#star dress cancer
sakurakitsume-art · 3 months
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aashi-heartfilia · 2 years
Star Dress Combo Mini Series
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So, for those who've been following me for a long time, you must be familiar with my Star Dress Mini Series, an event where I used to pick a SD everyday and review it according to its usefulness in the battlefield, appearance, versatility and power along with what other possible upgrades that can be added to it.
So, with that being said, I'm gonna do it again but this time with SD Combo! Yes, I'll be rating all of them and declare a winner. So, look forward to it. Till then here are the links for my Star Dress Series for those of you who might have missed it or just wanna re read it...
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moxiepoxart · 5 months
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Lucy and I are Cancer girlies <3
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kimtaegis · 4 months
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@ye-xiu's favourite taemin looks ↳ happy birthday, al! ✨
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robboyu · 6 months
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juvia-deserved-better · 10 months
Drawing my own star dress redesigns :)
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Individual shots
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dragonprincess18 · 1 year
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As promised, here are the pieces I had commissioned months ago!
(sorry about Virgo’s not being here, for some reason I couldn’t save it and Tumblr’s messaging is glitching)
These are set in the sequel to The Dragon That Will Pierce The Heavens, titled Queen Of The Fairies, where Hikari has gained the ability of Star Dress. Trust me, the boys all have a favorite. XP
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rossy-tv · 9 months
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Signs at the funeral in Dior
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crystalliumdaisy · 6 months
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redesigning star dresses part 1!
part 2 and part 3
notes and individual pieces below <3
keep this in mind i love the og stardresses! i just wanted to challenge myself and i’m an inspiring fashion designer!!! my goal was to create dresses that reflect the spirits and u could easily match them up.
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these were my initial sketches, i wanted every dress/outfit to have a different colour and silhouette to make them more recognisable.
aries ~
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- pink was the obvious choice for a colour. I didn’t want to use any major black like in the og design because aries design is so light and bright!
- i really think the og stardress hair is lacking. A fun fluffy 80s hair adds to the whole sheep aesthetic and creates a different silhouette to other designs.
- the 80s hair also inspired a more 80s look with fluffy legwarmers and big hoop earrings.
- i also wanted to bring in those pink pompoms on the side of aries dress so i made them star shaped and put them in lucy’s hair
taurus ~
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- why put her in a bikini if she’s a cowboy??? this haunts me everyday.
- I couldn’t put her in mainly black and white cos that’s virgo i comprised and landed on a brown.
- for inspiration it was pretty obvious to go with a cowboys and the wild west! i always disliked the one leg pants her og design has so i modified it to a cut out.
- her og design was a mix of the aquarius and scorpio one and it always didn’t stand out to me, so i think by exaggerating the cowboy aesthetic it stands out much more.
gemini ~
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- her og design is actually one my favs. so i really only made minor changes
- the colours stood out against other dresses and were easily identified as gemini. the dual colour symmetrical dress is a great way to reflect the double spirit.
- Gemini is a pretty symbol spirit so to reflect them i used circular shapes and organic lines. i changed the head piece mainly because i struggled drawing it but i realised it made the design too top heavy anyways.
- i extended the dress width and length mainly for silhouette reasons (she wears so many skin tight dresses) as well as to give a nod to the dresses the alternate geminis wear.
cancer ~
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- my issue with cancer star dress isn’t the dress itself. I actually love the dress in the manga. it’s the colour. WHY IS GREEN?!?
- if it weren’t for the symbol i wouldn’t be able to match this dress with cancers design, so it had to change.
- other than that there’s no major differences, the ribbon tie is meant to resemble scissors, i love the claw shape hair ties in the og design so i brought them back and i brought the stripes in cancers top to her bow.
leo ~
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- i was inspired by beauty and the beast, in the movie the beast kinda looks like lion.
- i swapped the yellow and black in the og design since it has a pretty similar colour story to virgos dress. The og kinda gets lost next to leo since the black doesn’t have variation and leo is in a deep black too.
- i wanted to make her hair bigger like a lions mane and curled around her face.
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danibeanie · 1 month
solar return observations! 🙊
🙊-a lot of people talk about mars 2nd house being a placement where you spend carelessly on money, but no one talks about how your style improves drastically with this placement. Mars Is in a venusian house after all , so you might find yourself dressing more like the sign your mars is in.
ex- leo mars might dress with pieces that are more extravagant like bold colors.
ex-taurus mars might dress with the intention of comfort and more relaxed colors.
🙊-uranus in 11th house is a very clear indicator of your friend groups always changing/ hanging out with people you never expected too.
ex-I had this my senior year of highschool and I was jumping from friend group to friend group😭 (all fun tho since it was my last yr and I wanted to venture out)
🙊-moon conjunct saturn is going to be a year that’s slightly depressing. when I had this I had the tendency to be very hard on myself.
ex-6th house, with your routines, health/fitness, anything that involves you working
ex-7th house, partnerships with others/lessons
🙊-having a stellium in your 7th house for that year means that your NEVER going to be lonely. You tend to attract friendships with out even trying.
🙊juno conjunct descendent is meeting someone that could potentially be your partner , but still learning a lot from them since it’s the opposite to your ascendent.
🙊jupiter in 7th house is a sign of healing and realization when it comes to partnerships
🙊mars conjunct chiron is healing through your anger/ having more trouble with masculines that year.
ex- I went through a huge heartbreak and I was reluctant to dating anyone for the rest of the year, AND I was venting out my anger.
🙊moon in libra and people are DEFINITELY gonna find you more charming that year.
🙊any leo placement for the year will get you more attention genuinely 😭
ex- I had venus conjunct mars and I really felt like a star (BUT IM A STARRRR)
🙊saturn in 1st house is maturing.. literally growing up and having to do things YOURSELF if u want to see progress.
ex- I have this rn for my solar return and not even kidding you, I’ve had to make decisions when it comes to work,school,friendships. I would always depend on other people to help me out, but I’ve been taking action on my own and learning how to do things myself.
-also you just want to be alone this yr , not even in a bad way , your just a bit to yourself.
🙊sag rising is you feeling like a baddie and always down to do anything/ feeling more freedom
🙊virgo rising is a bit more serious and I felt studious yet very critical of what I was doing that yr.
🙊cancer rising is EVERYONE loving you and comments on “she’s so nice”
🙊pisces rising so FAR is feeling very empathic about everything and putting yourself into other peoples shoes. ALSO check where your rising falls into your natal chart.
ex-I have this on my 10th/11th house and I noticed that most of my friendships this year have been other people taking advantage of them etc. so I have to come and help them out.
