this concept, and Diantha has to attend this lil farewell party thing for one of the former Elite Four, as he's retiring, but Diantha honestly didn't like him and she's sure he hated her too, plus, that night was the premiere of LucarioMan, so ofc she's salty as shit. 
"I don't wanna attend this party, Drasna," she said, looking at Drasna through the mirror, the Dragon Specialist was fixing Dia's hair. "I'm sure sir Ignis would be happy if I wasn't around." She tried to justify, but Drasna shook her head. 
Drasna smiled through it, she didn't want to attend as well, but they have to keep up appearances, "it's only for a few hours, my dear, after that you're free to do whatever you want."
But what else is she gonna do after that, the party starts at six and it'll end in eight, once that's done LucarioMan is over too and god she fucking hated it, especially since Drasna wouldn't let her go out around nine in the pm too, and she has to make sure Augustine is also in bed, she has a lot to do man she just wants to watch her fave movie 
So hey, the party began, some speeches here and there, and everyone was finally migling w each other, Diantha thought it was the perfect time to try and escape and hide in her room at least, then she spotted Malva in the corner. She got excited, Malva actually came, she really thought she burnt the invitation she sent 
"You're here!" Diantha rushed to hug her, "thank Arceus, I thought I was gonna die here," she groaned, "it's so boring!"
Rolling her eyes at that, Malva lightly shoved her, "you're being dramatic, it's not that bad.. I guess. I don't know, now that you said it, it does look boring."
"It is!" Then she grabbed Malva's hand, "so cmon, I'd rather not talk to anyone here for a while, I'm sure they don't like me too." Then she dragged Malva out of the hall, heading outside, finally reaching the lil balcony of the league, overlooking Kalos. 
Diantha sighed, then turned to Malva w her own toothy grin, "It's a great night out, don't you think?"
And Malva's there staring at her, the moon illuminated Diantha just right, her eyes shines like precious sapphires, and Malva was left breathless. 
Then Dia looked back towards the view of Kalos, at Lumiose's tower, then she grinned, "hey.. do you wanna come watch LucarioMan with me?"
Malva had to be honest, she fucking hated those movies, but Diantha loved them, ofc Malva knew that, Dia was the biggest LucarioMan fan that she knows, and truth be told, it's cute seeing Diantha getting all excited over it, even tho she doesn't share the same excitement. She scoffed, "wow, never thought you'd ditch the party for LucarioMan."
"I'd do anything for LucarioMan," she said, rather seriously, Malva actually laughed. "Hey! It's true! He's amazing! So let's go!" She began climbing up the balcony, standing up the flat surface of the railing, looking back towards Malva, extending out her hand for the other girl to take.
"What are you doing?" Malva quickly grabbed her hand, "you'd fall off, you idiot! You know, you're not really LucarioMan, right?!"
Diantha chuckled, and despite her panicked state, it made Malva's heart flutter. "Don't worry! We'll be fine! Cmon!" And she helped her up, Malva was clinging to her for dear life. Dia wrapped her arm around Malva's waist, pulling her close, she grinned up at her, "hold on tight, okay?" Though before Malva could register, Diantha shifted her weight, the two of them falling from the balcony. 
They were three stories up, the wind rushing to Malva's face, she screamed as she clung to Diantha, waiting for the sweet embrace of death as they were getting nearer to the ground. 
Only for them to land on something… fluffy. 
Malva opened her eyes, beneath them was none other than Diantha's Gengar, his laughter echoing within the gardens, the three of them levitating off the ground. She sees Diantha point towards the direction of Lumiose, telling Gengar to take them there, and Malva could only hold on tight to one of Pokémon's horns while her other arm was around Diantha's shoulder, almost afraid she'd fall off. 
But it was nice y'know, seeing Diantha smile this much, laughing as they flew towards Lumiose, she looks at her and it feels like it was right. It felt so fucking right being w her, seeing Diantha, actually seeing her, what she is beneath all that make up, all that false bravado, those fake smiles, it felt as if Malva was blessed by Arceus himself to see Diantha as she is, not the stuck up actress or elegant champion people always perceived her to be. 
Then Dia smiled at her, "this is fun, isn't it?"
Malva almost sneered out, altho it was nice to be with Dia, that honestly gave her a heart attack, "a little warning would've been appreciated."
"Were you scared?" Dia raised a brow, smirking at her, and Malva finally sneered.
"No, of course not! I just didn't… want you to fall," she mumbled the last bits to herself. Diantha heard, but decided not to comment, it's rare she ever heard Malva say things like that. 
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Finally they got to the theatre, unfortunately LucarioMan was sold out. Dia was crying, well, not really sad crying more like she's crying cause she's pissed, blaming that party again. But.. Malva didn't want to see her like that. Sighing, she tugged on Diantha's hand, "hey, I know a way where we can still watch it."
"Yeah, just follow me." 
