#spying for personal gain by more than one method
hoetao · 3 months
sooo sort of a masterpost of info about Wriothesley.
about his character:
hes basically incorruptible, is said to be "low profile and dependable"
‌mostly just cares about the peace and tranquility of the inmates (he's a protector at heart!!)
treats everyone equally and generally prefers to be "reasonable" rather than use more forceful methods
‌doesn't really like cruelty and violence but if the need comes, he will use it
‌he thinks of himself as "neither a good person or a villain, just another soul still living on in this world"
‌hes basically just interested in every bit of knowledge any person shares and in their unique talents
he says that he himself doesn't have many abilities, but he "knows how to find people who do and get them to work for him"
his past:
‌wanted to be convicted and spilled everything about how he killed his adopted parents (cough cough child traffickers), even though some wanted to treat him with leniency
‌learned to lockpick and create small gadgets as a child
gained Coupons in the arena of the Fortress (while injuring himself considerably)
‌when he got his vision after going to prison he just. hid it between the fabric of his clothes so that no one would know and/or steal it. and then he kinda just hid it some more, for years, until he went to the Palais to receive his title.
‌how he actually became the Administrator:
accumulated a fuckton of Coupons
got everyone's respect by being so rich, "observant, persuasive, humble and reasonable"
got his account emptied in retribution by the former administrator
‌convinced other ppl to protest and challenged the previous administrator to a duel
the former administrator run away from the fight, leaving Wriothesley on the last day of his sentence without anyone to sign his exit papers
‌"so he walked into the office and took over all relevant duties"
about his role as a Fortress Administrator:
‌has a private information network and many connections
‌rejected having a ceremony for his title of the Duke. no spotlight for good old duke.
‌basically his management style just helps the Fortress make money (with one of its main clients being the Palais); he even jokes that his title was basically bought because he's a leading tax contributor
‌after dealing with the Fatui spies he went for a swim. near primordial water. and he didn't say shit after realizing that the prophecy may be coming to pass, he just started preparing his funky ship.
relationships with others:
‌Clorinde actually admits that no one really knows all of the methods he uses to keep the Fortress up and running; it is stated that "very few people know him in his entirety"
he seems to think of Neuvillette as some sort of a. higher power that cannot show concern (BUT HE DOES OH HE DOES)
‌he indeed held out the umbrella for Neuvillette in the rain. the Iudex was polite, but distressed.
‌gifts a lot of tea to Furina.
‌got Neuvillettes trust (i think what he implies is that he got it by his actions, not words?) and the Iudex "fought hard for the title and reputation he now has"
‌when he went to prison Neuvillette told Sigewinne to take care of him and they frequently exchanged letters about his progress (and Wriothesley called her Neuvillettes spy…)
info that i find especially funky:
he's a big softie when it comes to animals and kids
‌may or may not go outside the Fortress incognito to buy snacks sometimes. he's actually too incognito to know really
‌doesnt treat boxing like a hobby, "more like a necessity"
‌melusines put stickers on him and he rarely notices them do so. they are just too good. and besides, it doesn't bother him. they also have bets on who will pit more stickers on him.
‌he would like to have a happy childhood and maybe the ability to trust people (i am BAWLING)
‌might be "a bit taller than Neuvillette"
drinks coffee with milk and tea with two cubes of sugar
‌he thinks Sigewinnes milkshakes taste of desolation
Sigewinne spiked his tea with anaesthetics when he was younger because he always refused them out of fear that they would fog his brain
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Wings of Fire Species Page: IceWings!
I'm planning on making one of these for each tribe, starting with the IceWings! This is based on canon information, but mixed in with my headcanons!
Under the cut, you can find information on IceWings from my AU, Secrets on the Wind!
Known Queens (in order of ruling): 
Queen Diamond: Ruled from 2997-3032 AS. Diamond was queen during Darkstalker’s time and was mother of Prince Arctic and grandmother of Darkstalker. She had a condescending tone of voice and was one of the few IceWing animus dragons known to have used their magic more than once. She was known for her ruthlessness, cunning, and judgemental personality and had a deep hatred for NightWings. She placed a strong emphasis on traditions but was also known for making exceptions for her own gain. After Arctic left the kingdom to live with Foeslayer, she went insane with anger and hatred for the NightWings, blaming them for “manipulating” her son into falling in love with Foeslayer. She valued tradition and blood purity above anything else in the kingdom. She gifted the kingdom with the Gift of Healing, and later, with the Gift of Vengence. 
Queen Narwhal: Was queen during the time of the animus Opal. She inherited the throne before she was ready, causing her to be anxious and paranoid. She ordered Opal to enchant a ring to be used for spying, but Opal instead enchanted the ring to help her become a better queen. After learning the true intention of the ring, Opal's queen locked Opal in the dungeons but released her a few weeks later after having a change of heart.
Queen Snowfox: Ruled from 3032-3047 AS. Snowfox was the niece of Diamond and was the last living heir to the throne at the time of her ascension to power. She took after her mother in her hatred for NightWings and was just as ruthless and cunning. Her hatred only grew after Arctic killed IceWings while escaping and Foeslayer destroyed Snowflake’s wing. She was well known for her plots and manipulation, never hesitating to do whatever she could to make her plans happen. She and Snowflake were partners, working together with cunning cruelty. 
Queen Snowflake: Ruled from 3047-3054 AS. Snowflake, despite her short reign, was a strong queen. She was loyal to a fault but had no qualms about snapping at others to get her way. She had formerly been betrothed to Prince Arctic, but, was more than a little relieved when he left with Foeslayer. Despite his leaving, Snowflake still despised both Arctic and Foeslayer for crippling her wing. She, unlike her partner Snowfox, was good at hiding her anger, often resulting in other queens thinking her the opposite of Snowfox. She was most comfortable around her partner, showing her true colors and darkness when around her. She ruled after Snowfox’s death for only a few years until their daughter, Tundra, could rule. She hid her grief after her partner’s death from the rest of the tribe, but, was slowly going mad from it. She remained as Tundra’s second-in-command until she died in battle. 
Queen Tundra: Ruled from 3054-3102 AS. Tundra was sharp and cold, like both her mothers, but took after Snowflake with her calm facade. She resented NightWings but instead decided to focus on increasing the tribe’s strength, devising new battling methods. She was strategic, noting everything she saw, and was quick to take a grudge. Her daughter challenged her, but she abdicated the throne, just as her mother had. 
Queen Glacier: Ruled from 4989-5012 AS. A decedent of Snowfox and Tundra, Glacier was a huge, majestic, and imposing queen. She was dedicated to her tribe and was largely considered a good queen. She spent much time away from the tribe on diplomatic missions or battle patrols, leaving minimal time for her to train her daughters in ruling. She allied herself and her tribe with Blaze during the War of SandWing Succession but mostly focused on the protection of her tribe. She died in 5012 AS from the IceWing Plague created by Darkstalker.
Queen Snowfall: Ruled from 5012-5042 AS. Snowfall was hand-picked by Glacier on her deathbed and is largely considered scary by those who don’t know her. She is terrified of failing her tribe, feeling overwhelmed and stressed due to her little training from Glacier thanks to the war. She spent time with the Gift of Vision, which didn’t change her prideful, imperious, or irritable nature, but helped her become more empathetic and soothed her fears about other dragons. She is firm in her efforts to protect her tribe with her strength and ferocity, but, has no qualms about changing things for the better. She destroyed the Ranking system and is currently working on taking down the Great Ice Cliff. She is the partner of Lynx, who helps soothe her temper.
Queen Mink: Ruled from 5042-5079 AS. Mink, as the youngest sister of Snowfall, was never expected to be queen and went through a long period of mourning after the death of Glacier. She was a beloved queen, the least prickly of many queens in recent memory. She was well known for her thoughtful and gentle demeanor and her sweet and caring spirit. She was a huge sponsor for the arts, as she herself loved carving and gift-giving, and was the first queen to publicly support the increase of the arts in the tribe, slowly bringing them out of their wartime levels of battle preparedness. 
Queen Aurora: Ruled from 5042-5079 Daughter of Mink and Stormsight
Queen Polaris: Ruled from 5125-5130 Daughter of Snow Owl and Aurora
Queen Howlite: Ruled from 5130-5159 Daughter of Polaris and Harp
Queen Agate: Ruled from 5159-5201 Sister of Howlite
Queen Frostbite: Ruled from 5302-Present. Daughter of Agate and Iceberg
Diet: IceWings are apex predators and their diet shows as much. Seals are the most common prey item, but anything with meat on it is considered an acceptable prey item. The only exception is scavengers, which have been considered protected since the time of Queen Snowfall. Ice cream is a rare, but enjoyed, delicacy among those who can afford to make it. 
Abilities: IceWings have frost breath which can instantly freeze anything it touches and have razor-sharp serrated claws that are much sharper than any other tribe’s. They have sharp eyesight and their scales radiate cold that can even freeze droplets of water to their bodies. They’re strongest in the coldest of temperatures and are at their weakest in the warmest lands, such as the Kingdom of Sand. While common in the past when compared to the other tribes, Animus magic has not been seen in an IceWing since Prince Arctic almost two thousand years ago. 
Society: IceWings have undergone many changes since Queen Snowfall destroyed the Rankings Wall. When segregated by the class and rankings system, of which dragons could rise or fall throughout their lifetimes, those of nobility were often cold and distant from their relatives, as it was considered undignified to show affection. Nobility, guards, and any others who lived in the palace were expected to exhibit perfect behavior as well as pose, as anything less was considered weak. Dragons outside the nobility, while still obsessed with rankings and class, are much less rigid in behavior, with beloved bards and storytellers who memorize stories and songs to share with the village, a position that’s often coveted. All IceWings, regardless of class, are interested in creating and proving their talent to each other, an artifact of the long-held ranking system. Since the dismantling of the ranking system, the expectations of perfection have been reduced, though to most tribes, IceWings are still uptight and harsh. 
Homes: Villages, as well as the Palaces, are built out of ice that is smoothed and shaped by the builder’s claws. There is very little in the ways of fabrics and beddings, with dragons instead making divots and sleeping places in the ice. In the IceWing Palace, there are less ‘hostile’ living arrangements that were made for visitors, though not many can withstand the cold. All residences, from villages to the palaces, are lit by The Gift of Light, with at least one bright orb per structure.
Families: IceWings have small clutches, with 1 egg per clutch being most common, with rare cases of 2 eggs being laid per clutch. Families, compared to other tribes, are harsh, cold, and distant with each other. Despite this appearance, individuals do care deeply about their families and are frequently looking out for each other. Physical affection is only shown in private situations, but even then, is rare to be shown unless the dragon is a partner, and is extremely rare for the rest of the immediate family. Dragonets are treated cooly, with their parents working weakness and vulnerability out of their dragonet to make them stronger. 
Education: Aristocratic hatchlings are given a rigorous education, while any lower-born hatchlings have a more limited one. However, since Queen Snowfall’s time, there has been an effort to improve education outside the aristocrats. 
3006 AS: The IceWing-NightWing War is initiated by Queen Diamond. She blames the NightWings for “taking” their “last” animus dragon, her son, Arctic. 
