#star wars Chironian
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witchlightdesigns · 5 months ago
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Sooooooo... I have another character. This time it's a group PC... For a Star Wars 5e game! She's a Mandalorian! Fighter, Shield Specialist. I am very excited to finally get to play her. I've had her since 2019/2020 I think?
Meet Seyra Ol'mun! Balosar Mandalorian! We're starting out in the Old Republic, after the Mandalorian Wars and during the Jedi Civil War. My husband is the DM, and he's running a modified Pathfinder Adventure Path for us! I can't share a lotta info about her (yet) because all three of my fellow players follow me (looking at you @snowyycouch, @bunnythedragon and @umilicious!) buuuut as they learn more and I do more art of her I'll share more.
We've got a human Guardian Jedi gone Mercenary (Couch). A Chironian Fighter, Heavy Weapons Specialist (Un)Retired Adventurer (Umi). And a Twi'lek Saboteur Operative Mechanic (Bunny) as our party. All solving an issue on Ryloth. (The Twi'lek was a stowaway on Seyra's ship and has grown attached to the Mando, much to Seyra's amused exasperation)
We've just had the first session, but I shot a Jawa right between the eyes with my snap senses ability and my initiative. It was great. I also got a nat 20 on a medic check to save a mercenary that'd been burned to near death! Our Jedi saved a goat from the Jawa by force jumping and force pulling the goat to her in one move! Hubby's doing a great job thus far and we've had some great downtime RP in the discord already too. Getting to better know each other's characters and explore our own characters.
I can't wait to see how the adventure plays out!
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mortallyclearwonderland · 3 years ago
Star Wars Alien Species - Chironian
The Chironian species was native to the planet Chiron. Chiron was located in the galactic east of the Outer Rim Territories, and fell within the borders of the Kiirium Reaches, a portion of the space that was incorporated into Xim the Despot's empire as early as 25,127 BBY. Legends related that, at the order of Kossak the Hutt, many worlds in the region surrounding the Chironians' homeworld were bombarded and poisoned several hundred years later so as to create a desolate buffer between the remains of Xim's empire and Hutt Space to the galactic south. From this destruction, the Chironians' home sector, which they shared with the Abyssins and the Nyny natives, came to be known as the Ash Worlds.
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It was not until 5000 BBY that Chiron fell within territory widely explored by the Galactic Republic, the next major galactic power, although during the Jedi Civil War of 3959 BBY to 3956 BBY, the Chironians' planet fell within Darth Revan's Sith Empire. Chiron was in unaligned territory during the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems; however, after the Republic transitioned into the Galactic Empire, many of the Ash Worlds were interdicted and used for weapons testing and other shadowy activities.
Following the rise of the New Republic in 4 ABY, Chiron fell under its polity. During this time, at least one Chironian was kidnapped as a slave by the Empire Reborn, a secretive movement that sought to recreate the Empire following its defeat by the New Republic. Many years later, during the Yuuzhan Vong War, a conflict between the New Republic and the Yuuzhan Vong, a species of extra-galactic invaders, Chiron was thought to be beyond the reach of the aggressors. However, the Yuuzhan Vong succeeded in sending to their world a pack of voxyn—creatures shaped by the Yuuzhan Vong to be naturally inclined to hunt and kill Jedi. The voxyn beset the Chironian Jedi Knight Lusa while she was running through a meadow and killed the woman.
By 137 ABY, following the ascendency of Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire against the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances—the New Republic's successor state—the Chironians' homeworld fell within one of only a few areas of the galaxy still under the influence of the Galactic Alliance.
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Chironians expressed emotions through the mannerisms of their hooves: when impatient, they stamped them; when excited, they tapped them in a quick dance, or cantered in a spot. The centauriforms frequently shook their heads and manes, and when angry, their faces flushed a deeper shade. Young Chironians, when frightened, were known to rub or press their velvet-covered horns against the foreheads of other beings to whom they were emotionally close. Chironians could swim, and shook themselves dry after such an exertion.
At least some young Chironians, such as Lusa, a Force-sensitive member of the species, wore no clothing on their bodies, shoulders, torsos or midriffs. In her adulthood, however, Lusa wore a robe on her torso.
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The Chironians were a warm-blooded, sentient species with centauriform anatomy; that is, they had the head and torso of a humanoid and the lower body of an equine animal. The Chironian lower body had four legs, similar to that of a horse, and each ended in a dainty, cloven hoof. A Chironian could sit down by folding his or her horse-like legs underneath the body. Chironians were tall, and even while sitting in this manner, they could reach the height of a Human adult. A Chironian could also kick backward with both hind legs; this strong kick was sufficient to knock over other beings. A Chironian's pace could vary between a walk, a canter, and a gallop.
