#stacy would full on spoil her
venusararara · 11 months
Gatherine YOU ARE SO PRETTY- anywho, do you have a preferred blood type when it comes to victims? Sorry if that's a weird question haha
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"Aww, thank you!"
"My favorite is angel blood! I get ethical donations from Stacy, I don't understand why she puts up with it, though."
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beatrixstonehill2 · 7 months
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"Uncle Bryan! Oh my god I'm so happy you came! Have you heard the good news?" Staci asked, coming out of the water, bubbly as can be.
"You look as stunning as ever, Staci! And no..... what news?"
"Awww, I'm glad mom didn't spoil the fun! I'm detransitioning!"
"Wow, congratulations! That's so wonderful to hear--I was gonna say your voice sounds a lot deeper than I remember. Damn you've been living as a girl most of your life. What made you decide to detransition, darling?"
She shrugged. "I dunno! My boyfriend really wants to see me go through male puberty. We were only dating a month at the time but he's soooo into the idea of me living as a boy I decided to try it out for him!"
"Damn, he's a lucky guy. I'm glad you're open to trying this for him. You're gonna make a super handsome boy."
"Awww, thanks! He did warn me when we started dating that he's more into guys than girls and I told him it wouldn't be a problem, if he really wanted I could always detrans!"
"I'm so happy for you, I think you're gonna love being a guy, sweetie."
"I think so, too! Look at this!" Staci took out her cock, fully erect at eight inches. "I've only been on testosterone and steroids for three months and my cock has grown five inches! Look at how thick it is!"
"That's incredible! I remember you prancing around in those tiny tennis skirts last summer, that little cock of yours looked so stunted and limp. It's great to see you getting to enjoy a nice, full-fledge erection finally, and I bet your orgasms are so much more intense since you started detransitioning!"
"They. Are. Incredible!!! I jerk off like ten times a day, no lie, and I still have tons of energy for my bf to, well, have his way with me!"
"He's sounding luckier by the minute. Don't spoil him too much! You already look so much more masculine, your beard's even starting to come in."
Staci blushed. "I know! I'm getting a bit dysphoric but my bf wants me to let my body hair grow, and to rock stubble, but he's cool with me still dressing fem, of course! Oh, that reminds me.... I have a request!"
"What's that, darling?"
"Well..... I wanted your blessing because they were a gift. And I'm so happy you bought them for me when I turned 18! Those first two years of college wouldn't have been the same without them...."
"I think I see where this is going...."
Staci bit her lip, softly pumping her growing cock. "Please, Uncle Bryan, may I have the implants you bought me removed so I can get top surgery?"
"Of course, they're yours to do with as you please and if you want to get rid of them, by all means! I'd love to see you get your breasts removed if that's what you and your boyfriend want!"
"Yeah he's kiiiiinda grossed out by big boobs. He told me when we started chatting on Tinder and I assured him I could always get my implants taken out, I just needed my uncle's blessing, since they're a gift. He'll be so relieved I won't have boobs anymore! I'm kinda bummed they'll be gone but I just love pleasing him....."
"And that's what makes you a good girlfriend--well, boyfriend. I'll have to get used to you being a boy!"
Staci jerked her cock harder. "Me, too...... would you by any chance like to give me my T shot? It's that time of the day..... you can inject my testosterone and steroid shot right into my cock if you want..... just don't be surprised if the injections make me cum, they have that effect..... I think it might be fun to show you how my bf injects me...."
"I'd be honored to, I could use some bonding time with my new favorite nephew, after all."
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maleyanderecafe · 1 year
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Love, Sam (Game)
Created by: Korean Linguistics Lab
Genre: Horror
This one is a bit of an old game so you might have seen youtubers and other streamers play it, but I haven't until now so that's why this post is here. It is a very good short game about a story of an obsessive yandere where things are not how they seem. I would recommend watching or playing this game before I go in and spoil the entire thing. As a horror game, does include things like jump scares and loud noises so do be warned.
The story is mostly focused inside a single apartment. The player reads through a diary of someone who is trying to let go of their crush, with papers of the diary written inside of them, all with the ending signature, Love, Sam. The entries recount their crush on another student named Brian, a jock at the high school. As the story goes on the player faces various hallucinations of things moving and destroying their house, coming through the windows, lights turning off suddenly all in relation with the various events happening in the diary. Eventually as the story goes on, we come to realize that the character "Sam" is not actually the one who is the player character but rather another named Kyle, who is deeply in love with Brian.
The story of Kyle and Sam are written in parallel with each other so that you mistakenly believe that they are both written by Sam. Kyle's diary starts with him recounting all of the things that he and B do together, going to various places in town and how much he loves him. Between those pages are pages from Sam's diary, about her moving to a new town and trying to make friends, being annoyed by Stacy and Kyle, the mean girl and the mean jock respectively before eventually meeting another jock named Brian. Brian takes a liking to Sam and shows her around town, eventually leading to Sam developing a strong crush on him. Kyle gets jealous and joins Stacy on getting Sam drunk during a party she's attending but Brian is able to save her from it, instead bringing her to a secluded hill area, something that Kyle eventually gets angry for as he believed that it was a special place for just him and Brian. Kyle, extremely bitter of Sam's appearance in their lives proceeds to team up with Stacy to frame Sam, by taking pictures of Brian in various locations to put in Sam's locker, drawing hearts everywhere and writing notes to make it seem like she's a huge stalker. He even has Stacy dredge up Sam's past about her dad who was a pedophile, something that Sam was desperately trying to run away from. At some point though, Stacy starts to see Kyle's obsessive behavior as too much ,even believing that he's doing this to be with Sam. In the end, she ends up telling Brian what Kyle did, leading to Kyle desperately trying to get him back. Full of rage, he blames everything on Sam, and forges a note to have them meet on the hill. Kyle ends up pushing Sam off of it (whether or not on purpose or not) and then burns all of the items she had on her to prevent the police from finding out it was a murder. We also find out that Brian ends up leaving town, much to Kyle's detriment.
There are three endings to the game. One where he refuses to throw away his diary, leading to him staying in the infinite guilt he has, forced to relieve the events of the game over and over again. One where he burns the notebook and proceeds to die in the fire and finally one where he burns the notebook but confesses to the police about the murder, never able to confess to Brian.
Love, Sam does a really good job of fooling the player into thinking that they are actually Sam with the way that the two different diaries parallel each other but there are some giveaways to the fact that they actually are two different people before the ultimate reveal. The easiest is likely the clothes and the general living space as it is (at least from what I can tell in media) a lot more stereotypical of a guy, with the clothes being more masculine. There's also the fact that the two diaries have a different writing styles, with Sam's notes always signing "Love, Sam" at the end along with the fact that she often writes in the third person, and Kyle's diary never mentioning his own name and writing in the first person. Even the fact that the pages are separate from Kyle's diary are a good indication that they aren't from the same writer. Finally, is the nickname that Kyle has for Brian, "B" which Sam never calls him. There are the small details you might find strange if you didn't know what the twist might have been. Even if you do know the twist though, I think it's really interesting seeing how everything does come to play- like what Sam's actual deal is and how the other characters are interacting with it all. The fact that the two different diaries also parallel each other is also very interesting though, as it shows that they actually are not as different as you might think they are, with various actions or events paralleling each other as well.
I'm not really used to playing a lot of horror based games but this one was very fun to play and it does honestly make me want to look more for these games (it's a nice change from visual novels, that's for sure). The way that the player has to mess around with the room while the story goes on really showcases how Kyle is feeling in these different situations, either with the various scares from Sam's death haunting him, to the various events of happiness when he goes to take pictures of Brian that end up used to frame Sam, though still set in the showcase of horror. It really heightens his obsessive feelings towards Brian and the other characters as it goes on. It's able to use the room that Kyle is in so that you're not always stuck reading, and that you feel more sucked into the game as you go on.
Kyle as a yandere is a character that is someone who is very self deprecating and worships Brian to a strong level. You can tell that it's part of the fact that he's gay (he literally has to hide and come out of the closet multiple times in the game) and the fact that the town seems to be very closed off to anything that's outsider, as exemplified with Sam's journey as she's moved in. To him, there's not really any way out- he's afraid that Brian will reject him and even if that doesn't turn out disastrously, Brian is still attempting to leave town, so Kyle himself will be stuck without anyone he really cares about. He gets extremely jealous when Brian brings Sam around the places that the two hang out (whether it's out of romantic feels or simply because Brian is a nice person is never really explicitly stated) which causes Kyle to get revenge on her. Kyle is just so scared of him finding out that he's basically trapped himself, which is pretty symbolic of the room that we never seem to be able to escape from. There isn't any way out for him, unless he either dies or reveals his guilt- and even in that ending, Kyle likely never sees Brian again much less tells him what his true feelings were. You do feel sympathetic for him as he unravels, eventually leading to the death of Sam, and even he himself seems to be trying to figure out if he can really let go or not. In terms of yandere actions, of course there's the obvious obsessiveness- pretty much his entire diary is about Brian and his feelings towards him, his envy which drives him to stalk and take pictures of Brian, write letters, sabotaging Sam by writing their initials all over school and of course at the end of the game, going to kill her, even if it was possibly by accident. As per usual, I always find games that are done in the yandere's point of view are incredibly interesting because I love seeing the spiral and thought process of the yandere- why they do the things they do, how they justify it, and the kind of obsessive love that they have for their lover. It's always really nice to be able to see those kinds of games.
Overall, I really enjoyed playing this game. As I said for me, it was a nice break from visual novels and the way that the story played out was very engaging and interesting. I hope I get to play different games like this. If you are interested, please try the game out, it is very good.
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Overall Assessment of Season 6
I’ve completed 15 detailed “Constructive Criticisms” posts regarding season 6 and I wanted to wrap everything up with an overall assessment for the entire season.
Even though 17% of the season’s 18 episodes were ok, overall, the majority of it wasn’t anything to be excited about especially since 9-1-1’s had some awesome seasons in the past (season 3 was the best). There were three good episodes but the rest could have been sent in an email or yeeted to the sun.
6x3 “The Devil You Know” had great cinematography and the acting from the main and recurring characters along with the guest stars was superb but in my opinion the storyline should have been included in a different franchise.  Mainly because it was so dark and heavy that it seemed like it would have been a better fit for “Law & Order: SVU” especially since Tonya Kingston was a special victim.  One thing 9-1-1 did EXCEPTIONALLY WELL BEFORE SEASON 5 was balance the lighter storylines with the heavier ones but for the past two seasons they haven’t done a great job of it.  Season 5 was heavy enough with Maddie’s PPD and Eddie’s PTSD storylines, therefore the third episode of season 6 shouldn’t have been that heavy and dark.  On a positive note, it was part of Athena’s origin story regarding why she became a cop and it properly closed out her storyline even though it started back in season 2.
6x6 “Tomorrow” was good but someone didn’t fact check a lot of the details for it and they didn’t ensure the continuity was there.  At the end of 6x5, the promo for 6x6 included Karen calling 9-1-1 but that scene was NOT INCLUDED in the episode.  Also, in CANON it was never mentioned that Chimney orchestrated Hen and Karen’s blind date.  Finally, the closeout of Hen’s medical school storyline wasn’t fact checked either since in 2x6 she said the reason she became a paramedic was because she got shot when she was 16 and the paramedics who came to help took care of her.  Then in 3x9, she told Karen the woman they saw at the spa, Stacy Mullins, was the reason why she became a paramedic.  So which one was it or was it both?  The audience will never know especially since she didn’t mention either option at the end of 6x6 during her explanation to Karen regarding why she decided to drop out of medical school.
6x13 “Mixed Feelings” was my favorite episode overall because it included A LOT OF BUCK & EDDIE, BUCK & CHRIS AND THE BUCKLEY-DIAZ FAMILY.  FULL STOP!  Their relationship was missing for 99% of 6A; therefore to see Buck and Eddie side by side along with the Buckley-Diazes spending time together again like they did in 6x1, it was absolute PERFECTION.  I’ve already explained in post “#15 – Buddie” how Buck and Eddie’s relationship is the main reason why I watch the show so I won’t elaborate.