So they headed to the back of the theatre, Malva making a comment how unguarded that place really was, and it's how she usually watches all those films for free since no one really checks the back, really believing Kalos is that safe. Ofc, Dia commented on that as well, she never believed Kalos was that safe, but then again maybe she and her league were doing a good job that people weren't that afraid. It was still concerning tho
Now within the theatre, Malva guided her deeper into the place, avoiding any staff that came their way, till they were heading up these stairs, Diantha finally realized where they were. At the back of the cinema showing LucarioMan, just above the ones showing the film, a room where all the broken equipment are hidden, but their view of the screen was perfect, and they watched as everyone below them settled in their seats.
Diantha's excitement grew, leaning onto the railing of the tiny hall-like platform they're in, she then turned to Malva, hugging her, "Malva, this is amazing!" She exclaimed, but in a quiet voice, then her attention was back to the film, rambling on about how excited she was for this one.
Malva hid a smile, rolling her eyes as she tried to watch it with her.
"Yknow," Diantha said again, "I never thought you'd really do this for me, bringing me here and watching LucarioMan."
Malva grinned, albeit forced, adjusting the black tie tied around the collar of her shirt, "and I never thought you'd make me wear this bullshit thing only for us to ditch the party."
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Dia giggled at that, then she smiled at her, "you look great in it though."
Malva could feel the heat rush up to her cheeks, then she turned away from her, "whatever.." 
"Oh, another thing." Malva hummed at that, "since Ignis is retiring, do you.. maybe wanna apply to be part of the Elite Four?"
"I mean you are a strong trainer, I'm sure you're qualified to be part of the Elite Four," then she grinned, "plus, you have my vote, so it's an automatic win for you!"
The thought of being part of the Kalos Elite Four wasn't smth she thought she could ever achieve, and it was a nice thought, that she'd be able to fight by Diantha's side, being a roadblock for challengers, and the power that came w it too. But she also wanted to be chosen without Diantha's influence, she'd rather actually prove she's capable than to rely on her connections within the league, especially since it's Diantha, the Champion. "Sure, why not." She finally said, then she added, "but, I don't want your help. I'll prove I'm strong enough to be part of the Elite Four."
She shook her head with a laugh, "of course, but I'm glad you'd apply for it."
"Oh, one last thing."
"Thank you.. for coming along with me."
Malva turned to her, raising a brow. Then Dia smiled softly, so genuinely, it made her heart flutter once more. Diantha leaned her head on her shoulder, "I know how much you hate this movie, but… it really means a lot that you're here watching it with me."
"Don't mention it.." she quietly said in return, hearing Diantha hum and she finally, finally, focused on the movie, eyes wide with such excitement when LucarioMan showed up on screen. Malva was watching now too, she would've preferred to watch smth else, but.. looking at Diantha, looking at how happy she was, perhaps she can endure all the cheesy fight scenes, just this once. 
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pyroaress · 1 year
[ laying on his back staring at the ceiling ]
what are we?
Lofty little circles traced on his chest and her head resting in the space close to his head. Coming down from their regular randevouz was done enjoying the slow lull into contentment. They have a little pillow talk sure -
- but .. did he have to bring that up?
Her fingers pause.
Honestly…she doesn’t have an answer. It was very simple at first: keep the man distracted and exchange little tidbits on the bedside. Nothing very incriminating of course, but something with a little edge to keep him interested. He does the same in return. They’ve done this before no doubt.
It got complicated didn’t it? Malva prowled around him like a predator too charmed by her prey to make the kill. Goodness the man was drab, carried his exhaustion eye bags and all like a wrung out dish cloth, and had far to many coffee stains on his wrinkled shirts and loose tie. But arceus be damned if his quick wit and intense observation didnt make up for it. The chasing around each other was addicting.
And well .. as much as she hated to admit .. she was happy to have someone else besides her in this lonely circumstance. He can relate to being loomed over by a dangerous boss that at any moment can decide to squeeze harder on that hand around throats when they’ve felt like it. How fun being the under appreciated errand dog.
“ …”
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“ What are you thinking about…?” No sarcastic verbatim or surly tone either. It was uncharacteristically soft.
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1dont-really-know · 6 months
A sort-of continuation to this! Set in the same day, about 8 hours apart :3
Tagging : @kitwasnothere @kdjmybeloved (feel free to tell me if you wanna be tagged :3)
Feat: Malva Draconia, Lilia Vanrouge, mentioned Malleus Draconia and Maleanor Draconia
Still nothing.
Lilia sighs. He has been standing in front of the princess’s door for a while now. Maybe ten, twenty minutes? Yet still, despite his efforts, not even a whisper has been heard in response. “Look, I know what I said was harsh, but can you please just come out here and talk to me? You're being incredibly childish.�� Even worse yet, the door’s locked. Not just physically, but with an extra layer of magic as well. It’s flimsy, yes, but at the same time just so incredibly petty. 
He can’t believe he’s getting the silent treatment of all things. Lilia is used to temper tantrums; he’s used to Maleanor throwing her magic around to intimidate people into getting what she wants, and even though Malva had never been quite as bad as her sister was (as in, she refused to actually hurt people on purpose), she had had her fair share of tantrums as well.
That, Lilia suspects, is why it feels so foreboding.