3012 AS: Diamond captures Foeslayer and creates The Gift of Vengeance 
2956 AS: Penguin, an IceWing Animus, creates the Gift of Diplomacy
4993 AS: Allied with Blaze in the War of SandWing Succession
5012 AS: The IceWing Plague, a deadly enchantment cast by Darkstalker, hits the kingdom, as well as any IceWings across Pyrrha, resulting in the deaths of many, including Queen Glacier
5012 AS: Snowfall destroys The Gift of Defense (the Great Ice Wall) and The Gift of Order (the Rankings Wall)
Known Animus Gifts: 
The Gift of Compromise: a scepter, carved from dark blue rock and set with little diamonds. Its purpose is unknown
The Gift of Defense: Also known as The Great Ice Cliff, it’s a wall on the border of the Ice Kingdom that shoots icicle spears at anyone who is not an IceWing, though hybrids with IceWings can cross. It was destroyed by Queen Snowfall in 5012 AS
The Gift of Diplomacy: Three bracelets that allow the wearer to safely cross the Great Ice Cliff regardless of their tribe and keep the wearer warm. It also encompassed the creation of a heated dome near the SandWing border, so the wearer doesn’t need to wear the bracelet. It was created by Penguin
The Gift of Elegance: An enchantment on the IceWing palace that makes the inner walls mimic the weather outside
The Gift of Healing: A set of narwhal horns that were enchanted to cure any IceWings of frostbreath wounds. Created by Queen Diamond
The Gift of Light: Also known as The Moon Globe Tree, The Gift of Light is a  tree made of ice that was enchanted and hand-carved by Frostbite. The tree grows moon globes which, once picked from the branches, hover over the shoulder of the dragon who picked them and cast a soft glow. They also have different brightness settings that can be changed by rotating the globe. A cutting was gifted to Queen Glory of the RainWings where it grew in the Rainforest Kingdom
The Gift of Order: A wall in the IceWing Palace that showed every aristocrat's name and ranking. These rankings could be slid around like beads on an abacus, with dead IceWing names being scratched out. Each rank had circles that split the adults from the dragonets. Each night, the current queen had to reorder the gift, though this practice was ended when Queen Snowfall destroyed the gift. A piece was given to the Jade Mountain Academy for future study.
The Gift of Splendor: The main IceWing palace, enchanted by animus twins to grow from the ground and never be cracked, melted, or harmed in any way from the outside.
The Gift of Stealth: A pair of silver wristbands set with diamonds that can make dragons invisible, though they must turn visible again before making more dragons invisible. Any dragons in the invisibility group are invisible to each other as well and can only hear each other The Gift of Strength: A delicate and elegant tiara, that is smaller than the IceWing crown, but gives immense strength to the wearer. It was worn by Snowfall when she destroyed The Gift of Order and The Gift of Defense. 
The Gift of Subsistence: Three ice holes on the outskirts of the Ice Kingdom where if a dragon sticks their claws into it, they will always catch a seal. It was created by Caribou
The Gift of Understanding: Only part of this gift is available in the Forbidden Treasury, a piece of unwearable silver with an unknown use
The Gift of Vengeance: Also known as The Diamond Caves, the Gift of Vengeance was a gift created with the sole purpose of killing Foeslayer again and again. It was enchanted so that anyone who touched Foeslayer with a diamond-tipped spear could kill her, a factor that was later used in Diamond Trials. It was effectively destroyed after Winter freed Foeslayer, who then changed her name to Hope. It was created by Queen Diamond
The Gift of Vision: An animus-touched silver ring with a large opal in the center that is enchanted to only appear for queens who are not ready to rule or who need to be taught a lesson for open-mindedness. The ring can not be removed until the needed lesson is learned and allows for the wearer to see the lives of other dragons when the wearer sleeps. It was created by Opal Connections: IceWings are on good terms with most tribes, but are especially close with SandWings. There is still residual distrust of NightWings, despite the prevalence of NightWing blood in the royal line
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bababaka · 1 year
Clexa x reader headcannons
Part 1
English is not my first language, so if you catch a grammar mistake or have any tips to help me improve, just send me a message.
This was meant to be a fic i was writing but i'm lazy and wouldn't finish it. This is best second thing. I wrote this cause i wanted to read it. Write the fic you wanna see in the world.
If ends up being too OOC i apologize. Its been years since i watched the 100 and i was too eager to write and post this to do any research of the plot and Lexa and Clarke personalities.
That's it. Hope you enjoy.
Warnings: violence, mention of child abuse and death. 
- You are an assassin.
- Some would call your methods cowards ones, but they couldn't deny they were efficient.
- You were from Azgeda.
- A fierce assassin. Trained since you could remember.
- The first things you could remember was your trainer hitting and toughing you up. Molding you.
- The twin knives you had were what gave you comfort.
- The lifeless gaze of your victims was what gave you purpose.
- You were a puppet of Queen Nia. With no mind of your own. Not really. What she said was what you believed.
- So when she said "the Heda is weak. She must be dethroned". You didn't bat an eye. You sneered at the thought of Heda.
- When they kidnapped Costia. You were there. You didn't get to torture her. But you watched.
- Costia never said a thing. Screamed. Begged. Yes. But never said anything about Heda.
- You felt disgust, disdain. She was pathetic.
- You had been through this many times. As a part of your training. You wonder why she couldn't hold herself. You did this when you were a child. She is a woman, in her 17 years old. She was just a disgrace to her lover.
- But, somewhere deep and hidden within you felt respect. She was loyal. You could see in her eyes. She knew something and yet she never told. You could admire that despite her making such a mess.
- She just was caught in a dangerous game.
- Ronan was your bestfriend. He was your greatest rival and greastest ally.
- He gained your respect when he bested you.
- And gained your friendship when he protected you from a punishment.
- He was the one to gift you your twin knives.
- He was soft. You knew that. But he still did what needed to be done.
- Until he didn't. He tried to free Costia, to run away with her.
- He didn't suceed. He was exiled. She was killed.
- You were on a mission when that happened. They sent Costia's head to Lexa then.
- Once you came back and learned of Ronan's betrayal, you were livid. disapointed. Alone.
- He was just too soft. Not fitting for the prince of the great Azgeda.
- The Queen Nia told to send for you. She had another mission for you.
- Heda forgave Ice Nation, therefore there was no war. So, she came up with another plan, perfect for your skillset. An assassin and spy.
- You were to serve Lexa, gather information, and when the time was right, assassinate the Heda.
- So along with other gifts, you were "given" to Heda as an "apology".
- Gustus and Indra didn't like you, they distrusted you.
- Titus was indiferent.
- Lexa hated your guts. Because of what you represented. Costia's murder.
- It takes a long time for you to get Lexa to even look at you. Let alone speak to you.
- When Queen Nia gets insastified with the lack of progression, you come up with a plan to get Lexa to see you as more than your nation.
- You plan something like Gustus did.
- A meeting of the clans is about to happen. But before that, there is a feast. And that's when your plan come to fruition.
- You poison Heda. "Save" her. Blame one of your companions. They take the fall without a complaint.
- When they look at you, awaiting for Lexa's final blow. They see the words forming in your mouth "Glory to Ice Nation".
- Lexa begins to trust you. And bit by bit, you two start to form a relationship.
- And slowly worm your way into Lexa's heart. And secrets.
Relationship with Lexa
- Angst :)
- Enemies to friends to enemies to lovers
- Lexa hated you and you hated her.
- To you, she wasn't deserving of being the commander.
- She was no Heda. Not your Heda.
- To her, you were a reminder of what was done to Costia. Her suffering, her murder, her severed head in a box.
- She may have allowed Azgeda to enter the coalition, but she didn't forget what they'd done. And she didn't forgive them. She couldn't.
- Before your plan, she wouldn't look at you. After it, she looked and talked to you, but distant, cold.
- But, oh well, it was something. And you tried to take advantage of that.
- You tried to talk. To aproach the Costia subject. To apologize.
- She almost cut your tongue right off.
- You don't try that again.
- None of your tricks to get her trust and sympathy were sucessful.
- What worked was something you didn't plan.
- Your interactions with the young natblida. Especially with Adrien.
- You liked children. Being among them. Playing and laughing as if everything was alright and nothing mattered more than having fun.
- You didn't have a happy childhood. It was robbed from you. And some part of you yearned for that.
- Kids reminded you that life could be good. If only you let yourself believe.
- Until one mission went wrong. You had to kill a mother and her child. Now, you couldn't bear to look at kids. The guilt consuming you.
- But, in Lexa's castle(?) you sometimes had to interact with them. To care for them.
- And, with time, you warmed up to them.
- You watched them train, and tried to give some pointers but not too much to reveal you were a very capable fighter.
- You started talking with them. At first very formal and to the point, but as time went on and they started to annoy and try to lure you into conversations, you somehow became a part of their group.
- Pranks, fights, and some missdeeds. All of that far from Titus of course. And near you.
- And sometimes, there were times in which you caught tears streaming down your face. Your heart squeezing. In those times, you always leave early.
- Lexa found you there. Playing fight with the natblidas.
- You built a bond with them.
- And when she saw you with Adrien, laughing so carefree, enjoying the ausent adults, she thought that perphaps, you were not that bad of a person.
- And that way, finally, your attempts at talking with Lexa were met with answers.
- At the begining, the thing you talked the most was the natblidas.
- That was how you found out how Lexa was protective and wanted to change things for the next generation. To be better. For them.
- And, slowly, little by little, your view of Lexa began to change.
- She was smart. Driven. Fierce. Strong. Determined to do whatever it takes to protect her people.
- Lexa was a stoic person. Not one to laugh easily or to joke and play around.
- There were few moments you saw her smile. Most of them were around Adrien.
- And you loved when she had a smirk in her lips.
- You start hunting together. And you had to downplay your real abilities.
- Still, there were times you tried to impress Lexa. And you did. She just didn't make a big deal out of it.
- Then, like a fire or a star falling from the sky, a new threat apperead. The skaikru.
- And you realized Lexa trusted you when she asked your opinion of them.
- She also took you with her. To meet those people who fell from the ceilling.
- You sure were an oddity. Normally helpers weren't brought along. Considered an annoyance, you received a few ugly looks, but you weren't bothered by it, you were used to a lot worse.
- Despite being busy trying to deal the best way with the skaikru, you tried to spend time with Lexa.
- Help her. Sooth. Plan. Train. Prepare. Talk.
- One night, she talks about Costia.
- She was so bare. Vulnerable. So genuinely sad. Your heart broke for her.
- And the guilt came like a snow storm you didn't prepare for. It buried you alive.
- And when she slept and you looked at her, you knew at that moment. You couldn't bring yourself to kill her. To pierce a knive in her heart.
- She did it to yours first.
- Queen Nia found a way to contact you. Eager for information on the skaikru.
- But once she learns Heda intends on forming an aliance to rescue the people locked in the mountain, she sets her plan in motion.
- This happens shortly after Gustus death
- You tried to stop it, but it was too late.
- The army was ready and coming towards you.
- You talk to Queen Nia, subtly trying to convince her to at least delay her attack. But to no avail. It was happening.
- You didn't want to. But as Nia looked into your eyes with ones hard as ice, unmelting and unrelenting as the cold, you were reminded of your duty. Of your purpose. Lifeless gaze. But, for some reason, imaging it on Lexa's green eyes sickened you.
- The attack started and you awaited in Lexa's tent. Full gear. Your knives in your hands. And your heart on the ground. Shredded to pieces for what you'd have to do.
- Lexa enters in a haste. An enemy army was attacking. Azgeda.
- Not only preparing to fight, but to make sense of what was happening. To make a plan.
- When she sees you.
- And her expression of despair. Of urgence. Of worry falls as soon as she realizes the blades in your hands. The light armour on your body.