At least some young Chironian had red-gold colored bodies, with white spots on the flanks and back. As Chironians aged, the body color darkened to a rich reddish-brown, like polished cinnamon, and the dappled markings on the flanks faded away. Chironians grew long tails, which they often flicked. The Chironian torso had two arms, which ended in dexterous hands capable of skipping stones across water, administering field medicine, and wielding weapons such as stun sticks.
The Chironian head had two wide, round eyes, which could be red-gold in color, and could weep. The eyes were lidded and had eyebrows. The Chironian head had a nose with two nostrils, and a mouth with full lips. Chironians grew long, curly manes on their heads, hair which was sometimes grown to nearly waist-length and flowed down their backs. Chironian manes darkened with age to a rich reddish-brown color.
Each year, the Chironian head grew two horns above the temples. These horns started as small knobs covered by red-furred velvet; a vascular tissue. Once the knobs had grown sufficiently, they broke through the velvet naturally, emerging as transparent horns, as bright as diamond, cool to the touch and with smooth ridges. However, if the velvet was cut artificially, Chironians could die from the injury. Over time, the horns grew long and sharp enough that adolescent Chironians could use them to gore opponents.
Chironians were strong enough to carry a Human on their backs. Chironians produced a scent that, to Humans at least, smelled of woods and spices.
Chironian age at the following stages:
1 - 10 Child
11 - 16 Young Adult
17 - 39 Adult
40 - 54 Middle Age
55 - 69 Old
Examples of Names: Luna, Sinall, Jefin, Slaturn, Cinall.
Languages: Chironians posses expressive, husky voices, and can speak Galactic Basic Standard, although some speak the language with a heavy accent.
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nullkunst · 2 years ago
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Sable n her lil fella, Cereal:)
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thelearnedsoldiertoo · 3 years ago
Beedeux Art Dump, Pt. 2!
Alright, with the two big spoiler pieces out of the way, time for the rest of the art done by the ever-fantabulous @beedeux
Context will be included as before! ^-^
First up is someone who by now’s an old friend on this blog; General Anara Len, here near the end of the Clone Wars in full uniform. Anara is a veteran officer who’s served the Republic faithfully since 36 BBY, enlisting as a Judicial infantryman and fighting in the Yinchorri Uprising, the Open-Close War, and taking part in the police action surrounding the Naboo Crisis. By the time the Clone Wars broke out in 22 BBY she was a Major in command of a reconnaissance Battalion with close ties to prominent politicians that enabled her to skirt around the increasing anti-alien sentiments of the late-era Republic.
Serving with distinction throughout the conflict, Anara finished the War as a Lieutenant General after Order 66 killed her Jedi Corps Commander, and would go on to serve for another ten-odd years as commander of the 42nd Army and one of the only Alien Generals during the Dark Times of the Empire, before Imperial Decree A-SL-4557.607.232 functionally legalised slavery and the writing on the wall became too blatant to ignore; with a moral event horizon firmly crossed, the compromises she’d made in the name of duty became unbearable and she defected to the budding Rebellion to atone.
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From Mass Effect: Legacies, a Forum RP that very very quickly had virtually nothing to do with Mass Effect(as any RP that started after ME2 but before ME3 was inevitably going to do, especially with multiple years-long timeskips), and since repurposed as a general sci-fi OC, Lily LaChance is a pickpocket and con artist who basically started life as a street rat and then just kept doing that indefinitely into adulthood.
And yes, she’s gay. xD
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From the same Star Wars game that brought you Anara Len, Nyx, also known at times as “Girly” and “That Little [Expletive]” is a young Melodie from Yavin 8, which the unit encountered while racing a Separatist-backed unit of Jedi-hunters to the location of an ancient Sith Academy which turned out to contain...a lot of bad shit. Nyx wound up adopted by one of the party’s Jedi after displaying intense force sensitivity and an affinity for telepathy, and survived the Purge mainly because said Jedi lost faith in the Order long before it fell and Nyx was safely ensconced in their home on Telos when shit hit the fan.
I’ll get into it more in a moment, but one of her driving motivations was simple curiosity; a desire to see the galaxy and not become trapped like the rest of her people.
