#sry ?
tempestousstocking · 4 months
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tmblrcolouredpaper · 11 months
Sleepy scenarios with TXT: habits, routines and rituals that occur when you share a bed with them (fluff) 
5 scenarios, member x reader
wc (in total): 2691
no warnings
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Refuses to use individual blankets and pillows
One blanket, one pillow
You're freezing? Blanket is not big enough to comfortably lay next to each other? Yeonjun takes up the pillow, so his chest is the only free space for your head to rest? Well, you gotta cuddle the whole night then. 
You tuck him in each evening, making sure he has more of the blanket and Yeonjun loooooves it, letting you do this task while having the biggest grin on his face. 
You keep complaining about it, but end up giving in to the forced cuddles, because do you want to freeze? No! Do you want to sleep without Yeonjun to have your own blanket? NO!?
Yeonjun always makes sure you sleep first regardless of how tired he might be. 
He caresses your arm up and down, gently has his hand on your back or lets his fingers slowly wander over your face. 
You end up turning away and taking up all the blanket with one move. That's when Yeonjun knows he can fall asleep now too. 
Holds you close and sometimes feels you pulling the blanket back over him in the middle of the night. 
It's intuitive how you always end up in his arms with both of you covered by the blanket again. 
You basically sleep half on top of him and the one who sleeps longer wins the blanket in the morning.
It's Yeonjun's favorite game. You hate it, but love it. 
'Is it raining again?', you asked, refusing to pull the blanket away from your face to look outside the window yourself.
'Yep', Yeonjun chirped and pulled the curtains aside even further with an overdramatic and energized stretch of his arms. 
He welcomed the grey weather, heavy clouds imitating the thick blanket on his bed that he couldn't feel covering him most times throughout the night. 
He looked back to where you were lying and smiled. This was his favorite part of each day he experienced with you. 
'You stole the blanket again', he sighed with the smile still plastering his face. 
'I keep telling you to use two blankets when two people sleep in this bed, but -', you mumbled into the singular pillow on the bed, until you felt Yeonjun dropping down on you. 
'You just have to tuck me in better', he laughed and clang onto you like a koala on top of a branch.
'I'll tie a rope around you and this stupid blanket', you groaned and tried to wiggle free. 
Yeonjun only allowed that process only go as far as your face being visible. 
'Look who is ready to face the day', he hummed and kissed the tip of your nose. 
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Wants to see you in his clothes. 
Gets too excited to have you with him in these late hours AND the early hours. 
Throws a pile of shirts and hoodies on top of you to let you pick what you want to wear. 
One shirt, one hoodie, but then also another hoodie that you can cuddle. 
He doesn't necessarily need physical contact the whole time. He's happily at peace with your close presence, but he doesn't want you to feel any sort of distance despite remaining a more comfortable sleeping position. Solution: You wrapped up in his belongings and holding onto the soft fabric with his scent as well. 
Cuddles in the morning are a must tho. 
He'll wear the hoodie you cuddled when the cold morning arrives and lets you wake up in his arms when you're comfortable with such closeness. 
'Where is it?', Soobin mumbled half asleep, freezing in the dark and quiet room. 
His hand dived through the layers of sheets. His blanket, your blanket, the layers of clothes that embraced you... Somewhere there should have been the grey hoodie he gave you in the evening before going to bed. However, he couldn't find it, too dark to to see and too messy to feel the right cloth. 
Frustrated, he let his head fall back against his pillow and he sighed tiredly, feeling too cold to fall back asleep yet too lazy to get up and get another hoodie. Besides, he wanted THIS specific hoodie that must be somewhen around you. 
You turned and rolled over, closer to Soobin's side of the bed and he immediately let his hand wanter into the direction he expected your shoulder to be to adjust the blanket. Unfortunately, he took the wrong direction and he hit your chin clumsily. He quickly pulle away and mumbled a shocked excuse. 
'S'biiin', you whined half asleep and groaned into the blanket. 
'Sorry', he repeated and pulled his own blanket further over his body, getting a sense of hiding in his embarrassment. 
You moved again, big movements, freeing your arm and swinging something through the air. It landed on Soobin's face and engulfed him with your sleepy warmth. 
'Y'owe me m'ning cuddles', you mumbled and pushed yourself against him, but pushed your arms back under the blanket. 
Soobin giggled and proceeded to put on the warm hoodie, finally arriving in the state of comfortable morning. 
He pulled you in your blanket wrap closer and felt you resting your head on his chest with a big sigh, making him smile like an idiot.
'Sleep', you demanded and instinctive he listened to your command and closed his eyes. 