- Her expressions hardens then. As her heart breaks as she comes to an understanding.
- You don't talk. Nothing you could say would be able to remend the situation. Or your heart.
- As you lunge for her, she dives for her sword, in the far corner in the room. And as soon as she gets it, you know you're in disadvantage
- Lexa was an acomplished warrior. You were an assassin. You were quick, silent, deadly. She was strong, resistent, powerful. And deadly.
- Either way, you held your ground. As did she. Though you didn't really think you could overpower her.
- Until she slipped. And you took advantage of it. You disarmed her and pinned her to the ground. A knive to her neck.
- If she wanted, she could throw you over. Switch positions.
- If you wanted to, you could slit her throat.
- Yet, you both stood still. Panting. Waiting for the other to make a move.
- You heard footsteps.
- Whatever was your decision. You needed to do it now.
- You tensed. Gritted your teeth, trying to steel your resolve, still your trembling hands. But it all came tumbling down when you locked eyes with that emerald green.
- And you were reminded of that little smirk on the seldom times she'd make a joke.
- Of the strong and beautiful woman, that wanted to do good. That thought of Adrien as a little brother, but would tell no one. That would bring down anything and anyone that disturbed the peace and threathened her people.
- A great leader. The Heda.
- Your Heda.
- You couldn't kill her.
- So you fleed. Got up and before Lexa could say or do anything, you ran.
"What about Clarke???"
Worry not, she's a lot more on the part 2 :)
Part 2
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amaryllis-sagitta · 4 months
Embracing Dirthamen’s Gift of Prophecy: DA Dreadwolf Lenormand Grand Tableau (2/ ?)
In this part, I focus on the traditional gendered signifiers in Lenormand, which in this specific reading look suspiciously like antagonists.
Major Figure 1: Snake-Woman
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The first row of the spread kicks off with the Woman in 1st and a Snake in 2nd – a femme figure with major importance to the plot. They are portrayed as charismatic, layered, possibly deceitful or covert in their actions – likely a spy. They will bring about a temporary scheme or a contrivance that turns out to be more trivial than it seemed in the beginning. Shocking and groundbreaking revelations of some private or confidential information will be made to the party (Scythe in 3rd, Key in 4th). It might as well be that the entire mission is a setup to get the party to the Woman, so that they can sway the protagonist to their side.
Moving a little further to the cards that surround the Scythe, it seems that the Woman’s agenda, known to be very rigid, is now upset about their progress being too slow, or they worry about being unable to adapt to an inevitable deep change (Moon-Tree-Stork). This is why the Woman is determined to take radical steps – perhaps even go for a kill to resolve what they consider a serious security issue (Snake-Scythe-Key). Looking at the Snake-Moon pair in between the Woman and the Scythe, we are warned that this person manipulates and deceives for a living, since the Moon in Lenormand represents career, long-term goals, purpose and achievement-based reputation. This person’s greater goal, motivation and calling is more complicated than meets the eye. Their interactions with the protagonist might involve layers of deceit, riddles, and tests of mettle.
They might promise to redeem the protagonist from their threat of punishment. The protagonist will receive a promise of relief from some worries and a chance to start again. The party making the offer is depicted as strong and grounded, and the promised fortune would be long-lasting (Clover in 5th + Child in 6th). But as it turns out, this vision or promise of a reward is not what it seems (Stars in 7th). The protagonist’s lack of experience, their naivety or agreeableness lead them to be deceived or manipulated. The contract – quite possibly to assassinate someone – that is sealed from that place of misinformation, might turn into the greatest problem the party will have to eventually deal with (Ring in 8th, chained with Mountain in 25th).
Now let’s take a look at the column where the card lies. When paired with the Coffin in 9th, the Woman figure will request the party to end something permanently, or to proverbially bring some skeletons out of the closet. The thing in concern is presumed to be overdue, rotten, or it’s literally contained and buried deep underground. Within the Dragon Age context, it would have something to do either with the Blight and the remaining Archdemons, or with ancient elvhen ruins, like the ones explored in Genitivi Dies in The End and The Missing. With the Clouds in 17th following, the party might hope to gain some clarity and respite from trouble from completing this assignment, but some information in the context is being concealed or repressed. The hidden or withheld part is possibly how persistent and difficult to remove the problem is (Mountain in 25th).
A straight diagonal line from the Woman card leads through the Moon in 10th, Dog in 19th, Bouquet in 28th, and the Book in 35th. This figure has a reputation of someone dangerous, radical in their methods, someone who can attack swiftly and cut where it hurts most. In this position, the Moon card gives a major warning that cooperation with that figure, linking one’s purpose to them, might put the party in a deadly danger.
With the Moon and the Dog in 19th, they are perceived as fiercely loyal to their friends – yet, with the Dog being in the House of the Tower, there’s an extra warning message that they might actually try to isolate the party or lead them astray from their true goal. The Tower as a house meaning also hints that this person occupies a high position within some rigid, highly organized structure. This profile reminds me of Rasaan, who has appeared in comic books and Tevinter Nights – the second person after the Ariqun within the Ben-Hassrath, who searches Northern Thedas for traces of Solas’s ancestry and his “true name” in hopes that these can reveal his greatest weakness to the Qunari.
The Woman figure will eventually offer previously unknown, reliable information that is central to the Man (Bouquet in 28th + Book in 35th) and has vital importance to the entire story and the future in general (since the Book is one of the cards in the shorter Line of Fate, which is said to have predictive significance)..
Now, for a final look at some hidden motives in the cards knighting the Woman. With the Tree in 11th and Garden in 18th, the figure is shown as strongly dependent on their network, public connections and a certain role or front they have assumed. Our attention is brought to the well-being of an ancestry, a society or a widespread network. With the Tree in the House of the Whip, the well-being of the structure in concern relies on a high level of discipline, but it might as well be cyclically put into question due to tensions and conflicts. If my interpretation is correct, it would confirm the repeated rumours of inner strife within the Qun.
Major Figure 2: Book-Man
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The Man card lies in the same row as the Birds that represent the protagonist, so there’s a subplot directly connecting them that I already covered in the 1st part of the reading. In the column starting from the Man card, we have Garden in 18th through Moon in 10th and Snake in 2nd. It appears that the Man, too, relies on their network and a certain public facade. They, too, have a reputation of someone dangerous and radical. They appear to be operating openly and purposefully towards certain results (Garden + Moon), but something about that impression isn’t entirely transparent. The Man’s motivations and concerns are covered by the same cards that clarify the Woman’s place in the reading (Moon + Snake).
Interestingly, the Man’s “portrait” (made of up to 8 surrounding cards) is more complete than the one of Woman’s. On the left, representing the past influence over them, we have Clouds in 17th and Mountain in 25th. It seems that the Man had recently come out of some stalemate and changed their mind about some problems of his being irremovable. A more intuitive approach to the Clouds in the House of the Stork might represent a literal transformation in the clouds or in the sky – which makes me believe the Man card represents Solas.
In their present situation, they are building a network and gathering allies; albeit, since the Man is in the house of the Book, they would remain concealed and indirect. In the nearest future, it seems that the Man’s old ally or friend, who has been skeptical towards him or has gone their separate way, arrives with an epiphany that heralds The Man’s success, or at least fills him with confidence (Dog-Rider-Sun).
A diagonal line from the Man goes through the Dog in 19th, Stork in 12th, Clover in 5th. They might pose as an ally to some organizations. But another meaning is the one we’ve already seen in relation to the Woman, since both characters’ diagonal lines meet at this exact card. It seems that both the antagonists will try to separate the party from other allies and the true objective, and pit the protagonist against the other side. The symmetry between their respective columns makes it look like they’re jousting, charging to confront each other halfway. Interestingly, these are the two columns starting the spread, and almost everything else happens outside them, as if both these parties had tunnel vision on their rivalry!
The Man will offer an alliance to bring forth a new beginning colored with spiritual profundity – a long-term, fortunate change of circumstances that they consider to be a necessary condition for thriving and well-being (Clover in 5th). They might receive reluctant help from an agent who's skeptical or cold towards the idea. The change will feel upsetting, chaotic, ill-considered, or carried out impulsively (Dog in 19th + Stork in 12th).
The Man is knighted by Tree in 11th, Anchor in 20th, and Letter in 34th. Interestingly, the Man and the Woman figures share the knighted Tree in 11th, as if the information in that particular area was the crux of their tug-of-war. The Man likely aims to make something in this regard widespread public knowledge, and the Woman might be counteracting to keep it hidden at all costs.
The pairing between the Letter in 34th and the Sun in 33rd makes it look like there is an abundance of absolutely priceless lore to be revealed, that ultimately validates the Man and figuratively shines the light even on things they might have been unaware of (looking at the Clouds-Man-Sun diagonal surrounding them). These are the cards in the Line of Fate, leading up to Bear in the House of the Cross – could this be a confirmation that this arc culminates in a revelation of Mythal as the ultimate antagonist?
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Research Purposes
Summary: Cub has been working with HEP for a while now. Trying to help find what this Spore Infestation actually is. As Head of the department, it’s his job to ensure everything is in order and record his findings. Working mostly with those infected in the hopes of finding a cure and how best to combat it. Yet, the more he finds, the more he wonders if ‘in the name of science’ means the death of those he cares about.
Warnings: Body Horror, Mind Control, Unethical Practices, Mentions of Assault.
Notes: Takes place in @all54321 universe of Father Spore Spy AU. Asked them if I could write this and got the okay :D
“Recording 10,” Cub spoke as the recorder whirled on in the background. “Given that computers were wiped last time I’ve decided to use an old school method again to keeping records. Best solution I have up until now.” 
Placing down his clip board Cub hummed, “Studies today will mostly consist of blood samples taken from the Infected. Infected individuals don’t seem to require food as a normal human, but do need at least small amounts of shaded sunlight and water. Indicating my theory might be correct, and all Infected are more plant like than before.”
Scribbling down something Cub looked at the board of post-it notes and pinned up papers. “HEP has been asking for more results as of lately, which has required me to take up more of a personal approach. Lucky enough, most ways to ensure not to be infected is through non-skin to skin contact. Very few Infected beings release a cloud of spores, and at best it’s minimum exposure.” 
He huffed looking back at the clip board again. Today he was to work with 3 individuals of different types. “each infected individual seems to embody at least a form of Fungal Types. The most common seem to be Molds, Mushrooms, and Mildews.” a tap of the pen, “however we have started to seem forms of Smuts as well, which are proving to be resistant to frosts and colds.”
“Today I’m working with 3 people to gain what samples I can from the without harm. Two female and one male, all of the Mushroom category. Low level infection rate, only through skin to skin contact. But they have been more than cooperative with me more than others. I do not think I’ll need more than gloves and a lab coat.”
Walking back over tot he recorder Cub looked at it, “I plan to record findings once I get the samples I need. Today is mostly finding out what makes these beings what they are, as though sentient, they are far for human. End of Recording.” he click the tape off again. 
Shaking his head, Cub gather up the things he needed and headed out to the containment area outside in ‘greenhouse’ looking things. The lab itself was much more fortified than the last one that was taken over my Father Spore with the help of Grian. That left a icky feeling, Cub has been susceptive of Grian for some time to be infected, having worked around them as often as he did he noticed the subtle signs, but had opted to think it was nothing. A regret and mistake he’ll have to live with he supposed.
