#chris and arya being reasonable
officialbabayaga · 11 months
got jumpscared by the fact that paolini has apparently written a book about murtagh which i absolutely 100% CANNOT read for my own health OR his because if I have to endure My Boy having to endure any more hardship literally at all i’m hunting chris down and He Will Not Be Writing Any More Books
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cami-chats · 5 years
Fanfic roundup, 2019!
In summary, WOW this was a busy fanfic writing year for me. According to AO3, I published 439,972 words this year (whaaaaaat). About 20k of that is from a years-crossing WIP, so the full word count isn’t accurate, but I feel like after I passed 300k mark, the 20,000 words stopped mattering as much (and I still don’t know how this happened). 
I’ve got at least one fic in the following fandoms: Avatar, Charmed, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, Marvel, Shadowhunters, Star Trek DS9, Supernatural, That 70′s Show, and Ultra Maniac. 
None of the fics are particularly long but there’s... a lot of them. So everything’s going to be listed by fandom with the pairing (if applicable), summary, and word count next to it under the cut
Avatar (2009)
I Choose You (10728 words) Tsu’tey/Jake Sully: The night after Jake becomes Omaticaya, he chooses Tsu'tey as a mate and somehow, Tsu'tey chooses him as well. With a little talking and waking up in a different situation, they're able to stop the destruction of Hometree.
Charmed (TV 1998) A Family Man (9744 words) Also Supernatural Fandom, Piper Halliwell/Dean Winchester: With the yellow-eyed demon dead, Dean retires from hunting. He doesn't expect for a routine set-up at his job one night to end with starting to date Piper, but he's not complaining. Cursed (3648 words) Wyatt Halliwell/Chris Halliwell: Bianca was sent to the past to retrieve Chris for Wyatt. Chris knew that as soon as he saw Wyatt again he wouldn't be able to say no to him, but he also knew that he couldn't outrun Bianca. The past is filled with shadows, but the present isn't much better. Your Pain Almost Destroyed You (1148 words) Wyatt Halliwell & Chris Halliwell: When Wyatt was a baby, Leo cast a spell on Piper to keep her from getting upset so that she wouldn’t fall apart. Almost twenty years later, Chris finds out that Wyatt isn’t exactly fulfilling the role everyone cast him in, and Wyatt casts that same spell on his brother.
Game of Thrones (TV) A Line Of Firsts (14086 words) Jon Snow/Sansa Stark: The firsts of Jon and Sansa's lives through their relationship, from getting together to getting it on outside, to having an anniversary. Boy On The Side (3113 words) Jon Snow/Tormund Giantsbane: Jon thinks that things with Tormund are going really well, until one day he sees Tormund shopping with a woman and two kids that are obviously his. What Now? (1197 words) Jon Snow/Tormund Giantsbane: Jon and Tormund are together, despite Jon's occasional stupidity. So with the war over, what does Jon do next? Hint: Tormund thinks it should be with him. After The Long Night (1777 words) Jon Snow/Tormund Giantsbane: When the dragon falls, dead, Jon's only thought is to find Tormund and make sure he's alright. It's An Age Thing (4565 words) Jon Snow/Tormund Giantsbane: Tormund only meant to return Jon's book, he didn't mean to find out that his boyfriend was still in high school. Home to the North (653 words) Jon Snow/Tormund Giantsbane: Jon is back at the Wall where he belongs: with Tormund and Ghost and the Free Folk-- but mostly with Tormund. After The Miracle (836 words) Jon Snow/Tormund Giantsbane: Jon died but came back. Tormund knows that, but in his sleep-addled mind, he panicks at seeing Jon look the same way he did when dead. A 'Lord', A Lady, And Their Lovers (6608 words) Jon Snow/Tormund Giantsbane, Sansa Stark/Margaery Tyrell: Jon and Sansa are strangers, now forced in an arranged marriage. Jon's in love with someone he couldn't marry even though he wanted to, and Sansa found herself falling for her best friend before she was married off.Aka Jon and Tormund are together and Jon getting married is fucking with their relationship. In an effort to fix that, Sansa and Margaery lie about being together so that Jon and Tormund can be happy. Bastard Of A Different Kind (4950 words) Jon Snow/Ned Stark: It is well known that Jon Snow, Lord Stark’s bedmate, is a Targaryen bastard. Lady Catelyn Stark hates him because Ned prefers him to her, but they’ve managed to live with it for years because they are stuck together for life. Everything changes when King Rhaegar and his siblings come for a visit to the north. White Russians And Hot Bartenders (1980 words) Arya Stark/Ygritte: Arya didn't mean to hook up with her favourite brother's best friend, but in her defense, she hadn't known who Ygritte was to him at the time. Your What? (3014 words) Jon Snow/Tormund Giantsbane: Jon's home for the holidays, and he sort of forgot to tell his family who Tormund is. Left Behind (3779 words) Jon Snow/Robb Stark: When Robb left for King's Landing without a word, Jon felt like half of his heart was missing. Robb finally returns, expecting, for some reason, that Jon will be willing to pick up their relationship right where they left off. Abreast (644 words) Arya Stark/Ygritte: Arya keeps messing up in fencing club because she has a crush on Ygritte, the senior leading the club. Not Rock 'N Roll Good (4623 words) Arya Stark/Sandor Clegane: Sandor's life is monotonous but okay until he receives a text from the wrong number. He didn't think that telling someone their date stood them up and lied to them would result in a relationship, but he ends up pretty damn happy. Our Family (848 words) Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen: Daenerys burned people living, and sometimes that was hard to remember when she was smiling at Jon so sweetly as she shared news that obviously made her happy. It only made him feel trapped. First Choice (7223 words) Sandor Clegane/Sansa Stark: Trapped in King's Landing, Sansa is offered one choice about her life: who she wants to marry. Picking Ser Sandor Clegane was one of her best decisions. Married (2636 words) Jon Snow/Tormund Giantsbane: Jon had agreed to come to this wedding with Tormund pretending to be his husband. After he sees Arya there though, the situation gets a little complicated.
Harry Potter Not The First (847 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: Sirius is inexplicably nervous about the ball. Fortunately, James knows him well enough to take care of it before it's a problem. Like Father Like Son (1435 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: Harry's nervous about coming out to Sirius, but then he learns that there was nothing to be afraid of. Perfect Morning, Perfect Boyfriend (487 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: Anniversary/Valentine's Day morning fluff for James and Sirius. When Is A Door Not A Door? When It's Exploded. (806 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: Remus, Lily, James, and Sirius have to run from Death Eaters. None of them were hurt, but the war is starting to wear them down. Engaged, Said Facebook (691 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: James and Sirius aren't together, which makes it all the more surprising when Euphemia calls to congratulate them on their engagement. SBDS Founder James Potter (3228 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: James is Sirius's Number One fan, and everyone that interacts with him realizes it sooner or later. Write Yourself A Love Story-- And Make It Last (5476 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: James and Sirius are ridiculously in love, but no one's life is absolutely perfect. There are good days, bad days, and blah days, but they always have each other and their friends. Healer's Bed (1043 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: Sirius is doing some secret reading in the dormitory when James decides he wants some quality time. James and his "I love Sirius" rant (785 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: Sirius has been trying and failing to talk to James about a kink he has in mind, and James has had enough. What You Lose (2238 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: In the Shrieking Shack in Harry's third year, Sirius learns that James isn't dead, just in a coma. Now he has something other than revenge to live for. Leaving Me In The Dust (2198 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: Sirius decided to move out, and James does not like that. Not one bit. Tie Mix-Up (1431 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: It's the easiest thing in the world to sneak Sirius into the Gryffindor dormitory for a little bit of fun, but then they oversleep and have to rush off to class, still trying to tuck in their shirts. Just Come Home (3213 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: Sirius's boyfriend is abusive, and James can't understand why he stays with him. Proposing Is A Great First Date (2191 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: On the one hand, it seemed like a mistake to propose to Sirius when they weren't even dating. On the other hand, fuck you Moony this is a great idea. What A Ruin (2414 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: James always dives into things too quickly, so after he does that with his new dance partner, he takes a step back before it gets too bad. Only now Sirius is upset with him and he doesn't know how to fix it. Typical Behaviour (749 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: It was pretty typical of James to wake up after a brutal attack that left him in critical condition that was so bad he had to be put in a medically induced coma, and immediately start getting on to Sirius for not taking care of himself. Win/Win (1787 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: James has been planning his proposal to Sirius for a while. It was meant to be a surprise, but when he lets it slip a few days beforehand, he thinks the whole thing is ruined-- Sirius loves him far too much for that to be true. You're a virgin?? (3776 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: James learns that Sirius is a virgin, and then he can't think of anything else. Not A Prize (2591 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: James and Remus both fancy Sirius, and they agreed that neither of them could spend time alone with him until they got it sorted. For his part, Sirius has no bloody idea what's going on, except that his mates are avoiding him like he has dragon pox. The Creepy Professor (3209 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: The newest DADA professor likes Sirius in an entirely inappropriate way. James notices and tells him, but Sirius thinks he’s overreacting and ignores all the warning signs until the professor tries something. Not A Hair (1788 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: Sirius gets hurt in rehearsal, but he's too embarrassed to fess up to his friends, leading to Remus thinking that James is abusing him. Fix Your Mistakes (1169 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: Instead of James running to stop Snape from seeing Remus as a werewolf, it's Sirius, who gets badly injured while doing so. Et Vous? (1036 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: Sirius is French, and James quite likes that. Cold And Comfort (1144 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: Sirius runs away from home, but James doesn't know it's permanent at first. The Not-Yet Sirius Potter (518 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: Sirius is bigger than James, and James is a romantic. Reading (892 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: Sirius is dyslexic, and James does his best to be supportive when he finds out. Speak Now (1365 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: When James says the first, cliche'd line of a breakup, Sirius thinks he's being weird. Next thing he knows, James is telling him that he's about to marry someone else. Sniffles (1172 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: James is sick. If Sirius weren't so much bigger than him, it would be easier to run away instead of taking care of himself. Hold Me And Let Me Cry (993 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: James knew that Sirius's past had left lasting marks, but sometimes he forgot just how much that affected him. Deserve What You Get (2102 words) Sirius Black/Lily Evans, James Potter/Sirius Black/Lily Evans: Both Sirius and Lily want James, but they know that they’re not good enough for him. Some time together though... that’s not a bad idea. Home and Bloody (604 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: Sirius is late getting back from a mission, and James worried about him. Breaking Out (1264 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: James busts Sirius out of Azkaban, and they're not really careful about Sirius being in public. Why would they be? He was never officially charged with anything. The Little Things (4870 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: Sirius was miserable, but he was getting through it. James Potter showed up and decided that 'getting through it' wasn't good enough for Sirius despite the fact that they hadn't talked to each other. Too Cute (582 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: Sirius is sloshed and he likes to talk about how great James is. Keep Calm. Failed Step One. (1330 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: Sirius sees a suspiciously shaped scar on the back of Harry's hand. He deals with it like a reasonable adult. Happy Birthday (741 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: James and Sirius have a birthday party for their two year old son. So Happy Together (1687 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: Everyone thinks James and Sirius are together. A stupid decision or two later, and they are. Through It All (5951 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: When Sirius gets Sorted in Slytherin, it changes his friendship with James. They're still friends, it's just... different. Not as certain, even if they end up in the right place. Absent (256 words) Lily once described muggle ghosts to Sirius. He didn't expect to be surrounded by them. The Potter's, Both Old And New (22050 words) WIP James Potter/Sirius Black: Sirius helped raise Harry with James until they had a fight. Sirius hasn't seen them in years, but he's a teacher at Hogwarts, and Harry is now 11. With the constant danger Harry's in, and the likely return of Voldemort, they can't ignore their issues any longer. Snuggling (2082 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: Sirius feels like James is avoiding him, and Prongs (James's daemon) takes the initiative in fixing it. In his own way, of course. Post Prank Depression (2778 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: Sirius is depressed, and the Marauders don't really know what to do. Like and Subscribe (753 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: The Marauders are famous youtubers, and James and Sirius's fans ship them without realising they're already together. Absolute (768 words) James Potter/Sirius Black: James didn't understand how Sirius could constantly ignore his wishes to keep Padfoot off the couch, but talking about it one day made certain things come to light.