It was warm and when he sensed you moving again, adjusting your position to mold into him a bit more, a few seconds later feeling your fingers playing with is hair, Soobin was starting into the new day perfectly relaxed and well rested. 
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You're his pillow, you're his bed
It doesn't matter where you are, on the train, on the floor, actually in bed, he will rest somehow on top of you
He doesn't even think about it, but once he gets tired, he gravitates towards you. 
At the same time, he holds your hand when you get tired. 
Let's you play with his fingers until you drift away. 
He would literally invent an own morse code system with you, so when he's awake and you're too sleepy to talk to him verbally, you'd still be able to respond to him. 
It makes him feel like your guardian at the boarder from awake to dream land.
The one who ends up tired first gets royal treatment. 
If you're both tired at the same time, he'd lean against you with his hand close to you, so you can just take it when you need or want to. 
The train got emptier and emptier with each stop, yet Beomgyu and you still had some way to go. The moon seemed to follow you and whenever you looked outside, a different cloud was decorating the stone in space. Beomgyu's head was leaning against your shoulder and his closed eyes exposed his luxurious dark eyelashes. He looked adorable and your focus shifted from moon to him, back and forth until you yourself got overwhelmed by a wave of tiredness. You combed his hair with your fingers, a gentle attempt to wake him. He stirred and sat up. Only one glance was enough for him to register your demeanor. 
'Your turn', he whispered and his hand found yours and feeling his warmth immediately brought you closer to sleep. 
'Set an alarm', you mumbled and took your scarf from your neck to adjust it over his and your legs like a blanket. 
'When do we have to get off', he asked and a big yawn escaped his lips when he opened the alarm app, his eyes getting teary. 
You took his phone and set the alarm to 10:53 pm, ten minutes before you were supposed to arrive. Beomgyu wiped his eyes and his head landed back against your shoulder. He grabbed your arm and linked it with his own, intertwining your fingers in the process, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. 
'Just sleep a bit', he mumbled and caressed you felt him tracing your palm with his thumb until sleep finally numbed you. 
When the alarm rang, you woke up properly first. Panic occupying your body in no time. You shook Beomgyu away and buried yourself gathering your belongings. The train stopped almost on time at your final destination and you got off, with bags in your hand and Beomgyu still clinging onto your arm, ready to let his head drop against go despite asking through the city. 
'Fall asleep in bed, not now!', you granted and felt one bag falling out of your grip. 
'We're not dreaming?', he asked and laughed, taking the bags with one and your hand with his other hand, now guiding you home. 
Finally in bed that night, Beomgyu asked:'We dream together, right? I always try to follow you to your dream land when you fall asleep first. I always try to find you'. 
You hand fount its way into his hair and he buried his face closer the crock of your neck. 
'Don't have to try finding me. I'm always there whether you see me or not'. 
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He's not playing when it comes to sleep. 
Practical and organized routine. 
Fresh sheets? Check. Water bottle on each side of bed? Check. Phones charging? Che- You forgot your charger and have no battery left? He gives you his phone to watch something or read and charges your phone on his side that while. 
Cuddles you to get a sight on the screen as well, but snatches the phone away after thirty minutes and plugs it in. 
Refuses on giving you your phone back, because you shouldn't stare at the screen last thing at night. 
Literally fights you when you try to reach it. Tickles you, pins you down, laughs with you until you both are out of breath. 
Only then, knowing you end the day with a sprinkle of happiness, he switches off the light. 
Gives you your phone back in the dark, but you're doomed if he sees that screen shining. 
If your head is full and you think you need your phone to distract yourself, he'll cuddle you. He's your distraction and your focus. 
'Please just shut your phone', Taehyun whined for the third time this night. 
He tried just not facing you, pulling the blanket completely over him, dear, he even built a pillow wall to shut off the light of the phone screen. It didn't work. He might not have seen the light, but he could still sense your whole demeanor, focus on your phone and not even slightly on sleep... or him. 
'No', you cried out and he saw the light finally getting off. 
'I was in the middle of this Webtoon chapter', you explained and Taehyun finally decided to break the blockade towards you, taking the pillows away and robbed closer towards you. 
'Hey', you said in shock when he snatched your phone out of your hand. 
'Just charging it', he explained and plugged it in on and placed it on his bedside table. 
'Here', he announced and gave you his phone instead. 
'It better be a good chapter, because I wanna read with you'. 
He watched you opening the app and typing some things in the search bar and to your surprise the correct title popped up immediately. 
'It's your account, silly', Taehyun laughed and cuddled closer to you, positioning himself so that he can see the screen. 
