#hermit on the heath
j0them0971 · 6 months
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Is it so wrong that I read the Hermit's dialogue in Kamaji's voice?
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digitalvirghoe · 3 months
i think there’s something beautiful in truly being heard and recognized. like damn… you really get what i’m talking about?
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dearjewels22 · 2 years
“Let me take my ass in the house cuz wtf!”
“If it ain’t one thing it’s another!”
“The devil is working!”
“Jesus take the wheel!”
“Jesus be a fence!”
“Woo mfin saaahh!”
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asteriastarr · 1 year
ok here is me making up a request on the spot
uh oh heheheheee
ok, so my vision is...
another deuce x shapeshifter reader (already dating) and its after school in the courtyard place thingey (where abbey and heath played football (kwim?)
and the whole group is just kinda sitting and watching some monsteres play around with heath and abbey while deuce and y/n either just sit and watch or one of them is up playing but getting teased for watching the other (idk if you get that or not but oh well XD)
just another cute funny fluffy thing
A/n: Uh so I dunno shit about sports so I just shoved Y/n as watching while Deuce is playing because I cannot for the life of me write sports of any kind... I kinda made this like a part two to the other one but not really but yk. (Also for the two sitting with Y/n I just picked the two who seemed the least athletic)... for the record, those of you who read my wattpad you may find some small references to the fanfic, anyways enjoy- hope this is what you had in mind and sorry for how long it took :)
POV: Shapshifter!reader and the group watching Deuce play sport.
Y/n, Frankie and Draculaura sat watching their friends play some kind of sports game… or more Frankie and Draculaura were watching their friends, Y/n however- couldn’t seem to tear her eyes off of a certain gorgon.
“Hellooo, earth to Y/n-” Draculaura hummed, waving a pink hand in front of the shapeshifter's face.
When Y/n merely moved her head to the side so she could continue watching, Draculaura snapped her fingers in the girl's ear.
“Huh? What?”  The shapeshifter asked, shooting up, as if she’d been broken out of a trance.
Draculaura released a small laugh.
“You are so smitten Y/n.” Draculaura giggled.
“No, I’m not!” Y/n exclaimed.
“Oh yeah? Then why are you staring at Deuce like that?” Draculaura asked smirking.
“Well, he is my boyfriend, forgive me for paying closer attention to him than say… uh- Frankie.” Y/n defended.
“Uh- Y/n- I’m right next to you… have been the entire time you’ve been here.” Frankie spoke up causing Y/n to blush in embarrassment.
“Well- How did you even know I was staring at Deuce?” Y/n asked.
“Your hands went all scaley… they usually do when you’re staring at Deuce… sometimes your hair goes all snake-like.” Draculaura shrugged.
“On a separate note… didn’t you have detention today?” Draculaura asked raising a brow.
“Uh- Um- Maybe?” She spluttered causing Draculaura to roll her eyes.
“You mean you did, but snuck out so you could watch your boyfriend.” Draculaura deduced.
“You’re making me out to be boy crazy or something Draculaura, I actually snuck out to hang out with you guys.” Y/n defended.
“And Deuce.”
“Oh, shut up already.” Y/n scoffed, not realising that Deuce was looking in her direction, stopping his running around to watch her talk to Draculaura and subsequently being hit in the head with the foot they had been playing with.
“Aw, Deuce were you staring at your girlfriend?” Heath teased causing Deuce to punch him in the arm.
“Shut up dude.” He scoffed before glancing back at Y/n.
“So how did you even get out of detention?” Draculaura asked.
“Oh uh- You know that uh- Mercy girl? I paid her twenty dollars to put sleeping medication in Mr Komos’s drink.” Y/n shrugged.
“Y/n you’ll be in so much trouble when he wakes up!” Draculaura gasped.
“Oh please, that won’t be for hours.”
As if right on cue, Mr Komos stormed out of the school building.
“Y/n! You are supposed to be in detention.” Mr Komos hissed when he reached the group.
