t00thpasteface · 2 years
Do you play ESO? :O what’s your character in it like?
omg i have. a lot. i'm putting this under a readmore.
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my main is my magsorc dps Henrietta Wensleydale. she's the Demiprince of Shenanigans and half-altmer daughter of Sheogorath, the eldest of my three sisters; my hok Suzy Q Sweetroll is the middle sister and my ldb Minnie the Moocher is the youngest. Henrietta is in an it's-complicated with Naryu Virian and she loves to cook. she's bold, brash, loud, and a dedicated holder of grudges. title: Captain
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jere's Em Balmer, my altmer magcro dps. she is so so so fun to play in cyro because she uses a lot of combos involving corpses and self sustain; i put a few points/abilities into things like healing nearby allies and gave her the aoe rez ult to help with capping. she's a goth who got into necromancy for the aessthetic, but she comitted too hard to the bit and is slowly turning into tamriel's hottest lich. all the necromancy and graverobbing started giving her some godawful nightmares, so she started worshiping Vaermina to try and bargain for better dreams; it hasn't paid off yet. somehow, she's dating Mirri Elendis. title: Expert Excavator
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my beautiful powerhouse stamdk tank, Opens-Doors!! she's the best. she always gets me instant queues for any kind of dungeon event and she doesn't afraid of anything. she grew up in the black marsh and lived as an egg-tender for many years, never having kids of her own but becoming something of an aunt or godmother to generations of hatchlings. she had something of a midlife crisis and decided it was time for a change, so she packed her bags and headed west to look for a new life of adventure, but her motherly instincts are still her biggest motivator and she's always reminding her fellow mercenaries to eat their vegetables. title: Locksmith
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Pachin-ko, my stamblade stealth bomber. if i'm playing pvp and not using Em, i'm using this girl. she grew up in northern elsweyr; her mom basically raised her on her hip and taught her how to get by with as little as possible. since she went her own way, she's become something of a thrill-seeker, always looking for that big break that'll let her settle down for real, so she's always thinking up a get-rich-quick scheme and skipping town to avoid paying her gambling debts. she met Opens-Doors in Leyawiin and they've become inseparably entangled since; Pachin-ko brings a sense of direction to Doors' wandering ways, and Doors keeps Pachin-ko from backing out of promises or betting everything on black. title: Paragon
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my werewolf warden, Chuck Backstrap. she has so much wasted potential... i got her to level 50 literally two weeks before they rolled out that update that changed light/heavy attack damage and completely nerfed werewolves. :(
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my alliterative breton Betty Braveheart is my one healer and hardly gets any playtime because i like killing and taunting stuff way more :') title: Battleground Butcher
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last but not least: Joe Crabshack. he's my dumbass gag character with whom i do all my fishing. his lore is that he is so completely bland and uninteresting that people are compelled to loathe and shun him practically on sight. he doesn't notice or care. i bought the Sleek Creek House and painstakingly turned it into a beautiful seafood restaurant and bar just for him! my dream is to someday beat vet hardmode castle thorn just to get him the "Inedible" title, but we all know that's not happening anytime soon...
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midnightamant · 5 years
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Say hello to my #StamDK, Phazar al-Belkarth! Was sick of covering my main back and forth so I now have one of each! Isn't he cool lookin'? #eso #esofam #mmo #mmorpg #esoscreenshotedit #fire #dragonknight https://www.instagram.com/p/B4g1By5BSFE/?igshid=cd5mpv1v1j53
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bastianhallix · 4 years
i control the canon and that is
yes fjolhar can breathe venom at his enemies. how? don't worry about it
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bunabi · 5 years
my favorite thing about mmos is that each community has its own unique vocabulary of terms and I refuse to retain more than five at a time
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daggerfall · 4 years
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Slight redesign on my dunmer stamdk Vene (they/them), affectionately referred to as Bug. I've had them come more out of their shell and they're more comfortable with being Perceived and some aspects of femininity than I originally wrote them as. Also changing their relationship with my altmer templar healer Telorinwe to just be friendship rather than a fake/platonic marriage for healthcare, as Tel's story has also changed to speed up her future relationships.
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scalecallerpeak · 4 years
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Ronlyn DeFouw
My 2h stamDK werewolf! She’s a former Daggerfall Covenant Lieutenant who was given a ‘General Discharge Under Honorable Conditions’ witch she generally disagrees with and is convinced that her superiors did not agree with her tactics. Thus while a civilian still interpenetrates her military rank
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rynkyus · 3 years
2h stamdk toons we fucking LOST
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lilambrosia-blog · 7 years
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how long have you been playing your main?? I’m at 41,556 minutes 🌻 stamDK
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‘Nother Build Thursday:
Fun Fact: LaLa has a terrible sense of timing and is going to be spacing these out to every two weeks. Another Fun Fact: A friend of mine pointed out that most of my builds aren’t geared towards beginners to PvP, so I’m going to fix that. Here’s one of the most straightforward builds, perfect for getting your feet wet in PvP while still doing decent damage.