He read with you, silently. From time to time, he glanced up and studied your face. Once your eyelids wee so heavy you obviously fought not to fall asleep every second, Taehyun repeated his action and took the phone away from you. You demonstrated with a weak 'hey', but in no time you already held onto your own phone again. 
'No screen anymore, okay? You need to sleep', Taehyun whispers softly and maneuvered your arm to your own bedside table to signal you to finally put your phone down for the night. 
'Can we cuddle?', you asked lowly and felt Taeyhun pulling you closer, embracing you in his warmth and with his attention on you, sleep was not avoidable anymore. 
Taehyun felt you breathing in his arms in a calm rhythm. He got a bit thirsty and reached to his side next to the table where he found his water bottle that you prepared for him even before he arrived at home. The luxury of being able to go to bed with everything already perfectly prepared gave him the sense of just sleeping, but he liked to remind himself of his priority that was you and your comfort. 
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Other than Soobin, cuddles YOUR hoodie or dresses one of his plushies in one of your shirts when you're not there. 
Stays close to you before switching of the lights. A hand on your stomach, a leg thrown over you or you cuddled into him. 
Lights off and position for sleep adjusting, you don't sleep right away. You talk. About everything and nothing. 
The more sleep-drunk you get the more abstract will the topics end up being. 
For instance, you start talking about Pokemon in general and end up designing a whole 'Day in my Life as Mawile'. 
You guys have no idea at what point you fell asleep, trying to follow memory line to the last plot point. 
Waking up is messy. Blanket messy, pillows everywhere, plushies between and around you, despite them usually chilling aside, away enough to not come in your way. 
Sleepy cuddles in the mess of warmth and softness. 
Tidying up together, arranging the whole bed setup as a morning ritual. 
'This is new', you laughed and pointed at the moiling plushie that was wearing your cropped shirt, regular size on the fluffy creature. 
'Oh. OH! Yeah', Kai slightly panicked and suppressed the urge to throw Molang into another room to hide this attire. 
'You know I was already wondering where this shirt went?', you teased him, well aware of his embarrassment. 
'Oh, sorry, you can have it back', he spoke quickly, making you laugh and hug him. 
'It suits Molang way better anyway'.
Kai pulled the blanket over you both when you lied down and his hand instinctively found its way to rest on your stomach, minimalistically rubbing circles over the fabric of the hoodie you were wearing. 
You both lied there, facing the ceiling and letting the lights of the passing by cars flicker over the walls. The ticking of a clock is audible and it was a weird atmosphere of quietness and irritating noisiness. 
'So', you started and Kai immediately turned to his side, facing you and robbing himself up by pushing his free hand under his cheek, ready to listen to whatever you had to say. 
'When and how did you steal, sorry, did Molang steal my shirt?', you spoke, unable to ban some wheezes out of your speaking, because Kai looked absolutely cute the way he was staring at you, all sleepy yet attentive. 
'Borrowed. It's borrowed not stolen', Kai corrected in a matter of factly and hurried to place a kiss on your cheek to finish his sentence properly. 
'You simply forgot it here and I wanted to make use of it the best way possible', he continued and a second touch of his lips followed.
'Did you at least wash it?', you asked, genuinely not knowing what his answer might end up being.
'Washing machines are not invented yet', he yawned and you made a mental note to wash the damn shirt tomorrow. 
'What else isn't invented yet?',, you asked and rolled over to be closer to him. 
He adjusted and held you close right away.
'Cars', he said. 
'What are those lights then?', you asked and pointed up the wall. 
Kai took your hand and pulled it towards his lips to place another kiss, this time on the back of your hand, before he maneuvered your arm around him with a content sigh. 
'Gigantic fireflies`, he chuckled and after a few more explanations of what everything technological around you actually is, you two fall asleep, dreaming of a fantasy world with gigantic fireflies and Molang presenting its new shirt collection. 
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circusinarun · 5 months
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My bird boy... <33333
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"Hey! Hey! Ward! Ward! I'm going to adopt this alien orphan! !"
"Not fucking now...."
And also...
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Welp Cass, if u add gay drama in ur graph then... Hehehehe \pos
Some close ups
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Marble sky by @somerandomdudelmao :3 hewwo! 👋👋👋👋👋
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autochroma · 7 months
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rhea rhea rhea
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ymkstsg · 9 days
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oh my god ryoshu limbus company
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kriskrossapplesauce05 · 3 months
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They ended up going
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taepomme · 2 months
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Welcome back old fb meme
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futurenanduzi · 3 months
Do you guys have pet names for each other? :3
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She's... still not used to it, surprisingly!