Marvel: Abomasum (299 words) Bruce Banner/Tony Stark: Deer Tony is trying to bond with his Brucie-bear partner. Bruce is somewhat disgusted by what goes on in Tony's body. Abominable (354 words) Bucky Barnes/Natasha Romanoff/Tony Stark: Tony and Bucky and Natasha came out about their relationship, so now Tony has to stop them from murdering the judgmental public. Resting Murder Face (6699 words) Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark: Everyone knows that Bucky and Tony love each other....Except for Tony and Bucky. After watching them pine uselessly, the Avengers and Company do their best to get them together, even if the oblivious idiots make it more difficult than it needs to be. Aboral (473 words) Peter Parker/Tony Stark: Tony finds out that Peter lied to him (it all ends okay). Don't Waste Your Life (2338 words) Tony Stark/Ho Yinsen: Tony had sort of given up hope on meeting his soulmate. And then they met while being held captive by Ten Rings. They made it out miraculously alive, but now Tony's starting to notice that they don't kiss, and they're not really together. The Butcher, The Baker, The Candlestick Maker--Only not the first and third ones (2231 words) Pepper Potts/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark: Pepper meets a gorgeous baker, now she just has to convince Tony to give a new relationship a try. Aboriginal (559 words) Tony Stark/Thor: Tony thinks that if Thor wants to see him in a pretty dress, there are easier ways than lying to him about wedding traditions on Asgard. In Your Camera Roll (3151 words) Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark: Bucky was innocently working at home when a wrong text makes his night much more enjoyable. One For You Too (1447 words) Tony Stark & Avengers: Tony gives the okay for someone to make prototypes of Avengers themed sex toys, but he forgot to warn the team. They're more than a little surprised when they're opening the mail and see that. It Was The Soup (3428 words) Peter Parker/Tony Stark: Peter lies about being sick because he's out of suppressants, and he doesn't trust himself to be around Tony without purring and following him around like a puppy. Of course then Tony shows up at his apartment with soup and then Peter goes into a rut. Not Always 20/20 (1545 words) Tony Stark/Wanda Maximoff: Wanda thought she had finally found a home and a friend that wasn't related to her. She doesn't know what happened, but all of a sudden her life came crashing down.Now it's years later, and new information comes to light. Mail Order Bride (2834 words) Natasha Romanoff/Tony Stark: Tony knew as soon as he woke up that he'd done something stupid last night, but it would take a while for him to figure out just how bad it was. As far as mail order brides went though, Natalia was something of a god send. Around The Living Room (1418 words) Avengers/Avengers: The Avengers have a movie night, only more interesting than usual. (Just porn) A Cliche In Love (1745 words) Natasha Romanoff/Tony Stark: Natasha is a prostitute, and Tony mistakenly thinks that she doesn't really like him. My Baby's Got Me Locked Up In Chains (1061 words) Tony Stark/Winter Soldier: Winter has a kink that he wants to try, and Tony is 100% on board. Chatroom Meeting (1864 words) Tony Stark/J.A.R.V.I.S.: Jarvis only meant to make Tony feel better. He had no intention of catching feelings, much less a body. Abort (761 words) Wanda Maximoff/Natasha Romanoff: Wanda doesn't listen during a mission and she gets hurt. Natasha talks to her about it. Aborning (434 words) Pepper Potts/Natasha Romanoff: The death of Pepper's icy reputation, but she doesn't mind. Classroom Play (1033 words) Pepper Potts/Wanda Maximoff: Pepper and Wanda are trying out a little teacher/student roleplay. About-face (628 words) Pepper Potts/Natasha Romanoff: Natasha has been pining after Pepper for a while, and a well placed motivation spell finally gets her moving. Aboveboard (599 words) Matt Murdock/Tony Stark: A villain lets Daredevil hear Tony's thoughts during a fight. Unfortunately, Tony thinks about Matt's ass in that outfit a lot. Fit (1769 words) Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark: There were three things that weren't really secrets. 1. Tony was trans. 2. That bulge in Bucky's pants wasn't because of a sock. 3. Bucky and Tony were dating. Tense Date Night (1639 words) Bucky Barnes/Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes/Pepper Potts: Tony's wearing a remote controlled vibrator, and when Pepper finds out, she thinks that's hot as hell so she drags Bucky off to have some fun. Abreaction (538 words) Wanda Maximoff/Natasha Romanoff: Wanda's a bit of a coward, so she finds some courage in a truth spell. Always Friends (1203 words) Tony Stark/James Rhodes: In which Tony and Rhodey could have been together for thirty years if they learned how to have a conversation. The Man Inside The Armor (8023 words) Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark: It's obvious that James Rhodes is the one in the Iron Man armor, right? Steve and Bucky want to add Iron Man to their relationship, so instead of asking Iron Man directly they go to James so there's less confusion. Only now they're rejected, and Iron Man's mad at them. It's Like We're Living In Hell (409 words) Wanda Maximoff/Natasha Romanoff: The heater's broken, and Nat's stripped down to undies. Bringing You Down (309 words) Pepper Potts/Natasha Romanoff: Natasha has a stomach bug and is being Dramatic. Think Of Me Fondly (1544 words) Wanda Maximoff/Tony Stark: Wanda knew that Tony would miss her while she was helping rebuild Sokovia, so she left him a present to keep him company. Back Against The Wall (636 words) Tony Stark/Winter Soldier: Winter pins Tony to the wall and has some fun. Bucket List (1213 words) Clint Barton/Tony Stark: It’s on Clint’s bucket list to have sex with Tony Stark, and now that he’s on a superhero team with him, his chances of it actually happening have skyrocketed. A Love Like This (1762 words) Iron Man Armor/Tony Stark: It's pretty well known that Tony makes his best friends (DUM-E, Jarvis, Friday), but Mark LIV of the armor takes it to a whole new level. Making Me Yours (875 words) Tony Stark/Winter Soldier: It was for the best, probably, that Tony was used to being on his knees so often. He'd gotten used to it before he was sent off to boarding school, working on one project or another, and he associated the ache in his knees with pride of a job well done. Unlikely Invitation (3433 words) Sharon Carter/Tony Stark, Sharon Carter/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark: It was bad enough to be pining after two people, but it just got worse when Steve found out that they were dating each other. Inside The Mask (3060 words) Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark: Tony has a secret identity, which doesn't work out super well when he likes Bucky (and Bucky likes him??) and villains have any number of weird powers that could expose him (and let him have a first kiss twice somehow). Spun Onto You (1616 words) Tony Stark/James Rhodes: Tony thought they only played spin the bottle in high school movies, but he's willing to let that go when Rhodey spins it right at him and he thinks that he's finally going to get to kiss him. Dataport (1003 words) Steve Rogers/Tony Stark: On Deep Space Nine, Steve saves Tony from a jail cell once again, except this time they achieved their goal. Just Another First Contact (1886 words) Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark: Tony catches an alien disease-- which somehow is the least concerning part of the situation. Bucky wants to spend time with him, only Tony's trying to avoid him so desperately that he gets caught in a lie. Ability (28958 words) Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark: Tony knows there's an issue in his company, now he just has to find it and fix it. Easier said than done. His boyfriend is down an arm and doesn't look happy to see him, his best friend is mad at him, and he doesn't know who to trust.He's had better years. I, Tony (10451 words) Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark: It was a secret from everyone that Tony was android. Including Tony. When he finally finds out, Howard is long since dead, he doesn't know what that stone inside him is, and he's pretty sure he won't be able to hold a relationship like this. The Sex Tapes (2293 words) Tony Stark/Winter Soldier: Bucky knows for a fact that Winter has never had sex-- and especially not with Tony-- so why, exactly, does he know what Tony looks like during sex? Vanilla And Lovin' It (1541 words) Natasha Romanoff/Tony Stark: Tony thinks that he’s old, and he wants to give Natasha a reason to stay with him. Somehow, him fucking it up isn’t even a bump in the road. Truth Is... I'm Not Iron Man (9642 words) Tony Stark/James Rhodes: The public doesn't know, but the team sure knows that Tony Stark is Iron Man. There are disagreements about getting him to admit it, and of course the biggest problem with that is, well, he isn't Iron Man. Rhodey's Iron Man, and it's a very specific kind of torture for Tony to see the man he's been in love with for most of his life to be in danger 24/7. If Wishes Were Horses (1814 words) Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark: Tony's had an obvious crush on Bucky for a while, but it's taken to a whole new level when his imagination manifests a version of Bucky that's all over him. Hidden Winter (4027 words) Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark: Tony thinks he has a pretty great life post-Iron Man. Riri's got everything nicely in hand, but he gets worried about Bucky. Bucky hates that he's keeping his Winter Soldier identity secret, but he thinks that he's in too deep to get out. I just wanted some candy (2747 words) Tony Stark/James Rhodes: Rhodey went to the store for candy, and somehow ended up going home with an abused omega and his kid in tow. The Kidnapper's Heart (12787 words) WIP Tony Stark/Winter Soldier: Falling in love with one of your kidnappers was definitely a bad idea. Tony could probably blame it on his heat hormones at first, but then Winter goes and rescues him and Tony doesn't let him leave once they get home. Now he has a mate, his parents actually care about him, and he still needs to finish college. Seeing You Again (1667 words) Bucky Barnes/Natasha Romanoff, Bucky Barnes/Natasha Romanoff/Tony Stark: Years after breaking up, Natasha tells Tony that they have a kid. He falls back in love with her and her current boyfriend Bucky, and they somehow end up together. Which Of Us Is The Devil? (4335 words) Bucky Barnes/Natasha Romanoff/Tony Stark: Bucky and Nat cross the line from teasing Tony about their sex life, to being entirely inappropriate. Having sex with him wasn't really an improvement on that, but here they were. Your Coffee, My Libido (1453 words) Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark: Tony was definitely not going to thank Loki for swapping his and Bucky's powers, even if it resulted in them getting together. Hold Me Down (652 words) Tony Stark/Winter Soldier: Winter wants to try bondage, but Tony has some doubts. They compromise and have a good time. It Wasn't You (2752 words) Tony Stark/James Rhodes: A month and a half ago, Rhodey was kidnapped and replaced with a Skrull without anyone noticing. In that time, he and Tony got together. Now though, they know he's a Skrull, and Tony tries to figure out how to live with what's happened. Abridge (2255 words) Tony Stark/Johnny Storm: Johnny and Tony are in love, but Johnny doesn't quite realize that. Abroach (451 words) Darcy Lewis/Tony Stark: Darcy catches Tony trying to hang decorations dangerously high. Abroad (1073 words) Tony Stark/Wade Wilson: Tony had a way of showing up at the worst possible moments. Like, when his ex was in the middle of blowing up a building, for example. Abrogate (590 words) Bucky Barnes/Matt Murdock/Tony Stark: Tony thinks there should be a Superhero Holiday, but his partners aren't as into the idea as he is. It's all a blur last night (4498 words) Natasha Romanoff/Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff/Tony Stark/Clint Barton: Natasha is posing as a stripper, and it works best for everyone when Tony takes a definite interest in her. Clint shows up a while later, and Tony takes it in stride. Abrupt (465 words) Pietro Maximoff/Tony Stark: Getting coffee spilled on you may not be the BEST meet-cute, but Tony's had worse from people that weren't near as attractive. Abscess (295 words) Bruce Banner/Tony Stark: "How many times do I have to say that I'm not that kind of doctor? Honestly Tony, how do you not know better? You've got a doctorate, too." "Maybe-" he said, as if he hadn't gotten his doctorate literally a month ago "-but you took biochem and I didn't, so clearly you know more than me." In Bed (774 words) Natasha Romanoff/Tony Stark: Natasha is asexual, and the conversation with Tony could have happened a little sooner or been a little easier, but at least it happened. A Taste Of Heaven (1926 words) Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark: Tony was doing work when Bucky came in, wanting some attention and fidgeting like there was no tomorrow. A Helping Hand (1045 words) Tony Stark/Winter Soldier: Winter's on what is basically a filler mission, and he helps the random guy that just escaped a kidnapping. Time to take a shot (1410 words) Natasha Romanoff/Tony Stark: When Nat's undercover, she doesn't end up as Tony's assistant, but she still catches his attention. At a party. And Tony's offering to show her the Iron Man armor up close, how could she say no? The Red-Head Harem (792 words) Bethany Cabe/Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff/Tony Stark, Gamora/Tony Stark, Wanda Maximoff/Tony Stark, Pepper Potts: Tony and all his red-headed girlfriends get along quite nicely. Breakfast fluff and teasing are commonplace. The Lost Twin (1023 words) Wanda Maximoff/Tony Stark: Wanda gets shunted back in time for a little bit and learns that Tony has a twin sister she's never heard about. Turns out there's a reason for that. In Love With Wolves (655 words) Natasha Romanoff/Tony Stark: Natasha gets turned into a wolf, and Tony still thinks she's the best. Both literal and figurative fluff ensue. Field Of Study (3035 words) Bruce Banner/Tony Stark: Bruce is the Hulk, and Tony thought he was keeping a different anger-related issue secret. They break up but get back together when Tony learns the truth. Beside And Below You (602 words) Tony Stark/Winter Soldier: Tony gave Winter a necklace, and he's a little confused as to why Winter isn't wearing it when he comes to his room that night. Hot Summer Day (521 words) Natasha Romanoff/Tony Stark: Nat wanted to come to the fair, but it's hot outside. Three Loves Of Life (873 words) Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes/Natasha Romanoff: Tony knew from a young age that coffee was the love of his life. Now he has expanded that list to include the two hot baristas at his favorite coffee shop. Younger but just as in love (826 words) Tony Stark/James Rhodes: Tony gets de-aged, and they're all unreasonably surprised that the best way to keep him in control is to bring in Rhodey. About A Little Boy That Lived In A Blue World (11537 words) WIP, Tony Stark/Loki: The Frost Giants are willing to sign a treaty with the Asgardians, if there's a little marriage with them to solidify it. How Tony got dragged into that when he's just a human, he'll never know. His husband is attractive though. So that's a plus. It Began Like This (406 words) Tony Stark/James Rhodes: Tony thinks their relationship started the first time he kissed Jim. Jim thinks their relationship started the first time they kissed and kept kissing. Your Heart/My Heart (3881 words) Tony Stark/James Rhodes: When they're young, James and Tony break up for basically no reason. It takes them twenty years to get back together. Abscise (1157 words) Sharon Carter/Tony Stark: Tony and Sharon have been together a while, but being a top-secret spy doesn't let her have much time at home. Of course one day she shows up with Steve in tow and Shield after them, so like, maybe not Tony's biggest problem. Pictures Of You (2085 words) Bucky Barnes/Natasha Romanoff/Tony Stark: When Tony loses his memories and sees suspicious pictures in his room, he assumes the worst and tries to leave Avengers Tower. An Expectation (4655 words) Matt Murdock/Tony Stark, Matt Murdock/Tony Stark/Foggy Nelson: Foggy drops by Matt's apartment one day to find Tony Stark leaving. As if his crush on Matt wasn't hopeless enough. I've Been Drinking (2249 words) Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark: Tony can't remember last night at all, and he can't even blame it on Avengers business. Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is (2715 words) Tony Stark/Natasha Romanoff: Tony wakes up in Vegas with a hangover and a wedding ring on his finger. He was going to embrace the cliche and make the most of this. Better Than A Ferrari (1384 words) Clint Barton/Tony Stark: Clint often had bad ideas, but they usually didn't include asking Tony to down a lethal amount of caffeine. Fortunately, Nat's only a phone call away to give him more good advice than he bargained for. Stay At My Side (4417 words) Gamora/Tony Stark: Tony gets picked up by the Guardians after an expedition gone wrong and becomes an honorary member. He likes not having to think about the Avengers breaking up, but when Thanos goes to Earth to get the Infinity Stones that are kept there, he doesn't have much choice. Lovin' Me Good (5199 words) Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark: Bucky loves Natasha Stark so much he forgets that people have shit ideas about her. Chance Encounter (2196 words) Giuletta Nefaria/Tony Stark: When a villain pulls Giuletta into their universe hoping for help, Tony is quick to follow. This universe's Avengers don't really know what to do with them. Iron Man in a relationship with Tony Stark? Yep. (1736 words) Tony Stark/James Rhodes: James Rhodes is Iron Man. It makes the secret identity less confusing, and if you asked Tony, he'd say that Jim was better at it anyways. Abscond (453 words) Gamora/Tony Stark: Somehow Gamora ends up pregnant. No one will be more surprised than she is. I Always Have You (3932 words) Bucky Barnes & Tony Stark: From Tony's first day on the earth, he had a soulmate looking after him. Not everyone wanted Bucky to be that close with him, but they manage. Abseil (479 words) Wanda Maximoff/Natasha Romanoff/Tony Stark: The team goes to a rock climbing wall, and Tony hates that he promised his girlfriends that he'd go through with it. Absinthe (1395 words) Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark: Tony lives, and Bucky gets reborn again and again and again. Tony always finds him. If someone were to give it a label, it would probably be soulmates. Myshka (3767 words) Tony Stark/Natasha Romanoff: Soulmarks are the nicknames your soulmate will call you. Tony has some Russian petnames and guesses wrong the first time, but Natasha’s just happy that Tony asked her on a date, even if he went on one with Bucky first. Business Time (1050 words) Tony Stark/Winter Soldier: Tony promised Pepper that he would stop having sex in his office, but that was before Winter had an idea. Identify Yourself (773 words) Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark: All Bucky wanted to do was see his boyfriend after a week long mission. He didn’t want to deal with this random ass person in their kitchen that apparently was Tony’s brother. Not the fun kind of handcuffs (500 words) Kate gets kidnapped by a bunch of amateurs. More embarrassing for them than her, thank god. Here In Your Arms (1702 words) Tony Stark/James Rhodes: Jim goes to the past specifically to save Tony, but he finds himself stealing a kiss or two while he's at it. It's called SOUR cream (481 words) Natasha Romanoff/Tony Stark: Tony thinks Natasha's latkes gave him food poisoning, she thinks it's the sour cream he put on it, and Strange just wants to undo a curse. The Last Candles (510 words) Steve Rogers/Tony Stark: Tony forgot candles, and he finally finds some. There's one little problem: someone else is trying to buy them too. The Meaning Of Chanukkah (353 words) Sam had thought it was a pretty innocent question to ask what Chanukkah was about. He was wrong. Dreidel Cheater (206 words) Kate Bishop & Clint Barton: Clint cheats at dreidel and denies it. Gasp, The Latkes! (389 words) Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark: The team gets Bucky latke themed shirts to wear for Channuka. Stop Stealing My Latkes (406 words) Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark: Bucky doesn't think it's weird that Tony's keeping him company in the kitchen until he notices most of the latkes missing. BYOC (1003 words) Wanda Maximoff/Tony Stark: When Tony forgets to bring a channukiah to a channukiah party, Wanda offers to let him share. No Shirt, No Pants (628 words) Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark: Tony dropping sufganiyot jelly on his shirt ended with Bucky inviting him to his room, so... good Hanukkah party? Operation Metalwork (897 words) Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark:  From Bucky: The plan is WORKING From Natasha: DETAILS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN From Clint: DISH DISH DISH From Bucky: Tony told me that I had to stop growing a beard  From Natasha: What the fuck Barnes I got all excited 
Shadowhunters: Abound (339 words) Clary Fray/Isabelle Lightwood: Clary supports Izzy at a party. Above (289 words) Clary Fray/Isabelle Lightwood: Isabelle is taller than Clary, and then she puts on heels. Aboveground (425 words) Clary Fray/Isabelle Lightwood: Clary and Isabelle come out to the Lightwood parents, and it doesn't go well. Ab ovo (1122 words) Clary Fray/Isabelle Lightwood: In Pandemonium, Clary catches sight of Isabelle and thinks she's the most gorgeous person ever. That crush sticks around through demons and getting her mother back. Abracadabra (1006 words) Clary Fray/Isabelle Lightwood: Clary is a warlock, and Isabelle is a Shadowhunter-- that doesn't stop Clary from falling for her. Abrade (462 words) Clary Fray/Isabelle Lightwood: Izzy's recovering from the vampire addiction forced on her. Alec and Clary are both there for her. Ditched (390 words) Clary Fray/Maia Roberts: Maia and Clary's friends ditch them during a night out, so Maia opts to go home with Clary. Poison =/= Love (329 words) Clary Fray/Isabelle Lightwood: It's an expected disaster when Izzy tries to cook. Told You So (413 words) Clary Fray/Maia Roberts: Clary and Maia get together after a surprise demon attack. Mistaken Mother (302 words) Clary Fray/Isabelle Lightwood: Clary's glad to find out that this beautiful woman is Max's sister, not mother. Dragged To Hell Kicking And Screaming (477 words) Clary Fray/Isabelle Lightwood: Clary's annoyed that their date got interrupted, and Izzy just wants the attention back on her. A Smoothie And A Kid (337 words) Clary Fray/Isabelle Lightwood: Clary walks in with a smoothie in one hand, and a goat in the other. Secrets Told (4988 words) Alec Lightwood/Jace Wayland: Jace makes a deal with a demon to help Clary find her mother, but it was just a truth for a truth, what was the worst that could happen? Chicken Wings (356 words) Clary Fray/Isabelle Lightwood: Izzy's costume creation didn't look like she imagined it would. So Pretty (100 words) Clary Fray/Isabelle Lightwood: Isabelle's singing and braiding Clary's hair. Under A Spell (3387 words) Alec Lightwood/Jace Wayland: Alec and Jace are together. So why the hell is Jace flirting with Clary and ignoring Alec completely?
