#sso hermit
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askefrueee3 · 6 months ago
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X. The Hermit- Hermit
The 10th card- The Hermit, represented by... Hermit. Here, with the blanket we get from the "Saving Nightdust" questline- I decided to make it into a piece of magical fabric instead :D
Card meaning: THE HERMIT. Prudence, circumspection; also and especially treason, dissimulation, roguery, corruption. Reversed: Concealment, disguise, policy fear, unreasoned caution.
Also, I just noticed I numbered last 3 cards wrong- usually Major Arcana puts The Fool as the card 0, but I started with 1, to better show the number of cards already posted. Today we're back to the initial counting method. I'm sorry for my mistake.
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vera-seaweed · 3 months ago
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Hermit tells this at the winter village hangout space. Has this story been here before or is it new? I don't remember it from before. Its super interesting! He's clearly talking about himself but who's the dangerous person?
Edit: Appearently this has been out since 2020! How have i never read this before 😭
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noxeia · 1 year ago
while we're out here talking about rep grinding and gameplay- im ngl i miss when certain breeds were reputation locked. it felt like so much more of an opportunity by those characters when they trusted you to be able to get a horse from them. and it made me feel like those breeds were really connected to who sold them and the area they were in. the horses weren't just temporarily at that place to be moved around every few weeks with no clear pattern. it really lended itself to the story of an area and the people there. built in horse backstory
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can-of-pringles · 2 years ago
Someone: I like your horse!
Me who forgets that other people can see me in the game:
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j0them0971 · 11 months ago
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Is it so wrong that I read the Hermit's dialogue in Kamaji's voice?
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hyperfixatedhells · 5 months ago
hyperspecific sso nostalgia
"you have taken a dangerous fall" or falling off of a cliff so many times that you get taken back to your stable. also the screen turning red when this happened.
magic horses only turning magic if theyre away from civilization.
having to spam W or else your horse will slow down.
waiting for the bus and using the bus ticket.
using the circus ticket.
having to drag and drop items from your inventory.
jojo siwa at the disco.
spirit around jorvik.
collecting the stars and being so excited upon finding one.
certain horses being cold tolerant, [fjord, icelandic, etc] the others slowing down upon entering the valley of the hidden dinosaur.
finding gary goldtooth in the middle of nowhere.
low quality saddle bag pets and that stupid torn saddle bag.
not being able to stack items.
having to build reputation to progress.
the saving nightdust quest.
april fools updates, especially the 2016 supershire.
the summer bonfire event, the birthday event, the st. patricks day event, all of the holiday and seasonal events.
how the areas would be decorated for valentines day, easter, etc.
those things that would temporarily change your starter horses coat into all sorts of wacky things.
the barrel race in moorland.
the old filter.
the trailers being star rider only.
the closets being star rider only.
jumping being star rider only, and justin teaching you how to jump.
no jumping in towns/cities.
the original home stable.
waiting for the fairies and just BARELY missing it.
the baronesses racetrack being under construction for SO LONG.
jorvik not having any snow during christmas.
the 2017 character update and the ORIGINAL original character, plus the original weird looking starter horse.
horse island.
unnamed stable girl, the one that came before maya.
all of the old npcs.
when you enter a new area, the name of it would flash in the middle of your screen.
speed boosts on roads.
star stable news with ylva and matilda.
the loading screen stable cat who gave you tips.
the kallters.
having to build your reputation with the hermit to buy his horses and having to build your reputation with the kallters to buy fjord horses.
the iceberg and the seals.
the clothing and tack being basically unidentifiable until you hovered over them, because the items just had a gray or gold icon with what the item actually classified as. [aka what it looks like on mobile]
the fort pinta shark.
the global store not being around and having to buy things directly from the shops or the mall.
the infamous purple car and bulldozer that would run you over.
having to fill your houses needs multiple times a day plus the little smiley face mood thingy.
only being able to care for your horse near stables.
only having three uses for your water bucket.
unused furniture.
starshine roaming around greendale.
the "glue man" and the little girl in your stable singing during halloween.
the chat filter being called phil.
stacy place oh god stacy place. also archie fails
all of the star stable commercials and ads, especially that one fucking disney channel commercial.
please add your own nostalgias onto this post i would love to hear them
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aryamistwood · 17 days ago
This morning, SSO releases a bunch of new options for first and second horse names. I've tried to sort through and pull which are new.
Did I find out when I was 70% done that SSO had already made the list public and that all of my time was wasted? Yes, but I refuse admit my efforts were in vain.
