#starcraft crossover
angel-of-the-moons · 9 months
I did a thing
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Honestly, I'm shocked nobody thought to mod Nova or Kerrigan's Ghost armors into Mass Effect! They would be perfect for Liara, Samara, EDI, and Miranda! (And of course, Femshep too!)
So here's something I did to rectify that to satisfy my brain's itch!
There are some mistakes here and there but my tablet was acting up so I gave up trying to fix them
(Pose found on Pinterest, edited a bit to suit the content of the image)
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cindystars · 7 months
WIP of Artanis (SC2) sitting on his throne
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The Mandalorian reference:
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koopadumpling · 2 years
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Queens by FangArt
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groundrunner100 · 8 months
2024 is going to be an all you can eat buffet for all you science-fiction fans! I guarantee it!
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iril-the-warlock · 2 years
I wrote a couple chapters of a starcraft and my hero fanfic, enjoy!
What do you mean the swarm is an op quirk
Tags: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Dehaka/Izsha, Sarah Kerrigan, Yaoyorozu Momo Yaoyorozu, Momo's Parents, Dehaka (StarCraft), Izsha (StarCraft), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Crossover, starcraft elements in mha, changes to how the swarm works as a quirk, Quirk Shenanigans (My Hero Academia), Yaoyorozu Momo is a Good Friend, Ghost (Starcraft) Momo Yaoyorozu, Queen of Blades - Freeform
Summary: Sarah kerrigan in the MHA world, mostly sticking to the Canon storyline, but might change up some events as things go on. Be aware of some OOC on these characters compared to their Canon counterparts and changes to how the zerg swarm functions to fit better with quirks.
Chapter 1 under the cut
Dehaka Kerrigan sits up in bed with his wife Izsha, their daughter Sarah sleeping in her bed in the next room, his phone to his ear as his old friend Toto yaoyorozu suggests a move to Japan. Dehaka is large, standing at 6'7" and a veritable wall of muscle, short gray hair trimmed growing out of his flat top cut into a shaggier style as it grows over chitinous plates along the ridge of his head, his chest glowing a soft amber as his double diaphragm expands for a sigh, his friend rambling on.
His wife Izsha lies nearby, reading on her tablet as she thinks over plans for a weekend trip, skimming Dehaka's low level thoughts for the name of the Gelato place nearby. Her dark brown tentacles mimic a dreadlock style haircut. She tunes back into Dehaka's conversation after a few minutes. Her long spine tail rests on the bed again as she rolls over to look at him, her tablet set on the nightstand nearby.
"Home security? Are you sure you're not just trying to bring me out of retirement?" Dehaka sighed as a barking laugh came across the phone line. Dehaka sighs as he rolls over and looks at his wife Izsha before throwing his cell phone into the center of the bed between them at her raised eyebrow.
"Alright Toto, you're on speaker for Izsha, convince her and we might, might, come to Japan & work for you." Dehaka lays over, resting his head on his arm as Toto starts again.
"It's simple, I'm retiring from weapons & defense contracts with the DoD. And I want my friend who also is retired along with his wife & lovely newborn to come back to Japan with me. I'll still need a security team & I trust you two, plus little Sarah's the same age as Momo, they'd be great friends."
Izsha's eyebrow goes down as he speaks, her thoughts turning to her little one, Sarah just turned three and already her quirk traits are coming in, mutant/emitter quirks like theirs always begin showing signs early. She looks over at her husband, catching his eye and skimming his surface thoughts. He sends over a wave of positive emotion along with feelings of support and the statement. "If you want this, my love."
A soft smile rests on her lips as she replies to Toto. "You've got a deal, but we're going to set up a team to help with the security, you're a billionaire in the states and you're going to set us up with a guest house on the property. I want to make sure Sarah's got room to grow, just like Momo will." There's a hint of playful teasing in her tone, she knows Toto would take care of them and also knows that his wife will hold him to his kids, heavens knows momo's barely talking and she's already wrapped Toto around her finger.
"Great!" He pauses a second and turns away from the phone for a moment. "Ah, that's Momo waking from her nap, We'll hammer out the final details later. Have a good night you two!" He hangs up with a click, cutting off the muffled steps as he rushes from his office.
"Off to Japan then soon huh." Dehaka sighs and looks at his wife, a teasing smile playing on his lips. "Think he'll survive her 'terrible twos'?"
Izsha barks a laugh, breaking her persona as she falls back to the bed. "Thank goodness Sarah's always so tuckered out with her mutations coming in, I think I saw wings poking out of her shoulders."
"We'll just have to see what the setup is like in Japan when we get there, thanks for agreeing dear. I wouldn't force us over there, but if I'm honest I'll be glad to have something to do. They don't tell you how boring retirement is." He sighs and runs his hand along his hair.
Izsha laughs softly at him, patting his arm as she does. "Rest up then big guy, how about we take Sarah out tomorrow to the park, you could invite Toto along with Verity and Momo, I was thinking we hit that Gelato place nearby and the kids can goof off while we hash out those details."
He smiles as they both lay down for bed. "Sounds good dear, I'll text him in the morning. G'night my love."
The next day, after meeting up with the Yaoyorozus, they sit down at a park table to chit-chat while their daughters munch through their scoops of Gelato. Sarah looks over at Momo's bowl of pink-ish Gelato. "Hey Momo, what'd you get? I got Raspberry Cheesecake."
Momo looks up, twisting her spoon in her bowl. "Oh cool! I got black raspberry chocolate chip." She sends a toothy smile over at her new friend, before her brow scrunches up in confusion. "Hey Sarah, what's with those nubs in your hair?"
Sarah lights up as she puts her bowl down, pulling her hair aside so Momo can see them better. "I'm getting m' hair tentacles like momma has, she said it's 'cuz my quirk is going to be similar to mommas and daddies. I'm gonna have mutant and emitter parts to my quirk probably."
Izsha leans over to her daughter. "Sweetie, eat your snack before it all melts, you two can talk quirks in a bit." A soft smile and a light poke in her daughter's shoulder nudges her back into munching on her snack. "You too Momo."
As the kids finish their snacks they run off to go play, letting the adults hash out the final details of their move. Planning out the large estate they'll be using and choosing preliminary candidates for some of the support staff they're planning to bring with them.
Snacks finished, Momo and Sarah make their way over to the playground both climbing up to the top level of the jungle gym before sitting in the shade. Sarah asks. "Momo, do you know what your quirk is gonna be?"
Momo smiles, always excited to talk about quirks. "I'm not sure yet, but momma has a creation quirk lets her turn her stamina into metal bars, as long as she knows the metal. And daddy's quirk rearranges materials as long as he knows what they're made of at the." She paused, thinking of the word for those really really small things. "Atoms! Daddie called them atoms and they make up everything. They're hoping I get a mix of the two, what about you?"
Sarah is bouncing in place as Momo explains. "Those are so cool! Dad's quirk lets him make different creatures based on what he eats & gives him some of his creature-like features. Mom can read minds and send thoughts and can kinda ....nudge people to do what she wants, it apparently doesn't always work, but she also has her cool hair and tail. Oh oh! And check this out!" She spins around and points at her upper back, two little nubs poking up under her shirt. "Mom says I'm growing wings, apparently her sister has wings but she got the tail and I might get both!"
