#squad graphic novel
lilradridinghood · 1 month
finally got around to posting another BookTube video~
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godzilla-reads · 2 years
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🌕 Awoo!!! 🌕
Werewolf books have my heart right now and I want to read as many as I can get. 🐺
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nerdby · 5 months
It has occurred to me that Harley Quinn could sue the fuck out of Arkham Asylum for placing her in an unsafe working environment and causing irreparable damage to her mental health, and I'm mad as fuck. And like why would you not require the employees there to undergo psych evaluation?! They're working with murderers, rapists, etc -- you think that's not gonna get to them a little bit?! And why would you not do background checks on your employees given the crime rates in Gotham?!
"Oh, you were a bouncer at the Iceberg Lounge owned and operated by Oswald Cobblepot before serving five years at Blackgate Penitentiary? Welcome to the Arkham team!"🥰
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elizabugz · 1 year
I’m going to be in Paris in a week… should I get Darcy’s iconic I ❤️ Paris hoodie? so cheesy but
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talestoenlighten · 1 year
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TALES TO ENLIGHTEN, vol.1 still available! (art by @james_edward_clark ) check out our Etsy store… volumes 1 and 2, various zines and other merch!
https://kingmegatrip.etsy.com "Deep philosophical concepts reduced to idiocy"
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thepointofclicking · 1 month
Angry Squad #2: Viva Las Angry Comic Review
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ask-beta-anders · 10 months
Guys quick
Which one of you hates or despises me ???
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Reluctant Reader Wednesday: Squad by Maggie Tokuda-Hall & Lisa Sterle 
Becca never imagined that she would fit in with popular girls like Marley, Arianna, and Mandy. But when she transfers to a new high school, these girls quickly adopt her into their group, showing her how to act and how to dress so she can be more like them. She’s glad to fit in with these pretty and perfect girls, until one night she discovers their secret. These girls are werewolves, and they feed together once a month, choosing creepy boys who deserve to be punished as their victims.
The girls give Becca a choice -- become one of them and live, or stay human and die. Becca decides that she wants to join them and become a werewolf, but it will be a while before she realizes that this amazing new power just might destroy her life. 
Give this graphic novel to teens and even grownups who love horror and suspense, and stories about LGBT characters, secrets, and girl power!
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Title: Squad
Author: Maggie Tokuda-Hall, Lisa Sterle
Series or standalone: standalone
Publication year: 2021
Genres: fiction, graphic novel, fantasy, LGBT+, horror, comics, paranormal
Blurb: When Becca transfers to a high school in an elite San Francisco suburb, she's worried she's not going to fit in. To her surprise, she's immediately adopted by the most popular girls in school. At first glance, Marley, Arianna, and Mandy are perfect...but at a party under a full moon, Becca learns that they also have a big secret. Becca's new friends are werewolves. Their prey: slimy boys who take advantage of unsuspecting girls. Eager to be accepted, Becca allows her friends to turn her into a werewolf, and finally, for the first time in her life, she feels like she truly belongs...but things get complicated when Arianna's predatory boyfriend is killed, and the cops begin searching for a serial killer. As their pack begins to buckle under the pressure and their moral high ground gets muddier and muddier, Becca realises that she might have feelings for one of her new best friends.
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maddiesbookshelves · 2 years
Squad by Maggie Tokuda-Hall & Lisa Sterle (illustrator) (September 2022)
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When Becca transfers to a high school in an elite San Francisco suburb, she’s worried she’s not going to fit in. To her surprise, she’s immediately adopted by the most popular girls in school. At first glance, Marley, Arianna, and Mandy are perfect. But at a party under a full moon, Becca learns that they also have a big secret. Becca’s new friends are werewolves. Their prey? Slimy boys who take advantage of unsuspecting girls. Eager to be accepted, Becca allows her friends to turn her into a werewolf, and finally, for the first time in her life, she feels like she truly belongs. But things get complicated when Arianna’s predatory boyfriend is killed, and the cops begin searching for a serial killer. As their pack begins to buckle under the pressure—and their moral high ground gets muddier and muddier—Becca realizes that she might have feelings for one of her new best friends.
Would I recommend it to anyone? Already did, hehe. And she shared it with her friends. I feel like I'm playing Plague Inc when this happens.
Level of (dis)satisfaction based on the summary and my expectations? I had seen this graphic novel on tumblr and thought it seemed cool but that's it. Then I had to work on a graphic novel in English for my classes and I thought it was a good time to read it, so I worked on it and I really liked it.