All the other episodes didn’t meet the expectations that 9-1-1 established during previous seasons.
6x10 “In a Flash” could have been one of the best episodes of the season but IT WASN’T because the Buckley parents’ and Sang Han’s presences ruined it.  It was supposed to be about Buck being struck by lightning (which was shoved into the last 5 minutes of the episode) but they spent the first 40 minutes showing more of his parents, Chimney’s dad and Albert’s mother than they did showing the 118, Athena, May and Chris.  Also they SPOILED the majority of Buck’s injury a month before it aired with all the stills and promos they released.
Overall, my biggest criticism about the season is the show didn’t commit to anything.  Everything seemed like it was a false start which is kind of sad since they "thought" (I still don’t believe they thought it was the last one) or wanted the audience to believe it was going to be their final season.  My false start metaphor can be compared with a “false start” in a track meet.  When runners are on their marks and one of them starts before the starter pistol is fired, everyone must go back to the beginning.  That’s how I feel about season 6 because every main character was sent back to the beginning instead of showing how far they’ve come.  No one, not any individual character or their ships were shown to have moved forward.  The finale was a rushed mess and none of it made any narrative sense.
Basically, it appears there was no real purpose for season 6 and if there was one, it got lost in translation since things were discombobulated and all over the place.  Storylines were unequally distributed, recurring characters’ arcs were rewritten to make them likeable and the metaphors just kind of fell apart in the end.  If there really was a purpose, what was it?  The items below are overall assessments for the nine main characters.
Athena needed more storylines than what was provided in 6x3
Bobby’s AA sponsor storyline was atrocious and shouldn’t have been included
Buck’s gazillion storylines should have ended better
Chris deserves his own storylines.  He’s a main character but he never gets his own storylines even though Denny (bio dad) and Jee-Yun (Maddie’s engagement ring) had individual storylines this season
Eddie NEEDED MORE STORYLINES!  (I’ll keep screaming it because EDDIE DESERVES BETTER!)
Hen’s, Chimney’s and Buck’s quest for interim captain should have been handled better
Hen’s medical school storyline should have ended better
Maddie and Chimney deserved a better plot for their proposal storyline than that raggedy IRS Income Tax mess
May had one main storyline for the whole season but after that, she was barely there
After 6x18 aired, it seemed like someone had an idea about where they wanted the season to go but they didn’t know how to execute it in a way that would make the audience want to return after the HIATUS.  Additionally, a lot of time was spent copying storylines from other shows and it appears they didn’t think anyone would notice but it’s apparent from the comments that were left on social media sites, some viewers who watch similar series did notice and they were vocal about it.
In the past, 9-1-1 was unique but somewhere along the way they lost the thing that made them special.  In the wastelands of network TV, it was refreshing to watch a show that included everything instead of having separate shows for the police, firefighters and dispatchers like other franchises.
When the season ended, I asked myself the same question I asked after 15 of the 18 episodes aired; “Is that it?”  Maybe my expectations were too high but I don’t believe they were since I still watch episodes from seasons 2-4 (3x2 - 3x3 – the Tsunami were fantastic and 4x13 - 4x14; Eddie being shot still haunts me but I love Eddie so I'll watch all the episodes where he gets the screen time he deserves).
Was season 6 supposed to be their legacy? If so, then it was filled with a bunch of raggedy storylines that focused primarily on Buck while ignoring the rest of the main characters.  It was like they didn’t want to commit to anything risky or something that would have cemented the show as a groundbreaking TV series that would have audiences talking about it for the next decade or maybe even longer.
This is my overall assessment of season 6 and whenever the show returns, hopefully it will have returned to being uniquely 9-1-1 instead of some knock off version of the other 3 or 4 firefighting shows out there in the already oversaturated market of emergency television shows on network TV.
I’ve included links to all the “Constructive Criticisms” posts below along with their topics.
#1 - Lack of and/or inconsistencies with interviews, promos, stills, trailers, etc.
#2 - Recurring Characters OVERSHADOWED Main Characters
#3 - Undeserved and Unearned Parent Redemptions
#4 - Unequal Distribution of Storylines
#5 - Continuity Errors and Forced Narratives
#6 - Season Six or Season of Sex
#7 - Stereotypes in Season 6
#8 - Lack of Professional Development and Growth
#9 - The use of Metaphors, Themes and Theories
#10 - Bathena
#11 - Henren
#12 - Madney
#13 - Evan “Buck” Buckley
#14 - Edmundo “Eddie” Diaz
#15 - Buddie
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
Any romance recs that give the whole “look back at me” North & South vibes?
I'm thinking that you're looking for the angst and longing of "Look back at me", right? Garbage man cannot express garbage feelings correctly? Feel free to correct me if you want different vibes.
I would recommend:
--Waking Up with the Duke by Lorraine Heath. Lorraine is just angst supreme, and this one is probably my favorite book by her. It's the "hey my guy, will you get my wife pregnant because I cannot and that's your fault" book. After much debate because the heroine loves her husband and hates the hero, the hero and heroine spend a month together at his cottage... Makin' a baby. And it starts out as super formal and weird but becomes this passionate thing and they're totally in love by the end of the month but he has to give her back to her husband and the parting...? The PARTING??? May be the most gloriously angsty thing I've ever read and it's beautiful. I remember this moment where she finally reaches her husband and just collapses in his arms sobbing and you switch to the husband's POV and he's like "fuck".
--Lady Isabella's Scandalous Marriage by Jennifer Ashley. A fabulous marriage in trouble book that kicks off with the hero resolving to get the heroine back after three years of separation. But you also get flashbacks to her leaving him, and a lot of that "we just can't make this work" energy from her while he wants so badly to make it work.
--Once More, My Darling Rogue by Lorraine Heath. Honestly a ZANY BOOK. But the fallout...? It's actually, and I am like 90% sure this was intentional, a retelling of the fully insane Kurt Russell/Goldie Hawn vehicle Overboard, which I've made like seven people in my life watch and every time they go "I think this is a... you thing" BUT! It works in a historical romance setting. Hero was born into poverty but adopted by a duke and duchess, which gives him a complex... Heroine is a spoiled little rich girl type. She always treats him like garbage, and then one night he finds her having fallen into a river, and she has FULL AMNESIA. NO IDEA WHO HE OR ANYONE IS. So he's like "Lmao, I'm gonna prank her by telling her she's my maid, and then I'll send her back to her brother". It gets out of hand. He does not send her back to her brother. And when she gets her memory back? At the WORST MOMENT??? Oh. OHHHHHHH. The way this man is DEVASTATED by his own IDIOCY. TW: discussions of childhood sexual abuse.
--The Truth About Cads and Dukes by Elisa Braden. Hero and heroine have a marriage of convenience after his ne'er-do-well brother ruins her reputation in a non-sexual manner. The hero is very cold and practiced, but gradually he and the heroine get close--yet he still can't let her in despite wanting her so badly because, you know, trauma. Towards the end he thinks she's gonna leave him and it gives this vibe, imo.
--How to Marry a Marquess by Stacy Reid. This is one of those "heehee teach me how to seduce a man who TOTALLY isn't you" books that turns so fucking angsty towards the end. The hero fucks up BIG TIME and the heroine like... refuses to see him, shit like that. Very good.
--The Bride Goes Rogue by Joanna Shupe. Been recommending this a lot lately but it really is that good. Why I think it works for this is just. The very end. When she's DONE with him. And he's that TikTok effect where it's like "BABY PLEASE WHY BABY WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME" after being the mAN IN CHARGE the entire book. Just. Down ridiculous.
--Untamed by Elizabeth Lowell. Old-ish school medieval. The hero and heroine have an arranged marriage, but due to events that are totally out of her control, he doesn't trust her at all and spends a lot of the book like... Expressing this lack of trust. To the point that he basically fucks up the relationship, and she thinks he hates her, when he in fact, reader, THE OPPOSITE of hates her. His grovel is a hall of fame grovel, and it only happens after it's communicated to him that she believes he feels nothing for her.
--A Rogue by Any Other Name by Sarah MacLean. One of my favorite "There he goes, ruining his own life (again)" books. Hero is just! Such! A bastard!!! Horrible man. Love him. He fucks up from the very beginning and spends much of the book trying and failing to communicate the depth of his feeling to the heroine. The Day of the Duchess by MacLean also does this.
--After Dark with the Duke by Julie Anne Long. Definitely has this vibe. Cold duke who ends up giving Italian lessons to the much younger, scandalous opera singer who's staying at the same boarding house he's in. He looks down at her, she thinks he's an asshole (he is), they become friends over time... then they become more than friends... But the age gap/societal differences make them think they can't be together.
--Sweetest Scoundrel by Elizabeth Hoyt. The lovers think they're going to part (by choice) right up until the very last minute when he gets his head out of his ass. TW: the heroine was sexually abused as as child, and this is a huge plot point. The hero is very gentle with her, and much of their early sexual relationship involves her watching him, them like, masturbating in a room together without touching each other, etc. It's a big trauma recovery book.
--Dearest Rogue by Elizabeth Hoyt. Pining with a side of "she's too good for the likes of me". Heroine is blind and the hero is her bodyguard. SOMEONE (hello, Duke of Sin, among others) wants to kidnap her and they end up on a roadtrip together. Shit gets out of hand, but he also firmly believes they can't be together because... class divides, his leg injury means that he ~ain't as good as he once was~ (trust and believe, this does not apply to the bedroom).
--Tbh, the entire Princes trilogy by Elizabeth Hoyt (which I really should reread) has moments like this because the heroes, especially those of book 1 and 2, have their heads entirely up their asses for like. 90% of the book. I love this. It's glorious to me. For me, Elizabeth Hoyt and Lorraine Heath just... know how to weaponize angst perfectly.
--Scoundrel of My Heart by Lorraine Heath. This starts out as a "best friend's brother" book, wherein the heroine is attempting to catch the attention of a duke and has her best friend's SUPER ANNOYING brother help her... and obviously they fall in love... and like, suddenly, it's a totally different book and we have a year-long time jump, and when they meet again she's engaged to the duke and he's a totally different man but... obviously... he still wants her. Angst supreme. Reader, this one did make me cry, which NEVER happens.
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wandaswigglywoes · 3 years
Welcome to my shit post, “types of dogs I think the Bellas would own and here’s why.” or, “random shit I think about at work.”
Kicking us off is Aubrey, with a border collie.
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Personally I could see Aubrey with a few other dog breeds, but I like the Border Collie for her because they’re a very intelligent breed, real people pleasers, and very fast learners. They’re loyal and hardworking and they make for great jogging partners because they’re a herding dog, so they have good stamina, and they’re agile. In this particular hc, I’m picturing her dog to look something similar to above. Her name is Poppy.
Up next, we have Chloe with a Siberian Husky!
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I also could have gone a few different routes with this, but I chose the husky because these guys are dramatic as fuck with everything they do. They’re vocal about anything and everything. They’re also sweet and loyal and though they’re a bit stubborn, they’re smart. In this particular hc, Chloe’s husky looks similar to the one above, in my head. His name is Togo. (Named after a famous sled dog)
Beca was tough for me, because though I’m sure she likes dogs, I don’t see her owning one solo. But, for the purpose of this, I have cultivated a small scenario. So, Beca owns a Rhodesian Ridgeback!
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Since I don’t picture her purposely going out and picking out a dog breed, I feel like she got it by accident. The shelter told her the puppy was a mutt and wouldn’t grow too large. Except she does. And the vet tells her she’s full blooded after some sort of incident. Ridgebacks can seem kind of aloof and a bit stubborn, but they’re fiercely loyal and very intelligent. Plus they look badass, especially with their ridged fur. She definitely names her Dude. I won’t be taking questions on that.
I had a lot of trouble with Stacie, but I feel like she’d be a fan of big box heads. So...
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That’s why I think she’d have an American Staffordshire Terrier. His name is Petey (a nod to the little rascals). Staffys are SO sweet. Big babies. Loyal and loving, and smart. They’re also very laid back and enjoy being couch potatoes. They like to be wherever their owners are.
