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Casper, mumbling: Ma...? Where's he?
Malaya, quietly: Cas?
Malaya, quietly: Oh...
I'm right here.
Please come and get us.
#ss:changes#changes:chapter 7#the sims#the sims 4#the sims 4 story#the sims 4 storytelling#ts4#ts4 story#ts4 storytelliing#casper otero#malaya valencia#johnny zest#salem#shi toue
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Arya: See? I told you that getting out of the house would do you good.
Casper: Yeah, I guess it helped a little.
Arya: Kat, how're you feeling?
Kathryn: Uh, I feel fine. Just a bit nervous about later...
Casper: Same.
Arya: It's gonna be okay Kylo and Valeria are going to be working together, so I'm sure they'll see something.
Kathryn: God, I hope so.
Casper: Something's better than nothing, right?
Arya: Yeah.
Kathryn: It better be good news.
Arya: It's gonna be something. My gut's telling me we're gonna find something. Come on, let's go. We don't wanna keep them waiting.
Sofia: -I mean, that's fair and all, but how are we going to prove that it was her?
Chloe: I'm still figuring that out. But it's weird how she crash lands onto Earth, rocks up at his place, only for him to go missing a few months later.
Sofia: Yeah, that is weird.
Chloe: Oh? Speaking of the Devil.
Casper: Oh, fuck.
Chloe: So where is he, then?
Casper: I don't know.
Chloe: Don't lie to us, I bet your "people" have him locked up somewhere.
Casper: You've got to be fucking joking.
Sofia: Wait, Chlo- Didn't they get into a fight recently? [Hushed] She probably set him up to be taken.
Casper: Wow.
Chloe: [Gasp] Oh, yeah! Wasn't your alien friend involved with that?
Casper: He's missing too!
Chloe: Is her, though? Or is he just hiding to avoid suspicion?
Kathryn: You're both fucking delusional.
Chloe: Do not get involved.
Kathryn: So you expect me to stand there while you accuse Casper of something so fucking heinous, and not say something? Yeah, you can get to fuck, honestly.
Casper: Why are you so obsessed with him?!
Chloe: Obsessed with him? [Scoff] Can I not just simply be concerned about someone's wellbeing, regardless of our history?
Casper: Cut the fucking bullshit. We all know he wants nothing to do with you. Why bother?
Chloe: Well, he wants nothing to do with you either since he's clearly been avoiding you lately.
Casper: He needed space, which I gave. Unlike you who's been following his every move.
Chloe: I have not!
Casper: Hey! While we're on the topic of you being a fucking stalker, who's to say you're not involved in his disappearance?
Arya: Cas...
Chloe: To even accuse me of doing such thing is disgusting. Especially since the accusation is coming from an actual creature who was no business being here.
Sofia: Her kind are probably planning on taking over.
Arya: Watch your fucking mouths, both of you.
Kathryn: D'you know what? Do us all a favour, and take your stupid fucking conspiracy theories, and shove it up your arse. Erwin Pries wouldn't even want to hear the bullshit that's coming out of your mouths.
Sofia, quietly to Chloe: Who's Erwin Pries?
Kathryn: Just fuck off! Both of you.
Casper: I fucking hate her! I did nothing to her, and she's done nothing, but give me hell for existing. What did I do wrong?
Arya: Listen to me. She's only targeting you because she's still hung up on Johnny, and she sees you as a threat. She tried it with Salem, too.
Arya: That girl is a nobody. Don't let her get to you, hunny.
Kathryn: I swear to God, if I ever see her again, I'm setting the bitch on fire.
#ss:changes#changes:chapter 6#the sims#the sims 4#the sims 4 story#the sims 4 storytelling#ts4#ts4 story#ts4 storytelling#arya navarro#casper otero#chloe bruce#kathryn townsend#sofia#sim: arya#sim: casper#sim: kathryn#sim: sophia#sim: chloe
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Johnny: [Groans] Fuck... How long have I been out?
Shi: A while.
Johnny: Oh... [Hisses in pain] Shit!
Salem, quietly: Do you think they're looking for us?
Shi: Why are you asking?
