#stabbed. Don't think he wanted to like torture either. I think he was planning to take him as a prisoner to get information out of bc he's
ilikepjo24 · 11 months
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Sokka could have killed Azula if he wanted to, indeed. He could force her to retreat even more, cause I her to fall. He could stab her. He didn't. He retreated and let Zuko throw a fireball at her, one that she managed to avoid.
That says a lot about Sokka and about everyone else on that rooftop as well.
Sokka didn't want to kill Azula. He could. And it would be convenient for him a Team Avatar if he had. But despite her imprisoning his dad and girlfriend, and ruining his dobs plan and killing his best friend and almost harming his sister on multiple occasions, he still doesn't want to kill Azula.
However, I don't think it's about being a good person or anything like that. Sokka was never afraid to do sketchy shit if that's what needed to be done. He invaded the Fire Nation when they were at their weakest. He crashed airships, killing hundreds, without even giving it a second thought. He killed the Combustion man without flinching. He wouldn't be afraid to kill Azula if that's what he thought was necessary.
And yet, he didn't. There could be multiple reasons why. It could be that he feared if the most important person (by FN standards) in the elevator thingy was dead, the guards wouldn't hesitate to cut the line immediately. It could be that he thought they had a chance of capturing her and having a vulnerable hostage, since they had better numbers. It could be for Zuko's sake. As a brother, it's possible he wouldn't be interested in killing a little sister infront of her older brother.
As for Suki and Zuko... They don't hate Azula. Sokka just threw away an opportunity of getting rid of an enemy and none of his allies that saw it were bothered. No one said "wtf are you doing? Why would you do that? You could have saved us so much trouble!". They are not eager to see Azula dead despite her being their enemy. Suki doesn't hate Azula, even after Azula imprisoned her. And Zuko doesn't hate Azula either, so all the fics of him having Azula endure any kind of torture are ooc, and they need to be stopped.
No, seriously, stop it.
When it comes to Ty Lee, I noticed that she didn't react to her friend almost dying? I don't think it because Ty Lee doesn't care for Azula, so it's either that she didn't notice because she was busy, or that she had trust in Azula's abilities to make it out alive.
And Azula is... interesting. She either doesn't value her life, or she values it, but she values her duty more. There's no other option. Because how TF is half your foot touching sweet death, and then you just continue without flinching or being scared or anything? You just move on? Honestly, whether Azula doesn't care about being alive that much, or does care, but would still find it honorable to die on duty, it's still interesting. It creates lot of questions about Azula's mental state at the moment and about her dedication to her father and country. Where does it end?
If it's neither of the two, then Azula was just being an arrogant-ass motherfucker which also creates questions. Is it because she trusted her own abilities a lot? Is it because she believed Zuko wouldn't let her die? Is it because she thought Sokka wouldn't kill her? And why is that? Does she consider him soft, cause he didn't hurt her in the dobs, or does he consider him too weak to kill her? And is that because he's a "water tribe savage" or because he's a nonbender?
Every time Azula is on screen, there are so many things to analyze!!
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everyscreentoobeseen · 11 months
Hold on, why do yall think Stede's choice to kill Ned was a WHIM?????
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First of all, this isnt the first time Stede got someone killed. Chuancy was an accident, but he did use the stun move. All of ep 2 s1 was about Stede learning how to deal with it. He still feels bad but as he told the natives. He dosen't feel bad that Chauncey is dead. His crew was under threat. So he stopped Badminton from hurting them. His bad feelings came from somewhere else.
Nighel Badminton got himself killed but it did make Stede run back home and face his problems. When he does go back home he tells the other rich guys.
"I've seen death. Been the cause of it. It changes you."
He already knows what it's like be a killer!
But everytime it wasn't his choice. The Badmintons were accidents. He never got to actually choose to be a killer.
That's why when Ned Low invaded his "safe space ship", captured his crew (family) and tortured not only them but also The Love of his Life, Making it into a fucked up PERFORMANCE! All his life bullies found fun in torturing him. Why would this guy be any different.
Hell yeah he was ready to kill him.
Of course, this time he gets to choose. This is not him using a stun move. He is now the conducter of Ned's death and he'll be damned if it's not done His Way.
He's not gonna stab him. It's not gonna be messy. It's not gonna be fast like a gunshot or a stab through the head.
He is going to make Ned SUFFER. Force him to walk the plank. Throw his precious violin in his face and let him drown. It's clean. It's poetic. It's outsourcing the big job to nature. Just like killing spiders.
But Ned continues to demean him. "You know once you kill me your a real pirate. Your not an amateur anymore." Even after everything Stede has been through. Not matter how much he's grown, the world still thinks he's playing at pirating.
The Badmintons dont count.
"Once you've killed in cold blood. You cant come back."
Well Chuancy's death was cold blooded wasn't it? Stede snuck him from behind. The boat fire that he caused isn't enough either. When Ed burns a boat, it's murder. But when Stede does it it's "quirky". Stede ALREADY considered himself a killer but NO ONE ELSE DOES. (not even the fandom apparently.)
Yes, he wanted to prove himself. But I don't think that was the thought process until Ned brought it up.
Stede did not hesitate on Ned's death until the others made him question himself. He was completely set on making sure Ned wasn't a threat to his ship. He was so sure of making him walk the plank. It was PLANNED from the moment he put the plank down and the other boat left. What's one more death? But then everyone was treating him like a innocent child?? Like he's doing something unlike him?
He HAD TO PROVE to everyone in that moment that he could kill Ned because no one RECOGNIZED that he was ALREADY a killer.
Him killing Ned became a point to make once he realized there was even a point to be made.
The only reason that he felt even a little bad about it was because Ed asked him not to. He felt like he let Ed down. That maybe Edward like Stede Bonnet, Landed Gentry Pretending to Be A Pirate more than Stede Bonnet, Real Pirate. Because he realized how much he's changed. No more Gentleman, now he's just a Pirate.
That's why he Sped Things Up with Ed. He wanted Ed to prove that he could handle not so innocent Stede FUCKING Bonnet. That he wouldn't leave Stede after seeing this new side of him. He gets consent and then goes on to have the man of his dreams after saving him. How romantic male lead of him.
How on earth was Stede not supposed to take this as "I dont like the you that isn't soft, isn't insecure, isnt in need of protection." That Ed is leaving to become a fisherman because he cant stand Stede being the messy one for once in his life.
Maybe it was trauma. Maybe it was a show of toxic masculinity. But dont pretend like Stede did it on a WHIM.
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Just sitting here, riding on all the good feelings and thinking about 'The Art of F**kery' and 'Calypso's Birthday.'
Specifically the similarities here between Stede dueling with Izzy and Stede being tortured by Ned Low.
I mean, they're not too large, like it's nothing huge to point out, but I was rewatching 'The Art of Fuckery' a few minutes ago and couldn't help but notice.
When Izzy challenges Stede to a duel, Ed is...relatively passive. He tells Izzy that they're not doing this. Implying he's changed his mind and he's not going to go through with killing Stede and he doesn't want Izzy to do so either. Izzy, however, has different plans and proceeds to challenge Stede to a duel anyways. And we watch as Ed warns Stede that Izzy knows his shit.
But ultimately Ed stands there and does nothing.
And we all know as the show progresses Ed makes it very clear he will protect Stede, and even shows so in Calypso's Birthday, first when there's canon fire on the ship, and second when Ned Low turns his torture to Stede.
We see Ed get absolutely furious.
But that's not the similarities I wanna talk about. I actually wanna talk about something else.
When Izzy is holding Stede at the tip of his sword, ready to drive him through, he holds the sword right
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And a bit of a zoom in for a closer look.
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As you can see, the sword is just below his collar bone and right above his heart. A good way to probably get a kill in considering it takes what...five minutes for you to bleed out if you've been stabbed through the heart? Maybe a bit more, maybe a bit less.
But the similarities I've just so happened to notice....are where Ned Low stabs him with a hot poker.
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Right side, just above the heart. The same place where Izzy held him at point with his sword.
And then he gets pinned to the mast, made out of the finest cherry wood in Brazil (where he promptly spends the rest of the evening, probably alone, pinned by Izzy's sword which no one took the time to remove.)
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And oh how interesting. Ned Low then, after stabbing him with a hot poker, has him tied to that exact same mast (though this time he doesn't spend the rest of the evening there but does in fact escape and stand up for himself, his crew, and his beloved.)
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Tied to the same mast that Izzy Hands pinned him to by driving his sword through him and Stede narrowly escapes death.
Anyways, I don't know what it means, I just wanted to share these parallels because I noticed them and am now absolutely obsessed with the fact that Ned Low stabbed him with a hot poker in the same spot Izzy momentarily pinned him to the mast with a sword.
Sigh. The artistry. The parallels. The chefs kiss.
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shallowseeker · 12 days
Recruiting Dean
Via the Nightmare-land of all his current anxieties.
Zach I - Zach II - Zach III - Say it ain't so - Cas can DIE?! - Bobby, demoralized - Dean and Cas's mutual, pissy fatalism - Love blooming, personal space - You're not much fun, so why am I laughing so hard? - Dean's anixety at being a vessel - Sam: Everybody please panic, I'm a vessel, too!
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Disclaimer: I love ALL The End meta, from the ones that look for hidden meanings and the ones where Chuck is hiding incognito in his first-row seats, but I thought this would be a Hella a fun way to ask this question.
What if The End is all about Dean and Zach? What is almost everyone IN IT is Zach, tapping into and mocking Dean's churning ruminations and anxieties?
What would that analysis look like? What might we predict? We know that Zach recruited a Jehovah's Witness, and after Dean's call with Sam, Zach entered the motel to try yet another sales pitch.
Zach got into Dean's bedroom. But maybe this time, Zach's going deeper. Perhaps he got into Dean's dreams, too.
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In the previous Zach adventures, he tried to give Dean a vision of a loser's life, one Dean wouldn't be able to stand: a corporate yes-man who listened to NPR and steamed his latte like a wuss. Remember his pitch in It's a Terrible Life?
ZACHARIAH: Save people, maybe even the world. All the while you drive a classic car and fornicate with women. This isn't a curse. It's a gift. So for God's sakes, Dean, quit whining about it. Look around. There are plenty of fates worse than yours. So are you with me? You wanna go steam yourself another latte? Or are you ready to stand up and be who you really are?
But just like he will later miss the mark on Adam's personality a bit, he misses on Dean at first, too. Dean cares about family.
"My father's name is Bob, my mother's name is Ellen, and my sister's name is Jo." // "Are you saying my family isn't real?"
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We'll hear Zach make more pitches to Dean in the beautiful room in Lucifer Rising. Time-honored things that, from his experience, tend to work when recruiting humans, from happy memories to food to TV fantasy to food to sexual adoration:
ZACHARIAH: Try a burger. They're your favorite. From that seaside shack in Delaware. You were 11, I think. DEAN: I'm not hungry. ZACHARIAH: No? How about Ginger from season 2 of "Gilligan's Island"? You do have a thing for her, don't you? DEAN: Tempting. Weird. ZACHARIAH: We'll throw in Mary Ann for free. DEAN: No, no. Let's... bail on the holodeck, okay? I want to know what the game plan is.
ZACHARIAH (to a crying Dean): And when it's over... and when you've won... your rewards will be... unimaginable. Peace, happiness... two virgins and seventy sluts.
We'll get a whiff of AU Zachariah's tactics with a nervous, broken Kevin Tran in s13, too:
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Meredith Glynn had intended a more... grayscale view of Zach's intentions via @spnscripthunt-inactive, but either way is very good. Very Zach:
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Who knows why, but in Meredith's version, Zach is convinced that Jack is the way, not Kevin.
Anyhoo, more on the Jack-Zach interactions later. For now, I'm just thinking about the whiff of Zach's and upper Heaven management's style of recruiting tactics through Kevin's words:
LUCIFER: Kevin, what are you doing, getting mixed up with Michael? ... KEVIN: ...Michael's taking me with him to paradise world so I can meet hot women. LUCIFER: I'm sorry. What?