“No, I’m not.”
“Yes you are- I’m the one who gave you the detention!”
“No, you didn’t.”
“Y/n. Go back to detention.” Mr Komos ordered.
“You know, I’m starting to think you’re only giving me detention because I’m a shapeshifter.” Y/n stated.
“I am.”
“That is so offensive.” Y/n deadpanned.
“It’s because you keep imitating teachers.”
“Me? I would never!” Y/n gasped.
“You’ll never catch me alive!” Y/n exclaimed, turning into a hermit crab to pinch his legs before returning to her normal form and running into the woods.
“Y/n! Why does this always happen?”
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discordiansamba · 9 months
read the list that mentioned keith and akira growing up together in the earthbound krolia au and !! i think that's my favourite tbh, like. i can't remember if heath lives but if he doesn't then that's 200% MORE absolutely insane b/c here are these identical desert hermits who nobody knows, who know very little about like, popular culture and they literally speak their own language that no one can figure out (how are they making those noises??) and they're both phenomenal pilots who were taken under THE takashi shirogane's wing
like if i were lance or james i'd be pissed already, but then they're both so busy competing with each other that they don't even notice you?? *rage*
Yeah, Heath still dies in that AU so it's literally just single mom Krolia raising her Keith by herself- or in this case, the twins. She rigs up some illusion tech that lets her blend in a little easier... or at least the Krolia definition of 'blending in' which basically means not being visibly purple.
I think Keith and Akira in the Garrison together would drive like. so many people insane. They're probably two of the best pilots they've ever seen, but they're also just so weird. They don't live on campus housing. They live out in the desert with their mom, who is also very weird. They mostly seem to kind of just ignore everyone else around them, except for Shiro and Adam.
And it's not out of malevolence, necessarily! It's the same kind of tunnel vision that really only let Keith see James because he was on a closer level to him than Lance ever was. He's number one, and then there's the guy right below him- and maybe tangentially the other top five. So if Keith has a twin who shares his reflexes and piloting abilities, they're basically just going to spend all their time at the Garrison competing with each other.
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The Wonderful World of Dollies and Crafting, Chpt 1
Words: ~1k
notes: this au is inspired by my friend @aslitheryprinx's old Ragdoll AU, as well as Toy Story, and my own eclectic doll collection. Also note that there will eventually be shipping (haven't decided which ships yet) and all hermits will be present with no particular "main character" across later chapters. Asks are always welcome if you're curious about the characters or world! Enjoy!
Cleo hummed to herself, putting the last few stitches on the little doll-sized suit jacket she'd been working on. Making the clothes was the final step in the weeks-long project, and she was glad to be near finished.
Not that she didn't enjoy her work, of course, but it had taken a while, longer than she'd expected- what started as a simple test of her skills with epoxy clay, to see how well she could add a bit of muscle mass and tone to a doll, turned into a full customization project complete with repainting and accessories, starting when she accidentally sanded the chest down a bit more than she intended and, rather than try and re-enhance the bust with the epoxy sculpt, decided she was changing directions and making it into a male doll now, too. It spiraled from there.
But here she was now, finally finished- she put the jacket on the doll, and grinned at her finished product. A well-muscled doll, wearing a nice suit- with missing, "torn" sleeves, like he'd flexed them off-, a red tie, painted with scars (to make him look tougher), and a halo affixed to his head with a wire (because why not). She picked him up.
"Hmmm." Most of her customs were quickly listed and sold on Etsy, but this one... She liked him too much. She didn't think he'd sell, anyways- he didn't scream "mass appeal" and she wasn't the most popular doll customizer- not that she really wanted to be. Her Etsy shop was titled "Hermit's Crafts" for a reason. "I think I'll hold on to you."
She looked around the room, her workshop/study/display room, for a place to put him. She spotted an empty place on a shelf, in between an action figure she'd bought at a dollar store and a Heath Burns from Monster High- both items bought with the intent to give them a 'glow-up' at some point, both projects never quite started. Maybe someday.