Salem: I don't know...
Johnny: Uhm, I don't see why not. They're probably looking as we speak.
Shi: [Sigh] We can only hope...
Johnny: You're not doubting them, are you?
Shi: What makes you think that?
Johnny: I mean... you don't sound very convinced.
Shi: It's been weeks, Johnny. They don't have a fucking clue where we are.
Johnny: Neither do we, let's be honest.
Shi scoffs.
Johnny: Look. Some things take time. They'll find us.
Shi: Yeah, that's if we're still alive by then. Have you not seen how quickly those people in the other cell died? Let's be realistic here.
Johnny: Look, I'm just trying to keep whatever sanity I have left. I'm sorry for being hopeful.
Johnny: Hey, Salem. You still awake?
Salem: Mhm.
Johnny: How're you feeling?
Salem, quietly: It hurts. I feel like I'm gonna throw up.
Shi: Please don't. You've done that enough times today.
Salem: [Shakily sighs] I just wanna go home.
Johnny: Yeah... Me too.
Johnny: What?
Shi: I can hear something from the other side.
Johnny: Huh? What is it-
Shi: Shh.
Johnny, hushed: Don't tell me to-
Shi, harshly: Shh!
Johnny: I-
Shi, hushed: Someone's talking.
Man 1: So these are the new additions?
Man 2: That's correct. We've just completed phase one.
Man 1: Perfect. Just what I like to hear.
Man 1: [Lowers voice] No matter what happens, keep the blue one alive. That ones's got great potential.
Man 2: I'll do whatever it takes.
Man 1: Good. Make sure to pass that on to the team. You know what they're like with their little pets.
Man 2: Right.
Man 1: [Chuckles] Ah, it looks like blondie got you, then.
Man 2: He put up a fight.
Man 1: Another fiesty one. Oh, I love those!
Man 2: Don't we all.
Johnny, whispering: What are they saying?
Shi, quietly: They're talking about us. Looks like we've become the new favourite.
Salem: Probably because we're fresh meat.
Johnny: Wouldn't be surprised.
Shi hums.
Johnny: Shi? What are they saying?
Salem: Shi?
Shi: It's more than that...
Salem: Wait, what?
Johnny: What do you mean by that?
Shi: Potential... For what?
Johnny: What do you mean by potential?
Salem: Are they using us for something?
Shi: Something like that...
#ss:changes#changes: chapter 6#the sims#the sims 4#the sims 4 story#the sims 4 storytelling#ts4#ts4 story#ts4 storytelling#johnny zest#shi toue#salem#tw: bruises#sim: shi#sim: johnny#sim: salem
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Kylo: Hey, Mizuki-
Mizuki: He's not here.
Kylo: If you're looking for Shi, he's not here.
Braeden: Well, fuck! There's our answer.
Kylo: So you've not heard from him either?
Mizuki: No... Haven't heard from him all week. Not since we went out that night.
Braeden: When was that?
Mizuki: Just over a week ago.
Mizuki: Like one minute we were together, and the next... He was gone. Just vanished.
Braeden: D'ya reckon he left any traces like Johnny did?
Mizuki: M'not sure. He did say that he felt like he was being watched, like someone was after him.
Braeden: Didn't Johnny feel that way at some point?
Kylo: Yeah...
Mizuki: What's going on?
Mizuki: Fuck... That's-
Kylo: A lot to take in. I know. We don't know for sure if all the disappearances are linked, but based on the pattern we've spotted, it's very likely.
Mizuki: So you think that whoever is responsible for all these disappearances are the same people who took Shi and Johnny?
Kylo: Mhm.
Braeden: Did Shi say anything else to you before he vanished?
Mizuki: Not that night, but a few months ago when we were both drunk, he briefly mentioned his father, and at the time I thought he was ful of shit, but now...
Kylo: What did he say?
Mizuki: Ah fuck- It was a while ago!
Mizuki: Well, for starters, he blurted out that he was an alien. Obviously, I thought he was joking! But then he went on to say how he apparently has some ability that his dad wants to use for "mind control" or something.
Braeden: Johnny said the same thing.