Jack, who had also been tortured (stabbed, burned, drowned) by Zachariah, tried to reach out to Kevin. Mary even more so:
KEVIN: Y-you don't understand... then the end of the world happened, and everyone around me-- my friends, and my… my mom-- they all started to die. ... KEVIN: No! Michael says… that when I get to Heaven-- when he lets me into Heaven-- I'll get to see my mom again. I don't care! You don't understand. I… You don't know the things that I've done. I just want this to be over.
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Now, we see the truth. Kevin was never interested in the recruitment line, something-something hot women. Not really. That was just a boisterous shield to hide the deeper pain.
He just wanted to see his mom again.
So. When we reach 5x04, we see Zach adjust fire with Dean.
In 5x01, he tried a different, more forceful way of recruiting Dean, making him feel terrible about himself.
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...I feel like looking at The End as a nightmare land of all of Dean's anxieties is a really fun way to revisit it.
But before that, if we consider this question, what might we predict for Zach to uncover, based on all the stuff Dean is feeling Weird (TM) and Stressed (TM) about right now?
Based on all the other stuff we've been thinking about, I'll make a small list of potentials, starting with the Bobby-Dean confrontation at the end of last season...
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aphroditelovesu · 2 years
Can you do Scarlet Witch!Reader x Dark!Morpheus headcanons please? I’m really curious how he would go about forcing the reader to stay by his side compared to human reader! Like is it even possible? How low would he go?
❝⌛— lady l: I didn't plan on writing this but after reading your request I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like, so… Here it is! I confess that I don't know if it was really good but I hope you still like it, anon. Seriously, now I'm wanting to write a short yandere!Morpheus oneshot with Scarlet Witch!Reader… What i'm going to do now?
❝⌛ tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, stalking, implied non-con, mention of torture during sleep and curses.
❝⌛ pairing: yandere!morpheus/dream of the endless x scarlet witch!reader
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First, we have to ascertain the chances of Morpheus going to the point of madness from his obsession, even more so with her being a Scarlet Witch. Given the fact that Dream is already canonically obsessive, he as a yandere is even more intense, his emotions are more twisted and stronger than before. He doesn't understand why he feels that way or why he's so desperate for the reader, but he is and the King of Dreams won't give up until he has you on his side. Morpheus doesn't care if you're not human, although he'd rather you were because that would make things easier for him, but either way, he won't give up on his obsession or the love he thinks he has for you. You will be his, whether willingly or by force, but you will be his and his alone.
Morpheus is an Endless, a being older than the gods themselves, he is billions of years old and has some failed romantic experiences and it was those failures that made him who he is. Honestly, he couldn't imagine falling in love again let alone the way he felt about you. He always knew about beings like you, but never cared, however after accidentally meeting you, a Scarlet Witch, he ended up falling in love faster than he wanted to admit. At first, Dream tried to ignore those feelings and focus on other things, but you kept coming back to his mind. He couldn't get you out of his head and he didn't understand why.
Once Morpheus became aware of his feelings for you he would try to fight it, ignoring the growing and burning desire for you as best he could, but unfortunately he couldn't do it for much longer. Every hour, every minute of the day, you were all he could think about. Morpheus thought that this was Desire's silly prank or that you had cast some kind of spell on him, but soon came to the conclusion that it was neither. He decided not to do anything, at least for the time being, he contented himself with watching you from the Dreaming, caring and closely observing his dreams. Dream was content with that, at least for a while, but when his desire and his obsession got the better of him, he would have to do something. And he would.
He would be none the less subtle in his approach to you and without further ado, Morpheus will tell you that he is in love with you and wants you to be with him. Forever. At that moment, you have two life-changing choices that will lead in the same direction, but one choice being harder than the other, accept him or deny him. You were confused by the sudden confession, you and Morpheus had seen each other before but it was briefly and you just exchanged a few quick words without thinking too much, so why all of a sudden? None of that made sense, so you rejected him. You said no, you rejected him, and that was your biggest regret. You should have known better, Morpheus doesn't take rejections very well.
Once the words of rejection come out of your mouth, Morpheus will freeze as if he's been stabbed, before his lip trembles and a wistful ''no'' falls from his lips, while his eyes filled with pure madness never cease to face you. You were alarmed by the expression of madness on the Dream King's face and even more so when he uttered a hateful no, at that very moment you realized the terrible mistake you had just committed. However, you wouldn't give in that easily, if you ever would. You don't belong to him or any other person or being, you are free to do what you want and it won't be an Endless that will take away your right to life choice. Well, that's what you thought.
If you agree to keep him, Morpheus will be nothing but the most generous lover you could wish for. He will pamper you and fulfill all your darkest desires, you will be covered in adornments from head to toe. He would love and idolize every inch of your body, his eyes will be filled with nothing but pure desire and love when looking at you. He will be merciful to you and will try his best to take care of you in whatever way he can. He hates it when you use your powers for the benefit of others. Don't you think you're too good to people who don't deserve your kindness? Morpheus will not try to restrict the use of your powers but will be wary of your surroundings with this.
But what if you reject it? Let's just say this won't end well for you. Morpheus knows that it will be more difficult to force you to stay with him because of what you are and what you are capable of. He is well aware of the extent of your powers and how dangerous you can be but he still won't let you beat him. And honestly, why should he? He's an Endless and he's more powerful than ever but he can't help but feel sulky around you. Listen to me, he will never leave you alone and he will be persistent in wanting you with him, no matter what you do, you can run from him all you want and he will always be after you. Morpheus knows how to be patient and will learn everything he can use against you, your power source and your weaknesses just so he can catch you in the end.
You can even shape reality or alter it, but Morpheus will hardly be affected by it. He is not immune to magic but will be more difficult to deal with after being trapped by Roderick Burgess. You can use all of your power against him and he still won't leave you alone. Morpheus will probably wear you out because, in a desperate attempt to keep him at bay, you've exhausted yourself and reached your limit and he managed to catch you. Or there is also the possibility that, when you sleep, he traps you in your dreams. The time you are most vulnerable to him is during your sleep and he will use that against you. Morpheus will likely give you Eternal Sleep until you finally accept him, and only then will you be released from your own torment. And even if you don't, he can always invade your dreams and stay with you while he takes care of your sleeping body. No matter what you are, Morpheus will never leave you alone.
The point is, Morpheus will go way too low to have you for him. Human, goddess or Scarlet Witch... You will still be his, he has no morals when it comes to you and will go as low as possible for you to be his. He'd rather you were a human because you're easier to deal with but you'll still be his. No matter how long it takes for him to get you, he will know how to wait for the right moment. Maybe he'll find a way to remove your powers or he'll just curse you to sleep forever and he'll still have you. He will always manage to have you, now you just have to accept that there is no way to escape him. Even though you are an extremely powerful being, he will find a way to beat you. He always does.
''I di not want to have to do this but you left me no choice. I give you the gift of Eternal Sleep. Where you will only be released after accepting our involvement, but don't worry, I will keep you company and take good care of you.''
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felidacy · 8 months
Vampire!Tim and the Joker
I wanted to expand on the more limited breakouts from Arkham when Tim patrols alone, specifically regarding the Joker. I was asked if the Joker is scared of Tim just like many other villains and while I could just say " yes", I don't think that would bring justice to either characters. Tim is a feral little shit in this AU idea of mine, but he is still calculating and is not afraid to manipulate people for his own means. And the Joker while human and could be scared, in my opinion emotions come vastly different to him and by no means would he actually be afraid of a child. Even if it's a supernatural one. He might just find his enjoyment in it.
So, no, the Joker does not necessarily fear Tim. The Joker was interested and kidnapped a young boy to taunt Batman, fully ready to torture the man through transforming and inevitably kill another boy he came to care for. He did hear of the whispers in the alleyways of the night about the Robin who at times hardly seemed like a hero. At first the Joker just wanted to watch, but then Tim hurt goons of him and while he never cared for the mindless followers, it was a hit against his ego he couldn't let go. A hurt pride and a fair bit of insanity made him decide to take the birdie away and start a little play with him.
The Joker wished to coax that villain out of the child until he would stop trying to put up a front. He wanted Batman to finally open his eyes and BREAK.
Tim is trapped for days with no access to blood and gets tortured by the Joker. The man disgraces Jason with his words when Tim after days of electric shocks and Joker Venom loses his control and breaks free.
He brutally beats the Joker to the ground, pinning him there when a bunch of goons sprint inside the warehouse. His lips curl back into a snarl as he whips his head around. At the sight of his vicious grimace their hearts thrum loudly inside their chests, enough to catch the attention of Tim. Starved for days his fangs elongate and his eyes can only focus on them. If they thought he was a beast already, it was nothing in comparison when Tim crushes the Jokers ankle under his wrist and jumps away from the man. He is so hungry. Tim is put in a mindless haze similarly to a creature who fights to survive. All that is on his mind is to survive no matter the cost. He sprints across, evading the bullets that one fires and launches himself at said target. The man screams in fright as Tim's limbs tightly wrap around the larger frame, but his voice soon gives out when his teeth plunge into the vulnerable neck.
Tim is too hungry to do his usual neat drinking, instead he tears open the man's jugular and lapses from the wound. He is uncaring as the man gasps for breath and collapses under the weight of Tim. Only when the heart stills, does Tim tear his face away from the corpse looking around and wiping across his mouth. Blood smears all across his face as more trickles down his neck. Already his eyes have regained some of it's colour.
"M-monster!" One screams, stumbling back over his own feet.
Licking the blood from his lips Tim stands up, disregarding the corpse at his feet and slowly creeps forward to the remaining two. His hunger has been satiated, yet this is not part of his plans. They are not needed and they saw too much. His system isn't in place yet. As such they need to be wiped off from the face of earth. Sighing, as if they are such a nuisance, Tim springs back into action. They stand no chance as he attacks them with a speed they don't expect and they bleed out.
Finally having taken care of the unnecessary people, Tim turns and watches the Joker who crawled across the ground while Tim drank from the man's goons. It seems as if he didn't even care enough to watch. Tim does not know if he should be glad about that. With strength returned to his body he strides towards the man and stabs a knife into the Jokers unbruised ankle to stop him from moving. A grunt of pain escapes his lips. Tim flips his body to face him, presses the hands together over his head and pulling out another knife from the man's jacket stabs it through the limbs. At last he leans down, close enough to make the villain uncomfortable with the lack of personal space and sniffs. Tim scrunches his nose in disgust when he smells the blood. The life source that he should always find alluring, reeks of chemicals that diluted the blood into a black mass and makes him audible gag.
"Clown, time to make a deal."
His voice is shaky and rough from the constant torment the last few days, an effect that will haunt him forever no matter the passing years. Nevertheless he remains steady, looking down at the unshaken clown that grins up at him.
They both know that while this Robin does not shy away from a bloodbath, this vengeance will not bring back what once was last already. Even when Tim's own blood sings for the death of the villain, this is not his revenge. Not his life to take. An oath lies over the clown that restricts Tim from killing the man even when he is at his mercy now. And while it disgusts him, Tim can still use the man to his liking until he wishes to die.
If he were to wish, to beg him for death, the oath of vengeance sealed by the blood of Jason evaporates and Tim can rightfully do as he wishes.
Tim wished for the longest time that the Joker would have begged him for death that night. He did none. A deal was struck between them and sealed in blood. None that the villain can ever break without severe consequences.
That night Batman came to safe his Robin, late, and found a close to death Joker and a traumatised boy standing with a gun over the man. It was blamed on the Joker Venom. For the longest time Bruce wanted to be rid of Tim as he was deemed unstable and while that is true, it was never because of the Joker Venom.
They deemed it a miracle that Tim never suffered at the hands of the clown again, only the two knowing better.
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dootznbootz · 8 months
I feel kind of bad about that post I made talking about how Odysseus would never sacrifice his family to save his own skin while I didn't give a name, I hope that person doesn't feel bad or that they get hate. As I don't want to gatekeep someone's interpretation of the Odyssey but also...while I guess you could claim that he would do that, there's so much MORE evidence as to how he would literally rather be stabbed than see his wife and son have even a splinter
Her rejecting him at first put him in a bad position. Honestly, in an alternate universe, where she didn't accept him or trick him that night, I think the poor guy would've cried himself to sleep again in that separate cot. He'd probably cry to Athena and ask if he did something wrong.