My thoughts on it? The illustrations are really pretty, the colors too, and the plot was pretty cool. I thought the werewolves were used in an original way, and the little lesbian romance was cute. I think it would be bery easy to adapt it into a movie.
I'm not really used to reading graphic novels (I'm more of a manga kind of girl) but it was fun, I really liked it.
French version under the cut
Lorsque Becca arrive dans un lycée d'une banlieue huppée de San Francisco, elle a peur de ne pas s'intégrer. A sa grande surprise, elle est immédiatement adoptée par les filles les plus populaires de l'école. Au premier abord, Marley, Arianna et Mandy sont parfaites. Cependant, lors d'une fête un soir de pleine lune, Becca apprend qu'elles ont un grand secret. Ses nouvelles amies sont des louves-garous. Leurs proies ? Les garçons vicieux qui s'en prennent à des filles innocentes. Désireuse de se faire accepter, Becca autorise ses amies la transformer en louve-garou et, enfin, pour la première fois de sa vie, elle se sent à sa place. Mais les choses se compliquent lorsque le prédateur qui sert de petit-ami à Arianna est tué et que la police commence à chercher un tueur en série. Alors que leur meute commence à craquer sous la pression et que leur sens moral devient de plus en plus confus, Becca réalise qu'elle a peut-être des sentiments pour une de ses nouvelles meilleures amies.
Est-ce que tu le conseillerais à quelqu’un ? Déjà fait, héhé. Et elle l’a partagé avec des amies. J’ai l’impression de jouer à Plague Inc quand ça se passe comme ça.
Niveau de déception/satisfaction par rapport au résumé et tes attentes ? J’avais vu passer ce roman graphique sur Tumblr et je m’étais dit que ça avait l’air cool mais sans plus. Puis j’ai dû bosser sur un roman graphique en anglais pour les cours et je me suis dit que c’était l’occasion de le lire, donc j’ai bossé dessus et j’ai vraiment bien aimé.
Avis sans spoiler ? Les dessins sont jolis, les couleurs aussi, et le scénar est plutôt cool. J’ai trouvé que les loups-garous étaient utilisés de manière originale et la petite romance lesbienne était très cute. Ca serait très facilement adaptable en film je pense.
J’ai pas non plus l’habitude de lire des romans graphiques (en général je suis plutôt manga) mais c’était fun, j’ai beaucoup aimé.
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thebookbin · 2 years
Maggie Tokuda-Hall
Publisher: Greenwillow Books Genre: horror, young adult Year: 2021
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It's spooky season, and we know what that means... time to read some scary shit! The only problem—I've been in a bit of a reading slump and I've got a lot going on right now, so I picked up this copy when it came through the book drop at the library and I had to give it a read.
This is a YA graphic novel, which I would describe as a teen revenge fantasy à la Jennifer's Body. Becca has just moved to a new school and she's desperate to fit in. When she gives a stranger a tampon in the bathroom, she is launched into a whole new life wherein she is initiated into a pack of man-eating werewolves. Except these werewolves are a pack of teenage girls.
The story is a lot darker than I'd expect, and honestly I thought it would be a lot better as an adult graphic novel rather than YA. In order to keep it YA they gloss over a lot of the horror elements, which almost makes it even more horror-y but unintentionally.
Spoiler When the pack alpha upsets the leader of another pack, they kill her and Becca and her girlfriend eat her heart out, literally so they can stop being werewolves. Then Becca and her girlfriend go on a date to homecoming 🤣 End Spoiler
I mean, I did like the themes of female rage, and I definitely appreciated how they only went after sleazy guys, but the fact that they couldn't confront some themes and plot elements because it was YA really took away from it for me.
Overall I think I'm a fan of this sapphic spooky read, I just wish it embraced itself in all its gory glory.
storygraph | bookshop.org | local houston
★★★★½ eat your heart out stars
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readtilyoudie · 2 years
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nerdby · 2 months
"Normal is a setting on the dryer. People like us don't get normal." -Harley Quinn (Suicide Squad, 2016)
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sarcastic-salem · 2 years
Reading a Batman novel — a print novel; not a graphic novel — and it kinda triggered flashbacks about how everyone on here was writing kinky torture porn about Jared Leto’s portrayal of the Joker in 2016. After the first Suicide Squad came out. I mean, Jared’s Joker was hot and he will forever be known as the Hot Joker.
At least in my mind.
But it went quickly went from sexy to disturbing once I remembered they were writing about a psychotic sexual abuser who has zero problems murdering children. And also the torture porn thing……It was fascinating at first and then it was just gross.
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fromthestacks · 2 years
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Squad by Maggie Tokuda-Hall, Lisa Sterle
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