#stan's got game
spacerockfloater · 6 months
Cersei Lannister & Rhaenyra Targaryen:
Are forced to marry someone they don’t love, so they find solace in the arms of a family member and commit incest
Seduce members of the Royal Guard
Have their husbands murdered because they didn’t like them
Have three bastard kids
Commit atrocities to claim the Iron Throne
Betray their allies when they feel threatened
Rule with fire and blood
Live in constant paranoia so they murder innocent servants whom they believe will betray them, even if said betrayal would be a direct consequence of the way they treat their subjects
Are hated by the people
and lets us not forget the -
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But no, please go ahead and tell me all about how Rhaenyra is this feminist icon who has the divine right to rule over hundreds of thousands of people because her daddy said so, therefore if I don’t support her I’m a misogynist.
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daeneryseastar · 4 months
hot take maybe but the only reason most show runners/producers/writers/etc. age up the (female) characters from book to show adaptation is to overtly sexualize them and not face mass amounts of scrutiny for it.
put 13 year old daenerys next to 30 year old drogo and the audience understands that daenerys is a victim to him and not an equal. put 22 year old emilia clarke as daenerys next to 32 year old jason mamoa as drogo and they’re seen as a budding romance with a tragic ending (by the general audience) due to their on screen chemistry.
flash forward to today, and now we’re dealing with 21 year old milly alcock playing rhaenyra from 14-19 and how her relationship with (28 year old fabien) a mid twenties criston is seen as -morally acceptable- and not a result of a degenerate pedophile taking advantage of and grooming his charge. “ser criston protects the princess from her enemies, but who protects the princess from ser criston?” rhaenyra was 14 when rumors started speculating that she slept with an almost 30 year old criston. a criston who had know her since she was 8 and had been her sworn shield since she was 9. obviously seeing a teenager in the early stages of puberty next to a fully grown man would emphasize rhaenyra being THE victim, as opposed to the show having an 18-19 year old explore her sexuality and seek out ‘consensual’ sex with her peer bodyguard. the discourse has even reached the point where certain stans try to paint the much younger woman as the perpetrator and aggressor of this event, who forced the unassuming man into having sex with her.
i’ll even take this a step farther, and bring up how if they had shown a 19 year old alicent abusing a 10 year old rhaenyra it would be identified and mutually agreed upon as a reprehensible act on alicent’s part. instead they’re of similar age, so people can attempt to paint the picture as two women of equal standing hating each other, and not a much older woman bullying a motherless child. once again however, some stans even go so far as to try and paint alicent as a victim of rhaenyra, and not the other way around. further cementing this is how both versions of alicent are younger than both versions of rhaenyra, AND how criston is still played by an actor who is younger than older!rhaenyra despite his character being the same age as daemon in canon.
they know exactly what they’re doing too, considering they aged alicent down to give her that innate compassion one typically feels when seeing children being abused on tv (something that can no longer be applied to rhaenyra). despite that never being her story; *she* was the abuser, and rhaenyra was her victim. criston’s victim. it’s a nasty cop out, and i wish more people would call out how sickening it is to flip the switch and attempt to make abusive individuals more sympathetic than the *actual* victims of said abusers.
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474lyse · 2 years
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A floating mirror. Your friends smile warmly behind you.
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irlplasticlamb · 2 years
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you may be as different as the sun and the moon, but the same blood flows through both your hearts. you need her, as she needs you...
prints + merch + instagram
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dreamfyre-beautiful · 4 months
Let me get this straight, when team green uses the book to say making Aegon a rapist was wrong we’re “excusing it” cuz it’s a different source, but when team black does it for Daemon being abusive to women NOW the show is wrong?
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violetumbrellalover · 5 months
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Sansa Stark in King’s Landing
“Lady Catelyn had said that Sansa was a gentle soul who loved lemon cakes, silken gowns, and songs of chivalry…” ~ Brienne 🍋
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witchy-v1xen · 6 months
Addressing the toxic team black accusations against Tom Glynn-Carney.
First and foremost, he is not a rapist; his character, Aegon, the second Targaryen, is. Second of all, I hate how some of you pretend Viserys and Daemon weren't groomers. Nine times out of ten, you don't see sane people from Team Green making rape accusations against Paddy and Matt. Just please fucking stop it; it's like some of you really want to ruin this man's career. And you can say what you want, so please do comment in defense of the toxic actions being taken because I want all the smoke.  I was also told by my aunt that he was a rapist, but I was quick to shut that shit down from the door. It goes to show how quickly false information is spread and how much it could really impact somebody's life. It's disgusting and makes me sick that some of you team black fans have so much hatred for his character that some of you are willing to corrupt this man's life. I find it hilarious that some of you have the sheer audacity to be that fucking bold behind a computer screen or a screen of whatever mobile device is in your possession, but would some of you ever make a statement like that in front of his face? No, most of you wouldn't even dare to do so because he is able to sue for defamation in court by law. So, please don't ditch what you can take because you will get verbally bodied by me morally, and that's not a will; that's a promise. 