It would probably be an "awkward morning" of Odysseus and Penelope silently doing their things (not bringing up suitors' parents right now. And Odysseus would probably tell Telemachus to not say anything stupid.) and eventually, everything would bubble up out of Odysseus and honestly, I could see him straight up begging her to accept him. Not even caring about how he appeared to others.
Honestly, if she DID take a lover in that time...I think he'd either accept it and just...wander? Around Ithaca as a beggar as he doesn't want to be away from them but if they won't accept him, what else can he do? OR if she had another lover, (War flashback of the shitty retelling where Penelope has an affair) he'd probably kill the lover as let's be honest, Odysseus is basically a Yandere, to put it simply. Touch the wife, you get the knife.
And yeah, he doesn't JUST want his family.
"Oh, he wants to not be in constant danger."
"He just wants to go back to Ithaca."
"He wants to be king again."
Boy howdy, he sure does!!! But if, for example, Penelope and Telemachus for some reason moved to somewhere else? IDK, AU where they permanently moved to Sparta, hanging with Helen and Menelaus, and she didn't remarry or something. He'd be like "Shit, okay, BRB." And go to them. He'd probably have them all go back to Ithaca but still, THEY ARE HIS HOME. They make Ithaca home. Any place is home as long as he has them.
Despite having the opportunity to wed the most beautiful woman in the world, he took the Oath so then he could marry Penelope. And even then, it wasn't "for sure" as he had to race her dad. He did so much simply to have the CHANCE to marry her even though he probably wasn't planning on getting married as he brought no gifts. And he did so much so then he wouldn't have to leave the life they had built together and their young baby.
He could've had ANYONE. Went ANYWHERE. Did ANYTHING and he still wanted THEM.
Like??? Holy shit. This guy would do ANYTHING for them. I mean that's kind of why he's considered to be so "scummy" in how ride or die he is for them and basically a bitch to everyone else. That's what makes him SO different from many of his peers.
Person: Would you rather have your family- Odysseus: Family, always. Person: I didn't even say it yet- Odysseus: I don't fucking care. Always family. Person: Even if it meant you got immortality and a hot goddess for a wife? Odysseus: You act like that's a good thing? That was literally torture. Fuck you. I already have a hot Water Wife™ that I get the privilege to drown in every day. She gave me a wonderful Water Son™ who is the light of my eyes and who I am more proud to be the father of than I am of being the son of an Argonaut Person: Even if I give you a million dollars? Odysseus, acting nonchalant while Penelope picks the person's pockets: As if we can't get that on our own. Person: You'd die? Odysseus: I'll set myself on fire if I have to. Person: ...Okay, new question. Would you rather lose your family- Odysseus: The other option. Always. Person: Even torture? Odysseus: I never said I would like it, just that I would do it. Person: Even yeet a baby?! Odysseus: I'll punt the baby if I have to. It's not like I wanna but I gotta do what I gotta do.
And so on and so forth. You GET IT.
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hxnguxng-jxn · 2 years
Hi ! I really what you're doing ! Can I request this ?
M! reader and wei ying were fighting cuz reader love danger very much and ect(reader is really strong) and Lan zhan was just standing there hoping they will stop until wei ying Say 'YOU ARE BETTER OFF DEAD' and reader was very sad wei ying didn't mean that After that reader Said he will be in a random village to Lan Zhan and then there were an attack in the random village Lan zhan and wei ying were worried when they got there most of the villagers were dead and covered with blanckets then they Saw a hand with reader's coat... Wei ying Regreted all the things that he Said to you and Lan Zhan keep telling himself why he didn't stop reader Wei ying wanted to revive you but some of the people stopped him After that they went back home ... SUPRISE reader IS not he Indeed in that village but he Saw a Homeless man shivering so he Gived his coat to him and went back home Wei ying and Lan zhan were in tears wei ying keep saying sorry and Lan zhan was just hugging and you don't know why ?
Pls write this 🥹🥹
Writer's Note(s): I think I'll have to change around something because Wei Ying isn't the type to yell out that he hates people he really loves. Look at Jiang Cheng strangling him, or what all the Jin's (those before his brother-in-law and nephew) did to him. And even Jin Ling stabbed him and he didn't hold it against him. (⁠@⁠_⁠@⁠;⁠) But it will still be dramatic, I'll make sure of it! I changed the ending location.
Also, remember my rules: I don't write abuse between partners. Telling your partner(s) that they should be dead is abuse.
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Info on Reader: Reader is intended AMAB, and uses he/him. Reader is a cultivator but surname/lineage/powers are ambiguous. Reader is described as short-tempered and very dismissive, be warned.
Timeline: Can be anytime in story post-Book 1. Can be just eloped, can be mid-story, can be post-canon (although it makes more sense before the ending).
【 ⚠️ 】 Warning: Harsh words are exchanged between Reader and Wei Wuxian, both are at fault here. Blood, death, and war are shown. Resurrecting the Reader is also mentioned.
Fujoshis and Fem Aligned Readers DNI || Stay Safe!
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The war between the family names of the martial world spreads like a disease across the land. If it wasn't the slaughtering if the Wen's years ago on the masses, it's the torture of anyone with promise of the dark arts by the leader at Yunmeng. For now, it's not so bad the closer you are to a central family like Jin, Lan, or Nie because of the prosperity and closeness to the three head honchos.
But war never changes and whatever is in human nature that dictates them to push others around, always rears its head eventually. Especially near small towns or cities on the outskirts of civilization where lawful officials are harder to come by, if their there at all.
The deaths in the town just two hours to the south of the inn you were staying at were piling up and the miniscule evidence of who it could be was making you antsy from when your group left to travel there.
Lan Zhan suspects political intrigue, but you wave that off as just a basic theory. Wei Ying hums in agreement with Lan Zhan, because of how the two dead officials in the morgue seemingly were rivals to people still alive. You shrug that off too, much to Lan Zhan's irritation.
Your party was that of your dear Wei Wuxian and Lan Zhan, two people you trusted greatly and with your whole heart to be able to stand at your side. Wei Wuxian has always been praised for his strategic mind and his very successful plans, and you can definitely agree with that. Lan Zhan is always praised for his poise and steady hands, being very reliable on the field. You can't deny either of these.
Lan Zhan also agrees with how Wei Wuxian creates good plans, and so you both leave it to him to create a baseline blueprint before you come back with what he needs.
Taking off into town with your share of the lists, you head right for the districts that surround your area of gathering and quickly get all your shopping done. Sure, you maybe didn't haggle very well in your rush and you might have paid nearly all of the full price for everything, but it was worth it!
Worth it, how exactly? For you to go ahead and scout the area that Wei Ying was left to plan for. It wouldn't be a bad idea to go ahead of time and scout out the area, yes?
Wrong. It had been a bad idea.
Getting to that area had lead to you tripping the traps of the town to the south, and the light it gave off could be seen for miles and miles in the darkness of the night. The late night sky, which caught the whole inns attention, became alive in alarm all around the two remaining cultivators. Of course, because of your elongated absence, your parnters began to worry.
Mostly, Wei Wuxian, who had already scouted the woods ahead of time in the daylight.
You sneaking back into the inn after the more paranoid people are swarming the garden to watch the light show is easy. Explaining what you did, with how your not exactly pleased with what you did yourself, was hard. Your adrenaline was running, and so was Wei Wuxian's.
Sleep deprivation, adrenaline, and indignation do not mix well.
"Why didn't you come back to the inn? We have a plan in mind and I could have told you the forest was trapped!" Wei Wuxian demands an answer.
You spit back at him, with venom. "It's a simple mistake, and we always have overlapping knowledge anyways! What would me going to the town be so bad?"
"Because it was trapped." He stresses. "I have a map of all the traps we were supposed to take down early in the morning, so we could double-check them."
Of course, Lan Zhan tries breaking this up and calming you both down. But the scene you both were making ended faster then his indecision could shake off...
"Fine then, if these traps are so difficult to handle and it'll need three cultivators all night... I'll prove it! I'll prove I could have done it tonight, myself." Your declaration is met with you picking up your satchel of supplies, the map of traps, and marching back out of the inn. "By morning, these traps will be gone!"
From the banister, Wei Wuxian calls to your back, "No, the traps aren't the problem, it's the fact all the traps are made like... flares..."
But you already left, ignoring both of your partners watching you from the banisters. They don't go after you because of your temper, and the knowledge that you often need time to yourself. For now, all the sleep deprived Wei Wuxian can do is hope you'll be back by morning. Lan Zhan decides on giving you three hours to calm down.
Three hours of rest, and they'll go looking for you.
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Running through the forest and passing by multiple cut and defused wires and strings for the flares, Wei Wuxian and Lan Zhan are quiet as the former leads them to the town ravaged by war. The traps were clear all the way up to the town...
Once they make it there, they see signs of a struggle and obvious signs of unrest from the town. Swordsman from the clan they were trying to abolish from the city were sprawled out, dead or dying across the ground and isles of towers around the town. Civilians were mostly unharmed, but it was obvious they had suffered greatly for years.
By the time that they could find any trace of you as a person, it was your outer robes given to an older man who carried his own sword. He looked winded, leaning across the wall, but he looked very much full of vigor.
Stopping quickly, Wei Wuxian helped the man sit on the ground as he asked the important question: "What happened here?"
The old man answers. "It was nearly the dead of night and the curfew had begun for the town, when the old families magic traps set off flares of light into the sky and blinding the town. They were always inconvenient things, the lot. A man came out of the woods not two hours ago and started killing the old family with no mercy. The man was like a savior to this old town..."
He looks at his old sword. "The man was obviously tired by the time he got here, and I could tell he was tired. Injured as well. My family gave him medicine before more guards came. I tried protecting him, but he threw his jacket on my back, and ran off into the city. I don't know where that young man is now..."
Wei Wuxian becomes quite anxious as the story continues and Lan Zhan has to keep his arm across his partner to keep him calm. After thanking the old man, they leave him be as they run into the center of town.
"What if he's not alive and we find his body amongst soldiers?" Wei Wuxian panics. "Why didn't he listen to me? I didn't call him anything, but I know how he feels about being corrected... Did I say anything rude Lan Zhan?"
"No. He is prideful,and hasty. But he is resourceful. We have to trust him." Lan Zhan answers back, believing in your skills fully.
"I trust him." Wei Wuxian worries. "I don't trust this place! He's all alone, somewhere!"
Lan Zhan could tell the tiredness, anxiety, and fear was running Wei Ying to anxious ramblings. "Wei Ying. Trust him."
"Of course, of course... Trust him... Trust him..." Wei Wuxian repeats to himself, before muttering to Lan Zhan. "But if he is dead..."
Lan Zhan can hear it coming, and the thought of your fierce corpse didn't settle his own nerves at all. "Wei Ying."
"I know... I know..."
Getting to the town center has Lan Zhan drawing Bichen on the remaining soldiers that were trying to break into their own stronghold. The main house of the old family was mostly wooden with faded red lacquer across the floors and columns. A family of old money obviously wasn't living much longer in the city, as Wei Ying can see the old and children running for the gates. They weren't who they were here for, and nobody in town was attacking anyone outside of armor anyways.
Playing his tune for resentment, he gives orders for armor to be torn and the old family to be pushed from the city. Nothing more, nothing less. This whole process takes about thirty minutes, and they the fierce corpses fall back to the ground once they came.
Cutting their way into the second floor through the paper screens with Bichen was tense and bitter, and seeing soldier and soldier dead on the ground wasn't giving them much more hope...
... Until, they could hear the sound of tearing and grunts. Running there, they come into the room where you had found the families medicine stockpile and began dressing your wounds.
They ran over as fast as possible, chests lightening from the sight of you alive and moving. Lan Zhan takes over cleaning and dressing your leftover wounds as Wei Wuxian nearly falls as he sits beside you.
Wei Wuxian, tired in his voice and body, in no less sincere: "I'm so sorry we had a fight, we should be in bed right now... Why did you want to prove yourself so bad? You know we believe in your skills."