Momo looks at the bumps on her back, her hand resting a few inches above her back. "C-can I touch them?"
Sarah nods lightly. "Yeah, just be gentle, they're pretty tender still, apparently they'll get really tough once they come in fully." Momo's hand slowly lowers and runs along the bumps on Sarah's back. "These are really cool Sarah, you're going to look so cool once they come in."
They talk for a while about recent hero debuts they saw on TV, how they both want to be heroes when they're older and guesses at what their parents are talking about. Sarah thinks it's an amusement park trip while momo thinks it's for a business meeting.
Eventually they get a gentle mental nudge from Izsha to make their way back to the table. "Kids, come on back, we're getting ready to leave." Sarah jumps up from their game and grabs Momo's hand to lightly drag her back to their parents.
Verity pats Toto on the shoulder, grabbing his attention away from the story he's telling Dehaka as their kid's run up to them. "Kids, come sit, we've got something to talk to you about."
Verity let's Toto take over the conversation. A nod from Dehaka and Izsha as he addresses both children. "Kids, we're thinking of moving our family to Japan, I've got a big property there we're going to move into and it'll be good for some of our businesses there, and when you're older UA will be a great school for you to learn at." Izsha pipes in as Sarah's face falls and her thoughts turn towards losing her friend. "Sarah, there's no need to be sad honey, we're going with them. Toto and Verity are going to set us up as his primary security consultants and you and Momo will be sharing tutors."
Sarah lights up at her mom. "Really? Awesome!" She turns to Momo. "We're gonna be the best heroes in Japan! Just like all might!"
A smile rises to Momo's face as well, her excitement shining through as she dives Sarah in a hug. "Yay! We're gonna be the best heroes ever!"
The move to Japan went quickly and before they knew it they were settling into their new homes on the grand Yaoyorozu estate, the Kerrigan family settling into their home on the grounds, a spacious 4 bed 3 bath with a reinforced garage area that had been converted to a quirk training gym for Sarah, a guest bedroom set up for nights when Momo might want to stay over when she's older, and a spacious kitchen for Dehaka, with a spacious bath area for Izsha and a hot tub set up like an onsen spring.
The following April brings Sarah to her 4th birthday, and as her quirk has finished coming in with her mutations finishing their growth. She now sports a full head of dark brown tentacle-esque hair, bone wings sprouting from her upper back and a tail extending from her lower back, her torso, and limbs are covered in a layer of chitinous plating.
With a fun celebration with Momo and her family, a massive cake, and promising Momo to show off her quirk once it's fully manifested to Momo, Sarah gets ready for bed as everyone heads home for the night.
The next morning Sarah wakes up to a weight in her bed as she looks over to see a large dog….bug creature in her bed. She doesn't feel any hostility coming from it but was still shocked by its appearance in her bed and screamed. And it screamed as she accidentally pushed waves of fear into it. Loud thumping echoes down the hall for a moment until her door is slammed open with her parents rushing inside the room. "Sarah, what's going on?!"
Sarah leaps out of bed and dives behind her dad as they turn to the large dog-bug. A few seconds goes by before Dehaka bursts out laughing, Izsha stifling giggles as she bends down to Sarah's height. "Honey, it looks like this is your quirk. Your father has a similar creature like this that he calls a swarmling. But yours looks a bit different than his, so it might be a different type of creature." She goes to give it's surface level thoughts a listen as her husband calms down and scoops up his daughter in a hug.
"Look Sarah, it's got wings like you do, it's so adorable. Babies first Ling, awww." As he coos over his daughter and her quirk his wife softly pats his arm, grabbing both his and Sarah's attention. "Hey honey, try telling it to do something with your mind. Like… 'go to the kitchen.' Try thinking that and 'pushing' the thought to your creature."
Sarah nods. "Okay momma." She pushes that thought towards her creature, scrunching her face up in concentration before she feels the thought 'click' into place, and opens her eyes at her dad's gasp to see her creature hop off her bed and start making its way out of the room. "It did it! Wow! Momma, Daddy look!"
They both beam at their daughter, Dehaka's booming laugh returning as he raises his daughter up. "Sweetie this is fantastic! You got a combination of both of our quirks! We can look into this later today when we call in the estate's quirk doctor. Why don't we go to the kitchen and I'll get started on breakfast for us and you can start thinking of names for your creature."
As Izsha grabs the phone to call the quirk doctor and Dehaka gets started on a pan of scrambled eggs, Sarah makes her way to the kitchen nook where she sent her creature to she starts brainstorming ideas for names. "Hey Dad, why did you call yours swarmlings?" Dehaka swirls the eggs as he mulls over her question before responding.
"When I first summoned them, I ended up with like 6 of them really quick, and they were all small like baby ducks, and my cousin who was staying with us at the time had this fascination with this old tabletop game that had minions called hirelings, and my mom said they were swarming her since they were all nibbling at her ankles. I was young and couldn't stop laughing at the idea of a big pack of them swarming villains, eventually my mom convinced me to combine the name swarm and the suffix for those hired minions, so my swarmlings were born!" He gestures wildly with the spatula as he scrambles the eggs up for everyone, sprinkling some salt and pepper in the pan, mulling over ideas for his daughter's creature. "Say, what about looking through your dinosaur book for ideas, I did the same for some of my other creatures when I was younger, that's kinda how I got the idea for my roaches."
"Oh! Great idea dad, let me go get it!" She runs off to her room and grabs her book off the shelf, flipping quickly through the picture books pages before finding one that she think fits as her creature comes running back into the room and jumps onto her bed. As she commands it to stay put and lay down, she goes back to the kitchen to inform her dad of her idea. "How does Raptorling sound? It's like these raptors in the book with how it jumps and I can keep the Ling part of the name like yours."
Dehaka's heart almost cannot take how much he loves his daughter in this moment, quickly taking the eggs off the heat and shutting off the burner he scoops Sarah up again in a big hug. "I love you dear, that's such a great name." Izsha puts the phone down, joining the family hug as she pats her daughter's head softly. "We're raising such a good girl." They let the hug go on a few moments longer before Dehaka breaks them up, setting Sarah down at the kitchen nook table. "We should eat before the eggs get cold, I'll set a small bowl aside for your raptorling and we'll wait on the doc to come see what else is going on with your quirk, sound good?"
Sarah nods and grabs her chopsticks, intent on getting some practice using them during breakfast, even if it's a more American breakfast.
A few hours later and the quirk doctor comes in, a young man with spiked dark brown hair, yellow tinted blue light blocking glasses and a Hawaiian shirt under his lab coat, Dr Egon Stetman
Izsha greets him at the door and invites him into the gym for the exam since it gives Sarah space to work with her quirk. "This way Egon, it's good to see you again, how's your mechanical engineering degree coming along?"