Emily probably owns a Corgi.
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His name is definitely something like Alfie (Alfred). Corgis are cute! Emily is cute! They’re cute together! But also, Corgis are smart and playful with wiggly butts and that’s just enough for me to think that Emily would own a corgi.
Fat Amy definitely owns two overly dramatic and way too spoiled and ill mannered French Bulldogs.
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Taz and Wallaby. Frenchies are drama queens. They think they’re bigger than they are, but when trouble comes, they run in the opposite direction. All bark and no bite. They’re also goofy little things with loyal and friendly personalities.
Lilly would absolutely own a Doberman named Rocco.
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I feel like I don’t need to explain my reasons, they should be self explanatory, here.
For CR, she would own a Jack Russel Terrier named Busta Brown.
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JRTs are scrappy little guys! They’re rough and tumble dogs that were bred to hunt mostly small animals and vermin. They’re still used today on farms to keep rats away. They make great family pets, too and though they can be stubborn when it comes to training, they’re smart and very loyal.
And last, but not least!! Jessley owns a mutt they rescued from a shelter.
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He’s some sort of lab, fiest mix full of anxiety that they have to go to a trainer for, but he’s a gentle soul. A lot of mutts are better in personality and have better health depending on circumstances, because they don’t face inbreeding or bad genetics. They probably name him Hank. I don’t make the rules.
Anyway, thanks for coming to my useless Ted talk.
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bechloeislegit · 4 years
25 Days of BeChloe Christmases - 2020
Day 22 - The Christmas Date
Prompt from Tumblr User Anonymous: This prompt was originally given to Tumblr User AnotherBechloeShipper (see the full prompt and an additional note from her at the end). I asked if I could use it for my 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases, and she was okay with that. I took it in a bit of a different direction than the prompt called for; I hope you like it.
Beca had just entered the Bellas House and noticed most of the girls were gone. She peeked into the living room to find Chloe sitting on the sofa, flipping through a magazine.
"So, um, Chloe?" Beca asked as she walked over to stand nervously in front of her best friend.
"Yes, Beca?" Chloe responded, not looking up from her magazine.
"I heard that you, uh, weren't going home for Christmas," Beca said.
"This is true," Chloe said, looking up at Beca. "I'm staying to work at the vet clinic to get some firsthand experience."
"Oh," Beca said. "That's cool. Cool, cool, cool."
"I agree," Chloe said with a wink. "I think it's cool, cool, cool, too."
Beca winced and looked around.
"Sack up, dude!" Beca mumbled to herself.
"Are you okay, Beca?" Chloe asked, reaching out and touching Beca's arm.
Beca's head jerked over to look at Chloe's hand on her arm.
"Oh, yeah," Beca said. "I'm fine. Everything is okey-dokey with me."
"Oh, God," Beca thought. "Why am I like this?"
"Did you want something else, Becs?" Chloe asked.
"What?" Beca shot a look at Chloe. "Why would you think I wanted anything?"
"Um," Chloe said, standing. "Never mind. I'm going to my room. I'll see you later, okay?"
"Yep," Beca said. "Okay."
Beca watched Chloe start up the stairs. Chloe paused and looked back at Beca.
"Are you sure you're okay, Beca?" Chloe asked.
"Pffft," Beca said. "Yep. I'm fine. All's good in the Beca Hood."
Beca mentally face-palmed herself as she thought, "What the fuck was that?"
Chloe gave her a funny look and said, "Some of the girls went to pick up pizza for dinner. They should be back soon."
"Sounds good, Chlo," Beca said, and Chloe continued up the stairs.
Beca fell face first onto the sofa. She had been lying there for a few minutes when she heard the front door open. She lifted her head and looked over her shoulder to see the other Bellas coming in; she let her head drop back down to the sofa.
"Hey, Beca," Stacie said as she, Ashley, and Jessica entered the living room. "We brought pizza."
"Okay," Beca mumbled into the sofa cushion. "Somebody should tell Chloe you're back. She's in her room."
"I'll get her," Jessica said and went toward the stairs.
"What's up with you?" Stacie asked.
"Nothing," Beca mumbled. "I'm just a loser laying here waiting to eat pizza."
"Beca, you're not a loser," Ashley said. "What's got you all down in the dumps anyway?"
Beca sat up and sighed.
"You know how I have a thing for Chloe, right?" Beca asked.
"Yeah," Stacie and Ashley respond.
"I decided I was going to ask her out," Beca said. "But, I turned into awkward Beca and couldn't string together a coherent sentence to ask her."
"I'm sure it's not as bad as you think," Ashley said.
"Not as bad as I think?" Beca scoffed, her voice raised an octave or two. "It's worse. She asked me if I was okay, and I said all's good in the Beca Hood."
"That's, uh, that's not so bad," Stacie said, grimacing slightly.
"You need to forget about that and try again," Ashley said. "You'll be sorry if you don't."
"She won't want to go out with a loser like me," Beca said.
"It's Chloe," Stacie said. "If she doesn't want to go on a date with you, she'll let you down easy. But you won't know if you don't sack up and ask her."
Chloe and Jessica returning to the living room kept Beca from saying anything more.
~~ Day 22 of the 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases - 2020 ~~
Later that night, Beca doesn't know how it happened, but she and Chloe were suddenly alone in the living room. Beca took in a deep breath and looked at Chloe.
"Yes, Beca?"
"Would you, um, maybe want to go out with me over Winter Break? On, a, um, a date?"
"You mean a date date?" Chloe asked, looking at Beca.
"Yes," Beca said, her voice barely above a whisper.
"I'd love to," Chloe said with a big smile.
"You would?" Beca squeaked out, taken by surprise.
"Don't act so surprised, Beca," Chloe said, chuckling. "I like you, and I was trying to figure out a way to ask you out without sending you running for the hills."
"Really?" Beca asked, again taken by surprise.
"Yes, really," Chloe said. "I'll be working at the vet clinic almost every day, but I have Christmas Eve and Christmas Day off. Can we do it one of those nights?"
"Of course," Beca said. "I'll make a reservation for dinner on Christmas Eve if that's okay with you?"
"That sounds perfect," Chloe said.
Chloe stood and walked over to Beca. She bent over and kissed Beca on the cheek.
"I'm looking forward to it," Chloe said. "I'm going to bed, but I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight."
"Goodnight, Chloe," Beca said, grinning as she sat alone in the now empty living room.
~~ Day 22 of the 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases - 2020 ~~
Beca was excited that Chloe agreed to go on a date with her. The next morning, the first thing she did was call and make a reservation at Chloe's favorite Mexican restaurant.
Beca told Stacie about the date and had her help pick out an outfit before Stacie left for the break.
"You've got almost a week, Beca," Stacie said. "No matter how much I tell you a certain outfit is perfect, you'll worry about it and change your mind thirty times. Just go with something nice but casual."
"Chloe's something nice?" Beca asked. "Or my something nice? Because they are definitely not the same."
"Do you still have that red dress you bought to wear on Valentine's Day last year?" Stacie asked.
"You mean the dress I never got to wear because Jesse dumped me just before Valentine's Day for some girl in his music score class?" Beca asked. "Yeah, I still have it."
"Forget about Jesse," Stacie said. "Wear that dress for your date with Chloe. It's festive, and Chloe will love it on you."
"That's a great idea," Beca said. "Thanks, Stacie."
"Don't worry about it," Stacie said. "And don't worry about the date. It will be fine. Just fill me in on everything later, okay?"
"Okay," Beca said.
~~ Day 22 of the 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases - 2020 ~~
The girls were all gone, and Chloe and Beca were alone in the house. Chloe spent most of the day interning at the vet clinic, while Beca worked on her music and did her shifts at the radio station. They would meet up nearly every night and have dinner and watch some TV or a movie before Chloe would call it a night, citing having to be at the clinic early the next morning.
It was Christmas Eve, and Beca was excited about her date with Chloe. She spent most of the morning talking to Chloe about the Vet Clinic and her family. When lunchtime came around, Beca made a quick chicken Caesar salad for the two of them to share.
"I didn't want to make anything heavy," Beca said, setting a plate of salad and a bottle of water in front of Chloe. "I don't want to spoil our dinner."
"Do I get to know where we're going for dinner finally?" Chloe asked.
"I guess I can tell you now," Beca said. "We're going to that little Mexican place you love on the other side of campus. Our reservations are for six."
"La Taqueria?" Chloe asked excitedly. At Beca's nod, Chloe added, "I love that place. Are you trying to impress me, Miss Mitchell?"
"That's the plan, Miss Beale," Beca said, smirking.
They both dug into their salads as they laughed and talked. They were still sitting at the table a few hours later when Chloe said she was going to shower.
Beca cleaned their lunch dishes and made her way up to her room to get her stuff for a shower. She knew Chloe would be done quickly.
~~ Day 22 of the 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases - 2020 ~~
Chloe was ready at 5:30 and was waiting in the living room for Beca. Her breath hitched a bit when Beca broke the threshold into the living room. Chloe admired the view of Beca in her red dress.
"Beca," Chloe said as she stood, looking Beca up and down. "You look amazing!"
"So do you," Beca said, admiring Chloe. "But, then again, you always do."
Chloe blushed slightly at the compliment. Beca grabbed their jackets and held Chloe's out for her to put on.
"Thank you," Chloe said as she pulled her hair out from under the back of her coat.
"Shall we?" Beca asked, holding out her arm out for Chloe to take.
Chloe giggled and took Beca's arm; she held onto it as they made their way out to Beca's car. Beca opened the car door and allowed Chloe to get situated before closing the door and hurrying around to the other side. She slid behind the wheel and smiled over at Chloe.
Chloe smiled back at Beca as Beca stuck the key in the ignition. She turned the key and. . .nothing happened. Beca's smile fell from her face.
"What the Hell?"
Beca turned the key again with the same result.
"Sounds like the battery might be dead," Chloe said.
"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Beca slammed her hands on the steering wheel as she cried out in frustration.
"Beca, calm down," Chloe said, reaching her hand across to stop Beca from slamming her hands on the steering wheel. "We can just take my car."
~~ Day 22 of the 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases - 2020 ~~
Beca sat pouting in the passenger seat of Chloe's car as Chloe drove them to the restaurant. This night was starting out badly.
Chloe put on the turn signal to pull into the restaurant's parking lot mumbling, "Becs, are you sure this place was supposed to be open tonight?"
"What the fuck?" Beca mumbled as she found herself looking at an empty parking lot. She looked toward the restaurant, and it was dark. "Is it closed?!"
"Looks like it," Chloe said, driving over to the main door of the place.
"But, I made a reservation," Beca said. "And I have a confirmation number. How are they closed tonight, and I wasn't informed? Aren't they supposed to call and let people who made reservations know they aren't going to be open for whatever reason? Why didn't they let me know?"
"I don't know what to tell you, Beca," Chloe said with a sigh. "It looks like there's a sign on the door, but I can't see what it says from here."
"Wait here," Beca said, unbuckling her seatbelt. "I'll check it out."
Chloe watched as Beca walked up to the door and stood, using the light from her phone to read the sign. She saw Beca run a hand through her hair and look back at Chloe's car. She took a moment before turning to walk back over to the car. She got in and sat staring at the restaurant.
"What did the sign say?" Chloe asked.
Beca slowly turned to look at Chloe. She let out a heavy sigh and replied, "It's been shut down by the Health Department for several health code violations."
"Oh," Chloe said.
"What are we going to do now?" Beca asked. "The whole night is ruined."
"No, it's not," Chloe said. "Let's just go to the diner. They're open, and I'm hungry."
"Okay," Beca said. "I guess it's better than nothing."
"Come on, Beca," Chloe said, gripping Beca's hand. "We can salvage this. Don't give up so easily."
"I just wanted our first real date to be memorable," Beca mumbled, looking down at her hands.
"It still can be," Chloe said, smiling as she put the car in drive and made her way out of the parking lot.
~~ Day 22 of the 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases - 2020 ~~
Beca was so bummed about her date not turning out how she wanted that she sat across the table from Chloe, not saying anything.