You answer with a wince at the medicine. "I get antsy... when war is around the corner. I can't stand to think of this town going another day with the old family that lives here, and our commissioners are so close to storming the town. I don't like innocent lives potentially getting killed..."
"But you ran in alone, how can one man protect the innocents in this city as he's killing the old family?" Wei Wuxian asks, still with worry deep in his voice.
His worry wears you down, and you look almost sheepish and sad. "I... believed you both would follow me eventually. I know I'm rash. It was a dumb train of thought, I know, because you look absolutely exhausted, Wei Ying... But I do care for you. I'm sorry..."
It was Lan Zhan who spoke up next. "And we, you. Wei Ying couldn't stop worrying about you on the way up here."
You tease him in good nature. "Lan Zhan, you weren't worried about me?"
Lan Zhan hums in a negative, before he answers you. "I know you could do it. Everyone from the old family is either old or young. No between."
"Wait... So everyone in armor is basically old men and women?" You question, and something almost clicks in your mind. "... So that means our targets..."
"Escaped. Probably after the first flare." Lan Zhan answers.
"Fuck..." Both you and Wei Wuxian groan, but at least you rest upon each other's shoulders as Lan Zhan finishes your wounds. Lan Zhan sits on your remaining open side, and also leans on you too. A little rest, is in order.
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Rewatched The Avengers and took notes the entire time. Many of them having to do with Loki. Please enjoy.
"I am loki of asgard and I am burdened with glorious purpose" it sounds like something that was put into his mind, repeated to him over and over.
the other says the words "who (thanos) gave you ancient knowledge and new PURPOSE."
his whole spiel that he goes on about freedom could've possibly also been said to him by whoever (the Other) got into his mind and tortured him. or it's the mind stone affecting him and it's the mind stone's message to loki or whoever holds/uses it (could definitely be wrong here. just a thought)
I think people are right when they say he purposefully lost
it's made even more obvious in the scene -with The Other- at the end of their interaction that Loki has been tortured and put through immense pain. I mean he was bending over in pain and was struggling and he also looks very sick when he first shows up. TORTURED.
when did thor learn loki was working with the chitauri?? I guess a scene they didnt share during their interaction
not a note on loki but on steve. it always bugged me the way he was about orders and shit when in his own movies he's the exact opposite. he was the rule breaker the one who stopped following orders. the only reason for him to be this way I think is maybe it's because he's just got out of the ice at this point this is new and he doesnt want to rock the boat too much. I'm not sure how well that applies tho
Tom Hiddleston's acting gets me every time he's fucking fabulous my god i love him sm
I want to make out with him aggressively (loki)
phil coulson I would die for you
back to the I believe the people that say loki wanted them to win. stark is talking about how loki made it personal (killing phil) he's saying it's to tear them apart but no. it's like what fury did with the cards. it brought them together. it's the reason they were even able to win. and it's easily disguised as what stark interprets it as by them and the people controlling Loki.
on that note again. "and you've managed to piss off every single one of them." and then loki, "that was the plan." YES IT WAS
Ik he got blown up right after but loki was so hot when he caught that arrow and then leaned back with that smirk on his face
more on the loki wanted them to win. erik was conscious enough when being controlled to create a safety feature when building the portal and everything
I don't get how people would blame the avengers for the destruction when all of it wouldve happened either way and most of them would be dead if the avengers werent there. ALSO it was a WAR maybe not a normal one but a war nonetheless. when has there EVER been a war without destruction? answer, NEVER EVER IN THE HISTORY OF EVER
cant see loki with that thing over his mouth without thinking if the scene in endgame when it's revealed it was be cause he wouldnt shut up. I think it's so funny he was literally waging war on earth after everything with thanos and then when he's had his ass handed to him he just goes back to his little annoying shenanigans 😭 like turning into cap and mocking him. he's such a funny little guy I love him
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casanovawrites · 1 year
while we’re trying not to die, we still need to live.
dress code is creative black tie. 
in this world, you kill or you die. or you die and you kill.
people like us, we will never save enough lives to make up for the ones that we take.
i've always wanted to kill someone with my knitting needle.
when i'm with you, i feel like i am home.
you can save people’s lives, but you cannot save them from life.
i said i was fine, didn’t i?
i need a life away from death. we should all just let ourselves be a little boring again.
i stabbed him, and now he’s dead.
ew. don’t touch the dead body.
i don't know. just be hot.
my whole life has been defined by this crap. death, walking around blood.
being alone in life is making you a little weird.
from now on, we fuck everything up together.
i couldn’t be with someone who didn’t make me feel electric.
you were always mean when you got scared, you know that?
i know when you look at me, you don’t see someone you should be afraid of. but you’re wrong.
have you been practicing? or did you just suddenly get super human reflexes?
everyone lies a little. i lie.
women who knock rarely make history.
i get night terrors. i usually don’t remember them.
too nice a night to spend it dying slow, don’t you think?
i hope you find whatever it is you need.
don’t tell me i would be safer with someone else, because the truth is, i would just be more scared.
you’re with the bad guys. 
i don't want my life to be all about the worst parts of it. i have more to offer than that.
i think what you’re feeling right now is what it’s like right before you do something brave.
i am the bad guy, because i did a bad guy thing.
there aren’t going to be any good or bad guys, it’s either going to be dead or alive. i want to be alive, don’t you?
stay alive with me.
pushing things away never really worked for me.
escaping to your dreams is easier than living with your memories.
you’re so hot when you talk shit like that.
they were just assholes killed by other assholes.
it doesn’t matter how shitty they are. it still fucks you up when they’re gone.
i can’t just say i’m sorry. i feel like i have to do something.
i’m completely, totally panicking.
don’t choke. again.
every revolution begins with a spark.
i was in love. like out of my mind in love. what was i supposed to do?
we took a look, and what i saw was crazy.
people like me need people like you to save our asses. i need you.
you’re too smart to need anyone. it’s the smart ones who always survive.
i keep feeling like these pieces are missing. like there are holes in my memory.
no one doubts you.
i used to live around here.
blame yourself, fine. but that doesn’t mean you have to let it follow you around.
you took a risk. we took a risk, but it was the right thing to do.
i believe in you.
i don’t think i could ever get over you.
whenever i talk to you, i’m just happy. 
you haven’t changed.
i like beginnings. sunsets are like the end.
some things last forever. like a zombie.
DNA doesn’t make a family. love does. 
standing in front of you right now, it’s torture not being able to kiss you.
we need a plan. 
i know what it’s like. the numbness, the paranoia. sometimes i look at the world around me and it’s like all the light has just gone out of it.
this is a mixtape for the enemy?
now i get you forever.
you don’t grow. you rot.
what if the truth is that we’re all fucked in the head because of what happened to us?
who died? no seriously, who is this guy?
it’s not like i woke up today and thought i’d stab him to death.
i don’t want to be loved like this.
it’s just like riding a gross, really fucked up bike.
i can’t keep starting over because clearly it is not working.
it’s time we get our own shot at happiness.
you trust me to decide the rest of your life?
you have a sense of direction.
you don’t have to keep creating these tragic love stories.
you raised me from the dead. 
wait, you have a crush on me?
i’m so done with trying to be more. this is it. it should be enough.
maybe we can die alone together. 
if this is you broken, stay broken. 
i feel like i can’t say anything right to you at this point.
i mean, you already know i’m bad at lying.
paying attention to things, it’s how we show love.
you’re like a book, but still in the shrink-wrap. 
secrets are poison.
you can come from anywhere and still have a sad story.
sometimes miracles also have miseries.
shouldn’t you be taking it easy?
the woods don't give a shit.
everyone i have cared for has either died or left me.
are you so scared of failing you won’t even try?
you’re the best with the knife. clearly.
i lost everything, but i’m still trying.
do whatever you want to do. i’m done caring about you.
compassion don’t make me soft.
sometimes it’s important to say what you need to say face to face, so that the person can see that you really mean it.
you have the prettiest smile i’ve ever seen. your whole face just lights up.
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givefangapuppy · 1 year
Tagged by @naranjapetrificada to make 8 predictions for 8 episodes and I'm just gonna motor though with my eyes closed and screaming like Stede stabbing Ed in the gut...
Not in any order and not necessarily attached to specific episodes:
1) Ed is going to hear about the fuckery. There's no way word hasn't spread of the Gentleman Pirate being killed by a jungle cat AND a carriage AND a piano.
2) based on Vico's comments about Jim in the Vanity Fair article, I think they may be a key part of what pulls Ed out of Kraken mode. They spent so long being so intense and brooding, and now they've had the experience of opening themself up to love and found family - maybe they try to share that with Ed. It might even be Oluwande and Jim's reunion that shows Ed that happiness is possible.
3) Izzy is absolutely going to realize that by trying to make Ed back into Blackbeard to keep everyone safe, he super duper fucked up and now everything is out of control and no one is safe - and if there's one thing Izzy craves, it's control. Maybe it'll be realizing his love for Ed, maybe it'll just be realizing he needs to fix his mistake, but he's going to reluctantly seek out Stede and try to exert control over him instead, by training him and bringing him back to fix Ed. And I think it is not going to go as Izzy plans.
4) There will absolutely be some delicious hurt/comfort, where anger and betrayal suddenly seem less important because the man you love is mortally wounded and you just want him to stay. What I'm not sure is who's who in that scenario.
5) They will absolutely confess their love for each other, make out some more, and maybe even cuddle and make plans for the future before the season is over. Daddy Jenks knows what we need. He just wants to torture us a little. Just take us to the brink of death. He won't go all the way.
6) I think it's possible that either or both of them isn't going to want to actually have sex before they're married (mateloted, whatever). Stede because of mores he was raised with maybe - but I think the more interesting holdout could be Ed. I've seen some really interesting discussion about how actually, a lot of what they've already been through, done for and with each other, and said to each other has parallels to courtship rituals of this period. While it's true that "anything goes at sea", their confession of feelings and their kiss happened on land, and that's symbolic. And Ed, regardless of how much sex he's had in the past, wants to be an aristocrat - part of that is wanting to be courted and proposed to and wed and have the relationship solidified and legitimized.
7) Frenchie will sing another song!
8) Oluwande will take his rightful place as Captain.
9) Lucius will turn up at a key yet hilarious moment and hilariously share some hilarious information that changes everything.
10) They'll either actually go to China, or encounter Chinese pirates, and this will be part of the major conflict/cliffhanger. I don't think the writing team will necessarily want to separate our beautiful boys AGAIN for the cliffhanger this time. I think that's more likely to be something with them on one side and a whole lot of other pirates on the other. A key thing about the whole "Gentleman Pirate" ethos is that it runs VERY counter to the usual pirate ways of being. I think the conflict being set up for s3 could be something about this - Ed and Stede and their crew on one side trying to create a different kind of piracy that is more about creating space outside of societal norms and less about all the killing - and all the other legendary pirates out there finding this unacceptable. And/or those same pirates being real pissed about all the shit Ed does in Kraken mode. It's a romcom, but it's also a pirate adventure!
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mokkkki · 8 months
SWTE A1 C12 - 1 Winner, 6 Losers, 1 It's Complicated 
Because Lucius Malfoy is in a fucking Hooters uniform.
Guess who wrote this on Monday but forgot to post it? Anyways, another amazing example of what happens when I try to make Regulus happy, this 2 POV Halloween-themed monster is the most chaotic of Act 1, so far (and I know I say that every week, but it's because the shit that happens each chapter keeps increasing!). I like to think it has all of the staples of a solid Sleeping With The Enemy chapter: an excruciatingly dramatic inner monologue, truly bizarre behavior from all of the characters, ruined plans, and so many emotions that writing it gave me whiplash. Here is the 1 winner and many losers from "Trick ± Treat", alongside their Halloween costumes! Spoilers below the cut. 
Winner: Bellatrix Black (Black Swan)
Yeah, our only winner in this chapter is Bellatrix. Who isn't even a PLAYER in Orion's fucked up mind games? As Regulus identifies, she's the only person who uses their money in a fun way. While her family was getting emotionally tortured by Orion Black, she was in France, hosting a bacchanal, and flew home to NYC to have the cutest matching costume with her sister. Unbothered queen.
