#sso asks
voidlessawoken · 5 months
3, 16, 28 for the Asks? :)
3. Where is my home stable? Do you favour a specific spot or does it change every once in a while?
My current home stable is in Firgrove... StarShine Ranch to be exact... I tend to choose the most quiet places... and prettiest imo. But I normaly change every once in a while if there is an event or festival. (or current aesthetic that i have)
16. Which Championship is your favorite? Why?
I can't say I really have a favorite... but If i had to choose I'd say either Moorland or Valedale. They are the easiest for me lmao
28. Which character from the gamedo you hate with your entire existence and why?
Jamie Olivetree or whatever. I had a bug once where she had locked me in her fucking kitchen and I was not able to get out. I couldn't quit the game or anything. Had to Alt F4 the game and contact the support lol. Since then I've had beef with her and I want her gone. Lock her up in the druid cell for kidnapping.
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intheferns · 5 months
11, 16, 26 for the SSO Asks?
Thanks for asking! ^^🌱
11. At the moment I have only seven horses. I know it's very small, but I don't buy other horses, not because I don't have sc or I don't like coats/breeds/animations. It's just important to me that the horse becomes not just a transport, but a character, so that they have their own story related to the story of my mc. It's just my position, nothing more :") But I plan to purchase a couple more horses of my favorite breeds in the future
16. I rarely participate in Championships, but I like the New Hillcrest Championship. It is one of the most difficult for me because of the fog and the swarm of bees, but it always becomes joyful when it turns out to pass it without mistakes! I love challenging races and quests x)
26. To be honest, I would like to have more interaction with them. I am an evil creature who loves to ruin the lives of the guys from GED and DC and I miss the times when we fought with mr. Kembell in Silverglade and helped CHILL in Epona.
I also think that Ms. Drake is a much more complex and interesting character than Mr. Kembell. She is smarter, able to think through her actions in advance and keeps the entire team of GED employees at bay. Whereas Mr. Kembell acts like an ordinary billionaire who thinks money will solve any problem. So I prefer Ms. Drake :)
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sshadovv · 8 months
✨📚 🛸? :)
✨️ [STARS] -> Does your Character have any powers? Including anything beside what is known from current SSO Lore (the Circles, etc.)
Actually, no! Despite her connection to the Aideen keepers, she has no magical abilities of any of the Circles or other powers. So aside from the usual skills she has nothing special, just enthusiasm and a desire for adventure :) 📚 [BOOK STACK] -> What is your Original Character's story? Not just in SSO's canon main story - what is your Character's deal in general?
July has several "versions" of her story, as she is still one of the characters in my universe based on the SSL. But since this is specifically about the SSO version of her now, I'll tell you more about it, although it's still very unclear. July was born in Jorvik City, to a fairly ordinary family. As a teenager, city life bored her, and information about a horse camp in Moorland came to her attention. She decided to go there for the summer, but ended up staying there for a long time, involved in a story you all know. During these adventures she met many new friends, including Silver, a guy who also got caught up in the maelstrom of events (maybe I'll tell you more about him later!). They eventually grew close, but Silver was constantly trying to keep July from getting into more trouble on her own head. As I said, July has no magical abilities, but she enjoys getting involved in new ventures, so she participated in many soulrider's adventures.
And 🛸 [U.F.O] was already in the previous post :)
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nisaconite · 9 months
thank you so much for the ask! 👥 has been answered here.
🛸 [U.F.O] -> daryl never was the type to believe in the supernatural, and although she was raised in the way of aideen (has the ssoblr decided on a name for her religion?), she wasn't practicing or super religious. her world was kind of flipped upside down when she found out about the existence of magic, and she was very defensive of her beliefs being challenged at first. after she accepted the first one, though, it became more like... "well, this might as well happen at this point." like, if one thing is possible, why not everything else, right?
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juni-ravenhall · 4 months
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marszippan · 3 months
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introducing jorvik's faithful firgrove-based search and rescue duo ryland and harpy aka fortuna's doom, i'm in love with them btw
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urlocalh3ath3n · 3 months
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bellassoblr · 4 months
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sometimesanequine · 9 months
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soul rider horses make me think of weezer sometimes
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cheval-grand · 6 months
my beefed up gamer PC (capable of running the likes of Genshin Impact, Honkai: Star Rail, modded Baldurs Gate 3, and Final Fantasy 14 with my 40GBs of mods + over 200GBs of other peoples mods with no lag or frame dips, and can even run some of these games at the same time with still zero frame dips or lag/stutter issues)
Star Stable Online (funny horse game is somehow dipping to as low as 6 fps with no other programs open)
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redwoodpoint · 2 months
y'all im high as shit and i decided to play sso like how i did when i was a kid. put together a god-awful outfit and im just running around enjoying the new sounds. i havent played in a few weeks so i havent even done the story quests yet. im just cruising around the map as heather and experiencing jorvik through her eyes. its so nice. highly recommend
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intheferns · 5 months
6,27,29 for the ask prompts!!