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine:
About (290 words) Jadzia Dax/Kira Nerys: Jadzia tries to convince Nerys to go on a double date.
That 70′s Show:  Girls Girls Girls Night (1135 words) Jackie Burkhart/Donna Pinciotti: Jackie goes to a strip club after a rough day, and stumbles upon the most gorgeous woman in the world. Well, maybe second, after herself of course.
Ultra Maniac: Pictures Of You (Pictures Of Me) (947 words) Sakura Nina/Tateishi Ayu: Ayu has a crush on Nina the size of America, so when Yuta gives her a magic camera, it's the perfect opportunity to see if Nina feels the same way.
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working-write-now · 6 years
Comparing the Eras of NuWho: Moffat and Davies
I wrote this a year ago, before Jodie Whittaker’s series came out. I’m not going to add Series 11 to the comparison, because Chibnall’s run on Doctor Who isn’t done yet, and I don’t want to evaluate it before it’s done. In the original google doc, I had some footnotes, which unfortunately can’t be used in this format, so I adapted them as [NOTE: <more here>].
Now that Steven Moffat’s time as head writer on Doctor Who is done, it’s a good time to take a step back and examine the differences between how he and his predecessor,  Russel T. Davies, wrote for the show. Needless to say, there are spoilers ahead for the entire revived series of Doctor Who.
One good place to look at how the writers differ is how The Doctor’s companions are introduced. Davies introduces companions to the audience prior to their meeting The Doctor. As “Smith and Jones” begins, Martha walks down the street, trying to mediate her family drama. She then attends her class at the hospital, where she meets The Doctor. Rose’s introduction was similar: in the middle of an ordinary day, Rose is suddenly attacked by mannequins, and The Doctor appears. Donna’s introduction disrupts this pattern. She appears in the TARDIS at the end of “Doomsday.” However, in “The Runaway Bride,” her first full episode, she is walking down the aisle at her wedding when suddenly she’s transported to the TARDIS. When she’s reintroduced in “Partners in Crime,” the episode begins with The Doctor and Donna performing similar actions even though they don’t actually meet up until later. Davies even introduces one-off companions this way, such as Christina de Souza in “Planet of the Dead,” which begins with her robbing a museum, and eventually getting on the same bus as The Doctor to escape the police. By introducing the companions before The Doctor, Davies develops them, establishing them as characters before they travel time and space.
Conversely, Moffat’s episodes which introduce companions are centered on The Doctor. The pre-title sequence of “The Eleventh Hour” shows The Doctor and the TARDIS crashing through London, and “The Bells of Saint John,” which introduced Clara, begins with The Doctor in a monastery. Although “The Time of Angels,” which reintroduced River Song, begins with her on a spaceship, she doesn’t stumble into The Doctor like other companions, instead summoning him for assistance. “The Pilot” begins with Nardole bringing Bill to The Doctor, and the audience doesn’t get a glimpse into her life until later. By not taking the time to introduce the companions before The Doctor, Moffat implies that it doesn’t matter who the companions were before The Doctor shows up in their lives, and that the focus of the show should be on him.
Moffat continues to put the emphasis on the Doctor by making him an independent hero, while Davies emphasizes the importance of the companions. In most episodes Davies wrote, it’s not The Doctor, but his companions who save the day. Take “The Parting of the Ways,” for example. The Doctor can’t defeat the Daleks without also killing all humans, and decides to put himself at the mercy of the Daleks instead, until Rose shows up as the Bad Wolf and destroys them. Martha also saves the world; in the year between “The Sound of Drums” and “Last of the Time Lords,” she travels Earth, telling people about The Doctor and to think about him during The Master’s Countdown. [NOTE: There are probably some of you who are arguing that the plan to defeat The Master was made by The Doctor, but it was Martha who implemented it, and the only thing he told her was to “use the countdown.” Martha had to figure out about the Archangel Network and everything else on her own. Thus, I attribute this win to Martha.] Donna too saves the day in “Journey’s End” when there’s not just one, but two Doctors running around, both of whom are powerless to stop Davros. Donna, who has become just as smart as The Doctor, is able to deactivate the reality bomb and save all of creation. In fact, in the “The Stolen Earth” and “Journey’s End,” the episodes that function as the magnum opus to Davies’s time as showrunner, The Doctor is mostly helpless, and it’s his companions who work together to save the day. In “The Stolen Earth”, the Earth has disappeared and The Doctor has no clue where it’s gone or how to find it until Jack, Sarah Jane, Martha, and Harriet Jones all work together to let The Doctor know where they are. In “Journey’s End,” The Doctor spends most of the episode trapped in a holding cell, and it’s his companions who try to foil The Dalek’s plan, Martha by threatening to destroy the Earth, and Jack, Sarah Jane, Mickey, and Jackie by threatening to blow up the Dalek’s ship.
In contrast, Moffat’s episodes generally feature The Doctor saving the day. In “The Eleventh Hour”  The Doctor alerts the Atraxi to Prisoner Zero’s presence, so it can be imprisoned once again. In “The Big Bang,” it’s The Doctor who flies The Pandorica into the exploding TARDIS, rebooting reality. [NOTE: Though Amy remembers The Doctor and brings him back, that happens after the main problem of the episode is resolved.] In “The Wedding of River Song,” it’s The Doctor who comes up with the plan of hiding in the Teselecta to escape his death. The Doctor is also the one who saves the day in “Flesh and Stone,” “The Day of the Moon,” and “The Time of The Doctor.” [NOTE: Though Clara convinces the Time Lords to grand The Doctor more regenerations, it’s The Doctor who destroys them with regeneration energy.] This trend continues into Peter Capaldi’s time playing The Doctor, notably occurring in “Death in Heaven,” where although it’s Danny Pink who destroys the Cybermen when given control of them, it’s The Doctor who grants him that control. The trend is also present in “Hell Bent” where it’s The Doctor who makes the heroic sacrifice to forget Clara so that she and Arya Stark Lady Me can travel time and space together.
Also interesting are the ways in which the two writers present the companions before they meet The Doctor and why he asks them to travel with him. Before traveling with The Doctor, Rose, Martha and Donna are all very ordinary people: a shop worker, medical student, and temp. The companions during Moffat’s run, however, are mostly chosen because of who they are: Amy grew up with a crack in reality in her bedroom wall, River Song and The Doctor keep meeting out of order, and Clara seems to be fractured through time and space [NOTE: Bill Potts is a bit of an outlier here, though she is picked out by The Doctor because she smiles when she doesn’t understand something, where other people frown. ]. For Moffat there needs to be something special about a companion, whereas for Davies, ordinary people have something to offer to The Doctor. In fact, when Davies’s Doctor travels without someone for too long, he becomes callous and cold. Just look at the “timelord victorious” mentality he exhibits in “The Waters of Mars,” or the way he ignores the suffering happening around him in the destruction of Pompeii until Donna begs him to help (“The Fires of Pompeii”). Davies’s Doctor needs someone to travel with him to help him have a sense of humanity.
To sum up, while Moffat was the main writer for Doctor Who, it was very clearly a show about The Doctor, who invited companions aboard his ship if there was something special about them. While Davies was running the show, Doctor Who was a story about the lives of the companions, in which The Doctor happened to show up. Davies’s mentality, I think, was part of the reason Doctor Who succeeded when it came back onto the air: everyone could imagine themself as a companion. There wasn’t anything special about the people The Doctor picked--they just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Anyone could go on adventures through time and space, even people sitting on their couches in front of the TV. With these in mind, it will be interesting to see which of these mindsets Chris Chibnall, the new head writer, will take when it comes to the new companions being introduced alongside Jodie Whittaker Doctor this autumn.
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ao3feed-theonsa · 5 years
to be near you for a while
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ZezYzA
by targaryenstyrell
After being blindsided on Harry’s season of The Bachelor, Sansa is chosen to be the next Bachelorette. Afraid of getting her heart broken again on national television, she enlists her close friend Theon to pose as a contestant to gauge which of her suitors is here for the right reasons and who is just playing her for a shot at fame.
Words: 4405, Chapters: 1/16, Language: English
Fandoms: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms, Game of Thrones (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Multi
Characters: Sansa Stark, Theon Greyjoy, Harrold Hardyng, Margaery Tyrell, Jeyne Poole, Podrick Payne, Willas Tyrell, Asher Forrester, Young Griff (ASoIaF), Oberyn Martell, Rickon Stark, Bran Stark, Gendry Waters, Arya Stark, Jon Snow, Trystane Martell, Brienne of Tarth, Robb Stark, Dickon Tarly, Domeric Bolton, Lancel Lannister, Rakharo (ASoIaF), Shae (ASoIaF)
Relationships: Theon Greyjoy/Sansa Stark, Harrold Hardyng/Sansa Stark (past), Minor or Background Relationship(s), Arya Stark/Gendry Waters, Robb Stark/Margaery Tyrell, Yara Greyjoy/Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow/Ygritte, Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, The Bachelor AU, Friends to Lovers, Pining, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Sansa shipping is already a dating show so lol, Alternate Universe - Reality Show, Fluff, Angst, Slow Burn, Oberyn is Chris Harrison
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ZezYzA
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ao3feed-gendrya · 5 years
to be near you for a while
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Mmm4pa
by targaryenstyrell
After being blindsided on Harry’s season of The Bachelor, Sansa is chosen to be the next Bachelorette. Afraid of getting her heart broken again on national television, she enlists her close friend Theon to pose as a contestant to gauge which of her suitors is here for the right reasons and who is just playing her for a shot at fame.
Words: 4405, Chapters: 1/16, Language: English
Fandoms: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms, Game of Thrones (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Multi
Characters: Sansa Stark, Theon Greyjoy, Harrold Hardyng, Margaery Tyrell, Jeyne Poole, Podrick Payne, Willas Tyrell, Asher Forrester, Young Griff (ASoIaF), Oberyn Martell, Rickon Stark, Bran Stark, Gendry Waters, Arya Stark, Jon Snow, Trystane Martell, Brienne of Tarth, Robb Stark, Dickon Tarly, Domeric Bolton, Lancel Lannister, Rakharo (ASoIaF), Shae (ASoIaF)
Relationships: Theon Greyjoy/Sansa Stark, Harrold Hardyng/Sansa Stark (past), Minor or Background Relationship(s), Arya Stark/Gendry Waters, Robb Stark/Margaery Tyrell, Yara Greyjoy/Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow/Ygritte, Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, The Bachelor AU, Friends to Lovers, Pining, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Sansa shipping is already a dating show so lol, Alternate Universe - Reality Show, Fluff, Angst, Slow Burn, Oberyn is Chris Harrison
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Mmm4pa
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lightsandlostbells · 6 years
Skam España, S1 episode 1 reaction
Aka how to troll the part of your audience that’s seen this story seven times.
Sorry this is late, but it took me longer to write this because there were a lot of changes, and that means more to talk about! Skam España surprised me at how much it diverged from the source material. It’s hitting the same beats, of course, but it felt much more like a remix of the original than a remake, if you follow me. 
Thanks to everyone who subs and uploads clips and other content for the non-Spanish audience! You are the best for taking the time to do that for the fandom.
Episode 1
So this wasn’t in a clip, but it was included at the beginning of the full episode. We get the iconic intro speech, except this time it’s from Eva. And not Eva reading Jonas’ words, it seems, but Eva herself talking about teenagers presenting a happy appearance that masks their insecurities and loneliness. It’s very fitting for her character and taps into some areas that directly affect her, such as wanting to be liked but not knowing how, struggling with her studies, and not knowing who she is. I’m glad she got to give this speech. 
And actually, I think it’s important that she didn’t give this speech within a clip itself, to an audience of her boyfriend. It’s like she’s talking to us and only us, the audience, and no one in her life knows what she’s thinking or the full extent of her insecurities.
Clip 1 - And now for something completely different
Spanish Jonas (Jorge) doesn’t get his opening monologue but he does get the first words, though they’re very casual, about diving in the pool.
There’s some obvious framing here with Eva and Jorge sitting together on one side across from Lucas on his own, setting up their third wheel dynamic.
Jorge and Lucas tease Eva, like in the original, but it’s very much a good-natured thing, not something that makes her uncomfortable or feel bad. However, I do think you can read into the dialogue - Eva not knowing how to dive in head first is like her lacking confidence or not being able to take initiative.
We get a focus on Lucas’ uncomfortable face as loud smacking kissy sounds play. I’m always mixed on when the remakes focus a lot of the Isak’s discomfort with Eva/Jonas, because it seems to give too much away. A longing look is OK, maybe, but a moment that wouldn’t be noted from Eva’s POV seems too much. Still, that was a nice way to shoot it, and Lucas gets in some nice facial expressions. And at least there’s ambiguity as to why Lucas is not here for it. At this stage it doesn’t mean he likes Jorge; he could like Eva, or he could just feel bored with his friends making out or lonely that they’re paired off, without having romantic feelings for either of them.
Random detail but I love all the dirt and grass on Jorge’s pants when he gets up. 
This is a cute bit of dialogue between Eva and Jorge with him predicting her future. I don’t think this is the case but I would loooove if Spanish P-Chris was Jorge’s height and had curly hair, just for his prediction to happen, just not in the way Jorge means.
I would also love if the money and house on the beach ended up being references to the school trip.
Eva’s future dog being named Nymeria is a reference to Arya’s direwolf from Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire.
This closing image is VERY different. In the other versions of the opening clip Eva ends up alone, setting up her isolation and loneliness. In this one, we close on her and Jorge together, kissing and being intimate, after he’s told her that he’ll be there for her.