Mizuki: That he's an alien?
Braeden: No! Shi said the same thing to him!
Mizuki: Wait- He's not actually an alien is he?
Kylo: Uhm...
Mizuki: Are you guys aliens?!
Kylo: Uh, no. We're... something else.
Mizuki: I-
Braeden: Honestly! This is the least of your concerns right now. What matters is, is that people are going missing and this Toue person MIGHT be the person behind it.
Mizuki: How will we find out?
Kylo: I don't know...
Kylo: We've not thought that far ahead yet.
#ss:changes#changes: chapter 6#ts4#ts4 story#ts4 storytelling#the sims 4#the sims 4 story#the sims 4 storytelling#kylo uzeo#braeden maerou#mizuki kimura#been going through a creative block lately#pulled this out my ass sorry#sim: mizuki#sim: braeden#sim: kylo
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[Audio Playing - Kylo Speaking]
Kylo: It's dark out, and it's snowing... like, heavy snow. I can see what looks like an abandoned building in the distance, but I can't tell if it's a mansion or an asylum? There's also porta potties outside to my right, but two of them are chained up.
Kylo: I'm surrounded by trees, but there's a cliff edge that overlooks the sea in the distance to the left of the building. There's also something else here. Okay- I'm feeling terror, like there is something here with me- Oh my God. What is that?!
Kathryn: Wait, what did you see?
[Audio pauses]
Kylo: A creature with horns. There were at least three of them, and I saw Johnny running away from one.
Casper: Shit! It didn't get him, did it?
Kylo: Not as far as I'm aware...
Valeria: But there's more.
Arya: What do you mean?
Valeria: I saw two men stood at one of the windows. One of the men has what looks like a burn scar on the right of his face. I couldn't see the other man's face, though.
Kylo: The guy with the scar on his face is the one who took Johnny.
Arya: What about the other two?
Valeria: Salem was taken by a woman, whereas Shi was drugged and taken by these two men who look identical, but aren't related. They're both blonde.
Kylo: Kat, do you remember when we were at Johnny's looking at those photos?
Kathryn: Yeah?
Kylo: Some of those victims are there too.
Kathryn: You're joking?
Kylo: I'm being serious.
Liliana: You're tense. Are you sure you're okay?
Casper: Yeah, I'm fine. It's just been a long day.
Llliana: Do you want to talk about it, or do you want to take your mind off it?
Casper: Can you help me take my mind off it? Just for the night.
Liliana: Sure.
#ss:changes#changes:chapter 6#the sims#the sims 4#the sims 4 story#the sims 4 storytelling#ts4#ts4 story#ts4 storytelling#sim spice#arya navarro#casper otero#kathryn townsend#kylo uzeo#liliana novak#valeria datsyuk#sim: arya#sim: casper#sim: kylo#sim: kathryn#sim: valeria#sim: lilliana
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[Mixed screaming and chatter]
[Phone vibrates]
[Fingers tapping]
[Text Messages]
Mum: you on ur way home yet?
Salem: yeah i am -
Driver: Where are you headed?
Salem: The Jet.
Driver: Near the station?
Salem: Huh?
Driver: Near the train station?
Salem: Oh, yeah. Sorry!
Driver: You doing anything tonight?
Salem: Yeah, just spending time with my family.
#ss:changes#changes: chapter 6#ts4#ts4 story#ts4 storytelling#salem#the sims 4#the sims 4 story#the sims 4 storytelling#ts4 screenshots
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[Joyful screaming]
Shi: Bro, I look fucking stupid.
Mizuki: Shut up, you look fine.
[Music blaring]
[Tonight (I'm Lovin' You) by Enrique Iglesias playing]
I know you want me
I made it obvious that I want you too
Shi: Oi. I'm gonna go out for a smoke. You coming?
Mizuki: Yeah, sure!
Mizuki: Are you okay? You've gone really quiet...
Shi: Yeah, I'm fine. Just feel a bit sick.
Mizuki: You're not a lightweight are you?
Shi: [Snort] No. Why would I be? I could probably drink you under the table, if anything!