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harmoonix · 1 year
Beauty Astro Observations 💄💋
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• Beauty, Glamour, Seduction •
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• Asteroid Bella (695) shows your kind of beauty and how the world can perceive your beauty
Bella in Water Signs [Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces] can have a very feminine, graciously beauty, something like fatale beauty, big focus on their lips and eyes because these parts tend to be the best
Bella in Earth Signs [Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus] can have a very natural, sensualist beauty something like a fairy like and still being enchanting, big focus on their hair and hands they tend to look pretty
Bella in Air Signs [Aquarius, Libra, Gemini] can have a very electrifying attractive beauty something that strikes people's attention like a thunder big focus on their the way dress and the way they talk might enchant you
Bella in Fire Signs [Aries, Leo, Sagittarius] can have a very fiery magnetic beauty something like the an eternal flame of seduction big focus on their face and hips these parts make them stunningly beautiful
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• Asteroid Nymphe (875) your seductive personality/aura,
Nymphe in Air Signs [Gemini, Libra, Aquarius] bring an air of temptation to the people, you have something unique in yourself that can drive other people crazy
Nymphe in Earth Signs [Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo] blessed with a flow of grace and romantism, your sensuality is at maximum level when you show your face in a crowd, leave them with the mouth open besties
Nymphe in Fire Signs [Sagittarius, Aries, Leo] glamour in their veins and seduction on their lips you look so beautiful when you wear bright colors and something that can suite your energy, you are sensual and confident and you love it like this
Nymphe in Water Signs [Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio] the mesmerizing beauty is in their eyes, you have this sparkle energy around that can make others to really question their love life
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• Asteroid Sirene [1009] your fatale shadow
Sirene in Water Signs [Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces] Sirene is at home in these signs and she can manifest your energy either to be light and angelic either dark and seductive, your shadow is sensual and dangerous
Sirene in the Fire Signs [Leo, Sagittarius, Aries] are not ashamed to show the world how fatale they can be when they are in the mood, their expressions and gestures can make other people to fall for them instantly, the shadow shows them that they are the hottest in the room
Sirene in Earth Signs [Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus] brings a rain of sensual petals upon these natives, fulfilling them with the gift of being attractive and wanted
Sirene in Air Signs [Libra, Gemini, Aquarius] comes with the most seductively voices ever heard by the humans, they put you under their spell and enchanted with a misterious personality. Your voice is giving the vibe of a siren singing
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💄 Venus in the 1st/2nd/6th/10th houses, you know you are the star and you like it, you are giving $ Im expensive honey! $ vibes
💄 Venus - Pluto aspects makes people to be obsessed with them, there is a magnetic field around those with the planet of love and destruction together in alignment
💄 Venus - Mercury aspects make the native to have a very beautiful voice and most people find their voices being very sexy and sensual
💄 Capricorn in the big 3 [Sun, Moon or Rising] have such a perfect bone structure and their aesthetic fits every concept, they are the models of this world, they repsent the gracious fashion
💄 Fire Signs and Air Signs over the 7th house sign can give a spouse/partner with a beautiful charisma, their spouses can radiate sensual vibes
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💄 Lilith in Water Signs express their sensuality based on the feelings they have, if they are angry the emotions can get pretty dangerous and in the same radiating "Beautiful but dangerous"
💋 Lilith in the 1st/6th/10th/11th houses can get very known because of the way their sensuality is showed to the world, and sometimes without even them knowing it, is like you are sensual without any effort
💋 Aquarius in big 3 [Sun, Moon or Rising] always bring the new trends with them because they are the trendsetters of the zodiac, they are looking good in everything and are not afraid the show it to the world
💋 Venus in the 11th house and 5th house/Aquarius or Leo have this world appeal that can steal everyone's hearts, they are very liked in the society because of their uniqueness and humanitarian nature
💋 Juno aspecting the ascendant makes the other people to fall in love easily with the native, is like they desire you because they know you are what they want
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💋 Lilith - Asc aspects makes the native to be pretty misterious in the crowd, also to be appear as very sensual to the other people and they can often talk about you
💋 Neptune - Asc aspects tend to look very beautiful and magically, something about them reminds you about some fairytale when you look at their face
🌹 Libra in Big 3 or Venus prominent [Sun, Moon or Rising] can give the native a big or good looking 🍑 and usually a very good looking body
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🌹 Sagittarius in Big 3 or Jupiter prominent (Sun, Moon, Rising,) makes the native to appear thick and appealing to the world
🌹 Cancer in big 3 (Sun, Moon or Rising) or Moon prominent in the chart have very beautiful eyes, doe eyes who are very attractive
🌹 Scorpio in big 3 (Sun, Moon or Rising) or Pluto prominent in the chart have a very mysterious aura around them and that makes them appealing
I didn't post nothing in 5 days feels like an eternity, but today 😍 I'm coming with a new post for you queens and kings 🏆💅🏼, its a very lovely post, hope you like it 😍🏆💅🏼 3 beautiful asteroids 💅🏼 and the rest are observations🌸 i hope you guys are fine and good 🥰 enjoy the post 🏆💄💋 much love and warm for everyone who reads my notes 🌸🌟
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supermoongirl9 · 11 months
Things that could make you feel better when you're in a bad mood (anxious, sad or worst) based on your 5H :
Aries/Mars 5H = finding something to let out your emotional frustration such as exercising, going for a run or masturbation; dancing and shaking your ass; going to a sauna or a hammam; taking a cold shower to feel less overwhelmed physically.
Taurus/Venus 5H = eating your fav comfort food and not feeling guilty even if that's something deemed as unhealthy/junk food; wearing comfy clothes and not caring about how you look (just enjoying and chilling); ordering some take-out just because.
Gemini/Mercury 5H = reading a part of one of your fav books; watching an old cartoon from your childhood; using your hands for something artistic (even if it's about a silly doodle); having a good laugh with friends, watching reality-tv and not feeling guilty hahaha.
Cancer/Moon 5H = taking a long bath; spending time around children (bonus point if they're from ur fam); talking to your loved ones (give them a call!!); swimming naked somewhere; calling your mom or your women friends and pour your heart out.
Leo/Sun 5H = listening to positive affirmations; complimenting yourself in front of a mirror; wearing your fav outfit and parading somewhere; acting like you're the star of your own movie (it's needed sometimes); wearing something shiny.
Virgo/Mercury 5H = cleaning and reorganizing your things - can be only about your desk/work space as it helps with feeling less anxious mentally speaking; criticizing people u don't like w friends; doing a full skin care routine (face mask, 10 steps shit) while watching a show.
Libra/Venus 5H = dressing up and wearing a beautiful makeup/beautiful jewelry even if you're staying at home because sometimes, feeling beautiful is important; creating a pretty atmosphere in your bedroom (scented candle, nice bed sheets...) before sleeping.
Scorpio/Pluto 5H = masturbation/having sex with someone; spending the day naked at your place and enjoying the privacy; buying a new sex-toy; writing a list of your enemies; burning some incense and watching your fav horror movie; reading about the occult.
Sagittarius/Jupiter 5H = going on an adventure somehow (can be only about going to that new place you always wanted to try in your neighborhood); scheduling a trip somewhere; watching a documentary about your fav topic (and educating urself in the process).
Capricorn/Saturn 5H = seeking advices and words of encouragement from older people; doing something that makes you feel more in control of your life and congratulating yourself right after; spending some alone time without telling anyone how to reach you out.
Aquarius/Uranus 5H = indulging in your niche hobby no one knows about; dressing without caring about others' judgement and actually enjoying it; watching an experimental movie; listening to music and daydreaming.
Pisces/Neptune 5H = listening to your fav playlist (you need one that exists only to uplift your mood); writing cheesy poems just because; telling your loved ones how much you actually love them; spending time near the ocean.
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astro-royale · 9 months
AstrologyObs: Appearance
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Disclaimer:my opinion
Cancers are the cutie of the zodiac!! Round facial features. Cozy, comfy, warm and inviting. They may look great in Asian make up styles or old classic make up styles. Bohemian. 70s look or even 50s.
