#ssl katja
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fnsilvicot · 3 months ago
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Stalker, SSL Katja's horse.
idk but when I try a new drawing program, I always draw this horse
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sshadovv · 3 months ago
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big commission for @fnsilvicot <3 Thanks again for commissioning me and for allowing such a great idea to come to realisation! It was pleasure to draw it
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centeris2 · 10 months ago
oh good lord where do I start, how far back, how obscure, how do I pick just one thing
but if was just one thing it's probably Laverne, who only appeared in the Starshine Legacy comics from like, 2006? 2007?
What's everyone's favourite bit of obscure lore from any part of the SSO franchise?
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stable-gremlin · 3 months ago
You know whats funny to me is that SSE has no idea what the plot is…and that’s great because it means we can have fun and do our own interpretations and bridge gaps. 
Now, SSL, the books and SSO the game are considered by others as like, completely different media even though there is a referenced history of the SSO Soul Riders and the Dark Riders (the Katja James incident being pivotal evidence for this). 
Is it canon to you? Is it not? IMO who cares. 
Hell, the SSO lore has been re-written so many times over that it doesn’t make sense and thus, in a way, no-one's headcanons are completely true or completely false. 
It’s called nuance and multiple things can be true at once. 
The Star Stable lore is sooooo contradictory and incoherent, you kinda have to bullshit things and that is amazing. The things people come up with get me so excited and happy like yes tell me the weirdest, obscurist thing you’ve managed to link together. 
What I have issues with is when people double down and call others wrong. That is not fun and goes against the entire overarching plot of kindness and community (and also saving the world but I digress). 
Multiple things can be true at once.
Me? I believe in both human Dark Riders and alien Dark Riders. I’ve consumed all the media I can get my hands on and none of it makes sense but…I can tailor it to my will. 
In one fic, I have the human Dark Riders (Undisclosed Desires). In another, they’re immortal harbingers of doom (Gothic Hearts and RoFD).
Multiple things can be true at once. 
Let people have their fun because we sure as fuck need to have some joy in our lives. 
In the wise words of our mother, Chappel Roan: “You’re not fun! Be fun and try!”
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horseslur · 3 months ago
Main storyline progress update:
justin is evil now
the katja image in james's nightmare is very much still art from SSL
i mightve given my horse ptsd
the oil rig sneaking mechanic Fully broke for me live on stream
it was fun i had to relog to be able to actually complete the quest
oh also! these quests still use justin's old model. new dark riders but old (emo) justin
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windforestsso · 6 months ago
I still believe SSO should have rotating events instead of either having them same each time but leaving the players bored or try to one-up themselves to try to keep players interested but would mean the workers work on something that doesnt matter in the long run.
Having there be atleast two years between the same type could make players more excited. Like distance makes the heart grow fond or the like.
With the equestrian festival as exempel.
They could focus on four different riding styles: dressage, western, jumping and terrain. One for each Soul Rider.
Dressage would only have dressage, and not have Sabines races. Anne could have a quest where she teach the mc her routine she was supposed to do in the competition if she wasnt kidnapped (if the player havent saved Anne yet it could be Derek instead and he say something like "I dont know much about dressage but I would watch Anne practice and thought I should set this stuff up in her honor. I miss her") could also add some kind of rivaly with Jessica/jay as they where her villian in the old ssl games
Western would like wise only have western stuff and of players havent saved Lisa yet it could be her dad setting things up. This could be over done with camp western being a thing now. Could have a quest with Sabine. Scott buttergood can be included here with the farm animals running away.
Jumping would have Linda (who is she close to that can hold in stuff if shes still in the castle?) Linda didnt have anything against a dark rider in the ssl game so it could be Erissa. But as she comes to the game so late maybe its best if its mr Sands instead.
And Alex would have terrain. Her quest could go up against Katja. I thought it could be fun if this included outfits thats covered with mud.
If four different equestrian festivals is too much it can instead be split up to two. Like have one version with Dressage in jorvik stables and jumping in moorland. And another version with terrain in jorvik stables(or in greendale) and western in Moorland (could be in starshine ranch but to not have it too much like camp western its probably better for it to be in moorland)
With Halloween it could be that every other year Ydris can take over again to have his party, and those years would focus on the party aspect of halloween, with costumes and tales around fire pit.
And the other years it focus on the more scary part of Halloween, ghost and spiders. Have more tales about jorvikian history.
Dont know how to best split up winter event.
