#sry just. the parallels in these two scenes......
mikesbasementbeets · 2 years
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ashedddaisy · 2 years
Win's scene is also important to me (this might be a long post, sry). Because there is a slight parallel with Winsound and Tinngun.
Gun is a good leader for those who follow him and Win is a loyal follower, needing someone else to give him the push in the back that he needs to be able to do stuff sometimes. While gun can initiate, he also needs the support on his side to be able to move forward.
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Maybe he just took advantage of Sound's presence to give himself a push to do it finally, those questions and arguing could have been his own internal thoughts about what he was doing at the time and he put them out there by mirroring himself on Sound. He had to work, but ditched it for music. He had to practice, but he could only procrastinate. All these doubts, self sabotage, making him even more reactive. And Sound noticed and he did push Win's buttons on the rap scene for Win to move forward.
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Both Win and Gun want to prove themselves, they want to make it in the industry and they put themselves out there to see what would happen.
I find it relatable and special how they showed these two having the same outcome (losing to someone else) in two different scenarios.
Because you can be the best of your age, you can have support and you could have practiced, and even then someone else can be better than you.
Because even with skill, if there's no dedication or practice, you can fail and lose to someone who's not that good. (I didn't like Lekcifer at all, spitting rude shit and then having Win's lines in the song of this ep being so wholesome)
I find it embarrassing on purpose. The scene itself it's cringey but well done and it works for this situation.
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But it is important to get your ass out there and try, fail, try, fail again, try and win, and maybe even then, fail again.
It is also important to be vulnerable and let your walls down, even if it was a one time thing. An impulsive action. Not wanting to do so but ending up doing it anyway. Actually reaching out first and so many other situations.
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The whole rap in the song was special to me, but it sums up to we all need to grow on our own pace, using as many anchors as needed (prayers, support from others), efforts, and going with the flow of life. If you act upon your love and passion, you'll gain something. Experience, memories, growing feelings, friends, confidence, and so many others.
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And well... I guess he has now grown fond of this guy, and I find that adorable.
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nastasyafilippovnas · 19 days
Hey! Thanks for feeding my butcher x annie obsession lol. They could have explored so much with them in the show sadly the writers just abandoned their dynamic after s2.
Incoming big rant I am sry I had to share with someone who is equally obsessed with them.
Annie being the person who is throwing a stone at his idea of "All supes are bad" and butcher being the violent dude he is- showing people around him and annie that he too has goodness deep in his heart.
Idk if you remember, but at the end of S2- butcher basically gives the necklace (which was gifted to him by becca and he always wears it all the time) to Ryan as a way of accepting becca's death. There is also this scene where annie and hughie talk and hughie asks why she isn't wearing the necklace she used to have ( gifted by her mom, it had a cross- showing her faith in Christianity) whether she has been losing faith in God. She goddamn says that if a man like butcher could have goodness in his heart, I believe that higher power exists. I am not even kidding. They have so many parallels in their personality. Such a wasted dynamic honestly. I don't wanna see them fuck (If they did, I wouldn't mind lol) , I would have loved their relationship even if they do show it was completely platonic.
Some opinions of mine that I think you would agree on:
• The writers could have aged up Annie's character around like early 30s (since writers seem so afraid of age gap relationships) I thought she was too young to be joining into the group considering how other members are too old af to be working with her ( they could have shown that she was only selected cuz they needed somebody in the Seven who are not star graduates from Godulkin University-along with the reasons the show already has said) .
• I also think the writers easily could have made Annie/hughie fully platonic. I am not a big fan of their supposed romance, it just falls flat for me and they don't compliment very well. They could have been one of the best male/female friendships on TV but they had to make it romantic 😕.
I also wish butcher x annie could have the same popularity as homelander x starlight ( I ship that too btw). Like imagine the love triangle potential with this 😭✋.
Gosh sry for rambling too much. Genuinely thank you for opening my eyes towards this ship.
Omg, thank you for this, I live for long rants, especially about rare/unpopular ships full of potential!! And even more so about Butcher x Annie, they are so special to me.
"Annie being the person who is throwing a stone at his idea of "All supes are bad" and butcher being the violent dude he is- showing people around him and annie that he too has goodness deep in his heart." -> Absolutely, it's their whole dynamic. But also the opposite applies, because Annie has shown to be capable of violence and of making tough (one could even say, selfish) decisions when her loved ones were in danger. She is not just some naive do-gooder that is afraid of getting her hands dirty. Or at least, not anymore. She has also seen the worst of the world, and she is capable of understanding where Butcher comes from, even if she cannot agree with his methods. Idk, I feel like they are two sides of the same coin and at any moment they might flip. When you least expect, Butcher can be kind, and whenever is necessary, Annie can be ruthless.
