#spy x engineer x demoman
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sentrysapper · 8 months ago
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lenny-link · 11 months ago
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TF2 x Steven Universe ⭐️
guess who’s bacc with another crossover au that nobody asked for 😎
pls dont ask me about lore/story/drawing fusions i have no idea i just wanted to draw the mercs as gems lol
but id love to hear ur ideas!
edit: if you ever wanna draw about this go ahead! just tag me :)
edit2: Fusions !
edit3: Lore !
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solid-white · 6 months ago
Tf2 details that a lot of people get wrong:
[Part 2]
Demoman is most likely under 30, making him either the third or second youngest out of the cast. I GET IT. YOU CAN ALL STOP TELLING ME HE'S "not actually under 30" IM TALKING ABOUT THIS COMIC ISSUE. NOT THE ACTUAL FULL COMIC SERIES WHERE IT TAKES PLACE 5 YEARS AFTER.
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Scout can drive. He even has that taunt where he drives that little scooter.
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Snipers glasses were likely given to him by his dad.
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Engineer is NOT the most """sane""" of the mercs, that actually goes to Heavy. He has a severe God complex (line: "I am a GOD!") And cut off his arm cuz why not. He also has green eyes, not blue.
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Medic is terrible at naming things. I just think this has a lot of potential for jokes.
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Pyro is completely aware they're setting stuff on fire, they just like wearing their mask. They also aren't a kid despite how Miss Pauling talks to them.
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Spy isn't as professional as people think. He takes 7 seconds to piss on a wall, and Miss Pauling tells him to wash his mask since he never takes it off.
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Soldier WAS "racist" (I really don't know how to describe the term here) until he met Zhanna.
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Finally, Heavy. I don't even need to explain anything. His entire CHARACTER is always mischaracterized to be Medic's alpha boyfriend. He's arguably the most caring one out of the mercs.
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a-lost-crow · 3 months ago
Ally Scout part 2, but it’s a bit more chaotic than the first one
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OOC. But I just want to draw Scout with different outfits 🙌🏽
First part:
Bonus doodle
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(This could be sniperscout or not. I was thinking that Sniper has seen many Scout lookalikes he didn’t register the actual one being in a gay bar. I also think that he attempted to flirt but failed. Scout thought or knew he was Sniper but decided to give him the benefit of a doubt)
Edit: whoops there’s a third part. This is the worst roman empire of all time /lh
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glgtg · 5 months ago
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Recent work haha >:)
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frenchoniontf2 · 7 months ago
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The chaotic bunch of emotions are all over the place but they're incredibly coordinated when they have a goal in mind to drive the mind, which in this case would be Ms Pauling!!
Oh yeah and Administrator's there too ig
Heres part 1 !
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habitabel · 10 months ago
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what do I do with myself rn I'm tweaking out I'm gonna rip my skin off what THIS IS EVERYTHING TO ME
Edit❗❗❗ for more info, I have links to the discord, Twitter, and the official team lovetress website on my page! It's pinned at the top <3 the discord requires you to share a picture of your ID because I guess the game might have nsfw themes or maybe the discord does?? Not too sure but yeah just a warning!! Also, it's been brought to my attention that cabbage (the artist shown here) has stepped away from this project!! I'll share the tweet from cabbage here v
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(ily @ncalabby )
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awkward-writes-shit · 4 months ago
Mercenaries x Reader on Laughing Gas who calls them handsome
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In this order; Heavy, Medic, Spy, Sniper, Scout, Demoman, Engineer, Soldier, Pyro
“You’re handsome…”
The man was too stunned to speak. Medic told him you were going to be real honest when under laughing gas, but he wants expecting THIS.
He finds you adorable like this. You’re absolutely smaller than him (Unless you’re a tall queen/ruler/king, in which we stan * finger snaps *) and carries you around until you’re able to think straight again.