Cub looked at the paper again, three beings who had all been infected early and been captured before they could be fully turned. Now fully changed into ‘Sporelings’ they were connected to what was known as the ‘Hivemind’. From his guesses, it was a connection of which all the Infected being shared. Much like actual shrooms, fascinating. 
Lily McLaren, she was the youngest at only age 16, and had a thin frame. Hers was a mushroom known as the Blue Ink Cap. Parents wanted nothing to do with her now that she was infected unless it was a cure, and had signed over rights to her to the facility. Cub hated to read that, made his stomach curl in knots.
Amber Davis, she was a college student, age 24, and had been studying to be a mechanic. Bigger set woman, who had hurt the last scientist who tried to cut off a part of her skin (fired), whose shrooms were that of the Moral and Fake Moral. One edible, one very poisonous. She had the most strangest changes to her skin and mouth. Cub was hoping to get skin samples from her. 
And finally Mark Clair, his were the most deadly, the Destroying Angel, large white shrooms that were very much not edible. He was also a thin twig boy, big into philosophy and had a retail job before this. Age was 25, and had weird morphs along his hands and eyes. 
Cub decided to try with Mark first, given he was the closet one and said to be the calmest of the three. Preferring to talk your ear off over doing anything. Most found him very annoying, and dislike the large death white shrooms on his shoulders and back.  Opening the area with his keycard, Cub clicked in his time he went in. Safety precautions, to limit exposure and see how long each person was in and out for. The rooms were basic enough, a bed, desk, and place to use the bathroom. Mayor Mumbo wanted at least to make the infected not feel like prisoners. Books on Philosophy were open on the desk and some notes taken here and there. 
Turning to look over, Cub met the dark brown eyes of the infected, the brown glowed in a pool of blackness, bioluminescent almost. Mark smiled brightly, messy, curly brown hair pulled back into a small pony tail. “Hello Cub!” he said cheerfully with a grin. “Wondered when you’d be back, the last guy was not much of a talker at all.” the infected boy said.
Cub gave a pleasant smile, research did find that infect beings liked to be talked to and treated as human beings. “suppose not everyone is looking to ask themselves about the ten second theory.”
Mark cackled laughter at that, rocking where he sat, “that last guy near had a meltdown when I explained it to him.” he grinned widely. Eyes peering at the scientist setting down the bag, “So what we doing today?”
“Just some blood samples again, and hoping to take clipped tables of your shrooms that are falling off.” Cub only ever took the ones on infected beings that were ‘over mature’.  Mark and other infected explained when a shroom reached it’s full maturity it became uncomfortable on their skin. And had to be ‘picked’. To allow new ones to grow. 
Beaming widely Mark let his feet dangle over the edge of the bed, “Sure thing, a few on my back are rather itchy and trying to pull off, but I can’t reach them.” he said holding out his arm for Cub to stick the needle in.  The infected watched Cub work, disinfecting the arms area and carefully taking out the purple blood from him. A week ago Mark’s was a deep red color, and now the infection had fully taken root. 
Sliding out the needle, Cub watched the wound heal rather quickly and not even let out a drop of the purple blood. Another thing they found, Infected Ones were able to heal at a rather fast rate, though still could feel pain. 
“Come close to finding anything?” Mark asked him, the glowing eyes looking at him as he messed with the frills on the tips of his fingers. Mushrooms had gills normally on the bottom of their caps. Mark has some on his fingers and under his chin. Sometimes, when startled, he let out a cloud of spores from his fingers and neck. 
Cub shook his head, “Not much that we don’t already know, you’re siblings have been quiet stubborn about info.” he comments on the off hand.
Mark snickers a bit, “Father Spore and Mother Spore don’t really like snitches.” he said cheerfully, almost in a sing song tone. 
Scar and Grian... Grian they found out much later was Mother Spore. At least Cub won the bet of Scar having ‘asked Grian out’. Even if the circumstances was strange and no one thought it funny... Mumbo at least gave him the 20 bucks he owed. 
“Snitches get stiches.” Cub muttered, remembering Scar used that phrase alot.
“exactly!” Mark chirped, “At least you get it unlike the others.”
Oh he sure did, Scar would often say that to him when teasing him with something he knew and Cub didn’t. It was a game of sorts between the two of them, on who could find out the others ‘secret’. Which was why when a Infected said that to him in the same tone Scar used, it made Cub wondered for a moment if Scar was... well if Scar was playing a ‘game’ with him. 
Far fetched really, Scar was known now as Father Spore. And though findings suggested that willing transformation meant you weren’t mindless. That didn’t mean that the guy that was once Cub’s friend was the ‘Father Spore’ they knew now. 
Shaking off the thought, Cub took out the 3 shrooms that were loose on Mark’s back. Being sure to be careful when touching these deadly shrooms with gloves. And so not to tug or yank on any that weren’t ready to be ‘picked’.  Mark however hummed happily when they were taken off, possibly happy the ‘itch’ was gone on his back. “Hope you do find what you’re looking for Cub.” the guy told him happily.
The smile felt real and genuine from the creature, as Cub bid his goodbye and left Mark’s room. He was in for 18 minuets, no spores were released and Mark was mostly calm. Putting everything in a bag and sending it to the labs for later. 
Next area was Amber’s, aggressive to any who came at her too fast and once force fed one of her shrooms to her attacker. Mans was still in the hospital as the effects of the shrooms growing on people were ten times stronger. Lucky to be alive that idiot was, and he was fired for his actions. 
Cub opened the door, and walked in, “Amber? it’s Dr. Cub.” he said announcing he was there in the dim room. Amber was watching a video on a DVD player of How Thing Work, and looked over at him. 
“Hello Cub.” she said in a calm tone, though she was eyeing him warily and his bag.
Setting it down Cub smiled, “Just here for some skin samples and saliva, nothing painful I promise.” he reassured her getting the things out carefully for her to see. 
He did watch her shoulders relax and she took a moment before nodding. “Alright, but... don’t tug on anything.” Amber near growled, her red hair almost seemed to glow with her anger. Dark green eyes glowing also as she watcher him come over to her at a steady pace, making sure she could see everything he had. 
Cub smiled at her, “The skin sample might hurt a bit, but I promise you’ll be fine.” he reassured her, exposure to her was to be limited. When angry she could let out a spore cloud to confuse people.  Her skin was like that of the fake moral, having reddish patches and winkles and divots in her skin. her tongue was also a deep purple color with gills inside her mouth to expel spores through saliva. 
“Open up.” Cub said holding up the cotton swab, she did so letting him taking some from under her tongue and cheeks. Making a face after as she moved her tongue around not liking the dry feeling.
He got the tool ready needed, “ready?” he asked her as she nodded gripping the chair as he took a sample needed. Normally after stiches were needed, but she healed also at a fast rate as the hole closed.
Amber made a face, “I hate that.” she muttered, “I hate the pain of this.” she rubs the area where he took the top later of skin off.
“I’m sorry Amber,” Cub told her softly, with a sympathetic tone. He knew these tests and people coming for more could get tedious. Some weren’t as kind as him about it.
Shaking her head, Amber sighed, “You’re kinder to me than others Cub, Father Spore says you’re one of the rare few to be nice to us.” she admits thumbing her arm lightly with a frown. 
That caught Cub’s attention, “He does?” he asked her confused, Amber only nodded saying nothing more. No use in trying, once they clamed up they wouldn’t talk for anything. Apparently Father Spore wouldn’t let them talk. 
Sighing, Cub smiled again, “Well that’s all, I’ll leave you to it Amber.” he said, finding Infected beings liked to be called by their names still.
This did etch a smile from her as she watched him go before going back to her movie. Amber wasn’t a bad person, she, like others, was just scared. For good reason, Cub had been finding out and reprimanding those who had been doing more... unethical practices. These beings were still capable of feeling pain adn emotions, and treating them like mindless beasts was a sure way to end up near dead. Which a few had been.
Sometimes, Father Spore would take control of their bodies directly. Something that only recently found out. When Lily, his newest charge, had lashed out at a man who tried to see if she could still experience uh... certain desires. Her eyes had turned a green color, and Father Spore had used her body to rip the man apart. 
He didn’t survive long, not that Cub cared for the scumbag. Lily since then had been jumpy and didn’t trust any male workers besides him. Only female staff could really get her to open up. She was the one who Father Spore talked with the most when people were in the room.  Lily said he comforted her when they were there. He was fatherly to her, or so she says, and is much nicer than her actual dad. 
Cub clocked into the room and walked in to see Lily on the bed, she had already been told he’d be coming. She was playing a game it seemed on a DS that was from her house.  Lily looked over at the door and tensed for a moment, before slowly relaxing. “Hi...” she said shyly, eyes looking far away for a moment before she untensed again. “Cub right?” she asked in a timid tone.
“Yeah,’ Cub said casually with a kind smile, “Just a check up today, you told the last female worker that some of your shrooms were ready to be picked?” he asked her.
A nod as Lily looked upset, “She didn’t trust me enough to do it herself... and well... said she’d get you to do so but...” she messed with her long black hair running her clawed fingers through it.
Cub nodded, “I know, I promise, I won’t touch you anywhere that isn’t your shrooms.” he promised her, which did seem to help reassure her. 
Lily’s blue eyes looked at him and she nodded slowly allowing him closer. “Father says you’re a kind man, and knows you won’t hurt me but... it’s still scary.” she admits looking at her hands. “Understandable that it is, what you went through isn’t okay.” Cub said firmly, and he stood by that. Happy the bastard that made her like this was dead.
A small smile was seen, “He said you’d say that, Father talks about you open to me.” Lily said allowing him to get off the larger blue shrooms that were already starting to wilt. Those had to be very uncomfortable on her skin, from what was explained it’s like something biting you over and over and you can’t scratch it.  Lily had gotten the ones on front but had a hard time with the ones on her back side.
“Does he?’ Cub asked curiously as he was careful and slow making sure not to startle or scare her.
“Uh-huh.” Lily said messing with her nails, “He likes to tell me stories about you two and the things you did. His favorite is when you tried to cook for them both.”
Cub snorted laughter at that, he remembered that one, nearly burnt down Scar’s kitchen, and Jellie ate the good bacon. Jellie had been staying with him since Scar vanished, and missed him dearly. Sitting by the window and seemed ot be waiting for him. 
Laughing lightly Cub shook his head, “It wasn’t that bad,” he commented to her, “Just some smoke was all.” he said finished up the last of the dead shrooms.
“Not that bad?” Cub froze at the voice overlaying Lily’s own. “Cubby it was bad, you burnt and ruined my good pan.” Scar said with a look at him, the blue eyes on the girl now a deep green. The smile on her face was Scar’s own, was Father Spore.
Shifting a bit, Cub schooled his shock, “Father Spore.” he said shortly. Remaining calm, Lily often could be controlled by Father Spore since that time. He didn’t do it though to talk with people before, mostly to protect her from other people. 
“Oh come on now Cub, it’s just an old friend.” Father Spore said with a bright smile, the green eyes gleaming. “No need to be formal with me friend, just wanted to talk to you.”
Making a face Cub walked away, “I’m not here to listen to you try and convince me to join you.” his tone was clipped and to the point.
A huffing whine followed that statement, “Cub, why do you keep insisting to not join?” Father Spore asked him, “My Sporeling adore you, you’re like a favorite uncle to them. They love to chat about you, and want you to join so you can be their uncle.” 
A cold chill at the words, the idea of turning could be scary of a thought. But Cub held back the urge to shiver, “I’m just not interested in becoming a shroom.” he told Father Spore.