(Kinda random, but there's a scene in Netflix's Daredevil S02 when Frank Castle tells Matt that "You're one bad day from being me." and, to me, that also applies to Butcher and Annie)
S2 NECKLACES OMG. HOW DID I MISS THAT PARALLEL? The scenes are even one after the other!!! I'm dying. I shall have to gif it later. It's kinda funny because we really only got one episode of Butcher and Annie interaction (2.06), and Becca is still around, but season two was so good to us with all the parallels. During s01, you could say it was just a crack ship, but s02 really showed how well they bounce off each other.
And...though you didn't mention, one of the reasons I hated s03. That was a wasteland. So many plots, and none of them being properly developed. And the Butcher x Maeve, which not only was random, but never went anywhere!!! That whole storyline should've been Annie's, it would fit so well with the previous season and I'll never stop complaining about it.
"Such a wasted dynamic honestly. I don't wanna see them fuck (If they did, I wouldn't mind lol) , I would have loved their relationship even if they do show it was completely platonic." I couldn't agree more. Imo The Boys a lot of unnecessary (and gross) sex scenes, so Butcher and Annie would be an immensely positive development, but it's not even about that. They have great chemistry, they work as enemies, frenemies, bffs, lovers, whatever dynamic you want. What's criminal is keeping them apart when their individual stories would benefit from each other so much.
"The writers could have aged up Annie's character around like early 30s (since writers seem so afraid of age gap relationships)" -> I, unlike the writers, don't mind the age gap (lol), but I'd have loved to have seen that! Not only for the higher ButcherxAnnie potential, but also because it would've given Annie such a different perspective if she had made to the 7 when she was older (kinda wanna read a fic about that now lol).
I completely agree that Hughie and Annie could've (and should've) been platonic. Besides the undeniable lack of chemistry, it would've benefited both their stories. A Hughie that is still in love with Robin but sees how Butcher's methods are extreme is a lot more interesting than one that immediately falls in love with another girl after his girlfriend died. And then, there's all the times they broke up and got back together two episodes later that were just frustrating. S03 especially, with Hughie's obsession with being stronger (ugh, can you tell how much I hate s03?). But even s04, i felt bad for him too, but how the fact he slept with someone else that pretended to be Annie was just brushed aside and implied she would forgive him? That annoyed me. And it's not even about Hughie being on the right or wrong, just that they create one drama per season for Hughie and Annie, and it's boring. I'd rather they be friends or have a "will they-won't they" relationship where they only get together on the last episode. That would've been better.
I don't ship starlight x homelander, but I agree that Butcher and Annie NEED to be more popular. This ship gives EVERYTHING and people are sleeping on it. It's criminal.
Again, thank you so much for the ask, I had fun talking about them <3
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endiness · 1 month
s4 of tua thoughts/review
to start with the (semi) positives…
overall, i found the season… entertaining. i'm not quite sure if i liked it per se, but i did find it entertaining and i wasn't that mad about it or how it all ended, or at least the concept of the ending.
i'm so glad that the show focused on klaus and allison's relationship and their relationship with claire. klaus's relationship with ben is by far my absolute favorite relationship in the entire show, but if the show wasn't really going to focus on them in the last season, then i'm glad klaus and allison's relationship really got the focus because their relationship is probably my second favorite.
also, lowkey love the idea of them living together especially with allison still being an actress. it is giving "this happened in a fanfic" vibes. same thing with klaus getting buried alive. like, thanks for the fanfic content 👍 and also thanks for the continued misfits parallels 👍
i loved klaus getting to blow up at everyone. and i also loved allison refusing to be seen as the bad guyTM.
i don't think robbie was given the best material to work with this season, but when he did get good material to work with, he really brought it. like, his acting in the scene with claire when he relapses was great.
the show had me shipping five and lila, negl 🤷‍♀️ (also, i have to say: i cannot take people who say that lila cheated on diego seriously. like, no nope nah. if you are stuck in what more or less constitutes as a pocket dimension for over half a decade facing the very real possibility that you will never escape from it, like. it ain't cheating at that point. sry not sry. it just isn't.)
i think the show ultimately focused way too much on gene and jean for such a short season, but i do have to hand it to the actors for doing a good job.
i thought the fight scenes were pretty good and tbh i really enjoyed just how brutal everyone got to be. like, diego jumping and spinning and manipulating the bullets is a classic. i think the way viktor's power displayed itself this season was cool. same with allison. s/o to klaus for finally getting to levitate, too.
now onto the negatives…
i did not care about, or like, jennifer at all. so the show wasting so much time on her was extremely annoying to me given that the season was so short. also, as someone who almost always absolutely despises "destined for each other" relationships because they are usually incredibly poorly written as writers generally tend to rely on that aspect of it instead of, y'know, actually bothering to develop their relationship… yeah, ben and jennifer's relationship did not escape my disdain. and i think it was such a waste of ben's character for him to have spent so much of his screen time on this completely brand new character and not with his family, which the show didn't do the best job of developing anyway given that this isn't og ben but sparrow ben.