Loser: Renée Vance-Black (The Velveteen Rabbit, a costume she changed out of as soon as a nanny snapped a picture)
The seven-year-old hugged her dad, and he had fallen on the floor, having a mental breakdown. Then, she sawhim throwing up. THEN, her parents ditched her for a Halloween party. She's a child I'm sobbing this isn't fair.
Loser: Petra Pettigrew (Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson In His Black Turtleneck)
Even though her costume was fire and her party seemed to be going great, I'm going for her as a loser since halfway through this great party, her old high school friend turned into a werewolf, and she had to scurry through the halls as a rat. Also, Regulus really kink-shames her after he gets locked in her love dungeon.
Loser that probably thinks he's a winner, the optimistic idiot: James Potter (Unknown)
James literally says three words in this chapter, but he's still oddly prevalent. He's a loser because Remus, who hasn't told James that he was attending, has transformed during a very public event, and if this gets out, MMG, alongside his reputation, is ruined. While he saved Regulus, this was not a victory; it was a necessity.
Loser: Remus Lupin (The Joker)
I don't want to hear ANY counterpoints on this one. I think a counterpoint would be impossible to form. The only reason he's a winner is because Sirius and Marlene had an argument; other than that, it's lose, lose, lose. He goes out and transforms in a public space full of friends and business partners. Sirius bites his shoulder. Marlene calls him a side chick. Literally the most ginormous loss.
Loser: Sirius Black (Conan The Barbarian)
He fights with his wife, then fights with his boyfriend, and said boyfriend turns into a monster and absolutely brutalizes the brother that he's arguing with. Like?? Do I need to elaborate??
Loser: Lucius Malfoy (Hooter's Girl)
His crush told him that she'd match costumes with him, but guess what! She didn't! Now, he's all alone in a tight nylon scoop top and booty shorts. Sirius found him hot for a millisecond, though?? But to Lucius, that probably makes for an even bigger loss. Either way, long live Himbo Lucius.
It's Complicated: Regulus Black (Hannibal Lecter)
Bro. I literally don't even know how to start. Regulus would be a loser, since his daughter catches him in the middle of a mental breakdown, he has a weird moment with Emmeline (tbh, all their moments are weird), and he hangs up because he literally can't handle the sound of James' voice. And that's just BEFORE the Halloween party, where he has a tense moment with his brother that he probably won't forgive anytime soon, a werewolf slams him against the wall and a red stag scoops him away and charges into safety, accidentally stabbing him with its antlers, and ending up in Petra's fucking love dungeon. That is a LOSS. But the very real, very large thing that makes me reject his status as a loser is that he's deprogramming himself from his father's bullshit. I don't know if this is because of James' influence or a part of his recovery from Slut in the Hut- but instead of having his Van Der Woodsen moment and throwing his phone out the window, he tracks down a homeless man and gives it to him, instead. Very rudely. But still. Regulus is undergoing a very subtle transformation (even a physical one, at the beginning on the chapter- go Animagus Reg!), and I just hope that he's able to complete it before his father finds out- and drags him straight back to where he came from.
read chapter 12 here!
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tenebraevesper · 9 months
Five Nights at Freddy's: Nothing Remains, Night 20: Unfixable
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''Welcome my friend to a night in our circus world. We're looking for a technician and you're just the guy we've heard of. We're held away by wiring, now we're wanting out. Can you shock us? Can you tame us? But we want your body now! Now behave, for the voices in the halls will try to eat you up alive. So before the show begins, please don't hold against our sins, 'cause by dawn you'll be crumbling in your skin! We are the tortured! We're not your friends! So long as we're not visible, we are unfixable! We are the curses, crumbled inside! Look left or right, we're unthinkable! Our fate is now unfixable!''
– Unfixable by DAGames (Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location)
Sam sighed, leaning her head against the table. She was completely exhausted, but she still had to get her shift done. Luckily, aside from some complaints about the animatronics staring at empty spaces, they didn't seem to be malfunctioning. It didn't take her long to figure out what the animatronics were staring at either.
''I think that we should cut the night short,'' Springtrap told Sam, drawing her attention. ''I know that we agreed to stay here much longer in case the Drawkills show up, but after what happened today, I feel that it would be better for you to just go home once your shift is done.''
''Sure, but…'' Sam muttered reluctantly, yawning.
''If you want, we could stay here and keep an eye on the location,'' Michael interrupted her. ''After all, I used to work at Freddy's as a night guard, and I'm sure that Sammy and Elizabeth won't mind staying here.''
Sam smiled tiredly and looked up to see Sammy and Elizabeth running from one side of the room to the other, with the animatronics watching the two, moving their heads left and right and vice versa as if they were at a tennis match. Both Sammy and Elizabeth seemed to be quite enjoying their little game, weaving between tables and peeking out of their hiding spots to see if they were still being watched by the animatronics. Sam then turned back to Michael and Springtrap, who were sitting across her, both looking a bit worried.
''I'm fine with that,'' Sam replied, narrowing her eyes. ''However, I'd still rather go along with what we had planned, regardless of what had happened.''
''I know, but after seeing you get stabbed and tortured, I believe that it would be better for you to take more time to recover,'' Springtrap replied, his eyes glowing in a faint purple. ''Tell me, does your chest still hurt?''
''It feels sore,'' Sam admitted reluctantly. While she had managed to get some rest, she was still in a state of stupor, having to put a lot of effort into focusing on her surroundings and the people she was talking to. She was well aware that she was in no shape to confront the Drawkills in case they appeared. She took a deep breath, leaning against the seat, and noticed Elizabeth and Sammy approaching them. ''Nevertheless, it's not like this is the first time I had to experience the sensation of death, as something similar happened when I got accidentally injected with remnant. I met the other children, who basically told me that I should die so they could prove their point, that point being that William was a danger to me. They were quite frustrated when I refused to go along with it, especially since I had the chance to return.''
''That's awful-'' Michael said, only to get interrupted by Elizabeth.
''That's just plain crazy!'' she exclaimed, drawing everyone's attention. There was a look of indignation on her expression. ''Why would they want to do that to you?!''
''I guess that, in their head, the end justifies the means,'' Sammy said, turning to Sam as he and Elizabeth sat next to her. ''If it didn't, they wouldn't have gone for you. No offense, but you basically made yourself a target for them.''
''None taken,'' Sam replied. ''I am aware that I had unintentionally made myself their target simply by caring about your father, and I can live with that. However, what frustrates me is that they are simply refusing to move on. I mean, this is no longer an issue they need to deal with, as I had taken over it and I believe that I'm handling the situation quite well.''
''That may be true, but you're not handling the situation the way they want,'' Michael told her. ''Of course, it's not like their ideas ever worked.''
''Exactly,'' Sam said, adding in a softer tone, ''Speaking of which, have you ever found Phone Guy? He did say to check the heads in the back room.''
''Unfortunately, not,'' Michael replied, shaking his head. ''Although, I'm not surprised. Fazbear Entertainment had probably cleaned everything and disposed of the body long before I had arrived. However, I'm not sure whether they considered his death another tragedy to add to their record or just collateral damage they had to hide. Considering how they treated all of their employees, I'd assume that it's the latter.''
''I guess that I should make sure that I won't suffer from the same treatment,'' Sam said, glancing at the animatronics. She felt chills crawling down her spine when she realized that they were now staring at their table. She tried to ignore them and glanced at Springtrap, who was unusually quiet the whole time, having a somber look on his expression, his head lowered. ''Will, what's wrong?''
''Honestly, I don't think that really anything of that matters,'' Springtrap said in a crestfallen tone. ''It doesn't change the fact that I'm responsible for you getting hurt. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be in this situation.''
''William, it's not your fault for what happened to me, unless you want to say that you showing care for me was the wrong thing to do,'' Sam told him in a stern tone, with Springtrap looking a little anxious. ''I agree that, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be in this situation, and honestly, I wouldn't change anything about it. You haven't done anything over the past few weeks to warrant such reaction and no, I'm not going to count what happened before you came here, as you already got punished for that. I know that I'm just repeating myself here, but that kid acted less like someone who was on a mission to protect me and more like someone who was angry that their favorite toy had been taken away and that the person who got it wouldn't give it back, so they've been trying to come up with some kind of excuse why they deserve that toy.''
''I assume that one of those excuses included them hurting you and then saying it was the old man's fault that you got stabbed,'' Michael said, crossing his arms as he briefly glanced at Springtrap. At first, he looked troubled, but then his eyes flared up purple as he remembered the event, with the feeling of anger washing over him. ''Nevertheless, it was still disturbing to see you holding that knife in your hand.''
Springtrap was startled, remaining silent for a moment. Michael rose an eyebrow, figuring that his father was trying to come up with another nonsensical excuse or explanation, only to be surprised when he shook his head.
''I admit, I actually wanted to murder the kid at that point, even though they were already dead. They had hurt Sam, and honestly, I didn't really care about the consequences,'' Springtrap said in a steady and serious tone. He then added in a more quiet tone, ''I'm sorry you had to see me like that.'' He sighed. ''I kind of expected for you to leave after that…''
''Well, you did explain to us what the hell had happened,'' Michael replied. ''Frankly, I would've wanted to hurt that little bastard as well for what they did to Sam.''
He fell silent, noticing Sam smiling at him and nodded. Even though he hated his father, he couldn't deny that the kid would've had it coming for almost murdering Sam. Even though her physical body hadn't been harmed, she still went through quite a horrible ordeal and it was surprising that she wasn't a broken mess because of that. He was aware that she was much tougher than people gave her credit for and knew well what she was getting herself into, being willing to still carry on with this ordeal.
''Henry might decide to pay you a visit because of what had happened,'' Michael added. Springtrap just nodded, having already expected this to happen as he was sure that Henry wouldn't let this go without lecturing him.
''Don't worry, I can deal with him,'' he replied.
There was a moment of awkward silence, with all of the table's occupants trying to figure out how to carry on the conversation without sounding strained or hostile. Springtrap was well aware that Michael, Sammy and Elizabeth were only tolerating his presence because of Sam and Michael agreeing with him on the kid's treatment was something he probably didn't want to admit. Nevertheless, he was quite happy that they actually tried to talk to him, awkward as the conversation was, instead of giving him the cold shoulder and completely ignoring him. Considering how much issues he had at maintaining a healthy relationship and admitting his mistakes, this was a huge step in the right direction and frankly, he was quite relieved about it.
''There is something interesting to note, though,'' Sam suddenly said. ''Despite all denial, by deciding to harm me, the kid had essentially shown that they are aware that William actually cares about me.''
''Not that they would ever admit it,'' Michael added. ''I mean, they're obviously not the type of person who would listen to logical reasoning.''
''I say that they're a lost case.'' Elizabeth crossed her arms, leaning back on her seat. ''If they continue like this, it will only get worse.''
''They are going to eventually lose their mind,'' Sammy added, him and Elizabeth exchanging grim looks. Both of them were well aware of how it felt to give into your desire for blood and torture or be completely obsessed with revenge, as they went through the same; Elizabeth having her mind corrupted by a murderous animatronic AI and Sammy torturing Michael for causing his death. Neither of them were proud of what they had done and they wanted to move on from their past. He and Elizabeth glanced at Sam, Springtrap and Michael, who gave them a sympathetic look, already knowing what was going through their head. ''I'm afraid of what is going to happen once they do. Lizzy's right, this can only get worse.''
''We won't let it happen,'' Sam replied in a determined tone. Sammy nodded, but he was still a bit anxious. ''Listen, I know that you are worried about me, but I'm not going down without a fight. I will be careful, but I'm not going to let that kid tell me whom I should trust. Also, I noticed that the kid didn't seem to like you guys either.''
''Yeah, they don't,'' Elizabeth said, her green eyes sparking up as she gave Sam a curious look. ''But, you do like us, right?''
''I do,'' Sam replied. ''I mean, I enjoy talking to you and you guys are treating me nicely-''
''Awesome!'' Elizabeth interrupted her, giving her a mischievous grin. ''So, does this mean that you won't mind if I call you my older sister?''