“Well, not everyone becomes a shroom, you know that.” his voice teased lightly, “it’s not so bad, makes me wonder what mutation you’ll show!” excitement that was so much like Scar made Cub’s heart hurt.  Father Spore continued, “Grian misses you, he misses Mumbo as well, all his friends. Just wants you guys to know how much he cares.”
A glare at that, “Cares? Scar you killed people in the lab that didn’t want to be turned. They are now mindless as it wasn’t willing and...” he was afraid he’d end up like that. Theory it was, there was still a chance he could lose himself. Dread pooling in his stomach.
The green eyes soften, “Oh Cubby, you’d be so much more than that to me, to Grian. You’re our friend, who cared about me after I lost, who made sure I wasn’t alone for long to my thoughts. Who also took in Jellie, which I thank you for that, I haven’t had time to pick her up as you live so close in town.” the voice was light again, talking about his cat always made Scar smile. 
“How is Jellie doing?” Father Spore asks happily, green eyes gleaming again, trying to get off sad topics.
Shifting again, Cub sighed, “She misses you, sits by the window watching for you.” he tells the other, as the spore creature hums sadly to that.
“I’ll be sure to give her extra love when she’s returned.” Father Spore said firmly, “Jellie deserves nothing less.” the tone was firm on that as a fact. Which did made Cub want to smile at how painfully familiar it was.
Looking away Cub shook his head, he couldn’t let himself feel that though. Scar wasn’t Scar, he was Father Spore. That man who turned people against their will, who has blood on his hands from those he’s killed. The one who was seeking to turn this island into a mushroom and spore infected ‘home’. 
Sighing sadly himself, Father Spore watched him go. “Cubby, please just consider my offer. Joining the Mycelium is a good thing. I’d never lead you astray Cub, we are partners after all was fellow Vex.” he teased lightly.
Cub gripped the keycard in his hand, Vex was what he and Scar called each other when they were kids together. Pranksters who liked to mess with people. Cub felt tears, he missed his friend, “If you really want me, why not tell me anything to convince me? I’m a man science Father Spore, tell me the facts.” he said looking back at Lily’s green eyes.
The smile grew as Father Spore snickered, “Snitches get Stiches, Cubby~!” he said in a sing song voice, one that Scar would use when the game was on. 
Scowling, Cub left the room to Father Spore and Lily’s humming. 
Leaning up against the wall, Cub looked up at the sunny sky and felt some tears fall down. He missed his friend dearly, he missed Scar’s laugh, the others teasing remarks, he missed their plots to mess with people, and Scar’s clear crush on Grian as he talked about the man all night. He missed his friends so much. 
Cub was determined to find a cure, to find any shred of evidence he could on if this was a threat or not. Part of him wanted to take Scar’s word for it. To believe what he offered, that his friend and partner wouldn’t lie to him. But, Scar also was known to have a silver tongue, known to only give half truths. Father Spore was a creature of the mycelium, and thus had Scar’s tendencies to half truth things. 
It hurt to think that Scar would lie to him, infected by fungus like thing. Cub scowled again and brushed away the tears as he sat on the ground to compose himself. 
His resistance was thinning, he knew that much, the ache for his friends grew, and the more cruelty he watched here, the more he wondered if Scar was nicer. Lily believed so, as did Amber and Mark. All promised him that Father Spore was a kind father to his Sporelings, that Mother Spore was protective of them. 
Cub took a breath in and out slowly, Snitches get Stiches. If Scar wanted him to find out, Cub would find out. And pry out the mans secrets to find the truth one way or another. 
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lavenoon · 2 years
For those of us who may want to write fics including Robin but are too nervous... Can we have some tips for how to characterize them? What are their vibes, are there some things to think of/remember when writing them?
I once described them as "tryhard, repressed trust issues, craves connection. aloof with anyone who poses a (perceived) threat to them, kind of awkward when not" (not on here, so no one needs to look gfhdj) but I'll go into a bit more detail!
First, I wanna state that while I left their family situation vague for self insert purposes, they way anything AU related is written, they aren't close with their family. The duplex is inherited, but they don't grieve the previous owner by the time they move in. I won't specify when this person died or who it was, as it's really just to set up the premise, and you can invent whatever for your purposes!
They're still distant, laying the groundwork for Robin's inevitable loneliness. They live alone, in a city they didn't grow up in, where they don't know anyone. When they first move in, they're excited for the possibilities! The world's their oyster and they sure are nonbinary (/ref), so they set out and explore. Happen to get scouted by a private intelligence firm, and hey, why not! (Better than getting in trouble for technically trespassing, oops).
They've always enjoyed spy movies and series, they do parkour, so of course they enjoy the secret agent life. They get a kick out of finding the craziest, most impressive way to do something - think macgyver in the sense that they like to work with what they have, but also kim possible in that they love highly specific gadgets too. Bonus points if personalized
With time, they start internalizing that enthusiasm more and more when it isn't met in kind by the people around them. That's when they start to withdraw socially, and the isolation really kicks in. After having their energy be met with scorn they start mistrusting people, refusing to really show themself, and stick more to the star agent role they earned. No one can take that from them, even if they make fun of their methods.
And so they lean into that, extremely so. They work hard, they aim higher and higher, until they feel like no one can take this success from them. But they also don't care to talk to anyone anymore, having been burnt too often, and they pretend they're fine with it, really.
Robin falls into a monotony, chasing after happiness at work because that's their only source for it, not realizing just how damaging this lifestyle is to them in the long run. They're completely isolated after years of this - and then they gain a rival, and a few short months later, a neighbor (and later, both <3)
With their rival, Robin is not on good terms before ever even speaking to him. There's a rookie, who after just a few short months gains such a reputation to be considered almost as good as them, after putting in years of work? They don't know him, and if he's another one of those stuck up idiots who ridicule them for what brings brought them joy, then they have no interest in humoring him, either. That's why they react with hostility, and take a while to warm up to their respective rival (mostly once they see his quirks, too. Dusk and his gimmick and playful attitude, Dawn and his flashy suits and flair for the dramatic). Then it's on (in Dusk's case. rip rival Dawn, you could've had it all) and they enjoy the banter and the races and the bets <3
With their neighbor they basically scramble for anything. "Nice person living next to me. My tenant? I don't know how landlords act there are no cool landlord movies. Uhhhh okay no neighbor is close enough. Offer eggs or sugar? Wait, animatronics don't eat. What do I do?" So they don't have any scripts for this situation, because they can't counter it with just polite small talk like you'd do with the cashier of the grocery store, or the aloof attitude they keep towards other agents, and those are the only types of socialization they get. They do try to be nice, and don't mean to overstep, but when faced with friendly, civilian contact? They crave that more than they even know, and get just a bit clingy among the awkwardness. It helps that their neighbor seems just as awkward, but in the end nice - so they feel reassured, and safe enough to continue trying, until they figure out again just how exactly friends work <3
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aita-blorbos · 1 year
AITA for creating a nightmare realm on a different plane of existence and dragging all students from my own founded school with me?
I (can't remember my age, M) used to go to a college which was heavily focused on the research of human evolution, and was well regarded by the general public as a result. The school found an ancient labyrinth underneath a city where we learned of an ancient race of humans that lived side by side with the Great Ones, the latter of which later ascended and left those humanoids to wait and look after the place. The head of the school (almost as ancient as those labyrinths lolllll, M), who we'll call W, and an old schoolmate of mine (can't care enough to learn that douche's name, M), who we'll call L, got into a dispute sometime later. W thought that, to evolve humanity to the level of the Great Ones and to ascend, we only needed insight, and to grow eyes on our brains. L, having found a left behind Great One, thought that, to ascend, we needed to use their blood. W thought the blood was dangerous, and that humanity should not treat something like that carelessly.
The two couldn't find common ground, so L went off to start his own organization, focused only on blood. It became the main trade of the city, since the Great Ones' blood could heal any injury or illness of a human, but he conveniently never mentioned, and continuously covered up, the fact that that blood mutated humans overtime, turning them into beasts from overuse.
Obviously, this was stupid and not at all the way to ascend, so I veered away from both W and L's organizations to start my own, which focused more on first learning of the Great Ones and reaching out to commune with them. For this research, we needed people, so I had some trained fighters and hardy criminals roam the streets of the city nearby to bring those people here for us to experiment on. This may sound bad, but it was a necessary step to ascension, and who cares anyway? Humanity was well out of its prime, it was time to leave this plane, anyway. My organization tried to make an artificial Great One out of bodies merged together, which didn't go quite as planned, and it reeked on top of that. Big disappointment, and now the streets are prowling with human amalgamations of several things. I tried the eye method as well, by taking the eyes of some prisoners and lining the brains of some others with them, but to no avail. I concluded ascension isn't something humans can do artificially.
One old classmate of mine had managed to ascend, but she became braindead as a result, or otherwise unable to communicate back to us, probably because it was too much for her. This led me to believe that it's not possible for just one person at a time, but that a group should be able to do it together. I also learned that dreams were the answer, and that to get closer to the Great Ones and directly communicate with them, dreams were our best option. I had everyone in my organization don a ritualistic cage on their head as a sort of antenna to direct Them to us, like a lightning rod, and we eventually managed to all leave this world behind and enter a nightmare, of which I am the host. We have audience with a Great One (infant, M?), but other than myself and some guy that tried to spy on us and thought I wouldn't notice lol, I haven't actually seen any others, though all our bodies in the waking world are long abandoned and dead. I don't think that counts as murder, I clearly explained the steps to take.
Anyway, TLDR, both the use of Great Ones blood and just gaining insight are stupid ideas, so I turned to closer research and dreams to ascend. Some sacrifices had to be made, so I hired kidnappers and had experiments performed on people to get closer to the truth, including fusing bodies together and creating a mass of rotting corpses to try and become an artificial Great One. Some people got caught inside the walls, too, but that's not on me, I didn't do any carpenting. It's not like I lied about blood being good for us and covering up the people losing their lives to it all just to save face, either. Furthermore, my method actually worked after all! So, AITA?
I know it all sounds very bad, but do consider I'm neurodivergent.
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eorzeashan · 2 years
Feeling a little down still, so i'll distract myself with OC talk. Ahem.
Nosta's main inspirations besides the typical femme fatale of pulp fiction and spy stories were Kiyoha from Sakuran, Lorraine from Atomic Blonde, Misato from NGE, and O-Ren Ishii from Kill Bill.
That last one is especially important since it influenced much of her personality when she had to resort to harder methods, which in turn, was a huge part of the person Eight became since he merely copied her personas. If you've read my latest work where he fills the role of Outlander on the battlefield, he leans even more heavily into that part of her psyche. And of course since i'm too on the nose, his Echani clothing and a lot of other imagery is inspired by O-Ren as well.
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Typically, a white furisode like that is for young unmarried women. But the long sleeves are such a baller look that I like the idea that Echani can wear it ceremonially in battle at the loss of a loved one, since white is also a color of death. Atriss wears something a lot closer to this than typical jedi robes in KOTOR 2 and I wonder if they were a gift.
Additionally, leaning back into the side that kills for the sake of others makes Eight happy-- so happy that as the Outlander, he smiles when he faces his foes. This is the persona of someone who is allowed to love, and to finally have a "self" that can engage in the glory of battle as well as reunite with his culture defrosts him a bit from the aloof agent he was as Eight. In a way, it's like the glow that people gain when they are wholly in love-- and the change some have when they have settled down.