Draconias know what they want and are not afraid to do what it takes to get it, often by destructive measures.
They are prideful.
They are demanding.
They are powerful. 
They are not silent. 
"Perhaps had you only used your Unique Magic, Maleanor wouldn't have died and neither of us would have had to go through this.” 
Guilt gnaws at Lilia, pushed down to the bottom of his heart by his pride. He knows what he says wasn’t true; that Malva would not have been able to stop Maleanor from sacrificing herself even if she had foreseen it happening. Yet still, she could have done more. 
He could have done more.
But the only thing they could do now is make the best out of what they have.
And… they have each other, don't they? 
She had stood up for him when the Senate had tried to take Malleus away from them, even if it changed little in the end. Even if their opinions differ on what they think is best for the little hatchling. Even if he’s pretty sure that she would have immediately ran off and left everything behind had Malleus not been a factor.
Lilia shook his head to rid himself of the thought. Malva has been nothing but a good aunt for Malleus. It was no use thinking of what could have been had he not been in the picture. He’s the only thing left that both Lilia and Malva have to protect together .
But it’s been getting to her. Even Lilia himself can tell. He’s noticed that the grief in Malva’s eyes has yet to fade even the slightest bit since the night Maleanor had died. He’s noticed the way she stares off into the distance when she thinks no one is looking. He’s noticed the way she’s been spending less and less time at the castle as Malleus ages.
He realized too late that the grief in her eyes that day was fresh.
It's part of what triggered their argument, really. With her demanding that he spend more time with Malleus while he actively watches her spend less and less time with him, Lilia had felt that Malva was nothing short of a hypocrite. Besides, he had a valid reason as to why he can't spend more time with him, as opposed to her, who's starting to distance herself out of her own free will.
Could he have stopped it? Was there a world where he could have saved her?
"Perhaps had you only used your Unique Magic, Maleanor wouldn't have died and neither of us would have had to go through this.” 
“I'm giving you until the count of three.”
Even if so, Lilia knew that he'd be lying to himself if he said that his words didn't cross a line.
And he saw firsthand how much Maleanor's death affected her.
He shouldn't have said what he did. That's why he's here now; to apologize to her. He just needs her to open the door and talk to him. Just that one tiny thing. 
No response.
Lilia pushes down the feeling of disappointment in his chest. He should have known that wouldn't work. 
“You're really not making it easy for either of us, are you?”
It only took a second; a mere moment for him to unlock the door and step inside.
He should've known something was wrong.
Malva’s room is dark when he enters. Lilia wonders briefly how the plants that reside inside could ever get the sunlight they needed with Malva’s schedule, but the said plants looked just fine. The vines that crawl around her windows are a vibrant green, and so are the ferns and bushes she keeps in pots near her bed. Well cared for, even with the things she apparently has to go through.
For a moment, there doesn't seem to be anyone inside, but then Lilia notices a shape on the floor. He rolls his eyes, approaching Malva where she lays on her side next to her desk. The remains of what must be her latest experiment lays on top of the oaken furniture, branches from a bush with some shiny black berries still attached, a piece of paper with her handwriting on it next to them. The leaves are gone, presumably to make a potion or another. Perhaps a stealth potion, to help her sneak out more? He can't really feel her magic right now, even from this distance. She's probably sulking because she wanted it to do more than just hide her magic.
Once he reaches her, Lilia kneels down and places his hand on her arm, mildly annoyed, “Malva, come on now. You can't just keep–”
Lilia freezes. The moment his hand made contact with hers, it felt like the air was being sucked right out of his lungs. A horrifying realization dawns upon him, creeping up his spine and suffocating him with dread.
Malva’s cold. Unnaturally cold.
This… this can't be real, right? It's probably just a side effect of whatever it was she was making. Yes, that has to be it. Lilia grabs Malva’s wrist and tries not to think too much about how hard it is to move it from its position, checking (searching) for a heartbeat, and when that doesn't work, he presses his fingers against her neck’s pulse point and hopes desperately to feel something there instead.
He doesn’t. It takes him a second to realize that. His hands are trembling so badly that he gave himself false hope more than once in the span of a single minute.
He squeezes her hand, using his other one to carefully try to shake her awake, his efforts quickly becoming more panicked and desperate as second after second passes by without a single shred of response. “Malva.” He calls her name, the tremble of his hands making its way to his voice, “Malva, this isn't funny. I know you're angry at me, but this isn't how to resolve this. Come on.”
Her eyes, half open and glazed over, just continue to stare forwards at nothing at all. There was no hint of life to be seen there. No emotion, no reaction; nothing. 
Lilia looks frantically around the room from where he kneels, trying to find something– anything that could help. Malva’s a healer, so she'd have things that would help in situations like these, right? But what had caused this? She couldn't have just dropped like this; there had to be a reason. She was fine just a few hours ago. She was fine before their argument. She was fine before…
The plant with the shiny black berries on the table. The missing leaves and bits of dug-up roots.
The note in her handwriting.
It felt like ice was coursing through Lilia’s veins. 