Chloe looked at her and waited, but Beca still hadn't spoken after five minutes of silently sitting there.
"So, um," Chloe said, looking over the menu. "I think I'm going to get breakfast for dinner. How about you?"
"Sure, Chloe," Beca said, staring down at the table. "Sounds good."
Chloe slammed her menu down with a huff.
"If you don't really want to be here with me, we can just leave."
"What?" Beca said, looking at Chloe. "No, I want to be here."
"Then act like it!" Chloe responded.
"I'm sorry," Beca said. "I'm trying so hard to give you the date you deserve."
"Stop trying so hard," Chloe said, reaching across to cover Beca's hand with hers. "Just let whatever happens happen. I promise you that whatever you think is going wrong is not as bad as you're making it out to be."
"You're just saying that to be nice," Beca said.
"So, what if I am?" Chloe asked, releasing Beca's hand as she shrugged her shoulders. "It's better than sulking over things you have no control over."
Chloe took a deep breath and let it out. She looked at Beca.
"Relax, Beca, and let's just enjoy the rest of our date."
~~ Day 22 of the 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases - 2020 ~~
The ride home was quiet. Chloe kept looking over at Beca, but Beca would not look at her; she just stared out the side window.
"I'm sorry about your dress," Beca mumbled, breaking the silence.
"What was that?" Chloe questioned. "I couldn't hear you."
"I said, I'm sorry about your dress," Beca said a bit louder so Chloe would hear her.
Beca still did not look at Chloe.
"The soda added a nice stickiness, but it's fine," Chloe said with a small smile toward Beca. "It will be as good as new once I wash it. "
Beca continued to stare out the window and would not look at Chloe. The only sounds made during the rest of the trip home were Chloe's heavy sighs.
Beca was out of the car and making her way to the front door before Chloe had unfastened her seatbelt. She hurried after Beca and caught up to her just as she reached the door. Beca made it through the door, and Chloe grabbed her by the arm.
"Go change into your pajamas," Chloe said. "I'll meet you in the living room in fifteen minutes."
"I'm going to bed," Beca said, jerking her arm out of Chloe's grasp.
"No, you're not," Chloe said, retaking Beca's arm and staring into her eyes to make sure she was paying attention. "If you're not back down here in fifteen minutes, I will come up and drag you down here. Don't test me on this because you will not win."
The look on Chloe's face let Beca know that Chloe meant business.
"Fine!" Beca said and stomped up the stairs.
Chloe followed behind Beca and went to her room. She quickly threw on her pajamas and rushed back downstairs. She went to the kitchen and grabbed a few things before going into the living room to set everything up.
Chloe waited the full fifteen minutes before going upstairs to get Beca. She had just made it to the second-floor landing when Beca came rushing out into the hallway from her room. Beca stopped short when she saw Chloe.
"You were really coming to get me?" Beca asked, eyes wide in astonishment.
"I told you I would," Chloe said. "Come on and don't make me drag you down the stairs. I have everything ready for us."
Beca meekly followed Chloe downstairs and into the living room.
"What's all this?" Beca asked, looking at the tub of ice cream and two spoons sitting on the coffee table.
"We're going to do what we always do when I get home from a date," Chloe said. "We're going to eat ice cream and talk about it."
"I get it, Chloe," Beca said angrily. "The date sucked. You don't have to tell me; I was there. Remember?"
"Of course, I remember, Beca," Chloe said sweetly. "Now sit."
Chloe sat cross-legged on the couch and pointed to the spot across from her. Beca huffed but sat cross-legged across from Chloe.
Chloe picked up the ice cream and the two spoons, holding one out toward Beca. Beca took the spoon and played with it. Chloe opened the ice cream and set it between them. She took up a scoop on her spoon and brought it to her mouth.
Beca watched but didn't say anything.
"Aren't you going to ask me how my date went?" Chloe asked.
"I already know how it went," Beca said, looking down at the spoon in her hand.
"You only know how you think it went," Chloe said, getting more ice cream but not adding anything more to the conversation.
Beca continued to look down. After a few minutes, her curiosity got the best of her, and she finally looked up at Chloe.
"How did your date go?"
"It sucked," Chloe said, laughing.
"I don't need to hear anymore," Beca said, moving to stand.
"Stop!" Chloe said. "And sit back down. Please?"
Beca huffed again but sat back down in her original position.
"Now, ask me why my date sucked."
"Yes, seriously. Now ask me."
"Fine," Beca said, spooning up some ice cream. "Why, um, why did your date suck?"
"It sucked because it started out fairly well," Chloe said. "I mean my date looked hot and she helped me with my jacket and opened doors for me. And then suddenly things went a little sideways and the Beca I thought I was going out with vanished and a different Beca took her place."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"I thought I was going to be with the Beca that I've wanted to ask out for so long," Chloe responded. "Instead, I ended up with someone I don't even know. The Beca I wanted to be with is the girl who came home for the past five days and made dinner or she stopped and picked up my favorite takeout to make sure I got something to eat."
Chloe leaned toward Beca and whispered, "She's really special and knows that I miss lunch a lot of the time when I'm working."
Chloe winked as she sat back. "I wanted to be with that special girl. The one who would sit and watch a movie with me even though she doesn't like them so that I didn't have to watch them alone."
Beca shifted in her seat and took more ice cream onto her spoon, swallowing it down as Chloe continued.
"I want the Beca who gets up early every morning to make hot tea to help soothe my throat," Chloe said. "The one who fills a thermos so I could have hot tea to sip on at work. That's the girl I want to date. The real Beca who is sweet and caring, not the snarky, unsure Beca that I was with tonight."
Beca took a bite of ice cream and looked at Chloe.
"That was the real Beca," Beca mumbled. "The awkward unsure girl I've always been."
Chloe frowned and shoved her spoon into the ice cream.
"Did you do something to your car to make sure it didn't start?" Chloe asked.
"Did you do something to the restaurant that made the Health Department shut it down?"
"No, how could I have?"
"Did you purposely bump into that waitress to make her spill those drinks on me?"
"No, I would never do that!"
"Then why are you so bummed about the date?" Chloe asked, searching Beca's face. "None of those things were anything you had any control over. Your attitude is why the date sucked, not what happened on it."
"I wanted to make it perfect," Beca said, looking down at the spoon in her hand.
"There's no use trying to make a date perfect," Chloe responded, picking up her spoon and taking a bit of ice cream. "There’s no such thing as a perfect date."
Beca sat for a moment, watching Chloe eat her ice cream.
"It sounds like someone was trying way too hard to impress you."
"That's what I said," Chloe said. "And it was totes unnecessary. I'm already impressed by her, that's why I said yes when she asked me out."
"She's really impressed by you, too," Beca said a small smile on her face. "And, I know for a fact that she really, really likes you. So, do you think she'll get a second date?"
"It depends."
"On which Beca asks me," Chloe said, grinning as she scooped up another bite of ice cream.
Beca smiled and moved the ice cream to the coffee table. Chloe watched her with furrowed brows which shot up when Beca leaned toward her. Chloe let out a surprised yelp when Beca surged forward and smashed her lips to Chloe's.
Chloe took a second but starting kissing Beca back. The kiss lasted less than a minute, and when Beca pulled away, Chloe chased after Beca's lips, capturing them for another kiss. This kiss was a bit more intense and was broken when Beca chuckled against Chloe's mouth.
"There's the confident, badass Beca I was looking for," Chloe said, grinning from ear to ear.
"Does that mean you'll go out with me again?"
"That's a definite yes," Chloe said, placing both hands on Beca's cheeks and pulling her closer. "But only if you kiss me like that again."
Beca happily obliged. They broke apart when breathing became an issue.
"And don't worry, I'll plan the next date," Chloe said, causing Beca to laugh again before leaning into another kiss.
"Merry Christmas to me," Beca mumbled against Chloe's lips.
Full prompt from Tumblr User Anonymous: Beca and Chloe finally go out on a date. But like...Beca's game is sooooo bad. Like Anakin Skywalker, Attack of the Clones bad, is Beca able to land a second date, or will Chloe be like "nah"? [I have never seen Attack of the Clones so I have no idea how bad it was (is?); I went with what came to me].
Note from AnotherBechloeShipper: Okay, I've tried to come up with something for this prompt, and I can't get a single word going. So, I'm going to just put this out here in hopes that maybe another writer can pick up the prompt. I will say I think Beca would land a second date because I see Chloe forgiving missteps, but I just can't come up with anything coherent to write for it.
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zootopiathingz · 4 years
I’ve seen other headcanons for the PnF characters when they’re older so uhh here’s mine for the Flynn-Fletcher siblings (feel free to add your own!:3)
The boys end up outgrowing Candace cause she stops at 5”8 (her canon height), Phineas is about 5”10-ish while Ferb is the tallest at at least 6”1.
Candace tries to set Ferb up with Vanessa when he’s old enough and even gives him advice because she’s friends with her.
During the first week Candace is gone for college, Phineas sleeps in her room because he misses her so much.
Aggressive smash bros battles. Candace usually loses but on the rare occasion she wins, she rubs it in their faces for days (she doesn’t know that they let her win lol)
Ferb is able to carry both Phineas and Candace over his shoulders like it’s nothing.
We know Ferb talks more when he’s older but I like to think he talks the most around his siblings because he just feels more comfortable around them.
Whenever the boys have long weekends off from school Candace lets them stay with her at her apartment (she lives with Jeremy, but he loves having them over)
At the beginning of every summer they have a prank war, Ferb usually wins because they don’t know what to expect from him. Candace ends up forfeiting half the time.
Candace gets married to Jeremy at 24-25 years old, they elope and only invite Phineas, Ferb, Suzy (who obviously isn’t a brat anymore), and Stacy.
During family reunions, they usually just hang out with each other.
When Linda ‘lectures’ them about whatever, Candace makes silly faces at the boys to help lighten the mood (when Linda isn’t look ofc)
Ferb and Candace spy on Phineas when he’s on his first date with Isabella to make sure things go smoothly. Phineas knows they’re there because their disguises aren’t that great.
^At the end of the date, Candace screams “JUST KISS HER ALREADY STUPID!!”
Lots of inside jokes, mostly roasting each other for no reason.
Sometimes they stay up really late and end up falling asleep on the couch, and when Linda finds them in the morning she takes pictures because they just look so cute.
When Candace has a really bad period, they spoil her like crazy (buying her candy, giving shoulder massages, watching YouTube videos with her, etc)
Awesome photoshoots.
They don’t see much of Candace for her first year of college so when she comes to visit they get really excited and practically tackle her to the ground to hug her (without hurting her ofc)
Candace plans their weddings.
“Your mama so stupid she—” “We have the same mom, dumbass” (who says what is up to the imagination lol)
Candace insults them a lot but if she hears anyone else calling them losers she will literally bitch slap them, no one messes with her little bros except her.
Mario kart tournaments are brutal.
^Phineas always picks Mario, Ferb always picks Bowser, and Candace is always, ALWAYS Rosalina and if she’s not, she won’t play.
Phineas and Ferb are the first to know when Candace is pregnant (aside from Jeremy obviously) and they get really excited for her.
Candace always asks them to babysit for her cause she trusts them more than their parents lol.
Whenever Candace gets sad, she looks at the mug they gave her to cheer herself up.
Phineas will get really, really depressed sometimes and Ferb and Candace are always the ones to comfort him.
Getting on each other’s shoulders to scare off people that bother them
Candace makes fun of them when their voices start to change (especially their voice cracks because who wouldn’t laugh at that)
Phineas telling them he likes Isabella would go like “hey I think I have a crush on her” and Ferb and Candace just look at him like “no shit dude”
When Phineas and Ferb are freshmen they have moments when they feel stressed so Candace tells them embarrassing stories about herself from her HS days to cheer them up.
Candace lets them have a sip whenever she drinks (she doesn’t pressure them she’s just like “hey you guys want some beer?” and at first they’re like “um no thanks” but eventually they go “Eh why not”)
Sneaking out at 3 in the morning just to get ice cream from McDonald’s.