Picture this: It’s early in your Cyrodiil career. Maybe you’ve found a decent group to run with, maybe you just throw “LFG” in zone chat and meet new faces every time. You know enough to be able to navigate the map, to know when you should use a fire ballista or firepot treb. You’re with a group or running solo, but your alliance is sieging an outpost. One defender keeps rushing out and attacking with their group so you smack him down with a combo you’ve heard works well and holy moly, it works. He rezes and rushes again and you smack him down again. Rinse and repeat until it's flagged. Cue the rage mail, and laugh at it.
ESO Skill Factory Build Calculator
So everyone knows that StamDKs are a pain in the ass, add 2H swords and it’s even worse. Not only do they do a lot of damage very quickly (Crit Rush, Dizzying Swing, Noxious Breath, Executioner), they also can buff themselves to do even more damage (Rally) and have one of the most overpowered heals over time combos in the game (Green Dragon Blood, Resolving Vigor, Rally). This one is very straightforward, which isn’t to say that there’s no skill involved, but it’s good for those who just want to obliterate everyone on the opposing teams.
So now for the fun part: The sets
Monster Set: We’re gonna go damage here, as much as possible. I’d suggest Kra’gh. The physical penetration is nice, add in that nasty aoe in front of you and you have another way to hit like a truck. Full Set: Toothrow. You can find this one in the Wayrest Sewers, and it’s great for a DPS. We get a little bit of max stamina, which is always nice, but it gives us a BIG boost to critical chance. Crits make DPS work better, and a crit on one of your big damage abilities can drop another DPS with ease. Partial Set: We’ve got another 4 spots not taken up by either Toothrow or Kra’gh. We want to stay up in a fight, so personally I like the tankiness of Hatchling’s Shell. We don’t have a lot of health without food buffs or enchantments (I’d switch out some of your enchantments for added health, otherwise you’ll be a target when people figure out how squishy you are) HS adds to your resistances and also gives you some extra healing, buffing your back bar. Now, if you’re going to be in PvP before level 50 (and why not?) then you’ll want a couple sets to train yourself up to 50. Night Mother’s Gaze is good to have a complete set, with Kvatch Gladiator to fill in the rest of the pieces. Don’t be afraid to switch out pieces if you get them from chests or mail, but these will keep you with a high crit chance even from early on.
On to our skills! We’re going to have a 2h sword on each bar for damage. Pure and simple damage... plus that way it makes it hard for your enemies to know when you’re on your buff bar and when you’re on your damage bar. 1st Bar: Damage for DAYS Critical Charge->Crit Rush: Our gap closer, one that’s always a critical hit and does more damage the further away they are from you when you start. There’s little more terrifying than an enemy flying across the battlefield to smack you down with a critical hit, especially when you didn’t see them coming. Uppercut->Dizzying Swing: Follow up a Crit Rush with a Dizzying Swing and you’ll stun and knock back your target. If it just so happens to knock your target into Crit Rush range, who are you to argue? People are going to hate you for this simple combo, but w/e. Reverse Slash->Executioner: Your finishing move right here, unless your attack is blocked, your target will be going down after a smack or two of this if you hit while they’re under 50% health. If you hit while they’re above, tho, people will make fun of you, t’s just not worth it. Searing Strike->Venomous Claw: A nasty little DoT that you want to weave in when you’re melting a target, especially against tanks. DoTs hurt, and this one gets worse the longer it lasts, setting you up for a good Executioner strike. Fiery Breath->Noxious Breath: This is what happens when you feed a DK too much garlic. Not only is this a good DoT, it also lowers your enemy’s physical resistance, so they’re that much easier to melt. Dawnbreaker->Dawnbreaker of Smiting: A stun, a DoT, an AoE, and relatively cheap when it comes to ults, DoS is nasty in both PvP and PvE. Werewolves suck, this makes them suck less.
Bar 2: Buff It Up For Max Rage Rapid Maneuver->Retreating Maneuver: Someone should always have this on their bar when you’re running through Cyrodiil, so it might as well be the stam build. It removes snares from you and makes it so they can’t be reapplied for several seconds, you book it out of a sticky situation, or just use it to travel across the map. Trapping Webs->Shadow Silk: An AOE snare with an extra surprise: It turns into an AOE attack after a few seconds, with a DOT against enemies if your allies are on point with their synergies. You can also trade this out for Ring of Preservation, boosting your stamina recovery and lowering the amount of damage you take and cutting the cost of roll dodge on top of that. Vigor->Resolving Vigor: An emergency HoT to pop in the middle of a fight, especially if you get caught in the middle of a Silence bubble and your healer needs backup or if you’re rushing a breach and there’s DoTs on the breach. Personally, I think most players should keep a skill like this on one of their bars Dragon Blood->Green Dragon Blood: One of the better heals you can get as a stamDK, or really as a stam build in general. Not only does it give you heals, it buffs your health and stamina recovery and your healing received, making all your HoTs work even better. Momentum->Rally: Major Brutality <3 20% weapon damage <33 a HoT that burst heals when it expires <333 Downside? None. Berserker Strike->Onslaught: This damn attack. It ignores all a target’s resistances and gives them to you for 8 seconds AND if you kill with it, it refunds the Ultimate cost. Combine that with some of our passives and we heal and get magicka and stamina back, too. Speaking of werewolves above, if you want to be one, feel free to switch this one out for werewolf transformation.
