#star wars rebels season four spoilers
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beasanfi1997 · 1 year ago
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The best scene from a World between worlds when Ezra almost find out that Vader Is Anakin before he will frees Lothal
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hurricanek8art · 2 years ago
Okay I'm just. I can't. Hold on. Are people actually saying this is out of character for Sabine?
Sabine Wren?
Have we all been watching the same shows?
Sabine's constantly needed someone to pull her back from making a horrible decision when she's pushed to the edge. Hera, Kanan, heck, even Bo-Katan that one time. BO-KATAN. Y'know, the woman who was famously not great at working through complicated emotional stuff and holding extreme grudges until she started hanging out with Din Djarin? If she hadn't been there, Sabine would've murdered Tiber Saxon in cold blood, no better than the Empire. (yes he was murdering his own people in the name of the Empire and probably deserved it. still doesn't mean he was worth Sabine losing her honor over)
Sabine has been through some horrific stuff. She's been betrayed and broken and left alone again and again, and she's hotheaded and stubborn and proud (so. y'know. Mandalorian) so when she gets pushed to the brink she gets reckless. Every other time this has happened, she's had someone to pull her back from the edge. Well, this time the only three people left that could have done that were either up in orbit in a dogfight, weren't even there or HAD JUST BEEN SHOVED OFF A CLIFF IN FRONT OF SABINE'S OWN EYES.
Yeah, Sabine screwed up. Who wouldn't in her shoes?!
So. The scene with Baylan, and the map. I've seen some mixed reactions to it. I feel a little torn on it myself but overall I feel like it works.
I was mad at Sabine in that moment but not necessarily at the writing because I can understand why she made the choice she did. Natasha Liu Bordizzo made me buy it. The tortured pain in Sabine's face shows she knows it's the wrong decision but she can't help herself.
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It felt very Trials of the Darksaber to me. Except, this time, she's ACTUALLY lost her biological family. And her found family. And her "master". She doesn't have Kanan there guiding her, holding her back, helping her work through things. She's alone. And Baylan's manipulating her, pushing all her buttons.
It felt very Sabine like in that moment, for her to be reckless and stupid and selfish. She's lost everything. She's the girl who was broken. Yes, she healed before, but then she was shattered again. She failed. She failed Kanan, failed Ezra, failed Ursa and Alrich and Tristan, failed Ahsoka. And now all she wants is to risk it all for the one person she still has a shot at saving. Is that too much for her to ask?
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that-ari-blogger · 2 months ago
Where Do We Go Now? (Horde Prime)
The fifth season of She-Ra and the Princesses of Power begins on a pretty dire note. I’m not going to spoil the series in this introduction, so go watch the show if you don’t know what I mean, but suffice to say that this isn’t the best of circumstances.
Except, it’s not actually the worst of circumstances either. Things are bad, don’t get me wrong, but if you are really obtuse, you can see a balance emerge here, and I am nothing if not obtuse.
Let me explain.
Spoilers Ahead: (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Star Wars Skeleton Crew)
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She-Ra is a story about escaping the cycle of abuse, most clearly exemplified by the horde, but also through Light Hope and Shadow Weaver. From a certain point of view, season five opens with that being accomplished.
Catra is on the other side of the galaxy to Shadow Weaver. She has lost that power that corrupted her, and she has a nominal friend in Glimmer.
For all intents and purposes, the Horde has been defeated. Hordak is no more, and this new enemy is so aesthetically and practically different from its predecessor that it doesn’t feel like the same thing at all.
Light Hope has been set free, She Ra no longer inhibits Adora or acts to control her, and she is showing incredible combat skill without it.
Those are the stated goals of the series and the thematic endpoints of every idea that the series was building up towards.
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If it wasn’t for Horde Prime, the series could have ended with the last season and been genuinely quite satisfying. The characters claw their way out of the tragedy, Glimmer was tragically lost, Catra couldn’t be saved.
Instead, the series kept on going and scaled itself up a bit. We suddenly see the full scope of everything, and despite their escape, our characters are still barreling towards tragedy. Breaking free didn’t matter, or at least wasn’t everything.
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I think that every season in this show has a different thematic angle to be read through. A different question to ask.
Season one, for example, asked “how do relationships change?” As such, the season spent a lot of time developing the history of Shadow Weaver and Micah, as well as the fall of Entrapta and of course the focus on Adora and Catra. But it also showed the gaining alliance of the Rebels in the context of the previous fall.