His Nine self used to be clad completely in white, actually! To differentiate him from Eight, I color coded them. It's created a Yin and Yang effect that feels very satisfying to look at.
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rebeccabarrett · 6 days
Social Media Spy To Track Your Unfaithful Wife Messages
Uncover potential infidelity by tracking your wife's social media messages with a social media spy tool. Stay informed and protect your relationship.
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Related: WhatsApp Spy Online Tracker App for Android and iPhone
Infidelity can be a devastating revelation in any relationship, leaving one feeling betrayed, hurt, and unsure of what to do next. With the advent of social media and messaging platforms, suspicions of infidelity can arise more frequently, as digital communication provides ample opportunities for secrecy and deception. If you find yourself in a situation where you suspect your wife of being unfaithful, you may be tempted to seek out ways to confirm your suspicions. One method that has gained popularity in recent years is the use of social media spy tools.
💢 Signs of Infidelity
Before considering the use of social media spy tools, it's crucial to recognize potential signs of infidelity in your relationship. These signs may include:
📍 Behavioral Changes: Sudden changes in behavior, such as becoming more secretive about their devices or spending more time than usual on social media.
📍 Secrecy Regarding Devices: Guarding their phone or laptop more closely, keeping it locked or password-protected, and being hesitant to share passwords.
📍 Unexplained Absences: Spending excessive time away from home or making excuses for why they can't be reached.
📍 Emotional Distance: Notice withdrawal from intimacy, lack of affection, or disinterest in spending quality time together.
📍 Change in Routine: Be wary of alterations in schedule, frequent outings without explanation, or unexplained absences.
📍 Lack of Communication: Pay attention to avoidance of relationship conversations, becoming defensive, or deflecting questions.
📍 Suspicious Financial Behavior: Watch for unexplained expenses, secretive spending, or discrepancies in financial records.
📍 Intuition: Trust your gut feelings or instincts, often triggered by inconsistencies or a nagging sense that something is wrong.
💢 Benefits of Social Media Spy
📘 Market Research: Social media spying provides valuable insights into consumer behavior, preferences, and trends, aiding businesses in refining their marketing strategies.
📘 Competitive Analysis: By monitoring competitors' activities and engagements, businesses can gain a competitive edge, identifying strengths and weaknesses to enhance their own offerings.
📘 Brand Reputation Management: Tracking mentions and sentiments allows businesses to promptly address negative feedback, protect their brand image, and maintain a positive online reputation.
📘 Influencer Identification: Social media spying helps identify influential personalities within a niche, facilitating partnerships and collaborations to expand reach and credibility.
📘 Crisis Management: Early detection of potential crises through monitoring conversations enables proactive measures to mitigate risks and prevent reputational damage.
📘 Customer Insights: Analyzing customer interactions and feedback aids in understanding their needs, preferences, and pain points, fostering improved products or services.
📘 Content Strategy Optimization: Monitoring engagement metrics and audience demographics helps tailor content strategies for maximum impact, driving better results and ROI.
💢 Understanding Social Media Spy Tools
Spy tools are software applications or services designed to monitor and track activity on various social media platforms and messaging apps. These tools allow users to discreetly access messages, call logs, location data, and more from a target device. While initially intended for monitoring children's online activities or managing employees' device usage, spy tools are increasingly being used by individuals who suspect their partners of infidelity.
💢 How Social Media Spy Tools Work
Spy tools typically require physical access to the target device for installation. Once installed, they operate discreetly in the background, capturing data from the device's activity. Users can then access this data remotely through a web-based dashboard or mobile app, allowing them to monitor their partner's social media interactions in real-time.
💢 Choosing the Right Spy Tool
When selecting a spy tool, it's essential to choose one that meets your specific needs and requirements. Consider factors such as compatibility with your wife's devices and the platforms she uses most frequently. Look for a tool that offers a user-friendly interface and robust features for monitoring social media activity effectively.
💢 Monitoring Your Wife's Social Media Activities
Once you've chosen and installed a social media spy tool, you can begin monitoring your wife's social media activities discreetly. Depending on the tool you've chosen, you may be able to access a variety of information, including:
📙 Messages and Chat Conversations: Read incoming and outgoing messages from messaging apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or Snapchat.
📙 Call Logs: View a log of incoming and outgoing calls, including timestamps and duration.
📙 Location Tracking: Track your wife's whereabouts in real-time using GPS tracking features.
📙 Social Media Posts: Monitor her activity on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, including posts, comments, and likes.
💢 The Decision to Hire a Hacker
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In an unprecedented move, Spy Service hired a social media hacker to uncover evidence of his partner's infidelity. Delve into the ethical considerations surrounding such actions and the emotional turmoil faced by individuals when contemplating invasive measures. As a cyber security expat I can tell you some trusted sites. And among them the most accepted and snack site is "Hackerslist". Their service quality and privacy are much better. In that case you can definitely hire their professionals.
💢 Handling Discoveries
If you discover evidence of infidelity while monitoring your wife's social media activities, it's essential to approach the situation with care and caution. Take time to process your emotions and consider your next steps carefully. Depending on the nature of your relationship and the evidence you've uncovered, you may choose to confront your wife directly or seek support from a trusted friend or counselor.
🔘 Finishing Word
Discovering evidence of infidelity in your marriage can be a painful and emotionally challenging experience. While social media spy tools offer a way to gather evidence discreetly, their use should be approached with caution and consideration for the ethical and legal implications. Before resorting to spying on your wife's social media activities, consider whether there are alternative approaches to addressing your concerns and rebuilding trust in your relationship.
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instastalkerfree · 22 days
How to Use the InstaStalker App Safely for Anonymous Instagram Research
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In today’s digital age, the desire for privacy and anonymity is more pressing than ever, especially on social media platforms like Instagram. One tool that's been gaining attention is the InstaStalker app. This powerful tool allows users to monitor Instagram accounts anonymously, raising numerous questions about ethics, legality, and practicality. In this ultimate guide, we’ll delve into everything you need to know about the InstaStalker app, including how it works, its features, and the implications of using such a tool.
What is the InstaStalker App?
The InstaStalker app is a software designed to enable users to view Instagram profiles, stories, and activities without revealing their identity. It offers a range of features that cater to those who wish to monitor accounts discreetly, whether for personal curiosity or professional reasons. But how does it work, and what sets it apart from other Instagram monitoring tools?
Features of InstaStalker
Anonymous Viewing: One of the app's most significant features is its ability to let users view Instagram content without leaving a trace. This means that the account owner won’t be notified of your visit.
Story and Post Tracking: InstaStalker allows users to track updates to stories and posts, giving insights into the latest content from any account.
Account Analytics: For those interested in more than just browsing, InstaStalker offers analytics that can provide valuable data on account activity and engagement.
Search Functionality: Users can easily search for and monitor specific profiles, making it simple to keep tabs on multiple accounts simultaneously.
How to Use the InstaStalker App
Using the InstaStalker app is relatively straightforward. Here’s a quick guide to getting started:
Download and Install: First, download the app from a reliable source. Ensure it’s compatible with your device and operating system.
Create an Account: Register for an account within the app. This usually involves providing an email address and creating a password.
Search for Profiles: Use the app’s search functionality to find the Instagram profiles you want to monitor. You can enter usernames or other relevant details.
View Content Anonymously: Once you've selected a profile, you can view posts, stories, and other content without the account owner knowing you’ve visited.
Ethical Considerations and Legal Implications
While the InstaStalker app offers powerful features, it also raises significant ethical and legal questions. Here are some key considerations:
Privacy Concerns
Using InstaStalker to monitor someone’s Instagram activity without their consent can be seen as a breach of privacy. It’s crucial to consider the implications of monitoring someone’s social media account without their knowledge.
Legal Issues
The legality of using such an app can vary by region. In some jurisdictions, anonymous monitoring of social media accounts may violate privacy laws or terms of service agreements. Always research the legal implications in your area before using the app.
Ethical Use
If you choose to use the InstaStalker app, it’s important to do so responsibly. For instance, monitoring public profiles for personal research or safety reasons may be more ethically acceptable than spying on private accounts.
Alternatives to InstaStalker
If the InstaStalker app doesn’t seem like the right fit for your needs, there are other tools and methods for Instagram monitoring. These might include:
Third-Party Analytics Tools: Platforms like Hootsuite or Sprout Social offer analytics features without the need for anonymous monitoring.
Instagram’s Built-In Features: Instagram itself provides some insights and analytics for business accounts and creators, which can be useful for understanding account performance.
The InstaStalker app provides a unique way to monitor Instagram profiles anonymously, but it’s essential to approach its use with caution. Consider the ethical and legal ramifications before diving in, and explore alternative tools if needed. By understanding the capabilities and implications of InstaStalker, you can make an informed decision about how to engage with Instagram content responsibly.
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phoneclone · 2 months
How Snapchat Hacker Helps You to Spend Infidelity-Free Life
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What is a Snapchat Hacker?
A Snapchat hacker is an individual or software designed to gain access to a Snapchat account. This can involve bypassing security measures to view private messages, stories, and other personal content without the account owner's knowledge. These hackers often use various techniques, including phishing, keylogging, and exploiting software vulnerabilities, to achieve their goals. The main motive behind hacking Snapchat accounts ranges from personal reasons to more malicious intents.
Hackers for Snapchat
Hackers for Snapchat are typically skilled in different methods to infiltrate Snapchat accounts. They can be professional hackers who offer their services for a fee or hobbyists who do it for personal reasons. These hackers utilize a mix of social engineering, exploiting security flaws, and using sophisticated software tools to gain access to Snapchat accounts. Their services are often sought after by individuals looking to uncover hidden information or monitor someone's activities on the platform.
How Snapchat Hackers Help to Catch a Cheating Spouse
One of the most common reasons people turn to Snapchat hackers is to catch a cheating spouse. Snapchat's disappearing messages and stories can make it a convenient tool for secretive communication. A Snapchat hacker can help by:
Accessing Private Messages: Hackers can infiltrate an account to read private messages exchanged with potential romantic interests.
Viewing Hidden Stories: They can access stories and snaps that might be shared only with specific contacts, revealing activities that the account owner might want to keep secret.
Retrieving Deleted Content: Even if a user deletes messages or stories, a hacker might be able to retrieve this information and provide evidence of infidelity.
Monitoring Ongoing Activities: By continuously monitoring the Snapchat account, hackers can provide real-time updates on the account owner's interactions and activities.
📌 Read Also: How To Hack Into A Snapchat Account
Snapchat Hackers for Tracking Teenage Children
Parents increasingly worry about their children's online activities, including those on Snapchat. Snapchat hackers can assist parents by providing insight into their children's interactions and content consumption on the platform. This can include:
Monitoring Conversations: Ensuring that children are not engaging in harmful conversations or being approached by strangers.
Viewing Shared Media: Checking the images and videos that children share and receive to protect them from inappropriate content.
Tracking Friend Lists: Keeping an eye on the friends and contacts their children interact with, ensuring they are safe and appropriate.
Preventing Risky Behavior: By accessing their children's accounts, parents can intervene if they notice any risky or dangerous behavior patterns.
Best Way to Hack Snapchat
While there are multiple ways to hack a Snapchat account, some methods are more effective and reliable than others. The best ways include:
Phishing: Creating a fake login page that mimics Snapchat's official page. When the target enters their credentials, the hacker captures them.
Keylogging: Installing software on the target's device that records keystrokes, allowing hackers to capture Snapchat login information.