He can hear footsteps rapidly approaching, and with his vision starting to blur, Lilia looks down at Malva and gives her hand another squeeze, trying to sound as reassuring as possible, “just hold on, alright? Just hold on. Help is on their way, and you'll be–” alright? Fine? Safe? What word is there in any language that could make sense with her current condition?
He can't even get himself to finish his sentence.
He just needs her to be alright.
He never got a chance to apologize to her.
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icarusthelunarguard · 10 months
This Week’s Horrible-Scopes
It’s time for this week’s Horrible-Scopes! So for those of you that know your Astrological Signs, cool! If not, just pick one, roll a D12, or just make it up as you go along. It really doesn’t matter. Better yet! Check out “Heart of the Game, Fredonia” and see if they can sell you those D12’s with the symbols on them. Tell them “Shujin Tribble” sentcha. And “Hail, Hail, Fredonia!” Home of the Blue Devil!
These ‘Scopes are going out at the beginning of December, so it seems only right that everyone’s is based on a random regional dessert. So hold onto your taste buds and remember; Holiday Calories Don’t Count!
Starting us off in Central America, we’re visiting Honduras for you! And what a time to do it! Your dessert is “Rosquillas”, aka Spanish Donuts! Pair that up with some deep, rich coffee with cocoa and you’re ready to spend the afternoon napping from how stuffed you’ll be. So This Week… Brush up on your Spanish and get ready to enjoy the warm weather.
Jumping over the water to Africa we’re landing you in Eswatini, formally known as Swaziland. English is still a popular language there, so you’ll be able to get around fairly well. So you’ll have to order Mafetsi. The closest known desserts would be “Donut Holes”, but they’re not as sweet as what you’d get in Dunkin’ or Timmies. This Week… Don’t call attention to yourself by asking for more sugar sprinkled on your order. Just say Thank You and go on your way.  
Not leaving Africa yet. We’re taking you slightly West into Botswana. They call it Malva Pudding, but really it’s more like cake on your fork as you eat it. There are a number of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks made there, including fermented maize and berries. But if you want something you’ll find close-to-home, grab a bottle of Ginger Beer. This Week… If you want a minty tea, why not try some… and the HELL is this?! I can’t pronounce this! “Kgomodimetsing”. Ask Google Translate to pronounce it for you when you order.
Cancer Moon-Child 
Hopping over the Equator and landing in Eastern Europe we’re settling you into Belarus. What do you get when you mix wheat, berries, honey or sugar, nuts, raisins, and poppy seeds on Christmas Eve? You get a prophetic dessert known as “Kutia”. And we say “Prophetic” because you’re supposed to throw some at the ceiling before eating… and the number of grains that stick to the ceiling are used to predict the next year's agricultural prosperity. So This Week… Remember to set out a small bowl of the stuff outside for Father Christmas, or he’ll send the Krampus for you soon enough.
This one’s easy! Follow the setting sun and you’ll eventually make it to France for your desserts. You’ll want to have a cup of Demitasse Coffee ready to sip, because your dessert is all KINDS of sugar-filled. A digestible pyramid known as “croquembouche” (KROAK - ehm - boosh), it’s a bunch of tiny pastry puffs, welded into a confectionary caltrop with chocolate as the mortar. This Week… we know you didn’t pay attention in French class in high school. You just wanted to stare at the new young teacher. Well guess what? You need to remember all those lessons you’ve forgotten. How’s THAT for, “WhEn Am I eVeR gOiNg To NeEd To kNoW ThIs?!”
Skipping over the Mediterranean Sea and across the Registan Desert, we stop off in Afghanistan. “Khetayee” are traditional Afghan cookies usually made with a handful of simple ingredients: flour, powdered milk, baking powder, icing sugar, oil, and ground pistachios! They’re not specific to any time of year, but they’re simple to make and are delicious. So This Week… double-check with your doctor that you don’t have a nut allergy to pistachios. That would be a bad time to find out that you do. 
Ping-Ponging back across Europe, we’re settling into Luxembourg for you! Two out of the three common languages might be familiar to you: German & French. But the main one, Luxembourgish, might trip you up. No worries, because your dessert, “Äppelklatzen”, consists of apples that are lightly cooked with cinnamon, nutmeg, and sugar, wrapped in pastry, then baked until golden-brown. It’s about as close as you can get to a Personal Apple Pie. This Week… Well you picked a great time for this since this is especially popular during the Christmas season. Learn how to speak some Luxembourgish and enjoy the nights!
Not done with Southern Africa just yet. We’re sweeping down the continent into Zimbabwe. Lots of languages to choose from, including English… and the American Dollar is also the official currency there too! You’ll get to try out “Chikenduza”, Zimbabwe Candy Cake. It’s a thick, yeast-based cake topped with a bright pink icing, shaped not too different from a large cupcake or muffin. So This Week… Find your sunglasses and wear them when you sample this delicacy - because calling it “bright pink icing” is not an understatement. 