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As mentioned, Nyx’s driving motivation was to avoid being trapped like the rest of her people, and hopefully you can see why; at age 20, her species transforms drastically, becoming severely more aquatic and unable to breathe above water. On their native Yavin 8, that means sliding into the oxygenated waters of an underground lake deep in the mountains, never to leave, as the planet is infested with megafauna that love nothing more than eating her people when they’re caught aboveground.
On making it off-world, Nyx, using her experience she’d already gained as a mechanic scavenging wrecked ships, speeders, and droids from crash-landings on Yavin 8, worked with her adopted family to create a mobile water tank that slotted into a heavy mech-suit designed from the chassis of a CLL-8 Binary Load Lifter. Now able to explore at her leisure--not only because of her mobility aid but because who the hell is gonna say ‘no’ to a mermaid in a mechsuit--she cautiously followed her dream to explore the galaxy, aware of the dangers the Empire posed. Siding with the Rebellion in part because she’s a bit of an adrenaline junkie, in part because she’s morally opposed to the Empire, and in part just because a post-Empire world is one she’s a lot more free to explore, she brings heavy firepower to missions, laying down suppressing barrages of highly-deadly plasma or launching light concussion missiles out of the pod on her mech’s shoulder. The size of the vehicle makes close-quarters difficult and she’s no match for a dedicated walker, but most of the time she acts as close support on landings(it can fly), improvised air support when no fighters are present, and to cover exfiltrations under fire.
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Back to Legacies, Mstislawa “Misty” Gnieweka is a member of the Combined Attican Syndicates’ militia, a semi-professional all-volunteer fighting force aimed at self-defense. The Syndicates(CAS) are an Anarcho-Syndicalist union of Communes and Labour Unions who fought--and won--a bloody war of independence against the Alliance, who had become corrupt and authoritarian in the decades since the events of the games.
Carving out a slice of free soil in the farthest-flung human colonies, the CAS employ volunteer militias with elected officers, of which Mstislawa counts herself a part, an elected squad leader in one of the elite sniper battalions of the Union.
Snarky and easygoing, Mstislawa is tall and brawny to boot, and is hardly the platonic ideal of a sniper--though that hasn’t stopped her from accumulating an impressive track record, primarily fighting fascist paramilitaries in the lawless Terminus that view the CAS and Alliance alike as their natural enemies.
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Still in Legacies, Catherine “Hush” or “Cat” Li is an Assassin born to a pair of slaves mining Eezo in the Terminus. When her mother was exposed, the Batarians that owned them took them off the line in hopes the child would be a biotic they could use as a frontline soldier--instead she was born powerless and permanently mute, with a malformed laryngeal nerve.
Adopted by the doctor that delivered her in a crisis of ill-advised conscience, she was raised by a sad drunk on Omega and barely survived to adulthood--eventually settling on a personal philosophy of self-reliance and social independence, she became a professional killer and gun for hire, deadly with monofilament shuang dao and her pistols, and with a reputation both for ruthlessness and integrity--and as a complete and utter show-off.
Knowing she’s well above the skill level of many of her opponents, Li tends to engage in an overly-acrobatic combat style; kicks and flips and cartwheels that give her a reputation as obnoxiously Extra™. Which she is. She 100% is.
Also @agigabyte calls her “Cat Litter” and I find that fucking hilarious.
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Back around to Vi, who you may remember from part one, this is her about three seasons and two years before that picture; when she was still finding her footing as a Superior. An ardent pacifist, Vi’s moral philosophy is frequently at odds with her eldritch-flavoured powers(become goo, shapeshifting, envelopment and possession--basically if Venom was both Symbiont and Host), though when push comes to shove, she’s more than happy to demonstrate to unrepentant scum why the saying “good is not nice” gained traction.
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Pivoting over to 5e for a moment, Ardor Kilrain is a nakedly self-interested Tiefling Pirate and Bard, with a firmly Chaotic Neutral(and honestly teetering on the edge of Chaotic Evil at times) moral philosophy that simply asks; “What’s in it for me?”
Willing to wheel, deal, and steal for her payday, she could sometimes be mistaken for having a heart of gold, but it is at best a heart of bronze or copper. That said, her six Wisdom often leads to her being the butt of jokes, rushing into things without considering them and saying things before her mouth has had a chance to catch up, which I suspect is why her predatory moral philosophy hasn’t concerned anybody yet(oops?). A swashbuckler, a coward, a cheat, and a liar, she is one of my favourite DnD characters I’ve ever played.
And yes, she’s gay too(and Scottish!)
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I know this probably looks like it’s another 5e OC.
It’s not. This is Star Wars. She’s a Chironian, which are exactly what they sound and look like.