It can also be a complete flop of course.
With people getting mad or frustrated that the current years version of an event is less popular and need to wait about year to play the version they like.
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starshinedragon · 2 years ago
SSO - DARK RIDERS Extended/Upgraded Lore (unofficial)
(Full body arts: Sabine, Jess, Elise by Eleanor Nightwalker (Youtube), Katja by @bluelightcore)
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SABINE CLAYMORE Dark Rider Malumi (The Black Knight)
Horse: Kaahn (warmblood) Powers: Fire Circle (Anti-Lightning) -> Fire and Nullification. Energy absorbing fire against Alex’s lightning attacks. Alex's rival.
Role: Strong guy/Fighter of the 5-man band Flaw: Envy and Wrath. Her hot temper can be used against her. Personality: She’s angry, malicious and a hothead. Inferiority complex. She is often sent against the SRs to do the fighting, often used as a simple minion and she hates it. She thinks she’s stronger, cleverer and better, than the other DRs, while at the same time being envious of them, because she knows she isn’t. Argues with the other DRs even when on a mission. Wants: to prove herself. To defeat the SRs alone, so she can prove, she is the strongest DR.
Backstory: always envious. Only daughter of the rich and prestigious Claymore family. A spoiled and jealous horse girl, who tried to be the best in every discipline, and bought her way into success whenever she could. The only ones who could defeat her were Lisa and Linda and she will forever hate them because of that. But her true rival is Alex. Hobbies: mischief and petty crimes, making others frustrated, getting them into trouble. She is happy when others are not. Discipline: Eventing (that’s why she raced both Lisa and Linda) consists of cross-country, showjumping and dressage.
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KATJA HELBERG   Dark Rider Stiria (The Ice Witch)
Horse: Tyrann (arabian) Powers: Frost Circle (Anti-Moon) -> Frost, Ice and Manipulation. While Linda’s visions show the truth, Katja makes Illusions that are Lies. Linda's rival.
Role: Smart guy/Scout of the 5-man band Flaw: Arrogant and Cold, can’t understand love. Her arrogance can be used against her. Personality: A cold and calculating manipulator, planner, master of Lies. The most dangerous beside Elise. Afraid of her, but won’t admit it. No petty quarrel with the others, she knows her importance. Wants: to control everything. Obsession with controlling and leading the Dark Riders, especially after Elise’s arrival. Wants to prove, that love only gets in the way, it is a hindrance.
Backstory: was betrayed. Norvegian father, kallter mother. She lived with the Kallters in the Dino Valley, inherited her mother’s nature powers, but got corrupted by the forces of darkness. Since she was born with white hair, the kallters always thought she was cursed, but her mother insisted she’s good. After an incident got blamed on her, she got into an argument with ther mother, and she finally gave in to the pressure and said Katja’s bad. Katja ran away into the night in the snowstorm, almost froze to death, but got saved by dark magic and recruited to the dark side. She returned to the village days later, and instead of defending the people from the cold, she unleashed her ice powers and froze the valley. The cold lingers in there ever since, even though the rest of jorvik is warm.   Hobbies: to use her frost powers and cause harm with it (freeze flowers, small animals and such). Likes to prove, that people are cruel and cold and love is a lie. Discipline: Endurance riding. Although normal Arabians are heat and not cold tolerant, Tyrann is just like Katja: doesn’t feel the cold.  
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JESSICA JET Dark Rider Umbra (The Dark Princess)
Horse: Erebos (friesian) Powers: Shadow Circle (Anti-Sun) -> Shadow powers and Banishment. Summons shadow seekers to fight for her, when they steal a person’s soul, she locks them in Pandoria. Anne's rival.
Role: Lancer of the 5-man band (to Katja) Flaw: Pride and Hatred. Her hate for Katja can be used to make her help the good guys. Personality: Hates Anne more than anything, since Concorde kicked her back into Garnok’s prison in SSL 3. Short-tempered, proud and hateful. Does little fighting, her minions fight instead of her. Rivalry with Katja, thinks she is better, than her, even though Katja always outdoes her. Wants: to defeat others. To prove that she is better, than Katja, wants to humiliate and defeat Anne.