He puts you under just for fun because he finds you cute like this, so he’s gotten used to your loopy speech
“You’re handsome…” “Danke Taube.”
Still makes him giddy every time you compliment him though. Watches you stumble around the room like a toddler.
”You’re handsome…”
He knows. He appreciates it, but he knows.
“Merci. You’re a mess…”
Finds your loopy behaviour cute and slightly entertaining. Wouldn’t actively go out of his way to help you, but will keep an eye on you so you don’t end up killing yourself.
“You’re handsome…”
He’s flustered immediately, does the awkward pulling hat down to cover the blush move.
“Thanks Sheila…”
Probably gonna get baby locked in his van due to him not wanting you to get hurt, but also having no idea how to care for you.
“You’re handsome…”
Stop inflating his ego, you’ve doomed the others for the next hour.
Bro probably puts you on one of those weird monkey leashes that you put bad kids on (Couldn’t be me…) and just watches you with so much entertainment.
“You’re handsome…”
Dude’s drunk 24/7 so you’re basically the same person at this point.
“No, YER handsome… Beautiful… Pretty… Yeah…”
He’s constantly taking care of his mom, so you’re in good hands. No sharp objects, no fire, no Pyro, absolutely no Pyro, you’re safe.
“You’re handsome…”
So much blush on that poor Texas man’s face.
“Aw… Thanks sweet pea… How ya’ feelin’?”
We stan a man who’s concerned about you. Keeps you in his workshop while he works. More than willing to explain to you what he’s doing like you’re 5.
“You’re handsome…”
He’s a really loud person so everyone is going to know that you called him handsome.
Dude would have no idea what to do with you. Heavy just ends up taking care of you.
“You’re handsome…”
‘Happy Pyro noises’
Definitely not the best at taking care of people, but in you’re loopy state, he’s amazing.
Y’all are absolutely gonna do stuff like colouring, playing with his unicorns, and absolutely cuddling.
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karos-4art · 3 months ago
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is hard to draw kisses; which one is ur favourite?
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sparkly-sediment · 2 months ago
Speeding bullet headcanons
In light of comic 7
The gaggle of children frolicking about? Target practice
Nerf wars in this home go HARD. The destruction of peace at the hands of a foam bullet
Scout wants to be as good a parent as his Ma. So, whenever something happens, he responds whoever he thinks his Ma would
Sniper points out that while he loves Scout’s Ma, maybe the kids shouldn’t practice gang fights. Just a thought
They both love the children very deeply. Once Scout is living life as a single father and reconnects with Sniper, Sniper just kinda moves in and starts doing the kids hair in the morning
Small children love chaos and starting fires and climbing trees and these guys are not able to resist the temptation
Sniper channels his dad to discipline the kids (which causes him to look inwards at how his dad fucked him up) and Scout is surprisingly a natural at gentle parenting
This rambunctious, poor-decision making young man transform into a wonderful and present father. Kids have a school play? He’s there front row screaming. Kid misbehaving? He’s explaining their behavior and how to better respond next time
Scout takes all of them out individually to play ball and it heals something deep within him
Totally wrapped around each individual tiny finger tho LMAO Scout WILL buy it for them and Sniper WILL take them there
They go on family nature outings ❤️ Sniper teaches the kids survival skills and Scout carries them when they get tired from walking
Scout works out using the kids as weights
They build family forts and tree houses!!
AKA Sniper builds them and Scout sword fights the kids with branches
It’s a very sweet domestic bliss. Scout and Sniper both deal with PTSD from the gravel war and rely on each other to get through it
When Spy visits they give the children sugar first 😈
When the mercs visit the kids have a sit down talk after about why we can’t act like that
Sniper and Scout fighting with 23039483727171 children about why they can’t have a baboon even yes uncle Medic has one
Privately they question if Medic is related to the monkey
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dududisdudusdu · 7 months ago
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Good old RedOktoberfest because I'm a tf2 yao(LMAO) enjoyer 👨🏻‍⚕️👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻🏋🏼‍♂️
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prettyboypistol · 1 year ago
How to Seduce the TF2 Mercs
Pay attention to him. Give him genuine compliments and honest feedback. He wants to feel loved and like he's worth someone's time.