Mizuki: I mean, if you say so...
Shi: I do say so.
Shi: [Sigh] I don't know what's wrong with me. I just feel so anxious and paranoid all the time.
Mizuki: Do you know why?
Shi: I think it's just a mixture of things.
Mizuki: Do you want to talk about it? Whatever it is, it's clearly bothering you, and it's not good to bottle it all up.
Shi: [Sigh] If I told you what has been going on, and what I think is going on, you would think I'm crazy.
Mizuki: It can't be that bad, surely?
Shi: It is, Mizuki. It's really bad. And I'm pretty sure I'm being watched.
Mizuki: By who?
Shi: I don't know... That's the scary part.
Mizuki: How long has this been going on?
Shi: I don't know? Weeks? Months?
Mizuki: Fucking hell, Shi! Why didn't you tell me sooner?
Shi: I didn't want to drag you in it.
Mizuki: [Mutters] Fuck me... So now what?
Shi: I dunno. Anyways, I'm gonna go for a piss.
[Muffled background noises]
[Muffled conversation]
Man 1: Ah, Shi! There you are. We've been looking for you.
Shi: Huh?
Man 2: Oh, Shi doesn't look so good. Too much to drink?
Man 1: Come with us. We'll look after you.
#ss:changes#changes: chapter 6#shi toue#mizuki kimura#the sims 4#ts4#the sims 4 story#the sims 4 storytelling#ts4 story#ts4 storytelling#wow look at me i'm finally editing my screenshots#after a very busy month#rip#sim: mizuki#sim: shi
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Arya: So no one saw anyone enter Johnny's place?
Malaya: Well, no. Not that I'm aware of. I was coming back from my girlfriend's when I bumped into Casper, and our neighbours aren't in.
Kathryn: Shit.
Malaya: I know I'm not an expert on Supernatural stuff, but is there any way you can track his scent?
Kylo: Caleb and Chris are doing it. I know Chris said he was going to ask around the Moonwood Mill Town for some help.
Arya: Ah, shit. Knowing him he's going to be stupid enough to seek out Greg.
Malaya: Who's Greg?
Kylo: The lone wolf, former Mooncaster. He's not someone you wanna mess with.
Kathryn: I take it he's dangerous, then?
Arya: Yeah. He'll fight anyone.
Malaya: What do we do until then?
Arya: I don't know...
Kylo: We should probably warn the others. I'd say we should all try to avoid being alone for the time being.
Kylo: Yo, Braeden. You good?
Braeden: Yeah... Just thinking.
Kylo: About what?
Braeden: He was with Shi, Salem, Rue and myself earlier. Has anyone heard from those guys?
Casper: Rue messaged me earlier. She's with her sister.
Kathryn: Salem's at home and we're meeting up tomorrow.
Kylo: What about Shi?
Arya: Not heard from him.
Casper: Neither have I.
Kylo: I can head over to his and check on him if needed.
Braeden: I'll come with you.
Kylo: May, are you gonna be good here?
Mayala: I think so. My neighbouts should be back within the next hour or so.
Kylo: What about you, Cas?
Casper: I don't think I can handle being alone right now.
Arya: If you want to, you can stay at mine. I've got a spare room.
Kylo: Hey, Malaya?
Malaya: Yeah?
Kylo: If at any point you start to feel unsafe, just let us know, okay?
Malaya: [Sigh] Okay.
Arya: How're you getting home, Kat?
Kathryn: My mum's picking me up.
Braeden: Question... Should we tell his family?
#ss:changes#changes: chapter 6#the sims 4#ts4#the sims 4 story#the sims 4 storytelling#ts4 story#ts4 storytelling#arya navarro#braeden maerou#casper otero#kathryn townsend#kylo uzeo#malaya valencia
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Chris: Do you have a minute?
Man: Why are you here?
Chris: I need help-
Man: Go ask someone else.
Chris: My friend'a gone missing-
Man: And that's my problem, how?
Chris: [Sigh] Look, I just wanna know if you've seen him.
Man: I'm not interested in helping you. Go.
Chris: He's blonde, green eyes, around five-eleven-
Man: I said go.