Password Recovery: Exploiting the password recovery process by guessing security questions or intercepting recovery emails or SMS.
Spy Apps: Using spy apps that can monitor Snapchat activities along with other apps on the target's phone.
Social Engineering: Manipulating the target into revealing their login credentials through psychological manipulation.
Hack Any Snapchat
Hacking any Snapchat account can be achieved through various means, depending on the hacker's skill level and the tools available. Here are some common methods:
Exploiting Vulnerabilities: Identifying and exploiting security weaknesses in the Snapchat app or the device's operating system.
Brute Force Attacks: Using software to try multiple combinations of passwords until the correct one is found.
Network Sniffing: Intercepting data transmitted over a Wi-Fi network to capture login credentials.
Third-Party Services: Some services claim to hack Snapchat accounts on behalf of users, though their reliability and safety are often questionable.
Hack Friend’s Snapchat
Hacking a friend's Snapchat might be motivated by curiosity or other personal reasons. Common methods include:
Using Known Passwords: If the hacker knows the target's other passwords, they might try them on Snapchat, assuming the person uses the same password across multiple platforms.
Social Engineering: Tricking the friend into revealing their password through casual conversation or other manipulative tactics.
Accessing Unsecured Devices: Physically accessing the friend's phone or computer to log into their Snapchat account.
Spy Apps: Installing monitoring software on the friend's device to gain continuous access to their Snapchat activities.
Hack Someone’s Snapchat Without Them Knowing
To hack someone’s Snapchat without them knowing, stealth and discretion are paramount. Effective methods include:
Remote Keyloggers: These are installed on the target’s device without their knowledge and record keystrokes.
Phishing Emails: Sending convincing emails that prompt the target to enter their Snapchat credentials on a fake page.
Invisible Spy Apps: Installing apps that operate in stealth mode, making it difficult for the target to detect their presence.
Cloning Phones: Cloning the target's phone to replicate their Snapchat account on another device.
Professional Snapchat Hacker
A professional Snapchat hacker is an individual or a service with specialized skills and tools to hack Snapchat accounts efficiently. These professionals often charge for their services and offer a higher success rate compared to amateur hackers. Their services may include:
Guaranteed Access: Ensuring that they can access the Snapchat account as promised, often with a money-back guarantee.
Discreet Operations: Performing the hacking activities without alerting the account owner.
Advanced Tools: Utilizing sophisticated tools and techniques that are not readily available to the public.
Support Services: Providing ongoing support and updates to the client on the account’s activities.
HackersList: One of the Best Snapchat Hackers in the World
HackersList stands out as one of the premier Snapchat hacking services globally, offering a reliable and discreet solution for those seeking to access Snapchat accounts. Renowned for their expertise and advanced techniques, HackersList employs sophisticated methods to ensure successful account penetration without detection. 
Their team of seasoned professionals guarantees high success rates, making them a top choice for individuals needing to uncover hidden activities on Snapchat. With a commitment to client confidentiality and satisfaction, HackersList has earned a reputation as a trusted and effective resource in the realm of Snapchat hacking. Join them
Snapchat hackers serve various purposes, from monitoring a cheating spouse to keeping an eye on teenage children. They employ multiple techniques to gain access to Snapchat accounts, each with varying levels of effectiveness and risk. While hacking Snapchat can provide valuable insights, it's crucial to understand the legal and ethical implications of such activities. Professional hackers offer a more reliable and discreet service, though their use comes with its own set of risks and considerations.
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findinginga · 4 months
"Sometimes when you love someone you do crazy things."
“You should never tell a psychopath they are a psychopath. It upsets them.” (Villanelle - Killing Eve)
The title of this blog entry and the preceding quote were both taken from a delicious black comedy/spy series named "Killing Eve".  If you have not already experienced this gem, it is a great a series to binge on some rainy weekend.  Without giving too much away as to the story line, Villanelle is an assassin who was recruited and trained to be a killing machine.  She is attractive, flirtatious, and uber chic possessing a seemingly endless reserve of methods to dispatch her targets.  More than being efficient at her job, she derives gleeful satisfaction at a task well done.  In an early season one episode, Villanelle concocts a poisonous perfume which she uses to kill an asthmatic French designer and declares, "...you know I like the breathy ones...".  The deadpan delivery of Jodie Comer as Villanelle never ceases to result in some laugh out loud moments even as Villanelle completes a mission.
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I could not help but think of Ingeborga as I started viewing the "Killing Eve" series for the second time.  Perhaps it is the native Russian accent of Villanelle in combination with the innocent, almost angelic face of the character which immediately conjures up my memories of past interactions with Inga.  Then there is complete disregard for the others which allows Villanelle to act in the single-minded way that she has perfected.  While she performs these callous acts without guilt or remorse, one grows to appreciate there is a kernel of humanity inside.  
I felt that this was true with Inga, at least in regard to her abilities to deceive and wear different masks.  I cannot honestly report that Inga was capable of anything.  I often wondered about her limits.  Was she capable of any form of mayhem?  She once asked of me if I would be willing to kill for her and seemed disappointed when I told her that I found this to be immoral.  To be fair, her question was likely a response to my previous claim that I would do almost anything for her.  Her hyperbole may have been intended as a sarcastic response to my declaration.  However, the archetypical femme fatale will enlist others to carry out those sorts of acts.  Given past incidents, I will never be completely sure.  The quote of Villanelle from Season One of "Killing Eve" does rings quite true for me.  Inga clearly did not welcome that I had knowledge of her pathology.  It most assuredly upset her.
The passage of time...
I deliberately allowed some weeks to elapse before writing again on this thread.  It was my goal, more my hope, that assembling all the details related to my odyssey with Inga and then allowing them to unfold in a narrative, would allow my anger to dissipate.  Indeed, the catharsis has relieved me of the pent up rage I felt over the course of 2023.  I still feel significant embarrassment over many of my actions.  I refer to the title of this blog entry as a weak form of explanation.
I have made no attempts to locate Inga in order to make contact.  To my knowledge, she continues to live in Pskov and maintains her jewelry design and sales business.  Whether she is with Denis, lives alone with Eva or has moved on to a new relationship is unknown to me.  Further, it really no longer matters.
I would like to think that publicly unmasking her in the fashion I chose served as a severe enough shock to her that Inga will be dissuaded from a similar adventure.  However, people with NPD rarely deviate from the well worn path familiar to their personalities.  Gaining insight and self-introspection are not talents that they hone. 
Over the course of the last few months, I have embraced retirement from work and have been traveling.  I no longer think about planning for three or am concerned about schools and careers.  
There is a blissful peace that has taken hold for which I am thankful.
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whydoineedvpnforkodi · 5 months
can my isp track me with a vpn
🔒🌍✨ Get 3 Months FREE VPN - Secure & Private Internet Access Worldwide! Click Here ✨🌍🔒
can my isp track me with a vpn
VPN Encryption
VPN Encryption: Protecting Your Online Privacy and Security
In a world where cyber threats and online surveillance are becoming increasingly prevalent, ensuring the security and privacy of our online activities is more important than ever. One tool that has gained popularity for enhancing online security is the Virtual Private Network (VPN).
VPN encryption is a key feature that sets VPNs apart from other online security measures. Encryption is the process of converting data into a code to prevent unauthorized access. When you connect to a VPN server, your data is encrypted before it is transmitted over the internet. This means that even if someone intercepts your data, they will not be able to decipher it without the encryption key.
There are different levels of encryption that VPNs use, with the most common being 128-bit and 256-bit encryption. The higher the bit value, the stronger the encryption and the more difficult it is to decrypt the data.
VPN encryption provides a secure tunnel for your internet traffic, making it almost impossible for hackers, ISPs, or government agencies to spy on your online activities. By using a VPN, you can browse the internet anonymously, access geo-restricted content, and protect your sensitive information such as passwords, credit card details, and personal messages.
In conclusion, VPN encryption is a crucial aspect of online security and privacy. By encrypting your data and masking your IP address, VPNs offer a safe and secure environment for browsing the internet. Whether you are using public Wi-Fi networks, accessing sensitive information, or simply wanting to protect your online privacy, VPN encryption is a valuable tool to enhance your cybersecurity measures.
ISP Monitoring
Internet Service Providers (ISPs) play a crucial role in providing us with internet access. However, many people are unaware that ISPs have the ability to monitor our online activities. This practice, known as ISP monitoring, raises concerns about privacy and data security.
ISP monitoring involves the collection of information about the websites a user visits, the files they download, and the online services they use. This data can be used for various purposes, such as targeted advertising, network optimization, and even complying with legal requirements.
While ISPs claim that monitoring is necessary to ensure network performance and security, critics argue that it can infringe on users' privacy rights. By tracking our online behavior, ISPs can create detailed profiles of our interests and habits, which can then be sold to third parties without our consent.
In addition to privacy concerns, ISP monitoring also poses risks to data security. The data collected by ISPs is vulnerable to hacking and unauthorized access, putting users at risk of identity theft and other cybercrimes.
To protect their privacy and security online, users can take steps such as using virtual private networks (VPNs) to encrypt their internet traffic, avoiding sharing sensitive information over unsecured networks, and regularly reviewing their privacy settings.
In conclusion, while ISP monitoring is a common practice, it is important for users to be aware of the implications for their privacy and security. By taking proactive measures to protect their online data, users can maintain greater control over their digital lives.
IP Address Masking
Title: Understanding IP Address Masking: Enhancing Online Privacy and Security
In the digital age, safeguarding online privacy and security has become paramount. One method gaining traction is IP address masking, a technique used to conceal a user's true IP address from prying eyes. Let's delve into what IP address masking entails and why it's crucial in today's cyber landscape.
At its core, an IP (Internet Protocol) address is a unique numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network. It serves as a virtual identifier, allowing devices to communicate with each other over the internet. However, this inherent identification can also be exploited by malicious entities or unauthorized parties seeking to track, monitor, or intercept online activities.
IP address masking works by substituting a user's real IP address with a different one, effectively cloaking their online identity. This process is typically accomplished through the use of intermediary servers or virtual private networks (VPNs). When a user connects to a VPN or proxy server, their internet traffic is routed through that server, which then assigns a temporary IP address to mask the original one. As a result, the user's true location and identity are concealed from external observers.
The benefits of IP address masking are manifold. Firstly, it enhances privacy by preventing websites, advertisers, and other third parties from tracking users based on their IP addresses. Additionally, it helps circumvent geo-restrictions, allowing users to access region-locked content or services that may otherwise be unavailable in their location.
Moreover, IP address masking bolsters security by adding an extra layer of anonymity to online interactions, reducing the risk of identity theft, hacking, or surveillance. By obscuring their true IP addresses, users can browse the internet with greater peace of mind, knowing that their digital footprint is less traceable.
In conclusion, IP address masking is a valuable tool for safeguarding online privacy and security in an increasingly interconnected world. Whether for personal privacy concerns or professional security measures, individuals and organizations alike can benefit from adopting this technique to protect their online identities and data.
Data Privacy
Data privacy is a critical issue in today's digital age where personal information is constantly being shared and stored online. It refers to the protection of sensitive data from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. As the amount of data generated and collected continues to grow exponentially, ensuring data privacy has become more important than ever.
One of the key aspects of data privacy is consent. Individuals should have control over how their personal information is collected and used, and organizations must obtain explicit consent before collecting any data. This is typically done through privacy policies and terms of service agreements that outline how data will be used and shared.