Actually, I want to talk about what all the changes in the opening could mean for the season. Hopefully the show takes these changes into account and goes somewhere with them, rather than developing relationships and clips differently but ending up in the same place just because, you know?
So here’s what’s different in the first clip:
Jorge doesn’t have any of that air of condescension that Jonas did, and he and Lucas banter with Eva in a friendly way without any serious insults. (I mean I guess she could be really bothered by them poking fun at her lack of diving ability but lmao, that’s not the same as poking fun at her grades or intelligence.)
We haven’t seen Ingrid or Sara yet and don’t get a hint as to the friction between Eva and them. We do learn that Eva worries about the first day of school but like … there could be literally any reason for that at this point. 
We didn’t hear anything about Jorge hanging out or going to Elias’ and there’s no clip later that night where he’s being shady about his whereabouts. 
Jorge is extremely kind and supportive, telling Eva that he’ll be with her if there are any problems. But we know that he won’t be able to fulfill this promise, so it’ll feel like an extra slap in the face when he disappoints.
Clip 2 - First day of school
Eva is alone this time… and a lot of people walking into the school are in pairs, including two girls swinging their hands together. Sure is a great reminder of how you lost your BFF.
We do get the Ingrid slow-mo death glare in this clip. “Jungle” by X Ambassadors and Jamie N Commons is a good song choice, on the nose, but Eva does feel like she’s heading into the jungle. High school as dangerous terrain is a common but well-deserved trope, like in Mean Girls with the wildlife comparisons played for humor.
Lol and Jorge notices Ingrid (Inés) and her pals, too, then goes back to kissing Eva.
So Lucas interrupts them making out, but he’s with some other boys! Are they setting up the boy squad this early? Is one of them supposed to be Elias? They seem like kind of a cute, doofy squad.
You can tell Eva feels increasingly left out as the boys are wrapped up in a discussion that doesn’t involve her, they’re talking more to Jorge than her and mostly not even looking at her when they tell the story. Although not gonna lie, the story the boys are telling seems kind of inoffensive, not isolating or uncomfortable in itself. I think it’s mostly that she doesn’t have a squad like this herself and has to hang around her boyfriend’s.
And Lucas goes over to her to talk and specifically asks her to the show on Friday, awwww. Unless you think he did it to stir up shit since Jorge forgot to tell her about the show.
Because Jorge forgot to tell her about it, Eva probably won’t be able to get a ticket. So it’s not that Eva invites him somewhere first (like in the original), it’s that he’s already got a thing and that she’s excluded from it. She says she’s cool with it but of course it’s just another small way she’s left out.
Eva ends up outside of the conversation, literally. The boys turn away from her and get engrossed in their own stuff. I was wondering how this was going to go because in the first clip, Jorge was so supportive and she and Lucas seemed tight, and it made a point of showing her together and not being alone. But lmao, teenage boys are maybe not great at living up to their promises.
There was another post about this, but there was a weird zoom on Eva at the end of this clip that felt like someone’s finger slipped on the camera or something. Felt like it needed another take. I hope it was a weird but intentional choice rather than sloppiness. 
Clip 3 - Mystery girl
Eva is sitting alone and SHIT, we see the Sana character walk by! Hajar Brown, her actress, is awesome. She features in her own Skam homage, please watch (this version has English subtitles). I’m really happy that she can be part of this project.
It seems that Spanish Sana (Amira) is wearing hijab for the first time, which was mentioned in the show synopsis. The other girl says Amira didn’t wear it last year. It’ll be interesting if we hear more from Amira herself on this development.
Also, did we ever hear people openly talking badly like this about Sana so early in the show? Because obviously we had Vilde running her mouth, and similarly ignorant comments from people like the biology teacher, but until S4 I don’t think we ever witnessed random students gossiping about her like this. I might just be blanking on some of the OG moments, but here we get to see Amira react directly to random hurtful comments.
And of course there’s Lara.
I was really thrown by this clip because it seems very soon to introduce the Noora. As we all know, she makes a more dramatic entrance later on. And yet they have this character wearing Noora’s signature red lipstick, in an extremely Noora-ish outfit, come in and sit next to Eva in a scene very similar to Noora and Eva in episode 3 of OG S1 (and most of the remakes). Except … this character says she’s Lara. From the press release, Skam España’s Noora is supposed to be called, well … Nora. I was so confused. I clearly heard her introduce herself as “Lara” but I figured I was just hearing wrong and somehow she said Nora?
Anyway, Skam Spain fucked with everyone’s expectations by introducing a Noora expy, with the same personal style, with a scene similar to one of Noora’s first, only not to make her the Noora … just to throw everyone off? Because honestly, I applaud them if this is the case. Keeping everyone on their toes.
My guess so far is that she might be Sara, or a Sara equivalent. She might befriend Inés and end up shunning Eva because she hears all about what a bad friend Eva is.
Anyway, Lara makes an impression right away for Eva, talking a lot about herself.  She’s certainly not shy, and she’s got an interest in theater and photography. She seems a bit humble-braggy, like her GPA is so good that she can do whatever she wants! She seems to have the confidence Eva lacks. If she’s unsure of herself, it’s because she wants too much.
And then Lucas comes in to talk about school elections, setting us up for the Vilde and the russ equivalent of this show. He doesn’t get her name right but he clearly means Viri. Viri is the only one running for president so better just hand off the position to the person who wants it.
Eva checks out Lara, like all Evas do with Nooras, but lmao, this ain’t Noora.
Clip 4 - Eva at home
Eva is doing homework when she gets the urge to check Instagram and ends up scrolling through Inés’ pics wistfully.
Eva’s mom says she’s going to the hospital so I assume she’s a doctor/nurse/medical professional? If she’s working shifts that conflict with Eva’s schedule, that makes sense as to how Eva could be left alone and have a distant relationship with her mom.
Eva gets a little smile on her face when she views Lara’s profile.
Did Eva actually hit the follow button for Lara or not? I couldn’t tell.
Tbh it’s pretty interesting to see the difference in the Evas’ rooms across remakes. For instance, Spanish Eva has pretty light and sparkles and the word LOVE suspended above her bed, whereas in the Dutch remake, Dutch Eva sleeps under the word FUCK.
So this is clearly taking on Eva’s friending Noora saga, but Lara ain’t Noora, so again, what’s going on? What if Lara’s IG reveals her as a huge weirdo and Eva realizes she doesn’t want to be friends with her?
Skam Spain is trolling everyone and I love it. 
Clip 5 - Hello Viri and ALEJANDROOOOOO
Eva is sitting alone in front of the windowsill and skimming through Instagram when Lara shows up! She’s happy to see Eva because she doesn’t know where her next class is. Eva is obviously overjoyed to see her and volunteers to show her where the classroom is. Eva is positively beaming at her. Like she’s in loooooove. But Eva barely gets a second of Lara’s attention before Elvira, aka Viri, aka Spanish Vilde runs up and introduces herself as the class president.
Lara’s outfit seems noticeably less Noora-ish this time around.
Lara shoots Eva a look when Viri is talking, and I don’t know what to make of it. Annoyed at Viri’s attitude? Annoyed that Viri interrupted her moment with Eva? Not annoyed, just trying to check out Eva? IDK, man.
Viri is super grateful that she’s been elected (even though everyone just voted for her because she wanted the job) and is eager to get activities rolling and to get people involved. Lara semi-cuts Viri off from her excited ramble.
We pull back on Viri and get a wide shot … I don’t really know why.
Viri says she’s new, so I guess she doesn’t know Cris that well, which is a big change. Vilde and Chris have always been friends, Chris is the one who’s been her friend all along, but Cris isn’t tagging along with Viri on her quest to recruit more people as in the other versions of this scene. I wonder how they met?
Viri calls Cris “the pretty one” and while I think Ina/original Chris is beautiful, Chris has never been framed as an attractive character in canon so I’m wondering what they’re going to do with this. Cris is also surrounded by people so she seems like a popular, well-liked person. It makes you wonder how she got roped into hanging with the weird girls in school.
Lara says she’s in if Eva is, and Eva agrees. WHAT ARE YOU DOING SKAM SPAIN. You got your Noora in my Lara??? Except Noora only agreed to go to the russ meeting when Sana did. For Lara, it’s Eva she needs to also go. On that note, Lara sure seems into Eva. And Eva agrees because she wants to spend time with Lara...
Viri’s mom is having a meeting, or “meeting,” so maybe they’re going with the same backstory for her as Vilde.
She cuts herself off as she notices William - Alejandro - through the window, and like, if they had named this character Alejandro but not played Lady Gaga’s “Alejandro” at some point, I would have felt cheated. I feel like they could have timed or edited the scene better to make it funnier, but I did still appreciate the effort.
I saw people upset that this William looks like an embryo but I’m fine with it. I can completely get why he would be considered a cute boy on campus among these 16/17-year-olds.
Please note Viri’s facial expressions as she takes him in. It looks like she’s glitching. 
She’s so turned on by Alejandro that she’s grabbing Eva’s leg.
LOL at Alejandro looking straight at the camera just to smolder. Wow. I’m imagining that this is just a thing he does on purpose, walk around Blue Steeling into invisible cameras.
Is it just me or does he look a bit like Mikael from the original show? Just … floppier?
Clip 6 - Damn, Inés 
I think that’s Amira walking across the screen out of focus at the start.
Eva walks up to see Inés hanging out with some girls, the reluctance on her face. And then she sees Lara with them, and the despair crosses her face. Fuuuuuck, this budding friendship is over before it really started. (WAS I RIGHT? I knewwwww it! Lara is going to get turned off by hearing Inés tell her side of the story, and she won’t want to be Eva’s friend. Then the girl squad will step up.)
Getting mild Darlene from Mr. Robot vibes from Inés. Except less unkempt. 
Eva going up and talking to Inés in broad daylight, at school, totally sober? Brave, very brave.
We get a closeup of Inés’ face when Eva talks to her so it can sink in that whatever happened with them didn’t hurt only Eva - it’s Eva who seems to be at fault. It’s POV breakage that we maybe didn’t need consider the rest of the scene also establishes that Inés is really hurt by what Eva did, but it did help show Inés as more vulnerable.
Ouch. Inés is right to be pissed (as we know her reasons) but she’s ice cold to Eva, especially with making her repeat that Eva will never be around her again. That is really harsh, worse than any “your eye makeup makes you look like a slut” comments. 
Clip 7 - Interrupted by dancing dudes
Cris is seen leaving the school ahead of Eva and Jorge. I like that they’re planting the major characters around the school, casually showing them going about their lives. I mean maybe they were just filming other scenes that day and used all of the actors they had on set, lmao, but it feels realistic.
Jorge meets Eva and seems supportive, she’s not alone walking out of school this time. But she spies Inés again outside, there’s eye contact, and Eva is clearly upset over what happened earlier. Even Jorge notices.
She doesn’t want to open up to him, he keeps asking her to open up, and just when it seems like she might tell him, he gets a notification of his friends being goofballs and watches them on his phone.
Jorge promises to be all Eva’s tomorrow, and lol somehow I think it’s a promise made to be broken.
Clip 8 - Sad blue-tinted lonely Friday clip
Eva is hanging out in her kitchen heating up food in her not-leaving-the-house attire, alone, not doing anything on Friday night. She gets a text from Jorge and looks at all the fun her boyfriend and his friends are having at their concert.
She watches it fondly and sends him some texts back, then goes back to that solitary microwave life.
Viri sends a message asking if someone can host the end of the year trip meeting. Eva goes back to munching. But we know what she’s really hungry for ... is friendship. 😎
Clip 9 - Goddammit Jorge
Eva is on the sidelines watching Jorge play football. You know, not that you can’t support your significant other, but being a teenage girl and watching your boyfriend be active while you sit there watching is maybe not the most fun activity? Let’s be honest, would a lot of these teenage boys sit and watch their girlfriends play a game together, one that wasn’t like an “official” game for school or anything, and cheer them on while not participating themselves? Girls are expected to support their boyfriends’ activities in a way that frankly is not reciprocal.
Lucas comes up behind the bleachers, wearing sunglasses and doing this face that would probably be meme-worthy if it were more in focus. Like he actually does that peer over the top of the sunglasses look. And I was like, lmao, why is the fuck is he doing that, but then I realized he was probably checking out Jorge.
Jorge comes up to Eva all drenched with water and sweat so you know Lucas is taking advantage of his sunglasses to peep that manly sight.
It sure didn’t take long for Jorge to go back on his promise. Jorge makes a comment about wanting to go home and sleep, Eva says they were supposed to hang out today, he’s like “well I’m going to play video games with the boys, but you can come if you want.” Lmao this is uncharitable but I’m imagining he means “you can come and watch” not “you can come and participate.”  
She suggests they go out together and he’s like, nah, do that shit yourself. Wow, so supportive. And yet a realistic depiction of dating high school boys. He tells her she’ll make a bunch of friends soon and forget all about him, which is sweet, except if you think that later, in the tradition of past Jonases, he’s going to get all miffed about the school trip and be passive-aggressive to Eva about her activities and friends? Less sweet.
I just want to mention that Lucas is oh so casually lying there and soaking in all of this dialogue. Noticing that Jorge is ditching Eva. Not saying a word, but you know. Absorbing this information, in case it’s pertinent.
Jorge asks Lucas if Eva is a good catch, for reassurance, and he pauses before commenting on her hat. Well, he can’t exactly say he doesn’t know, can he?
Jorge and Eva kiss before Jorge gets called back to his game, and Lucas asks Eva what Jorge tastes like, L O L. She answers sweat. We see Eva, deflated now that Jorge has bailed (like “I came to watch you and put on this hat and now you don’t even want to hang out?”) while right beside her, Lucas has … a look. That sweat comment will fuel his fantasies, don’t lie. 
I mean I’m going to be honest, my attention was focused on Lucas instead of Eva at the end, since I was trying to see if he had a ~meaningful look.
Clip 10 - Class trip meeting
This is pretty easily inferred since Eva is desperate to be social but she volunteered her house off screen via text message.
Viri is super hyped about this meeting even though it’s apparently only going to be her, Eva, Cris, and Cris’ friend. She thinks more people will want to come to their meetings once their project gets off the ground. I think she is concerned about popularity, but not gonna lie, I’m getting less “social climber” vibes from her and more “type-A overachiever.” But I guess she could be both!
Ding dong! Who’s at the door? Why it’s Cris, and she brought Amira! Good God, the way the smile drops off Viri’s face when she sees a Muslim is in her presence. She greets Amira and all, but Viri looks like she’s been told her puppy got run over.
She backtracks from Mallorca, and when Amira asks why, Viri’s like, well it’s all beach. Holy shit, Viri, have you never seen Muslims on a beach? Cris is “just like wear a burkini,” Amira says she’ll get one, and even Cris seems to have a moment where she has to backtrack. It’s like she mentioned the burkini as a joke but didn’t take it seriously. Amira clearly is a bit exasperated by this turn of conversation. Like it’s othering to her, she has to hold these people’s hands. 
See I’m really curious about the nature of this trip, because when you say “school trip” I’m coming from my own experience, and I think of like a trip with adult chaperones, guided activities and tours, strict supervision. Partying and sex do happen, but it’s not a free-for-all where the students are running around on their own. What Viri is describing seems more like a casual beach trip? How much independence would the students have? Obviously this is a different culture than my own (and a lot of the strict chaperoning on US school trips comes from wanting to curb underage drinking, which wouldn’t be a problem here) and I’m not familiar with how Spanish schools operate these kinds of excursions, but I’m trying to figure out what are Viri’s plans for this trip.
@skammovistarplus explains some context behind the trip in this post.
Viri gets happy about her trip again and starts talking about it, and she very obviously looks back and forth from Cris to Eva as she talks about it, not making eye contact with Amira. The camera in this part of the scene is pulled back so we can see just how excluded and distant Amira is from this conversation, almost like we’re in her shoes.