A lot of African hits it seems. Well, let’s head to the west side of the continent and have you visit Sierra Leone. With a view of the Atlantic Ocean and a wonderful warm temperature, how about digging into Ginger Cake. The story goes that this confectionery treat is so sweet and heavy that if a driver eats it they will fall into a sugar coma and crash the car. So This Week… have a slice or two, but make sure you have a designated driver for afterwards.
Back to Central Asia you’re visiting Turkmenistan. The funny part about this is, you might already know one of the local sweets already and never knew it. “Nabat” are sucrose crystals of varying sizes which are grown on threads. Yeah, it’s basically Rock Candy on a String! And if you wanted to sweeten a drink like tea, you could just dunk it in and swish it around a bit. So This Week… relive your childhood and make some Rock Sugar Strings again.
Once more into the Romance Languages, we’re dropping you off in Spain with something that’s about to make you want to visit immediately. “Churros con Chocolate” is exactly what it sounds like: Churros with melted chocolate. We’ll forgive you if you wanted to use warmed Hazelnut spread instead, since it’s a Close Enough replacement. This Week… try to remember that you don’t need to use the Name Brand Stuff in your food. Generic stuff is just as good and FAR less expensive.  
And finally we finish you off in Zambia! One of the best parts about this country is the variety of fruits! Mangoes, watermelons, apples, oranges, papaya and pineapples get turned into smoothie drinks like crazy. And though there aren’t many local confectioneries, ice cream is very popular - especially mango as mentioned before. So This Week… learn the difference between a waffle cone and a sugar cone before you spend too much and get it all dripping on your shirt.
And THOSE are your Horrible-Scopes for this week! Remember if you liked what you got, we’re obviously not working hard enough at these. BUT! If you want a better or nastier one for your own sign or someone else’s, all you need to do to bribe me is just Let Me Know! These will be posted online at the end of each week via Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, Discord and BLUESKY.
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Ed eccoci di nuovo qui con la rubrica a cadenza mensile e precisamente l'ultimo giorno di ogni mese, curata dalla nostra utente e amica Valentina Pace
Questa rubrica nasce anche e soprattutto da una riflessione che ci accompagna da un po' di tempo: per una "piccola" biblioteca di un piccolo paese non è sempre facile stare al passo con le richieste, i suggerimenti, le necessità degli utenti e non. Per questo motivo, con l'aiuto di Valentina scopriremo nuovi autori e nuove letture, consigli e spunti di riflessione, insieme a curiosità e notizie sui nostri cari libri. E allora, diamo il benvenuto a questo nuovo spazio culturale dove si viaggerà alla scoperta delle case editrici indipendenti: ʟᴇᴛᴛᴜʀᴇɪɴᴅɪᴇ.
La casa editrice di questo mese è: Edizioni E/O
Buona lettura a tutti!
ℕ𝕀ℕ𝔽𝔼𝔼 ℕ𝔼ℝ𝔼 𝕕𝕚 𝕄𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕝 𝔹𝕦𝕤𝕤𝕚
“Tre donne vivevano in un paesino. La prima era cattiva, la seconda bugiarda e la terza egoista. […] Erano tre persone molto diverse. Eppure avevano qualcosa in comune, una specie di segreto: tutte e tre sognavano di andarsene. […] Tre donne vivevano in un paesino. La terza era quella con più talento, la seconda era la più furba e la prima era la più determinata. Secondo voi, quale delle tre è riuscita a scappare? La terza, la più giovane, si chiamava Fanette Morelle. La seconda si chiamava Stéphanie Dupain. La prima, la più vecchia, ero io”.
Questo è l’incipit di “Ninfee nere”, il romanzo più famoso dello scrittore francese Michel Bussi, un mystery ambientato a Giverny, il paesino della Normandia famoso in tutto il mondo per via del pittore impressionista Claude Monet e della serie di quadri dedicati alle Ninfee.
Nel paese tutto ruota intorno alla figura del pittore, alla sua casa museo, allo stagno delle ninfee, ma anche intorno ad una bambina con un talento innato per la pittura e ad una maestra infelice, dagli occhi color malva, che vuole dare una svolta alla sua vita.
Nonostante l’ambientazione colorata, ricca di fiori e di bellezze naturali, già dopo poche righe di lettura, ci imbattiamo nel primo di una serie di omicidi che sembrano avere un oscuro legame con fatti avvenuti in un lontano passato.
La vittima è un collezionista d’arte forse coinvolto nel ritrovamento di un quadro di Monet dal valore inestimabile, mentre sono legati alla vicenda un marito geloso e un’anziana donna che conosce tutti i segreti dei suoi concittadini, ma si ostina a tacere.
“Ninfee nere” è considerato dalla maggior parte dei lettori un vero e proprio page turner, un romanzo dall'intreccio apparentemente lineare in cui, però, nulla è come appare: il finale è caratterizzato da un colpo di scena a prima vista sensazionale. In realtà, andando a rileggere alcuni passaggi, mi sono resa conto che Bussi si approfitta della buona fede del lettore, utilizzando vari escamotages per ingannarlo, facendogli credere quello che vuole, affinché non arrivi da solo alla soluzione del mistero.