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definetelynotavampire · 3 months
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fem Nikolai ♡
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general-light · 1 year
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camel talk sketch, or something, sorry i wasnt paying attention
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jetblackfeeling · 2 years
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sorry steve :(
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tmblrcolouredpaper · 4 months
When TXT is making you feel comfortable: habits, routines and rituals that occur when they prioritize your comfort
5 short scenarios per member listed
wc (in total): 1943
no warnings
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When Yeonjun is making you comfortable...
... he has his apartment stocked with products that make you feel at home. He has your favorite snacks. He bought your favorite clothes as substitutes that he keeps in his closet for when you stay over. He has some copies of your favorite books and gets some magazines you enjoy. If you're a person who menstruates, he of course has all possible period products ready. If your hobby is painting, he has all utensils at his place. If you are currently into lifting weights and working out, he creates a little sport corner for you. 
'Top drawer on the right', he yells after you when you leave is room to go to the kitchen, because you feel like having a snack.
'Look at the bag in my closet', he instructs when you spilled on your favorite shirt, while he gets the detergent ready to wash your shirt right away.
... he is with you when you decide to face your fears. If he can and it makes sense, he is with you in person, but otherwise, he offers you to be on a call with him or text him. One or the other way,  he will be with you.
'Three, two, one and you go inside, okay? I'll stay on the call and you can return right to my voice if you want to, yeah? Now, my brave baby, three, two, and one'.
... he is his crazy self around you and is the happiest when you slowly allow yourself to let your guard down and become more unhinged yourself. 
'That doesn't sound like a chicken. My donkey impression totally beats yours. Try again'. 
... he directly protects you from others. Whether it's strangers or friends, encountering you with inappropriate intentions or ignorant jokes, he shields you. 
'Keep walking', he spits at a man who is eyeing you up and down when you are outside. Yeonjun pushes himself between you and the crowd immediately and takes your hand to pull you behind him, not letting go of you until he feels like it's rather safe again. 
... he lets you sleep. Regardless if you fall asleep on his bed, taking up all the space or of you fall asleep directly on him, he lets you. The only time he moves you is when your position looks rather uncomfortable and possibly damaging if you remain lying  like that for too long. 
'Oh? Am I that comfy?', he whispers as he looks down on your sleeping figure on his chest, smiling to himself.
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When Soobin is making you comfortable...
... he subtly bends his knees or leans against an accessible surface when he's talking to you, to not tower over you as much.
'Oh, why I'm leaning against the wall like this? I'm just a bit tired, that's all'.
... he carries all your bags at a shopping trip and cheers you on in every outfit you are trying out.
'This looks beautiful on you. Wait? Feels a bit too tight? Give me a second. I'll bring it in a different size', he says and rushes into the isles with bags already dangling from his shoulders. He always has capacity to carry just one more thing if it's for you.
... he never, NEVER, distances himself first when you hug. He always waits for you to be ready to let go, because he doesn't even want to give you one nuanced opportunity to doubt him wanting to be with you.
'I'm not letting go before you're ready', he whispers when you were already in his embrace for ten minutes, standing in the middle of the room. It doesn't matter if you are happy, sad, scared, worried. He is constantly ready to be your safe space. 
... he gives you the biggest side-eye. As much as he admires you, he doesn't put you on a pedestal. When your jokes aren't funny or you say something particularly dumb, he will silently let you know and expects to be treated the same. 
'What do you mean unicorns weren't real at least for one period of time on this earth? I literally saw a documentary about it!', he argues and has to contain himself to not burst into a laughter, seeing you shaking your head in disbelief with a big frown on your face. Those situations are so funny and carefree to him. 
... he has your back regarding everything. Regardless of how unrealistic or silly something may seem, he is always there, encouraging you to at least give it a shot. As uncertain a situation, a project, a try may be, he remains your certain stability. 
'So what if it's stupid? You're curious of it. It excites you, so go and see if it could be working for you', he says and adds that regardless of what happens, in the end of the day you can just return to him as always. 
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When Beomgyu is making you comfortable...
... he waves at you when he sees you walking towards him, but is surprised to see you turning around to look at the other people who are walking down the street in an attempt to figure out if he might be meeting someone else.
'I was waving at you, you know', he says after greeting you when you are finally standing in front of him.
... he is puzzled to find you wearing long pajama pants as it is a warm summer night during which he is staying over at your apartment. He toys with the fabric when you sit down next to him and experimentally pulls the fabric up your leg a bit. 
'Isn't it way too warm in those?', he questions and listens to you negating in an obvious lie. 