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In contrast, season four asked “what about everyone else?”
That’s why I pointedly avoided discussing Catra and Adora in detail. The season was about Glimmer and Light Hope and Perfuma and Scorpia. It was about everyone who was tangentially related to the main story but was being broken down because of it. Season four was a season concerned with collateral damage.
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Which brings us to season five, and to the question: “where do we go now?”
The events I mentioned at the start of this are only positive from a certain point of view. To everyone else they are either negative or simply different. Everything is up in the air, everything has changed.
Last season, the show wrapped up, and now we are on a different story entirely. We are in a different place in the galaxy, the villain is different in every way imaginable. We have a different arrangement of characters. We have a different genre aesthetic, moving from quirky fantasy to full science fiction
My reading of this season is that it is the hardest step of removing oneself from the cycle of abuse: deprogramming.
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The new Horde is aesthetically a modern or psuedo-modern cult, and the verb for breaking free from that is "deprogramming".
This is a story about what happens after someone escapes from that cycle of abuse in the physical sense, and suddenly has to resolve how they act. These are new situations that provide the characters with an opportunity to be whatever they want, and this is the story of those characters making those choices.
Put simply: “What do you want?”
Catra and Adora come into centre stage with mirrors of each other, specifically through their echoes of their previous deeds.
Both react to this new circumstance through changing next to nothing about themselves. They are on the path to redemption, sure, but neither seems to acknowledge that this is a wholly different situation.
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“The Horde's the Horde, even in space. As long as I'm of value to Horde Prime, I've got a place in this world. I can work my way up here, just like I did before.”
This gets pointed out in the story as an insane thing to say. But it highlights Catra’s mindset in a concise way to remind the audience and explain her to new viewers.
Catra’s life has been ruined by her desperation for power. She wants to be safe, but instead of seeking that out, she takes the feeling of safety instead, and she does that through clinging to power. I will stress that safety and the emotions associated with it are different things, and Catra’s actions are more in line with an addict looking for one more hit of that dopamine gained from feeling secure.
If she wanted to actually be safe, she would have left the Horde way back in episode two. But if all characters always did the logical thing, then the story wouldn't exist. This isn't a plot hole, it's a character beat.
The key here, as gets stated by Glimmer, is that the feeling of safety is hollow. That ignorance is going to get Catra killed or worse.
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Adora weilds a staff in this episode, which has two meanings. One, it's about as far from a sword in how it's used as possible. At least, far from a longsword like that of She-Ra, greatswords are a bit different. It's a different fighting style that has different strengths and weaknesses. But also, we've seen Adora wield a staff before. In episode one. When she was with the Horde.
Similarly, Adora is wrestling with the fallout of no-longer being She-Ra by falling further into her hero complex. She has to save everyone and will burn herself down to feel any warmth. She doesn’t sleep, and devotes herself to duty to take her mind off the situation.
The lesson she learns is that she is not alone, but there’s something else, and it’s the really small moment of the kid with the doll.
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The child is obviously enamoured with Adora, and they carry the doll of She-Ra because to them, the two people are one and the same. To them, Adora hasn’t lost anything. To them, that admiration hasn’t gone anywhere.
I will remind you of what we know about She-Ra. Most recently, the First Ones claimed that they chose Etheria because it had She-Ra. But earlier on in the series, Madam Razz said this:
“She-Ra was here long before your people arrived.”
Adora never heard this, as it was spoken to Mara, but the point stands for the audience. Adora hasn’t lost She-Ra, she has shaken off the thing that controlled that part of her life. Now she needs to learn to do it a different way.
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In other words, she needs to relearn how she interacts with the world. She needs to deprogram herself of everything the First Ones and the Horde taught her.
Speaking of deprogramming, this episode is named for it’s villain, and there’s something important to discuss about that.
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Star Wars: Skeleton Crew is a series about growing up and leaving your bubble. It is about preconceptions and imagination. It is about change.
Part of how it explores this theme is the villain, Jod Na Nawood.
Jod is introduced as a heroic mentour in the first cliff hanger of the episode. But for the rest of the series until his true motivations are revealed, he is the most obviously suspicious character in the series. To the point where the kids notice.