"Well ma'am, I'm slated to finish my masters this year." He sets down his briefcase as Dehaka leads Sarah into the gym. "You must be the young Ms. Kerrigan, it's nice to meet you, my name is Egon and I'll be running a few examinations for you today so we can classify your quirk together."
Sarah twiddle her fingers before reaching out to shake his hand. "Hello Mr. Egon, it's nice to meet you, thank you for helping with my quirk today."
"Absolutely, I will say your family has some of the most complex mutation emitter quirks I've ever seen, and I'm excited to help you figure yours out."
They run through several tests including wing and tail flexibility and range of motion, as well as figuring out the trigger to summon more creatures with Dehaka's help. After Sarah summons a second Raptorling she notes some fatigue to Egon and then brings her first Raptorling into the gym so they can figure out the extent of her control. About two hours of different tests later and Egon claps his hands and asks Sarah to sit down on the nearby Bench press so he can compile the Data together.
"Well Mr and Mrs Kerrigan, Sarah, it looks like your quirk is extremely impressive. So far it looks like your quirk is a great mix of both of your parents. You can summon and control units that can evolve based on what you eat and summoning new creatures will make you hungry since it will use up your lipid stores similar to the young Miss. Yaoyorozu. It also looks like you might get your mom's telepathic communication in nearby areas, but you won't be able to make mental suggestions like your mom can and you're limited to only controlling your summoned creatures and talking with people."
"Oh wow! That's so cool! Me and Momo are gonna be the best heroes, and we'll have our own sidekicks from my quirk. I'm gonna have to try so many different foods to make new creatures!" She turns to Dehaka. "Dad, can I borrow your creature journal later?" He smiles at her softly as he directs her attention back to Egon. "Honey, maybe later, do you have any other questions for the Doctor?"
Sarah blushes as she looks back at the Doctor. "I think I only have one. Do you know how many creatures I can control?"
"Based on how many your Dad here could control at your age, you can probably get around three right now, but I would expect that to be around ten by the time you reach the age to go to UA, and maybe up to twenty by the time you're a fully licensed hero." He double checks his notes. "Oh, and don't worry if your creatures die, they'll be stored as part of your quirk to be resummoned later and their.. uh, corpse, will dissolve into dust after a few minutes." He quickly shuffles his papers back into order and pulls his pen back out. "Last order of business for your quirk, what do you want to call it?"
Her brow scrunches as she thinks over her options, after a few moments she says. "I wanna call it Swarm Control, since I can create my creatures and control them, but also because it hides the benefits from my mutations and what my creatures can do. Heroes don't always need to say everything their quirk does, like Endeavor's hellflame or all might's quirk, we don't even know what it's called!"
Egon writes down her answer. "That's a smart way of thinking about that little lady, you're going to be a great hero some day."
A few weeks later at dinner finds Sarah trying out a bunch of different foods as her Dad explains what some of the creatures he uses come from in a meal, like how he made the roaches by eating avocados and oranges, since they spit an acidic slime and are tough like an avocado pit.
"Now Sarah, do keep in mind these are my quirks creatures so yours may have different summoning characteristics." He chuckles softly. "Though your 'lings might still have the lemon juice allergy."
Sarah looks puzzled for a moment before accepting it and chewing on the bite of steak on her plate. "How do you know what food makes what creature?"
"Try thinking about summoning another creature, but don't push too hard on the thought with your quirk, rest just before you summon it."
Her brow furrows as she focuses. "Okay, I think I've got it."
"Good, now try thinking of your raptorling but don't summon it yet, you might feel something like a web, try drawing your thoughts through the web and pull them into shape."
As she mentally digs through the web of different creatures and essences, a sickly green and yellow web spins together in her palms, a small spined worm twitching in the ball of essence as she manipulates the web. Slowly it takes shape into a longer worm, two sets of wings growing from its back as she finishes adjusting the essences. Her brow furrows tighter as she concentrates. "I can't summon this one yet, it feels heavy.
“That would be you hitting your maximum creatures, I felt the same way when I was younger. Don't push past that for now, but you’ll be able to stress that later and increase the number of creatures you can summon.”
Sarah nods, before making a quick scribble in her notebook with her dad's help. "I have one last idea I want to try before we're done for the night dad." She furrows her brow in concentration again while mumbling her idea to her father. "What about making a smaller creature that can turn into other creatures?"
Dehaka's eyes go wide as she says this, years of creature combinations on missions and experiences with his quirk dwarfed by this idea of his daughter's. "Honey you're a little genius!" He whispers so that he doesn't break her concentration.
Sarah fiddles with different strands and essences as she slowly shapes the creature, it feels impossibly light on her supply, almost like it's not even there at all but with boundless room to grow and change. "I…I think I've got it." She summons two of them and hands one to her father.
Accepting the large worm with both hands, he inspects it and finds its about half a meter long with hard carapace and two small pincers on the front and three sections as it wiggles around in his grasp. "It's cute, what are you going to call it?"
"I'm thinking larva, since that's what other stuff comes from right?"
"That's a great name hon, why don't we stop here for the night and we can pick this up tomorrow?"
Sarah nods, exhausted as her shoulders slump. "Sure dad, I'll go do my teeth and then I'm heading to bed, thanks for testing this with me!"
Dehaka smiles at his daughter's retreating form. "Love you Sarah, sleep well!"
Sarah throws a hand over her shoulder and waves. "Love you too Dad." She shouts toward the living room where Izsha is reading a book on the couch. "Love you good night mom!" And makes her way to her bathroom and off to bed.
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lorvahaven · 4 months
Looking for a Harry Potter / Starcraft crossover story
Hello there, I remember reading a HP/Starcraft crossover years ago and want to read it again/ get a copy of it. I do not remember the title nor the author, but I do remember the following plot points:
The main star is a female Harry Potter who is very long lived or is the Master of Death. Potter has lived long enough to the point she was on one of the prison ships leaving Earth.
She has rescued or brought with her just about every Hogwarts house elf (I think?) and bonded with each one of them. Main reason for this was that Potter has grown to be a very powerful Psychic (powerful enough to glass an entire planet if she wasn't bonded) and bonding with an elf acts like a power inhibitor.
Potter being able to glass an entire planet was a plot point in one of the chapters since she unbonded all but two of the house elves (Dobby and Winky, I think)
At some point, she own or gotten a hold on a very rich resource planet, and this is where she met Jim Raynor and his ragtag team (story took place during Wings of Liberty)
At some point, Potter rescued the children of the influential ruling families of Korhal before Mengsk can kill them off. I believe Nova was part of that group.
When she met Raynor on her resource planet, I believe that Tychus Findley has already joined up, but as soon she met Tychus, she realised he was a spy / prisoner in his bomb-ladden suit. She got him out of it w/o him blowing up and treated him for Scurvy and other illness.
One of the more funnier points is Tychus watching other people eating real food and him just eating lots of greens and drinking gallons of water.
I hope this helps and wishing for some good news on getting a copy of this story or where I can get it.
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warthogreporter · 2 months
It's disappointing and a little odd to me how Smash Bros is the only fighting game that seems to have an active fanfiction community. Like granted Smash is past its most active era of fanfic, but I've never seen a fighting game with similar levels of activity to Smash fanfiction. And last I checked the raw numbers are nowhere near close.