Chris: Are you gonna answer my question or not?
Man: [Growls] Do you know who I am?
Chris: You're Greg. You bit one of my friends.
Greg: Ah, so you do know about me. And yet here you are, right on my door step, being a pest.
Chris: [Scoff] I came here to look for my friend.
Greg: Go look elsewhere.
Chris: Answer me.
Chris howls.
Chris: [Sigh] Ah, fuck.
[Footsteps approaching]
Caleb: [Sigh] Jesus Christ. What the fuck did you get up to while I was on the other end of town?
Chris: Greg...
Caleb: You went to see Greg? [Sigh] Fuck, Chris. We told you not to.
Chris: I needed to know. No one else knew, and he was the only one we didn't ask.
Caleb: Are you hurt?
Chris: No, but he is.
Caleb: [Chuckles] It's a good thing I insisted on bringing you spare clothes. Now get dressed, I'm sick of seeing you naked.
#ss:changes#changes: chapter 6#the sims 4#the sims 4 story#the sims 4 storytelling#ts4#ts4 story#ts4 storytelling#caleb pakhauro#chris drago#greg#s4 story#sims 4 story#ts4 screenshots#ts4 edit
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[Phone Call]
Johnny: So I had a run-in with Shi earlier.
Kylo: Oh shit! How did that go?
Johnny: Not too bad... He basically told me to talk to Casper.
Kylo: I agree with him.
Johnny: I know. It's just- I don't know what to say! I go to type up a message, but I can't bring myself to send it.
Kylo: Call her?
Johnny: [Laughs]
Kylo: I'm serious, Johnny.
Johnny: [Sigh] I know...
Kylo: Are you still pissed off with her?
Johnny: I... I don't know. It's all very confusing and I don't know how I feel about them and the whole situation!
Kylo: [Hum] I get that... You've still got a few days left in Del Sol Valley, right?
Johnny: Yeah, why?
Kylo: If you can, I'd say use the next few days to clear your head, or at least process everything.
Johnny: Yeah, I think I might do that.
Kylo: Well, either way we're here if you need to talk at any point.
Johnny: I know... Thank you.
Kylo: It's okay. Get some sleep, yeah?
[Phone Call Ends]
[Text Messages]
Cas: Hey
Cas: Can we please talk?
Cas: I'm sorry.
Johnny: [Sigh]
Johnny: Sure [Deletes Message]
Johnny: [Groans] Fuck.
Johnny, quietly: What am I doing...?
Johnny, internally: I should probably get some sleep...
#ss:changes#changes: chapter 5#the sims 4#the sims 4 story#the sims 4 storytelling#ts4#ts4 story#ts4 storytelling#johnny zest#casper otero#kylo uzeo#gif warning#video warning#this is probably the most effort i have put in a story post in a long time#a gif AND a video showing how i envisioned some of this part?!#it happened
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Good things happen, bad things happen, and that’s the way life goes. Lately, it’s all been good, or at least for now...
I’ve been thinking a lot about what Valeria had said to me during my last visit, and have decided to take up on her advice. I’d be lying if I said I don’t still feel that sense of impending doom, where something really bad is going to happen at any time.
And it seems that I’m not the only one who feels this way. Salem’s been having a bunch of nightmares recently, and they’re worried that the dreams they’re having is a warning about what’s to come. I don’t know what there dreams are about, and frankly, I don’t think I want to know. Based on what I heard, they’re terrifing. Maybe they should speak to Kylo and Valeria about this, those two might know what to do.
Speaking of, Kylo has been acting a bit weird lately. Not in a mean way or anything, but the thing is, Kylo is usually quite introverted. But as of lately, he’s been inviting us to do all sorts of things, including activities that usually drain him. I thought he would’ve needed some time to recharge after that night out, but it’s been non-stop. Even Caleb has picked up on it. I feel like there has to be a reason for all of this. Does he know something that the rest of us don’t? He’s always had a sixth sense.
But then what is it, and why is he spending more time with us as a result? Is there a reason that he’s not telling us? Who knows? But as Valeria said, how we handle the high and low points in life is more important than worrying about what’s to come. So I just need to take things as they come, and deal with whatever happens as they occur, right?