Ho letto questo romanzo con il gruppo di lettura #lelulahunters gestito da Teresa, Bee Book a Lula e da Miria @miriathebookhunter2019 e attendo con ansia la discussione finale per potermi confrontare con gli altri partecipanti. Di “Ninfee nere” ho amato moltissimo l’ambientazione e le pagine dedicate all’impressionismo e, in particolare, alla vita di Claude Monet. Anche lo stile di scrittura, molto caustico, tipico della commedia nera, è sicuramente notevole.
Nonostante gli indiscussi pregi, la lettura del romanzo mi ha lasciata piuttosto tiepida per vari motivi: non ho apprezzato le modalità in cui l’autore cerca di depistare il lettore; i personaggi, a mio parere, sono caratterizzati in modo troppo marcato, assumendo dei tratti caricaturali. Inoltre, la vicenda è, di per sé, piuttosto scialba, poiché tutto viene raccontato solo e unicamente in funzione del colpo di scena finale.
Michel Bussi. Autore francese di gialli più venduto oltralpe. È nato in Normandia, dove sono ambientati diversi suoi romanzi e dove insegna geografia all’Università di Rouen. Ninfee nere (Edizioni E/O 2016) è stato il romanzo giallo che nel 2011, anno della sua pubblicazione in Francia, ha avuto il maggior numero di premi: Prix Polar Michel Lebrun, Grand Prix Gustave Flaubert, Prix polar méditerranéen, Prix des lecteurs du festival Polar de Cognac, Prix Goutte de Sang d’encre de Vienne. Tra le sue pubblicazioni per E/O figurano: Tempo assassino (2017), Mai dimenticare (2017), La doppia madre (2018), Il quaderno rosso (2018), La follia mazzarino (2019), Usciti di Senna (2020), la saga distopica N.E.O La caduta del sole di ferro (2020), Tutto ciò che è sulla terra morirà (2021), La mia bottiglia per l'oceano (2022) e Codice 612. Chi ha ucciso il Piccolo Principe? (2023).
Edizioni E/O è stata fondata dai coniugi Sandro Ferri e Sandra Ozzola nel 1979 e pubblica libri di letteratura italiana e straniera. Lo scopo della CE è quello di creare ponti tra letterature di diversi paesi per stimolare il dialogo tra le culture. Infatti, il nome e/o sta per e/oppure, ma anche est/ovest, mentre il logo rappresenta una cicogna che viaggia nel mondo portando storie. La e/o presta da sempre un’attenzione particolare alla letteratura femminile, pubblicando le opere di autrici come Elena Ferrante, Lia Levi, Muriel Barbery, Christa Wolf e Alice Sebold, ma edita anche i noir di Massimo Carlotto e Jean-Claude Izzo, i romanzi fantastici di Matt Haig e la saga dell’Attraversaspecchi di Christelle Dabos.
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t3mp0ral1ty-art · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Okay so I don't have anything in particular to show that's new, but I wanted to show off perhaps one of my fav paragraphs/scenes from my fic Memento Mori, Memento Vita because it truly is my magnum opus at this point.
Check out the fic if you haven't already! I can't wait to work on it when I have more time! Do be warned, there is blood/gore in this segment, which I'll hide under the break.
This isn't beautiful.
The Kalos skyline is filled with that familiar scarlet red Lysandre remembers from childhood, and as he runs his bloody fingers through his unkempt, tousled hair his gaze focuses on the lone human standing in the distance. Desperate to see a face full of life, he stumbles forth and almost trips on the bones protruding from the earth; though it feels as if the hands of the dead are attempting to drag him down into the earth with them. As he draws near to the only other living human, Lysandre begins to notice more familiar faces amidst the blood and bones that he tramples upon; Malva's obnoxiously pink hair framing her splintered glasses, young Trevor's broken Holo Caster held in a death grip caused by rigor mortis, Xerosic’s pale, gaunt face stretched into a frozen shriek.
Tattered tulle fabric leaves the Team Flare Leader almost slipping once again, and his gaze flicks to the face of Champion Diantha. Her once pristine white outfit is practically destroyed, stained with yellow, brown and red in an ugly blend that nearly causes Lysandre to retch. Diantha’s beauty isn’t even immortalised in death, as evident from the way that half of her face is missing entirely.
A stuttered gasp pushes out of the man’s lungs at the mere mention of his own name, and as Lysandre tears his eyes away from the fallen Champion he finds himself meeting a familiar blue-grey pair just across from him.
Augustine Sycamore frowns as he stares down at Lysandre Fleur-De-Lis, the Professor seemingly unharmed despite the raging fires and dead bodies scattered around them. The look in his eyes is scrutinising enough that Lysandre wants to look away, but cannot bring himself to do so. Instead he can only watch as the Professor of Kalos reaches down and picks up a red hat adorned with a black bow, swiping off the dust that remains on the brim. Scrutiny makes way for melancholy as Augustine’s features soften, crows’ feet wrinkling at the corners of his eyes as he tenderly holds the hat as if it were to crumble and join the bones below.