also, i don't even understand the whole thing with jennifer anyway? like, why did reginald not just kill her from the beginning? wouldn't this have solved a bunch of problems? and why was everyone so obsessed with killing ben? didn't reginald say you had to kill one of the two vessels, meaning either ben or jennifer? like, just kill jennifer. literally who the fuck cares about her. 🙄
that klaus's storyline this season was being a hypochondriac, relapsing, sex trafficked, buried alive, and then erased from existence. nobody likes that. especially as most of those things weren't really treated that seriously by the narrative. like, klaus went through a massive amount of trauma in a very short amount of time (like he always does), he never got to deal with it (and while the show hasn't always been the best about addressing klaus's trauma, like! it definitely did a lot better in previous seasons!), and then he was just erased from existence. like wtf. also that klaus was 0% involved with the whole "reginald killed his ben" storyline. again, wtf. 🙃
i still cannot stand viktor 💅
i don't mind the concept of the "erase yourself from existence to save the world" ending, but i feel like overall the show did not do the best job in executing it. like, for one thing, if you're gonna go for that ending, i think it is an absolute must that things need to be character driven as opposed to plot driven. and this season was extremely plot driven. on top of that, i think the show introduced the whole idea way too late. like, things need to be building to that solution and not introduced at the last minute, basically. like, it should've been building to that solution since day one and not, like, what. 10-15 minutes before the end?
also, i feel like the whole thing was so unsatisfying for the characters? like, if you're going for that type of ending… it really only works if it feels like… things were resolved with the characters. and i don't really feel like that. like, i can kind of see it for allison because so much of allison's story was just trying to get claire back and with it ending with the way it did, claire was still alive which was ultimately allison's biggest goal. so i think for allison's story it can be satisfying. maybe not the best ending, but all things considered and taking every other character into account, i think that ending for her works better than everyone else. and i guess sort of the same thing with lila because a lot of her story was initially tied up with her family, too, and she ended up saving them. and kind of five in the sense that, idk, i guess he solved the problem that is the apocalypse, lol. (even though he was also trying to save his family and he didn't get to do that...)
but yeah, for everyone else? like, diego got erased knowing that his wife wanted a break and then cheated on him (i still think it's ridiculous to view it that way, like, as an audience member, but i think it's more understandable from diego's position, obviously, even if i was in the same position i'd be like fair enough tbh.) luther got erased kind of doing nothing all season? like, his story last season was very focused on sloan and that's where his story ended off and then the show just went with completely erasing her and that's that. 🙃 i already talked about klaus, but yeah. that he ends up getting erased after going through highly traumatic things that are never addressed. and, like, ben didn't even get to go out with his family?
just, overall, i don't think it was particularly satisfying for any of the characters because not a lot of the season was that character driven. (plus i think there's also stuff that just does not make sense with the ending. like, claire and lila's kids should not actually exist. allison was erased from the timeline as was lila and diego. their kids should just not exist. i don't care that they were in some kind of time travel subway. they should not exist. also, like, the actual problem was reginald releasing the merigold, so like. i think the focus should've been on stopping him from doing that in the past as opposed to like. we are kind of retroactively erasing ourselves from existence by letting this monster eat the merigold that made us in the first place.)
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hi!! it's that one wandavision anon! (sry if this becomes too long lol)
so, I had these thoughts that involve parallels Maguire!Peter Parker/Spiderman and Black Cat + Wanda and Vision, not as individual characters but as partners/a couple. I adore wanda and vision and I'm REALLY LOVING this peter parker (personally my fav Peter Parker/Spiderman in general) and this version on Y/N so it got me thinking and i think there might be some parallels, couple wise.
first off, in my opinion, both vision and peter seem to have brought a good side of sorts to their partners. I mean, in age of Ultron, wanda started off as, dont wanna use the word villain but she started off as not wanting to be used for the greater good. she didnt like the avengers. however, she grew from her experiences and, even with some wise words from vision himself too, she eventually became a hero. (I would say anti-hero but I dont know if that works) with what you've been hinting from Y/N's past (and maybe for the prequel 👀), it seems as though she started off in a similar position, at least as black cat, she didnt like the whole "good girl" act, she liked tease and sometimes brought out her bad side. even as just Y/N without the suit, she still had her moments. peter himself swooped her in and eventually brought some good in her.