Sam was stunned, not really sure how to respond to her request. Springtrap and Sammy were also surprised, while Michael just groaned as he remembered the argument they had yesterday.
''Elizabeth, I had already told you that it would be inappropriate to ask Sam that,'' Michael told her. ''You know, there is something called tact.''
''Yeah, and you had plenty of tact to spare whenever you played pranks on Sammy,'' Elizabeth replied snappily. Michael went quiet, albeit still giving her an irritated look, with Elizabeth smiling. ''Besides, Daddy had already said that Sam's like a daughter to him and she was okay with it.''
Springtrap looked rather uncomfortable, not wanting to be dragged into this argument. He had already heard enough complaints from Emma and Henry. Elizabeth, on the other hand, gleefully ignored everyone's reactions.
''Not to mention, she is still a better older sibling than you are,'' she sneered.
''I have to agree with Lizzy here,'' Sammy added, with Michael giving him a bewildered look. He then sighed.
''Why me?'' he muttered.
''Well, if you weren't such a jerk towards me, I would have defended you,'' Sammy replied. Michael glanced at him, a look of regret on his expression.
''You know, guys, I actually don't mind you acting as if you were my siblings,'' Sam said, drawing their attention. She shrugged. ''Considering how I'm an only child, it would be interesting to see whether this relationship is going to work out.''
''Trust me, living with siblings is a nightmare,'' Michael told her.
''Of course it's a nightmare, since we have to live with you,'' Elizabeth told him, with Sammy nodding in agreement.
''You shouldn't be the one to talk,'' Michael told Elizabeth, his eyes narrowing. ''Didn't those animatronics kick you out because you were too bossy?''
''I think that the word you're searching for is 'self-sufficient', dummy,'' Elizabeth replied. Michael snorted.
''No, I don't think so,'' he replied. Elizabeth just glared at him as she heard voices from her past echoing in her head. Despite trying to ignore them, she could still remember the conversation she had with the other animatronics that were part of Ennard.
''You are crowding us.''
''Be quiet.''
''You can't tell us what to do anymore.''
''Yes, I can. You will do everything that I tell you to do.''
''We outnumber you.''
''That doesn't matter, dummy.''
''We found a way to eject you.''
''You would be lost without me.''
''Ha ha! Say goodbye to our friend!''
''I can put myself back together.''
''It doesn't matter, since I was still fine being on my own,'' Elizabeth said, crossing her arms. She smiled. ''Besides, I remember you getting quite scared when you saw me sitting in that room.''
''I hope that you enjoyed the shock therapy, you needed it,'' Michael replied dryly, with Elizabeth suddenly standing up on her seat, slamming her hands on the table.
''You know that it hurt!'' she yelled at him.
''It also hurt when I got scooped, but did I complain?'' Michael replied.
''Actually, you did,'' Elizabeth replied. ''A lot, I might add.''
''Well, who wouldn't?'' Michael continued. ''You carved me out like a pumpkin!''
''I told you that you wouldn't die,'' Elizabeth protested.
''Lizzy, I ended up looking like a decaying corpse!'' Michael snapped. ''I think that death would've been more preferable.''
''Well, you got your wish granted,'' Elizabeth replied, with Michael rolling his eyes. Sam meanwhile glanced at Sammy, who observed the whole argument looking rather unconcerned.
''Do they often argue like this?'' she asked.
''It used to be worse,'' Sammy replied, shrugging. He then added cheerfully, ''Welcome to the Afton family.''
Sam smiled, well aware of the madness she was getting herself into. Nevertheless, she didn't really care and was actually enjoying herself. She glanced at Springtrap who, while listening to the conversation, was staring at the table, looking rather uncomfortable.
''Will?'' He looked up, a bit startled. It didn't help that Sammy, Michael and Elizabeth, who snapped out of their argument, were also staring at him expectantly. ''What's wrong?''
''Honestly, I'm not sure whether I should be happy to be able to talk to you again, or mortified for what I had put you through,'' he admitted dejectedly.
''Try a mix of both, it's less of a headache,'' Elizabeth told him dryly. Michael and Sammy chuckled, while Sam just had an amused look on her expression. Springtrap, on the other hand, looked like he just wanted to disappear.
Despite all of their arguments, when it came to their father, they would waste no time teaming up and turning against him, especially considering how much he deserved it. Nevertheless, despite the awkwardness and tension, the conversation certainly went better than expected. Sam knew that the three could've done much worse, but they kept things, aside from some snide remarks, relatively civil. She glanced at Springtrap and noticing a look of guilt on his expression. She knew that he was regretting what he had done, but it seemed that the really wasn't anything he could do to atone for his past.
''Believe me, I am sorry for what I had put you through,'' Springtrap suddenly said in a more resolute tone, his eyes flaring up purple. Michael, Sammy and Elizabeth didn't look convinced, but decided to hear him out. Sam, on the other hand, was aware that he was completely honest about it his feelings. ''I wish that there was a way to change the past and I understand that you hate me. I know that you don't trust me and that you will never forgive me, and I won't ask you forgiveness.'' He sighed, trying to ignore the anxiety he felt. ''Still, I hoped that our relationship isn't completely unfixable.''
Michael, Sammy and Elizabeth gave him an affronted look, with Springtrap lowering his head, aware that this was the wrong thing to say and he understood why they reacted like this. Nevertheless, he had enough of being silent. He frowned, turning back to them with a determined look on his expression.
''I know that what I'm asking for is something you would never accept, and I don't blame you for refusing,'' he told them. ''After all, I had already lost you forever the moment I decided to put you through all that pain and abuse. Nevertheless, I felt that, if I hadn't said anything, that I would lose you again.''
''What do you mean?'' Michael asked.
''Michael, despite everything, I'm really glad that I was given the chance to talk to you and apologize for what I had done,'' Springtrap replied, then turned to Elizabeth and Sammy. ''I understand that you don't really believe that I want to become a better person, and I don't mind. Honestly, I don't trust myself either and you had already seen why.'' He tilted his head, smiling awkwardly. ''I'm still amazed that you're willing talk to me.''
''Don't worry, Daddy, you aren't the only one who is amazed that we're talking to you,'' Elizabeth said in a snarky tone.
''You know, Dad, you should've thought more about the consequences of your actions,'' Sammy added, glaring at him. ''Although, I guess that it's a good thing that you actually realized just how awful you were, both as a person and as a father.''
''If there's anything I could do to fix this situation-'' Springtrap started, only to get cut off by Michael.
''No, you can't,'' he said curtly, noticing the look of disappointment and regret his father gave him. Michael then exchanged glances with Elizabeth and Sammy, who nodded. ''Nevertheless, if you want to talk to us, we will be here. We had already told you that we'll be staying, hadn't we?''
''Really?'' Springtrap's eyes flared up, with him giving the three a hopeful look. ''Thank you, I-!''
''Don't get ahead of yourself, Father,'' Michael warned him. ''We decided to give you a chance, but if you mess up, we are gone for good and you won't have anyone to blame but yourself for, as you put it, losing us again.''
''I understand,'' Springtrap said. Despite his serious demeanor, he was incredibly relieved and even excited that Michael, Elizabeth and Sammy had actually agreed to give him a chance. He knew that this chance was more than he even deserved. ''I will make sure that you won't regret it.''
''Well, it's not the first time you broke a promise, so we don't expect much from you,'' Michael told him.
''I know,'' Springtrap muttered, resolving to work harder on fixing his relationship with his children. I cannot allow myself to make another mistake. He sighed, leaning back and glancing at the stage, noticing that the animatronics were still staring at them. He frowned.''Seriously, we need to figure out what's wrong with them. Not only do they seem to be self-aware, but are also able to either see you or sense your presence. Not to mention, they've been giving me weird looks as well, as if they don't know that I'm a spirit trapped inside an animatronic suit…''
''If you ask me, you should just leave them alone,'' Michael told him after briefly glancing at the animatronics. ''Every time you get your hands on an animatronic, you end up causing some kind of disaster.''
''I know, but-'' Springtrap said, only to get interrupted by Sam.
''No offense, Mike, but I don't think that we should leave those animatronics alone,'' she said. ''They have no reason to be able to sense or see spirits, since they're not haunted nor injected with remnant. Also, as Will pointed out, they were wary of his presence as well.''
''If you say so,'' Michael said, shrugging. ''At least they're not trying to kill you by stuffing you into a suit.''
''I wouldn't mind if they did that, because at least I'd know what I'm dealing with,'' Sam replied. ''Although, now that I think about it, they weren't the only ones who reacted to a presence of spirit, right Sammy?''
''Um, yeah… Plushtrap had chased me when I visited you yesterday,'' Sammy said, shuddering at the memory. ''He even managed to bite me, but the injuries had vanished.''
''Really? Why didn't you tell me about it?'' Springtrap asked. Sammy gave him an irritated look.
''I had other things on mind, or have you already forgotten about it?'' he said. Springtrap shook his head, feeling sorry for his son.
''Do you want to talk about it?'' Sam asked.
''I don't think that there is really much to talk about,'' Sammy replied. ''When I appeared in that room, I got scared by Nightmare Fredbear and then Plushtrap started to chase me.''
''Okay, but it still shouldn't be possible for Plushtrap to be able to hurt you,'' Springtrap told him, with Sammy shrugging. He wasn't really sure how to explain what happened to him.
''Maybe you being afraid had caused you to accidentally create a replica of the room and invited Plushtrap into it?'' Elizabeth suggested, with everyone giving her confused looks. ''I mean, we know that this works with Sam.''
''Yeah, but unlike Plushtrap, Sam isn't a soulless animatronic,'' Michael told her, only to give his father a suspicious look. ''On the other hand, none of us really know what exactly you had done to those animatronics.''
''Honestly, I don't know either,'' Springtrap admitted, a look of guilt on his expression. ''I shouldn't have ever tried to mess with souls, but it's too late now.''
''Maybe things aren't as complicated as we think,'' Sam said, drawing everyone's attention. ''I mean, Will had also managed to sense Sammy's presence, so Lizzy might be right about her theory.''
''You're right,'' Springtrap nodded, remembering the event. He then frowned, with something about the situation bothering him, even though he wasn't sure what exactly it was. ''However, I don't think that explains everything. There has to be more to it.''
''I assume that this is it,'' Drawkill Chica muttered as they reached the end of the road, quickly rushing past the last house on the street and into the woods behind it. ''We managed to get through one part of the town and we still haven't found anything.''
''The Boss won't be happy,'' Drawkill Foxy said bitterly, leaning against a tree.
''Honestly, I don't give a damn about him,'' Drawkill Bonnie replied being quite irritated. He crossed his arms. ''This search is pointless.''
''I had tried to argue with Connor about us searching for Afton and his friend wouldn't be efficient and that we should change tactics, but he refused to listen to reason,'' Drawkill Freddy told them, then reached for the communicator that was embedded in the back of his head, confirming that it was turned off and that they had complete privacy. ''Considering how we all agree that our creator has several screws loose and isn't worth trying to reason with, we need to find a way out of this situation.''
''What should we do?'' Drawkill Chica asked him.
''For starters, we need to disable all of the devices Connor had implanted inside us that give him full control over us,'' Drawkill Freddy told her. ''The communication device, the device that disables our AI and messes with our system… All of that needs to go if we want to be free from him. If we go against him now, he's going to fry our CPUs and we'd be unable to do anything against him. Hell, he might as well try to dismantle us and make another animatronic who would blindly obey his commands without the need of a distortion device.''
''How are we supposed to do that?'' Drawkill Bonnie asked as he sat down on the ground. ''Connor did tell us how to program the animatronics at Ricky's to be under his control, but he never told us how to remove those devices that were planted inside us. Obviously, he'd have a good reason for that, but honestly, I don't want to sit here fearing that my handsome self would end up having the functionality of a calculator once Connor decides that doesn't need us anymore. Or, we might just get turned into pieces of scrap metal; I'm not sure which one is worse.''