I just need to live in the moment and allow myself to feel good.
Take it day-by-day.
Surrounded by the people I love.
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#ss:changes#changes: chapter 5#the sims 4#ts4#the sims 4 story#ts4 story#the sims 4 storytelling#ts4 storytelling#arya navarro#braeden maerou#caleb pakhauro#casper otero#chris drago#johnny zest#kathryn townsend#kylo uzeo#malaya valencia#salem#shi toue#does this make sense?#one of the few times i rub my brain cells together#johnny having thoughts
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[Wind blowing softly]
Malaya: I don't get it, though. He told me he was going out to see you tonight!
Casper: Yeah... That's what he said to me, too.
Malaya: -And for him to just not turn up is weird as-
[Front door opens]
Malaya: Oh my God!
Casper: What the-
Malaya: Johnny?!
Casper: Johnny!
Malaya: What the f- Whose blood is this?!
Casper: Maybe I can sm-
Malaya: Ew, Cas- You don't need to smell-
Casper: It's mixed.
Malaya: Mixed?
Casper: It's Johnny's and someone else's.
Malaya: Oh my God...
Casper: I can smell it coming from the bedroom as well.
Malaya: [Deep breath] Fuck... I don't think I even want to go in and check.
Casper: I don't think I want to either...
Malaya: [Sigh] I think we need to call the others... Or the police... Fuck!
Malaya: Johnny? Johnny?! Fuck! Cas, he's not in the bathroom either.
Casper: Check the bedroom.
Malaya: Come with me?
Casper: Call the others. I'm gonna try and call Shi.
Malaya: We should call thhe Police too, right?
Casper: Uh...
Casper: Fuck, he's not picking up!
Malaya, on the phone: Chris? Chris! Oh my God, are you free right now?
Malaya, on the phone: It's Johnny. He's missing!
Malaya, on the phone: I don't know- He's just- He's nowhere to be found and there's so much blood.
Malaya, on the phone: Please just come down here.
Malaya: I'm with Casper.
Malaya: Okay, okay. I'll call them now. Just be quick guys, please!
[Door opens]
Casper: May!
Malaya: Oh...
Malaya, whispering: Where are you, Johnny?
[Inaudible chatter]
#ss:changes#changes: chapter 6#the sims 4#the sims 4 story#the sims 4 storytelling#ts4#ts4 story#ts4 storytelling#casper otero#malaya valencia#tw: blood
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[Multiple people gasp in shock]
This conversation is spoken in Sixami.
Person 1: What did you just do?!
Person 2: I think he's dead...
Person 3: Someone check for a pulse!
Person 4: Is he even breathing?
Person 5, quietly: Oh my...
Person 6: [Sigh] I knew that boy was no good.
[Multiple people talking over each other]
Person 7: -Just do what you need to do, we'll handle him.
Person 8: -Showing signs of a brain aneurysm.
Authority: Call the doctor. Now!
Person 8: Yes, Sir.
Authority: Take that monster away-
Person 7: I said we'll handle it!
Person 9, quietly: What are we going to do with him?
Person 7: I don't know, but we can't send him back to-
Person 9: I know...
Shi: [Groans]
Shi: [Sigh] Fuck...
[Phone vibrates]
2 New Notifications
Captive Princess: He knows you're here.
Captive Princess: They're coming for you.
Captive Princess: Time's ticking, Shi.
Shi: What...?
Shi, on the phone: Guess who just messaged me?
#ability#ss:changes#changes: chapter 6#the sims 4#the sims 4 story#the sims 4 storytelling#ts4#ts4 story#ts4 storytelling#shi toue#some backstory on shi#flashbacks from before he fled to earth#*captive princess#aftermath of shi using his on someone
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Caleb: Right. Let's talk. What the hell happened last night? Because suddenly, you're not talking to Casper and Shi. And don't bullshit me on this one.
Johnny: [Sigh] We got into a fight.
Caleb: Is that it?
Kylo: It wasn't just a fight though, was it Johnny? What happened?