When one of them has a breakdown the other two are always there to help them, but depending on who it is it’s done in different ways (ex for Candace they try to take her mind off of it and make jokes so she’ll laugh, for Phineas they actually talk it out since his problem is usually suppressing his feelings, for Ferb they stay quiet and just let him talk about it and take his time, sometimes the silence helps him)
Lots of hugs and cuddles.
At Ferb’s wedding, Phineas and Candace cry a lot and he gets really embarrassed by it. Like “guys please stop you said you wouldn’t do this” kind of embarrassed.
Saying goodbye to each other after a visit takes a full hour and even then they’re hesitant to leave.
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💕 Love Day Love Story Series 💕
Shane and Maggie 
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How did you guys meet?
[S] “I grew up totally different from Mags, she grew up out in the country whilst I was born and bred in San Myshuno. My family was your typical conservative family, my dad went to work as a computer engineer while my mother stayed home and homeschooled my cousin and I, my parents were given guardianship of him so we grew up like brothers. We met the Barnards when Harley (Maggie’s aunt) married Gabriel and started attending our church, we knew that Harley came from a very large, well known family but she was very modest and never bragged about it. I first met Maggie when she was visiting her aunt with a group of her siblings and they came to church together - we were instant friends; she had a wicked sense of humour and was very lively. We were cracking jokes from the moment we met - she told me about her love of photography and I told her about my brand new job as a graphic designer, when she went home that weekend we were all in this group chat with everyone from that weekend which gave us time to get to know each other some more. Eventually we’d start alternating group trips to different places, and it was during one visit to Newcrest that I approached her parents and asked if I could court her . When they said yes is when we then made more structured plans to visit one another and even did double dates with her brother and his girlfriend, eventually I got permission to propose when she was wrapping up highschool work. I planned the proposal for when she was going to visit San My with her sisters, I told her my mother wanted some pictures of us to give her sisters an excuse to get her dressed up, when they arrived at the park I had set up everything at a gazebo in the park. Thankfully she said yes when I proposed, the wedding prep phase flew by and we got married in her grandfather’s church.”
[M] “A group of us siblings were heading into the city to visit our aunt and to help campaign for a local conservative candidate along with people from her church. When we first met, it was as if we’d been friends for years! Not many people appreciate my humour, so meeting someone who got me instantly was refreshing! We kept talking after that weekend in this big group chat with people we met that weekend, which helped us get to know each other more. There wasn’t really a big event where he asked me out, one day we started a private conversation rather than chatting on the big group chat and it developed from there, and to make it official he asked my parents if he could court me, which is when we added them to our chat. Us being official did give us solid reasons to visit each other, since I was the youngest one to court at the time (before my sisters Macie and Zoe) my parents wanted us to spend more time seeing each other. My brother Reece started courting soon after I did so it was fun to have double dates with him and Stacie, it was great having another couple to plan nice dates with as they were built in chaperones (thought Stacie’s sister did come along to all our dates) When he proposed I had no idea it was coming, his mother is big on pictures and *I* was told that she wanted some cute pictures of us in the park before we visited with their family. When we got to the park and my sisters suddenly covered my eyes I knew something was up, everything about the proposal was beautiful - from the gazebo, to the song playing in the background, to the mini speech he gave when actually proposing. The only thing that really topped that was our wedding, I went all out on decor because the first day of the rest of our lives needed to be picture perfect!”
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How have you changed since marriage?
[S] “probably just having to change my lifestyle to adapt to someone else's needs, but Maggie fit in great with the family. We’ve been able to do some travelling around and seeing loads of places whenever we’ve got time off, we’ve made the choice to put off having children right now as we want to establish ourselves a bit, but eventually we’ll get there. I’m just excited to see what the future holds, if it’s anything like that’s already happened then I’m all for it.
[M]” Probably the biggest change for me was lifestyle, whilst at home my parents rules were that us girls wear skirts only - I didn’t necessarily agree with their interpretation of modesty but I obviously went with it because I was under their roof (even if I did challenge them on that stance quite a big when I was young). We talked a lot on our views on different things, and one thing we agreed on was that modesty doesn’t require wearing skirts only, so when we got married I made the transition to wearing pants. After getting married and moving to the city, I was able to really pursue photography as a full time career choice; when I lived at home I would do small photography projects like weddings, family events and church events but I always hoped for something more. Now I work as a freelance fashion photographer, which is great because I can pick and choose which projects I want to pick up, I still do family photography so now I have more than one option. I’m happy with where we are right now, my siblings are doing a great job at supplying me with a plethora of nieces and nephews to spoil so we’re not in a major rush to add our own kids into the mix - I guess we will eventually, but for now we’re content.”
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ameliathefatcat · 3 years
Princess Chloe never got married and had very few long term relationships and no had bio logical kids. She adopted two children (both are redheads lol) George and Abigail. Georgie’s bio mother, Stacy Johnson died when he was two years old and never knew his bio father. Chloe and Stacy were dating since she was pregnant with Georgie. After she died unexpectedly Chloe adopted him. Georgie got two more middle names after Chloe adopted him (his full name is Prince George Albert Stanley Johnson, Stanley and Johnson after his mother and his old last name). Georgie knows about his bio mother and calls both her and Chloe mom. He is the heir to the throne. Georgie has bright red hair, amber-orange eyes. He is very good looking (like his bio mother) and very adventurous and loves the outdoors. He hikes the Norbergian mountains and in the woods all the time. When he is on his adventures he sometimes brings home ‘pets’. Chloe is still traumatized by the time eight year old Georgie came home riding a mama bear with a baby bear following them (Georgie named the mama bear Brenda and the baby bear Teddy. He is still friends with them and Teddy’s younger siblings).
A few years later when Georgie was six years old Chloe adopted a little baby girl she named Abigail Rose Emily Lucille. Abby was an infant when she was adopted. Chloe was told that the baby was going to have disabilities due to a traumatic birth (that killed the bio mother). Chloe didn’t care that her daughter would be disabled she loved her baby girl every since she first saw the little baby with a head full of red hair. Abby has long wavy red hair that she wears in a half-up half-down braid, blue eyes. She is small for her age and uses a wheelchair to get around that she calls Speedster. Abby is very sociable and loves talking with new people. She would talk to royal officials about anything and everything. She often rolls off to meet new people, Chloe often can’t find her in public. Wondering how she can lose her redheaded wheelchair using daughter in public.
Chloe loves both her kids and is amazing other. She hangs with her other royal friends who also have kids around the same age as hers (Georgie is the same age as Val and Alonso’s twins Margo and Juana and Rebecca’s daughter Evie. Abby is a year younger than Elena’s youngest Frankie). She is a single mother and enjoys it since she was raised by a single mother herself. Queen Abigail spoils Georgie and Abby rotten like crazy btw. She absolutely loves her grandchildren and tells Chloe how amazing of mom she is.
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foofygoldfish · 4 years
faith & alice for the ship meme 💋
Rate the Ship -   Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - Till they die, pretty mucy
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - oh, very quickly - alice saw faith and pretty much instantly went oh
How was their first kiss? - 
Who proposed? - You know that one video of the two girls at the zoo proposing to each other at the same time? yeah, that happened with them, too.
Who is the best man/men?/ Who is the bridesmaid(s)? - oh I actually figured this out - for their first wedding, they didn’t have anyone, but for their second... a full list of the wedding party is at the end of this but their bridal parties: alice’s MoH is mary may, and her bridesmaids are hurk, hudson, grace, and claire. faith’s MoH is jane, and her bridesmaids are elizabeth, kim, and carolina! nick walks faith down the aisle, and alice’s uncle walks her.
Who did the most planning? - lol mary may. she was not happy that the two of them were happy with eloping.
Who stressed the most? - Both of them were nervous wrecks, honestly.
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - joseph and jake - john was only invited because he’s alice’s brother in law, and she was not happy about that...
Who is on top? - Both of them, but usually alice
Who is the one to instigate things? - again, both of them, but usually alice - she’s always delighted when faith does, though
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - Oh, they can go for a pretty long time - they can go quickly, but if they’re able to take their time? they’re very happy
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - absolutely. faith does like to spoil alice, though
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - Between the two of them? zero. with help from staci, alice has three - david, aria, and nicholas.
How many children will they adopt? - officially? four - carolina, claire, briar, and eloise. unofficially? anyone that passes through hope county, for any amount of time, that needs a home? they have one with them.
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - faith, but when alice starts getting restless, she gets stuck on baby duty to keep her in prosperity.
Who is the stricter parent? - faith - she worries quite a bit more
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - faith - alice enables them, particularly claire slkfdj
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - faith, but mostly because she’s the one who can be trusted in the kitchen lol
Who is the more loved parent? - i’m... not typing out each kids preferences lskdjf - they all love their moms a fairly equal amount, and they adore their uncle staci and aunt stella. however - alice is the one that lets them get away with more, and won’t automatically discourage them from doing stupid shit that she would absolutely do herself
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - in the no-bomb and no-cult aus... faith, because she is much more patient, and much better at bribing people with cookies
Who cried the most at graduation? - staci sdlkjf (and alice - faith keeps it together until they’re home)
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - alice, but that’s just because of her connections lol
Who does the most cooking? - Faith, but mostly because Alice can’t be trusted with the stove.
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Alice will eat a variety of foods, but she can be particular about how certain things (like mac n cheese...) are made
Who does the grocery shopping? - for the no-cult or no-bomb aus - either will do solo runs over to the general store if they need something small/common, but their big stock-up trips to the city are all-day trips that they take together. faith usually does the list, though
How often do they bake desserts? - faith stress bakes. there’s almost always cookies in the house.
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - faith slightly prefers veggies, but alice doesn’t care either way
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - alice, for a similar reason to chloe in my sherchlodine post - she doesn’t usually do the cooking. (to be fair - mary may helped her make the meal, alice just made it look nice lol)
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - alice - mostly because she’s so used to going to the spread eagle for food that it’s just... weird eating at home, y’know?
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - alice.
Who cleans the room? - they both will, though... see the next question lol
Who is really against chores? - alice isn’t against chores, but she tends to need to be persuaded
Who cleans up after the pets? - alice - faith loves the cats and boomer, she does, but if she doesn’t have to clean up poop? she’s not gonna.
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - ....alice.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - alice, holy shit. she tells mary may it’s the one thing she inherited from her mom - the need for the house to be clean when there is company coming. faith tells her that nobody cares, particularly in the “canon” verse where it’s the literal apocalypse, but she can’t help it, she’s gotta.
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - alice, but probably because she dropped something else between them - 
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - alice, just because she usually touches up her hair when she takes a shower. though, for baths... faith usually tries to get alice to join her, which makes it take a while lol
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - alice, because faith refuses to pick up dog poo.
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - oh god alice goes all out, especially for halloween - her excuse for halloween is that it’s the day after her birthday, they have to let her decorate
What are their goals for the relationship? - ...stay alive?
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - alice. she’s perfectly happy working night shift, honestly
Who plays the most pranks? - alice lmao - she doesn’t do them on faith that often though. she’s gotten a few too many 🥺 faces from faith....