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There is a consistent thing with blue and red lighting in this series, in that everything keeps trying to shoot Jod in blue, but he keeps changing the scene or moving towards the red. For someone who's entire thing is helplessness and forced evil, he certainly makes a lot of bad decisions. Put simply, he is telling you the world is awful while actively removing any good in it. It's the childish excuse: "It's not my fault, it was like this when I found it." No. No it was not.
Obviously, this plays into that idea of not reading a book by its cover. But this is a character who keeps coming up with names and monikers, and who wears a mask at every opportunity. There is more to this man yet.
Then we get the final episode, and we get his backstory, and remarkably, he is wrong about everything.
He claims the galaxy is cruel and uncaring and that there are “a few pinpricks of light”, and yet everyone in the show has been kind to him except the people he actively did harm to. He caused his own misfortune, and people are still kind to him. The kids break him out of jail, their parents save them even at great personal cost. Jod Na Nawood is wrong, and the series ends by flooding him with light just to get the message across.
This is not a morally grey character. This is a villain with a cohesive backstory. Nuance and moral greyness are not the same thing.
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But here’s the key thing, Jod is a child who never grew up. He is forever trapped in a moment that the Galaxy isn’t anymore. He says the world is awful and then takes steps to make it worse, and that final shot of his defeat makes it abundantly clear.
Jude Law is hot, but he’s also an incredible actor. If you combine that with good cinematography, you get a moment where the camera looks directly at him as the light illuminates his expression, leaving nowhere to hide, and he looks like a scared child recovering from a tantrum. He looks about to cry. He looks like he's about to say "it's not fair".
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There's something to be said for the simplicity of Jod's design in comparison to the rest of Star Wars. Jaba is a slug gangster, Darth Vader has the hat and the cape, and Jod has the helmet. But when you take that away, which the show keeps doing, he's just some guy. He wears clothes that are slightly too big for him, and he has a big ol' gap over his chest. He's vulnerable.
Jod is not good at scheming, he got defeated by children. He’s not particularly charismatic, he lost his crew repeatedly. He’s not a good leader, see my previous point. He’s a traumatised child who refused to grow beyond that.
In that sense, he is a thematic opposite to the main characters. They represent hope (a new hope, you might say), and he represents stagnation. The series asks which idea will prevail, and Jod’s does not.
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In She-Ra, the villain is Horde prime, who acts as the symbol of isolation and lack of agency.
Everyone around him is a vessel for his will. He is another version of Shadow Weaver turning her victims into another version of herself. Horde Prime does that literally with the mind chips that will become more important later on in the series.
His interaction with Glimmer is all about confining her. He limits her magic, he shows her images he knows will break her. He messes with her free will.
He's also an eejit. Catra was willing to give him the weapon practically for free. But no, he took the extra effort because he wanted to feel powerful. He's petty and cruel, and he's blind. He's got so many eyes, but he can't see the easiest rout to his plan when it is handed to him on a platter.
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This has been a story so far about taking your own agency and being your own person, and Horde Prime is the person who says “no actually, you shouldn’t do that.”
His throne room is a vast emptiness, his power set is about embracing oblivion.
In that way, Horde Prime is a thematic opposite to the themes of the series. The story has been teaching our characters to be free, and Horde Prime tries to get them to surrender.
We will see which idea comes out on top.
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Final Thoughts
I want to talk about Shadow Weaver for a moment. This is a season that delves into redemption, and it offers that to everyone, Shadow Weaver included. We will see how that ends, but for the moment, there is an interesting dichotomy.
I think Shadow Weaver does care about Micah and Catra. She saves Micah’s life in this episode. But she doesn’t care enough to do anything about it. She doesn’t care enough to change her ways. Redemption is offered, and she doesn’t take it.
I think that sets up the concept rather well. Redemption is not just something that is offered, it is something that you have to take agency in. You have to redeem yourself. You can get help, and honey, you will need it. But, you have to do most of the work.
I think that makes Catra’s story a bit more impactful.
Next week, I will be looking at Launch, so stick around if that interests you.
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magicwriterdream · 2 months ago
Okay, so I was watching twilight of the apprentice part two. We all know this scene, right? (Please ignore quality I had to take the picture from my TV and YouTube quality is too low
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So this is during that whole montage, right? This part was heavily debated when the show first came out because we didn't know if she survived or not.
Now slow the whole scene down. And you'll see this....