"I guess I need to settle on a name now, if I'm keeping you." She muttered to herself- well, to the doll. But it's not like he was going to talk back, it was the same as talking to herself. She had been thinking about names while working on him, and she had a shortlist- they ranged from silly to plain, and you know what? She was feeling a bit silly today. "Alright, I christen you... Skizzleman." She smiled and set him down on the shelf. "I'll take photos to post later, working on you tired me out."
She took another look at Skizzleman, admiring her own work just one more time, before stepping out of the room.
The door shut behind her and her footsteps faded down the hall.
"... Okay, looks like she's gone, I think we're good for now." a large action figure standing across the room said in a posh British accent that didn't quite match his armored appearance. He wasn't quite life-sized, but he was tall enough that he was stood on his own on the floor, and definitely wouldn't fit on any of the shelves.
Skizzleman looked around, turning his head for the first time in a while. He'd hardly had time to move at all while Cleo was working on him. All across the room, he could see more toys, more dolls, doing the same as him- looking around, stretching, starting to chat with their friends.
"Hey! Hey, dude, you okay?" He jumped a little and turned to see the action figure he was stood next to, looking at him with mild concern.
"Uh?" Skizz responded.
"Oh, sorry, didn't mean to scare you." The action figure adjusted his position- which Skizz could tell was no easy task, he didn't have much articulation- to face Skizz. "Just wanted to check on you, that was a pretty intense custom job she did on you."
"Oh, yeah, it was." Skizz shook his head. "It didn't hurt or anything, though. Felt a little weird when she wiped my face off, but she painted the new one on pretty quickly, so it wasn't that bad."
He heard a sigh of relief from behind him- he turned to see, of course, that Monster High doll. "Everyone always says that, but it's so nice to hear. The idea of being worked on like that still makes me so nervous."
The action figure laughed. "You worry too much about that, Tango. It's been years since we got here, she's never going to do anything with us."
"Tango?" Skizz said, a bit confused- he'd seen dolls like that across the aisles at the store, he hadn't gotten to talk to one, but he was pretty sure the name on the box was "Heath".
"Yep, that's me!" The Monster High doll, Tango apparently, replied, "The name I came with didn't really, fit, I think? So I just picked my own." He raised his arms in something like a shrug.
The action figure nodded. "Yeah, Cleo still calls him Heath, but we all know he's Tango. It's the same with me, Cleo never really gave me a name and my box didn't say anything either, so I go by Impulse now."
"No, the box said something, it just said, what was it? "Super Cool Hero Man"?" Tango was clearly barely keeping himself from laughing.
"Oh, shut up," Impulse waved him off, trying to keep his tone lighthearted, but clearly a bit embarrassed. "Anyways, yeah! Nice to meet you! Cleo called you, uh, Skizzleman? Think you'll stick with that?"
Skizz thought for a second, then nodded. "Yeah, I think I will. It suits me."
Impulse put his hand out and patted Skizz on the back. "Alright, well hello, Skizzleman! Welcome to the Hermit's Crafts family! Remember your spot on the shelf, because Cleo will. You can move around wherever, just make sure you're where you're supposed to be when she gets back. She seems really nice, but, you know-"
"Yeah, I know, you can't let humans see you move."
Impulse nodded. "Yeah. Just seems like a bad idea. So, be careful, I'm sure you can figure out the rest. How about I show you around and introduce you to everyone?"
Skizz smiled. "That sounds good."
Impulse smiled back.
Skizz got the feeling he was going to like it here.
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soldier-requests · 5 months
uhhhh hi
i was curious about a name suggestion request for a masc mad scientist kinnie. very frankenstein adjacent but in the 70s. i was weird and lonely, a mortician turned mad scientist when i decided to start experimenting with reanimation. basically a lovesick gay doctor frankenstein.
i loved tea and sweets and taxidermy, i was chronically ill so i spent most of my time at home with my “work”.
i dont have anything specific in mind, just wanna see what vibe you get :)
hello!! that all sounds sick as hell /pos, i'll whip up some ideas ^_^.
names under the cut!