Kisses and physical affection. Mans thinks about the time you put your hand on his shoulder for weeks.
Just say you love him, man. He's been overlooked his whole life.
Take him seriously- don't belittle him or make jokes about how he views the world. He knows he's a little crazy but he is genuinely trying his best to make the world a better place.
Defend him!!! If someone shit talks him, punch that motherfucker in the jaw!!
Honest discussions with you asking a lot of questions, take the time to get to know him and you'll have a defender for the rest of your life.
Much like with Soldier, defend them and take the time to get to know them.
Gifts, gifts, gifts!!! Give them gifts!
Be a little flirty ;> don't baby them! Treat them like the adult they are!
Bro just ask to fuck. He'll probably say yes.
He loves a bold mf that knows how to take what they want. Come on to him, buy him a drink, and ask if he's got any company for the night.
If you're going for something a little more long term, just remove the sleeping aspect. Just say you're interested in getting to know him you'll most likely get a date and see how things go.
He's a sucker for practical use gifts (i.e. mechanical oil, a new wrench, etc) or sentimental gifts (photograph of you two, love letters)
Call him handsome! Call him pretty and a gentleman! Appeal to that cowboy energy and treat him all respectful like and you'll definitely catch his interest.
If you're not the type to do all that song and dance, go the opposite route. Stump him with a logistic problem and tease him about it. He'll nonstop think about you for months and bitch about you to his sentries.
Mikhail likes hotheads and determined people, someone who's not afraid to fight if the situation comes to it.
Ask him about general things and slowburn that mf about nice conversations until you two can talk about personal things.
Ask him to help you clean your guns! Ask him weaponry questions about what would suit you better in the field!
GET THIS MAN SOME ORGANS. GET HIM SOME FUNDING!!!! get him a lil lovebirddddd
Take the time to get to know his birds and if the birds like you, Medic automatically likes you more.
Take an interest in his medical discoveries and his life! He's a prime yapper and wants to t a l k. That's why he never shuts up when doing surgery.
Romance him traditionally, to be honest. Keep it classy and court him like the romantic he is. Roses placed in his locker, prime dinners delivered to his door, BE A ROMANTIC ABOUT IT.
If you can't dance, ask him to teach you "for a mission" (He will know that you're the one behind all the flirtatious gestures bc he's SPY)
Butter up that man like he's a piece of toast. Handsome young man who captured your heart and holds it hostage. Classy gentleman that could get away with world domination with gorgeous eyes like that.
Don't come on too strong, he's a bristly one. Be calm and casual. Hit him with that friends to lovers.
He's more of a tough nut to crack and insecure of if you actually like him, so be sure to flood his mind with ambiguous hints when you think you see signs of him showing interest in you.
To really seal yourself in his heart, spend a lot of quality time with him! Go camping, hunting, fishing, driving, anything that gets the both of you alone and quiet.
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lenny-link · 7 months ago
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Magma collab with my AMAZING friend @homkamiro ‼️‼️
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kahzthesick · 6 months ago
The brainrot is real
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Drawings of the awesome AU of @lenny-link \(>_<)/ and HeavyMedic fusion desing by @gracefireheart
Alexa reproduce llamada de emergencia de daddy yankee :’v
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scoutsbabygirl · 9 months ago
literally an audio of the reader/listener being railed by ALL OF THE MERCS
the scout voice actor does the accent PERFECTLY. there's another one too i can link if anyone's interested. shoutout to all the va's in this, was frickin' awesome!
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frenchoniontf2 · 7 months ago
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If you hyperfixate on them enough they'll basically be a part of your emotions lol
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