''Trust me, Bonnie, no one is going to be turned into scrap metal,'' Drawkill Freddy replied. ''Connor may-''
He suddenly cut himself off when he heard the door at the nearby house opening. He and the other Drawkills quickly hid behind the trees and the bushes, quickly closing their eyes so the bright light they was emitting wouldn't give away their position, as it was quite dark. A moment later, Drawkill Freddy, whose eyes were now dimmed, took the chance to briefly glance at the porch, noticing a woman looking around. She had a smartphone in her hand, using the flashlight function as a source of light and was probably searching for them.
Drawkill Freddy heard Drawkill Foxy growling and noticed the latter raising his sickle and creating scraping marks on the wood with his sharp claws, looking ready to lunge at the woman. He shook his head, gesturing to him to calm down, as they couldn't give away their position.
''Sam? Afton?''
They heard the woman suddenly call out and exchanged look of pure shock. However, they remained quiet, listening to the woman going down the steps on the porch and noticing the light being shined into the woods.
''Hello? Sam? Afton? Seriously, this is not funny!''
Drawkill Freddy had to note that the woman sounded quite angry. There was something in her voice, something that gave him the impression that she wasn't someone people would want to annoy.
''I could've sworn I heard someone walking past,'' the woman added, now in a more quiet and cautious tone. A moment later, the light vanished, with Drawkill Freddy looking back, realizing that the woman went back inside the house.
''Have you heard that?'' Drawkill Chica asked.
''Aye, and so did half of the neighborhood,'' Drawkill Foxy replied, with Drawkill Chica smacking him upside the head. His eyes glowed as he glared at her, growling.
''It seems that William Afton and the girl he was with, Sam, live at this house,'' Drawkill Freddy said. ''I mean, the woman did look rather familiar, so it can be assumed that she was either her mother or her older sister.''
''I don't think that it matters who that woman is, but that Afton lives here,'' Drawkill Chica replied. ''We have finally found him!''
''Shhh, keep quiet,'' Drawkill Freddy hissed. ''Do you want her to come out again?''
Drawkill Chica crossed her arms, giving him an annoyed look, but didn't reply. Frankly, she was just happy that their search was finally over.
''So, what are we going to do now?'' Drawkill Foxy asked eagerly. ''I assume that we are going to tell Connor about it. Or, should we go inside and wait for Afton and Sam to arrive? After all, that woman seemed to have been waiting for them.''
Drawkill Foxy and Drawkill Chica stared at Drawkill Freddy with dumbfounded looks on their expressions.
''Say, what?''
''What do you mean, no?'' Drawkill Chica grew agitated. ''We've been searching for those two for days and now you're saying that we should do nothing?!''
''Calm down!'' Drawkill Freddy growled in a hushed tone, silencing Drawkill Chica by closing her beak. ''I'm not saying that we won't do anything, but honestly, I don't think that we should tell Connor about what we have found out.''
''Why?'' Drawkill Foxy asked.
''It's a bit complicated to explain, but I'm currently working on something,'' Drawkill Freddy told him. ''Nevertheless, I believe that it would be better if we keep this a secret from Connor, at least for a while.''
''So, does this mean that we are going to continue walking through the town, acting as if we don't know where they are?'' Drawkill Chica groaned when Drawkill Freddy nodded. ''I knew that this was too good to be true. There always has to be a catch.''
''Don't worry, it won't be for too long,'' Drawkill Freddy told her, only for him, Drawkill Chica and Drawkill Foxy to notice Drawkill Bonnie walking towards them, holding a red ribbon in his hand. ''Where have you been?''
''While you were busy arguing, I have found this,'' Drawkill Bonnie said as he held up the ribbon. ''There are more of those, all of them tied to the branches. It seems as if someone used them as markers.''
Drawkill Freddy took the ribbon and then glanced at the porch. He grinned, turning back to his companions.
''I believe that we should let them know that we were here, just to mess with their mind,'' he said, with the other Drawkills giving him a look of approval. ''Let's go.''
One by one, the Drawkills sneaked past the house and on the street, quickly leaving. Drawkill Freddy, however, cautiously stepped towards the porch and tied the ribbon around the guardrail. He then quickly left, hoping that the woman hadn't seen him. A few moments later, he joined the other Drawkills on the open street, with them trying keeping an eye on the other houses, making sure that none of the residents would notice them. Finally, they had managed to find an alleyway that, while not perfect, gave them enough cover.
''So, we really aren't going to tell Connor anything?'' Drawkill Bonnie asked Drawkill Freddy. ''Or have you forgotten what had happened the last time we went back empty-handed?''
''I don't think that we should worry about him,'' Drawkill Freddy told him grimly. ''Connor had already found another victim to occupy him.''
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#Five Nights at Freddy's: The Untold Story (Masterlist)
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doesdarlingexe · 2 months
hi silly :3333
for Doe and/or Incelbur and/or Peter (or anyone really, idm, but I'm most curious about those three :3)
3. is there any abuse? physical, emotional, etc? who is the abuser? how far does it go? 4. do you argue a lot? do the arguments ever get physical?
I love doe and incel so much how am I supposed to PICK . doing all of them you can't stop me
Doe🫀3: Any abuse is purely a mistake on his part, but he does gut me every couple of loops, make me go through time loops, uses psychokinesis on me... The works. He's not above abuse, but it's not planned, moreso spur of the moment actions that build up. He's definitely the abuser, but it's not as bad as someone like Peter.
Doe🫀4: We argue sometimes about the time loops, mainly because I'm not the hugest fan of getting stabbed. It's less of an argument and more "Doe please move on to the next day" "🥺" "god dammit". He does allow it to go on to the next loop every once in a while but I mean only after thousands of repeats of one loop that's how rare it is.
Peter🥩3: Peter is an abusive little fucker and he knows it and it's fully on purpose. Any kind of abuse is on the table, be it beatings, drugging, gaslighting, or any other manipulation or bodily harm. He encourages my own self-harm as well, because he finds it easier to control me when I believe I'm not worthy of anyone but him. That he is the only one who will ever love me. By the time I get any chance to escape, I'm too brainwashed to ever want to or to ever try.
Peter🥩4: In the early days, before I'm broken-in, a lot. I yell and beg and cry and he'll do absolutely anything in his power to get it to stop, from breaking my jaw to pulling teeth to starving me for any minor disagreement. There's rarely a time when they don't get physical, and it's only when I start to break, apologizing for ever upsetting him and telling him how much I love him to avoid my physical punishment (there is always an emotionally abusive "punishment" either way though).
Incel💻3: He's abusive. It's rare that he physically abuses me, only slapping or manhandling mostly, but that doesn't mean he won't make me physically harm myself in his name when he is insecure about our relationship (which is extremely often). He's not smart enough to truly plan out any emotional abuse, but in the spur of the moment it's really often that he'll end up picking the worst possible thing to say ("I hate seeing you cry..." followed up with "do it somewhere else" or "you're such an ugly crier" instead of comfort, for example). He's self-centered, and once he does get his hands on me, he abandons all semblance of pretending to be morally superior or a good boyfriend.
Incel💻4: We do, moreso than most of my f/os just due to the nature of his abuse. Most of my f/os are way more physically abusive than him; he's awful mentally but he's one of my more tame physically abusive f/os. That doesn't mean he doesn't backhand me for being a "bad partner", or throw things, or slam me against the wall or door or furniture. It's simply never meticulous or quite as torturous as the others. More blind anger and rage caused by his own insecurities and desperation rather than a need for gore or harm. He pretends to nurse me after, sometimes, if he thinks I might leave: *"I didn't mean to, it'll never happen again, you can hit me back please I deserve it, I'll hurt myself if you leave me".*
0 notes
the-firebird69 · 4 months
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This is actually Billy human AKA tinker and he's mad Jack too and he was a form of a pirate but he was a privateer and he was a Mac and he wasn't Young and he founded westboro his part of making up the plan people are after him to try and get the plan and he became small believe it or not he's shrunk and it was too much for him. And he was really hearing our son saying you're small it's not really everything but it's enough and he was grateful. Cuz he can say it and then there's tons of people around who are saying he's helping and he helped a little and he died lonely sick man he lost his whole family upon his death he was placed in the sarcophagi and put into the pyramid and he's still there and he is mummified just as many others are but the process is you become whole and a reinserted and yeah we reassembled John remillard his original body is on New Zealand and it is activated and he is Lord Sauron and there are people who have seen it and thought it was a trick and it is a demon and a sun controls it and he will have a special tomb with no entrance or exit there's a lot of stuff going on here but this is very important and you should know that the human family or Oldham we're very famous and they had land everywhere and they were very big and the max finally figured out that you people are bringing them down when they thought it was stem and Sherry and Ken and the clans and they figured out it was not and Kevin is different no he's a Bullock is this guy Paul Blanchard and he was bringing them down and he got paranoid because our son started getting in trouble with them so he just backed off and he discovered our son was in trouble and a little bit of this for you he wasn't me he was amazing and he was amazed and it went on a little bit like that but then he turned sour because he was not recognized for work when he stabbed a woman and he thinks it was because it was one of theirs and yeah it's not respected by rebels either and he got in trouble for that a lot of trouble and he found out that the girl was not riding on him and it was not anybody around of his it was people who are monitoring the Old Ham clans. He tried to apologize and she said it's 39 times you have control I don't want you near me that's fine don't come near me and he couldn't handle it and he got himself killed many times now these people are pretty much toast you keep coming back and they transmute memory and they don't remember time but they still remember how to be bad and it's not going well here and we have to make changes they're coming up soon it's been a long time because Trump amassed a lot of stuff right now he's still at probably 60% power of last year but last year he was down 40%, so he's really about 1/8 of the power but he still has 60 or 70% of the stuff he had except for the fleet The fleets are gone and The fleets are important so much power and they're quickly adjusting but not quick enough the stories are coming out Antarctica and Greenland are going to crush him and he starts attacking earth and people go after him and he dies and is entombed forever he'll be gone and they might be tortured later in other words they might be brought back but if they're lucky enough we'll have to use the laser and they'll be finished and your time will disappear by your own hands
Thor Freya
That's intense everybody it's kind of what we've been saying it's not right what I'm saying I'm doing I can't help it these people are huge I couldn't put my finger on it but I don't know which group it is and can keep some chocolate and he says I don't know about this stuff the day was a lot bigger and George to get a lot bigger and 10 just kind of seems a little bit mopey and it's always been he's also Captain Bligh and is very dangerous you don't want to mock him and bother him and I guess we do and it turns out that we probably won't stop bothering him because of this information thinking that it's Dave and he didn't really do it and I looked and our friend next door has been in a bunch of fights with Dave and Dave just won't stop he said what day I caught Dave cursing him out like 50 times when I was there and he wouldn't shut his stupid face I said look why did you throw a rock at him and get it over with and he stopped and now I'm doing it so I do get it and it's trying to get me to shoot him or something just like Tommy f and he has to do it too so I'm wondering about it it keeps getting passed around and it is these Max healthy grammar said it so if you're weak and you're not a Mac they're going to pounce on you this kid looks weak and you keep pouncing and I'm very bright it's not going to end nicely according to it a lot of people think and anyways I'm not really looking forward to going to any tomb you can't take it back cuz you think that's real and he was explained to but probably by the max and they want everyone to think it's time Tommy f that they couldn't shut it I have to get out of here have a date with destiny no not destiny's child
Got a lot of corn in the New world it was very corny I got to get out of here right now yeah this is for real
So they want to bring her a free guide book with them and really I don't think I would want to go into a pyramid with these two I do feel that they probably will go there several times and return because of it for one last time
Zues Hera
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valeskakingdom · 2 years
I'm Back (part 35)
"Has Fish told you anything? Anything about her plans for me?" Oswald now asked Scarlet this question a thousand times "Or did she tell you her plans for you?"
"Oswald," Scarlet sighed in annoyance "No, she didn't, I've told you a thousand times! I can't stand your paranoia attacks anymore! Fish hasn't told me a thing about her plans! She has neither plans for you nor me! She's not even interested in you!" It was true what she said. Over the days, Oswald couldn't stop asking her about Fish. He was scared, scared that Fish Mooney would come around with her men and either beat him to a pulp, torture him, or even kill him for the things he has done.