All Amaryllis Any Arcane Archer Ardent Arrow Aster August Aura Banana Bard Baron Baroness Bell Bill Bolt Boogie Box Bravado Briar Brittle Bulwark Captain Carousel Challenger Champion Charger Chivalry Cinnabar Circus Clash Conqueror Corporal Count Countess Covenant Cow Coyote Creed Crucible Daffodil Dahlia Dauntless Dear Destiny Dino Dryad Earl Element Emperor Empress Enchanted Enigma Epic Errant Eternal Euphoria Even Expedition Express Fabulous Fawn Fear Forest Foxglove Frenzy Frozen Gallant Gargoyle General Genie Glacier Glimmer Goblin Golden Grace Harmony Hazelnut Heart Heliodor Herald Hermit Hill Honor Hope Hyacinth I Impress Inferno Ink Innocent Iris Ivy Jadeite Jasmine Jester Jinx Jolly Joust Justice Karma Knightly Lace Lance Laurel Leaf Lizard Loyalty Mac Mad Maiden Malachite Mandrake Maple Marigold Mars Max Mc Memory Mercury Merry Minstrel Mocha Moose Muffin Musing Nephrite Newt Niccolite Nimbus Nixie Nougat O Oath Olde Oracle Oz Pancake Pandoria Papaya Paradise Patch Peanut Pegasus Peony Pineapple Pixie Pledge Pluto Polo Pony Precious Pretty Puff Puffin Queen Questing Radiant Reindeer Ring Rising Risk Rite Rover Sacred Safe Saffron Sage Shield Sire Slow Smoky Snap Snowball Soda Solar Sorcerer Sorceress Sour Space Sparrow Sprinkles Steed Stellar Super Swan Sword Tango Tanzanite Teak Techno Teddy Tektite Tempest The Tie Torch Tourmaline Tower Trick U Valiant Valor Venus Verdant Virtue Vow Wanderer Warm Watcher Wraith Wyvern Y Yoga Youth Yule Zeppelin Zircon Zoisite Zoom
Able Abyss al ala Alarm ana Arrow ax ay ba Badger Bard Baron Baroness Bearer Blight bo Bravado Brooke by ca Captain ce cha Challenger Charger Chivalry cie Circus City Claw co Coast Cone Conqueror Count Countess Covenant Creed Crucible cy da Dauntless Day Dear Delight Dinosaur do Doria Double Dryad Dutchess dy e Earl ed el Element Elf elle ember en energy enigma er es ess est et ette Euphoria eus Expedition Express ey Fable Flare Flip Forest ful Gallant Gargoyle Genie Giant Goblin Heliodor Herald Hermit ia ian ic ica id ille im ing Innocent ios is ist ite ive ix ja Jadeite jar Jarl Jester Jinx Jolly Joust Justice Karma Kelpie ko la Lace Lance Laurel let ley Lizard lot Loyalty Maiden Malachite Max Minstrel mir mo Moose mor Musing my n na Nephrite ness Newt Nimbus Nixie no Noble nom Nougat ny Oath on one or Oracle ox oz Papaya Paradise Pegasus Pixie Pledge Polo Pony Potato Puff Puffin Questing ra Radiant Reindeer rey ria Rite ro ros Rover Ruler ry s sa Sacred Sage Serpent Shield Soda Sorcerer Sorceress Squire Steed Stellar Sword ta Tale Talon Tango Tanzanite Teak Tech Teddy Thunder tie to ton Tower Trick Trot Trotter ty u us ute Valiant Vixen Vow Wanderer Warlock Well West Wraith Wyrm Wyvern ya yo yx za Zircon zo Zoisite Zoom zy
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yasminewestbank · 8 months ago
there are those pieces of lore of bunch of old guys in sso having a past as a jockey, like the hermit and mr enwir.
i always had igor being associated with yasmine and wanting him part of yasmine's story bc im fond of him (like ms drake), but didn't know what to actually do with him. so now i managed to grasp some more horse racing understanding and realized he could be a past jockey as well, and now he's yasmine's trainer. he's disabled because of horse racing accidents and injuries and drugs, both to the body and head, but even though most people think hes crazy and out of it, and he is whack, at the same time he still got a lot of knowledge and experience about horse racing. even though he's very manic you CAN talk to him if you look past his demeanor and appearence, you just need to be able to understand his way of thinking. he's like a genious mad scientist but for horse racing. but him and yasmine are definitely the most unhinged trainer-jockey duo at the jorvik horse racing world. bc igor enables yasmine's aggression and selfishness lol. and igor could also symbolize where yasmine would end up if he continues in this unsustainable path of overwork and addiction
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fenjammin · 1 year ago
hey star stable fans how do you avoid the invisible wall in the hermit's second race. it keeps getting me stuck i'm shaking sso by the shoulders
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apples-stables · 2 years ago
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dustymisgestaltsso · 1 year ago
Got thinking about how bummed i was that South Hoof is so empty and unpopulated [the singing yew, a hermit, wild ponies, rescue ranch, and a single farm isn't a lot!] and realized that I could use South Hoof in my au/fanon/storyline [what do we call it?] as a Ysgalin diaspora-heavy region. 50% of Ysgalin are centaurs, after all, and South Hoof does resemble Ysgalon to some extent.
So I guess when/if I make a centaur SSO oc, they'll be living in south hoof. I should design settlements. Ysgal settlements are largely ringforts and open floorplan stone homes, so I think it'd match the aesthetics.
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aflowerynight · 3 years ago
ok but when did they move the welsh ponies??
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galloperthompson · 4 years ago
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I made another one (now with new characters!)
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ourbatshil · 3 years ago
SSO: first clue is grumpy old man house. Me: ah yes lets go to jaspers pumpkin farm obvs.
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blacksheep28 · 3 years ago
The hermit on South Hoof is quite the character. He helps look after the wild ponies on the South Hoof Peninsula. He loves them so much, not so much a fan of people. He really only tolerates me cause I find the wild ponies so fascinating and I'm willing to help him with his chores. That and Mythcare. He really adores her. She's such a good horse. Combined with my work at the rescue ranch the hermit's gotten rather used to me. I was still surprised when he quietly told me he'd be willing to allow me to adopt a wild pony, if I really wanted. I love the ponies, the wild herd. I would love to have one. But, I think I'm okay just continuing to help the Hermit with the wild ponies. I have Mythcare.
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adelaideoldburg · 3 years ago
i think its only in the quests with nightdust, im sorry 😔😔
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