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January 2020 Picks
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And we’re back!!! Been watching a lot of great stuff recently that I’m excited to chat about. These are just a few of highlights. I’m not 100% caught up on the Arrowverse shows yet, but did enjoy the Crisis a lot-especially after the second watch through. Check out my full review on that here: https://talesofafangirlwithadvr.tumblr.com/post/190372384413/crisis-on-infinite-earths-reactions
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This 3rd season was my FAVORITE so far, which makes it even more depressing that this is the end. I watched it the fastest and even stayed up till 1 AM to finish the series after watching four straight episodes. (Normally I try to space out bingeing stuff because I don’t want it to end so fast.) This series has always taken liberties with the source material to make it even more relevant to today, but I especially felt that during this season. It did not feel forced one bit. From Bash losing Mary and overcoming being a minority in Avonlea to Ka’kwet’s story line that brings me to tears every time I think about it-especially because she made it ALL the way home just to be taken back. Would love to believe she’s back with her parents, but the ending this season doesn’t show it. Perhaps they were thinking about pursuing it more if there was a 4th season. Josie Pye’s assault was a nice commentary on the Me too movement as well as the Human Rights and Women’s Rights march. I’m so happy Matthew survived this series! I was so worried for him. (As readers know he dies at the end of Anne of Green Gables the novel. Most adaptations often keep it in and I am happy we diverted from the original this time.) Jerry and Diana were adorable at the start, but Jerry deserves so much more! (He got SO TALL! As I often remarked while watching this season.) I absolutely loved the boy craziness this season because they were “Now 16!” Tillie balancing two guys! Ruby’s crush on Moody was super cute. I loved when Anne was forced to ask Gilbert about having babies by the girls. THE STRONG FEMALE CHARACTERS!! (applause) 1) Mrs. Stacy: as a widower she will not settle for just anyone to marry. 2) Prissy Andrews: I really like that they brought her character back up and that she attended college. So sad that Billy will still be the head of her family. 3) Diana gets to go to Queens (a change from the novel as well, but one that was a great choice). I really liked her chat with Aunt Josephine. 4) Of course Anne Shirley. There’s so much to say about Anne, but one of the things I really liked this season was getting insight into her own personal family history. Seeing her mom’s book at the end was very touching. I love that she also had red hair. Last thoughts: Delphine is the CUTEST BABY EVER! Seriously a fantastic actress. Her relationship with every person in the show was amazing. And of course my beloved Shirbert. I knew they were endgame (because of the source material), but BOY did they take their time getting there). Screw Winnie! Anne and Gilbert’s relationship hurt my heart throughout it all, but so many adorable moments between them proving they are meant to be. Forever my OTP!      
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I am seriously feeling the period pieces this month (but then again when am I not). As a HUGE Jane Austen fan I was extremely excited when I heard that her unfinished novel, Sanditon, would be adapted for the TV screen. Because I was unfamiliar with the story (which is always a fun time when one of your favorite authors has been dead for the past few hundred years) I made sure to add the novel to the top of my 2020 list. Due to its length I was able to finish it before the series started a few weeks ago. While I was not a huge fan of the unfinished novel, because I found it difficult to connect with any of the characters or see where the story was headed, I already feel differently about the mini-series. By the end of episode 1 I was already hooked and very happy that PBS aired the second episode immediately afterwards. I can see parallels to Austen’s work as well as echoes to other Austen novels (naturally Pride and Prejudice). When listening to the Masterpiece podcast in which they interview Rose Williams (who plays Charlotte Heywood) she described Charlotte as a cross between Elizabeth Bennet and Catherine Morland (from Northanger Abbey), which I think is really accurate. I like how Charlotte goes to Sanditon because of her interest in seeing this place that Tom Parker gets so excited about. She honestly isn’t looking for a husband, but rather an occupation. Something different away from her farm. Is romance involved? You betcha. This is an Austen adaptation afterall. But that is not her main focus. There’s so many other things going on with the story, but I’d have to dedicate a complete other post to explain it all. I really feel it is fitting in well with other classic book to screen adaptations coming out right now like Little Women and Anne with an E. If you’re a fan of either one then Sanditon is worth a try. And of course if you love Jane Austen and the 1995 Andrew Davies adaptation (he’s producing this one as well) then it’s worth a shot! 
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Just like with Anne with an E, I think this was my favorite season of The Man in the High Castle (and ironically also the last season. Although this series knew that going in to production). It held my interest very well and I watched it faster than the previous season. I really don’t think I’ve been this invested since season 1. Lots of new characters were introduced and while I missed some of the old it just shows you how much this show has developed. I also felt myself liking the new characters really fast. At first all of the multi-verse stuff was pretty intense and a little hard to follow, but it got easier as the show went on-EXPECT FOR THE END! Were all those people coming through because their worlds were much worse? What happens next? How are the Smith children? Amy and the other students who were brainwashed-will they change? Kido will stay. Did Childan find Kikuko? (Loved their relationship btw. I’m going to believe they got to be together in the end. It will make me sleep easier.) I was constantly saying to myself: How are they going to wrap this up in only 4 episodes...3...2...etc.. But I feel like it could have been a bit stronger. Despite this I still am a big fan of this season. I just get picky when it comes to series finales.  
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Last I had posted about Doctor Who I was very behind. Like I only watched last year’s holiday special this year behind. It was just tough for me to get into last season. I’ve really enjoyed Jodie Whitaker’s take on the Doctor. I feel she brings a new energy, but at the same time reminds me of the way Tennant and Smith portrayed the role. It’s just that I missed some of the familiarity of the show. It’s always hard getting a new Doctor because the show takes on a different feeling, but with all new villains, companions, TARDIS, etc it was tough. I wanted a couple more old references. I also didn’t love all of the episodes (although a bunch of them were really good: Rosa Parks, Demons of the Punjab, Kerblam! to name a few). So when I watched last year’s special at the beginning of the month I felt I zoned out a bit. However, Spyfall (parts 1 & 2) that kicked off this season were entertaining and I’ve been hearing good stuff about this season so far. Now that the show is on its second season with these characters, I’ve heard there’s more of a rhythm. I can’t wait to continue. I also can’t wait to see these guys again: 
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PLUS I discovered a HUGE spoiler about last week’s episode that honestly that has honestly gotten me so pumped; it is the main reason why I am catching up faster. (I won’t spoil it here if you still don’t know it. I foresee I’ll probably write an article just about that episode.) 
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My guilty pleasure that I have been bingeing on Disney+. This musical telenovela from Buenos Aires has three seasons of 80 episodes a piece! (That’s right I have my work cut out for me.) Currently only the first season is up on Disney+ and the show is pretty hard to find, so I am really hoping that by the time I finish it they release at least the second season. I only started it in the new year and am already on episode 42, so you can say I’m enjoying it... :) Basically once I hit 30 I was hooked. (Although I was enjoying it a lot before that, now I’m just more obsessed.) There are several characters in the show from the students, to the teachers and family members, but the main character is Violetta who has lived in many different countries all her life with her dad who is a very successful businessman. She has been home-schooled forever due to their lifestyle and because of her dad’s worry that she will be hurt in the real world. Her mother was a popular singer who died when Violetta was very little that she barely remembers her. When they move back home she secretly gets enrolled in a music school that her mom just so happened to attend. Her tutor is secretly her aunt (who no one recognizes because Violetta’s dad told her that her mom had no relatives) and she has to hide attending the music school and singing which is her ultimate dream. That’s just the basics because there is so much more drama in the series. Lots of lying, deceit, love triangles that just won’t quit, ridiculousness and music. While they repeat a lot of the same songs, many of them are quite good and really catchy that you can’t help but get them stuck in your head. My sister (who loves this show) kept talking about it and that made me want to watch once we got Disney+ (she was lucky to watch two seasons when it was still on Netflix). As she said to me, you should watch it in the original language, which is Spanish with English subtitles. I feel like I’m learning more Spanish while watching it. Probably be fluent by the end (ha ha ha ha-not really). 
So, what are your favorites of this month? Are we watching any of the same things? Anything look interesting to check out? Let me know! 
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Death and the Jackal: Why Miles Warren sees himself as a God
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Let me state my ‘thesis’ up front.
It’s my belief that, within his own twisted mind, Miles Warren believes himself as not dissimilar to a creator God.
This hinges upon his cloning and genetic experiments.
In publication order Miles Warren was driven mad when Gwen Stacy died. He had obsessively ‘loved’ her from a distance and displayed a degree of passive aggression towards Peter out of jealousy. As I touched upon in my last article, he was devastated by her death to the point where he sought to ‘resurrect her’ through cloning.
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During the flashback to the moment he cloned Gwen, his dialogue reveals three interesting facts.
He promised to punish those who ‘harmed her’. Not her original ‘host’. Not her predecessor. Not her metaphorical ‘sister’ or her ‘mother’. Just ‘her’. He clearly views the clone Gwen as actually being Gwen restored to life.
This is further corroborated by the second point of interest. Namely, his referring to cloning Gwen as ‘re-creating’ her.
Finally, his dialogue also arguably touches upon the idea of Adam and Eve. Gwen emerges naked and ‘innocent’ her mind is blank and unsullied. As originally intended perhaps that’s a bit of a stretch. But the idea is leant far more weight in the Spider-Man: The Osborn Journal #1, where Warren stated it was ‘positively Biblical’ that the first successful clone was a man, consequently name-dropping Adam and the Garden of Eden fame.
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This clone was of course of Peter Parker.
Between the Gwen and Peter clones it would make a lot of sense for Warren’s ego to have gone waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out of control.
In his own eyes his genius had not only functionally restored a dead person to life, but also gone a step further and outright duplicated someone still alive. As we know from later stories (such as the original ‘Carrion’ storyline) Warren in fact cloned himself. Wouldn’t that have been the ultimately proof of his mastery of life itself?
In addition to the above he can even exist in more than one place. Or if you will, exist as multiple entities at once. This was further confirmed in Web of Spider-Man #125 and Spectacular Spider-Man #225. In these issues we learn that Warren had set up a clone of himself as the husband of the original Gwen clone.
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When the intervention of Peter and (the Phil Urich) Green Goblin ruined their suburban tranquility, Warren was furious that his ‘innocent little fantasy’ had been spoiled.
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 At least on some level Warren clearly viewed his clone as himself. One entity as many entities? That’s such an impossibility for normal human beings it’d be more than likely to inflate your sense of ego, possibly all the way to Godlike proportions.
And, correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that somewhat similar to the Holy Trinity in the Christian faith? Three aspects of the same divine entity? One being in more than one part?
Warren’s cloning experiments went further though. In Spec #31 Carrion (who possessed all of Warren’s genius) used Peter’s DNA to genetically engineer a Spider-Amoeba creature.
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 Furthermore, in Spec #222 we see Warren unleash a horde of creatures from his ‘genetic soup’.
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 And of course, there was Spidercide. In the Jackal Files one shot Warren tells Spidercide (yet another clone of Peter’s) that he gave him the ability to control his body on a molecular level.
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In terms of their super human abilities, Spidercide was by all accounts more powerful than Peter or any of the other clones. Warren didn’t just copy Peter yet again. In his own eyes he improved  upon him.
All these examples demonstrate how Warren had the ability o play with the building blocks of human life, and contort it into unnatural forms of his own design.
This would naturally have inflated his ego yet further and helps explain his scheme in ‘Maximum Clonage’.* His plan was to mass murder humankind and replace it with clones. From a sane and rationale point of view this goal is nonsensical.
But that was rather the point, Warren wasn’t sane or rationale.
In his eyes life was merely worth the time, effort and resources it’d take for him to clone someone.** From his own twisted point of he was a God, a master of death, a creator of life. He could replicate, resurrect and improve upon nature itself. So, why not start over with a clean slate? Isn’t that what God did with that flood once upon a time?
Additionally let’s consider that, however bad they were, other stories have touched upon the idea of the Jackal as a kind of godlike figure.
In Scarlet Spider Unlimited #1 he was affiliated with the High Evolutionary, who arguably also views himself as a kind of God due to his own genetic experiments. In that same story we discovered that there was a cult among the High Evolutionary’s Ani-men that worshipped Warren as a sacred savior.
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 In ‘Clone Conspiracy’ we see that Warren designed himself a new mask evoking Anubis, one of the Egyptian Gods of death. Whilst it was Ben Reilly who actually wore this costume, the fact that Warren himself invented lends credence to my thesis’.
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 In conclusion, though much of his history is dogged by shoddy (to say the least) stories, there is nevertheless psychological substance to be found within the mad mind of Miles Warren.
*I’m not trying to defend that storyline.
In my opinion it is one of the absolute nadirs of Spider-History, especially the final Omega issue.  Among its other sins, it was an objectively terrible idea to take a character that began as a humble college professor with grounded ambitions and upscale him into a potentially global threat.
It’s as creatively short sighted as having Superman end nuclear war ala Superman IV: The Quest for Peace. Or having Batman control crime by having one of his agents unite all the gangs; see the ‘War Games’ storyline.