I also think that a few lines between vision and wanda can be paralled between Y/N and Peter. one is from avengers: infinity war in which vision tells wanda "you could never hurt me." now, I know that in that scene vision (spoilers I guess) does end up dying in the hands of wanda BUT she didnt want to however it was something that had to be done because he asked her too. I know peter is still alive of course but even with that line we can see slight moments of oh! what if she did accidentally hurt him? what if he hurt her (which I think you hinted at but he DID NOT mean to)? they probably could never forgive themselves for hurting the one they love. another good line is from captain America: civil war where wanda asks vison what he wants, in which he states, "for people to see you as I do." favorite line there because he's willing to see that there is good in her and we just know that there's gotta be some good in Y/N. I could see younger!Maguire peter saying that when he first gets close with Y/N (Black Cat) and even later on when their both older, he might return back to that and remind her.
anywayyyy, I know this is already long and I dont know if you see the same parallels but I just adore both pairings so much and thought I'd give an analysis and my thoughts on that. as I said before, you're doing great with the series and I'm excited to see more from the too! (maybe even a few oneshots down the line) 💜💜💜💜
Hi again love ! I really enjoyed reading this and definitely see what you’re saying of the parallels between the two. Breaking it down as you did, I can completely see how some dynamics between Wanda & Vision apply with Peter and Y/n. I’m also a sucker for Wanda & Vision 🥺
So yes some of the things I’ve hinted at are true & will be more explained when I do the prequel series that follows the events of Tobeys Spider-Man movies. This is where I’ll go full in depth on Y/ns background, how she became black cat (which will follow the comic character mostly so I will include trigger warnings when I get to those chapters but I won’t be making anything explicit it will just be implied) & how she and Peter met, became friends and eventually lovers.
I have a lot planned and I’m really excited to get started on that which will answer everything I’ve hinted at & those comparisons you made will more than likely be more revealed. And thank you for enjoying the series and definitely stay tuned cause more is coming. 🤍
Thank you for sending me your thoughts! and again I totally see where your coming of with the parallels. If I do a extra chapter bringing the concept of WandaVision, I’ll make sure to link your analysis with it ♥️
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punz4lyfe · 4 years
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Pokemon Journeys Episode 43. Let’s review:
1. Alright, our favorite TR Trio is officially included in the arc! And considering what we’ve been seeing in the arc previews, I can tell Gigantamax Meowth will be shown to us preeeeeetty soon. (please PLEASE writers, don’t skip out on the perfect opportunity of Gigan. Pikachu vs. Meowth!!)
2. I also love Meowth’s mouth mask. Our little rascal is doing his part in practicing social distancing. C’mon, Karens of the Earth. Take from his example.
3. Oh, hey! The Turffield Geoglyph! Why are you more pleasant to look at in the anime than you are in the games?
4. The gag of Sonia’s driving skills gives me life.
5. Ash and Leon working together to take down the Gigantamaxed Coalossal was very awesome to see. The two just work off together so well! Alsooooooo........ Leon’s Dragapult with Ash’s Gengar....... both being in the same frames a lot....... OH MY ARCEUS, MY OLD PARALLELS POST.
6. Hmmm. Goh reading the Sword and Shield legend, him and Ash encountering the Sword and Shield doggos... Gee, I wonder where this is going.
7. The flashbacks depicting Sonia and Leon’s childhood days were not only adorable, but I also love how it fits Ash and Goh’s whole dynamic as well. Like Leon, Ash is a far more skilled and experienced battler than Goh, and not only is he on his way of being a champion of the Pokemon World Championships, but Goh has also seen multiple how popular Ash is as a trainer in many other regions. In due time, Goh might feel Ash would become too good to work with him anymore, and since we know Goh is very dependent on his friendship with Ash, this whole parallel might encourage the improve himself with his own abilities so he can always maintain his close connections with Ash. (Leon’s Charizard as a Charmander is also adorable sry just had to throw that out there fite me)
8. Coa-Coalossal, where are you going? Ashy boi just defended you from being harassed by those stupid butthead miners after you turned back to normal. He can clearly be a good father for you, plus he has one extra slot on his team, so where are you going? Please come back. PLEASE!
9. I love Pikachu already being on the edge around Chairman Rose and Oleana. The two have experienced these type of shenanigans involving fake-ass jerks before, so it’s bound for Pikachu to feel that way. (I’m looking at you, Lysandre)
10. Okay, give or take a few more feet with the Wishing Star, it would’ve been GG for Sonia, Goh, and Raboot.
11. Professor Magnolia!!
12. I don’t know why, but at the beginning of the scene where Rose and Oleana offered Ash the chance to train aside them, I got Lysandre-Alain vibes from the XYZ series... as well as Pyrrha-Ozpin Fall Maiden vibes from RWBY Vol. 3. Oh dear. Thankfully, cause Ash is a good boi who knows his own styles and passions, he refused. Great job, you precious dork. Oleana’s death glare made me laugh my guts out, too.