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victorluvsalice · 1 year
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And then, as Alice amused herself giving the living room bonsai bush a trim and Smiler, having finished editing and uploading their video, gave Snappy a quick spraying for bugs (which -- you wouldn’t think would be much of an issue for a Sixam Mosquito Trap), the guests began arriving for the weenie roast! Said guests being Heath, Grace, Cecilia, Nalani, and Aleah (random townie, one of the Realm of Magic premades, one of the Cottage Living premades, one of the Sulani mermaids, and the Granite Falls hermit). I quickly started adding them to Smiler’s group and directing them to the back yard so they didn’t just wander around and get into trouble, as uncontrollable Sims tend to do. :p Smiler came out and got the fire going for everyone to enjoy -- Alice, having finished up her bonsai trimming, went out to join the others, while Victor, done with Moory, took a moment to Repairio another busted water collector and catch a few locusts flying about on the lot --
Before heading to the grill to become unofficial grillmaster and make food for everyone, as per the goals! I ended up having him make choripán, a sandwich made with chorizo beef or pork sausage and crusty bread. It looked quite tasty when he finished it up, I have to say! Victor set that out for everyone to enjoy while Smiler tried to get a group story going -- the ACTION never completed, but the GOAL did, so, uh, win? O.o I then had them chill out by the fire and start throwing rocks into it and poking it with a stick (aka “play” with it as the game defines it) while the guests started wandering off to look for food and such. . .
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wikiuntamed · 6 months
On this day in Wikipedia: Monday, 1st April
Welcome, أهلا بك (ahlan bika), bienvenido, tervetuloa 🤗 What does @Wikipedia say about 1st April through the years 🏛️📜🗓️?
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1st April 2019 🗓️ : Death - Vonda N. McIntyre Vonda N. McIntyre, American science fiction author (b. 1948) "Vonda Neel McIntyre (August 28, 1948 – April 1, 2019) was an American science fiction writer and biologist...."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0? by HerB104
1st April 2014 🗓️ : Death - Jacques Le Goff Jacques Le Goff, French historian and author (b. 1924) "Jacques Le Goff (French pronunciation: [ʒak lə ɡɔf]; 1 January 1924 – 1 April 2014) was a French historian and prolific author specializing in the Middle Ages, particularly the 12th and 13th centuries.Le Goff championed the Annales School movement, which emphasizes long-term trends over the topics..."
1st April 1974 🗓️ : Event - Local Government Act 1972 The Local Government Act 1972 of England and Wales comes into effect. "The Local Government Act 1972 (c. 70) is an act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that reformed local government in England and Wales on 1 April 1974. It was one of the most significant Acts of Parliament to be passed by the Heath Government of 1970–74. The Act took the total number of..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0? by Valethske
1st April 1924 🗓️ : Event - Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler is sentenced to five years imprisonment for his participation in the "Beer Hall Putsch" but spends only nine months in jail. "Adolf Hitler (20 April 1889 – 30 April 1945) was an Austrian-born German politician who was the dictator of Nazi Germany from 1933 until his suicide in 1945. He rose to power as the leader of the Nazi Party, becoming the chancellor in 1933 and then taking the title of Führer und Reichskanzler in..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 de? by Heinrich Hoffmann
1st April 1824 🗓️ : Birth - Louis-Zéphirin Moreau Louis-Zéphirin Moreau, Canadian bishop (d. 1901) "Louis-Zéphirin Moreau (1 April 1824 – 24 May 1901) was a Canadian Roman Catholic prelate who served as the fourth Bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe from 1875 until his death in 1901. He was also the cofounder of the Sisters of St. Joseph of St. Hyacinthe, an congregation he founded with Élisabeth Bergeron,..."