So how do we use this potential badass on a battlefield? Rally and Green Dragon Blood should already be up when you run into a fight, Rapid/Retreating Maneuver will close the gap enough for you to swap to Crit Rush. From Crit Rush, Dizzying Swing to stun them, then lay down Noxious Breath and Venomous Claw for the DoTs and debuff. Rinse and repeat from Crit Rush until they’re under 50% health until you can use Executioner. If you start to get surrounded, don’t panic, Dawnbreaker will make them think twice, Vigor will give another HoT, Dragon Blood will be your burst heal and trapping webs will be a nasty surprise. If you can swap bars to hit Onslaught, awesome, if not it’s not a big deal.
This one was fun to put together, and fun to run with. It’s nothing fancy, but still melts enemies, so would be fun if you want to introduce a friend to ESO.
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midnightamant · 5 years
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My new toon, Phazar al-Belkarth, in front of Spellscar, Craglorn. I made a #stamdk so I didn't have to keep converting my main back and forth. Super excited! #eso #esofam #videogamephotography #mmorpg #esoscreenshotedit https://www.instagram.com/p/B4PlGRth9p8/?igshid=115ovc7jgkwms
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midnightamant · 5 years
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@elderscrollsonline I absolutely #LOVE the #mightychudanarms set in the #crownstore right now! Perfect for my #StamDK now I just have to go get the helm style page.... @kattatoniattv wanna go sometime? 😁 #ESO #esofam #mmo #mmorpg #esoscreenshotedit #zenimax #bethesda #Elsweyr #seasonofthedragon #fashionscrollsonline https://www.instagram.com/p/B0nC-SaBZe3/?igshid=1d4rmrt6v1iyq
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midnightamant · 5 years
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Time for my #stamdk to slay some #dragons !!!! Come watch at twitch.tv/midnightamant as we do #veteran #sunspire!!!! #eso #esofam #twitch #twitchstreamer #twitchaffiliate #mmo #mmorpg #esoscreenshotedit #zenimax #bethesda #supportsmallstreamers #gamerwoman https://www.instagram.com/p/B0hVd3Shkt5/?igshid=4u8sb4cd758z
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midnightamant · 5 years
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LIVE NOW!!! watch now at twitch.tv/midnightamant as the guild does #veteran #Sunspire - will we clear tonight? Come find out!! #eso #esofam #twitch #dragons #StamDK #Dragonknight #twitchaffiliate #supportsmallstreamers #mmo #mmorpg https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz9RrXlh-U-/?igshid=7i7z88093okw
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midnightamant · 5 years
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Good Morning everyone!! How are you today??? I'm going to be doing an early stream today starting at 10:30am EST to welcome in the day! You'll get to see what I usually do in a day in #ESO - I'll be doing my weekly #vMA on my #magplar , some #battlegrounds on my #StamDK , and I'll be leveling my #stamcro so come hang out at twitch.tv/midnightamant!!!! #eso #ESOFam #goodmorning #goodvibesonly #twitch #twitchstreamer #gamerwoman #twitchaffiliate #mmo #mmorpg #supportsmallstreamers https://www.instagram.com/p/BzvNHv1hFa_/?igshid=1jonv4issrzf
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midnightamant · 5 years
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GOING LIVE ALERT!! GOING LIVE ALERT!! I'll be doing the #ThievesGuild and #DarkBrotherhood Dailies, then I will be doing #vMoL #HM #Hardmode #veteran with Amaranthine Vanguard on my #StamDK!!! Tune in at twitch.tv/midnightamant for the excitement!! #eso #esofam @elderscrollsonline @zenimax_online #mawoflorkhaj #trials #progression #supportsmallstreamers #twitch #twitchstreamer #twitchaffiliate #gamerwoman #ilovegaming #mmo #mmorpg https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzjhy22BJqq/?igshid=ilvun5opv7q
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midnightamant · 5 years
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Everyone come watch my main, Moireigh give attitude to the constructs in #clockworkcity !! Live now at twitch.tv/midnightamant #twitchstreamers #TWITCH #TwitchAffiliate #stamdk #theelderscrollsonline #elderscrollsonline #elderscrolls #eso #theelderscrollsonlinescreenshot #esoscreenshotedit #bethesda #bethesdagames #bethesdastudios #zenimax #zenimaxstudios #onlinegaming #gaming #mmorpg #mmo #oblivion #skyrim #morrowind #summerset #elsweyr #seasonofthedragon #gamerworld #gamerwoman https://www.instagram.com/p/By_hpz_hw6L/?igshid=i4l5c1tspkpj
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