Sorry for delaying the answers ><
6. I like big and fluffy horses! North swedish (of both generations), shire, clydesdale, irish cob, wild jorvik, ardennes... I can't choose one of these breeds, I like each one in its own way :>
27. There are quite a few of them :') Some of my favorite characters are Galloper, Fripp and Rania, but I also love all the Soul Riders and their horses very much. I used to like Anne and Linda especially among the Soul Riders, but now Lisa and Alex also seem cool and interesting to me and I can't choose one person
29. I reeeally love different inaccessible and mysterious locations: the mountains of Jor, hidden runestones, caves, druidic places... Especially the Secret Stone Circle (especially in the Starshine Legacy version) and the Ancient Tree on the South Hoof
But if I had the opportunity to be on Jorvik, I would like to go EVERYWHERE
Thank you very much for asking!!
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sshadovv · 9 months
🪄🌳🛸 for the asks? :)
🪄 [MAGIC WAND] - Does your Original Character know about the magic powers existing across Jorvik? Do they know of the Sisterhood and the Keepers, of the Herds in Wild Woods, or Pandoria? If not, how do they explain some of the things happening around them (e.g. whatever Devil's Gap got going after the latest Main Quest)?
July knows about Pandoria, the Sisterhood, the Keepers, and most things magical on Jorvik. She isn't privy to all the details, but she often helps the Keepers of Aideen. I think usually when some shit happens, she only finds out about the aftermath already, riding by and being like "oh, I see you need help once again! I'm just free". But occasionally she's involved in the events themselves (I think there was a similar situation in Devil's Gup: July volunteered to help with a small case, thinking her role would be unimportant, but in the end what happened was what happened. 🌳 [TREE] -> How is your Original Character's connection to nature and the island? Are they attuned to it, similar to the Wild Wardens? Are they incapable of building that connection they are 'supposed' to have?
Julie is not someone who has a special connection to nature. She finds it beautiful, admires it. She likes to walk through forests and fields and enjoy it, but no more. In this respect, she is closer to ordinary everyday people.
🛸 [U.F.O] -> What is your Original Character's opinion on Pandoria and the 'travel' through time and space taking place across some places in Jorvik? What about other legends and myths of Jorvik that they got to meet in person (e.g. Jon Jarl)?
Ju had been in a long shock after having to travel to Pandoria for the first time. She was taken there to help and back up in case help was needed. And for a long time she didn't believe it was possible. It was one thing to see magic on a familiar island that had become familiar, but it was another thing to have a different world. When she was there, she felt something completely new and strange to her, and the environment itself was obviously very unusual for her. She recovered quickly enough from the shock and wanted to repeat the journey, but she was in no hurry to do so. It was a dangerous place, after all. She had a similar reaction to every unusual mythical thing she encountered in her adventures. In the beginning, she wondered about rune stones, ghosts, other magic. Was just as shocked by it! She couldn't believe what she was seeing. But the more she encountered such things, the more she "got used to it", these things became familiar. But no less amazing.
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kit-catrock · 10 months
*gently releases this upon ssoblr 🇲🇫
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horseslur · 11 months
"hey yeah we didn't feel like doing long questlines anymore :) sorry!" feels like an ao3 author's note who stops posting and leaves their fics unfinished on chapter 25/27 because they moved fandoms, except this is a (supposedly) professional company getting paid to produce a product people are paying for who are just leaving not just the event questline but like half a dozen proper questlines in general abandoned and unfinished in their game on what is essentially a whim.
Finishing a project is a skill that is quite literally expected of university students, let alone working adults, and offering good experiences to your players means giving them satisfactory endings to quests after stringing them along for years.
Any goddamn professional who goes "hey these long questlines aren't working, lets shift to a more stand-alone shorter style of quest development" should still have the goddamn decency to finish the ongoing quests instead of abandoning them entirely. It's messy and immature not to.
"oooo but [insert name] left the company!! so we don't know how to finish it :(" the only thing less professional than just throwing shit out unfinished is to have entire parts of your process rely on a single person with no way to pick it back up if that person gets sick/quits/gets fired. do fucking better.
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minophus · 2 months
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babypuppy to me
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