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Image by J.E. Livernois
1st April 🗓️ : Holiday - Christian feast day: Walric, abbot of Leuconay "Saint Walaric, modern French Valery (died 620), was a Frankish monk turned hermit who founded the abbey of Saint-Valery-sur-Somme. His cult was recognized in Normandy and England...."
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Image by
Unknown authorUnknown author
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the-book-queen · 1 year
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Hide your wallets, it's that time again! Your daily thread of romance deals is ready, FREE to $2.49!
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Putting these lists together takes time. If you appreciate this content, please consider buying me a Ko-Fi. http://ko-fi.com/danielletbq
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ajentmm · 1 year
FEH October 2023 Theorycraft
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Oh, I gotta do monthly theorycrafts? But I theorycrafted all but one before this, do I really? Sigh . . .
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Fir: Student of Spring 
Lvl. 40 5 ☆ 39/35/41/28/24 Max Invest 47/43/49/35/31 
Bun-Bun Baton: Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Effective against armored foes. Neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks during combat. 
Harsh Command+ - Atk/Spd Solo 3 - Air Orders 3 
Here is Spring! Fir. She has NFU on a Armor effective AS weapon. That's it. Let's add whatever we want and than get it wrong.
Bun-Bun Baton: Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Effective against armored foes. Neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks during combat. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat. 
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit, inflicts Spd/Def-X on foe (X = 11 - foe's max Special cooldown count value × 2; min 3; if foe does not have a Special skill, penalty = 3), and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 40% during combat, and also, if unit's Spd ≥ foe's Spd+5, neutralizes effects that inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat 
Guess who just got an alt and can now has a powercrepted weapon to draw reference to when making a refine. This gal. This would make her a really nuke when it comes to dealing with armored foes. You just need to give her a Special.
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Tsubasa: Madcap Idol
Mirage Feather: Effective against armored and cavalry foes. Grants Spd+3. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+6 during combat. If unit initiates combat after an ally has already acted, unit can make a guaranteed follow-up attack before foe can counterattack.
If unit initiates combat grants Atk/Spd+6 to unit during combat and unit deals damage = 15% of unit’s Spd, and also, and after combat, if unit has weapon-triangle advantage or deals effective damage to foe, inflict [Exposure] and “foe cannot counterattack” on target and the nearest foes within 3 spaces until the end of their next action, and grant unit [Pathfinder] for 1 turn.
Sigh . . . this was so gimmicky. I'm going to be disappointed when it's just something functionally, but they really shouldn't do this exact thing.
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Larcei: Keen Kin
Larcei’s Edge: Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Grants Spd+3. At start of combat, if unit’s Spd > foe’s Spd or if foe’s HP ≥ 75%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit and neutralizes foe’s bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat.
At start of combat, if unit’s HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit and neutralizes effects that prevent unit’s follow up attacks or inflict "Special cooldown charge -X’ on unit during combat, and also, if unit’s Spd > foe’s Spd during combat, deals damage = 70% of difference between stats. (Maximum bonus of +7 damage.).
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Chad: Lycian Wildcat
Wildcat Dagger Hermit Pick: After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-6 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions, and grants Def/Res+6 to unit and allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn. If an ally within 2 tile radius has [Bonuses] active or foe has [Penalties] active, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 during combat.
After combat, if unit attacked, grants unit and allies within 2 spaces Spd +6 for 1 turn, and inflict [Numbing] on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions. [Numbing] If foe’s Spd > unit’s Spd, reduces unit’s damage during combat and from area-of-effect Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials) by percentage = difference between stats × 4 (max 40%).
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Heath: Wandering Knight
Hyperion Lance Wander Lance: Effective against cavalry foes. If foe initiates combat or foe’s HP > 75%, grants bonus to unit’s Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = 4 + X (X = number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat × 2; max 8).
At the start of combat, if unit’s HP ≥ 25%, grant Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit and reduces damage from foe’s first attack by X% during combat (if in combat against a cavalry foe or a flying foe with Range = 2, X = 60; otherwise, X = 30)
Alright, done.
