#staff view
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kep1er-net · 1 year ago
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staff view ☆ instagram post: "[#Kep1er_StaffView 👀] 몽글몽글 감성 가득! 여신 그 자체였던 커버 촬영날의 영은이 🤍 Kep1ian 그거 알아요? 너무 예쁜 걸 보면 잠시 기억을 잃는대요 아 참 Kep1ian 그거 알아요? 너무 예쁜 걸 보면 잠시 기억을..."
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vamprisms · 5 months ago
wuthering heights retold as a series of airbnb reviews
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hephaestuscrew · 12 days ago
Prior to the revelation around the aliens receiving his logs, Eiffel's logical expectation is that the only people who'll listen to his logs are people at Goddard Command. And yet the way he speaks in those logs is often not really addressed at Goddard staff. For example, in Ep8 The Empty Man Cometh, he says:
Oh, hell, speaking of logs... I guess you caught all of that, so you might be able to pick up the effect your twisted experiment had on us. Hint: IT WAS AWFUL. Sorry if things got a bit crazy for a while there, dear listeners, but... well, you see the kind of things we have to deal with.
The first part of that quote is obviously directed at Goddard staff, at the people who create many of the situations Eiffel and the rest of the Hephaestus crew have to deal with (such as the empty man panic). But the second part - the part addressed to Eiffel's "dear listeners" - feels like a switch, like it's directed at a sympathetic audience who are witnessing Eiffel's plight without having any role in it. In other words, it feels like it's directed at us. Before the aliens come into the picture, we are the "dear listeners".
There's no logical reason for Eiffel to make this kind of switch between the listener he blames (i.e. Goddard Command) and his more sympathetic "dear listener". He's mentally constructing a listener to his logs who is on his side, when he has no in-universe reason to believe that there is one. It's an interesting kind of coping mechanism - potentially linked to the unconscious, perhaps misdirected, desire for connection that led him to transmit his logs into deep space.
There are other signs that the "dear listener" Eiffel directs his logs towards has very little to do with Goddard, such as the way he explains things that Goddard staff would obviously know (which is obviously useful from a storytelling perspective, but also feels in-character and in line with his other behaviour), as well as telling the listener things that could land him in trouble with Goddard.
Eiffel is the kind of genre-savvy character who is regularly on the brink of fully breaking the fourth wall. He doesn't know he's in an audio drama, but he's so prone to narrating his life that he might as well know. He's always constructing the narrative of his life in his head, so perhaps he finds that it helps to imagine someone on Earth who is listening sympathetically to the story he's telling himself. In his world, at the beginning of the show, he doesn't have that listener, or doesn't believe he has. But his words reach across from the universe of his story into ours. And his voice finds the kind of dear listener he was imagining without hoping for - someone who has no role in anything that happens on the Hephaestus but who is willing to listen to his story. In pressing play on your podcast app, you become the listener he was longing for.
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nekoyawn5 · 1 year ago
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[Repost] L'Arachel ASMR
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stranger-eelio · 14 days ago
trying not to burst out laughing during an exam today when i realised the walls were yellow and the floors were blue and the desks were yellow and the chairs were blue
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satans-knitwear · 4 months ago
I think you're really awesome. You're gorgeous, you're funny, you have great taste in star wars memes. I wish I could be as cool and confident as you, but I'm honestly not a very good-looking girl. I know I can always work to improve myself, and I am trying, and honestly you're a bit of inspiration to keep me going. So thank you.
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Honestly my love, I wish I was actually as cool and fabulous as I can come across on this blog! And I also wish I had the confidence to tell other people how much I adore and respect them in the way you have managed to do.
We all look at other people and see something we admire and aspire to, and i think that is such a beautiful thing, as long as we can find a way to do the same for ourselves!
I am so proud of the hours it takes me to put together a look for you guys, it shows my dedication! and I find my star wars posting very sexy of me.
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kep1er-net · 11 months ago
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staff view update ☆ instagram post: "[#Kep1er_StaffView 👀] Kep1ian이 좋아해줘서 더 가지고 왔답니다 💨 <𝑭𝑳𝒀-𝑯𝑰𝑮𝑯> ✈️💙💛 비하인드 사진 2탄 🥰 제목 : 영은 웅니와 마시로 꽃 🌸"
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zenosanalytic · 27 days ago
Just watched Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves(2023), and WHAT A PICTURE!!!!
2023 was a stupendous year for movies, and I concede that means the competition was stacked, but that it didn't even get nominations in the top categories feels vaguely criminal to me. The Writing, the Directing, the Effects, the Costuming the ACTING: EVERYTHING ABOUT IT Was Amazing!!!!!!
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swan2swan · 2 months ago
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Cadillacs and Dinosaurs: "101 - Rogue" (1993)
Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous: "101 - Camp Cretaceous" (2020)
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paintedscales · 10 months ago
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Sightseeing Log entry #22 :: Summerford Farms
"The orange groves of Summerford Farms were fun to explore, even more fun to get to experience when it came to cooking. With the fresh fish we managed to catch while we were at the Woad Whisper Canyon, I made a tangy orange glaze that helped to flavor the fish we ate. Overall, a nice meal to share when Estinien and I watched the setting sun."
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astrolotte · 8 months ago
augh . this show
#i have a tendency to get REALLY attached to one character from every show I'm interested in#to the point where my perspective of the show is kinda warped by their views#like if they hate a character i'll hate the character that kind of thing#and this is fun most of the time. a pleasant enough experience#certainly an interesting way to go abt it lol#but this time#I got attached to Peri#so what comes with that is. I like Hazel. I like Cosmo and Wanda a lot. And I also like DEV a lot#(he's also just a great character so far in general)#and I've come to really like where i THOUGHT Peri and Dev's dynamic was going#but some of the staff on twitter are saying some Mysterious things#and implying that Dev's just gonna be Proper Evil for a while. even beyond the series finale#and it's really throwing me off guard#like if he's gonna be evil then I feel like he and Peri are just gonna hate each other? but i like the idea of them getting along#so now it's just. twisting my mind in different directions#i don't think i'll ever HATE Dev even if Peri does. He's a very interesting and compelling character#but still#anyway if they really do end up making Dev a longstanding villain i just??? i don't think that's the best choice for the series#especially considering it's a KIDS CARTOON#saying ''this kid is mean but he has the potential to be good :)#unfortunately he won't be. he's evil now!''#like huh. what kind of message is that for kids#i hope this is just them tricking us lol. intentionally misguiding us#bc otherwise... mmh... idk
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thelastgaywarden · 6 months ago
I love that the dagger looks like a dragon eating the world
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sasseebeee · 9 months ago
I WIN!!!!! I WIN DAWNTRAIL!!!!!!!! WELCOME BACK G'RAHA TIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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kep1er-net · 10 months ago
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staff view ☆ instagram post: [#Kep1er_StaffView 👀] "뭐야? 영은이는 ‘빛’인데 어떻게 검정색 옷도 어울려? 뭐야? 서영은 너 도대체 뭔데? 천사야? 요정이야? Kep1ian 맘 다 뺏겼어.. 😳"
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zenosanalytic · 1 month ago
Everything that ever needed to be said about US Politics was said by John Carpenter in They Live(1988)
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driftwooddestiel · 1 month ago
at this point i think i simply need to steal the identity of some bbc staff member so that i can access their archives. its the only way
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