“Why…? Why did you do this?” The raven-haired man questions, gaze never lifting from the hat in his hands, “Is this truly what you wanted? Did you want our friends to die? For Kalos to perish?”
“N-No! That was n-not my intention—!” Lysandre’s breath is caught in his throat when Augustine looks to him again, blue-grey eyes turned into a void of chilling cyan. The eyes— not Augustine’s— observe him fervently, rendering the taller man almost completely incapacitated as he falls to his knees. Beneath him, Bryony’s dead body cushions his fall. “This is not what I wanted…I…I swear upon my life—“
“The life you so foolishly cast away in order to attain a mere fantasy!?” The body using Augustine’s voice speaks, tone cold and filled with an anger that the redhead cannot fathom as real. The hat is tossed aside, landing upon the chest of Serena who lays in a pool of her own blood with eyes wide open and staring at the hazy, blood-red sky. “The life you spent chasing after legends and allowing yourself to be consumed by narcissism as you hope to change this world in your own image!? Your life, Lysandre Fleur-De-Lis, has no meaning. Swearing upon it will change nothing.”
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wild-battlebond · 1 year
kalos league notes 👍
well trevor's getting eliminated first round. rip.
i do think the angsty badgeless guy is interesting just because it's the first time the perspective of someone who didn't get all their badges in time hasn't really been shown before. even if he is kind of a footnote (unless it happened in os or something and I forgot)
and paralleling ash's battle against that guy with trevor's battle is fun
this has nothing to do with the battle & it's also not really utilized by the anime but it's interesting to think about how draco meteor is kind of an attack associated with friendship… it doesn't rely on it like moves like Return, but typically it can only be taught in the games once you have high friendship with a dragon-type. so when someone used it, it kind of implies a lot about their friendship with their pokémon
oh the stronger-stronger mantra is back. also i guess it's fitting since others already tossed out mega evolution but it's still kind of suprising he leans on bond phenomenon so early into the tournament
ofc they describe ash as a "star trainer". this poor kid's never getting out of the limelight in the kalos region
126 (tierno)
using malva's news report as a recap + to fill in the audience on some other stuff is fun
what do you think leagues do when they don't have an even amount of trainers registered. do they just kick out the odd-numbered trainer
first trevor then sawyer… why does everyone have a "secret weapon". did someone think cameron's secret weapon was really compelling or something
why does it move onto the semi-finals so quickly… well it's a lot of full battles so i guess it makes sense. since a full battle takes up a whole episode
anyways i remember tierno's battle being a lot of fun to watch so I'm looking forward to this!! i still feel bad he can't be a performer 'cause he would sweep
ace king tierno's blastoise - wait wait wait what did clemont just say
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but tierno's raichu was also male…?? gay king tierno's raichu??? (i looked it up & bulbapedia counts this as an error & apparently the episode is edited on at least hulu of japan to take a notch out of raichu's tail. so it's simultaneously gay king raichu AND trans queen raichu??? that's awesome. people need to post about this instead of pikachu with a heart tail from the theatre troupe episode)
so knowing blastoise was on its last legs, he had it use a set-up move for his next pokémon (raichu, I'm assuming it's set-up for thunder). awesome (i was right about thunder. here's the thing… mega sceptile's ability is lightning rod… ←knows this very well from raising a mega sceptile just to try and make SOS chaining dedenne easier (←it did not get easier)) why does mega sceptile have lightning rod in the first place though… it already has double resistance to electricity as a grass- and dragon-type. oh, right, it's because VGC is doubles. you can use it to defend a teammate.
i like goodra but it's so mean that they point out he has the option of transferring in a lab pokémon
127 (sawyer I)
i still love this guy's garchomp's nickname. garchoo. i gotta name one that one day
sycamore keeps staring at alain sadly & it's like. maybe if you weren't such a loser your weird son/nephew/unrelated research assistant wouldn't be such a loser either. you ever think about that
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cute pep talk :) why does ash always seem so nervous his pokémon will leave if he messes up tho
I FORGOT HAWLUCHA DRESSES UP FOR THIS MATCH!!!! so awesome aw he wasn't even in the battle for more than a few minutes. sad & fail. so yeah as an adaptation of its ability slaking is essentially a "charge attack"… it sits around for a while, but when it does finally attack, it's extremely strong.
it is kinda wild how everything sawyer does is a counter to ash's pokémon. it makes for an interesting battle for sure, but it's also kinda like… this kid needs to get a hobby…
pikachu brings the first fun usage of the battlefield terrain
everybody idolizes this kid so badly. can you guys please find your own ideal rather than patterning yourselves after ash's every word and action
128 (sawyer II)
so to prevent pikachu from using the battlefield in a fun way, he chops down every tree. that makes sense. (i wonder if the battlefield shows up again in the finals… it probably does but it also seems like a huge pain to repair)
hellll yeah classic pikachu jumping around on floating tree stumps
it's the kind of battle that's incredibly fun to watch but not a lot to say. they put all the animation into this part of the battle.