Backstory: was defeated by Anne. Jordan Jet’s lost daughter, disappeared years ago, causing her to leave the island of Jorvik in grief. Many years later she returned (in Spring Rider) to pursue her dream of leading a dressage stable. She organizes the Rockville – Beauvista – Bayridge triangle in the Spring Valley, when her long-lost daughter shows up again- but on the side of evil. Hobbies: fashion and modelling. Since Anne is also into fashion, Jess wants to beat her in every way she can. They are rivals in the modelling world also. Discipline: Dressage. Picked it up after she was first defeated by Anne. Got her Dark Horse and trained to one day finally humiliate Anne in her own discipline.
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ELISE SAMASSA Dark Rider Nihili (The Night Huntress)
Horse: Acheron (Rocky Mountains horse) Powers: Darkness Circle (Anti-Star) -> Discord, Darkness and Destruction. Opposite of Lisa’s trust and healing powers, Elise only destroys and corrupts. Lisa's rival.
Role: Leader/Heart of the 5-man band (keeps them together, working for the singular goal) Flaw: absolute cruelty, even towards her fellow DRs. Gets rid of anything and anyone that's not useful anymore to her. Their fear of Elise can be used against her. Personality: Has an unsettling energy about her. Doesn’t have family, doesn’t have friends, doesn’t have weaknesses, doesn’t bargain, just destroys her enemies like a force of nature. Even the other minions of Garnok are afraid of her. Wants: to win. To achieve total victory over the forces of good. Obsessed with winning always.
Backstory: very mysterious. To be the perfect soldier in the service of Garnok, she removed everything from her life, that could hinder her. No attachments, no family, just the sheer focus on the mission. Doesn’t play around, her only goal is to defeat the forces of good, doesn’t matter who or what she has to destroy. Discipline: Racing. Hobbies: power-lifting, strength training, airsoft.
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inkowl13 · 10 months ago
2, 16, 24 for the SSO Asks? (@starstable-eve :))
2. Silver-black color, mane braided in buns (because there is no mohawk) Full name, if translated from russian - Chaotic Crow. The name has never changed.
16. I think Valedale, despite the fact that I am generally indifferent to the championships. Why? Beautiful location and rain.
24. If we are talking about the original games series (SSL) - Katja. If about the SSO- Sabine. Maybe because she had the most interactions with us.
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fnsilvicot · 11 months ago
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SSL and SSO Katjas. (and Mortifa)
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tad-moved · 2 years ago
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09.06 // When I suddenly had Starshine Legacy walkthroughs in my Youtube recommendations, it meant that I would draw the favourite villainess from this fandom. I would like to replay these games in one day And I love her in original design. That remade design is SSO is so out of her character, sorry not sorry
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sso-bluegirl · 3 years ago
me: star shine legacy 4 is my favourite game of the series because of the plot
the plot:
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sleepytimestables · 8 days ago
oookay, after some reading...
Katja was the one with illusion powers originally, making her Linda's mirror. Jessica was Anne's mirror in the ssl games.
with the redesigns, sse gave the illusion power to Jay and gave Katja ice/death powers instead. meaning that Katja is Lisa's mirror now, and Jay is Linda's.
wait wait wait.
sso wiki says that Jay's powers are thought to be the opposite of Anne's, but i thought they were Linda's mirror. i could've sworn Jay had some kind of illusion power, which is why i thought they were Linda's opposite...
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jorvik-gazette-archive · 4 years ago
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here is my shitty edit of Glamour front page
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jorvikzelda · 2 years ago
Where will the battle against Garnok be set?
^ This is a question I keep returning to lately, especially as the main story grows more and more intense. There has to be a grand face-off at some point, right?
In Starshine Legacy, Garnok was never truly released; the efforts to keep this from happening took place in Pandoria. The same applies to the first three books, though there, Garnok came closer to his return and the Dark Riders gave the Soul Riders far more trouble than in SSL. In SSO, we know with certainty that Garnok still resides in this Pandorian prison. Potential locations to battle Garnok include:
Pandoria. Unlikely and anticlimactic. It's where he's imprisoned; it is no show of power to wander into someone's cell and take them out with a stab in the back while they are in a weakened, restricted state. (That's not how the Druids think, obviously, but it is how the writers probably think; there's nothing epic about such a defeat.) Garnok's Pandorian residence is also probably heavily guarded by Pandorian beasts and Dark Core goons alike. They gave us trouble trying to rescue Anne, even when they had no use left for her; I doubt they'd let us off easy trying to get to Garnok. Our best hope trying to defeat Garnok in Pandoria would be luring him, and thereby the rest of Dark Core, to us - needless to say, a complicated and dangerous affair where we would run the risk of being the ones to let him loose on Jorvik, should we need to escape and accidentally pull him with us.