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If you watch the darkness closely, you can see her take at least three or four steps AFTER that first one. Now, you can't watch it on YouTube and idk if you can see it on Disney Plus. I have the original season two set to watch it on. Which means this DVD came out before season 4 confirmed she survived.
Anyhow here's the full scene I recorded. Sorry for the quality, but you CAN make it out
Maybe someone else has caught it, but I NEVER did so I'd thought I'd share.
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tvsotherworlds · 2 years ago
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screenhub · 2 years ago
Ahsoka: What Is The World Between Worlds? - ScreenHub Entertainment
Spoilers for season four of Star Wars Rebels and potentially Ahsoka Ahsoka launched tomorrow with a two-part premiere, so now seems as good a time as any to talk about what very well may be the crutch of this whole show. Ahsoka takes place after the events of The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett, with the former Jedi padawan traveling the galaxy with Sabine Wren in order to put a stop to…
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saturn-sends-hugs · 1 year ago
Thanks for the tag, Ace!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
... 3... WAIT NO 4 omg ok it's 4. listen I'm a super slow writer and every sentence has to be dragged kicking and screaming out of the recesses of my brain. (the amount of started wips/ideas I have is an entirely different thing, though)
2. What's your total A03 word count?
52,268. Again, don't write much.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Star Wars (TBB, TCW, and Rebels), Hermitcraft, and the Life Series! (although I'm taking a break from SW rn)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
HA top 5, anyway here's all four ranked: (pretty sure I can guess at this lol)
oh! I was wrong actually, first is
1. On the Reg
2. Slow Down
3. Hope is a lie
4. Arc Business
always surprised that people read On the Reg lol
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
YES!!! They're pretty much the main source of motivation for me to continue fics lol, and I love hearing people's thoughts! I know every time I leave a comment and get a response from the author, it always makes me smile too :)
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hm well that's tricky, neither of said "angstiest endings" are written yet and the finished fics don't have angsty endings like at all. So I'd say either Slow Down (muahahahaha no spoilers), or surprisingly Arc Business, which is meant to end in a rush to save Echo's life. (Which now that I explain that, it isn't as descriptive as I thought it would be considering how most of my fics go. Huh.)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
On the Reg!! They all cuddle and take a nap, it's great. And that's probably gonna be the happiest ending I ever write.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No? I just don't really write ships or anything that clashes with canon or whatever, so it's all pretty tame and people are usually nice :)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
nO. Absolutely not, nothing whatsoever against anyone that does, but I'm aroace and couldn't if I tried. The most I'll do is make the silly guys kiss, but even then, I'm autistic and will be gritting my teeth through the whole thing (it's for the STORY like it's so much better if they kiss but i don't know how to wRITE THAT)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Nope :/
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No thank goodness (and I'm not sure why anyone would)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
if by "all-time favorite ship" you mean "the only ship you would write for" then I'd say Solidaritek (not rpf ofc), but I'll read things like Codywan, Scarian or OC stuff for sure :)
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
oh. oh girl. listen... i have it all mapped out and it's just a matter of motivation, but... Slow Down is so far back on the back burner that I don't know if she's ever getting finished. I'm kinda just waiting for season 3 to come out and drag me into bad batch brainrot again, but until then, I'm taking a break from it. (really, Arc Business is the one I have no intention of really finishing lol)
16. What are your writing strengths?
um. dialogue? I think once I get someone's voice down, I can write pretty convincing banter without it being too far out of character? ofc, that's just in my opinion :D
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
procrastination. motivation, distractions, losing focus, etc etc, basically it takes me eons to write anything and nothing ever gets finished :/
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
If it's a fake/dead language like Mando'a or old Latin, then sure! If it's real, absolutely not, I'm not bilingual and would make a fool of myself if I tried (anyone who can translate/write in another language is an absolute god)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Star wars :) On the Reg was literally the first piece of fanfic I ever wrote (yes I'm that new to this lol)
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Oh it's gotta be Slow Down, I'm super proud of that one and I like where the story is going so yeah! I feel like I made a lot of progress from my earlier works to there, and I think it shows :)
woooo this one was fun! no pressure tags: @floundrickthewayfarer and @inkstainedhandswithrings
20 Questions for Fic Writers
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
23 public but I’ve archived 26 so total of 49!