Like those stories, whilst it might be theoretically possible  for the characters to want and be capable of doing those things, they shouldn’t.
**Which is probably why he was nonplussed by a room full of Gwen Stacy clones degenerating in front of him. He knew there were more where that came from.
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Fast cars & Freedom: Finally home (16/16)
Here it is... the final chapter had arrived. Thank you everyone for riding along with me on this. My first attempt at ROD, althought we may be closing out this, it doesnt mean we have seen the last of this gang. I have some one shots and possibly a mini planned in the future!
I want to give a few special shot outs @riseandshinelittleblossom for pushing me to do this. @brightpinkpeppercorn for putting up with my crazy venting self!! And also the babies first name! @choicesarehard for her amazing edits and @desiree-0816 for being the biggest cheerleader.
Pairing: Colt x Ellie, mpc crew and friends.
Rating: fluff
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This song I picked because it sums up Colt in a nutshell.. also its from one of my favorite movies, and gave me slight inspiration.
Ellie sat slouched back on the couch indian style, amazed she could even get her feet to bend that way.   Any Day now she sighed, her hand rested on her swollen belly. She was huge this time around, much bigger than with Luca, her feet were swollen and she couldn't fall asleep without a back rub. "Well she's asleep, finally." She smiled at the shirtless man in front of her as he laid on the couch, his head resting in her lap. "How many books did it take?" She giggled as she ran her fingers through his dark locks. "Only two tonight.  guess the rehearsal dinner wore her out." A sudden jolt against her stomach collided against the side of his head.
He turned facing her stomach, one hand on the side "Hello in there. You can come out now, daddy can't wait to meet you." He spoke to her stomach, placing a soft kiss against her bare skin. Ellie smiled looking down at him, the sight completely melting her heart. The baby always reacted hearing Colts voice prompting a dance party usually.  They weren't sure what the sex was, both wanting to let it be a surprise. If someone had of told her almost a year ago that this would be her life, she would have laughed. Yet here she was married to Colt, raising their daughter together with another on the way, living next to the beach and ridiculously happy. Any time now  she whispered again. "We should probably get to bed, big day tomorrow." Colt stood, kissing her forehead. "Mmhmm." She practically hummed. She had been having Braxton hicks contractions the past few days, on top of the swelling and the last minute preparations for her dad's wedding, she was exhausted.
"You ok baby?" Colt looked at her concerned.  "Yeah, just these braxton hicks again. Help me up?" She held her hand out as Colt carefully helped her off the couch. They made their way up the stairs slowly, Ellie in some pain, but she hid it from Colt. Her dad was getting Married tomorrow and she was not missing it. She knew Colt would take it as a sign she was in labor, and rush her to the hospital.  The doctor and Ingrid both told her that the Braxton hicks contractions were going to be felt more intense the end time around, and she was positive that's what it was, besides she was almost 2 weeks late with Luca, her due date was a week away.
They laid in bed, colt started at her feet, then her stomach, shoulders and then her back. He had been amazing throughout the whole pregnancy,  never missed an appointment or ultrasound, always attentive, took every mood swing and craving in stride, and he massaged her swollen, achy body every night.  He was an amazing Husband and Father, Ellie thanked god and Logan every chance she got, that they talked her out of going through with the divorce. Sure he was a smart ass, and stubborn to boot, but he was always there for her, had her back and supported her no matter what and he genuinely cherished every moment he spent with them.
The past 8 months have been such an amazing time for them. Colt and Luca were like two peas in a pod. They witty banter between the two kept Ellie in stitches and on her toes. They had drove to Lake Tahoe to see Colts mother, who apologized profusely for stepping in and causing problems.  Ellie and Colt both accepted and they had an amazing relationship. She had pulled out all of Colts photos growing up to show Ellie and Luca. Ellie forming the conclusion that Luca indeed looked just like Colt as a baby. If she had of seen those pictures before the plate test, she was certain that she would have known instantly.
Darcy and Colt spoiled the hell out of her, Darcy ecstatic to have a granddaughter and equally happy to have another little one coming. She literally pissed her pants when she went to open the back door one day and was greeted by a small pony. Of course Colt bought her the damn pony, she knew he would. She had to double check that, neither He nor Toby stole said pony, old habits and all. So yes, everything and everyone was amazing and blissful.
Ellie shot out of bed with a sharp pain to the abdomen. She let out a low, dull sounding moan shit that one hurt. She waddled to the bathroom and got into a warm shower, relaxing her immediately. After her shower she waddled naked back to the bed. Colt rolled over, rubbing her stomach. "You ok?"
"Yeah, just uncomfortable. Lets try and get some more rest, big day ahead of us." She tried to assure him, hoping he bought it.
A few hours later they were up, and out of the house. Colt had bought a minivan for Ellie, although he drove it more then she did.  He had his and ellies hospital bags packed and in the van, along with the car seat installed and the diaper bag ready to go. Colt played no games when it came to being prepared for this baby, he could not even wait. They had a quick breakfast with Frank, sally, Logan and Stacie before the girls were separated and taken for hair and makeup. Ellie was Sallys maid of honor,  Stacie a bridesmaid. Ellie sat in the chair, taking deep breaths, stacie looked over at her "You ok?" Ellie gave her a quick yes, but she knew Stacie didn't buy it. Once Sally stepped into the changing room Ellie tried to walk over to the couch, but a strong pain hit her like a brick. She doubled over and Stacie was on her. "You're in labor aren't you?" Ellie gave her a pleading look. "I don't know. I don't want to ruin my dads wedding. Just let me get through the ceremony.  Please don't say anything especially to my husband." She paused looking down at Stacies slight bump "or I'll tell Logan its a boy."
"Fine! But you know he doesn't want to know yet.   Stacie snapped.
Sally walked out the girls dropped their conversation. "Sally, you look so beautiful.  Dad's going to cry." Ellie teared up. "Really Sally, you look so beautiful." Stacie confirmed. Just then they heard a knock on the door. "Knock knock. I came to collect a bride." Logan popped in, his eyes settling on his mother. It was an odd, yet great feeling to see his mom getting married. Logan grew up without any one, and in such a short time he gained an entire family and was starting his own. The photographer came in to take pictures, first of Sally alone.  Ellie hunched over again, this time Logan seeing it. "Ellie, you ok?" She looked up at him, trying her best to lie "oooh yeah. This one just kicked me, hard." He gave her an unbelieving look, before setting his gaze on stacie. "Colts kid." She offered up.
They finished taking pictures, Logan walked his mom down the aisle to a teary eyed Frank. Ellie was right, her father cried, and so did Sally, Ellie, Stacie and Riya. Colt and Logan served as Franks groomsmen. They made their way to the reception Colt and Luca sitting next to Ellie who was taking deep breaths. "Ellie, what's wrong?" He asked concerned. "Nothing. Im fine, just standing too long." She lied.  
"Maybe we should go to the -" Ellie cut him off.
"No Colt! We are not going to the hospital and ruin my dads wedding for nothing. So please lets just enjoy the day ok?"
She knew it may be a good idea to go, the contractions were stronger,  closer together then they had been. Still she wanted to be there for her dad.
The reception in full swing, Luca dancing up a storm, she was the life of the party. They followed through with the motions, wedding party dances,  dinner that Ellie barely touched. She sat at the table, shoes off and extremely uncomfortable. Colt crossed the room standing before her "Dance with me Mrs Kaneko?" He gave her a devilish smirk that made her heart soar. "Of course. But only because you look incredibly sexy right now." She took his hand and joined him on the dance floor. The swayed together as close as they could possibly get, before Ellie stopped abruptly. Colt slipped a little "Shit, be careful El. I think someone spilled something." He said looking down at the puddle by their feet. "My water. My water broke." She looked up at him, wide eyed. "Your. Oh shit." He looked around for help, he had no idea what to do in that moment.
Ellie doubled over, a wave of extremely strong contradictions hitting her hard. "Ok, just breathe El. Were gonna get to the hospital." Colt looked up, seeing Logan "Logan, I need your help." Logan, noticing the panicked look on his face rushed over. "The baby's coming. I need your car."  Colt told him, Logans car was much faster than the minivan. Ellie let out a painful moan, getting the attention of pretty much the entire room. Logan tossed him the keys, colt giving him the keys to their van. "Mom, can you keep Luca for us?" Colt looked towards his mother. "Of course. We will be up soon. Good luck you two." Darcy gave them each a quick kiss and hug.
"What's going on?" Frank came up, concerned.  "Babys coming. We gotta get to the hospital." Colt filled him in as he ushered Ellie towards the exit. "I'm coming with you guys." Frank insisted. "No daddy. Finish the wedding, please." She groaned out. "Ellie I-"
"No. You have fun. Come up after ok." She cut him off. "I love you Eliana."
"Wait for me. I'm coming with you guys." Riya insisted.  Colt nodded and off they went.
Colt speed to the hospital, they rushed inside and were whisked away to a room. Riya called the doctor ahead to inform him that Ellie's water had broken and she was on the way to the hospital. "Hi mrs Kaneko. Im kelly, I'll be your nurse. Dr Coulson will be here soon." The short blonde woman said, taking her blood pressure and hooking her up to monitors. Another contraction hit her hard "oooooh god." She screamed out as colt grabbed her hand "breathe El." He tried calming her as she firmly gripped his hand. "Ok. Your contractions are consistent,  lets see what progress you've made." She checked dilation and station. "Oh wow, your at 8 hun. And the baby is low. Let me try and get the doctor on the phone." Kelly stood, quickly exiting the room another contraction hit hard and she almost jumped off the table. "Whoa Ellie." He steadied her. "It hurts. Fuck!" She hollered. "I know baby. Your doing so good. What did you do with Luca to ease the pain?" He asked. "I had an epidural. This fucking hurts." Finally the dr walked in.
"Hello Ellie, colt. Ready to have a baby?" Dr Coulson smiled. "Beyond ready doc." Colt beamed. Ellie nodded,  sweaty and heavy breathing. "Yeah, pressure, lots of pressure. can I get something for the, ooooh pain?"
"Well. You were at 8 a little bit ago. Let's see where your at now." The dr checked her, shaking his head. "Well, this baby is ready to come out. Your at 10."
Everything happened fast, Colt stood there at Ellie's side gripping her hand as she put her feet in the stirrups. He could feel the adrenaline kicking in, like he was just about to race.  "Ok Ellie, with the next contraction i'm going to need you to push." Dr Coulson ordered.
Ellie beared down and pushed hard, Once, twice. Colt was amazed as he watched the woman he loved bring the life they created into the world. The baby's black full head of hair first, another big push and the baby was all the way out. "You did it El. Our baby is here." He sobbed as they heard their child's healthy set of lungs. "Its a boy." Dr Coulson announced.  "We have a son Colt." Ellie sniffled. They cleaned him up and placed him in Ellies chest. "He's beautiful." Colt showered her in kisses. The nurse snapped a few photos for them before he was taken to the warmer and weighed and measured. He was 8lbs 6oz 21 ½ inches, had a head full of jet black hair and looked exactly like a scrunched up version of Colt.
They nurse brought him back over, placing him in Ellies arms. Colt sat on the bed next to his wife and son, Ellie looked up at his blissful face she knew exactly what he needed. "Here you go daddy." Ellie said as she handed him off. Colt took the tiny person in his arms,he looked down at his son, a sense of pride washing over him. He had texted his mom after they were given the ok for visitors, a short while later Darcy walked in with a shy Luca. An odd sight if they ever saw one, the once outspoken, opinionated 6 year old was now  cowering behind her grandmother.
"Hey princess. You want to come meet your baby brother?" Colt beamed at his daughter. She nodded her head hurrying over as colt squatted down to her level. "He's so tiny." Her small voice almost a whisper. Darcy came over to hug Ellie before taking a glance at her new grandson. "He looks just like you did as a baby." Colt looked up and smiled. "So, we got a name for this little guy?" Darcy eyes the two. "We do." Ellie spoke, "but we're waiting to tell everyone when they get here."