13. Sobble, ur a q-t.
14. Gigantamax Garbodor’s design in the anime was honestly pretty cool, even more so than the games for some reason.
15. When Sonia gave Goh a Dynamax Band, I initially felt a little unsure on that part, considering Goh’s lack of experience in battling on a general standpoint. (then again, considering factors like the Sword and Shield legend of Gigantamax Cinderace, it was inevitable, but I just feel it’s a little too soon) The battle between Dynamaxed Raboot and Gigantamax Garbodor does seem pretty promising though! (lol, we’re literally getting a trash fire next episode)
Overall, while the episode was a bit exposition-y, especially Goh’s parts, like the last episode, it was good exposition, considering there are many people who haven’t played the games, so they’ll need all the info they can get. Seeing Ash and Leon work together, while a bit brief, was still pretty cool to see and the friendships Ash and Goh are establishing with Leon and Sonia are a super nice touch to their own parallels. Chairman Rose’s slow-but-surely descent to madness was another nice touch that they’ll building on throughout the arc.
I would rate this episode a nice 7.9/10. A little exposition-y, but again, it was GOOD exposition and the comedic moments and small action scenes more than made up for it!
I also say ‘also’ and ‘not only’ a lot oh arceus pls help me
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unclesamwilson · 5 years
this is a list of things i liked and didn’t like about endgame which i wrote the morning after i saw endgame
- falcon cap
- ant man!!! what a blessing. he was v funny i laughed so much it was so refreshing. 
- gamora and nebula!!!! what a surprise and what a genuine pleasure that marvel continues to impress me with this sister relationship!!!!!!!!
- i kiiiind of liked bruce. i thought his character was pretty believable. like his blase attitude ... considering he’s never been known for his strength of will, and he’s been through so much shit, i believed that was *a* way he might handle this shitty situation. bruce and the hulk are both known to run away from problems, and he definitely didn’t do that this time, which was nice. but we also never got to see a true The Incredible Hulk moment which was a downer :/
- the whole sequence in 2012 new york. loved the the cap v cap fight. america’s ass was one of the moments that i was like “is this a crackfic”. thor reviving tony with mjolnir?? also loki just picking up the tesseract and bouncing was completely hysterical to me
- f a l c o n c a p
- the final battle! that was so much fun. i cried when sam said “on your left,” don’t even. and then when the wakandans walked through the portal with the sunset, my cinematic heart grew two sizes, like god, avengers movies never really impress me visually but when they do they do, right???
- loved captain marvel
- spider-man being precious and also badass AND THE IRON SPIDWR BYE
- although it meant all my fav characters got sidelined for basically the whole movie, i appreciated the focus on the original avengers. i’m a sucker for a plot that comes full circle, and i’m a sucker for parallels, and also—this movie was SO much more focused, streamlined, and coherent than infinity war; it wasn’t busy or exhausting like it could have been. the addition of ant-man and a couple guardians was appropriate and they were some of the best characters so ... nice.
- “is that everyone?” “what, you wanted more?” Cue me, to my husband sitting next to me in the theater, “uh YEAH i wanted more, she’s still not BACK YET” boy i was so heated when carol just left for the whole movie but when she came back it was so worth it
- the opening with hawkeye was cute, his daughter was cute. i think i pissed off the stranger next to me in the theater because like 3 seconds into that scene (and the movie) i whispered “oh she is gonna be dust” and my husband snorted and the guy made some huffy noises and i was sitting there thinking “it wasn’t a spoiler it was common sense lol”
- at the end steve started to get emotional with bucky and i knew he was about to be a Bastard registered trademark, and i turned to ads and said “when hulk tries to bring him back it’s just gonna be the shield” which i think would have been very cool visually and all and it would be clear that steve just went to a new timeline, right? but i was so thrilled by his convo with sam ... they were so precious ........ that was worth it.
- (i didn’t HATE steve’s ending. it felt kind of tacked on and unnecessarily complicated, but it was also the obvious Happy Ending that they’ve been hinting at for like 8 movies with cap. the writers talked their way around their own definitions of time travel a little too much to make it work lol... but it was a very kind ending for steve, sam, bucky, and AU peggy.)