2. What's your total A03 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Star Wars! Specifically the clone wars and bad batch eras
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
I Bleed the Same (M)
Evenly Trimmed (E)
Phonetic Convergence (T)
Two Years to the Day (T)
Getting Some in the Gunship (E)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I love gushing with people who are excited about the same things that I am. Also to give my thanks for taking the time to read my works.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I guess the only one that followed canon where Wolffe makes it to where Rex and Ahsoka can’t have contact
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them except the above mentioned
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not that I’m aware of! I do have a secret hater from afar though hehe
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do!! And I’m not sure lol. The nothing-is-left-to-the-imagination kind? Copious use of the words cock and cunt? What do you want me to say?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Also not that I’m aware of! ALSO ALSO! I just want to take this opportunity to say that fics that share ideas or tropes don’t count as plagiarism. Unless it’s a word for word verbatim copy, please touch grass.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! It was such a good experience and I highly recommend!!
Sheevy SithDonald’s (E)
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Rexsoka!! 💙🧡
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
All of the other longfic ideas I have lmao
16. What are your writing strengths?
I guess writing the thoughts of all characters present? Third person omniscient I believe
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing action scenes. Actually, anything that’s not romance or smut, I’m staring into the void of the google doc
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
In a fictional language? Sparse use of Mando’a can be fun! I’ve not yet attempted an irl language other than English
19. First fandom you wrote for?
…One Direction… please don’t look at me I do not wish to be perceived
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Evenly Trimmed (E)
Thank you @sleepingbeauty21 for tagging me! This one was really fun!!
No pressure tags @whyamismall / @maxrebofeetpics / @melting-houses-of-gold / @taylorswiftscar / @lamaenthel and whoever else wants to!
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mythmica · 7 years ago
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sabinewren05-blog · 7 years ago
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Just some Sabine Edits that I thought would look good here!
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doggiez101 · 7 years ago
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dynamicdiplomacy · 7 years ago
The end of the episode of Rebels left both @theabominableblogger and I sobbing. It was awful.
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beasanfi1997 · 1 year ago
I would like to see the photo of Hayden Christensen and Mena Massoud or even with Matt Lanter and Taylor Gray at the premier of Star Wars because First i see Anakin Skywalker from original Trilogy to Clone Wars when i was kid and then i see Ezra Bridger until i find out that he was Born in Empire Day when i was 17 years old and now for nine years i would like to see Darth Vader and baby Ezra in Bad Batch Just like Maleficent and Baby Aurora in Maleficent movie because Maleficent and Star Wars Rebels were both released in 2014 and now too i would like to see Anakin's Ghost that he told at Ezra to return on Chandrilla because his Ghost Crew, including Sabine Wren(now the wife of Ezra) and Ben Solo(the grandson of Anakin), were worried about him in Ahsoka series.....
I realize why Ezra won't to celebrate the 50th birthday of Anakin, because he was afraid for the future of Ben(that i remember when i saw Force Awakens and finding out that Ben was the grandson of Anakin) and Is that because Ezra tried to run away from Chandrilla and because Ezra Remember that Thrawn told him that Vader Is Anakin After he frees Lothal nine years ago.
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codenamethebird · 7 years ago
Just Finished Star Wars Rebels
I just i just i just, my heart is literally pounding my fingers as i type this are shaking holy shit holy shit holy shit.
Baby Kanera, Kalluzeb basically being canon I mean honorary Lasat and that shoulder hug I'm living. Rex is cannonically the dude at the battle of Endor and that was totally Sabezra.
AHSOKA WAS LOOKING FINE IN THAT CLOAK GOD DAMN SHE LITERALLY LOOKS LIKE A GODDESSS AND EZRA LIVVVVEEEEEESSSSSS (sort of he definitely has to be alive they wouldn't have that sort of ending and have him not be alive)
Also I just realized as I'm typing this Ahsoka is alive past Endor meaning that she can interact with Luke and Leia and I'm living what a time to be alive. I'm literally going to to watch that ending cause fuck what a finale.
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sotangledupinit · 7 years ago
Hey in "The Occupation" when Ezra and Sabine are leaving Old Joe's place after hearing his fate, is she holding his hand to calm him down? asking for science.
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emilyelizabethfowl · 8 years ago
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In an interview Dave Filoni revealed what he thinks is Agent Kallus’ name, and it couldn’t have been more fitting! 