Amira talks a lot of sense and says more people should get involved in trip planning. I mean, yeah, otherwise just plan a trip among yourselves and leave the school out of it? Seems easier. 
The doorbell rings again, Eva thinks it’s Lara, but when she opens the door it’s …. Nora! Also wearing red lipstick.
Amira gave Nora the address so they’re already acquainted. That’s a change, Nora joining the group because of Amira. Noora said she wanted to get to know Sana better, but Eva was also the one who got her acquainted with the other girls.
This clip cuts off right at Nora’s introduction, and I can’t help but laugh at the context? It’s kind of dramatic, though less in the full episode. Like if I knew nothing about this show, I’d be like … is this supposed to be some twin shenanigans??? Is one of them the good twin and the other the bad twin? Lara and Nora? But I guess this moment is for the existing Skam fans. It’s …. Nora! The one you thought was Nora was emphatically not Nora! Plot twist!
This was the least gay Noora introduction, though.
Clip 11 - More meeting
There was a post about the clips and problems with the length and timing and I completely agree that posting multiple shorter clips is not good. If they keep doing this, it will minimize emotional investment - we won’t be able to sink into a scene without them cutting it off at a certain point. I guess Viri and Amira have been arguing for like an hour which I’m sure was enjoyable to witness for the other girls.
Viri is getting cringy, like I thought she did an OK job of Tracy Flicking it up but she’s getting OTT in a theater kid kind of way. Stress will do that to you.
So I guess a Mr Wonderful notebook is just a brand of notebook with cheesy motivational sayings, and Viri talks like that earnestly, lmao.
Amira thinks they need cool girls to be at the meeting, like Inés. Eva is affected by this. Nora seems to notice.
Nora is from Madison, Wisconsin, holy shit. As a Midwesterner I am rolling on the floor.
I have been to Madison, Wisconsin. It’s a very nice city! I love Wisconsin! I recommend visiting the cheese castle! But it’s just funny that Nora the cool girl is from a place that’s as mundane as Wisconsin. Like there’s that storyline from Love Actually where the awkward guy thinks he can get laid in America just by having a British accent, so he books a ticket to America, to a “fantastic place” called Wisconsin. That’s the joke. It’s supposed to be funny because it’s Wisconsin.
Hajar Brown does a good job as Amira, I like her. She points out that they’re all losers who have nothing better to do on Saturday so they’re at this meeting. Viri says they’re not weird, they’re unique, and Cris asks what about twins, and Nora seems to laugh at herself. SEE WHAT I MEAN ABOUT HER AND LARA BEING TWINS… the secret will come out.
Why is Cris here, anyway? I get why the other four would be weirdos and hanging out together - Eva has been shunned, Viri is a racist Hermione, Amira is Muslim, and Nora is the new girl in town - but Cris seems, frankly, not a lot like original Chris and appeared to have some other friends in our first glimpse of her.  What’s her deal?
Nora asks why the cool girls would want to come to them and Amira’s like, well, you’re very pretty, Nora. Eva, you could be pretty if you wore some makeup. L M A O. I think Amira was saying that to fuck with Viri, since she gave her a considering look before moving on to Eva, and Viri looked offended, but lol, as if the four who are supposed to flirt aren’t all pretty, skinny, conventionally attractive girls. (I mean, I hate debates over which characters are the best looking, I just don’t give a shit, but if you ask me, Nora is not noticeably prettier than the other girls. Tbh I kinda didn’t like that they changed it to Nora from Eva since, if they follow the rest of the show, Noora was so singled out for being special and attractive among the girls anyway.) 
Viri is beside herself with rage at how this meeting turned out.
Lara never showed so presumably she heard all about Eva’s history from Inés. She also leaves the trip group chat later.
Clip 12 - Eva spies Jorge
Eva is guiding Nora to her bus an hour later. Nora questions whether there will be another meeting and Eva says she supposes not because they don’t have anything in common. Nora says nay, they’re the weirdos at school. It’s cute.
I was about to ask what was the point of this scene since, other than a moment between Eva and Nora, it’s not adding much, but then “Jungle” kicks in again, a bus goes by, and Eva sees Jorge on that bus. Looking like he is talking to a girl. Who may be Inés. Eva realizes she’s been duped! Dramaaaaaa!
That does appear to be the same shiny backpack that Inés had earlier in the episode.
General Comments:
Regardless of execution, in a lot of ways this is what I want from a Skam remake? If I can’t have brand new stories and characters, I’d like to see remixes of the scenes with new dialogue and focus. Very little of the dialogue was taken straight from Skam, iconic moments were left out, new plot elements were introduced. So it makes me want to keep watching to see what else they do.
Unless Skam Spain has a different contract than the other remakes, so far it’s ripping holes in the idea that the remakes were required to be exactly the same as the original.
They sure crammed three episodes into one. I will give them credit, though, it didn’t feel rushed for the most part. I think the girls’ meeting suffered the most since we basically had to meet a bunch of characters at once (only Viri had really been introduced), whereas in the original we’d gotten a solid scene with all of the girls by the time of the meeting and had an inkling as to their personalities. However, the Jorge stuff and Inés and the other elements felt fine, pacing-wise. I love S1′s beginning episodes and things like the cabin episode, but they can easily be condensed if needed.
There was controversy over Chris being skinny in this version, and just to go over that - this isn’t the first version of Skam that’s had a thinner Chris, Druck and Skam Austin had Chrises who weren’t fat, Skam NL does too. I think Skam España got the most flack for this because the Chrises in Druck and Skam Austin were WOC, and while race and body size are two different areas of representation, those characters were still members of an underrepresented group. Skam NL has a thinner white Chris, but it also has the first Noora who’s a WOC so the girl squad has additional diversity besides the Sana character. So I think it’s a combo of everyone being thin + everyone other than Amira being white that made Skam España get criticism in particular.
I do think it is disappointing that all the main girls appear to be thin, because overall I think the various Skams have done a decent job of showing girls with a variety of shapes - not just in terms of skinny or fat, but even the “thin” characters often have different body types than are often seen on TV. And I hope there are more POC in the cast later. That’s all I really want to say about it at the time. 
I mentioned this in my Skam NL recap, too, but I think so many characters are called Lucas because it’s a religious name that can be used for symbolism, like Isak.
I feel like some of the more technical aspects are off, like camerawork/editing, and the acting overall is mixed, but it does feel like a down-to-earth low-budget production that cast actual teenagers and that’s my jam, so I am very willing to cut it some slack in this regard.
Some highlights of social media: Lucas posting a shit-stirring #TBT post with him, Eva, and Inés, that’s pretty cold, dude. Eva and Lucas taking turns third wheeling in it group photos.
@skammovistarplus is writing some awesome posts detailing some of the cultural aspects in the clips, go check it out!
I’m not Spanish so if I misunderstand something, feel free to let me know!
Thank you for reading!
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Game of Thrones rewatch - season one, episodes two and three
Welcome back for episode two. doubt I'll manage to get through the whole series before Sunday, but a man can try.
*insert humming and terrible beatboxing of the intro song here*
And this one starts with my least favourite character. At least the people around her were either interesting or even likeable. Especially Jorah, he was a good guide and teacher... if only he had been honest with his beloved Khaleesi right from the beginning. That would've been boring though. And bad writing, even for the show.
I'm telling mother - oh hi Draco. And the props and wigs are already getting better. Guess it really was this typical first ep weirdness. Don't get me wrong, most of it still looks weird and rather bad, but at least better than before. And we finally get some scenes with Tommen and Myrcella who only need seconds to be more likeable than Joff.
Oh, that first boy scene... guess it was intended as a lie right from the beginning, yet I still like to believe it to be a genuine deviation from the books as it would've made Cersei way more human. Not more human than in the books, but more human than how she ended up being on the show. But that's just my opinion and most people will probably disagree with me on that.
Despite all those bad jokes, I almost forgot how short Kit is. And how he looks more like Satin than Jon. Of course Nymeria doesn't understand your orders girl... she's a wolf, not a dog. You'll get your dog (and adoptive dad) in a few seasons. One who won't take order either. Wait, that's Needle! Does Arya even use it anymore?
How I despised Cat for her behaviour towards Jon. Sure, it was understanable. Doesn't make it right though. Michelle's such a great actress, given how she manages to make me both like and dislike Cat. Guess that's what playing an interesting and two-dimensional character is about.
That conversation about Jon's mother is so weird to watch, now that we all know what has happened to her for sure. Including Jon himself.
Now that I see another feast (okay, mini-feast/picnic), there might be a simple reason why we can't have those types of scenes any more after season one: it just doesn't work as well without Robert Baratheon as it did with him. A sitcom with Ned and Robert would've been way better than what we have now. Everything would've been better. Robert talking about the war that's coming... he really was right about that, even though it took way longer to arrive than he would've ever thought. At least the war he had in mind.
Oh the good old times were people making things run still mattered. Now every castle seems to be Harrenhall. Wait, Rickon was six? And we finally have that dagger... another one of those if anyone knew items. Plus Cat realising those wolves are not as bad as she thinks them to be.
It is known. You know what's also known? That Dany's companions were all so likeable... yet so disposable. Some things seem to be crap right from the beginning
I'll never understand why some people hated Theon right from the beginning. He didn't owe the Starks anything, yet he still tries to please them, help them and be on their side, even if it's just for Robb. After what some call betrayal? Okay, I get that. But before? Nope. He did more than he morally had to.
Not talking about the extremely uncomfortable stuff btw. There's more than enough ranting about that on tumblr already.
Great actor or not, any character played by Jack Gleesson will never ever be as charming as Joffrey has been decribed in the books. I'm your prince... yeah, anyone who has to brag about his title like that'll never be anything but a whimp. Oh how easy everything would've been if Nymeria had simply torn Joff to pieces. Another missed chance of not having to have this shitshow of an adaptation.
Not much more to say about ep 2, back in the day when even small deaths weren't just cheaply thrown around.
On to episode 3 of season 1.
And we're in Kings Landing. Back when the whole place was still alive and not burning. As it still should be. Damn, Jaime never had a chance with thr oh so honourable Ned Stark to begin with. Hm... Renly reminds me of someone I know. Not sure who though. And he looks so young as well. Why on earth did they change the location of the small council meetings? This place looks just fine.
Ned trying to be a good father and messing it up still. Not too different from a modern dad, albeit a rather conservative one. And one with a very pleasant voice.
Give us back old nan... that woman makes you feel like a small boy listening to stories even when you're already a grown man. Too bad  Margaret John's already dead. Would've loved seeing more scenes with her than the ones we had. Bran talking about how he'd rather be dead sounds really different now that he's practically dead and replaced by the three-eyed dipshit.
Didn't remember all those scenes at the Night's Watch to be this pleasant to watch... but apparently, they were.
And we finally get our first scene of Robert being a piece of shit towards Gilbart Chris von Muir, the King of Damcyan erh I mean Lancel. Don't fight me, but he always looked like Gilbart to me (or Edward for those of you who played the English version of FFIV).
Can anyone explain why Jorah, aka the  random stranger, has one of the prettiest horses? Is he a khal now? Khal Jorah... I must admit, it has quite a ring to it. He's more of a king than Viserys ever was as well.
Looking back at all those early scenes makes me realise that Kit's been good at playing Jon... while he was still Jon. And not Aegon-who-should-not-be-called-Aegon.
And for a great way to finish this episode... season one had way too many attractive men. And probably girls as well, for those of you who are into that. So, even if the show wasn't really that good in the past (still better than it is now and nothing will ever change my mind on that), we at least had some eyecandy.
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katybirdy95 · 6 years
Outlaw King: My Thoughts
Hey Everyone!!
Well, I watched the Outlaw King a few days ago and I was mildly surprised in a good way. It wasn’t perfect, but it wasn’t bad neither.
The Accents: The accents were actually pretty decent, especially that of Aaron Taylor-Johnson, who managed to sound authentic throughout the film and although I have only seen it once, I believe that he managed to retain it and not slip into his English accent. Chris Pine’s was okay (I will be honest and say that I wasn’t expecting much), I thought that it was better than other actor’s trying to immediate the Scottish accent (I don’t think I have to say who), although I did notice a few slip ups when he raised his voice during a passionate speech (the scots do love their speeches), but apart from that I think he did a good job. There was one accent that had me cringing slightly throughout the movie and that was Tony Curran’s, which was surprising as he is Scottish. I don’t know what was up with his voice, but it sounded as though he was talking with marbles in his mouth (if you don’t know what I mean by that, check out Gerard Butler’s accent - it’s a thing us scots say when an actor loses his strong accent and suddenly you can hear bits of English or American in it). I think the actor may have been told to ham his accent up a bit so that the American and English actors he was working opposite with wouldn’t sound too out of place.
Costumes: The Costumes from what I have heard are actually accurate to what the scots would have worn in battle - the English armour not so much, but it was nice to see the designers take into consideration what would have been appropriate and it is a nice wink to all those historical fashion experts who just want some damn accuracy in their medieval costumes (me included), even if it is only one part of the cast that got to wear them. The women’s costumes were a bit plain for my liking, more so for the nobility and royalty. I was expecting a bit more elegance for Elizabeth De Burgh’s costumes and some headpieces, but it’s fine - it seems to be the thing for women in period pieces to let their long hair blow free. So I am kinda over it now, although I will not accept the excuse that the reason they don’t have the headpieces is because it distracts from the acting (only if the acting is bad will it distract) and yes I am pointing the finger at TWQ, but I just wanted to remind readers of Isabella of France’s headpiece in Braveheart (even though she shouldn’t have been in it) was beautiful as well as her costumes and it only distracted me for a second or two because beautiful costumes should do that. I did like Elizabeth’s teal dress with the flowers embroidered onto it though, I just wish we got to see more of it and I also liked the fact that the women didn’t wear dresses that were designed to titillate the audience as women watch historical, medieval biopics too not just men.
The Women: I was surprised that the women got as much attention as they did, but I am not complaining. I don’t want to get into too much historical facts as I want to speak primarily about the portrayal of women on this rather than historical content, which I know defeats the purpose as it is a historical piece, but I wanted to compare the women in this to more recent historical/period pieces and how this movie had done a better job. So, there are a few things with costume/period/historical pieces that feature women that often are the alpha female (hates dresses, sewing and would rather swing a sword because being feminine and wanting a husband and family is weak and not submitting to gender types is the new kickass thing because every women from the past has 21st century ideals) think Arya Stark, Then we have the ultra feminist (doesn’t listen to men because they are stupid and is similar to the alpha female except they are very lady like, but they just don’t like being treated as broodmares) and then we have the whore (her only purpose is to stand around and look pretty and is basically there to titillate the audience and have pornographic sex with the leading man). I roll my eyes a lot at these stereotypes because although women like this did exists back then it was few and far between and not many women like Eleanor of Aquitaine and others like her came around as often. Elizabeth’s character did have a few feminists streaks, but not so many as to make me sigh allowed (I often roll my eyes when the female love interest says that she wants to be the leading man’s equal and doesn’t want to be treated like a baby-making machine because sadly back then that was a woman’s role and seeing nearly every character take on the mind of a 21st century women is annoying). The main thing though and I mentioned this before was that the women aren’t treated like sexual objects, for example their dresses were not low cut and the director did not resort to rape scenes to shock the audience because to use D&D’s excuse that’s just what happens in wars and therefore has to be shown, instead the director implies that there were rapes, but didn’t show it. There was one sex scene, but it didn’t last long and was dim lighted, which wasn’t so bad.
Chemistry: Unfortunately, I didn’t feel as though there was much chemistry between Chris Pine and Florence Pugh, so I wasn’t as invested in their love story as I wanted to be.
Scenery: There is nothing like Scotland and its beautiful scenery and I always love seeing and admiring the beautiful places that they filmed on.