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evilrat-sabre · 1 year
Today is the last day of a Hermit a day may challenge.
I didn’t do any art for this day, but I just wanted to say somethings.
First thing: Thank you all so much! I never participated of a event like this, but it was so fun! I feel like my art has improved a lot and I feel connected with this fandom in a way I had not yet. To me this thing, that is this fandom is so important, it brings me a type of peace I have yet to find in my irl life. Don’t get me wrong, I love what I do, my work and my college are places that I truly feel safe and appreciated, and I am very grateful for what I have, but a space of fandom like this, is where I can truly disconnect myself of all my problems, the insanity in it let me remain sane.
Second thing: Because of this event my colleagues think I am a savage... let me explain: My drawing program of choose is Adobe Illustrator (yea I know its not the ideal, but I like it) and like, the first days of the event I didn't bore to create a new archive so I just started duplicating the clipboards. I pretended to when it started to get heavy I would just create a new archive and proceed drawing, but one of my colleagues was horrified seeing the archive that had only 8 clipboards at time, so I decide why not 30? So 30 I did... everyone is questioning my mental heath and how my pc is still alive. 
I am proud of my self and have no regrets.
Here is my monster child
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Third think I want to say and them I will finish this: I wanted to thank Mod Luna for bringing this challenge to us. Before, I never had the guts to participate of something like this, IDK why this time was different but I am very grateful it was. I have to say, my daily dose of serotonim was seeing what ro was going to put in the reblog tags. Its aways fun geting jumpscared with ro saying my name in the tags instead of calling me op like every other rebloguer (for some reason I aways forget that people can call you by your name in the internet. Yes I know my nick name is my name, but I get a little spooked every time It happens, because my brain can be a little dumb like that.)
Well I think this is it, Thank everyone that was involved in this crazy month, have a good day and a wonderfull week, bye!
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reddeadreference · 2 years
Blog Update: (kinda) Travel Blog Style
Reminder: Various polls will be closing within the next 24 hours. (see pinned post for links)
Drafts: 61
Queue: 8 (7 POI posts, 1 face angle post)
So I was getting the remaining POI entries I need between the two and I have Arthur go to the Hermit Woman... you either have to run off her dogs or kill them. ... I had to kill them. I just survived a bear attack I'm not dying to three dogs.
Arthur hogties the woman, writes in his journal, and as I have him get on his horse to leave he shouts back,
"You take care now!"
Arthur please...
Speaking of bear attacks I'm VERY curious to know if the camp will react in ANY way to Arthur coming back all scratched up so I'm hoping the wounds don't fade til I ride all the way back... to Clemen's Point... from North Big Valley... The blood faded from his coat but the scratch marks are still there.
Had the rude racer come up to us and ask to race down to Owanjila. Said no. He called us a coward and he's very lucky we have places to be.
Autopilot... Crashed into the tree those damn O'Driscoll's cut down to make Arthur and Micah crash that wagon. Why does no one ever fix that?
Just as we reach near Diablo Ridge (near the edge of West Elizabeth) we have to help a guy with a bear trap and I see our bear scars finally fade away from our back... now we only have the face scar... gotta hurry if I wanna show camp.
Just as I see camp in the distance... face scar is gone. Mission Failure.
Walking towards where Micah's at the fire, bear pelt over my shoulder.
Me: Micah I fought a bear and won, look, look!
Micah makes some noise, laughs, "got ya there."
Arthur: Just name the place my friend. Just name the place.
Dude... we fought a BEAR and won. Think we're scared of you???
Oh to be as happy as Uncle looks playing the banjo.
See's Micah bothering Abigail, beelines for them.
He walks away says "Ladies" to Karen, Tilly, and Grimshaw.
Karen: *happily* Hello!
Me: WTF Karen?!
Proceeds to follow him around camp antagonizing him.