"She has plans for me, I know her long enough!" Oswald snapped, walking from pillar to post "She wants to take revenge on-..."
"She does not! If she would have wanted to take revenge on you, she would have stabbed you at the time you lay unconscious on the ground!" Scarlet snapped angrily back.
"Then why did she ask you to come with her?" He's got a point somehow. Fish took a guess and figured out that Scarlet and Oswald would work together. It was pretty obvious since they both walked beside each other, talking and such. She could put two and two together when she saw Butch walking after them. She remembered that these two had dealings with each other, so she automatically knew, they now worked together. Butch wasn't a good leader, he always needed a sidekick who gave him advice on how to handle certain things. He couldn't make decisions without questioning whether it was right or not.
"You need to learn that not everything considers you, goddamn it!" Scarlet almost yelled in anger "Fish Mooney surely has other stuff in mind than permanently thinking about you!" She would love to hit the shit outta him to make him clear he was wrong with his assumptions, but at the same time, she knew it wouldn't be worth it. He wouldn't get it. He took everything far too seriously. 
"You know nothing about Fish!" Oswald hissed "You think you know her through your little chitchat at the bridge, but you don't. She will try to haunt you and try to get you since she acquired a liking for you. She-..."
"Oh, please," Scarlet started to laugh about that hoax and started to walk to the front door "That's bullshit! Fish isn't obsessed with any of us! She won't follow you, she won't torture you and she won't kill you! She is not fucking interested in you and your business!"
"Wait, where are you going?!" Oswald walked after her as she was about to go out but she was simply ignoring him. She had enough of that "Scarlet? I'm talking to you! Stop walking!"
"I'm going out. Maybe I'll visit Fish and have a nice talk with her, just don't expect me to come back!" And she was out. She had enough of him. These paranoia attacks made her crazy, it was unbearable with him. She needed a break from him - a long break.
She went through several streets and lanes, sneaked into some little shops to steal some snacks and beverages, and looked around to see what was new in Gotham City. She saw new bistros, new reject shops, and fashion shops. People, primarily women started to dress up more formally. They wore dresses made in boutiques, men wore hats, coats, and even vestures. Gotham has changed during the past few weeks, even months. Normalcy has entered Gotham City somehow, but how? Nothing has changed ever since. With many criminals and many robberies, criminality was rather increasing than decreasing.
She then looked up at the sky - it was cloudy, and the sun stayed hidden behind the dark heavy clouds. It was cold as every day, the atmosphere was dull, the wind wasn't blowing, and people's moods stayed depressed as every other day.
Suddenly her telephone rang that interrupted her train of thought - it had to be Andy. They haven't spoken in a while for some unknown reasons. Scarlet wasn't worried, she knew Andy could handle certain things. She was just surprised he wouldn't call her anymore.
"Long time no see, Andy," Scarlet smirked "I haven't heard from you in a while."
"There was a lot to do," you heard him say "But I couldn't stop thinking about you. I kinda missed your company."
"I'll admit, it was odd not hearing from you." Scarlet acknowledged "But I knew you could handle every hardship."
"Surely," You could feel Andy's smirk through the phone "I sense you're relieved I called you. You truly missed me, huh?"
"Your absence was indeed strange to me," That was all that Scarlet said. She would never admit that she missed him, never in her lifetime. She neither did that in Jerome's absence. Why would she? In the past, she excellently learned how to suppress her feelings best through her horrible parents and brother. Why not make use of it?
"You're cute when you suppress your feelings," Andy chuckled a little. He said the truth. He thought she was cute, but not only that - over time he called her, thought about her, and missed her, and he eventually developed some feelings for her. He surely knew that she would never admit her feelings for him, so he needed to trick her, maybe even manipulate her to get what he wanted - and he already had a plan.
"Shut up, asshole" Scarlet chuckled "I hate compliments like these. They're all bullshit," The reason why she hated compliments like these was that she'd feel so little like a baby or a little girl who wanted to make her daddy proud.
"Get used to it" Andy muttered as a joke "What are you up to right now? You're with Oswald or...?"
"No, I'm doing a little trip on my own. Oswald got on my nerves with his paranoia attacks considering his old pal Fish Mooney. He's thinking she's haunting him." Scarlet told him with a sigh "He's insane"
"I've heard about Fish Mooney and her little group," Andy said "She is not my type, though. I've heard she's a snake in the grass. I wouldn't want to waste my time with her and her false promises."
"True that," Scarlet agreed "But still I have the urge to visit. She offered me a job. I assume I should kill for her or get her some information."
"Be careful, though," Andy warned her "I've heard she can be a beast"
"I know, I know. Oswald told me," Scarlet said "What are you up to? Any further therapy sessions?" She suddenly heard some wheels squeaking. A white van was dashing along the street. She couldn't recognize any men in there since the windows were tinted. It made her think now. Was it Fish Mooney and her men? Was Oswald right? Or was it just coincidence and she wasn't the target?
"No, I have a break from it," Andy quickly answered as if it was just an accessory "But tell me, where are you right now?"
"There!" Scarlet heard someone in the back say before she could give him an answer - and at this moment the van dashed in her direction. She stopped walking instantly, she knew something was about to happen now. Was it Andy who was driving the car? Or was it one of his men? Was he about to come and get her?
Suddenly, one van door opened while driving, and one masked man in black clothes was peeking, his gaze showed he was fixing her, even piercing with his eyes. Scarlet gazed at him, she wasn't sure whether it was a good happening or a bad. She didn't know whether she should run or shoot with her little pistol - and so she waited. Her adrenalin was rushing through her veins, her sweat was dripping down her forehead, her hands and legs slightly started to tremble, and she even felt a knot in her stomach that made her feel sick - she had no clue what was going on with her, she has never felt something like that. Maybe it was the thought of Andy doing something like that to her. Maybe Andy wasn't such a good influence? Maybe he was the one who had plans with her?
The van came nearer, its pace slowed down, and the man suddenly grabbed a baseball bat out of the van - and that was a sign to shoot. Scarlet grabbed her gun and started to shoot at the man in the van. She hit the door, she hit the window, but she didn't hit the man, however, which made her nervous. She knew she had not enough munition to arbitrarily shoot anywhere, maybe just one or two more shots, so she needed to watch out.
The van stopped in front of her with squeaking brakes and a man with a bat jumped out of the car. Scarlet wanted to shoot but the man was faster - he punched her in the face so that he could grab the gun and throw it away. Scarlet felt her nose bleeding, a pumping pain rushed over her face, and she even felt a little dizzy - but she was stronger than him. She took the chance and punched him in the face either, she punched him over and over again until he fell on the floor which made her start to kick him in his stomach several times. You could hear the man grunting and groaning in pain, even wincing in pain every time Scarlet swung her foot in his stomach violently.
But then it happened.
Some more masked men with bats got out of the car and pulled her away from the man so that he could stand up and take some deep breaths. Scarlet tried to tear her arms away from them, but It failed deeply. The men were too strong and the more she tried to break free from the men's grips the tighter the grips became and the less she could move. She was completely helpless now, there was no way out.
"You shouldn't have done that, Patel," The man uttered with a dark chuckle "You're in huge trouble now" he grabbed his bat again and walked towards her almost dangerously and full of fury and madness.
"What? Do you think you can threaten me with a bat? Pfft," Scarlet laughed "You need some more than just a stupid bat"
"Oh, there will be some more," He chuckled and knocked her out "Night, night sweetheart"
Time went by, Scarlet was unsure what the clock said when she woke up. It could have been just a few minutes after the knockout, a few hours, or even days.
She had an ominous headache, she felt a pumping and piercing pain in her head that was unbearable. She remembered where that came from; that fucker from the van hit her with a baseball bat and knocked her out. If she gets that fucker- she would probably kill him.
"See, who's awake," she heard a family voice say with a slight chuckle as someone stroked their thumb over her cheek, "I thought you'd never wake up. You almost slept the whole day"
"A-andy?" Scarlet couldn't believe her eyes, she couldn't believe what she saw "I-I...Uhm... You're here?" she didn't know where to start with the questions she had. She just called Andy! He was in Arkham - was he? He was the one who ordered to kidnap her and knock her out with a bat? But why? Why didn't he just tell her he escaped? She would have taken him to Oswald, he would have had a place to stay with equipment and such. But now she was in a dark room that almost resembled a cell in jail. There was a pot to piss in, a little damaged sink, and an old, stinky bed she was laying in. Where was she?
"I was there all the time, sweetheart," He gave her a warm smile as he stroked his thumb over her lower lip "I'm sorry, I had to get you like this, but there was no other way."
"Since when are you out of-...?" Scarlet couldn't finish her sentence due to Andy shushed her with his index finger.
"I know you have a lot of questions, and I will answer them all in time. Now you have to rest a little, don't you think?"
"No, wait," Scarlet sat up, her headache increasing "I want to know. Since when are you out? And where are we?" She was more confused than ever. When did he break out? What happened after that?
"I'm out for a while now," Andy sighed "We did it in the night, some guys I got to know and I. We did it during the shift change, the guards were all in the office so no one was on the floors. Dave helped us divert the others to escape later on," he told her "Don't know what happened to him afterward. He vanished"
"He probably got fired" Scarlet muttered, she didn't know what to think about Andy. Indeed she was glad he successfully escaped, but he lied to her. He did his own business behind her back and let her believe he needed her even though he didn't. He wasn't the Andy she got to know, he seemed so different. Not so calm and careful, rather manipulative and mysterious - like her father.
"Or else," Andy shrugged "Maybe he's dead?" The thought made him laugh, but not laugh like a normal person, more like a maniac which irritated Scarlet even more. This kind of laugh she just knew from herself or Jerome - was this Andy in front of her or was it another trick?
"You're not the Andy I got to know," Scarlet mumbled, staring at him deeply "You're someone else, and I don't know whether I should like it."
"How can you say that? It's me!" Andy euphorically told her "I just...Uhm...let's simply say they fixed me a little - for the best."
So Scarlet's assumption was right - Hugo Strange did something to him. Probably electroshock therapy with many manipulation attempts and torture.
"He didn't fix you, Andy" Scarlet whispered, attempting to make him clear that Hugo Strange was playing with his mind "You were an experiment like me. You acted as a guinea pig. He-..."
"Oh, I know," Andy smirked "But I'm glad he did that. You know why?" and Scarlet shook her head irritated.
"Hugo Strange made me clear that all you do was using someone to fill the gap in your little broken heart. You don't care about people's needs or wishes or even the fact they care about you. You just care about yourself and focus on searching for people that replace Jerome." When Scarlet heard that she was shocked and more irritated than before. He did that because he was jealous of a dead person. He did that because he thought she saw him as a cheap Jerome Valeska replacement. But that was not true! Indeed, sometimes Scarlet wished Jerome to be alive - it was wishful thinking. She moved on, she didn't need Jerome in her life anymore and she wasn't sad about it. She had new people in her life to cope with, new tasks to execute, and plans to make. Her life was absolute.
"But it's not tr-..."
"Hear me out!" Andy screamed in her Face and smashed his fist against the wall so that it cracked "Anyways," He took a deep long breath "Hugo Strange offered me his help to erase this little issue."
"You are jealous of a dead boy?" Scarlet couldn't believe it "Wow. I've expected more from you, Andy. I thought you were better than that."
"Oh, I am better," He chuckled darkly "I already benefit from my decision. I gained power, I'm cleverer, I willed to get carried away as I'm willed to do everything to make you mine no matter what I need to do."
Scarlet just glared at him. This behavior, these shining eyes, this craziness, the laughing even - it was all Jerome. Maybe even worse than Jerome, she wasn't sure, but she had the feeling she was talking to the dead ginger. It was like Hugo Strange had analyzed Jerome's character to modify Andy the way he was - and it worked. Andy completely changed. He changed into a cheap Jerome copy, just the red hair and this contagious laugh were missing.
"You're so beautiful when you look at me, you know that?" Andy stroked his thumb over her cheek "I can understand why Jerome couldn't get enough of you. You're gorgeous” he pressed his lips against hers softly “Now rest a little, darling. It's been a long day."
And he left.
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