Favourite Lines: “Where the fuck were you!?” and “What my fucking name!?”
Fun fact: the director’s wife and daughter came into my store and immediately told us that they were going to a premier - the wife was a bit arrogant about it as we never asked them what the occasion was she just came out with the fact that her husband was a director and was making a big movie and that they were going to his premier. I walked away because I was busy, but not before giving one of my workmates a look as she was serving them. She asked what movie he made and what was his name and when the wife told her she said she had never heard of the film or the director lol. The wife’s face was a picture.
I feel as though I am forgetting a lot, but those were the main things I wanted to discuss. So, that’s just my two cents. It was a good movie, but I felt it was a little slow at times and there was a lot of gazing into the distance and a few inaccuracies, but none the less still good.
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As a hardcore fan of comics, what do you feel about the fact that almost every character\series owned by DC or Marvel keep going on indefinitely? Is there any major super hero\villain owned by any of these 2 behemoths that have been killed off permanently? It seems that death is incredibly cheap , & even if one particular incarnation of a character dies, someone else takes up the mantle- so the hero\villain lives on. Don't you feel series should end after some time (through death or otherwise) ?
This is a problem that crept into comics as a serial medium almost from the beginning, albeit very gradually - part of it is that IP is both potentially incredibly valuable and difficult to come up with on a monthly basis with consistent quality. Even for the best artists and writers, “villains of the month” vary enormously, and you can really tell when someone was scrambling to meet deadline and out of ideas so started looking around their desk for inspiration:
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So rather than trying to knock it out of the park every month with a new villain, it’s a lot easier to have tried-and-true villains become recurring features, where the artist and writer can elaborate on proven concepts. The same phenomenon also happens on the hero side, especially in team books, where you have a much larger cast of characters. (I do not envy the people working on Legion of Super-Heroes, for ex.)
This intersects with changing trends in comics in weird ways. So first you have the emergence of the Comics Code Authority in the 50s, which among other things tones down on the violence rather substantially (Batman had already stopped killing people before it came into effect) so that killing characters becomes difficult for a long time, which in turn brings up this long-term tension as to why (if recurring villains keep escaping prison) heroes aren’t doing something more final. Then in the 80s and 90s, the aging of the first generation of comics fans and the desire by creators to prove that their medium wasn’t just for kids leads to people reaching for character death as a way to prove maturity…but the underlying dynamic is still there, so there’s inevitable pressure to bring characters back, which eventually gives rise to the revolving door of death, which desensitizes fans, and then you have an arms race towards grimdark as you need to find new sources of shock (DC for some reason went big into arms being cut off for the longest time). 
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One person who tried like hell to fight this and ultimately lost was Chris Claremont, who believes to this day that you have to let characters age and change and eventually end, because otherwise they’re not real people. Claremont wanted to replace the old model with one in which characters would die permanently (like Jean Grey) or quit being superheroes to start their own families (like Scott Summers). And when the status quo pushed back against what he was doing, you got real damage to the characters.
So yeah, I think it’s a real problem, but not one without solutions. 
One solution, which has become more common in the post-Image era where there’s a lot more creator-owned stuff, is to give creators the freedom to write beginnings, middles, and ends, because their control over the rights means that you don’t get IP-thirsty companies like DC and Marvel messing with good stories by doing things like having Watchmen prequels, sequels, and crossovers, or killing off and then resurrecting almost every damn hero out there. 
Another solution, and this is one that I haven’t seen used as much, is to step away from strict chronological continuity and adopt instead what I’m going to call the Cimmerian Approach:
“Know, oh prince, that between the years when the oceans drank Atlantis and the gleaming cities, and the years of the rise of the Sons of Aryas, there was an Age undreamed of, when shining kingdoms lay spread across the world like blue mantles beneath the stars - Nemedia, Ophir, Brythunia, Hyberborea, Zamora with its dark-haired women and towers of spider-haunted mystery, Zingara with its chivalry, Koth that bordered on the pastoral lands of Shem, Stygia with its shadow-guarded tombs, Hyrkania whose riders wore steel and silk and gold. But the proudest kingdom of the world was Aquilonia, reigning supreme in the dreaming west. Hither came Conan the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand, a thief, a reaver, a slayer, with gigantic melancholies and gigantic mirth, to tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth under his sandalled feet.”
Pulp magazines, as the direct ancestors of comic books, were also a serial medium in need of constant content that hit the same problem. And I think R.E Howard came up with a rather brilliant solution by telling the stories out of order. Conan’s story has a beginning, middle, and end as the first passage in “The Phoenix on the Sword” above indicates: he starts out as a barbarian who comes to the civilized kingdoms of the Hyborean Age, and he ends up King of Aquilonia as he is in “Phoenix.” But after that first story (actually the first to be published, he wrote “The Frost Giant’s Daughter” at the same time, but it was rejected) and “The Scarlet Citadel,” he went back and wrote “The Tower of the Elephant,” which depicts Conan as a young thief who’s only very recently come to the civilized kingdoms. And thereafter, Howard bounced around all over the place: Conan is in one story as a mercenary general, then a refugee from a different, defeated army, then a pirate captain, then an imprisoned thief, and so on and so forth. 
What I like about this approach is that it allows you to do the natural human lifecycle/beginning-middle-end that Claremont tried to establish, while also allowing you to produce infinite content by inserting new incidents into earlier periods of their life. 
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Will Bridgerton Become the Next Game of Thrones?
Traditionally, when critics discuss “the next Game of Thrones” or when studios, networks, and streamers search for “the next Game of Thrones,” the candidates put forth have much in common, genre-wise, with the late, sometimes great HBO series. They are the Lord of the Rings TV show or His Dark Materials or The Witcher—aka epic fantasy series that, by and large, have the look and feel of a Game of Thrones, ignoring the fact that, contextually, the fantasy elements of Game of Thrones were only one factor in its enormous success.
This isn’t an unfamiliar Hollywood tale. After a massive commercial success, the entertainment industry tends to throw its money behind (for want of a better word) knock-offs—stories that may be good or moderately successful, but are only alike their culture-changing predecessors in the kinds of superficial ways that don’t actually matter that much. Take, for example, the big-screen adaptation of Eragon, which was greenlit following the success of the big-screen Lord of the Rings trilogy. Eragon may have sweeping shots of a small figure amidst the vast and fantastical New Zealand countryside, but the depth, scale, and texture of its enjoyable source material, not to mention the budget and care that went into its adaptation, were not comparable to the Lord of the Rings, and the reviews and box office reflected that.
Genre is a shorthand moviemakers use to communicate to audiences what a film is and why they might like it, so it’s easy to understand why producers would overweigh the importance of genre when trying to recreate the success of a Lord of the Rings or a Harry Potter or a Twilight. But I’d like to shift the conversation, and expand our imagination of where the pop culture landscape could be heading. When theorizing about “the next Game of Thrones,” if what we mean by that is “a mega-successful and long-running show that becomes so central to pop culture that even people who don’t watch it can reference it,” I would argue we don’t necessarily be looking in the epic fantasy genre. Instead, may I put Bridgerton forward for consideration?
Since its Christmas release worldwide, Bridgerton has not only consistently been in the Netflix Top Ten in multiple territories around the world, but also consistently in the news, most recently for its record-breaking success. Netflix announced today (via Deadline) that the race-bending period romance adapted from the Julia Quinn novels is, by some measure, its “biggest series ever.” The 10-episode first season of Bridgerton was watched (either partially or fully) by a record 82 million households, which is 19 million households more than the streamer’s four-week projection made at the drama’s 10-day mark. This means that, unlike many of Netflix’s bright-and-fast-burning Top Ten-ers, Bridgerton‘s popularity is sticking. Bridgerton has already been greenlit for a second season, but it’s not hard to imagine the series running for the eight seasons showrunner Chris Van Dusen said he is hoping for.
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From Bridgerton to Hamilton: A History of Color-Conscious Casting in Period Drama
By Amanda-Rae Prescott
Who is the Villain Teased in The Lord of the Rings TV Series Synopsis?
By Joseph Baxter
But popularity alone does not make The Next Game of Thrones, though it is certainly one major factor. Plenty of TV series have that magic combination of critical and commercial success in their first seasons before fizzling out in the second or third. What makes a Game of Thrones or, dare I say, a Bridgerton, different? Well, for one, like Game of Thrones before it, Bridgerton is a TV show based on a many-book series, which provides a vast blueprint to pull from. Structurally, both source material series have many, changing POV characters. In A Song of Ice and Fire, the POVs characters change from chapter to chapter and, sometimes, from book to book. In The Bridgerton Series, the POV character changes from book to book. This makes for a particularly fertile narrative ground for adaptation, as the source material doesn’t solely privilege one or even a few characters or POV, leaving TV showrunners to balance the ensemble out in the process of adaptation.
Both stories are built around themes of family and power within a complex and often cutthroat world, and they both have a group of siblings at their heart, tying the many storylines together. I’m not hear to make one-for-one comparisons because, honestly, it is the opposite of my point, but I will say: Daphne, who values a more traditionally feminine life, has a lot in common with Sansa Stark and Eloise, who begrudges the pressure to get married and become a mother, is bascially Bridgerton’s Arya Stark.
Game of Thrones and Bridgerton‘s narrative interests diverge in some ways, but they are both structured around the affairs of ruling society, even if those dynamics and scenarios plays out in different narrative languages—i.e. violence/war vs. romance/marriage. In Game of Thrones, the weapon of choice is, well, weapons and the stakes are one’s life and the lives of one’s loved ones; in Bridgerton, the weapon of choice is gossip, and the stake are one’s lives and the lives of one’s loved ones, though measured against a different rubric. In Bridgerton and romance as a genre in general, domestic security and happiness, including and most especially for women, is treated as the valid and worthwhile goal that it is. It is depicted as a victory worth winning in the same way that the accumulation of male-coded political power and military might is treated in other genres.
And let’s talk about the power of the romance genre. Romance is a genre made by and for women and, because our culture tends to devalue the feminine, romance storytelling has a stigma that has historically kept many men and some women from engaging with it. Because of this, fans of romance are a traditionally an underserved audience when it comes to adaptation, despite it being the most lucrative book genre market. According to Glamour, the billion-dollar romance book industry made up 23% of the fiction market in 2016, but the TV and film industry seems surprised every time a Twilight, Outlander, or Crazy Rich Asians comes along, as if they have forgotten that women make up half of the planet’s population.
It’s only in recent years, most notably with the success of bigger-budget romance adaptation Outlander, that TV studios and distributors have started to invest larger budgets in unabashedly romantic fare, presumably because more women and more men who listen to women when they speak have become Hollywood decision-makers. (Though, by and large, the statistics are still dismal and depressing.) For whatever reason, the kind of storytelling that was once only seen in the sphere of the primetime soap (a valid venue in its own right, but one with modest budgets and limited crossover marketing) is now becoming more common in larger, more mainstream arenas. Bridgerton is the perfect example. With its sizable budget and broad marketing campaign, Netflix wasn’t just looking to capture the audience of a Shonda Rhimes broadcast venture like Grey’s Anatomy, but to rebrand romance as a mainstream genre, and the women who love it (many of them Black woman and women of color) as an audience worth investing in.
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How Bridgerton Season 2 Can Improve On Season 1
By Amanda-Rae Prescott
His Dark Materials Now Has One Very Obvious Thing in Common With Game of Thrones
By Kayti Burt
If we’re going to have another Game of Thrones, and I hope we do because they have value in an increasingly fractured culture, then it’s probably going to look a lot different than that great “tits and dragons” fantasy saga. It might have some things in common—such as a large, pretty ensemble cast of characters that allow for multiple entry points; a strong existing source material that gives a blueprint for a complex world and where its families of characters is heading; and the production values to facilitate an escape from our increasingly distressing world into a story that feels the right balance of fantastical yet real. But it’s going to be something new and exciting, the way Game of Thrones was new and exciting for many people. Maybe it won’t be Bridgerton, but it probably won’t be Game of Thrones 2.0. We’ve done that already.
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jo-the-schmo · 7 years
Breaking... Ch.17
Masterlist (will update for needed parts soon)
Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16
A/N: Bet you weren’t expecting this so soon were ya? Aren’t I just full of surprises? I never sleep!!!!! Also I tried something new with the tags so hopefully it works!! I regret nothing
Wordcount: 2016 (neat)
Warnings: Fluff, cute, then blood
Tags!: @iamnotthrowingawaymyshit @renae-writes @deltablue202 @literally-melonkitty@meunicorn @favouritefighting-frenchman @demi-godamit @gum-and-chips@sweaterkitty-fluff@pinkyiger7@littlemissshortcakes@msageofenlightenment@unprofessional-inhumanbeing@fandom-panda-221@hummusandchips @spoopy-piineapple@ashwolfcub@myself-and-the-madman @sweet-fate@superwholockbooknerd526@frozengal2013@lmaodedhaha@itsmikayblr@sarmar29 @arya-durin-77 @phantastic-fandoms@hoshihime98@shinigamired @martapetrovic @robotic-space@iamnotthrowingawaymyshit2(lol) @asprinkleofmermaids @pinkyiger7(I’m tagging you twice my friend!) @satellitesuga @rose-coloured-nihilism  @okie-dokie-artichokeme (I love your URL omg)
 if anyone else wants to be tagged just send me an ask!
Breaking Agreements
Johnny tugged at the bottom of your dress, trying to get your attention.
“Mama says we should give your present now, I’ll go get my drum.” It took you a moment to realize what you were talking about. Aww I did say this would be better with a drum! Angie interlocked your arms once more.
“Come on everyone! TT, Mama and I have something to you in the music room!” AJ and Jaime got up off the ground and ran toward the hall where Eliza was already heading. You saw Johnny slowly going down the stairs, his little snare and sticks in hand, being careful not to drop anything. Wow, he got that fast! He must be excited! Angie pulled on your arm. “Let’s go TT!” Alex stood up and patted his daughter on the head.
“I’ll go with you, sunshine girl, follow me.” Alex winked at Philip who was standing behind you. What was that about?
“Okay, Daddy!” Angie let go of your arm, her and Alex walked off to the hallway, well actually, Angie skipped but not the point. You felt something touch your waist, the same thing press against your back lightly.
“Have you already forgotten about me, ma petite chou?” Philip whispered in your ear. You jumped slightly, turned yourself around, your face heating up all over again.
“Why you have to go and call me a cabbage like that?” You blurted out, he chuckled softly.
“You are quite radiant when you’re flustered, my star.” He smiled. “I have a gift for you as well, but you will have to find it after I see yours.” He turned you back around, keeping his hand on your waist while leading you forward.
“I have to find it? What does that even mean?” You asked with intrigue.
“You’ll just have to wait and see.” He spoke softly. As you finished squealing internally you approached the music room door. The two of you walked in together, everyone already ready and waiting. Eliza was seated at the piano, Angie and Johnny were standing on opposite sides of her. Johnny already had the strap on his drum secured, the drum leaning on his side. AJ, Jamie and Alex were sitting on the small couch closest to the piano.
“Took you two long enough!” AJ exclaimed.
“What’s going on anyway?” Alexander asked.
“We just have something very special to show you all!” Eliza smiled.
“I’ll go stand by father.” Philip informed. You were suddenly struck with an idea, as he walked away you snatched his hat off his head once more. He turned around with surprise. “Do you have a thing with stealing my hats now?” He asked and you smiled deviously.
“I need it for something, I am about to do something great!” You laid the hat on top of your head and made it point up slightly. I shall now become George Washington; I’m going to make Chris Jackson proud! You trotted over to the middle of the room while Philip walked past you and sat next to Alex. You cleared your throat. “Is everyone ready?” You asked and were met with several yeses. Eliza got ready on the piano.
“Alright Angie, John; Un…deux…trois!” She stared with the first chord and you began your song.