Johnny: It was that fucking Ouija Board...
Caleb: What Ouija Board?
Kylo: Johnny, none of us have brought one here.
Johnny: Shi did, but he claims to have "stumbled across it".
Chris: Where did you even find that board anyway?
Shi: In the woods outside of our camping area.
Chris: Oh, right.
Shi: I didn't think we would actually get in contact with a spirit or anything.
Casper: It wasn't just a spirit...
Shi: Shit, yeah.
Arya: It's just- Scott's death is still a very touchy subject for Johnny... well for all of us, really.
Shi: I get that, and we really didn't think he was going to reach out like that.
Arya: I know. It's not your fault.
Chris: Like you said, it was unexpected. I'm sure he'll come round. He probably just needs some time to himself. Y'know, to process everything that had happened last night and to allow himself to feel whatever emotions it is he's feeling.
Casper: I don't think I've ever seen him this angry... or hurt.
Arya: I know. Just give him time.
Kylo: So you think that one of them was moving the planchette?
Johnny: Yeah, pretty much. I'm not so sure which one of them did it, or if they decided to take it in turns on each question.
Caleb: If that really is the case, then that's just fucked up and your anger would be completely justifiable.
Shi: Still not sure what gave him the impression that I used my ability on him, especially for something like this.
Arya: Your ability? Oh- Yeah, I only just clocked on to what you meant.
Casper: Well, he thinks that I told you everything that he had told me that night, just to use it against him?
Chris: Honestly, I think that this is something that can only be resolved by just sitting down and talking it out. Have everyone say their piece and just listen to each other.
Kylo: Okay, so clearly this is a messy situation where everyone has their own version of their "story". If you want, I can talk to them, have them explain their side since I'm basically a walking lie detector and can smell bullshit from miles away.
Johnny: You sure that's a good idea?
Caleb: Unless you want to talk to them yourself? [Scoff] Look, here are the possible outcomes. Worst case scenario, they're lying and did in fact manipulate the board to fuck with you. In that case, they will be dealt with and you can do whatever you please.
Best case scenario, they are also telling the truth and it really was Scott communicating with you all. Which in that case, you will need to sit down and talk it out, come to an agreement on something and then do whatever the fuck you want after.
Johnny: I'll think about it. I need some time away from them, I think.
Casper: Shi?
Shi: Yeah?
Casper: Do you think he'll ever listen to our side?
Shi: Not any time soon, no. Honestly at this point, just let the human believe what he wants to believe. And if he doesn't want to listen? Then fuck him.
Casper: I don't like this... I just want everything to be okay again.
Shi: [Scoffs] Even after the way he spoke to you last night? You're too forgiving...
Casper: I still really care about him...
Shi: He basically called you a shit person and said you fucked his life up. Is he really someone you want to be friends with after all of that?
Casper: ...He probably just said all of that in the heat of the moment. Like when you say things out of anger, but you don't really mean it?
Shi: Sounded pretty genuine to me... Either way, you don't need that shit in your life.
Braeden: You both clearly like each other, so why the fuck are you freaking out about it so much?
Malaya: Because I've never felt this way before and I'm scared I'm going to fuck it up!
Braeden: I doubt it.
Salem: It sounds like the date went really well, and she wants to see you again.
Connor: I say go on that dinner date and see what happens from there. You're letting your self doubts get to you and that could lead to you sabotaging your potential relationship with her.
Malaya: [Heavy sigh] You're probably right. I definitely do want to go on a second date. I really do like her!
Salem: But when you do go, you have got to let us know how it goes.
Braeden: Yeah, we want all the details!
Kathryn: I second that. Tell us everything.
Connor: You guys are unbelievable.
#ss:changes#changes: chapter 5#the sims 4#ts4#the sims 4 story#ts4 story#the sims 4 storytelling#ts4 storytelling#arya navarro#braeden maerou#caleb pakhauro#casper otero#johnny zest#kathryn townsend#kylo uzeo#malaya valencia#salem#shi toue#connor#in summary#kylo is detective#chris and arya being reasonable#caleb is done with shit#casper is in her sensitive girl era#malaya is having a gay crisis#boom
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Nikki: Holy shit, dude. You fucking smashed it!