Alexsandr, variation of Alexander, (Αλεξανδρος), coming from Greek αλεξω, meaning “to defend, help" and ανηρ meaning "man". 
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dindjarindiaries · 4 years ago
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This week’s fic rec (January 24th to January 30th) is here! Below the cut, you can find a wide selection of Din Djarin fics to read, whether they’re multi-part, one-shots, drabbles, prompts, or headcanons. I challenge you to provide these writers with feedback if you choose to read their fic!
You can start submitting next week’s fic rec here.
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Space Cowboy by @punkrock-writer​​
summary: A Girl is teleported from her hotel room, and dropped onto the floor of the Razor Crest. Chaos ensues as she tries to convince The Mandalorian not to freeze her in carbonite, and do her best to find her place in the endless Void of space.
pairing: Din Djarin x F!oc
warnings/rating: Mature. Canon typical violence. Lots of swearing.
genres: angst, fluff, hurt/comfort
submitter comments: Hi this is my first fic, you can find it on AO3 also. I’d really appreciate some feedback or any ideas because I have a hard time figuring out if I’m doing the right thing😂 Thank you for doing this.
Touch by @magicrowiswritingstuff​​
summary: It seems so unfair that he is able to touch you and send shivers down your spine when you’re not.
pairing: Din Djarin x female!reader
warnings/rating: A bit of violence and injury/blood
genre: fluff
submitter comments: Just wanna say that I really love this idea and am excited to browse through all the recommended stories on Sunday! <3
Ciryc Ca’tra (Cold Night Sky) by @javi-djarins​​ (Ao3: brianmay_be)
summary: When you crash-land on a frozen planet on your way to Trask to find the Frog Lady’s husband and more Mandalorians, you and Din work together to keep the Crest afloat and keep your little family safe.
pairing: Din Djarin x wife!reader
warnings/rating: G
genres: fluff, hurt/comfort
submitter comments: She may be adding an epilogue that contains some smut, but right now all of the chapters are rated G!
Blossom by @dinthisisthe-wayson​​
summary: Alone.  You felt like you had no purpose in such a powerful galaxy, being the bystander is what you felt was the only thing you were good at.  But when a warrior with a child extend a helping hand.  You take it.  Not knowing that you will no longer be alone for the rest of your time in the universe. Not knowing that your place in the galaxy will be much bigger than you expected.  And just like any flower, you will blossom. In more ways than one.
pairing: Din Djarin x Reader
warnings/rating: Teen and Up, violence and language
genres: angst, fluff
submitter comments: N/A
Narudar by @zapsalis-d​​​
summary: You, an experienced bounty hunter working for the Bounty Hunter’s Guild, have found it difficult to sustain yourself lately, requiring more and more credits after each hunt to be able to buy your basic needs. Yet with so many members of the Guild, high rewards were tough to find. Until you’re given a bounty with the prize being something extremely valuable – beskar. During your hunt, you bump into an old enemy you were just so tired of fighting. On your attempt to finally get rid of him once and for all, he found out a secret you wished he hadn’t and now you don’t have any other choice than to team up with him, whether you like it or not. The both of you thought it would be simple. Deliver the quarry, split the reward between the two, and hopefully never see each other again. Oh, how you were wrong.
pairing: Din djarin x female reader
warnings/rating: Rated t for now (but im not sure if that writer will change that in the future or not)
genres: angst, fluff
submitter comments: N/A
Connection by @beskarhearts​​
summary: Din Djarin and you were very similar. You both were closed off from everybody and had on masks of your own. But, when the universe brings you and Din together, you form a connection you didn’t know you two could have.
pairing: Din Djarin x f!reader
warnings/rating: Cursing, family members passing away (think that’s about it so far)
genres: angst, fluff
submitter comments: N/A
Homeward Bound by TheStarvingWriter (Ao3)
summary: After Luke Skywalker takes Grogu, Din Djarin is adrift. He attempts to find solace in his old ways of bounty hunting, but he feels like an imposter—a shell of his former self, roaming around in a suit of beskar that no longer feels like his own. When a visit to Coruscant leads him to a Seer who tells him that Grogu is in danger, however, everything changes. Now, it’s a race to find his kid and return him home, before he truly loses him forever.
pairing: Din Djarin and Grogu (father/son)
warnings/rating: Teen and Up Audiences 
genres: angst, hurt/comfort
submitter comments: The writing of this is phenomenal. The way they write Din is fantastic and the angst is insane. There will be eventual reunion and each chapter leaves you wanting more. 158288483/10 recommended!!!