He brags about putting money in the box (after fucking teleporting I stg he was behind me)
Arthur: What do you want? A medal?
$25 hm? weeeell.... lemme just put in... $100.
Scene comes up where Karen is complaining about Grimshaw, Grimshaw shows up.. with a broom.
The fuck are you out here sweeping, Susan?!
Arthur: *to Karen* My lady.
Karen: Leave it.
What did I do?!
As we're leaving camp to head to the Braithwaite place to get a photo of their secret I see Hosea walking away into the woods... with a plate. Where the fuck did he get a PLATE? I thought we only had bowls?!
Then we see him kicking Sean awake (who's supposed to be on guard) and I realize it's for a scene... but then I go over and look via photo mode... plate is gone.
Rowing over to the manor and there's a couple sitting on the beach. cute.
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I think that's all the things I need for POIs (besides the Grey's secret because for some reason whenever I go to get that entry the paper is gone and neither wrote anything down for it.) so those should be all up within a week.
While I'm out here might as well get some photos for those little islands.
Is there a reason that the music on these fucking things is so fucking creepy at night????
If I hit a snake with my boat... it'll be fine right??? . . . It hissed and disappeared but there's no X on the map... but it did a lil flash on the screen... Q-Q I'm sorry Snek.
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On the bright side my heath is going up from all this paddling.
got to the sunken/wrecked ship. Never noticed an eagle can spawn at the top of the mast.
So.. just like in real life.. shooting a hole in your boat is a bad idea. Not sure what I thought would happen. In hindsight I should've done this closer to the camp and not... ya know, on the island across from it. That being said if you're ever stuck on one of those islands just set up a camp and poof magically you're back on the main land.
Rolled around in the mud to see if I could get Grimshaw to make me wash... she comes up to me... and says they were worried about me Q-Q I didn't think I was gone so long. I just went around the islands for about a day and a half.
Went fishing off the dock
"You sir, are a fish." Arthur is too precious for this world...
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ancat-dubh-old · 3 years
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do you ever get the thing where you’re doing magic in the woods on a full moon (on a Bronze Age barrow sometimes no less) and you’re like, if seven-year-old me could see me now!
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disownedbytiime · 3 years
There’s this… idk what to call it, but something I’ve unfortunately experienced with some people I love, and some people I maybe don’t love but still appreciate. I don’t want to call it envy or jealousy bc I don’t wanna sound pretentious, but it’s something like that.
Like, I’ll tell them something, not too grand but something that shows certain ‘skill’ I have (tbh I don’t have that many) and then a bit later they’ll tell me something else, unrelated completely, but basically trying to one up me with that thing I just said.
Like say, I’ll mention that I cooked certain meal (bc duh that’s what I do) and then I’ll make a passing comment that some person told me they liked it a lot. A lot of times those comments aren’t even to make myself look better, sometimes it’s to tell a story. Like ‘x person told me they liked it because it reminded them of the time they went out to this place, which btw I’m dying to visit some time.’ That’s an example. But then that other person will later tell me an unrelated thing but one way or another (usually not directly) will tell me they made the best pie ever. Like they’ll send me a link to some of their social media and there it’ll be the post were they made the best thing. Which they would probably not have told me if I hadn’t said the other thing before.
And like, for a while I kept thinking I was just imagining it and I was just being full of myself by thinking they were doing that. Like surely they weren’t trying to one up me, what’s the big issue?? But idk it has happened several times with someone I hold dear (and with other people also several times) so I’m starting to believe it’s really them. I really don’t wanna sound pretentious bc I’m not trying to show off, but hey! I also won’t pretend I can’t do good things! If I’m proud of something then I’ll be proud! I don’t need to keep having low self esteem over these things and ngl I also won’t downplay my (already small!) achievements for the sake of others!
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soulvolution · 4 years
Depression caused me to retreat into myself, saying fewer and fewer words, and talking to fewer and fewer people, until I was saying nothing at all
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