Please Reblog.
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drakaripykiros130ac · 11 months
Another useless TG argument: “Alicent asked to see the baby, not for Rhaenyra herself to bring him. Rhaenyra chose to make a scene.”
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Alicent was separating a mother from her newborn simply to show off her power, and for the possibility to nourish her obsession in front of the whole Court (“See? See??? Brown hair! Brown hair!”).
Rhaenyra was supposed to do what? Allow the maids to bring her newborn child to the woman who despises her and who is known to have a vendetta against her innocent children?
Newborns are vulnerable. You mean to tell me that Rhaenyra didn’t consider that Alicent could have done something to hurt the child if he were alone in her possession?
Green fans are simply upset because Rhaenyra managed to counter attack beautifully by bringing the child herself.
1. She showed the entire Court how cruel their queen is, by demanding to see her and the child immediately after birth.
2. She showed true strength by managing not only to stay on her feet but also to walk a long way and climb stairs in order to reach Alicent’s chambers, and everyone at Court saw it and was in awe.
3. She was sending Alicent a very clear message: she would not be pushed around.
Alicent got away with a lot of things those many years and constantly abused her power without facing any consequences. Viserys just let her do whatever she wanted. She was very, very, very lucky that Daemon was away from Court. Married to Rhaenyra or not, if Daemon were at Court, do you really think he would have let Alicent get away with this psychological torture she was inflicting on the Crown Princess and her children? I actually fear even thinking what Daemon would have done to her.
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sorrydetka · 6 months
me, a veteran game of thrones stan, looking at team green and team black supporters going at each others throats
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kdjojo · 5 months
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darklinaforever · 2 months
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There are definitely HOTD fans who are crazy about this craze around illegitimate children. As if they are inherently inferior and disgusting because they were not born into marriage. It really doesn't sit right with them. Especially since GRRM has always been clear that the value of these people had nothing to do with their birth. These people forget one of the main points of a story they claim to love. And beyond that, their comments disgust me.
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spacerockfloater · 3 months
Anyways, we stan house Baratheon for going up against the crown not once, but twice in the history of Westeros and winning both times. Borros really said “Fuck these Targaryen inbreds” and Robert was like “Word, lemme finish what you started” and completely wiped them out of this earth, lol. The OG Baratheon boy, Orys, is probably rolling in his grave while miss princess Argella Durrandon is smiling down upon her descendants.
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swee26oy · 4 months
Lyanna Stark does not represent feminism
Stop this shit in the name of feminism. This is truly insulting. Feminism doesn't mean hating your femininity, being a warrior, or act selfishly. Just wearing pants doesn't make you a feminist. The first clause in feminism is to have the ability to choose and to respect and appreciate all women. A feminist woman feels for other women, so she won't run away with Someone's husband Just because of love. Do not spread your hatred towards women. Like Elia Martell, Catelyn Stark and Alicent Hightower, just because they decided to do their duty.
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duchess-of-oldtown · 1 year
Joe Jonas: *thinking he can slander Sophie*
The Entire World:
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pixiecactus · 3 months
jonsa shippers are the funniest clowns i've ever seen, i just read them going: "jon and sansa share so many parallels and it's such a shame we are the only part of the fandom willing to talk about them", like... can you stop for merely a second of your time and start thinking about the reason behind why it is like that?
there's nothing wrong with shipping a crackship, but at least own it, the fact you're so delusional about your ship and most of you actively insult and steal plotpoints from the only two characters who have actual romantic foreshadowing with jon: daenerys and arya, is something to consider about.
do you ever wonder why stansas are the only ones shipping jonsa? jon's fans would never touch that ship even with a ten foot pole. i would dare to say that if you ship jon snow with sansa, i'd assume you hate book!jon a lot, to actually do him like that.
also, another day another stansa lying about their fave canon personality and actual role in the asoiaf series, and playing victim when they're called out about being inaccurate in it. with nothing more to say that "you guys just hate femenine women" i mean the choice of word they used was "useless", because it always come back to thinking that everyone who dares to critique a stansa's post that is plagued with lies is a reddit dude bro... and i don't have doubts that type of people do exist, but i'm still waiting to encounter one in the wild.
y'all got your stansa's fic fantasy dreams fullfiled with the actual show that aired, honestly speaking i'm surprised that stansa d1 and stansa d2 weren't down to make jonsa happen, since they had already ruined the show with all the stansa propaganda they put on it (i suppose even people like them have limits). just stop trying to pass horrible plotpoints written by dumb&dumber as something that's actually asoiaf related.
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dreamfyre-beautiful · 2 months
The way y’all talk about disabled characters genuinely scares me. Like you do not see disabled people OUTSIDE of their disability at all and want a disabled person to be nice to the person who disabled them??
As someone who is disabled it makes my skin crawl, y’all would call me a slur if you could cuz it would make someone laugh.
Aemond, Larys and now Aegon have every right to go batshit in my opinion, and if you have never been physically immobilized you don’t get to have an opinion on them.
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