Gemini have a cheekiness to them that’s apparent in their features. They look like troublemakers in a wholesome way. They usually have quite sharp smiles. They have a very on the go energy , and I think they can get away with being sporty or even messy. But they also look so good with a basic 90s style which reflects their logical mind.they may also have a “rebel” “punk” or even Avril Lavigne vibe.
Pisces just feel like a wave of tranquility and I just want to chill with them. They have such dreamy eyes that make you want to get lost in them. They look so good with shimmers, in make up and clothes. Also metallic colours. Glowy make up. MERMAID. They suit modern style of clothing a lot.
Sagittarius, the free spirits, can actually look great with more revealing looks. They can get away with over the top things, and they will make it look cool, like their way of dressing is part of their philosophy. I feel like Sagittarius also has a lowkey sense of humour to their style, “ I did it for the fun of it, why not” also look so good in red:::
Scorpio.. you guys just remind me of Johnny Depp in pirates of the Caribbean, looks wise that is. Very alluring, darkness around the eyes. You change and transform people so no one will ever experience another you again. Your dress sense may have elements of danger. Leather jackets. A sense of shock, uniqueness . Darkness. Alternative or femme fatale.
Aries yall look good in office things, or just sophisticated and sharp styles tbh. There’s an angularity to you but it looks very cool and dramatic, it makes you interesting and cool. Lush, and sharp.it gives lip gloss and matte outfit vibes.
Capricorn, your organisation influences your dress sense so much and i actually think that Capricorn represents a mainstream dress sense or something conventional and basic you see everyday. So you look good in that. Simple. Classy. Timeless. Capricorns with Aquarius placements may disagree
Taurus, yall look really good with heavy makeup up looks, or full face glam. you guys look good with mullets. And electric colours. Graphic liners. Cool eyeshadow looks. IG baddie make up looks. May also suit dip dye hair styles or highlights.
Virgo, I feel like many of you may have had a hipster phase, plaid shirt and boots situation. Or some kind of lowkey emo phase . Even a tomboy phase. But anyways, you look great with slicked back hairstyles, neat loose natural hair. You Look Royal, in a laid back way. No matter your aesthetic. Virgo, you look best when you take care of yourself, when you look very clean, and tidy. Clean girl aesthetic
Leo, Animal prints look so great. You’re royal in a flashy way. You may feel like you look great in designer clothing or higher end brands. The quality and brand may be of importance to you and you won’t just buy things from anywhere. You’re going to attract looks, because the planets revolve around the sun. You look good being flashy and fully expressing your authentic self and uniqueness, don’t hold back your greatness.
Libra, yall could wear a potato sack and still look great asf. Your facial features are usually very proportionate and balanced. I think your natural glow is what suits you best, and an elegant outfit. You look great showing everyone the embodiment of Venus on Earth, and I think you have “aesthetic” in your genes.
Aquarius, you look good in unisex or androgynous, long or short hair, any colour, you will make it work. Doesn’t matter if things clash, you can make it work. The innovated. Unique style. Dreamy aura, they have an intelligent vibe. You’re giving the audience a taste of the stars. Of intelligence beyond this earth. Cyber /rave styles can look great on them too. Or very artsy looks. Many of them also get into cosplay. They look ethereal so they can embody what isn’t real (anime, cartoons, movie characters etc) People may even say they look like an anime character.
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hvaneyflowers · 10 months
Fernando Alonso x femreader! family!
Instagram au | Part 3
Fernando and y/n have been married for 10 years, and for the last 9 years, y/n has been fighting against cancer. Because of this, they can't have children on their own, so they decided to adopt.
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liked by fernandoalo_oficial, f1news, f1wags, and 890.670 more.
tagged: ferandoalo_oficial
yourusername: Matías wanted to know how his mommy and daddy met. So I took out our photo album. What an incredible journey this 12 years! I knew you were the one when I first saw you in that restaurant. Love you forever and looking forward to more years together! ❤️
view all 500 comments.
fernandoalo_oficial: Te amo mi amor! Gracias por todo. Eres el amor de mi vida ❤️ / I love you, my love! Thanks for everything. You're the love of my life!
yourusername: ❤️
username01: My favorite couple!!!
username54: Wow, 12 years together! Time passed so fast!
username67: I love you both so much!! Please never split up!
username2: If they do that, I won't believe in love again 😭 username9: Me neither!! They're so perfect together!
fernandoalonsofans: POWER COUPLE!! For more years to come!!!
username56: Love your wedding dress!!! It's beautiful!
f1wags: The original wag! Love both of you! ❤️
carmenmmundt: I really admire you! You were through hard things in life and still kill it like a queen! Love you, baby! ❤️
yourusername: Love you, too!
charles_leclerc: wait a minute! Did Fernando propose to you in a church? 🤨
fernandoalo_oficial: it wasn't a church, it was a museum! carlossainz55: I thought you were more romantic... lewishamilton: A museum isn't exactly the romantic type, ya know? charles_leclerc: if I were you, I would have asked her in a romantic dinner under the bright stars at the beach! yourusername: awww, Charles, that sounds so romantic! danielricciardo: That sounds really romantic, mate! I would have taken her ice skating and, in the middle of the rink, I would have gotten down on one knee! yourusername: R-O-M-A-N-T-I-C! Dani, you're always so cute! Love you! fernandoalo_oficial: 😒
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liked by yourusername, kimimatiasraikkonen, and 900.456 more
tagged: yourusername
fernandoalo_oficial: What a beautiful change you brought to our lives, my son! So grateful to have you!
view all 1000 comments.
yourusername: My little angel! Can't be more in love than I am right now! Love you, babe!
fernandoalo_oficial: Couldn't agree more! Love you, nena! ❤️❤️
alex_albon: so little Alonso is a mini chef! So cute!
charles_leclerc: Is he driving a Ferrari?
fernandoalo_oficial: no. It's an Aston Martin. carlossainz55: Doesn't seem like that. yourusername: believe it or not, it is an Aston Martin. charles_leclerc: mmm... I'm not so sure. carlossainz55: me neither. sebastianvettel: me neither. kimimatiasraikkonen: bwoah. fernandoalo_oficial: shut up!
username7: so cute!!!
username12: little Matias is so cute!!
username18: Fernando is training him to be the next World Champion in the Alonso family!
fernandoalonsofans: Baby Matias is so cute! Hoping to see him at the next race!
lilymhe: I want a baby ASAP!
landonorris: @.alex_albon carlossainz55: @.alex_albon danielricciardo: @.alexalbon georgerussell63: @.alex_albon lewishamilton: @.alex_albon pierregasly: @.alex_albon yukitsunoda0511: @.alex_albon alex_albon: 😮
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liked by fernandoalo_oficial, lewishamilton, and 500.790 more.
tagged: fernandoalo_oficial
yourusername: First vacations as a family of 3! Greece was amazing and Matias had the best time of his life learning how to swim with his daddy! Hoping to come back any time!
view all 400 comments.
fernandoalo_oficial: Best vacations ever! Now I want it to happen again but as a family of 4!
yourusername: Wishing for it too!
usernamme19: WAIT! WHAT?! A FAMILY OF 4?!