They didn't have to wait long,  the room filled with all of their family and friends. Barley anyroom to stand,  they all crowded around the sweet little bundle of joy. Another momento of the love they shared,  and someone to share the over abundance of aunts and uncles they had. Colt sat next to Ellie as she held their son, Luca on the other side. Everyone snapping pictures of the happy family in front of them. "Ok everybody, Colt and I would like to formally introduce you all to our son." She smiled as she looked to Colt. "Everyone, meet Cade Teppei Kaneko."
They chose to name him after Colts dad, who they were sure was looking down on them. He wasn't there for Colt, but Colt was sure he would have been for his Children.  Ellie may have started out as someone the crew used for information, but in a short time she changed them all, for the better. Colt stood back, looking at the group of people in front of him. The motto of the crew was always look out for yourself, somehow along the way they became a family. Ellie came into his life like a hurricane and turned his world around. He once told her she was his queen, that they would run the city together but these days he was thinking bigger.  She was his queen, but not of the city, she was queen of the world, his world.
He closed his eyes, envisioning his father. "Life is good pop. And it's only going to get better."
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remi-demi94 · 5 years
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Hey everybody! So an awesome fan of my artwork asked me this cute question about Remy. (Thank you for remembering her and my birthday!! Btw 🤗) It's November 10th if anybody was curious.
They told me that they meant to ask this anonymously but it's all good! Lol so I gotta break it down for each one:
"You're proposing again??!! Nadia but I already said yes!!?!?"
"Ofcourse I'll marry you!"
I feel like Nadia would give Remy tons of jewelry and vibrant clothes because that's the type of things Remy loves to wear.
Lol Remy would get super overwhelmed but love every minute of it.
"Nadia... you know you didn't have to give me all these things. I just want you"
Maybe Nadia will throw Remy a birthday party but invite all of Vesuvia... so it'll be a bigass party 😂
Remy's gonna be a blushy mess her entire birthday because Nadia is gonna spoil her rotten and Remy's not gonna know what to do with all this love and presents.
Honestly Remy would probably be planning to propose to him as well, but maybe not on her birthday.
So she'd be a little shocked that he beat he to it.
If he'd been dramatic all day and he's being dramatic about the proposal, you can 100% guarantee that she's gonna be dramatic back 😂
"Oh my dearest love, you've been the light in my life, the sugar in my tea, the rainbow in my sky, the..." "OH OFCOURSE I'D MARRY YOU, YOU SLIPPERY BOY!"
She's probably gonna be teary eyed too, because of all they've been through.
Her relationship with Julian isn't particularly material so she'd find it interesting that he went all out and bought her numerous gifts.
Ofcourse she'd love every single one of them, and she'd probably use/wear/eat them all the time
Muriel doesn't seem like the type to give many gifts, so any gift he gives Remy would be cherished wholeheartedly by her.
He probably crafted them himself too, which would amaze her lol
"Muriel this is beautiful!! I love it!!"
She'll probably find a way to always have it on display on herself or in the shop
Now Muriel asking for marriage...
"Wait... what? I.... did you just...ahh Y-yes!! Yes I... yes!! Yes I'll marry you Muriel!!! Of-ofcourse!!"
Y'all Remy has stopped functioning
Anastasio: (who is @wingcinna 's OC)
I have a hunch that Anastasio is the type to bombard his LI with tons of gifts for their birthday, is that so @wingcinna ?
"Ah... Staci-boo? I can't get into my room"
She's gonna love all of his gifts to her though, HANDSDOWN
If he buys her clothes she'll model them for him, striking sexy poses and everything 😂😈
She'll bring out those new body jewelry pieces she bought a while ago to surprise him
Idk how he would propose but Remy would definitely say yes before he could even get out the full "Will you marry me".
She'd be teary eyed and grinning from ear-to-ear. Probably a blushing mess too.
She'd tackle him with kisses all over the place.
Honestly she wanted to propose herself but she couldn't figure out how she'd go about it. She did already purchase a engagement ring for him though.
I feel like he'd get her a 🔥🔥🔥 engagement ring so she'd probably flash it whenever it was possible 😂
At the end of her birthday, she's claiming him all to herself and makes it clear that no one is to disturb them until... two days from now...
Remy has to "thank him" for such a magnificent birthday 😈😈😈🥰
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whenimgoodandready · 5 years
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You ever lost something in your life? Like a prized possession? Or a great opportunity that would’ve changed your life forever? Or even a loved one? I know I did, I lost all three of those! (mostly the third option). I had some nice treasures of mine that might’ve been misplaced, a lot of situations where I could’ve come out victorious and happy and even met some really nice people throughout my life only to lose them and never see them again. It’s sad. (sigh) That’s life, you love, you lost and it repeats. We must enjoy it while we can and if we do end up losing it, we still have our memories to look back on it and learn from our mistakes. Besides, we can still look forward to the new joys we’ll experience in life and if we’re lucky, we can keep it! Have our heroes learned to do that? Check it out!
Battle of the Miraculous
*Part 1:Heart Hunter-For the longest time, this was titled as “Loveater”, but now it’s just Heart Hunter....I don’t know why, maybe cuz of the copyright, I was just naming what was accurate. Anyways, it’s the Bourgeois’s anniversary and Gabe deliberately upsets the two by getting them into an argument over his present which is a type of “Get-Along sweater” and them becoming a giant Pac Man akuma that shoots/eats love cuz they seem to lack it between each other. They looked pretty stupid, I had a better image in my mind. I mean, it was built up to be this badass like villain that could destroy love and that got us all concerned for the love square and yet, w-we got a two-faced video game parody baddie! It’s a juvenile show, whattaya gonna do? Another thing is why the f*ck was Mayura in this! I thought Hawk Moth deliberately made it clear in “Ladybug”, which came after this, that she had to stop cuz it was worsening Nats health! (throws hands in the air) He doesn’t care, I give up with this guy, why the f*ck would I believe him!? HE’S MAD AND DESPERATE! F*ck Gabe/Hawk Moth! During that time, we see some nice moments of Lukanette, Adrigami and some Adrigaminette! We also see things we were dying for such as Marinette with her hair down (spoiled by “Cat Blanc” unfortunately) and Master Fu as Jade F*cking Turtle! Hallelujah! So they were savin’ that up for this finale huh, well, it’s about f*cking time! :P. This also marked as the death of the love square since Adrien/Cat Noir has finally learned to move on from Ladybug and pursue Kagami/Ryuko and Marinette/Ladybug considering the same for Adrien. Now you would think that since it’s the Bourgeois family akumatized, it would be the appropriate opportunity for Chloe to be given back her miraculous already, but she’s ignored yet again and this was the last straw for her. This can go about two ways: A.Ladybug refused to have Queen Bee cuz either she was exposed or she couldn’t stand her nagging her about giving her a miraculous or B.She chose Ryuko instead, despite her being exposed as well, either cuz she really needed her power to stop the villain or cuz she was trying to c*ckblock Adrigami (possibly the latter). The end I could relate to on Marinette breaking down over her full plate of responsibilities (and accidentally letting Hawk Moth know that Master Fu was the guardian when she forgot to detransform to meet up with him cuz she had a lot on her mind) cuz I’ve been through the same thing where I had to put up a tough front after making a huge mistake only to be unable to bottle it up for long and just burst into tears and have to be comforted by a loved one. It’s not easy and it doesn’t feel so good and you’re gonna need support to let it all out and let people know how you really feel.
*Part 2:Miracle Queen-I had an entirely different look for Miracle Queen in my head, but the canon look for her was basically what you can call as “Malibu Stacy with new hat”....yeah....just like that....Lame. Hawk Moth manipulates her anger at being constantly denied the bee miraculous and it’s what akumatizes her willingly as her third villainess form. Since she was forced to give up her superhero duties, she went with the idea of “If I can’t be a superhero, then there will be no superheroes!” and uses her hornet army to brainwash everyone in Paris and have all the members of Team Miraculous (minus the dynamic duo and Bunnyx) to expose themselves. (sigh) Well, guess we won’t be seeing them anymore in the show.......I think. The thing about it is, we need to remember that Chloe having a miraculous didn’t make her a better person like Marinette/Ladybug hoped, it made her worse! Everything she did as Queen Bee was mostly to help benefit herself. Unless she starts learning to think of others before herself, she’s banished from Team Miraculous! At last, we saw Dragonbug and Snake Noir in their combined Kwamies and I gotta say, Snake Noir was an improvement from Aspik, least in this case he had his own power to help save the day with the snake miraculous instead of just the snake. Much better! Now in the end, Master Fu passed on his guardianship to Ladybug and by doing so erased his memory of the miraculous duties to keep them a secret and what made Hawk Moth give up when it got too much for him to handle. Ha! Ha! Loser! Farewell, Fu! You will be missed, Thank you! It’s implied in the end that Adrigami and Lukanette just might be canon now that the heroes have moved on, but it’s probably for their future character developements until the true ship becomes endgame *cough*theicecreamstheclue*cough*.
My final thoughts on this ep before the whole season here, after what Cat Noir learned in the previous ep, “Ladybug”, he finally got the hint that there was no future between him and his lady (which he also stopped calling her!) and that he should settle for what he can get. Marinette however, was reluctant to move on from Adrien as she’s still insecure about herself, but did so so she won’t interfere between Adrigami and make herself look bad for trying to seperate them (Pssst, it’s not permanent so you can calm down). It might be good for them though, they did a good job saving the day without all that love distracting them. Maybe they’ll be more competent than ever! Ryuko had come back! My friend was right! Lol! Here I thought she wasn’t gonna return! But is it serious now along with every other hero that’s been exposed!? (they’re on the poster for Season 4! (shrugs)). What we learned from Master Fu was when you pass on your guardianship, you lose your memories of what was related to it for safety reasons! Whoa! Now that it’s passed onto Marinette/Ladybug, does this mean she’s gonna suffer the same thing when she passes it on! That’s tearjerker worthy! :’(. Oh boy! As if balancing her social/love/school life and her superhero duties weren’t bad enough, she’s now the new guardian of the Miracule Box! Poor thing. Here come the headaches! Kinda feel bad for Chloe. Sure she was manipulated by Hawk Moth over her ignored hero duties by her own idol constantly, but she still willingly took the bait, after she refused the other time!, and now she renounced her worship of Ladybug and hates her as much as Lila does! How will this go next season? Well, rumor has it she’s getting akumatized yet again! (is this a seasonal running gag for her?). We are getting a new Queen Bee and I know damn well Chloes gonna hate that. However, maybe that means she’ll finally get that redemption arc the fans have been praying for? Fingers crossed. Gabe fixed the peacock miraculous though cuz he now has the deciphered notes Nat stole from Master Fu! Now he’ll be stronger than ever with Mayura! Don! Don! Don! This has been yet another “interesting” season. We got some answers, we got some questions still left answered and we got some new questions we need answers to! Let’s recap on went on:Lila is back and is finally a reoccurring character (only when we need the plot to be drivin’) and she’s gone to the dark side working both for Gabriel and Hawk Moth, we saw Thomas Astruc in animated form and the original concept work of “What-Could’ve-Been” for the show which is now a show-within-a-show using the “Ladybug PV”, we saw new villains and the new beings, sentimonsters, by Mayura and how they’re created/destroyed and some returning villains that came back stronger, new heroes from the miraculouses the fans predicted, Chloe was forced to retire as Queen Bee cuz her identity was exposed and now she too went to the dark side, we almost got the love square complete a few times before the reset button was pushed, we learned the history of Master Fu’s big mistake, Marinette and Kagami became friends, there’s gonna be a new Hawk Moth in the future! We finally saw the long awaited Cat Blanc that was major! and even (disappointedly) Felix (sadly no “Bridgette”) and much more. News from the next season, Luka and Kagami will be akumatized again, we’ll get new heroes, Kwamies, outfits and powers, we might still get the Halloween and Chinese Legend specials (Oh God! Please do!), there will be an episode with the the “OMG” factor as “Cat Blanc” and a new location called Swan Island! Sweet! Can’t wait! See you guys in the Fall when Season 4 comes out! I’ll be back with new ladybug frames for the reviews and gifs! Good-bye for now dear Miraculers!
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