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Even the fighting games that are more story oriented like Soul Calibur don't have nearly as much going on. Like Soul Calibur has an actual ongoing plot, Smash Bros doesn't. Us Smash Bros fanfic authors barely even engage with the actual story modes in favor of using a setting we all collectively made up.
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Also extending this to other crossover games, it's weird Heroes of the Storm hasn't gotten much fanfic, speaking as someone who has read plenty of what is there and wrote one. Overwatch barely has any plot and pretty much none of it is actually in the game, but people were/are into Overwatch fanfic. And Heroes of the Storm has Overwatch in it plus Warcraft and Starcraft.
Anyway if there's a community discord or something for Soul Calibur or HotS fanfic please let me know.
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anthurak · 4 months
WIP Ask Game - The Weird Ones
Pretty self-explanatory.
Just reblog with some of the really random, off the wall and generally weird stuff from your WIP folder, or just ideas you think it'd be fun for people to send you asks about. The weird AUs, the random crossovers, the crackships, the pitches for whole-ass episodes of a show, just any oddball thing you think it'd be fun to get asks about :D
Anyway, here's my list:
May the Akko Be With You and Chicks Dig Magic Robots (Little Witch Academia)
21 and Hank do a Die Hard (Venture Brothers)
Operation I.M.P.A.C.T. (Codename Kids Next Door) (Armageddon parody)
Two Gems Play Bloodborne (Steven Universe)
Catradora Starcraft AU (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power/Starcraft)
Serene with the Steel Dragons (Yu-Gi-Oh/Super Robot Wars)
Rangers One and All (Power Rangers/Pacific Rim)
Hide and Seek with NanoSigSubaTea (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS)
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geddy-leesbian · 5 months
20 questions for fic authors
tagged by @courtofparrots
1. How many works do you have?
2. What is your Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just Resident Evil rn, but I've written for Starcraft, MTG, Fire Emblem, pokemon, and X-Men. (Some of them aren't things I've bothered putting on ao3, and I know I had one X-Men fic on AO3 at one point but I deleted for reasons I can't remember tbh.)
(Also for the rest of these questions I'm just going to focus on my RE fics since my others are all ancient)
4. What are your top 5 fics by Kudos?
1. How Do You Talk To Girls?
2. oh my god, it's my life, what am I doing kicking at the foundation?
3. Something A Little More Plain
4. Digital Man//Open Secrets
5. The Analog Kid
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to, but I'm not always great at it. I 100% do read and appreciate all of them, brain machine is just bad at responding
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
a long-awaited treasure at the end of my cruel fate
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
well it's not posted, but the series that starts with sum of my confession will have the happiest ending
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet (I would welcome it tho because spite motivates me. I came up with my entire "Luis was groomed by Umbrella and went to a special Umbrella boarding school" headcanon because someone said the timeline for Luis is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE and THERE WAS ABSOLUTELY NO WAY he could believably be 28 in RE4 and I was mad and wiki deep dived for other RE child prodigal and found out they had a whole ass sketchy boarding school for child prodigies they poached)
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
I try, but I always feel so cringe about it and don't post it so ://
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
Not seriously
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
back when I was in middle school on quotev lmao
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
For "all-time" I'm going to have to be niche and say Valerian Mengsk/Matt Horner because I have shipped those two the longest/most consistently out of everything I've ever shipped
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
oh god so many. mostly the second chapter of my "first" (technically it was my second and another was first but I deleted it for Reasons) Serrennedy fic. The draft just got too messy and there's so much that I've just given up on it
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'd say dialogue!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Everything except dialogue lmao, but especially action
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm not brave enough to
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I was literally writing pokemon fanfic in first grade. any time we had a creative writing assignment where it was possible I would write a pokemon story.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Oh god that's a tough one. Generally whatever I'm working on the most is my favorite, so I'd say Is Any Killer Worth More Than His Crime? but that feels like a cop out so,,,, Digital Man is really high up there, but I feel like the fact the fic that comes before it in the series (New World Man) is 100% my least favorite and my worst fic drags Digital Man down by association. So I think the number one spot should go to oh my god… instead.
as usual anyone who wants to do it can say I tagged them :3
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purplekoop · 2 years
Useless Overwatch fact:
Almost all of Reinhardt's skins have some kind of covering between his legs.
In a lot of skins like both of his defaults, it's a metal flap
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(On the Ultimates figure, it even has a dedicated joint that you can be goofy with)
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In most other skins, it's a cloth piece
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Now there's exactly two exceptions:
The Starcraft crossover skin of Raynor (not visible in a hero gallery that doesn't have the skin)
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Aaaand Gridironhardt
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Yeah you uh. Yeah you can see the difference here.
(I swear I didn't expect to be looking at Reinhardt's crotch so much tonight but I was trying to verify something for some art I'm doing)
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cindystars · 9 months
Road Trip
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Another crossover meme I have seen from Twitter :3
Reference are found here!
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ahunter8056 · 10 months
20 Questions for fic writers
Tagged by @nights-like-this17 Thanks friend! This'll be interesting...
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
18...I should write more. Although 2 more fairly far along in the works, so...
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
436,606, wow! Honestly didn't expect it to be that high. Doesn't feel like I've really written many long fics
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Written for a few. Now mainly Doctor Who (8), used to be primarily WWE (11). I have also written a Last of Us/Doctor Who crossover series, so I've also written 3 fics for TLOU. I've also written a fic for She-Ra before. Also because I'm unoriginal, got a few more fandoms on my Ao3 dashboard which were just AUs featuring WWE characters set in a different universe, including Diablo II (1), Starcraft (1), Days Gone (1)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I'm Here (But You Can't See Me), I Don't Belong Right Here, You Only Feel My Ghost, You Put The Devil In Me, It's Getting Harder to Stay Awake and My Strength is Fading Fast
Wow, those fic titles sound depressing put together like that, lol. All except one of them are song lyrics tbf. Also, not the fics I would have guessed to be my top 5.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
YES, absolutely! I feel like it's a virtual crime deserving of internet jail to not respond to comments.
I kid, but I seriously love interacting with people who took the time to not only read but comment on my writing. Honestly, it's the least I can do to thank them. And honestly, it's one of my biggest pet peeves on Ao3 when I see that an author doesn't respond to comments. Just comes across to me that they don't care, so why bother leaving a comment?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
To me, "angst" and "ending" don't belong in the same sentence. I feel like all endings should be happy, to make it a satisfying conclusion. I know I've read fics before that have ended on an angsty note, and felt disappointed in that. So I could never write an angsty ending.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Honestly, I can't say for sure which is the happiest. I feel like the epilogue chapter I wrote for A Hero'll Save Me (Just in Time) is packed full of fluff and ends on a highly optimistic note, but I always knew I'd be making more content in that universe, so it doesn't feel like an ending to me. Other possible answers include It's Getting Harder to Stay Awake and My Strength is Fading Fast, but due to that fic's focus on depression, maybe that nullifies the ending's happy note?