username12: Are you telling me they're planning to adopt again?! I HOPE IT IS A GIRL THIS TIME!
lance_stroll: are we having a new addition to the family? Can I be the godfather? 🥺
charles_leclerc: NOOOO! I want to be the godfather! I mean, Kimi is Matias' godfather, so is a Ferrari line! carlossainz55: In that case, I should be the godfather! yourusername: Yes, Lance, if we're having another baby, you can be the godfather, my love! ❣️ charles_leclerc: 💔 carlossainz55: 💔🥺
username2: What?! Kimi is Matias's godfather?! OMG, I'M DYING!
username4: Kimi Matias is the godfather of Matias Fernando. Facts!
kimimatiasraikkonen: loads of love to my godson!
yourusername: ❤️
lewishamilton: Roscoe wants to play with his new friend any time soon!
yourusername: Omg, Matias, too! He loved Roscoe and he asks about him a lot, almost every day! roscoelovescoco: love him!
lilymhe: are having a little girl any time soon?
yourusername: not soon, but in the future! 😉 carmenmmundt: hoping for it to happen! kellypiquet: P would love a little friend! the_crochet_girl: my baby girl, too! logjorup: my baby, too! yourusername: I WANT ONE NOW! I'M CRYING! @.fernandoalo_oficial can we have a baby girl, please?! fernandoalo_oficial: of course, my love! I want to be a girl dad ❤️❤️ yourusername: ❤️
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lagoonalake · 8 months
Could you do ideal type for Ateez please?
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!!!Trigger warning!!! mention of depression and other heavy topics especially in Jongho's reading
Personality: 9 of swords, 7 of cups, 2 of pentacles
He tends to be drawn towards anxious types, people whose mind is a bit of a mess, chaotic or who feel overwhelmed and he wants to help them cut through the confusion with his assertive and decisive energy, make them feel safe. He is attracted to his opposite. In return this person would be more moderate than he is, more nuanced and realistic, more intellectual and communicative, this is someone who thinks a lot, too much actually. Thoughts are always swirling in their mind, and they can visualize so many possibilities that it’s hard to be more centered. This is giving genius energy a little bit, very intellectual. This is a person who is also quite fast paced and efficient, good at multitasking. air signs especially gemini and aquarius, mercury, virgo, cancer
Appearance:  the hierophant, 9 of pentacles, the star
Traditionally beautiful according to Korean standards, slender, smooth pale skin, silky hair, well dressed, clean, sophisticated and who wear quality clothes, luxury brands, but nothing too flashy. Someone who can looks a bit vulnerable and sensitive, soft features, full lips, big kinda droopy puppy eyes, cute face. A mixture of innocence and a more corporate/classy sort of look.  virgo, libra, capricorn, cancer
Turn offs: 7 of wands, temperance, 7 of pentacles
Masculinity, people who are domineering, unrefined. People with poker faces who don’t express any vulnerability and seem to be in complete control of themselves, who seem devoid of human emotions and act more like robots. He clearly prefers a more vulnerable, feminine type who needs his protection. It’s not (only lol) because of traditional gender roles, but because he has a genuine strong masculine energy to offer, so he wants someone who can appreciate that. aries, saturn, aquarius, capricorn, mars
Personality: the chariot, the star, the sun
Someone with a very positive energy, focused on the future, who wants to make the world a better place, to connect with people most likely through their art and creation, as this is definitely a very creative and artistic person. Deeply engaged in their cause, inspiring others and using their charisma and visibility for a good cause. Someone who has a very radiant, warm, shining presence, leadership skills, authority but always used in a guiding and protective way, never to dominate or put themselves above others. Someone who feels like a rush of energy. Bravely and boldly moving towards their goals undefeated. Passionately following their heart and ideals. Dynamic vibrant personality full of ideas and dreams.  sagittarius, leo, aquarius, uranus, jupiter, pisces
Appearance: the tower, 4 of pentacles, the world
Someone with a big presence, who could even be big in some way physically, tall, wide. Who can have a incredibly intimidating yet incredibly reassuring presence that would wrap around him. Someone who most of the time is very awake, very vibrant yet very calm and stable, but you feel the heat boiling under the surface and if you piss them off then they would explode. Just a LOT of energy. A more masculine style, square jaw, strong bone structure, sturdy body, strength. Black hair, tan skin. sagittarius, leo, scorpio, capricorn, taurus, aries
Turn offs: 3 of cups, 9 of cups, the wheel of fortune
Laziness, people who leave everything to chance, who always had it easy in life and can just chill and wait for things to fall in their lap. People who don’t take action. Passivity. People without direction or vision in life. People who party all the time. negative pisces, neptune, taurus, leo, sagittarius
Personality: the devil, 10 of wands, 3 of wands
People who are very driven, potentially who could even become consumed by their ego and ambitions, quite selfish. The kind who could do pretty much anything to achieve their objective. This could be a specific person he’s currently involved with, but it’s also a pattern that repeats itself in his relationships. He also tends to let himself be taken by partners who use him because of his status to further their own career, people who seduce him, who are very sexually magnetic, but who hide this fierce and ruthless energy underneath a smoother more sensual facade. Vampiric people who suck him dry and exhaust him and who will get extremely defensive if he calls them out on their bs. negative libra, aries, leo, scorpio, pluto
Appearance: 9 of pentacles, 3 of pentacles, knight of swords
Sensual earthy beauty, very attractive body shape, curvy, alluring smile and laugh, I’m hearing giggling, but with something sharp in their eyes, smile, could have a seductive smirk, long nails… Coyness, something cunning about them, witty, a bit mischievous. Beautiful thick curly or wavy hair, burgundy/brown/gold/green earthy colors. Feminine sophisticated style, silk, velvet, lingerie. Elaborate makeup. Enticing perfume. Very lush overall appearance.  venus, mercury, earth signs in general especially taurus
Turn offs: king of swords, 6 of pentacles, ace of wands
People who are cold, detached, too serious. Equality in relationships haha, he sees love as something all consuming, so there tends to be power imbalance in his relationships, it’s just not as intense and exciting if everything is perfectly healthy and balanced for him. Too much spontaneity or masculinity, someone who makes decisions. Although he tends to attract people who control him, they do it in an indirect way, not in a direct masculine assertive sort of way. giving him the illusion of being in control. aries, libra, aquarius
Personality: king of pentacles, the empress, 6 of swords
I feel like he has this plan of a perfect life and marriage. Basically he intends to have enough money to then live in abundance in his big house with a very loving, beautiful doting partner. The image that comes to mind is of this serene, peaceful, quiet, dreamy, environment, surrounded by birds and flowers, nature and possibly having babies. He likes the idea of making a woman pregnant. Definitely he is attracted to a more traditional housewife sort of partner, someone beautiful, loving, kind, who would enjoy all the stability and riches he has to offer. He wants a calmer life after the chaotic idol lifestyle too, away from the entertainment industry.  taurus, libra, cancer, virgo, pisces
Appearance: ace of cups, ace of wands, the fool
Definitely a youthful and expressive type. Possibly younger than him. Very innocent, spontaneous, a face that you can read like a book. Big, emotional eyes, sensitive, vulnerable, soft. But it become very noticeable when they get angry or embarrassed too, maybe they become red, have blood rushing to their face. Just very untainted, childlike sort of energy. NOT a poker face. Brighter colors, milky white skin. Petite. Likes a nice butt. Eyes that smile, just someone who laughes a lot in general. Could cry easily too. Feminine and cute.  cancer, mercury, leo, aries
Turn offs: the hermit, 5 of cups, queen of wands
Cold, super private, somber types. People who are depressed, who have too much history, too much baggage. People who are not very sociable. Loners. Overly spiritual people detached from material life. People who are always negative, pessimistic, who are always complaining about something, always have a sad story to tell. People who are domineering, too independent, bossy, controlling.  scorpio, saturn, pisces, sagittarius, mars