'Just wear shorts. I won't do or think anything inappropriately only because I see your skin', he assures and when you leave to your bedroom to get changed, he adds, 'And don't you dare forcing yourself into that bra any longer'. 
... he observes you lingering a bit closer around him than usually when you feel particularly down. 
'Want to hug?', he simply asks and opens his arms when you shyly nod, inviting you into his embrace at your own pace. 
... he slides on the bench to sit right next to you when you are particularly anxious in a cafe, and he opens his hand as he watches you trying to hide your own trembling one. 
'I'll hold you', he offers and waits for you to place your palm on his. Then he gently encloses his fingers around your hand and makes you shift your focus by asking you to count every brown item you could see in the room. 
... he lets you wear his clothes, either when you're freezing and need extra layers or when it's warm outside but you don't want to wear too revealing clothes. 
'I have a whole closet, just try my clothes'. 
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When Taehyun is making you comfortable...
... he doesn't interrupt you. When you are speaking, regardless of how loud and enthusiastic or how quiet and hesitant you are when talking, he listens patiently. 
'No, keep talking. I wanna hear', he encourages when you insecurely stop yourself from sharing. 
... he challenges you. If you want to do something, but doubt yourself, he makes it into playful game to lift the pressure off your shoulders, stepping away from the burden of actively existing. 
'One hour? Okay, one hour and then we'll see who manages to write more applications. Winner gets, hmm, one wish. Anything? Yeah? Let's go', he cheers and starts typing right away.
... he coexists with you in silence. Grocery shopping, cleaning, reading, whatever it is, he doesn't force conversations. Eye contact, gentle smiles, pointing at items, that's already such richness of mundanity. 
'They have your ice cream on sale', he informs and watches you hurrying down the isle to grab some packages, happily smiling at him. 
... he directly teaches and explains things. He doesn't leave room for any condescension. If you don't know something or make a mistake and he knows then he just explains. If you want to learn something he already knows how to do, he offers to teach you if you want. 
'I know this choreo. Want me to play dance teacher?', he asks in a laugh, happy at the thought of spending time with you while you explore your interest. 
... he simply assures and compliments you. 
'You're doing great today', he beams when you tick off another point on your to-do-list and later on doodles a little smiley face on the bottom of your paper. 
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When Kai makes you comfortable...
... he takes interest in your interests to genuinely connect with you when you share pieces of your realms of curiosity. 
'Omg, the new episode of your favorite show is online', he informs you in excitement and watches you grabbing your phone to check it yourself. To the question if it would be fine if you watch it now, he just nods and asks if he can join you. 
... he reserves spots for you. In restaurants and cafes he always makes sure you have a place to arrive to when he is there earlier or you are definitely running late. At home he has one plushie that is assigned to you, so it can occupy a chair or one side of the bed, keeping others away from your destined space. 
'Over here', he says loudly when he sees you entering the cafe. He towers over the present people and waves you over to his table, where an empty chair and a cookie or fruit bowl or whatever snack you like, is waiting for you. 
... he laughs with you. He genuinely enjoys your humor and he will not leave you hanging whenever you are telling a joke and make a sassy remark. When you are being clumsy, he laughs it off with you. There is no second of insecure embarrassment when he is around. 
'Yo! I tripped over that exact edge yesterday, too!', he squeals as he holds you by your arm to prevent you from falling and bursts into laughter simultaneously with you when your eyes meet. 
... he lets you be shy. You talk too quietly for people to understand what you're saying? He translates calmly and with a sense of protection over you, his expression telling the listener not to dare making an unnecessary comment regarding your behavior. He lets you hide behind him when you are too shy to face someone or something. 
'Come here', he whispers when he notices your shyness and opens his jacket for you to step closer to him where he can hide you between the fabric and his body, telling people who look confused, that he's freezing a bit.
... he always responds to you. Any question you could possibly ask will get a useful answer and even if it's just him informing over his state of uncertainty regarding a topic or a repeated answer to a repeated question. He doesn't waste time engaging in the reality in the form that  it matters to you.
'Yes, of course I'd love you if you were a worm'; 'My first thought is that I don't mind either, but I feel like I tend to prefer pizza over burger today'; I said it minimum hundred times already, but here is another reminder: You look great and I am going to cuddle you to sleep in every state of your body'. 
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akronus-the-redeemed · 7 months
*You find me standing in the woods, staring off into seemingly nothing.*
- @aelin-the-soft
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cloudfishh · 6 months
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The gays
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fkapple · 6 months
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Emily and Shane on a keg run
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jeena-says-hi · 5 months
Scar and Grian:
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