I love this setting.
*ahem* Bia Hişa was a member of her Clan’s Honour Guard back on Chironia, and was more-or-less content...until an offworlder ship crash-landed, and the survivors were taken captive while the elders discussed what, if anything, to do with them.
Instantly smitten with a young woman amongst the crew, Bia was one of the most vocal voices for leniency, and when the Clan decided on Exile, she left with them rather than stay behind, wanting to follow her by-now lover and explore the galaxy.
Unfortunately then she found out she hated--hated--space travel, and begged to be let off at the nearest port. Still in touch long distance, she found herself on Taris right about the time the player cell was there building up support, and merrily joined up, recognising oppression and injustice for what it was and wishing to do what she could to right that wrong.
While she might look out of place on a sci-fi battlefield, the Chironian’s rifle-halberd(I love the design of this thing so much) is a lethal weapon in her hands, especially when paired with a charge--during a battle on Stygeon Prime she wiped out an entire platoon of Stormtroopers in an alarmingly short time, and I’m pretty sure the party is finally convinced that, given enough open ground to work with, she’s one of the most lethal members of the crew.
Which was always the case but whatever. xD
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And finishing out with a bang it’s Atsuko “Atso” Kumaki; a Fallout OC from a game that got cancelled and has since been revived as the next one after we wrap our Clone Wars campaign(we all need a breather from the serious and grim right now), Atso is as close to a Paladin as I think it’s possible to get in Fallout; a native of the Hub who idolised the concept of the Knight-Errant, she forged her own armour, shield, and weapon, with a tower shield tough enough to take anything shy of anti-tank weaponry(and honestly even some of that), armour sturdy enough to blunt all but the nastiest melee attacks(gorget, stomach armour, armoured skirt, and a padded cloth gambeson), especially from the poorly-maintained knives and clubs most raiders sport, and a naginata equipped with a shish-kebab attachment.
But despite all that she’s no fool; that strap across her chest is for a repeater shotgun strapped across the other side of her back, and that’s also what that hole in the shield is for. So don’t think you could beat her just because you’ve got a firearm! :P
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equius · 4 years ago
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so @cosmicdanger reminded me of the fact that star wars has a centaur species in legends, which i remembered reading about in the crystal star novel forever ago. so obviously we had to make chironian ocs.
this is kemas! he lives in a non-goverened part of the land, literally just vibing out in the woods tending to bees and plants. he is blind; his crystal horns mutated as he got older and eventually overtook his eyes, inside and out, but he had time to prepare beforehand and make his living space accessible for himself.
overall though, he’s literally just living his best life. there’s no sovereignty where he lives, so there’s no one to pay taxes to, no one to ever bother him. a life we all want, tbh.
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spacelingart · 6 years ago
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Cell-shaded commission for @lilithofstars !
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larrythecentaur · 4 years ago
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He squints. "I'm not a himbo centaur. I've never even heard of that kind. I'm Chironian. Which the internet might try to tell you is a Star Wars thing but that's fake. How dare you."
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baraste-legacy · 5 years ago
Star Wars/SWTOR Fan Art Collection Masterlist
A collection of SWTOR Fanart and Fanon-related reblogs, and a few fully attributed reposts (tentatively adding Tumblr-only orphaned art, too). Entries may contain adult themes. Each post’s last tags show the artist or author of the original work. More of their art in this blog can be found by clicking on or pressing their tags.
If tagged as "orphan art", it means the original artist is no longer reachable on Tumblr or elsewhere (or that my Google-fu has faltered. I'm eager to be corrected about those 🙂).
Searches might yield less results than tags, due to how Tumblr works. I suggest that, when you find something interesting out of a normal search, you look for such tags and use them immediately for more complete results, especially while using the mobile app.
In the case of popular characters such as a Darth Maul, Feral Opress, Asajj Ventress, etc., it's better to use their name tags, or their species tags without the "art" word (I'm sort of favoring OCs in the "art" ones).
These masterlists are a work in progress. If you can't find some XYZ term or item in them, try a tagged search (preceding the search term with a "#" hashtag character) such as "#XYZ art" (or without the "art", too).
Remember that, while in a custom themed blog (baraste-legacy.tumblr.com instead of tumblr.com/baraste-legacy), you can show the results of those links or any tag search in chronological order by adding "/chrono" to the end of the URL.
SWTORpadawan: lots of SWTOR fan art, including great "orphaned" material they are saving from extinction.