Another vital component of data privacy is data security. This involves implementing measures to protect data from breaches, hacks, and other malicious activities. Encryption, access controls, and regular security audits are some of the ways organizations can safeguard sensitive information.
Compliance with data privacy regulations is also crucial. Laws such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States set guidelines for how data should be handled and provide individuals with rights regarding their personal information.
Overall, data privacy is essential for maintaining trust between individuals and organizations in the digital world. By prioritizing consent, security, and regulatory compliance, we can ensure that personal data is handled responsibly and ethically.
Traffic Encryption
Title: Understanding the Importance of Traffic Encryption
In an age where cyber threats loom large, safeguarding sensitive data during online transmission has become paramount. This is where traffic encryption plays a pivotal role. Traffic encryption refers to the process of encoding data as it travels between devices over a network, ensuring that it remains secure and confidential.
One of the primary methods of implementing traffic encryption is through the use of cryptographic protocols such as SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and its successor, TLS (Transport Layer Security). These protocols establish an encrypted connection between a web server and a user's browser, safeguarding information exchanged during online transactions, such as personal details, credit card numbers, and login credentials.
The significance of traffic encryption cannot be overstated, particularly in contexts where sensitive information is involved. For businesses, encryption helps maintain the confidentiality of proprietary data and protects against unauthorized access and data breaches. Additionally, it fosters trust and credibility among customers, who are increasingly conscious of privacy and security concerns.
Moreover, traffic encryption is essential for protecting user privacy, especially in the realm of online communication. End-to-end encryption, for instance, ensures that only the sender and intended recipient can access the contents of a message, shielding it from interception by malicious actors or surveillance entities.
From a broader perspective, traffic encryption contributes to the overall integrity and security of the internet ecosystem. By thwarting eavesdropping and tampering attempts, it upholds the confidentiality, authenticity, and integrity of data transmission, thereby bolstering cybersecurity defenses on a global scale.
In conclusion, traffic encryption serves as a crucial safeguard in an interconnected digital landscape, where privacy breaches and cyber threats abound. By adopting robust encryption measures, individuals and organizations can fortify their defenses against malicious activities and uphold the principles of confidentiality and privacy in online interactions.
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faery-snow · 2 years
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I posted 1,354 times in 2022
That's 1 more post than 2021!
13 posts created (1%)
1,341 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,341 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#the untamed - 463 posts
#cql - 249 posts
#wangxian - 241 posts
#yizhan - 203 posts
#mdzs - 195 posts
#xiao zhan - 184 posts
#wang yibo - 166 posts
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#cql cast - 72 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#pretty sure it was yibo since in a post-filming cql promo interview xiao zhan was asked if anything good had happened to him bc of the role
My Top Posts in 2022:
It's from the show couple of mirrors and it's a wlw show! It's really cool! You can find it on youtube under 'couple of mirrors'.
Republican-era China: 1930s style and swag and even some boogying. It starts out looking like it’s going to be a family drama, but quickly gains murderous edges. O_O
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It covers emotional abuse and gaslighting. It shows a woman who sticks to her convictions even when the world is against her. It shows a world where children belong to the one who births them. It has epic 1930s spy movie vibes.And yes, the lesbians both get a happy ending.
It’s on Youtube and Amazon Prime. It is a must-see.
Thank you so much for telling me about this, anon. You are a star <3
3 notes - Posted March 8, 2022
Being in the MDZS fandom means 🌄 morning sex and 🪦 mourning sex are both viable tags and you'll never know if the author mistyped until you read the fic
6 notes - Posted October 20, 2022
Best Independent News re: China
Guys, I love the news site What's On Weibo. I use it to keep up with the larger mind of Chinese society and where it's at. How they feel about their government's handling of "Zero Covid" lockdowns. The events in Tangshan where several women were beaten by men in a restaurant, and how netizens reacted. What shows and movies are big hits right now.
Everything from the heavy to the light, current news to social movements to entertainment.
I particularly like that their articles are about the people, not the government. You get the broader view, seeing how the people aren't a homogenous group agreeing with the PRC, but rather a patchwork of many beliefs and views and thoughts and voices.
I highly recommend What's On Weibo to other international fans of Chinese culture, entertainment, etc.. They're one of my favorite independent news orgs that has reliable info about China, and which lacks the typical Western bias against all things Chinese.
Personally, I'm a very satisfied reader. They're currently free of outside influence--no political or commercial groups funding them, no larger news org controlling them. They're looking for independent funding from readers so they can continue in that vein.
Anyone interested in supporting independent coverage of China, look no further :)
7 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
The "cool girl" Liu Yuxin
I emerged from a haze of doctors' appointments (seeing medical specialists every 5.3 days for the last 2 months and yes I looked at my calendar and then used a calculator to figure that out STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT)--to watch the first episode of SDC season 5!
I'm using the method of watching the non-subbed full episode and the subbed talking-only bits simultaneously, switching back and forth between them on my computer. Which sucks, yes, but the Youku app didn't work for me. The talking-only portion isn't actually all of the talking, which sucks further. I'll rewatch when the full subbed episode is available.
I cracked up when Liu Yuxin talked about being apparently "cold" and unreactive.
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Just like Yibo has been accused of in the past, lol! A bland smile, or no expression at all, that's her default. She's very calm and level about things. I like that about her a lot.
Of course, being told you're not emotive lands very differently for a woman* than for a man. Luckily, they don't make a big/gendered deal of it, just some light ribbing from the interviewer/editing team--no different than we've seen Yibo get for his same lack of effusion.
*I'm using woman and she/her for her because that's what she goes by in entertainment circles. In her personal life, she may be an androgynous woman or she may identify as nonbinary, I don't know. But that's the thing: I don't know. I don't want to make assumptions of queerness (although maybe we ought, since we make assumptions of straightness and cisness all the time).
Just like Yibo, of course, she has her moments of surprising emotion. When she sees a particularly awesome move, for example. She's very cool and I'm a little in love with her.
See the full post
15 notes - Posted September 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
WWX: I have this idea--
LWJ: That is the stupidest idea I have heard.
LWJ: I will come with you.
LWJ: I feel like I am doing something dumb by being here.
WWX: Then why are you still here?
LWJ: I did not say I minded.
WWX, having a revelation: I'm dumb, do me.
*stupid idea promptly abandoned*
51 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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this-is-crofters · 2 years
How To Hack Facebook Account Just By Knowing Phone Number
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Hacking a Facebook account is among the major queries on the Internet these days.
Although it's not easy to find the Hack Facebook Account password however, researchers have found a method to hack Facebook accounts with only the number of the person you want to hack and other resources.
Yes, your Facebook account can be hacked regardless of how secure your password is or the extra security measures you've taken. No joke!
Hackers with resources to exploit SS7 network could hack into your Facebook login, and all they require is your phone number.
These weaknesses were discovered in the global telecom network SS7. They allowed the hackers and spy agencies to monitor private phone calls, track SMSes and hijack social media accounts to which you had provided your number to.
SS7 or Signalling System Number 7, is the mobile phone signaling protocol used by more than 800 telecom operators all over the world to exchange information, allow roaming , and allow cross-carrier billing.
But, the problem with the SS7 network is that it rely on messages that are sent via it, regardless of where they originated. Criminal hackers can also manipulate SS7 to send text messages and phone calls to their devices.
For the purpose of conducting a silent snooping operation To initiate silent snooping, they need only the number of the target's phone and information on the target's device.
Researchers of Positive Technologies, who have recently showed how they could hijack WhatsApp and Telegram accounts, have now shown the demonstration of the hack facebook account using similar tricks, Forbes reported.
SS7 is widely known to be vulnerable, despite the modern encryption technology offered by cellular networks. The design flaws of SS7 have been in circulation since 2014 when a group of researchers from German Security Research Labs alerted all the world to the issue.
These are the steps you can take to hack any Facebook account:
In the first instance, the attacker needs to click the "Forgot Account?" link on the Facebook.com homepage to reset your password. The hacker will now need to give the correct number as well as email address when asked to link the target account to their number.
The attacker can then redirect the text message containing the one-time passcode (OTP) to their personal device or mobile to gain access to the victim's Facebook account.
All Facebook users who have a registered phone number, and who have allowed Facebook Texts to be delivered to their phone are affected by the issue.
Researchers have shown that hackers can target any website that relies on SMS to authenticate user accounts, not just Facebook.
The network operators may not be able to fix the problem soon however, there are a few things that smartphone users can do.
Do not link your phone number to social media sites. Instead, you should rely on emails to retrieve Facebook and other social media accounts.
Utilize two-factor authentication which doesn't rely on SMS texts for receiving codes.
Utilize communication apps that provide "end-to-end encryption" to secure your data before it leaves your smartphone over your phone's standard calling feature.
The most essential thing to keep in mind is that the problem isn't really anything to have to do with Facebook security or other website's security, but rather the weaknesses in the telecom network.
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whosesideareyouon · 2 years
How To Hack Facebook Account Just By Knowing The Phone Number
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Hacking Facebook accounts is one of the most popular queries on the Internet.
Although it's not easy to find the Hack Facebook Account password Researchers have discovered a method to hack Facebook accounts with only the target's number and some other sources.
Whatever your password is or what additional security measures that you take Facebook could hack into your account. No joke!
Hackers who have the resources to attack SS7 network are able to hack your Facebook login and all they require is your phone number.
These weaknesses were discovered in the global telecom network SS7. They allowed hackers and spy agencies to listen to private phone calls, track SMS messages and take over social media accounts that you'd provided your personal information to.
SS7 also known as Signalling System Number 7 is an electronic signaling protocol for cell phones that is utilized by more than 800 telecommunication operators worldwide to exchange information with one another, cross-carrier billing, enabling roaming as well as other features.
However, an issue that is a problem with the SS7 network is that it is able to trust texts sent through it, regardless of the source. Thus, malicious hackers may manipulate SS7 into diverting text messages and calls to their personal devices.
For the purpose of conducting a silent snooping operation They need only the target's telephone number as well as information about the device of the target.
The researchers of Positive Technologies, who previously demonstrated how they can hijack WhatsApp and Telegram accounts, have now shown the demonstration of the hack facebook account using similar methods, Forbes reported.
SS7 is known for being vulnerable, despite the modern encryption technology available on cellular networks. The design flaws of SS7 have been known since 2014 when a team of researchers at German Security Research Labs alerted the world to it.
These are the steps you can take to hack any Facebook account:
The attacker first needs to click on "Forgot Account?" button on the Facebook.com homepage to reset your password. The hacker must now give the correct number and email address to connect the account they want to hack to their phone number.
The attacker will then forward the text message with a unique passcode to their computer or phone, and gains access to the account of the target on Facebook.
All Facebook users with a registered phone number, and who have allowed Facebook Texts to be sent to their phone are affected by this issue.
Besides Facebook and Twitter, research has shown that any service, including Gmail and Twitter which rely on SMS to verify its users' accounts has created a wide-open door for hackers to target its customers.
The network operators might not be able to fix the issue in the near future however, there are a few things that smartphone users can do.
Do not connect your mobile number to social media websites, instead rely solely on emails to retrieve your Facebook or other accounts on social media.
Use two-factor authentication that does not use SMS texts for receiving codes.
To encrypt your data before your phone can receive it, use communication applications that offer "end-to end encryption".
The most essential thing to keep in mind is that this issue has actually nothing to be related to Facebook security or any other site's security, instead it is the flaw of the telecom network.
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