“I was still older than you all now, when I gave myself a command. I may have led myself straight into a massacre, I have witnessed death first hand. I made every mistake and felt the shame rise in me. And even now I lie awake knowing history has its eyes on me.”
(Whoa…whoa, whoa…) Angie and Johnny sang along, Johnny tapping his drum lightly.
“History has its eyes on me…” You stepped slowly over to the couch, stopping in front of it and putting one arm behind your back. “Let me tell you what I wish I’d known, now that I know love and dream of glory. You have no control who lives, who dies, who tells your story!” You patted Jamie and AJ on the head, smiled at Alex and stepped toward Philip. “I know that we can win, I know that greatness lies in you! Because you’ve taught me from here on in, history has its eyes on you!”
(History has its eyes on you!) They held out. Everyone began to clap and Eliza turned her gaze toward you.
“That was our best run yet!” She exclaimed. You looked down at Philip.
“What’d you think, Sunshine?” He stared up at you, silent for a moment. “Philly?”
“I think…you have the most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard in my entire life! And you look better in my hat than I do! And I look really good in that hat, so.” He stood up, brought his hands to both sides of your face, pushing the hair out of the way. His fingers grazed your cheeks and made your skin tingle. You saw his eyes dart from your right eyes, to your left and then down to your lips. Oh my God, is he going to…? OH MY GOD THIS IS HAPPENING! What do I do?! Do I lean in? Do I stay still?! His eyes kept moving in the triangle pattern as his face came a little closer to yours. Before you could actually do anything, you felt the hat on your head be lifted up. You looked to the side to see Angie placing it on top of her own head, it was far too big on her but the feather fit her style more than Philip’s.
“Oh, look at me! I’m Philip Hamilton! After all these years, I have found my beloved! Mon amour! Ma petite chou!” She put her hands on her cheeks and made teasing kissing noises. FUCKING SHIT! ANGIE I LOVE YOU BUT NOW WAS NOT THE TIME! “You know…I quite like this hat. It makes me look like a leader!” She put her hands on her hips proudly. She tipped the hat up and skipped away, sticking her tongue out as she went. Everyone else just sort of collectively looked at each other and got up.
“Well! Time to get some tea!” Alex clapped, almost signaling for everyone to leave, and they did, leaving you and Philip alone to stew in the awkward remnants of what just happened. Both of you simultaneously took a step back from each other, red faced and mumbling. It was terrible.
“Uh, so yeah um, that uh…”
“Yeah, um…so what did you say about needing to find a present earlier?” You laughed nervously, trying to change the topic. Make this torture end!
“Right! That! Well, you’ll have to find it! I’ll tell you which room it’s in but that’s the only hint you’ll get okay?” You nodded and followed him as he walked out of the room, into the hall. “It’s in the study, let’s go!” The two of you quickly made your way over to the study doors and let yourselves inside. If I were Philip, where would I hide a present? Considering you were the smarty pants that you were, it didn’t take much effort for you to figure it’s in Alex’s immense Shakespeare collection. You went over and examined the shelves scrupulously. All’s Well Ends Well, As You Like It, Anthony and Cleopatra, Cornelius, Hamlet, King John, Love’s Labour’s Lost, Macbeth, Merry Wives of Windsor, Midsummer Night’s Dream, Othello, Romeo and Juliet, Midsummer Night’s Dream, A Winter’s Tale- You stopped. Wait a second. You took a second look and found what made you take a double take. Two copies of Midsummer Night’s dream. The one you recognized had gold text but the new one was more silver looking. You picked it off the shelf. “Damn, you found that fast, Star!” Philip exclaimed, leaning against the bookshelf.
“You…you got me my favorite…” You whispered in disbelief.
“Yes, I thought it must be a bit annoying not being able to take it over to your room… I was buying books for school, saw this and knew you had to have it…” He scratched restlessly. “B-But that’s not all! There’s a page marked in there! Well a few actually…Go ahead and open it!” You opened the cover and the pages bump up slightly, you flipped to where this bump ended and saw something. A pressed, slightly discolored pick of baby’s breath. You looked up at Philip.
“Is…is this…?”
“The same flower from our night in the garden? Yes, it is. But that’s not the best part, look at what I marked.” He instructed, you looked back down at the page, moving the wildflower out of the way.
Lovers and madmen have such seething brains,
Such shaping fantasies, that apprehend
More than cool reason ever comprehends.
The lunatic, the lover and the poet
Are of imagination all compact:
One sees more devils than vast hell can hold,
That is, the madman: the lover, all as frantic,
Sees Helen’s beauty in a brow of Egypt:
The poet’s eye, in fine frenzy rolling,
Doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven;
And as imagination bodies forth
The forms of things unknown, the poet’s pen
Turns them to shapes and gives to airy nothing
A local habitation and a name.
You looked back up at Philip, slightly confused. “A lover and a madmen are quite similar, what changes them is how they are written. You have faced many madmen, and they will be written as such. However, I will never be your madman. I will write and fight and shape what I am, if it would make you smile. Someday, you will blow us all away, because you blow me away every moment I’m with you.” You look up and see Philip’s face and he is helpless. And his eyes are just helpless. There were so many things you wanted to say, so many things you wanted to do in that moment… You felt a ping rush through your head. No…Not now! Not again! Your head was aching and you felt your pupils dilate over and over again. You felt your hands shaking and looked down at the holding the book. The pages were now old and withered, no longer brand new but the baby’s breath looked like it had just been plucked from the garden. Looking past the book you saw grass on the ground, the wood flooring completely gone. You dropped the book and raised your gaze toward Philip. The sight was familiar but that didn’t make it any less horrifying. There was a pistol in his hand, blood all over his arms and right side, his stare looked blank.
“Phil…ip…s-sunshi….ne” You tried to yell, to cry out, to do something but the blood in your veins was boiling and it made your head feel like it was burning alive.
“I held my head up high…” He said with a gaunt expression. There was a voice, you didn’t recognize it but it sounded masculine.
“Madman, madman, madman, madman, madman, madman, madman. Lover, lover, lover, lover, lover, lover, lover. Change, change, change, change, change, change, change.” It kept bouncing around in your head, it pushed through your skull and back in again.
“But even before we got to ten…” Philip whispered again. You looked past him and saw figures in black, you couldn’t identify them because they were running back and forth but you could hear the voices. You always did.
“Where is my son?”
“Who did this? Alexander did you know?”
“Stop! You won’t take me! Philip! I need you! Help me!”
“Sept, sept, sept, sept, sept, sept, sept…” Philip mulled.
“Is he alive?”
A blood curdling scream.
“I am not traumatized! I love her! RoseMary! Save me!”
You felt something wet drip down your face and felt yourself lose sight from your right eye, then your left. In this black abyss, it is the only place you’re truly safe, a place of in between. There was nothing there, no one could hurt you, no one could harm those you loved. As long as you were in that Purgatory, nothing wrong could be done. But you always had to wake up.
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to be near you for a while
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ZezYzA
by targaryenstyrell
After being blindsided on Harry’s season of The Bachelor, Sansa is chosen to be the next Bachelorette. Afraid of getting her heart broken again on national television, she enlists her close friend Theon to pose as a contestant to gauge which of her suitors is here for the right reasons and who is just playing her for a shot at fame.
Words: 4402, Chapters: 1/16, Language: English
Fandoms: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms, Game of Thrones (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Multi
Characters: Sansa Stark, Theon Greyjoy, Harrold Hardyng, Margaery Tyrell, Jeyne Poole, Podrick Payne, Willas Tyrell, Asher Forrester, Young Griff (ASoIaF), Oberyn Martell, Rickon Stark, Bran Stark, Gendry Waters, Arya Stark, Jon Snow, Trystane Martell, Brienne of Tarth, Robb Stark, Dickon Tarly, Domeric Bolton, Lancel Lannister, Rakharo (ASoIaF), Shae (ASoIaF)
Relationships: Theon Greyjoy/Sansa Stark, Harrold Hardyng/Sansa Stark (past), Minor or Background Relationship(s), Arya Stark/Gendry Waters, Robb Stark/Margaery Tyrell, Yara Greyjoy/Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow/Ygritte, Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Friends to Lovers, Pining, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Sansa shipping is already a dating show so lol, Alternate Universe - Reality Show, Fluff, Angst, Slow Burn, Oberyn is Chris Harrison, The Bachelorette - Freeform
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ZezYzA
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ao3jamiexbrienne · 5 years
to be near you for a while
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ZezYzA
by targaryenstyrell
After being blindsided on Harry’s season of The Bachelor, Sansa is chosen to be the next Bachelorette. Afraid of getting her heart broken again on national television, she enlists her close friend Theon to pose as a contestant to gauge which of her suitors is here for the right reasons and who is just playing her for a shot at fame.
Words: 4404, Chapters: 1/16, Language: English
Fandoms: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms, Game of Thrones (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Multi
Characters: Sansa Stark, Theon Greyjoy, Harrold Hardyng, Margaery Tyrell, Jeyne Poole, Podrick Payne, Willas Tyrell, Asher Forrester, Young Griff (ASoIaF), Oberyn Martell, Rickon Stark, Bran Stark, Gendry Waters, Arya Stark, Jon Snow, Trystane Martell, Brienne of Tarth, Robb Stark, Dickon Tarly, Domeric Bolton, Lancel Lannister, Rakharo (ASoIaF)
Relationships: Theon Greyjoy/Sansa Stark, Harrold Hardyng/Sansa Stark (past), Minor or Background Relationship(s), Arya Stark/Gendry Waters, Robb Stark/Margaery Tyrell, Yara Greyjoy/Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow/Ygritte, Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, The Bachelor AU, Friends to Lovers, Pining, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Sansa shipping is already a dating show so lol, Alternate Universe - Reality Show, Fluff, Angst, Slow Burn, Oberyn is Chris Harrison
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ZezYzA
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disregardcanon · 5 years
while i’m thinking about it, here’s some Headcanons TM about a gilmore girls in modern westeros au. the noble houses don’t actually rule anymore, but they still have the names and the money and the lands. 
okay so they are all riverlands houses and in the riverlands because c’mon, of course new england is in the riverlands 
the paternal line of the gilmores are the tullys so richard, lorelei primary and rory are all, technically tullys. it was a little difficult to get that legitimization for rory after lorelei and christopher didn’t wed, but they made due. they wouldn’t have their granddaughter be born a BASTARD. thus, rory tully is born. “family. duty. honor” comes naturally to richard gilmore, but it always felt like a noose around lorelei’s neck, which is one of the reasons that she ran away. she got a job at the inn of the kneeling man a few days ride (or about an hour car ride) from riverrun and started her own life just like in the show. 
emily gilmore was born a whent 1. because that keeps up the book continuity in some cool ways and 2. because minisa whent (catelyn tully’s mom) had red hair and that works for emily swimmingly. for a historical note, the ousted whents were able to retake harrenhal after the murder of petyr baelish. most historical sources agree that it was sansa stark, fleeing his hold to become lady of winterfell, but some more fanciful accounts hold that it was actually the lady stoneheart. this legend that says that the eradication of house frey was actually carried out by a resurrected catelyn tully stark as retribution for the red wedding. 
lorelei gilmore, richard’s mother, was born a mallister of seaguard. they’re historically powerful, prejudiced against the ironborn, and proud. their motto is “above the rest”. i think that fits XD they also reigned as petty kings during the Thousand Kings Time, and were kings of the trident for a brief period before being put down by the storm kings. 
christopher hayden is a bracken of stone hedge. they’re one of the most powerful houses sworn to house tully and also, geographically speaking, one of the closest as well. i particularly like this placement because their sigil is a stallion, which is reminiscent of chris’s motorcycle and he probably calls his “bracken-mobile” in this au. 
paris gellar is a blackwood of raventree hall because a friend of mine has a really cool idea where if you do westeros aus jewish characters worship the old gods and i like that so we’re going with it. also house blackwood is my favorite bannerman house and paris is one of my faves, so it works. another reason that i like this is because houses bracken and blackwood have one of the fiercest rivalries in the seven kingdoms, so the idea of part of paris’s initial hatred of rory being because she’s part bracken is just. delightful to me. 
logan huntzberger is a mooton of maidenpool. the mootons were kings during the time when westeros had like, a thousand petty kingships, but while they were never kings again after and they never had lord paramontship of the riverlands, they were always one of the most powerful houses and THE most wealthy house in the region. they had control of the region’s biggest city and biggest port, and as the area modernized, a hefty slice of the riverlands tourist industry with the draws of the biggest city, the mooton journalism industry, and jonquil’s pool, which is rumored to the be the place where legendary florian first set eyes on his lady love, jonquil.
i don’t care enough about the other Richy Rich characters from chilton who aren’t paris. they are, certainly, members of other important houses in the riverlands. sort them if you’d like. if you care enough i applaud you. 
characters who are not The Richy Richest are just. their normal selves, mainly. christian characters become characters who follow the seven, jewish characters become people who follow the old gods. they have the same last names and backstories basically. the kims are essosi but follow the faith of the seven. “gypsy” (god i really hate that name) is also essosi. miss patty was born in dorne and spent a long time traveling for showbusiness. babbette was born in lannisport and also spent some time traveling before finding stars hallow and setting down. dean and his family lived in barrowtown before moving there. zach and his family are ironborn but they moved to the riverlands because his dad ran off on them when his mom was ten and she’s like, yeah fuck this i’m not putting up with being a single woman in the iron islands. mrs. kim has quite a freak out when she finds out that her daughter’s boyfriend is a “pirate”. 
most of the other characters were born and bred in the riverlands, but aren’t connected to any noble houses. they’re just normal smallfolk doing their normal smallfolk thing, which. oh lordy. the gilmores can’t stand that lorelei’s just over there, working at the inn of the kneeling man and fraternizing with this crowd of SMALLFOLK. dating diner owners. giving dornishwomen and essosi more access to rory than her own grandparents. the shame. 
the inn of the kneeling man: according to legend, this inn was built where king torrhen stark bent the knee to aegon I. it’s VERY popular with the tourists just by virtue of being, you know, historic. the inn also boasts having been important during robert’s rebellion (not true), the war of five kings (not true, unless you count the times that brienne of tarth, jaime lannister, and arya stark were there, without people, like, knowing) and during daenerys’s conquest (actually true, she DID insist that rebels bend the knee there, for the brief period before she took back the iron throne). mainly it’s just a nice place with nice scenery, and lorelei and the locals love it to death. 
chilton: built in hartford, the city that sprang up right beside riverrun, so grandma and grandpa tully start to insist on the very same dinner routine as in the show. 
yale: the one of th two most prestigious universities in the riverlands, built near high heart. this allows for easy travel to both stars hallow directly by the inn of the kneeling man, and riverrun. Yale is one of the most prestigious universities in all of westeros along with harvard in stoney sept, the citadel in oldtown, and some others i haven’t made up yet. 
Boston Things TM: like harvard and christopher are in stoney sept. 
new york city: we’re putting new york and things that occur in new york in lannisport because lannisport is one of the biggest cities in westeros, it’s a much more happening place than most of the others, it’s not TOO far from the riverlands, and uh. gulltown sure doesn’t have an aesthetic that would fit with new york. so. we’re going with lannisport. 
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onceandfuturekiki · 8 years
I guess this is an appropriate post for Valentine’s day...
A couple of weeks ago someone asked if I could post a list of all the ships I have that are canon and all of the ships I have that fanon. This turned into something of an endeavor as I struggled to categorize some of them and ended up with a variety of categories, as there are the unambiguous canon ships that got together and the unambiguous fanon ships that were never written as romantic, but also things like ships that got together but didn’t end up together for one reason or another, ships that were written romantically but someone died before they could get together and so on.
So these are the categories I came up with:
Canon - ended up together
Canon - currently together on an ongoing show
Canon - Got together but broke up
Canon - Got together but one or both died
Written with romantic intent but never got together 
Written with romantic intent but difficult to categorize (due to intentionally problematic framing, etc.)