SWTOR Fan Art Appreciation
(This section has been moved to its own post due to having reached the links per post limit)
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This might be of interest to both SWTOR/Star Wars fanartists and fan art appreciators: it's a Discord server that started life in 2019, hosting both fanartists you surely know by now (Spaceling, Moonlitalien, Luniara, Ahuska, Swevenfox, The Archnerd, Aphroditenx… Sorry to omit a ton of other great people there) and their patrons and admirers, plus folks that are dabbling at this or just giving it a try:
It's a nice place, well moderated. The usual detours aside, the theme is Star Wars/SWTOR art and artists-centric. You can interact with the artists, ask for advice, post your own art and your commission data if any, or use the directory and galleries to find who to commission for art. (I'm just an admirer there that was somehow invited and later allowed to start a little 3D corner 😅)
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|| Okay random query to my Star Wars peeps out there.I recently added my OC Sadie Grant to my Roster. Initially when I was making her Star Wars verse I basically went to https://sw5e.com/ and constructed her there. This is part of how she wound up a Chironian (Space Centaur)
|| Though Chironian are Star Wars Canon Races, I am already second guessing the decision. I have since discovered with deductive research (I googled “Space Elves Star Wars”) the Sephi. Which is closer to how I originally imagined Sadie (and the inevitable edition of her brother).
|| What I’m saying is right now she’s Chironian but I want to know something || Does a character being a space centaur make them off putting in some way? I’m thinking about revising her by looking through Wookipedia instead. || See alternatively space Satyr since I just tripped over Half-Bothans because Wookiepeedia is just as bad at drawing me on tangents as Wikipedia Main || Also am I trash if I change her to another race even though I only just set up her Star Wars AU?
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years ago
Star Wars OC Flowchar (Vol. 3): Species Resources A-C
Key: (✪)=Canon Only; (❂)=Legends Only; (✺)=Both Canon and Legends
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(✪) Abednedo (Wookieepedia)
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(✺) Abyssin (Wookieepedia)
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(❂) Adarian (Wookieepedia)
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(✺) Advozse (Wookieepedia)
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(✪) Alder-Espirion (Wookieepedia)
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(✺) Aleena (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video)
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(❂) Amaran (Wookieepedia)
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(❂) Anoo-Dat Prime (Wookieepedia)
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(❂) Anzati (Wookieepedia) (Name Generator)
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(✺) Anx (Wookieepedia)
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(✺) Arcona (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video)
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(✺) Arkanian (Wookieepedia)
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(❂) Arkanian Offshoot (Wookieepedia)
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(❂) Arpor-Lan (Wookieepedia)
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(✺) Askajian (Wookieepedia)
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(✺) Asogian (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video) (Info Video)
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(✺) Aqualish (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video) (Info Video) (Name Generator)
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(❂) Ayrou (Wookieepedia)
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(✺) Balnab (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video)
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(✺) Balosar (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video)
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(❂) Barabel (Wookieepedia)
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(✺) Bardottan (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video)
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(❂) Biituian (Wookieepedia)
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(✺) Belugan (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video)
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(✺) Besalisk (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video) (Info Video)
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(❂) Bimm (Wookieepedia)
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(✺) Bith (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video) (Info Video) (Name Generator)
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(❂) Blubreen (Wookieepedia)
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(✺) Bothan (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video) (Info Video) (Name Generator)
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(✪) Britarro (Wookieepedia)
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(❂) Calibop (Wookieepedia)
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(❂) Cathar (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video) (Name Generator)
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(❂) Celegian (Wookieepedia)
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(✺) Cerean (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video) (Name Generator)
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(❂) Cilare (Wookieepedia)
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(✺) Chadra Fan (Wookieepedia) (Info Video)
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(✺) Chagrian (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video)
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(✺) Chevin (Wookieepedia)
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(❂) Chironian (Wookieepedia)
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(✺) Chiss (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video) (Info Video) (Name Generator)
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(❂) Chubbit (Wookieepedia)
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(❂) Columi (Wookieepedia)
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(✺) Cosian (Wookieepedia) (In-Action Video)
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(❂) Codru-Ji (Wookieepedia) (Name Generator)
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(❂) Coway (Wookieepedia)
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(❂) Coynite (Wookieepedia)
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(❂) Cragmoloid (Wookieepedia)
✦ Flowchart ✦ Species D-I ✦ Species J-N ✦ Species O-S ✦ Species T-Z ✦
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nullkunst · 3 years ago
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hehe some Star Wars DnD doods
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nullkunst · 3 years ago
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Sable !! ❤️ My DnD star wars character
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