So those two aside, I might have to give it to either I'm Here (But You Can't See Me) or You Only Feel my Ghost.
8. Do you get hate on any fics?
Readers are usually pretty cool, I like the whole "say something nice or don't say anything" vibe that Ao3 has. Not much, but I have had some negative comments. One which compared my "cheap" writing to a gloryhole (super weird comparison). And then I had someone leave multiple comments on a fic which were both positive and rudely critical, criticising my creative decisions in an already finished fic (while explaining where they felt I should have chosen the setting of my fic to be) and really nitpicking odd little details of little to no consequence. That one was just super weird to me, trying to dictate every little thing about my own fic, as if it belonged to them too.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No, I don't think writing smut will ever be for me, I'd just feel too self-conscious about how other people would react to it. I have written some brief allusions to before/after smut, but nothing that goes into enough detail to classify as smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Oh, absolutely! When I first started writing fics, most of them were crossovers, lol. I just love putting characters in different universes. As previously mentioned, I wrote a TLOU/Doctor Who crossover series, where the Doctor arrived on a parallel universe Earth. That was fun, but also seems credible. I've also written the Four Horsewomen in the universes of Starcraft, Diablo, and Days Gone. But given I wrote them as natural denizens of those universes, didn't really seem too crazy to me. Maybe Days Gone might be the craziest though, it's been a blast writing Biker Sasha Banks killing zombies and surviving so well post-apocalypse.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not, lol. But I guess if I did find out one of my fics were stolen, I'd be simultaneously pissed, but also sorta proud that somebody felt my fic was worth being stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! I've currently got A Hero'll Save Me (Just in Time) Season 2 in the works, co-writing with the brilliant @literaturelocker
But also, although it's currently on hiatus, I have been co-writing Why We Keep Going with another friend of mine (who I don't believe is on Tumblr)
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Honestly, it's a toss-up between Thasmin (Thirteenth Doctor/Yaz) and Baysha (Bayley/Sasha). Bayley and Sasha are so cute together, both on-screen (I hope not for the last time!) and off-screen. And for Thirteen/Yaz, both characters are amazing and so loveable. There was so much potential never fully realised on-screen, that makes for a magnificent array of fics, both fix-its and AUs. Not to mention how close the two actors are, which always helps me get invested.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Honestly, Why We Keep Going. There's so much plot we plan to cover, and writing has unfortunately come to a complete stop for several months now, beyond my control. Maybe one day we'll be able to finish it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Me? Strengths? LOL
All kidding aside, I find it so hard to think of anything I'd say is my strength. But for the purpose of this, I'll really try to.
I think I'd say that a strength of mine is writing for characters/canon which I'm fond of. I always strive to do them justice. A Hero'll Save Me (Just in Time) for instance, I felt worked so well because it combined two of my biggest interests (Four Horsewomen and Doctor Who), so I was really invested and passionate in making that the greatest fic I'd ever written.
And then for the second fic in my TLOU/Doctor Who series, Not Broken Beyond Repair, half of that was adapting the Jackson Dance cutscene from TLOU 2, which I can say I'm honestly still super proud of. The amount of times I watched and rewatched every single second of that cutscene to make sure I got down every single detail though...
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Oh, so many! But I'll keep this short, lol
I definitely feel like I struggle with dialogue, always too simplistic and I never know what to make the characters say other than what is needed to move the plot along. I also feel like I reuse dialogue from canon far too much, so it feels like less of a homage, and more lazy. I just can't help it.
And then action as well, I don't think I'm too good that that either. Similarly to dialogue, I think I'm quite limited in my descriptions.
I also think that as a writer, I'm not really all that creative. I feel like too many of my fics are based on a pre-established story, as opposed to being clever and creative enough to come up with something brand new.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue language in fic?
...am I stupid? I genuinely don't understand what this question means?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Doctor Who! Years before I discovered Ao3, I wrote a one-off adventure featuring the Twelfth Doctor bumping into Amy Pond. I published on FanFiction.net and a couple of Doctor Who fanfic sites I found though googling. I've since uploaded it to Ao3.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Oh, easily by far A Hero'll Save Me (Just in Time). That fic will always be my baby, the one I put the most work and love into. I was really determined to make the most of that one, and I think it'll always be the fic I'm proudest of. And now, 2 sequels currently being written (and quite far along) to further expand the universe, yay!
This was fun and introspective to say the least, always find it interesting to share my thoughts with anybody who decided to follow me.
Tagging @literaturelocker
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quickdeaths · 2 years
@bsqvad from here
He would have been surprised. In her experience, a lot of pro-gamers and streamers were agency-affiliated now. D.Va had done collaborations with other people because a sponsor she knew wanted her to work with an agency they partnered with, leading to her meeting her stream cohosts about a half hour before going live. That style was becoming more and more common. For all her endorsement deals, it was a point of pride and comfort that the only person who had final say on D.Va's projects was Hana.
D.Va laughed again, though not in a way intended to be mocking or unkind. "Hey, no need to thank me, Kenma. We're just two streamers doing some fun collabs, no need to bring honor into it." That was another thing that D.Va tried to bring to her persona. Sure, she was a world champion, a high-tier streamer, a crossover celebrity in her own country with TV deals and sponsorships, but that didn't mean she wanted a wall between herself and anyone. D.Va was approachable, and didn't want anyone to feel inferior around her. Well, unless she was in the middle of kicking their ass at StarCraft.
Peering into the fridge, her eyes lit up. "Oh, Nano Cola!" She grabbed one can, paused, and then snatched a second just in case. "I ate on the plane, but these will be good for keeping me fueled up. Thanks!" Honestly, she'd probably endorse them even if they weren't paying her. Way too many nights had been spent grinding out rank on her various games, picking at takeout food and as much Nano as she could drink without feeling sick.
"That works for me," she said with a nod, setting down the sodas as she pulled one of her suitcases into the room after Kenma. "I should be away from the windows, so no one can try to guess the location from the outside view." She'd started staggering her Instagram posts when she wasn't looking to be D.Va for other people, just for that reason. "If it's not a big deal, we could even move the desk space around so we're on opposite sides. No chance my camera would pick up anything, then."
At her core, Hana was a gearhead, and setting up her battle station was fun, if a bit time consuming. Still, that meant D.Va could talk to Kenma during the process. "It's fine either way, but did you mention that we'd be doing collabs on your streams or your socials?" She hadn't said anything to her fanbase about it ahead of time, just in case something hadn't worked out. Besides, with her following, guerilla streams always did good numbers. "Oh, and can I use your computer for a second? I have something to show you."