Devil's Gap. Severely unlikely and somewhat nonsensical. This used to make perfect sense (at least to me) - the implications that Devil's Gap held high concentrations of evil and danger gave strong associations with Garnok, the greatest evil known to Jorvik. Now that we know Devil's Gap to be the residence of the Vala - known protectors of Jorvik - this seems far likely. Their (most likely brief) alliance with at least one Dark Rider and the Druids' resentment towards them means, to me, that Devil's Gap isn't entirely off the list, but I don't really see it happening unless Dark Core manage bring down the Vala's presumably strong defences to let Garnok loose there. It may be noteworthy, though, that Galloper Thompson (or Gunnar Thrymson, if you prefer) has memories of a great tentacled monster attacking Jarlaheim.
Dark Core's headquarters. Did we ever find out in game what the portal is for? It seems to be dangerous - but at the same time, Katja seemingly appeared from it. In the books, it seems to be a gate to Garnok, or at least his powers. No matter, Dark Core's headquarters are a strong contender in my mind, especially if the battle and its location are out of our control. We may very well have to rush there at the last minute, only to arrive to Garnok already there and ready to wreak havoc on Jorvik the second he is directed towards the coast.
Anywhere by the ocean. Garnok's natural habitat seems to be deep under the sea. It's less likely he'd pop up in a random location than just... at the oil rig - but if Garnok's release is as much out of Dark Core's control as it is ours, rather being entirely of his own volition, he may very well appear anywhere he wishes. This is probably more likely than Mr. Sands believes it to be.
Pine Hill Manor. Wild card of the week! We haven't unlocked it yet, and I'm not sure it's even far south enough to fit within the reaches of the in-game map's greyed out area - in fact, there isn't even any water - but it is Mr. Sands' own personal headquarters. Perhaps it is here he has spent time communicating with, researching, Garnok. Perhaps this, not the oil rig's platform, is the place Garnok sees power (and most of all, vulnerability) in.
All of the above. Garnok, going by the books, seems to be just as much a shapeless, endless presence as he is a physical being. Perhaps the climactic battle will have us attempt and fail to stop his escape, and then follow him around Jorvik in a great race against time and the Dark Riders in an effort to bring an end to him once and for all. Garnok's release would not be a threat only to a small part of Jorvik - it would affect every piece of land and sea. A gameplay representation of that is not all too unlikely.
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starshinedragon · 2 years ago
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[Picture source: Eleanor Nightwalker's YT videos] <3
-> SSO Rewritten is how I would write the main story. The posts will complete the whole main storyline. -> Opening ALL the areas in the horse part of Jorvik (Harvestlands, Winterdale, Springvalley, Summerplains and Jorcrater) -> Story from arriving to Jorvik to defeating Garnok. -> You can find the story related posts with the tags "sso rewritten" and "sso full story series". -> Up to the point where Anne steals the 5-Leaf Clover, I didn’t change anything (unless they did since I played the game lmao), we do it how it is in the game. From that point on, the real party starts. -> The story to come: more detailed descriptions of scenes, unlocking new areas, new factions, new characters and new storylines!
So saddle up and get ready for an adventure!
In this post: Characters Harvestlands: Phase 1-2-3 Winterdale: Phase 4-5-6 Springvalley: Phase 7-8-9 Summerplains: Phase 10-11-12 Final Battle: Phase 13-14-15
Rules: --SSL (Starshine Legacy) is the most sacred canon: can’t change it. --Consistent SSO lore, exploring the same Themes as SSL. --Characters staying true to their original SSL selves. --Use Star Shine Legacy and Star Stable Season riders heavily as inspiration. Expand on the stories and worldbuilding suggested in there. --Thus characters’ personalities, magic system, world, etc can’t be changed, only added to. --The Dark Riders are: Sabine and Kaahn (red maned black warmblood, red eyes), Jessica and Erebos (jet-black Friesian), Katja and Tyrann (dapple grey Arabian with light blue eyes), Elise and Acheron (light maned, dark body Rocky Mountains horse)
LISA (Heart of the 5-man band) --Goth aesthetic, “rocker girl”, punk spiky hair, wears black and blue clothes. --Is still into rock music, looks almost scary, but is the heart of the team. --Music based healing powers. --She was the leader of the team in SSL. In SSO, the leader is Alex, but Lisa also remains important.