- f a l c o n c a p
- actually everyone at the funeral was touching. i was touched. (and sam and bucky were TOUCHING *eyes emoji*.) pepper is v precious and Happy talking to peppers daughter made me WEEP. i mean, now i have to live in a world where tony stark is some kind of barfy fanboy messiah, but like how is that different than before l o l
- i kiiinda liked the one “girl power” thing in the final battle? mostly because i like all those characters, and i like seeing them work together. i always like seeing women work together. but it was also sooooooo hokey and like ... a bit pandering. i just want to tell the writers/producers “you don’t get to claim women’s rights after the last 12 garbage years ok” (and also after throwing ANOTHER woman in the soul stone pit fjdkfjg) 
- the avengers dynamic for a lot of this movie was, finally, a team dynamic, and they worked together and at times even had fun together and it was so much more fun to watch than the last ....... every avengers movie including civil war. i mean, it wasn’t perfect throughout. and also tony was a huge douche canoe for awhile, but hey, in the end he wasn’t a bad teammate and also i never have to watch him again
- thor, just ,, pretty much entirely, but mostly the Fat Jokes. i think his arc could have been ok if he just ...... wasn’t fat. EDIT: my husband actually liked thor a lot in this movie, and he brought up some valid points, which i kinda want to make another post about. but this post is my initial reactions and in general i was just not happy with thor whenever he was on screen.
- particularly thor berating a child over the internet on a video game
- thanos continues to be boring, but there wasn’t as much of him in this movie as i expected, t h a n k
- didn’t like tony stark at all in the first half of the movie or more. what an absolutely unappealing dick. what was with his tantrum after he got back to earth?? and ripping out his IV and throwing a fit and blaming captain america? like this isn’t fun to watch, and it hasn’t been fun to watch in the last 5 avengers movies either lollll.
- tony stark’s family was off-putting for me. it was just weird to watch. i think this was a personal thing though. like individually i love pepper and the little girl but it was just ... i think it was very unexpected to me, and hard to wrap my head around
- giant plot hole where thanos just left his timeline like ok lol
- you’re trying to tell me the incredible hulk was trapped ... under a building?
- didn’t really care about hawkeye sry 
- black widow is so boring to me at this point im just tired of that actor and that character and the way she’s been portrayed for a decade. objectively, her involvement in this movie worked well. subjectively, every time she speaks her voice annoys me
in summary the first half had me worried it was gonna be Another Avengers Movie but the second half i basically forgot all the dumb stuff and really had fun watching it. just ....... super entertained. loved all the parallels and full circles and cheesiness. when they gave sam the shield i think that’s the first time i’ve ever been surprised by a marvel movie and ..... boy.
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broken-lycan · 7 years
I read your post on the end of Hannibal & I love when TV fans read the books & enjoy them. You really stressed you saw how much Hannibal cared for & loved Clarice in the end. Now that you've seen that are you able to go back to the TV show & see how that is not at all how he treats Will? If he really loved Will like Clarice would he have tried to kill him multiple times or ruin his life. Really curious on your take since you seem to be all about the TV show first.
Hmm, that´s a really interesting question. And I thought about it a lot since I read your ask.
I have to say that I see the books and the series as two different things (I´m gonna refer to book Hannibal as Dr Lecter and to series Hannibal as Hannibal just to make things easier). The series is vaguely based on the books but it´s different in a lot of ways. So Will isn´t Clarice in my eyes. Not completely at least. I don´t know why Hannibal hurt Will so much. I mean in Mizumono he was heartbroken so he did what he did and partially regretted it afterwards. For sawing Wills skull open I have no idea. I should probably rewatch it maybe then I could say more about that. But Hannibal/ Dr Lecter is a really complex character, I can never entirely predict him (sry couldn´t help myself… had to quote him). So it´s difficult to say why Hannibal does those things to Will. In the books I almost never really knew what he was going to do next (apart from the times I knew because I watched the films), his behaviour is so different from… well I don´t wanna say normal people, but he has his own way of thinking and I can´t identify with him or get into his headspace. I´d probably have a serious problem if I could. Anyway, it´s hard to say what´s going on inside his mind.
I have the hope that we will see that kind of caring as it was between Clarice and Dr Lecter between Hannibal and Will in season 4. The situation is there, they´re both hurt from the fall. And Hannibal has the medical know-how. He can take care of Will, just like in the book with Clarice. And there´s a set up for the dinner scene as well. Just that it won´t be Krendler getting his skull opened but Bedelia losing a leg (as we´ve seen at the end of season 3). So that could be a parallel. But honestly, only Bryan knows what´s gonna happen. I can only guess.
All in all -especially after reading Hannibal- I really hope that we´ll see that kind of caring from Hannibal with Will in season 4. Because now I know he´s truly capable of that kind of deep caring and love. I know that Hannibal is different from Dr Lecter in several ways and we´ve seen him care about Abigail before. But maybe he imagined Mischa again, being there for her. I think in Mizumono he said that he “made a place for her [Abigail] in our world” (in Hannibals and Wills world) that´s a parallel to the book Hannibal where he said that he saw a place for Mischa in their world and that place was Clarice. Killing Abigail was an accident he really regrets not only because he hurt Will more than he intended but maybe also because he lost the possibility to get part of Mischa back.
So yeah these are my thoughts on the whole thing. I hope I managed to bring them into order so that they make sense, but that´s always hard. So if you don´t understand something just ask.