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iril-the-warlock · 2 years
Chapter 4 go brrr
Robots vs the swarm
Entrance exam Shenanigans, little bit of an exposition dump from Nezu and a bit of the green bean with some minor changes this time around since we have new people in the exams
Tags: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Dehaka/Izsha, Sarah Kerrigan, Yaoyorozu Momo Yaoyorozu, Momo's Parents, Dehaka (StarCraft), Izsha (StarCraft), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Crossover, starcraft elements in mha, changes to how the swarm works as a quirk, Quirk Shenanigans (My Hero Academia), Yaoyorozu Momo is a Good Friend, Ghost (Starcraft) Momo Yaoyorozu, Queen of Blades - Freeform
Sarah sighs as she walks towards the UA building alone, making her way towards the check in desk as she watches an aggressive blonde with short spiky hair shoulder his way past a shorter but heavily muscled green haired man who nearly trips as he walks onto the UA campus. Before the man can fall over he starts floating forward and scrambling as a brown haired girl helps him right his stance.
Sarah passes the two and enters the UA building proper and makes her way towards the check in desk. As she approaches a desk where Power Loader and Midnight are checking in students, Adjutant's voice comes across the speakers nearby, startling several applicants.
"Alert! Class 12 psionic waveform detected. The Queen of Blades is inbound."
Sarah shakes her head and greets Midnight and Power Loader. "I take it Melissa has already checked in then? She's the only one who would make that reference for me."
Midnight laughs as Power Loader stares into the distance before responding. "She's a menace and I have another one this year too." He puts his head in his hands as Midnight laughs again at his pain. After a few moments of searching Sarah is presented with her UA exam pass and practical booklet and assigned battle center card. Midnight asks about the Adjutant's announcement as she locates all of Sarah's paperwork. "So, what's with the Adjutant's comment?"
Sarah looks bashful for a moment, scratching the back of her neck. "Game Night a few months ago, we were playing an RTS and I kept winning with a Psionic race versus her marines and medics and Momo's mech and stealth nuke combo. She called me that as a joke and apparently she set up the Adjutant to do it as well."
"Huh, neat. Anyway, your exam room is down the hall on the right, room 2-B, follow the signs on the doors. Good luck cutie."
Sarah nods with a light blush. "Yes Ma'am" and hurries down the hall.
After the exam Sarah makes her way to the practical briefing in the large auditorium. The lights are already down low enough she can't make out many others in the room, but spots the green haired dude she saw at the gate sitting a few seats away. She starts going through the exam booklet and finds a few notices in the larger blocks of text regarding a shutdown button on each robot beneath a weaker panel as well as detailing weak points on the robots as the stage lights come on and Present Mic struts on stage.
"Welcome to today's performance! Everybody say HEY!"
For a moment, deafening silence rang across the room before the overhead speaker let out a single "Hey."
Present Mic sighed and looked utterly defeated as he replied. "Thank you Adjutant." Quickly regaining his composure, Present Mic began introducing the exam. "All riiight, guys, gals, and non-binary pals, I'm here to present the practical exam. Are you READY?"
More silence through the stadium before the speaker crackles again and Adjutant's monotone voice trails across. "Yeah"
Present Mic visibly twitches at Adjutant's response before continuing. "This is how the test will go, listeners. You'll be experiencing a ten minute mock cityscape villain attack. You and your fellow examinees will be able to bring along any self built or approved support equipment, so make sure you check in with Power Loader after the briefing if you are using any support gear. You'll have thirty minutes to make it to your bus and then you'll head off to your assigned testing center. YEAH!"
Another momentary pause as the Adjutant's voice comes across again. "Yeah."
Present Mic mutters "when will I learn." Before bouncing back with full energy. "Each site will have three kinds of faux villains, a one, two, and three pointer. Points will be awarded for each villain destroyed based on their difficulty value. Use your gear, quirks, and wits to take down these faux villains to reach your goal listeners. YEAH! Remember though, in this trial you are with fellow heroes, no attacking each other or you'll be instantly disqualified and barred from the exam."
He's about to continue before a tall boy with dark blue hair stands and shouts. "May I ask a question?!" He doesn't wait for a response before he continues though. "There appear to be no less than four faux villains in the hand out. If this is a blatant error on behalf of UA and Japan's top Hero Academy." He looks sharply back towards the green haired dude. "And you! You've been muttering this whole time. If this is some sort of game, then leave immediately."
Sarah sighs as she looks over at the green dude cowering before speaking up. "Dude, chill out, I'm like two seats away and couldn't hear him. Let the dude process in his own way and let Present Mic get on with the explanation. If you're still confused then read the hand out." She looks back at Present Mic as he clears his throat and leans forwards. "Thank you examinees 7111 and 666, the final robot on the list is sort of an arena trap, and is worth zero points for defeating it. Best to just stay out of its way, ya dig?!" He straightens up and continues. "Alright listeners, That's all from me, I'll leave you with our school motto, Go beyond!"
As he leads off the motto the energy finally hits the examinees and everyone responds with. " PLUS ULTRA!"
As everyone starts to trickle out of the room towards their locker room or to Power Loaders station, Sarah pats the green haired dude on the shoulder. "Hey man, don't let him get to you, everyone's nervous for the test. You got this." He startles as he looks up to meet Sarah's eyes, taking in her imposing form before nodding furiously and starting to stammer a reply before she cuts him off. "Alright dude, you seem super nervous. Let's try to fix that okay, don't need to have a panic attack before a big exam so lets do a quick breathing thing. count with me breath in…2…3…4. Hold….2…3…4. Out…2….3…4." She repeats that a second time with him as he quickly calms down. "See? Okay, let's try again, I'm Sarah Kerrigan. What's your name?"
He still looks quite nervous but slowly starts to get himself under control as he starts to respond. "I-I-Izuku M-M-Midoriya…n-nice to m-meet you."
"Cool, good job Midoriya, I know I can look pretty scary so I'm proud of you dude. Anyway, we should get ready for the practical. It was nice meeting you Midoriya, I hope to see you in classes in a few weeks." She pats his back again before splitting off to her designated locker room.
Izuku stands there dumbstruck for a few more moments before startling and rushing off to his locker room to get ready.
After a bit of a wait and a short bus ride, Sarah stands in front of a large gate with several other students milling about nearby, all in various stretches or preparing for the test in their own way. The spiky haired blonde guy is standing towards the front of the pack in a black and orange tank top and basketball shorts with a menacing face and a near growl building in his throat.
Sarah stands in an inactive underlayer of a Hazardous Environment Suit with modifications to allow her wings and tail to move freely while she moves. As the gates begin to slowly open, Adjutant's voice crackles across the nearby speakers and calls out. "Start!"
Sarah quickly darts inside and off to the left to summon a pair of larva, turning one into a queen and the other into a pair of Raptorlings to scout and target one pointers. The spiky haired guy rushes forwards into the arena at the same time and a moment later the Adjutant's voice comes across again. "Examination has begun, there will be no further countdown."
The remaining group pushes forwards into the arena as Sarah's first queen finishes growing and spawns an additional two larva. "Queen, summon three more pairs of Raptorlings and two Hydralisks, then spread creep and begin destroying robots." Sarah instructs memtally as she starts to rush into the side streets and tear through robots with her wings, taking note of the shut off panel for the Hydralisks to target.
A few minutes prior in front of another arena, a large suit of red power armor stands in a resting position in front of the exam center gate as several examinees stand nearby warily. The tall blue haired man from earlier stands nearby indignantly and approaches. "Excuse me! You are not supposed to be wearing a full suit of armor and is that a gun?!"
