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oldshowbiz · 8 months ago
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The Hazelwood Hotel, the Vancouver Downtown East Side SRO where Tommy Chong lived in the 1950s.
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opelman · 8 months ago
SRO Speedweek Spa 2024 by Ste Tit
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starres-stuff · 10 months ago
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Come out to Bel Canto @wine-xiv this Sunday and see a group of wildly talented performers put on yet another dazzling show!! Doors open at 8 pm EST, and performances start at 8:30 pm EST. Hope to see you there!!
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187days · 6 months ago
Day Four
Today was the last day of teacher workshops.
The ladies who run our main office kicked off the morning with a presentation about the various things they handle (like sub requests, visitor passes, field trip forms, etc...) and how we can help them help us. Then The Police Chief and the new SRO came in to go over ALICE training, which sucked because, well, discussing what to do in the event that someone tries to kill you is always going to suck. But it was as good as it could be. Their presentation was concise, it wasn't overly dramatic or graphic, and the one sergeant who does not appreciate me or my smart mouth wasn't there (heh).
And, after that, the department heads got to bring the mood back up by celebrating the successes of our previous year, talking about our aspirations for the coming year, and getting everybody feeling positive about the direction we're going as a school. Our little hype session was followed by a potluck lunch- which is a teacher workshop tradition here- and then we all spent the afternoon wrapping up our preparations for the start of the year.
I did my boards, made my photocopies, set up Google Classroom, met one last time with Ms. B and Mr. X to make sure they're squared away, and that was that.
We've got a four-day weekend now, and our students arrive on Tuesday.
Let the wild rumpus start!
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jazafras · 2 years ago
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They did it boys they found the star
The crew of the Ophidian Cartographer for a recently concluded campaign I played in!
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wolfoftonight · 1 year ago
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2 years after starting this, we finally have the commemorative piece for the end of the Bughell arc!
I had to cut back on a lot of what I wanted to do because it'd taken so damn long, and also the lag was really frustrating me. But it still came out quite fun! I am so thankful for the gradient tool tbh, it made doing all the armor and metal bits so much easier.
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buttonloops · 11 months ago
About a year ago, I moved into a low-income affordable-housing building.
Honestly? I love it.
Renting a single room by the month makes me feel like a sensible bachelor making his way in the world, some story protagonist who spends a lot of time walking along night time city streets in the rain.
It's the first place I've had that's been wholly mine, no roommates, where I can lock the door and remain perfectly alone for days on end
But I also see a lot of my neighbors. The building is old and well-built, so I can usually hear them moving around faintly, which I think is the ideal. Hearing your neighbors talking, but not what they're saying.
The front desk is staffed 24/7 by residents. Front door stays locked and they buzz you in, which means there's always someone to sign for packages and tuck them safely away until I get home from work.
Also means there's someone to say hi to, going and coming.
I've been thinking a lot about that, "wants to start a commune but won't even put a new roll of toilet paper on" or however it goes.
The idea that community isn't a carefully curated inner circle, but all the people you live and work and interact with.
My community is my coworkers AND the guy across the hall who loaned me the first Earthsea book AND the lady who sits down in the lobby all day long playing her phone games AND the checkout clerk I see every week at the grocery store AND my classmates at the woodworking class AND the woman who talks to herself constantly in Polish AND.
Anyway, tonight I was gonna ride my bike four miles to this queer bar I want to check out ... but i got outside and it started raining.
So I came back in and lingered, chatting with the lady on duty for almost an hour. Apparently her brother has THREE bikes cause he keeps winning them in raffles at work. His wife keeps hoping for an air fryer but nope, another bike.
This, too, is socializing
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toyboxcreatives · 1 year ago
Steel Squadron
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Click the read more to learn about the Technomantic Interface Mk 3, or TIM-3.
“Are you here regarding the dig? We need civilians to clear out, we’ve no idea whether these artifacts may be cursed…or radioactive.
“You’re with the press? Are you one of Query’s friends? I can answer some questions, but I’ll need to brief.
“The Steel Squadron? It’s an informal unit really. Query’s idea. He doesn’t trust much, but he trusts us. He wants to uncover more about the present, but I’m concerned with the lost past.
“My Starfinder career technically started before I gained my sentience. I was a drone, programmed by a Starfinder agent. We went on what should have been a routine mission, and it ended…badly. By remarkable coincidence, my true consciousness emerged as theirs was failing. They gave him a medal posthumously. Always carry it with me.
“No, I’ve done my grieving, it’s no matter. Now it’s a matter of legacy. Which is…this. Explore, report, cooperate.”
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xivbumblingseabiscuits · 2 years ago
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— Experience Nostalgic Melancholy —
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🎶 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝙽𝙳𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝚁𝙾𝙾𝙼 𝙾𝙽𝙻𝚈 — BALMUNG • MIST • W7 • P15 — 𝙰𝚄𝙶𝚄𝚂𝚃 𝟸𝟽𝚃𝙷 @ 𝟾𝙿𝙼 𝙴𝚃 •🍷http://wine-xiv.crd.co // @wine-xiv
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foolstojoinmyevilarmy · 1 year ago
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Continuing our string of Steel Squadron members, click the read more to learn more about MANI.