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occupyvenus · 7 years
Sorry, I didn't intend for my ask to be rude, I was just startled because I thought you were saying Sansa had no right to be hurt and therefore didn't really deserve any sympathy if she was, but I realise now that I jumped to conclusions. Sorry. I'm just dreading boatsex not because I'll be angry at Jon but because I just don't want to see Sansa hurt again, especially by a man she trusts so much (although I know it won't be intentional or "wrong" of Jon since they're not in a relationship). :(
Hi anon, sorry for taking so long! My inbox is full and I really don’t know where to start….. 
Sorry if my answer was a bit rude or salty as well! I know, It’s so hard to judge someones tone and intentions without all the non-verbal communication that’s normally going on. I’m also guilty of that.
If boatsex happens (still crossing my fingers it doesn’t, though I made my peace with it and don’t even think that endgame!jonsa is threatened by it. Optimistic pessimism and all. Just read on.) I do think Sansa will be hurt by it and my heart goes out to her. But looking at the silver-lining, it will probably surprise her just how much it hurts her. I’m going to assume she already knows about r+l=j by this point, so her jealousy will open her eyes about her true feelings. A Green-Eyed-Epiphany.
I imagine that Jon will feel bad about it as well, once he meets Sansa again. Wondering why he feels so damn guilty. Why he can’t look her in the eye. After he finds out about his true identity everything will fall into place for him as well. It will be a blessing in disguise, of sorts. Two characters realizing that they love each other, after one of them sleeps with another person is like a really old romance trope, anyway. It wouldn’t surprise me if they set up the D as a romantic false lead to accomplish just that. 
One thing to keep in mind is this: The jonsa-shipping community has whole-heartly embraced them as a potential couple. We are aware that cousin-relationships are acceptable in westeros, have dissected any underlying meanings and thrive on the whole siblings-to-lovers-angst. But the general audience needs to be slowly and thourougly prepared for that. The series is doing it’s best to foreshadow Jonsa, without being too obvious about it. They are keeping it sublte for a reason. They are constantly using romance tropes and putting them into what could be described an un-siblingly atmosphere to prime the audience for the big twist. They want to keep it ambigious. People have already noticed and once they are ready to come out, a lot of casual viewers will go “now that I think about it, that *insert any, really any jonsa scene* was a bit weird… should have seen this coming.” That’s what they are trying to achieve here. But they will not implement any romantic gestures where the audience could go like “Eww, but they think they are siblings. Gross”. They don’t want us to go LANNISTERS !!!! They want us to root for them, not being disgusted by an assumed brother sleeping with his assumed sister. (Side-note: Jon and Jaime have so many anti-parallels, if desiring your “sister” isn’t among them, I might just scream. That’s the difference between them, though. Jaime actually has an affair with his sister, Jon has the same “dishonourable” thoughts and impulses, but he will not act on these feelings until it’s okay to do so.)
Neither Jon, nor Sansa is going to acknowledge or admit to any romantic feelings, as long as they still believe they are siblings. Now that we have confirmation about them not being siblings, it’s time for a character to notice as well. They can be more open about it. A third party in the show will notice that ~something~ is off and start to drop some hints (looking at you Littlefinger bzw I really look foward to any Tyrion-Jon conversation about Sansa), simultaniously standing in for the audience and drawing it’s attention to the matter. They might not know yet, but we do. As does Creepyfinger. The show has done a wonderful job at setting up jonsa and any J0nerys-sexy-time could be just another piece in the puzzle. Making the audience aware of it, without hitting us right into our cute, little faces. I’m a little down that it takes so long too, but they are taking the narrative in the exact direction I would expect. (side-note: I absolutely love @hyojung12 idea that Jon is dropping the “sister-bomb”, so we can correct him in our minds. They want us to go: But, she really is his cousin, isn’t she? Such a great observation, love it.) 
To ease your mind about boatsex a little bit: Jon sleeping with another woman (or Sansa sleeping with another man, but like please not LF, just no one at all. She deserves to only be properly loved for the rest of her life. No more love-less sexual encounters for her. Seriously.) before they know about r+l=j is actually a good way to keep the gross-factor down. (It’s his bad luck that she’ll turn out to be his aunt. The irony.) It implies that any inappropriate desires where kept far under the surface. It shows that they are unaware of it and that it doesn’t influence their remaining love- or sexlife. It may not be as romantic (I agree), but it also ensures the audience that they aren’t leading their lives accordign to any possible incestious impulses. 
Last, but not least to come back to the original topic of this conversation: Jon and Sansa have a strong bond. They already build their relationship slowly, stone by stone. Ned and Catelyn started doing so after their marriage, Jon and Sansa have already finished that phase. Their relationship is already based on trust, respect and mutual admiration. The love will follow. As I stated in my original post, this will be another ned/cat - jon/sansa parallel. After all Ned and Cats marriage started off with a rough patch as well. They had to become comfortable in their new roles (from future brother/sister-figure to spouse). They had to deal with an alleged affair, even worse having the alleged “product” of it constantly in front of their faces. (sry, jonny.) They worked through it and became of the strongest, happiest romances in the series. 