The powered armor turns towards him slowly before the faceplate lifts up to show a blonde haired girl inside. "Actually, Present Mic made the call out earlier, and I have my armor and weapon approved by power loader and Nezu. So long as you built an item yourself and have it approved you can use whatever support gear you want. I built both the armor and gun as part of my support course classes last year."
The boy looks very put off by her clear explanation as though it doesn't fit his worldview and so much be wrong before he snaps rigidly and bows deeply at a 90 degree angle. "I apologize, I did not expect someone to have built their own armor for the exam."
The girl in the armor waves him off. "No big deal, just don't attack me during the test okay? My armor is pretty tough, unlike the robots we're facing."
As the stiff blue haired guy was distracted by the suit of armor, Izuku makes his way over to the brown haired girl with a bob-cut unaccosted and they chat for a moment and he helps her calm down with a breathing exercise he was shown earlier. They are both smiling for a moment before the gate opens and both Midoriya and the suit of armor rush into the arena as Present Mic calls out. "Start!"
As several other students stand still for a moment he follows up his statement with. "There's no countdowns in a real battle, get going! You're wasting airtime!"
Once again the students caught flat footed rushed into the arena and started taking down robots.
In a darkened monitor room the Pro Hero faculty of UA gather to watch the events of the exam as Present Mic slides into his chair after announcing the start of the exam in his area.
A scruffy looking man in a yellow sleeping bag chides him as he sits. "You know Adjutant would have announced battle center B if you let her, right?"
"But where's the fun in that, Sho? I can't let the Adjutant take all my fun."
"Illogical." Shouta grumbles as he directs his attention back to the screens.
Present Mic asks. "Any standouts so far? I saw two rush in quickly in my area, good heads on their shoulders."
Midnight pipes up from her couch. "Two in battle center A ran in as well. Hey Majima, check it out, your hellion is kicking some serious ass in Mic's arena."
The center screen adjusts to show battle center B as Midnight calls this out. Displaying Melissa shredding through several one and two pointer robots using her rifle, and punching a three pointer as it attempts to sneak up on her from behind.
Power Loader aka Majima Higari just shakes his head as he grumbles a reply. "I never doubted her for a second. She’s sweet when you're talking with her, but you can tell she has a lot of rage to let out when she's working in the shop. I swear, if it weren't for Toga and Josei, Shield would be blowing things up left and right. Good luck with her this year, Eraser."
Shouta shakes his head as Majima calls him out. "Don't look at me, Midnight's getting the 1-A hellions this year. I kept a few from last year so Nezu's having me stick with them. He did mention we would partner up our classes for some of the larger team exercises though."
Midnight squeals. "I know! I'm so excited to have some first year's for once."
Shouta shakes his head as he turns back to one of the smaller screens. "Hey, isn't that Shield's ghost suit on one of the examinees?"
As the main screen flips over to highlight the winged girl stabbing through a three pointer with her wings before turning to bash a one pointer's head off with her tail. "Oh yeah, let me see…" Majima speaks up as he flips through a clipboard of the examinees. "Yep, that's the one, Sarah Kerrigan, using a deactivated variant of the Hazardous Environment Suit as her mutations make a regular gym outfit hard to fit into normally for the test. It was approved by Nezu when her application was put in since it doesn't have any of the fancy fixings of the full suit."
Vlad king speaks up for the first time as he looks around the same battle center. "What're those creatures running around breaking bots? Someone's quirk?"
Nezu cackles as he focuses the camera on the Queen that has finished spawning units and has begun targeting two pointers. "That's Kerrigan's quirk actually, her mutations we're just a part of it. We're looking at this Year's classes having at least one or two post singularity quirks in them based on the examinees scores right now. Kerrigan has been racking up points both on her own and through her quirk's creatures."
There are a few hushed gasps around the room before Nezu speaks up again. "Quirks are weird and we are monitoring the quirk singularity in younger students as more and more complex quirks pop up all the time. So far it seems that rather than becoming too strong for a child their quirk will become more complex. For example, a 3rd generation quirk might be to make water from their hands at a trickle. A 6th generation might be able to shoot water out at high pressure like hero backdraft. A singularity quirk would be hydrokinesis and high pressure water production, perhaps with other secondary effects if the quirk has mutated."
As nezu finishes up his speech Midnight throws him a hand wave and points to the big red button on his console. "Uh, sir, it's about that time."
"Right, right, we can discuss this further later. Let the real test start!" As he slams his hand onto the big red button to release the zero pointers the screens split to show each arena and a section of ground breaking apart as a massive robot claws its way out and begins to wreak havoc among the arena as Adjutant's voice echos from all available exam site speakers. "Two minutes remain."
Displayed on several screens students are running from the robot monstrosity. A few others show something different.
Sarah instructs two of the Raptorlings and the Hydralisks to dissolve while instructing the scouts to ensure students have gotten away from the giant zero pointer. Sarah has the Queen summon a new larva and begin growing into the largest of her brood. After only a few moments of waiting the egg that the larva had spawned cracked open with a screech as the greatest of Kerrigan's brood emerged, the Ultralisk.
Towering over the buildings in the mock city, with giant pincer-like claws on its face, the Ultralist charges at the zero pointer and meets it head on in combat in a clash. As both titans of the battlefield clash in a whirl of claws and fists, Sarah and her Raptorlings help to escort any examinees away from the area for the remaining minute.
Off in another battle center, a girl is trapped under rubble as the zero pointer begins to rampage towards her. Two people rush towards her against the crowd of fleeing hopefuls as she calls out. First to arrive is Midoriya who tries to lift the rubble before the robot crushes his trapped new friend. After a moment the second arrives. Melissa, clad in her powered combat suit, stands nearby to assist with removing the rubble before the robot can crush them all. Receiving a proximity alarm in her suit she looks up and quickly asks the green haired guy next to her.
"Hey man, do you have a quirk to take down the zero pointer?"
Izuku startles for a moment as he looks up to the giant approaching robot before steeling his nerves and nodding his head.
He steps away from the two for a moment as he crouches and mutters to himself slightly before blasting into the air as his arm glows and he smashes the head of the zero pointer, it crumbling and explosions rippling through the robot as it crashes back to the ground. Melissa rips the rubble off of the girl as he leaps and notices him falling, three of his four limbs trailing behind him uselessly. She looks to the lady she rescued. "Gravity girl, any chance you can catch him?"
Looking nauseous and nearly at the limit of her quirk. "Y-yes. I'm U-Uraraka Ochako by the way." She taps her own arm and swallows thickly as bile threatens her. "T-throw me at him."
Melissa nods and has the onboard computer handle the firing solution for her throw. "Good luck Uraraka." She picks up the now weightless girl and throws her at the rapidly plummeting Izuku. As a loud slap echoes across the now silent arena and both Midoriya and Uraraka slowly float down to the ground from their new momentum they are caught in the last few feet as Uraraka's quirk fails.