Personality: 9 of pentacles, page of pentacles, strength
A very strong, sturdy, physical type of person, more masculine energy. The type who could live in the countryside and chop wood without being afraid of breaking a nail or messing up their hairstyle. Tough, more rustic, hardy type of person. someone very grounded, who enjoys a simple lifestyle, but very stubborn, very opinionated. A simple person, bit loud, direct, not the most refined type. Funny. Someone with a specific routine, disciplined, organized. Someone who enjoys life and every pleasure it has to offer, hard working and hedonistic. Youthful and optimistic. A breath of fresh air who would help him relax and at the same time match his lifestyle and desires. taurus, leo, aries, jupiter
Appearance: 2 of wands, judgment, high priestess
Someone who would make a strong impression on him. Muscular and strong, especially when it comes to the legs. Intense aura, subtly seductive and who does not reveal their sexual energy but he’d be able to feel it very strongly. Apart from that strong physique (could be attracted to a dancer or an athlete) there isn’t much about looks and specific features I’m catching, mostly that this person is self assured, intense, has strong sexual energy but keeps it in control, and would magnetize him. I’m also getting that he tends to fall in love pretty quickly. mars, sagittarius, taurus, pluto
Turn offs: 3 of swords, knight of pentacles, king of swords
Someone who would betray him. Slow, cold, hyper controlled energy, someone who seems more machine than human. Someone detached, overly intellectual. Stubborn, boring, who never allows themselves to enjoy life. Someone manipulative, always strategizing and never sharing their thoughts. Lack of trust in relationships in general, he really prefers someone who is kinda chill, warm and open. saturn, aquarius, gemini, capricorn
Personality: page of pentacles, 5 of pentacles, queen of pentacles
Very stable, grounded, patient individuals. Here again we have money as a theme. He wants to be a provider. So someone who can appreciate that, and who is good at managing money, organized. Calm, soothing energy. Secretary vibes. Very practical, efficient. Someone with integrity, devoted to him. Sensual, he wants his partner close. The physical and sexual connection is very important. Not just the sex but actually to be able to touch, hug, hold his partner. Someone who can handle his clinginess and reassure him.  earth signs
Appearance: 6 of wands, justice, 2 of swords
Someone he can show off to the world, so who fits beauty standards in his own country and environment. Harmonious, balanced, symmetrical features. Classically beautiful. Could look a bit haughty or uptight, but very charming, lovely, agreable. Nothing too extreme, but still someone who stands out for their beauty. Slender, on the taller side or with “a small head/face”. The color white, white clothes, clean, flawless, immaculate. Someone with good manners, “proper”, polite, charming smile. libra, taurus, virgo
Turn offs: 7 of cups, death, 5 of swords
People who are disconnected from reality, delusional, people who are obsessive, too intense, destructive, chaotic, extreme (it’s giving sasaeng lol). Someone who would want to turn his life upside down, change everything, someone who is always in crisis mode, always going through transformation, has no stability. Someone always looking for a fight, always creating arguments and bringing up topics to kill the mood and bicker over. He isn’t that deep of a guy and prefers simplicity and ease in relationships. pisces, scorpio, aquarius
Personality: the moon, knight of cups, queen of swords
Someone kinda hard to figure out, more shy and reserved, who has a gentle, sensitive, romantic, seemingly innocent quality. Yet someone who is not easily fooled and has strong boundaries. A bit frigid or virginal in appearance. It doesn’t mean that he wants to be with virgins only, but there is something pure and untouchable about his type. The kind of person who only let in the most deserving. Yet he wants to be let in. He’s not particularly deserving though. XD It’s kinda like this impulse that some guys have to break and corrupt the good girl, the proper woman. Could be someone who seems perfect, always in control, everybody thinks that they are so kind, so polite, so charming, yet he wants to see what’s behind the mask. Someone he would tease a lot, I sort of see him making crass jokes and the other person looking slightly offended but still finding it funny, that’s partly how he would charm them. He wants to see this person loosen up. virgo, libra, pisces, cancer
Appearance: 2 of pentacles, 4 of wands, 5 of cups
This could very well be a specific person. Because this fits the personality a lot. Someone who seems very balanced, looks perfect, marriage material, very in control, calm, poised, charming, popular even. Yet he can perceive a sadness and melancholy behind the mask that intrigues him. When it comes to looks and features, this person is traditionally beautiful, warm appearance, natural beauty, soft and kind face. Soothing gestures, just seems trustworthy and available to everyone,friendly, welcoming presence that people tend to gravitate towards.  virgo, libra, pisces
Turn offs: king of wands, 9 of pentacles, 9 of cups
Showoffs. People who easily succumb to flattery. Always bragging about their achievements, their happiness, their possessions. Loud, attention seeking people. He’s going to tease them big time and call them out on their bs. People who have it easy in life, who have nothing to do all day but enjoy their luxurious lifestyle. Party people who expose themselves to the world. It’s not only that he finds it unattractive, but he finds it stupid and reckless, he thinks this is the perfect recipe to be used by others, and that these people are slaves to their egos, so he pities them a little and he knows how to play them like a fiddle. He is a very intelligent and intuitive guy, and he can be manipulative if he needs to, although he will try to preserve certain types of people that he will feel a bit protective towards.  negative leo, taurus, neptune, pisces
Personality: 10 of swords, the moon, the star
He is attracted to people who need to be saved. Heavy energies. People who could have some kind of issue, maybe addictions, or suffering from depression, or who have been wounded, could even be someone who is physically limited in some way, someone who needs assistance. People who have it really really hard, and wouldn’t really be able to keep going without help. He wants to soothe and protect them, to heal them and give them hope again, to make them see the light at the end of the tunnel. These people are kind and have a lot of depth, they are ultra sensitive and possibly this is why they are not able to face the darkness and difficulties of the world. This is the kind of relationship that would go through a lot of ups and downs, mainly because of this person’s mind being unstable and fragile, but he would keep going and not abandon them.   pisces, neptune, scorpio, pluto, saturn
Appearance: ace of swords, the hermit, king of cups
This seems again like a specific energy, an actual person he could be involved with. Someone who is kind of a loner, withdrawn, lonely, rarely seen surrounded by other people. The first impression that they give is kinda austere, somber. Features could be a bit pointy or sharp, austere. Could be underweight or sickly looking. Someone who has a lot of depth in their eyes. Very intense eyes. Could look a bit difficult to approach at first, a bit feral. But is actually soft. Could look restrained in some ways. Mature, calm, quiet expression. Deep and melancholic look. The color blue, dark blue, grey, black and white. Slow energy. Cold and cutting voice.  saturn, scorpio, capricorn, pluto
Turn offs: the lovers, 6 of pentacles, the hierophant
So here again we have someone who doesn’t really like a relationship that is too balanced, with equal give and take. For him relationships are sacrificial, all of nothing. He is also drawn to people who need help, so anyone a bit too easy to deal with, too easygoing is not gonna be able to keep his attention. Anything a bit too traditional isn’t very interesting either.  libra, taurus, virgo
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hl-obsessed · 7 days
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WARNING! it's a long one - 54 fics listed! 🙈💕✨
✨💎 Lend Me Your Broken Parts by @dizzy-pixie17
(M, 2,4k)It's been five years, but when Lottie doesn't know what else to do to console a hysterical Louis, she calls Harry.