the light of stars by @tiffdawg
summary: In pursuit of the Child’s people, the mysterious Jedi, Din Djarin and his foundling find hope in a woman who shares the kid’s strange powers. Newly partnered with the Mandalorian, you are trained in the ways of the Force, but you’re no Jedi. You’re just trying to find your place in the galaxy.
pairing: din djarin x reader
warnings/rating: hurt/comfort, sexism, mild injury, mild language, angst, kissing
genres: angst, fluff, hurt/comfort
submitter comments: N/A
Only for You by @firstofficerwiggles​​
summary: You like to sing and it ends up bringing you closer to the Mandalorian. Events take place sometime between Seasons 1 and 2. It’s pretty much fluff with a teeny bit of story. Still has plot though :)
pairing: Mandalorian x female reader
warnings/rating: Rated: G, Warnings: None
genre: fluff
submitter comments: I hope you like it!
Getting Through This by Whumptastic (Ao3)
summary: Din has a hard time dealing with Grogu’s leaving, and like a true friend Cara offers support.
pairing: Din and Cara but only as best friends
warnings/rating: none really, lots of crying/sad vibes tho
genre: hurt/comfort
submitter comments: N/A
Fifty Four by @themand0lorian​
summary: Reader gets a drunken holo from Din, based on Pedro Pascal's 24 hour play monologue (linked in fic)
pairing: Din Djarin x gn!Reader (no Y/N)
warnings/rating: E
genres: angst, fluff
submitter comments: N/A
Reassurance by @galaxysgal​ (Ao3: imjusttheoutgoingsidekick)
summary: You worry about Din and his recklessness during and after the events of Morak and the two of you have a small chat about it.
pairing: din djarin x gn!reader
warnings/rating: PG, major spoilers for The Mandalorian Chapter 15, canon typical violence, near death experience (for Din), some swear words (both sw swears and regular english ones lol)
genres: angst, fluff, hurt/comfort
submitter comments: since it's up on tumblr and ao3 i wasnt sure which link/acc name to give so I just gave both :)
ni kar’tayli gar darasuum by @pumpkin-stars
summary: Din was friends with another foundling as a child, they never saw each other’s faces, both shrouded in beskar from everyone. But feelings form from actions and words, not sight. AKA Din gets married to someone equally touchstarved.
pairing: Din/Reader (no pronouns)
warnings/rating: safe for everyone - warnings for (happy) crying, and it's my first attempt at a star wars fic so the finer details might be a bit dodgy
genre: fluff
submitter comments: i love your fics! i'm still new to the fandom but you seem so sweet and this is a really good idea/thing that you're doing! xx
The Vexatious Nine by Balsamique (Ao3)
summary: While searching for more of his kind on the desolate planet of Karth, a blizzard traps the Mandalorian, the child and seven lodgers in an isolated stopover. When one of the lodgers is mysteriously murdered, it’s up to the Mandalorian to catch the killer before they can claim their next victim. But as the storm thickens, so does the mystery — and this isn’t a problem he can shoot his way out of.
pairing: N/A
warnings/rating: General Audiences
genres: Action/Adventure, Murder Mystery
submitter comments: Author's name on Ao3 is Balsamique. On Tumblr it's first-order-media-department.
what happened to you? by @lesbisoka​
summary: After the events of Episode 8 (S1), Din returns to Sorgan to recover. Omera finds him in a less than ideal state.
pairing: din djarin x omera
warnings/rating: General Audiences, no archive warnings apply
genre: hurt/comfort
submitter comments: N/A
Sprained by @kesskirata​
summary: Rebel spy reader is injured and can’t make her meet up with The Mandalorian
pairing: The Mandalorian x reader 
warnings/rating: none
genres: angst, fluff, hurt/comfort
submitter comments: N/A
Over the Moon by gobuyastarwars (Ao3)
summary: Din and Grogu travel with Boba Fett and Fennec Shand for a time. The Mandalorian, Boba, Fennec, and Grogu stop to refuel and find an unpromising tourist attraction nearby– an amusement park. Din doesn't want to go into the amusement park, but Boba and Grogu do.
pairing: Din and Grogu
warnings/rating: Gen, no warnings
genre: fluff
submitter comments: N/A
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