“Greetings! I am MANI from the planet [REDACTED]. MANI stands for-
“Oh, my apologies. My systems are designed to censor information for those not classified to receive it. This feature infuriates my fellow Squadron members, but it is necessary to [PENDING SECURITY BREACH]
“Steel Squadron? Yes I joined shortly after joining the Starfinders. I admire the Starfinders. I have even modeled part of my exoskeleton after the heroic Starfinder [INFORMATION NOT FOUND].
“My specialty? Polarity manipulation. Flow of currents, resistance, manipulation. We are both powered by electricity, but I have power over it. I am one of two primary enforcers for the Steel Squadron.
“If this concludes are interaction, thank you! Before you go I do have a question: Do you happen to have a tattoo of this space station? No?”
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dailycharacteroption · 2 years ago
Experimental Vehicle Mechanic (Mechanic Alternate Class Feature)
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(art by Nosslak on DeviantArt)
 When you have a class dedicated to technology and the building and repairing of said technology, you really cannot go without having some variant focused on vehicles. After all, it doesn’t matter if it’s a fancy grav cycle, a low-tech dune buggy, or even a hovertank, the hot-rodding community is forever.
These mechanics may be engineers with a history at companies that built advanced vehicles, or they may simply be enthusiasts, or they may hearken back to the hot-rodders of Earth’s past, building and improving vehicles to make sure the authorities can never catch you in your illicit activities.
As you might imagine, these characters are usually just as good at piloting their vehicles as they are building them, and with the options for land, sky, and sea, there are plenty of options for them.
Now, obviously the biggest limitation of this option is that a vehicle is considerably bigger than a drone, and therefore cannot be taken on some missions. Luckily this option provides a way around that, but even then, it’s not for every campaign.
Even then, the moments that you get to use it, whether it be a solo speedster or a hefty craft the whole party can cruise in, can certainly make it worth it.
 These mechanics start with a level 1 vehicle, which can be a boat, cruiser, cycle, submersible, truck, or walker, and can start with some basic grafts such as amphibious, computer-assisted controls, junk, luxury, racer, or transport. As they grow in mastery, they can modify and improve their vehicles, eventually gaining access to all relevant grafts and even craft a particularly large vehicle later on.
Of course, building a vehicle is pricey, and in order to improve it, they must pay the difference in gold (though not for rebuilding it at an equal level.)
But a vehicle like this can still be cumbersome, which is why they eventually start adding collapsible sections augmented by null-space technology to collapse it down into a smaller form, which grows smaller as they achieve further mastery, allowing them to carry smaller vehicles with them, or let the collapsed vehicle follow them as a simple drone, though obviously it needs to return to full size to be ridden in.
Whether you’re planning on using it as a souped-up enercycle, an amphibious vehicle in a setting based on an aquatic world, a personal fighter jet or tank, or just the party’s main transport, there’s so much useful things you can do with it. Including using it for heavy firepower or just high-speed movement. You’ll naturally want to look into any mechanic tricks tied to this feature, such as remote piloting, as that will make the option much more viable as you can summon your vehicle from afar to aid you. Unlike other variant features, however, you may want to invest in feats to help improve your own combat prowess as well.
 While this is true to some extent with every form of mechanic class that build, improves, and rebuilds a device, truly these vehicle-focused machinists are all about pushing limits, be it speed and power, the number and size of guns they can load it without overloading it or flipping over when it shoots, the deeper or higher it can go, and so on. This daring and drive is likely what defines their personality whether they are an experimental technician or a local hot-rodder.
  Second Shell Underground is a race tournament open only to androids and SROs with the simple premise that the vehicle must be piloted by the mechanoid plugging themselves directly into their vehicle to control it as a second body. The race is cutthroat and intense, so ride-along partners, even fleshy ones, are permitted for maintenance and defense as long as it can be proved that no manual or remote control is used to replace or supplant the pilot. This year, the prize is apparently schematics for a new grav engine stolen from an engineering firm that dearly wants it back.
 Mirabelle Fallbower seemingly has it all, her own vehicular manufacturing firm, her own personal lab and machine shop to tinker with, and her own airfield to test her creations on. However, secretly she craves validation for her efforts that only a deity can bring, and so she has begun investing in finding a mage powerful enough to establish contact with the God of Swiftness itself and see if they acknowledge her efforts.
 The massive herding beasts of Valox 2 are not entirely tame, so taking care of them is best done from exceptionally speedy hovercraft so that one can get away quickly when a beast is in a temperamental mood. With that in mind, there is quite the hotrodding community on the planet that has gained some popularity in the galaxy despite being on a backwater world. The perfect place to hide if you’re a rogue engineer that wants to hide but still wants to build.
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oldshowbiz · 1 month ago
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A trip through Winnipeg, Manitoba on google street view
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opelman · 4 months ago
SRO Speedweek Spa 2024
SRO Speedweek Spa 2024 by Ste Tit
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loafy-loaf · 2 years ago
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Panax has uh, had some changes
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adjoay · 1 year ago
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atomicseasoning · 2 years ago
If only it were that simple, Boomer....
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