Jon and Sansa’s relationship will blossom into a love strong enough to get through this as well. In good times and in bad. Once they confess their love, nothing that came before will matter anymore. They can’t cling to the past, if they are busy building a future together. (I love cheesy, dramatic language, btw) 
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bellamysgriffin · 8 years
dana watches lucifer (2x12)
hey peeps sorry this is late but i am absolutely so excited for this episode
ok it hasn’t started and i am already so excited
oh my god my dad played one second of it and now him and my sister have been talking about shoe sizes for the past three minutes i can’t wait any longer anoadkl
omg they just showed a clip from the pilot i-
maze is on my screen so i am still blessed
i would die for her 
“at least you are getting laid in your dreams bc it’s not happening in real life”
so she dreams liking what she sees when she sees his horns??
“maybe this time it will be different” “that means it won’t” - my dad
separate ways?? how long has it been
linda is my lord and savior
“or maybe she’s just taken by you” oh my god she so is
omg this is so cutely awkward
“friends thought he was just hungover, turns out, he be dead. of poison.” “food poisoning?” “no like poison poisioning.” I LOVE ELLA LOPEZ
“sex with friends” OH MY GOD CHLOE I WOULD DIE FOR YOU
i am trying not to hyperventilate
lucifer already tried to protect chloe that’s cute i would die for them
“if i didn’t cut my face” c’mon man take one for the team
also when lucifer said chloe was a good shot he was probably thinking of when she shot him in the leg
who’s this mask guy
lucifer i love you i just wanna say
“not unlike someone showing affection when it made no logical sense” MAYBE SHE DIGS YOU BRO CAN YOU JUST LET IT HAPPEN JEEZ
charlotte is fangirling big time love it
“i don’t know if it’s real” OF COURSE IT IS IT’S BEEN REAL FOR TWO SEASONS
“detective” “counselor” “douche” “dick” that was the best exchange i’m dead
“library will be underwater. global warming.” - my dad
is this what college is like
count me out
oh yikes don’t kill another ONE
i might actually be ok with it as long as ella can be back on my screen again :’)
this is hot
“how do i look” “beautiful” omg they just had a ninerose parallel i’m dying i can’t even like comprehend this
they’re so in love w each other i-
is this what a college party is like
i like chloe with her hair down - clarification: i like every chloe
no lucifer do NOT have anything with those girls you are with CHLOE now and if you break her heart you are CANCELLED
dan would choose his hand
ok i am in love with this scientist and for her sake i want the girl to live and i want her to become a series regular she’s perfect
can the devil even get drunk 
i think they’ve established that he can’t
“was that an earthquake or did you just rock my world” 
“do you got a boyfriend” “definitely not” HONESTLY I GIVE AND I GIVE AND I GIVE AND I ASK FOR NOTHING MORE 
“is this her?? she’s so pretty!!” OH MY GOD THIS IS SO CUTE AND LOVELY I AM SO ASTONISHED
nooooo is she gonna be dead
“it just won’t stop” NOOOOOOOOOOOOO 
i’m gonna stab myself
chloe is gonna be FINE
i love you linda i love you so much i could die
she’s gonna cut off her hand isn’t she
she’s gonna do it
guys stop fighting please 
“we have to work together as a team or else someone could get hurt” i wonder who hmmm
“i’m a man of my word” i hope that he saved her bc i love the doctor
“this guy is really good. i mean bad. but really good” 
“oh my god.” “i know. it’s tough but we’ll get through this buddy”
oooohhhhhh a flu shot chloe no vaccinations k?
honestly csi who?? this is the only murder show i stan
chloe wyd
lucifer said what are you doing as soon as i typed #synced
“well said detective” i love lucifer
oh my god this is so sickening 
i kinda love psychological thrillers though
“bear officially poked” tad bit of an understatement hm
maze calling charlotte out on her bs is my aesthetic
“please tell me it was good news.” “eh, only medium news”
oh no my girl chloe is literally gonna die bc she’s so selfless
oh god if chloe believes him it will be a good plan 
phew i’m like feelin good abt this plan
i probably shouldn’t be
i don’t like this close up i am too squeamish
keep runnin y’all and it might just work
wathc her come back or smthg
lucifer HURRY
chloe bby i am so sry you had to watch that
“i guess we make a good team after all don’t we”
“the detective and i - sorry - chloe and i -” i love myself
oh god i hate dramatic irony
i am - how do you say - bitter
look at his face i hate myself
what’s happening
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