Adjutant's voice echoes across the arena's speakers. "The exam has concluded. Please make your way to the exit of your battle center. If you are injured please remain where you are and a medic bot will arrive shortly."
Melissa sets Uraraka and Midoriya down carefully as he groans in pain in her arms before passing out from the pain and Uraraka rushes off a step before collapsing to her knees and vomiting. "You uh… gonna be okay over there?"
Uraraka raises a thumbs up in response as she finishes dry heaving. After a few moments a short older woman walks up with the assistance of her cane and with two stretcher bots in tow. "Anyone hurt over here?"
Melissa raises her arm in the powered combat suit and waves her over. Reading from her heads up display to list off injuries. "Over here Recovery Girl, got one with a severe case of nausea and another with three shattered limbs."
Recovery Girl taps her way over with her cane, instructing the bots to load Midoriya onto the stretcher. "Thank you dearie. Now then, let's see…" She collects a pack of gummies and hands them to Uraraka and plants a healing kiss on her hand, relieving her nausea. "Be sure to eat those gummies dear, they'll help you keep up your energy." She turns to start to heal Midoriya. "This one's going to be trouble this year." She mutters as she places a kiss on his uninjured arm, and watches as his damaged limbs repair themselves.
"I'm going to keep him in the infirmary for a bit while he sleeps off the effects of my quirk." She says before shuffling away and following the bots towards the infirmary.
Melissa nods as she leaves and waves to Uraraka. "Good catch on him, hope to see you in classes this year." Melissa says before making her way out of the city to meet up with Sarah.
In the last few moments of her exam Sarah watches with other students as the Ultralisk clashes with the zero pointer, locked in a gnashing battle of pincers blades and fists straight out of an old mecha kaiju movie. Sarah cheers for the Ultralisk as it gets a blade under the arm of the robot and shears it off just as Adjutant's voice rings across the arena's speakers.
"The exam has concluded. Please make your way to the exit of your battle center. If you are injured please remain where you are and a medic bot will arrive shortly."
As the zero pointer shuts down from the damage and end of exam signal, Sarah calls off the Ultralisk from doing any further damage and lets it dissolve with her quirk before making her way to the arena exit to meet up with her friend for lunch.
Waiting at the UA gate Sarah, now wearing a pair of modified shorts and a tank top over her underlayer suit waves over to Melissa. "Hey Mel, how do you think you did on the exam?"
Melissa, back in her favorite red dress, leggings and red high top converse combo, high fives Sarah when she gets close. "Well, the HUD on the suit said I got 60 robot points, so I think I did alright. How about you?"
Sarah shrugs as they make their way to a local ramen place to meet up with Momo. "I lost count personally, around 20 robots downed, but I don't know how the swarm did. Oh! You should've seen it, I had an Ultra fight the zero pointer. It was like that old mecha movie you had us watch, what was it called again?"
"Hmm, oh yeah, Pacific Rim. If hero work doesn't turn out Maybe you should get into the movies instead?"
Sarah barks a laugh. "Ha! Could you imagine? They'd typecast me as some 'queen bitch' type of villain." They both keep laughing and cracking jokes as they make their way to lunch.
One week later finds Melissa, Momo, and Sarah relaxing in one of the lounges and reading books as their phones ping.
Sarah grabs her phone and checks her texts to see an update from her mom to grab the mail since her UA letter should be arriving today. Jumping from the couch Sarah runs off to grab the mail. "BeRightBack!"
"Don't leave any holes in the wall." Momo replies in the most deadpan voice she can manage.
Melissa and Momo hear a squawk followed by a crashing sound before bursting out laughing. A few minutes later Sarah finally reenters the room carrying two letters with the UA seal. "Still bullshit that you already know you got in Momo."
Said girl shrugs as Sarah hands Melissa her letter. "That's recommendations for you, besides, you wanted the fun of fighting robots anyway."
"Point. Anyway, Melissa, you wanna open yours first since you're already attending UA?"
"Sure." Melissa rips the top of her letter open and starts to pull out a few sheets of paper before a metal disk drops onto the table and starts to play a holographic message of All Might.
"I Am Here! As a projection! Hello Melissa! As a UA student already, you did not need to take the written exam for the Heroics Course. On the practical exam you scored 60 combat points! This is enough to pass on its own, but that's not all there is to it!"
All Might gestures to a screen behind himself.
"Behold! This video!" On screen Uraraka asks Present Mic to share her points with 'the nice blonde lady in the armor and the plain, green haired guy.' "The Heroics entrance exam was not just about beating up villains, but about all aspects of being a hero! There's a secondary scoring mechanism included as well, rescue points! For your assistance in rescuing young Uraraka, you have been awarded 30 rescue points! Leaving you with 90 total points on the exam, placing second overall! Congratulations Melissa, this is your Hero Academia!" The screen changes over to a class placements section for a moment showing that Melissa will be in class 1-A before shutting down entirely.
The trio sits in silence for a moment before Melissa laughs. "Oh wow, uncle might is going to be teaching at UA next year. This is a dream come true, I get to learn Heroics from the number one hero!" Sarah and Momo break out of their stunned stupor at that. "Wait, you know All Might?" Sarah asks, shocked.
"Yeah, he's been friends with my dad since he worked in America, dad makes all of his Hero Costumes." Melissa replies cheerfully.
"Huh, you know, I didn't think about that…" Sarah replies, somewhat shocked she didn't make that connection. "Anyway, lemme do my letter." Ripping open her letter Sarah is prepared for All Might to appear again.
"I Am Here! As a projection! You scored a 97 on the written exam, plenty well enough to be admitted to UA. On the Heroics practical exam you scored 75 villain points, plenty of points to pass normally, but that's not all! The Heroics entrance exam was not just about beating up villains, but about all aspects of being a hero! There's a secondary scoring mechanism included as well, rescue points! For your assistance in rescuing your fellow examinees from the Zero pointer by using your creature to keep it at bay, you received an additional 20 rescue points, bringing you to 95 total points on the exam landing you solidly in first place! Congratulations Sarah Kerrigan! Welcome to your Hero Academia!" The screen switches to a similar screen displaying her class information before switching off.
Momo is the first to recompose herself as Sarah and Melissa sit stunned over the rankings. "We're all in the same class! Oh this is so exciting!"
Sarah cheers "First place! Hell yeah! And Melissa snagged second too!" Sarah uses her wings to snag Melissa and Momo and drag them into a crushing group hug. After dragging both down to the couch the girls slowly settle back into relaxing until their parents come home for a large celebratory dinner later.
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trekkie-lkm-archive · 8 months
Info: A crossover with Starcraft!
How would the Starfleet do against the hordes of Zerg? A Protoss meeting one of the Vulcans! Jay(?) Raynor meeting Enterprise!
A orgy</i> Anyone/Anyone. (Although the idea of Protoss/Spock(or another Vulcan) will be awesome.) or Enterprise somehow got telport into the Starcraft universe, oh snapie. Bonus: Annnnd adding Warcraft to this. Any Warcraft. (thread)
Note: worldbuilding by multiple authors with fic snippets throughout
Author: Multi
Archive Link
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