And despite everything, Harry comes.
Look How Well I Play the Bare Truth by Missbeautifullywritten17
(NR, 8,7k) When recently single (to the general public, of course) Harry Styles gets nominated to an Oscar for playing a gay policeman in the 1950s he thinks it is the most wonderful and, at the same time, painful thing it could have happened to him. How is he supposed to say how much Tom and Patrick's story means to him without revealing he is being closeted himself? How is he supposed to go on with his life after receiving the most important award there is for simply playing the bare truth? Well, maybe the rainbow dress he is wearing would be enough of an statement...
Or, the one where Holivia stunt ends, dwd flops and My Policeman gets lots of oscar nominations. Now, it is March 2023, Louis can't be there with him even though his bearding relationship with Eleanor and bbg are already done and he is in the process of coming out himself (apparently, coming out was one thing, but them being a couple... that was perjudicial for their careers and shall remain hidden). So what he does instead is a rbb photocall with the one and only Niall Horan while they watch Harry on the TV screen.
Meanwhile, Harry Styles remembers his past and finds himself on stage with an oscar in hand and, perhaps, his only chance to be free.
Cigarettes and Fuckin’ on the Windowsill by carmelstyle
(NR, 2,4k) Harry comes back from Italy after filming “My Policeman” and stunting. Louis isn’t happy about that last bit.
Or: Sex in front of a window.
Rest in Peace by @stfustucky
(M, 2k) Sometimes, when he looks back on things, there’s a small, angry part of Louis that wishes he’d never met Harry. If he’d just missed that audition, if he’d just stayed in bed, he never would have fallen in love with curly hair and bright green eyes and dimples he’s never gone a day without kissing since. Most times, when he looks back on things, Louis blames himself. The very solar system revolved around Harry and Louis had the closest orbit, flying close enough to feel that warmth in every atom of his body. He should have been paying closer attention, should have opened his eyes and stared into the sun and seen what was happening.
Harry has inoperable brain cancer at the age of 26. Louis watches the love of his life slip away.
guide you home by @nauticalleeds
(G, 0,8k) It’s been a while since Harry’s been able to appreciate the night sky, been a while since his life wasn’t full of hectic schedules and interviews and jet lag. He looks at the sky a little longer, watches the stars blink back at him and thinks about another bright presence he’s been missing.
Taking out his phone from his pocket, he thumbs at his screen to open a new message.
Full moon tonight, he types, and presses send. He keeps the app open, expecting the message to come instantly.
It does.
the peace ring is back in louis' ass? by @greeneyesfriedrice
(E, 1,2k) peace ring adventures with harry and louis! probably not what you expect!
Singing My Name Like Your National Anthem by @letthemusicmoveyou28
(T, 1k) “You’re not supposed to be here.”
Louis just scoffs at that, dismissing Harry quickly yet lovingly in a way that only he has ever seemed to manage. “Good luck getting me to be anywhere else love.”
Harry sighs. “Louis you can’t afford to get sick too. Your album release is next week, you’re booked solid.”
Louis just shrugs. “And if I get sick then we’ll rebook all of it. Or damn it all to Hell for all I care. As much as I want my fans to hear the album, there is nothing more important to me than you.”
✨ Second Time's A Charm by @dizzy-pixie17
(M, 4,7k) “Harry?” Oli Wright said nervously into the phone. “Um… How… how’re you doing?”
Harry’s heart was already picking up speed because there was only one reason Oli ever called him after midnight.
“I’m alright,” Harry answered. “What’s going on? Is it Louis?”
“Uh… yeah,” Oli admitted. “There’s been an accident.”
The one where Harry finds out Louis broke his arm. For the second time in one year.
A Boyfriend for Christmas
(G, 5,5k) Louis' co-worker, Gemma, asks Louis to be her date for Christmas dinner. She needs a fake boyfriend to keep her family from harassing her about her singlehood. Louis adores her, so he doesn't mind helping out--until he meets Gemma's handsome younger brother.
Feeling It Now by @ireallysawanangel
(E, 7k) When Louis hooked up with a hot guy in the bathroom at a music festival, the last thing he was expecting was for that guy to be one of the headlining acts at the festival.
✨ Seal The Deal by @itsnotreal
(NR, 2k) Harry’s been getting Louis Tomlinson’s mail for months, even though he told the mailman that he lived in apartment two and Louis lived in apartment eight.
✨ It's Thursday. Let's Get (un)Dressed by @bananaheathen
(E, 9k) When Louis is peer-pressured into downloading TikTok over the holidays, he fully expects to hate it. And he does hate it. All of it. Well... except for aspiring OOTD influencer, @ harrystyles.
Your Silhouette Over Me by orphan_account
“Alright don’t forget the mission, get Louis laid,” Louis shouted over the music.
“Don’t know who Louis is, but I support it.”
Louis turned towards the contributing voice and saw the bartender leaning in front of him, his elbows resting against the lip of the bar. He had brown hair that fell in loose curls just above his collar bones which were perfectly on show due to the fact that his shirt was unbuttoned halfway down his abdomen. The shirt’s sleeves were cuffed up along his inked bicep and the pattern was something that Louis would expect a dad on vacation to wear, not a young bartender.
“He’s Louis,” Zayn said, jutting his thumb in Louis’ direction.
The bartender nodded approvingly, “then I definitely support it.”
Or the one where Louis went out one night after work, wanting to get laid, and then ended up meeting a bartender named Harry Styles.
you drive me wild (you know you do) by @missandrogyny
(E, 6,6k) Their management informs them that they have an interview right before the ARIAs, and it isn't until he's in a suit, seated on a couch between Liam and Zayn, that he gets the idea.
The interviewer, Angus, smiles at them, right before the cameras roll on, and a metaphorical light bulb goes off inside Louis' head. He's perfect. Well, not as perfect as Harry, but enough. He's attractive, attractive enough to drive Harry crazy, and he doesn't even think of the consequences of his actions, just decides right then. It's all Harry's fault anyway. Louis should be allowed to have a little fun.
(or: Louis flirts with the Australian interviewers and Harry gets possessive.)
Love In Conversation by @hellolovers13
(T, 4,9k) King Arthur Baking Hotline.
Your bread fell flat. Your cookies crumbled. Who do you turn to? The King Arthur Baker’s Hotline.
Louis has a severe baking breakdown.
Thankfully, he gets help from baking-hotline operator Harry.
✨💎 i've secretly always wanted to be yours (and for you to be mine) by @bottomhaztoplou
(M, 1,6k) Harry has just presented. Louis needs to know that he's okay.