LINDA (Smart guy of the 5-man band) --Nerd aesthetic, likes to wear green things. Usually the source of exposition. Scout. --Introverted, but will infodump when scared or nervous. --Teaches MC how to see the visions, see truth and dispel illusions.
ANNE (Lancer of the 5-man band) --Prep aesthetic, wears the trendiest light coloured clothes, likes light blue and pink. --She can get like a moody diva sometimes, but mainly brave, loyal and unconditionally devoted. --Sulking sometimes, but not morose. --Teleporting and light powers to dispel the dark magics.
ALEX (Leader/Big guy of the 5-man band) --Jock aesthetic. Likes to wear red and grey, camo, comfortable or even “fighting” clothes. --The one that usually decides they have to act, the others follow her. Anne’s more calm and collected energy balances out Alex’s hot-headedness. Playful bickering. --Reasonable, listens to others now, warrior with a good heart.
SABINE (Strong guy) --Short and thin, with short, black hair. Main colours are red, brown and grey/white. --Rival of Alex. Short, angry powerhouse, bone-headed, many times refusing to listen. --Fiery personality, rich, spoiled brat, who secretly thinks, she’s better, than the other Dark Riders, while being deeply envious of them. --Has fire powers. Emotional, easy to anger, will fall into traps playing into that.
JESSICA (Prideful) --Tall and thin (wanted to be a model), prep/goth aesthetic, wears only black, very fashionable. Green eyes. --Rival of Anne. Both start off as prideful, but Anne learns humility by admitting that Alex leads better, than she would. Jessica never lets go of her pride and feeling of superiority and in the end it will be her downfall and fatal flaw.
KATJA (Smart guy) --White, ice blue and light grey colours. Piercing ice blue eyes. Her hair is unnervingly, unnaturally icy white, almost glows. Wears only white, her flowing coat more fashionable, than warm. Always in the mini skirt outfit, even in the coldest weather as if she’s not cold at all. --Medium height, but the most terrifying of the Dark Riders next to Elise. --Rival of Linda, the only one, who can outsmart her. The only way to defeat her is with the truth. --No violin: while it is a nice aesthetic an all, in SSL, there was nothing about Katja being into music. That alone ofc wouldn’t mean she can’t have it, but the fact that Lisa is into music and Aideen was into music does. Magic through music seems to be connected to the good guys and it is generally a good guy trope, so I would stick with that. But she can absolutely keep her violin theme music, just not as her playing.
ELISE (Hateful) --Dark skin, long black hair in small braids, golden (almost sith) eyes. Violet and black colour scheme. --Rival of Lisa. While she is a healer and peace-mediator, Elise sows discord among people and destroys. --As tall as Jess and also muscular (Sabine’s new model’s body type basically) --Wears camo pants and combat boots, military type clothes, sleeveless tops. --Because Eleanor Nightwalker’s design of her is about as close to perfect as humanly possible.
Main Oppositions Table: attributes, that would guide the writing process
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--HERMAN (Mentor): should be less of a goofball. More mysterious, always knows more than he tells us, but not out of malice or forgetfulness, but to protect MC from the grim truths.
--FRIPP (Mentor): is not an annoying rat in SSL. He is our main mentor and guide, alien and distant, but not because he’s bad, but because he has lived so long, raised so many generations of Soul Riders to fight Garnok and watched them all fall and die. Also kinda lost faith, that the druids can beat Garnok. Now, he’s trying not to get attached, to not get his heart broken again, when his students fall. Eventually he learns to open up again and gains back his faith in victory.
--MR SANDS (Redeemed Opponent): since he was manipulated to turn bad, he would eventually turn back to good, to our side, after realising all the damage he’s done, driven by his past love for Rosalind and recent one for Justin and the desire to correct his past mistakes. When he helps us and leaves the dark side, comes into conflict with Darko and is injured. In Winterdale, he is recovering in Pine Hill and is now kind of our ally and our greatest source of insight against Darko, who now leads the Dark Riders.
--DEREK (Ally): is not a postman. He is a badass spy, a secret government agent in SSL and he could get secret agent storylines like spying on GED, Dark Core and Mr. Sands’ enterprises. It would be first during his quests, while spying on Mr Sands, that we realize, Sands maybe wants to leave the bad side behind.
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sagapinehill · 6 months ago
Now, yes. But I'm talking about the old SSL era :) Acerbus might be her new horse, just like Mortifa is for Katja.
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