Completely fanon
Currently too ambiguous to categorize
There are a few that I had a hard time categorizing for various reasons and I made a note of that when it applied. There are also some shows that I stopped watching or haven’t caught up on so I don’t know the current status of the ship and what is listed is what the status was when I last saw the show. I also made note of those cases.
This is just ships from the shows I’ve watched/listened to (as I a including podcasts). It does not include ships from books, movies, plays, comics, etc. And it doesn’t include any soap ships, which would be a massive list on its own and would only have one ship in the “Canon- ended up together” category.
I’ve been shipping for a long, long time so it’s entirely possible that I still left some ships off the list.
This is in no kind of alphabetical order or anything like that. I might work on doing that later.
Naturally, considering the categories, there are some big spoilers for a variety of shows. Continue at your own risk.
Canon- ended up together
Joanie/Jane, Deadwood
Shelly/Bobby, Twin Peaks
Josh/Donna, The West Wing
CJ/Danny, The West Wing
Jed/Abby, The West Wing
Charlie/Zoey, The West Wing
Phryne/Jack, Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries
Ned/Chuck, Pushing Daisies
Jeff/Annie, Community
Desmond/Penny, Lost
Bobbi/Hunter, Agents of SHIELD
Penny/Dagr, Caper
Laurie/Travis, Cougartown
Karen/Nick, Dirty Sexy Money
Jeremy/Nola, Dirty Sexy Money
Amy/Rory, Doctor Who
Niles/Daphne, Frasier
Kaylee/Simon, Firefly
Mal/Inara, Firefly
Galavant/Isabella, Galavant
Dot/Hugh, Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
PJ/Bobby, My Boys
Don/Sloan, The Newsroom
Mac/Will, The Newsroom
Ann/Chris, Parks and Rec
Ben/Leslie, Parks and Rec
April/Andy, Parks and Rec
Charlie/Kirsten, Party of Five 
Emerson/Simone, Pushing Daisies
Morgan/Conner, Spooked
Tessa/Ryan, Suburgatory
Matt/Harriet, Studio 60
Danny/Jordan, Studio 60
Tom/Lucy, Studio 60
Davis/Jeanette, Treme 
Frank/Sadie, Beyond Belief
Aver-E/Iron Ron/Gork, Sparks Nevada: Marshal on Mars
Felton/The Widow Johnson, Sparks Nevada: Marshal on Mars
Sparks/Ginny, Sparks Nevada: Marshal on Mars
Croach/Red, Sparks Nevada: Marshal on Mars
Banjo/The Hobo Princess, Down in Moonshine Holler
Veronica/Logan, Veronica Mars (ultimately decided to include the movie)
Canon - currently together on an ongoing series
Vax/Keyleth, Critical Role
Vex/Percy, Critical Role
Kima/Allura, Critical Role
Fitz/Simmons, Agents of SHIELD (haven’t watched since the middle/end of last season)
Canon - got together but broke up
Britta/Troy, Community
Toby/Andy, The West Wing
Sparks/Red, Sparks Nevada: Marshal on Mars
Nucky/Margaret, Boardwalk Empire 
Anya/Xander, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (ultimately chose this category as they weren’t really back together when she died)
Willow/Oz, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Sam/Diane, Cheers
Brian/Andrea, Dirty Sexy Money (the narrative was heading toward reconciliation, but the show was canceled)
Sherlock/Jamie, Elementary
Shoshana/Ray, Girls
Ava/Boyd, Justified
Mindy/Danny, The Mindy Project (haven’t watched since midway through last season)
Belle/Rumple, Once Upon a Time
Sarah/Bailey, Party of Five
Charlie/Daphne, Party of Five
Julia/Griffin, Party of Five 
George/Dallas, Suburgatory
Annie/Davis, Treme
Donna/Jack, The West Wing
Britta/Rick, Community
Rumple/Belle, Once Upon a Time
Red/Jim, Sparks Nevada: Marshal on Mars
Buffy/Spike, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (only considering the tv canon of the Buffyverse and not the comics)
Canon - got together but one or both died
Simon/Alesha, Misfits
Annie/Mitchell, Being Human
Chance/Catherine, Human Target
Sawyer/Juliet, Lost
Charlie/Claire, Lost
Wesley/Lilah, Angel
Bill/Laura, Battlestar Galactica
Galen/Cally, Battlestar Galactica 
Jimmy/Angela, Boardwalk Empire
Jimmy/Pearl, Boardwalk Empire
Willow/Tara, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Carmelita/Patrick, Dirty Sexy Money
Zoey/Wash, Firefly
Hurley/Libby, Lost
Jin/Sun, Lost
John/Alice, Luther
Ethan/Brona, Penny Dreadful
Root/Shaw, Person of Interest
John/Mary, Sherlock
Jack/Ianto, Torchwood
Glenn/Maggie, The Walking Dead
Written with romantic intent but never got together
Emma/Neal, Once Upon a Time
Emma/Graham, Once Upon a Time
Leo/Annabeth, The West Wing
Olive/Alfredo, Pushing Daisies
Daniel/Charlotte, Lost
Shannon/Boone, Lost
Allura/Tiberius, Critical Role
Rachel/Sark, Alias
Ally/John, Ally McBeal
Cordelia/Angel, Angel
George Michael/Maeby, Arrested Development
Mason/Daisy, Dead Like Me
Cooper/Audrey, Twin Peaks
Jeremy/Lisa, Dirty Sexy Money
Rose/The Doctor (ultimately added in this category as I personally do not feel that Rose/Ten!Too is the same thing as Rose/The Doctor)
Clara/The Doctor, Doctor Who
Arya/Gendry, Game of Thrones
Jamie/Brienne, Game of Thrones
Sarah/Jimmy, Grandfathered
Codex/Fawkes, The Guild
Eddie/Fiona, Keen Eddie
Kelly/Nathan, Misfits
Henry/Eliza, Selfie
Stiles/Lydia, Teen Wolf (haven’t watched since middle of last season)
Stiles/Cora, Teen Wolf
Parrish/Lydia, Teen Wolf (haven’t watched since middle of last season)
Stiles/Erica, Teen Wolf
Reese/Carter, Person of Interest
Tosh/Owen, Torchwood
Beth/Daryl, The Walking Dead
Sam/Ainsley, The West Wing
Sam/Mallory, The West Wing
Sam/Connie, The West Wing
Written with romantic intent but difficult to categorize (due to intentionally problematic framing, etc.)
Peter/Lydia, Teen Wolf
Al/Trixie, Deadwood
Starbuck/Leoben, Battlestar Galactica
Skye/Ward, Agents of SHIELD
Completely fanon
Hook/Aurora, Once Upon a Time
Toby/Ginger, The West Wing
River/Jayne, Firefly
Kate/Sayid, Lost
Claire/Sawyer, Lost
Gilmore/Kashaw, Critical Role
Percy/Ripley, Critical Role
Joan/Bell, Elementary
Raylan/Wendy, Justified
Tess/Neal, The Newsroom
Tess/Gary, The Newsroom
Tinkerbelle/Nova, Once Upon a Time
Hook/Regina, Once Upon a Time 
Root/Finch, Person of Interest
Tom/Suzanne, Studio 60
Simon/Jeannie, Studio 60
Malia/Liam, Teen Wolf
Sheriff Stilinski/Melissa, Teen Wolf (haven’t watched since middle of last season)
Maeve/Clementine, Westworld
Sayid/Claire, Lost
Leo/Margaret, The West Wing
Dawn/Andrew, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Frankie/Britta, Community
Tinkerbelle/Hook, Once Upon a Time
Sparks/Pemily, Sparks Nevada: Marshall on Mars
Red/Mercy, Sparks Nevada: Marshal on Mars
Scanlan/Sherri, Critical Role
Ben/Juliet, Lost
Captain Laserbeam/Philip Fathom, Thrilling Adventure Hour
Amelia/Abigail, Amelia Earhart: Fearless Flyer
Amelia/Abigail/Jefferson, Amelia Earhard: Fearless Flyer and Jefferson Reid: Ace American
Willow/Amy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Neal/Maggie, The Newsroom
Currently too ambiguous to categorize
Sherlock/Molly, Sherlock
Sansa/Tyrion, Game of Thrones
Teddy/Dolores, Westworld
Maeve/Hector, Westworld
Abed/Rachel, Community
Regina/Robin, Once Upon a Time (this is in this category not because it's difficult to categorize on the show, but for me. I ship OQ in canon only as the writing in-series is terrible. So technically, yes, they were together in canon, but canon OQ is not what I ship)
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vinayv224 · 4 years
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Someone in an Elmo costume attends a Count Every Vote protest on November 5 in Philadelphia. | Chris McGrath/Getty Images
If we have writers, election 2020 is a pretty wild season finale.
As I write this, there are six states left to be called by most major news organizations. Of those six, four — Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, and Pennsylvania — have sucked up the lion’s share of attention. (Fox News and the Associated Press have called Arizona for Joe Biden.)
I don’t know anything more about politics than what MSNBC’s Steve Kornacki tells me to know (so dreamy!), but I do know a lot about television, and I know that when you have four separate storylines in a prestige drama, they inevitably get sorted in order of importance by the showrunner.
Obligatory note that, yes, “God, 2020’s writers are off the chain!” is kind of a tired meme at this point, but let’s beat that particular drum one more time, this time with story structure.
So, what if the 2020 presidential election is a prestige drama? What if the showrunner is, like, some woman in a parallel timeline who doesn’t realize she’s literally creating our reality right now? What would she select as the A-story (a.k.a. the biggest, most pivotal storyline of them all — think Game of Thrones’ Red Wedding)? What would she think had the highest potential for character stakes (basically every Arya storyline on Game of Thrones) and insert into the B-story slot?
What would be her C-story, wherein she could go absolutely buck wild in upending expectations (as with, say, Daenerys using her dragons to burn people on Game of Thrones … IF YOU’RE SENSING A THEME, YOU’RE RIGHT)? What would she deem less important, making it the D-story (think of, like, Bran wandering around in any given season)?
Here’s how she might weigh the current top storylines of the 2020 election.
Pennsylvania: The A-story with the most drama
As the remaining state with the most electoral votes (20), Pennsylvania has been the focus of much drama over the past several days. Most TV news networks have sent one of their top reporters to the state, and growing protest efforts by supporters of both Donald Trump and Joe Biden are pushing to, respectively, stop counting the votes and keep counting the votes.
It’s not hard to imagine what’s happening in Pennsylvania as, like, the storyline in the season finale of election 2020, which would probably follow a couple of beleaguered operatives behind the scenes as they work to make sure their boss claims every advantage he can in the coming battle for the nation. If I were running this show, they would kiss at some point, but let’s be honest — they’re too busy for kissing.
But maybe the main character is wild-eyed Philadelphia Flyers mascot Gritty, standing alone against the political operatives about to overwhelm his city. “Count the votes!” he howls. (Okay, he doesn’t say that, because Gritty can’t talk, but he’s definitely involved in this storyline somehow.)
Here are some other things I know about Pennsylvania that we can work into this storyline: cheesesteaks, the Liberty Bell, the Pittsburgh Steelers, the Phillie Phanatic, the “Iggles” (another name for the Eagles, for some reason — go birds!), water ice, “this jawn over here,” “yinz,” the Rocky statue, the state capital of Harrisburg, Penn State, Sheetz versus Wawa, and Punxsutawney Phil.
Arizona: The B-story where things peaked too early
The real excitement out of Arizona came when Fox News and the Associated Press called the state in Biden’s favor well before any other news organization. (Indeed, most news organizations still haven’t called Arizona at all.) But the Fox News call happened Tuesday night, and the state has mostly followed a predictable pattern ever since: Results dribble in every so often, some show Trump making up some ground but probably not enough, and others show Biden holding steady.
On Wednesday night, the count in pivotal Maricopa County was briefly suspended when pro-Trump protestors — some of whom brandished firearms — gathered outside of the elections center demanding to be given access to the room where the votes were being counted. The situation was an incredibly scary one that I don’t want to minimize in the slightest by joking about it as a plotline on TV show; that it seems to have ultimately been resolved safely is a good thing.
Otherwise, Arizona continues to trudge along, with the foremost non-electoral stakes now being that someone on the Fox News decision desk will either be vindicated by a Biden win or humiliated by a Trump win. When that happens, the show would cut to that character, and you’d be like, “Oh, yeah, that person. I forgot about them.”
Georgia: The C-story that constantly flirts with being the A-story
Georgia is where the writers just went wild. Traditionally a Republican state (it’s gone for a Democrat only once — in 1992 — since Jimmy Carter, the former governor, headed up the ticket in 1976 and 1980), Georgia is one of several states Democrats thought they could turn into a new battleground in 2020. But where the party’s hopes in states like Texas mostly fizzled out, they’ve turned out to bear fruit in Georgia, where the margin has become agonizingly close with less than 100,000 ballots left to count.
Considering how much of a nail-biter this C-story is, don’t be surprised if it abruptly becomes the A-story without much prelude, which could happen if everything comes down to a handful of ballots in Georgia, a thing that remains unlikely but is still theoretically possible. (The main character here is obvious: Stacey Abrams, who spearheaded Democrats’ efforts in the state. I’ve been trying not to use real people in this article, but Abrams loves television and would, I hope, be pleased by being a much-loved fictional character in an alternate universe.)
Nevada: The D-story that drops in every so often with little rhyme or reason
I occasionally forget that votes are still being counted in Nevada, because the count is going so slowly and because the remaining ballots are mostly in Clark County — home of Las Vegas, where Joe Biden is heavily favored — so there’s less potential for drama in Nevada compared to the three states above.
But as a D-story, Nevada gets to be absolutely wild sometimes. Look at this guy.
NEW: A conspiracy theorist wearing a t-shirt that says "BBQ, Beer, Freedom" interrupts a press conference by the Clark County, Nevada Registrar of Voters. [KSNV-TV] #Election2020 pic.twitter.com/Rz2FgK38vZ
— Matthew Keys (@MatthewKeysLive) November 4, 2020
I don’t get to chuckle politely about this because I live in our reality, and that man is emblematic of a right-wing media apparatus that is too often built atop lies and obfuscation, something I find absolutely terrifying. But if I lived in a different universe where everything was great, and I was just watching this election unfold on a prestige drama, I would be, like, “Heh. That’s Nevada for you!”
Bonus round: Did you know there are two other states left to call?
Technically, North Carolina and Alaska haven’t been called yet either. Trump seems likely to win both (though the count in North Carolina is very close), but let’s presume they’re our E- and F-stories. (Think of everything Samwell Tarly and Gilly got up to on — you guessed it — Game of Thrones.)
North Carolina is the E-story where the writers just stopped really trying: In a world where more states had been called, the slow count in North Carolina would have been filled with drama, but it just can’t compete. Yet don’t be surprised if it sneaks up the ranks and becomes the D-story in the event of, say, Arizona or Nevada being called soon.
Alaska is the F-story meant for comic relief: Alaska hasn’t been called because mail-in ballots have yet to be counted. (Alaska is such a big state! It has so many square miles in it! Good luck to the US Post Office!) If it goes for Joe Biden, that would be hugely unprecedented. Alaska has voted for a Democrat exactly once since it became a state. (That would be Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964.) Anyway, if Alaska is a storyline, it’s the one where you keep cutting to the comic-relief character who has been sent to monitor the vote counting and keeps complaining about how bored they are. There’s probably a moose, because when people think “Alaska,” they think, “Moose, right? There are moose there?” and TV never met a cliché it couldn’t play into. (Sorry to Alaska, a beautiful, diverse state that has so much more than moose but does — yes, you have to admit it — have moose.)
from Vox - All https://ift.tt/3515XFw
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