Only you by @germericangirl
(E, 4k) Harry comes home from filming a particularly intimate scene for My Policeman. Louis is jealous, Harry doesn’t understand why. They talk it out, more or less…
✨ Whoever, However by @brooklyn-babylon / @twopoppies
(E, 8,9k) Louis could feel his heart rate pick up as he positioned the camera and Harry slowly stood up. They both knew what came next –– it had been clearly outlined in the advert Harry answered. The studio Louis worked for was filming a new series of camboy videos. Louis’ job was to make it look like amateur porn –– sweaty, sensual, dirty –– but well lit and edited. He was an artist, thank you very much.
Or: Louis has a much better day at work than he’d expected.
home at last by @greeneyesfriedrice
(E, 1,9k) Harry turns, a wide smile on his face. Louis stands in the doorway to their shared bedroom, his right arm held close to his body and in a makeshift sling.
He makes sure not to fully ram into his husband, but it’s been almost one month, so sue him if he’s excited.
Everything by @tommokat
(E, 4,3k) He’s got a job he loves, fans he adores, friends to call on and family to claim. He’s traveled the world, broken records, set new ones. He’s 13 years into a relationship with the love of his life, the man he can’t wait to start a family with. He’s a three-time Grammy award winner getting railed by his husband in the back of a SUV in the middle of LA traffic. He’s got everything. What more could he want?
Post Grammy’s SUV Celebration Sex
Devil in my brain, whispering my name @lunarheslwt
(E, 9k) Or, Louis, a demon, shows Harry, an angel, just how good it can feel to give in to temptation and sin.
Only You, Always by @larryficwriter
(NR, 5,5k) “Hey Haz,” Louis says, tensing because he can tell that something is wrong. Out of the corner of his eye, Louis sees Liam hurriedly busying himself with the Xbox.
Harry walks over to Louis, eerily calm. Louis’ gulp is so loud he’s almost sure that Niall and Zayn could have heard it. He leans down, his breath tickling at Louis’ ear. Honestly, Louis can’t help the shiver that runs down his spine
“Bedroom.” Harry practically growls into Louis’ ear and then he walks away, just as calm.
For a second Louis is frozen. Just the tone of Harry’s voice has Louis twitching in his trousers. Louis knows what’s about to happen, he can just tell. And it is a far cry from the fight that he had been expecting. Louis gulps again, looking over to Liam. The tips of Liam’s ears are flaming and Louis’ about seventy-three percent sure that Liam had heard what Harry had whispered. Liam is specifically avoiding Louis’ gaze. And then it hits him that he should be up; he should be moving.
or how Harry reacted to the "Lilo Kiss" incident
Won't You Please Come Around by @allwaswell16
(M, 5,8k) Harry has lived in London for a month, and so far the only friend he's made is his sister's cat, Mr. Whiskers. When the lock on the window breaks, Mr. Whiskers begins exploring his new neighbourhood a bit too thoroughly and brings back mementos of his escapes.
Or a Valentine's Day story where Harry has a really fit neighbour, and his cat is a thief.
I Hope You Choke (on those words) by @imogenleewriter
(E, 3k) Harry Styles had been head of security for concert venues for over eight years.
Never in his career had he seen a musician as reckless when it came to personal safety as Louis Tomlinson.
After making his job a living nightmare, Harry decided he needs to talk some sense into Louis.
If only there were some way to shut him up.
You Could Give That Aspirin the Headache of Its Life by @letthemusicmoveyou28
(M, 3,6k) Louis had once heard that the chances of being struck by lightning are 1 in 700,000. He wonders now, how those odds compare to randomly being seated next to your ex boyfriend on a 10 hour flight.
Honestly, if the universe is going to insist on ruining his life, he really would have preferred the lightning thing.
(Or the one where Louis is a football player who gets stuck on a flight with his ex-boyfriend Harry. The universe might be conspiring against him, or is it?)
You Can See It with the Lights Out by @larryatendoftheday
(M, 8,6k) In a universe where you know as soon as you meet your soulmate, Harry's been shaking hands his whole career, waiting for the one.
Things Unsaid by @londonfoginacup
(G, 4,4k) Or, where you have a tattoo of the first thought your soulmate has when they see you.
✨ If the world was ending, you'd come over, right? by @enchantedlandcoffee
(T, 6,3k) "Is Harry with you?" Louis blurted out, his free hand tapping anxiously against his knee.
"Yeah. Is Harry with you?"
On any other occasion, Louis knew Niall would have yelled at him for calling in the middle of the night. But Niall must've sensed the urgency in his tone, his voice immediately taking on a lighter touch.
"Yeah. Yeah, he's been staying in the spare room. Why? Do you want me to get him for you?"
"No!" Louis panicked. "Just- check on him please? Make sure he's breathing and everything?"
✨ My Arm Might Be Broken, But I Won't Be Broken Down by @boosbabycakes28
(T, 2,4k) Louis broke his arm for the second time and he is bored out of his mind. He has nothing better to do than mess with his husband.
✨ Together We're the Greatest by @hellolovers13
(E, 4,6k) “How the fuck does this always happen to you?” Louis huffed, pulling Harry's limp body into the half fallen apart car he'd borrowed for this. Well, he didn't intend to give it back, really, but insurance covered theft, did it not? And this thing was basically held together with duct tape and good faith, so really, the former owners should thank him for taking it off their hands.
It's not the first time Louis has to stitch Harry back together, but Louis will make sure it is the last
With the Bomb Lighting by @letthemusicmoveyou28
(E, 4k) “Hey mate, sorry for the delay. Pop divas I swear…”
Harry’s eyes jolt open with record speed and he notes in horror that the man that had been filling his fantasies mere seconds ago is now filling his laptop screen.
“Holy shit, is that your dick?”
(Or the one where Harry is doing Zoom interviews to promote his new album, but his time management skills are lacking. Louis is the writer interviewing Harry for Rolling Stone when he accidentally gets an eye full. They figure it out).
the sweetness of your words knows no bounds in making my heart leap by @bottomhaztoplou
(M, 1,4k) At the end of his heat, Harry writes a letter.
At the beginning of his rut, Louis writes one back.
Meant To Be (Arse First) by BayouSexual
(T, 4,8k) Zayn groans in response, and Louis can hear the slow rustle of his bed sheets in the background. “Is it another ‘you woke up in the back parking lot of a Tesco’s with no pants and I need to come get you before the cops do’ panic or more of a 'I can stay in my bed and lend you an ear’ kind of panic, because I drank a lot more than you did last night, Lou.”
“Uhh,” Louis replies eloquently, “more like an 'I have two giant, blood red handprints on my naked arse, and no, they aren't from a good shag’ kind of panic.”
Or the one where your soulmate mark appears on your body where they first touch you and stays there until they touch you for the first time.
Aka the one where Louis's soulmate must like bums.
Makes Me Feel Alive by @itsnotreal
(E, 8,3k) Louis hated when people came in to get tattooed and couldn’t sit still— bunch of fucking squares is what they were. If only that had been the issue for his newest client.
Completely Oblivious by @itsnotreal
(G, 1k) “Are we dating?” Harry looked very confused.
Louis huffed, “That’s what I’m asking you!”
Or an interaction with a stranger helps these two finally figure their shit out.