Johnny: I did?
Nikki: Yes, you dickhead, you absolutely smashed it. The audience loved you. Now come, have a drink and put a smile on your face, sunshine.
Johnny: Fuck it, go on then. I'll have whatever you're having.
Nikki: That's the spirit! But seriously, what's got you feeling so down?
Johnny: Ah, it's complicated.
Nikki: Whatever it is, I'm all ears, sunshine.
Johnny: I know...
Johnny: Well, where do I even begin?
Fallon: Johnny! You were amazing up there tonight.
Johnny: Oh, uh, thanks?
Fallon: I'm so sorry, I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Fallon.
Johnny: Fallon... Well, it's nice to meet you!
Fallon: So Nikki and I are gonna go to the theme park tomorrow with some friends, you should come with us.
Johnny: Sure, I'd like that.
Fallon: Great!
[Chatter and music in the background]
Johnny: [Sigh] What the fuck is wrong with me lately? [Muttering] I'm fine. Everything is fine. Fuck.
[Door opens]
Shi: Huh. Didn't think I'd see you here.
Johnny: What do you want?
Shi: Not you, obviously. No need to shit yourself. I didn't come here to hurt you.
Johnny: Good to know... You're not here to fuck with me though, are you?
Shi: [Scoff] You got me there.
Johnny: Shi...
Shi: [Sigh] Obviously I'm not. I came here to piss, duh. You've got something in your eye.
Johnny: Oh, right...
Shi: We weren't fucking with you that night, by the way.
Johnny: [Sigh]
Shi: Oh, and you owe Casper an apology.
Johnny: An apology?
Shi: [Lowers voice] Don't fuck with me. You know exactly what I'm talking about, Johnny.
[Door opens and then shuts]
Johnny: [Sigh] Fuck my life...
#ss:changes#changes: chapter 5#the sims 4#ts4#the sims 4 story#the sims 4 storytelling#ts4 story#ts4 storytelling#nikki cheung#fallon hayes#johnny zest#shi toue#mizuki kimura#tw: alcohol mention#if there are any errors in this post i am sorry#my cat is on me and i have to reach over him to type#lmao#love him tho
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[Rail Announcement]
This is a security message! If you see something that doesn't look right, speak to staff or text the Transport Police on 61016. We'll sort it. See it, Say it, Sorted!
Speaker: Welcome on board this Myshuno Railway service to Del Sol Valley. This train will be calling at: Bridgeport, Roaring Heights, Starlight Shores and Del Sol Valley. Safety notices can be found throughout the train - please take your time to look at them throughout the journey.
[Train announcement continues]
Johnny: On the train now
Kylo: Sweet! Lmk when you get there
Johnny: Will do :)
Speaker: We are now approaching Del Sol Valley where this train terminates. Please make sure you take allyour personal belongings with you when you leave the train. Thank you for travelling with us today.
[Phone call]
Don: I take it you've arrived in Del Sol then, yeah?
Johnny: Yeah! Just got here actually. God, that train journey was long.
Don: [Laughs] Of course it was.
Johnny: I can't wait to check in at the hotel! I need a nap.
Don: Hmm, I think a nap will do you good. Can't have you falling asleep while filming that Stand Up Special.
Johnny: Exactly! Wouldn't want to fuck this up by being sleepy, you know?
Don: You'll be fine. You're Johnny fucking Zest. You've got this!
Johnny: Thanks, man.
Don: No worries.
Johnny: I'm gonna head off, it's almost check-in time. and the sooner I unpack the better.
Don: Yeah, that's fine! I need to finish this assignment anyway.
Johnny: Alright, I'll catch you later. Make sure you stay out of trouble, yeah?
Don: [Laughing] Don't worry about me, funny man. I'll speak to you later.
#ss:changes#changes: chapter 5#the sims 4#ts4#the sims 4 story#ts4 story#the sims 4 storytelling#ts4 storytelling#johnny zest#kylo uzeo#don lothario
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