they should have had sawyer be the XY rival who showed up in the world championship instead of alain. altho maybe not because it's hilarious that alain instantly lost to cynthia
129 (intermission)
ah it's the league intermission episode of course pancham and chespin having a little spat is the inciting incident oh but mairin is here so it's kind of important
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hooray the famous pokémon league computer room
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it's a throwaway line but that is actually interesting… it makes sense gyms would close during the league since you don't really want people picking up badges until the next circuit starts
i do like that after All Of This pikachu becomes extremely suspicious of eerie businessmen in the future
130 (alain I)
immediate clever usage of the battlefield to neutralize sandstorm
crunch not phasing pikachu when it makes contact with iron tail is an example of type match-ups affecting moves? (does steel still resist dark?)
are diantha and sycamore just making conversation or are they supposed to be commentating for TV or something
oh he's got a weavile. he shouldn't be allowed to have such a cool pokémon
HAWLUCHA POPPED OUT JUST TO CHECK ON IT [NOIVERN] 🥲 and then he lets it get revenge on the pokémon that knocked out its kid. poetic cinema hooray hawlucha sweep also im not sure what hawlucha glowing red is. just a metaphor/a way to show it's getting heated up? (i thought it could be an ability, but none suit what's happening. also seems like bide, but hawlucha doesn't know that iirc?)
AND A BISHARP… we need to ban alain from cool pokémon speaking of hawlucha's ability, it definitely isn't limber. because it got paralyzed.
AND THEN HE EVEN HAS A POKÉMON THAT'S ONLY COOL TO ME (UNFEZANT) CAN WE KICK THIS GUY OUT OF THE LEAGUE. at least it's only unfezant M tho that one's not as cool as F oh yay a birds battle
alain slowly learns the definition of "having fun"
classic close-quarters thunderbolt hooray pikachu sweep 👏👏👏 that was fun to watch
hitting charizard with so many moves in rapid succession… it brings to mind trying to rush a kill in a fighting game. like trying too hard to grab your opponent because you know they're damaged enough that ness's back throw will be an insta kill. he knows charizard is alain's last pokémon, so he's rushing to take it down as fast as possible, while possibly not paying enough attention to everything else.
131 (alain II)
don't take pikachu out in the first minute of the second part. that's sad. oh wait disregard what i said about charizard being alain's last i forgot about bisharp oh ash also has two left. well i forgot about goodra
alain's clearly saving charizard for greninja
that thing's guillotine is way too accurate
now it's greninja time for the rest of the battle
haha it instantly KO'd bisharp (which had already taken a lot of damage)
wow he actually set up the battlefield with rain for greninja's sake. that's a first
now it's the big bond phenomenon VS mega evolution battle
here's the part where alain starts mirroring charizard's movements. oh wait that was also the end of the battle. this was more anti-climatic than i remembered
a lot of people point out that water shuriken had the type advantage in the last exchange of moves, but that's entirely untrue due to mega charziard X being part dragon-type. it was a neutral match-up on both sides.
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monterraverde · 1 year
"Look at me." He hummed as he tilted up her chin. "Focus on me. You will be alright."
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Oh Lysandre, you had so much work to do with her. She doesn’t quite know what compelled Malva to grab her hair, but it set her off into an awful spiral that had her hiding in her room, where Lysandre found her attacking anything that dared to come close in a blind panic.
She had tried to swat at him too, but his grip and sheer size reminded her of who he was, and while she wasn’t completely out of it, she at least relaxed a bit in his hold… Enough to see reason, at least, though she was still very shaken, and now she found herself staring up at him, hyperventilating, but calming slowly.
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draftingteacups · 2 years
This is kind of a what if scenario about what would happen if Soni and Luce can freely travel between the two worlds and Soni take the Twst cast on a tour in Kalos. They arrive at Anistar City where the famous Sundial is located and Luce is waiting there for them along with two older girls and an older gentleman who looked a lot similar to her. As Fiona and Diana (Luce’s two older sisters) greet the cast with Diana (the one training to be a Ghost type Elite Four and taking over Malva in the future) discussing things with the Champion, Jacques (their father) gives Crowley his infamous Death Stare as Lucille had told him everything the crow did to her and Soni. Crowley was damn lucky the ex-nobleman didn’t brought his axe with him that day. His daughters ain’t holding the man back if Crowley says something wrong.
Technically we've done the Kalos route (mostly of Lumiose but still), but at the same time, there's no such thing as repeat trips :D
I can just imagine Soni being taken away from the group of NRC boys as Diana talks about official business, something that Soni does need to accomplish while she's there.
Thankfully, someone has a braincell on the E4. Soni does need to check up on the newest batch of Gym Leaders (the ones who replaced Ramos and Wulfric) and everyone's just roaming around with Mama Monet as a guide to the group, just being her positive influence on these boys.
I can also see Soni being a witness to Crowley's possible "interrogation" and being like "Oh look over there, the Anistar Sundial and I do have Champion duties to fulfill do do do~"
Jacques just looks at Crowley and being like "I got my eye on you birdman".
Crowley just sweats bullets.
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