✨💎 Your secret's safe with me by @lightwoodsmagic
(M, 7,4k) He knew almost everything about Haz, considered him his best friend. He knew his favourite movies and books, how he liked his coffee, knew how many pets he had and what he was most afraid of. Louis knew how to calm him down when he was panicking, and that he’d lost his virginity to his ex-boyfriend when he was 17. He knew that Haz had curly hair, green eyes, that he was tall and considered himself slightly awkward. He knew his Instagram account that only had aesthetic pictures or ridiculous jokes, but in the all the time that Louis had known him, he’d never learnt, or been allowed to know, Haz’s full name, what he sounded like, or what he looked like.
Louis didn't care.
Or, when Louis' favourite singer comes back and announces he's performing again, him and the rest of his group chat decide to go. When Haz, the man Louis' fallen in love with without meeting him, says that he can't, Louis tries his best to convince him with a drunken phone call, hearing his voice for the first time. It's not until he's at Royal Variety that he swears he can hear it again.
✨ Let The Ocean Worry About Being Blue by @greenblueish
(E, 5,6k) In a society where young adults go through the so-called Colour Test which determines their affiliation to a Colour - Blue, Yellow, Red or Green - and thus where they'll live, work and socialise for the rest of their lives, Harry is finally about to take the Test. Born and raised in Yellow, he met his boyfriend when he was still a teenager - against the government's recommendation. Louis, however, changed from Yellow to Blue two years ago. The problem: Harry needs to receive a Blue Test result as well, because a relationship between two people who live in different Colours is forbidden.
The Touch of Your Hand by @larry-hiatus
(E, 8,2k) Louis has decided to bite the bullet and get himself a dick piercing. He knows it’s going to hurt, but what he doesn’t know is how to calm down when he finds himself on the brink of a panic attack in front of the incredibly attractive piercer, Harry. Luckily, Harry is really sweet and offers to help ease his nerves.
You Don’t Have to Be Lonely Tonight by @neondiamond
(G, 2k) Louis is stuck working the Christmas day shift at the coffee shop. Harry is the sad stranger who comes in to spend the day there.
✨ In Jest by @londonfoginacup
(T, 4,8k) Louis, who smiles at Harry as he reclines in his chair. Louis, whose soulmark is visible thanks to his low-cut top.
Louis, Harry’s soulmate, who seems to either be blissfully ignorant of that fact or maliciously ignoring it.
Harry would really like to know which.
✨ you give me feelings that i adore by @alwaysxlarrie
(T, 7,6k) Harry doesn’t mean to fall in love with Louis’ scent when they first meet after the Alpha joins Harry's study group, but after Harry leaves a sweater behind by accident and it comes back smelling like Louis, he can’t really help it. Nor can he really help continuing to leave his things behind in hopes that Louis will take them home and drench them in his wonderful, mouth-watering scent. He just has to hope Louis will play along.
Or, 5 times Louis scents Harry's things and the 1 time Harry returns the gesture.
We All Scream for Ice Cream by @wishingforloushair
(M, 3,1k) Harry snatched the flyer back off the noticeboard, waving it at Liam. “BJ in your PJs?” he repeated.
“What? I’m not giving you a blowjob, Harry,” Liam said, looking slightly affronted.
“See?” Harry rounded on Niall. “No one thinks of Ben and Jerry’s when they read BJ.”
“Well, they should,” Niall said, snatching the flyer back. “Not everyone is a disgusting heathen like you two.”
“It says BJ in your PJs?” Liam asked, sounding aghast. “On all the flyers?”
“You told me it was catchy!”
When Resident Advisor Liam left his boyfriend Niall, and Niall's roommate Harry in charge of advertising the end of semester ice cream celebration for their hall residents, he should've expected it to end in disaster. Niall created an entirely inappropriate flyer, offering a very different experience than what they were planning to offer. When distributing the flyers, Harry meets Louis, an older student studying Drama, who is far more interested in BJs that doesn't involve Ben and Jerry's.
AKA crack/fluff with a bit of smut, based off of that one viral poster 'BJs in your PJs'
✨💎 Odds Are That We Will Probably Be... by @lululawrence
(NR, 0,6k) From the moment Louis learned no one would survive past the evening, the only thing he knew was that he had to get to Harry.
✨ I Knew From the First Time by @lululawrence
(NR, 6,1k) Or the one where Harry definitely doesn't take a sneaky pic of Louis on the Tube. Absolutely not. (Except maybe he does.)
All You Want's Under Your Nose by @wishingforloushair
(E, 3,5k) Louis decides to treat himself to a new sex toy, but is perplexed when he sees a man in the shop placing each vibrator against the tip of his nose and sneezing. Curiosity gets the better of him, and it turns out the man, Harry, is a sex-god who knows far too much about sex toys and promises Louis that if a vibrator makes him sneeze it will definitely make him come. Of course there's only one way to find out for sure...
On Love's Doorstep by @hellolovers13
(T, 1,6k) Harry Styles: a day in the life
☑ Stuck in a dress
☑ Abandoned by his best friend
☑ Date with hot neighbour
All in all, not the worst day ever
If Life Is a Photograph by @allwaswell16
(T, 2k) Harry gets plucked out of the crowd to take Louis’ crew pic on stage in Guadalajara.
It Was Electric Touch by @allwaswell16
(E, 2,2k) Harry, assistant to The Snuts' manager, has been indulging in fantasies about the headliner and founder of the Away From Home Festival, Louis Tomlinson. He gets the chance to indulge in the real thing at the after party.
Just Two Stars Passing By by QuickedWeen
(E, 5,1k) Harry blew up on TikTok and became a fashion commentator during the pandemic. Now, all of a sudden, big channels are asking him to cover their red carpets and premieres. Somehow he ends up covering arrival fashion for the 2024 Euros, and somehow Louis Tomlinson already knows his name.
A Late Summer Day by @gettingaphdinmomo
(NR, 0,5k) Today
I realized
you are home.
I almost told you
I love you.
Figure This Out by @haztobegood
(E, 2,4k) Louis is everything Harry could have imagined when he’d typed “silver fox enthusiast” into his Grindr profile. Too bad he's probably scared Louis off by giving him too many expensive gifts.
✨ Booked and Busy by @insightfulinsomniac
(E, 9,2k) Booking the Away from Home Festival is the biggest opportunity of Harry’s up-and-coming career to date. It’s just an added bonus that the festival is hosted and headlined by his longtime celebrity crush, world-renowned rockstar Louis Tomlinson.
Despite his excitement, doesn’t expect Louis to watch his set. Or to visit his dressing room ahead of his show to wish him good luck.
Or to flirt with him.
But seeing as this is the most monumental night of Harry’s life to date, he might as well make the most of it.
A fluffy, smutty PWP where Harry performs at AFH 2024 and gets a lot more than he bargained for.
✨ you gave me a ring, lad! by @theeliampayne
(G, 0,2k, Liam & Louis) In which Liam visits Louis at a concert and "give me a ring, lad!" is taken more literally than Louis intended.
like air to me by @uhoh-but-yeah-alright
(M, 5,3k, Louis/Zayn) Five times Louis’ smoke break brings back memories of Zayn and one time it brings him back to Zayn’s doorstep.
🌿 part 1 (+50k) 🌿 part 2 (30-50k) 🌿 part 3 (10-30k) 🌿
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